Having just finished TPP and already played GZ (of course), I can say that Ground Zeroes was much more an entertaining experience than the over 60 hours of gameplay I had with TPP. And I just did the main mission. The design of the island in GZ actually feels that it had some though put into it. It is really good. Also, it not being an expanded Peace Walker works wonders. TPP had my hopes flushed down the drain the instant that intro mission ended and I was presented with 3 "wetwork" missions that had nothing to do with the main plot.
Man you're pretty much the only person who criticizes GZ outside of duration. And with legit reasons tbh. The series was concluded, so I don't think the directors cut of why big boss became so outright evil will be interesting. Really though, didn't Kojima want to move beyond MGS but publishers wouldn't let him?
lumpyspacecadet You mean the guys that did Portable Ops and were supposed to do Revengeance? They have technical ablilty, but without Kojima they lack the drive and direction needed to make good Metal Gear games.
Murder LP Basically that. He said so on an interview. He was "free" after delivering MGS4 so the fans wanting a wrap up of MGS2 got what they wanted. Then he stepped up as Vice President of Konami's Computer Entertainment and deduced that from a business angle, more MGS games were a smart move and what the public would want. Since Big Boss was his personal favorite, he decided to create a new arc for his character and got inspired after to make all this games (PW-GZ-TPP) out of his free will. So people can try saying the games weren't as good as previous entries because he was burned out, but this new arc was all on him!
Snake: What's up, Huey? Huey: Who's this? I wanna talk to Snake. Is he there? Snake: This IS Snake. Huey: Right, random-sounding-guy-who-sounds-like-he's-35. Sure. You're Snake. That'll be the day. Good luck with that!
>MGSV: TPP is finally released >Put the disc in your console >Title screen reads "Bayou Billy: Unsheathed" >Check the inside cover >It's reversible cover art for Bayou Billy >Check the instruction manual >It's a mock manual for MGSV >The real manual is in the Playstation menu Did_You_Rike_It.tga
Wasn't MGS3 supposed to be the last game because it was a prequel to the stuff that already happened and Kojima went on this whole tangent about the game series eating itself in a circle like a snake. That's why he called it Snake Eater
Lord Immortallix Poor guy. I would love to see him start a new franchise. I did here him mention how jealous he was of Breaking Bad because he wishes that he had developed it. Maybe he can make the Breaking Bad video game.
filipinowhiteboy Well he is pretty adamant on this being his last fully involved MGS, idk if you know, but he did make the Zone of the Enders series & is leading the next Silent Hill.
I actually got a lot more enjoyment out of GZ than I did out of Phantom Pain actually. This was what I call a short, sharp shock and the extra missions did add a lot of replay value to it I reckon.
I really REALLY hope that after Phantom Pain comes out, Kojima takes a break from the franchise. Make Zone of the Enders 3, or even better, a new IP for your fans to become engrossed in. Out of all the Japanese developers that could be deemed legendary(Miyamoto, Kamiya, Sakaguchi etc) Kojima is one of the few that really only has one fantastic series to his name. He's getting older, and his retirement is inevitable, so I hope he goes out without being known as a one trick pony.
***** I don't blame ZoE HD for doing poorly. The game had little coverage with the press, was handed to an inexperienced team (despite Kojima already having another team that was perfectly capable of porting ZoE), little funding was given to the game, it was rushed out the door, and it unsurprisingly flops. Yet the MG series always gets the AAA treatment, because its something that's guarantee to sell. Here's hoping that Kojima will wake up, and realize that he can make new games that are separate from MG. He can't expect something new and fresh to make the millions if he won't take a risk.
@ And how do you explain the stupid and unnecessary Peace Walker? Konami's fault too? Did Konami force Kojima to put almost all of the plot into cassette tapes? Did they force him to come up with the freakin' medic being a "super soldier" like Big Boss? Or that stupid buddy system in Phantom Pain? That unnecessary base building? If you ask me, Konami made the best Metal Gear game since MGS4 without Kojima: Metal Gear Survive. Yes, I'm serious.
I'm personally really hoping they develop zero more in the phantom pain. Because in mgs3 zero is just you're support guy, then mgs4 it's just all like "oh yeah, this guy was the villain the entire time". It came off as really jarring. In fact it was really jarring seeing to see the entire snake eater crew turn evil. Apparently sweet movie loving para-medic develops cyborg ninjas when she gets older. I'm alright with phantom pain as long develop these characters( or at least zero) more, so when you play these game chronilogically it's less jarring.
Kojima should just leave Konami at this point. I don't know much about the japanese game industry but I think his reputation alone would get him offers to direct games as soon as he left the door. And he could do anything he wanted after that.
Um, I don't know anymore. As many pointed out, he's kinda trapped between messed up fans( threatened to death to make MGS4? What the actual fuck!? ) and corporative BS as well.
VladNorris Well fans only threatened him after MGS4 was well into production and he had announced he wasn't going to direct. As for the corporative BS, i dunno, if he had no rights to MGS why would they not let him do whatever he wanted to get them money. The only problem I could see Kojima having is not having Konamis money to throw around. But then again I don't really know how these things work and am mostly thinking of Kamiya and how he seems to jump major developers and publishers all the time and still make what he wants to make.
Renegade Operative Yeah any time he's left his team to make an MGS game without his direction it's been an absolute mess. But even if it was it would not have his name on it so who cares. After one disastrous Metal Gear without him the series would probably die.
Thanatos388 It's already happened to Silent Hill and Castlevania for sure. It would be a sad fate but at least these flops would show Konami definitive proof that you can't sell a brand name from it's reputation alone without it being a quality product.
I'm sure other people have commented this, but just in case they haven't, when you said Snake died, I think you missed the following scene to that one because there's more story. It did the same shit Bayonetta did, but not 3 times. If you don't know, by that I mean it pulled a fast one on the player by making you think that it was over with the credits rolling, but then suddenly OH SHIT MORE STORY. There's a good half-hour or so of additional story after the credits initially start to roll.
About the shaky cam cinematography: Having been a growing movie fan in the last past years I've only been annoyed to see shaky cam pop up everywhere in movies. It started with Bourne where there was a rather close up fast moving camera to make the action seem more painful and "personal", but now it has just transformed into rambling the camera about to cover up the fact that they can't actually make action, also making you aware that there is someone holding the camera and you can't tell what's going on. There are people who argue that it makes it more intense but in the end it just breaks immersion since it makes you realize that you're watching a movie. Now it is beyond me how this ends up in a video game, you have absolute control over what you want the camera to do and then they decide to intimitate someone who can't probably hold a camera. Everytime I notice these shakes or the camera overshooting it's target and then moving back I'm aware of this ridiculous thing and just stop believing in the entire thing going on on screen. There's also a contrast with when you're controlling the camera in game yourself, it's completely stable (which is something I really want). This is by far the worst version of moviefying in games I've seen. People should know that "looking like a movie" and "cinematic" are too vastly different things. Cinematic has nothing to do with looking-like-someone-is-holding-the-camera or a letterbox-aspect-ratio (which is something that only looks great in a cinema, but on itself is not cinematic). Cinematic just has to do with something that would look great on a big screen, images that look grand.
