Looking to buy a Mazda CX-50 or a similar vehicle? Go to carconfections.com/new-car-quotes to learn about invoice pricing and get the BEST PRICE on vehicles in your local area!
After driving a subaru for 18 years I decided to get the new 2023 cx50. New subaru infotainment system and cvt were deal breakers. Cx50 meridian has smaller rims more tire softer ride. I like the cx50 meridian. Needs a better AC system and bigger vent openings, kinda load. Transmission shifts are a little slushy. Going to snow country so we will see about the AWD. Overall I am happy. I mean it's a crossover, not a 911 turbo, so I mean acceleration is what it is.
The base S-model didn't even exist in 2023 except on paper. For 2024 they just made it official, manufacturers are now going for high profit margin lower volume, instead of competing with one another on price they are all just reducing their production and making more profit than pre-2019.
@@Hello-fd7tt Not so easy, my truck was totaled by an uninsured guy that spoke no English, and I have to get to work and back. Sure, I could have bought a beater, but the impact was strong enough to break the frame of the vehicle and total it even though I was the third vehicle in the line hit at 70mph while stopped in traffic. Newer vehicles are simply more reliable and have better crash test results, and used car prices were so inflated that you weren't even selling that much getting a recent used model of anything. Cars aren't pure luxury like a television set, they are a must-have for many.
@@Hello-fd7tt no it’s because no one is buying anything anymore cause the Biden admin keeps increasing rates now to 5.5%. Now car makers have to increase prices and produce less is the only way to make money. Why make extra cars when no one is buying anything. Also it’s the only way to give people what they want. Say a Honda has a cheaper price but doesn’t have all the features someone is looking for. So now more features are being added in which is increasing price as well
I been driving the cx50 premium plus 2023 since the beginning of the year and everything works fine except for the phone charger pad that is not the best charger. I use the nav system from my phone connected to the truck I have no problem, no connection problems except for that I have VPN on my phone and I need to disconnect from the VPN is order to be able to connect to the entertainment system. So far I love my CX50 the power, driving dynamics, the way it looks inside and out, and that Mazda gives you more premium options for your bucks.
For the longest I’ve been wanting the Crv after the remodel came out. I currently have a civic so I was like let me stick with Honda. But I do have a heavy foot and just hated how it lagged. And the reason why I wanted a CRV was for the bigger space and mostly AWD (I live in nyc) I saw this Mazda CX50 on the road and it made me reconsider. I love how it looked and the size as well. I’m here reading the comments and now want a cx50
@@gailenrique2804I had Mazda I just trade in for forester ! Mazda drives and looks nice but uncomfortable seats and interior . Subaru forester looks ugly but very comfortable and good visibility and cheaper insurance 😂
And cargo space. A Rav4 has 37.6 cubic feet. The Mazda has 29.1. So it falls way behind on space and way behind on MPG, which are two of the biggest things customers want in a small wagon. There is a reason why Mazda, despite cars that look good and drive well, doesn't sell as many as Honda or Toyota who are more in tune with what buyers want most.
@almassengale mazda is a much smaller manufacturer. They can't produce what toyota and honda can. Mazda has way better interiors and better handling vehicles. That's why I bought one.
@@almassengaleCx50 has 31.4 cubic ft cargo. Nice try buddy. Mazda focuses on overall ownership experience. If your want boring appliance get the RAV4. Even Honda isn't what it used to be. Dollar for dollar Mazda is the most underrated carmaker in the world. Once they get their hybrids and EVs out, there won't be much excuses anymore.
@@almassengale👈🏼🤣 a vast majority of people who buy an SUV NEVER fully utilize the available cargo space of any given model. At the end of the day, buyers are drawn to appearance, amenities, performance, & resale value. Mazda checks off those boxes & and I’m saying this a Toyota fanboy. Mazda is waaaaay more fun to drive than most Toyotas.
I wish there were more CX-50's available 2 weeks ago in our area. I was helping a close friend and we wanted to drive one and compare it to the Tiguan R-Line and CRV which were all around the same price.. 39k. We loved the Tiguan R-Line best for looks, ride was better and use of material and comfort were best. Even the size felt more spacious and the German feel was what we both preferred and it was fun to drive. We own Audi's and even I was impressed, especially for the value vs my wifes 21 Q5. She went for the CR-V because it was rated just slightly higher and got better mpg's cause the additional hybrid. I personally am not sold on hybrid assist and prefer the VW or Mazda. Secondly after getting more seat time, I found the Honda to be loud at highway speeds and was looking at your chart on the video. Great info guys and subscribed for future info.
Not a fan of the plastic side cladding. Mazda seems to love it. So far, the sedans don’t have it. (Mazda 3 being the only sedan.). I loved the Mazda 6. Europe and Asia still have new production vehicles. Why can’t we get those back in America?
I want a reliable, safe and comfortable SUV without a lot of computer technology. I am old and not computer savvy. This car might be my next new car purchase.
I own one with high trim. Nice but 2 complaints. No lane assist which helps at highway speed, poor fuel economy on the highway e clocked 10 l per KM other than this, it is great! It is actually fun to drive and the power turbo is a nice treat compared to driving hyper efficient cars for the last 30 years.
Are the seats uncomfortably firm? When I and my family are traveling, uncomfortable seats would a literal PITA. And, is ther much body roll? Thank you.
I really like the CX-50 and CX-5, but I won't buy another (have 2 now) direct injection engine (N/A or Turbo) unless it also includes Port injection. Right now there are very few vehicles that offer both, but in the next few years there will be more, or possibly some other intake valve carbon avoidance system.
Do a web search on 'Direct injection in-take valve carbon build up' if you want an overload of discussion/opinions ad nauseam. Bottom line FOR ME: if I want a car to last for years and many miles do not buy a GDI only car. If I were leasing or keeping the car for a low number of years and miles then it probably won't matter, as the problem will be passed on to the next owner of the vehicle (sad but true). I feel that with the outlandish cost of vehicles now days, you should not even need to worry about this potential issue.
