50% is only for non expensive suburb such as Parramatta or Wolli Creek etc. For expensive area like Chatswood, U have to pay 70% in order to let rental cover everything. Frankly speaking, property investment ROI in Australia is not attractive. Outsiders still want to put money here is because they want to diversify their investment risk. It has stable environment.
very useful information! Thanks Wilson! I wonder when we go see a house, do we need to hire a professional to inspect the house as the quality of houses seems variable in Australia. Or we see the house first and if we are interested, come back again with a professional? What is the common practice in Australia?
Benny, The practice here is U inspect the house first until U really identified the lovely one. Then U hire licensed house professional to do house inspection for U. They won’t go together with U but only send U the report thereafter. That’s what covered in their standard charging.
Very valuable pieces of advice and informative ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thanks 😊
Wilson... 多謝你嘅分析。你嘅database n analysis 非常詳盡。我同老公睇你嘅片,買樓投資。 感激不盡。
Excellent! The information is helpful. Thank you very much.
50% down payment will it be able to cover the mortgage ?
if will be worst off if it cover because there will be no negative gearing...
50% is only for non expensive suburb such as Parramatta or Wolli Creek etc. For expensive area like Chatswood, U have to pay 70% in order to let rental cover everything.
Frankly speaking, property investment ROI in Australia is not attractive. Outsiders still want to put money here is because they want to diversify their investment risk. It has stable environment.
知不知道一房的皮費例如council rates, water bills 和兩房幾乎一樣?知不知道一房單位的租客流動性較高,因此空置的時間比較多,放租的成本也比較高?
Wilson,thanks so much. Would it be possible to talk about how to bring pets back to Australia. I have 3 cats. Thank you! :-)
I wonder if Wilson even have pets lol
Albert, 好消息是你可以帶貓貓狗狗過來,但手續繁複。例如,180 日前先打指定防疫針。坐飛機貓貓的landing port 只可以是Melbourne, 隔離最少十日,如果祂表現不佳,還要再長D。詳細資料記載在下列政府網頁:
@@HKAussie Thank you Wilson
Thanks Wilson! 我想問在同一區 一年樓齡同五年樓齡嘅house嘅升值能力 有沒有不同? 我看過一些資料, 有人話新樓會貶值, 五至十年之後才會追到同區的二手樓嘅升幅
Josephine, 好似第六集所講,買house 的時候要關注的因素有好多點。所以新樓對買家來說只是一個bonus, 並不是追逐的對像。
一般house 是50年樓齡, 買house 的人以經預咗這種情況,買回來後便會按自己口味裝修。基於此,有部份人會甚至揀舊樓,貪佢來價平。
所以一年樓同五年樓(house) 對大部份買價來說都是新樓,不會因為是一年樓便願意比多D。如果一年樓來價好貴,當然冇人采喇。
very useful information! Thanks Wilson! I wonder when we go see a house, do we need to hire a professional to inspect the house as the quality of houses seems variable in Australia. Or we see the house first and if we are interested, come back again with a professional? What is the common practice in Australia?
The practice here is U inspect the house first until U really identified the lovely one. Then U hire licensed house professional to do house inspection for U. They won’t go together with U but only send U the report thereafter. That’s what covered in their standard charging.
視乎位置景觀,一房單位$300至$400,兩房單位$350至$500. 詳情在domain.com.au 找到。
Noted. 會盡量平衡各方面的題材。