When the real Big Boss appears the camera becomes stable, but while playing as the double it’s unstable and hand recorded. Maybe it was a cool narrative tool that was going to be more fully realized if they didn’t cut so much content out of the game
2:30 "What story are you trying to tell here anymore?" Not only that, Kojima also spoiled all the plot of Ground zeroes with trailers and a big amount of Phantom pain's story. Wow! Big surprise, Mother base is destroyed! Every fan or any person that gives a fuck about MGS already knew that since last year's E3. But to be honest, as a big fan of stealth games, the stealth is much better and less broken/exploitable(if you turn off the God awful reflex mode) than previous mgs titles. And Sutherland's voice wasn't that bad IMO, but the problem is that while Sutherland is a better actor than Hayter, he knows shit about the character and the franchise.
JPGamebuster "but the problem is that while Sutherland is a better actor than Hayter, he knows shit about the character and the franchise." He IS a good actor when he cares about his role, but he probably gives 0 craps about MGS while Hayter loves voicing Snake and supporting the franchise. One is a seasoned actor but doesn't care, the other one sounds like 90's Wolverine with throat cancer but loves his role.
They give him a shittonne of money. Plus Kojima enjoys making these games, they wouldn't be in such high quality if he didn't want to make them. And this FOX engine of his is very, very impressive.
there is a bit of an issue in this video,it is actually possible to play the raiden mission on the PS3, you just have to collect all of the hidden patches in the area (for one of them, you have to roll around for a while)
The good thing about this game/demo is that there are several things here that will be carried over to MGSVTPP, which you don't need to pay for in DLC. So pretty much this is a game/demo/dlc in one.
This whole demo was just a cash grab. Here's how you make something like this work. A few months back Nintendo released a demo for Bravely Default but it wasn't of the main game but instead what happens before and it was pretty long, I got about 5 hours out of it and that was just a demo. Oh yeah and it was free, the best kind of demo. Now I'm not saying it had to be free but seeing how short this is the best price would have probably been $5-$10, not $30.
Uh... slight problem with your comparison. Bravely Default was a 3DS exclusive. I'm sure that demo didn't cost anywhere near as much as Ground Zeroes did. A lot of gamers seem to either forget or be unaware that video game development costs skyrocketed with the PS3/360 generation and they've only gotten more expensive.
I am somewhat confident that TPP will be the last Metal Gear. Yes, Konami may pull a dick move but at least Kojima will do something other than MG, like Policenauts, ZOE, or Snatcher.
Had MGS4 been a bit beefier in gameplay and properly developed its big twist there really wouldn't be any need for Peace Walker or Phantom Pain. It's called Metal Gear SOLID; it's ultimately the story of Solid Snake.
this game is now free on steam, theres a sale on a bundle where you pay 7,5€ for both, wich is also the price rn for just mgsv. if you go to mgsgz though it isnt even on sale.
It's nice to see you back in action brit and nice little review. I haven't bought this myself (been thinking of doing so, but I only have my 360 working now), but I never felt like the content included could justify the price.
Jeez, I didn't realise how busted the slo-mo when spotted camera was, I turned it off after the first run through GZ before doing it again for a no kills no alerts run and turned it off at the start of TPP.
When "Snake Eater" came out, it could've been safely assumed that Big Boss was dead because MGS4 hadn't yet confirmed that he didn't actually die in "MG2: Solid Snake".
He addresses this in his TPP review. He said that the reason MGS3 worked was because before that game, you don't know much about Big Boss at all apart from being the villain in the original games so it was interesting to see how his story unfolded.
Mgs5 didn't even need to happen ever! I also will never forgive Kojima for changing naked snake's voice actor also wtf is the deal with the slow mo reaction time ? I turned it off the second I turned the game on
***** Yeah pretty much. Even though the gameplay was top-notch, I was extremely disappointed because the game doesn't offer what was promised in the trailers. The story was lackluster, cut content, etc. It's like I'm the one who's having the phantom pain.
It's pointless speculation but I'd actually be curious if the reason for the Raiden content being on Xbox and nostalgic content on Playstation is an expectation in different audiences, primarily in the ongoing idiotic assumptions of what Western gamers want versus Japanese. I have no real proof to support any such assumption, but putting the nostalgic level on the platform where Metal Gear Solid made it big while giving Xbox players the new and grimdark-ified character doing dirty deeds done dirt cheap, it just seems like a possibility.
Another fair review. The story is so bad. You're right it never needed to be told. A good story-teller knows what to leave to the imagination. It's like it was a story for the sole purpose of chasing rabbits down holes. Let's bring up a bunch of questions so you can wonder why we didn't go in that direction...
Honestly, the only way I can rationalize Kojima making another main series Metal Gear game starring "Big Boss" is that Kojima's leading the series up to the remakes of Metal Gear 1 and 2. Kojima did say in an interview some years ago that he'd love to make remakes of both MSX Metal Gear games. But that would also completely destroy the "big" plot twist of MG1 where "Big Boss" turns out to be the main villain pulling the strings, so who knows?
GZ was fantastic in my opinion (ignoring the side missions and the short length). It did a good job setting the plot of TPP. However, the voice change to Sutherland was stupid. Kojima just wanted an excuse to work with him, Hayter even said Kojima had been trying to get rid of him since MGS3. It was disrespectful how Hayter got the boot and I'm not surprised he's bitter about it. The iDroid was stupid aswell, it's better than the soliton radar (which came later). Then TPP came along, pointless missions (only about 15 actually contribute to the story), crucial story details hidden in boring cassette tapes, harder versions of missions in the second half (which should have been unlocked for each mission after completion), empty maps, it's a 20 hour game that has been padded out to fill 100 hours, unfinished (they had 5 years, there's no excuse, and it clearly doesn't show, what did they spend the 5 years doing?), a boring villain who had a nonsensical plan, a stupid name and no real reason to hate him (which is a necessity to get the player to want to defeat him), bland characters who show one emotion or no emotions, no epic boss battles and an ending that shat upon the rest of the game and ruined Big Boss for me (you should hate Big Boss for creating Outer Heaven not ducking out and leaving it all to some random soldier who happens to be the same skill level, height, build and has the same voice as Big Boss - let's not forget it's lucky he even survived the helicopter crash and the shrapnel in his skull). Sorry for the long comment. You can tell I was excited for MGSV, I was hyped for about 2 years. I loved the series. It should have ended with MGS4. Hell, even Peacewalker felted more like Metal Gear to me. The only bit that felt vaguely like Metal Gear was when Quiet left. There's more emotion in the cutscene in MGS1 where Sniper Wolf dies then the entirety go MGSV.
I know it didn't work too well with Raiden... ...but couldn't they have tried making a new protagonist that isn't Snake? And maybe even try some new gameplay elements?
