You can be healthy, unhealthy, fat, or skinny on a plant based diet. You can eat chips, Oreos, candy, burgers full of coconut oil, alcohol and soft drinks. I eat a whole food plant based diet and I eat lots of whole grains, potatoes, nuts, seeds, avocados and all the fruits and veggies. I’m 70, never hungry, not on pharmaceuticals and thin and active eating this way for 8 years. Also seldom catch viruses and when I do it’s mild.
This is 2025 there is no justification for taking someone's life when you could easily choose from thousands of wonderful, healthy,delicious, nutritious foods that don't deliberately cause suffering and death to anyone !
glad to have you on the Vegan side, there are so many crop death from making all the food we could eat to animals that are then also mindlessly killed 🙏🌱💪
The vegans did SO good on this debate. Especially the girl with the curly hair (Brooklyn) every time she spoke, SHE SLAUGHTERED them (humanely of course ❤)😂
I am a 65 year old vegan nutritionist. Vegetarian for the largest part of my life. The moment I went vegan, in no time I got rid of several problems. Have never been sick again for 11 years, while before that I had colds, flu, throat inflammation, irritable bowl etc.. Btw, my health is never ever worth the suffering and death of an animal.! Vegan4Life ✌️🙏🌱💚
The young woman claiming it's cheaper to eat meat than it is to eat plants seems unaware of the billions of dollars in government subsidies given to the animal ag business. Take away those subsidies and a pound of ground beef would cost around $30.
Watch Ruth Goodman's Wartime Farm and on how the potato came to Japan. During famine these people turned to more plant foods because plants are more accessible. Many nonvegans complain about plant fillers. That means plants are cheaper and more accessible. People don't use animal products as cheap fillers. Raising animals or pets is more cost, resources, and labor than plants. So of course animals and animal products are more expensive. Livestock farmers even constantly complain about how expensive and hard it is. They often do that for sympathy and to get people to support them and animal agriculture. Some people even start with taking care of plants first before they can work their way up to taking care of pets if at all because animals take more than plants.
I’m so tired of people saying they used to be vegan!!! You were never vegan!!! You were plant based!!! She obviously had no connection to the animals or she would have put effort into the diet part of veganism.
My thought exactly. I hate hearing people say they were vegan and then carnivore. I've been dealing with IBS for years and tried every known method to deal with it, but I will never go back to eating animals because I AM A VEGAN. I went vegan for the animals and that's it. And by the way, in spite of the IBS, my health is excellent in every other way. Blood work is excellent, no cancer, have energy and I'm in my 70's.
I was vegan for 8 years. I am no longer vegan. I went vegan for animal welfare now I eat organic free range eggs and organic raw honey. I’m considering adding wild caught game meat back into my diet. Which to me isn’t an issue animal welfare wise. I’ve been a healthy whole food diet for years yet I am still low in iron and am having irregular periods. Honestly there isn’t a 1 size fits all approach to diet as all body’s are unique and can absorb things differently.
@@mckenzieeleah Animal welfare is entirely different from respecting animals right to live. You still were only a plant based eater and this change of yours only proves that you don't respect or care about animals (except maybe your pets if you have one). Vegan means NO CRUELTY BECAUSE OF ME(YOU). And taking the honey bees make for their own support, hens that were hatched where 50% of each hatching is ground up alive, where the remaining chicks get to live, and are then slaughtered when their egg production drops, is still animal abuse. So at the very least, be honest and quit calling yourself a vegan. You never were.
@ddhqj2023 my IBS went away when I went on a NO OIL WFPB diet and included (, for gut health,) daily flax and chia, naturally fermented foods, and prebiotics and probiotics. ( I had suffered from IBS for almost 40 years, caused by intestinal damage from a severe lactose intolerance that was misdiagnosed by doctors for years. Spicy foods still triggered IBS, though I quit dairy over 30 years ago (, and meat 20 years ago. ) It was still there after going fully vegan, too, but finally healed with a no-oil wfpb gut health diet.(Of course, still vegan.) I can now even eat very spicy food! IBS is gone! ) Best wishes for your healing journey! Stay vegan!
Agreed. There are still modern people who try to justify and downplay slavery too. But slavery was worse than people know the further you research. Example, I saw people say that "slaves got a wage so it wasn't that bad". I've seen people say that slavery was good to teach skills to slaves. I've seen people say slavery was good to build modern civilizations. Past people said that if they abolished slavery than "the economy would collapse". Or "freed slaves would be lazy leeches off of Caucasian western people". Second Thought showed a propaganda poster of the latter. Leo Kearse from the Lotus Eaters assumed the "child trafficked victims enjoyed Epste1n's wealth in his p3do trafficking ring so it wasn't that bad". Thankfully, people like Brandon F made videos criticizing people for trying to sanitize slavery.
My question would've been, "If you love them, why take their lives when they desire to live just as much as you do? What have they done to deserve that shit?" I would've dragged her.
I think the one point so many fail to recognize is the if you are a vegan, the issue is all about cruelty and violence. I don't personally believe that anyone who actually hates the suffering and abuse, could ever go back to. eating meat. If you do, you were never vegan, only eating plant based.
The meat paradox refers to a state, where one cares for some animals and harms other animals. Research shows it is caused and maintained particularly by six factors: Cognitive dissonance, dissociation, strategic ignorance, hedonism, custom, and marginalization of empathy.
@NevilleWran945 Animal farming uses 83% of farmland and provides only 18% of calories. When we switch to a plant based food system, we can restore/reforest 76% of farmland AND be able to feed everyone. -J. Poore, Oxford, journal Science
@NevilleWran945 Animal farming is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO
@@NevilleWran945 The majority of crops are grown to feed livestock, so eating animals results in far more deaths in total. Also, human beings existing on this earth will inevitably result in some sort of suffering, we can't let pests eat and destroy crops that we rely on for human beings to survive. But just because there will be some quantity of suffering, it does not justify being able to cause maximum suffering. That is a logical fallacy.
To say nothing of the horrible zoonotic diseases, AIDS, COVID, bird flu, we are already being impacted, with the bird flu looming ominously in our not-too-distant future.
and if demand were to increase because of crazy carnivore choices, then how could it be supplied other than through the most extreme factory farming. Maybe like those horrendous high rise constructions in China. How on Earth could they avoid the development and spread of many different kinds of pathogens?
Many deny bird flu, Swine flu (the latter it was even argued that eating pork didn't spread swine flu) and AIDS is not a zoonotic disease, and many now believe COVID was something that 'escaped from a lab as a bioweapon' vs. the whole eating bats thing, so sadly it's not a good argument either.
She was “plant based”for 7 years not vegan. Plant based is a diet. Vegans are those that have made an ethical decision. No judge on who eats what but tired of people confusing the two.
@@NevilleWran945 What makes you think the carnivores have a camera person? Or what makes you think they don't pay their camera person if they have one? Steak and Butter Gal's videos are simple with not much movement from the camera. Steak and Butter Gal has a husband. He might help her. Some carnivores sell supplements. Yet they claim "plant based diets are unhealthy if these people take supplements". 90% of all B12 in the world is supplemented to livestock. Among other supplements. Google: Globally, about 73% of all medically important antibiotics are used in livestock production. Most supplements are used by nonvegans btw. There are supplements with animal products so vegans don't use those. In a stream David Ramms looked up carnivore Paul Saladino's website and he charged consultations with him that was 100s of dollars. Animal agriculture and animal products are highly subsidized.
When the topic of veganism topics comes up, I now tell people I'm vegan because I believe in the Golden Rule. That typically makes them pause and the debate often gets interesting from there.
Lifting Vegan Logic has a short of Steak and Butter Gal said things like tofu, tempeh, and seitan were "too processed". So she ate highly restrictive plant based diet. It's not because plant based diets are always unhealthy. Butter is in her name and she posted about eating cheese, butter as meals, and McDonald's patties so she is hypocritical in saying things like tofu are too processed. People should watch videos on how tofu is made. Just soybeans, water, and lemon or lime. Blend and cook til curds form.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c😂 I used to love butter and cheese. Getting away from eating those things made me realize how terrible I felt, I used to think I was disabled…it was what I was eating. The disconnect in not knowing that butter and cheese is more processed than tofu is crazy.
Vegans get way more illnesses then carnivores. Calcium in plants are not bio-available as are many other nutrients. The soil is devoid of many basic nutrients and minerals that would be transferred to plants. You would have to eat like a horse to get what you need. Pure vegans lose a lot of bone mass and get osteoporosis because they can't absorb calcium from plants. They are also prone to diabetes, cancer, skin conditions etc.
@@spliter227 Humans are not at the top of the "food chain" individually either. Most of us depend heavily on society, civilization, and all the infrastructure and products that others built and harvested. Proof: think about how terrifying, lost, or dead soon most people would be if just dropped into the wild alone and with nothing. Most of these nonvegans who use excuses like "what if vegans were in a deserted island" don't know how to even get drinking water either. Also, I looked up if meat, eggs, and cream are hydrating since some nonvegans claim that and the answer was no. But plant foods are. You need knowledge of herbs for medicine, how to make or find shelter, and how to survive in other ways too.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c The only animals at the top of some human-designed 'food chain' are obligate carnivores, such as lions, tigers and coyotes and snakes. These are more correctly known as 'apex predators'. The human is where the elephant, rhino and hippo are, herbivores, but have no natural predators. That's not the same thing as 'top of the food chain' or 'apex predator'. Biologically we are herbivorous.
A Cow would kill you in a fight. A Gorilla would kill you in a fight. An Elephant would. A Rino would, a Buffalo would win etc. Weapons are not made by nature. But we are made by nature and our physiology stands no chance to hunt.
@@happycarnivore5481 common sense should tell you who is at the top of the food chain. Do honestly think that a human could fight off any large animal with claws / jaws to rip you apart in seconds ? Do you think that imprisoning and torturing helpless innocent kind animals in factory farms and slaughter houses gives you the right to claim that you are on top of the food chain ? Animal abuser would be the correct description !
“A very smart and well informed friend of mine started following Dr Paul Mason a few years back, and was inspired to reject medical orthodoxy, go full carnivore, and rationalize her sky-high cholesterol. Her calcium score was zero, which was encouraging, and she wasn’t eating any carbs to glycate her blood lipids. Nevertheless, as medical orthodoxy would have predicted, she is now fighting for her life in intensive care following a sudden heart attack. Let it be a warning if your lipid scores are off the charts.” rdnzl
I don't blame people for choosing their health over animal welfare. Only very altruistic people will let their health suffer to stay vegan. If you are vegan and feel great, that's awesome, but I'm not convinced everyone can go vegan
22 sets of twins tried both vegan and meat diets. Researchers at Stanford University studied the twins' cardiovascular health. After eight weeks following their respective diets, the twin siblings who ate a vegan diet had lost more weight, reduced their LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, and experienced lower insulin levels, according to the study's findings. "The findings from this trial suggest that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet," the study's authors wrote. The study, published Nov. 30 in the journal JAMA Network Open.
Twin study Addendum: The telomere caps measured longer in the vegan group and shorter in the meat group suggesting the meat eaters were aging faster.. Additionally, the Epigenetic Biological clocks showed the vegan group was aging more slowly and the meat group was aging more quickly.
The study presents some limitations and potential biases that should be considered when interpreting the results. First, the sample size is small (44 participants), which limits the statistical robustness and generalizability of the findings. Second, the study's duration of only 8 weeks is short, making it difficult to evaluate the long-term sustainability and health effects of a vegan. Third, while the omnivorous diet was labeled as "healthy," it may have been disadvantaged by focusing on lean proteins and excluding saturated fats, which does not fully represent a typical omnivorous diet. Additionally, there are potential conflicts of interest, as one of the authors received funding from Beyond Meat, which could subtly influence the study's design or interpretation in favor of plant-based diets. Furthermore, no correction for multiple comparisons was applied, which raises the risk of false-positive results. Lastly, the vegan diet group reported lower dietary satisfaction, which may affect adherence in real-world settings but was not heavily discussed in the conclusions. These factors highlight the need for cautious interpretation and further research to confirm the findings.
@@bastien8443 What science and data do you have that meat, dairy, and eggs does not cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and dementia? Where is your data?
