This is very useful for beginner players like me. I hear streamers and other ytubers talk about 'bronze players have bad positioning' 'bronze players have bad game sense', well okay, I get that, but how do I learn those things? Just playing over and over and doing the same wrong things won't teach me anything. This kind of thing actually helps to gain the skills that beginners or low rank players are missing. Because unless you just have unusually good instincts, it's unlikely you'll be able to teach yourself without anything to go on.
Agreed, many vids I've seen repeat those exact words of the bad positioning and game sense. At the end of the day, it boils down to awareness of your team and the enemy's location, and your judgment with that information. In the broader scale, it's being aware of all the information presented to you and having the instinct to do the right thing
The thing about improving is to not keep doing the same wrong thing, expecting a different result tho. Instead, you try to make the choices that works the most consistently. For game sense, is understanding how context affects the success rates of different decisions. Applies to everything in life tbh
Girl I would have thought you'd learn that standing in the open or flanking alone u would learn you'd eventually die cover is your best friend in this game and your tank if you have a tank that is afraid of getting hit or going out and helping a mercy get a rez off then the game is pretty much lost Dps stay behind the tank so as to take less damage tank takes the hits that's why tanks gotta trust their their back line to support them when they get pressured
I wouldn't listen to most streamers tbh. some are really great teachers but the majority are not. if they do VOD reviews check them out and decide if that person is worth listening to. most just playback the match and pause every 2 seconds to say "oh you should have done this, why are you doing this here, etc." which is a terrible review process but good content for them.
Yea now imagine someone new to OW like me… “nerf this” oo who said that? That was such a cute voice line!! Next second I get fucking blown up and my body is flying in the air 😂😂😂 yea I hate dva ULT now
You are not alone... the worst part is that the line is so short, there are times I don't even hear it, so when it happens, it's just a huge WTF moment for me.
Many FPS games they have a rule called the 60/40 rule. Very simply, when you peek 60% of your screen should be what you’re peeking, and 40% should be cover. This means that if you don’t win your engagement right away, or if your 1v1 becomes a 2v1 (or worse), you can very quickly get behind cover and avoid dying. It’s a useful rule in overwatch too. Follow this one simple rule and you will almost never die to a Dva bomb ever again. I say almost because they might throw the bomb behind your cover, which leads to the next rule. Always know your escape route. You should always be aware of where the next piece of cover is behind you, and the fastest way to get there. This means that if you get pushed and can’t stop the enemy before they reach you, you can reposition and continue to apply pressure. Now your enemy has probably used some of their abilities to force you out of the first piece of cover, they’ll have to wait for cool-downs to get you out of the next bit. In the meantime you can probably use some of your cool-downs to push them back, or one of your teammates might be able to get a flanking shot on them if they have pushed ahead of their team. Anyway, always be near cover, and like Sombra always says, “Always plan an exit.”
Thank you for this! I'm brand new to Overwatch and have not really played an FPS or shooter since Quake 2 in the 90's. As an old man with pretty intense arthritis, this genre is tough for me. I tried this game a few days ago and sadly I really fell for it. I say sadly because I feel absolutely awful about how bad I am at it. The only character so far that I thoroughly love playing is Junkrat and I'm having a ton of fun playing him, but there's no mistake about it it, I suck. I'm trying, I'm watching vids like this and trying to learn the characters and their skills (so many to remember!) and sure I've got a PotG and was ear to ear smiling even though I know it's a joke on this character, I still know deep inside that I am who they're talking to at the end when they all say "damn, you guys are horrible". It may not work out for me here, I may not be able to deal with how poorly I play, but I can tell you this... if it does work out and I get to keep enjoying this game, it'll be because of awesome folks like you who share your great insights with us here. Thank you! You've helped this old man find the strength to keep going for a little bit longer here :)
Overwatch was my first fps I started back in ow1 this game looks cute, but it's one of the hardest. Junks a good starter character, but this being a pvp game I'd advise a little mystery characters in the arcade
overwatch is a big game with lots of new things to learn. as long as you keep learning and making sure you're enjoying yourself you'll improve in no time :)
Hey good luck man glad to hear you enjoy overwatch as much as I do, just remember that all that matters is that you keep on with that learning attitude!. Hope to see you on the Overwatch league one day! ;).
