What’s the Most Fricked up Thing You’ve Seen Someone Do at a Supermarket?

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  • Fresh AskReddit Stories: Reddit, what's the most fricked up thing you've seen someone do at a supermarket? --- LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!
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ความคิดเห็น • 239

  • @lightscameralife232
    @lightscameralife232 2 ปีที่แล้ว +133

    I worked at a Walgreens, and there was an older couple (maybe 60s/70s), and the wife had something like dementia. She would sing and dance randomly on and off while also saying random nonsensical things to us in a high-pitched voice like she's working at a children's carnival and talking in a happy, fun way to entertain the children. She was so carefree and had a childlike innocence. It was actually a highlight of our day whenever they visited. She was a breath of fresh air from all the angry crazies we got all the time.

    • @Lee-xw7gf
      @Lee-xw7gf 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This ca

  • @CJPurplePrincess
    @CJPurplePrincess 2 ปีที่แล้ว +147

    I witnessed my 4-year-old twin successfully shoplift a rubber ducky at a crafts store.
    It was insane. My mom forced us to turn around and return it.

  • @Foxxie0kun
    @Foxxie0kun 2 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    NEVER underestimate the bludgeoning power of a lady's purse. Not every lady carries so little that she'd need to stuff two bricks inside for it to make an impact. My mom even at 73 carries enough substantial items in her purse to give it some real heft, and even without a purse in hand my mom was able to knock my step-dad on his ass the moment he raised his fist to try and hit her. He was out cold before mom even realized what had happened, and my older sister was laughing her ass off at how lightning-quick mom reacted.
    For added context, my mom's first husband long before I was born was physically abusive and after she got away from him she swore no man would ever abuse her or her kids again, so her instant and automatic reaction to my step-dad raising his fist was altogether expected by just about anyone who knew her and where she came from and how damn strong she is as a person.

    • @feraltaco4783
      @feraltaco4783 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      My mom's purse should be registered as a lethal weapon. If I can swing it hard enough I could do some damage with my own but hers feels like she stuffed a bowling ball in it. 😆😆😆

    • @Probie25
      @Probie25 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It’s a southern thing, a woman’s purse is a mysterious thing.

    • @Probie25
      @Probie25 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Part suitcase part weapon, part first aid kit, snack bag

    • @mateo335
      @mateo335 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Probie25 part dimensional rift, where there's infinite storage

    • @REDFRLegend
      @REDFRLegend 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      My mom's 'purse' can't even be classified as a purse! It's a giant heavy handbag! Hell knows what's inside it!

  • @frisbyart
    @frisbyart 2 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    The amount of people who refuse to use a fucking toilet is downright terrifying. I cannot imagine what they must live like (I picture the show Hoarders just thinking about it).

    • @eeee8479
      @eeee8479 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Where do you meet these people?

    • @ImperialGuardsman2
      @ImperialGuardsman2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@eeee8479 You've never worked retail, have you? Literally all of this happens almost daily. If not every other day.

    • @aemd6833
      @aemd6833 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ImperialGuardsman2 i mean... i think that depends on where you live lmao. i know people who work in our local grocery stores and they don't have stories like this. i think it happens when healthcare is unaffordable, among other reasons

    • @stevelansfordsaveukraine8751
      @stevelansfordsaveukraine8751 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I guess you could say theyre shitty

  • @literallymythirdaccount7950
    @literallymythirdaccount7950 2 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Not really fricked up, but I've seen my store manager chase someone out with an airhorn once. I don't think we sell airhorns.

  • @VikingsRazor
    @VikingsRazor 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    When I was a cashier at Walmart, a man and woman came in and had some sort of puss or something coming from every hole in their head. It was gross and was running everywhere. They were wiping their noses and eyes like a toddler would and smeared it on their clothes, faces, and arms. Of course they paid in cash.
    I called my manager over as soon as I saw them. When they left, I asked if I could go wash my hands. The manager said no, of course not. We weren't allowed to have any cleaning supplies with us, except windex and paper towels. I cleaned the money and put it in the bottom of the drawer.
    The people in line were horrified by this as well. As soon as the manager left, I ran to the bathroom that was directly across from my cash register to wash up.
    Of course the customers in line that saw these nasty people insisted that I go wash. They said they would report the manager if I got into trouble.
    They must have reported them anyway, because after that, all I had to do was ask and was given permission to go wash and they covered my cash register for me.
    The managers all knew that I was pregnant and had little kids at home, but didn't care about the nastiness that those people left behind.
    Yes I cleaned everything up before my subsequent customers put anything on the belt. The scanner was also cleaned as well.