News flash: Herbivorous species are thriving on herbivorous diet. That's basically what humans are, herbivores, but have been told so long they're predators that they not only started to believe it, but they promote it with the so-called 'carnivore' diet and they're just going to harm themselves and other animals needlessly, trying to recreate the same 'proof' that those who sided with Phillip Morris back in the '50s did by smoking a pack a day to make the claim that cigarettes don't cause cancer. We are seeing history basically repeat itself.
@@georgewilson7808 Wait for the inevitable claim that a close relative of theirs who ate nothing but lard and red meat and somehow made it to 100 years of age.
First of all the girl that says she's a carnivore is not a carnivore to begin with because people are not carnivores. The word brainwashed comes to mind. She has allowed Society to make her think that she's a lion and she's not. I don't know why they think they're a lion because a lion can shred an animal easily but a person could never use their teeth and Shred any animal the same way. They have to cook their meat in order to be able to eat it so they cannot possibly be a carnivore. Secondly anyone that says that they can't get their protein from plants is a liar. Eating animals is not a necessity so why are people still doing it? We have options and selections to make the Kinder choice so that is what people should be doing instead of the old phrase history keeps repeating itself. When will people learn. Eating plant-based food means no animal products which means saving animals lives and a healthier happier life.
Humans are not designed to scavenge the dead. Humans are not omnivorous scavengers. Carnivores have no problems crushing raw bones with their teeth. They have no trouble swallowing bones and they easily digest them into a chalky substance. Omnivores can not only crush and digest raw bones but eat decomposing carrion and plants. Most of the carnivores are actually omnivores.
@@inharmonywithearth9982 yeah, that's why we have to cook meat. we are not designed to eat it. but it helped us in the past, ngl. don't know if we would've survived if we didn't start hunting. but well, we don't need it anymore. time to stop.
@inharmonywithearth9982 did you know that people actually started out as frugivores? I don't know how we started from that and now the world is addicted to meat and Dairy. These Meat and Dairy Industries are nothing but evil greedy corporations using satanic Contraptions on the most innocent sentient beings on the planet.
Even fruits have protein. Search up the "contents" or "protein contents" of any plant, fungi, or seaweed foods. People should look up the health problems of too much protein too. Since too many nonvegans are too obsessed with protein.
Do you have any idea how much it would take to feed your whole family all year on ONLY hunted meat? I grew up in a heavy hunting family, and we NEVER had enough hunted meat to eat only that. It was more like a special treat, whereas most of what we ate (on the farm growing up) was butchered meat - cows, pigs, chickens. I just never believe these hunters who, all the sudden on camera, supply all their family’s meat with hunting - it’s BS. wouldn't bare looking at living animal being killed in front of you and then have taste for its flesh, you are disconnected from what you are consuming 🙏🌱
The irony is that carnivores are harming, exploiting, and k1lling animals for health they claim, but they don't get to have health either. Animal products will destroy their health especially in high amounts. Plus, they further destroyed the earth. What were the gains of the carnivore diet? Except for taste, decadent, and hedonism. And maybe grifting off of it.
@@ВладиславБондаренко-х5еthis is a logical fallacy. If one harms any living thing (hitting bug in car windshield) then it is the same as raising and killing billions of animals for food. Silly. this a
@@ВладиславБондаренко-х5е easy the animals consume most of the soy, corn, and grains grown globally, helo! Simple math it is not sustainable, healthy, or environmentally responsible. The most inefficient segment of all food systems on earth. Extremely wasteful...!
Colo-rectal cancer. The World Health Organization, based on over 800 studies, has classified processed meat (bacon, ham, deli sliced meats, canned meats, others) as a class 1 carcinogen like smoking cigarettes. Red meat, beef and pork, is classified as a class 2 carcinogen. The lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is about 1 in 23 for men and 1 in 25 for women.
@@georgewilson7808 will these carnivore influencers put their “rotting colon” journeys on display? what happened to morbidly obese “carnivorous me” Amanda, by the way, anybody knows?
Are humans truly at the top of the food chain? Yes, we are on top of the food chain - we get to eat the ONLY foods that Want us to eat them - FRUITS!!! GO RAW VEGAN!!!
And they hate vegans because of the projection of their own cognitive dissonance onto others, because they know deep down inside that what they are doing is evil, so they project hate and irritation at those who remind them of their own immorality.
Vegan47 suggested that we don't use the term "meat eater" because it reduces veganism to a diet. I use the term "nonvegan". Google: 70% of all birds on Earth are farmed poultry; just 30% are wild birds. 60% of the mammals (by weight) on Earth are livestock (predominantly cattle and pigs), 36% percent are humans, and just 4% of the living mammals on the planet are wild animals. On Mic the Vegan's video on Jubilee he showed stats that if people only ate wild mammals they would be extinct in 2 weeks. Happy Healthy Vegan has a video on how it would take multiple earths for everyone to eat grass fed and free range livestock. "Grass fed, free range", and farmed fish are often scams. Many farmed fish are fed wild caught fish. Watch DW Planet A on fishing. Google: Some estimates suggest that bycatch is as high as 40% of the world's catch, which is about 63 billion pounds per year. This includes the deaths of more than 650,000 marine mammals each year. David Ramms said actually let nonvegans support or vote for ridding factory farms or subsidies to animal agriculture. Then that would make more people go plant based. Watch the Eating Our Way to Extinction documentary on Plant Based News.
we couldn't feed them now. Imagine if people started en masse to increase their meat consumption! No one ever explains how this diet could be supplied to everyone so I wonder how important do these people think they are? Not only do they demand that animals suffer and die for them but they also advocate a way of eating that couldn't possibly be extended to everyone.
It’s crazy that these ‘carnivores’ bring up health. Name one respectable diet and nutrition organisation that says eating nothing but meat is healthy. And then see what they say about plant based diets.
@@NevilleWran945 No. You missed the point of the OP. No reputable diet organization recommends the carnivore diet. But they say well planned plant based diets are healthy for all ages. Several nonvegan doctors have criticized the carnivore diet online. These organizations recommend reducing animal products too. So they are recommending plant based diets. They are just lenient on people who enjoy eating a bit of junk food and animal products for taste. Watch Rich Roll on the blue zones. The man who investigated the blue zones for years said it convinced him to eat ol plant based. Watch the doctors and documentaries on Plant Based News. Watch Viva Longevity and Mic the Vegan.
I'm familiar with the first woman (pianist) speaking on the jubilee panel, she did a video with a carnivore doctor. She said she would eat fruit all day until 4, then have white rice with potatoes for dinner.
Lifting Vegan Logic has a short on Steak and Butter Gal saying she didn't eat things like tofu, tempeh, or seitan because she thought it was too processed. It isn't. It shows her plant based diet was so restrictive. And not because plant based diets are unhealthy. She's hypocritical because she said things like tofu were too processed, but she posted videos of her eating cheese, just butter as meals, and patties from McDonald's. Butter is in her name. People can watch videos on how tofu, tempeh, and seitan are made. It's not as processed as she fearmongered about. Blend soybeans in water to make soy milk. Add lemon or lime and cook a bit to form tofu curds. Cheese is made in a similar way but she is ok with cheese. Tempeh is just soybeans fermented with a certain type of bacteria. Seitan is made by soaking a dough ball in water til it separates into gluten and starch. Cook the gluten and it's seitan. People can get gluten powder instead. Watch Sauce Stache on how to make seitan. There are many other healthy plant based recipes and foods. There are 1000s of edible plants, fungi, and seaweed. I heard the Chicken of the Forest mushroom tastes like chicken. I heard dulse algae tastes like bacon.
Only fruit and rice is limited nutrition. She failed to utilise the full potential of great WFPB vegan eating. No wonder she felt malnourished, confused and couldn’t concentrate.
The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. The ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2, which included a large population of Seventh-day Adventists, found that individuals following a vegetarian diet (including both lacto-ovo vegetarians and vegans) had a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease compared to meat eaters. The study highlighted the protective effects of plant-based diets. Participants: 96,000 Adventists living in the U.S. and Canada.
I was a vegan for 7 years following a normal whole food plant based diet with recommended supps. I recently had to go back to some animal products...none of which are factory farmed and my health issues that began as a vegan have resolved. I'm still eating 95% plants. I believe this is the way for some folks, as it's basically what humans did for generations. If you can eat vegan for 6+ years with zero issues my hat goes off to you. Vegans might have a problem with my comment but if everyone ate like me factory farms would collapse even though I'm not vegan I can still take an ethical stance. As usual the answer is somewhere in the middle. P.S. To address the video directly, I'm only eating animal products once a week at most, a few times a month. I'm thankful my time as a vegan has taught me to eat plant based.
I say this with respect to all vegans. If it works for you. Great. I don't believe it works for everyone. I tried for over a decade and worked with dietitians to make sure my diet was fully covered. It hasn't worked for me. In all honesty it has made me super chronically Ill and now I'm fighting even to maintain the little weight I have. Oxalates are a big problem for some of us. Especially if you have celiac disease which means a much more compromised gut to begin with. I don't believe vegetarian diets works for everyone. I'm not saying everyone should eat meat, I wouldn't if I could... I still think it's insane to force people who don't do well on it, as a morality clause... When those individuals end up suffering. Should we put animal welfare over humans? Seriously? Those who say yes have no clue how fucking hard it is to have your body shut down, be in constant pain and suffering for years and years. Of course we will eat meat if that heals us. You. Would. Too. If put in that same position. @@CastledarkDweller27
@@JamieRMate, I don’t think anyone’s comments here (mine especially) are aimed at you or people like you, who have illnesses, allergies, chronic pain etc that’s food related. Of COURSE if I suffered as you described your suffering, when I ate anything but animals, I would fucking eat animals. 💯❗️It’s like the plane crash in the alps scenario where they ate their dead mates to survive. If you’re sick, like suffering chronic physical pain daily when u try to eat vegan-then of COURSE you’re excluded from our arguments! Nobody has any right to harass or judge those suffering in such a way, for animal eating, if they’ve truly researched and seen experts and nothing heals your pain but meat. If I said stuff that made u feel otherwise, I apologise, that was NOT my intention. Peace.💚
Honestly this was a painful debate to watch. Really aside from the hench black guy, the other 3 vegans were so terrible at raising the right points at the right time, not picking up on terrible arguments from the other side or flat out lies e.g. that carnivore girl saying the vegan community told her its normal to become infertile? Really nobody thought to jump on that and identify that she was likely not having enough calories/macro nutrients and/or micro nutrients? If we had Ed Winters, Mic the Vegan, Simon Hill, Nimai Delgado etc. the meat eaters wouldn't have been able to get away with any of the BS they brought up, but alas they were basically let off scott free.
“I do know this, I was on keto/carnivore for 5+ years and I loved it. Then I had a heart attack which I attribute to the animal proteins and high fats. Now I am following the Ornish lifestyle, which is four parts but includes plant based, low fat, and low sugar.” juilstahl
This proofs nothing. 25 years of bad diet, than 5 years of carnivore. I know guy in gym almost everyday from his 20 years, cycling all day long. Mild hearth attack when he was 55 years old. Now he is 70 years old still working. Maybe its all about how cholesterol really works, not all these todays lies.
one fascinating thing i notice is people who advocate for eating animals are far more plentiful, far more preachy, far more self righteous than 'preachy vegans' ..its classic projection
Talking about liking animal products dominates and is so casual and common in culture. I've watched gamers streaming and they just casually talk about liking eating animal products even though it's irrelevant to the game. I've seen game streamers and chat suddenly bring up mocking veganism or vegans even though it was irrelevant to the game. Example, if there was food that was not tasty in a game story, people would joke that "it must be vegan". Many vegans are not activists. Some vegans are very scared to ever let anyone know they're vegan. But I bet no nonvegan has felt that way. Some nonvegans even said they were afraid to be mistaken as vegan if they brought vegan food. The Plant Based News site showed data on how nonvegans preferred the label of "plant based" over "vegan". Some vegans said they haven't met another vegan in real life. Some vegans said they knew some people for a while and had no idea they were vegan the whole time.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c interesting ...yes its identical to any other kind of supremacy ... racism, sexism, islamaphobia, real antisemitism (not the fake one used as a weapon to shut up supporters of Palestine) all forms of supremacy have this contempt for anyone who doesn't use and abuse the 'out' group... if you are vegan you are giving moral worth to the animals this is a confrontation to the human supremacist view that the other/ the animal has no moral plays out exactly the same no matter what kind of supremacy which i find fascinating although also disturbing
@ yes! the constant references to the joy of burgers and steaks in movies and sitcoms and in the pop culture on podcasts and morning news shows reveals how much animal agriculture needs to be reinforced constantly in order to survive the cognitive dissonance produced by the truth of its vicious cruelty ..i believe its a matter of time for animal agriculture ..all supremacist apartheid regimes and forms of slavery eventually collapse..just breaks my heart how many animals will have to live in brutal conditions and suffer terrifying deaths before humanity wakes up ... i notice all supremacists have the same excuses ...listen to how the israeli zionist population call Palestinians 'animals' in order to justify the indiscriminate bombing of a population of 50% children...its the same madness...the spiritual teachers say its unconsciousness and forgive them for they are unconscious and they know not what they do ... we just have to have the courage to keep speaking out ❤️
@@georgewilson7808 impossible. Our intestines can’t convert carbs -> plants, fruits, dietery fibers into fatty acids and proteins like the intestines of herbivores can. Fruits have benefits for us, but they lack in proteins and fats (except advocado)
@ Our large intestine can convert fiber into short chain fatty acid which is the primary fuel from regeneration of the human colon. The seeds of fruit have fats. Most every plant has fat, just in small amounts (exactly what we need).