I'm probably around the same age as you, I've been playing Overwatch for years. It's viable for old farts because there are so many ways to play besides relying on youthful reflexes. Junkrat is great fun! I main Pharah but also play Torb and Symmetra. Most tanks don't require fast hitscan reflexes, and Moira or Brig are great if you want to heal. My advice is to try them all to learn what everyone can do and how they synergize. Watch a lot of videos, especially Coach Mills! You will learn a lot and bypass a lot of frustrating mistakes. I have over 1000 hours in this game and still learn something new all the time. It's absolutely possible to dominate a game using guile, treachery and psychology over youthful skill and bravado. I do it all the time!
The high noon ult was absolutely going to kill me once only for a Mei to come in clutch and drop an ice wall right in front of him. I've never been more thankful for a Mei
@@kuronuma666I only really play mei in ctf because I’m a support main but my FAVORITE thing is to ice wall anyone charging lmao. No thanks, stay over there and wait your cooldown back out again
This is a great video that really digs deep into the basics of positioning. I see so many dps players dying so early in team fights, especially in solo queue. People really need to learn these concepts. It’s amazing how simply playing around natural cover can save your life. I like the concept of good positioning gives you options, specifically regarding 1v1 fights that turn into 2v1 or 3v1 at a moment’s notice. If you know your escape options before hand, you can nope right out of a bad situation and not feed enemy ults. Sometimes picking good engagements and maintaining situational awareness can flip an unwinnable game into a winnable game. This is, of course, provided that the rest of your team aren’t complete potatoes.
@ 9:45 - I see you, editor, thanks for the heads up! Lol - seriously, though, really appreciating these vids, I've gotten back into OW after a long hiatus, and your tips and tricks are really helping me out.
Mostly it comes down to knowing each character indepth tbh. Knowing all characters optimum range, abilities, ults, tactics and so on. If you know all of this you can start thinking about your position, which fights you should take, whos likely to flank you etc... Then next is knowing all of the maps in depth. You pretty much need both of those before you can truly master positioning.
I didn’t realize how important Map knowledge was. I didn’t play OW1 and ended up just hopping into OW2. I didn’t realize how much I just didn’t know where to go because I never played the maps before!!
now i know what is happening. why all my teammates are constantly breaking line of sight to me, the support and healer. they learned how to use natural cover. they just did not understand that they have to use natural cover to get away from the enemies, not their support. nice. yesterday I had a situation where I was on high ground, contesting the objective and a brig and rein were standing low ground trying to punch me xD that was funny as fuck. we all three just stopped moving, looking at each other for a sec, and continued
after watching my 10th coach mills video, the classic "XYZ aren't sub" got me. keep up the great content Mills you have a great gift as an educator and entertainer, here's a well earned sub.
The general mills himself has come through again with another great education guide on overwatch 2. Mills, if you are viewing this, know that you are valued amongst the community.
My problem as a support main is my team pushing forward.really far forward. It feels like if I don’t follow them they’ll just die. I’ve since switched to Tank main and that’s really helped
In lower elos play moira and 1v1 their genji if ur by urself on the payload. Type to them if ur by urself on the payload if it has been a bit long and they're not in comms.
You missed one very important high ground advantage. It’s far easier to hit headshots when shooting down at someone, and far harder to hit them when shooting up at someone.
I had to sub to your channel, the content you've brought out recently has been so helpful and has made me realise so many of the mistakes I make in games, thank you!
I've seen this video several times and again I've come back to rewatch it. Thanks for your awesome & informative vids, they help so much. Wish I could like & sub multiple times.
In the video it’s said to always be within 3 seconds away from cover but really you should always be half a second away from cover because let’s say for example your fight a Hanzo if he body shots you he can get another shot off easily in 3 seconds in order to kill you if you are .5 seconds away he essentially has to hit the headshot to secure the kill because after he body shots you, you can hide and get heals before he can shoot another shot
I am Plat player usually, but I have held my own in some diamond games. By no means would I say I am "good". Especially when what holds me back are my mechanics and some eager over aggression that I may not be able to overcome as I get older; at least the former. But my best friend is around gold. So, we que a lot in QP. Discounting the "it's QP", for a second, the biggest thing I see with him and other players of that Elo is they just aren't trying to *not* die. They overcommit to lost fights, the burn ults when it is just them on point, they push deep in with no real plan on how to get out. In these team based games, people often think of their role as an isolated item. But you wouldn't do that as a linebacker. One death can swing a whole fight. Even if it doesn't, it means your role is being compensated by the team for the rest of that fight, making their effectiveness weaker and running down the clock until you get back. And of course we aren't even mentioning staggering. Nor even considering the ult charge you are gifting them from these fights. Ultimately, I like this video because it addresses this main issue. Because self-reflection, even if it is just about aspects of where you are standing, is the only way we improve at all. Sadly, so many folks-and often for good reason as anecdotal experience is easier to eat-always critique their teammate's failures first.
