look at humanity look at the two paths ego and pride, humility and love look at what these non physical abstract things do to people as far as war and genocide there is obviously a very real and powerful underlying force to life why is it that everything physical and produced by man is victim to time change and decay whereas things lomke virtues and sins are permanent across all ages for example resentment and hatred has always been bad for you and always will be and when spread collectively leads to death and destruction love forgiveness courage humility these things are are good for peoole and can bring peace if there is no God than how can mere concepts be so permanent and play such a consistent and vital role in humanity
"If he (Adam) had never eaten from the Tree of Life, he would not have eternal life. He would die." Thank you Aron Ra for stating it using simple words that I can repeat. *(The serpent was the one telling the truth the whole time.)*
Wrong lol, Genesis doesnt say how many years they spent in Eden up to the point of the first sin, they were immortal, the nature laws in Eden were different than they are now. The certainty of death in life came to play as a punishment after they ate from the Tree. There couldnt be any death unless there was a sin... Why does Aron so blatantly misinterpret the basic story of the Bible ? I know cause he's a zealot for atheism, not truth seeking.
My father is a pastor, and it always confused me when he said that if Adam had not eaten of the Tree he would have lived out his life in Eden. Now I understand.
"If there was one God, an actual God, if there was one right religion, you wouldn't have hundreds of millions of people believing in a different religion." And upon Aron Ra's words, I rest my case. End of fucking story. That's all you need to know. Well said, Aron Ra. Bravo. Point on. Argument won.
@@redbirdofparadise7508 Sorry, but you're wrong. Jesus definitely cuts my lawn and recognises me when I give him a check every month. I don't know what you're talking about regarding a god. My understanding is that god's are fictional things invented by man. Can you prove there is such a thing as a god?
@@redbirdofparadise7508 I don't believe a spirit lives inside you or anyone. All you have are assertions and no proof. Boring. You sound like you are in a cult. Can you prove a word of any of these claims?
@@redbirdofparadise7508 So that just sounds like BS. Try living in the 21st century. You folks have been warning of this crap for thousands of years and never once has it ever been demonstrated. Weak.
Aron Ra is such a great orator especially when he is explaining scientific evidence against the fundamentalist / creationist Position. It's great to see him on MythVision. When it come to Jesus Mythisism Dr. Price said it best. "There may have been a historic Jesus but there isn't anymore.".
I do appreciate a good amount of his work. Not the anti spiritual stuff, that's handpicked from science skeptics. Over 20% of "Atheist Materialists" in the top science community are actually spiritual, according to anonymous (to avoid bullying and such) polling. Biocentrism, Monroe Institute, Dr. Eben Alexander, simulation theory, spliced DNA in ourselves and in wheat, etc. #Agnostic #AntiTheist
ATTENTION!!! JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!! JESUS IS COMING FOR HIS BELIEVERS AND FOLLOWERS!!! If the RAPTURE took place today, would you be left behind? Humble yourself to repent and Put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
One who thinks that humans came up with morality on their own is a complete idiot not to mention a pervert. Anyone that does not believe in an eternal fixed objective moral standard is a pervert. Because in your make-believe world pedophilia is only evil because it is a social construct. So if tomorrow it became a social construct that made it moral and right you would go right along with it. You might not participate but you would condone it which makes you just as guilty. Not every Nazi pushed the Jews into the gas Chambers or furnaces, but every Nazi was guilty that condone it. You see that's what happens when you reject God. You become a fool. I've got a few question for anyone that thinks that humans came up with the social construct of morality. 1. Was homosexuality wrong 150 years ago since it was considered immoral by society? 2. Was human slavery wrong before the civil war since in the social construct it was considered moral? 3. Was Hitler an immoral person because he murdered 6 million Jews? After all it was Germany's social construct. 4. Is modern day Iran wrong because they put to death anyone caught consuming alcohol four times? After all that is their social construct. I could go on and on and on. But it just shows you how hypocritical, inconsistent, and stupid people are when they reject God. By rejecting God you're rejecting a fixed eternal moral standard making morality subjective. Thus making everything an opinion which leaves you with the only conclusion that pedophilia is not inherently immoral. The fool has said in his heart there is no God.
@@mrandersong1 Man did come up with their own version of morality. One in which murder, rape, theft, deceit, molesting children, etc...., Are morally acceptable behaviors.
@@mrandersong1 Incorrect. It does go into detail on the moral depravity of man. However the main theme of The Old Testament is Jesus Christ. What man did in response was to blame God. So those who don't believe that God exists will attribute their immoral practices on God because it is convenient to excuse your behavior when you can blame it on someone else.
I'm a big fan of Aron Ra. He was one of the people who got me thinking about the other side of the argument after being indoctrinated from a young age. Because of this, I'm very appreciative of what he, yourself, and those like you bring to the table in terms of helping people break the mental chains religion places on them. Great episode and I love your podcast! Keep on keeping it 💯 as always
First I didn't like him when he was shown in the Kent Hovind debates/whack an atheist(I believe in God, but not sure which one he is 🤔😄). But this guy definitely had his merits, plus he points out lots of good stuff.
@@andymetternich3428 You might be missing the deceptions he is passing off as 'truth' in his speech! You need to seriously check in detail what people like this tell you because most of them misquote scripture, misunderstand scripture, and many of them simply lie about it with no moral conscience that they are misleading their audiences and probably enjoy it!
@@theonlyway5298 that's very possible. And I'm suspicious of all leftists/liberals for obvious reasons. But I checked some of his comments against actual Bible verses(in Genesis) and found them to be correct.
TRUE Christianity is hardly "shirking responsibility" , because we know there's a judgement day for EVERYONE , and we do NOT believe "all you have to do is say pardon me and yer saved" , we believe we have to TURN AWAY from wrong doing as best we can , and ask forgiveness when we fail , but we FULLY believe in "trying our best to be good" as REAL FAITH , not the phony stuff so many preachers advocate .... I understand where you guys become so skeptical , MUCH of Christianity is a sham for money .... Having said that , ditto for "science" .... NO ONE is ever going to "live on Mars" , but it rakes in the dough for NASA and Elon Musk .... Does no one understand what NO OXYGEN means ???? or 40 - 100 Million Miles Away means ???? It means "YOU AIN'T LIVING THERE" ..... Amazon doesn't deliver there either .....
@Theseustoo Astyages going to the moon and coming back , or even going to mars and coming back , doesn't count .... humans will never LIVE on a planet that has no water or oxygen .... Just try an experiment .... stay in your house for a month wearing an oxygen suit .... I could go on for hours , but for now .... Just do that ..... see how long you last .... I'll even let you cheat and eat a doughnut now and then , glass of milk , but you must never take that suit off and breathe atmospheric air ..... OR if you want to argue they could have oxygen filled homes , fine , in that case stay home and never go outside without your oxygen suit on ... do this for a month , stay inside ..... Death Valley is a million times more hospitable than Mars ... Humans will NEVER "LIVE" on Mars , ever .... As for "atheists in prison" , trust me , there's plenty of pagans and atheists in prison , but once there , they tend to think about God more .... The old saying "there are no atheists in a foxhole" .... Most people in prison have drug and alcohol problems , guess who uses drugs and alcohol to snare people and ruin their lives ??? Satan .... and he gets a lot of people with that , even Christians .... Kids raised Christian , but play around with drugs and alcohol when young , get addicted and their lives are ruined .... THAT is what happened to me , I am an ex-con from the 1980's ..... AND going through that has taught me something very valuable .... God is RIGHT , the Bible is TRUE , and the devil is a lying scumbag out to destroy people's lives .... EVERY person in prison should read Proverbs ...