Imagine if just once a vegan actually felt the desire to rule over others. I think the bullies are the ones that usually desire such positions. Unfortunately I don't believe we get that.
Dairy consumption increases breast cancer. Dairy is full of the hormone estradiol because the dairy cow is milked while it is pregnant and it has been measured in the milk. The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2 showed the more milk the Adventists consumed the higher the breast cancer. This study was confirmed by a study in China, CHINA KADOORIE BIOBANK STUDY. The Conclusion: The more dairy you consume the higher your breast cancer risk. ¼ cup/day of milk increases breast cancer risk by 17%.
@@Vjaffacake-c6tShe's great... I'm watching this with as much of an open-mind as I can manage. My reason is I have vegan/vegetarian friends whose health suffers from biases and ignorance spoon fed from big food/pharmacy industry. Obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance are all prevalent with my friends while they think I'm crazy for eating only fatty meat and a spoonful of fermented sauerkraut daily.
Buddhism is not necessarily vegan or vegetarian. Vedic philosophy is the one you seek and belong to.... All based on Krishna's teachings...pure vegetarian...and if you interpret all with today's evolution you ll see the AHIMSA (non harming) of ALL beings. Hare Krishna
The BROAD study is a study of the Whole Food plant based diet: A randomized controlled trial (The Gold Standard of Studies) The WFPB group had a self-reported increased quality of life; they decreased their medication, blood glucose and cholesterol. The plant-based group had left the 3-month study 19 pounds lighter, but at 6 months were down about 27 lbs. No mandated exercise or calorie counting was implemented.
No surprise that herbivores do best on plant-based diets. You can actually recreate all of our health issues by feeding herbivorous animals a meat-based diet. Dr. Milton Mills does an excellent explanation on how not only are humans naturally herbivorous, but have been fooling ourselves for over a millennia by eating the wrong foods, the videos are meat eating and mind games, and are humans designed to eat meat.
Meats have more nutrients no antinutrients, plants have less nutrients and more antinutrients. It is a toal waste of life eating leafs like a peasant....Human needs to eat meats, it is natural
Likely ate nothing but salads or fruits. Funny how some people think they are being super healthy with there eating never pay attention to not getting enough protein and plant fats in their diet.
@@FelixOlof92Considering a lot of meat eater are also B12 deficient, everyone should be taking a supplement. Don’t tell me that keto and carnivore people don’t take supplements either. Their influencers are constantly selling that stuff.
@FelixOlof92 where do you think animals get B12? 🤔 Farmed animals Farmed animals, like cows, pigs, and chickens, are often fed supplements to increase their B12 levels
I have a lot of friends who aren't vegan and when they put forward their various excuses i notice it always comes down to a sense of entitlement to have what they want regardless of the effect on defenseless individuals...they often say things like 'well I'm just not as 'good' as you' as if i was too 'good' for the reality of the 'real world' they have to live in...veganism is not saintly behavior for a utopia , it is not even 'good' behavior it is simply not doing harm to another who cannot defend themselves which is only the barest baseline morality... but sadly we live in an amoral world to a large degree
Well veganism is good behavior. Why don't you just share some plant based cooked foods and channels with your friends? Ask them for some effort and to try some vegan food. Tell them Gary Francione has been vegan for over 40 years. Sauce Stache, CheapLazyVegan, the documentaries on Plant Based News, Earthling Ed, BitesizeVegan, Lifting Vegan Logic, Joey Carbstrong, Conserving Compassion, Humane Hancock, Vegan47, Gary Francione, and Gary Yourofsky
@ i think veganism is good because it reduces animal suffering but my point is that to simply not be cruel to animals for convenience and pleasure is not really something to be particularly proud of because its not 'doing good' its just abstaining from doing bad..if i said i don't kill other people even though i would like to you wouldn't think i was good you would think well thats the least you can possibly do is not hurt others ... some of my closest friends and boyfriends have turned vegan but I have many other friends who are very sure i make plenty of mistakes in the way i communicate
12+ year vegan diet. Never supplemented. Recently did some blood work and almost everything was normal and sufficient: Vitamin D - 115 / B12 - 186 / Active B12 - 56 / HAEMOGLOBIN - 133 and all other nutrients were good besides a few things highlighted. TSH 0.20 mIU/L. Iron was 8.5 umol/L, Transferrin 1.77 g/L and Urea 2.3 mmol/L. Doctor said all is well mostly besides the thyroid needs extra testing. I understand occasionally we might need animal products while transitioning, but if you eat organic whole foods, overtime your system will balance itself out. I was very surpirsed about B12 tho, proving that its not a vegan issue but a gut-microbiome issue. Many carnivores have B12 issues too cause they are usually less health conscious.
My B12 hovers around 200 and it worries me a bit. I mostly rely on a daily multivitamin. "A healthy vitamin B12 level is typically between 160 and 950 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL)."
We should think of it as the nutrient cycle instead of a food chain, and as Herbivores we are at the best place in that cycle. As we get our nutrients directly from first available source that is why Herbivores are the biggest, strongest, most numerous etc etc. ✊🏽🌻🌎
I do not care if you are vegan, or aren’t. I do not care about your diet. We are all eating the foods we want, there shouldn’t be any backlash because I eat meat and you don’t. We simply have different diets.
When a pride of lions take down an animal and rip it to pieces and eat it they don't sit around feeling sorry for it , there is a difference between emotions, ideology, and the way things are in nature which we are part of
They did it wrong. And even if they did it right for a very little while, once someone has been on some extreme fad for years and 3/4 of the microbiome died off it'll not be the same.
I like this channel a lot more now. Before they tried to get as many people as possible to become vegan, now they are trying to get people healthy, and they know 99% of people won't go vegan or vegetarian.
does anyone ever ask these carnivore people how this diet could be provided for everyone? It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to provide enough meat for everyone even using the worst kind of factory farming to maximise output. Yet most of them will stipulate free-range, grass-fed etc which would be absolutely impossible. There isn't enough land on the Earth to do this even now when most people eat only some meat but also a lot of plant food. How do they propose this is achieved? So are these carnivores elitists then? Are they claiming it's the only healthy diet but only for the privileged few, like themselves? I wish they were made to answer this.
11:45 It doesn't make sense for nonvegans to bring up their assumption of "wild animals are k1lled in worse ways or that livestock have better lives than wild animals " because farmers don't go get or "rescue" these wild animals, and livestock are forcibly bred. Then don't breed livestock. That's the point of factory farming is for farmers to forcibly breed millions of livestock because just hunting is unsustainable. For someone who claims to be knowledgeable about these things and EDUCATING people how did she not know these things? In Mic the Vegan's Jubilee video he showed stats that it people only ate mammals from hunting mammals would be extinct in 2 weeks. Google: Livestock are now 60 percent of mammal life on the planet, humans are 36 percent, and wild mammals are just 4 percent. Seventy percent of birds now on Earth are farmed poultry. One example, in the egg industry male chicks are grind up alive cause they don't lay eggs. Horrific and nightmarish deaths on mass and extremely short lives as babies. Yet she claimed "farmers give livestock better and longer lives". Millions of livestock are forcibly bred with the worst health. Such as hens to lay 100s of eggs per year instead of about 10. That causes them to break their bones easily and be left in broken bones. What wild animal forcibly breed livestock in torment like this? Only humans invent new horrific forms of torture and with technology. Electric rods are put up the anus3s of livestock and they are electricuted to death for fur. Super horrific death and torture. What wild animal does that or uses electric rods? Nonvegans say that harming and k1lling animals is ok if you eat them. Then why won't those nonvegans absolve wild animals who often just k1ll for food? Yet nonvegans will go on about how "wild animals hurt each other worse". Humans abuse and k1ll animals for pleasure. If she was saying we need to "humanely" k1ll animals "to save them" why don't we do that to all sentient live then? Why are many nonvegans against antinatalism then? When antinatalism is about peacefully volunteering for oneself. Watch Lawrence Anton on antinatalism. Trump's tariffs will raise the price of animal products.
I tried vegetarian first when I got very serious about my health. I ended up anemic. I did eat eggs and dairy but no meat. I slowly transitioned though to keto, then full carnivore. Quit dairy as well. I feel a lot better now. I did try to switch back to a more plant based diet, but I literally couldn't handle fiber at all. It just plain hurts. That and the spinning hear from the sugars or starches. It opened my eyes to how much plants were bothering me before, I could feel it like a poison going through me. Like a knot of pain going through my digestive tract. Idk about what these guys are saying, but that's my experience. If I could have lived on vegetables, eggs and dairy I would have. Enjoy your leather goods:)
Thank you for mentioning the subsidies. I argue this all the time. Not just for the meat & dairy industry but fossil fuels as well. Take that away & behavior would change, not at all a “free market “.
If your struggling with plant based food, a very good way to guide which plants are best for you, is the AYURVEDA way. Each person has either a VATA, PITA, OR KAPAHA dosha, and a combination of a couple of them, so a person more in the VATA dosha will notbeat what a KAPHA dosha needs. I highly recommend people study the energy of food, whichbisbwhat ayurveda does. Find a practitioner. The pianist vegan turned carnivore was more of a VATA dosha person and was probabky consuming too many plants with air & space (component of vata), which was aggravating her. She needed to consume foods that would nourish her vata dosha, not dry them out. Foods with KAPHA dosha qualities (heavy) balance out VATA.. There are lists on the internet you can find.
Sorry mate but if I was struggling, that comment of yours would do nothing to clarify things for me. I know u meant well but dead set, I read it twice, still don’t understand. Not trying again tho, cos headache. 🤦🏽♀️
I was a whole-food, plant-based vegan for over 7 years, and it completely destroyed my health. Before anyone says, “You didn’t do it right!”-let me explain. I followed all the "rules" and even worked with a nutritionist. My diet was as “clean” as it gets: whole grains like quinoa and Ezekiel bread, lentils, beans, plenty of vegetables (Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, garlic, onions), fruit, tofu, seitan, and every herb and superfood you can think of (spirulina, black seed, etc.). I avoided processed junk, shopped at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, and stayed dedicated. But after a few years, my body couldn’t handle it anymore. I developed candida overgrowth (a condition where yeast in the body grows out of control, often fueled by high-carb diets). Most vegan foods-grains, legumes, fruits, and starches-break down into sugars, which feed candida. This led to severe gut imbalances, nutrient deficiencies (thanks to anti-nutrients like phytates in grains and legumes), and a cascade of health issues: reflux, LPR (silent reflux), bloating, digestive discomfort, headaches, and even the loss of my menstrual cycle. Losing my cycle for six months was a wake-up call. Without it, women can face serious hormone imbalances, affecting heart health, bone density, and more. I tried cutting back on grains and starches, but it wasn’t enough. I realized the vegan proteins I relied on (like tofu and seitan) were also part of the problem-I wasn’t getting enough protein, iron, or other vital nutrients. Out of desperation, I decided to prioritize my health over my beliefs about eating animals. I transitioned to an animal-based diet to starve the candida and restore balance to my microbiome. Within a week, my reflux, bloating, and cough disappeared. After two months, my period came back. For the first time in years, I felt like myself again. This isn’t a message to attack veganism or anyone’s beliefs-so if that’s you, this message isn’t for you. But if you’re on a plant-based diet and struggling with unexplained bloating, reflux, IBS, or even losing your period, consider that the high-carb nature of this lifestyle might not be working for your body. Candida, bad bacteria, and fungi thrive on sugars from grains, starches, and even fruits, and long-term imbalances can lead to serious health consequences. I had to make the hard choice to prioritize my well-being, and I’m so grateful I did. All I am saying is if the vegan plant based lifestyle doesn't work for you, please dont keep going in that direction. If you are doing everything right, dont let people tell you its something that you are doing wrong, and continue doing the same things(finding the perfect herb/food/supplement to assist in your deficiencies) over and over in different ways expecting different results. ... if this reaches even one person and prevents them from experiencing what i experienced and ruining their microbiome with lots of starches and grains due to propaganda that has a history of manipulating academic peer reviewed studies.. then its worth it. I hope i helped someone with my story.
