How to ESCAPE Elo hell (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat) | Overwatch 2 (97% SUCCESS RATE)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 297

  • @coach_mills
    @coach_mills  ปีที่แล้ว +37

    What is the hardest rank to CLIMB from?

    • @Jeremy215_
      @Jeremy215_ ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Im stucc in plat😔

    • @Ninjalord664
      @Ninjalord664 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Gold because teammate either doesn’t swap and die and blame tank, healer, and the other dps, second healers who only focus on healing one person leaving the rest to be killed by sniper, flankers etc.

    • @redcomet1866
      @redcomet1866 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Plat, for sure there are new players in the rank because sometimes it feels like some people don’t know how to play the game.

    • @ВУраев
      @ВУраев ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Elo hell is the place on ladder where most new players are dumped: OW1-gold/plat, OW2 -bronze/silver. This is a common knowledge in moba community.
      Constant stream of players who's sr wildly different from their skill (walking pharah and cs go shitbucket in the same game) makes games unbalanced and climbing takes more time.
      As for your question elo hell in ow2 is bronze-silver, hardest rank to klimb out of -GM2. Method of escaping both - shitt tonn of grind.
      Now take down your 8 minutes of nonsense.

    • @mak3129
      @mak3129 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Bruh yall have no idea. I'm hard stuck masters 1 on all 3 roles. I went fking 5-1 3 times on my dps only for me to not get gm .

  • @thermitemound8754
    @thermitemound8754 ปีที่แล้ว +464

    The issue isn't really being held back by teammates, it's going 5-1 and not ranking up.

    • @CoziEntropy
      @CoziEntropy ปีที่แล้ว +8

      did you go negative on your previous ranked card?

    • @jacobsotorios8886
      @jacobsotorios8886 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Check your win rate, if it's 50 percent then it's probably where you belong

    • @mikeydevlino
      @mikeydevlino ปีที่แล้ว +11

      The 5 wins gimmick is stupid because that's not how it works.
      You can go 5-0 but if you lost 10 games previously, it means fk all.

    • @whonow5384
      @whonow5384 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It happens I'm bronze on Tank and support and Plat DPS. My other acc I peaked Masters 5 in support

    • @RafaelSilva-yv3oh
      @RafaelSilva-yv3oh ปีที่แล้ว +17

      I once went 10-2-1 (5-2-1, followed by a 5-0) and stayed in the same rank. It was so frustrating.

  • @eliotyou1069
    @eliotyou1069 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +76

    I've been playing since 2018, and are still stuck in Bronze - Silver.
    I got mad, created a smurf, won 50 quick play, and then did my placements with a smurf.
    I ended up in Platinum 3 in healing, and Platinum 5 in DPS (the role I play the least).
    So I can conclude that Blizzard's ranking system is as bad as you think it is, and that they need a rank reset for everyone

    • @blairw1695
      @blairw1695 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      yeah my main account is stuck at bronze 5 support. i made a new account and got placed at gold 2 a week later. Nearly impossible to escape the lower ranks because of the way the system works. ive heard people say its supposed to "consider individual skill in matches" as well. But it really doesnt feel that way when i go 5-3, get POTG in a losing match and go DOWN in percentage. I went up by 3% going 5-2 before that.

    • @_Yombo
      @_Yombo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How many hours have you played

    • @valeclaw1697
      @valeclaw1697 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      Deadass the fact people earnestly try to say it's just a skill issue when this is verifiable lol...
      Or the fact that the habits you'd pick up needing to 'solo carry' a team out of those lobbies is going to fuck you when you actually have teammates who do understand mechanics. The issue isn't just self improvement.

    • @eliotyou1069
      @eliotyou1069 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@_Yombo 600hours

  • @yofou8651
    @yofou8651 ปีที่แล้ว +96

    i mean try support on solo queue thats real torture

    • @Wulfereene
      @Wulfereene ปีที่แล้ว +37

      You mean that mode where you see all the deep red shapes through the walls around corners and out of range? Where you heal around you and can never get more than one teammate into range? Where you can never ult because you are never grouped? Where you just return from spawn, barely 3 seconds away and see you track rushing into the whole enemy team and die? And then when all is lost the people avoiding your line of sight all game complain about no heals? Fun mode.

    • @Zell8158
      @Zell8158 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I’m so stuck and I been following all of awkward advice

    • @Livepunkdiepunk
      @Livepunkdiepunk 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I see Mercy’s go x-0 or x-1 once every three game it’s literally impossible to die with her if you know how to play correctly.

    • @lucasbecause9176
      @lucasbecause9176 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @TamWam_
      @TamWam_ 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Livepunkdiepunk im a mercy that goes x-0 and x-1 but im 55% winrate, cause not dying doesnt always equal win

  • @mrmars00
    @mrmars00 ปีที่แล้ว +170

    Im genuinely tired of trying to climb. Solo queuing in OW2 is the most draining experience in any ranked system ive ever played. I can hard carry and even try to swap to have better team comp so that i make sure that we secure the win. But nevertheless i always run into trolls that throw and smurfs that stomp and just overall just cant win consistent enough to climb anywhere . I do try to see what im doing wrong and try to adjust according but i just think this system just sucks donkey sack.

