Cute bumper sticker, but that's meaningless. You can chant stupid slogans all day, but the Koch family and other republicans will dump billions collectively into winning house seats and senate seats. They'll spend a million to win a seat in Idaho and Wyoming and Utah and Kansas because it grantees them a tax cut. They spend $1 million every two years and get back $10 million with tax cuts per year. Meanwhile you want to fight them with a piggy bank and bumper stickers. Spoiler, the coexist stickers haven't ended racism. Bumper sticker slogan b.s. don't win elections.
..that´s the thing..been fucking yelling that for years, but is like yelling the king is naked except nobody gives shit. Politicians play Monopoly and somewhere in the game you maximize profits on medical care on behalf of you donors ...its fucking grotesque and inmoral, ´......simple flu goes to brochitis and if you cant pay you die or have to get a 2nd mortgage, then the bank owns you. Same for education... impossible to pursue happiness when voters are ignorant pawns
It's simple to do: no more political advertising, period. Politicians can have a website with regulated content, plus public debates. No need for the slush fund "campaign donations". Problem is both the RNC and DNC are addicted to money.
It's proven that money buys elections You can't get money out of politics unless you have a democratic supreme Court which requires money to get You need money to get money out of politics one day
I do too, but he also needs to be pragmatic. He's running on idealism, and he only gotten worse since 2016. He won't get anything done in DC with that.
If Bernie is the guy, then I'm sure he will be mentioning the ethical purity of his campaign in his concession speech around midnight November 20th. The heartlands of American will explode at the thought of a COMMUNIST!!! being elected. In their 'minds' they'd rather be Russian than communist.
Did Bill Maher really just do a segment on why bribery is good? Tell that to any other country that actually has a functioning democracy and you would be laughed out of the world stage.
@@zesty9815 Right, because half a billion dollars spent on a campaign sure helped Bloomberg out. Maher is a complete fucking moron when it comes to politics. He knows absolutely nothing.
How is it bribery? As he used Obama as the example, OBAMA TOOK MONEY FROM EVERYWHERE AND STILL PROCEEDED TO SIGNING POLICIES THAT WERE NOT FRIENDLY TO WALL STREET. You are one of the reasons Trump will probably remain in office. Instead of focusing on the real enemies, you insist your ideologies and stubborn personality-based politics (Bernie). You are probably one of those who will not vote for a Democratic candidate if Bernie fails to get the nomination.
Iam an Indian guy n I agree with bill Maher. USA has gotta do anything they can to defeat trump this time. It was hacked before, can be hacked again. Americans were and still are racists. However, iam sorry I guess you're watching bill Maher from a recent time. Coz he's known for his extreme liberal views. Consider this a small attempt to balance the society. We have rightwing terrorists lynching and killing us here on streets.. watch more bill maher and the best thing to do is laugh at his jokes and study his perspective there's a lot to learn.
"when you take money from bad people, it's money that they, the bad people, don't have". Yeah, yeah, it's well known that mafia, when they lend you money, never ask anything in return.
@monokhem Okay, just ignore the mountain of evidence that proves the opposite. Just because it's legal, doesn't mean it's not bribery. Not all laws are written. Corporations care about their bottom line period.
@monokhem There is not a shred of evidence that bought politicians don't use their money to influence regulation? When is the last time you gave somebody a million dollars and expected nothing in return? GTFO!!! Trump literally bragged about this. Bloomberg said it on accident, but we all know it to be true.
@@GGSTormSC They have the end of their careers to look forward to. Also, isn't that what the mafia does? You give them money so that other bastard, evil mafia doesn't come and fuck up your business? Pay the dems so the reps don't trash your store front.
It’s not about spiritual “purity”. It’s about curbing systemic corruption. It’s about working for the electorate instead of for the 1% who paid for your campaign.
Brian, that’s not what this is. Democracy comes from the Greek “demos” which means “people” and “cratos” which means “power”. But if the true power shifts away from the people and towards the 1% who buy lawmakers, you no longer have a “demos cratos” but a “corporate cratos”. Or Corporatocracy, if you will. This isn’t “us versus them”. This is us.
Obviously. It's a nice gesture. But if Republicans play dirty then we have to too. Focus on getting Bernie in the white house and then we can do the campaign finance reform. Mark my words, Trump is going to win in November. and this is one of many reasons why.
@@i2pjd6hRw5P i never understood the "if they play dirty then we will have to as well" meme. So if Putin somehow ran for president and started killing members of the press and blackmailing delegates, would that mean you would do the same? Is civility a luxury that goes out the window immediately when ever power is at stake?
So are you suggesting that if billionaires did donate to Bernie's campaign, it would automatically influence how he makes policies? Distinctions need to be made here. The act of accepting donated money to help political campaigns is a systemic error, whether it be from billionaires or poor people. So the actual problem is whether people taking money are making policies that benefit corporations, not the literal act of simply using money donated by a billionaire.
Sorry you have to deal with all of these fuckwits who think Hillary Clinton 2.0 is gonna beat Trump. Just because we don't get down in the sewer, eyeball deep in shit like them, doesn't mean we have to tell them how good they smell. That's twice now that these fucking idiots have let the most awful, most easily defeatable candidate become the President of the United States. I'm calling it already. Biden can't even remember his own name. What a train wreck.
O.P. Yates yet he will Moo the floor with Biden. Just shows the Democrats are done. A failed party that should not even exist. They are all republicans anyways. Might as well just have the one party.
@Justin Marion Yeah neither was I but this country is full of some seriously naive or just plain stupid people. Actually I think a big part of the problem in the US is that we have this so-called "strong work ethic" which translates to people work all the damn time and don't have enough time to keep up on what's really going on around them so they just make decisions based off of very little information because they don't have time to find out what's really going on. In other words we have mass ignorance in this country.
Bill's inspiring message in a nutshell: Let the status quo of the establishment continue to thrive so the corporate PAC's can continue to buy off & influence our elected officials.
If l'm not mistaken, Sander's campaign has raised lots of money. If money won elections, wouldn't Styers and Bloomberg be the only 2 candidates? Think of all the positive things that could be done with the amount of money already wasted on losing campaigns. Just throw more money out. Using this logic, just pay people to vote for you. Would any of you vote for a candidate you didn't want if they offered you more money than the candidate you do like? Trump got plenty of free election coverage. He was on cable news 24/7. Sanders could take billions from billionaires and still lose. People need to be motivated to vote or motivated NOT to vote. I fear the election will be 2 old men with dementia debating each other and pundits telling us which one is more coherent. Doesn't look promising at all.
@@Hibbs4Prez People like you don't even vote in presidential or midterms election and yet you want purity. By allowing Trump to get elected you have allowed money to stay in politics and let conservatives take over the supreme court. Purity and Apathy has allowed corruption to spread, you people aren't even as innocent as you want candidates to be. Bill is simply saying to be realistic and practical based on the circumstances you have, and yet all you people are saying is “everyone is corrupt”.
I'm not a huge Bernie fan, but this is dumb. You can only take those donations by agreeing to let the 0.01% continue to wreak havoc on the average person and the environment.
Are you a Bernie Bro who watches TYT like a conservative who takes Fox News for gospel? Do you blame Obama for the bank bailouts? If so, I can't help you. Please don't waste my time with Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur bullshit
Lowest I have ever seen Bill Maher go - I watched the beginning, 2 segments in the middle and 15 seconds of the end - I think less than a minute, not worth my time
@@trainerred1345 Depends on your definition of losing. I'd say that anyone who will stop at nothing to get what they want are the ultimate losers. It takes courage and strength to gracefully bear with a loss for the sake of integrity and the common good. Sometimes doing the right thing will cost you in material things, but it will gain you a good nights rest if not a soul.
@@geralddecaire6664 tell that to all the people who live in gerrymandered states where because of the division the majority lives under minority rule. Tell that to the supreme court justices that the GOP keeps adding. Tell that to the presidential elections we keep losing even though we get a majority vote. Screw getting a good night's sleep and screw the idea of having a clear conscience. That mind set is for losers. I love Michelle Obama, but us going high when they go low got us Trump elected in the first place. I am willing to fight, but when the guy your fighting brings a gun to a fist fight...that is where you stop playing by the rules.
@@trainerred1345 Then to you Ghandi, MLK and even Jesus were losers. And I guess a no name posting bullshit on TH-cam is the all-time winner? Let me write that down.
Full response: Bill: "The people are broke," in other words - Grassroots fundraising is ineffective because there is not a lot of money to give Response: Simple math dictates that a large number of people contributing little is proportional to a large number of people giving a lot. He cites Bernie's numbers and compares it to Trump's, that's because we were in a primary with a bunch of candidates so a lot of money went to a lot of different places. This always happens, so the statistic is misleading. Like, yes, the entire Republican party will raise more than one democrat out of 20. Bill: "Pure losers," in other words - Having principles will lead to you being a loser, including the "bringing a hug to a gunfight" stuff Response: We tried that in 2016 and lost. Part of the whole reason Trump won was because he pointed out "Crooked Hillary's" corruption. Of course, he was lying, but what leg did Hillary have to stand on when he could constantly bring up all the money the establishment was giving her? Run an _actual_ leftist populist who is uncorrupted and the entire dynamic is flipped. People constantly rank corruption near the top when it comes to voting for a candidate and Bill Maher says we should be like the Republicans and stay corrupt. Time and time again, that has shown us that people will just vote for the actual republican. Bill: "In 2008, no one took more money from Wall St. than Obama, and then he got elected and passed" Dodd Frank, "he made Elizabeth Warren's plan, the CFBP, a reality." Response: This is a kind reading of history to say the least. Dodd Frank was NOT the largest set of regulations on Wall St. It was so weak that they could all be repealed by Trump just as he got into office. It was already watered down when he signed it and couldn't hold a candle to Glass Stegal, which was not generations ago, it was was repealed in 1998 only 14 years prior to the passage of Dodd Frank. And guess what, under Obama Wall St skyrocketed into a ton of new bubbles. Do you think Wall St. donations had something to do with that? Next, Elizabeth Warren had to push obama to get the CFBP - he fought against it, but his hand was forced. Lastly, he did not "fuck them over" again. Wall St donors are not idiots, they know who is going to play by their rules. Bill: "If Trump can take money from criminals, you can take it from Aetna" Response: Again, the tone here reveals how little Bill knows about the reality of health care in this country. The existence of private health care is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths each year. Being "like Trump" is not how you beat him. You beat him by principled and standing against what he stands for. If you run and say "I'm Trump, except well mannered," you are going to get a total of 10 votes and lose. Fuck around and find out just like you did in 2016. Remember who the loser was, right? You. Bill: "If you take money from bad people, it's money they don't have" Response: Holy shit this point is the worst point I've ever heard lol. THERES A REASON THEY'RE GIVING AWAY MONEY IT'S AN INVESTMENT. Damn, the fact that he made this point invalidates this whole damn segment. Bill says the only fair system is complete public financing of elections. Yes, I agree. But that's not gonna happen if we always force an election between Trump and well-mannered Trump. Last point: Bill treats Trump as a random bad time, and not a symptom of the system. If we turn back the clock to 2015, we'll just get another Trump.
Thank you bro I usually agree with Bill on most things but I vehemently disagree here. He just sounds clueless and out of touch he's living in an elitist bubble..
Every thing you state is basically correct except Corrupt Hillary....while SoS you can clearly see the pattern of donate to the Clinton Foundation...... Hillary n pushes their agenda regardless of how it effects the the establishment funding her is not close to being corrupt accusations voters believed when she was already well known and proven to be corrupt....
David Madison because in the history of the world no ones ever had the balls to say fuck you to someone who gave them money??? Lol When the choice is between take the money or loose , you damn well should take the money and get rid of Trump and then say fuck you to anyone who think you owe them a favor, and do the freakin job for the people. That’s what a solid person should be capable of doing, stop with the bullshit... unless they are holding a literal gun to your head it is bullshit
@@grichkatayou7558 If you take the money, the people who vote for you, but didn't give you a huge check, are the ones who lose, no matter which candidate is elected. The point is not to win, it is to have a government that responds to the needs of the voters, not the billionaire contributors. Is a corrupt Democrat that much better than a corrupt Republican? In the long run is there any difference at all?
@@paulpeterson4216 when its an existential absolutely is about winning. It doesn't and shouldn't matter who the nominee is, because if Democrats don't win this upcoming election....say bye to the institutions, the 3 branches of Government, Roe v. Wade, fighting Globalwarming.......EVERYTHING...this election is not about our ideals, our political views, .....its about still having a government and not an authoritarian that will take everything away. For Gods sake, get that through your thick head.
