Имам предложение за теб. Къде мога да ти пиша??? Искам да ви поканя на Български фестивал да се съберем славианско говорящи и да обменим малко култура, за история, езика и културата? Фестивала е в приРодата. Не е комерсиален, ще ви учим на Български танци и песни ако имате желание. Кажи ми как да се свържа с теб моля.
По моим понятиям все языки пошли от древнего похожего на санскрит и русский... Английский например искусственный язык придуманный жрецами... В нем заложен скрытый смысл из образного языка первого! Например "Поверь" = Power... Если веришь мне то властвую над тобой... Love - Лов ловить! Поймать любовь God - Год время бог... В США зарплата в год... Slave - Слава - раб славы... Заложник популярности... И тп...
You have the same thoughts like I have. I met a family who asked me something in English before Slovačka - Hrvatska match. I asked where they were from. They said Croatia... And I was like "Okay, no English, let's speak in our national languages" 😀
As a person who speaks Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and a little Serbian. I can say that this inter-Slavic language is 100 percent understandable to me. Hello all Slavic People!
Не обольщайся, мигранты украинские не знают нормально ни одного из перечисленных языков. Не обольщайся, русский ты знаешь на уровне суржика, так же и польский.
@@ОлегЛесков-у8оВы, безусловно, правы. Обожаю слушать россиян, которые сбежали в страны ЕС, и пытаются говорить на каждом из вышеперечисленных языков - мёд для ушей. После разговоров с ними, на иностранном языке, я понимаю, что лучше российских мигрантов никто не выучит иностранный язык.
same! i am Kazak and speak Russian and feel the same wanna learn this language and want slavic ppl (or maybe states) to use it widely in order to forget abiut the limits and borders..
@@СтаниславРакимов потому что его создали опираясь на самые популярные версии того или иного слова на разных славянских языках. Допустим «письмо» в большинстве славянских языков так и звучит. Затем посчитали баллы (если оно используется восточными или западными славянами то прибавляют 1 балл, если же южными, то 0,5) И внесли в словарь
@@madamx6656 памятники "русским окуппантам" сносят в Польше, так как СССР и Третий рейх совместно напали на Польшу, а потом и разделили. Историю бы вам выучить
@@madamx6656 не позорьте русских своей богоизбранностью, нас и так уже нигде не любят. Для прикола докажите, что эти 4 нации не существовали бы без русских.
There is no croatian language , just dialect. Serbian language but other dialect. Like there is no american or australians language all is english but dialect is different, so on BALKAN is just one ORIGINAL language and it is Serbian.
As a Russian speaker I understood quite a lot. Would love to learn Interslavic, and I think all Slavic speakers should, too. Wouldn't it be nicer to use it instead of English, when traveling in Central/Eastern Europe?
@@MartianCZ English is useless with people who don't speak English. Also, talking English sucks compared to speaking a language that is very much like your own. Also, English is useless for trying to understand your fellow Slav in his language.
For the most part but some words that sound similar and mean different things. The various Slavic languages may be easier to learn to other Slavic language speakers but you still need to speak the language. They are not accents or dialects. They are different languages. As this video proves. It took them a while to understand a simple instruction to stand up and raise their arms above their heads. I'm Polish so it was fun to watch how they struggled. It was informative too because the nearly common roots of the words were there and how much the, once, common language has drifted over the past 1200 years.
@@fotticelli yes, but it took them a while only because Pavel didn't quite understand what's the goal. It seemed like the other 2 guys got it right immediately. And as a Serb, this is really easy to follow. That said, this is interesting as a demonstration, in real life it would be probably difficult to communicate, and since this is a form of language, everyone would have to learn it anyway, it's not like you're going to encounter random people speaking Inter-Slavic to moderate the conversation. When I went to Slovakia and Poland, it was much easier to just use English to communicate, most of the younger folks are good at it.
Slavic language is very very very rich, I'm russian and understood everything right away, in russian we say palets for Perst, but Perstn means a ring, and everybody knows that back in the day they choose to use whatever word they want, but nowadays nobody say Prsta.
Pole here. Those who created this artificial language have achieved great success. They found such a balance between Slavic languages that it is mostly understandable to everyone...incredible! It could be used at inter-Slavic conferences :)
As a russian I could understand almost everything. It's a pitty (and after this video even strange) that slavic people still have to speak English here in comments to understand each other.
If Russians were used latin alphabet instead cyrylica it would helped a lot. I'm Polish and many Russian words are understandable when written in latin letters.
@@alexandralucard cyrylica wcale nie jest taka trudna, miesiąc nauki i umiesz płynnie czytać po rosyjsku czy pisać polskie zdania wyglądające jak rosyjskie xD (jak ja wyżej)
@@bogdankornilov5823 Born in USA but Polish was still first language and I understood fine too. I try to read all other slavic languages I see online it has made me good at getting more meaning out of any one comment or text to the point that I can get the general idea in most of the comments I see even if a word doesn't exist in Polish I might know it from another language by chance. A real hit and miss method but once you get a good collection of words and habits certain languages have in related word differences you will understand a lot of what you read and sometimes with the right dialect even what you hear. I've listened to some Russian videos and while harder than reading I can usually get a good bit out of it. Properly practicing Russian as a start has helped since a lot of south slavic languages borrow from them and they had several vocabulary reforms distancing themselves from west slavic and other few east slavic languages in vocabulary. Ukrainian and Belarusian are ironically closer to the earlier east slavic language with Russian taking a lot from old church slavonic and changing in vocabulary standardization.
В голосину нахуй. By the way, я из Беларуси, знаю белорусский, пять лет прожил в Львове и выучил украинский (плюс западноукраинский диалект), в обычной жизни говорю на русском - здесь было понятно абсолютно всё. Собственно, мои попытки говорить на польском, не уча его, но учитывая весь мой языковой бэкграунд - и есть межславянский.
Являюсь носителем русского и украинского языков. Всё было понятно на сто процентов. Межславянский язык - отличная иллюстрация единого корня наших народов.
Я точно так же, но пользовался субтитрами на интерславянском. Должен заметить, что зная украинский язык очень неплохо понимаешь и белорусский и польский (хоть его и сложнее воспринимать на слух). С болгарским сложнее. Но, с использованием субтитров понимание доходит до 80-90%.
Мне ужасно нравится слушать как носители разных славянских языков между собой шутят, дурачатся, и практически без проблем понимают друг друга. Я по образованию славянский лингвист. Выучила русский язык (более или менее) и понимаю немного хорватского. Норберт, ваши видео мне просто в кайф смотреть! Спасибо!
Me knowing bulgarian and russian actually understood everything. Imagine if this became an official second language in every Slavic country, that would be interesting 😹
Yes, it's kind of Pole that don't know Russian language, trying to speak it, using Polish and Czech/Slovak combination of words. Insane, but cool and very understandable :D
As a Hungarian who speaks only Germanic languages and Hungarian (and Esperanto) I think I need to learn this language and than I can communicate without English with half of Europe. What a cool thing 😮
Good idea, anyway nobody of us can't understand Hungarian:)) And it's one of the best things that I like in Hungary! Everything sounds and looks absolutely new. In all other European countries (excluding Finland too) I could understand a lot as a Russian with English, German and some Spanish knowledge...
it would take you more to learn this language than 5 other slavic, trust me its meaningless if u were not speaking any slavic language for at least 15 years and its not fully understandable maybe like 70% people are just trash talking for likes
@@lukadobrijevic1911 oh no, that people do not say about 100% understanding of this language just because of likes. As Russian native speaker (with knowledge of Ukrainian) I can say that I totally understand interslavic. All its words are presented either in Russian or in Ukrainian. So please do not widespread misleading information)
@@vallivia5258 nobody asked you a thing, this language does not have grammar at all and its made only for understanding between slavic people for a reason, it would be pain actually trying to learn it, im serbian i can understand it but not all words are much different and person trying to explain me something would need to use hands whole time to explain which language is not about
Velika hvala vam že sdělali togo videa. Trěba že by vsi Slovjane znali že napravdu istnuje taki jezyk kak “Medžuslovjanski”. Bravo hlapci. Bylo mi velmi veselo ogledati ovoj video. Čekam jesm na naslědnu čest. Велика хвала вам же сделали того видеа. Треба же бы вси Словјане знали же направду истнује таки језык как “Меджусловјански”. Браво хлапци. Было ми велми весело огледати овој видео. Чекам јесм на наследну чест.
@@Хто-та-к3м самое забавное, что кажется будто другие славяне не поймут, но судя по коментам все понимают этот язык. Желаю этому языку процветание и чтобы его преподавали в школах
A few days ago I come back from the holiday in Bulgaria!🇧🇬 Obzor is amazing and people are friendly and helpfully😍 Good memories☺️ I'm proud to be a Slavic. Greetings from Poland❤️🇵🇱 PS. Sorry for mistakes
Elizabeth Woźniak Waćpanno żadnych błędów przecież nie zrobiłaś 😁 tak swoją drogą dałaś radę jakoś po Polsku się dogadywać czy bardziej po Angielsku próbowałaś rozmawiać? 😎🇵🇱🇧🇬
I am kazakh. I fluently speak russian, kazakh, english and understand everything in this video. I am also understand turkic languages like kyrgiz, uzbek, turkish and etc. Turkic is like slavic - fraternal language. In other words we understand each other too.