20, 3, "Christianity is about shirking responsibility", exactly right Aron. So do you consider the catholics owning and operating 600 hospitals in the US shirking responsiblity
@Theseustoo Astyages The type of christains you mention that are in prison are checkbox type Of whom they don't even know what Jesus said Atheists are a very very small minority of course there will be fewer of them in prison
I think the Story of Adam and Eve is a combination of analogies of the loss of childhood. Before you learn about death you are immortal (in your mind). As you grow up, you learn about death and are confronted with your own mortality. The other part of it is becoming sexually aware. Eve gets lured by the “snake” and is persuaded into sharing her “fruit” with Adam. Now Eve has to start to worry about childbirth. Leaving the Garden is about growing up.
@@Timmeh_The_tyrant yeah I agree he’s admittedly an intelligent guy, when it comes to science for the most part, but when it comes to Christianity, Philosophy of science, anything that has to do with any branch of philosophy or religion for that matter pretty much, he’s pretty much the dunning Kruger effect personified.
Religion is for the lazy... god did it, so no understanding or studying is necessary...hurt someone ? god forgave me, no need to make amends with the victim of my actions. Is it any wonder people can be conned into this sh-t?
@@RamGilamar Ram Gilamar. . 4 days ago. . Richard Dawkins is a brilliant guy. Just a very uncharismatic guy aswell. . 1 like. I listened to Dawkins about a year fact checking what he said was disappointing
HopelessNerd. . 2 weeks ago. . Christianity is the ultimate horror movie. Human sacrifice, zombies, eternal torture, the whole works.. 6 replies. 10 likes. Here's one for your collection Jesus Honors a Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith 24 Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret. 25 In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an impure spirit came and fell at his feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter. 27 “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” 28 “Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” 29 Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.” 30 She went home and found her child lying on the bed, and the demon gone.
It was the discussions of Aron Ra that made me exodus from religion. Ive had 16 religions in total, and still was seeking answers for what's true. But Ive discovered that answers are not in religions. Answers are outside of religion. Back then, if people of old times heard Aron Ra, they would not believe. They havent even believed that earth is round. We are now in the modern times yet people are still blind to science, history, and even to what Aron Ra is saying. People choose to blind themselves even if truth is already right before their eyes.
Jerry Amaya. . 1 week ago. . I've been listening to Aron Ra for a while. He did an awesome yt video on the flood of Noah.. 1 reply. 8 likes. The Bible doesn't say every species got on the boat.. Its very common for AR to blow every thing beyond what is claimed.
@@yoseflopez5141 Well that is the English word It is doubtful it was global Not that many people on earth 4500 years ago and mostly very small area Aron just does stretch job then says it didn't happen. There have been other disastrous things that killed more people than Noah's flood. Actually Stalin killed more.
As I recall Richard Carrier's argument it was not that there was no apocalyptic preacher named Jesus, but that the Jesus as portrayed by the Bible is a myth or legend.
I like the idea that jesus was a travelling faith healer adding to the idea of his eventual return. As a travelling faith healer will always return to con the same people.
is he? Are you sure? What about the false things he says in this video, or do you simply accept everything that comes out of his mouth, as some kind of atheist preacher?
Whoever Jesus was or wasn't, his preaching against hypocrisy, corruption, abuse of the poor and weak,etc. That was what was important then. And that's what's important now.
I know what they are saying is true it kind of depresses me and makes me wonder why life is worth it 🎉 why not just end it there is no purpose my faith is broken and life sucks
@@jamesblack4411 Bless you, I suffer with depression I feel for you. It’s a miserable existence at times. Hang in there bad times do pass. But it’s so hard. Much love and light to you. 💙💙💙✨✨✨
Before Jesus could forgive us for our sins, we had to scourge him, crown him with thorns, spit on him, shout obscenities at him, make him carry a heavy cross, nail him to it, give him vinegar to quench his thirst and kill him. Hey! Then he could forgive us for offending him. Why does that make any sense? God the Father could not forgive us until he sacrificed his son. What lunacy is this? Before I can forgive you for offending me, I have sacrifice my child. What?
I get it. The common theology doesn't make sense. A better idea is that whatever it is out there that created us tried to reach our feeble minds by incarnating itself into a human body and then did something dramatic in order to get our attention. It seems to have worked in that regard.
I'm not sure if Richard Carrier would disagree with you Aron, when speaking of Josephus, he makes all of these points in, "On the Historicity of Jesus" and lists them as possibilities.
Who was Jesus? In a nutshell, he was a failed doomsday prophet; therefore, he was not God incarnate, he was not the Messiah/Savior, and he did not rise from the dead. According to ex-Christian biblical scholar & atheist John Loftus (along with many others), since it's true he was a failed prophet, then Christianity is falsified--period. Forget all the high blather about the resurrection. It didn't happen.
ATTENTION!!! JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!! JESUS IS COMING FOR HIS BELIEVERS AND FOLLOWERS!!! If the RAPTURE took place today, would you be left behind? Humble yourself to repent and Put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
When the comment about winter was made in Matthew 24, the discussion is between Jesus and the apostles. He's discussing what will happen on the day the temple is destroyed. He is commenting on a historical event in a prophetic manner. He is not commenting on "the end of the world" in a universal sense. He is commenting on the "end of the Jewish world". That is why he is saying that those who live in that time frame will be glad if it does not happen in winter. He says that the inhabitants of Judah will be driven to flee.
Number 8: Jesus did not say a physician is never accepted in his hometown. He said a prophet is never accepted in his hometown. Sound like these two guys were really Christians at one time.
Great video! I still remember being in catholic school in Bama and the hysterics over BC/AD becoming BCE/CE. It was an attack on the faith lol. How embarrassing to look back at myself now and know the history behind such matters.
Number 12: I have been a Christian for 30 years and have never heard a Christian say do not go to the hospital. He made that up. Be careful with these guys. Something really wrong here.
The reason I stop believing is one day, I was thinking why did god give us a brain and then have his messengers keep telling us NOT to use them!! And then I discovered Science! It wasn't wrong very often, but when it IS, Science IS happy to admit it! Now I'm happy because I can rely on science and they NEVER LIE to ME!!
Your discussion of Yahweh reminds me of a video that was put out by Dr. Justin Sledge on the Esoterica channel a few weeks ago. The video is called "Who is Yahweh -- How a Warrior Storm God became the God of the Israelites and World Monotheism." It's a fascinating lecture about the various cultures and deities that were fused in Yahweh's creation. It also brings context to the many contradictory depictions of God that we see in the Old Testament.
I'd love to hear Aron talk about the literature that was written contemporary to the gospels such as 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch, to look for dependence and primacy.
Christians speak of unconditional love but, say if you act human and "sin" that God who loves his children unconditionally will burn them in hell fire forever. I am a mother and I am human and there is no way in "hell";that I could send my children to a place without instructions and let them roll the dice with their souls ...are you kidding me I call bs
If you taught and warned your children to not murder because they would end up in prison for the rest of their lives never to be near you againbut they did it anyway, would you love them enough to let them suffer the consequences?