    • @luckychicken1563
      @luckychicken1563 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      You prob dont hard carry lol cause you would be in a diff rank😂

    • @demonetized357
      @demonetized357 ปีที่แล้ว

      what’s your rank

    • @JackAzoug-cm3es
      @JackAzoug-cm3es ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Bruh did you even watch the video? Drop the ego, you are not getting trolls or smurfs in 90% of your games

    • @Symphoniics
      @Symphoniics 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

      Totally agree with you. There are a lot of cucks in these comments just sucking off Activision till they’re dry, but it’s definitely a busted system. I’ve never been so frustrated with a ranking system in a video game

    • @Zell8158
      @Zell8158 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Literally am stuck in bronze as support main :( lol

  • @soggywaffletoessheesh9530
    @soggywaffletoessheesh9530 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +34

    I’m convinced this man is a paid actor from blizzard

  • @zackerygarcia3332
    @zackerygarcia3332 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    "how to escape elo hell"
    To simplify what he said for everyone "get good". Lol I really thought he was gonna teach me something and I left the video feeling like a scrub lol

    • @Bluemansonic
      @Bluemansonic ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Worst part is he used to actually care but now he's giving 0 attention to us with jobs and no time

  • @marceloasensiofilho3833
    @marceloasensiofilho3833 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I find funny the 97% statistic. It does sound random as fuck

    • @IncredibleMet
      @IncredibleMet ปีที่แล้ว +9

      About 105% of stats have been plucked out of thin air.

  • @ZzZzZzZzZl999
    @ZzZzZzZzZl999 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Tbh I disagree. I have always been gm1/top 500, however this season I have been hardtack diamond/ masters and it doesn’t matter what I can do. I carry everyone on my back(as I should), however my teamates are plastic spoon 5 and I can’t do anything more perfect. Idk what to do lol

  • @krutido96
    @krutido96 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    My main account is Diamond, and my wife account is hard stuck at Bronze 5. I tried to play on her account to take her rank to atleast Gold, where she will probably rank by herself with good teammates.
    PS: It's literally impossible. Even if you're a godlike aim and win 4 games in a row, you start getting throwers, afk, leavers, even if you're winning the game, and lose 15 in a row. (My main account i have 54% winrate as Soldier and 56% winrate as Reaper, with 200h+ in both.)

    • @orls9068
      @orls9068 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yep, Bronze was the hardest rank for me to get out of you, I was in bottom 500 at one point on ow 1 so that was an extra 500 sr to climb compared to other

    • @Pascalovic
      @Pascalovic ปีที่แล้ว

      Rank byherself with good teammates LOL if u need the teammates to carry, you dont deserve it!
      And when you cannot get out of bronze maybe you got carried to diamond.

    • @krutido96
      @krutido96 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Pascalovic Try and go down to bronze, rank back up to your rank, so we can speak. Even top 500 players admit some bronze to top 500 accounts are impossible to carry.
      Its impossible when out of 15 games, you get your whole team to leave, even when you are winning. There are people that refuse to get beyond bronze, and that people can carry you down to the bottom as well.

    • @Pascalovic
      @Pascalovic ปีที่แล้ว

      @@krutido96 nothing more easy than that. You will have leavers on the enemies too. I will carry as support. For the support people who are crying.
      Edit: everyone monkey can mercy pocket a t500 dps and win most games. But be capable of carrying his owen games. Thats what is important no matter which role. I can carry 100 accounts out of bronze as support

    • @Pascalovic
      @Pascalovic ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And also your sentence ", where she willbrobably rank by herself with good teammates" shows that you dont have any clue about the game. If she sucks in bronze, she will suck even more in gold. Cuz u should be able to carry 4v5 im bronze if you are really diamond
      Actually, i thought about your words. If you cannot carry out of bronze as a diamond player. It gives me the feeling, your girlfriends account is actually ypur account. You are hardstuck in bronze but you think you deserve diamond. And you are blameing everyone but not yourself. Ehh my team is leaving. My tank is feeding. My supports dont heal me. Blablabla... give me the data of the account and ill carry it out for u

  • @jeepeedurocher
    @jeepeedurocher 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Stuck as a gold support, in the lower games, the dps keep blaming supports while they are throwing themselves instead of using corners

  • @NotLikeLee
    @NotLikeLee ปีที่แล้ว +77

    8 minutes to say “ get good”

    • @zachharkins6930
      @zachharkins6930 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Gotta get that add money

    • @_Yombo
      @_Yombo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      8 minutes is the minimum to get paid on YT, unless it's a short

  • @Timely7
    @Timely7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This video is very vague, the beginning was spot on and other few parts was as well; But was somewhat scattered. People like to be vague or only give half of the story to funnel people into buying coaching so they can get more money which is okay-ish but Im tired of seeing this behavior not only for OW2 but for other subjects as well. Here are some Cold hard concrete steps to actually improve instead of saying like the video did which was "Just get good and you will climb". So first of all you need to figure out how much you care about the game, if you feel apathetic to it then you will NOT climb. if this is the case like me just stop playing the game, you're not having fun and go do something you enjoy more. I did manage to climb bc I enjoy the game a little bit and love the hero's personality's which allowed me to muster the strength to climb from gold to diamond 3. Now here is how you actually do it! First after all that each game you play go back and review it. Each death, each ability use, each time you move analyze the positioning seeing if it is good or not. You don't need a Top 500 coach to tell you that standing out in the open is a bad idea. Use corners and walls/ other terrain to hide when necessary. Secondly after doing this make a gameplan to write down how you will implement the new knowledge you obtained. You can start by picking one thing you struggle with either being positioning, ability usage, or even mechanics. Autopilot on everything else and focus on doing better on that one aspect you are trying to get better at. For little one off mistakes against specific hero's or situations think of what you could of done instead that would of been better. Once you do this tell yourself in your mind "If X situation happens I do whatever I thought was better Decision/ action" And yes it's really that simple. If you tell yourself to do X thing when X specific situation comes it becomes automatic and you will just do it knowing you should do. If you struggle with this, then do this with other situations that happen more often. For example if reinhart charges and you're Orisa, your response should to be to press E. you can do this with any situation either in video games or real life to get better at it. I use this even in real life when I make a mistake, I tell myself I should do X thing if it happens again; then you forget about it then when that situation pops up your brain will automatically remind you to do X thing. I hope this makes sense and has helped you have a nice day.

