I always felt Christopher Lloyd deserved more credit for this role. He had a tough act to follow with the masterful performance by Ricardo Montlban's Khan, but he held his own here and portrayed one of the more convincing sci fi villains. He certainly did the Star Trek franchise and the Klingon race proud.
@@yodaflyz I'd think a starship with warp drive wouldn't need a flux capacitor. The warp drive as the name suggests already is disrupting and bending the space-time continuum to get around real-space's speed limit of light space. Time circuits as we saw, the ship's computer can do that job. The Flux Capacitor is the finesse method of time travel. The slingshot method with a starship is the brute force method. Both work.
I read the novelization. Valkris was restoring her family honor by getting herself killed after completing her mission. That's why Kruge's line, "You will be remembered with honor" has deeper meaning than it first appears. His earlier line, "Unfortunate," was obviously more personal.
But then why was it unfortunate that she'd seen it, if he was going to kill her anyway? Saying it was unfortunate that she'd seen it makes sense only if he would not have had to kill her if she hadn't seen it.
@@charleswest6372 The Klingons were always too quick to eliminate friends and foes. They were not able to breed warriors like the Dominion. So Valkris death was senseless. As was Kruge killing, by disintegration, a crew man later on. Frankly a species so quick to kill would not survive for very long. But Christopher Lloyd was great in this film. The 'Bird of Prey' is an iconic ship. It seems real in this film. CGI has ruined films and TV series. Some CGI no doubt was used in this film. But there was a great deal of scale modeling utilized.
I love it when actors play against type. Christopher Lloyd has been known for a long time as a comedic actor. Who could have guessed he'd make such a great Klingon? Hard to believe he's 80 now.
@@jeremyzak654 Spock said that in Undiscovered Country, but Klingon mythology states Khaless the Unforgettable himself shed tears after his father was murdered. Enough to flood the sea.
I met Christopher Lloyd just recently at a convention in Orlando FL about 3 days ago and he's a very kind and wonderful man. We spoke about some of the other movies he was in and I asked him how long did he have to go through the make up process and he told me it would mostly take about 4 in a half hours. I asked him if it felt uncomfortable at all and he said no. He said it never bothered him at all.
Good ear. It's in the mix on the score to evoke the exact same common language of a collision alert as the alarm that sounds when the same ship decloaks in front of a whaling ship in the next movie, which is a callback to this scene.
The one thing that amazed me about this scene was the way the Bird of Pray was done, you even see the wings go down as it flies past the ship before it comes round for it's shot, for its time, without CGI, it was and still is amazing, plus it was this scene alone that made me love the Bird of Pray, such a predator.
The original script called for the main villain to be a Romulan. Which is why the ship looks like it does and has a cloaking device. It wasn't until this film that Klingons actually had cloaking devices. They had to do some serious retconning to make that work.
The Klingon Bird of Prey is my favourite space ship in any space series, just the design, the cloak, and all the awesome moments it’s been in, I just love it.
I said to my fellow B5 friends that if you put in a bird of prey against the shadows it would be a different ball game especially with Star trek universe being so more advanced. To put into perspective at full impulse speed a bird of prey would be moving faster than most B5 beam weapons, plus the sub light targeting scanners, disrupters, photon torpedo's, shields and cloaking device plus warp speed capabilities, plus being able to teleport Klingon boarding parties at will. A Klingon bird of prey would kick some serious ass in the B5 universe, a single hit from a torpedo would destroy any ship in B5 and a full spread at maximum yield would destroy B5 it's self, basically anything without deflector shields would be nothing but target practice against a bird of prey and moving at sub light speeds imposable to target and hit. Long Live The Empire.
Ricardo Montalban was a tough act to follow but its only now I realise the incredible versatility of Christopher Lloyd. I have to remind myself its him.
@@thewewguy8t88 I agree. I wish they hadn't killed Kruge off, I would have loved to have seen him in other Trek films and TNG. He would have made a great continuing nemesis for Kirk.
I don't wholly agree. Worf himself was a solid character, especially once you get him into DS9 and he can really come into his own. But the honor-obsessed space vikings that the Klingons became was really awful. Kor and Kang in TOS had a lot more going on then they are ever griven credit for, and the Klingons in TMP and TSFS are more compelling to me as an antagonistic threat than the TNG era Klingons ever were.
@@OpenMawProductions Because TNG era Klingons are not antagonistic anymore? Sure they even declared war on federation once, but they would have become frienemy, eventually friends with UFP by that point.
@@OpenMawProductions I always saw the Klingons more like Arabs than Vikings. Especially when you compare to movies like Lawrence of Arabia or Khartoum.
@@3ggh3ad Yup. James Horner in his early years. Of course, for ALIENS, Horner was brought in on a very tight schedule, so he actually had to reuse and modify a lot of music cues from his previous scores in order to finish scoring the film on time.
Christopher Lloyd hands down one of thee best Klingons. I mean super talented to go from comedy to playing a villain. He was so believable I had to pause and be like wait a minute 🤣🤣🤣 dude is a whole comedian.
Commander Kruge this is Valkris : Valkris: qa'vam De' vIje' rIntaH. (I have purchased the Genesis data.) Valkris: HablI', Su': labbeH. (Ready to transmit.) {"I have obtained the Federation data, and I am ready to transmit."} Kruge : Well done Valkris well done Kruge: So'wI' yIchu'Ha' (Disengage cloaking device!) {The voice spoke a few words which only Valkris recognized, for they were in a Klingon language.} Kruge: yIchu'qa' (?) [bridge crewman pushes button and the lights come back on] Kruge: De' yIlI'... DaH (Transmit data. Now!) Valkris: jabbI'ID pItlh. Qu'vaD lI' net tu'bej (Transmission completed. You will find it useful.) {"Transmission completed, Commander. You will find it essential to your mission."} ["... this line was one of those Valkris was filmed saying in English, then redubbed in Klingon. Okrand had to match lip movements. The subtitle was something like "You'll find it useful." There was no mention of "for the mission" in the subtitle, but Okrand needed to add something to give her a reason to keep her lips moving. Note that lip movements for "You'll find" look a lot like Qu'vaD, "it" looks a lot like lI' and "useful" loosely matches tu'bej." (charghwI') Was the Klingon line Qu'vaD lI' 'e' Datu'bej, but the actress dropped a syllable and said qu'vaD lee' natu'bej forcing Okrand to come up with net?] Kruge: vaj Daleghpu' (Then you have seen it?) {"Then you have seen the transmission?" Kruge said, implying regret and inevitability.} Valkris: HISlaH jawwI' [joHwI'?, heard: jahwhi'] (I have, my lord.) {"I have, my lord," Valkris replied, granting permission in the second stratum and offering forgiveness as the third.} Kruge: Do'Ha' (Unfortunate.) {"That is unfortunate," Kruge said.} Valkris: jIyaj (Understood.) {"I understand," Valkris said. She made all three strata the same, for she wanted him to know that she understood what she was doing and why, that she understood what he was doing and why, and that she understood that he would make certain the promises made to her would be kept.} Kruge: chuyDaH (Thrusters.) {"Thrusters," Kruge said, in the form of their language used by commanders to subordinates.} Valkris: Qapla' jawwI' bangwI' je (Success my lord and my love.) {She spoke again, in formal tongue, to Kruge. "Success, Commander. And my love." She did love him, indeed, as the instrument of her bloodline's redemption.} Kruge: batlh Daqawlu'taH (You will be remembered with honor.) Kruge: baH (Fire!) {Then he switched dialects again. Valkris knew he was speaking so she would be sure to hear his command: "Fire!"} Kruge: He chu' ghoS. DIvI' neHmaH (New course. Federation neutral zone.) {"Execute a course to the Federation boundary."}
Take note everyone - the klingon bridge is the same set as from TMP - just the rear, circular section. It was reused as the torpedo bay in TWOK - Kruge's chair is where the torpedo was lowered and he has his back to the loading hatch.