It probably would’ve actually made sense for the tanker chapter of MGS2 to be released separately. I’m glad they didn’t do that, but it would’ve still been somewhat understandable for Konami.
Gotta disagree with a lot of the views on the series as a whole. I much prefer Big Boss's story arch and want to see his progression into the Big Boss we saw in Metal Gear 1. Im really hyped for The Phantom Pain but that is what I think should be the conclusion... like no more addition to the main timeline. I want MGS1 and 2 remakes just so the story of those can be... addressed better. But yeah, PW and 3 are two of my favourite MGS stories. And MGS GZ for me shows well how gameplay wise the series is progressing. Cannot wait to see Kaz and Big Boss split up. And How Big Boss develops the Metal Gear technology further... and how they explain why the Metal Gears in MG1 and 2 were so shit compared to the ones in MGSPO/PW/5
It's definitely the worst canon MGS wise. Gone are the camo and sound meter. Just cling to the shadows and walls, and don't worry if you get spotted. Have some slow motion to help not get an alert. This ain't Metal Gear. This is Splinter Cell.
Order of canon games --Mgs 3 snake eater --mgs portable ops (yes Kojima Said so himself its canon, how else do they explain the san Hieronymo incident in the next game in the timeline?) --mgs peace walker MGS:V THE PHANTOM PAIN --Metal Gear --Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake --MGS1 --MGS2 --MGS4 --METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE
+Xephyr Weiss Just recently got into these games, am halfway through twin snakes. At this point, I guess I'll stop and start going the chronological way.
+Noble “Dedicated Dark” Alfred the chronological timeline is the worse way to experience the story. The games were released in their order for a reason.
+Xephyr Weiss Ummm Rising isn't cannon. Ig you played the Extra mission in Ground Zeros and found the Rising Icon, Miller says that can't be right and it disappears like all the other non cannon MGS games, while non of the cannon ones disappear.
***** ....ugh....its canon. just because Kaz doesnt recognize it doesnt mean its not part of the canon. play Rising and they will talk about the deactivation of the SOP program by Snake.... because of the deactivation of SOP, rogue military PMCs are looking for an alternative of the War economy. The children's brains used as cyborg soldiers.
You're doing something really good if this video doesn't have 612314 dislikes. Also, I'm glad you're back. Please be really back and not like other TH-camrs who say they're back and never upload in months... #WhereareyouMrBtongue?:(
Honestly I don't think it's milking just yet. It can end right here and I think they should. However, if they made something about Snake in his last year (I don't know maybe he gets captured and has to fight, give us closure with Metal Gear characters, and lead into MGR) fine, if they add something about Snake before and during Big Shell fine, they could even do one about Snake becoming Snake (his training with Big Boss and Miller) I would be fine with that. Anything else, even I would consider to be milking. After this they should continue making Rising games, and fix they fucking "character arc" in Revengence.
As a big metal gear fan - I can't help but agree with a lot of the points you make. I almost think Kjoma would be better to start a different franchise with a new set of characters. I also couldn't agree more with your examples of "out of place cinematics". A few of the bigger events in MGS4 felt out of place for me but i kinda gave it the benefit of the doubt with "Its the last one in the series - they want to make it as exciting as possible" even if that is biased and unfair (and now untrue). I really like the example you gave with MGS3.
I don't think that knowing certain character is already dead automatically means people won't be interested in the other part of his story. Personally I'm often more interested (well, it has to be well made too...)
*SPOILERS FOR GROUND ZEROES* I didn't know that would be possible but whatever. Personally, I think the whole "Jack Bauer is Big Boss" thing could've been a well implemented idea, but I felt the timing to be a little off. Personally, I think that Big Boss getting the Sutherland voice *AFTER* he wakes up from the coma would've been genius (In my opinion). It would add to this feeling that Big Boss has lost everything. From Mother Base, to his Army, to Kaz Miller, to Paz, to nine years of his life, and now even his voice (OK, maybe not "Losing it" but you know what I mean). Since GZ takes place in 1975 (One year after Peace Walker) it's pretty jarring to hear Sutherland's voice coming out of Big Boss' mouth when one year earlier, he had David Hayter's voice. So, it's a great idea, but the timing was just off by an entire demo of a game.
The xbox360 Raiden deja vu mission is really snake's body with a Raiden "texture/skin" pasted to the outside... the eyes are snakes eyes if you look close enough ...
The one mistake you made is assuming Kojima had the choice to actually stop making Metal Gears without either A.) Watch his baby get destroyed by Konami milking it with BAD MG games (I.E. Portable Ops) and/or B.) Quitting and trying to get hired by another 3rd party. He wanted to stop making MGS after 2, and was literally, LITERALLY, sent death threats to make MGS4. Which was ironic cause MGS4 was easily the weakest story-wise (With Peace Walker and PO at a close second), and even gameplay-wise in some areas (Act 3 is just plain awful on both accounts). It was both too silly and too serious for even Metal Gear. This game seems to be going mainly serious because thats how the ending of MGS3 would depict the rest of his life would be. All the amazing camp of MGS3 was building up to that heartbreaking ending that showed a miserable Snake who would soon become Big Boss. He is eventually gonna become a villain after all. This game is a lot less insulting to MGS3 in that sense, even if the camp is part of what makes MGS great. I still think its there though (You rescue Kojima in one mission, for example), just mostly in TPP as we saw from the trailers. So we'll just have to wait and see at this point. Anyway, youre right, this game didnt need to exist (neither did MGS4...), but if Kojima had to keep making MGS to satisfy Konami's wallets as he cries himself to sleep with dreams of being able to make ZOE3, Im glad he chose BB's story, even if we technically already know it, because its interesting. You cant just read the story of Metal Gear, you gotta see its execution to truly experience it (caus elets face it, MG sounds stupid when just trying to read the events. The journey is just a simportant as the destination after all. Plus Big Boss is a better character than Snake in almost every way. He's Snake except more personality beyond stoic and philosophical solider. Good video though.
***** Not needing closure because its all just an illusion anyway was part of the main bloody point/message of MGS2. MGS4 was balls story-wise because, not only is it subpar in a lot of areas compared to the others, but it just takes a GIANT crap on MGS2's (and even some of MGS1) much better and interesting plot. All that magic crap in the past games? Nanomachines. (Which still doesnt bloody explain the Cobra Unit btw) "Oh btw Zero is behind everything lol" "Wait WU-" "WEEEE CRAPPY CYCLE SEQUENCE :DDDD" It was insulting, and worse yet, it was an insult Kojima was forced to make on himself because of shallow and ridiculous fans. No, its not a bad game, but its an extremely flawed one. One which is hard to play through again after playing it once (Mainly because subtracting cutscenes the gameplay is only like, wut, 15 hours?), and was made only because he was threatened to.
