Very nice review. We purchased a white Signature model last week and just love it. I was set on the 2017 Acura MDX until finding out about this Mazda vehicle. So MUCH more value with the Mazda. We were Honda/Acura people for years, but this Mazda design has won us over.
Really enjoyed the thorough walkthrough. It has been frustrating seeing other pictures/videos elsewhere they don't show in detail what each of the buttons do, so I appreciated that.
The CX-8 is on sale in Asia, with a 2.2 SkyActive Turbo Diesel. Its a long wheelbase CX-5. I bought a CX-9 Signature about a month ago. Very impressed so far.
We drove them all and it came down between the Lexus, Highlander, and CX9. Man Mazda killed it with this SUV. It's quieter than the Lexus and had all the features my wife wanted. My wife loves her CX9 and I steal it every chance I get. The best part is you don't see them on every street corner.
TRDRacing same here...cross shopped this with RX350, Highlander Platinum or Ltd and MDX but ended up with the 9! Just way better in most aspects and most of all not at all common on the roads.
+shane premraj XLE and Touring trims on the Highlander and pilot look great. The seats in the Highlander directly comes from the Lexus RX, and the pilot Touring is a computer tech on wheels. This CX9 is great too, I've never seen one, (maybe I should), but the XLE and Touring are really nice.
Watching this video on 2022. I watched this nearly 6 years ago and now I own a 100th anniversary CX9. Pretty much nothing changed apart from the infotainment system. Still, LOVE it.
The 2016-2022 CX-9 is extremely gorgeous. It's top on my short list for my next car and I'm going for the Signature trim. Mazda really went all out on this one. Even the newer CX-90 (yes, ninety) for 2024 doesn't look as cool as this. Nothing on the road beats this car in the looks department.
Great video. I've been looking at the Mazda CX-9 since the new body came out. I test drove it and it made me a believer in the v4 turbo. what i really inpressed me about the car was how car like the interiors were. I had a Mazda 626 back in the day and I've always liked the Mazda brand. they did a great job on the CX-9
Amazing review of this Mazda CX-9. This CX-9 never gets old. I am waiting mine to arrive from Hiroshima, Japan - Now in Canada. It's a dark blue 2023 Mazda CX-9 GT with the Black interior. SO excited to get it! Thanks once again for this in-depth video!
Jus bought one today in jet black, love it, this thing is so awsum lukin and comfortable..and i luv the fog lights tiny bt powerful n smthng different...
I really enjoyed your review. You hit the right spots and details and I felt like I was listening to a real person rather than a salesperson. I also really like this vehicle after having driven the Honda PIlot and Toyota Highlander. This is the best of the three.
What a gorgeous car and a very informative video. Congrats on your new car! I bought my 2016 Mazda3 9 months ago and am loving it. Definitely the best small car in my opinion.
I haven't driven this one, but I know exactly what you mean when you say, "It drives like a Mazda." I owned 2 of them until a couple months ago, and I have been driving them for the past 17 years. Thanks for sharing.
I drive a 2016 Subaru Outback 3.6R Limited. My 2006 Mazda 3 GT was totaled in an accident back in April, but my wife still has her 2005 Mazda 3s. We bought both new. As for the Subaru, I needed something spacious, safe and reliable. The same options on my Subaru would have cost me at least $10k more from the competition - Highlander, Pilot, Sorento, etc. I am the type who would much rather have a loaded Civic than a basic Accord. So the Subie made sense, especially considering my affinity for the brand and the positive reviews/info from Consumer Reports. Even though I could have stretched my budget for the CX-9, I needed a car right away, and I had some reservation about the brand new engine, in spite of Mazda's reliability record as of late.
Bill I am amazed at your reply. I too am actually considering the 2016 Outback. As a matter of fact I vacillate between it and the Cx 9. I am like you I do like amenities and will load up within my price range. The Cx is so seductive, yet I am willing to wait until some facts come out over time on this beauty. I did see a youtube video where 3 consumer reports guys drove it and had very good things to say about the Cx. Plus the major reviewers like Car and Driver, Edmunds and Kelly BB also had good things to say. Very good actually. Yet I know that Outback is a proven tried and true good solid car. And the reviews for the Outback were very good as well. Many safety features which understandably you might be sensitive to on your Outback purchase. I am willing to wait. The CX is under testing with Consumer Reports. So will see how the owners are fairing. I am in my 60's and I keep my cars. So it's gotta last. Also I find my need for a touring class more needful than a terrain type vehicle plus at times needing those 3 rows. I must ask though as a woman who can be star gazed over this Cx. What problems could one encounter down the road with this new engine? I don't know too much in that department except sizes. Still amazed I am writing to one who bought the Outback instead of this car. I'm so torn between the two.
Bill So the engine reliability has been good of late is what you're saying? Which of the two brands have a higher reliability record throughout the years?
