My dad passed away a few months ago and my mom was left with the house. According to GA law, my mom is now the sole owner of the house. My siblings on my dad's side are trying to have my mom evicted from her OWN house because they think they have more of a right to it. These siblings didn't spend time with my dad. Didn't take him anywhere. But I did. Lmao, the joke is, in order to do anything, they need MY signature. Not happening. The entitlement of some people is just ungodly.
@@AngelDame17 thanks a lot. I appreciate it! Funny enough, they most likely will shit on themselves when they're dying. I've seen it before... not by choice.
I'm so sorry for yours and your mother's loss. I lost both of my parents within less than a year of each other, and many members of my family were horrible to me, (I'm the youngest of a large, blended family), even though I was fairly young (late teens) and had no where to go, they had ZERO problems denying me access to my personal belongings, and seeing to it that I became homeless. So, you and I both know that "family" can suck, worse than your own enemies. You stay strong, babe, and look out for your mom and yourself! Much Love, Light, and Strength to you!😘💖💖🙏🙏💪💪
Story 4: If that was in the United states and if the woman had been living in that house, then she has rights. They cannot simply kick her out and "call the police" if she sets foot on the property. They have to go to court and have her legally evicted. She has every right to be in the house long enough to gather all her property. The eviction alone will take at least a month.
That's exactly what I was thinking. There would be proof of residency and bills paid and nobody can just come into the house you live in whenever they want to, not even the owners.
We have those laws in britain too, but some people dont tend to look into their rights when under heavy stress .....such as threats of being evicted by a set of morons
@@PiscesMoon2You 1) that was just an example not a blanket statement ....fact is she was going through a lot more than that, given someone she loved had died, you dont tend to think well under stress 2) assuming its a legal eviction and that your landlord is a law abiding citizen it can actually be as little as a month (my last landlord gave me that) depends on circumstances if your landlord is giving you 6 months or its taking you 6 months to evict someone than something has gone seriously wrong
When my dad was sick and had a DNR, it upset me. I wanted him to try to hold on as long as possible. But I owned up to the fact that I was the one being selfish. I was selfish cause I wanted my daddy here with me. He did hold on and it was miserable. He lived a lot longer than he should’ve. Everyone is entitled at some point, but own up to being selfish.
I know exactly that feeling my daddy left in 2001 and I still miss him to this day, he passed on a full moon, and every time I see the moon I tell him I love him it brings a little peace at what I miss. But every thing I do in life my daddy taught me well
The same happened to me, I was an only child, my dad had cardiac disease and Parkinson's, and my mom had Alzheimer's... so all decisions were left to me, I held both of their medical powers of attorney. That is a lot of pressure. My parents died 4 months apart in 2004. I really wish we had had a family reunion before, I really didn't care if anyone showed up afterward. If this woman really cared about her sister, she would have wanted to see her while she was lucid. I think she was hoping to influence her inheritance, and I hope there was nothing.
Similar happened with my father. He was given ten to twelve months but carried on for the better part of four years - and that without life support - before we finally lost him a fortnight ago. He lived his way, and died his way. RIP, Dad.
@@harryboyes2812 So sorry for your recent loss :( I won't say the pain goes away, but knowing he lived and died his way will help. I still find myself accomplishing something, or having a question, and wanting to call my dad ;) (Don't know if you ever watched Grey's Anatomy, but there is an episode where Christina welcomes someone into a club you never wanted to be part of, the dead dad's club. I sadly welcome you. We are here for you.)
My mother passed away 4 years ago and her will stated her house was to be sold and the money split between me and my brother . My brother lived with my mother. My brother passed away 5 months ago. I have been in the process of cleaning up the house to sell it. The neighbor, who lives across the street from the house, contacted the City Code Enforcement Officer telling him to knock down the house. He asked her why. She stated she didn’t want the house sold to someone undesirable for the neighborhood!! He asked her why in her mind did she think he could just knock down someone’s house. She said she thought he could. He said NO! She was afraid I would sell to someone unworthy of living in her neighborhood!
@@TheKorfish And I would go out of my way to make that nightmare for her come true. Divide the house into a triplex for section 8 and tell her she MADE you divide it so there would be at least ONE nice renter even if there were also two bad ones.
Yes, thank you. That was just a story about a dumb girl who didn’t understand her legal rights. Like, at all. Additionally, the family had no right to enter the home she lived in unannounced. They could only do that if emergency repairs were needed and notification would take too long to prevent significant damage.
Since she was also paying the bills while there and it was her place of residence, they would've had to start the process of eviction. And if they were paying the taxes, they would've also been playing for the insurance if there was any. I'm sorry but I would've called family and friends to help me move everything I wanted in a day, after the cousin called. A few days after that, the house would've burned down. His greedy family still had the land. They'd be OK.
Exactly. Call the cops. But considering I have residency well established, don't expect results without an official 30 day eviction notice. Its disgusting how they took advantage of her grief.
The house was not considered "livable," so I really didn't have any legal leg to stand on. And I did pay bills/contribute to taxes, but none of it was in my name. It was my physical address, but I didn't have very much proof of that. More importantly, though, I didn't want to deal with it. I was actually already looking into what kind of options I had in dealing with some of what went on in the hospital he died in and was far from interested in investing what little energy I had in getting into litigation with a family that had access to infinitely more money/resources than I and had been lying in wait for years to milk that property for what it was worth.
3:40 I got one of those: my entire Dad's side of the family hated my Mom and said to my Dad that b/c of my Mom being 10 years younger than him, she was after him for his money. Both sides of my family were middle-class back in the late 80's and became lower-middle when the nation had that financial crisis; so NO ONE was rich --- my Dad would've been the 1st to say he HAD no money to steal. In fact, my Mom made more than him, but never boasted this. Fast forward a few years after they had me, that side hated me too b/c my Mom had me {conveniently forgetting the tidbit that I was DAD'S as well}; but both of them were insistent that I still attend the Family Reunions to get to know my cousins. Over the years, Mom stopped going to those functions b/c she got tired of the ridicule {which I didn't find out about officially till I was an adult}, I heard some of that from my younger 2nd cousins. One of them had said something about either my Mom or my Dad {I don't remember what he said to this day}, and I had gotten so enraged that I threw him on the bed, grabbed a pillow, put it on his head and sat on it with him underneath it. Another cousin tried to pry me off but couldn't do it, and when that didn't work; he got the boy's father {who was my 1st cousin}. The father pried me off of the cousin --- and I don't remember what happened after that. I even asked my Mom what my punishment was -- as I don't know if I was punished. I had assumed Dad had told her about the incident long before he had died; but it turned out that Dad never told her about it. At present day, after my Dad's death; that family still gives me side eyes, entitled phrases, and backlash for causing my father's death {which I didn't -- another story for another time} so I cut ties with all of them completely. If you're wondering about the cousin under the pillow --- he's still alive last I known; however he's scared of me and refuses to be in the same room as me w/o his Dad, his Grandmother {my Entitled Aunt that created this generation hell spawn}, or at least 2 other witnesses. Lesson Learned: don't talk smack unless you want to lay on your back.
Some family members of my father usually his younger sister, blame me for my father’s stroke and eventual death. You could say it’s true because he worked so hard to give me a good life and he worked too hard. These awful comments were coming from people that never came to help when I was caretaker for almost 2 years. So I feel you on that. This is also the same aunt that told a funeral director that he had no kin and he was cremated and his ashes flew back to Germany, never bothered even talking about his passing. It’s hurtful.
@Kris sy Sorry about the loss of your father and your terrible family members. Glad your cousin is scared of you, and had learned their lesson to not need with you (Don't blame them either for wanting witnesses). Lol. That last part about your cousin and witnesses made me laugh.
Story 1: Lol, imagine thinking that everyone is beneath you when you're not even the CEO. Story 2: That cousin is a clear bully, and that uncle defending the cousin's actions is disgusting. Story 3: "You clearly want her dead." Uh, the mom wanted a DNR, not OP. The aunt has been put in her place, and she can never return from that. Story 4: Look at how disgusting all those people are. Zero regards for OP's feelings, trash talking the whole place, and being absolute assholes. They are more likely to burn in hell than OP will. Good riddance. May their lives be cursed with tragedy. N will be laughing at their trash-minded ways.
So...... a little boy hits his girl cousin and his dad didn't do anything.......... so the f*** will happen if the kid grows up, beats up, and severely injured a woman. What will the entitled dad say then?