Christopher Lloyd was a friggin boss as a Klingon. He set the tone for all Klink chars going forward, and J. G. Hertzler refined them during his stint on DS9. Oh, Valkris has to be the finest Klingon to ever grace the screen.
It would be funny if she picked up the wrong tape to download onto Kruge's ship. Instead of the Genesis planet project, It turns out to be an album of the group, Genesis.
Seriously, how else was she going to verify that was the correct information? And wouldn't she have had to have known some of the details already to know what to look for? All she had to do was beam over to the Klingon ship.
That facet of their culture was taken from Ancient Japanese (Samurai) and Viking cultures. The entire 'dying a glorious death' was very Japanese, where the boisterous singing and drinking in addition to the seeking of a glorious death, were obviously taken from the Norse.
0:45......The Klingon Bird of Prey is a very smill ship. Interesting in this movie they took this camera angle with a tiny freighter, to essentially blow up the size of the Bird of Prey to make it look much bigger than it actually is.
@@wayofthecass Well, the BOP is only a small ship itself, that's the point. The Star Trek Encyclopedia's recorded their crew complement to be as low as 12. I guess this was just cinematic drama, to make the Klingons all "imposing" :D
I think the radiation levels in my lower decks rise every time Valkris is on screen. She could give Lursa and B'Tor a run for their money in the cleavage department...
Because those ships have two bridges to be capable to operate after one is destroyed. Like the Enterprise-D has a battle bridge in the machine section of the ship!
@@matsch6777 The Bird of Prey is a very small ship, with a maximum crew of twelve. I've seen the blueprints for the ship, and there is no battle bridge.
Behind the scenes, the real world reason was they scrapped this bridge set after filming. Plus Nimoy had said this bridge was really too cramped to shoot in. Which is the real world reason the bridge is much larger in part 4. In the story it is kinda just assumed that Kirk would have the bridge remodeled to a Star fleet design for ease of use for the federation bridge trained crew and especially language. Kirk and Scotty make vague remarks about this in Voyage Home. But I really liked this contrast of design compared to the Federation ships. It also gives some insight into Klingon culture.
When I first saw that Bird of Prey decloak --- I was six --- it scared me out of my mind. It was like a nightmare come alive. I was like, "What is THAT thing!?" And then it destroyed the freighter. Lethal as all hell.
@@2bituser569 maybe he was worried she would betray him later in his political and military career with the genesis info and how he obtained it without the authority of the Klingon government.
@@Confederate-hj2dc If a Commander’s actions bring glory, honor, and a tactical advantage to empire I imagine all is forgiven and he’s hailed as a hero.
@@goldfishprime Ohhh! Fuu - I never thought of it like that! Ouch; it makes the entire movie the tragedy of Valkris' unsuccessful attempt to redeem her family's honour. Oof. I'm never *not* going to see it that way now. - Unless, you know, Kirk and all still had enough data from the 'Bounty' to eventually pass that knowledge back to the Klingon Empire after the events of STvi, of course?
I love the very sleek, fast, deadly, and terrifying look of the Klingon Bird of Prey. These awesome Klingon ships would totally make mince meat out of those pathetic Imperial TIE Fighters from Star Wars in my opinion.
They seem to use the same lasers, anyway.. But the TIE fighters are cool because they seem to encapsulate, literally, the unquestioning servitude of their pilots. Constrained to see only forward, with those big panels looking like carthorses' blinders..
The STAR TREK Movies from the 80's had this rough filter over them that gave them this unique dark look, it made you feel the film with your eyes. I wish they would go back to using it.
I always imagined because Valkris was very curvy, and didn't have very defined forehead ridges like most Klingons that was able to pose as a human, and that she must have slept with some Star Fleet admiral or captain to acquire the Genesis data.
The entire Klingon attack/ship destruction sequence shown at the end of this clip was cut from the ABC broadcast version back in the 80s, still gets to me. I knew it was in the theater cut and was amazed they deleted it for broadcast.
v8vrooooom That surprised me too, considering that they had added footage to the previous two films, both times against the director’s wishes. I think they got in trouble when they did that to one of the “Superman” movies, so they stopped doing it.
Here are some fun facts. Originally the villains were going to be Romulans, and the Bird of Prey that had already been built a Romulan ship. But they went with the Klingons due to their popularity. However, they’d already blown their budget on the model, and so just passed it off as a Klingon craft. Also the decloaking process was supposed to start with the interior of the ship appearing one section at a time and the exterior forming around it. This was dropped due to it being considered a slow process for the ship to decloak. As well as the model complications and cost to pull off the effect. One more fact. Both models were reused in NG series. However, the motors that caused the BOP wings to raise and lower had seized up, and the model could not be opened up to repair it. As a result, all model shots of the BOP had its wings permanently stuck in flight mode.
I read they were going to put in scenes that showed Kruge stole the BOP from the Romulans but thought it too convoluted for the lay viewer and dropped it.
I love the orchestral atmospheric music and ship sounds as the Klingon bird of pray de-cloaks, it really gives you a sense of the size of that big ship as it over shadows that small cargo vessel, it seems to be an art form lost in the modern CGI films.
What's neat is the lighting of the sets in this movie. Blues, purples, reds... its lit much the same as the tv show. And it works perfectly. Even the Excellsior bridge is colorful to a degree. Bright green lighting on the floors.