You obviously do not understand that anecdotal evidence is no evidence. As far as anyone really knows your condition could have been a psycho-somatic response, a nocebo effect, or any of a thousand other things that were cleared up by a restriction diet, such as an increasing sensitivity to a food you are allergic to. But really anecdotes are all the carnivore community has in the way of evidence. That, and lies.
I also had to give it up after 7 years, different issues than yourself since I'm male but I also ate wfpb with no restrictions except for junk food and took all the supplements we're supposed to take. I'm still mostly plant based but adding just a bit of pasture raised/wild meat (no factory farmed) a few times a month has made all the difference. Don't listen to the few toxic vegans, you do what you gotta do.
😂😂😂so the debate start right with a skinny influencer saying she had all those imaginary diseases on a plant based diet... Yeah sure🤦🤦🤦 Why would you even debate someone else's mental illness instead of actual arguments🤷🤷🤷
Great work, thanks for sharing! Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and William Blake were animal rights activists! ❤😊 "All wholesome food is caught without a net or a trap. Each outcry of the hunted hare, a fibre from the brain does tear." Salute from Holland.
The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. The ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2 found the more animal products the 7th day Adventists removed from the human diet, the lower the body weight and the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Participants: 96,000 Adventists living in the U.S. and Canada.
I must be a glutton for punishment watching yet another video about that jubilee debate, but it was worth it to hear Dr. Shabnam use the perfect word to describe the carnivore girls - vapid. 💚🌱
Wow how frustrating. Those people are why i usually don't bother with those types of hollow videos. Here is my N+1 evidence ir can't be wrong, my way or the highway. Your two guests here were fantastic!!
'Through the humble eyes of a child, we will realise true equity. No one is placed higher, than another. No matter race or creed or gender. We must teach forgiveness and compassion. FOR ALL LIFE'
Sleeping right, Sunbathing, barefeet on the ground and laughing a lot lots and lots of laughs are the fantastic 4 of health. This is not to say that if the diet is absolutely horrendous you'll be out of danger with these 4_ besides, no good sleep if the diet is absolute trash. But still improving on a half decent diet will have a minor effect compared to these 4.
Sunbathing lol, just great for aging skin and cancer. Just put a UV screen like they use for welding in front of your southern window, then you can sunbathe in near infra red and not age your skin and possibly destroy your health. And don't forget to take your vit D.
Too much sun can damage skin and lead to skin cancer. Watch Lab Muffin Beauty Science. Google: About one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.
Coming from a plant based person: I feel like listening to the first 3 minutes of the video where the girl explains how veganism didnt work for her and then immediately commenting "oh, she probably didnt do it correctly. She probably had a messed up diet" is the equivalent to a carnivore person going "i feel like only animal products isnt working for me" and another carnivore just slapping them with the good ol "oh, but have you tried adding in electroclytes and more salt? You just need more salt" the whole "you didnt do the diet right" seems to be everyone's favourite argument, no matter what side you're on and the moment I hear this, I feel like there is absolutely no thinking involved in your commentary whatsoever, and no empathy neither. I have reached a point where I really start doubting a person's critical thinking whenever I hear that phrase and I honestly liked this channel bc of how it refrained from such empty comments
Here's the thing, vegan is reducing consumption of animals and animal byproducts to a level that is necessary, practical and possible. If that woman was having health issues on a strict vegan diet, from my view, she can still consume a necessary amount of animal products and still be vegan. I imagine that's not what is happeneing. But I wish these conversations were different. If someone tells me they had issues and needed to introduce some animal products for whatever reason I'm gonna believe them. And my response Is usually "okay, and you are consuming it for the necessity?yes. Okay well you're still a vegan in my eyes because you are only consuming the necessary amount of animal products." For the ones that were lying, few years later they actually reduce their consumption to the level that is necessary after realizing that they probably could do better.
@barrydevonshire9749 to me it doesnt matter. I'm not gonna get anywhere if someone is dishonest to themselves. Why would they care about honesty to you? If they want to say they hold a position that their health requires animal products, im gonna take them at that. And I am gonna still call them a vegan as long as they say they are only eating the animals for the necessity. The next conversations can debate what is and isnt necessity
How about monocrop farming can kill animals. Monoculture farming involves repeatedly planting the same crop, which can lead to the deaths of animals through: Pesticides: Pesticides can kill birds and other animals that are intentionally or unintentionally exposed to them Fertilizer runoff: Fertilizer runoff can kill fish and other marine life Tractors and other machinery: Animals can be killed by tractors and other machinery Insects contaminated with pesticides: Lizards and amphibians can be killed by eating insects contaminated with pesticides… You don’t see the death . You only see the agricultural results. Total hypocrisy.
I am a mixed plant based guy, I go back and forth, but what I can say in 2025 they could get rid of all meat and we would be just fine. B12 etc can be supped, and no diff than carnis or meatheads supping
Eat the whole body of the animal including the animal organs, also raw milk isn’t too bad, and even some fruits from time to time. Animal based diet is better imo
So your point is because I've indirectly killed animals I should start directly, intentionally doing it. You didn't put a lot of thought into your comment, did you?
@@michaelkane7021 I didn't tell you what to do. You inferred it, just like I was supposed to infer your point. You didn't think that one through first either, you did you?
i disagree with Sarah, we ARE at the top of the food chain, because of our intelligence, dexterity, language... all of which allowed us to make weapons and shields for example. HOWEVER, the point is that, although we are at the top of the food chain, if a vegan diet is best for ecology and ethics (as it is), then it's worth a try (together with a few supplements) to see if it works for you, to see if it is compatible with your health and well-being long term.
B12 and Niacin deficiency cause her problem when she was vegan it wasn't the vegan diet it was her lack of plant based diet knowledge and understanding
You can be healthy, unhealthy, fat, or skinny on a plant based diet. You can eat chips, Oreos, candy, burgers full of coconut oil, alcohol and soft drinks. I eat a whole food plant based diet and I eat lots of whole grains, potatoes, nuts, seeds, avocados and all the fruits and veggies. I’m 70, never hungry, not on pharmaceuticals and thin and active eating this way for 8 years. Also seldom catch viruses and when I do it’s mild.
Well done mate. Love that!❤
Simply eat more meats
cannot catch viruses, no such thing as a contagious anything
@@БатурМаркусEat dog meat
You omit what supplements you take. Hmmm I wonder why?
This is 2025 there is no justification for taking someone's life when you could easily choose from thousands of wonderful, healthy,delicious, nutritious foods that don't deliberately cause suffering and death to anyone !
Someone? Animals are not someone.
Crop deaths tho?
glad to have you on the Vegan side, there are so many crop death from making all the food we could eat to animals that are then also mindlessly killed 🙏🌱💪
@@happycarnivore5481is your dog not someone to you?
The vegans did SO good on this debate. Especially the girl with the curly hair (Brooklyn) every time she spoke, SHE SLAUGHTERED them (humanely of course ❤)😂
She didn’t.
@sydneyfury I agree! She is very well spoken, knowledgeable, and sweet spirited.
@uncmac go back to your video games now! Or go read a book at least.
@maxsk44 go back to your video games now! Or go read a book at least.
I am a 65 year old vegan nutritionist. Vegetarian for the largest part of my life. The moment I went vegan, in no time I got rid of several problems. Have never been sick again for 11 years, while before that I had colds, flu, throat inflammation, irritable bowl etc..
Btw, my health is never ever worth the suffering and death of an animal.! Vegan4Life ✌️🙏🌱💚
"Vegan nutritionist"? Then you has to be a very bad nutritionist...
@@polibm6510😂😂 what a dumb comment
@@polibm6510 What I don't get is how vegans will make us be vegan. Just say no, then what? Nothing.
@@NevilleWran6666 Unfortunately, nutritionists are respected by ordinary people...
@@Amanda-r5p3t Why dumb?
The young woman claiming it's cheaper to eat meat than it is to eat plants seems unaware of the billions of dollars in government subsidies given to the animal ag business. Take away those subsidies and a pound of ground beef would cost around $30.
And the money invested in left agenda like feminism, veganism, transgenderism.....
Beans, Rice and potatoes are very affordable. Bananas and Jalapeno peppers are insanely low cost. Just to name a couple things
@@ScotCampbellwindowpainterplus you can easily grow these in a small garden in a few weeks depending on where you live.
A bag of rice or potatoes is free
Watch Ruth Goodman's Wartime Farm and on how the potato came to Japan.
During famine these people turned to more plant foods because plants are more accessible.
Many nonvegans complain about plant fillers. That means plants are cheaper and more accessible.
People don't use animal products as cheap fillers.
Raising animals or pets is more cost, resources, and labor than plants. So of course animals and animal products are more expensive.
Livestock farmers even constantly complain about how expensive and hard it is. They often do that for sympathy and to get people to support them and animal agriculture.
Some people even start with taking care of plants first before they can work their way up to taking care of pets if at all because animals take more than plants.
I’m so tired of people saying they used to be vegan!!! You were never vegan!!! You were plant based!!! She obviously had no connection to the animals or she would have put effort into the diet part of veganism.
My thought exactly. I hate hearing people say they were vegan and then carnivore. I've been dealing with IBS for years and tried every known method to deal with it, but I will never go back to eating animals because I AM A VEGAN. I went vegan for the animals and that's it. And by the way, in spite of the IBS, my health is excellent in every other way. Blood work is excellent, no cancer, have energy and I'm in my 70's.
I was vegan for 8 years. I am no longer vegan. I went vegan for animal welfare now I eat organic free range eggs and organic raw honey. I’m considering adding wild caught game meat back into my diet. Which to me isn’t an issue animal welfare wise. I’ve been a healthy whole food diet for years yet I am still low in iron and am having irregular periods. Honestly there isn’t a 1 size fits all approach to diet as all body’s are unique and can absorb things differently.
@@mckenzieeleah Animal welfare is entirely different from respecting animals right to live. You still were only a plant based eater and this change of yours only proves that you don't respect or care about animals (except maybe your pets if you have one). Vegan means NO CRUELTY BECAUSE OF ME(YOU). And taking the honey bees make for their own support, hens that were hatched where 50% of each hatching is ground up alive, where the remaining chicks get to live, and are then slaughtered when their egg production drops, is still animal abuse. So at the very least, be honest and quit calling yourself a vegan. You never were.
@ddhqj2023 my IBS went away when I went on a NO OIL WFPB diet and included (, for gut health,) daily flax and chia, naturally fermented foods, and prebiotics and probiotics. ( I had suffered from IBS for almost 40 years, caused by intestinal damage from a severe lactose intolerance that was misdiagnosed by doctors for years. Spicy foods still triggered IBS, though I quit dairy over 30 years ago (, and meat 20 years ago. ) It was still there after going fully vegan, too, but finally healed with a no-oil wfpb gut health diet.(Of course, still vegan.) I can now even eat very spicy food! IBS is gone! ) Best wishes for your healing journey! Stay vegan!
Her claims about looking after animals was a central argument against the abolition of slavery.
There are still modern people who try to justify and downplay slavery too. But slavery was worse than people know the further you research.
Example, I saw people say that "slaves got a wage so it wasn't that bad".
I've seen people say that slavery was good to teach skills to slaves.
I've seen people say slavery was good to build modern civilizations.
Past people said that if they abolished slavery than "the economy would collapse". Or "freed slaves would be lazy leeches off of Caucasian western people".