Not nothing. The dad defended the boys actions, put the whole blame on the girl and tried to have her banned for life from attending any family gatherings. I bet he would also have called the cops on his niece if her parents did not intervene on that regard.
@@roserocks1979 yeah apparently that'll be the response when the kid beats up his girlfriend and/or wife. That "boys will be boys" and "toughen up. It's not like he killed her."
@@ShadeSlayer1911 if done as a child my response after my kid beats his ass would respond with that whole "boys will be boys" b.s.. However if done as an adult with an ass whooping. My response? "Well he attacked me with a bat. I felt threatened and felt I needed to defend myself."
So, fun fact for the last OP. They cant do that. If they had called the police they would of told them that they can't remove her without an official eviction which takes a month minimum. Even if she isn't the owner. Even if your gf stays a few nights, if they have "personal effects" on the premises that indicates living there, even just a tooth brush, they have to be formally evicted. If they are there for more than 3 years (depending on the state) then squatters rights kick in and it gets even harder.
For that last story. Do evictions laws apply here? I’m pretty sure that landlord can’t walk up to you while you’re getting out of your car and say that you have 30 seconds to get all your stuff and leave before they call the police
Yes. On that last story, I kept thinking - call the cops... Get the relatives kicked out. Landlords can't just enter the property unannounced, or uninvited.
Hey, I'm the OP of the story. Eviction laws did not apply because (a) my name wasn't on anything and (b) the house wasn't considered a structure suitable for dwelling.
Jeez I'm seriously tearing up for the fiancé and saying goodbye to "their place". People can be so freaking malicious. In my religion, those with such wicked and hateful intentions and actions go to Hell, not those who simply live together before marriage.
Those people are such assholes they don’t even realize that ,what ever religion they have, they will go to hell for all their actions. In no religion on this planet such behavior is tolerated. But they also show me again why I hate most religions because those people mock other people and speak bad about them based on their religions believes. And god forbid that person has another believe then they have. Hardcore religious people are assholes to everyone who is not part of their believe system.
@@Manie230 even if the both people are Christians, they have to be apart of the same cult like group or they’re devilish (not saying it’s a cult, just that depending on which sect you’re talking about it can be cult like especially with the aforementioned ideology)
@@lukaseldenrust2637 yeah right I forgot. The group that split when Martin Luther said fuck the church is also seen as sinners from the other big Christian group.
Fun fact, the Bible says only God can judge people's souls, and if I recall, rendering judgement on people like that is one of the sins that pisses him off the most So yeah, if that religion is right, they ALL going to hell
Exactly, and I don't think there is a religion on earth that would be in favor of throwing family members out on the street to get money or blatant disrespect and mockery of the dead and greiving. "Living in sin" does not trump being deliberately cruel.
Its curious how a family that was being so horrible to a dead relative's grieving fiance was apparently some form of Christian (mentions of the dead person burning in hell for fornication). One would think that people who claim to believe in a guy who said "love your neighbor as yourself..." Mark 12:31, and “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, " Matthew 5:43 & 5:44.
@Game Plays 1230 Annnd? As far as I'm concerned, only one or two churches in my entire life has actually felt right to me. I've felt better sitting outside among the wildlife and in forests communing.
Second story reminds me of what just happened to my family just a couple of weeks ago: My uncle (my dad's brother) said like three months ago that he's feeling he's gonna die soon (he's been saying that for years and years) and decided that he wants to be buried in my dad's plot (Where I live there are like "buildings" where my dad, mom, grandpa and grandma are buried... and also a little itty-bitty-tiny detail: MY DAD PAID FOR THE PLOT!). And he decided he wants to be buried there because he doesn't have anywhere to go. But here's the twist: His kids (my cousins) have already bought a plot for him to be buried, but because he got mad at them (for any stupid reason) he doesn't want to be buried there. Fast forward to a couple of weeks where he decided to call my older brother and following conversation ensued: UNCLE: "You know, I feel like I'm in my final moments" BRO: "Don't say that" (Classic stuff we always said to him) UNCLE: "So, what did you think about me getting buried in your dad's plot?" BRO: "What do you mean?" UNCLE: "Oh, didn't I mention? I already talked to the people in the Cemetery and they gave me an estimate on how much it would be to add spaces for people to be buried" BRO: "Uhhh..." UNCLE: "So they told me that it would be something like $6,000 (which in my country is A LOT) to add three spaces, so I, my wife and cousin (his cousin) can be buried there" BRO: "I don't think..." UNCLE: "But I'm so low on cash, so you and your siblings (me and my bros and sister) have to take out a loan to pay for it and then I'll be paying you month to month until it's all paid" (Needless to say: He doesn't have a job) BRO: "I don't think..." UNCLE: "You're not gonna disrespect a dying man's wishes, are you?" So my bro decided to call us and tell us this... and of course we bursted out laughing at how ridiculous this idea is. My bro said that the plot is not his to decide, it is from all 4 of us. And that if he wants to build something, he will have to go through all of us (I do feel like a boss on a video game). And to finish his dreams: My sister just went to the Cemetery and said that the owners are US the kids of the guy who paid, so if they ever lay a brick on top of all the mausoleums, we will sue, and tear down anything done there. Hope you liked my Entitled Uncle LOL
Write your wills while you still have most of your marbles, frens. DNR is a heavy decision to be made but my god, a person with stage IV cancer, ALZ, etc, deserves to leave peacefully, without having MD’s pounding on their chest, applying electrical current and intubation. That’s just awful.
Exactly. My dad is almost 92. And while he has nothing on file, I have medical POA. I know he's ready to go. Hubby has stage 4 colorectal cancer. They've stopped chemo. I will probably need the same thing for him in the not too distant future.
Do not I repeat do not have a DNR unless you have a terminal illness. Instead have someone you trust to have your best interest at heart have your medical POA. My other wise heathy 76 year old mother made that mistake, after having a embolism after surgery. Her Doctor who was not there at the time said she most likely would have survived, and had Meany more year with us if the hospital staff hadn't followed that dam DNR
@@KneazlesKeeper less than a 20% of people over 65 survive CPR. The ones that do survive often have brain damage and die within 3 years. Unfortunately, TV shows have more than 75 percent of people surviving CPR regardless of age. This has skewed the public perception of cardiac arrest.
@@hazeltulip That study is of CPR in general; Both in patent and out patent combined. The meany adverse factors affecting out patent situations, heavily brought down the survival statistics. Also according to the American Heart Association poor CPR outcomes for hospitalized patients is more likely associated is usually with other advanced chronic illness than an easily reversible acute cardio-pulmonary event. Lastly: There is a lack of consistency with how investigators report survival after inpatient CPR. Some studies exclude patients made DNR after the CPR attempt from data analysis, others do not. Quoiting statistics without knowing the full details of the studies can “skewed the public perception.”
I’d March right over to the house to get my things and if they do call the cops I’ll turn it right back on them because for one thing, keeping other people’s things is theft and you are required by law to provide notice before evicting someone from a property. You can’t just tell someone they can’t remain where they live at the drop of a hat!
I'm guessing this was an unexpected death, and they probably had no will. Either that or it predated their engagement and her moving in with him. That said, yeah. She REALLY needed to hire an estate attorney and lay claim to that house. She rolled over entirely too easily.
OMG that cancer story is a literal meme. I remember seeing this ages ago. It was like Person 1: "Why is this happening to me!? I'm really suffering!" Person 2: "Let's not get dramatic here, I'm the one with cancer."
The third story could have turned out to a revenge but she wasn't thinking of that. I would have had the house condemned lol. Market value should tank and family gets a lot less.
That last story... those excrements who wanted OP out are so vile, so disgusting and so inhuman, that I can't even get angry at them - they're not worth even that. That's the kind of people I'd cut contact with and block on all social media, so I can forget they exist. I just feel sad for OP's situation and hope she can find solace and closure.
The woman in Story 4 rolled over WAAAAY too easily. She really needed to hire an estate attorney, lay claim to the house, and explain the situation to any police that showed up...
Altough you are right you shouldnt forget the state of mind she was in: the love of her life just died super unexpectadly and shes still grieving. She probably didnt think about how badly they mistreated her to do anything about it because she was still grieving
In the last story, I wonder what secrets the entitled family were hiding that they wanted to sell the house and the contents as well as throwing out the sketches...
If you let bad behaviour fester for too long, it develops into something worse or even into criminal behaviour. Too many people think violence, sexual misconduct, greed and immorality is okay to an alarming degree.
Without the cause of death being mentioned, that last story makes me VERY suspicious that greedy relatives might have bumped OP's fiancée off because they just weren't willing to wait for him to move out and figured that would mean one less cut when they sold the house.
