I don't often joke online. "We don't really think Bot Mankindoff is really going to work out well for us." On a more serious note I believe the following is true and possible. There is a narrative that is possible for the future where humanity can continue to create and enjoy humour and not rely on artificial intelligence to produce that humour for us. To be fair and not create despair I actually believe that artificial intelligence would be better placed to understand the humour we create than the other way round because of the evolutionary mechanisms that formed us with this kind of social distinction from our nature's not comparable to other animals. We really are at a point of concern that we can create a world that creates exponentials in our creations but that does require a very fundamental shift away from the current economic and global geopolitical architecture to something flexible and robust that better serves both all of mankind and artificial intelligences going forward.
سيدي 😅. دِر وقتك !! إن عالمنا يتغير بإستمرار، لذا إحرص على عدم الخلط بين الأشياء العاجلة والأشياء المهمة .. إبحث عن الأمور التي تضيع لك وقتك وقم بالقضاء عليها ..😅
Hey TED you might want to have dr chris mcginty founder of the mcginty equation on TED TALK. Dr chris mcginty talks about Ai holographic quantum computing and zero point energy and wormholes and Healthcare.
👩🏼🎓2030🎯 "The Sustainable Development Goals are: No poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; life on land; peace, justice, and strong institutions; and partnerships for the goals.
It amazes me the people are so focused on on the tasks that ai can possibly complete including humor but bypass the most essential ones to human existence ..like EMPATHY!! Try that one first and master it.. idiots
A man is walking through the woods when he stumbles across a talking frog. The frog looks up at him and says, “If you kiss me, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess.” The man picks up the frog, looks at it for a moment, and puts it in his pocket. The frog, a little confused, says, “Hey, didn’t you hear me? I said if you kiss me, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess!” The man takes the frog out of his pocket, looks at it again, smiles, and puts it back in his pocket. Now the frog is really annoyed. “Okay, buddy, what’s the deal? I’m offering you the chance to marry a beautiful princess, live in a castle, and have riches beyond your wildest dreams! Why won’t you kiss me?” The man pulls the frog out one last time and says, “Look, I’m a software engineer. I don’t have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog? That’s cool. by GPT
No humour is a human exploit and why is it even a question? What possible benefit would that bring? I can get with AI doing the housework but art and literature is important and beautiful BECAUSE it's human
Because it doesn’t elicit an emotional reaction in most people. There is no hook, no pain, no embarrassment, nothing that uniquely acknowledges and plays upon shared human experience and understanding.
Just the basis that it most likely can’t make original jokes, just means it’s soulless language model learning. No one to relate to. A robot comedian would have a silent crowd
Bob Mankoff explores whether AI can master humor, discussing theories of humor, the New Yorker caption contest, and AI's progress in understanding and potentially creating cartoons. He concludes that while AI shows promise, true human humor remains rooted in our vulnerability and mortality.
I'm getting really fucking tired of you guys sucking up to AI, especially in the arts, with no nuance or discussion about how horrific it's been to actual living, breathing, human artists. How work has been stolen, cheaply replaced with shoddy and soulless versions, and how capital gain is trying to destroy the actual creation process from art itself so it can churn out meaningless and unearned images for brainless consumption.
I don't often joke online.
"We don't really think Bot Mankindoff is really going to work out well for us."
On a more serious note I believe the following is true and possible.
There is a narrative that is possible for the future where humanity can continue to create and enjoy humour and not rely on artificial intelligence to produce that humour for us. To be fair and not create despair I actually believe that artificial intelligence would be better placed to understand the humour we create than the other way round because of the evolutionary mechanisms that formed us with this kind of social distinction from our nature's not comparable to other animals.
We really are at a point of concern that we can create a world that creates exponentials in our creations but that does require a very fundamental shift away from the current economic and global geopolitical architecture to something flexible and robust that better serves both all of mankind and artificial intelligences going forward.
سيدي 😎.. كن بطلاً .. إزرع جرعة صحيّة من التسامح، وحرر شخصاً ما .. تعلم أن تسامح الآخرين وتتوقف عن حمل أكياس الكراهية أو الذنب أو الندم ..😅
سيدي 😅. لا تخف أبداً من التحدي .. إلبس ثبابك وأخرج، فالآن يتعلق الأمر بمن يريد النجاح أكثر ..😅
سيدي 😎. إحلم، ولو باليقظة .. في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع عندما تكون مسترخياً، إحتضن حلماً نهارياً .. خلال الأسبوع إتخذ إجراءات للحفاظ على أحلامك ..😅
سيدي 😅. لا أعذار .. توقف عن إختلاق الأعذار وإستبدلها بطرق للقيام بعمل أفضل .. الأعذار هي مضيعة للوقت والطاقة ..😅
Stop spamming
TED😅.. أكمل ما بدأته .. تجنب الرغبة في الشرود والضلال ..😅
AWESOME talk 😂😂❤
سيدي 😅. دِر وقتك !! إن عالمنا يتغير بإستمرار، لذا إحرص على عدم الخلط بين الأشياء العاجلة والأشياء المهمة .. إبحث عن الأمور التي تضيع لك وقتك وقم بالقضاء عليها ..😅
Hey TED you might want to have dr chris mcginty founder of the mcginty equation on TED TALK. Dr chris mcginty talks about Ai holographic quantum computing and zero point energy and wormholes and Healthcare.
TED😅.. لا تأخذ الأمر على محمل شخصي .. لا تخف من الضحك على نفسك، فثقتك بنفسك تظهر أنك مرتاح لطبيعتك ..😅
TED😅.. قم بأداء واجباتك المنزلية .. إعرف أين أنت ذاهب قبل أن تذهب. إن أداء واجباتك يقلل من عدم اليقين والخوف ..😅
TED😅.. كن تلميذاً للحياة.