Mate the whole world is open to you! With interslavic you can understand all the slavs, and with turkic you can understand all the child languages of turkic family.
Zdravo braća Slaveni! Ja sam z sjevera Hrvatske, regije Međimurje i razmil sam sve na Interslavenskom jeziku. Interslavenski mi zvuči kak mješavina (mix) našega Međimurskoga dijalekta, malo ruskog, malo češkog i slovačkog. Drago mi je i veseli me kaj se moremo tak lepo razmiti. Pozdrav z Međimurja!
Oi brat )) Ja tebe napishu po-russki, no na latinskom alfavite. I ja uveren ti prekrasno vse poimesh ) zhelau vsem vam udachi, zdorov’ja I schast’ja. Privet is Rossii. Kak bilo bi zdorovo esli bi vse slavjanskie narodi bili edini. Kak bilo davno ran’she. ))
Zdravo vama i od mene braćo Slaveni, cijeli videozapis mi je razumljiv i sve sam mogao pojmiti. Koliko i u komentarima možemo vidjeti da nije bitno koji od slavenskih jezika tko govori ostali će ga razumjeti. Ne treba uopće sa nekim iz slavenskih zemalja pokušavati pričati engleski kada ćemo ovako bolje proći. Želim vam sve najbolje i pozdrav iz sunčane Hercegovine. Bog.
after learning some of slavic alphabets it's not that hard to understand the majority of slavic written languages with effort only small amount of words are really different, and half of those are loaned from latin languages anyway so knowing russian+english i was easily able to understand that
@@marekmichalovic8711 English. I went to Gymnazium for a year a long time ago so my Slovak was OK and I can still read it, but I could never follow Polish even when my Slovak was quite good.
@@kitwolf2857 Polish is hard to understand for most of Slovaks, but it can be improved by watching a few Polish videos and putting unknown words into your favorite translator. Sometimes it sounds like Czech with more w, rz and ie.
@@marekmichalovic8711 A este tie vymenenia 'h' a 'g'. Tam kde som byval na Slovensku (v Trebisove), ludia niekedy chodili do Polska na nakupy a mi povedali ze sa mohli vzajomne poriadne rozumiet. Preto, ked som isiel do Warsawa poprvykrat som bol prekvapeny tym ze som vobec nicomu nerozumel; ani mna tam nerozumeli. Tusim ze aj Polske narecie pri hraniciach by mohlo byt blizsi k Sloveskemu jazyku, a ze ludia ktori tam byvaju musia byt' takisto zvyknesie na to, ze hovoria so Slovakmi. Rozumiem trochu po Cesky ale je to ovela t'azsi pre mna ako je pre Slovakov. Je to ako ked stretnem s Americanmi: Ja ich rozumiem bez problemov kedze som videl tolko Americkych filmov ze som sa podsvedomne naucil po Amerikansky. Ale je prekvapujuci pocet Americanov ktori len t'azko sleduju Anglicku Anglictinu.
80% komentara: i’m russian/polish/croatian and i understood almost everything! good job! 20% komentara: the croatian guy is cute lol but other than that hello from Croatia, understood everything from the Interslavic part and most of the Bulgarian :)
I'm Russian, I've understood absolutely everything! I am really interested in the development of this language! This will help a lot of people to communicate easier!
@@itsme2904 eeeeh, go to a therapist. Wtf is wrong with you, the topic is not related to politics. You better stay silent instead of spreading your toxicity everywhere on the web. Pathetic.
If this becomes a common 2nd language in Slavic countries, a lot of non-Slavic speakers would be encouraged to learn it since you can use it in so many countries.
Dude, there is a lot of non Slavic countries that speak Slavic languages, that would be really cool if we will use and develop this language all together. For example, I am from Kazakhstan, we speak Russian here a lot, some people don’t even speak kazakh. Apart from Kazakhstan there is Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc, lots of countries. Plus, I guess same thing could be done with Turkic languages. Imagine, to live in most part of euarasia and communicate with people easily, you would need to know only 2-3 languages. Like this one Slavic language, same thing Turkic language, and English or other for Western Europe. Also would be great if there would be somekind of work made for eastern Asian languages, like Korean, Japanese, Chinese. That would be really cool, to speak with any person in the world you would need to know only like 4-6 languages. While there are over hundred of them, but many of them came from same group.
In Croatian: Poljski je moj jedini slavenski jezik i razumijem oko 90%-95% okolo is used, but only in physical terms to mean around something, not approximations
Pole, same here, I could easily get the idea of each sentence. It just means, this language is a beautiful construct, working as intended. This video only proves that.
нали целта е да бъде разбираем за всички славяни. Не знам дали забеляза, но за някои неща той употреби и по няколко думи като например търбух, което е по-популярно на юг и брухо - в западните езици
@@thelinguotourist8160 Ясно, че това е целта. И е постигната. :) Не знам до каква степен е разбираем от западните славяни, на мен ми звучеше като смесен между български, сръбски и руски. Общо взето, като резултатът, който би се получил, когато някой с добър слух за езици би използвал, за да се разбере с хората в смесена компания. Любопитно ми е с грамтиката на уеднаквения език какво се случва.
Slovakia here🇸🇰 Understood 99%. I’m in France right now and people always ask me: - So the Slavic languages, it’s all the same language, right? - No, each country has its own. - But understand each other? - Yes! - So it’s the same language then! - No! But this is cool guys!🤓
The way i see it, is that its just a really strong accent. Like way stronger than what is between all the english speaking countries, but not as strong as the difference between romance languages.
French people are funny asking such question :-) The closest analog for them is Roman languages whom French is a part of. Is Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or French the same language? ;-) :-P It seems Slovak is a live Interslavic language which is middle for the rest of other Slavs and it is just cool!
As a Czech capable of speaking a few other Western Slavic languages fluently I understood all of it. A very funny mix indeed, like old Panslavic vocabulary with basic grammar without any hard geographical accent. Accent and pronunciation wise - I would say this was quite close to some older Moravian/Slovakian border accents. The melody sounded quite Southern Slavic. As a kid, I possibly thought that's what Yugoslavian sounded like :) Yes, I was born in the 80s... I was also going to mention the poor Bulgarian guy. He clearly struggled at time. Their language is so distinctive it makes it the hardest Slavic language to understand for me.
Croatian here. I've went to St. Petersburg to study Russian. Although different I find Russian very similar to Croatian (and other south slavic languages), but what amazes me that Russians and Croats (and Poles) understand 99% of Interslavic. This language has great potential for creating intercultural framework. I hope someday we might even use it in our international relations.
Ukrainian and russian speaker here. Understood everything of the interslavic. It's insane Розмовляю українською та російською. Все зрозумів щодо міжслов'янськой мови. Це дуже приємно.
Припускаю - тому що ти або живеш або жив в Україні чи Білорусі або спілкувався з українцями чи білорусами тривалий час. Жоден класичний житель россии, що видає себе за словян, слов'янські мови чомусь не розуміє майже зі 100% гарантією ...
@@ВиталийМокротоваров я слава богу, не росіянин, але народився у ленінграді и коли там малюком був, у мене нянечкою українка була. Вона зі мною тількі українською розмовляла. Через нею я теж мову знаю.
Cezary Łuczak In Czech we use “palec” for thumb as well, but one thing I wouldn’t understand, if it weren’t for my knowledge of German, is “probuj” when he is telling him to try turning around, which I’m quite sure comes from German verb “probieren”. We’ve got the expressions “zkusit” or “vyzkoušet” for that.
I'm Russian and understood almost everything. Also, I understood what "bruho" means because we have the same word but it has a negative connotation, like "huge stomach" or it can be just an animal´s belly as well.
@@HovishI like how Russian and Polish have many words in common, but they are written so differently that we don't understand each other. In Russian it is брюхо, in Polish it is brzucho
@John D Прозрачность межязыка зависит от исходных языков у общающихся. Насколько близко они к усредённому единому языку. Русский язык несколько в стороне от европейских славянских языков, с ним замена сложнее.
I'm Italian so not Slavic but I like the Slavic nations and their languages, for me interslavic language sounds like Russian with some polish words and Czech accent... Absolutely interesting language
Fajnie, że uczysz się polskiego! Jakbyś chciała popisać z polką, to napisz tutaj, podam jakieś media społecznościowe 😊 (If you can't understand something, I can explain in English)
Pozdrav! Kao studentica kroatistike smatram da ne bi trebao biti sluzbeni jezik. Sluzbeni jezik bi trebao biti narodni jezik (hrvatski, srpski, poljski itd), a ovo bi se moglo uciti u skolama sa strane kao interslavensko sredstvo sporazumijevanja. Oko 90% se podudara sa staroslavenskim, zato je i razumljivo vecini slavena. Iz staroslavenskog su se razvili ovi jezici. Tako da bi bilo korektnije govoriti o novom valu staroslavenskog.