I have watched this movie so many times, but it is a good movie :) But I don't like the subtitles option on TH-cam, when you want to translate something and when Valkris is speaking Klingon to Commander Kruger it show with English words instead hehe :) Here is what I know about Klingon words in this episode and little info about them :) STAR TREK III: THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK (ST3) The tlhIngan Hol in the movies is actually pretty good; Marc Okrand himself coached many of the actors. The translations in parentheses are the (subtitles) as they appear in the movie followed by the [closed captions] in brackets, which was helpful in places where there were no subtitles. Angle brackets indicate in the transcription due to muttered dialogue, background music or sound effects. I have added excerpts from Vonda McIntyre's novelization in {curly brackets} when they differ from the subtitles which may reflect an earlier version of Harve Bennett's screenplay used by the novelist in her adaptation. Valkris: qa'vam De' vIje' rIntaH. (I have purchased the Genesis data.) Valkris: HablI', Su': labbeH. (Ready to transmit.) {"I have obtained the Federation data, and I am ready to transmit."} The line as written is "Ready to transmit." The line as spoken in English by Ms. Shirriff was "Ready to transmit". Okrand just had to invent sounds to fit her mouth movements when the people who make such decisions decided, after the fact, to have her speaking Klingon. My recently concocted theory on this line is that Okrand altered the line to be a command to Valkris' computer (i.e. "Data transceiving-device, attention: prepare to transmit"), but the subtitle didn't get changed. (ghunchu'wI') "My interpretation of Valkris' HablI' Su' labbeH line in ST3 as a command to the data-transceiving device (analagous to a pet command) was confirmed [by Okrand]. Apparently the subtitle `Ready to transmit' is not very good." (ghunchu'wI' at qep'a' loSDIch) "When I mentioned to Okrand at qep'a' loSDIch that I thought that this was in the form of a `pet command', he said it was a valid interpretation." (ghunchu'wI') Kruge: So'wI' yIchu'Ha' (Disengage cloaking device!) {The voice spoke a few words which only Valkris recognized, for they were in a Klingon language.} Kruge: yIchu'qa' (?) [bridge crewman pushes button and the lights come back on] Kruge: De' yIlI'... DaH (Transmit data. Now!) Valkris: jabbI'ID pItlh. Qu'vaD lI' net tu'bej (Transmission completed. You will find it useful.) {"Transmission completed, Commander. You will find it essential to your mission."} ["... this line was one of those Valkris was filmed saying in English, then redubbed in Klingon. Okrand had to match lip movements. The subtitle was something like "You'll find it useful." There was no mention of "for the mission" in the subtitle, but Okrand needed to add something to give her a reason to keep her lips moving. Note that lip movements for "You'll find" look a lot like Qu'vaD, "it" looks a lot like lI' and "useful" loosely matches tu'bej." (charghwI') Was the Klingon line Qu'vaD lI' 'e' Datu'bej, but the actress dropped a syllable and said qu'vaD lee' natu'bej forcing Okrand to come up with net?] Kruge: vaj Daleghpu' (Then you have seen it?) {"Then you have seen the transmission?" Kruge said, implying regret and inevitability.} Valkris: HISlaH jawwI' [joHwI'?, heard: jahwhi'] (I have, my lord.) {"I have, my lord," Valkris replied, granting permission in the second stratum and offering forgiveness as the third.} Kruge: Do'Ha' (Unfortunate.) {"That is unfortunate," Kruge said.} Valkris: jIyaj (Understood.) {"I understand," Valkris said. She made all three strata the same, for she wanted him to know that she understood what she was doing and why, that she understood what he was doing and why, and that she understood that he would make certain the promises made to her would be kept.} Kruge: chuyDaH (Thrusters.) {"Thrusters," Kruge said, in the form of their language used by commanders to subordinates.} Valkris: Qapla' jawwI' bangwI' je (Success my lord and my love.) {She spoke again, in formal tongue, to Kruge. "Success, Commander. And my love." She did love him, indeed, as the instrument of her bloodline's redemption.} Kruge: batlh Daqawlu'taH (You will be remembered with honor.) Kruge: baH (Fire!) {Then he switched dialects again. Valkris knew he was speaking so she would be sure to hear his command: "Fire!"}
It was a regretful decision, but Kruge had to kill Valkris. She saw the contents of the tape and he knew that she had to go. Valkris accepted that fate knowing Kruge would help restore honor to her family name after her younger brother brought dishonor.
According to the novelization, it was actually her choice. Her brother managed to get himself discommended, and stealing the Genesis data was her meal ticket to restoring their honor. It was probably one of those things that was in early drafts of the screenplay but taken out. They were still in the early stages of world-building with the Klingons.
Even if Valkris didn't see the Genesis information that she obtained for Kruge, would he still kill her anyway along with those aboard the merchant ship?
"Did you see it?" "Yes, Kruge , I saw it, but believe me , it wasn't much to write home about." " You shall die..........with honor ,....I guess !." " Hey, ...when do I get paid? , I'm supposed to get paid for this." " Believe me captain, when Kruge pays you, it's a promise, here comes your pay now." Kruge opens fire and destroys the freighter. Kruge: " No matter the planet, you can't trust your girl friend with a secret, .........on top of that, I saved my money , and the Genesis tape is mine!!!". Star Trek 3 " Why search for Spock??". 1984.
It's just pleb logic. He has entire crew that's likely less loyal than she is. Probably after a few drinks he'd be talking about Genesis to the bartender, makes this seem so cartoonish.
If I understand, the plan was that she was never to know just what data she was handling; having her running around knowing about Genesis was too much of a loose end for him.
Spoiler alert: Kruge and Valkris ARE NOT lovers. At least, not according to the novelization, and that's more or less official. She was using him and this mission to restore her family honor, and he admired her combat legend.
Kruge: You will be remembered with Honor... (Ship Destroyed) Kruge: Prepare a destination to.. Klingon Communications Officer: Excuse me my lord... Kruge: Yes? What is it? Communications Officer: What about me? Kruge: Explain? Communications Officer: I saw the files to, just then when we were getting the upload. Kruge: Yes....how unfortunate...you will be remembered with Honor... ( Phaser Blast) Kruge: Prepare for Navigation Officer: Sir?, I saw it to just then when you two were watching the upload I didnt know we werent suppose to view it? Right over your shoulder... Security Officer: Sir, does it count if I just saw the Flash Drive that it is on and not the actual footage? Klingon Guard: Yea me and Tok-ku were wondering the samething we seen you take it out of the port... Kruge: - - (3 Days Later The Enterprise) Spock: It was the oddest thing ive ever seen Captain on a ships security footage, the Klingon Captain killed everyone on board and then turned and looked into the mirror on the bridge and said "I seen it to" and phasered himself, peculiar Captain. Kurk: Yes that is damn peculiar indeed.