"It's impossible for all those pagan mythologies to be based on genesis" i'm suddenly reminded of all aron's discussions about the quran where there are said to be hundreds of thousands of prophets that all got misunderstood
Bren the Wizard. . 2 weeks ago. . The burning Bush? Oh yea that was in Genesis 420 😎. 4 replies. 18 likes. ❤ by MythVision Podcast They found the location of the burning bush the burn Mark's on the ground are still there.
Actually reading the Bible is something everyone in, at least, Western-culture countries ought to do. It's such a source of cultural references, literature, and so on. Also, it so puts you off religion once you read it with the detachment you'd read The Lord of the Rings with. I mean, enjoy the stories, which you absolutely can once you look beyond the awful style, and give it the same credence you'd give Tolkien's work. Great work of fiction with loads of interesting messages and huge influence on later literature. I love the way you guys make that clear.
Give it to sae credence that you would give Tolkien work . I'm gonna tell you the problem with Tolkien, he claims he wrote the Oxford dictionary and dwarf issingular and dwarves is plural . You wanna know what I say and the Bible says specifically, God hates dwarfs . Your turn .
It was an awesome show!!! ARE-on is a very knowledgeable man and the two of you did an excellent job telling us what you don't believe. Now tell us what you DO BELIEVE about the unfathomable mystery of life we are living. 😇
Every time I listen to these people it makes me feel like I've been delusional my whole life .thanks myth vision for hosting this man I've enjoyed the show
If I remember aright, "And Robin Hood in Barnsdale stood" has been a "tell me something we don't know" put down since it first appeared in the record of a trial in the 14th century, only about 100 years after the conventional death of Robin Hood.
What amazes me is how people who want to put themselves outside of Christian belief, will turn to someone like this, or anyone in fact, who will tell them something different, often telling them misleading claims and lies in the process, as the gentleman speaker in the video is in fact doing!....yet you believe him! He's making false claims in this video, but you don't even see it and probably are happy to embrace his deception.
That's why you don't take what one person says as gospel. That's where theists fail and is wrong at. You ask the people who are well versed in their fields. What you want to take from Aron is the topics that he studied in academia about paleontology, evolution, etc.
Finally we got to hear AronRa talk about his pagan spiritual experiences. I can relate. If you can discipline your mind to temporarily suspend disbelief you can induce supernatural feelings and experiences. If you're a charismatic personality you can lead others into experiences too, like preachers sometimes do.
Yes, and I think it is also about making one feel guilty as in the churches with their sermons, the music, and the songs. Make them feel guilty and they will keep coming.
It truly does not matter what he was; it matters what he was not! He was not the messiah (because he didn't bring peace), he was not God (because God is not a man), and he was not a prophet (because he lived several centuries too late). Whether he was a pious Jew, and Hellenized Jew, a non-Jew, or even if he never existed does not change the Noahide, Abrahamic, Mossaic, or Davidic Covenents!
There was an article in Smart News about how many Catholic beliefs came from pagan religion. Of course the rest of Christianity has ancient pagan stuff too.
This was a good interview but it seems to cut off with Aron talking about a small town in Mexico. Is there going to be a part 2 of this interview? I would love to hear the rest of the story.
Me too. I didn't want the discussion to end...so maybe it is still going on ? Ha ha...but yes a part 2 would be great. Maybe Aaron's dog started chewing a cable. Of course Aaron has a dog, which is god spelled backwards.
I gotta agree with Aron on this one. Jesus, the first century apocryphal faith healer. Like an ancient Kenneth Copeland. What I fail to understand is how these made up stories about the guy managed to get legs and become the Christianity we know. It's truly amazing how it transpired.
Europeans invade lands and forced people to convert usually by sword/weapons and killed people. Thats how it spread. Along with indoctrination over centuries. And they lied and tried to make it sound pretty and appealing. That’s why it’s as big as it is. And people can’t let go of old ways
Hey. I loved this discussion. I'm gradually deconstructing too! It's a difficult process at times! I totally get the fact that we can make ourselves see things 🙈 When I was a young child I clearly used to hear the sleighbells as Santa's sleigh landed on the roof of our house 🙈 and I mean I heard it as clear as day! 😅 ....crazy! But it did teach me that my mind can play serious tricks on me! The thing that gets me about Jesus is this..... If he didn't exist then why didn't anyone/many come forward and say so. The gospels were all written between 60 CE and 100 CE. 60 CE would be 30 odd years after the death of Jesus (if he actually died). 100 CE would 70 years. My grandmother died when I was 18...... almost 40 years ago. I remember her like yesterday and so would everyone else who knew her. I remember stories she told me. I remember things about her.... now, if I wrote a book about her life and most of it was fake, others would call me out on that. So how did they manage to keep everyone quiet? I realise there's a lot of myths that parallel his life but maybe the reason those myths replay over and over at different periods is because there's actually an important message in them for humanity? About the illiterate thing...well Mohammad didn't write....his followers wrote it all after his death. And back in the time of Jesus they had scribes... I'm not asking these things in an argumentative way...I'm open to learning Truth... Lastly, I agree about Religion being unbeneficial to humanity but Jesus for example, never once founded a religion. I'm going to check out Aron's channel 😊 Thank you 💚😊
Highlighted reply. heilige Einfalt. . 5 hours ago. . @ray salmon Jesus and Jarius are only existent in a book called the Bible. Zeus and Herakles were existent in even more books back then.. . . No the the disciples of Jesus witnessed what Jesus did. Besides Jesus fullfilled prophecies that can not be invented
First nonsensical point they stated is that Christianity is based on faith. You can tell neither one of these guys were actually born again Christians. Christianity is based on historical evidence like fulfilled prophecy. Your saved by faith.
I wanted to hear the rest of what Aron was talking about at the end, it got cut off. "the same reason there was this small town in Mexico..." ? Other than that great stream
OMG !!!! Is this a test to see if anyone watched the whole thing....because it didn't finish !! And while I didn't want this conversation to end...it would be great to provide the conclusion !!! Please put on a part II at the end of the video. Pretty Please !!
This describes basically my outlook as a fantasy writer. Borrow shit from all kinds of different stories and mythologies, mash it together, and call it a day. Honestly, if anything that's what keeps these stories alive. If a story doesn't evolve, doesn't change over time, if it turns into tradition (like religions do), the story dies. People don't understand it anymore.
The Bible didn't "borrow" anything , satan creates counterfeit religions with "sprinkles of truth combined with pagan errors" .... Satan knew what God had in mind for salvation in the Garden of Eden when God told Adam and Eve the plan of salvation in Genesis 3 - "15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." ..... Satan was right there listening to that prophecy too , so he set out to counterfeit "the woman , and her seed" with a false "Mother and Child" goddess worship from the start , paganizing God's truth ... The "woman" is NOT a literal woman , it's a prophetic symbol for the "people of God" , but satan turned her into a literal woman to deceive people into goddess worship .... The flood , there are tons of flood stories all over the world , they are all nonsense accounts of a true event except the Biblical account .... NONE of those other accounts describe a boat capable of such a calamity , ONLY the Bible does , the rest are all absurd accounts full of errors ..... The Bible didn't copy anyone , satan copied God's words into counterfeit stories , and this is why you guys cannot understand anything , your knowledge is surface deep ..... Moses wrote Genesis later , but that does not mean he "borrowed from others" because the knowledge of the flood was there LONG BEFORE Moses actually wrote it down ..... You fail to understand that part , even many ancient Chinese writing characters include the flood story , ie - the ancient Chinese character for "flood" is written as "8 people and a boat" th-cam.com/video/DA-AkJzpKmg/w-d-xo.html
11, 2, This describes basically my outlook as a fantasy writer. Borrow shit from all kinds of different stories and mythologies, mash it together, and call it a day. Honestly, if anything that's what keeps these stories alive. If a story doesn't evolve, doesn't change over time, if it turns into tradition (like religions do), the story dies. People don't understand it anymore. messianic prophecies cannot be borrowed and a nation is not a myth
@CONSTANTIN TUDOR PAISANU it's actually a level of understanding Bible Prophecy , has nothing to do with gymnastics .... do you know what's coming to this planet ???? I DO .... I'm watching Bible Prophecy unfold for 50 years , exactly as written .... you'll never understand the Bible if you think it's a "fantasy story" like Lord of the Rings
@@shure46 So you need to invent a second character to explain the impotence of the first character.Why is god so Impotenz and his Plans so easily altered?