new to overwatch, love your videos. my only cruituqe would be always having "no bs" in the title. i get the click bait aspect but it makes it seem like a gimmicky video but when you actually talk you can tell ur super knowledgeable. Could just be me though, appreciate the tips. keep up the good work bro
Love the info. My only issue with the video is the gameplay is almost all sojourn. She is a high damage, high range, high mobility, and high utility character right now and its harder to punish her positioning than pretty much any other character. Not saying its not useful, it would just be more useful to show more veriety. I personally dont like playing sojourn cuz im uncomfortable playing characters that feel over buffed.
A useful tip for the low mobility characters is to use ping to point out the players in the high ground. This helps prevent semi free picks and can direct others who can fight back or quickly contest aware and allows them to focus more on what is needed.
I’m a masters player and trying to learn how to get better because I feel like I do not deserve my rank and Trying to learn more to earn my rank. This video really helped ty
The other day I was stuck in a junk rat trap and then I hear “NERF THIS” my heart stop I look left I look right I look behind me and I don’t see I think I’m okay but I forgot to look up
Im plat support but everytime i play dps i completely forget how to position because i have to focus on the killing the enemy team and not providing utilith for my own. 💀 Helpful vid
I find ist hard to follow the audio when the visual video is showing completly different situations which have nothing to do with positioning or off angles.
I have a surefire tip to help improve as the ground flankers in this game instantly.... Go main Scout in TF2 for a year... Every hero with a movement ability other than double jump will become instantly easier, and you will feel much more at home in off angles and with flank positioning if your fire rate is above 2 shots per second
This isn't a slight by the way, this is why I hear "tracer is a hard character" and feel like I'm being lied to, because TF2 changes your perspective on almost every hero
I honestly am struggling so hard. I have learned to play most characters and I enjoy playing them. However, no matter what, If I take high ground, they are there and focus on killing me. If I get behind natural cover, I get flanked by like a roadhog or something ridiculous. I don't really have an overwatch team, as I have no social skills. I often join a game where mercy is attached to a pharah and for some reason mercy is on like a roof, tucked perfectly behind cover. Or I just keep getting mowed by Reinhardt or a jumpy Rammattra almost every game . I have no idea what I am doing wrong. 😂
Reaper probably, has an escape, has a flank/teleport ability Blossom doesn't require aim, he's got decent spread so if he's attacking a tank he will shred them despite bad aim and against squishes he will hurt them quite a lot if some shots hit
@@kpkazan funny. I just felt like I helped a lot picking him against a particularly good Rein. Turned the tables on them. I’ll give him a few more tries! Thanks ❤️
I’m a GM support but can’t get passed diamond on DPS 😂 My brain is so in tune for support positioning that I don’t get much value as dps. I position well enough that I don’t die often but I just don’t get enough value
Hey I'm loving your insight and advice but you need to edit your gameplay to match what you're talking about. It's infinitely more helpful to see what we should be doing while you are talking about it. Would be super helpful, your advice and coaching is amazing though, don't get me wrong
I play tons of junker queen in ly games, mainly because i like playing brawl or poke tanks, but sometimes when i catch myself up in bad positioning and i just happen to have a mei, then when a dva bomb or high noon hits and she ice blocks i hide behind her and it works woth jq
all the bad players default positioning, doesn't hide, doesn't know where enemy is, doesn't use hard cover, doesn't check ultimate, doesn't flank, doesn't use high ground, doesn't check corners, doesn't hear sounds, it is so much more than aim in ow
A suggestion: Make the footage relevant to what you're saying, I think visuals would improve your input, the viewer can connect your words with what they're seeing, it is a little distracting seeing unrelated gameplay while trying to pay attention. Otherwise nice tips.