  • @whtxombi4955
    @whtxombi4955 2 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Working in a grocery store for twenty years. For every employee, they have to fulfill the three "P's": Poop, pee, and puke. Of course we call them "Biological Spills". Once someone let their dog crap on the floor. I guess they must have felt bad because they pushed it off to the side with their foot, leaving a brown streak across the floor. And then there was the prick that left an sixty dollar rump roast on the shelf to rot. Got hundreds of these stories.

  • @Autistic_Pixie
    @Autistic_Pixie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    My sister has had to pay for empty berry containers because she didn’t notice her kids eating them in the store. At least she pays, I’ve seen people that let their kids eat the fruit, then put the empty container back.

    • @aemd6833
      @aemd6833 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      my mum used to do something similar hahah she would start drinking a bottle of soft drink and pay for it at the end when it was either half empty or finished 😅 but like you said - at least they pay! some oth people are way too entitled

  • @Texas214
    @Texas214 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I use to work at a Mexican grocery store when I was in high school. This lady would always let her son lay down in the bottom of the shopping. The little boy would try to stop the cart while it was going by putting his hands on the floor. Managers and employees would tell her that children can’t be in the bottom of the basket. She would just curse us out an would start yelling at us calling us worthless. One day I heard a loud painful scream, the little boys finger got caught on the carts wheel. I ran over to see what was going out, I wish I hadn’t gone. The littles boy skin was ripped off, I could see the boys bone. It was so bad people were crying and screaming.

  • @cooperryan6703
    @cooperryan6703 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    The pooping stuff really makes me mad. Who goes to the grocery store to poop? And why is it so common?

  • @wschnabel1987
    @wschnabel1987 2 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Saw a little boy about 5 bite his sister and she smacked him hard enough he landed on the floor crying. I had to turn away to hide my chuckles.

  • @dustinpetersen7730
    @dustinpetersen7730 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I worked at a grocery store in high school. One of the highlights was this little boy maybe five years old whose mother let him run around the store unsupervised. One day, he was marching back and forth in front of the checkout lines saying "Mother... F***er! Mother... F***er!" in a cadence, with each half the word coinciding with his footsteps. It made 17-year-old me chuckle.

  • @kcnoel5270
    @kcnoel5270 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I once stayed in the car of a tjmax parking lot because I felt sick while my mom and sisters went in.
    It’s a warm but not hot day so I have the window cracked for a nice breeze. A van pulls up three or four spaces down the row. A woman with her three kids is having a mental breakdown because she can’t control her kids. Screams something along the lines of “You kids ruined my life.” And “What’s wrong with you!” Overall she was very distraught.
    Once she calmed down enough to go into the store she was yelling at one of the kids telling him not to run into the road.
    This lady needs super nanny.

  • @christopherhanley122
    @christopherhanley122 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Years ago, we had an insane doctor in our town. He murdered his wife, cut her up then tried to feed her through a food processor. Then he returned the processor to Sears. They wouldn't take it. He died in an asylum.

  • @UncleBill732
    @UncleBill732 2 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    When I was a kid we had Gypsies come through town once in a while. Like several vehicles and vans following festivals and county fairs and they were supposedly real Gypsies. They came in our small town IGA and created all kinds of pandemonium with screaming babies and adults screaming at each other seemingly in anger. Meanwhile they walked through the store and filled up their baggy clothes with steaks and porkchops, etc. They were in and out in just a couple of minutes and then they were gone.

    • @steveadams7592
      @steveadams7592 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Travling circus.

    • @jacobmartinelli7496
      @jacobmartinelli7496 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      intense anger and despair
      their criticisms of hoped or just passively hoped beyond overwhelmed about inadequacies found settle enough to notice more and understand.

  • @GiratinaofFury
    @GiratinaofFury 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    What is it with some people and poo? It feels like so many of these stories involve some kind of excrement or bodily fluids.