S.H. K. I bet that he has a mirror in his house, so he’s able to archive this great conclusion as well. He may not look Slav, but he’s being respectful towards the culture and celebrating the union between Slavic people. What’s the deal?
This is really cool :O I'm Croatian and there are some Slavic languages I find difficult to understand, but if everyone understands this, it would be cool if it was taught in school, so we can communicate with each other if someone doesn't speak English.
Meni je bio veci problem razumijet onog poljaka nego ovaj jezik Ne znam kako vama al meni su ruski i poljski dosta teski za razumijet Ali ovaj jezik je dosta lagan i bilo bi dobro kad bi se ucio kao 3. Jezik uz engleski i hrvatski
As a Russian I understood everything, was really surprised. That is so cool! :’) I feel so happy seeing people just having fun, being united by the language like that. Thank you for this video!
@@itsme2904 Oh, you're not Russian. Chop wood for the house, sell the car because there will not be enough money for gasoline, and the last build a bunker! Good luck surviving!
As a native English speaker (well the bastardised version that we Scots speak) I think this language is amazing. Seeing people who speak different languages all understanding a medium that they have no direct experience with and being able to cross language barriers relatively easily is insanely cool. If you guys don’t already learn this in school I strongly urge yous too.
Nah, not needed. Its often aight anyway with the different speakers, esp. if they have basic knowledge of characteristics of the other languages compared to theirs
What kind of sorcery is this?! I'm from Croatia and I can understand like 99% of what he said. Is there a possibility that this language could become a thing? 💪🇭🇷❤🇵🇱❤🇧🇬❤🇨🇿❤🇸🇰❤🇸🇮💪
Davis D. Make me your absolute monarch in all slavic countries and I will introduce it in schools as early as kindergarten, 10 years later and it will be a thing. 30 years after that we complete conquering the world with cyborg mecha winged hussar cossack army wielding lightsaber bardiches riding genetically engineered pegasus gryphons. But I want a dragon to ride in to battle.
As a Belgian having been in BG, HR, SR, CZ, RU I learned a little bit of everything but not completely? I understand about 80% of your exercise. Amazing it looks of a kind of slavonic Esperanto. And it is approximately the way I would be able to express myself to get me understood in your countries.
I am brazilian, with Polish heritage and also with polish citzenship. My great grandfather imigrated from Poland to Brazil in the 30s. Currently, I am studying Polish and strugling to understand the Dopełniacz case :). Unfortunately I am not feeling so confident to write this in Polish yet. Watching your videos, Ecolinguist, and seeing how similiar and rich the slavic languages are, made me feel more and more fascinated about slavic culture and much more motivated to keep learning the beautiful Polish language! Certainly in the future, I will start learning another slavic language! Bardzo dziekuje za video! All the best from Kurytyba, Brazylia.
Boa sorte mano! E fascinante que tanta qente manteu a nossa linguagem e cultura e ate consegui passar isso pelas geracoes (nas vilas) la no outro lado do mundo. Antes de aprender o portugues eu nunca sabia disso. Pozdrowienia ao Curitiba da Polonia ;)
I'm brazilian and I've been learning polish for some months, it is quite impressive to hear interslavic and understand it, to me it sounds like if they mixed polish, russian and serbian into one language
I want to learn interslavic now, it is so understandable to everyone and probably easy to learn, it is basicly, to me, old school Croatian like i'm back to 17th century
@Zeljko Lukic Nemoj srat, Hrvatska je bila kraljevina od 925.-1102. kada ulazi u personalnu uniju sa Ugarskom, u kojoj ostaje uz određene prekide do 1918., kada se raspada Austro-Ugarska i Hrvatska ulazi u SHS, kasnije Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju, prvi hrvatski rječnik (u rječniku se zove "Dalmatinski"), to jest nalazi se u sklopu 5 "najplemenitijih" europskih rječnika u to vrijeme ujedno i prvi multinacionalni riječnik izlazi 1595, dok prvi srpski rječnik izlazi 1818., toliko o jeziku, spomenuti ću i odgovor Ante Starčevića na članak iz Srpskog dnevnika koji je osporio hrvatsko ime i jezik. U to su vrijeme sve srpske novine promicale misli Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića iz teksta „Srbi svi i svuda“ iz njegove knjige „Kovčežić“. Karadžić je nastojao dokazati da su svi štokavci Srbi, ali triju vjera: pravoslavni, katolici i muslimani. Hrvati-kajkavci po Karadžiću su Slovenci, a ne obrnuto, jer time Karadžić želi potpuno negirati postojanje Hrvata. Razdvajanjem i smanjenjem jedinstvenog hrvatskog nacionalnog bića, Karadžić je gradio ideološku osnovu za stvaranje Velike Srbije. Starčevićev odgovor bio je oštar, ustvrdio je da postoji i jezik i narod hrvatski, da su stari dubrovački pisci i Marko Marulić pisali hrvatski, premda čak i danas službena Srbija svojata ove najplodnije hrvatske pisce i utemeljitelje modernog hrvatskog jezika. Osim toga, iz tog razdoblja turske vlasti Srbija nema gotovo nikakve književnosti, pa svojatanje ima i cilj prikazivanja kontinuiteta srbijanske književnosti iz srednjeg u moderni vijek, zbog velike rupe u vrijeme turske vlasti
@@alexdimitrov6299 They are not similar because of the alphabet. Only Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian use cyrillic. Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian and Sorbian language use latin alphabet.
Honestly, if it weren't for some random words from other slavic languages that we learn/use because they sounds silly/amusing, the understanding would be much harder
I'm from Croatia and honestly I think in Russia and Slavic countries in schools there should be like this subject that we can learn. So this becomes more used 😁🇭🇷❤️
я тоже русский и понял 99%, просто нужно порой додумывать и вспоминать старославянские слова - например, "велики прст" - великий (большой) прст (персты, пальцы)
The Interslavic language conversation Part 2 → th-cam.com/video/j6FTxyM7ESk/w-d-xo.html 🤓
Имам предложение за теб.
Къде мога да ти пиша??? Искам да ви поканя на Български фестивал да се съберем славианско говорящи и да обменим малко култура, за история, езика и културата?
Фестивала е в приРодата. Не е комерсиален, ще ви учим на Български танци и песни ако имате желание.
Кажи ми как да се свържа с теб моля.
Please make a Nordic skandanivien version
(Finnish does not fit because its waay different )
По моим понятиям все языки пошли от древнего похожего на санскрит и русский...
Английский например искусственный язык придуманный жрецами...
В нем заложен скрытый смысл из образного языка первого!
Например "Поверь" = Power... Если веришь мне то властвую над тобой...
Love - Лов ловить! Поймать любовь
God - Год время бог... В США зарплата в год...
Slave - Слава - раб славы... Заложник популярности...
И тп...
How about doing a Finnish - Estonian episode? I'd love to take part and help organize :)
1Million subs congratulations!!!!!!
Serbian here, understood 99%. We need this language, this is insane
@@bogusawgorgon6216 chillll... wiecej pomyślunku i kultury.
@@bogusawgorgon6216 poczytaj o jezykach slowianskich zamiast sie osmieszać
šo zz i am russian and i understood all
Нека уче они Српски
@@bogusawgorgon6216 Nie. Jezyki ewoluują.. tak jak zycie... nie zatrzymasz tego
The guy who invented this language is a genius. Its a shame that when people meet from Slavic countries they have to speak English. Not any more :)
You have the same thoughts like I have. I met a family who asked me something in English before Slovačka - Hrvatska match. I asked where they were from. They said Croatia... And I was like "Okay, no English, let's speak in our national languages" 😀
Slazen se! To je tako!
Serbian here
I work with polish people and we understand each other very well
Yeah. Usually when I talk to other Slavic people i just use Polish and we mostly understand each other. If a person can't understand I use Russian :D
Yeah, it's a dream come true :)
I am Polish, Croatian is easy for me, but I can't really understand most of Bulgarian, but I can understand everything in Interslavic!
zamknijryj, Fajna nazwa
Jestem z Ukrainy I dla mnie też nie było problem z rozumieniem
Bulgarian will be easy for Russian people
zamknij ryk
@@magdalenaszaturska2272 I don't think so. Bulgarian is really not so similar to Russian, we would rather understand Belarusian or Ukrainian language
As a person who speaks Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and a little Serbian. I can say that this inter-Slavic language is 100 percent understandable to me.
Hello all Slavic People!
as a Serbian that know czech and little bit of Russian i understanded everything
Не обольщайся, мигранты украинские не знают нормально ни одного из перечисленных языков. Не обольщайся, русский ты знаешь на уровне суржика, так же и польский.
@@ОлегЛесков-у8оВы, безусловно, правы.
Обожаю слушать россиян, которые сбежали в страны ЕС, и пытаются говорить на каждом из вышеперечисленных языков - мёд для ушей.
