tbf, having a simple to do list, for me at least, does trigger a satisfying response something as simple as make your bed on a daily check list, it feels good to cross that off and it is a great feeling to check off everything on your daily list imo I use google docs bc it lets me use a spreadsheet format and I have it set up to change from one color when something is still not done, to a different more pleasant color when I tick the checkbox
It works both ways like a feedback loop, if you start accomplishing the things you need to it's going be a positive feedback loop that spirals you upwards. To get to this place you need to be disciplined principle centered. And consistent. To have integrity, to be able to make promises to yourself and keep them is what sets things in the right direction.
Wouldn't call the brain a liar in that sense, it's just a very complex and highly optimized system that's not really meant to work with current world out of the box. Dopamine is a "molecule of more" and brain is (in part) optimized to choose the easiest path to most dopamine. I've been also thinking and researching this topic A L O T and that goes very deep. It's not mainly about survival, as you've said that's just a part of it, we all know the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, so by creating the pillow you've actually expressed yourself, which is a super important need. And the thing about going to the gym is the difference between instant and delayed gratification. My whole life it was super hard for me to go there consistently, until recently I managed to reframe my mind, and now I can confidently say that if I skip the gym I will NOT feel good, in fact I'll feel kinda shit. Because I am very sure that if I keep it consistent I will get very cool results that will make me proud, and I already remember past experiences of feeling great after a hard workout. One thing really impacted my view of dopamine is the concept of baseline dopamine. Which is that after every spike there comes a drop. Which basically means that average level of dopamine circulating in your system is lower then before after you get some reward. That's why it's so hard to start working after watching some tiktorks or some shit. We basically should manage our dopamine as a resource, because getting any instant gratification makes it way harder to work towards any delayed reward. And all the best things are just that: delayed rewards. I learned a lot from Andrew Huberman on the topic, really advise to check him out if you haven't yet. One experiment got imprinted in my mind: in a class there was a group of children, many of whom really liked to draw. They just did it by themselves without needing any external motivation to do so. They simply liked it and did it. Then, researchers started awarding stars for pictures of those children, which the children were happy about. After researchers stopped rewarding those stars, children were not drawing nearly as much. Their brain was rewired to be motivated by external reward (getting a star) as oppose to internally motivating by the simple fact of enjoying the process. We all can rewire ourselves to be motivated to do the hard things that we "should" be doing. Mostly it's a matter of removing the things that give us easy pleasure. If all pleasure is hard and earned, you automatically do the things you should, there's simply no other option. And through repetition and habit anyone can teach themselves that. Love your videos Bailey
The reality is that not only are psychedelics not bad, as they are stigmatized to be, but they are actually 180 degrees opposite. They're not just neutral; they're amazing, and they are very important for the development of the human race. There's no distinction, really, between drugs and, for example, television, reading tabloid magazines, getting addicted to pornography, getting addicted to the internet, or getting addicted to greasy food. To me, all this stuff is just addiction, with different degrees of it. I'm very anti-drugs. Not only am I anti-heroin, cocaine, meth, and all this sort of stuff, but I'm even anti-alcohol, anti-smoking, anti-tobacco, anti-prescription drugs, and anti-eating sugar, drinking soda, and caffeine. Do you want to be a meth addict? Do you want to be a heroin addict? Go for it. The truth is that there's absolutely no reason why you should not be a heroin addict. There's no reason why a life of suffering is any worse than a life of joy and bliss and orgasms. There's no reason at all existentially speaking. Enlightenment is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute. So the bad news is that you don't have parachute, but the good news is that you discover there is no ground. And then you're just endlessly falling and you never reach the ground. So in a sense, what i'm asking you to do is to jump. And you don't want to jump. You're saying, I'm scared. I'm too scared to jump. And I'm saying, jump. God is telling you, jump, jump into infinite love and it's going to be great. But you're like, what if I kill myself and what if something else happens? I don't know. You just jump into infinite love. Take the leap of faith and you'll discover infinite love. And you're too scared to do it. But then eventually when you do it, then you're just going to discover that there's no ground. You're endlessly