***** " it's his game, not yours lol sure it wasn't perfect but if you guys don't agree with most of the things happened in MGS4 is just your problem at the end of the day" BULLSHIT. Because... A) If one person finds a game to be unlikable or flawed it's mostly opinionated. You can't say it's stupid to do so B) He mentioned a problem that's mostly a continuity issue, nanonmachines not working to make sense of the Cobra Unit. He also mentioned a poorly designed chapter of the game. How is that "It's his game, not yours" So now Other M makes sense because it's Sakamoto's game and not ours even when it has fatal inconsistencies with the Metroid franchsie? Again, BULLSHIT.
I'm assuming nobody actually said this already (could be wrong) But if you watch the rest of the credits, Solid (old) snake didn't actually kill himself.
I might be alone in this, but I sort of want to see The Phantom Pain go from the formation of Foxhound into a retelling of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 for its climax. To see Big Boss's first meeting with the Snakes, his full efforts in command of Outer Heaven, and his final battle with Solid Snake from the end of Metal Gear 2, by actually fighting Snake yourself as the player. It would be a cool way to justify Phantom Pain existing, if nothing else.
First of all, thank you for analyzing the GAME and not the price tag for half the video (Angry Joe), and second, I'm pretty sure Solid Snake is still alive at the end of MGS4. There's a post-credits scene where Big Boss is actually alive and stops him form killing himself. (Yes. You heard me right.)
That's no surprise, everyone knows that. You can't even skip the credits in MGS4, people who don't know that must've literally turned off the console when they finished the game
After this, Kojima should walk off from Konami and be an independent game developer like Keiji Inafune(Megaman) and Koji Igarashi(Castlevania) now. I love MGS, MGS4 made me cry my eyes out and believe me, I want the franchise to keep on going but.. I feel like Kojima should put it to sleep.
I agree with this completely, I never wanted more big boss after 3. I hated portable ops and I doubt many people played if Kojima spent 40 mins at the end of MGS4 telling us the plot for it. To be fair I'm not even that enthused about MGS4 because it has a lot of pointless moments too. Even the people that say keifer as big boss now makes sense given V's ending, it's like they completely forgot about GZ and the fact that he voices him there too.
Yay, you're back! I got tired of your old videos tbh ^_^ I will still buy phantom pain maybe. I think Kojima games releases a new MGS because there were so many people against MGR. And as kojima games listens to the fans here and there, they weren't encouraged enough to make a new one. But I can't wait for MGR2 :D
What we need is Hideo Kojima making a different series, set in the 50s-80s, that ISN'T FUCKING METAL GEAR. He can go goddamn nuts! It's not like he's going to be in charge of Metal Gear anymore, let's support him making the story of "totally not big boss" so he never comes back.
+Sam E I think he's pretty sick of doing Metal Gear games, honestly. Dunno why he keeps coming back. Maybe he's like George Lucas. www.gamefaqs.com/boards/691087-playstation-4/71339195
Glad to see you've recovered. Yeah, I'm not feeling GZ purely on a pricing standpoint and I'm not even getting PP when it comes out until it comes with GZ. I want the full game. My main hangup with MGS now is who's even running the ship at this point. It's easy to blame Konami on this, but did they really strongarm Kojima into making it? From what I took away from it, Kojima wanted to give players a taste of PP by releasing GZ first. Which is fine, until the price comes into play. If anyone's got an article proving otherwise, I'm all ears, but I'm under the impression that this was Kojima's idea; not Konami money-grubbing. And from what I've heard from him, Keifer fucking blows as Snake. Not that he ever had a fighting chance though. We've had 5 full MGS games with Hayter as Snake (6 counting PO), its WAY too late in the game to be doing this, especially with the main character.
"Can you imagine twenty years ago they cut off the tanker chapter and sold it for twenty bucks?" Yeah. Cuz they did do that. Except it was the Tanker chapter demo, for sixty bucks, and it was bundled with a shitty game no one cared about. What was the point there supposed to be again?
Konami did release the tanker section of MGS2 before the full game was released... For free! Sort of. It was a free demo disc that came with every copy of Zone of the Enders. It was the only reason people bought that game.
"Some random guy who is supposedly Snake"
I see what you did there. Heh.
Liam O'Sullivan impersonating
TH-cam compressed this video to shit. It's good to be back.
It is nice to have you back, Gaming brit.
Meh, 720p looks fine.
Will you and Bit be continuing your Devil May Cry playthroughs cause they were fun to watch especially from a DMC vet like me.
So, about that Kingdom Hearts retrospective part 2... :P
Welcome back!
its kind of sad to see that this overprised demo has kind of more interesting mission design than the final game....
About MGS2, the demo that came with ZOE almost had the entire Tanker Chapter...FOR FREE.
You had to pay money for ZOE to be able to play the MGS2 demo.
+Michael Biland But, ZoE was a full game that was good
Having just finished TPP and already played GZ (of course), I can say that Ground Zeroes was much more an entertaining experience than the over 60 hours of gameplay I had with TPP. And I just did the main mission.
The design of the island in GZ actually feels that it had some though put into it. It is really good.
Also, it not being an expanded Peace Walker works wonders.
TPP had my hopes flushed down the drain the instant that intro mission ended and I was presented with 3 "wetwork" missions that had nothing to do with the main plot.
Ha the irony "it's like he's a random guy who's supposedly snake"
Well in Ground Zeroes case, you are playing as the Big Boss, not Venom.
@@randeli7785 ground zeroes is presented from venoms pov
Man you're pretty much the only person who criticizes GZ outside of duration.
And with legit reasons tbh. The series was concluded, so I don't think the directors cut of why big boss became so outright evil will be interesting. Really though, didn't Kojima want to move beyond MGS but publishers wouldn't let him?
lumpyspacecadet You mean the guys that did Portable Ops and were supposed to do Revengeance? They have technical ablilty, but without Kojima they lack the drive and direction needed to make good Metal Gear games.
he wanted to stop after 4, but Peace Walker reinvigorated his interest.
Murder LP Basically that. He said so on an interview. He was "free" after delivering MGS4 so the fans wanting a wrap up of MGS2 got what they wanted. Then he stepped up as Vice President of Konami's Computer Entertainment and deduced that from a business angle, more MGS games were a smart move and what the public would want. Since Big Boss was his personal favorite, he decided to create a new arc for his character and got inspired after to make all this games (PW-GZ-TPP) out of his free will.
So people can try saying the games weren't as good as previous entries because he was burned out, but this new arc was all on him!
Kojima went full on George Lucas mode.
Snake: What's up, Huey?
Huey: Who's this? I wanna talk to Snake. Is he there?
Snake: This IS Snake.
Huey: Right, random-sounding-guy-who-sounds-like-he's-35. Sure. You're Snake. That'll be the day. Good luck with that!
Snake? I heard you were dead!
>MGSV: TPP is finally released
>Put the disc in your console
>Title screen reads "Bayou Billy: Unsheathed"
>Check the inside cover
>It's reversible cover art for Bayou Billy
>Check the instruction manual
>It's a mock manual for MGSV
>The real manual is in the Playstation menu
Bayou Billy confirmed for Konami vs. Capcom.
TheGamingBritShow - If Konami VS Capcom came out I would play it. I don't give a shit for Marvel.
Oh man shots fired on Peace Walker.