После разговоров с ними, на иностранном языке, я понимаю, что лучше российских мигрантов никто не выучит иностранный язык.
As a Croatian I am really suprised I can understand most of this
Ja mogu slabo poljski ali interslavski i bugarski mogu dobri razumijet
Me too
@Ivan Mixo nisi jedini..
Ja moram malo promislim šta kažu jedno 3 sekunde, ali može se definitivno razumeti
My grandfather spoke interslavic everytime he was drunk as hell.
I have the same after drink "wódka" :p i know every language on the World xD
My father was able to communicate with any person from Europe when he got drunk :')
but i am sure that he could talk to everyone :D
That is a trait only slavic people have
When we get drunk we awaken our inner slavs and can communicate with everyother slavic person
It's a weird thing, knowing exactly what they're saying, but not being able to speak the language yourself...
Katerina Polanska - exactly!
@@PeterRepovski Bulgarian?
same! i am Kazak and speak Russian and feel the same
wanna learn this language and want slavic ppl (or maybe states) to use it widely in order to forget abiut the limits and borders..
as a czech i understood 99% of things clearlly thats amazing we need to do something with this language
Забавно что славяне понимают любую другую речь других славян примерно на 60-80%, а именно этот язык почти на 100%, это магия славянской речи
@@СтаниславРакимов Taky jsem čech ale umim azbuku, hezký je že vše co jsi napsal bylo srozumitelný :D
@@СтаниславРакимов потому что его создали опираясь на самые популярные версии того или иного слова на разных славянских языках.
Допустим «письмо» в большинстве славянских языков так и звучит. Затем посчитали баллы (если оно используется восточными или западными славянами то прибавляют 1 балл, если же южными, то 0,5)
И внесли в словарь
@@foreststalkerbrothersjestem z polski w pełni zrozumiałem co napisałeś
taky jsem rozuměl všemu byl jsem úplně překvapený vůbec jsem to nečekal tento jazyk by dokázal sjednotit slovanský lid
I'm a Russian native. Understood 100%. Invite russian dude next time too, I'm curious :)
@@madamx6656 не нужно делать скоропостижных выводов, вы не знаете причин, почему не приглашали носителей русского
@@madamx6656 памятники "русским окуппантам" сносят в Польше, так как СССР и Третий рейх совместно напали на Польшу, а потом и разделили. Историю бы вам выучить
@@madamx6656 не позорьте русских своей богоизбранностью, нас и так уже нигде не любят. Для прикола докажите, что эти 4 нации не существовали бы без русских.
@@madamx6656 Вот из-за таких, как ты, русских и не любят.
@@madamx6656 ничего по существу. Я по образованию историк, преподою в СПбГУ. Вы отрицаете нападение СССР на Польшу и впоследствии её разделение?
Sounds like russian trying to immitate polish with czech accent dilute it with ukrainian words. Really weird, but it totally works.
it just works
Totally weird, but it really works.
Exactly! 👍
It doesn't even close to Russian language. Phonetic is completely different.
This language metaphorically unites 13 nations. There has to be something done to make it official
Like Esperanto, it was designed to be an official language and unify nations or something like that, didn’t happen but it’s still spoken
@@rodentia1474 Ooh Esperanto? I've heard of it, is it like a Roman language?
@@mina-xt1mj i think it combines Germanic and Romance languages, It’s cool
I think the Germanic countries wouldn't want it to happen because we would outnumber them and they wouldn't want that in case of an "event"
@@rodentia1474 fun fact. It was invented by Pole Ludwik Zamenhof
As a Russian I understood everything he said. Its truly amazing how slavic languages work
@D_Abai yeas
you are communist pig
There is no croatian language , just dialect.
Serbian language but other dialect.
Like there is no american or australians language all is english but dialect is different, so on BALKAN is just one ORIGINAL language and it is Serbian.
@@gigigigi1271 odfakaj ,vi srbi nemate pojma šta su padaži
@@gigigigi1271 ok serbian nazi
As a Russian speaker I understood quite a lot. Would love to learn Interslavic, and I think all Slavic speakers should, too. Wouldn't it be nicer to use it instead of English, when traveling in Central/Eastern Europe?
It would be great, but useless outside of that area. English is universal all around the world.
@@MartianCZ English is useless with people who don't speak English. Also, talking English sucks compared to speaking a language that is very much like your own. Also, English is useless for trying to understand your fellow Slav in his language.
MartianCZ To be fair, it's not a small area at all. And there are other benefits to learning languages, beyond practicality.
Not in Hungary, ha!
Igor Kovács Yeah, there's nothing we can do for Hungarian
So literarlly half Europe can communicate without learning English or some other creole language.
For the most part but some words that sound similar and mean different things. The various Slavic languages may be easier to learn to other Slavic language speakers but you still need to speak the language. They are not accents or dialects. They are different languages. As this video proves. It took them a while to understand a simple instruction to stand up and raise their arms above their heads. I'm Polish so it was fun to watch how they struggled. It was informative too because the nearly common roots of the words were there and how much the, once, common language has drifted over the past 1200 years.
@@fotticelli yes, but it took them a while only because Pavel didn't quite understand what's the goal. It seemed like the other 2 guys got it right immediately. And as a Serb, this is really easy to follow.
That said, this is interesting as a demonstration, in real life it would be probably difficult to communicate, and since this is a form of language, everyone would have to learn it anyway, it's not like you're going to encounter random people speaking Inter-Slavic to moderate the conversation. When I went to Slovakia and Poland, it was much easier to just use English to communicate, most of the younger folks are good at it.
@@fotticelli I know Russian and understand Ukrainian, so i got almost everything.
Slavic language is very very very rich, I'm russian and understood everything right away, in russian we say palets for Perst, but Perstn means a ring, and everybody knows that back in the day they choose to use whatever word they want, but nowadays nobody say Prsta.
@@macanaeh I think you're forgetting 250 million russian speakers. Europe ends in the middle of nowhere in Kazakhstan.
Pole here. Those who created this artificial language have achieved great success. They found such a balance between Slavic languages that it is mostly understandable to everyone...incredible! It could be used at inter-Slavic conferences :)
Native Spanish speaker who learnt Russian on my own. Understood almost 100%. This is amazing.
As a russian I could understand almost everything. It's a pitty (and after this video even strange) that slavic people still have to speak English here in comments to understand each other.
If Russians were used latin alphabet instead cyrylica it would helped a lot. I'm Polish and many Russian words are understandable when written in latin letters.
В сумие руские литери ние трудне
MichalBreslau it’s very hard to understand Latin like «Wiśniewski»(Вишневский) or «Urszula»(Уршула) etc, Cyrillic is better for Slavs
@@alexandralucard cyrylica wcale nie jest taka trudna, miesiąc nauki i umiesz płynnie czytać po rosyjsku czy pisać polskie zdania wyglądające jak rosyjskie xD (jak ja wyżej)
@@БаронРивендер-ю7ф when you use Cyrillic all the time it's easy for you, just like Latin for Poles, but Cyrillic was easy to learn for me
У меня когда батя напьётся, разговаривает на интерславаянском, так что я в принципе понимаю все о чем тут говорят
I was born in Poland and I understood your comment, I can't stop laughing
жизненно сукаблять))
@@bogdankornilov5823 Born in USA but Polish was still first language and I understood fine too. I try to read all other slavic languages I see online it has made me good at getting more meaning out of any one comment or text to the point that I can get the general idea in most of the comments I see even if a word doesn't exist in Polish I might know it from another language by chance. A real hit and miss method but once you get a good collection of words and habits certain languages have in related word differences you will understand a lot of what you read and sometimes with the right dialect even what you hear. I've listened to some Russian videos and while harder than reading I can usually get a good bit out of it. Properly practicing Russian as a start has helped since a lot of south slavic languages borrow from them and they had several vocabulary reforms distancing themselves from west slavic and other few east slavic languages in vocabulary. Ukrainian and Belarusian are ironically closer to the earlier east slavic language with Russian taking a lot from old church slavonic and changing in vocabulary standardization.
В голосину нахуй. By the way, я из Беларуси, знаю белорусский, пять лет прожил в Львове и выучил украинский (плюс западноукраинский диалект), в обычной жизни говорю на русском - здесь было понятно абсолютно всё. Собственно, мои попытки говорить на польском, не уча его, но учитывая весь мой языковой бэкграунд - и есть межславянский.
Являюсь носителем русского и украинского языков. Всё было понятно на сто процентов. Межславянский язык - отличная иллюстрация единого корня наших народов.
Я знаю русский, тоже всё поняла
Язык очень сильно похож на старо руский восточно словянский язык, очень просто на нем говорить болгарам македонцам русским украинцам и беларусам
Я точно так же, но пользовался субтитрами на интерславянском. Должен заметить, что зная украинский язык очень неплохо понимаешь и белорусский и польский (хоть его и сложнее воспринимать на слух). С болгарским сложнее. Но, с использованием субтитров понимание доходит до 80-90%.
@@МастерОлюторский язык похож на старославянский с конструкциями типо аз есмь :-) понятен на 100% для носителей русского.