@@TorianTammas God is ALLOWING sin to play out , so the entire universe can see WHY "God is God , and no created being is" .... Can you not see all these movie stars and musicians parading around like they are gods ???? They're not learning the lesson ... I have watched these people for decades acting like they are "all that" when young and rich , then they get old and die , usually dead broke .... Satan fools people into thinking "they are all that" , when we are just specks of dust in a vast universe .... No one "invented" satan , he exists , and why you see such horror on this planet .... God is going to fix this mess very very soon .... You need to understand "The Great Cosmic Controversy" to understand what's going on ..... Satan challenged God as King , Satan wanted to be King , He got "full of himself" just like these movie stars do .... God had to let this "play out" so everyone would understand WHY "God is King of the Universe and there can be no other"
If he knew anything about this prophecy he would know that was impossible . First is says the Jews would be scattered throughout the world,Jerusalem would be destroyed.The gospel would go to the whole world,then in the end times they would be forced back .They will rebuild the temple ,which will happen soon.Now we are in the last days.
@@wendymitchell8245And if the rapture doesn't happen, you folks gonna push for another adjustment, etc. I know you'll tell me to prepare for the rapture. But if the rapture doesn't happen when thia temple you are saying is built, then wake up and reassess your beliefs. Come back when your sober from all the Kool Aid
The only thing fearful about Aron Ra Nelson is how impressionable his followers are, who readily and uncritically believe anything he says without fact checking him
When children pretend they call it imagination. When adults pretend they call it religion.
look at humanity look at the two paths ego and pride, humility and love look at what these non physical abstract things do to people as far as war and genocide there is obviously a very real and powerful underlying force to life why is it that everything physical and produced by man is victim to time change and decay whereas things lomke virtues and sins are permanent across all ages for example resentment and hatred has always been bad for you and always will be and when spread collectively leads to death and destruction love forgiveness courage humility these things are are good for peoole and can bring peace if there is no God than how can mere concepts be so permanent and play such a consistent and vital role in humanity
When humans pretend to think deeply and wisley they become atheist.
I call it mental illness
"If he (Adam) had never eaten from the Tree of Life, he would not have eternal life. He would die." Thank you Aron Ra for stating it using simple words that I can repeat. *(The serpent was the one telling the truth the whole time.)*
U mean to tell me adam lived forever
Wrong lol, Genesis doesnt say how many years they spent in Eden up to the point of the first sin, they were immortal, the nature laws in Eden were different than they are now. The certainty of death in life came to play as a punishment after they ate from the Tree. There couldnt be any death unless there was a sin... Why does Aron so blatantly misinterpret the basic story of the Bible ? I know cause he's a zealot for atheism, not truth seeking.
ayo we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested
My father is a pastor, and it always confused me when he said that if Adam had not eaten of the Tree he would have lived out his life in Eden. Now I understand.
These two gentlemen are a great team. They should do more together.
Second that
Love both these dudes. Derek is a great wingman for everybody. Aron is one a few aces who doesn’t need a wingman but works well.
ayo we have various types of evidence for biblical events, if anyone is interested
These religions were created by people who thought creating fire from wood was magic lol
"If there was one God, an actual God, if there was one right religion, you wouldn't have hundreds of millions of people believing in a different religion." And upon Aron Ra's words, I rest my case. End of fucking story. That's all you need to know. Well said, Aron Ra. Bravo. Point on. Argument won.
Who was Jesus? He cuts my lawn. Nice guy.
SS 1964 correct.
@@redbirdofparadise7508 Sorry, but you're wrong. Jesus definitely cuts my lawn and recognises me when I give him a check every month. I don't know what you're talking about regarding a god. My understanding is that god's are fictional things invented by man. Can you prove there is such a thing as a god?
@@redbirdofparadise7508 I don't believe a spirit lives inside you or anyone. All you have are assertions and no proof. Boring. You sound like you are in a cult. Can you prove a word of any of these claims?
@@redbirdofparadise7508 So that just sounds like BS. Try living in the 21st century. You folks have been warning of this crap for thousands of years and never once has it ever been demonstrated. Weak.
Hey, I know Jesus. He just moved next to me. He is from Guatemala
Aron Ra is such a great orator especially when he is explaining scientific evidence against the fundamentalist / creationist Position. It's great to see him on MythVision. When it come to Jesus Mythisism Dr. Price said it best. "There may have been a historic Jesus but there isn't anymore.".
aron ra is a satanic deceiver
@Bobzilla at White House you fear god
@Bobzilla at White House cosmic soup
@Bobzilla at White House primordial soup of the pre tri ASS ic period
I do appreciate a good amount of his work. Not the anti spiritual stuff, that's handpicked from science skeptics. Over 20% of "Atheist Materialists" in the top science community are actually spiritual, according to anonymous (to avoid bullying and such) polling. Biocentrism, Monroe Institute, Dr. Eben Alexander, simulation theory, spliced DNA in ourselves and in wheat, etc. #Agnostic #AntiTheist
God I love the comments section on here. It's an education in itself.
na, its more like a south park episode when they had to get rid of walmart
Jay Santana ?
Watch out it's addictive
Straight with no sugar or chaser.
ATTENTION!!! JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!! JESUS IS COMING FOR HIS BELIEVERS AND FOLLOWERS!!! If the RAPTURE took place today, would you be left behind? Humble yourself to repent and Put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I think it’s far more beautiful and important the idea that humans came up with morality all on our own.
Yeah it’s called evolution.
One who thinks that humans came up with morality on their own is a complete idiot not to mention a pervert. Anyone that does not believe in an eternal fixed objective moral standard is a pervert. Because in your make-believe world pedophilia is only evil because it is a social construct. So if tomorrow it became a social construct that made it moral and right you would go right along with it. You might not participate but you would condone it which makes you just as guilty. Not every Nazi pushed the Jews into the gas Chambers or furnaces, but every Nazi was guilty that condone it. You see that's what happens when you reject God. You become a fool.
I've got a few question for anyone that thinks that humans came up with the social construct of morality.
1. Was homosexuality wrong 150 years ago since it was considered immoral by society?
2. Was human slavery wrong before the civil war since in the social construct it was considered moral?
3. Was Hitler an immoral person because he murdered 6 million Jews? After all it was Germany's social construct.
4. Is modern day Iran wrong because they put to death anyone caught consuming alcohol four times? After all that is their social construct.