I love how much information were communicated through two words.
How small that cargo ship was to a bird of prey.
Almost Japanese ... and dare I say Romulan? in its subtlety and reliance on implications. One would expect Klingons to be straightforward to a fault
Klingons are no talkers.
I always felt Christopher Lloyd deserved more credit for this role. He had a tough act to follow with the masterful performance by Ricardo Montlban's Khan, but he held his own here and portrayed one of the more convincing sci fi villains. He certainly did the Star Trek franchise and the Klingon race proud.
I agree. Kruge is one of the klingons you can take seriously.
He is the reason why this is my favorite Star Trek movie.
@@kevinadams6424 It's second best Star Trek, and the most underrated Star Trek movie.
He's downright terrifying. He's cagy but spurious. Chris Lloyd always brought his eccentric A-game to every performance.
@@kevinadams6424 you have EXCELLENT taste! Star Trek III is underrated!
Christopher Lloyd : one of the best onscreen Klingons ever. Totally convincing.
@Droneoneone awesome klingons vs terrans fight
He backed off at first so he could accelerate the Bird of Prey to 88mph and then everyone saw some serious shit
If Spock had found the hidden flux compactor on board his Klingons ship, Spock wouldn't of had to 🙀 guess.
@@yodaflyz I'd think a starship with warp drive wouldn't need a flux capacitor. The warp drive as the name suggests already is disrupting and bending the space-time continuum to get around real-space's speed limit of light space. Time circuits as we saw, the ship's computer can do that job.
The Flux Capacitor is the finesse method of time travel. The slingshot method with a starship is the brute force method. Both work.
@@chrismc410 Still doesn't change the fact that I dunno what Spock considers worse. Getting killed by radiation or having to make a guess. 😆
I saw what you did there!
Which is, ironically, kinda of what happens in the sequel 😃
I read the novelization. Valkris was restoring her family honor by getting herself killed after completing her mission. That's why Kruge's line, "You will be remembered with honor" has deeper meaning than it first appears. His earlier line, "Unfortunate," was obviously more personal.
But then why was it unfortunate that she'd seen it, if he was going to kill her anyway? Saying it was unfortunate that she'd seen it makes sense only if he would not have had to kill her if she hadn't seen it.
@@IrishCarney : one of many reasons why novelizations and other fanfic rubber-stamped for cash ought to be disregarded (I'm looking at you, Star Wars)
@@IrishCarney She let it slip to force his hand. He didn't know of her side plot.
What a way to repay a comrade for serving the Empire. Dirty
@@charleswest6372 The Klingons were always too quick to eliminate friends and foes. They were not able to breed warriors like the Dominion. So Valkris death was senseless. As was Kruge killing, by disintegration, a crew man later on. Frankly a species so quick to kill would not survive for very long. But Christopher Lloyd was great in this film. The 'Bird of Prey' is an iconic ship. It seems real in this film. CGI has ruined films and TV series. Some CGI no doubt was used in this film. But there was a great deal of scale modeling utilized.
His eyes after he says "understood," they water just enough to show his regret at what he must do, that is true acting talent.
I thought Klingons didn't have tear ducts?
I love it when actors play against type. Christopher Lloyd has been known for a long time as a comedic actor. Who could have guessed he'd make such a great Klingon? Hard to believe he's 80 now.
@@jeremyzak654 Spock said that in Undiscovered Country, but Klingon mythology states Khaless the Unforgettable himself shed tears after his father was murdered. Enough to flood the sea.
1:00 They don't have Flash Drives in the 26th century?
@@mikemanners1069 26th?
I met Christopher Lloyd just recently at a convention in Orlando FL about 3 days ago and he's a very kind and wonderful man. We spoke about some of the other movies he was in and I asked him how long did he have to go through the make up process and he told me it would mostly take about 4 in a half hours. I asked him if it felt uncomfortable at all and he said no. He said it never bothered him at all.
Thats awesome. Would love to meet him
@@jacedjohnson3541 Yeah me too. I'm a big fan of his & he was fantastic in this film. Also, my fav Klingon of all time.
Some people get all the luck.
@@jacedjohnson3541 Same here. I wish I could ask him for his autograph for playing a great Klingon Villain.
Its nice to know that 8 track tapes survived into the 23rd Century.
That was not an 8 Track tape, I know because I didn't see a book of matches wedged beneath the tape unit.
@@jameshalleluyah8133 LOL
It’s clearly a technologically advanced VHS (not Betamax)
@@johnnyfavorite1194 True, and the matches could have been cloaked as well.
Its weird and strangely cool that this exact Bird of Prey would later travel through time to save Earth and eventually end up in a Starfleet Museum.
I love that clanging sound as the bird of prey de-cloaks. Makes me think of a rusty old ship.
Or the creaking sounds a submarine makes as it dives
Funny you say that since the Bird of Prey was a cutting edge brand new design in universe at the time.
Maybe the Klingons got a leftover cloaking device from the Romulans.
The clanging sound is James Horner's percussion ...
Good ear. It's in the mix on the score to evoke the exact same common language of a collision alert as the alarm that sounds when the same ship decloaks in front of a whaling ship in the next movie, which is a callback to this scene.
Klingon or not, that chick is STACKED....!
That chick is dead. After Kruge blew up her ship
@@alexthompson5275 But she was still stacked. Priorities, dude.
When she steps up at 0:18 they are covered up but at 0:20 the director has made sure that her phasers are set to stun for us all to appreciate!
I do not see any chickens onboard!
No disagreement there
Doc Brown gone to the Future and dress himself up as a Klingon
This was before back to the future!
@@lamueldagon7618 Great Scott!
Reverend Jim of the Klingon Empire.
And then Worf goes back in time in a panel van to kill him.
The Klingons were definitely one of the best elements of this movie! This whole scene was kick-ass!
The one thing that amazed me about this scene was the way the Bird of Pray was done, you even see the wings go down as it flies past the ship before it comes round for it's shot, for its time, without CGI, it was and still is amazing, plus it was this scene alone that made me love the Bird of Pray, such a predator.
There's a reason it's been such an enduring design.
@@Zucca101 I agree, hence why I use the old Bird of Prey on Star Trek Online whenever I can :)
The model was about 6 feet wide. It was massive and detailed.
The original script called for the main villain to be a Romulan. Which is why the ship looks like it does and has a cloaking device. It wasn't until this film that Klingons actually had cloaking devices. They had to do some serious retconning to make that work.