  • @DareToBeDeviant
    @DareToBeDeviant 2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Respect and sympathies to all of the retail out there who are tasked with having to clean up countless mounds of human feces. Despite (most?) people mastering toilet training as a toddler, we are still hearing Reddit posts telling tales of grown ass adults who are aiming everywhere _except_ the toilet.
    Folk think men are gross, and yes many are, but in terms of public restrooms it's the women who should be shamed. Fifteen years ago I regularly was given the shift of trash, mopping, and bathroom cleaning. While the guys' bathrooms (3 total) would be littered with paper on the floor and drops of water, the womens' would have brown everywhere. One afternoon I was called over the PA to go downstairs. I ignored it since there's only one of me and was already doing upstairs stall cleaning. Turns out the 'emergency' was shit on the women's stall walls, seat, a trail of it to the door and in the sink was a pool of vomit. I boldly told the assistant store manager who paged me to the sink bit himself. Who the fuck is equipped to handle a pound of puke and rice in a sink? He had to find a plunger off a shelf and spent some time on that. Fuck you, Steve. That kind of job wasn't worth $6.25 an hour.

  • @herrheerhairheryeah2310
    @herrheerhairheryeah2310 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Can add one too .
    The mother of my bestfriend once went to 'Kaufland' which is a German supermarket chain and bought along her other stuff a can Pringles chips , as she was home and wanted to eat some pringles at night she discovered that seriously someone pooped into the can and sealed it again slightly with the top aluminium cover and 2 chips on top of the crap . I only believed it as his mother told me in person and showed me a picture of it

  • @nicolettethebaguette1576
    @nicolettethebaguette1576 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    There was a woman with a baby. She was shopping normally while the baby was crying, pretty much screaming at this point. All she did was make a disgusted face every now and then at the baby and shove a pacifier in it's mouth to make it stop crying for a few second. The baby kept on crying and just being completely ignored by the mother while she just continued shopping like nothing was happening. That made me really sad because ignoring a crying baby like that can really mess the kid up in the long run.

  • @brucea9871
    @brucea9871 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I saw one similar to the guy taking a single bite of the chicken and leaving the rest. At Walmart I saw a guy open a package of some kind of cookie or biscuit, eat a few of them, and leave the open bag on the shelf. And at SuperStore I saw a humorous "accident" by the staff. They spilled dozens of oranges all over the floor. It was like 50 people lawn bowling at once.

  • @ARedMagicMarker
    @ARedMagicMarker 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    So many of these at all of these grocery store from hell stories begin with. "a very obese woman in a motor cart/chair....."

  • @Willie5000
    @Willie5000 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    11:13 Honestly, if that were me I wouldn't even finish that job application. Just NOPE right out of that store...

  • @imtope
    @imtope 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    9:50 I don't know why but just knowing that there was a lady walking around a grocery store, showing people her poop, makes me laugh out loud

  • @ohcanada8084
    @ohcanada8084 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Speaking solely from someone who has worked in healthcare with the elderly, those who have commented on individuals with bowel incontinence, unfortunately, as we age, the muscles do not hold in everything as well as it used to, and some medications for different medical conditions, pushes everything out faster. Now those who shake it out and leave their poo, that’s laziness, but many older patients look to seek help or assistance. Those who don’t care about their mess, chase with a pooper scooper.

  • @WithScienceAsMySheperd
    @WithScienceAsMySheperd 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Canadian speaking. Went to the USA twice in my life. Went to their 24-hour alcohol selling Wal-Mart ONCE. Reached the footwear department. It was as if someone had screamed : "Shoe war" 20 minutes beforehand. And I happened to stumble upon a mess, witnessing the aftermath with nobody around to take the blame...

  • @chrisc6857
    @chrisc6857 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So, back before covid when big box stores were still 24/7. Guy comes in our store around 1a.m., clearly high on something. Manager and a few of us start trying to carefully follow/keep an eye on him, but he's so hyper/fast moving and random that we soon lose sight of him, no idea where he went. A few minutes later, the front end cashier manager comes over the bosses' walkie: "Hey boss? Yeah, I've got your guy up here in jewelry, but... I think he's dead..." Rush up there and, yeah... He's on the floor, flat on his back, he ain't breathing. Boss calls 911, they get emergency in route. Dispatcher starts trying to convince the boss to do CPR, but this was right at the height of when it was all over the news about the drugs that were supposedly so potent you could OD just from touching someone who had used them so she's like 'Yeah I don't think so.' EMT's arrive, get him breathing again, ferry him away. No idea what happened but I hope he got some help.

  • @nivekv-halla4752
    @nivekv-halla4752 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I now believe such supermarkets are a form of hell!🤮🤮🤮

  • @angelsmith5802
    @angelsmith5802 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I worked the cameras in a grocery store. On several occasions I had to break up fights between customers and not even near a holiday. The nastiest thing I saw a customer do was pull his dentures out of his pocket and used that exact same hand to pick out olives out of the olive bar to sample. Mind you there were sample cups and little sample spoons to use to pick up the olives. I called the deli and had them shut down the olive bar.