@@jto2385 Ok Numbskull, (so long as we are trading insults), it is not about Democrats winning, it is about Populists winning, and secondly about Progressives winning. Trump is a moron and a disaster, but Biden would be no better. A Biden victory, as vanishingly unlikely as it is, would ensconce the establishment oligarchy for a generation or more, and that is as likely to end what we have left of representative government as Trump would be. Bernie can beat Trump, but ONLY by being true to his principles. If Bernie were to take Bloomburg's bribes, then he would look like a hypocrite and lose. Biden will lose to Trump, and lose badly. Bernie can beat Trump, but only by being Bernie, and not by being a bought and paid for stooge of the establishment.
The strings are only promises. It's not like accepting a million dollars from a donor for a campaign actually gives them the power of your office if you win. It's all about whether the person running has any integrity. If you're approaching it from the standpoint of every politician lacking any integrity, why even vote? Is there something that would stop them from just accepting the money later as a bribe?
@@jamesoakes4842 Example, Biden ha said if someone i donating millions to his campaign, he would definitely take that person's phone call. Yes, politician who take big money are beholden to those donors and they DO enact policies tht benefit those donors, regardless of the letter next to that person's name. Just one example, Biden and Buttigieg were originally for Medicare for All much like Bernie Sanders). Then they began recieving lrge donations from special interests who represent the Pharmaceutical industry. Now, they resort to parroting right wing talking points to fight against a system they previously supported. Big money corrupts. Yes, its a promise, and the politicians who accept the money fulfill those promises.
@@jamesoakes4842 I just want to present the "wine cave" scenario as example. This doesn't happen with a quick phone call, where they exchange pleasantries and someone gives the candidate a million bucks. The billionaires invite candidates to their wine cave, or some other analogous venue, and then proceed to indoctrinate them into their world view. It's only AFTER the candidate convincingly adheres to the billionaire's world view that the candidate receives ANY money. They sure as hell ain't giving to a guy who doesn't compromise.
Derrick Belanger: Bloomberg's "strings attached" are pretty good ones. He wants more gun control & action on global warming. He has already given hundreds of millions of dollars to causes like that. He is also one of the main reasons that the Dems now control the House & Trump got impeached (even if the Senate Repugs wouldn't remove him).
It's called having integrity and character. Unfortunately those things don't matter to most people anymore. Our country is truly in a sad state of affairs, and I don't think we will recover from it.
I'm with you. It's like the left can't wrap its head around the fact that these tactics have made it just an alternative, not the BETTER alternative. It's sad because we need something. But it's god awful depressing because these are the people who swear they won't be like this. But they are. They're just as inauthentic, just as out of touch.
"This is how you play the game...." is the PROBLEM. When you take it, you owe them. I love your show, but I'm not with you on this one. It's time to change the system.
Someone needs to get in there who will rewrite the rules and change the game. How often do we get a real hope and change candidate? Of course it will be an uphill battle. Like retrieving a steak from a hungry lions mouth! Referring to hardworking much maligned Bernie!
Except you're living in la la land, it won't get changed, and the dems will only lose more elections and more seats in congress. You suddenly think even tho this is how things have worked in most capacities since the dawn on human history and the rich are more powerful than EVER that bernie sanders is really going to change the system? You really think he even can? Better to not be pure and get someone who at least tries to do things in your favor than the guy who's going to lose bigtime in the election and the other guy will keep screwing you over even more
Uh, didn’t Hillary try this last time?... she had lots of blood money from banks, lobbyists, PACS etc. & was a moderate centrist & what was the result again?
“I’ve got some bad news for you, the people are broke.” That’s because politicians keep on taking money from corporations, and politicians serve them, not the people. You’re the one out of touch with reality, Bill.
The people are broke because we’ve got 20 million plus illegal foreign nationals living here . They get everything free while we have to pay . You’re simply not going to get rid of the rich unless you want a country like Venezuela
Money comes from Corporations who candidates will do their bidding and Biden admits "if you vote for me nothing will change." Opposed to Bernie For The People and not grow Corporations even bigger. Out of touch Mahr!
He is slightly wrong with this though, they do need to stop being too write & acting like everyone's an angel or the devil. But the thing bill missed is when gang leaders & foreign govt's give you money, they're not being nice, is certainly not a "donation", you don't need to be a genius to know that they're giving you the cash in exchange for relaxed rules or something
Agreed. It was simplistic and showed the flawed libertarianism of Maher very well. Nowhere does he suggest that much of this money from the really rich is given with the sense of expecting something in return, a condition that works more often than not or they wouldn't keep donating. He also doesn't admit that the rich give money to both sides of the political fence playing both sides for maximum benefit Maher is at his worst when he is being all smug about how "realistic" he is being and how naive the "purists" are.
The audience is so confused they don't even know when to clap anymore s/o to one person clapping when he said bernie isn't gonna take stop and search Bloomberg dirty money..
Bernie will take the money - just not directly. If Bernie is nominated and Bloomberg runs millions in ads for him, and millions more against Trump, be assured that he will not condemn them in any meaningful way,
@@retroray58warby98 I am not certain, but I think he would. He'd probably fund more for Biden, but it is in his self interest to get rid of Cheetolini - and hopefully he has some degree of patriotism too.
@@adorable3817 so if he buys her dinner and she doesnt go out with him should he continue buying dinner for her? People don't give money without seeing a return on investment.
@@Rpzinna He's absolutely right, you know. Or you're telling me that you really think that corporations are giving money out of the goodness of their heart?
@@Giby86 Look the reality is the Democratic Party is badly in need of fundraising. The population has little to no money so we don't have a lot of patience with infantile purity tests from Kyle Kulinski. First of for all you Bernie Bros who claim you want racial equality I'm surprised women of color and gay mayors who speak several languages can offend you so much. No Obama was not in office in 2008. Cenk Uyger had it wrong. By the way i saw that fight with the Culinary Union worker. You got some racists, mygonists, and homophobes in that camp and you know it
@@Rpzinna What does that have to do with anything we're discussing here? Sure, democrats can be assholes. Sure, the idea of "purity" is ludicrous and reminiscent of bad, bad moments of history. Did you understand the topic of this conversation? It was money. Specifically, the very practical and not ideological PRICE that a politician HAS to pay to corporations and big interest groups when they accept their money. It's not about being pure, it's about not being BOUGHT. Being gay, being black, being a woman, are all unimportant details when those candidates fail on the main issues.
This guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. He criticizes Democrats for not taking scumbags money, but if trump took money from some unsavory people, he’d be jumping his shit!
@@lairdriver No, you have no idea. Chris Dodd is a corrupt parasite & Barney Frank is a fool. Dodd-Frank & the CFPB regulated many small banks out of existence (who didn't fund Obama). Afterwards, M&As increased as big banks (like JPM-Chase, who did fund Obama) bought up SMEs, REDUCING financial stability (but improving their share prices & profitability) As for the "regulation" reining in Wall Street, did it stop Wells Fargo creating new accounts and charging fees? Or a new sub-prime credit bubble forming in the auto market?
If you don't accept any quid pro quo, it's fine (not as a system, but as players in the system; everyone here agrees, the system must be changed). Strategically, if Sanders accepted Bloombergs money that would probably be a political blunder as it would blur his image. But his general message is ok, the floodgates are open, you should not blame the players so much. "Taking this path sacrifices the integrity of elections as organized contests for power in favor of some version of a Buckleystyle identification of money spent on political speech as expression that may be fettered, if at all, only in the narrow class of cases when it fosters demonstrable quid pro quo corruption. The spillover effects of opening these floodgates in the United States should stand as a warning to others. Public financing of campaigns has fallen by the wayside as candidates, trapped in the arms-race logic of fund-raising, find that they cannot bind themselves to the voluntary limits that come with accepting public funds. The billion-dollar threshold crossed by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the 2012 campaign is a likely harbinger of the future, as are Senate campaigns in the tens of millions and the need for House members, facing reelection every two years, to run permanent fund-raising machines. Even if some version of compulsory public funding could pass constitutional muster, it would not address the limitless expenditures that Buckley authorizes and Citizens United and SpeechNow amplifies. It would take either a constitutional amendment or a radical transformation of the Supreme Court to undo the damage that the justices have wrought in this area over the past four decades. Though many politicians would benefit from such a change, the collective action obstacles to their getting behind it are colossal. This is to say nothing of the moneyed interests that would throw their weight behind maintaining a new status quo that so substantially increases their political clout."
@@Stand_By_For_Mind_Control I don't know the American system, but where I am the small donations are anonymous. Hard to be a bribe when they don't know who gave the money. But if it's tied to your identity there, then technically it /is/ also a bribe. A bribe worth about "smile at me in the next parade", as opposed to the "gimme oil drilling rights" money the big end of town throws around.
“I just want to know if their money is good”. That is how corruption begins. When “bad people” give money, they want something in return for their money. It’s not a donation, it’s a payment.
@@NoLChefoTSM I know that very few politicians are capable of withstanding the temptation to keep taking money in return for favours. But in theory there's nothing wrong with taking money once. And for the rare honest polictian it may not even be wrong in practice also.
Bernie’s Message: No more of the same! Biden’s Message: No, more of the same! Hey idiot, campaign finance reform is a central tenet of a progressive campaign, and Bernie is a historic campaign.
historically impotent. he's a bust m8. sorry to tell you, he has no chance at the nomination. I'm really fucking glad since he would have lost a landslide
@ReverendDagwood Politics is about power. You either have it, and enact policies, or you don't. There's no participation trophies. You're worried about facism and violence? Have you heard about events in El Paso or Charlottesville, or the politicisation of branches of power? Sure, sit in a corner administering your "political intelligence" purity tests oozing 'ellegance" while the country burns around you. Your naivety is unreal, but you're not alone.
No. Believing that because some rich dude paid you money; you're beholden to everything you said to him is what's wrong with the world. Lie right to their face and then create progressive policies regardless as soon as you get into office. EZ money.
J Y Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are both for public financing of campaigns, along with many other candidates from both the left, and right, in other elections. I understand that you may have heard of that concept first from Yang, but that doesn’t mean that he was the first candidate to suggest it.
Unfortunately we see how the other side acts. So unfortunately we kinda have to play "dirty" to beat the son of a bitch. If it means taking money from possibly bad people then lets do it.
@@Tony29103 you don't have to play dirtymainly because we can just point out how really corrupt he is and if you try it out on us and we're not taking that kind of money it speaks volumes
@@Tony29103 No. My vote is for Mr. Sanders BECAUSE he wants to get money out of politics. I won't vote for anyone else. I don't care about anyone else. I have never seen a man of such integrity and it warms my heart.
Getting Trump out of office IS giving a damn and bringing an end to the unbridled corruption he brought with him. Your values and feelings are your business, and trying to force them onto other people only helps Trump win. Vote, and vote for helping your neighbors and not for making your conscience feel better.
Usually when you take money from special interest groups; don't they expect some kind of special treatment during the term? A Tax break, policy change, something?
I wish Bill knew the Power of Collective Effort and People. Lets say 10 Million people just donate 10 Dollars in a month to Bernie, thats fucking 100 Millions Dollars raised in a single month.
It’s not funny but it’s true, and Bill is right it’s becoming vain and sickening the way Bernie Keeps harping on about taking money from poor people to run his campaign.
@@dexter31able You don't get it... It's not so much about the money, it's the influence that the money brings with it. I thought this was self evident.
This honestly lowered my opinion of Bill's outlook on the coming election. Why attack Bernie when he's the best shot? This whole segment felt like Bloomberg bought it to save face after being embarrassed so badly.
One has to be realistic, money wins elections, because of advertising, staff, etc. You just need money to win. Just take the money. Do what's right. But you have to get there first.
Fuck Corporatist Democrats. Centrist BS is Dead & Progressives are the Future. I don't want to befriend the Fascists Cheering on Concentration Camps for Migrant Children
Yes. Isn't it just. After watching his upfront message about wet markets and dangerous food production, I kind of felt forgiving enough to give him a second chance. But its still painful to discover that he is still a smug son of a bitch.
This seems kinda silly to me. The graphic even shows that Bernie alone (when the party is split) pulled in about half of what Trump got when the Republicans are united. If Bernie won, and got donations from the more centrist half of the party, the difference could end up irrelevant.
Kinda Silly? he really is desperately trying to make Biden the ticket holder, if he does not agree with anyone ok, if he endorses someone ok but c'mon do not delude yourself in your thoughts.
@@whitehawk45 Look, the corporation knows that if the workers run out of money then they run out of money. Bill is right. If Bloomberg wants to spend a half million or a billion dollars a socialist let him! Take the money and shut up! Get him into office then we can put forth our agenda
Can't wait to see Jimmy Dore and Kyle Kullinsky's head explode. Especially since the wounds are still fresh from Super Tuesday, this might be more than they can handle right now.