Yeah, it's in the running for the best studio model the franchise ever produced
The Klingon Bird of Prey is my favourite space ship in any space series, just the design, the cloak, and all the awesome moments it’s been in, I just love it.
The cloaking effects from this and the following movie, both the visuals and the foley -- not catheter -- work were the best of the series.
It's good but it did get over-used in the later films and in TNG. Personally I prefer the D-7.
@strobava fwiffo Enjoy this link to the best D-7 scene ever: th-cam.com/video/kbG3N51MEjM/w-d-xo.html 😀
I said to my fellow B5 friends that if you put in a bird of prey against the shadows it would be a different ball game especially with Star trek universe being so more advanced.
To put into perspective at full impulse speed a bird of prey would be moving faster than most B5 beam weapons, plus the sub light targeting scanners, disrupters, photon torpedo's, shields and cloaking device plus warp speed capabilities, plus being able to teleport Klingon boarding parties at will.
A Klingon bird of prey would kick some serious ass in the B5 universe, a single hit from a torpedo would destroy any ship in B5 and a full spread at maximum yield would destroy B5 it's self, basically anything without deflector shields would be nothing but target practice against a bird of prey and moving at sub light speeds imposable to target and hit.
Long Live The Empire.
Ricardo Montalban was a tough act to follow but its only now I realise the incredible versatility of Christopher Lloyd. I have to remind myself its him.
Honestly I think the biggest problem is his character is in such an underwhelming story and his character has very little to shine in.
@@thewewguy8t88 I agree. I wish they hadn't killed Kruge off, I would have loved to have seen him in other Trek films and TNG. He would have made a great continuing nemesis for Kirk.
Star Trek really needed Worf to add dimension to the “Klingons see an honorable death as the highest aspiration” thing.
Yeah i agree
I don't wholly agree. Worf himself was a solid character, especially once you get him into DS9 and he can really come into his own.
But the honor-obsessed space vikings that the Klingons became was really awful.
Kor and Kang in TOS had a lot more going on then they are ever griven credit for, and the Klingons in TMP and TSFS are more compelling to me as an antagonistic threat than the TNG era Klingons ever were.
@@OpenMawProductions Because TNG era Klingons are not antagonistic anymore? Sure they even declared war on federation once, but they would have become frienemy, eventually friends with UFP by that point.
@@OpenMawProductions Agreed. Much prefer the klingons during the kirk era films far more than the TNG klingons.
@@OpenMawProductions I always saw the Klingons more like Arabs than Vikings. Especially when you compare to movies like Lawrence of Arabia or Khartoum.
Love the de cloaking, love the music and Christopher Lloyd is only second to Khan 😁
James Horner at his best, and yes that decloak is classic.
You are absolutely right. Kruge is second only to khan. He was the only one with the intellect the match capt kirk
was it the same composer who did ALIENS it sounds very similar
It is a shame he only appeard in such an average underwhelming movie( which it should have been anything but)
@@3ggh3ad Yup. James Horner in his early years. Of course, for ALIENS, Horner was brought in on a very tight schedule, so he actually had to reuse and modify a lot of music cues from his previous scores in order to finish scoring the film on time.
Krug would be pissed if that download required 100gb,and he only had 30gb max
Which is what my 2002-era Gateway laptop had. Still have it but haven't booted it up since 2009.
Or if the file was otherwise corrupted
Microsoft didn't support the software Kruge had
@@charleswest6372 And, like the Independence Day mothership, it was vulnerable to Macintosh viruses
I wonder if he named his Targ "Einstein"...
That would have been heavy
It isn't a Targ unfortunately.
No, it's Copernicus
We can only hope.
General Martok would never have allowed pets on the bridge.
Well there was worf lol
@@zackb5636 Ouch.
She wasn't on the bridge, she was on the other ship.
When Archer had his Beagle onboard NX-01 it so reminded me of Kruge here.
Catherine Shirriff: tall, leggy, busty character actress of the 1980's.
A good choice to flesh out the character of Valkris, though all too briefly.
Christopher Lloyd hands down one of thee best Klingons. I mean super talented to go from comedy to playing a villain. He was so believable I had to pause and be like wait a minute 🤣🤣🤣 dude is a whole comedian.
Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon is one of Star Trek's best ever casting choices.
Commander Kruge this is Valkris :
Valkris: qa'vam De' vIje' rIntaH.
(I have purchased the Genesis data.)
Valkris: HablI', Su': labbeH.
(Ready to transmit.)
{"I have obtained the Federation data, and I am ready to
Kruge : Well done Valkris well done
Kruge: So'wI' yIchu'Ha'
(Disengage cloaking device!)
{The voice spoke a few words which only Valkris recognized,
for they were in a Klingon language.}
Kruge: yIchu'qa' (?)
[bridge crewman pushes button and the lights come back on]
Kruge: De' yIlI'... DaH
(Transmit data. Now!)
Valkris: jabbI'ID pItlh. Qu'vaD lI' net tu'bej
(Transmission completed. You will find it useful.)
{"Transmission completed, Commander. You will find it
essential to your mission."}
["... this line was one of those Valkris was filmed saying in English, then redubbed in Klingon. Okrand had to match lip movements. The subtitle was something like "You'll find it useful." There was no mention of "for the mission" in the subtitle, but Okrand needed to add something to give her a reason to keep her lips moving. Note that lip movements for "You'll find" look a lot like Qu'vaD, "it" looks a lot like lI' and "useful" loosely matches tu'bej." (charghwI') Was the Klingon line Qu'vaD lI' 'e' Datu'bej, but the actress dropped a syllable and said qu'vaD lee' natu'bej forcing Okrand to come up with net?]
Kruge: vaj Daleghpu'
(Then you have seen it?)
{"Then you have seen the transmission?" Kruge said, implying
regret and inevitability.}
Valkris: HISlaH jawwI' [joHwI'?, heard: jahwhi']
(I have, my lord.)
{"I have, my lord," Valkris replied, granting permission in
the second stratum and offering forgiveness as the third.}
Kruge: Do'Ha'
{"That is unfortunate," Kruge said.}
Valkris: jIyaj
{"I understand," Valkris said. She made all three strata the
same, for she wanted him to know that she understood what she
was doing and why, that she understood what he was doing and
why, and that she understood that he would make certain the
promises made to her would be kept.}
Kruge: chuyDaH
{"Thrusters," Kruge said, in the form of their language used
by commanders to subordinates.}
Valkris: Qapla' jawwI' bangwI' je
(Success my lord and my love.)
{She spoke again, in formal tongue, to Kruge. "Success,
Commander. And my love." She did love him, indeed, as the
instrument of her bloodline's redemption.}
Kruge: batlh Daqawlu'taH
(You will be remembered with honor.)