Maybe it ain’t bad that Mazda got rid of the preferred plus cause the premium package is now the preferred plus price which okay that’s fine with me. Also I am happy you can get leather instead of cloth so I’m happy
What is the length measurement from the rear seats door to door ?. I have an 88 key keyboard as a musician and want to know if my board could possibly fit in the rear seats ?
Mazda needs to relax on the pricing... they're forgetting that they need to get people to buy them FIRST before they can KEEP that price level... At the higher trim levels, you're starting to look at luxury brands.
If you're looking for long term reliability, I'd say go for a mazda. You'll be happy that mazda does not offer a CVT transmission. You'll get a trusted, proven 6 speed transmission.
I got Mazda in 2020 . I love the way it looks , interior and the way it drives but is not very confortable. Seats 💺 are very uncomfortable. Visibility is not great . If you are tall , the roof of small . The leg room in the back seat are not great . If you have kids it’s not bog enough . For some reason the panel used to go black while I was using gps and driving . The Mazda app is annoying. Ohh the worse part : I tried to trade in and resale value is bad . They devalued so bad compared to Subaru . So if you want to resale again in the future you will loose a lot of money .
I been driving the cx50 premium plus 2023 since the beginning of the year and everything works fine except for the phone charger pad that is not the best charger. I use the nav system from my phone I have no problem, no connection problems except for that I have VPN on my phone and I need to disconnect from the VPN is order to be able to connect to the entertainment system. So far I love my CX50 the power, driving dynamics, the way it looks inside and out, and that Mazda gives you more premium options for your bucks.
Wish they made a rear wheel drive only even a front wheel would be great AWD in Houston is a gas killer and more high maintenance love my CX-5 touring, best car ever
yeah I have been trying to get good gas mileage by not driving crazy but can still only get about 31 mph, if I drove normally I would probably get 25 or less
only certain models, I have the select it didnt come with a sirius radio, but if I listen to Siris I use the app my previous car I had the radio and it cost like 26 dollars a month but now with just the iphone app its 9.99. what ever model has the shark fin antenna has the sirius capable radio,
You state, “Let’s check out the 2024 changes on the inside yet you don’t mention any actual changes from 2023 other then only leatherette or leather seats being the only options available.
On the meridian in the video, he pointed out that for 2024 you get the wireless charging pad. As for the models made after November, Mazda will "tweak " the suspension.
How is its performance in SNOW??? I'm concerned about that-- which is why I wanted AWD or something similar.. Front wheel is good- but not GOOD ENOUGH.. we get WET messy snow here a lot.. so AWD is big advantage. I'm liking the look and sound of that.. compared to the Subaru Outback, or RAV4 even...
It is very good in the snow. The turbo has the ability to direct more power to the rear tires than the NA engine due to having a more robust differential and clutch pack so that is a factor. My wife has a CX-5 (same year as my CX-50) and hers will spin the front tires more than our CX-50 does before the rear kicks in. Both are very good at maintaining control in snowy conditions and getting through reasonable amounts of snow.
@@PureLotusPond no I have one with 17" tires.the road noise from the tires is louder than the engine!the sunroof is not open here , just the cover which makes no diff to the cabin noise
The Mazda looks nice but until they have a hybrid it won’t compete well with Honda and Toyota. More people are switching to hybrids because gas keeps going up in price. I would highly consider the Mazda for off road driving but the majority of SUV owners buy SUVs for commuters and family vehicles.
There is so little thigh support for tall drivers. I sat in one and said nope after seeing my wife's civic has longer bottom cushions...shame becwuse otherwise it is a nice vehicle
Doesn’t the turbo premium plus have 20” wheels? Little space to put beefy tires. Meridian has 18 I think. I think they should offer 18” as an option. Ride nicer. 20” is the reason for the harshness
@@daveroski yes thats correct... US get the 20" wheels, not the 18s. You would think Mazda would give a choice... but the choice is in the trim level you choose. For 2023, the harshness is because of the suspension tuning. Mazda made it feel more like a sports car feel. Later, come november is when mazda brings out the re-tuned suspension (damper change and more on rhe softer side). Tire lineup across the trim levels still the same. But this time 8 trims instead of 10. As for whats sold now, any made 2023 made now that dealers call a 2024, youre updates inside the non turbo premium and turbo premium get the wireless charging pad for now. People are still waiting and ask when a hybrid version is coming.
@@gailenrique2804 great! Good to know. So your saying there are no 2024 on the lots with the new tuning of the steering and dampening? I do know tires make a huge diff in dampening. From reviews -the meridian has a much better ride because of tires for bumps in road vs the precise steering bumpy feel of the 20”. If they did 18” on turbo with good touring tires I think that would be the sweet spot w the new dampening and steering changes. I heard they were making the steering less heavy w the new changes.
@@daveroski if youre looking for that they say production will begin in november.. not sure if its beginning or end of the month. They did not say... but it will co-align for the first actual 2024 model to come out. You can still buy one now... but keep in mind youre getting a pre 2024 model thats made in 2023 (as dealers will call it a 2024). The upgrades for now are minimal. A wireless charging pad is now in turbo merdian and turbo premium. Also a total of 8 trim levels to choose from as opposed to 10 this year.
It's not a real 2024. It's still made in 2023. It may have some 2024 updates, but not the suspension. That is coming later november this year. Real 2024s will show up after January 2024. Dealers like to push the fake 2024 but look at the label on the door with the vin number It's gonna say made in 2023.
Model change from 23 to 24 is in July. But you don't get the steering and dampening changes unless you get a past November build. Anything before November is still a 23 model year. Also there's a button flip on the HVAC system... the A/C is on the top row next to the air circulation... the power button is on the far right bottom under the temp knob for the passenger.