Argento Chaos So there’s a better option in Syria right now than Assad? Which shithead militant Islamist theocratic group would that be? ISIS? Maybe Al Qaeda?
Yeah, the butthurt will be so good. Poor Bernie. He thought he had a chance. Too bad young people didn't vote, and black people voted for Biden. I love this too much.
@Draco lord People have faith that Sanders will act in their best interests. That's why we vote for him and join his movement. Taking what are essentially lobbying dollars during a campaign is a direct violation of that. You guys following Bernie?
@@jstos3675 I don't know what that means, in all honesty. I am simply trying to explain my original statement, and didn't think I was offending anybody. Seemed pretty legit
Dumb analogy. Accepting money from corporations does not mean you have to spend the money on what they want. Did you even watch the video? Bill covers this.
Most treasury officials were sourced based on the recommendations of Hank Paulson, Bush’s SOT, and CEO of Goldman before taking a desk at Treasury. He suggested Timothy Geigtner, who was President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during Paulson’s term at the Department, to succeed him at Treasury as Secretary, and though Timothy had been a Treasury career employee before working for the FRBNY, he left Treasury in the mid 2000’s to become Managing Director, President, and CEO of Warburg Pincus, a multi-billion dollar investment fund.
So after all this time Maher picks THIS moment to plant his flag about money in politics. Was now really the time to use this to minimize Sanders? How was the crowd even laughing at some of this?
He's such a hack now that I bet he installed laughter and applause signs in the studio. What a conniving little bitch he's become with enough money to never work and remain highly comfortable for 25 or more lifetimes. Loved how Rogan exposed his horseshit without trying and while being polite. Maher, go take up jiu-jitsu you soft bodied, weak minded, unapologetically arrogant, smugnorant C*%T.
@Mai Mariarti Yup, it's totally trolling to raise your voice to rich liars advocating for the further corruption of our country. What color are the skies on your world?
It’s a little suspicious since he’s said nothing after all this time with the debates, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Super Tuesday happens and now he’s “indirectly” supporting the most pro establishment candidate available
I have no problem with them taking money from basically anybody; as long as they aren't selling out in return. If I were to ever run for public office I'd gladly take money from anyone who wanted to donate to me but it wouldn't change how I'd vote on anything. In fact nothing would make me happier than taking money from corporations and billionaires who thought they were buying my vote/support on some issue and then realizing that they weren't going to get it lol. That said, we don't usually find out who has been bought by these unsavory donors until they're already in office so I do understand why a lot of voters care about who the candidates are taking money from
sirsinnes - he’s totally unoriginal and just spouting mainstream corporate media talking points. Unilateral disarmament? Bernie spent more than Biden. Bloomberg spent much more and lost. There will soon come a time when money doesn’t count and decency, principle and integrity wins. Biden spends nothing and doesn’t even campaign and wins a few states on pure name recognition and mindless conformity by a brainwashed TV watching mob. Joe has one office in California. Bernie has 24. Who is serious? Who is electable?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women, created by the go, you know the, you know the thing!” (Joe Biden 2020) But Bill Maher the super genius will get behind Biden and back a corrupt sellout neoliberal warmonger with dementia. He should run against tRUMP as a Republican. Do you know why Joe lost in his 1988 run, Bill? Because he was a liar and a plagiarist. He claimed he had earned three degrees and finished in the top half of his class. It turned out he had one degree and finished near the bottom of the class. You want that man to go up against tRUMP? A man with a worse record than Hillary who repeatedly plagiarizes speeches and lies about his own accomplishments? Who can not even form coherent sentences now & will be destroyed by tRUMP in debates and attack ads? You think Joe at 303330 is electable? Get real. He will lose worse than Hillary because he is worse and being a man won’t help. He’s not as sharp or principled as her.
@Plo Koon lol, she lost to Trump who had even fewer principles. And she beat Sanders, who had more. You're not very bright America doesn't care about principles and integrity. We don't fight ignorance, we embrace it. Until that changes we deserve the politicians we get
How does accepting donations compromise them? You don't have to be beholden to them, just take it when offered and do what you want. If they get mad and go elsewhere, so be it. Take the money where you (legally) can.
@@brandoncaudill6864 you answered your own question. "If they get mad"... they will spend $ against you they will support your opponent to get you kicked out of office. This is common knowledge ppl lets FORCE ppl use there brains
How can there be so many downvotes?? It’s ridiculous. The message is crystal clear and makes complete sense. Take the money and do the right thing. I donation shouldn’t mean u own that person or entity anything. If I was running for president and somebody gave me money, I would act like they believe I will do what is right and I will use it how I want to use it, not how they expect me to pay them back.
ryne green you poor soul , you got Trump because almost four years ago people like you were saying stuff like this and instead of voting for Hilary didn’t vote, now tell me how she would have been worst than Trump. It is not possible to be this stupid or selfish... @James Schultz comment was perfectly articulated this is not a time to fuck around!
I'm one of those people who sends Bernie money. I am a teacher and not exactly middle class, but I and my family get by. I have no problem chipping in. I am glad Bernie is not accepting money from superpacs and oligarchs. He was and is for the working class people. We have this chance to finally elect someone into the White House who will create big and huge change for our country, so lets not ruin it.
I know it's sad that the last great President we had was FDR. This would be the best one in my life time. But one can dream, and then there is reality that America has voted against it's better nature more often then not.
@@dolliscrawford280 Apparently you missed the so-called impartial trial in the Senate...The entire GOP has become infected with Moronavirus,thanks to Benedict Orangeade and the Cult45 Wranglers.
@@joshpit2003 Wall street did better under Obama. Nothing is free my man. If you think I'm lying take money from the mobsters and refuse to pay or do what they want, and see where you end up.
@@joshpit2003 After the banks caused 2008's Financial Collapse, instead of sending the Wall Street bankers to prison, Obama gave them a *$13 Trillion dollar BailOut* (see article). Do you honestly think that the Millions of dollars in donations/lobbying Obama received had zero "influence" on his decision?
What the hell kind of principle is it to allow a monster who rapes women and children to destroy our country and planet all because you don't want to take money from undesireable people? We are in the fight of our lives now and you have to get a little dirty.
@@elizabethkraszewski6603 corporate push to control the narratives is complete. They got Maher, Cobert, and mikey moore... this is why Jon Stewart left television. 70 years of cold war lies buy the intelligence community. Fool me once? You know the George. Lol
@@carolinapeters4881 With the side benefit of not having said food poisoned, to go with it. But then again, it's tradition in America to offer up our children to Molech-Mammon. It's what we preach from our pulpits, elect to rule us, and continue to worship as it devours us. Molech-Mammon always fulfills his promises, both in riches, and when it is time to claim his due.
But he should also stop with the “Bernie Bro” stereotype. First of all, there are plenty of boomers who like Bernie. Second, disparaging a whole generation is not the best campaign strategy, and that’s exactly what Democratic spokespeople are doing.
monokhem If top politicians keep screwing the working class, things will get much uglier. That’s what FDR recognized, and he pushed for socialist programs. He averted revolution. That’s one thing today’s Democrats don’t recognize.
@monokhem lol, damn, you are the ultimate contrarian, aren't you? I was agreeing with you on young people being stupid, and you had to find a way to go against what I was saying, hahaha. I suppose I can see how you thought that as an attack on you, since the Itchy and Scratchy owner was a greedy, crotchety older man. But that part was immediately after the kids all had unrealistic expectations and wanted everything without working for it. At the end of the day, everybody is stupid. Young, old, rich, poor. We're ALL FUCKED.
Aye, the ol' cognitive dissonance. Do you at least acknowledge Bill makes a good point? Bernie is turning away money just so he can virtue signal that he's the purest candidate. Accepting money from corporations does NOT mean he has to spend it how they want him to spend it; if he wanted to he could use the money to put out ads talking shit on the corporations that sent him the money.
4:22 Complete public financing of campaigns the only fair solution...As I was typing a nasty comment, not happy with the opening of this video, hey, I'm fully on board with Bill! Public financing of campaigns would be a massive step forward. Bill in for VP if he can work on this one issue.
...and Obama bailed out Wall Street... I wait to watch Bill every week, and this is the weakest line of argument I have ever heard from him: “...not a donation, it’s a fine...” might sound funny but it’s patently absurb.
IMPENDING DOOM Obama also gave in to the oil industry, banks and big pharmaceutical companies so yeah. We haven’t had a good president in decades they either making things worse for the average person or (try) to balance things so we don’t fall apart while still staying the same. So in the end we’re decline more and more every year.
Being relatively intelligent doesn't mean that every point you make is valid. If anything Maher's biggest flaw as a political commentator is that he thinks that he never expresses a stupid belief about anything. He has many stupid opinions...
no kidding dude. I personally prefer losing elections as long as I can say "IM MORE PURE THAN YOU". I mean, hell, I'm sure Republicans don't submit to corporate influence anyway so it's basically fine to handicap your entire party for a campaign slogan.
This is the fact that people on the left miss: Rich donors on the right are paying to get candidates elected that will LOWER their taxes Whereas, Rich donors on the left are paying to get candidates elected that will RAISE their taxes. On group is voting in their own economic interests and the other is voting against it. See the difference? I wish we had publicly funded campaigns were everyone got the same amount to spend and that the campaigns were shorter. But I also want a pony. As long as this is the system that exists take the money. Do not be beholden to it but is someone is writing the check, cash it.
Bill makes some good points here although I think he misses two points: 1--- Having the most money doesn't always win elections (Clinton vastly outspent Trump and Bloomberg was a disaster). 2--- Bernie's donor talking point is usually to demonstrate how many people are willing to give to support him, not solely to demonstrate a purity point. I also knew, just *knew*, that when the tide turned to Biden, he'd immediately deliver a pro-corporatist missive.
Agree, although Maher misses more than two points. Such as the implicit quid pro quo when a donor gives big money, and that Obama's Wall St reform bills were way inadequate.
no doubt. but losing because you hamstring your campaign by turning down money is fucking gross negligence. It wouldn't be if you just didn't win, but when you lose an election, THE OTHER GUY WINS IT! And I promise he's using every fucking dollar (foreign and domestic) he can get his grubby hands on and will happily submit to corporate wishes in order to get it.
Oof, I was an audience member with my dad in this one. Im relatively new to this guy's show so I didn't know what to expect and hoo boy. My dad has never disagreed with Bill on ANYTHING and has watched him since he was on air. So you can imagine how caught off guard he was when he said this stuff.
Try listening to what he said. He advocated for complete government funding of elections, as many other countries do. No PACs or Super PACs, no donations: get rid of all of it - everyone gets a level playing field. But you can't make changes like that if you don't win. Bernie won't win the primary - Biden's going to gaff the general election. Trump is going to get re-elected. All because of your purity test bullshit. Take the money. Win the election. Change the rules. Turn Principles into Policy. Policy matters, your principles aren't worth shit.
@@Yvaelle That makes sense only if you believe for a second that the reason Bernie can't get the nomination is a lack of funding - and that just is not the case. As you must know, if yoy've been paying any attention at all. (The taking the money, that is. Obviously public funding of elections is the democratic thing to do.)
@monokhem You're dismissing a movement as a cult of personality. You realise Bermie is just the current leader, don't you? There was Occupy Wallstreet before him (among others), and there'll be others after. It's not about Bernie, it's about justice. It says so right in his campaign slogan. "Not me. Us." What do you think that means?
@monokhem So. On the off chance that Bernie isn't what he appears to be (a genuine progressive championing nearly every cause we care about), let's vote for the guy we KNOW is corrupt, pervy, AND probably going senile? Sound reasoning, right there.
What the hell kind of principle is it to allow a monster who rapes women and children to destroy our country and planet all because you don't want to take money from undesireable people? We are in the fight of our lives now and you have to get a little dirty.
@@Rpzinna Dude he is arguing in favor of money in politics and keep buying into the same corrupt system. Also the guy lives in an alternate universe where Obama was this super progressive president when in fact he was exactly like Bush in various aspects.
All I ever really wanted was a good personal life and a good work life. That was too much to ask for in this world. So, In the course of human events, yeah, it's too much to ask for honest politians.
"you're saying you want to run as a people's honest candidate and not as a corrupt slimy politician? What are you, 7? Of course you have to be corrupt, it's the only way you can win!" That's his argument in a nutshell
@No need to worry about my username - Do you mean a corrupt slimy politician like Obama, who took Wall Street money then passed legislation that hurt them? Corrupt is as corrupt does. It's not taking the money that makes you corrupt; it's how you act after receiving it.
Yvonne Tomenga - Obama bailed out Wall Street when he should have let them go broke and go to prison. Obama is a corrupt neoliberal corporatist loser like Bill Maher.