I’m petty as F***. Not only would I have not talked to that uncle and cousin ever again, I would have grabbed the bat and hit my uncle and when someone asks why i did it. “I’m a kid I’m allowed to do that.” Now you should ban uncle so and so!
My sister lived with a guy for almost 15 years, he had cancer for the last two. His family wanted nothing to do with him (Unless it was to borrow or steal something.) They've been trying to take the trailer She helped pay for. Even the cops don't like them and have thrown them off the property a couple of times. Bunch of thieves and druggies.😒
Depending on where the woman & her fiance lived, depending on how long they resided together & if it was a state that recognized common law marriages, not only would they not have been able to evict her but she may have been entitled to his portion of the property's proceeds as his widow.
If I was the brother of the uncle in the 2nd story I would have gathered my family, packed up and left. I'd tell him before leaving to never try to contact me or anyone else in my family again.
Right after my Mother passed away about 10yrs ago my Aunt on my Dads side asked when I was moving out so she could sell the house. I told her I was never moving out as I bought the house from my Parents. Also my Father is still alive, and was living with me. Aunt D did not like this one bit, and said if I don't get out right away she was going to call the Police, and have me arrested for trespassing. I told her to go right ahead. I never did hear from the Police or her. When the information was shared with the rest of the family she got screamed at by everyone for being a heartless harridan.
The story of the lady dying of cancer reminded me of my dad. He was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and went back to the place he was living. I was there with him and I told the staff at the place that he is DNR. He went back on the Friday, and passed the following Tuesday. I was with him at the end. I arranged his funeral, had contacted relatives, including his sisters, my aunts. One of the aunts complained that she would be on holiday when the funeral was to take place, and that I should postpone it for a week! I told her, in no uncertain terms, that it was not going to happen, and that I would inform her of where the ashes were placed, so she could at least pay her respects at his burial site. The other aunt was pissed off because of her entitlement! He's been gone for about 8 years or so, and I don't know if the entitled aunt ever visited his resting place or not.
my great grandmothers children where like that family from the last story. i lived with her my whole life. they didnt even give us time to grieve. just get out. to the point they evicted us and i had to find a new home and some how to pay for it. they where in there harassing us with in days of her dieing. they banned me and my mother from her memorial service. this was the woman who practically raised me . vent over. that last story hit really close to home for me.
Sudden death happens. If he was robustly healthy and not under a doctor's care there was probably an inquest and, possibly, an autopsy. It was most likely just one of those unfortunate occurrances.
For that last story, if it were me, I would've been nuclear petty and have the house demolished before leaving. I would leave that family of zealots with absolutely nothing.
Honestly, a DNR is often the best you can do for someone when it's terminal as resuscitation can be traumatic + painful. When I start to get older or sick I'm definitely gonna ensure I have a DNR in place, as I don't wanna spend my last few moments with broken ribs in a hospital bed
Story 2 : "But he hit me with a bat!" "That's normal, even if he hits you with 12-gauge shotgun, it's normal, and you have to accept it because he's my sin and is always correct even if it cause your death"
I have a story similar to the last one. My Uncle lived in my grandma's house after she went into a nursing home. But after she passed, they did what the could to force him out and into a nursing home so they could sell the house. They chucked many things out that wasn't theirs to throw and stole things that didn't belong to them. How we know this? Well, a family friend who was with us checked the bins and they were full of my mum's books, and when we went to get a vase from my aunt that belonged to my mother, they said they didn't have it but tried to give us a crappy one they didn't want. We then saw my mum's vase on a shelf, so we caught them red handed and got it back. Jokes also on them as my aunt wanted my grandma's engagement and wedding rings. We had already gotten them and they are now heir looms in my family.
Leaving a property to multiple siblings is rarely if ever a good idea; asking for trouble somewhere down the line. But I'd have thought that OP would have tenant's rights and that the entitled family would have had to go through legal channels to evict her, as she'd been living there for a couple of years. It's a pity though that her fiancé hadn't made a will leaving his share of the house to her.
Story 3 the aunt was more than likely wanting to get the sister alone so she could somehow convince her to change the will before she died so it all went to her
@@agentmaryland1239 True. Wish they had married. One of the saddest stories I have read is Stieg Larrson's partner ( he wrote The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)... he and his girlfriend had lived together for 30 years, they planned to get married, but... he dropped dead after completing only 3 books, although he had outlined 10 in the series. He was estranged from his family, he did not like them at all. But since they weren't married and there were no children, she had no rights... and the evil family benefited from his very successful books, and made decisions about the franchise that he would have been appalled by. She also was forced from their home, with nothing. You are never too young or too old to protect your rights and your loved ones.
I actually have a brother that is a lot like the entitled cousin in the second story. He used to always try to fight me to prove that boys were stronger then girls, probably hoping to work his way up to our oldest sister, as I was just the youngest of us older girls. The problem was, I was a tomboy that had no problem throwing down, and our parents weren't going to take his side when he was instigating all of these fights. However, this did result in all of my younger siblings being scared of me and while my brother is better about his sexist mindset, there are still some clear indicators of it in his behavior.
Long ago I was sitting on the floor playing with my cousin. He was still in diapers, but functional, so like a year or two old, which makes me 5 or 6 at the time. This kid, out of no where, gets a mischievous grin, grabs me by the ears, and head butts me HARD before I can react. My grandmothers reaction? It was my fault because I was older. I should have known better. Kid went on to be allowed to do what he wanted, when he wanted, without consequence. Well, that is until he left home and had a real hard time in the real world.
Off, I feel that last one. I signed my current apartment into both mine and my ex-fiancé names. Though I handled all costs, and she just needed to cover food for herself and the dog. I was stupid and too caring. I wanted to give her some safety in case something should happen to me. Her parents sure talked about how generous and kind I was, until the day we broke up. Guess which parents suddenly turned greedy and demanded half of its value. Personal lesson learned after messy lawyers fights: Always write contracts with those you live together with, no matter what.
On the last story, the family were dicks, but OP and her fiance made some critical errors. When there is shared ownership of a house like that, you still need to have a formal written agreement like a lease that defines the rights and obligations of various parties. And if OP had even one piece of mail addressed to her at that address, the police would have kicked everyone else out, told them it's a civil matter, they don't handle forced evictions without a court order, and she would have had a nice easy 60-90 days to move out, without the rest of the family there, even in the absence of a lease. She was 26, probably didn't know her rights, and that was exploited during an emotional time when she was vulnerable. This is why you have an attorney, or at least legal aid (a lot of companies provide legal aid to employees as a benefit, but people often forget that). It's not he same as having an attorney on retainer, it's much cheaper and simpler. usually a paralegal who knows which pre-drafted letter to send in a given circumstance, but that's often enough. That 3rd party objectivity alone can help mediate these situations and help you retain some shred of sanity, since at least you'll know what to expect and what's coming next in the process. It's sad, her age was exploited. This is stuff that experience helps prepare you for, but for this to be her first experience and under these circumstances is rough. But I bet she never runs into this type of problem again. Hindsight has a way of becoming foresight, and she's going to be a lot more formidable when the next person tries to steamroll her.
In the last story I think there is a question in a few people's heads, what about the will, the fiance could have written his part of the house to his fiance and the family wouldn't have had any right to kick them out since they would have been a partial owner.
I have never jumped up the stairs so quickly when I heard my phone ring and had a feeling it was a new video! And ta-da! It's a new video from Darkfluff
That last one is almost the exact same story that one of my friends went through. She and her common law husband never actually got married. He died of cancer some time ago. Her husband's very Catholic family never acknowledged their child and she had to fight to keep the house they had been in after his death (they were saying that she shouldn't have gotten anything from his estate because they were living in sin).
I'm thinking the family in #4 is more mentally unstable than entitled. Either way, I'm sorry she had to deal with them especially during such a difficult time.
That last story really hit home for me. For the last 5 years of my great grandmas life my family lived with her to take care of her. We bought our own food and paid for everything we used including some things to make ggma more comfortable. When the time came and she passed all of her kids came over and before she was even buried partied and drank. They talked trash about my family and even took things that was willed to my family or that we bought since it was mixed in with everything. We were told that we had to be out in 3 months I was 12 at the time with 4 brothers the last of which was born 5 days before ggma died. My family has always been poorer than most thats not from a lack of trying. My dad for most of my life worked 3 jobs and was never home. He never really ate anything either. Anyway they did not even end up selling the house one of kids moved in.