    • @MAGS92on
      @MAGS92on ปีที่แล้ว +1

      friend with those pratical hints someone is not selling a coaching pack today.

    • @deathgazereaper2130
      @deathgazereaper2130 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yo g thanks for the banger advise.

  • @FlameDurgen
    @FlameDurgen ปีที่แล้ว +7

    "The wise man knows he knows nothing" -Plato

  • @FenderJay
    @FenderJay หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’ve played 4 games in a row where someone on my team left barely in the first round.
    I’m a support main (mostly Kiriko) and im on plat and I often have the most heals and even the most kills and damge on occasions but on these ranks almost no one wants to play seriously

  • @TiagoMorbusSa
    @TiagoMorbusSa ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I don't want to rank up.
    I want to play against and with players of a similar skill level to me.
    And that DOES NOT happen. To anybody. In any rank.
    Overwatch ranked system is trash and made to scam people out of their money, simple as.

  • @ChernoOfficial000
    @ChernoOfficial000 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Sorry but the thing about smurfs is that you never encountered them individually. They are always on stacks of 3 or more people abusing the most broken comps on the most insufferable maps. Low ranks will never complain if you are smurfing on Lifeweaver or Lucio. The problem is when stacks of smurfs insta locks pharmecy and completely rolls over solo Q low rank players.

  • @tysonsmall7312
    @tysonsmall7312 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Well I’ve dropped from diamond 4 to silver 1 in the matter of 3 days so riddle me that, clearly there is a problem. It’s not me cause I’m playing no different then I have so explain

    • @almuhairi_ue
      @almuhairi_ue ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I was plat and went back to gold. I don't know if I'm bad or if there's a problem. Currently, I'm spending the quick play period and waiting for the next update because they will fix the ranking system, so I'm hoping for the best.

  • @Eecrov
    @Eecrov 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    ELO hell is people (incl. me) being not consistant playing the "good" games..
    yes some games are thrown by teammates but some games i am that teammate for others.
    Some games i play that could be diamond or so, but others are zilver or even bronze. And i climb and fall and stay in the ELO hell...
    Practice for real, start acknowledge youre bottlenecks and begin to write/practice/grind surtain skills or.. keep playing for fun and put the time in but dont "jump" to higher rankings

  • @NashoroHD
    @NashoroHD ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I got instalockers with heroes that they don't know how to use wtf like they are trying the heroe in ranked or they just leave the game, ALWAYS no matter what, even if we are wining. Maybe Blizz could be consider to replace the trash ranked system and use something like the Valorant system where each rank have 100 points to reach and you have to do a nice performance (contribution, assists, how many times you killed someone with a higher rank than you and stuff like that)

    • @Nemo.404
      @Nemo.404 ปีที่แล้ว

      That would be way way better than just winning games. Sometimes one can overperform and still lose the game. It has happened to me many times. Of course the win should count and be the main reason one climbs up, but al those other things should be considered a lot too

    • @NashoroHD
      @NashoroHD ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Nemo.404 I know it's complicated, but the matchmaking is horrible, is a bad joke fr. The ranked system is a big problem.
      For a example: I got 5 W - 3L and the system reward me lowering my rank wtf it make no sense, well, maybe in one of those 3 Losses I had a bad perfomance, but the average games percentaje is a bad design, maybe the algorithm is wrong, I don't know.

  • @justaguychillin1292
    @justaguychillin1292 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    if you want to escape elo hell just play the rat that is sombra, just hit virus and a 140 dot will appear, balanced and fair

  • @henkevdb
    @henkevdb ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ive been plat 2- 3 support for the past 4 seasons. But now something has happened. Im now silver 1. I dont know wtf is going on... the only thing ive been noticing is that my dps teammates and tanks are realy bad! Is it possible that i have been geting this bad?

  • @GodKingRiu
    @GodKingRiu 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Explain to me why I have a Silver 2 Account that Only plays with ands against Emeralds. But its Silver 2. Meanwhile my Gold 3 Account Only plays with Silvers? Matchmaking isnt working as intended, Even as intended its a garbage system. There is no elo hell. its all hell.

    • @raskult
      @raskult 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bruh the comp info says you can play within 3 divisions, 1 tier, or like 3 tiers bro. So rank really doesn’t matter from like silver-plat they’re all the same, then I think it’s like diamond-gold/plat, and masters-diamond-grandmaster

  • @Silligk
    @Silligk 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I was stuck in gold on my main for half a year. Finally made an alt and immediately got put in plat 5 and made it up to plat 2 within a week after.

  • @connorjones397
    @connorjones397 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ok but when do you get to eventually say yes my teammates were bad this game and thats why we loss? Like Ive had great games where we still lose because my team just wasnt it. Saying basically carry as an answer doesnt help players stuck in elo hell

  • @kyrylopospielkin9631
    @kyrylopospielkin9631 หลายเดือนก่อน

    And how move out of bronze if 3 of 5 games your teammates leave the game ?))) I really don’t understand why blizzard does not ban people who leave game

  • @microwaveman7334
    @microwaveman7334 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    so basically, elo hell is impossible to get out of as winston or any dive tank, if the other team has a decent tank theyll just walk into your team while you dive and get 2-3 elims per say, but the queen and lucio quad kill your entire team since theyre low elo and cannot survive without a strong frontline tank... this is why i dropped down from m2 to diamond 3 and am losing about 70% of games even though i was sitting m2 for a week, 2-3 weeks ago. the heals are worse, i die more often due to my higher level playstyle, even when i play too passive and push my shitty dps along they still die if i even attempt a dive, so, i cannot dive, i cannot protect my lower elo dps. elo hell is worst for tanks, since dps are so inconsistent and if you leave them open theyre especially vulnerable due to the 1 tank format of overwatch 2.