Wasn't MGS3 supposed to be the last game because it was a prequel to the stuff that already happened and Kojima went on this whole tangent about the game series eating itself in a circle like a snake. That's why he called it Snake Eater
Kojima got death threats when he said he wouldn't do MGS4. He pretty much gets death threats whenever he says he's going to stop.
Lord Immortallix
He did!? Jesus Christ. MGS fans are the worst.
filipinowhiteboy Yeah, thats been happening after every game since then.
Lord Immortallix
Poor guy. I would love to see him start a new franchise. I did here him mention how jealous he was of Breaking Bad because he wishes that he had developed it. Maybe he can make the Breaking Bad video game.
filipinowhiteboy Well he is pretty adamant on this being his last fully involved MGS, idk if you know, but he did make the Zone of the Enders series & is leading the next Silent Hill.
I'm still waiting for the next Metal Gear Rising game. I feel there's more they can do with this concept.
I dunno, they can either leave it as it is and let it die gracefully or turn it into a new cash cow that we wish would just die...like mario tennis :)
@@whatamalike i trust platinum with rising.
10 years later and still no sequel😞
I actually got a lot more enjoyment out of GZ than I did out of Phantom Pain actually. This was what I call a short, sharp shock and the extra missions did add a lot of replay value to it I reckon.
And no empty open world. Brilliant!
same hither
I’ve been thinking this for so long. 100% felt this.
I really REALLY hope that after Phantom Pain comes out, Kojima takes a break from the franchise. Make Zone of the Enders 3, or even better, a new IP for your fans to become engrossed in.
Out of all the Japanese developers that could be deemed legendary(Miyamoto, Kamiya, Sakaguchi etc) Kojima is one of the few that really only has one fantastic series to his name. He's getting older, and his retirement is inevitable, so I hope he goes out without being known as a one trick pony.
Implying Konami would ever let him make ZOE3
ProtagonistJake True. ZOE3 was cancelled because of low sales of the HD collection. Still, I think that's a series that has a lot of potential.
***** I don't blame ZoE HD for doing poorly. The game had little coverage with the press, was handed to an inexperienced team (despite Kojima already having another team that was perfectly capable of porting ZoE), little funding was given to the game, it was rushed out the door, and it unsurprisingly flops. Yet the MG series always gets the AAA treatment, because its something that's guarantee to sell.
Here's hoping that Kojima will wake up, and realize that he can make new games that are separate from MG. He can't expect something new and fresh to make the millions if he won't take a risk.
+Dzzy123 ZOE2 is one of the greatest action games ever made.
Dzzy123 so how's that hope helping out lol
Big Boss has flashbacks from events that his baby clone will eventually experience 30 years in the future, awesome
What took you so long?
The first thing I did in Ground Zeroes was turn off all the markers & reaction time BS. It feels so much more organic and intense now.
Well, I'm glad Kojima's developing Death Stranding now, and not MGS6.
Michael Biland I'm glad, but also scared that we'll end up with The Phantom Pain 2 with unrealized ideas and awful storytelling.
SaberRexZealot Yeah, but I think that could have been due to Kojima just being flat out bored of Metal Gear.
@Awakened Virtue ??
@ And how do you explain the stupid and unnecessary Peace Walker? Konami's fault too? Did Konami force Kojima to put almost all of the plot into cassette tapes? Did they force him to come up with the freakin' medic being a "super soldier" like Big Boss? Or that stupid buddy system in Phantom Pain? That unnecessary base building? If you ask me, Konami made the best Metal Gear game since MGS4 without Kojima: Metal Gear Survive. Yes, I'm serious.
I'm personally really hoping they develop zero more in the phantom pain. Because in mgs3 zero is just you're support guy, then mgs4 it's just all like "oh yeah, this guy was the villain the entire time". It came off as really jarring. In fact it was really jarring seeing to see the entire snake eater crew turn evil. Apparently sweet movie loving para-medic develops cyborg ninjas when she gets older. I'm alright with phantom pain as long develop these characters( or at least zero) more, so when you play these game chronilogically it's less jarring.
I love your videos!!! Your just hilarious! Keep it up, you got a huge fan!
Kojima should just leave Konami at this point. I don't know much about the japanese game industry but I think his reputation alone would get him offers to direct games as soon as he left the door. And he could do anything he wanted after that.
Um, I don't know anymore. As many pointed out, he's kinda trapped between messed up fans( threatened to death to make MGS4? What the actual fuck!? ) and corporative BS as well.
VladNorris Well fans only threatened him after MGS4 was well into production and he had announced he wasn't going to direct. As for the corporative BS, i dunno, if he had no rights to MGS why would they not let him do whatever he wanted to get them money. The only problem I could see Kojima having is not having Konamis money to throw around. But then again I don't really know how these things work and am mostly thinking of Kamiya and how he seems to jump major developers and publishers all the time and still make what he wants to make.
Thanatos388 Konami keeps throwing him money as well and I think Kojima's too scared anyone new will f*** it up.
Renegade Operative Yeah any time he's left his team to make an MGS game without his direction it's been an absolute mess. But even if it was it would not have his name on it so who cares. After one disastrous Metal Gear without him the series would probably die.
Thanatos388 It's already happened to Silent Hill and Castlevania for sure. It would be a sad fate but at least these flops would show Konami definitive proof that you can't sell a brand name from it's reputation alone without it being a quality product.
I still had a much more fun time with GZ than whatever we got in TPP
I'm sure other people have commented this, but just in case they haven't, when you said Snake died, I think you missed the following scene to that one because there's more story. It did the same shit Bayonetta did, but not 3 times. If you don't know, by that I mean it pulled a fast one on the player by making you think that it was over with the credits rolling, but then suddenly OH SHIT MORE STORY. There's a good half-hour or so of additional story after the credits initially start to roll.
About the shaky cam cinematography:
Having been a growing movie fan in the last past years I've only been annoyed to see shaky cam pop up everywhere in movies. It started with Bourne where there was a rather close up fast moving camera to make the action seem more painful and "personal", but now it has just transformed into rambling the camera about to cover up the fact that they can't actually make action, also making you aware that there is someone holding the camera and you can't tell what's going on. There are people who argue that it makes it more intense but in the end it just breaks immersion since it makes you realize that you're watching a movie.
Now it is beyond me how this ends up in a video game, you have absolute control over what you want the camera to do and then they decide to intimitate someone who can't probably hold a camera. Everytime I notice these shakes or the camera overshooting it's target and then moving back I'm aware of this ridiculous thing and just stop believing in the entire thing going on on screen. There's also a contrast with when you're controlling the camera in game yourself, it's completely stable (which is something I really want).
This is by far the worst version of moviefying in games I've seen. People should know that "looking like a movie" and "cinematic" are too vastly different things. Cinematic has nothing to do with looking-like-someone-is-holding-the-camera or a letterbox-aspect-ratio (which is something that only looks great in a cinema, but on itself is not cinematic). Cinematic just has to do with something that would look great on a big screen, images that look grand.