falling forever and it's great. But yeah, taking that leap is really difficult. It requires you to face your death. So of course, everybody is too afraid to do it. People are just to scared. Imagine you had such a powerful imagination that you could imagine an apple and you imagined it so strongly that it would physically materialize right in front of you. That's literally what is happening. The floor you're sitting on is literally that. On a certain level, we have a drug store in our brain, the neurochemicals that show up in flow: so dopamine, norepinephrine, anandamide, endorphins, and serotonin. If you were to try to cocktail the street drug version of that, right, you're trying to blend like heroin and speed and coke and acid and weed- and point is, you can't do it. It turns out the brain can cocktail all of 'em at once, which is why people will prefer flow to almost any experience on Earth. It's our favorite experience. It's the most addictive experience on Earth. Why? 'Cause it cocktails five or six of the largest pleasure drugs the brain can produce. We're all capable of so much more than we know. That is a commonality across the board. And one of the big reasons is we're all hardwired for flow, and flow is a massive amplification of what's possible for ourselves. In a dream you might take a saw and cut open your skull and you might feel around. You might take a mirror and look inside and you could you could see the brain in the dream. If you see that brain in your skull inside your dream does that mean that brain is creating the dream? No of course not you see this is to confuse the contents of the dream for the dream itself and this is precisely the same thing that materialists do with this waking dream. So when I say something radical like the brain doesn't exist many people say oh my god that's crazy, that's ridiculous, what have you been smoking? No just think through the logic of it. It's very very simple. This here is your dream. You cut open your skull yes of course there's some pink squishy substance inside. You can feel it. You can screw around with it but does that mean that it is causing this whole dream. No of course not. What art tries to do is it tries to slap you awake by putting the beauty of infinite creation a little piece of it up on display for you on a pedestal so you can look at it and say oh yeah. Of course. Look there it is. It's so beautiful. It's so amazing and then that opens your eyes a little bit and you can say oh yeah look that thing's beautiful too and that's beautiful and that's beautiful and that person's beautiful and I'm beautiful. Oh my god it's all so beautiful and then that takes you to a whole new level as a human being and then you can delight in reality and you can enjoy everything as one giant work of art. Cosmic work of art. If you are lying in bed sound asleep, you can dream up a hallucinated alien chasing your hallucinated body while you fight it off with a hallucinated machine gun which can puncture its hallucinated skin resulting it a hallucinated victory and even a hallucinated feeling of joy. So in a dream - precisely BECAUSE everything is a hallucination - a hallucinated weapon is very useful. Without it, you might get eaten alive! Now, what if what you call “reality” works just like that? If you’re like the typical person, you hold hallucination as a category of experience which is separate from ordinary “real” experience. To you, hallucinations are clearly unreal and inferior to real perceptions. But now I want you to consider the radical possibility that everything is a hallucination! Consider that there are not two categories of experience, one “real” and one “hallucinatory”, but only one category: hallucination. You might wonder, Why call this one category hallucination instead of perception?” Because hallucination is closer to the fact. Hallucination is defined as perception without an object. Which is EXACTLY what we’ve got! Perception = hallucination! There is nothing else behind it! There is no physical, external world behind your everyday perceptions. Which literally means that what you think of as solid, tangible, physical, material reality is just a hallucination, albeit a rather persistent one - one which is shared by most of the people in your tribe. That is, until you start to play around with altered states of consciousness or psychedelics. Then you quickly realize how intangible, unreal, and hallucinatory your everyday experience was all along. This is exactly why psychedelics are so effective. And also exactly why they are so demonized by mainstream culture.
Just sit there to contemplate it all after you come back because you're gonna see such crazy and radical things in these trips. That when you come back you're gonna be like what the fuck was that? And you're gonna spend a week just in the shower, what the fuck was that? Cooking your food, what the fuck was that? Driving to work, what the fuck was that? Sitting at work doing your work, what the fuck was that? Thinking that. Trying to wrap your mind around it. Try to remember and trying to figure it out and that's a very valuable process.
Bailey for a change your look is sophisticated, have you been watching re-runs of Mad Men featuring January Jones as Betty Draper or maybe a movie starring Grace Kelly? I really like it - suits your physical features.