@@lilkid2451 Так точно. Только старорусский лал и русские произходят от българите
Мне ужасно нравится слушать как носители разных славянских языков между собой шутят, дурачатся, и практически без проблем понимают друг друга. Я по образованию славянский лингвист. Выучила русский язык (более или менее) и понимаю немного хорватского. Норберт, ваши видео мне просто в кайф смотреть! Спасибо!
А какой ты нации?
@@alexscofield1002 Американка со сербскими предками (откуда мой интерес к всему славянскому). ☺️
Где можно изучать Словио? Мне он зашёл с первых звуков
Me knowing bulgarian and russian actually understood everything. Imagine if this became an official second language in every Slavic country, that would be interesting 😹
I am Polish and I would love to see that within my lifespan. Slava to all Slavic people. Unite!
I understand Bulgarian and allitle Russian and my parents usually tend to switch from interslavic to Bulgarian so I can relate! XD
I'm Croatian and same
I see, u like people dying for stupid reasons hahahaha
@@i1bike ?
Russia here, undestood everything. Its just like russian but a little bit strange :D
yeaah. that’s insane
Yeah me too. Sounds kinda to 95% like russian ^^
Yes, it's kind of Pole that don't know Russian language, trying to speak it, using Polish and Czech/Slovak combination of words.
Insane, but cool and very understandable :D
As a Hungarian who speaks only Germanic languages and Hungarian (and Esperanto) I think I need to learn this language and than I can communicate without English with half of Europe. What a cool thing 😮
És tényleg az
Good idea, anyway nobody of us can't understand Hungarian:)) And it's one of the best things that I like in Hungary! Everything sounds and looks absolutely new. In all other European countries (excluding Finland too) I could understand a lot as a Russian with English, German and some Spanish knowledge...
it would take you more to learn this language than 5 other slavic, trust me its meaningless if u were not speaking any slavic language for at least 15 years and its not fully understandable maybe like 70% people are just trash talking for likes
@@lukadobrijevic1911 oh no, that people do not say about 100% understanding of this language just because of likes. As Russian native speaker (with knowledge of Ukrainian) I can say that I totally understand interslavic. All its words are presented either in Russian or in Ukrainian. So please do not widespread misleading information)
@@vallivia5258 nobody asked you a thing, this language does not have grammar at all and its made only for understanding between slavic people for a reason, it would be pain actually trying to learn it, im serbian i can understand it but not all words are much different and person trying to explain me something would need to use hands whole time to explain which language is not about
Давайте в массы этот язык! Очень круто! Поддерживаю этот проект
I am Croat, and I am surprised that I understood like 95% percent. Damn this language is kinda a good idea.
The best part seems to be that you can learn it and just talk to people in it and they will understand. It's better than nothing, like 100 times
that was rl good idea bc most slav understand most of that.
I agree with you)
when i go to slovenia i always speak without grammar so people can understand easier :)
Yup as a serb i understood it almost completely, and what i couldnt understand i got from context of the sentence. Pretty nice idea
Polish here, after this video i'd really like to learn Interslavic. Its so easy to understand. I think I'm in love with that
Hi, Army.... 💜💜💜
Awh me too
Wtf co tu robią army XD
@@olyfkaarmy5587 army są wszędzie
@@michalinakuczera474 prawda X D
Velika hvala vam že sdělali togo videa. Trěba že by vsi Slovjane znali že napravdu istnuje taki jezyk kak “Medžuslovjanski”. Bravo hlapci. Bylo mi velmi veselo ogledati ovoj video. Čekam jesm na naslědnu čest.
Велика хвала вам же сделали того видеа. Треба же бы вси Словјане знали же направду истнује таки језык как “Меджусловјански”. Браво хлапци. Было ми велми весело огледати овој видео. Чекам јесм на наследну чест.
This language really functions. I understood all you said.
@@wiaczesawviaceslav5787 Interslavic language flag
Де можна вивчити цю мову?
I'm so confused, how do I understand it :D
@@messiah6393 плюсую
если найдёшь кинь сюда ссылку =)
Я в шоке! Потому что я не знала, что появился межславянский язык, я поняла просто всё! Это очень круто, что есть универсальный способ общения!
Я сначала подумал что они на русском болтают, только с акцентом. Нам точно нужен этот межславянский язык!
@@Хто-та-к3м самое забавное, что кажется будто другие славяне не поймут, но судя по коментам все понимают этот язык. Желаю этому языку процветание и чтобы его преподавали в школах
Я українець поляка зрозумів все хорвата и болгарина не все . а той що говорив на міжсловянському теж майже все зрозумів
Беларус на связи!
Понял всех кроме болгарина..
I am learning russian since less than a year, but I can sort of understand your comment (and guess the missing parts) thank you
Это всё выглядит как начало анекдота: "Сидели как-то поляк, хорват и болгарин в скайпе... "
Два поляка*
Ecolinguist а вы знаете русский, да? Оо
А бармен им и говорит...
А бармен им и говорит: Ест три конкурэнция. Ми делаемо прыказы.
Greetings from Bulgaria slavic brothers 🇧🇬❤🇭🇷❤🇵🇱
A few days ago I come back from the holiday in Bulgaria!🇧🇬 Obzor is amazing and people are friendly and helpfully😍 Good memories☺️
I'm proud to be a Slavic.
Greetings from Poland❤️🇵🇱
PS. Sorry for mistakes
Elizabeth Woźniak Waćpanno żadnych błędów przecież nie zrobiłaś 😁 tak swoją drogą dałaś radę jakoś po Polsku się dogadywać czy bardziej po Angielsku próbowałaś rozmawiać? 😎🇵🇱🇧🇬
You forget 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸 :)
I am kazakh. I fluently speak russian, kazakh, english and understand everything in this video. I am also understand turkic languages like kyrgiz, uzbek, turkish and etc. Turkic is like slavic - fraternal language. In other words we understand each other too.
Это вообще круто. Ты знаешь всего (казалось бы, мало) три языка, но можешь понять пол-мира!😄 Вау!
Thats cool, i dont speak any of Turkic languages, i dont see the conenction with slavic language tree. Where could i find more about that?
@@sjepanmelsa5634 he means that turkic languages are mutually intelligible like slavic
@@russianhunger8784 aah, that makes more sense
Mate the whole world is open to you! With interslavic you can understand all the slavs, and with turkic you can understand all the child languages of turkic family.
Zdravo braća Slaveni!
Ja sam z sjevera Hrvatske, regije Međimurje i razmil sam sve na Interslavenskom jeziku. Interslavenski mi zvuči kak mješavina (mix) našega Međimurskoga dijalekta, malo ruskog, malo češkog i slovačkog. Drago mi je i veseli me kaj se moremo tak lepo razmiti.
Pozdrav z Međimurja!
Isto e kako Srpsko-Hrvatski vo vremeto na Jugoslavija. Znaci nisto novo.
I have no idea there is Međimurje, but thank you and привет из Санкт-Петербурга!
Oi brat )) Ja tebe napishu po-russki, no na latinskom alfavite. I ja uveren ti prekrasno vse poimesh ) zhelau vsem vam udachi, zdorov’ja I schast’ja. Privet is Rossii. Kak bilo bi zdorovo esli bi vse slavjanskie narodi bili edini. Kak bilo davno ran’she. ))
Zdravo vama i od mene braćo Slaveni, cijeli videozapis mi je razumljiv i sve sam mogao pojmiti. Koliko i u komentarima možemo vidjeti da nije bitno koji od slavenskih jezika tko govori ostali će ga razumjeti. Ne treba uopće sa nekim iz slavenskih zemalja pokušavati pričati engleski kada ćemo ovako bolje proći. Želim vam sve najbolje i pozdrav iz sunčane Hercegovine. Bog.
after learning some of slavic alphabets it's not that hard to understand the majority of slavic written languages with effort
only small amount of words are really different, and half of those are loaned from latin languages anyway
so knowing russian+english i was easily able to understand that
Just confirming that this language is also easily understandable by Slovaks.
True. I hadn't expected it to work for Slovak speakers because I struggle to understand any Polish at all (2nd language Slovak), but it really does!
@@kitwolf2857 Good to know... What is your first language? Is it Slavic, or other language group?
@@marekmichalovic8711 English. I went to Gymnazium for a year a long time ago so my Slovak was OK and I can still read it, but I could never follow Polish even when my Slovak was quite good.
@@kitwolf2857 Polish is hard to understand for most of Slovaks, but it can be improved by watching a few Polish videos and putting unknown words into your favorite translator. Sometimes it sounds like Czech with more w, rz and ie.
@@marekmichalovic8711 A este tie vymenenia 'h' a 'g'.
Tam kde som byval na Slovensku (v Trebisove), ludia niekedy chodili do Polska na nakupy a mi povedali ze sa mohli vzajomne poriadne rozumiet. Preto, ked som isiel do Warsawa poprvykrat som bol prekvapeny tym ze som vobec nicomu nerozumel; ani mna tam nerozumeli.