Kruge: baH
{Then he switched dialects again. Valkris knew he was speaking
so she would be sure to hear his command: "Fire!"}
Kruge: He chu' ghoS. DIvI' neHmaH
(New course. Federation neutral zone.)
{"Execute a course to the Federation boundary."}
... NERD
For reals though, that's impressive work.
Take note everyone - the klingon bridge is the same set as from TMP - just the rear, circular section. It was reused as the torpedo bay in TWOK - Kruge's chair is where the torpedo was lowered and he has his back to the loading hatch.
I love how Doc Brown changed the space-time continuum and became a Klingon
Christopher Lloyd was a friggin boss as a Klingon. He set the tone for all Klink chars going forward, and J. G. Hertzler refined them during his stint on DS9.
Oh, Valkris has to be the finest Klingon to ever grace the screen.
Don't forget Vixis...
A quick death, all because you watched a brief commercial…
It would be funny if she picked up the wrong tape to download onto Kruge's ship. Instead of the Genesis planet project, It turns out to be an album of the group, Genesis.
Seriously, how else was she going to verify that was the correct information? And wouldn't she have had to have known some of the details already to know what to look for? All she had to do was beam over to the Klingon ship.
Welcome to you tube
Title is sort of misleading, thought the Klingons were going to Toys R Us (RIP) to actually buy a Sega Genesis. A lucky shot sir!
I was just thinking, if this is what a Klingon purchase looks like, I'd hate to see a Klingon mugging.
You mean to tell me Doc, is that you built a Time Machine out of a B'Rel Klingon Bird of Prey?
Ironic that this vessel eventually ended up becoming a time machine...
Well since a warp capable ship was suppose to be creating a bubble of space time all warp capable ships were time machines.
A Deloris’s automobile license plate OUTTA T I ME
The Klingons do not fear death. Their fear is dying without honor.
Since you mentioned that it goes to show how complicated Klingon society is. From my understanding Klingons consider espionage very dishonorable.
@@Yuurei21 for Klingon culture it means cowardice, it is a typical activity for cowards.
Marcelo Viana
Yet, in tos it they had spies.
That facet of their culture was taken from Ancient Japanese (Samurai) and Viking cultures. The entire 'dying a glorious death' was very Japanese, where the boisterous singing and drinking in addition to the seeking of a glorious death, were obviously taken from the Norse.
0:45......The Klingon Bird of Prey is a very smill ship. Interesting in this movie they took this camera angle with a tiny freighter, to essentially blow up the size of the Bird of Prey to make it look much bigger than it actually is.
Small compared to a federation cruiser which houses hundreds. It would look huge compared to a freighter with four people on board.
@@wayofthecass Well, the BOP is only a small ship itself, that's the point. The Star Trek Encyclopedia's recorded their crew complement to be as low as 12. I guess this was just cinematic drama, to make the Klingons all "imposing" :D
I think the radiation levels in my lower decks rise every time Valkris is on screen. She could give Lursa and B'Tor a run for their money in the cleavage department...
Every dept, valkriss was the best klingon female ever!
Our shorts elastic containment kinna take much more of this, Captain! She's gonna blow!
I imagine Valkris seducing a human Federation scientist to steal Genesis
When she left his quarters... Well, she probably ended up leaving him a quarter of his bones intact after a bit of Klingon nookie.
Wasn't David Marcus, thats for sure.
I would like an official explanation as to why the bridge of the BoP is completely different in Star Trek IV when it's supposed to be the same ship!
Which became the standard setup for all Klingon ships.
Because those ships have two bridges to be capable to operate after one is destroyed. Like the Enterprise-D has a battle bridge in the machine section of the ship!
@@matsch6777 The Bird of Prey is a very small ship, with a maximum crew of twelve. I've seen the blueprints for the ship, and there is no battle bridge.
@@eblackadder3That's right it is a small ship. There aren't 2 bridges. That's just silly.
Behind the scenes, the real world reason was they scrapped this bridge set after filming. Plus Nimoy had said this bridge was really too cramped to shoot in. Which is the real world reason the bridge is much larger in part 4. In the story it is kinda just assumed that Kirk would have the bridge remodeled to a Star fleet design for ease of use for the federation bridge trained crew and especially language. Kirk and Scotty make vague remarks about this in Voyage Home.
But I really liked this contrast of design compared to the Federation ships. It also gives some insight into Klingon culture.
The novel expanded valkeris backstory including a Klingon brother she was forced to disown for dishonorable behavior and being leader of her house.
Good to know that 1980s video game cartridges were still in use in the 23rd century to upload data
When I first saw that Bird of Prey decloak --- I was six --- it scared me out of my mind. It was like a nightmare come alive. I was like, "What is THAT thing!?" And then it destroyed the freighter.
Lethal as all hell.
You know if I were her I would have said something like, "No, I didn't see it, I just saw the previews."
If he beamed her aboard why be paranoid of her giving info away?
@@2bituser569 maybe he was worried she would betray him later in his political and military career with the genesis info and how he obtained it without the authority of the Klingon government.
If a Commander’s actions bring glory, honor, and a tactical advantage to empire I imagine all is forgiven and he’s hailed as a hero.
@@2bituser569 Because it was a good day to die
@@2bituser569 Corruption was common in the old Klingon Empire, not uncommon to betray others for higher office
valkris will be remembered with honour
Her boobs will be remembered lol!
Remembered with double honor
Everyone died, so she was not remembered.
@@goldfishprime Ohhh!
Fuu - I never thought of it like that! Ouch; it makes the entire movie the tragedy of Valkris' unsuccessful attempt to redeem her family's honour. Oof. I'm never *not* going to see it that way now.
Unless, you know, Kirk and all still had enough data from the 'Bounty' to eventually pass that knowledge back to the Klingon Empire after the events of STvi, of course?
I love the very sleek, fast, deadly, and terrifying look of the Klingon Bird of Prey. These awesome Klingon ships would totally make mince meat out of those pathetic Imperial TIE Fighters from Star Wars in my opinion.
They seem to use the same lasers, anyway..
But the TIE fighters are cool because they seem to encapsulate, literally, the unquestioning servitude of their pilots. Constrained to see only forward, with those big panels looking like carthorses' blinders..
Glad her supernovas were uncloaked
That Valkris is hot!!!
The STAR TREK Movies from the 80's had this rough filter over them that gave them this unique dark look, it made you feel the film with your eyes. I wish they would go back to using it.
Always loved that utter ruthlessness. Tells you straight off that he's a villain not to be f*cked with.
If the Klingons “bought” Genesis, Kruge wouldn’t need the “secrets of the Genesis torpedo” from David Marcus.