@@Bruce_K - The Wall Street bailout was bi-partisan to keep the USA from slipping from recession into depression. If you dislike Obama, that's your privilege in a free country. However, it isn't logical to blame him for consensus actions.
@Axiom Steel I'd love to debate on this but this post is so old that I cant remember what it was about. The only thing I can say is that we shouldn't just accept corruption. And move on no matter how long it's been going on.
@John Taylor Really. What better way to win an election than to alienate likely or potential allies. Most of them did not even have a MOTHER during the Vietnam war in the Civil Rights Movement!
They tanked the economy and no CEO went to jail. The CFPB was a compromise with criminals. Beware of the white moderate. They only offer order, not justice.
I think its fair to say that after the crisis most americans wanted him to be just a wee bit rougher with wallstreet, you know maybe just a few extra orange jumpsuits here and there
Obama was so tough on Wall Street that he gave them positions in his administration. Here are just a few names. Neal Wolin Deputy secretary of the treasury (Tim Geithner’s No. 2) Exec at one of the largest insurance and investment firms Mark Patterson Treasury secretary’s chief of staff Goldman Sachs lobbyist Gene Sperling Counselor to the treasury secretary Made nearly $900,000 advising Goldman Sachs Larry Summers Obama’s chief economic adviser Made $5 million as managing director of a hedge fund Rahm Emanuel White House chief of staff Made $16 million as a partner at a Chicago investment bank Herbert Allison Assistant secretary of the treasury (oversees TARP) Longtime exec at Merrill Lynch; headed Fannie Mae Kim Wallace Assistant secretary of the treasury for legislative affairs Managing director at Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers Karthik Ramanathan Acting assistant treasury secretary for financial markets Foreign exchange dealer at Goldman Sachs Matthew Kabaker Deputy assistant secretary of the treasury Made $5.8 million at the Blackstone Group in 2008-2009 Lewis Alexander Counselor to the treasury secretary Chief economist at Citigroup; paid $2.4 million in 2008-2009 Adam Storch Managing executive of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement VP of Goldman Sachs’ Business Intelligence Group Lee Sachs Counselor to the treasury secretary Made more than $3 million at a New York hedge fund Gary Gensler Chairman of Commodity Futures Trading Commission 18 years at Goldman Sachs, where he made partner Michael Froman Deputy assistant to Obama, deputy nat’l security adviser Managing director of a Citigroup investment arm
Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the peasants.
May I use that saying sir?
@mukund p had not realised thx for the info!
Sign me up!
Best comment on our present stupidity on the board......
It's a modified MLK quote. We don't use the word rugged as much as we use to. Lol
Nothing will truly change until we get money out of our politics. People over profits!
Cute bumper sticker, but that's meaningless. You can chant stupid slogans all day, but the Koch family and other republicans will dump billions collectively into winning house seats and senate seats. They'll spend a million to win a seat in Idaho and Wyoming and Utah and Kansas because it grantees them a tax cut.
They spend $1 million every two years and get back $10 million with tax cuts per year. Meanwhile you want to fight them with a piggy bank and bumper stickers.
Spoiler, the coexist stickers haven't ended racism. Bumper sticker slogan b.s. don't win elections.
..that´s the thing..been fucking yelling that for years, but is like yelling the king is naked except nobody gives shit. Politicians play Monopoly and somewhere in the game you maximize profits on medical care on behalf of you donors ...its fucking grotesque and inmoral, ´......simple flu goes to brochitis and if you cant pay you die or have to get a 2nd mortgage, then the bank owns you. Same for education... impossible to pursue happiness when voters are ignorant pawns
Observer 101514120505 ..amen brother
It's simple to do: no more political advertising, period. Politicians can have a website with regulated content, plus public debates. No need for the slush fund "campaign donations". Problem is both the RNC and DNC are addicted to money.
It's proven that money buys elections
You can't get money out of politics unless you have a democratic supreme Court which requires money to get
You need money to get money out of politics one day
I admire Bernie Sanders' ethics, so he's not beholden to these corporate pacs.
Which is probably why he cant win.
I do too, but he also needs to be pragmatic. He's running on idealism, and he only gotten worse since 2016. He won't get anything done in DC with that.
@@Erikpdx if Biden wins than Trump will get elected
@@miaa7097 at least an equal number of people say that about Bernie Sanders. Maybe what we're all saying is Trump can't lose
If Bernie is the guy, then I'm sure he will be mentioning the ethical purity of his campaign in his concession speech around midnight November 20th.
The heartlands of American will explode at the thought of a COMMUNIST!!! being elected. In their 'minds' they'd rather be Russian than communist.
Bill Maher 2016: "Bernie can't be bought- what a hero!"
Bill Maher 2020: "Bernie can't be bought- what a moron!"
Zeebo Cormican Bernie losing in 2016 and then in 2020 will do that
Apparently Bill can be bought by Rupert Murdoch.
Funny how Hillary Clinton had more money than Donald Trump but still lost.
Wow frfr lol
Did Bill Maher really just do a segment on why bribery is good? Tell that to any other country that actually has a functioning democracy and you would be laughed out of the world stage.
No, he did a segment about living in the world that _is,_ rather than the one that _ought to be._
@@zesty9815 Almost all of the world considers that bribery except the United States and similar countries with just as corrupt of a system.
@@zesty9815 Right, because half a billion dollars spent on a campaign sure helped Bloomberg out. Maher is a complete fucking moron when it comes to politics. He knows absolutely nothing.
You are one of the reasons Trump will probably remain in office. Instead of focusing on the real enemies, you insist your ideologies and stubborn personality-based politics (Bernie). You are probably one of those who will not vote for a Democratic candidate if Bernie fails to get the nomination.
Iam an Indian guy n I agree with bill Maher. USA has gotta do anything they can to defeat trump this time. It was hacked before, can be hacked again. Americans were and still are racists. However, iam sorry I guess you're watching bill Maher from a recent time. Coz he's known for his extreme liberal views. Consider this a small attempt to balance the society. We have rightwing terrorists lynching and killing us here on streets.. watch more bill maher and the best thing to do is laugh at his jokes and study his perspective there's a lot to learn.
"when you take money from bad people, it's money that they, the bad people, don't have".
Yeah, yeah, it's well known that mafia, when they lend you money, never ask anything in return.
@monokhem No, but they bribe the cops and gov't like the mafia does.
@monokhem Okay, just ignore the mountain of evidence that proves the opposite. Just because it's legal, doesn't mean it's not bribery. Not all laws are written. Corporations care about their bottom line period.
@monokhem There is not a shred of evidence that bought politicians don't use their money to influence regulation? When is the last time you gave somebody a million dollars and expected nothing in return? GTFO!!! Trump literally bragged about this. Bloomberg said it on accident, but we all know it to be true.
@@GGSTormSC They have the end of their careers to look forward to. Also, isn't that what the mafia does? You give them money so that other bastard, evil mafia doesn't come and fuck up your business? Pay the dems so the reps don't trash your store front.
Live in fear much?
Bill's audience: I came here to applaud and, DAMN IT, I'm gonna applaud no matter what!
I read this comment as the applause interrupted him yet again.
Sue Bob lmfaoooo
Its eye rolling scary know...people agree with the premise?
I agree, but it sounded like they didn't know whether to applaud or not, very confused, lately it has been happening more often than not.
It’s not about spiritual “purity”. It’s about curbing systemic corruption. It’s about working for the electorate instead of for the 1% who paid for your campaign.
Is it good to always view the world as an "us against them?"
Brian, that’s not what this is. Democracy comes from the Greek “demos” which means “people” and “cratos” which means “power”. But if the true power shifts away from the people and towards the 1% who buy lawmakers, you no longer have a “demos cratos” but a “corporate cratos”. Or Corporatocracy, if you will.
This isn’t “us versus them”.
This is us.
Obviously. It's a nice gesture. But if Republicans play dirty then we have to too. Focus on getting Bernie in the white house and then we can do the campaign finance reform. Mark my words, Trump is going to win in November. and this is one of many reasons why.
@@i2pjd6hRw5P i never understood the "if they play dirty then we will have to as well" meme.
So if Putin somehow ran for president and started killing members of the press and blackmailing delegates, would that mean you would do the same?
Is civility a luxury that goes out the window immediately when ever power is at stake?
So are you suggesting that if billionaires did donate to Bernie's campaign, it would automatically influence how he makes policies? Distinctions need to be made here. The act of accepting donated money to help political campaigns is a systemic error, whether it be from billionaires or poor people. So the actual problem is whether people taking money are making policies that benefit corporations, not the literal act of simply using money donated by a billionaire.
Just donated to Bernie following your show. Thanks, Bill!
Well unless you donated $100m dollars he still has zero chance. Don't you want Sanders as president at all costs?
Your an idiot
@@toddrobertson1398 You're*
That's like buying stock in circuit chance of coming back
Sorry you have to deal with all of these fuckwits who think Hillary Clinton 2.0 is gonna beat Trump. Just because we don't get down in the sewer, eyeball deep in shit like them, doesn't mean we have to tell them how good they smell. That's twice now that these fucking idiots have let the most awful, most easily defeatable candidate become the President of the United States. I'm calling it already. Biden can't even remember his own name. What a train wreck.
New Rule: Why having integrity when it matters is important and why a centrist candidate will lose to Trump again.
I wish. Bill seems to be losing it more and more the last couple of years.
O.P. Yates yet he will Moo the floor with Biden. Just shows the Democrats are done. A failed party that should not even exist. They are all republicans anyways. Might as well just have the one party.
@O.P. Yates Trump isn't the dumbest person ever. He's the smartest and most conniving con man the world has ever seen.
@O.P. Yates I might add that his superpower is that he lacks a conscience.
@Justin Marion Yeah neither was I but this country is full of some seriously naive or just plain stupid people. Actually I think a big part of the problem in the US is that we have this so-called "strong work ethic" which translates to people work all the damn time and don't have enough time to keep up on what's really going on around them so they just make decisions based off of very little information because they don't have time to find out what's really going on. In other words we have mass ignorance in this country.
Bill's inspiring message in a nutshell:
Let the status quo of the establishment continue to thrive so the corporate PAC's can continue to buy off & influence our elected officials.
People like yourself are part of the problem.
Hibbs4Prez Why?Because you don’t agree with their opinion. Because I think this person is on point!
If l'm not mistaken, Sander's campaign has raised lots of money. If money won elections, wouldn't Styers and Bloomberg be the only 2 candidates? Think of all the positive things that could be done with the amount of money already wasted on losing campaigns. Just throw more money out. Using this logic, just pay people to vote for you. Would any of you vote for a candidate you didn't want if they offered you more money than the candidate you do like? Trump got plenty of free election coverage. He was on cable news 24/7. Sanders could take billions from billionaires and still lose. People need to be motivated to vote or motivated NOT to vote. I fear the election will be 2 old men with dementia debating each other and pundits telling us which one is more coherent. Doesn't look promising at all.
@@Hibbs4Prez People like you don't even vote in presidential or midterms election and yet you want purity. By allowing Trump to get elected you have allowed money to stay in politics and let conservatives take over the supreme court. Purity and Apathy has allowed corruption to spread, you people aren't even as innocent as you want candidates to be. Bill is simply saying to be realistic and practical based on the circumstances you have, and yet all you people are saying is “everyone is corrupt”.
You Purity people aren't very bright, you do realize that you need to do more than just elect Bernie, don't you?????
The ends justify the means sometimes, especially if it stops Trump from being reelected.
I'm not a huge Bernie fan, but this is dumb. You can only take those donations by agreeing to let the 0.01% continue to wreak havoc on the average person and the environment.
@@PlzPr3sspl4y Yea, but that would only work once
@@PlzPr3sspl4y how did it work? Obama made Large banks less competitive and ensure the small guys are screwed. Have you read dode frank?its aweful
@@Dan16673 Yup, Obama was great for Wall Street and the Banks. The banks are now much bigger than when they were too big to fail.
Pr3ssPl4y but yet the people still suffer.
@@Relevant_Saga0 people will always suffer...its winners and losers in everything.
This audience will literally applaud anything, even broke Americans! Smh 🤦♂️
Basically the same thing at a Trump pep rally. They hear what they wanna hear when they go to these.
You do realize these audiences have a floor director right? Nothing about a produced talk show is organic.
(shhh) there's a light sign)
Are you a Bernie Bro who watches TYT like a conservative who takes Fox News for gospel? Do you blame Obama for the bank bailouts? If so, I can't help you. Please don't waste my time with Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur bullshit
@@Rpzinna yeah, lets hear from senile chris matthews while he pisses his pants.
Or maybe lying fredo at cnn?
Or from corporate sell out Bill Maher?