When the real Big Boss appears the camera becomes stable, but while playing as the double it’s unstable and hand recorded. Maybe it was a cool narrative tool that was going to be more fully realized if they didn’t cut so much content out of the game
@@imanoljesusdelpozo4907 That'd be kinda cool...
PauLtus B Yeah, it’s sad that all we can do is think about how it could have been though
2:30 "What story are you trying to tell here anymore?"
Not only that, Kojima also spoiled all the plot of Ground zeroes with trailers and a big amount of Phantom pain's story.
Wow! Big surprise, Mother base is destroyed! Every fan or any person that gives a fuck about MGS already knew that since last year's E3.
But to be honest, as a big fan of stealth games, the stealth is much better and less broken/exploitable(if you turn off the God awful reflex mode) than previous mgs titles.
And Sutherland's voice wasn't that bad IMO, but the problem is that while Sutherland is a better actor than Hayter, he knows shit about the character and the franchise.
"but the problem is that while Sutherland is a better actor than Hayter, he knows shit about the character and the franchise."
He IS a good actor when he cares about his role, but he probably gives 0 craps about MGS while Hayter loves voicing Snake and supporting the franchise.
One is a seasoned actor but doesn't care, the other one sounds like 90's Wolverine with throat cancer but loves his role.
2:41 "We know how it ends!"
TPP's ending: "Do you really?"
I won't make ignorant statements, but I remember a while back that Kojima wanted to put this series behind him. Maybe Konami just won't let him.
They give him a shittonne of money. Plus Kojima enjoys making these games, they wouldn't be in such high quality if he didn't want to make them. And this FOX engine of his is very, very impressive.
there is a bit of an issue in this video,it is actually possible to play the raiden mission on the PS3, you just have to collect all of the hidden patches in the area (for one of them, you have to roll around for a while)
The fact that ONLY Big Boss has a new voice actor is everybody's first hint that something's up.
The good thing about this game/demo is that there are several things here that will be carried over to MGSVTPP, which you don't need to pay for in DLC. So pretty much this is a game/demo/dlc in one.
This whole demo was just a cash grab. Here's how you make something like this work. A few months back Nintendo released a demo for Bravely Default but it wasn't of the main game but instead what happens before and it was pretty long, I got about 5 hours out of it and that was just a demo. Oh yeah and it was free, the best kind of demo. Now I'm not saying it had to be free but seeing how short this is the best price would have probably been $5-$10, not $30.
Uh... slight problem with your comparison. Bravely Default was a 3DS exclusive. I'm sure that demo didn't cost anywhere near as much as Ground Zeroes did. A lot of gamers seem to either forget or be unaware that video game development costs skyrocketed with the PS3/360 generation and they've only gotten more expensive.
I know im late but Ground Zeroes's main mission leads to the events of The Phantom Pain.
joke's on you
GZ did turn out to be a better game. *with more heart,honesty,satisfaction,conclusion and innovation that the painful pain*
I am somewhat confident that TPP will be the last Metal Gear. Yes, Konami may pull a dick move but at least Kojima will do something other than MG, like Policenauts, ZOE, or Snatcher.
Despite you not giving a shit about this game you sound pretty optimistic...
....and then TPP comes out.
Had MGS4 been a bit beefier in gameplay and properly developed its big twist there really wouldn't be any need for Peace Walker or Phantom Pain. It's called Metal Gear SOLID; it's ultimately the story of Solid Snake.
this game is now free on steam, theres a sale on a bundle where you pay 7,5€ for both, wich is also the price rn for just mgsv. if you go to mgsgz though it isnt even on sale.
It's SO good to have you back dude! :D
It's nice to see you back in action brit and nice little review. I haven't bought this myself (been thinking of doing so, but I only have my 360 working now), but I never felt like the content included could justify the price.
0:19 Bet he probably regrets saying this in hindsight now huh?
+Matthew Lee "Now Konami I can appreciate the fact that you basically ruined every franchise you own *except for Metal Gear*"
The Return of TheGamingBrit!
Jeez, I didn't realise how busted the slo-mo when spotted camera was, I turned it off after the first run through GZ before doing it again for a no kills no alerts run and turned it off at the start of TPP.
Fella, please. Don't keep us waiting. Again. You're too fantastic.
When "Snake Eater" came out, it could've been safely assumed that Big Boss was dead because MGS4 hadn't yet confirmed that he didn't actually die in "MG2: Solid Snake".
He addresses this in his TPP review. He said that the reason MGS3 worked was because before that game, you don't know much about Big Boss at all apart from being the villain in the original games so it was interesting to see how his story unfolded.
im happy we finally get a video, and a good one at that, but all this does is make me want more
Mgs5 didn't even need to happen ever! I also will never forgive Kojima for changing naked snake's voice actor also wtf is the deal with the slow mo reaction time ? I turned it off the second I turned the game on
+coyle102 "Naked Snake"
***** It's funny that the one thing that was wrong here you had to point out. Do you feel better now ?
I wasn't pointing out anything, I just thought it was funny. Did you play TPP by the way?
***** Yeah I played it. I enjoyed it but honestly it's my least favorite MGS game
Yeah pretty much. Even though the gameplay was top-notch, I was extremely disappointed because the game doesn't offer what was promised in the trailers. The story was lackluster, cut content, etc. It's like I'm the one who's having the phantom pain.
Can't believe you didn't open this video with "Kept you waiting, huh?"
It's pointless speculation but I'd actually be curious if the reason for the Raiden content being on Xbox and nostalgic content on Playstation is an expectation in different audiences, primarily in the ongoing idiotic assumptions of what Western gamers want versus Japanese. I have no real proof to support any such assumption, but putting the nostalgic level on the platform where Metal Gear Solid made it big while giving Xbox players the new and grimdark-ified character doing dirty deeds done dirt cheap, it just seems like a possibility.
Another fair review. The story is so bad. You're right it never needed to be told. A good story-teller knows what to leave to the imagination. It's like it was a story for the sole purpose of chasing rabbits down holes. Let's bring up a bunch of questions so you can wonder why we didn't go in that direction...
It needed to be said. The tech in the 80s always bothered me
I personally like seeing all of Big Boss's stories in full detail after Snake Eater.
Aside from the garden stealth section and possibly the library one, Lords of Shadow 2 had pretty good gameplay. It deserves credit for that at least.
Man do I miss your videos, I'll watch the new one after this, but your content is really good. Hope you can upload more often
Honestly, the only way I can rationalize Kojima making another main series Metal Gear game starring "Big Boss" is that Kojima's leading the series up to the remakes of Metal Gear 1 and 2. Kojima did say in an interview some years ago that he'd love to make remakes of both MSX Metal Gear games.
But that would also completely destroy the "big" plot twist of MG1 where "Big Boss" turns out to be the main villain pulling the strings, so who knows?
I would love another zone game.