The tips are helpful... but the random b roll footage doesn't fully line up with the points. I think specific footage of your 6 tips would have been more helpful
3 seconds from cover sounds very far to me - that's more than the amount of time it takes to run fully across most open areas without any movement utility.
please add timestamps seems like you have good info, so would be willing to sub, but no way i'm investing ~15-20m of my time for every video just to see if the points you're making are new or worth that time (to me in particular) with timestamps, I can see the video pop-up, verify what you're going to cover, and then at least watch the sections that are interesting to me
how do i get good if im new? i have bad instincts, bad coordination, and shit aim.. idk how to get better. i always get caught by people, my aim is ALWAYS right behind a target or right in front of them, i feel like everyones moving 10 x faster than me for some reason, and i feel like i can shoot someone 50 times with little results but then i get hit once or twice and die. im not complaining at all im just trying to lay it all out there on whats going on. any advice? (besides people saying "get good" or "practice more".) Thank you.
There's about a 2 month period where he has to announce in the newspaper that he's going to teleport before he's allowed to change his location. Really, enemy can just, you know, run away during the entire time, or throw down a trap or plan a headshot or w/e. You're then going to either be dead or have to drop down because you aren't useful on high ground and enemy can just reset
Come join the DISCORD for coaching and community! ⬇
This game will die, forced losses will be the killer.
Made sure to subscribe tank tips would help ☺️ thx.
Loving this version of the 7 deadly theme
This is some solid advice. Def gonna use it as a junkrat main
This is very useful for beginner players like me. I hear streamers and other ytubers talk about 'bronze players have bad positioning' 'bronze players have bad game sense', well okay, I get that, but how do I learn those things? Just playing over and over and doing the same wrong things won't teach me anything. This kind of thing actually helps to gain the skills that beginners or low rank players are missing. Because unless you just have unusually good instincts, it's unlikely you'll be able to teach yourself without anything to go on.
Agreed, many vids I've seen repeat those exact words of the bad positioning and game sense. At the end of the day, it boils down to awareness of your team and the enemy's location, and your judgment with that information. In the broader scale, it's being aware of all the information presented to you and having the instinct to do the right thing
Maybe if you're new to video games in general. But I think these are fundamental concepts of any pvp game
The thing about improving is to not keep doing the same wrong thing, expecting a different result tho. Instead, you try to make the choices that works the most consistently.
For game sense, is understanding how context affects the success rates of different decisions.
Applies to everything in life tbh
Girl I would have thought you'd learn that standing in the open or flanking alone u would learn you'd eventually die cover is your best friend in this game and your tank if you have a tank that is afraid of getting hit or going out and helping a mercy get a rez off then the game is pretty much lost
Dps stay behind the tank so as to take less damage tank takes the hits that's why tanks gotta trust their their back line to support them when they get pressured
I wouldn't listen to most streamers tbh. some are really great teachers but the majority are not. if they do VOD reviews check them out and decide if that person is worth listening to. most just playback the match and pause every 2 seconds to say "oh you should have done this, why are you doing this here, etc." which is a terrible review process but good content for them.
I have a brief PTSD episode when I hear “Nerf this”..
Don’t give me nightmares like that man. Waking up in cold sweat
Yea now imagine someone new to OW like me… “nerf this” oo who said that? That was such a cute voice line!! Next second I get fucking blown up and my body is flying in the air 😂😂😂 yea I hate dva ULT now
I can just see the bomb flying into the top of the lighthouse of illios just to get a 6k..
You are not alone... the worst part is that the line is so short, there are times I don't even hear it, so when it happens, it's just a huge WTF moment for me.
Many FPS games they have a rule called the 60/40 rule. Very simply, when you peek 60% of your screen should be what you’re peeking, and 40% should be cover. This means that if you don’t win your engagement right away, or if your 1v1 becomes a 2v1 (or worse), you can very quickly get behind cover and avoid dying. It’s a useful rule in overwatch too. Follow this one simple rule and you will almost never die to a Dva bomb ever again.
I say almost because they might throw the bomb behind your cover, which leads to the next rule. Always know your escape route. You should always be aware of where the next piece of cover is behind you, and the fastest way to get there. This means that if you get pushed and can’t stop the enemy before they reach you, you can reposition and continue to apply pressure. Now your enemy has probably used some of their abilities to force you out of the first piece of cover, they’ll have to wait for cool-downs to get you out of the next bit. In the meantime you can probably use some of your cool-downs to push them back, or one of your teammates might be able to get a flanking shot on them if they have pushed ahead of their team.
Anyway, always be near cover, and like Sombra always says, “Always plan an exit.”