Lowest I have ever seen Bill Maher go - I watched the beginning, 2 segments in the middle and 15 seconds of the end - I think less than a minute, not worth my time
Bill is losing it, JP Morgan writes the script now, he's sold his soul to the devil like most frustrated tiny men
Keep thinking like that and you'll eventually learn to love losing.
@@OK-hr5dc not when the opposition does everything to destroy you.
@@trainerred1345 Depends on your definition of losing. I'd say that anyone who will stop at nothing to get what they want are the ultimate losers. It takes courage and strength to gracefully bear with a loss for the sake of integrity and the common good. Sometimes doing the right thing will cost you in material things, but it will gain you a good nights rest if not a soul.
@@geralddecaire6664 tell that to all the people who live in gerrymandered states where because of the division the majority lives under minority rule. Tell that to the supreme court justices that the GOP keeps adding. Tell that to the presidential elections we keep losing even though we get a majority vote. Screw getting a good night's sleep and screw the idea of having a clear conscience. That mind set is for losers. I love Michelle Obama, but us going high when they go low got us Trump elected in the first place. I am willing to fight, but when the guy your fighting brings a gun to a fist fight...that is where you stop playing by the rules.
@@trainerred1345 Then to you Ghandi, MLK and even Jesus were losers. And I guess a no name posting bullshit on TH-cam is the all-time winner? Let me write that down.
Full response:
Bill: "The people are broke," in other words - Grassroots fundraising is ineffective because there is not a lot of money to give
Response: Simple math dictates that a large number of people contributing little is proportional to a large number of people giving a lot. He cites Bernie's numbers and compares it to Trump's, that's because we were in a primary with a bunch of candidates so a lot of money went to a lot of different places. This always happens, so the statistic is misleading. Like, yes, the entire Republican party will raise more than one democrat out of 20.
Bill: "Pure losers," in other words - Having principles will lead to you being a loser, including the "bringing a hug to a gunfight" stuff
Response: We tried that in 2016 and lost. Part of the whole reason Trump won was because he pointed out "Crooked Hillary's" corruption. Of course, he was lying, but what leg did Hillary have to stand on when he could constantly bring up all the money the establishment was giving her? Run an _actual_ leftist populist who is uncorrupted and the entire dynamic is flipped. People constantly rank corruption near the top when it comes to voting for a candidate and Bill Maher says we should be like the Republicans and stay corrupt. Time and time again, that has shown us that people will just vote for the actual republican.
Bill: "In 2008, no one took more money from Wall St. than Obama, and then he got elected and passed" Dodd Frank, "he made Elizabeth Warren's plan, the CFBP, a reality."
Response: This is a kind reading of history to say the least. Dodd Frank was NOT the largest set of regulations on Wall St. It was so weak that they could all be repealed by Trump just as he got into office. It was already watered down when he signed it and couldn't hold a candle to Glass Stegal, which was not generations ago, it was was repealed in 1998 only 14 years prior to the passage of Dodd Frank. And guess what, under Obama Wall St skyrocketed into a ton of new bubbles. Do you think Wall St. donations had something to do with that? Next, Elizabeth Warren had to push obama to get the CFBP - he fought against it, but his hand was forced. Lastly, he did not "fuck them over" again. Wall St donors are not idiots, they know who is going to play by their rules.
Bill: "If Trump can take money from criminals, you can take it from Aetna"
Response: Again, the tone here reveals how little Bill knows about the reality of health care in this country. The existence of private health care is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths each year. Being "like Trump" is not how you beat him. You beat him by principled and standing against what he stands for. If you run and say "I'm Trump, except well mannered," you are going to get a total of 10 votes and lose. Fuck around and find out just like you did in 2016. Remember who the loser was, right? You.
Bill: "If you take money from bad people, it's money they don't have"
Response: Holy shit this point is the worst point I've ever heard lol. THERES A REASON THEY'RE GIVING AWAY MONEY IT'S AN INVESTMENT. Damn, the fact that he made this point invalidates this whole damn segment.
Bill says the only fair system is complete public financing of elections. Yes, I agree. But that's not gonna happen if we always force an election between Trump and well-mannered Trump.
Last point: Bill treats Trump as a random bad time, and not a symptom of the system. If we turn back the clock to 2015, we'll just get another Trump.
He doesn't need to know the facts, since he's just a mouth on tv. But well done on the responses. Great counterpoints to his rediclous logic.
beatleplayer1011 That's one of the best comments I've ever read. You're spot on. P.S. I'm done with Bill (the Shill) Maher.
Thank you bro I usually agree with Bill on most things but I vehemently disagree here. He just sounds clueless and out of touch he's living in an elitist bubble..
Every thing you state is basically correct except Corrupt Hillary....while SoS you can clearly see the pattern of donate to the Clinton Foundation...... Hillary n pushes their agenda regardless of how it effects the the establishment funding her is not close to being corrupt accusations voters believed when she was already well known and proven to be corrupt....
Well said
This monologue makes perfect sense when I turn off the part of my brain that know that money buys influence.
David Madison because in the history of the world no ones ever had the balls to say fuck you to someone who gave them money??? Lol
When the choice is between take the money or loose , you damn well should take the money and get rid of Trump and then say fuck you to anyone who think you owe them a favor, and do the freakin job for the people. That’s what a solid person should be capable of doing, stop with the bullshit... unless they are holding a literal gun to your head it is bullshit
@@grichkatayou7558 If you take the money, the people who vote for you, but didn't give you a huge check, are the ones who lose, no matter which candidate is elected. The point is not to win, it is to have a government that responds to the needs of the voters, not the billionaire contributors. Is a corrupt Democrat that much better than a corrupt Republican? In the long run is there any difference at all?
@@paulpeterson4216 when its an existential absolutely is about winning. It doesn't and shouldn't matter who the nominee is, because if Democrats don't win this upcoming election....say bye to the institutions, the 3 branches of Government, Roe v. Wade, fighting Globalwarming.......EVERYTHING...this election is not about our ideals, our political views, .....its about still having a government and not an authoritarian that will take everything away. For Gods sake, get that through your thick head.
@@jto2385 Ok Numbskull, (so long as we are trading insults), it is not about Democrats winning, it is about Populists winning, and secondly about Progressives winning. Trump is a moron and a disaster, but Biden would be no better. A Biden victory, as vanishingly unlikely as it is, would ensconce the establishment oligarchy for a generation or more, and that is as likely to end what we have left of representative government as Trump would be.
Bernie can beat Trump, but ONLY by being true to his principles. If Bernie were to take Bloomburg's bribes, then he would look like a hypocrite and lose. Biden will lose to Trump, and lose badly. Bernie can beat Trump, but only by being Bernie, and not by being a bought and paid for stooge of the establishment.
Then that's the weak-ass politicians you pick. Just like Bill said Obama fucked wall street. And still took their money.
Big money comes with strings attached. That’s how you get a system where both parties cut taxes for the rich across the board
The strings are only promises. It's not like accepting a million dollars from a donor for a campaign actually gives them the power of your office if you win. It's all about whether the person running has any integrity. If you're approaching it from the standpoint of every politician lacking any integrity, why even vote? Is there something that would stop them from just accepting the money later as a bribe?
@@jamesoakes4842 That's the problem. It IS like a bribe! Flabbergasted Mayer of all people can't see that.
@@jamesoakes4842 Example, Biden ha said if someone i donating millions to his campaign, he would definitely take that person's phone call. Yes, politician who take big money are beholden to those donors and they DO enact policies tht benefit those donors, regardless of the letter next to that person's name. Just one example, Biden and Buttigieg were originally for Medicare for All much like Bernie Sanders). Then they began recieving lrge donations from special interests who represent the Pharmaceutical industry. Now, they resort to parroting right wing talking points to fight against a system they previously supported. Big money corrupts. Yes, its a promise, and the politicians who accept the money fulfill those promises.
@@jamesoakes4842 I just want to present the "wine cave" scenario as example. This doesn't happen with a quick phone call, where they exchange pleasantries and someone gives the candidate a million bucks. The billionaires invite candidates to their wine cave, or some other analogous venue, and then proceed to indoctrinate them into their world view. It's only AFTER the candidate convincingly adheres to the billionaire's world view that the candidate receives ANY money. They sure as hell ain't giving to a guy who doesn't compromise.
Derrick Belanger: Bloomberg's "strings attached" are pretty good ones. He wants more gun control & action on global warming. He has already given hundreds of millions of dollars to causes like that. He is also one of the main reasons that the Dems now control the House & Trump got impeached (even if the Senate Repugs wouldn't remove him).
It's called having integrity and character. Unfortunately those things don't matter to most people anymore. Our country is truly in a sad state of affairs, and I don't think we will recover from it.
Oh please everyone is imperfect and those are just arbitrary moral standards that have no concrete tangible results in the real world.
"I don't care if they're bad, I just wanna know if their money is good." Really ? Am I the only one who got a major issue with that statement ?
Yeah he irked me on that one
saxyrep 1 YEP!!!
The establishment is corrupt, it’s so normal to them, that they brag about it on TV.
I'm with you. It's like the left can't wrap its head around the fact that these tactics have made it just an alternative, not the BETTER alternative. It's sad because we need something. But it's god awful depressing because these are the people who swear they won't be like this. But they are. They're just as inauthentic, just as out of touch.
@El Draco
Well he kinda adressed those. He said to take their money and f*** them like Obama did.
"This is how you play the game...." is the PROBLEM. When you take it, you owe them. I love your show, but I'm not with you on this one. It's time to change the system.
Someone needs to get in there who will rewrite the rules and change the game. How often do we get a real hope and change candidate? Of course it will be an uphill battle. Like retrieving a steak from a hungry lions mouth! Referring to hardworking much maligned Bernie!
I’m not with him on this one either
He makes me laugh but not this segment
Next he’ll say we might as well cheat at the elections too... like the gop
Except you're living in la la land, it won't get changed, and the dems will only lose more elections and more seats in congress. You suddenly think even tho this is how things have worked in most capacities since the dawn on human history and the rich are more powerful than EVER that bernie sanders is really going to change the system? You really think he even can? Better to not be pure and get someone who at least tries to do things in your favor than the guy who's going to lose bigtime in the election and the other guy will keep screwing you over even more
He’s saying play the game and when you get elected fix it
@@sebastianhorton-vega2469 No dummy - that's when all the promised favours that the _money_ bought gets called in. Nothing gets fixed.
Uh, didn’t Hillary try this last time?... she had lots of blood money from banks, lobbyists, PACS etc. & was a moderate centrist & what was the result again?
3 mln voters more
Inebriatd yeesh, you don’t have to agree with everything Bill says, you pleb
Taking money from banks =/= moderate policy. Just look at Obama and Dodd frank.
william francis lmfao Obama was a moderate with a good deal of social awareness
The fact that Bill has to explain this, should be the clue....that they have no clue?
“I’ve got some bad news for you, the people are broke.”
That’s because politicians keep on taking money from corporations, and politicians serve them, not the people.
You’re the one out of touch with reality, Bill.
Thank you. He's become such a shill!
The people are broke because we’ve got 20 million plus illegal foreign nationals living here . They get everything free while we have to pay . You’re simply not going to get rid of the rich unless you want a country like Venezuela
@@marcusmagice - Haha. That's not true...
Money comes from Corporations who candidates will do their bidding and Biden admits "if you vote for me nothing will change." Opposed to Bernie For The People and not grow Corporations even bigger. Out of touch Mahr!
Is it me or is Bill beginning to sound like Biden?
Maher has always been a puppet.
David Cratt Trump!
@@DustinMikkelsen Not true--but the older he gets...
Bill Maher has gone full Conservatard Corporatist Democrat. Fuck him and anyone who agrees with him
@@native307 Stfu
"I don't care if they're bad, as long as their money is good" . . . THAT sums up exactly what's wrong in this society & especially in politics.
Bill shows his true colors stronger with every show.
You don't get what he is saying at all
@@thegreatreno-vator2234 hes saying be a normal politician so take the money and fuck em after
@@Aj_470 Except that they don't "fuck em after" because they're looking for the next hand out.
@@Aj_470 that doesnt happen. Obama was in bed with the banks. Bill has been corrupted by money. Wake up
The really disturbing thing is how often Bill Maher is right and those who criticize him are wrong.
He is slightly wrong with this though, they do need to stop being too write & acting like everyone's an angel or the devil. But the thing bill missed is when gang leaders & foreign govt's give you money, they're not being nice, is certainly not a "donation", you don't need to be a genius to know that they're giving you the cash in exchange for relaxed rules or something
Bill is completely ignoring the fact that when somebody gives you money, they are going to expect something in return from you.
no. the really disturbing thing is that voters are clearly so easily swayed by money.