Hey, I'm the OP of the last story. I just wanted to say sorry you went through something so similar. I don't think people that haven't experienced it can ever truly understand. It was so surreal... I mean, after that kind of loss you're just in this daze for a while anyway, trying to get your mind used to the idea that someone you love is just GONE. So to add to that the experience of seeing relatives of that person (and of you, in your case) react in a way that is so diametrically opposite to what you are feeling... it's hard to put into words. I hope you and your family are doing well now. ♥
That last story left me completely outraged and disgusted! That entitled family had absolutely no right to kick OP out of that house! And they had the audacity to say that OP and her fiance were "living in sin," when it was them who had the nerve to waltz into the house as big and bad as they pleased whenever they wanted. Every single member of that whole entire entitled family was the ones living in sin. Plus, they were doing all this for money?! Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and I'm pretty sure that house still hasn't been sold to this day.
During that last story, I was hoping OP was going to say they got married last minute or they found fiancé's will that left his part of the house to OP. How can people be so uncaring?!
The "Karens" are like wild male felines. Like Scar from the Lion King. They're vicious and hateful egoists that do not posess the mental capability of feeling remorse for their actions. They'll do anything, and would destroy countless lives if the end result suits them better as the current situation. They'd literally murder you for a net gain of a single dollar and no repercussions.
The last story sounds very similar to something that happened to me with my brothers when my dad died. It's been 2 years and my brother still refuse to talk to me.
To the entitled uncle at 6:30, just point out YOU are a kid too, and tell the uncle to let you swing the bat and hit him in the leg with it and then decide if that is an ''allowed'' child's game. Either way you win. He either comes to his senses, or he gets a very sore leg and comes around the hard way.
Something tells me the aunt in the 3rd story wanted to be with the mom so she could say something like "Oh, she woke up for a few minutes and said she changed her mind about the will, she left me _everything_ for being such a good sister!"
In my country, when a parent dies, and there’s no will, the belongings are split 50/50 between the still living spouse and the children. We kids signed a contract with our parents, that we surrender all our inheritance until the second parent dies. Because it’s more important to us, that whoever survives the other, can still have a normal life. What kind of monster disowns his own parents?
I've shared this before - After retiring from the US Navy I got work at the local Bullseye place working nights. I told my supervisor that I go a new job making military ID cards at $14 an hour, He let me know that I wouldn't be able to be rehired. Good. I've shopped there recently. He was fired for making people work "off the clock". Like the store - didn't like the supervisor...
Oh my god, that last story. If I was in that situation, I would do whatever I could to make sure those INSULTS TO ASSWIPES couldn't make a penny off the house, even if I had to destroy the house myself! And if any of them tried to stop me, they'd be losing money from the medical expenses.
That last story really pulled on my heart strings :( i cant imagine how painful that was for her. Remember karma comes back around in full swing so don't let it knock you out when it comes back to you.
Wow, the entitled Aunt story reminds me of when my mom was dying of stage 4 colon cancer and my older sister called to chat. Mama was exhausted from the cancer and the chemo and didn’t have the strength for a long conversation and told my sister this. My sister got mad and hung up on her! But then, she was always very selfish and entitled from what I’ve observed. For instance, she would send me a birthday card and write in it what she wanted for HER birthday! 🙄
In the last story, she should have said fine, call the police. The police would have responded by saying that they had to give her an eviction notice and allowed her 30 days to leave and she could have gotten a restraining order so they couldn't come to the house until she was out of it.
Story 2: I would've laid into the uncle if I was her parent, and also would've gladly accepted being banned until uncle grew the hell up and didn't let his kid assault others. Basically, sure! Ill stay the hell away! Why the hell would I want to not only put myself near such a neglectful bad parent, but subject my kid to that kind of person as well? Get stuffed uncle! You're a crappy person and lucky no one called cps on your neglectful entitled arse!
"You're gonna need something to spit out when you hear how entitled some people can be" As someone whose been reading and listening EntitledParents and EntitledPeople for at least 2 years, I've seen some really crazy stories (some can even fall on RaisedByNarcissists) and it hardly surprises me anymore. Spoiled people are really that common after all (although my town hardly has anyone like that)
Believe me, the “plastic horses” thing is not a joke. I am a collector and also competitive judge (yes we do show them at collectible plastic horse shows, and these are not MLPs). We have one vintage one-of-a-kind that alone has a standing offer of mid four-figures anytime we want to sell. Let’s just say it’s kept in the gun safe, no lie.
If having one last conversation with her sister is so important to the aunt she should come and visit the op's mother before she gets that far so they can have an actual conversation together rather than coming so she can cry next to someone on life support and probably not even conscious.
Listening to theses stories help me to find out that I'm a bit Entitled so I dropped it and I also left my friend group for 2 reasons.... 1 they are entitled and 2..... they are perverts
For all who are interested:
I wanna get him but I can't cause I'm broke TwT
Btw I love your videos
You have the BEST plushy toy - ever. I love that toothy grin.
@@metalhed3815 I would like the crying one it's really cute
You know depending on the state a person can own the house if they live in the house for several years.
There is a new movie named "Karen." Check out the trailer...
My dad passed away a few months ago and my mom was left with the house. According to GA law, my mom is now the sole owner of the house. My siblings on my dad's side are trying to have my mom evicted from her OWN house because they think they have more of a right to it. These siblings didn't spend time with my dad. Didn't take him anywhere. But I did. Lmao, the joke is, in order to do anything, they need MY signature. Not happening. The entitlement of some people is just ungodly.
Good luck shooing away the Vultures - Hopefully the human shaped ones don't poop themselves on takeoff like the birds do.
@@AngelDame17 thanks a lot. I appreciate it!
Funny enough, they most likely will shit on themselves when they're dying. I've seen it before... not by choice.
I'm so sorry for yours and your mother's loss.
I lost both of my parents within less than a year of each other, and many members of my family were horrible to me, (I'm the youngest of a large, blended family), even though I was fairly young (late teens) and had no where to go, they had ZERO problems denying me access to my personal belongings, and seeing to it that I became homeless.
So, you and I both know that "family" can suck, worse than your own enemies.
You stay strong, babe, and look out for your mom and yourself!
Much Love, Light, and Strength to you!😘💖💖🙏🙏💪💪
So sorry to hear that your dad passed.
Why would they need your signature? Do you have power of attorney over your mother?
Story 4: If that was in the United states and if the woman had been living in that house, then she has rights. They cannot simply kick her out and "call the police" if she sets foot on the property. They have to go to court and have her legally evicted. She has every right to be in the house long enough to gather all her property. The eviction alone will take at least a month.
That's exactly what I was thinking. There would be proof of residency and bills paid and nobody can just come into the house you live in whenever they want to, not even the owners.
We have those laws in britain too, but some people dont tend to look into their rights when under heavy stress .....such as threats of being evicted by a set of morons
An eviction can take as long as 6 months.
Yup. Poor girl though is stuck grieving and probably not even thinking about her rights.
@@PiscesMoon2You 1) that was just an example not a blanket statement
....fact is she was going through a lot more than that, given someone she loved had died, you dont tend to think well under stress
2) assuming its a legal eviction and that your landlord is a law abiding citizen it can actually be as little as a month (my last landlord gave me that) depends on circumstances
if your landlord is giving you 6 months or its taking you 6 months to evict someone than something has gone seriously wrong
When my dad was sick and had a DNR, it upset me. I wanted him to try to hold on as long as possible. But I owned up to the fact that I was the one being selfish. I was selfish cause I wanted my daddy here with me. He did hold on and it was miserable. He lived a lot longer than he should’ve. Everyone is entitled at some point, but own up to being selfish.
I know exactly that feeling my daddy left in 2001 and I still miss him to this day, he passed on a full moon, and every time I see the moon I tell him I love him it brings a little peace at what I miss. But every thing I do in life my daddy taught me well
The same happened to me, I was an only child, my dad had cardiac disease and Parkinson's, and my mom had Alzheimer's... so all decisions were left to me, I held both of their medical powers of attorney. That is a lot of pressure. My parents died 4 months apart in 2004. I really wish we had had a family reunion before, I really didn't care if anyone showed up afterward. If this woman really cared about her sister, she would have wanted to see her while she was lucid. I think she was hoping to influence her inheritance, and I hope there was nothing.
Similar happened with my father. He was given ten to twelve months but carried on for the better part of four years - and that without life support - before we finally lost him a fortnight ago. He lived his way, and died his way. RIP, Dad.