In terms of brand reliability, it's hard for me to say. I am sure each brand has had some reliable and some unreliable models over the years. Consumer Reports probably have some data on the matter. Personally, however, our Mazdas have been very reliable. Yes, we've had to replace parts, but I suppose it's expected when you drive a car for 11 years. The only time that my wife's '05 Mazda 3 s let her down was due to a failed battery. My 2006 Mazda 3 never left me stranded until the accident that totaled it in April. I would have had it for 10 years this coming October. So I would not hesitate to buy another Mazda. My reservation with the CX-9's engine comes from the fact that it's a turbo. The last time Mazda had a turbo engine (in the CX-7), there were some issues with it, if my memory doesn't fail me. As for the Subaru, I have only had it for 13 weeks, including the one week it was at the dealership for a recall on the steering wheel column (You may have heard of that recall, which, I think, Subaru America handled responsibly and professionally). Nevertheless, I have already racked up close to 5000 miles on it ( a lot of that from 2 trips - one from NYC to MD and back; the other from NYC to Montreal and back). This car is unbelievable on long trips. The car is super quiet, except for some light wind noise, and the 6 cylinder engine is silky smooth. I did not even hear the engine, not even when the car was climbing the Adirondack Mountains. Tire noise is non-existent on smooth surfaces. One has the sensation of gliding along. The only challenge with the car so far is a rattle that I hear from time to time from the steering wheel/ instrument cluster area on bad surfaces. I am reluctant to have the dealer look at it because, according to other Subaru owners who have experienced a similar noise, their dashboards have been pulled apart, yet the noise has persisted. So, at least for now, I'd rather deal with it than have my dash pulled apart only to create squeaks that weren' t there before. Hopefully, the noise will get loud and frequent enough that it can be located and fixed, or it will, better yet, just disappear. Good luck with your purchase! Let me know when you do.
I searched all reviews before buying this vehicle and all reviews were positive, there were some negatives ones, but not major. I found one in a near by dealer and decided to just take a look at it and I end it buying it. Test drive was awesome!!!!! Felt in love with this CX9 and for a 4 cylinder with turbo; it’s fast!!! The interior feels like these luxury SUV’s and the features in this car are totally worth the money. I don’t regret getting this car. Test drive one and you will see what I’m talking about.
Congratulations on a beautiful Crossover. I admire the strategy of focusing torque down low. One thing I have read about that though, is the lack of grunt when already up to speed on the highway. But still, the strategy is perfect for city driving which I do a lot of and average 12mpgs in my EcoBoost Flex and V6 Terrain. Goodluck with it, and hopefully not too many 1st-year gremlins. Don't worry about the round exhaust tips...they were reversed engineered for the midcycle refresh conformal exhaust finishers.
It is still in great condition. I wouldn't say it gets dirty easy, but new blue jeans will leave a stain. A little leather cleaner removes it. No cracking at all.
Oof we wear blue jeans a lot. But good to know leather cleaner gets rid of it easily. Thanks a lot!! Still on the fence cos the color I like (like yours, Machine Gray) only has a Sand interior. Can’t get brand new anymore, they discontinued it so I’m looking at CPO
Very detailed review and I must thank you for it! I saw the car today in showroom and both me and wife agree it's amazing and we will hopefully get it with 3 months
I absolutely loved your review and love that you are an actual owner. I test drove this car and liked it but i have some concerns about first generation turbo engines. It allows you to enter a destination while driving just as long as you use the idrive like controller. Here are some issues that i found with the car; 1: the passenger seat does not have as much movement as the driver i.e it does not go up and down. 2. No vents for the 3rd row occupants. 3. The navigation graphics absolutely suck, come on mazda we know you can do better. 4. where are the front parking sensors and surround view camera. since it is hard to see over the hood this would have been handy. It will be hard to try parallel parking this in a city. 5. The really cool front halo DRL dont come on in "auto lights mode" so you have to manually turn them on everytime which could lead to you being one of those people who drive at night without realizing your headlights are off because your interior is all lit up with the manual DRL. 6.for about 42k they are seriously gonna make you try to reach for your key fob to open the trunk when your hands are full of groceries and a baby. So another boo boo on mazda for not adding touch free trunk opening. Hopefully the second generation will have these improvements. Overall they did really well and HUD is stellar, little turbo lag, amazing mpg for an AWD, drives and feels like a small car, and does not feel cheap. Wife and i are gonna wait for the second generation to see what improvements they bring .
Thanks for the comment! 1 and 2 are correct, 3 I can't say I noticed, and 4 would be nice but add a fair bit of cost. All things to consider before buying. On 5, my DRL do come on when set to auto.
i just found that the Australian cx-9 has front parking sensors. I will definitely have to go to the dealership again and check out the DRL. I think i am just giving them a hard time about the navigation because i am too spoiled by the one in my 2014 bmw.
I bought the same package (Grand Touring) this past Friday in Deep Blue and Sand interior. I am in love with this car, amazing bang for buck and coming from a BMW X3 3.0i engine, I have not noticed any engine lag (X3 had a 6 cylinder). Plus the features for price are unbeatable in its class. Amazing build quality and so much fun to drive. An SUV that truly makes me forget my BMW life. Only thing I wish I had on it was the LED accent light in the grill they include on the Signature model. I truly was disappointed when I found out that was only for signature edition. Mazda should make this available as a dealer accessory or something bc it truly highlights the car's most signature feature- that sexy ass grill in the front... so mean yet tasteful. I would pay a lot to get the LED in the Grill.
nyclerka if you would pay a lot to get that LED grille accent then maybe you should've just bought the Signature edition. Better leather with Nappa (Auburn colour) and real rosewood trims! That's why I went with the Sig trim!
2015 owner here. the 2nd row cup holders are bad. the doors still look huge so parking in tight places is a no no. looks like they changed the third row seat locks. looks like it would be real hard for kids to lower now. I would like to have seen a switch to digital gauges instead of keeping analog but they look 😎. glad they updated the technology I this thing. the 2015 was behind the curve compared to other makes. not quite enough for a trade in but it is beautiful.