I am sorry, but what does the one have to do with the other? @@mikethe1wheelnut
publicly funded elections with set term limits could fix a whole lot in our country.
We do have term limits, they're called elections. If people want to vote for Obama three times or more, why not?
@NoFaceKira. Agreed. Tbh not sure we should even have a Supreme Court, for every Roe v Wade it seems like they pull 3 Citizens United.
@NoFaceKira. Yes, lets introduce even more political philosophy into the Court, that will solve everything. /s
Term limits aren’t awful, I guess. But ranked-choice-voting is even more important to be paired with public funding of elections.
Richsplaining 100
This is Bill Maher revealing who he is and what's important to him.
Yeah to do whatever you got to do to beat trump I think he made that loud and clear
@@jasonsaenz8959 or pick the guy who wont tax my ass
Vorol really. He puts his money where his mouth is.
F... Maher 😣
@@rjframe4410 the dems want to tax the uber rich. thats not you.
One of Bill’s worst takes ever.
Yeah take $$$ from Bloomy or George Soros 🙄... didnt Mayor Mike say he "bought" congress seats? 🤔
Agreed. It was simplistic and showed the flawed libertarianism of Maher very well. Nowhere does he suggest that much of this money from the really rich is given with the sense of expecting something in return, a condition that works more often than not or they wouldn't keep donating. He also doesn't admit that the rich give money to both sides of the political fence playing both sides for maximum benefit Maher is at his worst when he is being all smug about how "realistic" he is being and how naive the "purists" are.
The audience is so confused they don't even know when to clap anymore s/o to one person clapping when he said bernie isn't gonna take stop and search Bloomberg dirty money..
I think that was one of those rare independent thinkers in the crowd who didn't blindly go along with what Bill was saying.
Glad someone else notices. Bill is a very contradicting man.
Bernie will take the money - just not directly. If Bernie is nominated and Bloomberg runs millions in ads for him, and millions more against Trump, be assured that he will not condemn them in any meaningful way,
Pat Doyle - Do you really think Bloomberg would fund commercials for Sanders?
I am not certain, but I think he would. He'd probably fund more for Biden, but it is in his self interest to get rid of Cheetolini - and hopefully he has some degree of patriotism too.
Is not a donation... _its a bribe._
But a bribe is not 'a sure thing'.
Cambridge Dictionary: to try to make someone do something for you by giving them money...
Ur not dumb ur stupid
@@jongeunkim9254 so if the guy buys dinner (bribes), the woman has literally no other choice and is FORCED at "moral????" gun point to sleep with him?
@@adorable3817 so if he buys her dinner and she doesnt go out with him should he continue buying dinner for her? People don't give money without seeing a return on investment.
Honey, it's a donation, not a bribe. If it were, Bernie would have millions of people charged for bribery.
Bill has completely given up. Time to retire, pal.
Likewise to you too pal
@John Doe These assholes will cost us 2020. The writing is on the wall
@@Rpzinna He's absolutely right, you know. Or you're telling me that you really think that corporations are giving money out of the goodness of their heart?
@@Giby86 Look the reality is the Democratic Party is badly in need of fundraising. The population has little to no money so we don't have a lot of patience with infantile purity tests from Kyle Kulinski. First of for all you Bernie Bros who claim you want racial equality I'm surprised women of color and gay mayors who speak several languages can offend you so much. No Obama was not in office in 2008. Cenk Uyger had it wrong. By the way i saw that fight with the Culinary Union worker. You got some racists, mygonists, and homophobes in that camp and you know it
@@Rpzinna What does that have to do with anything we're discussing here? Sure, democrats can be assholes. Sure, the idea of "purity" is ludicrous and reminiscent of bad, bad moments of history. Did you understand the topic of this conversation? It was money. Specifically, the very practical and not ideological PRICE that a politician HAS to pay to corporations and big interest groups when they accept their money. It's not about being pure, it's about not being BOUGHT. Being gay, being black, being a woman, are all unimportant details when those candidates fail on the main issues.
This guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. He criticizes Democrats for not taking scumbags money, but if trump took money from some unsavory people, he’d be jumping his shit!
"Biggest wall street reform in generations?" You mean the bailout?
He means Dodd-Frank. Screw Dodd and Frank, apparently. And it was garbage legislation anyway.
@@lynxminx4 you have no idea what you are saying
@@lairdriver No, you have no idea. Chris Dodd is a corrupt parasite & Barney Frank is a fool. Dodd-Frank & the CFPB regulated many small banks out of existence (who didn't fund Obama). Afterwards, M&As increased as big banks (like JPM-Chase, who did fund Obama) bought up SMEs, REDUCING financial stability (but improving their share prices & profitability)
As for the "regulation" reining in Wall Street, did it stop Wells Fargo creating new accounts and charging fees? Or a new sub-prime credit bubble forming in the auto market?
Dodd-Frank is gone isn't it?
@@lairdriver I know exactly what I'm saying.
I guess Bill Maher never heard of the concept "Return on Investment."
Perhaps u have never heard of a concept called "Fucking them over"
David Collin Hannah you guys missed the part about Obama I take it
If you don't accept any quid pro quo, it's fine (not as a system, but as players in the system; everyone here agrees, the system must be changed). Strategically, if Sanders accepted Bloombergs money that would probably be a political blunder as it would blur his image. But his general message is ok, the floodgates are open, you should not blame the players so much.
"Taking this path sacrifices the integrity of elections as organized contests for power in favor of some version of a Buckleystyle identification of money spent on political speech as expression that may be fettered, if at all, only in the narrow class of cases when it fosters demonstrable quid pro quo corruption. The spillover effects of opening these floodgates in the United States should stand as a warning to others. Public financing of campaigns has fallen by the wayside as candidates, trapped in the arms-race logic of fund-raising, find that they cannot bind themselves to the voluntary limits that come with accepting public funds. The billion-dollar threshold crossed by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney in the 2012 campaign is a likely harbinger of the future, as are Senate campaigns in the tens of millions and the need for House members, facing reelection every two years, to run permanent fund-raising machines. Even if some version of compulsory public funding could pass constitutional muster, it would not address the limitless expenditures that Buckley authorizes and Citizens United and SpeechNow amplifies. It would take either a constitutional amendment or a radical transformation of the Supreme Court to undo the damage that the justices have wrought in this area over the past four decades. Though many politicians would benefit from such a change, the collective action obstacles to their getting behind it are colossal. This is to say nothing of the moneyed interests that would throw their weight behind maintaining a new status quo that so substantially increases their political clout."
catch-22 situation...
@@siddharthbirdi Because that's how it plays out, right? And they call Bernie idealistic. lmao
"It's not a donation..." You're right, it's not. It's a BRIBE.
How is the $18 dollar donation you give Bernie not also a bribe, then? Just because it's smaller doesn't make it a different thing altogether.
@@Stand_By_For_Mind_Control I don't know the American system, but where I am the small donations are anonymous. Hard to be a bribe when they don't know who gave the money. But if it's tied to your identity there, then technically it /is/ also a bribe. A bribe worth about "smile at me in the next parade", as opposed to the "gimme oil drilling rights" money the big end of town throws around.
HitchensImmortal If ya don’t know the difference between $18 and $18 million, maybe you’ve got some living to do
Imagine not knowing this is how politics works
Red Button TV1 it's way better than Russia, a true shithole country
Bill your the best keep it moving.
“I just want to know if their money is good”. That is how corruption begins. When “bad people” give money, they want something in return for their money. It’s not a donation, it’s a payment.
And then you can not give them something in return?
What are they going to do? Not give you any more?
You haven't lost anything for taking money once.
I think "bribe" is the more accurate word
@@nicobruin8618 Dude are you just pretending to be stupid or what, do you not know how corruption works?
@@NoLChefoTSM I know that very few politicians are capable of withstanding the temptation to keep taking money in return for favours.
But in theory there's nothing wrong with taking money once.
And for the rare honest polictian it may not even be wrong in practice also.
@@NoLChefoTSM Nothing proves you have a valid point better than going straight to baseless insults.
Bernie’s Message: No more of the same!
Biden’s Message: No, more of the same!
Hey idiot, campaign finance reform is a central tenet of a progressive campaign, and Bernie is a historic campaign.
You can't reform campaign finance when you keep fucking losing
@@HomicidalBeaver No shit, that doesn't change that the policy is correct.
historically impotent. he's a bust m8. sorry to tell you, he has no chance at the nomination. I'm really fucking glad since he would have lost a landslide
@@Xpwnxage Implement it when you're in power. Until then do everything to can to take power. Elections have consequences.
@ReverendDagwood Politics is about power. You either have it, and enact policies, or you don't. There's no participation trophies.
You're worried about facism and violence? Have you heard about events in El Paso or Charlottesville, or the politicisation of branches of power?
Sure, sit in a corner administering your "political intelligence" purity tests oozing 'ellegance" while the country burns around you. Your naivety is unreal, but you're not alone.
When you take money from bad people they own you, exactly what's wrong with the world.
If there's no strings attached to the money then you would be a fool not to take it.
@@exiledfrommyself that's what she said! Not kim btw.
No. Believing that because some rich dude paid you money; you're beholden to everything you said to him is what's wrong with the world. Lie right to their face and then create progressive policies regardless as soon as you get into office. EZ money.
UnHappy Gilmore No. You have their money . And you can spend it.
Why is it so hard to follow an argument for 7 mins? He just explained that with his example of Obama.
Solution: public financing of campaigns"
Isn't that one of Yang's proposals? Yang was ahead of his time.
Dude....ugh. Damn babies. Anyways welcome to the fight of existing.
And yet nobody supported him.
People have been talking about the concept of public financing for over 40 years. You really think Yang came up with that idea ?
Rubberbandfan1 Of the 2 dozen Democratic candidates, who else had public financing of campaigns as an item in their platform?
J Y Both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are both for public financing of campaigns, along with many other candidates from both the left, and right, in other elections. I understand that you may have heard of that concept first from Yang, but that doesn’t mean that he was the first candidate to suggest it.
No no no bill it's called having values it's called giving A damn. It's also called not being corrupt
Lol..keep that idea and losing. Trump 2020!
Unfortunately we see how the other side acts. So unfortunately we kinda have to play "dirty" to beat the son of a bitch. If it means taking money from possibly bad people then lets do it.
@@Tony29103 you don't have to play dirtymainly because we can just point out how really corrupt he is and if you try it out on us and we're not taking that kind of money it speaks volumes
@@Tony29103 No. My vote is for Mr. Sanders BECAUSE he wants to get money out of politics. I won't vote for anyone else. I don't care about anyone else. I have never seen a man of such integrity and it warms my heart.
Getting Trump out of office IS giving a damn and bringing an end to the unbridled corruption he brought with him. Your values and feelings are your business, and trying to force them onto other people only helps Trump win. Vote, and vote for helping your neighbors and not for making your conscience feel better.
Usually when you take money from special interest groups; don't they expect some kind of special treatment during the term?
A Tax break, policy change, something?
Hahaha working people have no money! Isn't that hilarious?
It's almost as though the very issue he is trying to found this argument on, is the very issue that refutes his entire argument...
I wish Bill knew the Power of Collective Effort and People.
Lets say 10 Million people just donate 10 Dollars in a month to Bernie, thats fucking 100 Millions Dollars raised in a single month.
VectorVictorRL it was so hilarious I didn’t even want to finish the rest of the video.
It’s not funny but it’s true, and Bill is right it’s becoming vain and sickening the way Bernie Keeps harping on about taking money from poor people to run his campaign.
@@dexter31able You don't get it... It's not so much about the money, it's the influence that the money brings with it. I thought this was self evident.
This honestly lowered my opinion of Bill's outlook on the coming election.
Why attack Bernie when he's the best shot?
This whole segment felt like Bloomberg bought it to save face after being embarrassed so badly.
One has to be realistic, money wins elections, because of advertising, staff, etc. You just need money to win. Just take the money. Do what's right. But you have to get there first.
This is embarrassing bill :(
Bill always said things I agreed with, but I never liked the way he came across. Feels like he's showing his true colors in this video.
@@calenthebard2051 Called reality
Fuck Corporatist Democrats. Centrist BS is Dead & Progressives are the Future. I don't want to befriend the Fascists Cheering on Concentration Camps for Migrant Children
@@Rpzinna ok chum
Yes. Isn't it just. After watching his upfront message about wet markets and dangerous food production, I kind of felt forgiving enough to give him a second chance. But its still painful to discover that he is still a smug son of a bitch.
This seems kinda silly to me.
The graphic even shows that Bernie alone (when the party is split) pulled in about half of what Trump got when the Republicans are united. If Bernie won, and got donations from the more centrist half of the party, the difference could end up irrelevant.