I had this thought as well like when you have a come down so bad and have no dopamine a lot off people fell like offing them selfs like that says a lot about dopamine
I dont get a shot going to gym. I get a shot of depression. I get a little shot if I make it through the gym. Or a walk. But whole time of doing either one, my body is like, "let's just die, that's way easier."
There are various chemicals, aside from dopamine, that are released during pleasurable activities-just as different drugs target specific receptors in the brain. Serotonin, often called the ‘happy molecule,’ is associated with mood regulation and well-being. Serotonin receptors can also be stimulated by THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. Nicotine is known to stimulate dopamine receptors. Alcohol interacts with GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors, enhancing inhibitory signals in the brain and producing calming effects. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, reducing feelings of fatigue and increasing alertness. Opioids, such as morphine and heroin, bind to opioid receptors, which regulate pain and reward responses. The brain’s ‘action-reward system’ can become disrupted through substance abuse. However, when used appropriately, certain drugs can have therapeutic effects. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists sometimes prescribe medications to address deficiencies in brain function and stimulate targeted areas, helping to activate the body’s natural processes. I hope this gives some additional ideas! God bless!
What if I said dopamine is only a player of the game, but not the game itself🤔 Serotonin, Melatonin, Dopamine, DMT, the Pineal gland, right and left brain integration, and the Circadian rhythm, are the stars “✨s” of the show! The host of chemicals and hormones influencing our decisions are ultimately under the control of those ✨s. Dopamine is Great and when released in a surge creates a state of Nirvana, however it is also a pleasure offered in the form of breadcrumbs, and used en mass as a distraction from our full mental and spiritual development! The crash from dopamine is only profoundly felt when the other ✨s are not in balance. An example of this are dopamine releasing stimulants that when utilized incorrectly throw off our circadian rhythm and the production of melatonin at optimum levels. Once the ✨s of the show are thrown out of whack, we become dependent on those surges of dopamine to “feel ok”…which then perpetuates the cycle that depleted the production of the ✨s in the first place😉
Mine is shutdown. Perhaps it is survival related. Everytime something happens in this world to bring it down I get a shot. Its moving to fast. I also get a shot when I feel a certain person. I haven't even meant yet. 🤷♂️
Try navigating life when you've depleted all your dopamine reserves due to drug addiction, not fun, not fun at all 😅 I didn't consider the dopamine hit from things like a crafts hobby. I make rosary beads, necklaces and bracelets with crystals and sure enough it feels good doing it, very therapeutic feeling. I think the goal is to turn the things you need to do into things that give dopamine releases if possible, rewire your brain into thinking it's actually fun. That's probably why positive reinforcement with stuff that is unenjoyable when you're younger is so beneficial, like tidying your room, eating vegetables etc. And when it comes to your career, try n find something you enjoy doing. Proud of you sister 🍓😂🙌🏻
I'm not sure about that tbh. Dopamine does get released when you're working out or studying or eating healthily if you're doing it to advance towards a goal. Dopamine isn't just about pleasure - it's about motivation, pursuit and desire. I think the real issue with dopamine is that it's a zero sum game across time, in that if you have a big spike in dopamine above baseline you'll inevitably have a symmetric drop in dopamine below baseline afterwards which will make you feel like garbage. I guess that's what post-coital tristesse is lol.
tbf, having a simple to do list, for me at least, does trigger a satisfying response
something as simple as make your bed on a daily check list, it feels good to cross that off
and it is a great feeling to check off everything on your daily list imo
I use google docs bc it lets me use a spreadsheet format and I have it set up to change from one color when something is still not done, to a different more pleasant color when I tick the checkbox
It works both ways like a feedback loop, if you start accomplishing the things you need to it's going be a positive feedback loop that spirals you upwards. To get to this place you need to be disciplined principle centered. And consistent. To have integrity, to be able to make promises to yourself and keep them is what sets things in the right direction.
if your main concern is to be happy most of the time, you'll probably end up making decisions that will lead you to an unhappy life lol
She looks really good with her hair back.
Her features really pop!