  • @TheLeetCasualGamer
    @TheLeetCasualGamer ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel like I ran through enough vods of people saying they "Don't belong in x"
    Common trends, blame teammates. But the enemy has just as bad teammates that they could have capitalized on
    Look at my elims/damage. When most of the fights were a lot of deaths happening and nothing happening. The number really means nothing.
    On top of that common habits like giving up high ground, be in one big ball with your team, and taking a 4K rat tire, or spamming in the open. You deserve nothing more than bronze-gold at that point.
    But those are also things you can stop doing and roll most of your games. After all, getting better has much more value than your actual rank.

    @INS4NEL3G3ND ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ive accepted the fact that ill be plat forever. Ill go 25wins-3 losses and go up 1 rank at a time up to diamond 3 then go 5-4 and derank to plat 3. Ive been coming to terms that ive hit my skill ceiling lol specially mixed with every other game has smurfs and i get roadhog trolls on my team and people leaving first round. Its just the life of solo queue i accept it

    • @raskult
      @raskult 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Plat is a joke to get out of bro. But idk. I literally carry just about every game, and by carry I mean I got just about every kill and barely died. Entire enemy team swap to counter me. That’s what I did on the regular in plat.

    • @angryrabidfoxes7380
      @angryrabidfoxes7380 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bruh that isn’t your skill ceiling that’s just a broken system

  • @travislamar5986
    @travislamar5986 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    OW2 doesn’t put you in the rank you are, it’s often the rank you can carry. I think Bronze and Silver, and even gold are hard because fresh players get put into those based off their QP games and the large amount of games needed is just a slog the vast majority of players avoid. I do know most of my games are not a wash, but when you have a teammate just completely diffed - those games stay in your head more than any win I get

  • @aaronsandberg21
    @aaronsandberg21 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    that maybe makes sense in other games like counter strike or valorant where you can actually ace every round if you're better but not in OW. I literally drop 50+ elims and 10 deaths all the time and lose more than i win. people suck at this game

  • @tylerjudd1574
    @tylerjudd1574 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don’t understand how open q I’m high master but on role q I can’t even stay in diamond 😂

  • @coreyhale6660
    @coreyhale6660 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    what if my mauga runs into their spawn every time we win a teamfight on 3cp? thanks for the answer in advance :)

    @GRIZZLYSMILEZ 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    homie made me have an existential crisis at 2.44 am

  • @alexpaige1255
    @alexpaige1255 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My problem is that it doesn’t matter how much damage or healing I do I just can’t get out of silver u don’t even really dies that much

  • @LordOfWaffles32
    @LordOfWaffles32 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Get really really good with one hero. For me that’s Doomfist! Master 5 babyyyy✨

  • @kylemeyer6438
    @kylemeyer6438 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've been Plat 1 for 5 seasons now. Bouncing in and out of diamond 5 and 4 but never able to push through

    • @raskult
      @raskult 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      One trick. Play one character continuously and excel.

  • @seba6059
    @seba6059 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hard stuck silver for like a year, had a gm on my account for like 2 weeks and he couldnt even get me to gold, my friend has been gold/plat for about a year, they made a smurf and immediately got placed masters, they've been playing on that smurf for months and havent ranked down. I've had that same friend in my account for 2 months and the farthest they got was gold 5... make it make sense

  • @jessepacheco6020
    @jessepacheco6020 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I play support and bust out at least 15k heals a match. Can't get out of platinum. ELO in OW2 is busted.

  • @novalun3
    @novalun3 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    it's generally good advice, but something that the vid fails to mention is impact can be disproportionate. It's so much easier to carry as a dps than a support. the amount of times you will have the most kills *and* heals *and* saves* is unhinged. Sure, I can only focus on getting better, but as support there's some games where I'm like no matter how perfect my aim, position, decision, etc was, it wouldn't be enough for us to win the game.
    I had two weeks of this. Then quit support, and suddenly I was plat in other roles lol

    • @turkeybeef6269
      @turkeybeef6269 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Fr, supports suffering

  • @Phyfoee
    @Phyfoee 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’m sorry but what is this advice, I have actaully tried everything but tbh it just seems like console player are just naturally bad, I feel as though pc is actually pay to win because console is not real

  • @glennsnare09
    @glennsnare09 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Coach Mill's advice: Get better

  • @ComptonEMT
    @ComptonEMT ปีที่แล้ว

    The simple truth comes around 7 min in the video.
    I've said it so many times in the comments of your videos. The #1 tip to climb is to grind. If you play 50 games a season you never will. Even 100 games is too low

  • @rexoverwatch
    @rexoverwatch 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    a problem here is that the ladder is not it isn't a game of getting good, it's a game of appeasing the judges, and there is no way to see what the judge sees,,,,, very bad in the name of sports, shameful :)

  • @obiwantschernobyl5650
    @obiwantschernobyl5650 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i was noticing recently that playing ana can have a high impact on how the fights go. Its about you definitely

  • @urqueen_eileen3405
    @urqueen_eileen3405 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Okay so obviously the reason people click on this video is to learn the actual mechanics of how elo is counted to learn a framework for viewing things like placement matches and in-game hero-comp/strategy choices. This is just a condescending 10 minute rant where you repeat 'get better' over and over. Everyone knows that. That's the starkly obvious thing that every single person knows, that 'you have to practice and get better'. That's not a tip, its a given. Jesus, what a waste of my time.