Thank you for this! I'm brand new to Overwatch and have not really played an FPS or shooter since Quake 2 in the 90's. As an old man with pretty intense arthritis, this genre is tough for me. I tried this game a few days ago and sadly I really fell for it. I say sadly because I feel absolutely awful about how bad I am at it. The only character so far that I thoroughly love playing is Junkrat and I'm having a ton of fun playing him, but there's no mistake about it it, I suck. I'm trying, I'm watching vids like this and trying to learn the characters and their skills (so many to remember!) and sure I've got a PotG and was ear to ear smiling even though I know it's a joke on this character, I still know deep inside that I am who they're talking to at the end when they all say "damn, you guys are horrible". It may not work out for me here, I may not be able to deal with how poorly I play, but I can tell you this... if it does work out and I get to keep enjoying this game, it'll be because of awesome folks like you who share your great insights with us here. Thank you! You've helped this old man find the strength to keep going for a little bit longer here :)
Overwatch was my first fps I started back in ow1 this game looks cute, but it's one of the hardest.
Junks a good starter character, but this being a pvp game I'd advise a little mystery characters in the arcade
overwatch is a big game with lots of new things to learn. as long as you keep learning and making sure you're enjoying yourself you'll improve in no time :)
Hey good luck man glad to hear you enjoy overwatch as much as I do, just remember that all that matters is that you keep on with that learning attitude!. Hope to see you on the Overwatch league one day! ;).
I'm probably around the same age as you, I've been playing Overwatch for years. It's viable for old farts because there are so many ways to play besides relying on youthful reflexes. Junkrat is great fun! I main Pharah but also play Torb and Symmetra. Most tanks don't require fast hitscan reflexes, and Moira or Brig are great if you want to heal. My advice is to try them all to learn what everyone can do and how they synergize. Watch a lot of videos, especially Coach Mills! You will learn a lot and bypass a lot of frustrating mistakes. I have over 1000 hours in this game and still learn something new all the time. It's absolutely possible to dominate a game using guile, treachery and psychology over youthful skill and bravado. I do it all the time!
goodluck on your overwatch journey brother!
Thank you this improved my Torbjorn flanking skills by 800%
It's Torbin time
@@BeardedHeroThe top tier meme comment 😂😂🤣🤣
Looked up this video because I just bought gold torb guns. Finna be a god.
The high noon ult was absolutely going to kill me once only for a Mei to come in clutch and drop an ice wall right in front of him. I've never been more thankful for a Mei
Mei has it good, there are so many times where I've stopped a team kill from high noon with defense matrix and no one ever notices
I had a game where a Mei ice blocked in front of my support to stop a rein charge. I added them on discord LMAO
@@kuronuma666I only really play mei in ctf because I’m a support main but my FAVORITE thing is to ice wall anyone charging lmao. No thanks, stay over there and wait your cooldown back out again
From 8k to 26k in 2 weeks man. Love your content it's so good for new players or returning players like me.
Did he say if you wanna get bot views at the end?
@@smokt9461 vod review
That's amazing, even Shadder is just 2k
This is a great video that really digs deep into the basics of positioning. I see so many dps players dying so early in team fights, especially in solo queue. People really need to learn these concepts. It’s amazing how simply playing around natural cover can save your life.
I like the concept of good positioning gives you options, specifically regarding 1v1 fights that turn into 2v1 or 3v1 at a moment’s notice. If you know your escape options before hand, you can nope right out of a bad situation and not feed enemy ults. Sometimes picking good engagements and maintaining situational awareness can flip an unwinnable game into a winnable game. This is, of course, provided that the rest of your team aren’t complete potatoes.
@ 9:45 - I see you, editor, thanks for the heads up! Lol - seriously, though, really appreciating these vids, I've gotten back into OW after a long hiatus, and your tips and tricks are really helping me out.
also, be in the line of sight of your supports to get healed. Slightly going around a corner can be really dangerous because of this.
I've been doing exactly this, whilst playing as bap and get tonne of opportunities to heal my teammates whilst keeping my deaths lower
Mostly it comes down to knowing each character indepth tbh. Knowing all characters optimum range, abilities, ults, tactics and so on. If you know all of this you can start thinking about your position, which fights you should take, whos likely to flank you etc...
Then next is knowing all of the maps in depth. You pretty much need both of those before you can truly master positioning.
I think you still need fundemental positioning like sticking to cover, always having exit and looking for high ground especially as dps.