That Klingon "dog" was a nice touch...
It looks like Klingons never gave up their 8-tracks...
..and why should they?
I always imagined because Valkris was very curvy, and didn't have very defined forehead ridges like most Klingons that was able to pose as a human, and that she must have slept with some Star Fleet admiral or captain to acquire the Genesis data.
"GREAT SCOTT Marty....It's the Flux Capacitor!!!!" translated into Klingon: "Choue kacth doch Marty....bocke Foche Doue-doch"
The entire Klingon attack/ship destruction sequence shown at the end of this clip was cut from the ABC broadcast version back in the 80s, still gets to me. I knew it was in the theater cut and was amazed they deleted it for broadcast.
v8vrooooom That surprised me too, considering that they had added footage to the previous two films, both times against the director’s wishes. I think they got in trouble when they did that to one of the “Superman” movies, so they stopped doing it.
Here are some fun facts. Originally the villains were going to be Romulans, and the Bird of Prey that had already been built a Romulan ship. But they went with the Klingons due to their popularity. However, they’d already blown their budget on the model, and so just passed it off as a Klingon craft.
Also the decloaking process was supposed to start with the interior of the ship appearing one section at a time and the exterior forming around it. This was dropped due to it being considered a slow process for the ship to decloak. As well as the model complications and cost to pull off the effect.
One more fact. Both models were reused in NG series. However, the motors that caused the BOP wings to raise and lower had seized up, and the model could not be opened up to repair it. As a result, all model shots of the BOP had its wings permanently stuck in flight mode.
I read they were going to put in scenes that showed Kruge stole the BOP from the Romulans but thought it too convoluted for the lay viewer and dropped it.
So why does she have to die but Kruge has no issue having two random bridge NPCs see the tape?
When that Bird of Prey hits Warp 8.8 you're gone see some pretty serious sh#t.
apparently ... the first draft of what Klingon women were supposed to look like was kinda' sorta hot.
Klingon females really got ugly in later Trek...
Especially in the latest installment.
By Klingon standards she was a bit plain.
1:00 They don't have Flash Drives in the 26th century?
@@mikemanners1069 23rd.
I love the orchestral atmospheric music and ship sounds as the Klingon bird of pray de-cloaks, it really gives you a sense of the size of that big ship as it over shadows that small cargo vessel, it seems to be an art form lost in the modern CGI films.
I just love this bit!!
True love was never more obvious.
What's neat is the lighting of the sets in this movie. Blues, purples, reds... its lit much the same as the tv show. And it works perfectly. Even the Excellsior bridge is colorful to a degree. Bright green lighting on the floors.
"Decloking Music" Jerry was the man!!!!still gives me the chills also I like how the Targ snarls after he says "thrusters"
Actually, this was the late James Horner.
@@cubdukatI stand corrected thank you. God speed James
I have watched this movie so many times, but it is a good movie :) But I don't like the subtitles option on TH-cam, when you want to translate something and when Valkris is speaking Klingon to Commander Kruger it show with English words instead hehe :)
Here is what I know about Klingon words in this episode and little info about them :)
The tlhIngan Hol in the movies is actually pretty good; Marc Okrand himself coached many of the actors. The translations in parentheses are the (subtitles) as they appear in the movie followed by the [closed captions] in brackets, which was helpful in places where there were no subtitles. Angle brackets indicate in the transcription due to muttered dialogue, background music or sound effects. I have added excerpts from Vonda McIntyre's novelization in {curly brackets} when they differ from the subtitles which may reflect an earlier version of Harve Bennett's screenplay used by the novelist in her adaptation.
Valkris: qa'vam De' vIje' rIntaH.
(I have purchased the Genesis data.)
Valkris: HablI', Su': labbeH.
(Ready to transmit.)
{"I have obtained the Federation data, and I am ready to
The line as written is "Ready to transmit." The line as spoken in English by Ms. Shirriff was "Ready to transmit". Okrand just had to invent sounds to fit her mouth movements when the people who make such decisions decided, after the fact, to have her speaking Klingon. My recently concocted theory on this line is that Okrand altered the line to be a command to Valkris' computer (i.e. "Data transceiving-device, attention: prepare to transmit"), but the subtitle didn't get changed. (ghunchu'wI') "My interpretation of Valkris' HablI' Su' labbeH line in ST3 as a command to the data-transceiving device (analagous to a pet command) was confirmed [by Okrand]. Apparently the subtitle `Ready to transmit' is not very good." (ghunchu'wI' at qep'a' loSDIch) "When I mentioned to Okrand at qep'a' loSDIch that I thought that this was in the form of a `pet command', he said it was a valid interpretation." (ghunchu'wI')
Kruge: So'wI' yIchu'Ha'
(Disengage cloaking device!)
{The voice spoke a few words which only Valkris recognized,
for they were in a Klingon language.}
Kruge: yIchu'qa' (?)
[bridge crewman pushes button and the lights come back on]
Kruge: De' yIlI'... DaH
(Transmit data. Now!)
Valkris: jabbI'ID pItlh. Qu'vaD lI' net tu'bej
(Transmission completed. You will find it useful.)
{"Transmission completed, Commander. You will find it
essential to your mission."}
["... this line was one of those Valkris was filmed saying in English, then redubbed in Klingon. Okrand had to match lip movements. The subtitle was something like "You'll find it useful." There was no mention of "for the mission" in the subtitle, but Okrand needed to add something to give her a reason to keep her lips moving. Note that lip movements for "You'll find" look a lot like Qu'vaD, "it" looks a lot like lI' and "useful" loosely matches tu'bej." (charghwI') Was the Klingon line Qu'vaD lI' 'e' Datu'bej, but the actress dropped a syllable and said qu'vaD lee' natu'bej forcing Okrand to come up with net?]
Kruge: vaj Daleghpu'
(Then you have seen it?)
{"Then you have seen the transmission?" Kruge said, implying
regret and inevitability.}
Valkris: HISlaH jawwI' [joHwI'?, heard: jahwhi']
(I have, my lord.)
{"I have, my lord," Valkris replied, granting permission in
the second stratum and offering forgiveness as the third.}
Kruge: Do'Ha'
{"That is unfortunate," Kruge said.}
Valkris: jIyaj
{"I understand," Valkris said. She made all three strata the
same, for she wanted him to know that she understood what she
was doing and why, that she understood what he was doing and
why, and that she understood that he would make certain the
promises made to her would be kept.}
Kruge: chuyDaH
{"Thrusters," Kruge said, in the form of their language used
by commanders to subordinates.}
Valkris: Qapla' jawwI' bangwI' je
(Success my lord and my love.)