GZ was fantastic in my opinion (ignoring the side missions and the short length). It did a good job setting the plot of TPP. However, the voice change to Sutherland was stupid. Kojima just wanted an excuse to work with him, Hayter even said Kojima had been trying to get rid of him since MGS3. It was disrespectful how Hayter got the boot and I'm not surprised he's bitter about it. The iDroid was stupid aswell, it's better than the soliton radar (which came later). Then TPP came along, pointless missions (only about 15 actually contribute to the story), crucial story details hidden in boring cassette tapes, harder versions of missions in the second half (which should have been unlocked for each mission after completion), empty maps, it's a 20 hour game that has been padded out to fill 100 hours, unfinished (they had 5 years, there's no excuse, and it clearly doesn't show, what did they spend the 5 years doing?), a boring villain who had a nonsensical plan, a stupid name and no real reason to hate him (which is a necessity to get the player to want to defeat him), bland characters who show one emotion or no emotions, no epic boss battles and an ending that shat upon the rest of the game and ruined Big Boss for me (you should hate Big Boss for creating Outer Heaven not ducking out and leaving it all to some random soldier who happens to be the same skill level, height, build and has the same voice as Big Boss - let's not forget it's lucky he even survived the helicopter crash and the shrapnel in his skull).
Sorry for the long comment. You can tell I was excited for MGSV, I was hyped for about 2 years. I loved the series. It should have ended with MGS4. Hell, even Peacewalker felted more like Metal Gear to me. The only bit that felt vaguely like Metal Gear was when Quiet left. There's more emotion in the cutscene in MGS1 where Sniper Wolf dies then the entirety go MGSV.
4:42 uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh about that
No, that hasn't happened yet.
I know it didn't work too well with Raiden...
...but couldn't they have tried making a new protagonist that isn't Snake? And maybe even try some new gameplay elements?
You mean like MGR:R? LoL
Glad to see some new videos
Well...seems you weren't too fall off from what we got from TPP.
It's better to Kojima re work the AI of some of those guards in the full release to, instead aiming for Snake, active the alarm of the place.
I kind of agree but a lot of these are easily solved. Like you can turn Reflex mode off
Some more Kingdom hearts episodes would make me a very happy man.
Glad you still make videos
It probably would’ve actually made sense for the tanker chapter of MGS2 to be released separately. I’m glad they didn’t do that, but it would’ve still been somewhat understandable for Konami.
This video is 7 years old already, Jesus Christ
Gotta disagree with a lot of the views on the series as a whole. I much prefer Big Boss's story arch and want to see his progression into the Big Boss we saw in Metal Gear 1. Im really hyped for The Phantom Pain but that is what I think should be the conclusion... like no more addition to the main timeline. I want MGS1 and 2 remakes just so the story of those can be... addressed better. But yeah, PW and 3 are two of my favourite MGS stories. And MGS GZ for me shows well how gameplay wise the series is progressing. Cannot wait to see Kaz and Big Boss split up. And How Big Boss develops the Metal Gear technology further... and how they explain why the Metal Gears in MG1 and 2 were so shit compared to the ones in MGSPO/PW/5
Guess you ended up pretty disappointed, huh? I feel ya, man. I feel ya.
It's definitely the worst canon MGS wise.
Gone are the camo and sound meter. Just cling to the shadows and walls, and don't worry if you get spotted. Have some slow motion to help not get an alert.
This ain't Metal Gear. This is Splinter Cell.
Order of canon games
--Mgs 3 snake eater
--mgs portable ops (yes Kojima Said so himself its canon, how else do they explain the san Hieronymo incident in the next game in the timeline?)
--mgs peace walker
--Metal Gear
--Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
+Xephyr Weiss Just recently got into these games, am halfway through twin snakes. At this point, I guess I'll stop and start going the chronological way.
+Noble “Dedicated Dark” Alfred the chronological timeline is the worse way to experience the story. The games were released in their order for a reason.
WanderingHands not really lol kojima didnt think about big boss story until 2 came out
+Xephyr Weiss Ummm Rising isn't cannon. Ig you played the Extra mission in Ground Zeros and found the Rising Icon, Miller says that can't be right and it disappears like all the other non cannon MGS games, while non of the cannon ones disappear.
***** ....ugh....its canon. just because Kaz doesnt recognize it doesnt mean its not part of the canon. play Rising and they will talk about the deactivation of the SOP program by Snake.... because of the deactivation of SOP, rogue military PMCs are looking for an alternative of the War economy. The children's brains used as cyborg soldiers.
Seems like Konami will be fucked when Kojima sooner or later leaves.
wattukusulong *CHNURRRURUNNNN*
You're doing something really good if this video doesn't have 612314 dislikes.
Also, I'm glad you're back. Please be really back and not like other TH-camrs who say they're back and never upload in months...
Honestly I don't think it's milking just yet. It can end right here and I think they should. However, if they made something about Snake in his last year (I don't know maybe he gets captured and has to fight, give us closure with Metal Gear characters, and lead into MGR) fine, if they add something about Snake before and during Big Shell fine, they could even do one about Snake becoming Snake (his training with Big Boss and Miller) I would be fine with that. Anything else, even I would consider to be milking. After this they should continue making Rising games, and fix they fucking "character arc" in Revengence.
about Castlevania the reason why was rebooted was because it needed better sales (iga last game judgement was the worst)
As a big metal gear fan - I can't help but agree with a lot of the points you make. I almost think Kjoma would be better to start a different franchise with a new set of characters. I also couldn't agree more with your examples of "out of place cinematics". A few of the bigger events in MGS4 felt out of place for me but i kinda gave it the benefit of the doubt with "Its the last one in the series - they want to make it as exciting as possible" even if that is biased and unfair (and now untrue). I really like the example you gave with MGS3.
I don't think that knowing certain character is already dead automatically means people won't be interested in the other part of his story. Personally I'm often more interested (well, it has to be well made too...)
*SPOILERS FOR GROUND ZEROES* I didn't know that would be possible but whatever.
Personally, I think the whole "Jack Bauer is Big Boss" thing could've been a well implemented idea, but I felt the timing to be a little off. Personally, I think that Big Boss getting the Sutherland voice *AFTER* he wakes up from the coma would've been genius (In my opinion). It would add to this feeling that Big Boss has lost everything. From Mother Base, to his Army, to Kaz Miller, to Paz, to nine years of his life, and now even his voice (OK, maybe not "Losing it" but you know what I mean). Since GZ takes place in 1975 (One year after Peace Walker) it's pretty jarring to hear Sutherland's voice coming out of Big Boss' mouth when one year earlier, he had David Hayter's voice.
So, it's a great idea, but the timing was just off by an entire demo of a game.
This video is spot-on!
Good to see Yahtzee dropped that whole yellow screen flash animation shtick he'd been rolling with for all these years.
Been a couple years since this and Phantom Pain and honestly
fuck those games
This was excellent, please make more content
The xbox360 Raiden deja vu mission is really snake's body with a Raiden "texture/skin" pasted to the outside... the eyes are snakes eyes if you look close enough ...
To sum up the game: shit blows up.