Another silly thing Mazda does is not make Sirius XM standard on ALL trims. I hate streaming. My CX-5 has issues keeping phone connected at times. Then I have to get out the phone and open app. Whether it's Spotify, cellphone, or cx5 select issue. It's a dang pain. I will probably trade for Rav 4 in 2025. See what that design looks like
Xm on the phone app is far better than having only in the car. More channels to choose from.. and signal does not get blocked by a tree or in a tunnel. Also easy to control while in android auto/apple carplay. No need to pay for subscription that's stuck only in the car.
I thought they were coming out with the hybrid CX50 in 2024? Of course they are supposed to be using the Toyota hybrid engine and you can’t even find Toyota hybrids on lots so how can they give any to Mazda? So sad. 😢
This Car is the "rugged, off-trail" version of the CX-5 why are you complaining about hard touch plastics? Do you want your muddy bags, or tools, or bike to ruin your soft touch or Leather? Do you want to spend time cleaning things thoroughly after camping or a beach day, or easily wipe down the plastic?? General Car Buyers with no common snse complain about 'it's not premium enough, it doesnt have cool tech' and then turn around and bemoan Car prices going up, or the fact that they cant find a 'simple car' anymore. Humans have lame short term memory and it causes us to repeat horrors of the past,whether we're talking about Local Cars or World Events
My 10 year old Mazda CX-5 still runs and looks like new, I’ve been waiting for Mazda to release a full EV not nothing. So I traded my Mazda with Tesla. No more trip to gas station, no more oil change. It cost $25/month for unlimited home charging guaranteed by Tesla.
@@wuyili193 I was originally eying a BMW X3 in the same price range, mid 50's. I was quoted $185 per month with all the add on I have (uninsured motorist, property damage, medical payment, rental car, etc). I have the same coverage for $175 per month on Tesla. Higher insurance is expected with new cars.
@@jonathanjacques7250 You say that until you have an EV and you'll never have to stop by a gas station, or do oil change and you pay $20-$35 per month for unlimited charging at home and not $60 of gas per week plus the unintentional no emission. People that rode horses said the same thing about automobiles in the 1900's.
Them batteries will cost +$15k plus tax, labor time and installation fees when it comes to replacing. And the home charger they sell you is slow charging. Want faster? It will cost you and you still have to wait over 2 hrs to get full. Here's the kicker. The ratio of gas stations vs EV charging is nowhere near the same. Something to consider... if the power grid were to go down, where would u be able to charge that EV?
They have had that same turbo engine for the better part of a decade and it has been very reliable. It's a good engine with a lot more power and it's designed and built so well you don't really have to worry about it.
Pretty cool looking car! Looks like a Subaru Crosstrek but slightly bigger and more powerful. Things that the Crosstrek lacks. Just worried about price level when you add all the options you would want. 😮 maybe the Crosstrek is a more financially intelligent option ;) with excellent 4WD. Up to buyer.
@@gailenrique2804 CVT isn’t my favorite transmission for sure but most cars in this class have them and honestly they’ve gotten better. Not a deal breaker for me
why is the turbo more desirable... a lot of differences come with 2.5 naturally aspirated versus the 2.5 turbo.. and not all of them are more desirable for the turbo, how many can we list...
Non turbos have cylinder deactivation. Another form of saving fuel, but instead of using 4 cylinders, it drops to 2 as needed to save fuel. On the turbo models, I-stop works if you're pushing on the brake just a bit more down and shuts the engine. As soon as you let go of the brake, the engine starts up again, ready to go.
I can’t take Mazda seriously in this segment until they come up with a hybrid offering like Honda and Toyota does. Love the luxury feel, torque and handling but not enough to sacrifice my wallet with premium gas at the pump.
Please for the love of god people listen to me, DO NOT buy the CX-50 the new 2024 CX-5 is out and is sooooooo much better of a deal. I’m not sure who WANTS to off-road with a Mazda and if we are being honest this car should not exist.
Regarding recent engine downsizing of the motor industry, CX-50 is gone too far. But the exterior is well-renewed compared to the interior. And the interior is spacy enough for the segment.
I do not understand why you would want a Turbo in it. It makes the engine less reliable and more expensive to maintain/repair. 2.5 liter seems a bit too much as it's not meant to do real off roading, just some gravel roads.2.4 lier max, but 2.0 liter would be best imho. Although, in an ideal world you would have it have a hybrid engine. Or am i missing something here?
@@ericpizarro3084 it's not nonsense when the engine is just made out of rtv silicone lol when the whole thing has to come out just to prevent oil leakage that's a problem lol
@@cormaro13 and when was your Subaru doing that? I bet you are talking for talking or you had an old Subaru that did had issues. That was between 1998 and 2010. I even have the most hated Subaru ( 2019 Subaru Ascent limited) it have 60,000 miles. Goes every week through high mountains ( over 2000 feet’s) so far… nothing wrong with it. My best friend drives a Toyota Highlander Limited. He got into my Ascent for a ride and was shuck on how smooth my car drives. Much better than his Toyota. Don’t get me wrong I love Toyota and Mazda. I also owns an ND Miata ( which I will never sell).Just don’t like how they drives. All of them jumps like crazy
@@ericpizarro3084 wrong thats on all new subarus , were not talking about head gaskets like the old ones , look at the maintenance schedule for new subuies and you'll see before 100k mileage, an reseal
Love the look of the CX 50, however, I test drove one and was very disappointed. Rough riding, noisy cabin, poor brakes and the hood vibrated (yes the hood shock). My son owns a CX 5, which is a much more premium driving experience. Much quieter, rides bette, great brakes and the hood does not vibrate.
