The saddest part is when she says she needed to feel beautiful to feel respected. Girls are taught that the most important thing is how they look, not how they treat people, what they know, or what talents they develop. People need to stop constantly telling little girls how pretty they are and tell them how smart and valuable they are. All little girls are pretty, but, when that type of pretty is gone, the only way to recapture those compliments is to try to be as skinny as all the celebrities we see in the media every day, our society's beauty ideal. You can't even be a successful singer or musician anymore if you're not thin and beautiful, no matter how great your talent may be. These people aren't sick; society is. Yes, being overweight is unhealthy, but it doesn't mean the overweight person is without value. It just shows that people need an easy way to compare themselves to each other and find fault in one another so they themselves can feel better. Value people for who they are, not what they look like.
What a beautiful message! She recognized what her flaws were and came up with non-practical solutions that enabled her to push through her demons that were prohibiting her from being healthy. Basically, she kept a positive and strong view of herself and in result she has and can be a positive influence on those she interacts with. God bless!
7 years into a severe eating disorder - I've come along way and can relate to every word in this video. Thank you for sharing this incredible important message.
Food journals never worked for me, in fact all they did was serve to make me compete against myself to eat less everyday so I wouldn't have to feel embarrassed when my dietician and psychologist reviewed how much food I had eaten during the week. They decided it was safer and more beneficial for me to stop using them altogether.
The saddest part is when she says she needed to feel beautiful to feel respected. Girls are taught that the most important thing is how they look, not how they treat people, what they know, or what talents they develop. People need to stop constantly telling little girls how pretty they are and tell them how smart and valuable they are. All little girls are pretty, but, when that type of pretty is gone, the only way to recapture those compliments is to try to be as skinny as all the celebrities we see in the media every day, our society's beauty ideal. You can't even be a successful singer or musician anymore if you're not thin and beautiful, no matter how great your talent may be. These people aren't sick; society is. Yes, being overweight is unhealthy, but it doesn't mean the overweight person is without value. It just shows that people need an easy way to compare themselves to each other and find fault in one another so they themselves can feel better. Value people for who they are, not what they look like.
You are a beautiful soul Ekaterina, thank you for your passion and for sharing your journey out of anorexia.
What a beautiful message! She recognized what her flaws were and came up with non-practical solutions that enabled her to push through her demons that were prohibiting her from being healthy. Basically, she kept a positive and strong view of herself and in result she has and can be a positive influence on those she interacts with. God bless!
7 years into a severe eating disorder - I've come along way and can relate to every word in this video. Thank you for sharing this incredible important message.
23 years.
Thank you for sharing, Ekaterina.
Thank you for sharing your story
Food journals never worked for me, in fact all they did was serve to make me compete against myself to eat less everyday so I wouldn't have to feel embarrassed when my dietician and psychologist reviewed how much food I had eaten during the week. They decided it was safer and more beneficial for me to stop using them altogether.
I hope you found somethings that did work for you! Food should sustain and nurture people!
Live our lives to the fullest: 'nuff said 💃💃🎉🎉
thankyou for Sharing your story your honesty I found very moving and inspirational.
"70 million are affected by eating disorders, which is the population of... Hungary" *chuckles*
For me you are the smart girl very beautiful with dark hair! And kind! 😍💋
A narcissist