Hello, An absolute fantastic job! Our likes and dislikes and expectations are mirrored. The main point that you made that has pretty much helped me make my up my mind to go CX9 was,, the driving performance, (the overall power) and adequacy of the turbo four-cylinder. You've sold me. You mentioned exactly what I needed to hear. I thank you, for a complete, non-biased, objective, car review. From a "real owner's" point of view.
Nice Review. I've owned six Mazda's since 2005. All of them have been top notch. I'm looking to replace my wife's Mazda 5 which she loves, with the CX-9. We had a long term test ride in a 2014 model when her car was in the shop for some repairs (after 7 years, and 200K miles the Dash computer went belly up. NO GAUGES! But Mazda replaced it for free! #LoveMazda); she liked it, but hated the fuel economy on that V6. Looks like the new Turbo Four is better on gas, and just as powerful. Can't wait to take it for a test spin.
I went to test drove one, overall 8/10 for me, lost 2 points for weak A/C and no heated steering wheel available, which is ridiculous considering Canadian model has it on the GS(Touring) and above.
Gassan Matta I couldn’t agree more: Toyota/ Lexus have completely dropped the ball when it comes to designing cars in recent years they need to hire Mazda designers like yesterday ASAP
What? The new lexys lineups is awesome. Timeless and futuristic! I hated the grill at first but it grew in me. I bought rc350 fsport. Love the car. Turn around every time i walk away. Lol
Great review. I just bought a 2017 Audi A4 and was looking into switching to an Audi SUV but this thing is so beautiful that I'm going to jump on the Mazda ship.
Yes, it has 84k miles, has had no real issues, and doesn't burn oil. I did have to run some CRC Intake Valve & Turbo Cleaner through it once around 30k miles. I think the throttle body was dirty but not 100% sure. I just know it resolved the hesitation issue and it hasn't happened since.
@Killobyte thanks for the reply. I heard a lot of people complain about the coolant leak issue and it's cost. I bought this car 3 years ago with 115k km. Hope that issue was already fixed by the previous owner. Did you have the coolant leak issue?
TPS - Does it just give you an idiot light that there is a tire low on air, but not tell you which tire? Did not see any indication of the air pressure in each tire when you went through the info button options.
Did you know the CX-9 has the coolest most awesome grill light? I test drove one and the turbo was great, and the grill light sold me. Now I gotta wait for a good offer....
I like how the screen interface is very smooth and neat. Seems like most other manufacturers cant get this right. Most feel like a bogged down 1st gen ipad.
When im driving my speed shows on my windshield in front of me and its distracting. Can someone please tell me if there's a way to turn it off. Thank you
Good job with the review man, a real world review should be like this and not about ways most people will never drive these cars. How does it do with passing slower cars/tractor trailers at highway speeds?
Great review! I'll be picking one of these bad boys up sometime this year. One of the best priced, best performing and not to mention, sexiest cars on the road today.
Um um um um um um um. Love the vehicle and your color choices are awesome but this video is like watching paint dry. Easily could've been half as long and said just as much.
A few owners and folks taking test drives are noticing that the AC takes quite a bit of effort to cool down the interior. Has this been your observation? For folks down South, AC performance is paramount.
I think it also depends on location. Most of those reporting weak AC are down south where temps are currently in the mid to high 90s with high humidity and feels like 100s. Our 2010 CX-9 cools down in a few minutes.
Test drove this home last night feel in love. Never owned a Mazda, or drove one but I loved it. Going to look at highlander then decided what to go with. And suggestions would be appreciated.... Thanks
Thanks for the video.... Nicely done! I have a few questions... Does the CX-9 have vents in the third row? If yes, where are they located? Next question... I noticed that the front grill protrudes out a bit. Are you concerned about dents to it from other parked cars? And does Mazda sell an add on to protect it?
I will say, the one feature I was hoping to see was how the keyless entry system worked. Does it have the button on the door handle so you can keep the key in your pocket?
how’s your cx9 right now? did you have any major issues or problems especially with turbo and engine? are all the electronics and interior still in top shape? what’s your mileage/ fuel consumption? do you run it mostly on regular or premium gas? would appreciate your feedback, i’m considering to get the same year model. thank you
Kill-O-Byte thanks for answering. so far what’s the biggest problem you had with it? and after owning it for 2 yrs, is there anything that you didn’t like about it, if any?
Ariel Arias No rear seat entertainment, just get a 1 or 2 iPads and a mount and there you go. I'm not sure why you'd want RSE in these cars instead of 2 iPads which would cost less then that RSE option if there was one.
First of all thanks so much for the video I wish you have fun with your car along with your family and make a lot of good memories together I was still having trouble to make my decision weather I should buy cx9 or not but after the facelift for cx9 you just can't say I will not buy it It's worth the price an I believe that it's not a boring car to drive everyday I recommend for you to tined the glass an protect the seats caz the seat color is so beautiful an it could become darker if not maintain Have a long happy an healthy life for you and your family
Knock on wood, no major issues after 68k miles. I did run a can of CRC Intake and Turbo cleaner through it at about 30k as it was a little sluggish, which resolved the issue. There is a video on that.
I am in a market for 3 row CUV. Thanks for an informative video. Have you tried to switch to premium gas? any power difference? what's your average mpg?
Yes, the power difference is mostly at high RPM (where Horse Power matters) so is helpful when passing someone on a two-lane road. But in normal city or interstate you don't really need it. It has plenty of low end power (torque).