Tusim ze aj Polske narecie pri hraniciach by mohlo byt blizsi k Sloveskemu jazyku, a ze ludia ktori tam byvaju musia byt' takisto zvyknesie na to, ze hovoria so Slovakmi.
Rozumiem trochu po Cesky ale je to ovela t'azsi pre mna ako je pre Slovakov. Je to ako ked stretnem s Americanmi: Ja ich rozumiem bez problemov kedze som videl tolko Americkych filmov ze som sa podsvedomne naucil po Amerikansky. Ale je prekvapujuci pocet Americanov ktori len t'azko sleduju Anglicku Anglictinu.
Dang, I'm from Bosnia and I could understand like 95% of this "interslavic language" ....It's really cool
Ja sam iz Hrvatske ja sam sve razumio a poljski jedva ista
@@tintarabochia9422 ja isto, poljski samo neke stvari a interslavenski skoro pa sve
Pa i ja sam
Aj fala Bogu da neko iz Bosne razumi nešto 95posto iz prve
JA sam sa Slovenije i sam 90% razumio
My mind is blown. I'm Bosnian and I understood a good 95%. Altho at the end, I started understanding all of you more and more.
80% komentara: i’m russian/polish/croatian and i understood almost everything! good job!
20% komentara: the croatian guy is cute lol
but other than that hello from Croatia, understood everything from the Interslavic part and most of the Bulgarian :)
But he is tho
FanGirl 2509 if that’s your type, sure
The Croatian guy looked so high!
I am Croatian
Ayy, hello from Croatia !!
I'm Russian, I've understood absolutely everything! I am really interested in the development of this language! This will help a lot of people to communicate easier!
WOW! incredible, russian! go pay taxes now to sponsor some rockets, nice nice
@@itsme2904 eeeeh, go to a therapist. Wtf is wrong with you, the topic is not related to politics. You better stay silent instead of spreading your toxicity everywhere on the web. Pathetic.
If this becomes a common 2nd language in Slavic countries, a lot of non-Slavic speakers would be encouraged to learn it since you can use it in so many countries.
I'd learn this just so I can go to ANY Slavic country
Dude, there is a lot of non Slavic countries that speak Slavic languages, that would be really cool if we will use and develop this language all together.
For example, I am from Kazakhstan, we speak Russian here a lot, some people don’t even speak kazakh. Apart from Kazakhstan there is Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, etc, lots of countries.
Plus, I guess same thing could be done with Turkic languages. Imagine, to live in most part of euarasia and communicate with people easily, you would need to know only 2-3 languages.
Like this one Slavic language, same thing Turkic language, and English or other for Western Europe. Also would be great if there would be somekind of work made for eastern Asian languages, like Korean, Japanese, Chinese.
That would be really cool, to speak with any person in the world you would need to know only like 4-6 languages. While there are over hundred of them, but many of them came from same group.
Polski jest moim jedynym słowiańskim językiem i rozumiałam około 90%- 95% 👍👍
Bardzo ładnie
I don't speak Polish, but I understand your comment.
@@ingvarr256 Same, amd I don't even speak serbian well
In Croatian: Poljski je moj jedini slavenski jezik i razumijem oko 90%-95%
okolo is used, but only in physical terms to mean around something, not approximations
I'm french.
I think I'm lost 😅😂
J'suis pas française mais je parle aucune langue dans la vidéo... qu'est-ce que je fais là mdrr
Have u understood something?)
@@КириллЛеонтьев-ч5ъ absolutely nothing 😂 only the English parts 😂😂
@@lilullaby2317 j'ai bien un manuel de russe qui traîne quelque part dans ma bibliothèque 😂😂
@@morganmartin6804 Bah c'est le meilleur moment pour le sortir 😂
Bulgarian here and not knowing any other Slavic language. Well, I understood almost everything in mezduslovenski. Great!
Pole, same here, I could easily get the idea of each sentence. It just means, this language is a beautiful construct, working as intended. This video only proves that.
нали целта е да бъде разбираем за всички славяни. Не знам дали забеляза, но за някои неща той употреби и по няколко думи като например търбух, което е по-популярно на юг и брухо - в западните езици
@@thelinguotourist8160 Ясно, че това е целта. И е постигната. :)
Не знам до каква степен е разбираем от западните славяни, на мен ми звучеше като смесен между български, сръбски и руски. Общо взето, като резултатът, който би се получил, когато някой с добър слух за езици би използвал, за да се разбере с хората в смесена компания. Любопитно ми е с грамтиката на уеднаквения език какво се случва.
I am more intrigued by your profile picture
@@thelinguotourist8160 "брухо" е съкратено от "търбух". Изпада "тъ-" и "р" се мести зад "б".
Rakija - the magic potion make slavic people understand each other
Taak kolego >:3
Rakija for south slavic, wódka for north slavic
Me: What the fuck is "rakija"?
Someone: vodka
Me: aaaaa vodka!
Amazing!I'm from Serbia and understood almost everything! Slava rodu!!!🇧🇾🇷🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺🇧🇦🇧🇬🇵🇱🇨🇿🇲🇰🇸🇮🇸🇰🇲🇪🇭🇷❤
Indonesian flag xd
Slava rodu)
It's cool to see a video where all the people unite and speak the same language
Thank you for not putting Croatia next to Serbia
I only speak English and Spanish but this is so entertaining for some reason
because you notice the connection between the Slavic languages
It has to be very weird when u dont understand them :D i speak Polish and its funny to understand what they are talking about
I speak Portuguese! We should do something similar with "Portuñol" hahaha
bom ideia! acho que português e español são similhantes, não é?
@@SecondSecret007 Muito! Conseguimos nos entender sem muito esforço
Russian here. Understood 100% of interslavic and about 80% of other languages.
Да что-то загнул ты 100%
90 бери=)
I'm from Croatia and I'm surprised to see that the interslavic lang is indeed very understandable :)
I’m Ukrainian and I understood literally every single word of Interslavic. Incredible!
Slovakia here🇸🇰 Understood 99%. I’m in France right now and people always ask me:
- So the Slavic languages, it’s all the same language, right?
- No, each country has its own.
- But understand each other?
- Yes!
- So it’s the same language then!
- No!
But this is cool guys!🤓
The way i see it, is that its just a really strong accent. Like way stronger than what is between all the english speaking countries, but not as strong as the difference between romance languages.
It is like Jamaican language. They do speak english but totally different... But still you can understand some...
French people are funny asking such question :-) The closest analog for them is Roman languages whom French is a part of. Is Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or French the same language? ;-) :-P
It seems Slovak is a live Interslavic language which is middle for the rest of other Slavs and it is just cool!
Bulgarian speaker here. Understood almost all of Interslavic, very pleasantly surprised.
Да и аз така! 😘💪🇧🇬
Dyomaeth very similar to Bulgarian!
Някой Си И двата езика имат общ български корен!
Why are you fixed on being naked? XD I mean its not bad at all, but i'm curious
It's freakishly close to Old Bulgarian, a.k.a. Church Slavonic, please learn your own history guys...
Ja sam iz Bosne i sve razumijem.Odlična ideja.Veliki pozdrav!
я Русский, и все понял, что ты написал.
adenosine i am polish, I understood u
@Default Bloxian I think he is Russian
Spitfire, yes , he is russian
@Default Bloxian kaze da je on rus i da je razumio sve sto si ti napisao
As a Czech capable of speaking a few other Western Slavic languages fluently I understood all of it. A very funny mix indeed, like old Panslavic vocabulary with basic grammar without any hard geographical accent. Accent and pronunciation wise - I would say this was quite close to some older Moravian/Slovakian border accents. The melody sounded quite Southern Slavic. As a kid, I possibly thought that's what Yugoslavian sounded like :) Yes, I was born in the 80s...
I was also going to mention the poor Bulgarian guy. He clearly struggled at time. Their language is so distinctive it makes it the hardest Slavic language to understand for me.
Croatian here. I've went to St. Petersburg to study Russian. Although different I find Russian very similar to Croatian (and other south slavic languages), but what amazes me that Russians and Croats (and Poles) understand 99% of Interslavic. This language has great potential for creating intercultural framework. I hope someday we might even use it in our international relations.
Звучит классно
Ukrainian and russian speaker here. Understood everything of the interslavic. It's insane
Розмовляю українською та російською. Все зрозумів щодо міжслов'янськой мови. Це дуже приємно.
Болгарин не всё понял, что удивило.
Припускаю - тому що ти або живеш або жив в Україні чи Білорусі або спілкувався з українцями чи білорусами тривалий час. Жоден класичний житель россии, що видає себе за словян, слов'янські мови чомусь не розуміє майже зі 100% гарантією ...
@@ВиталийМокротоваров я слава богу, не росіянин, але народився у ленінграді и коли там малюком був, у мене нянечкою українка була. Вона зі мною тількі українською розмовляла. Через нею я теж мову знаю.
Виталий Мокротоваров Беларусі!!! Не "Білорусі".
@@CzasowAnton Прошу вибачення за помилку!