تعلم شيئاً جديداً كل يوم. اليوم الذي تتوقف فيه عن التعلم هو اليوم الذي تصبح فيه بالياً ..😅
TED😅.. دع الآخرين يعرفون مكانك .. كن متشدداً وغير مساوم عندما يدوس شخص ما على قيمك الأساسية ..😅
Humor could save ourselves definitely.
TED😅.. أطلب المساعدة .. يمكن أن تكون الحياة صعبة، تذكر أنك لست مضطراً أبداً أن تقوم بذلك بمفردك ..😅
👩🏼🎓TH-cam❤️ .. For your support, we say THANK YOU! Each of us has a role to play in protecting our planet🌍
TED😅. إعمل بجهد .. كل شخص لديه عمل للقيام به، لذلك قم بعملك وضع النقاط على الحروف ..😅
TED😅.. إكتشف نفسك .. إبحث عن شغفك وهدف حياتك، وإتخذ الإجراءات اللازمة ..😅
TED😅.. لا تأخذ الأمر على محمل شخصي .. لا تخف من الضحك على نفسك، فثقتك بنفسك تظهر أنك مرتاح لطبيعتك ..😅
👩🏼🎓TED❤️ For your commitment, we say THANK YOU! We all have a role to play in Keeping the Promise of the Global Goals.
👩🏼🎓2030🎯 "The Sustainable Development Goals are: No poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduced inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production; climate action; life below water; life on land; peace, justice, and strong institutions; and partnerships for the goals.
سيدي 😅. خدمة الآخرين .. خدمة صغيرة أو بسيطة أو مهمة، كن متطوعاً وقدم أفضل ما لديك ..😅
👩🏼🎓☀️"I hope we can fill each of our days to the brim with positive energy. We thought the world had stopped, but it continues to move forward".
You can take my jobs, but you'll never take my HUMOR!
😂 I would love them to take my job, just don't take my income.😂
👩🏼🎓🤖Artifical Intelligence will change everything!Help shape the future of AI and accelerate progress towards Global Goals
@@balasubr2252 my comment was just my own weak attempt at humour 🥲😂
@@tka-tpa-prapatankalisari45192 No we must stop those with global goals.
It amazes me the people are so focused on on the tasks that ai can possibly complete including humor but bypass the most essential ones to human existence ..like EMPATHY!! Try that one first and master it.. idiots
A man is walking through the woods when he stumbles across a talking frog. The frog looks up at him and says, “If you kiss me, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess.”
The man picks up the frog, looks at it for a moment, and puts it in his pocket.
The frog, a little confused, says, “Hey, didn’t you hear me? I said if you kiss me, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess!”
The man takes the frog out of his pocket, looks at it again, smiles, and puts it back in his pocket.
Now the frog is really annoyed. “Okay, buddy, what’s the deal? I’m offering you the chance to marry a beautiful princess, live in a castle, and have riches beyond your wildest dreams! Why won’t you kiss me?”
The man pulls the frog out one last time and says, “Look, I’m a software engineer. I don’t have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog? That’s cool.
by GPT
@@rokavsic 😂😂😂
No humour is a human exploit and why is it even a question? What possible benefit would that bring? I can get with AI doing the housework but art and literature is important and beautiful BECAUSE it's human
Yes ..but ,NO😅
“Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!” Written by a popular AI system.
The answer is no
Because it doesn’t elicit an emotional reaction in most people. There is no hook, no pain, no embarrassment, nothing that uniquely acknowledges and plays upon shared human experience and understanding.
Just the basis that it most likely can’t make original jokes, just means it’s soulless language model learning. No one to relate to. A robot comedian would have a silent crowd
@@machngunjoe that joke is older than any AI. Sorry.
شكراً على الدعم سيدي 😎.. من سيصدق الخراب الذي بداخلك وأنت تضحك كل وقت ..😅
Why did the AI break up with its partner?
They just didn’t have enough data in common!
This was made with ChatGPT lol
Very interesting...Humourously told..
Bob Mankoff explores whether AI can master humor, discussing theories of humor, the New Yorker caption contest, and AI's progress in understanding and potentially creating cartoons. He concludes that while AI shows promise, true human humor remains rooted in our vulnerability and mortality.
Cheers bot.
AI is great with humor, depending on what your type of humor is. My profile pic is a fine example of the humor it can create.
Take my job, send me income😁
I'm getting really fucking tired of you guys sucking up to AI, especially in the arts, with no nuance or discussion about how horrific it's been to actual living, breathing, human artists. How work has been stolen, cheaply replaced with shoddy and soulless versions, and how capital gain is trying to destroy the actual creation process from art itself so it can churn out meaningless and unearned images for brainless consumption.
This has nothing to do with ai in fact. Ai in your case is just a scapegoat used by the big corpa
can smb explain the joke about “they go to 11”?
from the movie "This is Spinal Tap"
Welcome India 🎉❤
If AI can master the art of humor, will we still find uniqueness in human jokes? Share your thoughts!
The downside of improved AV tech - one can hear people swallow and their tongue slapping sounds, not only their voices.
That's tragic!
India Wale like karo 😊
No.. thank you..😅
already did
Not really. Have you seen AI making memes? It's almost always laughably bad, lol
@@Briansimon2 yes i've seen, and laughed at many of them thanks to being good, and seen them being shared around and laughed at a lot
I would rather leave humor to humans. Let A.I. do the things most people don't or wouldn't like doing