  • @AdamSlander888
    @AdamSlander888 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    With all due respect this new system is complete dogshit. I will put Shaq number going 30 and 6 and will get troglodytes on my team going 8 and 14 and there is literally nothing more I can do except die less. These games are not fun and solo queue is the worst hell I have ever experienced. You either get people who don’t know to switch or people who are so bad it doesn’t matter even if they do.

  • @pancakesjr8831
    @pancakesjr8831 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How am I plat 1 and got 4 wins 15 loss😮

  • @anon1musth3l4st8
    @anon1musth3l4st8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you..

  • @FoxTrotse
    @FoxTrotse 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I rage after 1 comp game🙂

  • @leonmangalino
    @leonmangalino 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How to ESCAPE Elo hell (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat) | Overwatch 2 (97% SUCCESS RATE)
    8 min video in 1 word, "improve" ..... ty if this video would have been uploaded 2 days ago it would have been perfect

  • @Lovelykarma0909
    @Lovelykarma0909 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is it really called escaping? More like when ur good enough

  • @deantrellzenonadair
    @deantrellzenonadair 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video was literally 80% yapping about nothing

  • @jaffajake2323
    @jaffajake2323 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I disagree, a single person cant carry a team to win

  • @ryanhampshire1897
    @ryanhampshire1897 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im 0-30 right now someone help me bruh 😂 gold 1 to silver 2

  • @MeMoe423
    @MeMoe423 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @aniclips2995
    @aniclips2995 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So conclusion: git gud

  • @exodus_ow
    @exodus_ow ปีที่แล้ว

    Just make a new account if you think your account is really that doomed.

  • @gd3500
    @gd3500 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    TLDR you are the problem

  • @pieterveldkamp
    @pieterveldkamp 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this was so useless

  • @Not____Applicable
    @Not____Applicable ปีที่แล้ว

    I don’t understand why you think it’s hard to hear that I might just not be good enough. The first step to fixing a problem is recognizing it. You can’t ever improve at anything if you can’t identify your strengths AND weaknesses.

  • @buttbutterson5326
    @buttbutterson5326 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is so weird I just started improving at my gameplay and I can go like five and three and go up in rank and I can climb decently

  • @Jonvon-
    @Jonvon- 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I went 15-3 and I still am in bronze 5i think the game just hates me 🥲

  • @omrizubary
    @omrizubary ปีที่แล้ว +177

    "If a soldier goes on a flank by himself with ult and dies blame yourself not the team"-Overwatch community

    • @sandra4130
      @sandra4130 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      this dont even make sense

      @ZFGFZDGDFG 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      @@sandra4130this video is saying it’s your fault your in x rank but the comment is saying how this isn’t always the case. Especially in lower ranks you try and communicate and people don’t listen or push solo and die

    • @sandra4130
      @sandra4130 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      @@ZFGFZDGDFG thank u for being so helpful and non condescending

    • @xox1592009
      @xox1592009 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You're missing the forrest for the trees, you're looking at one mistake, one round, one game and blaming that for the reason ur stuck in your rank. This dude is talking about AVERAGES over a lot of games, the better you perform than your rank, the faster you climb, it takes dozens or a hundred games for it to average out depending on how much better you are. Coping feels good , to deflect blame on others but it keeps you hard stuck in your rank

    • @343ishill
      @343ishill 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      ​​@@xox1592009Nah, in metal ranks the average is bad plays.
      So the solution is to just take advantage of the opponents bad plays right?
      But that's ignoring different roles have less impact and agency. Support can't do shit when the DPS can't counter pharamercy or widow/ashe.
      Nor a tank, when the team refuses to cooperate and just play on their safe comfort picks.
      Your average skill/gamesene being above and beyond doesn't always translate to your impact.

  • @RyanCunningham-v7p
    @RyanCunningham-v7p ปีที่แล้ว +38

    The #1 thing I learned climbing ranks is positioning, I’ll never hit flicks like kenzo or melt people like Dafran but what I can do is not feed and die trying to make some insane play to turn the tables

    • @DjZephy
      @DjZephy 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I've learned this as well and I almost always have 0-3 deaths in a match whereas my teammates have 10+ deaths. It doesn't matter how much I heal or how much damage I do, my team just consistently sucks.

  • @siaviken6112
    @siaviken6112 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Yep, a smurf can 1v9 my lobbies, doesnt mean I can, and it doesnt mean I belong in the rank.

  • @AetherArcane
    @AetherArcane ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Okay so simple. 100% First off completely end handicapping(50/50W/L rate we all know its real, stop the gaslighting; the game literally will never pair you up with the same team if youre winning by design and will take its sweet time to pair you with underperforming teammates to carry in a game you cant carry in),
    Continuing... let people see their rank update in real time, give agency/value to ALL heroes and stop forcing synergy metas, debuff heals and tanks, have multiple objectives which include getting kills in order to win, add in no-respawn gametypes, eliminate smurf accounts thru phone+ email verification, ban players for the season after more than 1 leave.....there fixed not hard tbh

  • @pound5435
    @pound5435 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I don’t disagree fully with what mills said. However, I think the situation changed when the game became free. Being solo you end up playing in comp with people who have barely played and don’t really care to get better. Paying for a game gives a person a bigger sense of commitment. Often it feels like team is playing checkers and not chess. No understanding of the game. It’s tough to overcome if you aren’t already a higher tier skilled player.