I could go on and on and on. But it just shows you how hypocritical, inconsistent, and stupid people are when they reject God. By rejecting God you're rejecting a fixed eternal moral standard making morality subjective. Thus making everything an opinion which leaves you with the only conclusion that pedophilia is not inherently immoral. The fool has said in his heart there is no God.
Man did come up with their own version of morality.
One in which murder, rape, theft, deceit, molesting children, etc....,
Are morally acceptable behaviors.
@@John-uk8eo and that’s pretty much what the Old Testament commanded
It does go into detail on the moral depravity of man. However the main theme of The Old Testament is Jesus Christ.
What man did in response was to blame God. So those who don't believe that God exists will attribute their immoral practices on God because it is convenient to excuse your behavior when you can blame it on someone else.
I'm a big fan of Aron Ra. He was one of the people who got me thinking about the other side of the argument after being indoctrinated from a young age. Because of this, I'm very appreciative of what he, yourself, and those like you bring to the table in terms of helping people break the mental chains religion places on them. Great episode and I love your podcast! Keep on keeping it 💯 as always
I love this guy. Most of the other celebrity atheist turned into huge disappointments. But Aron Ra is the man
@@rogerandes8 yeah dude plus he's a metalhead as am I 🤘🏻
First I didn't like him when he was shown in the Kent Hovind debates/whack an atheist(I believe in God, but not sure which one he is 🤔😄). But this guy definitely had his merits, plus he points out lots of good stuff.
@@andymetternich3428 You might be missing the deceptions he is passing off as 'truth' in his speech! You need to seriously check in detail what people like this tell you because most of them misquote scripture, misunderstand scripture, and many of them simply lie about it with no moral conscience that they are misleading their audiences and probably enjoy it!
@@theonlyway5298 that's very possible. And I'm suspicious of all leftists/liberals for obvious reasons. But I checked some of his comments against actual Bible verses(in Genesis) and found them to be correct.
"Christianity is about shirking responsibility", exactly right Aron.
TRUE Christianity is hardly "shirking responsibility" , because we know there's a judgement day for EVERYONE , and we do NOT believe "all you have to do is say pardon me and yer saved" , we believe we have to TURN AWAY from wrong doing as best we can , and ask forgiveness when we fail , but we FULLY believe in "trying our best to be good" as REAL FAITH , not the phony stuff so many preachers advocate .... I understand where you guys become so skeptical , MUCH of Christianity is a sham for money .... Having said that , ditto for "science" .... NO ONE is ever going to "live on Mars" , but it rakes in the dough for NASA and Elon Musk .... Does no one understand what NO OXYGEN means ???? or 40 - 100 Million Miles Away means ???? It means "YOU AIN'T LIVING THERE" ..... Amazon doesn't deliver there either .....
@Theseustoo Astyages going to the moon and coming back , or even going to mars and coming back , doesn't count .... humans will never LIVE on a planet that has no water or oxygen .... Just try an experiment .... stay in your house for a month wearing an oxygen suit .... I could go on for hours , but for now .... Just do that ..... see how long you last .... I'll even let you cheat and eat a doughnut now and then , glass of milk , but you must never take that suit off and breathe atmospheric air ..... OR if you want to argue they could have oxygen filled homes , fine , in that case stay home and never go outside without your oxygen suit on ... do this for a month , stay inside ..... Death Valley is a million times more hospitable than Mars ... Humans will NEVER "LIVE" on Mars , ever .... As for "atheists in prison" , trust me , there's plenty of pagans and atheists in prison , but once there , they tend to think about God more .... The old saying "there are no atheists in a foxhole" .... Most people in prison have drug and alcohol problems , guess who uses drugs and alcohol to snare people and ruin their lives ??? Satan .... and he gets a lot of people with that , even Christians .... Kids raised Christian , but play around with drugs and alcohol when young , get addicted and their lives are ruined .... THAT is what happened to me , I am an ex-con from the 1980's ..... AND going through that has taught me something very valuable .... God is RIGHT , the Bible is TRUE , and the devil is a lying scumbag out to destroy people's lives .... EVERY person in prison should read Proverbs ...
20, 3, "Christianity is about shirking responsibility", exactly right Aron.
So do you consider the catholics owning and operating 600 hospitals in the US shirking responsiblity
@Theseustoo Astyages
The type of christains you mention that are in prison are checkbox type
Of whom they don't even know what Jesus said
Atheists are a very very small minority of course there will be fewer of them in prison
@@raysalmon6566 What is your point? It is a business endeavor like the Vatican bank and so many others. What us your point?
I think the Story of Adam and Eve is a combination of analogies of the loss of childhood. Before you learn about death you are immortal (in your mind). As you grow up, you learn about death and are confronted with your own mortality. The other part of it is becoming sexually aware. Eve gets lured by the “snake” and is persuaded into sharing her “fruit” with Adam. Now Eve has to start to worry about childbirth. Leaving the Garden is about growing up.
I like this,
Aron Ra is a huge part of my deconstruction we need more people like him
atheist equivalent to Kent Hovid.
You can’t take everything he says face value asked he’s just not accurate about a lot of things he says, but he’s really confident and forceful
@@Timmeh_The_tyrant yeah I agree he’s admittedly an intelligent guy, when it comes to science for the most part, but when it comes to Christianity, Philosophy of science, anything that has to do with any branch of philosophy or religion for that matter pretty much, he’s pretty much the dunning Kruger effect personified.
@@TheIndianTree I disagree.
I think we can all go home after realizing FAITH= lying to yourself.
How often has anyone stopped a person from lying to themself?
You can, with love. But yeah it's hard and there needs to be at least some goodwill or a modicum of honesty from the person.
Religion is for the lazy... god did it, so no understanding or studying is necessary...hurt someone ? god forgave me, no need to make amends with the victim of my actions. Is it any wonder people can be conned into this sh-t?
Aron Ra is one of my absolute favorites. Plus he's from Texas! I could listen to him all day.
He's not from Texas he just happens to live there
Texas, stolen from the Mexicans?
@@SqwarkParrotSpittingFeathers Nope it wasn't stolen it was fought for snowflake
@@SqwarkParrotSpittingFeathers By Mexicans do you mean the Spanish that stole it from the natives?
I said the same thing like a year ago ,that I could listen to him all day and he sent me a heart and cudos and kiss's.
I hated Richard Dawkins until I became an atheist. When I deconverted I couldn't get enough of him.
Richard Dawkins is a brilliant guy. Just a very uncharismatic guy aswell
I would agree with that. British upper-class syndrome.
Same here and I am an ex-muslim, I really respect his efforts now.
Ram Gilamar. . 4 days ago. . Richard Dawkins is a brilliant guy. Just a very uncharismatic guy aswell. . 1 like.
I listened to Dawkins about a year fact checking what he said was disappointing
@Sticky Steve
Be specific...
Christians say the similarities are prophecies to Jesus. They won't say it's just copying older tales.
Christianity is the ultimate horror movie. Human sacrifice, zombies, eternal torture, the whole works.
HopelessNerd . Not really. Muslims worked hard and finally manage to overcome Christianity.
Some babies even get their heads smashed against rocks by the decree and blessing of Yahweh! Hallelujah!
@Computer User
It's a version of the Walking Dead or a reality TV show.
HopelessNerd. . 2 weeks ago. . Christianity is the ultimate horror movie. Human sacrifice, zombies, eternal torture, the whole works.. 6 replies. 10 likes.