Second Thought showed a propaganda poster of the latter.
Leo Kearse from the Lotus Eaters assumed the "child trafficked victims enjoyed Epste1n's wealth in his p3do trafficking ring so it wasn't that bad".
Thankfully, people like Brandon F made videos criticizing people for trying to sanitize slavery.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c Slavery is. It's not a thing of only the past. Slavery is still huge worldwide.
My question would've been, "If you love them, why take their lives when they desire to live just as much as you do? What have they done to deserve that shit?"
I would've dragged her.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c"slavery (government and taxation) isn't bad because you get roads for it! You get education!"
You got that one right!
I think the one point so many fail to recognize is the if you are a vegan, the issue is all about cruelty and violence. I don't personally believe that anyone who actually hates the suffering and abuse, could ever go back to. eating meat. If you do, you were never vegan, only eating plant based.
She "used to have mental health issues"? She still does, unfortunately.
The meat paradox refers to a state, where one cares for some animals and harms other animals. Research shows it is caused and maintained particularly by six factors: Cognitive dissonance, dissociation, strategic ignorance, hedonism, custom, and marginalization of empathy.
So basically vegan crop deaths.
@NevilleWran945 Animal farming uses 83% of farmland and provides only 18% of calories. When we switch to a plant based food system, we can restore/reforest 76% of farmland AND be able to feed everyone. -J. Poore, Oxford, journal Science
@NevilleWran945 Animal farming is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO
The majority of crops are grown to feed livestock, so eating animals results in far more deaths in total.
Also, human beings existing on this earth will inevitably result in some sort of suffering, we can't let pests eat and destroy crops that we rely on for human beings to survive. But just because there will be some quantity of suffering, it does not justify being able to cause maximum suffering. That is a logical fallacy.
And ingrained Supremacist Syndrome, handed down through generations. It is underlying all of the oppression of humans and non humans.
To say nothing of the horrible zoonotic diseases, AIDS, COVID, bird flu, we are already being impacted, with the bird flu looming ominously in our not-too-distant future.
While zoonotic diseases are a thing, a lot of the ones coming out of China were probably created in a lab.
Even the common flu came from us messing with animals and dragging them from their natural surroundings.
and if demand were to increase because of crazy carnivore choices, then how could it be supplied other than through the most extreme factory farming. Maybe like those horrendous high rise constructions in China. How on Earth could they avoid the development and spread of many different kinds of pathogens?
“Religions are born and may die, but superstition is immortal.” -Will Durant
Many deny bird flu, Swine flu (the latter it was even argued that eating pork didn't spread swine flu) and AIDS is not a zoonotic disease, and many now believe COVID was something that 'escaped from a lab as a bioweapon' vs. the whole eating bats thing, so sadly it's not a good argument either.
She was “plant based”for 7 years not vegan. Plant based is a diet. Vegans are those that have made an ethical decision. No judge on who eats what but tired of people confusing the two.
So if we don't agree with your ethical position, then we are good?
No. Plant base is not a diet. It can be totally vegan without purple hair and a ring in your nose.
@@larryharvey7709 "plant based" describes a diet. "vegan" describes an ethical commitment. No frigging idea what you are trying to say.
@@Barnaclebeard So are your ethics by default our ethics?
“Vegan” people/activists/ethicists irritate people enough that I describe myself as eating a plant based diet.
Carnivore or Frugivore? | Our Anatomy Tells Us What to Eat | 10 Dietary Mistakes -
Those vegans have AMAZING points. 😊
My bet is she's getting a paycheck from the industrial meat farmers. She makes absolutely no sense.
So who was paying the cavemen?
@@NevilleWran945 What makes you think the carnivores have a camera person? Or what makes you think they don't pay their camera person if they have one?
Steak and Butter Gal's videos are simple with not much movement from the camera.
Steak and Butter Gal has a husband. He might help her.
Some carnivores sell supplements. Yet they claim "plant based diets are unhealthy if these people take supplements".
90% of all B12 in the world is supplemented to livestock. Among other supplements.
Globally, about 73% of all medically important antibiotics are used in livestock production.
Most supplements are used by nonvegans btw.
There are supplements with animal products so vegans don't use those.
In a stream David Ramms looked up carnivore Paul Saladino's website and he charged consultations with him that was 100s of dollars.
Animal agriculture and animal products are highly subsidized.
@@NevilleWran945 No one, thats the point. Cavemen have only his insticts, not todays "well paid science".
@@NevilleWran945 You think a caveman could articulate like that?
NEVILLE So a cave man, assuming there ever was one, can articulate and present himself as she does??
No one understands protein or fiber, where they come from and their importance. I get so angry when people refer to dead animals as protein.
When the topic of veganism topics comes up, I now tell people I'm vegan because I believe in the Golden Rule. That typically makes them pause and the debate often gets interesting from there.
Plant based diet is healthiest way to eat, so if her claims (of being sick while plant based) are true, then YES 1,000% she was doing it wrong!
Lifting Vegan Logic has a short of Steak and Butter Gal said things like tofu, tempeh, and seitan were "too processed". So she ate highly restrictive plant based diet. It's not because plant based diets are always unhealthy.
Butter is in her name and she posted about eating cheese, butter as meals, and McDonald's patties so she is hypocritical in saying things like tofu are too processed.
People should watch videos on how tofu is made. Just soybeans, water, and lemon or lime. Blend and cook til curds form.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c😂 I used to love butter and cheese. Getting away from eating those things made me realize how terrible I felt, I used to think I was disabled…it was what I was eating. The disconnect in not knowing that butter and cheese is more processed than tofu is crazy.
Okay you go on to eating leafs and seeds like a peasant, i go on to eat meats like your master
Vegans get way more illnesses then carnivores. Calcium in plants are not bio-available as are many other nutrients. The soil is devoid of many basic nutrients and minerals that would be transferred to plants. You would have to eat like a horse to get what you need.
Pure vegans lose a lot of bone mass and get osteoporosis because they can't absorb calcium from plants. They are also prone to diabetes, cancer, skin conditions etc.
@@БатурМаркусstatus over health?
Do you also drink and smoke?
Humans are not at the top of the food chain
Our brains and subsequent technology puts us at the top, but yes physically of course we are not.
@@spliter227 Humans are not at the top of the "food chain" individually either. Most of us depend heavily on society, civilization, and all the infrastructure and products that others built and harvested.
Proof: think about how terrifying, lost, or dead soon most people would be if just dropped into the wild alone and with nothing.
Most of these nonvegans who use excuses like "what if vegans were in a deserted island" don't know how to even get drinking water either.
Also, I looked up if meat, eggs, and cream are hydrating since some nonvegans claim that and the answer was no. But plant foods are.
You need knowledge of herbs for medicine, how to make or find shelter, and how to survive in other ways too.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c The only animals at the top of some human-designed 'food chain' are obligate carnivores, such as lions, tigers and coyotes and snakes. These are more correctly known as 'apex predators'. The human is where the elephant, rhino and hippo are, herbivores, but have no natural predators. That's not the same thing as 'top of the food chain' or 'apex predator'. Biologically we are herbivorous.
We are not at the top of the food chain dream on !
Are you sure about that?
Who is top of the food chain then?
A Cow would kill you in a fight. A Gorilla would kill you in a fight. An Elephant would. A Rino would, a Buffalo would win etc.
Weapons are not made by nature. But we are made by nature and our physiology stands no chance to hunt.
@@xperience-evolution Yet the human brain has allowed us to defeat all of them. We are not the only animals to use tools.
@@happycarnivore5481 common sense should tell you who is at the top of the food chain.
Do honestly think that a human could fight off any large animal with claws / jaws to rip you apart in seconds ?
Do you think that imprisoning and torturing helpless innocent kind animals in factory farms and slaughter houses gives you the right to claim that you are on top of the food chain ? Animal abuser would be the correct description !
“A very smart and well informed friend of mine started following Dr Paul Mason a few years back, and was inspired to reject medical orthodoxy, go full carnivore, and rationalize her sky-high cholesterol. Her calcium score was zero, which was encouraging, and she wasn’t eating any carbs to glycate her blood lipids. Nevertheless, as medical orthodoxy would have predicted, she is now fighting for her life in intensive care following a sudden heart attack. Let it be a warning if your lipid scores are off the charts.” rdnzl
I don't blame people for choosing their health over animal welfare. Only very altruistic people will let their health suffer to stay vegan. If you are vegan and feel great, that's awesome, but I'm not convinced everyone can go vegan
It’s really not for every body.
22 sets of twins tried both vegan and meat diets. Researchers at Stanford University studied the twins' cardiovascular health. After eight weeks following their respective diets, the twin siblings who ate a vegan diet had lost more weight, reduced their LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, and experienced lower insulin levels, according to the study's findings. "The findings from this trial suggest that a healthy plant-based diet offers a significant protective cardiometabolic advantage compared with a healthy omnivorous diet," the study's authors wrote. The study, published Nov. 30 in the journal JAMA Network Open.
Twin study Addendum: The telomere caps measured longer in the vegan group and shorter in the meat group suggesting the meat eaters were aging faster.. Additionally, the Epigenetic Biological clocks showed the vegan group was aging more slowly and the meat group was aging more quickly.
The study presents some limitations and potential biases that should be considered when interpreting the results. First, the sample size is small (44 participants), which limits the statistical robustness and generalizability of the findings. Second, the study's duration of only 8 weeks is short, making it difficult to evaluate the long-term sustainability and health effects of a vegan. Third, while the omnivorous diet was labeled as "healthy," it may have been disadvantaged by focusing on lean proteins and excluding saturated fats, which does not fully represent a typical omnivorous diet. Additionally, there are potential conflicts of interest, as one of the authors received funding from Beyond Meat, which could subtly influence the study's design or interpretation in favor of plant-based diets. Furthermore, no correction for multiple comparisons was applied, which raises the risk of false-positive results. Lastly, the vegan diet group reported lower dietary satisfaction, which may affect adherence in real-world settings but was not heavily discussed in the conclusions. These factors highlight the need for cautious interpretation and further research to confirm the findings.
@@bastien8443 What science and data do you have that meat, dairy, and eggs does not cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and dementia? Where is your data?
News flash: Herbivorous species are thriving on herbivorous diet. That's basically what humans are, herbivores, but have been told so long they're predators that they not only started to believe it, but they promote it with the so-called 'carnivore' diet and they're just going to harm themselves and other animals needlessly, trying to recreate the same 'proof' that those who sided with Phillip Morris back in the '50s did by smoking a pack a day to make the claim that cigarettes don't cause cancer. We are seeing history basically repeat itself.
@@georgewilson7808 Wait for the inevitable claim that a close relative of theirs who ate nothing but lard and red meat and somehow made it to 100 years of age.
First of all the girl that says she's a carnivore is not a carnivore to begin with because people are not carnivores. The word brainwashed comes to mind. She has allowed Society to make her think that she's a lion and she's not. I don't know why they think they're a lion because a lion can shred an animal easily but a person could never use their teeth and Shred any animal the same way. They have to cook their meat in order to be able to eat it so they cannot possibly be a carnivore. Secondly anyone that says that they can't get their protein from plants is a liar. Eating animals is not a necessity so why are people still doing it? We have options and selections to make the Kinder choice so that is what people should be doing instead of the old phrase history keeps repeating itself. When will people learn. Eating plant-based food means no animal products which means saving animals lives and a healthier happier life.
Humans are not designed to scavenge the dead. Humans are not omnivorous scavengers. Carnivores have no problems crushing raw bones with their teeth. They have no trouble swallowing bones and they easily digest them into a chalky substance. Omnivores can not only crush and digest raw bones but eat decomposing carrion and plants. Most of the carnivores are actually omnivores.
@@inharmonywithearth9982 yeah, that's why we have to cook meat. we are not designed to eat it. but it helped us in the past, ngl. don't know if we would've survived if we didn't start hunting. but well, we don't need it anymore. time to stop.
@inharmonywithearth9982 did you know that people actually started out as frugivores? I don't know how we started from that and now the world is addicted to meat and Dairy. These Meat and Dairy Industries are nothing but evil greedy corporations using satanic Contraptions on the most innocent sentient beings on the planet.
Even fruits have protein. Search up the "contents" or "protein contents" of any plant, fungi, or seaweed foods.