Man I love this thing my wife and I went to get a honda van we got one had some trouble with it had to send to the shop they gave us a Mazda c×9 I told my wife what is this thing well I got in it learned all the actions of the vehicle and I took off and I've been very impressed and then my wife that is hard to please when it comes to vehicles she got behind the wheel and loves it
I mean she was stuck on honda vans she got this and has feel in love with car all around from sport mode regular driver mode the comfy seats everything about this is amazing
@@davidwilson6255 We had several Hondas in the day but really like the newer Mazdas. My wife still loves her 2016 CX-9 and wouldn't trade it for anything else.
Very helpful information, but you take way too long to communicate! That said, I am interested in this vehicle. Question, did you happen to look at the 2017 Acadia Denali, and, if so how do you think it compares to the CX9?
I currently have a 2017 Acadia SLT-1 model. It is one of the hardest cars to drive at night. The halogen headlights are horrible. I could barely see when driving. The dealership refused to fix that for me. One day, I stopped at the store, and got out, close the door and the key fob wouldn't lock the car. I got in, and it wouldn't start either. I came to find out that the key lost the communication with my car. I have NEVER had that happen with any car I drove before. So, go with the Mazda, GMC cars are horrible when it comes to quality.
Nice review..!! I have two questions.. 1 Does the lanes in back up camera moves right and left when you move the steering?? 2 What about signal light.. Are they LEDs?? My best and keep it up👍
I am jealous...wanted to get it..but the price is real steep with no incentives..selling close to decided to wait.....Thanks for the detailed review, very well done and detailed.....
Very nice review. We purchased a white Signature model last week and just love it. I was set on the 2017 Acura MDX until finding out about this Mazda vehicle. So MUCH more value with the Mazda. We were Honda/Acura people for years, but this Mazda design has won us over.
We have an Acura RDX for my wife. Bought a Mazda 6 for my business and Love it, now my wife is thinking the CRX9 Signature for her next car.
Really enjoyed the thorough walkthrough. It has been frustrating seeing other pictures/videos elsewhere they don't show in detail what each of the buttons do, so I appreciated that.
The Real Essad True.
I just bought one of these yesterday in Machine Grey in Redwood City, CA. Love it!
Stipe55 I'm going to very soon.
Trade it in and get the 2018. You will love it more. I guarantee it.
Stipe55 does it have remote start
Texas Governor what’s the difference between 2016 and 2018 tho?
I just bought the 2015 touring in gray with black leather interior...very nice
Take off the dealership logo, I hate those things!! They not paying us to promote their dealerships. lol
I always tell the dealership to remove it b4 I take the car home.
It's been removed 👍
I would ask the dealership to remove it before I even take it off the lot. lol
+Supertrooper697 I do that too. no dealer logo.
totally Agree..
The CX-8 is on sale in Asia, with a 2.2 SkyActive Turbo Diesel. Its a long wheelbase CX-5. I bought a CX-9 Signature about a month ago. Very impressed so far.
We drove them all and it came down between the Lexus, Highlander, and CX9. Man Mazda killed it with this SUV. It's quieter than the Lexus and had all the features my wife wanted. My wife loves her CX9 and I steal it every chance I get. The best part is you don't see them on every street corner.
TRDRacing same here...cross shopped this with RX350, Highlander Platinum or Ltd and MDX but ended up with the 9! Just way better in most aspects and most of all not at all common on the roads.
Can you make an ownership update regarding reliability if possible?
He won't say the issues on it until he sell it.
Owners who do review on their own cars tend to lie and biased about the reliability! I called few of them out utube.
Gosh this thing is beautiful.
I will choose this over the highlander and pilot
+shane premraj why because they hold their value better?
alexander katan well more fancier
+shane premraj XLE and Touring trims on the Highlander and pilot look great. The seats in the Highlander directly comes from the Lexus RX, and the pilot Touring is a computer tech on wheels. This CX9 is great too, I've never seen one, (maybe I should), but the XLE and Touring are really nice.
+U.SS NCC-1701 so far I haven't seen any new cx9.
Thanks so much for the shout out! Sounds like you love your CX-9 almost as much as we do.
Very nice! Mazda has had a great lineup of vehicles for a while now.
Watching this video on 2022. I watched this nearly 6 years ago and now I own a 100th anniversary CX9. Pretty much nothing changed apart from the infotainment system. Still, LOVE
Well, It"s Absolutely Gorgeous. There's NO Denying That !!
& The Performance & Functionality I Can Actually Live With !!
The 2016-2022 CX-9 is extremely gorgeous. It's top on my short list for my next car and I'm going for the Signature trim. Mazda really went all out on this one. Even the newer CX-90 (yes, ninety) for 2024 doesn't look as cool as this. Nothing on the road beats this car in the looks department.
They released 23 cx9 to 👍
Great video. I've been looking at the Mazda CX-9 since the new body came out. I test drove it and it made me a believer in the v4 turbo. what i really inpressed me about the car was how car like the interiors were. I had a Mazda 626 back in the day and I've always liked the Mazda brand. they did a great job on the CX-9
i realize Im kind of off topic but do anybody know of a good website to watch new tv shows online?
Amazing review of this Mazda CX-9. This CX-9 never gets old. I am waiting mine to arrive from Hiroshima, Japan - Now in Canada. It's a dark blue 2023 Mazda CX-9 GT with the Black interior. SO excited to get it! Thanks once again for this in-depth video!
CVT is not constant velocity transmission. It is continuously variable transmission.
D'oh! You are correct sir.
Jus bought one today in jet black, love it, this thing is so awsum lukin and comfortable..and i luv the fog lights tiny bt powerful n smthng different...