@@harryboyes2812 So sorry for your recent loss :( I won't say the pain goes away, but knowing he lived and died his way will help. I still find myself accomplishing something, or having a question, and wanting to call my dad ;) (Don't know if you ever watched Grey's Anatomy, but there is an episode where Christina welcomes someone into a club you never wanted to be part of, the dead dad's club. I sadly welcome you. We are here for you.)
@@caburg93 Thank you. I have not watched Grey's Anatomy, but I do have friends in that club, and right now they're being very supportive.
My mother passed away 4 years ago and her will stated her house was to be sold and the money split between me and my brother . My brother lived with my mother. My brother passed away 5 months ago. I have been in the process of cleaning up the house to sell it. The neighbor, who lives across the street from the house, contacted the City Code Enforcement Officer telling him to knock down the house. He asked her why. She stated she didn’t want the house sold to someone undesirable for the neighborhood!! He asked her why in her mind did she think he could just knock down someone’s house. She said she thought he could. He said NO! She was afraid I would sell to someone unworthy of living in her neighborhood!
What entitlement.
I would try to sell it to someone who she considered undesireable.
If the house were knocked down it would probably be replaced with a small apartment house. Several families of "undesirables ".
Undesirable is usually code for "I don't want any minorities living here."
@@TheKorfish And I would go out of my way to make that nightmare for her come true. Divide the house into a triplex for section 8 and tell her she MADE you divide it so there would be at least ONE nice renter even if there were also two bad ones.
Last story I would have drug out an eviction notice. She had legal right to be there for a certain amount of time to clean her stuff out
Yes, thank you. That was just a story about a dumb girl who didn’t understand her legal rights. Like, at all. Additionally, the family had no right to enter the home she lived in unannounced. They could only do that if emergency repairs were needed and notification would take too long to prevent significant damage.
Since she was also paying the bills while there and it was her place of residence, they would've had to start the process of eviction. And if they were paying the taxes, they would've also been playing for the insurance if there was any. I'm sorry but I would've called family and friends to help me move everything I wanted in a day, after the cousin called. A few days after that, the house would've burned down. His greedy family still had the land. They'd be OK.
Exactly. Call the cops. But considering I have residency well established, don't expect results without an official 30 day eviction notice. Its disgusting how they took advantage of her grief.
@@slackthompson9231 Dumb isn't the right word, try grieving and not thinking straight.
The house was not considered "livable," so I really didn't have any legal leg to stand on. And I did pay bills/contribute to taxes, but none of it was in my name. It was my physical address, but I didn't have very much proof of that.
More importantly, though, I didn't want to deal with it. I was actually already looking into what kind of options I had in dealing with some of what went on in the hospital he died in and was far from interested in investing what little energy I had in getting into litigation with a family that had access to infinitely more money/resources than I and had been lying in wait for years to milk that property for what it was worth.
3:40 I got one of those: my entire Dad's side of the family hated my Mom and said to my Dad that b/c of my Mom being 10 years younger than him, she was after him for his money.
Both sides of my family were middle-class back in the late 80's and became lower-middle when the nation had that financial crisis; so NO ONE was rich --- my Dad would've been the 1st to say he HAD no money to steal. In fact, my Mom made more than him, but never boasted this.
Fast forward a few years after they had me, that side hated me too b/c my Mom had me {conveniently forgetting the tidbit that I was DAD'S as well}; but both of them were insistent that I still attend the Family Reunions to get to know my cousins. Over the years, Mom stopped going to those functions b/c she got tired of the ridicule {which I didn't find out about officially till I was an adult}, I heard some of that from my younger 2nd cousins.
One of them had said something about either my Mom or my Dad {I don't remember what he said to this day}, and I had gotten so enraged that I threw him on the bed, grabbed a pillow, put it on his head and sat on it with him underneath it.
Another cousin tried to pry me off but couldn't do it, and when that didn't work; he got the boy's father {who was my 1st cousin}. The father pried me off of the cousin --- and I don't remember what happened after that. I even asked my Mom what my punishment was -- as I don't know if I was punished. I had assumed Dad had told her about the incident long before he had died; but it turned out that Dad never told her about it.
At present day, after my Dad's death; that family still gives me side eyes, entitled phrases, and backlash for causing my father's death {which I didn't -- another story for another time} so I cut ties with all of them completely.
If you're wondering about the cousin under the pillow --- he's still alive last I known; however he's scared of me and refuses to be in the same room as me w/o his Dad, his Grandmother {my Entitled Aunt that created this generation hell spawn}, or at least 2 other witnesses.
Lesson Learned: don't talk smack unless you want to lay on your back.
Some family members of my father usually his younger sister, blame me for my father’s stroke and eventual death. You could say it’s true because he worked so hard to give me a good life and he worked too hard. These awful comments were coming from people that never came to help when I was caretaker for almost 2 years. So I feel you on that. This is also the same aunt that told a funeral director that he had no kin and he was cremated and his ashes flew back to Germany, never bothered even talking about his passing. It’s hurtful.
@Kris sy
Sorry about the loss of your father and your terrible family members. Glad your cousin is scared of you, and had learned their lesson to not need with you (Don't blame them either for wanting witnesses). Lol. That last part about your cousin and witnesses made me laugh.
did they ever found out that fact she made more then him? Did they do anything after they found out? curiosity got me and I hate it
Tbh, I would have ripped a nice, juicy and ripe fart while at it
So you tried to kill your cousin. Lol and your dad covered it up with your mom. Sounds like a great guy.
Story 1: Lol, imagine thinking that everyone is beneath you when you're not even the CEO.
Story 2: That cousin is a clear bully, and that uncle defending the cousin's actions is disgusting.
Story 3: "You clearly want her dead." Uh, the mom wanted a DNR, not OP. The aunt has been put in her place, and she can never return from that.
Story 4: Look at how disgusting all those people are. Zero regards for OP's feelings, trash talking the whole place, and being absolute assholes. They are more likely to burn in hell than OP will. Good riddance. May their lives be cursed with tragedy. N will be laughing at their trash-minded ways.
You know what I hope for story 4? I hope it turns out that they need OP's signature to sell the house.
Since the cousin on story 4 wanted a new truck, here's to hoping they pull out in front of a semi the first day they have it.
So...... a little boy hits his girl cousin and his dad didn't do anything.......... so the f*** will happen if the kid grows up, beats up, and severely injured a woman. What will the entitled dad say then?
Not nothing.
The dad defended the boys actions, put the whole blame on the girl and tried to have her banned for life from attending any family gatherings.
I bet he would also have called the cops on his niece if her parents did not intervene on that regard.
But he was just kidding around,can't you take a joke.Boys will be boys.Or some other bs
@@roserocks1979 yeah apparently that'll be the response when the kid beats up his girlfriend and/or wife. That "boys will be boys" and "toughen up. It's not like he killed her."
Or if he took a bat to someone who will fight back. He's gonna be in for a serious awakening to the real world.
@@ShadeSlayer1911 if done as a child my response after my kid beats his ass would respond with that whole "boys will be boys" b.s.. However if done as an adult with an ass whooping. My response? "Well he attacked me with a bat. I felt threatened and felt I needed to defend myself."
So, fun fact for the last OP. They cant do that. If they had called the police they would of told them that they can't remove her without an official eviction which takes a month minimum. Even if she isn't the owner. Even if your gf stays a few nights, if they have "personal effects" on the premises that indicates living there, even just a tooth brush, they have to be formally evicted.
If they are there for more than 3 years (depending on the state) then squatters rights kick in and it gets even harder.
For that last story. Do evictions laws apply here? I’m pretty sure that landlord can’t walk up to you while you’re getting out of your car and say that you have 30 seconds to get all your stuff and leave before they call the police
If this happened in the United States then yes. Eviction laws apply.
Yes. On that last story, I kept thinking - call the cops... Get the relatives kicked out. Landlords can't just enter the property unannounced, or uninvited.
Hey, I'm the OP of the story. Eviction laws did not apply because (a) my name wasn't on anything and (b) the house wasn't considered a structure suitable for dwelling.
My landlord comes in when ever they want and they don’t give us any notice.
@@silkydecember I'm sorry to hear what happened to you in that story. Have you been okay since?
The entitled cousin is likely to grow up thinking it is ok to hit his girlfriends and wife. Ugh.
Usually how it starts, you don't correct it early on and they're bound to get worse.
That's mainly if that kid won't be imprisoned for murder.
This is exactly what I was thinking
until one of them breaks his nose with a punch powered by the rage of a thousand suns
He will punch the wrong person one day and wonder how he got in the hospital.