👏You are amazing, and your ''son'' is a reflection of that ❤
People should create more, be like kids its good for us no matter how small
The strawberry has such a darling smile. Chemicals are released in response to the cuteness. 🥰🍓
If you add Major Depression Disorder with Generalized Anxiety Disorder to the equation, you'll find the perfect storm for dopamine and disaster.
Wouldn't call the brain a liar in that sense, it's just a very complex and highly optimized system that's not really meant to work with current world out of the box. Dopamine is a "molecule of more" and brain is (in part) optimized to choose the easiest path to most dopamine. I've been also thinking and researching this topic A L O T and that goes very deep.
It's not mainly about survival, as you've said that's just a part of it, we all know the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, so by creating the pillow you've actually expressed yourself, which is a super important need.
And the thing about going to the gym is the difference between instant and delayed gratification. My whole life it was super hard for me to go there consistently, until recently I managed to reframe my mind, and now I can confidently say that if I skip the gym I will NOT feel good, in fact I'll feel kinda shit. Because I am very sure that if I keep it consistent I will get very cool results that will make me proud, and I already remember past experiences of feeling great after a hard workout.
One thing really impacted my view of dopamine is the concept of baseline dopamine. Which is that after every spike there comes a drop. Which basically means that average level of dopamine circulating in your system is lower then before after you get some reward. That's why it's so hard to start working after watching some tiktorks or some shit. We basically should manage our dopamine as a resource, because getting any instant gratification makes it way harder to work towards any delayed reward. And all the best things are just that: delayed rewards.
I learned a lot from Andrew Huberman on the topic, really advise to check him out if you haven't yet.
One experiment got imprinted in my mind: in a class there was a group of children, many of whom really liked to draw. They just did it by themselves without needing any external motivation to do so. They simply liked it and did it. Then, researchers started awarding stars for pictures of those children, which the children were happy about. After researchers stopped rewarding those stars, children were not drawing nearly as much. Their brain was rewired to be motivated by external reward (getting a star) as oppose to internally motivating by the simple fact of enjoying the process.
We all can rewire ourselves to be motivated to do the hard things that we "should" be doing. Mostly it's a matter of removing the things that give us easy pleasure. If all pleasure is hard and earned, you automatically do the things you should, there's simply no other option. And through repetition and habit anyone can teach themselves that.
Love your videos Bailey
The reality is that not only are psychedelics not bad, as they are stigmatized to be, but they are actually 180 degrees opposite. They're not just neutral; they're amazing, and they are very important for the development of the human race.
There's no distinction, really, between drugs and, for example, television, reading tabloid magazines, getting addicted to pornography, getting addicted to the internet, or getting addicted to greasy food. To me, all this stuff is just addiction, with different degrees of it.
I'm very anti-drugs. Not only am I anti-heroin, cocaine, meth, and all this sort of stuff, but I'm even anti-alcohol, anti-smoking, anti-tobacco, anti-prescription drugs, and anti-eating sugar, drinking soda, and caffeine.
Do you want to be a meth addict? Do you want to be a heroin addict? Go for it. The truth is that there's absolutely no reason why you should not be a heroin addict. There's no reason why a life of suffering is any worse than a life of joy and bliss and orgasms. There's no reason at all existentially speaking.
Enlightenment is like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute.
So the bad news is that you don't have parachute, but the good news is that you discover there is no ground. And then you're just endlessly falling and you never reach the ground.
So in a sense, what i'm asking you to do is to jump. And you don't want to jump. You're saying, I'm scared. I'm too scared to jump. And I'm saying, jump. God is telling you, jump, jump into infinite love and it's going to be great. But you're like, what if I kill myself and what if something else happens? I don't know. You just jump into infinite love. Take the leap of faith and you'll discover infinite love. And you're too scared to do it. But then eventually when you do it, then you're just going to discover that there's no ground. You're endlessly falling forever and it's great. But yeah, taking that leap is really difficult. It requires you to face your death. So of course, everybody is too afraid to do it. People are just to scared.
Imagine you had such a powerful imagination that you could imagine an apple and you imagined it so strongly that it would physically materialize right in front of you. That's literally what is happening. The floor you're sitting on is literally that.