I really enjoyed your review. You hit the right spots and details and I felt like I was listening to a real person rather than a salesperson. I also really like this vehicle after having driven the Honda PIlot and Toyota Highlander. This is the best of the three.
Thanks! As I say in it, I'm just a real owner not pro reviewer.
What a gorgeous car and a very informative video. Congrats on your new car! I bought my 2016 Mazda3 9 months ago and am loving it. Definitely the best small car in my opinion.
I haven't driven this one, but I know exactly what you mean when you say, "It drives like a Mazda." I owned 2 of them until a couple months ago, and I have been driving them for the past 17 years. Thanks for sharing.
what are you driving now? and why?
I drive a 2016 Subaru Outback 3.6R Limited. My 2006 Mazda 3 GT was totaled in an accident back in April, but my wife still has her 2005 Mazda 3s. We bought both new. As for the Subaru, I needed something spacious, safe and reliable. The same options on my Subaru would have cost me at least $10k more from the competition - Highlander, Pilot, Sorento, etc. I am the type who would much rather have a loaded Civic than a basic Accord. So the Subie made sense, especially considering my affinity for the brand and the positive reviews/info from Consumer Reports. Even though I could have stretched my budget for the CX-9, I needed a car right away, and I had some reservation about the brand new engine, in spite of Mazda's reliability record as of late.
Bill I am amazed at your reply. I too am actually considering the 2016 Outback. As a matter of fact I vacillate between it and the Cx 9. I am like you I do like amenities and will load up within my price range. The Cx is so seductive, yet I am willing to wait until some facts come out over time on this beauty. I did see a youtube video where 3 consumer reports guys drove it and had very good things to say about the Cx. Plus the major reviewers like Car and Driver, Edmunds and Kelly BB also had good things to say. Very good actually. Yet I know that Outback is a proven tried and true good solid car. And the reviews for the Outback were very good as well. Many safety features which understandably you might be sensitive to on your Outback purchase.
I am willing to wait. The CX is under testing with Consumer Reports. So will see how the owners are fairing. I am in my 60's and I keep my cars. So it's gotta last. Also I find my need for a touring class more needful than a terrain type vehicle plus at times needing those 3 rows.
I must ask though as a woman who can be star gazed over this Cx. What problems could one encounter down the road with this new engine? I don't know too much in that department except sizes.
Still amazed I am writing to one who bought the Outback instead of this car. I'm so torn between the two.
Bill So the engine reliability has been good of late is what you're saying? Which of the two brands have a higher reliability record throughout the years?
In terms of brand reliability, it's hard for me to say. I am sure each brand has had some reliable and some unreliable models over the years. Consumer Reports probably have some data on the matter. Personally, however, our Mazdas have been very reliable. Yes, we've had to replace parts, but I suppose it's expected when you drive a car for 11 years. The only time that my wife's '05 Mazda 3 s let her down was due to a failed battery. My 2006 Mazda 3 never left me stranded until the accident that totaled it in April. I would have had it for 10 years this coming October. So I would not hesitate to buy another Mazda. My reservation with the CX-9's engine comes from the fact that it's a turbo. The last time Mazda had a turbo engine (in the CX-7), there were some issues with it, if my memory doesn't fail me.
As for the Subaru, I have only had it for 13 weeks, including the one week it was at the dealership for a recall on the steering wheel column (You may have heard of that recall, which, I think, Subaru America handled responsibly and professionally). Nevertheless, I have already racked up close to 5000 miles on it ( a lot of that from 2 trips - one from NYC to MD and back; the other from NYC to Montreal and back). This car is unbelievable on long trips. The car is super quiet, except for some light wind noise, and the 6 cylinder engine is silky smooth. I did not even hear the engine, not even when the car was climbing the Adirondack Mountains. Tire noise is non-existent on smooth surfaces. One has the sensation of gliding along. The only challenge with the car so far is a rattle that I hear from time to time from the steering wheel/ instrument cluster area on bad surfaces. I am reluctant to have the dealer look at it because, according to other Subaru owners who have experienced a similar noise, their dashboards have been pulled apart, yet the noise has persisted. So, at least for now, I'd rather deal with it than have my dash pulled apart only to create squeaks that weren' t there before. Hopefully, the noise will get loud and frequent enough that it can be located and fixed, or it will, better yet, just disappear.
Good luck with your purchase! Let me know when you do.
I never considered a Mazda but this certainly has peaked my interest. Nice looking SUV Mazda!!
FYI, you can speed videos up if you're on a PC. Click on settings in the bottom right of the video and choose the speed you want...
Kill-O-Byte does this work for iOS ? For iPhones?
Caprisun R good point, works on PCs.
Kill-O-Byte 1jq
I searched all reviews before buying this vehicle and all reviews were positive, there were some negatives ones, but not major. I found one in a near by dealer and decided to just take a look at it and I end it buying it. Test drive was awesome!!!!! Felt in love with this CX9 and for a 4 cylinder with turbo; it’s fast!!! The interior feels like these luxury SUV’s and the features in this car are totally worth the money. I don’t regret getting this car. Test drive one and you will see what I’m talking about.
I'm waiting for the same opportunity but except for a 2016 Mazda6 I hope the reviews are similar to those of the SUV.
Extremely beautiful design, in an out, it is really striking.
Thank you very much for such a detailed review! you are better than any salesperson at the dealership!
Congratulations on a beautiful Crossover. I admire the strategy of focusing torque down low. One thing I have read about that though, is the lack of grunt when already up to speed on the highway. But still, the strategy is perfect for city driving which I do a lot of and average 12mpgs in my EcoBoost Flex and V6 Terrain. Goodluck with it, and hopefully not too many 1st-year gremlins.