I didn’t realize how important Map knowledge was. I didn’t play OW1 and ended up just hopping into OW2. I didn’t realize how much I just didn’t know where to go because I never played the maps before!!
Top 5 things people fear:
5- the ocean's mysteries
4- being alone in the dark
3- "justice! Rains from above!"
2- "nerf this"
1- "it's high noon"
You forgot to list the revving of a remotely controlled tire.
now i know what is happening. why all my teammates are constantly breaking line of sight to me, the support and healer. they learned how to use natural cover. they just did not understand that they have to use natural cover to get away from the enemies, not their support. nice.
yesterday I had a situation where I was on high ground, contesting the objective and a brig and rein were standing low ground trying to punch me xD that was funny as fuck. we all three just stopped moving, looking at each other for a sec, and continued
after watching my 10th coach mills video, the classic "XYZ aren't sub" got me. keep up the great content Mills you have a great gift as an educator and entertainer, here's a well earned sub.
thanks so much coach mills! this is the generalist beginner content us player too bad for bronze need! More low elo analysis please!
The general mills himself has come through again with another great education guide on overwatch 2. Mills, if you are viewing this, know that you are valued amongst the community.
My problem as a support main is my team pushing forward.really far forward. It feels like if I don’t follow them they’ll just die. I’ve since switched to Tank main and that’s really helped
In lower elos play moira and 1v1 their genji if ur by urself on the payload. Type to them if ur by urself on the payload if it has been a bit long and they're not in comms.
"It's over Anakin I have the high ground" popped in my head everytime you said high ground lol
You missed one very important high ground advantage.
It’s far easier to hit headshots when shooting down at someone, and far harder to hit them when shooting up at someone.
love the lofi music in the background. it's calming listening to ur voice
its the seven deadly sins opening as lofi
I had to sub to your channel, the content you've brought out recently has been so helpful and has made me realise so many of the mistakes I make in games, thank you!
bro the intro is hilarious thank you
I've seen this video several times and again I've come back to rewatch it. Thanks for your awesome & informative vids, they help so much. Wish I could like & sub multiple times.
In the video it’s said to always be within 3 seconds away from cover but really you should always be half a second away from cover because let’s say for example your fight a Hanzo if he body shots you he can get another shot off easily in 3 seconds in order to kill you if you are .5 seconds away he essentially has to hit the headshot to secure the kill because after he body shots you, you can hide and get heals before he can shoot another shot
I can’t wait to use this positioning in my next college bar fight
In response to what you said at 6:00
Reaper can teleport to you and end your 76 or you run. Position taken.
Mei can snipe you with an ice cycle.
I am Plat player usually, but I have held my own in some diamond games. By no means would I say I am "good". Especially when what holds me back are my mechanics and some eager over aggression that I may not be able to overcome as I get older; at least the former. But my best friend is around gold. So, we que a lot in QP.
Discounting the "it's QP", for a second, the biggest thing I see with him and other players of that Elo is they just aren't trying to *not* die. They overcommit to lost fights, the burn ults when it is just them on point, they push deep in with no real plan on how to get out. In these team based games, people often think of their role as an isolated item. But you wouldn't do that as a linebacker. One death can swing a whole fight. Even if it doesn't, it means your role is being compensated by the team for the rest of that fight, making their effectiveness weaker and running down the clock until you get back. And of course we aren't even mentioning staggering. Nor even considering the ult charge you are gifting them from these fights.
Ultimately, I like this video because it addresses this main issue. Because self-reflection, even if it is just about aspects of where you are standing, is the only way we improve at all. Sadly, so many folks-and often for good reason as anecdotal experience is easier to eat-always critique their teammate's failures first.
new to overwatch, love your videos. my only cruituqe would be always having "no bs" in the title. i get the click bait aspect but it makes it seem like a gimmicky video but when you actually talk you can tell ur super knowledgeable. Could just be me though, appreciate the tips. keep up the good work bro
Love the info. My only issue with the video is the gameplay is almost all sojourn. She is a high damage, high range, high mobility, and high utility character right now and its harder to punish her positioning than pretty much any other character. Not saying its not useful, it would just be more useful to show more veriety. I personally dont like playing sojourn cuz im uncomfortable playing characters that feel over buffed.
I appreciate the AOT lofi background music
Great video coach. You plan on bringing back the old gameplay roast videos? Those were fun to watch.
A useful tip for the low mobility characters is to use ping to point out the players in the high ground. This helps prevent semi free picks and can direct others who can fight back or quickly contest aware and allows them to focus more on what is needed.