Jeez I'm seriously tearing up for the fiancé and saying goodbye to "their place". People can be so freaking malicious. In my religion, those with such wicked and hateful intentions and actions go to Hell, not those who simply live together before marriage.
Those people are such assholes they don’t even realize that ,what ever religion they have, they will go to hell for all their actions. In no religion on this planet such behavior is tolerated.
But they also show me again why I hate most religions because those people mock other people and speak bad about them based on their religions believes.
And god forbid that person has another believe then they have. Hardcore religious people are assholes to everyone who is not part of their believe system.
@@Manie230 even if the both people are Christians, they have to be apart of the same cult like group or they’re devilish (not saying it’s a cult, just that depending on which sect you’re talking about it can be cult like especially with the aforementioned ideology)
@@lukaseldenrust2637 yeah right I forgot. The group that split when Martin Luther said fuck the church is also seen as sinners from the other big Christian group.
Fun fact, the Bible says only God can judge people's souls, and if I recall, rendering judgement on people like that is one of the sins that pisses him off the most
So yeah, if that religion is right, they ALL going to hell
Exactly, and I don't think there is a religion on earth that would be in favor of throwing family members out on the street to get money or blatant disrespect and mockery of the dead and greiving. "Living in sin" does not trump being deliberately cruel.
Its curious how a family that was being so horrible to a dead relative's grieving fiance was apparently some form of Christian (mentions of the dead person burning in hell for fornication). One would think that people who claim to believe in a guy who said "love your neighbor as yourself..." Mark 12:31, and “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor[a] and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, " Matthew 5:43 & 5:44.
And this is why I don't subscribe to Churches as a Christian. Most that go to those things are hypocrites.
@Game Plays 1230 Annnd? As far as I'm concerned, only one or two churches in my entire life has actually felt right to me. I've felt better sitting outside among the wildlife and in forests communing.
I can't stand people like the guy in the first story. After he was gone everyone clapped and laughed!
@@Alibium look at me. I have a shitty work environment so whenever good things happen to someone else I don’t believe it
@@locusxe1411 ok?
@@Alibium I’m mocking you
The last story brought me to tears 😭 . I hope the girl is doing well and knowing that her fiancé loved her.🕊🙏🏻😌
Me too, especially her last words...
@FallenFarry 👼😇🙏🏻❤️🕊
Second story reminds me of what just happened to my family just a couple of weeks ago: My uncle (my dad's brother) said like three months ago that he's feeling he's gonna die soon (he's been saying that for years and years) and decided that he wants to be buried in my dad's plot (Where I live there are like "buildings" where my dad, mom, grandpa and grandma are buried... and also a little itty-bitty-tiny detail: MY DAD PAID FOR THE PLOT!). And he decided he wants to be buried there because he doesn't have anywhere to go. But here's the twist: His kids (my cousins) have already bought a plot for him to be buried, but because he got mad at them (for any stupid reason) he doesn't want to be buried there. Fast forward to a couple of weeks where he decided to call my older brother and following conversation ensued:
UNCLE: "You know, I feel like I'm in my final moments"
BRO: "Don't say that" (Classic stuff we always said to him)
UNCLE: "So, what did you think about me getting buried in your dad's plot?"
BRO: "What do you mean?"
UNCLE: "Oh, didn't I mention? I already talked to the people in the Cemetery and they gave me an estimate on how much it would be to add spaces for people to be buried"
BRO: "Uhhh..."
UNCLE: "So they told me that it would be something like $6,000 (which in my country is A LOT) to add three spaces, so I, my wife and cousin (his cousin) can be buried there"
BRO: "I don't think..."
UNCLE: "But I'm so low on cash, so you and your siblings (me and my bros and sister) have to take out a loan to pay for it and then I'll be paying you month to month until it's all paid" (Needless to say: He doesn't have a job)
BRO: "I don't think..."
UNCLE: "You're not gonna disrespect a dying man's wishes, are you?"
So my bro decided to call us and tell us this... and of course we bursted out laughing at how ridiculous this idea is. My bro said that the plot is not his to decide, it is from all 4 of us. And that if he wants to build something, he will have to go through all of us (I do feel like a boss on a video game). And to finish his dreams: My sister just went to the Cemetery and said that the owners are US the kids of the guy who paid, so if they ever lay a brick on top of all the mausoleums, we will sue, and tear down anything done there.
Hope you liked my Entitled Uncle LOL
Write your wills while you still have most of your marbles, frens.
DNR is a heavy decision to be made but my god, a person with stage IV cancer, ALZ, etc, deserves to leave peacefully, without having MD’s pounding on their chest, applying electrical current and intubation. That’s just awful.
Exactly. My dad is almost 92. And while he has nothing on file, I have medical POA. I know he's ready to go.
Hubby has stage 4 colorectal cancer. They've stopped chemo. I will probably need the same thing for him in the not too distant future.
Do not I repeat do not have a DNR unless you have a terminal illness. Instead have someone you trust to have your best interest at heart have your medical POA. My other wise heathy 76 year old mother made that mistake, after having a embolism after surgery. Her Doctor who was not there at the time said she most likely would have survived, and had Meany more year with us if the hospital staff hadn't followed that dam DNR
@@KneazlesKeeper less than a 20% of people over 65 survive CPR. The ones that do survive often have brain damage and die within 3 years.
Unfortunately, TV shows have more than 75 percent of people surviving CPR regardless of age. This has skewed the public perception of cardiac arrest.
@@hazeltulip That study is of CPR in general; Both in patent and out patent combined. The meany adverse factors affecting out patent situations, heavily brought down the survival statistics. Also according to the American Heart Association poor CPR outcomes for hospitalized patients is more likely associated is usually with other advanced chronic illness than an easily reversible acute cardio-pulmonary event.
Lastly: There is a lack of consistency with how investigators report survival after inpatient CPR. Some studies exclude patients made DNR after the CPR attempt from data analysis, others do not.
Quoiting statistics without knowing the full details of the studies can “skewed the public perception.”
@@KneazlesKeeper no, that statistic is inpatients only. I do know the full details of the studies reported
I’d March right over to the house to get my things and if they do call the cops I’ll turn it right back on them because for one thing, keeping other people’s things is theft and you are required by law to provide notice before evicting someone from a property. You can’t just tell someone they can’t remain where they live at the drop of a hat!
If the house was left to the spouse in the will; that should be ironclad in most cases if brought to a judge.
I'm guessing this was an unexpected death, and they probably had no will. Either that or it predated their engagement and her moving in with him.
That said, yeah. She REALLY needed to hire an estate attorney and lay claim to that house. She rolled over entirely too easily.
@@Dubanx that story is a couple of years old, it's way too late for her to do anything
OMG that cancer story is a literal meme.
I remember seeing this ages ago. It was like
Person 1: "Why is this happening to me!? I'm really suffering!"
Person 2: "Let's not get dramatic here, I'm the one with cancer."
That kid needs a counseling for anger management.
The third story could have turned out to a revenge but she wasn't thinking of that. I would have had the house condemned lol. Market value should tank and family gets a lot less.
That last story... those excrements who wanted OP out are so vile, so disgusting and so inhuman, that I can't even get angry at them - they're not worth even that. That's the kind of people I'd cut contact with and block on all social media, so I can forget they exist.
I just feel sad for OP's situation and hope she can find solace and closure.
The woman in Story 4 rolled over WAAAAY too easily. She really needed to hire an estate attorney, lay claim to the house, and explain the situation to any police that showed up...
Altough you are right you shouldnt forget the state of mind she was in: the love of her life just died super unexpectadly and shes still grieving. She probably didnt think about how badly they mistreated her to do anything about it because she was still grieving
In the last story, I wonder what secrets the entitled family were hiding that they wanted to sell the house and the contents as well as throwing out the sketches...
If you let bad behaviour fester for too long, it develops into something worse or even into criminal behaviour. Too many people think violence, sexual misconduct, greed and immorality is okay to an alarming degree.
Without the cause of death being mentioned, that last story makes me VERY suspicious that greedy relatives might have bumped OP's fiancée off because they just weren't willing to wait for him to move out and figured that would mean one less cut when they sold the house.
for the last story OP should have torched the place if OP cant have it no one can
With all those entitled aholes inside
@@TheEternalDreamer that would be sweet as a toberlone bar if she did it with the entitled people inside
I wonder what happened the first time the boy decided to hit his dad with a bat. "Hes just playing" 🤔
Day #25 of telling fluff he’s beautiful too
Day #6 of telling stevo he’s beautiful
So sad that op got banned from her family home due entitled Karens n Kens
I’m petty as F***. Not only would I have not talked to that uncle and cousin ever again, I would have grabbed the bat and hit my uncle and when someone asks why i did it. “I’m a kid I’m allowed to do that.” Now you should ban uncle so and so!