    • @eternalglow6483
      @eternalglow6483 ปีที่แล้ว

      The most frustrating shit in the world is when I’m studying pro gameplay, watching educational videos, aim training for like an hour before I queue, and then getting into a game and seeing my teammates solo push and die immediately, or supports completely ignoring half the team and not healing. Like I genuinely don’t understand how someone this braindead and stupid is in my game and managed to make it to plat. These people have zero understanding of how to play the game as a team and it seems like they don’t care about improving at all

    • @SephAZ
      @SephAZ ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This makes no sense.
      If you are playing with those kind of people then you, as a more seasoned player, should be able to turn most matches in your favour.. these careless players will be out of position alot, will make a ton of mistakes for you to capitalize on.. If you can't do it often enough, it just means your skill level is exactly the same as them.... No matter how you put it, your rank is what you are, yes you can be at a lower division than your true skill but never a diamond player will be stuck in gold neither will a gold be stuck in bronze, cause they are just carrying games at those skill levels.

    • @pound5435
      @pound5435 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@SephAZ it definitely makes sense. I’m a support main. If the tank keeps charging in and I heal but they don’t do the correct thing then there’s only so much I can do about that. If dps is not going after their support or the other dps that’s going berserk then I can only do so much about that. You can overcome 1 or 2 like that on a team but when it’s 2 or 3 that have no ability to survive with out me then it’s almost impossible. I said I don’t disagree with what he said but it’s hard to learn that way. If you are already a GM then it’s different. You already know how to overcome stuff like that. It’s possible, sure. My K/D is over 3 as a healer and I focus on healing. I win more than lose. Most players don’t know how to survive without being healed constantly and don’t care to learn. Nor do they understand who to kill in a given match. They are more concerned with spamming voice lines.

    • @SephAZ
      @SephAZ ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@pound5435 If u win more than you lose , you'll be out of the metal ranks and the games will improve... I strongly recommend the AWKWARD series Unranked to GM with multiple supports... you can't win every game, but ppl don't understand that you can win alot more games when you stop caring for your teammates and learn about ways to tip the scale of the game in your favour... once you accept that you have no control over the others and focus solely on carrying the game alone OW2 becomes alot more fun

  • @mp8008008
    @mp8008008 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    with all due respect, if you need to be at least plat or diamond in order to get out bronze it's not just a matter of "get better" and "grind enough".

    • @dSYNYSTERb
      @dSYNYSTERb ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You have to be diamond to get out of bronze?

    • @Timely7
      @Timely7 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Yes indeed! If you wanna get out of your current rank you have to become the rank higher to get out. If you're bronze then you have to play like a silver player to get out meaning you are better. Start simple trying to fix big mistakes, then go down the list and the more you fix, the less time you die, the better your mechanics and game sense gets the more you will climb. this is besides the weird ranking system where you can deranked with a 5-1 score. But if you're dedicated to climbing this is how you do it no matter how little the mistakes you are fixing it will help you climb.

    • @Cockydude23
      @Cockydude23 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It really is that simple, if you can't accept that you're the only consistent factor in your games, then you deserve your rank and you're not gonna climb.
      It's as simple as that, no one said it was easy. But you do need to prove to the game that you deserve higher. There's nothing wrong with being a lower rank, but you need to just accept the reality of things if you wanna climb.

    • @Niwan8
      @Niwan8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You dont have to be plat or diamond, you have to be silver to get out of bronze
      Even getting out of bronze 5 you just have to be bronze 4/3
      (Get good)

    • @scumknight6074
      @scumknight6074 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      No it’s definitely a skill issue. I played on a silver-bronze alt and carried easily (I’m high gold low plat).
      It doesn’t matter how many hours you have, some players are simply better.

  • @ultimateblaze23
    @ultimateblaze23 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    i don't know what it is people can't admit the rank system in this game is false, the matchmaking is terrible meaning you will get both very low level players and higher level players same game, also this game is much more team dependant than others, if ur tank feeds gg you lose automatically.

  • @val26874
    @val26874 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I wonder what win rate generally is needed to rank up.
    I feel like it's about 80% maybe.

    • @ofixge
      @ofixge ปีที่แล้ว +4

      No 52% is enough if you can keep it but it will be slow as hell

  • @Seven_Sinzz
    @Seven_Sinzz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    You said nothing to help anyone tbh. Just throw this video out homie

  • @reynoldvondegurechaff
    @reynoldvondegurechaff ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I don't care for rank anymore, i just don't like quick games
    with my research i realized that I'm a casual player and don't really need to play that hard alone, it's a team game not a solo game like fighting games when i gladly blame myself gor my mistakes or get better.

  • @jerrysafdar
    @jerrysafdar 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I’ve been playing Moria for about a year and recently got into comp cuz I was banned for the entirety for season 7 and I’ve noticed that when I get demoted to silver I’m suddenly getting good teammates while in gold I get some stupid junk rat speaking Arabic calling me a donkey cuz I didn’t jump in front of a bastion and save them. I get an average of around 7k damage with 9k healing 10k damage and 15k healing on longer maps and I’m losing every single round. I start pushes with my ult and when my teammates begin to push I follow them but suddenly they all jump out of there leaving me caught of position and dying. I’m carrying my team every time with the highest numbers in the game but I’m consistently going 5-9 5-8 or something. Any tips?

  • @lordmoncef5494
    @lordmoncef5494 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I loooove when content creators says stuff actually if u are good u can carry
    My G s how when theres a support who actively refuses to heal u
    A zarya getting pocketing while ur team is feeding
    0 coordination against a coordinated team
    Every flank is shut down everytime u play with tank he s out of position
    Or a team actively focusing u
    Just hooooow ?

    • @aSuperPi.
      @aSuperPi. ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Watch literally any unranked to GMs they all figure it out so it’s really just a skill issue.