On a certain level, we have a drug store in our brain, the neurochemicals that show up in flow: so dopamine, norepinephrine, anandamide, endorphins, and serotonin. If you were to try to cocktail the street drug version of that, right, you're trying to blend like heroin and speed and coke and acid and weed- and point is, you can't do it. It turns out the brain can cocktail all of 'em at once, which is why people will prefer flow to almost any experience on Earth. It's our favorite experience. It's the most addictive experience on Earth. Why? 'Cause it cocktails five or six of the largest pleasure drugs the brain can produce. We're all capable of so much more than we know. That is a commonality across the board. And one of the big reasons is we're all hardwired for flow, and flow is a massive amplification of what's possible for ourselves.
In a dream you might take a saw and cut open your skull and you might feel around. You might take a mirror and look inside and you could you could see the brain in the dream. If you see that brain in your skull inside your dream does that mean that brain is creating the dream? No of course not you see this is to confuse the contents of the dream for the dream itself and this is precisely the same thing that materialists do with this waking dream. So when I say something radical like the brain doesn't exist many people say oh my god that's crazy, that's ridiculous, what have you been smoking? No just think through the logic of it. It's very very simple. This here is your dream. You cut open your skull yes of course there's some pink squishy substance inside. You can feel it. You can screw around with it but does that mean that it is causing this whole dream. No of course not.
What art tries to do is it tries to slap you awake by putting the beauty of infinite creation a little piece of it up on display for you on a pedestal so you can look at it and say oh yeah. Of course. Look there it is. It's so beautiful. It's so amazing and then that opens your eyes a little bit and you can say oh yeah look that thing's beautiful too and that's beautiful and that's beautiful and that person's beautiful and I'm beautiful. Oh my god it's all so beautiful and then that takes you to a whole new level as a human being and then you can delight in reality and you can enjoy everything as one giant work of art. Cosmic work of art.
If you are lying in bed sound asleep, you can dream up a hallucinated alien chasing your hallucinated body while you fight it off with a hallucinated machine gun which can puncture its hallucinated skin resulting it a hallucinated victory and even a hallucinated feeling of joy. So in a dream - precisely BECAUSE everything is a hallucination - a hallucinated weapon is very useful. Without it, you might get eaten alive!
Now, what if what you call “reality” works just like that?
If you’re like the typical person, you hold hallucination as a category of experience which is separate from ordinary “real” experience. To you, hallucinations are clearly unreal and inferior to real perceptions. But now I want you to consider the radical possibility that everything is a hallucination! Consider that there are not two categories of experience, one “real” and one “hallucinatory”, but only one category: hallucination. You might wonder, Why call this one category hallucination instead of perception?” Because hallucination is closer to the fact. Hallucination is defined as perception without an object. Which is EXACTLY what we’ve got!
Perception = hallucination! There is nothing else behind it! There is no physical, external world behind your everyday perceptions. Which literally means that what you think of as solid, tangible, physical, material reality is just a hallucination, albeit a rather persistent one - one which is shared by most of the people in your tribe. That is, until you start to play around with altered states of consciousness or psychedelics. Then you quickly realize how intangible, unreal, and hallucinatory your everyday experience was all along. This is exactly why psychedelics are so effective. And also exactly why they are so demonized by mainstream culture.
Just sit there to contemplate it all after you come back because you're gonna see such
crazy and radical things in these trips. That when you come back you're gonna be like what the fuck was that? And you're gonna spend a week just in the shower, what the fuck was that? Cooking your food, what the fuck was that? Driving to work, what the fuck was that? Sitting at work doing your work, what the fuck was that? Thinking that. Trying to wrap your mind around it. Try to remember and trying to figure it out and that's a very valuable process.
Appreciate the timing of your video 👍
Bailey for a change your look is sophisticated, have you been watching re-runs of Mad Men featuring January Jones as Betty Draper or maybe a movie starring Grace Kelly? I really like it - suits your physical features.