My sister lived with a guy for almost 15 years, he had cancer for the last two. His family wanted nothing to do with him (Unless it was to borrow or steal something.) They've been trying to take the trailer She helped pay for. Even the cops don't like them and have thrown them off the property a couple of times. Bunch of thieves and druggies.😒
Depending on where the woman & her fiance lived, depending on how long they resided together & if it was a state that recognized common law marriages, not only would they not have been able to evict her but she may have been entitled to his portion of the property's proceeds as his widow.
If I was the brother of the uncle in the 2nd story I would have gathered my family, packed up and left. I'd tell him before leaving to never try to contact me or anyone else in my family again.
Family of swine
Right after my Mother passed away about 10yrs ago my Aunt on my Dads side asked when I was moving out so she could sell the house. I told her I was never moving out as I bought the house from my Parents. Also my Father is still alive, and was living with me. Aunt D did not like this one bit, and said if I don't get out right away she was going to call the Police, and have me arrested for trespassing. I told her to go right ahead. I never did hear from the Police or her. When the information was shared with the rest of the family she got screamed at by everyone for being a heartless harridan.
The story of the lady dying of cancer reminded me of my dad. He was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, and went back to the place he was living. I was there with him and I told the staff at the place that he is DNR. He went back on the Friday, and passed the following Tuesday. I was with him at the end. I arranged his funeral, had contacted relatives, including his sisters, my aunts.
One of the aunts complained that she would be on holiday when the funeral was to take place, and that I should postpone it for a week! I told her, in no uncertain terms, that it was not going to happen, and that I would inform her of where the ashes were placed, so she could at least pay her respects at his burial site. The other aunt was pissed off because of her entitlement!
He's been gone for about 8 years or so, and I don't know if the entitled aunt ever visited his resting place or not.
my great grandmothers children where like that family from the last story. i lived with her my whole life. they didnt even give us time to grieve. just get out. to the point they evicted us and i had to find a new home and some how to pay for it. they where in there harassing us with in days of her dieing. they banned me and my mother from her memorial service. this was the woman who practically raised me . vent over. that last story hit really close to home for me.
Fourth story: Why the cousin's words made me worry? He said he died all of the sudden and he was fine days ago. There's something fishy there.
Sudden death happens. If he was robustly healthy and not under a doctor's care there was probably an inquest and, possibly, an autopsy. It was most likely just one of those unfortunate occurrances.
@@johnopalko5223 and besides, instead of grieving they were beaming with happiness, like if their plans have succeded.
OP here... As awful as they were, they weren't responsible for his death. There's a nurse that I still blame, but that's a whooole other story!
For that last story, if it were me, I would've been nuclear petty and have the house demolished before leaving. I would leave that family of zealots with absolutely nothing.
Honestly, a DNR is often the best you can do for someone when it's terminal as resuscitation can be traumatic + painful. When I start to get older or sick I'm definitely gonna ensure I have a DNR in place, as I don't wanna spend my last few moments with broken ribs in a hospital bed
In story #3, that woman was still of 'sound mind' and sure gave a piece of it to her entitled sister, even if it was from her death bed.
I got the darkfluff plushy and i love it 😍
Story 2 :
"But he hit me with a bat!"
"That's normal, even if he hits you with 12-gauge shotgun, it's normal, and you have to accept it because he's my sin and is always correct even if it cause your death"
I have a story similar to the last one. My Uncle lived in my grandma's house after she went into a nursing home. But after she passed, they did what the could to force him out and into a nursing home so they could sell the house. They chucked many things out that wasn't theirs to throw and stole things that didn't belong to them. How we know this? Well, a family friend who was with us checked the bins and they were full of my mum's books, and when we went to get a vase from my aunt that belonged to my mother, they said they didn't have it but tried to give us a crappy one they didn't want. We then saw my mum's vase on a shelf, so we caught them red handed and got it back.
Jokes also on them as my aunt wanted my grandma's engagement and wedding rings. We had already gotten them and they are now heir looms in my family.
Leaving a property to multiple siblings is rarely if ever a good idea; asking for trouble somewhere down the line. But I'd have thought that OP would have tenant's rights and that the entitled family would have had to go through legal channels to evict her, as she'd been living there for a couple of years. It's a pity though that her fiancé hadn't made a will leaving his share of the house to her.
If I hit my older cousin with a bat for some reason, I'd get thrown out a window.
The mother of that OP with that entitled aunt deserves a salute! She dropped that BOMB hard!
Story 3 the aunt was more than likely wanting to get the sister alone so she could somehow convince her to change the will before she died so it all went to her
I hear this a lot.
Well here goes. I am disabled and consider myself entitled to that which I have paid for/earned. That and nothing more.
I am sorry he didn't have a will leaving her everything that was his. That would have thrown a monkey wrench in their plans.
Sadly most people don't start considering a will until they're in their 50's, this guy was 35 and it clearly came out of nowhere.
@@agentmaryland1239 True. Wish they had married. One of the saddest stories I have read is Stieg Larrson's partner ( he wrote The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)... he and his girlfriend had lived together for 30 years, they planned to get married, but... he dropped dead after completing only 3 books, although he had outlined 10 in the series. He was estranged from his family, he did not like them at all. But since they weren't married and there were no children, she had no rights... and the evil family benefited from his very successful books, and made decisions about the franchise that he would have been appalled by. She also was forced from their home, with nothing. You are never too young or too old to protect your rights and your loved ones.
Hearing these stories gives me an idea why there's a COVID-19 pandemic - to cleanse the world of entitled & nasty people.
Could use some nuclear revenge after hearing that last story jesus
No kidding
I would be tempted to drop a lighted match on the way out the door.
I feel so sad for the young lady with the fiancée who died. Warm hugs and prayers for a better future.
I actually have a brother that is a lot like the entitled cousin in the second story. He used to always try to fight me to prove that boys were stronger then girls, probably hoping to work his way up to our oldest sister, as I was just the youngest of us older girls. The problem was, I was a tomboy that had no problem throwing down, and our parents weren't going to take his side when he was instigating all of these fights. However, this did result in all of my younger siblings being scared of me and while my brother is better about his sexist mindset, there are still some clear indicators of it in his behavior.
Long ago I was sitting on the floor playing with my cousin. He was still in diapers, but functional, so like a year or two old, which makes me 5 or 6 at the time. This kid, out of no where, gets a mischievous grin, grabs me by the ears, and head butts me HARD before I can react. My grandmothers reaction? It was my fault because I was older. I should have known better. Kid went on to be allowed to do what he wanted, when he wanted, without consequence. Well, that is until he left home and had a real hard time in the real world.
Off, I feel that last one.
I signed my current apartment into both mine and my ex-fiancé names. Though I handled all costs, and she just needed to cover food for herself and the dog.
I was stupid and too caring. I wanted to give her some safety in case something should happen to me.
Her parents sure talked about how generous and kind I was, until the day we broke up.
Guess which parents suddenly turned greedy and demanded half of its value.
Personal lesson learned after messy lawyers fights: Always write contracts with those you live together with, no matter what.
Story 4 - I misheard and thought Darkfluff read, 'gravity is not my strong point,' and wondered how the hell that would work out? 🤣🤣
On the last story, the family were dicks, but OP and her fiance made some critical errors. When there is shared ownership of a house like that, you still need to have a formal written agreement like a lease that defines the rights and obligations of various parties. And if OP had even one piece of mail addressed to her at that address, the police would have kicked everyone else out, told them it's a civil matter, they don't handle forced evictions without a court order, and she would have had a nice easy 60-90 days to move out, without the rest of the family there, even in the absence of a lease. She was 26, probably didn't know her rights, and that was exploited during an emotional time when she was vulnerable. This is why you have an attorney, or at least legal aid (a lot of companies provide legal aid to employees as a benefit, but people often forget that). It's not he same as having an attorney on retainer, it's much cheaper and simpler. usually a paralegal who knows which pre-drafted letter to send in a given circumstance, but that's often enough. That 3rd party objectivity alone can help mediate these situations and help you retain some shred of sanity, since at least you'll know what to expect and what's coming next in the process. It's sad, her age was exploited. This is stuff that experience helps prepare you for, but for this to be her first experience and under these circumstances is rough. But I bet she never runs into this type of problem again. Hindsight has a way of becoming foresight, and she's going to be a lot more formidable when the next person tries to steamroll her.