@@alandpal79 It's a solid little crossover. I'm 19-20 months into ownership of my 2022 CX-30 Carbon Edition & not a single problem or issue found thus far.
Looking to buy a Mazda CX-50 or a similar vehicle? Go to carconfections.com/new-car-quotes to learn about invoice pricing and get the BEST PRICE on vehicles in your local area!
😅 12:07
I think the CX50 is one of the best looking SUV's on the road. If I had to replace my car right now I would strongly consider it.
After driving a subaru for 18 years I decided to get the new 2023 cx50. New subaru infotainment system and cvt were deal breakers. Cx50 meridian has smaller rims more tire softer ride. I like the cx50 meridian. Needs a better AC system and bigger vent openings, kinda load. Transmission shifts are a little slushy. Going to snow country so we will see about the AWD. Overall I am happy. I mean it's a crossover, not a 911 turbo, so I mean acceleration is what it is.
The base S-model didn't even exist in 2023 except on paper. For 2024 they just made it official, manufacturers are now going for high profit margin lower volume, instead of competing with one another on price they are all just reducing their production and making more profit than pre-2019.
That’s not good
absolutely true. we have to wait a year or more than that.
If only people had self-control, they’d fix this market-based issue so fast.
@@Hello-fd7tt Not so easy, my truck was totaled by an uninsured guy that spoke no English, and I have to get to work and back. Sure, I could have bought a beater, but the impact was strong enough to break the frame of the vehicle and total it even though I was the third vehicle in the line hit at 70mph while stopped in traffic. Newer vehicles are simply more reliable and have better crash test results, and used car prices were so inflated that you weren't even selling that much getting a recent used model of anything. Cars aren't pure luxury like a television set, they are a must-have for many.
@@Hello-fd7tt no it’s because no one is buying anything anymore cause the Biden admin keeps increasing rates now to 5.5%. Now car makers have to increase prices and produce less is the only way to make money. Why make extra cars when no one is buying anything. Also it’s the only way to give people what they want. Say a Honda has a cheaper price but doesn’t have all the features someone is looking for. So now more features are being added in which is increasing price as well
Once get used to the control knob, you’ll love it. It’s so easy to control by feel instead of taking your eyes off the road to jab at screen.
I just did my test drive. I believe i should go ahead buying it?
The control knob is the best thing since sliced bread.
I been driving the cx50 premium plus 2023 since the beginning of the year and everything works fine except for the phone charger pad that is not the best charger. I use the nav system from my phone connected to the truck I have no problem, no connection problems except for that I have VPN on my phone and I need to disconnect from the VPN is order to be able to connect to the entertainment system. So far I love my CX50 the power, driving dynamics, the way it looks inside and out, and that Mazda gives you more premium options for your bucks.
What is your mileage like? Turbo or non-turbo?
@@vindee5670 Yes please what is the mileage non-turbo?
Finally a new updated CX 50 video 😊
For the longest I’ve been wanting the Crv after the remodel came out. I currently have a civic so I was like let me stick with Honda. But I do have a heavy foot and just hated how it lagged. And the reason why I wanted a CRV was for the bigger space and mostly AWD (I live in nyc) I saw this Mazda CX50 on the road and it made me reconsider. I love how it looked and the size as well. I’m here reading the comments and now want a cx50
direct injection engines. stay away. watch videos on youtube about it if you are not familiar.
I guess you will not be buying a new CRV. Honda is using direct injection on both the 1.5t and hybrid CRV.
I love this car the design is gorgeous and rugged.
It looks SO good in that green. Looks tough and yet sporty.
I test drove one recently the seats are hard as a rock bench.
The CX-5 seats are so much better.
My favorite Mazda SUV!! Awesome job dude.
Fantastic review as always!😸
I have my eye on this, RAV4, Forester,and maybe outback.
All horrible cars except the Toyota
Mazda is better than all of those put together. All those run on CVT. This Mazda is a proven 6 speed transmission.
@@gailenrique2804 yes
@@gailenrique2804I had Mazda I just trade in for forester !
Mazda drives and looks nice but uncomfortable seats and interior .
Subaru forester looks ugly but very comfortable and good visibility and cheaper insurance 😂
Are the seats comfortable? I've read other reviews thay says they are very hard.
Only edge Rav4 has over this is fuel economy, cargo space, and resale value (by a bit).
I would take this over the Rav4 if I don’t mind gas prices.
And cargo space. A Rav4 has 37.6 cubic feet. The Mazda has 29.1. So it falls way behind on space and way behind on MPG, which are two of the biggest things customers want in a small wagon. There is a reason why Mazda, despite cars that look good and drive well, doesn't sell as many as Honda or Toyota who are more in tune with what buyers want most.
@@tracysmith2731 congratulations! i’ve had my CX50 since December of last year and I’m really enjoying it!
@almassengale mazda is a much smaller manufacturer.
They can't produce what toyota and honda can.
Mazda has way better interiors and better handling vehicles.
That's why I bought one.
@@almassengaleCx50 has 31.4 cubic ft cargo. Nice try buddy. Mazda focuses on overall ownership experience. If your want boring appliance get the RAV4. Even Honda isn't what it used to be. Dollar for dollar Mazda is the most underrated carmaker in the world. Once they get their hybrids and EVs out, there won't be much excuses anymore.
@@almassengale👈🏼🤣 a vast majority of people who buy an SUV NEVER fully utilize the available cargo space of any given model. At the end of the day, buyers are drawn to appearance, amenities, performance, & resale value. Mazda checks off those boxes & and I’m saying this a Toyota fanboy. Mazda is waaaaay more fun to drive than most Toyotas.
Did they remove the headlight black garnish?
No it probably doesn’t have that package or add on
Due to production problems and supply issues, not all meridian editions last year got them.