People should look up the health problems of too much protein too. Since too many nonvegans are too obsessed with protein.
@@inharmonywithearth9982 We have brains to develpod tools. Brain developed on animal foods. Doesnt matter if it was meat, organs or fish.
Do you have any idea how much it would take to feed your whole family all year on ONLY hunted meat? I grew up in a heavy hunting family, and we NEVER had enough hunted meat to eat only that. It was more like a special treat, whereas most of what we ate (on the farm growing up) was butchered meat - cows, pigs, chickens. I just never believe these hunters who, all the sudden on camera, supply all their family’s meat with hunting - it’s BS.
Hunting? We have animal husbandry. Steak supply.
@@happycarnivore.. That’s what I said. wouldn't bare looking at living animal being killed in front of you and then have taste for its flesh, you are disconnected from what you are consuming 🙏🌱
@@Hummus420 So how do most people actually do that?
@ So steak go on.
“Why cant I remember these songs on the piano? I figured, it must be because im not eating dead animals” 😂😂😂😂😂
The carnivore diet is based on selfishnessness, where a vegan lifestyle is based on selflessness..
The irony is that carnivores are harming, exploiting, and k1lling animals for health they claim, but they don't get to have health either. Animal products will destroy their health especially in high amounts.
Plus, they further destroyed the earth.
What were the gains of the carnivore diet? Except for taste, decadent, and hedonism. And maybe grifting off of it.
What about killing small animals during cultivating?
@@ВладиславБондаренко-х5еthis is a logical fallacy. If one harms any living thing (hitting bug in car windshield) then it is the same as raising and killing billions of animals for food. Silly. this a
@@ВладиславБондаренко-х5е easy the animals consume most of the soy, corn, and grains grown globally, helo! Simple math it is not sustainable, healthy, or environmentally responsible. The most inefficient segment of all food systems on earth. Extremely wasteful...!
If you don't have an answer .....just be silent . You wanna kill bugs ....what a cruel person 😂😂😂😂😂.@@chadmartinez459
Colo-rectal cancer. The World Health Organization, based on over 800 studies, has classified processed meat (bacon, ham, deli sliced meats, canned meats, others) as a class 1 carcinogen like smoking cigarettes. Red meat, beef and pork, is classified as a class 2 carcinogen. The lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is about 1 in 23 for men and 1 in 25 for women.
how do you explain the Inuits then?
@@albertodearte They don't live very long lives.
Vegans also get colo-rectal cancer, but they get it in the mouth from talking so much 💩
@@georgewilson7808 will these carnivore influencers put their “rotting colon” journeys on display? what happened to morbidly obese “carnivorous me” Amanda, by the way, anybody knows?
@@LenkaSaratoga I have seen a lot of influencers morbidly obese restarting carnivore diets 5-6 times. Did it not work the first 5 times?
Are humans truly at the top of the food chain?
Yes, we are on top of the food chain - we get to eat the ONLY foods that Want us to eat them - FRUITS!!!
Small farms propagate factory farms. We couldn’t feed all the selfish meat eaters if they all went to small farms. Meat eaters are so ridiculous.
And they hate vegans because of the projection of their own cognitive dissonance onto others, because they know deep down inside that what they are doing is evil, so they project hate and irritation at those who remind them of their own immorality.
Vegan47 suggested that we don't use the term "meat eater" because it reduces veganism to a diet. I use the term "nonvegan".
70% of all birds on Earth are farmed poultry; just 30% are wild birds. 60% of the mammals (by weight) on Earth are livestock (predominantly cattle and pigs), 36% percent are humans, and just 4% of the living mammals on the planet are wild animals.
On Mic the Vegan's video on Jubilee he showed stats that if people only ate wild mammals they would be extinct in 2 weeks.
Happy Healthy Vegan has a video on how it would take multiple earths for everyone to eat grass fed and free range livestock.
"Grass fed, free range", and farmed fish are often scams.
Many farmed fish are fed wild caught fish.
Watch DW Planet A on fishing.
Some estimates suggest that bycatch is as high as 40% of the world's catch, which is about 63 billion pounds per year. This includes the deaths of more than 650,000 marine mammals each year.
David Ramms said actually let nonvegans support or vote for ridding factory farms or subsidies to animal agriculture. Then that would make more people go plant based.
Watch the Eating Our Way to Extinction documentary on Plant Based News.
we couldn't feed them now. Imagine if people started en masse to increase their meat consumption! No one ever explains how this diet could be supplied to everyone so I wonder how important do these people think they are?
Not only do they demand that animals suffer and die for them but they also advocate a way of eating that couldn't possibly be extended to everyone.
It’s crazy that these ‘carnivores’ bring up health. Name one respectable diet and nutrition organisation that says eating nothing but meat is healthy. And then see what they say about plant based diets.
So are you saying we should eat a balanced diet of animal and plant products?
@@NevilleWran945 He can't answer that.
@@NevilleWran6666 Are you using a sock account to reply to your own comment? Cringe.
@@NevilleWran945 No. You missed the point of the OP.
No reputable diet organization recommends the carnivore diet. But they say well planned plant based diets are healthy for all ages.
Several nonvegan doctors have criticized the carnivore diet online.
These organizations recommend reducing animal products too. So they are recommending plant based diets.
They are just lenient on people who enjoy eating a bit of junk food and animal products for taste.
Watch Rich Roll on the blue zones.
The man who investigated the blue zones for years said it convinced him to eat ol plant based.
Watch the doctors and documentaries on Plant Based News.
Watch Viva Longevity and Mic the Vegan.
@@DelBoy573hahaaa god how old is he? 12?
I'm familiar with the first woman (pianist) speaking on the jubilee panel, she did a video with a carnivore doctor. She said she would eat fruit all day until 4, then have white rice with potatoes for dinner.
Lifting Vegan Logic has a short on Steak and Butter Gal saying she didn't eat things like tofu, tempeh, or seitan because she thought it was too processed. It isn't. It shows her plant based diet was so restrictive. And not because plant based diets are unhealthy.
She's hypocritical because she said things like tofu were too processed, but she posted videos of her eating cheese, just butter as meals, and patties from McDonald's.
Butter is in her name.
People can watch videos on how tofu, tempeh, and seitan are made. It's not as processed as she fearmongered about.
Blend soybeans in water to make soy milk. Add lemon or lime and cook a bit to form tofu curds.
Cheese is made in a similar way but she is ok with cheese.
Tempeh is just soybeans fermented with a certain type of bacteria.
Seitan is made by soaking a dough ball in water til it separates into gluten and starch. Cook the gluten and it's seitan.
People can get gluten powder instead.
Watch Sauce Stache on how to make seitan.
There are many other healthy plant based recipes and foods.
There are 1000s of edible plants, fungi, and seaweed.
I heard the Chicken of the Forest mushroom tastes like chicken.
I heard dulse algae tastes like bacon.
Only fruit and rice is limited nutrition. She failed to utilise the full potential of great WFPB vegan eating. No wonder she felt malnourished, confused and couldn’t concentrate.
The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. The ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2, which included a large population of Seventh-day Adventists, found that individuals following a vegetarian diet (including both lacto-ovo vegetarians and vegans) had a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease compared to meat eaters. The study highlighted the protective effects of plant-based diets. Participants: 96,000 Adventists living in the U.S. and Canada.
I was a vegan for 7 years following a normal whole food plant based diet with recommended supps. I recently had to go back to some animal products...none of which are factory farmed and my health issues that began as a vegan have resolved. I'm still eating 95% plants. I believe this is the way for some folks, as it's basically what humans did for generations. If you can eat vegan for 6+ years with zero issues my hat goes off to you. Vegans might have a problem with my comment but if everyone ate like me factory farms would collapse even though I'm not vegan I can still take an ethical stance. As usual the answer is somewhere in the middle.
P.S. To address the video directly, I'm only eating animal products once a week at most, a few times a month. I'm thankful my time as a vegan has taught me to eat plant based.
Well done then. If u have to, u have to. Thankyou for staying 95% vegan. I wish the meat eaters copied you. Peace. 🌱
I say this with respect to all vegans. If it works for you. Great. I don't believe it works for everyone.
I tried for over a decade and worked with dietitians to make sure my diet was fully covered. It hasn't worked for me. In all honesty it has made me super chronically Ill and now I'm fighting even to maintain the little weight I have. Oxalates are a big problem for some of us. Especially if you have celiac disease which means a much more compromised gut to begin with. I don't believe vegetarian diets works for everyone. I'm not saying everyone should eat meat, I wouldn't if I could... I still think it's insane to force people who don't do well on it, as a morality clause... When those individuals end up suffering. Should we put animal welfare over humans? Seriously? Those who say yes have no clue how fucking hard it is to have your body shut down, be in constant pain and suffering for years and years. Of course we will eat meat if that heals us. You. Would. Too. If put in that same position. @@CastledarkDweller27
@@JamieRMate, I don’t think anyone’s comments here (mine especially) are aimed at you or people like you, who have illnesses, allergies, chronic pain etc that’s food related.
Of COURSE if I suffered as you described your suffering, when I ate anything but animals, I would fucking eat animals. 💯❗️It’s like the plane crash in the alps scenario where they ate their dead mates to survive. If you’re sick, like suffering chronic physical pain daily when u try to eat vegan-then of COURSE you’re excluded from our arguments! Nobody has any right to harass or judge those suffering in such a way, for animal eating, if they’ve truly researched and seen experts and nothing heals your pain but meat. If I said stuff that made u feel otherwise, I apologise, that was NOT my intention. Peace.💚
Honestly this was a painful debate to watch. Really aside from the hench black guy, the other 3 vegans were so terrible at raising the right points at the right time, not picking up on terrible arguments from the other side or flat out lies e.g. that carnivore girl saying the vegan community told her its normal to become infertile? Really nobody thought to jump on that and identify that she was likely not having enough calories/macro nutrients and/or micro nutrients?
If we had Ed Winters, Mic the Vegan, Simon Hill, Nimai Delgado etc. the meat eaters wouldn't have been able to get away with any of the BS they brought up, but alas they were basically let off scott free.
Seems like they’ve spent so much time internally validating their ideas that they never imagined or prepared for a real conversation about it.
“I do know this, I was on keto/carnivore for 5+ years and I loved it. Then I had a heart attack which I attribute to the animal proteins and high fats. Now I am following the Ornish lifestyle, which is four parts but includes plant based, low fat, and low sugar.” juilstahl
This proofs nothing. 25 years of bad diet, than 5 years of carnivore. I know guy in gym almost everyday from his 20 years, cycling all day long. Mild hearth attack when he was 55 years old. Now he is 70 years old still working. Maybe its all about how cholesterol really works, not all these todays lies.
Low fat is always a bad idea
Animal fats are needed. I get plentiful amounts of fat with my vegan diet.
one fascinating thing i notice is people who advocate for eating animals are far more plentiful, far more preachy, far more self righteous than 'preachy vegans' ..its classic projection
Talking about liking animal products dominates and is so casual and common in culture.
I've watched gamers streaming and they just casually talk about liking eating animal products even though it's irrelevant to the game.
I've seen game streamers and chat suddenly bring up mocking veganism or vegans even though it was irrelevant to the game.
Example, if there was food that was not tasty in a game story, people would joke that "it must be vegan".
Many vegans are not activists.
Some vegans are very scared to ever let anyone know they're vegan. But I bet no nonvegan has felt that way.
Some nonvegans even said they were afraid to be mistaken as vegan if they brought vegan food.
The Plant Based News site showed data on how nonvegans preferred the label of "plant based" over "vegan".
Some vegans said they haven't met another vegan in real life.
Some vegans said they knew some people for a while and had no idea they were vegan the whole time.
@@user-gu9yq5sj7c interesting ...yes its identical to any other kind of supremacy ... racism, sexism, islamaphobia, real antisemitism (not the fake one used as a weapon to shut up supporters of Palestine) all forms of supremacy have this contempt for anyone who doesn't use and abuse the 'out' group... if you are vegan you are giving moral worth to the animals this is a confrontation to the human supremacist view that the other/ the animal has no moral plays out exactly the same no matter what kind of supremacy which i find fascinating although also disturbing
Kinda like religious fundamentalists when they encounter a lone atheist. Sudddenly their beliefs are under attack. By one guy.