The one mistake you made is assuming Kojima had the choice to actually stop making Metal Gears without either
A.) Watch his baby get destroyed by Konami milking it with BAD MG games (I.E. Portable Ops)
B.) Quitting and trying to get hired by another 3rd party.
He wanted to stop making MGS after 2, and was literally, LITERALLY, sent death threats to make MGS4. Which was ironic cause MGS4 was easily the weakest story-wise (With Peace Walker and PO at a close second), and even gameplay-wise in some areas (Act 3 is just plain awful on both accounts). It was both too silly and too serious for even Metal Gear.
This game seems to be going mainly serious because thats how the ending of MGS3 would depict the rest of his life would be. All the amazing camp of MGS3 was building up to that heartbreaking ending that showed a miserable Snake who would soon become Big Boss. He is eventually gonna become a villain after all. This game is a lot less insulting to MGS3 in that sense, even if the camp is part of what makes MGS great. I still think its there though (You rescue Kojima in one mission, for example), just mostly in TPP as we saw from the trailers. So we'll just have to wait and see at this point.
Anyway, youre right, this game didnt need to exist (neither did MGS4...), but if Kojima had to keep making MGS to satisfy Konami's wallets as he cries himself to sleep with dreams of being able to make ZOE3, Im glad he chose BB's story, even if we technically already know it, because its interesting. You cant just read the story of Metal Gear, you gotta see its execution to truly experience it (caus elets face it, MG sounds stupid when just trying to read the events. The journey is just a simportant as the destination after all.
Plus Big Boss is a better character than Snake in almost every way. He's Snake except more personality beyond stoic and philosophical solider.
Good video though.
***** Not needing closure because its all just an illusion anyway was part of the main bloody point/message of MGS2.
MGS4 was balls story-wise because, not only is it subpar in a lot of areas compared to the others, but it just takes a GIANT crap on MGS2's (and even some of MGS1) much better and interesting plot.
All that magic crap in the past games?
(Which still doesnt bloody explain the Cobra Unit btw)
"Oh btw Zero is behind everything lol"
"Wait WU-"
It was insulting, and worse yet, it was an insult Kojima was forced to make on himself because of shallow and ridiculous fans.
No, its not a bad game, but its an extremely flawed one. One which is hard to play through again after playing it once (Mainly because subtracting cutscenes the gameplay is only like, wut, 15 hours?), and was made only because he was threatened to.
***** " it's his game, not yours lol sure it wasn't perfect but if you guys don't agree with most of the things happened in MGS4 is just your problem at the end of the day"
A) If one person finds a game to be unlikable or flawed it's mostly opinionated. You can't say it's stupid to do so
B) He mentioned a problem that's mostly a continuity issue, nanonmachines not working to make sense of the Cobra Unit. He also mentioned a poorly designed chapter of the game. How is that "It's his game, not yours" So now Other M makes sense because it's Sakamoto's game and not ours even when it has fatal inconsistencies with the Metroid franchsie? Again, BULLSHIT.
I'm assuming nobody actually said this already (could be wrong) But if you watch the rest of the credits, Solid (old) snake didn't actually kill himself.
The title is perfect.
I might be alone in this, but I sort of want to see The Phantom Pain go from the formation of Foxhound into a retelling of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 for its climax. To see Big Boss's first meeting with the Snakes, his full efforts in command of Outer Heaven, and his final battle with Solid Snake from the end of Metal Gear 2, by actually fighting Snake yourself as the player. It would be a cool way to justify Phantom Pain existing, if nothing else.
First of all, thank you for analyzing the GAME and not the price tag for half the video (Angry Joe), and second, I'm pretty sure Solid Snake is still alive at the end of MGS4. There's a post-credits scene where Big Boss is actually alive and stops him form killing himself. (Yes. You heard me right.)
Except even still, he dies.
That's no surprise, everyone knows that. You can't even skip the credits in MGS4, people who don't know that must've literally turned off the console when they finished the game
After this, Kojima should walk off from Konami and be an independent game developer like Keiji Inafune(Megaman) and Koji Igarashi(Castlevania) now. I love MGS, MGS4 made me cry my eyes out and believe me, I want the franchise to keep on going but.. I feel like Kojima should put it to sleep.
extrememonaXXX well, you apparently can read the future
I agree with this completely, I never wanted more big boss after 3. I hated portable ops and I doubt many people played if Kojima spent 40 mins at the end of MGS4 telling us the plot for it. To be fair I'm not even that enthused about MGS4 because it has a lot of pointless moments too.
Even the people that say keifer as big boss now makes sense given V's ending, it's like they completely forgot about GZ and the fact that he voices him there too.
Yay, you're back! I got tired of your old videos tbh ^_^
I will still buy phantom pain maybe. I think Kojima games releases a new MGS because there were so many people against MGR. And as kojima games listens to the fans here and there, they weren't encouraged enough to make a new one. But I can't wait for MGR2 :D
How did this video not show up in my sub box!?
Oh, and even though it seems like milking at this point, the game does look like quite a bit of fun.
This isnt the first voice switch that sutherland has come in to make akward, Armitage III did the same
What we need is Hideo Kojima making a different series, set in the 50s-80s, that ISN'T FUCKING METAL GEAR. He can go goddamn nuts! It's not like he's going to be in charge of Metal Gear anymore, let's support him making the story of "totally not big boss" so he never comes back.
+Sam E I think he's pretty sick of doing Metal Gear games, honestly. Dunno why he keeps coming back. Maybe he's like George Lucas.
Glad to see you've recovered.
Yeah, I'm not feeling GZ purely on a pricing standpoint and I'm not even getting PP when it comes out until it comes with GZ. I want the full game.
My main hangup with MGS now is who's even running the ship at this point. It's easy to blame Konami on this, but did they really strongarm Kojima into making it? From what I took away from it, Kojima wanted to give players a taste of PP by releasing GZ first. Which is fine, until the price comes into play. If anyone's got an article proving otherwise, I'm all ears, but I'm under the impression that this was Kojima's idea; not Konami money-grubbing.
And from what I've heard from him, Keifer fucking blows as Snake. Not that he ever had a fighting chance though. We've had 5 full MGS games with Hayter as Snake (6 counting PO), its WAY too late in the game to be doing this, especially with the main character.
"Can you imagine twenty years ago they cut off the tanker chapter and sold it for twenty bucks?"
Yeah. Cuz they did do that. Except it was the Tanker chapter demo, for sixty bucks, and it was bundled with a shitty game no one cared about.
What was the point there supposed to be again?
At least it was packaged with a full game. Ground Zeroes didn't come with shit and it was shorter than the Tanker chapter.
"sigh" I miss David Hayter as Big Boss already.
Me too buddy. Me too.
I'm still excited about the FOX engine.
Konami did release the tanker section of MGS2 before the full game was released... For free! Sort of. It was a free demo disc that came with every copy of Zone of the Enders. It was the only reason people bought that game.
As much as I like to see Big Boss' story play out. This is definitely an obvious cash grab. I was actually going to buy it, thankfully I didn't.