I wish there were more CX-50's available 2 weeks ago in our area. I was helping a close friend and we wanted to drive one and compare it to the Tiguan R-Line and CRV which were all around the same price.. 39k. We loved the Tiguan R-Line best for looks, ride was better and use of material and comfort were best. Even the size felt more spacious and the German feel was what we both preferred and it was fun to drive. We own Audi's and even I was impressed, especially for the value vs my wifes 21 Q5. She went for the CR-V because it was rated just slightly higher and got better mpg's cause the additional hybrid. I personally am not sold on hybrid assist and prefer the VW or Mazda. Secondly after getting more seat time, I found the Honda to be loud at highway speeds and was looking at your chart on the video. Great info guys and subscribed for future info.
Welcome to the Car Confections family!
This car looks so good in person. Arguably the best looking in its class.
This grew on me enough to say I'll get it over the CX 5 😂
I was considering this or the CRV. I like the hybrid option for the CRV but this has the performance with the Turbo engine.
Get the CRV. The mileage is far better and its plenty quick in the real world with more cargo space and a bigger rear seat.
@@almassengale just cause it has got fuel economy doesn’t make it a better car. I drove one and to be honest Honda has really fallen back
@@almassengalequick 😂😂 no where close to being when it's rated lower than the cx50 for hp and tq
The CRV is boring much like all Honda products these days.
Josh is my favorite now. He’s so articulate and speaks like a true professional. Hope to see more of him here, or another auto channel 😊👏👍
I just bought a 2024 CX-50 Premium and I’m very satisfied with it!
They need to offer a version without the polarizing plastic cladding. Most folks wouldn't even think of taking this off-road.
I’m going to get it in white and wrap the cladding with gloss black. It would look so nice
Then get a CX5
Also cannot drive one on a bumpy road, Unless You are a glutton for punishment........Paul
@paulholterhaus7084 with the 20 inch wheels...
I have the 17s and it rides nice...
Not a fan of the plastic side cladding. Mazda seems to love it. So far, the sedans don’t have it. (Mazda 3 being the only sedan.). I loved the Mazda 6. Europe and Asia still have new production vehicles. Why can’t we get those back in America?
great review, i like the cx-50 but its just a little too expensive...
If you're looking for something budget friendly, get the non turbo preferred.
I want a reliable, safe and comfortable SUV without a lot of computer technology. I am old and not computer savvy. This car might be my next new car purchase.
I own one with high trim. Nice but 2 complaints. No lane assist which helps at highway speed, poor fuel economy on the highway e clocked 10 l per KM other than this, it is great! It is actually fun to drive and the power turbo is a nice treat compared to driving hyper efficient cars for the last 30 years.
Are the seats uncomfortably firm? When I and my family are traveling, uncomfortable seats would a literal PITA. And, is ther much body roll? Thank you.
Not much body roll at all, and the seats are comfortable to us (although you should definitely test them out)
Whoa, never been so early to a CC video!
I really like the CX-50 and CX-5, but I won't buy another (have 2 now) direct injection engine (N/A or Turbo) unless it also includes Port injection. Right now there are very few vehicles that offer both, but in the next few years there will be more, or possibly some other intake valve carbon avoidance system.
agreed! got rid of my 2019 crv when i found out it was direct injection. wont buy another one either.
What's the disadvantage with direct engine?
Do a web search on 'Direct injection in-take valve carbon build up' if you want an overload of discussion/opinions ad nauseam. Bottom line FOR ME: if I want a car to last for years and many miles do not buy a GDI only car. If I were leasing or keeping the car for a low number of years and miles then it probably won't matter, as the problem will be passed on to the next owner of the vehicle (sad but true).
I feel that with the outlandish cost of vehicles now days, you should not even need to worry about this potential issue.
carbon build up!!!!@@kennethz3366
It looks much better than crv or rv4, but no hybrid:(
yes hybred best
Mazda says it's coming. Still hush as to when. 😊
Are those ventilated seats?
He answers that at 12.58 mins approx
Could you make a video for CX-50 2024 showing how instal the fog lights. I will appreciate it.
Wow the car is gorgeous
It’s very nice! I love the color!
mazda is a truly premium brand
Maybe it ain’t bad that Mazda got rid of the preferred plus cause the premium package is now the preferred plus price which okay that’s fine with me. Also I am happy you can get leather instead of cloth so I’m happy
I have the 23 preferred plus.
I like the leatherette and cloth combo. All leatherette will burn your arse here in the California sun....
Yeah, the premium trim in the nonturbo was never available, so hopefully it will now be available
@@eleanormassaro5195 yes but it cost more now 😢😢😢
You mean plastic,which is crap.
@@raydavies3278 ray go pound sand and get lost.
So the engines available are the same as the CX5s ?
Yes 🙌
You don't get 256hp in the Turbo models of the cx-5.
I really likes the looks of this vehicle. I am impress on how much Mazda has improved.
Toyota/Mazda merger production👍
Thank Guy’s can’t wait for CX-70 Hybridization and *Redesign *hopefully a bit smaller than CX-90 & more Tech coming 2024 later
Same size as cx90
I'd be interested in a Hybrid variant if was price competitively
Wish the CX-50 had a hybrid option. The fuel economy is why I'd consider going with a Rav4/CR-V
It's coming in 2024
It's coming this year with the exact same drivetrain as the rav4 hybrid thanks to the partnership between Mazda and Toyota
the 2.5T makes the RAV4 anemic by comparison. I'm almost conviced myself to buy this car. All that's left is test drive it
Mazda 2.5T drivetrain is pretty amazing. It's pretty efficient too if you drive it normally with the power always on standby for emergency.
Be sure to test it on a bumpy road......Then You can test not only the car, But Your Ability to stand pain......Paul
@@paulholterhaus7084 dude , give it a rest...
