Happy 2017 and good luck with everything you are planning to do. Try to good for a cheap editing suit or a free one movies maker if you are on windows or, Imovie if you are on mac. for light any LED light from Ikea would do amazing for like $10-$20. AM living for my savings as well, so budgeting and low prices is my game now XD.... yay for being a college student.
I have Windows Live Movie Maker and it stopped working months ago, unfortunately. For these things, I would probably prefer to make investments in things that will really be high quality, so I am hoping for decent prices, but I really want to make very good videos with very good, professional lighting (plus I have an interest in photography, so it's something I would use for that too). I'm not a college student, just taking knitting and crocheting classes. I did go to college though.
Happy 2017 and good luck with everything you are planning to do. Try to good for a cheap editing suit or a free one movies maker if you are on windows or, Imovie if you are on mac. for light any LED light from Ikea would do amazing for like $10-$20. AM living for my savings as well, so budgeting and low prices is my game now XD.... yay for being a college student.
I have Windows Live Movie Maker and it stopped working months ago, unfortunately. For these things, I would probably prefer to make investments in things that will really be high quality, so I am hoping for decent prices, but I really want to make very good videos with very good, professional lighting (plus I have an interest in photography, so it's something I would use for that too). I'm not a college student, just taking knitting and crocheting classes. I did go to college though.
Rest in peace beautiful .