@ hahaha❤️
@ yes! the constant references to the joy of burgers and steaks in movies and sitcoms and in the pop culture on podcasts and morning news shows reveals how much animal agriculture needs to be reinforced constantly in order to survive the cognitive dissonance produced by the truth of its vicious cruelty ..i believe its a matter of time for animal agriculture ..all supremacist apartheid regimes and forms of slavery eventually collapse..just breaks my heart how many animals will have to live in brutal conditions and suffer terrifying deaths before humanity wakes up ... i notice all supremacists have the same excuses ...listen to how the israeli zionist population call Palestinians 'animals' in order to justify the indiscriminate bombing of a population of 50% children...its the same madness...the spiritual teachers say its unconsciousness and forgive them for they are unconscious and they know not what they do ... we just have to have the courage to keep speaking out ❤️
We are omnivores. Neither carnivores or vegans. Our intestines are longer than a lion intestine, but shorter than a gorilla intestine
No we are not. We are frugivores.
And our stomach ph is closer to that of a vulture.
@@blakebunch4485 true!
@@georgewilson7808 impossible. Our intestines can’t convert carbs -> plants, fruits, dietery fibers into fatty acids and proteins like the intestines of herbivores can. Fruits have benefits for us, but they lack in proteins and fats (except advocado)
@ Our large intestine can convert fiber into short chain fatty acid which is the primary fuel from regeneration of the human colon. The seeds of fruit have fats. Most every plant has fat, just in small amounts (exactly what we need).
Absolutely loved this video. The world must go vegan. I genuinely think it's only a matter of time. We just need vegans in a position of power❤🌲
Imagine if just once a vegan actually felt the desire to rule over others. I think the bullies are the ones that usually desire such positions. Unfortunately I don't believe we get that.
Sorry but veganism will never become the default standard for humans. Vegans will never have the numbers to get into a position of power.
"We're at the top of the food chain." Dive yo' ass into the ocean without a weapon. Who's at the top now?
Dairy consumption increases breast cancer.
Dairy is full of the hormone estradiol because the dairy cow is milked while it is pregnant and it has been measured in the milk. The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2 showed the more milk the Adventists consumed the higher the breast cancer. This study was confirmed by a study in China, CHINA KADOORIE BIOBANK STUDY. The Conclusion: The more dairy you consume the higher your breast cancer risk. ¼ cup/day of milk increases breast cancer risk by 17%.
Since there aree no human nutrition studies that can inform on risk I immediately know this is false.
@@mereen750 There are many. You don't understand science.
The two women arguing in favor of the carnivore diet sound absolutely ridiculous lol
Steak and butter gal, try watching her.
@@Vjaffacake-c6tShe's great... I'm watching this with as much of an open-mind as I can manage. My reason is I have vegan/vegetarian friends whose health suffers from biases and ignorance spoon fed from big food/pharmacy industry. Obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance are all prevalent with my friends while they think I'm crazy for eating only fatty meat and a spoonful of fermented sauerkraut daily.
It's not even a debate. We are omnivores by nature. The world has gone past these beliefs. LOL I can't believe this channel.
We have a choice. Humans can be vegan. This fact alone disproves the omnivore narrative.
Our evolutionary history is fatty meat from large animals. And some small berries when in season.
@stevegcq bs. Meat was rare. It took enormous amounts of energy to hunt for 99% of history.
Vegan 💚🙏
People cannot let go of their own selfishness long enough to realize how wrong consuming dead animals is!
It's only wrong in the minds of 3% of the population
Buddhism is not necessarily vegan or vegetarian. Vedic philosophy is the one you seek and belong to.... All based on Krishna's teachings...pure vegetarian...and if you interpret all with today's evolution you ll see the AHIMSA (non harming) of ALL beings. Hare Krishna
The BROAD study is a study of the Whole Food plant based diet: A randomized controlled trial (The Gold Standard of Studies) The WFPB group had a self-reported increased quality of life; they decreased their medication, blood glucose and cholesterol. The plant-based group had left the 3-month study 19 pounds lighter, but at 6 months were down about 27 lbs. No mandated exercise or calorie counting was implemented.
No surprise that herbivores do best on plant-based diets. You can actually recreate all of our health issues by feeding herbivorous animals a meat-based diet. Dr. Milton Mills does an excellent explanation on how not only are humans naturally herbivorous, but have been fooling ourselves for over a millennia by eating the wrong foods, the videos are meat eating and mind games, and are humans designed to eat meat.
Meats have more nutrients no antinutrients, plants have less nutrients and more antinutrients. It is a toal waste of life eating leafs like a peasant....Human needs to eat meats, it is natural
Calling something a waste of life then advocating meat eating for pleasure lmao
That girl probably ate junk food!
Likely ate nothing but salads or fruits. Funny how some people think they are being super healthy with there eating never pay attention to not getting enough protein and plant fats in their diet.
looks to me like a lot of uptight neurotics go carny..
Thank you very much, always at the top all three, I liked and shared. 💯❤👍🙏
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of habitat loss and animal extinction, so nourishing.
The opposite is true. Find 'Allan Savory'
@@stevegcq Lol, that people still mention him and his model is baffling. Please investigate more.
5:36 she called veganism a "religious belief" earlier🤣. That woman was preaching more than the Pope on a Sunday LOL.
I'm vegan for 10 going on 11yrs. My health is perfectly fine. Getting all my nutrients from plants.
Which plant gives you B12?
@@FelixOlof92Considering a lot of meat eater are also B12 deficient, everyone should be taking a supplement. Don’t tell me that keto and carnivore people don’t take supplements either. Their influencers are constantly selling that stuff.
Cool nutrients like: 1. Oxalates
2. Phytates
3. Lectins
4. Saponins
5. Tannins
6. Protease inhibitors
7. Glucosinolates
8. Alkaloids
9. Cyanogenic glycosides
10. Goitrogens
@FelixOlof92 where do you think animals get B12? 🤔
Farmed animals
Farmed animals, like cows, pigs, and chickens, are often fed supplements to increase their B12 levels
I'm carnivore and more healthy for 10 years. There is no issue in my health.
I have a lot of friends who aren't vegan and when they put forward their various excuses i notice it always comes down to a sense of entitlement to have what they want regardless of the effect on defenseless individuals...they often say things like 'well I'm just not as 'good' as you' as if i was too 'good' for the reality of the 'real world' they have to live in...veganism is not saintly behavior for a utopia , it is not even 'good' behavior it is simply not doing harm to another who cannot defend themselves which is only the barest baseline morality... but sadly we live in an amoral world to a large degree
Well veganism is good behavior.
Why don't you just share some plant based cooked foods and channels with your friends?
Ask them for some effort and to try some vegan food.
Tell them Gary Francione has been vegan for over 40 years.
Sauce Stache, CheapLazyVegan, the documentaries on Plant Based News, Earthling Ed, BitesizeVegan, Lifting Vegan Logic, Joey Carbstrong, Conserving Compassion, Humane Hancock, Vegan47, Gary Francione, and Gary Yourofsky
@ i think veganism is good because it reduces animal suffering but my point is that to simply not be cruel to animals for convenience and pleasure is not really something to be particularly proud of because its not 'doing good' its just abstaining from doing bad..if i said i don't kill other people even though i would like to you wouldn't think i was good you would think well thats the least you can possibly do is not hurt others ...
some of my closest friends and boyfriends have turned vegan but I have many other friends who are very sure i make plenty of mistakes in the way i communicate
12+ year vegan diet. Never supplemented. Recently did some blood work and almost everything was normal and sufficient: Vitamin D - 115 / B12 - 186 / Active B12 - 56 / HAEMOGLOBIN - 133 and all other nutrients were good besides a few things highlighted. TSH 0.20 mIU/L. Iron was 8.5 umol/L, Transferrin 1.77 g/L and Urea 2.3 mmol/L. Doctor said all is well mostly besides the thyroid needs extra testing. I understand occasionally we might need animal products while transitioning, but if you eat organic whole foods, overtime your system will balance itself out. I was very surpirsed about B12 tho, proving that its not a vegan issue but a gut-microbiome issue. Many carnivores have B12 issues too cause they are usually less health conscious.
Supplements for b12 are cheap. You’d have to be pretty hard core with eating only from the garden to not buy vegan foods that are fortified with b12.
My B12 hovers around 200 and it worries me a bit. I mostly rely on a daily multivitamin.
"A healthy vitamin B12 level is typically between 160 and 950 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL)."
Organic is bollocks by the way.
How clueless can you get? No excuse for animal abuse!
We should think of it as the nutrient cycle instead of a food chain, and as Herbivores we are at the best place in that cycle. As we get our nutrients directly from first available source that is why Herbivores are the biggest, strongest, most numerous etc etc. ✊🏽🌻🌎
I do not care if you are vegan, or aren’t. I do not care about your diet.
We are all eating the foods we want, there shouldn’t be any backlash because I eat meat and you don’t. We simply have different diets.
Meat eating is literally killing sentient beings.
When a pride of lions take down an animal and rip it to pieces and eat it they don't sit around feeling sorry for it , there is a difference between emotions, ideology, and the way things are in nature which we are part of
They did it wrong. And even if they did it right for a very little while, once someone has been on some extreme fad for years and 3/4 of the microbiome died off it'll not be the same.
I like this channel a lot more now. Before they tried to get as many people as possible to become vegan, now they are trying to get people healthy, and they know 99% of people won't go vegan or vegetarian.
does anyone ever ask these carnivore people how this diet could be provided for everyone? It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to provide enough meat for everyone even using the worst kind of factory farming to maximise output. Yet most of them will stipulate free-range, grass-fed etc which would be absolutely impossible. There isn't enough land on the Earth to do this even now when most people eat only some meat but also a lot of plant food. How do they propose this is achieved?
So are these carnivores elitists then? Are they claiming it's the only healthy diet but only for the privileged few, like themselves?
I wish they were made to answer this.
Study the works of Allan Savory
11:45 It doesn't make sense for nonvegans to bring up their assumption of "wild animals are k1lled in worse ways or that livestock have better lives than wild animals " because farmers don't go get or "rescue" these wild animals, and livestock are forcibly bred. Then don't breed livestock.
That's the point of factory farming is for farmers to forcibly breed millions of livestock because just hunting is unsustainable.
For someone who claims to be knowledgeable about these things and EDUCATING people how did she not know these things?
In Mic the Vegan's Jubilee video he showed stats that it people only ate mammals from hunting mammals would be extinct in 2 weeks.
Livestock are now 60 percent of mammal life on the planet, humans are 36 percent, and wild mammals are just 4 percent. Seventy percent of birds now on Earth are farmed poultry.
One example, in the egg industry male chicks are grind up alive cause they don't lay eggs.
Horrific and nightmarish deaths on mass and extremely short lives as babies. Yet she claimed "farmers give livestock better and longer lives".
Millions of livestock are forcibly bred with the worst health.
Such as hens to lay 100s of eggs per year instead of about 10.
That causes them to break their bones easily and be left in broken bones.
What wild animal forcibly breed livestock in torment like this? Only humans invent new horrific forms of torture and with technology.
Electric rods are put up the anus3s of livestock and they are electricuted to death for fur.
Super horrific death and torture.
What wild animal does that or uses electric rods?
Nonvegans say that harming and k1lling animals is ok if you eat them. Then why won't those nonvegans absolve wild animals who often just k1ll for food? Yet nonvegans will go on about how "wild animals hurt each other worse".
Humans abuse and k1ll animals for pleasure.
If she was saying we need to "humanely" k1ll animals "to save them" why don't we do that to all sentient live then?
Why are many nonvegans against antinatalism then? When antinatalism is about peacefully volunteering for oneself.
Watch Lawrence Anton on antinatalism.
Trump's tariffs will raise the price of animal products.
Trump tariffs will not affect the price of meat in the UK and EU. We don't allow hormone fed or chlorinated chicken from over the pond
I tried vegetarian first when I got very serious about my health. I ended up anemic. I did eat eggs and dairy but no meat.
I slowly transitioned though to keto, then full carnivore. Quit dairy as well.
I feel a lot better now.
I did try to switch back to a more plant based diet, but I literally couldn't handle fiber at all. It just plain hurts. That and the spinning hear from the sugars or starches.
It opened my eyes to how much plants were bothering me before, I could feel it like a poison going through me. Like a knot of pain going through my digestive tract.
Idk about what these guys are saying, but that's my experience.