@@paulholterhaus7084😂😂 love this guy
Do you Find there's more room on the cx50 vs cx5 for rear passenger?
What is the length measurement from the rear seats door to door ?. I have an 88 key keyboard as a musician and want to know if my board could possibly fit in the rear seats ?
Just look at the prices people. Is there an effort to price middle class families out of the car market altogether?
Oh jeez. Another one of these comments. There’s more affordable new suvs out there.
Chevy trax and equinox start around 20, trax 3 cylinders and equinox (amazingly) is 4 cylinder with Automatic trans.
Go for the trim level comfortable for you... 🤷🏾♂️
@@guitarplayer4429yes but it’s American meaning you’ll need a new vehicle in four years - sadly.
Prices are way high these days for decent vehicles. But then again so is everything else. You get what you vote for.
Mazda needs to relax on the pricing... they're forgetting that they need to get people to buy them FIRST before they can KEEP that price level...
At the higher trim levels, you're starting to look at luxury brands.
Are Mazdas reliable compared to Hondas? I'm looking to buy either this or the Honda crv. Just interested in the reliability aspect. Thanks in advance
If you're looking for long term reliability, I'd say go for a mazda. You'll be happy that mazda does not offer a CVT transmission. You'll get a trusted, proven 6 speed transmission.
I got Mazda in 2020 . I love the way it looks , interior and the way it drives but is not very confortable.
Seats 💺 are very uncomfortable.
Visibility is not great .
If you are tall , the roof of small .
The leg room in the back seat are not great .
If you have kids it’s not bog enough .
For some reason the panel used to go black while I was using gps and driving .
The Mazda app is annoying.
Ohh the worse part : I tried to trade in and resale value is bad . They devalued so bad compared to Subaru . So if you want to resale again in the future you will loose a lot of money .
I been driving the cx50 premium plus 2023 since the beginning of the year and everything works fine except for the phone charger pad that is not the best charger. I use the nav system from my phone I have no problem, no connection problems except for that I have VPN on my phone and I need to disconnect from the VPN is order to be able to connect to the entertainment system. So far I love my CX50 the power, driving dynamics, the way it looks inside and out, and that Mazda gives you more premium options for your bucks.
Wish they made a rear wheel drive only even a front wheel would be great AWD in Houston is a gas killer and more high maintenance love my CX-5 touring, best car ever
yeah I have been trying to get good gas mileage by not driving crazy but can still only get about 31 mph, if I drove normally I would probably get 25 or less
I'm just about ready to get one of these. Is it SiriusXM capable without use of Android or Apple devices ?
only certain models, I have the select it didnt come with a sirius radio, but if I listen to Siris I use the app my previous car I had the radio and it cost like 26 dollars a month but now with just the iphone app its 9.99. what ever model has the shark fin antenna has the sirius capable radio,
@@blakespower THANKS!
Lol you cracked me up bad when you talked about bigger tips LOL
You state, “Let’s check out the 2024 changes on the inside yet you don’t mention any actual changes from 2023 other then only leatherette or leather seats being the only options available.
Those were the only updates to mention then...
I see. Thank you.
On the meridian in the video, he pointed out that for 2024 you get the wireless charging pad. As for the models made after November, Mazda will "tweak " the suspension.
So what are the main changes between the 24 and 23
A one fun SUV for me to afford one now.
I think this is the first video I've watched where I've seen this brother drive
How is its performance in SNOW??? I'm concerned about that-- which is why I wanted AWD or something similar.. Front wheel is good- but not GOOD ENOUGH.. we get WET messy snow here a lot.. so AWD is big advantage. I'm liking the look and sound of that.. compared to the Subaru Outback, or RAV4 even...
It is very good in the snow. The turbo has the ability to direct more power to the rear tires than the NA engine due to having a more robust differential and clutch pack so that is a factor. My wife has a CX-5 (same year as my CX-50) and hers will spin the front tires more than our CX-50 does before the rear kicks in. Both are very good at maintaining control in snowy conditions and getting through reasonable amounts of snow.
@@BrianJohnson-sr6ok THANKS- very good to know...
I probably would have got the turbo premium plus the top turn and where is Drew what is your big brother Drew
Allergies 🤧
I haven't seen you guys do a BMW x6m competition in a long time and for 2024 he got a refresh
Love the interior and exterior but the noise level is absure inside the cabin.
Is it because they test with the sunroof open?
@@PureLotusPond no I have one with 17" tires.the road noise from the tires is louder than the engine!the sunroof is not open here , just the cover which makes no diff to the cabin noise
The Mazda looks nice but until they have a hybrid it won’t compete well with Honda and Toyota. More people are switching to hybrids because gas keeps going up in price. I would highly consider the Mazda for off road driving but the majority of SUV owners buy SUVs for commuters and family vehicles.
At least the cx 50 gets surprisingly good mileage for an off-road suv. 23 city/29 highway. But yea, an off-road hybrid suv would be sweet.
Mmm.... what about black headliners in cx50????
There is so little thigh support for tall drivers. I sat in one and said nope after seeing my wife's civic has longer bottom cushions...shame becwuse otherwise it is a nice vehicle
Was hoping for a better seat.......Seat in My CX30 is actually painful............Paul
I’m 6’3’ and fit just fine!
@@ojdtubeleg and torso length are different for everyone my guy…
@@tails300 Valid point
Lesson here is to make sure you test drive and depending on your body type you can be tall and comfortable or not
I wish you get the Turbo Premium Plus with the larger tires of the Meridian Edition.
Canadians get that as their top of the line model.
Doesn’t the turbo premium plus have 20” wheels? Little space to put beefy tires. Meridian has 18 I think. I think they should offer 18” as an option. Ride nicer. 20” is the reason for the harshness
@@daveroski yes thats correct... US get the 20" wheels, not the 18s. You would think Mazda would give a choice... but the choice is in the trim level you choose. For 2023, the harshness is because of the suspension tuning. Mazda made it feel more like a sports car feel. Later, come november is when mazda brings out the re-tuned suspension (damper change and more on rhe softer side). Tire lineup across the trim levels still the same. But this time 8 trims instead of 10.