    • @shawnskyeviews
      @shawnskyeviews ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you watch the entire video girl?😂😂😂

    • @RafaelSilva-yv3oh
      @RafaelSilva-yv3oh ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ​@aSuperPi. Tbh, most unranked to GM start at around plat, so it's not the same. I would love to see them taking someone hardstuck bronze and getting it to GM and see how long it takes. Not saying they won't do it, they definitely will, but it would take a while longer, and I bet you they won't have that typical 90% winrate unranked to GM people do.

    • @lordmoncef5494
      @lordmoncef5494 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@aSuperPi. i did most of em atleast get decent players or a mercy pocket somehow

    • @raskult
      @raskult 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lordmoncef5494look bro I got mercy pocket too. I got it because my supports respected me after I went crazy and got solid picks and kills. You gotta lock in

  • @rakprodakszyn6732
    @rakprodakszyn6732 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Lmao i love narration about its no fault of team8. This moment when i have 20k 4d but 2nd dps have 7k 16d. Yes its definitely my skill ISSUE XD

  • @artsy_h0e28
    @artsy_h0e28 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i think everything you said is just common sense: in order to rank up just be better.
    but thats not the problem. i started playing comp like a few months after started playing overwatch. i got ranked silver 2 as a one trick mercy. ive now obviously gotten way better, have learned to play more characters, and i consistently outperform the rest of my team AND the other team as a support. all that to be ranked silver 3- even LOWER than i did before.
    while yes its good to get out of a mindset of constantly blaming the rest of your team, sometimes (tbh a lot of times in the metal ranks), its justified. i feel like i should at least be mid to upper plat, but when i get dps who go 5 kills 13 deaths and supports with 2k heals by the end of the game, its incredibly hard to rank up. no amout of carrying can win games like that.

  • @scrufflesde-brickashaw333
    @scrufflesde-brickashaw333 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Its hard to climb when Im support (Kiriko, Lucio, Bap), having the highest healing in the lobby, making multiple game saving plays per fight, and I still have more damage than our dps combined, and we still lose

  • @SharpiesERA
    @SharpiesERA ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yeah you can try whatever you want, the system is doomed… my main is Silver4, i went 15-4 and still silver4, it’s just a joke. Meanwhile I made an alt and ranked Diamond3 after my first 2 rank ups….
    If there’s a support and tank duo in my games openly throwing theres nothing else to do but take the L. Multiple times. In a row

  • @pointx8278
    @pointx8278 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Man at the start of the season I was gold 3 and ranked up to plat 3 in 15 wins and 0 losses after that every game I played was a disaster I deranked to gold 2 again I don’t get this game I don’t blame anyone I know sometimes I do stupid mistakes but not in every match.

  • @TheSauce3mk
    @TheSauce3mk 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i actually don't understand how to climb out of gold as support...the last 2 seasons i've had about 73% win rate on support over ~60 games each season but i can't get beyond gold 2. so many times i get to the 5 game wins and it just keeps me at the same rank

  • @falwk
    @falwk 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    when I reached master in OW1 I think a huge part of it was that I was really enjoying the game and didn't care about rank at all so losses didn't cascade due to tilting
    if you spend a lot of time in chat, trying to setup plays, flaming, trying to convince someone to swap and spend a lot of time being dead looking at the K/D, dmg, healing to see who's "behind" - try disabling the chat, both in team and match and just play, you'll be amazed how different the game feels
    and remember, quitters never win, don't _ever_ give up, it's not over until a lady screams "DEFEAT"

  • @mrhappytroll
    @mrhappytroll 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    half way through the video and his still just yapping, literally 0 usuable advice. No. You are not the problem. I dont give a flying fuck if youre a top 500 hanzo main, you will not win a silver game if your team dies off respawn repeatedly. Full stop. Anyone that tells you differently is dilusional

  • @No-no-no-no-nope
    @No-no-no-no-nope 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    On my main account I was always platinum/diamond and then it started with a series of lost games until I was even at the bottom in bronze. I then fought my way to silver in many games. Then I made a second account and went straight back to diamond. Maybe that's why you talk about an Elohell, because it's 100%. But then I found out how to counteract this. As soon as you lose a game at the beginning of the day where you would be completely humiliated because your team isn't doing anything right, just turn off the game and play with the other account. Yes, and now both are Diamond/Master. I don't mind not being the best player, but the system sometimes gives you people with whom it makes no sense to complete a match. It doesn't matter how you perform yourself.

    @NUSORCA 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    80% of players fall into Bronze-plat rank. I won’t call it a hell

  • @pan1tal0co
    @pan1tal0co ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just change your rating every single game. Not every 5, thats garbage. Ive played arenas in wow for 15 years and i know my rating at all times.
    Ive gone 5-0, same rank, 5-2, same rank, 5-1, back to bronze 4 from bronze 2. Lol

  • @soggywaffletoessheesh9530
    @soggywaffletoessheesh9530 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Any isn’t too hard? I present… Silver. EVERYONE FOR SOME REASON BE A FING GM ROLE CHALLENGER

  • @owencrookes3850
    @owencrookes3850 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Right. Im a solo support player. I’m Silver 1. I am HARD stuck in this rank. For some reason I went 5-0 at the start of season 6 to get my rank and got silver 5!!!! Since then, I’ve managed to get to silver 1 but the teams I am getting are awful. Even the enemy teams are so bad and I’m carrying my team. There’s nothing more I can do and I get Loss after loss because of teammates. My mate got plat and he never plays support, a lot of people say I play like a high plat player, there’s nothing I can do to get out of silver because of the teams. Not to be big headed but they just aren’t on your level! It’s impossible as a solo support!!!