Don't worry about the round exhaust tips...they were reversed engineered for the midcycle refresh conformal exhaust finishers.
Hi! How’s the Sand interior holding up after 7 yrs? Does it get dirty or stain easily? Any cracking? Thanks!!
It is still in great condition. I wouldn't say it gets dirty easy, but new blue jeans will leave a stain. A little leather cleaner removes it. No cracking at all.
Oof we wear blue jeans a lot. But good to know leather cleaner gets rid of it easily. Thanks a lot!! Still on the fence cos the color I like (like yours, Machine Gray) only has a Sand interior. Can’t get brand new anymore, they discontinued it so I’m looking at CPO
Very detailed review and I must thank you for it! I saw the car today in showroom and both me and wife agree it's amazing and we will hopefully get it with 3 months
Tahoe King just curious did you end up getting one?
Amazing you have more views on this video than all the "pro" reviews of the CX-9. Congrats!
I absolutely loved your review and love that you are an actual owner. I test drove this car and liked it but i have some concerns about first generation turbo engines. It allows you to enter a destination while driving just as long as you use the idrive like controller. Here are some issues that i found with the car; 1: the passenger seat does not have as much movement as the driver i.e it does not go up and down. 2. No vents for the 3rd row occupants. 3. The navigation graphics absolutely suck, come on mazda we know you can do better. 4. where are the front parking sensors and surround view camera. since it is hard to see over the hood this would have been handy. It will be hard to try parallel parking this in a city. 5. The really cool front halo DRL dont come on in "auto lights mode" so you have to manually turn them on everytime which could lead to you being one of those people who drive at night without realizing your headlights are off because your interior is all lit up with the manual DRL. 6.for about 42k they are seriously gonna make you try to reach for your key fob to open the trunk when your hands are full of groceries and a baby. So another boo boo on mazda for not adding touch free trunk opening. Hopefully the second generation will have these improvements. Overall they did really well and HUD is stellar, little turbo lag, amazing mpg for an AWD, drives and feels like a small car, and does not feel cheap. Wife and i are gonna wait for the second generation to see what improvements they bring .
Thanks for the comment! 1 and 2 are correct, 3 I can't say I noticed, and 4 would be nice but add a fair bit of cost. All things to consider before buying. On 5, my DRL do come on when set to auto.
i just found that the Australian cx-9 has front parking sensors. I will definitely have to go to the dealership again and check out the DRL. I think i am just giving them a hard time about the navigation because i am too spoiled by the one in my 2014 bmw.
well m8 .. you know, mazda is a very small company .. why don't you give them some chance first?? smh
Great review!! How has it held up over the past year? Thanks!
People always hesitate to tell the problems with their car until they sold it.
I bought the same package (Grand Touring) this past Friday in Deep Blue and Sand interior. I am in love with this car, amazing bang for buck and coming from a BMW X3 3.0i engine, I have not noticed any engine lag (X3 had a 6 cylinder). Plus the features for price are unbeatable in its class. Amazing build quality and so much fun to drive. An SUV that truly makes me forget my BMW life. Only thing I wish I had on it was the LED accent light in the grill they include on the Signature model. I truly was disappointed when I found out that was only for signature edition. Mazda should make this available as a dealer accessory or something bc it truly highlights the car's most signature feature- that sexy ass grill in the front... so mean yet tasteful. I would pay a lot to get the LED in the Grill.
nyclerka if you would pay a lot to get that LED grille accent then maybe you should've just bought the Signature edition. Better leather with Nappa (Auburn colour) and real rosewood trims! That's why I went with the Sig trim!
Love this car, love this brand. Ill buy Mazda for life.
2015 owner here. the 2nd row cup holders are bad. the doors still look huge so parking in tight places is a no no. looks like they changed the third row seat locks. looks like it would be real hard for kids to lower now. I would like to have seen a switch to digital gauges instead of keeping analog but they look 😎. glad they updated the technology I this thing. the 2015 was behind the curve compared to other makes. not quite enough for a trade in but it is beautiful.
I wish they still offered a v6 option too. I love the power and torque of the 6.
Eric Ramming I wished they has an lcd gage cluster but you don't need it, at least you have the circular lcd
On a scale 1-10 what would you rate It? Not comparing it to anything else but just as the owner
8-9 out of 10
An absolute fantastic job!
Our likes and dislikes and expectations are mirrored.
The main point that you made that has pretty much helped me make my up my mind to go CX9 was,, the driving performance, (the overall power) and adequacy of the turbo four-cylinder. You've sold me.
You mentioned exactly what I needed to hear.
I thank you, for a complete, non-biased, objective, car review.
From a "real owner's" point of view.
Nice Review. I've owned six Mazda's since 2005. All of them have been top notch. I'm looking to replace my wife's Mazda 5 which she loves, with the CX-9. We had a long term test ride in a 2014 model when her car was in the shop for some repairs (after 7 years, and 200K miles the Dash computer went belly up. NO GAUGES! But Mazda replaced it for free! #LoveMazda); she liked it, but hated the fuel economy on that V6. Looks like the new Turbo Four is better on gas, and just as powerful. Can't wait to take it for a test spin.
2018 model in Canada has heated rear seats and heated steering wheel, not sure about the US model.
Hi, am looking to get a used cx9. How have the reliability been so far, any issues and tips looks out for ? Tkhs
I went to test drove one, overall 8/10 for me, lost 2 points for weak A/C and no heated steering wheel available, which is ridiculous considering Canadian model has it on the GS(Touring) and above.