As long as we get single payer, debt free college, and livable wages, I don't give a fuck where he gets the money. Cubete?
@@Rpzinna You're not going to get those things if the money is coming from people who DON'T want those things.
Kinda Silly? he really is desperately trying to make Biden the ticket holder, if he does not agree with anyone ok, if he endorses someone ok but c'mon do not delude yourself in your thoughts.
Kinda Silly?? It's full blown retarded. I've never seen Bill Maher as bad as this.
@@whitehawk45 Look, the corporation knows that if the workers run out of money then they run out of money. Bill is right. If Bloomberg wants to spend a half million or a billion dollars a socialist let him! Take the money and shut up! Get him into office then we can put forth our agenda
Can't wait to see this on Jimmy Dore and Secular Talk.
Ohhhh it's going to be good.
Can't wait to see Jimmy Dore and Kyle Kullinsky's head explode. Especially since the wounds are still fresh from Super Tuesday, this might be more than they can handle right now.
And on the Humanist Report.
Argento Chaos So there’s a better option in Syria right now than Assad? Which shithead militant Islamist theocratic group would that be? ISIS? Maybe Al Qaeda?
Yeah, the butthurt will be so good. Poor Bernie. He thought he had a chance. Too bad young people didn't vote, and black people voted for Biden. I love this too much.
Not 1 comment agreeing with Bill yet 13k likes?
Yeah, funny how that happens...
I agree with bill.
@@abasis.baruti9819 I agree with Bill
He's not considering the ramifications of corruption, loss of public faith, etc
@Draco lord you totally beat me to it, of course what public faith?
What public faith?
Ok, who's next?
Lets keep the "What public faith" chain going!
@Draco lord People have faith that Sanders will act in their best interests. That's why we vote for him and join his movement. Taking what are essentially lobbying dollars during a campaign is a direct violation of that. You guys following Bernie?
Of course the person to break the "what public faith" chain would be Bernie bro......
@@jstos3675 I don't know what that means, in all honesty. I am simply trying to explain my original statement, and didn't think I was offending anybody. Seemed pretty legit
Becoming a dragon to slay a dragon just doubles the number of dragons needing killing.
Carl Bailey id rather vote for a dragon than any of these establishment pundits. At least dragons are cool.
D E no I did, I was just making an additional point loosely based on your analogy.
@Carl Bailey Best analogy I've read this year. 👏
@@CcReap3r This guy gets it. Only this time the dragon will be on our side.
Dumb analogy. Accepting money from corporations does not mean you have to spend the money on what they want. Did you even watch the video? Bill covers this.
Having values, principles and integrity doesn't make you a looser.
Doesn't feed my stomach either
What country are you from? Because it obviously isnt America.
*loser. Not "looser". Just trying to help. :)
@@lovehealthgratitude You are. English is my third language. Thanks
Good lord! 🙌🏽 Well done!!! I don’t know how people learn english... it’s a LOT of memorization, and confusing. 😁 Great job.
Thanks for letting us know what isolated and out of touch people think in their bubbles Boomer Time w/ Out of Touch guy!! We appreciate it!
Bill, Obama literally hired his administration based on a list from Goldman Sachs!
Damn straight
“We’re still a little sensitive about that whole ‘Government Sachs’ thing.”
Thought it was CitiBank, but same difference
@@thekatephillips Might've been, but yeah. No difference, really
Most treasury officials were sourced based on the recommendations of Hank Paulson, Bush’s SOT, and CEO of Goldman before taking a desk at Treasury. He suggested Timothy Geigtner, who was President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during Paulson’s term at the Department, to succeed him at Treasury as Secretary, and though Timothy had been a Treasury career employee before working for the FRBNY, he left Treasury in the mid 2000’s to become Managing Director, President, and CEO of Warburg Pincus, a multi-billion dollar investment fund.
Disingenuous and wrong Bill, what happened to you?
He's worth like a hundred million. Money got to him.
So after all this time Maher picks THIS moment to plant his flag about money in politics. Was now really the time to use this to minimize Sanders? How was the crowd even laughing at some of this?
He's such a hack now that I bet he installed laughter and applause signs in the studio. What a conniving little bitch he's become with enough money to never work and remain highly comfortable for 25 or more lifetimes. Loved how Rogan exposed his horseshit without trying and while being polite. Maher, go take up jiu-jitsu you soft bodied, weak minded, unapologetically arrogant, smugnorant C*%T.
@Sebastian He probably wont win, but that doesnt mean hes wrong about money in politics. Grow a pair.
@Mai Mariarti Yup, it's totally trolling to raise your voice to rich liars advocating for the further corruption of our country. What color are the skies on your world?
It’s a little suspicious since he’s said nothing after all this time with the debates, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Super Tuesday happens and now he’s “indirectly” supporting the most pro establishment candidate available
Big Angry Zho because in his mind if Bernie goes into an election with one hand tied behind his back he gets clobbered by trump
"peacocking comment-board socialists (online)" !!! It's perfect :)
"Our opponents are corrupt so why arent we"
Summed up 8 minutes of Bills Propaganda
It's corrupt to say thanks for the money? Do you think Obama was corrupted? He just fucking spelled it out for you.
Corrupt is the key word. If one must be corrupt to beat corruption, then what's the point?
I have no problem with them taking money from basically anybody; as long as they aren't selling out in return. If I were to ever run for public office I'd gladly take money from anyone who wanted to donate to me but it wouldn't change how I'd vote on anything. In fact nothing would make me happier than taking money from corporations and billionaires who thought they were buying my vote/support on some issue and then realizing that they weren't going to get it lol. That said, we don't usually find out who has been bought by these unsavory donors until they're already in office so I do understand why a lot of voters care about who the candidates are taking money from
@@niftucalbioticgod2799 But whomever one takes money from, you then owe them. Quid Pro Quo.
@@hermanwilhelm6871 It's not like you signed a contract with them. And if you had, it would have been a bribe and thus illegal
I can't think of a time I've disagreed with Bill more.
When you think before Trump, everything was fine and dandy, you lose sight of the real problem, i.e. corporate tyranny.
Sirsinnes agree, the game as it’s is the problem
sirsinnes - he’s totally unoriginal and just spouting mainstream corporate media talking points. Unilateral disarmament? Bernie spent more than Biden. Bloomberg spent much more and lost. There will soon come a time when money doesn’t count and decency, principle and integrity wins. Biden spends nothing and doesn’t even campaign and wins a few states on pure name recognition and mindless conformity by a brainwashed TV watching mob. Joe has one office in California. Bernie has 24. Who is serious? Who is electable?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women, created by the go, you know the, you know the thing!” (Joe Biden 2020)
But Bill Maher the super genius will get behind Biden and back a corrupt sellout neoliberal warmonger with dementia. He should run against tRUMP as a Republican.
Do you know why Joe lost in his 1988 run, Bill? Because he was a liar and a plagiarist. He claimed he had earned three degrees and finished in the top half of his class. It turned out he had one degree and finished near the bottom of the class. You want that man to go up against tRUMP? A man with a worse record than Hillary who repeatedly plagiarizes speeches and lies about his own accomplishments? Who can not even form coherent sentences now & will be destroyed by tRUMP in debates and attack ads? You think Joe at 303330 is electable? Get real. He will lose worse than Hillary because he is worse and being a man won’t help. He’s not as sharp or principled as her.
sirsinnes booohooo waaa waaa biplmsaid something bad about Bernie lol
Well, there's this thing called principles...
Cool cool. But will principles win?
@Plo Koon lol, she lost to Trump who had even fewer principles. And she beat Sanders, who had more. You're not very bright
America doesn't care about principles and integrity. We don't fight ignorance, we embrace it. Until that changes we deserve the politicians we get
@Plo Koon oh hell no no you didn't how dare you talking bout hillary 👀 the lengths we go to be validated 🤦♂️
How does accepting donations compromise them? You don't have to be beholden to them, just take it when offered and do what you want. If they get mad and go elsewhere, so be it. Take the money where you (legally) can.
@@brandoncaudill6864 you answered your own question. "If they get mad"... they will spend $ against you they will support your opponent to get you kicked out of office. This is common knowledge ppl lets FORCE ppl use there brains
How can there be so many downvotes?? It’s ridiculous. The message is crystal clear and makes complete sense. Take the money and do the right thing. I donation shouldn’t mean u own that person or entity anything. If I was running for president and somebody gave me money, I would act like they believe I will do what is right and I will use it how I want to use it, not how they expect me to pay them back.
Next-level out of touch analysis here. Wow.
Lol hope it didn't take you 4 years to notice
This is one of the most shallow segments I’ve ever seen on Bill Maher. Who cares about policies as long as you’re left leaning and win? Wtf
That's how far we've fallen.
Remember that when Trump is still in the White House in 2022
@@MarkfromNewYork you'll deserve it
Mark from New York Trump is no different than Biden. They both sold out for corporate interests and fat “donations”
@@deadlock1011 remember that when Trump appoints two goons to the supreme Court
Bill, fighting greed and corruption with more greed and corruption is a terrible idea.
naive comment
Yup Bill Maher is a fucking moron
Do you wanna win or not?
@@carlosmarx2178 he also speaks the truth
ryne green you poor soul , you got Trump because almost four years ago people like you were saying stuff like this and instead of voting for Hilary didn’t vote, now tell me how she would have been worst than Trump. It is not possible to be this stupid or selfish...
@James Schultz comment was perfectly articulated this is not a time to fuck around!
Sometimes Bill, I agree with you 100%.
Hey Bill, I'm unsubscribing.
@RESPECT MY AUTHORITY Good luck to you "true fans" winning the easiest election in human history by repeating every mistake of 2016 but worse.
Do you remember the days when maher had dignity?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Suicidal potato uh no when was that?
@@clintbeasthood9758 Shut up and take my money!
I'm one of those people who sends Bernie money. I am a teacher and not exactly middle class, but I and my family get by. I have no problem chipping in. I am glad Bernie is not accepting money from superpacs and oligarchs. He was and is for the working class people. We have this chance to finally elect someone into the White House who will create big and huge change for our country, so lets not ruin it.
I know it's sad that the last great President we had was FDR. This would be the best one in my life time. But one can dream, and then there is reality that America has voted against it's better nature more often then not.
Bernie 2020! Fuck Bill Maher
No you don't. Trump will win again if you don't unite behind the nominee. You'll live in abject poverty if that happens
You need a Congress that will pass his agenda. No president is king, yet.
@@dolliscrawford280 Apparently you missed the so-called impartial trial in the Senate...The entire GOP has become infected with Moronavirus,thanks to Benedict Orangeade and the Cult45 Wranglers.
What we have here is basically Emperor Palpatine delivering a Monologue to join the corrupt side.
Seems like Bill doesn't know about bribery.
It's not bribery if it doesn't influence.
- That was Maher's whole spiel @2:06 about Obama and Wall Street.
@@joshpit2003 Wall street did better under Obama. Nothing is free my man. If you think I'm lying take money from the mobsters and refuse to pay or do what they want, and see where you end up.
After the banks caused 2008's Financial Collapse, instead of sending the Wall Street bankers to prison, Obama gave them a *$13 Trillion dollar BailOut* (see article).
Do you honestly think that the Millions of dollars in donations/lobbying Obama received had zero "influence" on his decision?
a Quid pro quo if you will.
Seems like Bill was bribed.
It's called priciples Bill, but I know that I'd be wasting my time trying to explain...
Christian Sander Politicians with principles is an oxymoron..... and it’s universal not only in US
What the hell kind of principle is it to allow a monster who rapes women and children to destroy our country and planet all because you don't want to take money from undesireable people? We are in the fight of our lives now and you have to get a little dirty.
Hey Bill, its called integrity. What happend to yours?
Money in his bank. I'm pretty sure.
Somebody’s money was good enough
@@elizabethkraszewski6603 corporate push to control the narratives is complete. They got Maher, Cobert, and mikey moore... this is why Jon Stewart left television.
70 years of cold war lies buy the intelligence community. Fool me once? You know the George. Lol
Dayuuum son, that one cut deep! XD
An “ok boomer” moment if there ever was one
Ok Bro
OK Bimbo. Enjoy Trump 2.0
The Amazing Catfish This is why you lose elections.
Bill should get some kind of award for being the new head spokesperson for Republican Lite.
at least Republican are working at something unlike Democrats
carolina peters shut your mouth idiot
He is, I'm sure.
Bernie is honest!! I’ll give him my money all day long.
just as honest as Biden NOT!
We'll see if principles and values put food in your belly at the end of the day
@@Rpzinna They do thank you
@@carolinapeters4881 With the side benefit of not having said food poisoned, to go with it. But then again, it's tradition in America to offer up our children to Molech-Mammon. It's what we preach from our pulpits, elect to rule us, and continue to worship as it devours us. Molech-Mammon always fulfills his promises, both in riches, and when it is time to claim his due.