  • @jebperkins9944
    @jebperkins9944 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    the lesson in this video is essentially "be better", what a waste 🙄

  • @original_demonic
    @original_demonic 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Me and my fiancé plays OW2 together. He got luckier in his placements, and as a result keeps climbing while I’m stuck in silver. He doesn’t play without me, and I have a higher win rate than him by a pretty large margin. And yet he’s in platinum while I’m stuck in low silver, even though we began playing at the same time.
    As a support, I don’t usually blame other players. I blame myself for not being in position. Unless people are genuinely not doing their role, I usually am the one out of place if there’s a wrong play.
    My fiancé always jokes it’s because he’s a guy and Overwatch is just sexist, and I’m starting to believe it, because at this point it cannot be my playing, even though I know I’m not perfect.
    Also I would ditch the account…but it’s a legacy account with a bunch of shit I worked hard for customisation-wise. I’m tempted to make a new burner account just so I can prove I should be climbing.

    • @raskult
      @raskult 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Imo, make the new account and run your placements. Secondly idk how supports work at all. But pocket a good dps on mercy. Also use ults that make a huge difference

  • @tamooz6649
    @tamooz6649 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    People dont realize that if ur hardstuck a rank since OW1, that means you're improving at the same rate as the people around you. Ive been a player from silver, climbed up to plat and diamond. Fell back to plat, but then I climbed myself to diamond by simply improving. Is the ranked system messed up compared to the old one? I think so, but its literally all about improvement

  • @blakerichardson1519
    @blakerichardson1519 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I keep running into smurfs in plat. I'll run into a honzo or genji that goes 35-1 and are just miles above anything I'm capable of doing but I'm suppose to believe they're in my rank

  • @turkeybeef6269
    @turkeybeef6269 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Greatest issue: having no friends to play with and having to *solo queue*

  • @janvandenhooren9397
    @janvandenhooren9397 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The rewards is seeing yourself become a better player. And not the icon on your profile. Many people have the wrong mindset. And if you cant have a positive winrate in gold, you dont deserve diamond. Not every game is winable but we tend to rembeber the days we have 3 leavers acros 5 games instead of the better ones. Playing too long is the biggest killer tho. My 5 win 2 losses can become a 7 win 7 losses. Stop every few hourd and take a real break.

    • @french_toast223
      @french_toast223 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      The problem is that people mainly rank gatekeepers dont want to admit the rank system is broken and stacked against you. There are more factors to ranking up than simple skill and letting players underatand they need to perform despite of that will make them better.

    • @sagnikdeb9589
      @sagnikdeb9589 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No I want things for free

  • @GrabASpriteB
    @GrabASpriteB 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is such a diamond+ take. Sure, if you're a diamond smurf playing in gold, it doesnt matter how good your team is because you can easily win fights. However, if you're a plat player, it can be nearly impossible to get out of gold because you rely on your teammates at least a little bit. You can't do anything about your doom diving straight in and dying instantly, or your McCree trying to flank and dying trying to ult, or healers who try to dps and end up dying every 30 seconds. I'm a consistent plat 2 player and dropped to gold 1 to play with a friend. After soloqing, I lost ~5 games in a row where I carried in healing and many times damage. You can't do anything when your team crumbles no matter what. The "do better" mentality towards people stuck in gold is such lazy and egotistical advice, especially if you consistently play in a squad which makes games much easier.

  • @PastelRemix
    @PastelRemix 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Recently getting most dmg in majority of my DPS games with supports literally doing nothing (1 game an Ana had 2k heals, another game Sombra kept picking me off right next to my healers). Open Queue I'm Plat, Healer I'm High Gold/Low Plat, (don't play tank) yet DPS I'm Silver 5. Elo hell is real and sometimes you just have horrible RNG & can't do anything to win, especially with randoms constantly feeding/Leroy Jenkins-ing it & no matter how much you spam "group up" they still solo 1 v 5, lose & obliviously complain in endgame chat.
    Seriously - why do these horrible players even play Comp when Quickplay and Arcade are right there? I never play Comp mode in any ranked Team Game until I feel I had enough solo practice to not bring my entire teams rank down. Yes everyone has off-games but when you are Low Silver/Bronze and constantly have the lowest or 2nd lowest stats, maybe it's you? Especially if there is no rank you can place higher than Silver in, I honestly think this community is a bit off. How are people playing Comp and still don't understand the concept to Group Up? How do my healers constantly get diff-ed to the point where when I get good healers I'm actually ecstatic. SO MANY ANAS (Ana is amazing when good, almost 5% chance of this in Console Silver). I come from the 360 Halo days btw, this is a whole new level of hell. Rant over but damn after 2 hours of gaming just now, just to go from Silver 5 to 4 and will be back to 5 tomorrow after 3 straight loses I'm just considering to finally uninstall and letting these people run in solo constantly while dying to their hearts content.
    If anyone else can relate please don't be gaslit into thinking it's all your fault, especially when you are able to rank up successfully in other modes & you constantly have a decent kill/dmg/heal to death rate.

    • @raskult
      @raskult 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Win the 1s against sombra

  • @jairuslol
    @jairuslol 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    TL:DR the reality is that climbing alone and playing with autists is impossible, so basically spam the game until you get lucky to get good teammates.

  • @zucchini2339
    @zucchini2339 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Bro the amount of games that are just massive dps diffs is insane. Im sat here with 15k dmg and 20k mitigated as sigma, my supports are great and my dps have like 10k put together

  • @connorgregory5625
    @connorgregory5625 หลายเดือนก่อน

    People are literally proving this wrong by making smurf accounts and instantly ranking higher than they ever did. I lost 9 games in a row in like 3 hours. By definition that isn't a factor of me anymore, because it's "random"

  • @xva00
    @xva00 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bro did nothing to tell how how to be better, he just said “do better”