{She spoke again, in formal tongue, to Kruge. "Success,
Commander. And my love." She did love him, indeed, as the
instrument of her bloodline's redemption.}
Kruge: batlh Daqawlu'taH
(You will be remembered with honor.)
Kruge: baH
{Then he switched dialects again. Valkris knew he was speaking
so she would be sure to hear his command: "Fire!"}
It would be cool to have seen a battle between Khan and his crew against the klingon crew over genesis
If i was the Klingon Capt., I would have said the transmission was garbled. I would want to motor boat later than evening.
Kruge is mad for keeping his dog-dragon thingy at his side for the rest of his mission rather than her
Dog-dragon thingies are a Klingon's best friend!
I believe that the creature is called a targ.
It was a regretful decision, but Kruge had to kill Valkris. She saw the contents of the tape and he knew that she had to go. Valkris accepted that fate knowing Kruge would help restore honor to her family name after her younger brother brought dishonor.
1:02 pops an 8-track in! When was this from? Man I'm outta step with things!
John Larroquette
Yep. He was also the Colonel in "Stripes" & played a KKK guy in "Twilight Zone the Movie".
Funny thing, Brent Spinner who played Data on ST TNG was a regular guest star on Night Court.
@@thitsugaya1224 And Larroquette and William Shatner both starred in Boston Legal.
And Rene Auberjonois.
This never made any sense to me. Why did she have to die just because she'd seen the information?
Yeah, just beam her ass directly to the Captains Quarters, blast the ship and move on like a boss.
She could have copied the information and sold it to more buyers.
According to the novelization, it was actually her choice. Her brother managed to get himself discommended, and stealing the Genesis data was her meal ticket to restoring their honor. It was probably one of those things that was in early drafts of the screenplay but taken out. They were still in the early stages of world-building with the Klingons.
Because she knows where it came from, and to whom it's going..
Someone needs to edit this so that a Genesis music video plays when they go to look at the data lol
Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon Commander
Did the merchant ship get the genesis info from Regula 1
I did not know Christopher Lloyd played in Star Trek until I saw the birthday post on Facebook.
Even if Valkris didn't see the Genesis information that she obtained for Kruge, would he still kill her anyway along with those aboard the merchant ship?
Of course. First rule of crime: No witnesses.
I always wondered how painful it would be to be blown up in a starship especially that one where it shows the insides coming apart.
it would probably hurt like hell for some brief moments, then nothing
Even Klingon dog monsters like getting their head scratched :-)
Where can i get one of them klingon dogs???
Now we have Defiant class ships that eats multiple birds of prey for breakfast.
DS9 laughs at a the Klingon fleet.
Klingons are space pirates
So, Kruge couldn't beam his girlfriend off the ship before destroying it? Or did he eliminate two problems at one time?
he killed her because she saw the data
Could the Klingon command chair get any higher?
I saw this in the theater originally for $1. It had to take a second viewing to really like it.
Imagine if the Klingons were ever to stumble upon that weapon-selling planet from the TNG Season 01 episode, "The Arsenal Of Freedom" ?
Klingons will "Free Palestine" 😆
Kruge would have blown a fuse if someone had told him that his ship would eventually end up in the Starfleet Museum.
After Cartman obtained the last Nintendo Wii the Klingons decided not to let the SEGA GENESIS slip through their fingers.
I thought we were referring to Hyundai Genesis.
Christopher Lloyd was born to play this role👍
Valkris other name is D'Kup
Khhhit Dat!
@@IrishCarney Actress's name is Cathy Shirriff; check out her pic from Magnum PI: www.imdb.com/name/nm0794399/mediaviewer/rm1683247104/
Always found it odd that she sealed her death sentence by snooping at the genesis info, and much less blabbing about it..
"Did you see it?"
"Yes, Kruge , I saw it, but believe me , it wasn't much to write home about."
" You shall die..........with honor ,....I guess !."
" Hey, ...when do I get paid? , I'm supposed to get paid for this."
" Believe me captain, when Kruge pays you, it's a promise, here comes your pay now."
Kruge opens fire and destroys the freighter. Kruge: " No matter the planet, you can't trust your girl friend with a secret, .........on top of that, I saved my money , and the Genesis tape is mine!!!". Star Trek 3 " Why search for Spock??". 1984.
"Did you see it?"
"Understood, my lord."
It's just pleb logic. He has entire crew that's likely less loyal than she is. Probably after a few drinks he'd be talking about Genesis to the bartender, makes this seem so cartoonish.
"Thanks for your help, now we'll blow you all to smithereens!" **BOOM** lol
He could've just beamed her aboard. After all, she was his lover and on the same team.
If I understand, the plan was that she was never to know just what data she was handling; having her running around knowing about Genesis was too much of a loose end for him.
@Gunner Storm Great scott!!!!
hump them the dump them!
@@Canoby That's it. She unknowingly signed her death sentence when she watched the Genesis footage...and gave away that she did.
Aaaand bargain bin han solo's smuggling days come to a premature end
This scene! When the Bird Of Prey shows up. Damn!
one of the best star trek moments is when Kirk gives him the boot.
First appearance of the Bird of Prey which would be the primary ship used for future movies and tv shows. Personally I liked the Battle Cruiser more.
Spoiler alert: Kruge and Valkris ARE NOT lovers. At least, not according to the novelization, and that's more or less official. She was using him and this mission to restore her family honor, and he admired her combat legend.
And here it is for the first time, the cloaking device that would save the galaxy not once, but twice.
Definitely not my favorite original cast movie, but one of my favorite scenes.
Kruge: You will be remembered with Honor...
(Ship Destroyed)
Kruge: Prepare a destination to..
Klingon Communications Officer: Excuse me my lord...
Kruge: Yes? What is it?
Communications Officer: What about me?
Kruge: Explain?
Communications Officer: I saw the files to, just then when we were getting the upload.
Kruge: Yes....how unfortunate...you will be remembered with Honor...
( Phaser Blast)
Kruge: Prepare for
Navigation Officer: Sir?, I saw it to just then when you two were watching the upload I didnt know we werent suppose to view it? Right over your shoulder...
Security Officer: Sir, does it count if I just saw the Flash Drive that it is on and not the actual footage?
Klingon Guard: Yea me and Tok-ku were wondering the samething we seen you take it out of the port...
Kruge: - -
(3 Days Later The Enterprise)
Spock: It was the oddest thing ive ever seen Captain on a ships security footage, the Klingon Captain killed everyone on board and then turned and looked into the mirror on the bridge and said "I seen it to" and phasered himself, peculiar Captain.
Kurk: Yes that is damn peculiar indeed.