If I could have lived on vegetables, eggs and dairy I would have.
Enjoy your leather goods:)
Every body is different. Glad you found what works for you.
Thank you for mentioning the subsidies. I argue this all the time. Not just for the meat & dairy industry but fossil fuels as well. Take that away & behavior would change, not at all a “free market “.
👍 Whole food plant based for the environment and health; vegan for the victims!
*Ask your city government to sign the Plant Based Treaty!* 🖖
I use to be vegan is "I use to be junk food vegan "
If your struggling with plant based food, a very good way to guide which plants are best for you, is the AYURVEDA way. Each person has either a VATA, PITA, OR KAPAHA dosha, and a combination of a couple of them, so a person more in the VATA dosha will notbeat what a KAPHA dosha needs. I highly recommend people study the energy of food, whichbisbwhat ayurveda does. Find a practitioner. The pianist vegan turned carnivore was more of a VATA dosha person and was probabky consuming too many plants with air & space (component of vata), which was aggravating her. She needed to consume foods that would nourish her vata dosha, not dry them out. Foods with KAPHA dosha qualities (heavy) balance out VATA.. There are lists on the internet you can find.
Sorry mate but if I was struggling, that comment of yours would do nothing to clarify things for me. I know u meant well but dead set, I read it twice, still don’t understand. Not trying again tho, cos headache. 🤦🏽♀️
I was a whole-food, plant-based vegan for over 7 years, and it completely destroyed my health. Before anyone says, “You didn’t do it right!”-let me explain. I followed all the "rules" and even worked with a nutritionist. My diet was as “clean” as it gets: whole grains like quinoa and Ezekiel bread, lentils, beans, plenty of vegetables (Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, garlic, onions), fruit, tofu, seitan, and every herb and superfood you can think of (spirulina, black seed, etc.). I avoided processed junk, shopped at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, and stayed dedicated.
But after a few years, my body couldn’t handle it anymore. I developed candida overgrowth (a condition where yeast in the body grows out of control, often fueled by high-carb diets). Most vegan foods-grains, legumes, fruits, and starches-break down into sugars, which feed candida. This led to severe gut imbalances, nutrient deficiencies (thanks to anti-nutrients like phytates in grains and legumes), and a cascade of health issues: reflux, LPR (silent reflux), bloating, digestive discomfort, headaches, and even the loss of my menstrual cycle.
Losing my cycle for six months was a wake-up call. Without it, women can face serious hormone imbalances, affecting heart health, bone density, and more. I tried cutting back on grains and starches, but it wasn’t enough. I realized the vegan proteins I relied on (like tofu and seitan) were also part of the problem-I wasn’t getting enough protein, iron, or other vital nutrients.
Out of desperation, I decided to prioritize my health over my beliefs about eating animals. I transitioned to an animal-based diet to starve the candida and restore balance to my microbiome. Within a week, my reflux, bloating, and cough disappeared. After two months, my period came back. For the first time in years, I felt like myself again.
This isn’t a message to attack veganism or anyone’s beliefs-so if that’s you, this message isn’t for you. But if you’re on a plant-based diet and struggling with unexplained bloating, reflux, IBS, or even losing your period, consider that the high-carb nature of this lifestyle might not be working for your body. Candida, bad bacteria, and fungi thrive on sugars from grains, starches, and even fruits, and long-term imbalances can lead to serious health consequences. I had to make the hard choice to prioritize my well-being, and I’m so grateful I did. All I am saying is if the vegan plant based lifestyle doesn't work for you, please dont keep going in that direction. If you are doing everything right, dont let people tell you its something that you are doing wrong, and continue doing the same things(finding the perfect herb/food/supplement to assist in your deficiencies) over and over in different ways expecting different results. ... if this reaches even one person and prevents them from experiencing what i experienced and ruining their microbiome with lots of starches and grains due to propaganda that has a history of manipulating academic peer reviewed studies.. then its worth it. I hope i helped someone with my story.
Something is wrong with you. You wrote a book in the comment section.
You obviously do not understand that anecdotal evidence is no evidence. As far as anyone really knows your condition could have been a psycho-somatic response, a nocebo effect, or any of a thousand other things that were cleared up by a restriction diet, such as an increasing sensitivity to a food you are allergic to. But really anecdotes are all the carnivore community has in the way of evidence. That, and lies.
I also had to give it up after 7 years, different issues than yourself since I'm male but I also ate wfpb with no restrictions except for junk food and took all the supplements we're supposed to take. I'm still mostly plant based but adding just a bit of pasture raised/wild meat (no factory farmed) a few times a month has made all the difference. Don't listen to the few toxic vegans, you do what you gotta do.
Or you could be a vegan that doesn’t eat foods high in starch and sugars. Jesus.
@@georgewilson7808 if this was hard for you to read i can only imagine how hard it may be for you to read through a published journal or study.
😂😂😂so the debate start right with a skinny influencer saying she had all those imaginary diseases on a plant based diet... Yeah sure🤦🤦🤦
Why would you even debate someone else's mental illness instead of actual arguments🤷🤷🤷
Great work, thanks for sharing! Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and William Blake were animal rights activists! ❤😊 "All wholesome food is caught without a net or a trap. Each outcry of the hunted hare, a fibre from the brain does tear." Salute from Holland.
Great video guys! You three are like the vegan dream team when it comes to arguing for a vegan world! Keep up the good work 😊
I guarantee you that she was eating under 1000 calories and no carbs.
Please tell me how you can eat a vegan diet without any carbs. Makes no sense.
Steak and butter gal.
Look her up and watch her shows.
@Vjaffacake-c6t That doesn't answer the question and still makes no sense at all.
Good to hear you all talk about how ridiculous those carnie clowns takes were. Deluded and insane
carnivore and denial are synonymous
The people who label themselves "vegan" should learn the meaning. As other commenters have explained, they are describing a diet, instead.
Britannica dictionary veganism: "veganism, the theory or practice of abstaining from the consumption and use of animal products"
@mereen750 if you choose to, you can look up the name: Donald Watson.
@@frankpanetta1596 He makes a magical new definition?
The 7th day Adventists are often studied because they are health conscious, don’t drink alcohol or smoke, and eagerly participate in studies. The ADVENTIST HEALTH STUDY 2 found the more animal products the 7th day Adventists removed from the human diet, the lower the body weight and the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Participants: 96,000 Adventists living in the U.S. and Canada.
I must be a glutton for punishment watching yet another video about that jubilee debate, but it was worth it to hear Dr. Shabnam use the perfect word to describe the carnivore girls - vapid. 💚🌱
What on earth were these animal abusers eating ?
@happycarnivore5481 meat on your plate is a product of violence!
@@jjradV As are veggies.
Wow how frustrating. Those people are why i usually don't bother with those types of hollow videos. Here is my N+1 evidence ir can't be wrong, my way or the highway.
Your two guests here were fantastic!!
Oh that video, where the meat eaters contradict themselves and speak untruths.
Yessss. Ps…love your name and love to do your name😊
Tell a shark, crocodile or a lion that you are at the top of the food chain.
'Through the humble eyes of a child, we will realise true equity. No one is placed higher, than another. No matter race or creed or gender. We must teach forgiveness and compassion. FOR ALL LIFE'
The climate itself will force humans to become Vegan...once again
@@happycarnivore5481 'Tis the inevitable, friend
@@austinp.5024 Nope. The woke agenda will crash.
Sleeping right, Sunbathing, barefeet on the ground and laughing a lot lots and lots of laughs are the fantastic 4 of health. This is not to say that if the diet is absolutely horrendous you'll be out of danger with these 4_ besides, no good sleep if the diet is absolute trash. But still improving on a half decent diet will have a minor effect compared to these 4.
Sunbathing lol, just great for aging skin and cancer. Just put a UV screen like they use for welding in front of your southern window, then you can sunbathe in near infra red and not age your skin and possibly destroy your health. And don't forget to take your vit D.
Too much sun can damage skin and lead to skin cancer.
Watch Lab Muffin Beauty Science.
About one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.
Coming from a plant based person: I feel like listening to the first 3 minutes of the video where the girl explains how veganism didnt work for her and then immediately commenting "oh, she probably didnt do it correctly. She probably had a messed up diet" is the equivalent to a carnivore person going "i feel like only animal products isnt working for me" and another carnivore just slapping them with the good ol "oh, but have you tried adding in electroclytes and more salt? You just need more salt"
the whole "you didnt do the diet right" seems to be everyone's favourite argument, no matter what side you're on and the moment I hear this, I feel like there is absolutely no thinking involved in your commentary whatsoever, and no empathy neither. I have reached a point where I really start doubting a person's critical thinking whenever I hear that phrase and I honestly liked this channel bc of how it refrained from such empty comments
Here's the thing, vegan is reducing consumption of animals and animal byproducts to a level that is necessary, practical and possible. If that woman was having health issues on a strict vegan diet, from my view, she can still consume a necessary amount of animal products and still be vegan. I imagine that's not what is happeneing. But I wish these conversations were different. If someone tells me they had issues and needed to introduce some animal products for whatever reason I'm gonna believe them. And my response Is usually "okay, and you are consuming it for the necessity?yes. Okay well you're still a vegan in my eyes because you are only consuming the necessary amount of animal products." For the ones that were lying, few years later they actually reduce their consumption to the level that is necessary after realizing that they probably could do better.
wow well said 🙏🌱👌
Did she get blood tests and Go a plant based dietitian ? I bet not probably self diagnosed
No, veganism is an ethical principle that the man should not exploit animals.
@torashi. fair enough. Add the word exploitation around consumption but the rest doesn't change
@barrydevonshire9749 to me it doesnt matter. I'm not gonna get anywhere if someone is dishonest to themselves. Why would they care about honesty to you? If they want to say they hold a position that their health requires animal products, im gonna take them at that. And I am gonna still call them a vegan as long as they say they are only eating the animals for the necessity. The next conversations can debate what is and isnt necessity
"What a beautiful relationship!" Did the animal consent to die? Nope! So we cannot call that a relationship.
Animal flesh and their secretions are more expensive in many ways. The long term consequences are getting to a point of no return.
Also, the most cringe thing for me is the people who claimed to be animal lovers while antagonizing Vegans for not eating steak
Funny, I haven't seen a carnivore post bad mouthing vegetarians.
How about monocrop farming can kill animals. Monoculture farming involves repeatedly planting the same crop, which can lead to the deaths of animals through:
Pesticides: Pesticides can kill birds and other animals that are intentionally or unintentionally exposed to them
Fertilizer runoff: Fertilizer runoff can kill fish and other marine life
Tractors and other machinery: Animals can be killed by tractors and other machinery
Insects contaminated with pesticides: Lizards and amphibians can be killed by eating insects contaminated with pesticides…
You don’t see the death . You only see the agricultural results. Total hypocrisy.
I am a mixed plant based guy, I go back and forth, but what I can say in 2025 they could get rid of all meat and we would be just fine. B12 etc can be supped, and no diff than carnis or meatheads supping
I eat meat only and it is good.
Eat the whole body of the animal including the animal organs, also raw milk isn’t too bad, and even some fruits from time to time. Animal based diet is better imo
if you live in a house, use electricity, wear clothes, etc. you have indirectly killed animals like it or not.
That's no excuse to directly do it.
@@julioandresgomez3201 don't need an excuse, it's just the way it is.
So your point is because I've indirectly killed animals I should start directly, intentionally doing it. You didn't put a lot of thought into your comment, did you?
@@dogberry20 unlike you I'm not trying to tell anyone what they should do.
@@michaelkane7021 I didn't tell you what to do. You inferred it, just like I was supposed to infer your point. You didn't think that one through first either, you did you?
i disagree with Sarah, we ARE at the top of the food chain, because of our intelligence, dexterity, language... all of which allowed us to make weapons and shields for example. HOWEVER, the point is that, although we are at the top of the food chain, if a vegan diet is best for ecology and ethics (as it is), then it's worth a try (together with a few supplements) to see if it works for you, to see if it is compatible with your health and well-being long term.
you can hear the mind fighting the heart and their mouth is caught in the middle. the soul knows whats rights
Lack of carbs gives us brain fog
Isn’t that vegan body builder Torre Washington??? 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
B12 and Niacin deficiency cause her problem when she was vegan it wasn't the vegan diet it was her lack of plant based diet knowledge and understanding