Here's one for your collection
Jesus Honors a Syrophoenician Woman’s Faith
24 Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it; yet he could not keep his presence secret. 25 In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an impure spirit came and fell at his feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.
27 “First let the children eat all they want,” he told her, “for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
28 “Lord,” she replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”
29 Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”
30 She went home and found her child lying on the bed, and the demon gone.
It was the discussions of Aron Ra that made me exodus from religion. Ive had 16 religions in total, and still was seeking answers for what's true. But Ive discovered that answers are not in religions. Answers are outside of religion.
Back then, if people of old times heard Aron Ra, they would not believe. They havent even believed that earth is round. We are now in the modern times yet people are still blind to science, history, and even to what Aron Ra is saying. People choose to blind themselves even if truth is already right before their eyes.
If a person beLIEves, then it must be true. Faith means never having to prove anything. Religion is for the lazy.
Have you found your answers?
The woofer is merely reminding you that God backwards is dog.
Weird fact turtledove is evodeltrut.
Atleaste we know dogs are real!
People worship gods. Dogs worship people.
I've been listening to Aron Ra for a while. He did an awesome yt video on the flood of Noah.
He did several actually from many different scientific angles.
Jerry Amaya. . 1 week ago. . I've been listening to Aron Ra for a while. He did an awesome yt video on the flood of Noah.. 1 reply. 8 likes.
The Bible doesn't say every species got on the boat..
Its very common for AR to blow every thing beyond what is claimed.
@@raysalmon6566 It does say two of each animal and creeping thing, but I'm pretty sure you understood his point.
Well that is the English word
It is doubtful it was global
Not that many people on earth 4500 years ago and mostly very small area
Aron just does stretch job then says it didn't happen.
There have been other disastrous things that killed more people than Noah's flood.
Actually Stalin killed more.
@@raysalmon6566 Okay.....wait. so.....I'm assuming that you're a believer?
"I'm explaining why your wrong, not why I'm right". Exactly thank you
Someone said "Faith is believing what you know isn't true."
Mark Twain.
As I recall Richard Carrier's argument it was not that there was no apocalyptic preacher named Jesus, but that the Jesus as portrayed by the Bible is a myth or legend.
Awesome! AronRa is an old favorite. Youre doing an amazing job w/the show, Derek,, niice!
"Belief shouldn't be something you do before you find the evidence. Belief should be COMPELLED by the evidence."
I like the idea that jesus was a travelling faith healer adding to the idea of his eventual return. As a travelling faith healer will always return to con the same people.
@@michaelbooth2890 ROFLMAO
I had no idea Derek was once an addict. Makes me respect him even more.
Yup... I think it was opiates and heroin too... vicious stuff... amazing that he was able to recover.
Aron Ra is spot-on with all his religious discussions. I really appreciate his work.
is he? Are you sure? What about the false things he says in this video, or do you simply accept everything that comes out of his mouth, as some kind of atheist preacher?
@@theonlyway5298What did he say was false. Please tell us all the things he said that aren't true.
If god hadn't wanted me to be an atheist, he wouldn't have made me so curious.
Whoever Jesus was or wasn't, his preaching against hypocrisy, corruption, abuse of the poor and weak,etc. That was what
was important then. And that's what's important now.
Well, he didn't really say anything against slavery or the oppression of women or the abuse of children, so....I'd say he was a man of his time
@@druidriley3163 Well Druid, I think he did speak up for little children and women, I'll get the exact verses if you like.
@@Ss17405168 Please do.
I love listening to Aran he has so much information. ❤️💙
I know what they are saying is true it kind of depresses me and makes me wonder why life is worth it 🎉 why not just end it there is no purpose my faith is broken and life sucks
@@jamesblack4411 Bless you, I suffer with depression I feel for you. It’s a miserable existence at times. Hang in there bad times do pass. But it’s so hard. Much love and light to you. 💙💙💙✨✨✨
Before Jesus could forgive us for our sins, we had to scourge him, crown him with thorns, spit on him, shout obscenities at him, make him carry a heavy cross, nail him to it, give him vinegar to quench his thirst and kill him. Hey! Then he could forgive us for offending him. Why does that make any sense? God the Father could not forgive us until he sacrificed his son. What lunacy is this? Before I can forgive you for offending me, I have sacrifice my child. What?
I get it. The common theology doesn't make sense. A better idea is that whatever it is out there that created us tried to reach our feeble minds by incarnating itself into a human body and then did something dramatic in order to get our attention. It seems to have worked in that regard.
Big fan of Aron and big fan of the show. Great episode.
The funny things is EVERY belief system is older than Christianity & Judaism. I Like this guy!!!
I'm not sure if Richard Carrier would disagree with you Aron, when speaking of Josephus, he makes all of these points in, "On the Historicity of Jesus" and lists them as possibilities.
Who was Jesus? In a nutshell, he was a failed doomsday prophet; therefore, he was not God incarnate, he was not the Messiah/Savior, and he did not rise from the dead. According to ex-Christian biblical scholar & atheist John Loftus (along with many others), since it's true he was a failed prophet, then Christianity is falsified--period. Forget all the high blather about the resurrection. It didn't happen.
All profits fell short in someway.
@@mj-7444 Der.
@@mj-7444 Doi.
Jesus was a real man but not a savior, he was a great teacher and the only person he saved was himself and we must do the same!
ATTENTION!!! JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!! JESUS IS COMING FOR HIS BELIEVERS AND FOLLOWERS!!! If the RAPTURE took place today, would you be left behind? Humble yourself to repent and Put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. ACTS 2:38 “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Came here for Aron. Staying for MythVision 🎉
Aron this is a supper good program thankyou guys I am going to send this t all my friends
When the comment about winter was made in Matthew 24, the discussion is between Jesus and the apostles. He's discussing what will happen on the day the temple is destroyed. He is commenting on a historical event in a prophetic manner. He is not commenting on "the end of the world" in a universal sense. He is commenting on the "end of the Jewish world". That is why he is saying that those who live in that time frame will be glad if it does not happen in winter. He says that the inhabitants of Judah will be driven to flee.
Number 8: Jesus did not say a physician is never accepted in his hometown. He said a prophet is never accepted in his hometown. Sound like these two guys were really Christians at one time.
Pinecreek next!!
Great video! I still remember being in catholic school in Bama and the hysterics over BC/AD becoming BCE/CE. It was an attack on the faith lol. How embarrassing to look back at myself now and know the history behind such matters.
Number 12: I have been a Christian for 30 years and have never heard a Christian say do not go to the hospital. He made that up. Be careful with these guys. Something really wrong here.
I personally saw some Christians who don't want to go to hospital.
We all need to think for ourselves. Put no one on a pedestal
Thanks you Derek for a great job you are doing.
Christians do study the Bible as well but generally they stick to Christian and apologetic sources and voila they find it's all true
"Same reason there was a town in Mexico..." It cuts off at the end.😢
I cried too. While I didn't want the conversation to end...I did want to hear the conclusion.
The existence of a small town in Mexico is a compelling reason in itself, of course 😜
Aron & Derek, my favourites.👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿
Aron Ra is a modern day Robert G Ingersoll, except with more scientific knowledge. Proud to be a Patreon supporter of Aron.
Great podcast!! I had heard about some of this stuff, pre-Jesus stories, but you guys clarify a lot of it, thanks so much!