In the last story I think there is a question in a few people's heads, what about the will, the fiance could have written his part of the house to his fiance and the family wouldn't have had any right to kick them out since they would have been a partial owner.
@@pippo17173 yeah, I can see that.
I have never jumped up the stairs so quickly when I heard my phone ring and had a feeling it was a new video! And ta-da! It's a new video from Darkfluff
For that last story. I’d ask for an investigation into his death. They seemed too happy and it seemed too sudden.
That last one is almost the exact same story that one of my friends went through. She and her common law husband never actually got married. He died of cancer some time ago. Her husband's very Catholic family never acknowledged their child and she had to fight to keep the house they had been in after his death (they were saying that she shouldn't have gotten anything from his estate because they were living in sin).
I'm thinking the family in #4 is more mentally unstable than entitled. Either way, I'm sorry she had to deal with them especially during such a difficult time.
Dying folks have no more sh*ts to give - and that's how it should be. I'm glad she laid down the law.
Him: hello my wonderful, beautiful friends.
Me: well thank you
17:38 They say OP and fiance were living in sin, but they don't think it's a sin to treat human beings like garbage?
I don’t know about the rest of you but the way everyone talks about the fiancé’s death in the last story I think the family planned his death
That last story really hit home for me. For the last 5 years of my great grandmas life my family lived with her to take care of her. We bought our own food and paid for everything we used including some things to make ggma more comfortable. When the time came and she passed all of her kids came over and before she was even buried partied and drank. They talked trash about my family and even took things that was willed to my family or that we bought since it was mixed in with everything. We were told that we had to be out in 3 months I was 12 at the time with 4 brothers the last of which was born 5 days before ggma died. My family has always been poorer than most thats not from a lack of trying. My dad for most of my life worked 3 jobs and was never home. He never really ate anything either. Anyway they did not even end up selling the house one of kids moved in.
Hey, I'm the OP of the last story. I just wanted to say sorry you went through something so similar. I don't think people that haven't experienced it can ever truly understand. It was so surreal... I mean, after that kind of loss you're just in this daze for a while anyway, trying to get your mind used to the idea that someone you love is just GONE. So to add to that the experience of seeing relatives of that person (and of you, in your case) react in a way that is so diametrically opposite to what you are feeling... it's hard to put into words. I hope you and your family are doing well now. ♥
Note to self, if I own a home when I meet the love of my life, make sure the house is left to her in my will.
That last story left me completely outraged and disgusted! That entitled family had absolutely no right to kick OP out of that house! And they had the audacity to say that OP and her fiance were "living in sin," when it was them who had the nerve to waltz into the house as big and bad as they pleased whenever they wanted. Every single member of that whole entire entitled family was the ones living in sin. Plus, they were doing all this for money?! Greed is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and I'm pretty sure that house still hasn't been sold to this day.
Story 4: OP should destroy the house before giving back to that entitled jerk of the family
During that last story, I was hoping OP was going to say they got married last minute or they found fiancé's will that left his part of the house to OP.
How can people be so uncaring?!
I was hoping for the same.
The "Karens" are like wild male felines. Like Scar from the Lion King.
They're vicious and hateful egoists that do not posess the mental capability of feeling remorse for their actions.
They'll do anything, and would destroy countless lives if the end result suits them better as the current situation.
They'd literally murder you for a net gain of a single dollar and no repercussions.
The last story sounds very similar to something that happened to me with my brothers when my dad died. It's been 2 years and my brother still refuse to talk to me.
Love the plushy, adorable DarkFluff
I’ve worked in retail for many years, and my wife still works in retail. We’ve both seen may incidents of Karens. I’ve got to laugh at most of these!
I would have said, “I’m the guy who signs your paycheck!”🤣🤣🤣🤣
The way the entitled cousin said: isn't it crazy, how he died so unexpected, he was fine a few days ago.
I thought he killed him.
Either that or he was subtly accusing her of murder wich isnt much better
To the entitled uncle at 6:30, just point out YOU are a kid too, and tell the uncle to let you swing the bat and hit him in the leg with it and then decide if that is an ''allowed'' child's game. Either way you win. He either comes to his senses, or he gets a very sore leg and comes around the hard way.
That 3rd story was nutty. That mom is a madlad😂😂10/10 on the savage scale
Something tells me the aunt in the 3rd story wanted to be with the mom so she could say something like "Oh, she woke up for a few minutes and said she changed her mind about the will, she left me _everything_ for being such a good sister!"
In my country, when a parent dies, and there’s no will, the belongings are split 50/50 between the still living spouse and the children.
We kids signed a contract with our parents, that we surrender all our inheritance until the second parent dies. Because it’s more important to us, that whoever survives the other, can still have a normal life.
What kind of monster disowns his own parents?
I've shared this before - After retiring from the US Navy I got work at the local Bullseye place working nights. I told my supervisor that I go a new job making military ID cards at $14 an hour, He let me know that I wouldn't be able to be rehired. Good. I've shopped there recently. He was fired for making people work "off the clock". Like the store - didn't like the supervisor...
If OPs Aunt wants to see her one last time. Then go visit her NOW while she can still be present in the visit. What a crazy horrible person.
Oh my god, that last story. If I was in that situation, I would do whatever I could to make sure those INSULTS TO ASSWIPES couldn't make a penny off the house, even if I had to destroy the house myself! And if any of them tried to stop me, they'd be losing money from the medical expenses.
You just insulted all the people who are an insult to asswipes.
Can't understand why OP's folks didn't have her back and stick up for her.
That last story really pulled on my heart strings :( i cant imagine how painful that was for her. Remember karma comes back around in full swing so don't let it knock you out when it comes back to you.
Remember, just take a breath if Karens have you fuming!
But how daaaare you breathe near them, using the air that they're entitled to!!!
@@adamhawley1 Less air for them to waste.
Straight up. You can’t pick your family…..
Yay! New DarkFluff video! What more could anyone ask for?
Wow, the entitled Aunt story reminds me of when my mom was dying of stage 4 colon cancer and my older sister called to chat. Mama was exhausted from the cancer and the chemo and didn’t have the strength for a long conversation and told my sister this. My sister got mad and hung up on her! But then, she was always very selfish and entitled from what I’ve observed. For instance, she would send me a birthday card and write in it what she wanted for HER birthday! 🙄
In the last story, she should have said fine, call the police. The police would have responded by saying that they had to give her an eviction notice and allowed her 30 days to leave and she could have gotten a restraining order so they couldn't come to the house until she was out of it.
Story 2: I would've laid into the uncle if I was her parent, and also would've gladly accepted being banned until uncle grew the hell up and didn't let his kid assault others. Basically, sure! Ill stay the hell away! Why the hell would I want to not only put myself near such a neglectful bad parent, but subject my kid to that kind of person as well? Get stuffed uncle! You're a crappy person and lucky no one called cps on your neglectful entitled arse!
"You're gonna need something to spit out when you hear how entitled some people can be"
As someone whose been reading and listening EntitledParents and EntitledPeople for at least 2 years, I've seen some really crazy stories (some can even fall on RaisedByNarcissists) and it hardly surprises me anymore.
Spoiled people are really that common after all (although my town hardly has anyone like that)
...I cannot even comprehend the entitlement of that last family. Seriously, what the hell
Believe me, the “plastic horses” thing is not a joke. I am a collector and also competitive judge (yes we do show them at collectible plastic horse shows, and these are not MLPs). We have one vintage one-of-a-kind that alone has a standing offer of mid four-figures anytime we want to sell. Let’s just say it’s kept in the gun safe, no lie.
That last story. Holy moly. Legally she has the right to be there still until they get her legally evicted. What a bunch of a holes! Absolutely insane
If having one last conversation with her sister is so important to the aunt she should come and visit the op's mother before she gets that far so they can have an actual conversation together rather than coming so she can cry next to someone on life support and probably not even conscious.
Listening to theses stories help me to find out that I'm a bit Entitled so I dropped it and I also left my friend group for 2 reasons.... 1 they are entitled and 2..... they are perverts
Family: The people who will treat you the worst and think it's 100% absolutely acceptable.
Entitled Aunt in Story 3 has ulterior motives. She thinks she can get something from OP's mother.
"cuz you need a drink to spit out" ..... I was drinking when you said that and nearly spit it out LOL