Toyota/Lexus, learn how to design cars, please... You can start here.
Gassan Matta Spot on sir. I'm actually going to by this car very soon. I couldn't find what his thing have with the Toyota/Lexus.
they lack of elegance design, premium materials(not at all, kind off) and they are uncomfortable.
Gassan Matta I couldn’t agree more: Toyota/ Lexus have completely dropped the ball when it comes to designing cars in recent years they need to hire Mazda designers like yesterday ASAP
What? The new lexys lineups is awesome. Timeless and futuristic! I hated the grill at first but it grew in me. I bought rc350 fsport. Love the car. Turn around every time i walk away. Lol
Does it have a front parking sensor. The hood looks a bit long and I wouldn't want to misjudged the distance
Can you tell the difference between this 4 cyl turbo and a v6? Kind of turned off by a 4cyl
Great review. I just bought a 2017 Audi A4 and was looking into switching to an Audi SUV but this thing is so beautiful that I'm going to jump on the Mazda ship.
I have 2016 Mazda Cx9 touring but it doesn't have the same feature as yours like the vehicle icon is showing on the odometer
Hi do you still have this suv? If so, how reliable is it?
Yes, it has 84k miles, has had no real issues, and doesn't burn oil. I did have to run some CRC Intake Valve & Turbo Cleaner through it once around 30k miles. I think the throttle body was dirty but not 100% sure. I just know it resolved the hesitation issue and it hasn't happened since.
@Killobyte thanks for the reply. I heard a lot of people complain about the coolant leak issue and it's cost. I bought this car 3 years ago with 115k km. Hope that issue was already fixed by the previous owner. Did you have the coolant leak issue?
@@Ryan_Armogan no, it has not had the issue.
Great review. These have just been released in Aus and mine is on order for mid August. Cannot wait!
TPS - Does it just give you an idiot light that there is a tire low on air, but not tell you which tire? Did not see any indication of the air pressure in each tire when you went through the info button options.
Did you know the CX-9 has the coolest most awesome grill light? I test drove one and the turbo was great, and the grill light sold me. Now I gotta wait for a good offer....
I'm really anxious to see this next to a Volvo XC90, but the price puts it at XC60 which is smaller than the Mazda CX 9. What a value.
im glad that mazda is no longer controlled by Ford and now can design awesome vehicles!
koukimonzta wait Mazda was Controlled by Ford? Shit I didn't know that.
You missed the Bose sub woofer in the spare tire!
I like how the screen interface is very smooth and neat. Seems like most other manufacturers cant get this right. Most feel like a bogged down 1st gen ipad.
When im driving my speed shows on my windshield in front of me and its distracting. Can someone please tell me if there's a way to turn it off. Thank you
Good job with the review man, a real world review should be like this and not about ways most people will never drive these cars. How does it do with passing slower cars/tractor trailers at highway speeds?
Beautiful car, the interior is gorgeous.
It is possible to put three baby/toddler seat in the middle?
Great review! I'll be picking one of these bad boys up sometime this year. One of the best priced, best performing and not to mention, sexiest cars on the road today.
Um um um um um um um. Love the vehicle and your color choices are awesome but this video is like watching paint dry. Easily could've been half as long and said just as much.
chutyabutyful saas
Agreed. Had to watch in fast motion haha
But still appreciate that you took the time to review. More than what us who are critical did. 👏👏👏
Took it up to high speed, but man, all those "uuuummm's", I quit before halftime, sorry
i stumbled onto your video and YOURS IS SHARP. ive seen others and they look ok but that color combo is a winner. good choice.
A few owners and folks taking test drives are noticing that the AC takes quite a bit of effort to cool down the interior. Has this been your observation? For folks down South, AC performance is paramount.
I haven't noticed it being slow at cooling. It seems at least as fast as my Mustang and 3 row SUVs have a lot of air to cool.
Make sure you have the rear vents on, not just the front, for proper cooling.
I think it also depends on location. Most of those reporting weak AC are down south where temps are currently in the mid to high 90s with high humidity and feels like 100s. Our 2010 CX-9 cools down in a few minutes.
Engine size may be proportional to AC performance.
+theonlyboknoy Engine size and A/C cooling are not correlated. They are separate entities.
I would still miss hearing a V6, especially in a larger crossover.
Test drove this home last night feel in love. Never owned a Mazda, or drove one but I loved it. Going to look at highlander then decided what to go with. And suggestions would be appreciated.... Thanks
regarding service...what is the service interval?...
Great video. Thank you fir putting the effort into making it.
thanks for the review
wanted to ask you about the mirror is there a key to open the garage.?
There are 3 buttons on the mirror that can be used for remotes.
The front part though!!! GAVE ME LIFE
Does it have an option for a DVD player?
We wanted sand interior colour. But the dealership suggested to stay with black seats.
Hey buddy is it possible you show your Mazda CX9 at night. I want to see the lights in/out also the in active drive system on the road. Thx
Is the CX-9 as good now as when you first reviewed? How so?
Thanks for the video.... Nicely done! I have a few questions... Does the CX-9 have vents in the third row? If yes, where are they located? Next question... I noticed that the front grill protrudes out a bit. Are you concerned about dents to it from other parked cars? And does Mazda sell an add on to protect it?
No vents in third row, it doesn't stick out as far as it looks in the vid so not worried, and not that I know of.
I will say, the one feature I was hoping to see was how the keyless entry system worked. Does it have the button on the door handle so you can keep the key in your pocket?