  • @Destiny15
    @Destiny15 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The grandma with the handbag was really funny 😂

  • @br5092
    @br5092 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I work at a grocery store. A few months ago another cashier caught an old lady opening pies and tasting them... just dipping her hands right in to multiple pies and licking her fingers... and she tried to just leave them there! The cashier turned her in to the supervisor... and after all the drama and embarrassment, the lady still stayed to do her shopping

  • @bunniesbunniesbunnie
    @bunniesbunniesbunnie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    that one with the loudspeaker guy: uh, if you're being met at the entrance, you haven't stolen anything yet because you haven't left the property. They literally can't do anything to you. Shoving it in your pockets or hiding and stuff like that? Sure, it implies that's what you're going to do. But until the crime is committed, they can't do shit.

  • @feraltaco4783
    @feraltaco4783 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    So, does every Walmart have some sort of field that causes some people to lose any tiny bit of bladder/bowel control they have?

    • @Cerinaya
      @Cerinaya 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I'm beginning to think there is a random brown noise ray that hits people who go shopping there.

    • @feraltaco4783
      @feraltaco4783 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Cerinaya gotta be.

    • @Cerinaya
      @Cerinaya 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@feraltaco4783 No other reason I can figure for so many people messing themselves.

    • @feraltaco4783
      @feraltaco4783 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Cerinaya me either. It's really the only explanation.

  • @jeannebuttons5301
    @jeannebuttons5301 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Not a grocery store, but I was in a Home Depot ages ago and somebody had left a bag of rancid vegetables slightly hidden underneath one of the racks that holds up the wooden the lumber department. It hadn't been discovered because it was the Cedar and pine boards that had a certain smell to them and it was hidden so far behind them it had time to ferment a little.

  • @youraftermyrobotbee
    @youraftermyrobotbee ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The way these employees treat shoplifters is nuts. I work in a Sephora (we sell practically nothing BUT high theft risk merchandise; mine is a Sephora at Kohl's so they can just escape with the stuff into the Kohl's and shoplift some shoes on the way out), and you absolutely cannot tell shoplifters you saw them stealing, follow shoplifters, tackle shoplifters or anything else like in these stories. The most you can do is let management know to watch them on the cameras and do your vewy nicest customer service at them. It doesn't deter them one bit.

  • @themysterylady842
    @themysterylady842 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I watched this guy in Walmart walk into the produce section, walk by the grapes, stick his hand into one of the bags pick out a grape or two, and then eat it before walking off. I never look at those bags of grapes the same way again.

  • @tinamarienelson8469
    @tinamarienelson8469 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I was waiting in the checkout line at a local grocery store. Lady on a scooter is in line to my right rips a frozen pizza out of the package and starts chomping on it…loudly. I’m looking around for someone filming her. I’m thinking it’s a TH-cam stunt. Nope. She’s just eating a big pizza-sicle.

  • @jessicajujubean5004
    @jessicajujubean5004 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Last summer outside of Meijers I saw this dude in his 60s who had this hideous curly mullet. He was wearing the normal stuff a guy his age would wear. Button down shirt, etc. But his hair looked like he hadn't changed it since 1985. He got imto an 80s model corvette and drove off listening to classic rock. I felt like I had just imagined the whole thing lol

  • @brunobandiera2062
    @brunobandiera2062 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Saw a woman at my local Safeway once, has 4-5 year old kid with her, brat is pawing over the loose wieners in a bulk bin, pulls one out, takes a bite, drops it on the floor. Mom pulls another one out of the bin, samples a bite and tosses it back in the bin ! I asked her if she intended to pay for them, she replies deadpan, "no they don't taste very good.." That store doesn't have a bulk wieners bin any more...

  • @PupRiku
    @PupRiku 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Not a supermarket but I worked in a retail pharmacy and came in one day to see someone just fully taking a dump on the floor in an aisle.
    Also had a sandwich chucked off my head for not serving someone in the queue who was about 6 customers back.

  • @DanandDonna1
    @DanandDonna1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    One night, while visiting my parents, mom asked me to go to the grocery store with her. She picked up a few things. She set a sort of trap. Asked me if she should get this one thing or not. I voiced my opinion and she screamed back at me. It was sudden. I turned and walked home to parent's house. Gathered my husband said love you to dad and left. It was as if a she devil appeared in the store! Of course I'm sure she told my dad a different story when she got home.

