Tree Sentinel: First time of getting bullied by a little shield + a lowly tarnished. Thank you so much for this video!!!! It is very inspiring. I was going to fight him with Torrent and summons, now I changed my mind.
I've been playing this game for a year. My first souls game. It has taken me this long to get comfortable enough to go back and try to beat this guy with all starting classes. I started with confessor and he is actually the easiest to kill sentinel with so far. I just learned that you can parry the mounted bosses like nightrider guys but I am not very consistent. Thanks for this video. I can usually get tree sentinel down to half health but I haven't beaten him yet. That bleed takes so long to kick in with the knife but I will endeavor to persevere.
Tree Sentinel: First time of getting bullied by a little shield + a lowly tarnished.
Thank you so much for this video!!!! It is very inspiring. I was going to fight him with Torrent and summons, now I changed my mind.
I've been playing this game for a year. My first souls game. It has taken me this long to get comfortable enough to go back and try to beat this guy with all starting classes. I started with confessor and he is actually the easiest to kill sentinel with so far. I just learned that you can parry the mounted bosses like nightrider guys but I am not very consistent. Thanks for this video. I can usually get tree sentinel down to half health but I haven't beaten him yet. That bleed takes so long to kick in with the knife but I will endeavor to persevere.