Once they figure out not happening as foretold, fuks with them big ly, won’t accept a better alternative, reality, instead their egos declare war,
It would be amazing it Aron talked about the neuroscience of why people believe instead of investigate for the general public.
Excellent show Derek, and great guest. Bravo!
The Bible became my favorite book after I deconverted. One of the best fiction books ever.
The reason I stop believing is one day, I was thinking why did god give us a brain and then have his messengers keep telling us NOT to use them!! And then I discovered Science! It wasn't wrong very often, but when it IS, Science IS happy to admit it! Now I'm happy because I can rely on science and they NEVER LIE to ME!!
Your discussion of Yahweh reminds me of a video that was put out by Dr. Justin Sledge on the Esoterica channel a few weeks ago. The video is called "Who is Yahweh -- How a Warrior Storm God became the God of the Israelites and World Monotheism." It's a fascinating lecture about the various cultures and deities that were fused in Yahweh's creation. It also brings context to the many contradictory depictions of God that we see in the Old Testament.
I'd love to hear Aron talk about the literature that was written contemporary to the gospels such as 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch, to look for dependence and primacy.
The guy whose name Derek couldn't remember is Andy Thompson.
Yes. It's a great lecture.
I was thinking maybe Michael Shermer.
@@djfrank68 Pretty sure he was referring to this video: th-cam.com/video/1iMmvu9eMrg/w-d-xo.html
Christians speak of unconditional love but, say if you act human and "sin" that God who loves his children unconditionally will burn them in hell fire forever. I am a mother and I am human and there is no way in "hell";that I could send my children to a place without instructions and let them roll the dice with their souls ...are you kidding me I call bs
If you taught and warned your children to not murder because they would end up in prison for the rest of their lives never to be near you againbut they did it anyway, would you love them enough to let them suffer the consequences?
"It's impossible for all those pagan mythologies to be based on genesis"
i'm suddenly reminded of all aron's discussions about the quran where there are said to be hundreds of thousands of prophets that all got misunderstood
The burning Bush? Oh yea that was in Genesis 420 😎
Make my myhr the chronic... I wants to get funked up...
The only verse i follow!
@Salnsd Thank you for the suggestion! I will Make sure to read that one while on my knees lol
Bren the Wizard. . 2 weeks ago. . The burning Bush? Oh yea that was in Genesis 420 😎. 4 replies. 18 likes. ❤ by MythVision Podcast
They found the location of the burning bush the burn Mark's on the ground are still there.
I think we know who was burning the bush
Actually reading the Bible is something everyone in, at least, Western-culture countries ought to do. It's such a source of cultural references, literature, and so on.
Also, it so puts you off religion once you read it with the detachment you'd read The Lord of the Rings with. I mean, enjoy the stories, which you absolutely can once you look beyond the awful style, and give it the same credence you'd give Tolkien's work. Great work of fiction with loads of interesting messages and huge influence on later literature.
I love the way you guys make that clear.
For a secular read of the OT, be sure to visit Hemant's channel "The Friendly Atheist", where he reads a chapter a week with incredulous commentary!
It's mostly a history of war 🤔🤔
Give it to sae credence that you would give Tolkien work . I'm gonna tell you the problem with Tolkien, he claims he wrote the Oxford dictionary and dwarf issingular and dwarves is plural . You wanna know what I say and the Bible says specifically, God hates dwarfs . Your turn .
@P.B Amygdala2021 I subscribed about two years ago 😉
@@michaeldavis146 Dwarves are cool, aren't they?
It was an awesome show!!! ARE-on is a very knowledgeable man and the two of you did an excellent job telling us what you don't believe. Now tell us what you DO BELIEVE about the unfathomable mystery of life we are living. 😇
Pay, pray and obey.
Every time I listen to these people it makes me feel like I've been delusional my whole life .thanks myth vision for hosting this man I've enjoyed the show
If I remember aright, "And Robin Hood in Barnsdale stood" has been a "tell me something we don't know" put down since it first appeared in the record of a trial in the 14th century, only about 100 years after the conventional death of Robin Hood.
I just love your videos. I have been a Christian for too long and discovering all this is so great
What amazes me is how people who want to put themselves outside of Christian belief, will turn to someone like this, or anyone in fact, who will tell them something different, often telling them misleading claims and lies in the process, as the gentleman speaker in the video is in fact doing!....yet you believe him! He's making false claims in this video, but you don't even see it and probably are happy to embrace his deception.
That's why you don't take what one person says as gospel. That's where theists fail and is wrong at. You ask the people who are well versed in their fields. What you want to take from Aron is the topics that he studied in academia about paleontology, evolution, etc.
Finally we got to hear AronRa talk about his pagan spiritual experiences. I can relate. If you can discipline your mind to temporarily suspend disbelief you can induce supernatural feelings and experiences. If you're a charismatic personality you can lead others into experiences too, like preachers sometimes do.
Yes, and I think it is also about making one feel guilty as in the churches with their sermons, the music, and the songs. Make them feel guilty and they will keep coming.
It truly does not matter what he was; it matters what he was not! He was not the messiah (because he didn't bring peace), he was not God (because God is not a man), and he was not a prophet (because he lived several centuries too late).
Whether he was a pious Jew, and Hellenized Jew, a non-Jew, or even if he never existed does not change the Noahide, Abrahamic, Mossaic, or Davidic Covenents!
WOW, just WOW, thank you both so much. A wealth of information. Cheers
There was an article in Smart News about how many Catholic beliefs came from pagan religion. Of course the rest of Christianity has ancient pagan stuff too.
This was a good interview but it seems to cut off with Aron talking about a small town in Mexico. Is there going to be a part 2 of this interview? I would love to hear the rest of the story.
Me too. I didn't want the discussion to end...so maybe it is still going on ? Ha ha...but yes a part 2 would be great. Maybe Aaron's dog started chewing a cable. Of course Aaron has a dog, which is god spelled backwards.
I gotta agree with Aron on this one. Jesus, the first century apocryphal faith healer. Like an ancient Kenneth Copeland. What I fail to understand is how these made up stories about the guy managed to get legs and become the Christianity we know. It's truly amazing how it transpired.
Because of blood of martyrs.
Europeans invade lands and forced people to convert usually by sword/weapons and killed people. Thats how it spread. Along with indoctrination over centuries. And they lied and tried to make it sound pretty and appealing. That’s why it’s as big as it is. And people can’t let go of old ways
Hey. I loved this discussion. I'm gradually deconstructing too! It's a difficult process at times! I totally get the fact that we can make ourselves see things 🙈 When I was a young child I clearly used to hear the sleighbells as Santa's sleigh landed on the roof of our house 🙈 and I mean I heard it as clear as day! 😅 ....crazy! But it did teach me that my mind can play serious tricks on me!
The thing that gets me about Jesus is this..... If he didn't exist then why didn't anyone/many come forward and say so. The gospels were all written between 60 CE and 100 CE. 60 CE would be 30 odd years after the death of Jesus (if he actually died). 100 CE would 70 years. My grandmother died when I was 18...... almost 40 years ago. I remember her like yesterday and so would everyone else who knew her. I remember stories she told me. I remember things about her.... now, if I wrote a book about her life and most of it was fake, others would call me out on that. So how did they manage to keep everyone quiet? I realise there's a lot of myths that parallel his life but maybe the reason those myths replay over and over at different periods is because there's actually an important message in them for humanity?