  • @JeannetteMTroy
    @JeannetteMTroy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I worked in a convenient store. This man walks up I ring his order and he says that he had 6 sodas and I charged him for them individual I said yes he said I should of charged him for a 6 pack. I said they came from the fridge and they were all different kinds and that I had to charge him individual for them. He went on a rant about how unfair that was. He kept yelling at me until I cried then the manager came over and told him the same thing I said,when he tried to argue with her he said to take it up with the owner. He paid and left.

  • @colleens1878
    @colleens1878 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Had no idea how many issues people have with bodily functions and dysfunctional families 😳

    • @morg7819
      @morg7819 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      you don't have an issue with people crapping in the floor of a public place and leaving it?

  • @chasefrost1401
    @chasefrost1401 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Lol at the pickle pregnancy water one

  • @Univerzion
    @Univerzion 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I found a pair of underwear on the sales floor.
    I work at a gas station, idk where they came from.
    Also it's ALWAYS fat people. Like wtf, I'm fat too and would never do anything like shit my pants and such. Like I have to check the bathrooms at work after I see a fat person use it cause I just have that feeling there's shit everywhere.

  • @youmadeafuckywuckygetinthe2525
    @youmadeafuckywuckygetinthe2525 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Once saw a guy try to smuggle two crates of beer out the store. He was literally being chased by security. Run forrest run....

  • @kaveh-w-
    @kaveh-w- 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was a cashier at Fry's supermarket 2018 this lady came in the front, walked right in front of the register station, by where they sell the sodas by the end cap refrigerators, and she let her dog take a piss right there on the floor. She didn't bother cleaning it up. she walked away casually as if nothing happened. Watched her dog piss all over our floor

  • @ghostboybenji
    @ghostboybenji 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    my older brother works at goodwill. he found shit smeared in the shape of a cross on the bathroom wall. also one time he was approached by a guy who was convinced he was jesus

  • @Obscure_Charcoal
    @Obscure_Charcoal 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    15:47 yes a 5kg ham to have as a snack while walking to checkout

  • @kekyointheshitpostingfool7959
    @kekyointheshitpostingfool7959 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    In the beginning of the pandemic, a man was coughing on all the kids toys purposely trying to contaminate them at Walmart. I don't remember if my sister told a manager but it was really scummy. Ironically my sister and her kids contracted COVID but I'm not sure if it was because of that particular incident (since of course, little kids love playing in the toy aisle and will touch everything) or because she doesn't know when to stay the hell home because she blows her food stamps on unnecessary junk food and crap. This was when people were panic shopping so it literally made no sense to leave the house if everything was picked clean. My Walmart is notorious for being trashy mostly because of the customers. Someone got jumped in the parking lot and ran over trying to collect carts but this was before my sister got hired. Another customer threw a head of lettuce at her head because he was pissed the self checkout line was card only. There's literally other ones that accept cash and card 🤦‍♀️ my friend's mom wanted me to work there with her bc she's a manager but... No Thanks. I'd either quit right away or bitch someone out for treating me like crap. Because the cashiers really get treated like ass by the customers here.
    Edit: you apparently get written up for standing up for yourself. My sister's told me people will literally talk down to her or harass her and if she talks back to them (she's known to do this) she'll get a write up. Especially if a customer complains.

  • @DarkLightBlade17511
    @DarkLightBlade17511 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Oh good lord. I feel like we need to allow employes to carry a shovel and let them fling the crapper's Crap back in there face and let the term "leaving Shitfaced" come to life like a legend.

  • @anakatsukifangirl2944
    @anakatsukifangirl2944 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A woman asked me in Petco, while we had our rabbit in her little pet bed in the cart, if that was a bunny. I looked her dead in the eyes and told her "No, it's a genetically modified velociraptor." because in truth, she has moments where she can be as vicious as a dinosaur.

  • @tsunzu
    @tsunzu 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I just wanted to listen and enjoy some snacks but all these stories are mostly about poop 😭
    I’m still eating tho-
    9:54 I stopped 😵‍💫

  • @alwaysdtf2197
    @alwaysdtf2197 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    former walmart cashier. the worst I saw was when 3 Hispanic women and a baby came to my line. all the women were just talking to each other and not once even glancing at the little kid. baby leans too far forward and wasn't strapped in and fell head first onto the concreate floor. he cried for about ten seconds as the women now were paying attention and picking him up, and then all of a sudden he stops crying. the rest of the time checking them out I didn't see the baby make any noise or move. I have no idea whether or not I witnessed a baby die

  • @TheSonWhoCums6669
    @TheSonWhoCums6669 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I’m positive some of these people have to be SCPs.