As for whats sold now, any made 2023 made now that dealers call a 2024, youre updates inside the non turbo premium and turbo premium get the wireless charging pad for now. People are still waiting and ask when a hybrid version is coming.
@@gailenrique2804 great! Good to know. So your saying there are no 2024 on the lots with the new tuning of the steering and dampening? I do know tires make a huge diff in dampening. From reviews -the meridian has a much better ride because of tires for bumps in road vs the precise steering bumpy feel of the 20”. If they did 18” on turbo with good touring tires I think that would be the sweet spot w the new dampening and steering changes. I heard they were making the steering less heavy w the new changes.
@@daveroski if youre looking for that they say production will begin in november.. not sure if its beginning or end of the month. They did not say... but it will co-align for the first actual 2024 model to come out. You can still buy one now... but keep in mind youre getting a pre 2024 model thats made in 2023 (as dealers will call it a 2024). The upgrades for now are minimal. A wireless charging pad is now in turbo merdian and turbo premium. Also a total of 8 trim levels to choose from as opposed to 10 this year.
How you guys get your hands on a 24?
I read they wouldn’t be available till November
They are beginning to hit dealer lots right now
Good to know I’m in the market…
It's not a real 2024. It's still made in 2023. It may have some 2024 updates, but not the suspension. That is coming later november this year. Real 2024s will show up after January 2024. Dealers like to push the fake 2024 but look at the label on the door with the vin number It's gonna say made in 2023.
Model change from 23 to 24 is in July. But you don't get the steering and dampening changes unless you get a past November build. Anything before November is still a 23 model year. Also there's a button flip on the HVAC system... the A/C is on the top row next to the air circulation... the power button is on the far right bottom under the temp knob for the passenger.
Another silly thing Mazda does is not make Sirius XM standard on ALL trims. I hate streaming. My CX-5 has issues keeping phone connected at times. Then I have to get out the phone and open app. Whether it's Spotify, cellphone, or cx5 select issue. It's a dang pain. I will probably trade for Rav 4 in 2025. See what that design looks like
I fnk hate that. A luxury car with everything you want except Xm so stupid
Xm on the phone app is far better than having only in the car. More channels to choose from.. and signal does not get blocked by a tree or in a tunnel. Also easy to control while in android auto/apple carplay. No need to pay for subscription that's stuck only in the car.
Is this trim made in Japan like CX5?
Made by Southern hicks in Alabama...
No, made in Alabama
I thought they were coming out with the hybrid CX50 in 2024? Of course they are supposed to be using the Toyota hybrid engine and you can’t even find Toyota hybrids on lots so how can they give any to Mazda? So sad. 😢
As of now, a hybrid model will not yet be joining the lineup. Will still expect Mazda to add one, perhaps in 2025 model year
What was wrong with foot/handheld parking levers?
Are your hands tiny or is that the biggest key fob of all time?
Beautiful love it 😍
Hope the hybrid comes 🔜
OMG just bring a hybrid version of this out already!
Looks terrific and priced just right. only thing I don't like are those wheels.
This Car is the "rugged, off-trail" version of the CX-5 why are you complaining about hard touch plastics? Do you want your muddy bags, or tools, or bike to ruin your soft touch or Leather? Do you want to spend time cleaning things thoroughly after camping or a beach day, or easily wipe down the plastic??
General Car Buyers with no common snse complain about 'it's not premium enough, it doesnt have cool tech' and then turn around and bemoan Car prices going up, or the fact that they cant find a 'simple car' anymore.
Humans have lame short term memory and it causes us to repeat horrors of the past,whether we're talking about Local Cars or World Events
That awkward vent in the middle of the dash still sticks out like a sore thumb 😂
Are you driving the vehicle or staring at the vents?
He makes a good point. Looks silly. If I said it’s above your head would you say the same?
@@imdone1967the design isn't consistent is what I'm saying 🤡
i don't even notice it in mine, it 'disappears' with the excellent design lines
My 10 year old Mazda CX-5 still runs and looks like new, I’ve been waiting for Mazda to release a full EV not nothing. So I traded my Mazda with Tesla. No more trip to gas station, no more oil change. It cost $25/month for unlimited home charging guaranteed by Tesla.
How about your insurance cost with Tesla? Doesn't it eat up most of saving from the gas?
@@wuyili193 I was originally eying a BMW X3 in the same price range, mid 50's. I was quoted $185 per month with all the add on I have (uninsured motorist, property damage, medical payment, rental car, etc). I have the same coverage for $175 per month on Tesla. Higher insurance is expected with new cars.
I would Never buy a full EV. But have been waiting for a hybrid. The Cx 90 hybrid is to large for me.
@@jonathanjacques7250 You say that until you have an EV and you'll never have to stop by a gas station, or do oil change and you pay $20-$35 per month for unlimited charging at home and not $60 of gas per week plus the unintentional no emission. People that rode horses said the same thing about automobiles in the 1900's.
Them batteries will cost +$15k plus tax, labor time and installation fees when it comes to replacing. And the home charger they sell you is slow charging. Want faster? It will cost you and you still have to wait over 2 hrs to get full. Here's the kicker. The ratio of gas stations vs EV charging is nowhere near the same.
Something to consider... if the power grid were to go down, where would u be able to charge that EV?
Don’t care for the screen on top of the dash. Also, I’d go for the standard 4 banger. Less problems.
They have had that same turbo engine for the better part of a decade and it has been very reliable. It's a good engine with a lot more power and it's designed and built so well you don't really have to worry about it.