I am Croatian and i understood everything except "veliki prst" in Croatia we say palac for that, that is why Andrija was confused
Same here 👌
I’m Polish and I also had trouble with that. In Poland we say “palec”, so it’s really similar to yours name for “finger”!
Palec- is the thumb in BG, prst - is any finger (including palec) :D
@UnderSkelet nije bolest sve sto boli
Cezary Łuczak In Czech we use “palec” for thumb as well, but one thing I wouldn’t understand, if it weren’t for my knowledge of German, is “probuj” when he is telling him to try turning around, which I’m quite sure comes from German verb “probieren”. We’ve got the expressions “zkusit” or “vyzkoušet” for that.
Это просто что-то восхитительное и невероятное! Нам точно нужен Межславянский как урок в школе❤️🙏
So understandable. I'm native russian speaker, but this language sounds clearer than any other slavic one
the fact that this language is artificial just blows my mind. i’m russian and i can understand 100% of it. oh my gosh, the world really needs it.
As a Croat I understeand everything. This is so cool 😊 🇭🇷🇧🇦🇧🇬🇨🇿🇲🇰🇲🇪🇵🇱🇷🇸🇷🇺🇸🇮🇸🇰🇺🇦🇧🇾
I'm Mexican, umh, i don't understanding nothing at all
Love from Poland🇵🇱🤗
@@martinezhernandezmichellal4753 dont worry bro 😁🙋
Из России, 99% понимание!
Благодарю, продолжайте!
Очень веселая забава!
Russia! 99% poniatno!
Veselo, zabava!
I'm Russian and understood almost everything. Also, I understood what "bruho" means because we have the same word but it has a negative connotation, like "huge stomach" or it can be just an animal´s belly as well.
WOW! incredible, russian! go pay taxes now to sponsor some rockets, nice nice
Same in polish, "brzucho" means the same - "huge stomach".
@@itsme2904 Who asked you
@@itsme2904 go away
@@HovishI like how Russian and Polish have many words in common, but they are written so differently that we don't understand each other. In Russian it is брюхо, in Polish it is brzucho
Этот язык можно использовать в аэропортах и на вокзалах для вывесок в славянских странах. Приезжие соседи смогут понимать смысл
не знаю насчёт вывесок, лично мне как-то сложновато понимать на письме, а вот для устных объявлений в тех же вокзалах и аэропортах самое то
было бы круто, если бы все славянские страны договорились бы и начали преподавать интерславянский в школах.
А мне нравятся надписи на русском в Римском аэропорту! 😉👍
@@eddie-allen с аналогичным языком словио не договорились. Не договорятся и с этим :-( политика :-(
@John D Прозрачность межязыка зависит от исходных языков у общающихся. Насколько близко они к усредённому единому языку. Русский язык несколько в стороне от европейских славянских языков, с ним замена сложнее.
Im mexican, learned russian and i understand 90% of interslavic amazing communication tool !!!!!
Oh great ! That motivates me to learn Russian then
Im mexican too and im trying to learn russian , how long did it take you to be fluent?
Si son mexicanos porque no se hablaron en español?
@@estebanruizsoto278 Hablo los 2, asi que me da igual
@@estebanruizsoto278 so everyone can understand
I'm Italian so not Slavic but I like the Slavic nations and their languages, for me interslavic language sounds like Russian with some polish words and Czech accent... Absolutely interesting language
Longur-brada(long beards) was the Thracian name of your ancestors.
It doesn't sound like russian at all
There are some words that sound Russian but I feel like it's closer to a combination of polish and czech
@@animposter4971 and slovak
sounds kinda Serbian with a lot of words from all slavic languages which is kinda what the name of that language suggests.
This is probably the most well-made auxlang by far
As a Croat I understand it 100%. This is brilliant, we definitely need to make sure it survives and spreads as a concept! 👍
Russian here, I totally agree!
I'm Polish and I understand 86%
@@michawojtala2892 86? How precise👌😁 No offense I just find it funny. Have a good day
@@vldgrs just random number more than 75
@@vldgrs have a good day
I'm Russian and I can speak Polish, I understood everything :P bardzo śmieszny filmik, zuchy chłopcy :D
Интуитивно понятно
Ooooo jak miło xD
No one expecting @@spanish-inquisition2024 here
Fajnie, że uczysz się polskiego! Jakbyś chciała popisać z polką, to napisz tutaj, podam jakieś media społecznościowe 😊
(If you can't understand something, I can explain in English)
This should be second official language of every slavic nation
Indeed, it should be! But Im Pole, and I dont want to think about learning Polish, English, German and Interslavic... TOO MUCH!
@@MICH4ELm Interslavic is so easy, it will only take 2-6 months for a non-slavic speaker to learn.
@@MICH4ELm Me speaking Croatian, English, Italian, German and Swedish: 👀
@@ararune3734 hrvatski, engleski, talijanski, njemački, ruski, češki
Its so weird to understand a differend language So perfectly while never hearing it before, but as a Czech i understood all this perfectly
w sumie to samo miałem jak pierwszy raz usłyszałem czeski, śmieszny język ale zrozumiały :)
@@_Leouch není směšný 😂
@@Lukas-eq1ol dla ciebie, dla nas jest :D nawet memy o tym robimy
@@_Leouch dokładnie, jakby Czesi mowili niby po polsku, ale ciągle używając zdrobnień i jakichś staromodnych słówek xD
@@realswobby mowia tak jak mowi moj 2 letni bratanek :D
🇭🇷 understood everything 🙌
even the belly word? doubt that one
I'm mexican, i didn't understand anything, but it was fun to watch!
It's the best way to experience these videos!
Learn Interslavic and every Slav will understand you :)
Never heard about it before, but it's the coolest thing I've ever seen, totally understandable. Greetings from Poland. Pozdro z Polski
I think that this should definetly be the official language of all Slavs! Greetings from Hrvatska/Hrvatja!
Yeah, no.
Pozdrav! Kao studentica kroatistike smatram da ne bi trebao biti sluzbeni jezik. Sluzbeni jezik bi trebao biti narodni jezik (hrvatski, srpski, poljski itd), a ovo bi se moglo uciti u skolama sa strane kao interslavensko sredstvo sporazumijevanja.
Oko 90% se podudara sa staroslavenskim, zato je i razumljivo vecini slavena. Iz staroslavenskog su se razvili ovi jezici. Tako da bi bilo korektnije govoriti o novom valu staroslavenskog.
@@Lucika25 Ni to nije loša ideja, ali baš bi bilo dobro da se svi Slaveni međusobno sporazumijevaju istim jezikom.
Ahoj, hrvatski brat
Ten język powinien być uczony w szkołach tak samo jak angielski
aj ja si myslím že by mal byt učení v skolách. Aj ked treba povedať že rozumiem všetkému čo si napísal.
Nie. Ten język jest śmieszna, interesująca rzecz ale bez sensu moim zdaniem. Wolę naturalne języki.
Nie lepiej jakby wszyscy sie nauczyli dobrze po angielsku? Moze jeszcze interlingwy mam sie uczyć ;/
a jeszcze lepiej esperanto, bo jest najprostszy, chociaż niesłowiański
This is by far my favorite TH-cam channel. It gets better and better with every new video. Great to see how language can bring Slavs together. 👏👏👏
S.H. K. You don’t need to look slav to understand slav asshole
S.H. K. I bet that he has a mirror in his house, so he’s able to archive this great conclusion as well. He may not look Slav, but he’s being respectful towards the culture and celebrating the union between Slavic people. What’s the deal?
Вау, как носитель русского всё понял, почти каждое слово, а если нет то по общему смыслу, очень здорово!
This is really cool :O I'm Croatian and there are some Slavic languages I find difficult to understand, but if everyone understands this, it would be cool if it was taught in school, so we can communicate with each other if someone doesn't speak English.
bok! postoje neke razlike kao naprimjer sve i vse, jedan i jidin (valjda se tako piše) ali ako znas npr. srpski ili ruski sve će biti u redu
@@lucab515 A ima samo tih malih razlika, ja sam ko hrvatica sve razumijela. Bilo bi pre cool kada bi se ovaj jezik ucio u skoli.
Meni je bio veci problem razumijet onog poljaka nego ovaj jezik
Ne znam kako vama al meni su ruski i poljski dosta teski za razumijet
Ali ovaj jezik je dosta lagan i bilo bi dobro kad bi se ucio kao 3. Jezik uz engleski i hrvatski
Most slavic community here :D
Greetings to all slavic friends, from Poland! 🇵🇱❤
@The Slavic World of Weles from Navia Powiat Łękołody
Poland here. 99% understood. This language is aamaaaziing
It's true
Macedonians and russians too . Like copy of our languages .
Croat here. I understand everything. 😁👍
Im a croatian and i also menaged to understand everything
This is pretty damn neat then
@@mushroompi7 is that Amharic script in your name?
As a Russian I understood everything, was really surprised. That is so cool! :’) I feel so happy seeing people just having fun, being united by the language like that. Thank you for this video!