    • @pusscat1147
      @pusscat1147 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What's a SCP?

  • @motheroftears25
    @motheroftears25 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I was late to work because a lady crapped herself before she could get to the bathroom. She was moaning and groaning as well as giving a verbal play by play of what was happening which I did not need. I was trapped in a stall because no way in hell did I want to see a woman with crap all over her undress. She got clothes from the manager and friggin stripped in the middle bathroom. At the time I was working in fitting room and this was where I worked. I had to call my boss who understood considering she was the one who got the lady clothes.

  • @samuelcombs7726
    @samuelcombs7726 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    17:58 that was actually pretty smart

  • @fletcherhamilton3177
    @fletcherhamilton3177 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I laughed hardcore at that ‘I KNEW IT!’ rotisserie chicken story! 🤣

  • @imaspoon4522
    @imaspoon4522 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Me. I knocked over this six pack of beer in glass bottles and it smashed all over the floor. None of the employees took up my offer to pay for it. So I just bought my Bud Light and drank the hell out of it when I got home. I was the worst, I tells ya.

  • @Memelord4dayz
    @Memelord4dayz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The guy who takes bites out of the top of the chicken is a fuckin savage. Lmap

  • @raovchaos5463
    @raovchaos5463 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The man biting chicken once is a true chaotic and will see the downfall of civilized society

  • @MultiGG2
    @MultiGG2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I saw a 5 year old bite into a small nerf football like it was a ripe piece of fruit.

  • @GG-jn4dx
    @GG-jn4dx 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I work at a grocery store and I saw a lady change her baby’s diaper in public. No not Walmart ether lol
    Crap stories are giving me horrifying flashbacks

  • @aprildean5737
    @aprildean5737 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When I was a cashier at Walmart there was a lady who set off the door alarm and when I went to check her receipt she tried to give me a butterfly iv needle out of her purse

  • @DGFishRfine1
    @DGFishRfine1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Somebody get the garden center guy some help and then find him a job! Whatever his issues, he's clearly a smart dude

  • @rinrinring
    @rinrinring 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I saw a young child in the ice cream & dessert freezer. Just sitting there. I didn't get my icecream that day

  • @THawkMedia
    @THawkMedia 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I was checking out some interesting characters the one day. It was two guys, some kids, and a woman. I assumed the one guy was a friend, and the other was a husband or boyfriend to the woman. They appeared to be in their 20s. The husband was saying to the kids "you're going with (friends name) for the night"
    The woman was wearing a Marijuana shirt, and left the line before I finished the checkout. She came back 5 minutes after the guys left with a some fuzzy handcuffs. Best part is she looked me in the eyes, sighed, and said "don't have kids"
    Safe to say these people were !$%%!up

    • @morg7819
      @morg7819 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      drugs are a hell of a drug

    • @Foxxie0kun
      @Foxxie0kun 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This is 65% of the reason I'm a guy that prefers guys/masculine presenting romantic/sexual partners. Impossible for cisgender guys to get pregnant, and really hard for a trans guy to get pregnant on accident.
      It's my opinion that children are a sexually transmitted disease that saps your life of all joy for the next 20+ years and requires significant financial and legal burdens upon the infected.

    • @THawkMedia
      @THawkMedia 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Foxxie0kun ok then

  • @theitfurry4039
    @theitfurry4039 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Remind me to never go to a supermarket again, it's deliveries from now on for me

  • @Scott-lo8cg
    @Scott-lo8cg ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was in the bathroom when a guy with a broken jaw walked in, said he wasn't seeing a doctor and that he'd been taking psychedelics for the pain. His jaw was literally in two, when he opened and closed it the back half of his teeth moved differently then the front half

  • @albertocabezas282
    @albertocabezas282 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    An older man and his daughter. The man started to giggle uncontrollably and the woman looked at me horrified. "No, Dad, no, again no..." Then he let pass the nastiest, skunkish, repellent and powerful fart I ever smelled in my whole life. That fart was a long honk.

  • @Ang-cr9vm
    @Ang-cr9vm 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have so many stories, but watch how the new guy gets treated when he stops a mom shop lifting , nothing but cereal and milk. Or pb&j
    They learn fast. $3 bucks, just let it go.