Good to know. Thanks.@@michaels7984
Pretty cool looking car! Looks like a Subaru Crosstrek but slightly bigger and more powerful. Things that the Crosstrek lacks. Just worried about price level when you add all the options you would want. 😮 maybe the Crosstrek is a more financially intelligent option ;) with excellent 4WD. Up to buyer.
😂 Nope. It does not at all look like that ugly Crosstrek. 🙄
@@A.Thalassophilehard to tell them apart from the side.
You get a CVT transmission in that subaru. No thanks.
@@gailenrique2804 CVT isn’t my favorite transmission for sure but most cars in this class have them and honestly they’ve gotten better. Not a deal breaker for me
Bought a ‘23 Crosstrek Premium a few months ago and was thinking the same thing 😂
What about the head room for tall people ? Also, does Mazda have a trim that includes 360 camera without turbo?
why is the turbo more desirable... a lot of differences come with 2.5 naturally aspirated versus the 2.5 turbo.. and not all of them are more desirable for the turbo, how many can we list...
I’m so disappointed they put the awful stop/start on this and the new 90. Supposedly the non turbo model doesn’t have it.
Deal breaker for me. Absolutely hate that
Non turbos have cylinder deactivation. Another form of saving fuel, but instead of using 4 cylinders, it drops to 2 as needed to save fuel. On the turbo models, I-stop works if you're pushing on the brake just a bit more down and shuts the engine. As soon as you let go of the brake, the engine starts up again, ready to go.
Is getting mandatory!
I can’t take Mazda seriously in this segment until they come up with a hybrid offering like Honda and Toyota does. Love the luxury feel, torque and handling but not enough to sacrifice my wallet with premium gas at the pump.
$47,000 with tax. Screw that. I'll get a Tacoma!
Nice real tailpipe 😂🎉
Please for the love of god people listen to me, DO NOT buy the CX-50 the new 2024 CX-5 is out and is sooooooo much better of a deal. I’m not sure who WANTS to off-road with a Mazda and if we are being honest this car should not exist.
They are so nice but infotainment screen thing is so bad 😮
Surprised it's all USB-A ports. Most everyone has USB-C exclusively or at least a mix of both.
don't know why, but that huge massive grill at the front of mazdas has never appealed to me. i'm sure the interior and drive is great though.
Looks like they are copying a crosstrek. This Mazda is a little more squared off than other Mazdas. Engine is a whole lot better than crosstrek though
Mazdas don't have CVT.
Regarding recent engine downsizing of the motor industry, CX-50 is gone too far. But the exterior is well-renewed compared to the interior. And the interior is spacy enough for the segment.
I do not understand why you would want a Turbo in it. It makes the engine less reliable and more expensive to maintain/repair. 2.5 liter seems a bit too much as it's not meant to do real off roading, just some gravel roads.2.4 lier max, but 2.0 liter would be best imho. Although, in an ideal world you would have it have a hybrid engine. Or am i missing something here?
I miss this car in Europe
The passenger seat does not go up and down compared to the driver. Passenger seat feels very low compared to CX5
I going for 2024 Subaru crosdtreck wilderness in new blue,
Enjoy your trash , it's sad that the engine has to come out before 80k just to get re sealed 😂
I guess people hate the Subaru because….. nonsense. Enjoy you next Subaru. I have the 2021 Crosstrek Sport for 2.5 years now. Zeroooo issues. Non.
@@ericpizarro3084 it's not nonsense when the engine is just made out of rtv silicone lol when the whole thing has to come out just to prevent oil leakage that's a problem lol
@@cormaro13 and when was your Subaru doing that? I bet you are talking for talking or you had an old Subaru that did had issues. That was between 1998 and 2010. I even have the most hated Subaru ( 2019 Subaru Ascent limited) it have 60,000 miles. Goes every week through high mountains ( over 2000 feet’s) so far… nothing wrong with it. My best friend drives a Toyota Highlander Limited. He got into my Ascent for a ride and was shuck on how smooth my car drives. Much better than his Toyota. Don’t get me wrong I love Toyota and Mazda. I also owns an ND Miata ( which I will never sell).Just don’t like how they drives. All of them jumps like crazy
@@ericpizarro3084 wrong thats on all new subarus , were not talking about head gaskets like the old ones , look at the maintenance schedule for new subuies and you'll see before 100k mileage, an reseal
Love the look of the CX 50, however, I test drove one and was very disappointed. Rough riding, noisy cabin, poor brakes and the hood vibrated (yes the hood shock). My son owns a CX 5, which is a much more premium driving experience. Much quieter, rides bette, great brakes and the hood does not vibrate.
It’s very hard to beat the CX-5.
Ha i got one of the only preferred plus's to be made
Give me these looks with the power train of the rav4 prime and I'm sold. 25mpg in 2024 feels dated.
can u do a sound level reading on the cx50 base model? mine is extremely loud.thanks
Mason when did you get a mustache!?? You look so adorable in it! Keep up the good work 💯❤️
He finally grown-up
@@yournightmare9999 yes he is
In the real world, this package averages 20-21 mpg… not 25.
This advanced trim, doesn,t have a Stearing Wheel Heating?????? WHY???????????????????????????
Nice vehicle, but too large for my personal taste. I prefer the smaller, sleeker CX-30 & purchased one in 2022.
Have you been happy with the CX30? Any regrets?
@@alandpal79 It's a solid little crossover. I'm 19-20 months into ownership of my 2022 CX-30 Carbon Edition & not a single problem or issue found thus far.
@@oligarchy-usa Great to know Thanks for the info
That 6 speed transmission is holding this car back
But it is bullet proof
@@johncalabro2145yup I agree
Yes that’s me
It's not at all , have u been in a gm 6 speed ? It's trash , this is generation's ahead of that
The 6 speed works great in My CX30..............Paul