WOW! incredible, russian! go pay taxes now to sponsor some rockets, nice nice
@@itsme2904 Oh, you're not Russian. Chop wood for the house, sell the car because there will not be enough money for gasoline, and the last build a bunker! Good luck surviving!
@@itsme2904go touch some grass bro
As a native English speaker (well the bastardised version that we Scots speak) I think this language is amazing. Seeing people who speak different languages all understanding a medium that they have no direct experience with and being able to cross language barriers relatively easily is insanely cool. If you guys don’t already learn this in school I strongly urge yous too.
Nah, not needed. Its often aight anyway with the different speakers, esp. if they have basic knowledge of characteristics of the other languages compared to theirs
fantastic !!! we should learn this in school
You, Scott, Irish and Welsh people also have an interlanguage which is called English
The sense of this language is that if you know one Slavic language you will understand interslavic. So there is no need to learn it in the school.
@@belcosmos You will be able to understand, but not to speak without learning.
I don’t quite know why I’m here but thank you, TH-cam algorithm, this is fascinating.
Russian speaker here. This is incredible... I understood e v e r y s i n g l e word.
Świetna lekcja. Nieźle się uśmiałem. Wszystko zrozumiałem.
What kind of sorcery is this?! I'm from Croatia and I can understand like 99% of what he said. Is there a possibility that this language could become a thing? 💪🇭🇷❤🇵🇱❤🇧🇬❤🇨🇿❤🇸🇰❤🇸🇮💪
🇧🇦 😞
Spitfire Why so sad???
Davis D. Make me your absolute monarch in all slavic countries and I will introduce it in schools as early as kindergarten, 10 years later and it will be a thing.
30 years after that we complete conquering the world with cyborg mecha winged hussar cossack army wielding lightsaber bardiches riding genetically engineered pegasus gryphons. But I want a dragon to ride in to battle.
Greetings from Bulgaria 🇧🇬❤🇭🇷❤🇵🇱
Daj stavi i Makedoniju🇲🇰, Srbiju🇷🇸, Kosovo (ne mogu nac zastavu pardon), Crnu Goru🇲🇪 i Bosnu i Hercegovinu🇧🇦
Hello from Slovakia, slavic Brothers Interslavic is very great I understand everything :)
Greetings from Poland!!
@Xxfgjt Tesla is R1a M458? 🙈🙊🙉 Polish is R1a M458 and Z280
@Xxfgjt Had the same ancestors as Poles/Lahy/Lachy.
Já taky
It is insane. I speak Russian and Ukrainian and I understood everything. Amazing! We need this language
nah we can understand anyway
As a Belgian having been in BG, HR, SR, CZ, RU I learned a little bit of everything but not completely? I understand about 80% of your exercise. Amazing it looks of a kind of slavonic Esperanto. And it is approximately the way I would be able to express myself to get me understood in your countries.
I am brazilian, with Polish heritage and also with polish citzenship. My great grandfather imigrated from Poland to Brazil in the 30s. Currently, I am studying Polish and strugling to understand the Dopełniacz case :). Unfortunately I am not feeling so confident to write this in Polish yet. Watching your videos, Ecolinguist, and seeing how similiar and rich the slavic languages are, made me feel more and more fascinated about slavic culture and much more motivated to keep learning the beautiful Polish language! Certainly in the future, I will start learning another slavic language! Bardzo dziekuje za video! All the best from Kurytyba, Brazylia.
Dziękuję za komentarz! Powodzenia w nauce! Jeśli potrzebujesz konwersacji to zapraszam na moje lekcje. :)
Boa sorte mano! E fascinante que tanta qente manteu a nossa linguagem e cultura e ate consegui passar isso pelas geracoes (nas vilas) la no outro lado do mundo. Antes de aprender o portugues eu nunca sabia disso. Pozdrowienia ao Curitiba da Polonia ;)
If you want to talk in polish with me, we can do it for free :D
Cheering for you! I'm Brazilian too, but I'm learning Russian. I could understand quite a lot, I'm proud of myself :)
how you have polish citizeship?
half Polish, half Russian here, understood everything
I know Ukrainian, Russian and Polish so I can understand 100% of this video.
Kosovo je albanija
Do you understand this
I'm brazilian and I've been learning polish for some months, it is quite impressive to hear interslavic and understand it, to me it sounds like if they mixed polish, russian and serbian into one language
I want to learn interslavic now, it is so understandable to everyone and probably easy to learn, it is basicly, to me, old school Croatian like i'm back to 17th century
@Zeljko Lukic Nemoj srat, Hrvatska je bila kraljevina od 925.-1102. kada ulazi u personalnu uniju sa Ugarskom, u kojoj ostaje uz određene prekide do 1918., kada se raspada Austro-Ugarska i Hrvatska ulazi u SHS, kasnije Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju, prvi hrvatski rječnik (u rječniku se zove "Dalmatinski"), to jest nalazi se u sklopu 5 "najplemenitijih" europskih rječnika u to vrijeme ujedno i prvi multinacionalni riječnik izlazi 1595, dok prvi srpski rječnik izlazi 1818., toliko o jeziku, spomenuti ću i odgovor Ante Starčevića na članak iz Srpskog dnevnika koji je osporio hrvatsko ime i jezik. U to su vrijeme sve srpske novine promicale misli Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića iz teksta „Srbi svi i svuda“ iz njegove knjige „Kovčežić“. Karadžić je nastojao dokazati da su svi štokavci Srbi, ali triju vjera: pravoslavni, katolici i muslimani. Hrvati-kajkavci po Karadžiću su Slovenci, a ne obrnuto, jer time Karadžić želi potpuno negirati postojanje Hrvata. Razdvajanjem i smanjenjem jedinstvenog hrvatskog nacionalnog bića, Karadžić je gradio ideološku osnovu za stvaranje Velike Srbije.
Starčevićev odgovor bio je oštar, ustvrdio je da postoji i jezik i narod hrvatski, da su stari dubrovački pisci i Marko Marulić pisali hrvatski, premda čak i danas službena Srbija svojata ove najplodnije hrvatske pisce i utemeljitelje modernog hrvatskog jezika. Osim toga, iz tog razdoblja turske vlasti Srbija nema gotovo nikakve književnosti, pa svojatanje ima i cilj prikazivanja kontinuiteta srbijanske književnosti iz srednjeg u moderni vijek, zbog velike rupe u vrijeme turske vlasti
@@markokravarscan258 au brat ga ubio
@@kelavatopg Šta da mu radim, takvi šire gluposti po TH-camu i sve što mogu proglase srpskim
I agree with you, for me it also sounds like old Russian, not modern
Croatians understand this too? :D WTF, this is just like Polish :D
This shows how much slav languages are similar ....
Mita * they all use the cyrilic alphabet of course they’ll be similar
@@alexdimitrov6299 but not all slavic languages use cyrillic
@@alexdimitrov6299 They are not similar because of the alphabet. Only Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian use cyrillic. Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian and Sorbian language use latin alphabet.
Honestly, if it weren't for some random words from other slavic languages that we learn/use because they sounds silly/amusing, the understanding would be much harder
@@alexdimitrov6299 they dont lol croats poles slovakians slovenians and czezchians dont use it
Wow... medžuslovenski jezik jest 99% razumljiv!! From Serbia!
This is amazing! As a pole I understood 95% this should be learned in schools and second language of all slavic countries
As a Russian I understood 95% more. Interslavic is really great. Im ready to learn this completely ^-^
I'm from Croatia and honestly I think in Russia and Slavic countries in schools there should be like this subject that we can learn. So this becomes more used 😁🇭🇷❤️
я тоже русский и понял 99%, просто нужно порой додумывать и вспоминать старославянские слова - например, "велики прст" - великий (большой) прст (персты, пальцы)
@@meinhardcore Да я вот с легкостью понял слово "велики" а вот этот "прст" я ваще не понял хд
As native Macedonian surprisingly i understand 99% of this interslavic language. This is genius. Поздрав од Македонија.
privět brat slovjanin) sei ezyk razumeut vse )) Cudno, no fakt
Поздрав од Украјина.
поздрави от България! +йе
Macedonian sounds so cool in my opinion, coming from a Serbian. Поздрав из Србије!
@@mitzara25, like a Bilgarian with very weird or plain wrong emphasis? :D
I am Polish and can understand most of this.I reckon i could fully learn this in around a month.Great idea for a slavic alliance language!
Pozdrav za Poljsku iz Hrvatske!
A gdybyś nie wiedział wcześniej co znaczy gabaric czy da to byś rozumiał? Bardzo wątpie. Trzeba znać chociaż trochę rosyjski by to dobrze zrozumieć..
@@ivanmataija1623 Pozdrav iz Poljske, brat!
@Никола Расколов Pozdrav!
Polish speaker here!!! We defenitely need this language to exist!!!!!
slavs unite, lets finally win those CS:GO matches
Iam czech and i can straight tell you i would rather play on a server without other slavs.
Да да
@@MrMajsterixx это было бы веселее чем есть сама игра