  • @pirategirl1588
    @pirategirl1588 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm visually impaired, cannot see well enough to drive, and had taken a bus to a local Walmart.
    I shopped, checked out, and was sitting on a bench inside the main doors, waiting on another bus to go back to my apartment.
    A woman in her 70s wobbles in. She had curlers in her hair, an enlarged, faded, flower print night gown, and white bunny slippers that looked like they'd been hopping in ash.
    The woman walked roughly 3 feet into the sunlight in front of me, turned, yelled at the man she was with, then pointed towards him, revealing the inside of her nightie, and her lack of a bra or underwear.
    I jolted my body to the right and the man she was with (who was possibly her son?) was walking through the doors and seemed to have no issue with the woman exposing herself! Gah!!!

  • @foxkin7316
    @foxkin7316 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I once saw a lady open a box of lindor chocolates, eat half of each chocolate, wrap the remaining halves, and put it back on the shelf. Like, wtf lady. Just buy them, they're only a dollar.

  • @mystical_X3
    @mystical_X3 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    11:46 Similar happened to me but was a young man and was barefooted at Walmart. It happened years ago when I was little.

  • @ashleymiller9529
    @ashleymiller9529 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Those motorized scooters are the devil! I used to hate going anywhere with my Grandma because she always insisted on useing one of those scooters, but she could not drive it for shit. I think the running tally was five destroyed displays, three kart on scooter collisions, and I can't even count how many times she tagged people with those things or ran over toes/feet. 🤣

    • @rosiestewart870
      @rosiestewart870 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      i use a riding cart--- i'm 92, and have health problems. but, i've never knocked anything down or bumped anyone. your grandma might have been developing some mental problems, common in old age. someone should have shopped for her.

  • @jeffb.i.5574
    @jeffb.i.5574 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm going to stick my neck out and predict there will be some feces related stories here

  • @KorilD
    @KorilD 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    3:00 Okay, this one is hilarious.

  • @eligould774
    @eligould774 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dress up as dogs and walk around Tesco's. Hated working there

  • @xxsp-mm7bw
    @xxsp-mm7bw 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In Las Vegas I saw a morbid woman sitting down on the actual vegetable section, over the fcking vegetables

  • @Turtle-Melon
    @Turtle-Melon 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The dude on the PA keeping tabs on that shoplifter is a legend

  • @Mdmelastrange
    @Mdmelastrange 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It’s stories like these that make me glad I work third shift.

  • @abbie_joan
    @abbie_joan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    not a supermarket...a shoe store
    a lady came in with her dog in a carrier...I told her the dog was adorable she said thank you.After she left I discovered she let her puppy shit on our carpet.

  • @rionthemagnificent2971
    @rionthemagnificent2971 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The dude the bites the rotisserie chickens.. is probably a fox in a detective overcoat and hat. xD

  • @kekyointheshitpostingfool7959
    @kekyointheshitpostingfool7959 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If I saw that purse lady as a kid, I honestly would've thought she was the coolest person ever LMAO. At least they know not to F with her anymore

  • @ayanoaishi888
    @ayanoaishi888 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Back in HS I used to walk to a nearby target after school and wait at Starbucks which was right at the entrance. Also near the entrance there was an area where u were able to make returns. One dude in particular was arguing with a female worker manning the return area and I wasn't so sure what he was going off on about it was probably something about the problem with his item being unreturnable without a receipt? I don't remember it was something like that but whatever he was yelling to her about it ended with him yeeting his attempted to return item at the poor woman. Good thing she dodged and it hit the wall behind her, security had to chase after him when he left. Several minutes later security came back inside and one of them said, "that dude was a big weenie..."

  • @wanderingwarrior101
    @wanderingwarrior101 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel safe to say that one important lesson here is glass jars should not be a thing

  • @Hinatachan360
    @Hinatachan360 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I worked at the orange warehouse there were dope fiends living and screwing in the shed displays. There were so many used condoms, used needles, and trash it was disgusting.

  • @Sarah-yj6lf
    @Sarah-yj6lf 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I think I'm better off being blissfully unaware of what is said in this video. If I heard it I'd probably never visit a grocery store again and just starve to death.

  • @cameronbrown9402
    @cameronbrown9402 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    11:51 this is something I saw too, but he also had 4-5 in. platform boots on, which was weird cause he already looked to be like 6 feet tall... goodwill is a weird place to be in.

  • @lizerdspherex
    @lizerdspherex 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Walk and push their kart on the wrong side of the isle. It's not too hard to use the rules of the road people!