I had this thought as well like when you have a come down so bad and have no dopamine a lot off people fell like offing them selfs like that says a lot about dopamine
I dont get a shot going to gym. I get a shot of depression. I get a little shot if I make it through the gym. Or a walk. But whole time of doing either one, my body is like, "let's just die, that's way easier."
great explanation.👏🏻
That strawberry is beautiful and so are you
That plushie is berry strawsome
There are various chemicals, aside from dopamine, that are released during pleasurable activities-just as different drugs target specific receptors in the brain. Serotonin, often called the ‘happy molecule,’ is associated with mood regulation and well-being. Serotonin receptors can also be stimulated by THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. Nicotine is known to stimulate dopamine receptors. Alcohol interacts with GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors, enhancing inhibitory signals in the brain and producing calming effects. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, reducing feelings of fatigue and increasing alertness. Opioids, such as morphine and heroin, bind to opioid receptors, which regulate pain and reward responses.
The brain’s ‘action-reward system’ can become disrupted through substance abuse. However, when used appropriately, certain drugs can have therapeutic effects. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists sometimes prescribe medications to address deficiencies in brain function and stimulate targeted areas, helping to activate the body’s natural processes.
I hope this gives some additional ideas! God bless!
What if I said dopamine is only a player of the game, but not the game itself🤔 Serotonin, Melatonin, Dopamine, DMT, the Pineal gland, right and left brain integration, and the Circadian rhythm, are the stars “✨s” of the show! The host of chemicals and hormones influencing our decisions are ultimately under the control of those ✨s. Dopamine is Great and when released in a surge creates a state of Nirvana, however it is also a pleasure offered in the form of breadcrumbs, and used en mass as a distraction from our full mental and spiritual development! The crash from dopamine is only profoundly felt when the other ✨s are not in balance. An example of this are dopamine releasing stimulants that when utilized incorrectly throw off our circadian rhythm and the production of melatonin at optimum levels. Once the ✨s of the show are thrown out of whack, we become dependent on those surges of dopamine to “feel ok”…which then perpetuates the cycle that depleted the production of the ✨s in the first place😉
A little Schopenhauer coming through. 📖
Very helpful insight
Mine is shutdown. Perhaps it is survival related. Everytime something happens in this world to bring it down I get a shot. Its moving to fast. I also get a shot when I feel a certain person. I haven't even meant yet. 🤷♂️
Try navigating life when you've depleted all your dopamine reserves due to drug addiction, not fun, not fun at all 😅
I didn't consider the dopamine hit from things like a crafts hobby. I make rosary beads, necklaces and bracelets with crystals and sure enough it feels good doing it, very therapeutic feeling.
I think the goal is to turn the things you need to do into things that give dopamine releases if possible, rewire your brain into thinking it's actually fun. That's probably why positive reinforcement with stuff that is unenjoyable when you're younger is so beneficial, like tidying your room, eating vegetables etc. And when it comes to your career, try n find something you enjoy doing.
Proud of you sister 🍓😂🙌🏻
Have you ever rushed home from school, hoping for a phone call?
I'm not sure about that tbh. Dopamine does get released when you're working out or studying or eating healthily if you're doing it to advance towards a goal. Dopamine isn't just about pleasure - it's about motivation, pursuit and desire. I think the real issue with dopamine is that it's a zero sum game across time, in that if you have a big spike in dopamine above baseline you'll inevitably have a symmetric drop in dopamine below baseline afterwards which will make you feel like garbage. I guess that's what post-coital tristesse is lol.
Do you suppose there is a counter to dopamine? Is there a neurochemical basis to impulse control?
Like now. She lit up. So I lit up. Weird.
niice strawberry 😎. Yes makes sense. Yes makes sense. It was an accomplishment. Understandable. Yeah that's wild.
Dance like noone is watching✨
😂cute strawberry
sweet :))
Very cute.
Are you a Professor?
Looks just like you...the strawberry doesn't fall from the tree.
I thought you were bald, You're a different kind of pretty to be able to rock baldness
The brain is a habitual lier. Your feelings don't.
Bhudist mindful small mind no mind
I need your help
Or do you need my help
I'm subscribing and obsessed
As long as you sound like a genius
Your face? Especially the cheeks below the mouth?