Quick Happiness Fixes

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • Hear it Here - adbl.co/3v0o8uB
    00:01:31 What Makes a Happy Song Happy?
    00:10:41 Injecting Happiness
    00:18:21 Eat Ice Cream
    00:23:59 Relive Happy Memories
    00:35:14 EFT Tapping
    00:42:26 Flower Power
    • Though happiness is a habit, there are also plenty of immediate happiness “quick fixes” to use when you’re feeling low and need something to pick you up.
    • One great way to be happy is to use music. Pick songs that are relatively quick in tempo, written in a major key, and have positive and uplifting lyrics.
    • You may find that nostalgic music from your past is especially good at summoning up good feelings.
    • Studies done on the effect of Botox on people’s ability to express and interpret facial expressions point to the interplay between our moods and our biology. Being able to mirror other people’s expressions is important. Even though we think we smile because we’re happy, we are also happy because we smile. This means we can often create good feelings by smiling-even if we don’t quite feel it.
    • Ice cream has been shown to be one of the greatest comfort foods that genuinely boosts mood, primarily because of its associations. A healthy diet is best in the long term, but an occasional treat can be a legitimate pick-me-up.
    • Recalling happy memories or making new ones has been shown to predict happy feelings.
    • Finally, EFT tapping is an approach that can help you alleviate anxiety.
    #AffectiveNeuroscience #AnxietyCure #CBT #Chatwin #EFTEmotionalFreedomTechniques #DanielKahneman #DeakinUniversity #DonnaBach #DrFernandoMarmolejoRamos #DrJacka #Duchenne #EFT #EmotionalFreedomTechnique #EpidemiologistFeliceJacka #EvolutionaryPsychology #FlowerPower #GaryCraig #Groningen #HappinessResearchInstitute #IntegrativeMedicine #LowriDowthwaite #Ltryptophan #MarmolejoRamos #MeikWiking #Neuroimaging #NeuroscientistDrJacobJolij #ProfessorCatherineLoveday #ProfessorJeanetteJones #ResearcherJustinKim #Salimpoor #RussellNewton #NewtonMG #TheAnxietyCure #QuickHappinessFixes #NickTrenton #ThePathtoCalm

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