3:22 the high ground offers... (puts on Ewan McGregor mask) Chopping Darth Vader's legs off.
14:48 I wouldn’t say cautious, but rather particular. Superb video.
Thank you for these tips, I’ve been doing somewhat better as a newbie because of this!
I’m a masters player and trying to learn how to get better because I feel like I do not deserve my rank and Trying to learn more to earn my rank. This video really helped ty
Love the content, Coach! Got you on a Sub! Keep grinding! Keep climbing!
Anyone else notice the anime music in the background? A very nice touch! Great video as always
Thank you certainly be a better dps after this educational video! Will let my scoreboard speaks for themselves uwu
The story telling at the beginning is S tier
as a Kiriko main, I can stand anywhere and survive an ultimate. I'm just built different
Everyone: shit their dva ulted we’re finished
Me as Kiriko: hold my suzu
Baptiste life
I was the enemy tank in the last clip, we were getting shit on in that game and the roadhog kept hooking us into the pit.
As a bronze player in dps, silver in support, I notice that some games I play like it’s call of duty or battlefield. I need to be better lol
Thank you so much this video made me from like eh to really good
Natural cover is a Support and Dps best friend.
Really important for most tanks too. Dipping in and out of cover is a great way to get healed/recharge a shield.
The other day I was stuck in a junk rat trap and then I hear “NERF THIS” my heart stop I look left I look right I look behind me and I don’t see I think I’m okay but I forgot to look up
🤣 I legit got chills down my back the first 30 seconds description....
Definitely the video i need. Thanks.
Im plat support but everytime i play dps i completely forget how to position because i have to focus on the killing the enemy team and not providing utilith for my own. 💀 Helpful vid
I only acknowledged this when I keep spamming teleport to a few positions with Reaper the amount of kills was insane after that
Please add Timestamps, makes it easier to revisit a video = more clicks for you too
Was about to say that
THREE seconds away? Three seconds is enough time to bring a baby to term and give birth in OW.
In the elo he is pitching to the average ttk is at least long enough to make a cuppa.
3:22 the high ground offers... (puts on Ewan McGregor mask) Chopping Darth Vader's legs off. c:
Oh shit. We have the scammers showing up. Mills is officially popular 😂
Watching this while the game updates 💯😂🙏🏽
Same lol
Hey, I know that AOT LOFI beat in the background! Nice choice of background music.
Whoever told you retretion is a word was lying to you.
I find ist hard to follow the audio when the visual video is showing completly different situations which have nothing to do with positioning or off angles.
I have a surefire tip to help improve as the ground flankers in this game instantly.... Go main Scout in TF2 for a year... Every hero with a movement ability other than double jump will become instantly easier, and you will feel much more at home in off angles and with flank positioning if your fire rate is above 2 shots per second
This isn't a slight by the way, this is why I hear "tracer is a hard character" and feel like I'm being lied to, because TF2 changes your perspective on almost every hero
@@obsessivelyobsessed5263 I played scout just fine and absolutely cannot play tracer 🤷
Meatshot is just way more useable than nerf dart pistols
@@OatmealTheCrazy lmao I have the opposite problem, I'm reasonably good at tracer and I can't hit the broad side of a barn with tf2 scout
No Fucking way 4% are subbed. Thats sad as shit. Im subbing.
Coach now that Bastion is in the game I've had the least amount of time to practice with him than any other character. Could you make a Bastion guide?
I honestly am struggling so hard. I have learned to play most characters and I enjoy playing them. However, no matter what, If I take high ground, they are there and focus on killing me. If I get behind natural cover, I get flanked by like a roadhog or something ridiculous. I don't really have an overwatch team, as I have no social skills. I often join a game where mercy is attached to a pharah and for some reason mercy is on like a roof, tucked perfectly behind cover. Or I just keep getting mowed by Reinhardt or a jumpy Rammattra almost every game . I have no idea what I am doing wrong. 😂
im watching this rolling a joint knowing i will probably understand everything and do it first time ez
You’re so cool dude
@@Milkra you're the one who's cool broo
"Everyone has a plan until you get shot in the face" - Gamer Mike
Subbed coach!
I appreciate the anime music lol
Kinda expected you to mention early in the video that Mei creates temporary natural cover
She only somewhat does, it is destructible
I'm 23 seconds in and I gotta say great stuff already haha
So what's a good pick for someone who is aggressive, anxious in 1v1 and bad at aiming? asking for a friend.