  • @plastiqueneurosis
    @plastiqueneurosis ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I watched a 30 year old man who looked like a crack addict from the hood take a $3 bottle of either oil or gas treatment and wrap it up in a sweatshirt before throwing it into his passenger seat from the drivers side: when confronted he swore up down and sideways that he didn’t take it and then said ‘I make more in a week than you do in a year, why would I steal’ while flashing two $20s and a few $5s and $1s inside his wallet. I told him if you had that much money why take a $3 item? The conversation was a loss and he paid in cash so we couldn’t charge his card. But I’ve seen richer and sometimes I carry more than $63 on me so he can shove it.

  • @diawesthues7504
    @diawesthues7504 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I don't understand how she can shake poop out of her pant leg onto the floor if she is sitting in a motorized cart? That makes absolutely zero sense.

  • @alisono.9865
    @alisono.9865 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just a few days ago I was ringing up a long line of costumers. I could not call for a second cassier to help me so there was just me... and one guy decided to put one open can of red bull (smelling like melted gummy bears) on the moving conveyor and decided not to tell me it is open. Well... I spilled half of the can over the counter... smelled like gummy bears for the rest of my shift (6 hours) and he did not give an f. He did not apologize or anything. I was furious. Before I could finish those 7 people in line waiting, I had to clean up the mess.

  • @termitesc.aardwolf3644
    @termitesc.aardwolf3644 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I one time saw two Mexican guys cheerfully play-fighting over a fried chicken drumstick on the deli floor. Then there was a hippie woman speaking a foreign language happily to a guy in a leprechaun hat as I progressed deeper into the store. Finally, I made it to the other side of the store to see a drunk woman sitting in a shopping cart whipping around a fruit rollup. The most normal customers in the store besides me and my family was a random goth couple.
    For context, this all happened in La Jolla in the early 2000s after a night at the Del Mar fair. I was a teenager when I saw all this and the surreal experience is burned into my mind.

  • @pinkrose3285
    @pinkrose3285 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2:01 this says a lot about the parent actually. No wonder the kid is pouring milk out in grocery stores his mom still don’t give a fuck.

  • @brianaucuba230
    @brianaucuba230 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hysterical! Personal favorite: triceratops-sized pile of crap! 🤣

  • @tomc9453
    @tomc9453 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've read/seen so many of these that the Steak & Riesling thing is genuinely the most shocking thing in this whole video.

  • @AllTheWeirdestProject
    @AllTheWeirdestProject 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    While walking through the game isle at a local Walmart, I found a symbol drawn on one of the shelves. It turned out to be someone testing a Bingo dauber but, at the time, the color looked like blood, in some kind of sigil that reminded me of Blood Over Intent.

  • @Taerin74
    @Taerin74 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Woman walking around with white baggies falling out, a couple passed out in the isle... One so drunk he was kicking everything like a soccer ball and stumbling around. A woman that grabbed me while holding a small child and proceeded to touch me and ask me out twice my age and high... Old woman hitting their waitress with a cane for no reason. A owner of a marina moving out a dumpster a mile away from the restaurant with a boat Crane because he got arrested for assaulting customers when he was too drunk. Yeah I've done a bit of customer service!

  • @jabberwockyslayer
    @jabberwockyslayer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ooh! I have a few!
    We had a regular known as the flower fondler. His default communication method was yelling, and he'd go over to the floral department and whisper (Read, speak in a normal tone) to the flowers about how pretty and sweet they are. Also, he had an ongoing monologue while shopping and every 2-3 sentences would yell "THANK YA JESUS, THANK YA!" We also had to buy new locks for the compactor because he liked ot crawl inside looking for... I guess produce? I never asked.
    We also had a guy who came in who was so high he bought 43 cans of spray cheese. Never saw him again, but I swear, the smell coming off him was enough that I was buzzed myself!
    Oh, and we can't forget the lady who forgot that in my state, you can't buy beer/wine after midnight (Liquor isn't sold in anything except liquor stores, and they close and 9 PM). She came in at 12:15 on a school night with her two school aged kids, and lost her mind when I couldn't sell her a cart full of beer/wine due to state law.
    .... I have a lot of stories from night cashiering.
    EDIT: Can't forget the guy who tried to steal... tampons. Or the guy who used to sing opera in the store late at night (he was a worker). Or the guy who once tried to summon satan in the back room (Didn't work). Or the fact I was the weird one sometimes - If a register refused to work, I'd step in and sprinkle salt on it while chanting ominously. Oddly enough, this often resolved the issue.

  • @TauroIshikawa
    @TauroIshikawa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's always Walmart mostly lmaoo