That’s ‘cause you’re stupid.
Bill "just get bought would ya" Maher is at it again.
he seems to be annoyed that left politicians do not need his money anymore
Lmao at all the naive Bernie bros in the comments. Grow up!
Democratic morality amounts to hypocrisy.
Bill, stop making fun of the candidates' age when you're the one out of touch with young people, and why they want to take money out of politics.
Fuck the young people we are a minority.
@monokhem Reminds me of a classic quote from The Simpsons: "You kids don't know what you want! That's why you're still kids - 'cause you're stupid!"
But he should also stop with the “Bernie Bro” stereotype. First of all, there are plenty of boomers who like Bernie. Second, disparaging a whole generation is not the best campaign strategy, and that’s exactly what Democratic spokespeople are doing.
monokhem If top politicians keep screwing the working class, things will get much uglier. That’s what FDR recognized, and he pushed for socialist programs. He averted revolution. That’s one thing today’s Democrats don’t recognize.
@monokhem lol, damn, you are the ultimate contrarian, aren't you? I was agreeing with you on young people being stupid, and you had to find a way to go against what I was saying, hahaha.
I suppose I can see how you thought that as an attack on you, since the Itchy and Scratchy owner was a greedy, crotchety older man. But that part was immediately after the kids all had unrealistic expectations and wanted everything without working for it.
At the end of the day, everybody is stupid. Young, old, rich, poor. We're ALL FUCKED.
I hate it when Bill Maher who I like goes after Bernie who I adore.
Same. I like Bill, but I love Bernie. And he needs to just shut up about him.
@Bruce Leroy Care to elaborate?
Aye, the ol' cognitive dissonance. Do you at least acknowledge Bill makes a good point? Bernie is turning away money just so he can virtue signal that he's the purest candidate. Accepting money from corporations does NOT mean he has to spend it how they want him to spend it; if he wanted to he could use the money to put out ads talking shit on the corporations that sent him the money.
Me too
Better quit watching American comedy shows then. Making jokes about powerful politicians is most of what they do.
After living the life of a spoiled TV star yuppie for 30 years, he no longer knows what it is like on ground floor from the top of the Ivory Tower.
and bill thanks you for watching 🤦♂️
Maher donated £2 million of his money to Democrats that ran on raising HIS taxes and improving healthcare for poor people. The guy walks the walk.
@@yadadoo20 and Bill Maher has the gall to want clean air for the next generation
@Stephanie Logan don't forget the fireplace is just for show and the food isnt real
@@yadadoo20 Bullshit. WHICH candidates did he donate to?.. He doesn't even talk the talk, you fucking muppet.
4:22 Complete public financing of campaigns the only fair solution...As I was typing a nasty comment, not happy with the opening of this video, hey, I'm fully on board with Bill! Public financing of campaigns would be a massive step forward. Bill in for VP if he can work on this one issue.
...and Obama bailed out Wall Street... I wait to watch Bill every week, and this is the weakest line of argument I have ever heard from him: “...not a donation, it’s a fine...” might sound funny but it’s patently absurb.
So the banks at least should love the Democrats.
No, George W. Bush did.
The problem about that argument is wall street had to be bailed out...
Santa Clause bush caused the problem, the American taxpayer picked up the tab under Obama.
EvocatiKiwi had to be bailed out, slapped on the wrist then let loose to repeat.
Slowly watching you become more republican every show just like Democratic Party
@Jay Rock Jinx Why are you watching now?
There's nothing republican about his advice.
IMPENDING DOOM this is literally a republican idea take money from wealthy donors give them something they want and pass the laws you want.
@@georgewood3798 He also showed Obama taking money from Wallstreet and still passing legislation to put regulations on them.
IMPENDING DOOM Obama also gave in to the oil industry, banks and big pharmaceutical companies so yeah. We haven’t had a good president in decades they either making things worse for the average person or (try) to balance things so we don’t fall apart while still staying the same. So in the end we’re decline more and more every year.
This might br the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my whole life
About the best I have seen, and all of them are fantastic.
ladybugmerringue Bill is an intellectual. Most of the uneducated think he’s stupid because they can’t comprehend what he’s saying
Being relatively intelligent doesn't mean that every point you make is valid. If anything Maher's biggest flaw as a political commentator is that he thinks that he never expresses a stupid belief about anything. He has many stupid opinions...
no kidding dude. I personally prefer losing elections as long as I can say "IM MORE PURE THAN YOU". I mean, hell, I'm sure Republicans don't submit to corporate influence anyway so it's basically fine to handicap your entire party for a campaign slogan.
This is the fact that people on the left miss:
Rich donors on the right are paying to get candidates elected that will LOWER their taxes
Rich donors on the left are paying to get candidates elected that will RAISE their taxes.
On group is voting in their own economic interests and the other is voting against it. See the difference?
I wish we had publicly funded campaigns were everyone got the same amount to spend and that the campaigns were shorter. But I also want a pony. As long as this is the system that exists take the money. Do not be beholden to it but is someone is writing the check, cash it.
Bill makes some good points here although I think he misses two points:
1--- Having the most money doesn't always win elections (Clinton vastly outspent Trump and Bloomberg was a disaster).
2--- Bernie's donor talking point is usually to demonstrate how many people are willing to give to support him, not solely to demonstrate a purity point.
I also knew, just *knew*, that when the tide turned to Biden, he'd immediately deliver a pro-corporatist missive.
Agree, although Maher misses more than two points. Such as the implicit quid pro quo when a donor gives big money, and that Obama's Wall St reform bills were way inadequate.
@@itsmarkwtf never said Biden was or wasn't a corporatist. Said that I knew that *Maher* would deliver a pro-corporatist missive. And he did.
@@itsmarkwtf no asshat we are the ones who can overcome Trump's army not you pasty faces sellouts who think a lil more is gonna make it betta
no doubt. but losing because you hamstring your campaign by turning down money is fucking gross negligence. It wouldn't be if you just didn't win, but when you lose an election, THE OTHER GUY WINS IT! And I promise he's using every fucking dollar (foreign and domestic) he can get his grubby hands on and will happily submit to corporate wishes in order to get it.
Yikes Bill this is a bad take.
Oof, I was an audience member with my dad in this one. Im relatively new to this guy's show so I didn't know what to expect and hoo boy. My dad has never disagreed with Bill on ANYTHING and has watched him since he was on air. So you can imagine how caught off guard he was when he said this stuff.
Bill "We Can't Afford Principles" Maher
Try listening to what he said. He advocated for complete government funding of elections, as many other countries do. No PACs or Super PACs, no donations: get rid of all of it - everyone gets a level playing field. But you can't make changes like that if you don't win. Bernie won't win the primary - Biden's going to gaff the general election. Trump is going to get re-elected. All because of your purity test bullshit. Take the money. Win the election. Change the rules. Turn Principles into Policy. Policy matters, your principles aren't worth shit.
@@Yvaelle That makes sense only if you believe for a second that the reason Bernie can't get the nomination is a lack of funding - and that just is not the case. As you must know, if yoy've been paying any attention at all.
(The taking the money, that is. Obviously public funding of elections is the democratic thing to do.)
@monokhem You're dismissing a movement as a cult of personality. You realise Bermie is just the current leader, don't you? There was Occupy Wallstreet before him (among others), and there'll be others after. It's not about Bernie, it's about justice. It says so right in his campaign slogan. "Not me. Us." What do you think that means?
@monokhem So. On the off chance that Bernie isn't what he appears to be (a genuine progressive championing nearly every cause we care about), let's vote for the guy we KNOW is corrupt, pervy, AND probably going senile? Sound reasoning, right there.
What the hell kind of principle is it to allow a monster who rapes women and children to destroy our country and planet all because you don't want to take money from undesireable people? We are in the fight of our lives now and you have to get a little dirty.
Corruption all around!!!
This is one of the stupidest most out of touch segments this guy has ever done.
He is getting worst
Well of course you say that. The reality conflicts with the world you carry in your head.
S-clicked it at 4:11
WOLF STAR Bill has been out of touch and been living in a bubble for a while now.
Dude he is arguing in favor of money in politics and keep buying into the same corrupt system. Also the guy lives in an alternate universe where Obama was this super progressive president when in fact he was exactly like Bush in various aspects.
All I want is to have uncorrupted politicians that represent their constituents! Is that too much to ask for?!
Spheric yes
All I ever really wanted was a good personal life and a good work life. That was too much to ask for in this world.
So, In the course of human events, yeah, it's too much to ask for honest politians.
@Big Valerie Both. On both sides. Kinda a Celtic mutt.
"you're saying you want to run as a people's honest candidate and not as a corrupt slimy politician? What are you, 7? Of course you have to be corrupt, it's the only way you can win!"
That's his argument in a nutshell
@No need to worry about my username - Do you mean a corrupt slimy politician like Obama, who took Wall Street money then passed legislation that hurt them? Corrupt is as corrupt does. It's not taking the money that makes you corrupt; it's how you act after receiving it.
It’s not the only way but it’s more likely. People need to grow up and face reality.
Yvonne Tomenga - Obama bailed out Wall Street when he should have let them go broke and go to prison. Obama is a corrupt neoliberal corporatist loser like Bill Maher.
You respond fire with fire. Or you lose.
@@Bruce_K - The Wall Street bailout was bi-partisan to keep the USA from slipping from recession into depression. If you dislike Obama, that's your privilege in a free country. However, it isn't logical to blame him for consensus actions.
Yes Bill. We know you dont get it. Now that you have switched to bagging on Dems 100% you can be a sellout too.
If it means winning then who cares
@@anthonycampos8057 Because when big corporations donate money to politicians they expect something in return. We want corruption out of politics.
@@chrisprescott2273 you can focus on that for the next election but right now the most important thing is WINNING in 2020.
@@anthonycampos8057 I wanted to give you the benefit of doubt are an idiot.
@Axiom Steel I'd love to debate on this but this post is so old that I cant remember what it was about. The only thing I can say is that we shouldn't just accept corruption. And move on no matter how long it's been going on.
Bill Maher turned full boomer. He used to think out of the box, but now he has become the box. Time to retire to Florida, Bill.
ifoney1 I love this. The Democrats are imploding
@John Taylor
Really. What better way to win an election than to alienate likely or potential allies. Most of them did not even have a MOTHER during the Vietnam war in the Civil Rights Movement!
ifoney1 And this is again why you lose elections. Keep it up!
@@jacobwenner2545 Who is "you"? I voted from trump, last I check I won.
This is what being a millionaire does to a person. This guy is a shell of his former self
No, a shell would be a Trump supporter and wouldn't care what happened to anyone
Obama was SO TOUGH on wallstreet man they don’t even Know 😂
And you do?
They tanked the economy and no CEO went to jail. The CFPB was a compromise with criminals. Beware of the white moderate. They only offer order, not justice.
I think its fair to say that after the crisis most americans wanted him to be just a wee bit rougher with wallstreet, you know maybe just a few extra orange jumpsuits here and there
He was so tough on them he passed one thing but let them go on everything else
Obama was so tough on Wall Street that he gave them positions in his administration. Here are just a few names.
Neal Wolin
Deputy secretary of the treasury (Tim Geithner’s No. 2)
Exec at one of the largest insurance and investment firms
Mark Patterson
Treasury secretary’s chief of staff
Goldman Sachs lobbyist
Gene Sperling
Counselor to the treasury secretary
Made nearly $900,000 advising Goldman Sachs
Larry Summers
Obama’s chief economic adviser
Made $5 million as managing director of a hedge fund
Rahm Emanuel
White House chief of staff
Made $16 million as a partner at a Chicago investment bank
Herbert Allison
Assistant secretary of the treasury (oversees TARP)
Longtime exec at Merrill Lynch; headed Fannie Mae
Kim Wallace
Assistant secretary of the treasury for legislative affairs
Managing director at Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers
Karthik Ramanathan
Acting assistant treasury secretary for financial markets
Foreign exchange dealer at Goldman Sachs
Matthew Kabaker
Deputy assistant secretary of the treasury
Made $5.8 million at the Blackstone Group in 2008-2009
Lewis Alexander
Counselor to the treasury secretary
Chief economist at Citigroup; paid $2.4 million in 2008-2009
Adam Storch
Managing executive of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement
VP of Goldman Sachs’ Business Intelligence Group
Lee Sachs
Counselor to the treasury secretary
Made more than $3 million at a New York hedge fund
Gary Gensler
Chairman of Commodity Futures Trading Commission
18 years at Goldman Sachs, where he made partner
Michael Froman
Deputy assistant to Obama, deputy nat’l security adviser
Managing director of a Citigroup investment arm