About the illiterate thing...well Mohammad didn't write....his followers wrote it all after his death. And back in the time of Jesus they had scribes...
I'm not asking these things in an argumentative way...I'm open to learning Truth...
Lastly, I agree about Religion being unbeneficial to humanity but Jesus for example, never once founded a religion.
I'm going to check out Aron's channel 😊 Thank you 💚😊
Yeah Derek!
We all need to hear Aaron's Raar!! Representing reality 👍
Jesus is now and forever shall be the largest "crimes against humanity" that has ever occurred on the planet and nothing can change that.
Are you upset because Jesus raised Jarius daughter from the dead?
@heilige Einfalt
They are non existent
Highlighted reply. heilige Einfalt. . 5 hours ago. . @ray salmon Jesus and Jarius are only existent in a book called the Bible. Zeus and Herakles were existent in even more books back then.. . .
No the the disciples of Jesus witnessed what Jesus did.
Besides Jesus fullfilled prophecies that can not be invented
@heilige Einfalt
That is ridiculous
As your opinions have been
@heilige Einfalt
Great then disprove Jerimiahs prophecies concerning the seige of Jerusalem
I feel like I got smarter from just the comments alone
You need to do a show with someone that knows about the Serapis cult.
My husband and I were just discussing Serapis last night.
Jesus (Joshua) and Mary, the most common names. There were lots of both in those times.
Yeshu ben Pantera
First nonsensical point they stated is that Christianity is based on faith. You can tell neither one of these guys were actually born again Christians. Christianity is based on historical evidence like fulfilled prophecy. Your saved by faith.
All interesting counterpoints in your replies
Bart Ehrman too please
Love that you have Aron Ra. He’s the shit.
Aron, is a Hero!.......
I wanted to hear the rest of what Aron was talking about at the end, it got cut off. "the same reason there was this small town in Mexico..." ? Other than that great stream
OMG !!!! Is this a test to see if anyone watched the whole thing....because it didn't finish !! And while I didn't want this conversation to end...it would be great to provide the conclusion !!!
Please put on a part II at the end of the video. Pretty Please !!
This describes basically my outlook as a fantasy writer.
Borrow shit from all kinds of different stories and mythologies, mash it together, and call it a day. Honestly, if anything that's what keeps these stories alive. If a story doesn't evolve, doesn't change over time, if it turns into tradition (like religions do), the story dies. People don't understand it anymore.
The Bible didn't "borrow" anything , satan creates counterfeit religions with "sprinkles of truth combined with pagan errors" .... Satan knew what God had in mind for salvation in the Garden of Eden when God told Adam and Eve the plan of salvation in Genesis 3 - "15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." ..... Satan was right there listening to that prophecy too , so he set out to counterfeit "the woman , and her seed" with a false "Mother and Child" goddess worship from the start , paganizing God's truth ... The "woman" is NOT a literal woman , it's a prophetic symbol for the "people of God" , but satan turned her into a literal woman to deceive people into goddess worship .... The flood , there are tons of flood stories all over the world , they are all nonsense accounts of a true event except the Biblical account .... NONE of those other accounts describe a boat capable of such a calamity , ONLY the Bible does , the rest are all absurd accounts full of errors ..... The Bible didn't copy anyone , satan copied God's words into counterfeit stories , and this is why you guys cannot understand anything , your knowledge is surface deep ..... Moses wrote Genesis later , but that does not mean he "borrowed from others" because the knowledge of the flood was there LONG BEFORE Moses actually wrote it down ..... You fail to understand that part , even many ancient Chinese writing characters include the flood story , ie - the ancient Chinese character for "flood" is written as "8 people and a boat" th-cam.com/video/DA-AkJzpKmg/w-d-xo.html
11, 2, This describes basically my outlook as a fantasy writer.
Borrow shit from all kinds of different stories and mythologies, mash it together, and call it a day. Honestly, if anything that's what keeps these stories alive. If a story doesn't evolve, doesn't change over time, if it turns into tradition (like religions do), the story dies. People don't understand it anymore.
messianic prophecies cannot be borrowed
and a nation is not a myth
@CONSTANTIN TUDOR PAISANU it's actually a level of understanding Bible Prophecy , has nothing to do with gymnastics .... do you know what's coming to this planet ???? I DO .... I'm watching Bible Prophecy unfold for 50 years , exactly as written .... you'll never understand the Bible if you think it's a "fantasy story" like Lord of the Rings
@@shure46 So you need to invent a second character to explain the impotence of the first character.Why is god so Impotenz and his Plans so easily altered?
@@TorianTammas God is ALLOWING sin to play out , so the entire universe can see WHY "God is God , and no created being is" .... Can you not see all these movie stars and musicians parading around like they are gods ???? They're not learning the lesson ... I have watched these people for decades acting like they are "all that" when young and rich , then they get old and die , usually dead broke .... Satan fools people into thinking "they are all that" , when we are just specks of dust in a vast universe .... No one "invented" satan , he exists , and why you see such horror on this planet .... God is going to fix this mess very very soon .... You need to understand "The Great Cosmic Controversy" to understand what's going on ..... Satan challenged God as King , Satan wanted to be King , He got "full of himself" just like these movie stars do .... God had to let this "play out" so everyone would understand WHY "God is King of the Universe and there can be no other"
Is there a part 2 ?
"We are in the Last Days, We've been in the last days for two thousand years.😂😂"
Lol. He got me....
If he knew anything about this prophecy he would know that was impossible . First is says the Jews would be scattered throughout the world,Jerusalem would be destroyed.The gospel would go to the whole world,then in the end times they would be forced back .They will rebuild the temple ,which will happen soon.Now we are in the last days.
@@wendymitchell8245And if the rapture doesn't happen, you folks gonna push for another adjustment, etc. I know you'll tell me to prepare for the rapture. But if the rapture doesn't happen when thia temple you are saying is built, then wake up and reassess your beliefs. Come back when your sober from all the Kool Aid
@@IOverlord There are different views on the rapture. What is Kool Aid.? You must be American.
Star wars has a spaceship that big, it's called the Death Star.
If you actually erase everything in the bible what's left? 😮
You are, Aron. You're taking the message of reality.
Thank you for these videos!!
Jesus literally impregnated my sister. His last name is Medina though. Thanks Jesus.......???? I 🤔 think.....
Please provide the name of one immortal person, and I will become a believer that granting of immortal life is possible.
Prayer and worship are active. If you just sit there youre not gonna get much out of it. What do you do at a rock concert? Why?
Christian: I don't fear you.
Aron Ra: Then you'll die braver than most
The only thing fearful about Aron Ra Nelson is how impressionable his followers are, who readily and uncritically believe anything he says without fact checking him
@@paradisecityX0 Do you have any evidence of him stating an untruth?
@@paradisecityX0 ironic
@@rembrandt972ify This is just his historical illiteracy alone historyforatheists.com/2019/08/aron-ra-gets-everything-wrong/
@@adam346 It is, isn't it? How religious his allegedly anti-religious followers are
Seven generations of gods sounds more plausible to me.
You guys just refuse to believe that there were twelve Englishmen in the middle east 2000-years ago!
hey dipshit that was 12 American men in the middle east in 2000. And they kicked ass!
Always look on the bright side of life.
" It's impossible to convince people with facts when they cling to their faith for answers."
Keep up the great work. Love you all and thanks to all the freedom of speech. Peace am black and white one loved