Reaper probably, has an escape, has a flank/teleport ability
Blossom doesn't require aim, he's got decent spread so if he's attacking a tank he will shred them despite bad aim and against squishes he will hurt them quite a lot if some shots hit
@@kpkazan funny. I just felt like I helped a lot picking him against a particularly good Rein. Turned the tables on them. I’ll give him a few more tries! Thanks ❤️
Fucking bangers on in the background when I heard the 7deady sins op at the start shit was fire
I’m a GM support but can’t get passed diamond on DPS 😂
My brain is so in tune for support positioning that I don’t get much value as dps.
I position well enough that I don’t die often but I just don’t get enough value
Wrecking balls are huge PTSD'S for me. The fact they can prohibit push progress in push maps and easily target players is very scary 😢
Hey I'm loving your insight and advice but you need to edit your gameplay to match what you're talking about. It's infinitely more helpful to see what we should be doing while you are talking about it. Would be super helpful, your advice and coaching is amazing though, don't get me wrong
I watched this while taking a shit but couldn’t focus because the shit was so intense
Me and the boys retreation:
Dvas ult is easy to avoid it's annoying at 1st when I started now it's a good zaraya that gets me lol
I play tons of junker queen in ly games, mainly because i like playing brawl or poke tanks, but sometimes when i catch myself up in bad positioning and i just happen to have a mei, then when a dva bomb or high noon hits and she ice blocks i hide behind her and it works woth jq
all the bad players default positioning, doesn't hide, doesn't know where enemy is, doesn't use hard cover, doesn't check ultimate, doesn't flank, doesn't use high ground, doesn't check corners, doesn't hear sounds, it is so much more than aim in ow
A suggestion: Make the footage relevant to what you're saying, I think visuals would improve your input, the viewer can connect your words with what they're seeing, it is a little distracting seeing unrelated gameplay while trying to pay attention. Otherwise nice tips.
Lol word of the day: retreation. 😂
retreation?! wth is that? lol
great vid
sometime we need to do that
i kept getting 40-50% accuracy as soldier and ashe but kept losing games thanks.
Heroes never die!
You know I've never really considered going for off angles only when I am playing a character with a lot of mobility.
The tips are helpful... but the random b roll footage doesn't fully line up with the points. I think specific footage of your 6 tips would have been more helpful
I dont need to see this. But my teammate do. Sadly i doubt they will
3 seconds from cover sounds very far to me - that's more than the amount of time it takes to run fully across most open areas without any movement utility.
sasaGAYo sasaGAYo, Shinzou wo sasaGAYo
Good video, only retreation is not a word 😅
jokes on you, i always carry, the bags of the daimonds and gms i get matched with in my silver games
shoutout to shadder2k for hitting zarya bubble often
i tried searching the Staying Alive song and it led me here.
I have ptsd cause of the illari ult, but thankfully illari got nerfed
please add timestamps
seems like you have good info, so would be willing to sub, but no way i'm investing ~15-20m of my time for every video just to see if the points you're making are new or worth that time (to me in particular)
with timestamps, I can see the video pop-up, verify what you're going to cover, and then at least watch the sections that are interesting to me
Man as a tank main I keep going just a little too far and I die guess that’s why I’m stuck in silver lol
Can anyone tell me the music he is playing at the start of the video around 2:42 PLEASE
It’s the season 1 intro to 7 deadly sins
@@Patriii0t you’re the best.
@@rogerkakanpo found the exact rendition he was using too
“Never die” yeah right
i almost always have the most kills but also the most deaths idk what to do
how do i get good if im new? i have bad instincts, bad coordination, and shit aim.. idk how to get better. i always get caught by people, my aim is ALWAYS right behind a target or right in front of them, i feel like everyones moving 10 x faster than me for some reason, and i feel like i can shoot someone 50 times with little results but then i get hit once or twice and die. im not complaining at all im just trying to lay it all out there on whats going on. any advice? (besides people saying "get good" or "practice more".) Thank you.
reaper can't contest high ground??? how can he not lol 6:00
There's about a 2 month period where he has to announce in the newspaper that he's going to teleport before he's allowed to change his location.
Really, enemy can just, you know, run away during the entire time, or throw down a trap or plan a headshot or w/e.
You're then going to either be dead or have to drop down because you aren't useful on high ground and enemy can just reset