The Real Essad yes, there is a button on the door handle. As long as the key is near, it will lock or unlock the door or doors.
Kill-O-Byte cool thanks!
First class interior and sharp exterior lines... I see myself owning this vehicle
fYI you can enter a destination in the NAV by using the voice commands (off the steering wheel)
Congrats on this beautiful Mazda !
Yup, works great. Thanks!
Hello, thanks for the video. I’m just curious did you ever have the engine block coolant leak that’s happened on some?
No, 60k miles so far and no coolant leak.
This car right my dream car...❤️
Rear seat entertainment (e.g the roof mounted screen to play DVDs for kids). None on the SUV????
Thanks for the review! Very nice.
Does the ACC come to a complete stop if the car in front if you stops? Thanks
it does not. When you reach speed of about 20mph it turn off the ACC and gives you a warning to apply your brakes
I had bad opinion on Mazda but you changed it. You are the best. Now how does Cx5 differ from CX 9?
how’s your cx9 right now? did you have any major issues or problems especially with turbo and engine? are all the electronics and interior still in top shape? what’s your mileage/ fuel consumption? do you run it mostly on regular or premium gas? would appreciate your feedback, i’m considering to get the same year model. thank you
AJ Guevarra no issues with anything, 21.5 MPG mostly city, with 20k miles. We use 89 octane.
Kill-O-Byte thanks for answering. so far what’s the biggest problem you had with it? and after owning it for 2 yrs, is there anything that you didn’t like about it, if any?
I'm a father of 2 I would like to know if it comes with a rear entertainment for kids.thanks
Ariel Arias No rear seat entertainment, just get a 1 or 2 iPads and a mount and there you go. I'm not sure why you'd want RSE in these cars instead of 2 iPads which would cost less then that RSE option if there was one.
First of all thanks so much for the video I wish you have fun with your car along with your family and make a lot of good memories together
I was still having trouble to make my decision weather I should buy cx9 or not but after the facelift for cx9 you just can't say I will not buy it
It's worth the price an I believe that it's not a boring car to drive everyday
I recommend for you to tined the glass an protect the seats caz the seat color is so beautiful an it could become darker if not maintain
Have a long happy an healthy life for you and your family
how does the radio sound in this vehicle?
Can you do like a yearly review sir.
Thank you for sharing
How is it now in 2022?? Any expensive repairs? Coolant leak? Head crack issue??
Knock on wood, no major issues after 68k miles. I did run a can of CRC Intake and Turbo cleaner through it at about 30k as it was a little sluggish, which resolved the issue. There is a video on that.
@@Killobytelink to the video
The only brand that is making cars better than before
I'll sit back there with no complaints as long as I can have the 3rd seats to myself so I can turn side saddle and lounge.
I am in a market for 3 row CUV. Thanks for an informative video. Have you tried to switch to premium gas? any power difference? what's your average mpg?
Mazda says the premium will bump HP to 250.
Yes, the power difference is mostly at high RPM (where Horse Power matters) so is helpful when passing someone on a two-lane road. But in normal city or interstate you don't really need it. It has plenty of low end power (torque).
How's your fuel efficiency? Is it on par with the quoted #'s?
Yes, spot on
Other reviewers have highlighted the very small
front lights vs. size of the grill. As an owner, what's your take?
Steve Wise I like them as is, but then I don't like bug eyes... 😳
Man I love this thing my wife and I went to get a honda van we got one had some trouble with it had to send to the shop they gave us a Mazda c×9 I told my wife what is this thing well I got in it learned all the actions of the vehicle and I took off and I've been very impressed and then my wife that is hard to please when it comes to vehicles she got behind the wheel and loves it
I mean she was stuck on honda vans she got this and has feel in love with car all around from sport mode regular driver mode the comfy seats everything about this is amazing
@@davidwilson6255 We had several Hondas in the day but really like the newer Mazdas. My wife still loves her 2016 CX-9 and wouldn't trade it for anything else.
Very helpful information, but you take way too long to communicate! That said, I am interested in this vehicle. Question, did you happen to look at the 2017 Acadia Denali, and, if so how do you think it compares to the CX9?
I currently have a 2017 Acadia SLT-1 model. It is one of the hardest cars to drive at night. The halogen headlights are horrible. I could barely see when driving. The dealership refused to fix that for me. One day, I stopped at the store, and got out, close the door and the key fob wouldn't lock the car. I got in, and it wouldn't start either. I came to find out that the key lost the communication with my car. I have NEVER had that happen with any car I drove before. So, go with the Mazda, GMC cars are horrible when it comes to quality.
Nice review..!!
I have two questions..
1 Does the lanes in back up camera moves right and left when you move the steering??
2 What about signal light..
Are they LEDs??
My best and keep it up👍
first question , i don't think so .. second, only the signal on the front headlamps are LEDs , the signal on the rear taillights are regular bulb
Bro does the car have a kickdown switch ?
I am jealous...wanted to get it..but the price is real steep with no incentives..selling close to decided to wait.....Thanks for the detailed review, very well done and detailed.....
Shop around, I didn't pay sticker.
+Kill-O-Byte what did you pay
Is it standard or what? , How much is it?
was going to get this bad boy but it's a lil tight far as room in the driver's seat.ended up getting the explorer
What is your real-world MPG on this CX 9. Another reviewer told it only gives 21 in 85% highway 15% local driving. Is it really that bad?
around 18 mpg in city for me
Great video man! I am thinking about trade in my 2011 CX-7; what's the major differences between Touring vs Grand Touring?