Guy with POTS here. I can't lie on my right hand side, as over time HR rises and then adrenaline starts to rise--cue waking, alertness. Pretty sure it's due to gravity plus some kind of venous insufficiency/blockage. Lying on my back and LHS are fine, and my front is bad enough that its not a restorative posture. I used to be able to sleep anywhere and in pretty much any posture.
Doctor, how can i beat my social anxiety. When I'm in public my heartbeat gets uncontrollably fast and when i talk i feel I'm talking with cry face and it is noticable. Also lower lip twitch when i talk. How can i diagnose these symptoms.
Wow, explained it perfectly. I need to stop eating before I lay down.
Guy with POTS here. I can't lie on my right hand side, as over time HR rises and then adrenaline starts to rise--cue waking, alertness.
Pretty sure it's due to gravity plus some kind of venous insufficiency/blockage.
Lying on my back and LHS are fine, and my front is bad enough that its not a restorative posture.
I used to be able to sleep anywhere and in pretty much any posture.
I try to put a like on your videos but it's not working. Thanks for the information you give to the world.
Doctor, how can i beat my social anxiety. When I'm in public my heartbeat gets uncontrollably fast and when i talk i feel I'm talking with cry face and it is noticable. Also lower lip twitch when i talk. How can i diagnose these symptoms.
first have a faith in god and second be strong minded to conquer your fear.
SSRIs worked for me. Go talk to your doctor.
I got 'nothing of it and still i have palpatie. You no Nothing. !