Swim Speed Secrets: Halo Swim Tubing and the Diagonal Phase

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 12

  • @pedrooliveros3085
    @pedrooliveros3085 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    thanks...After 40 years, I decided to pick up swimming as another exercise option. I was studying freestyle 2 days ago and what I envisioned for my exercise in the gym, your video confirmed it. First internal rotation of the humerus, keeping elbow relatively stable; then use the big muscles (latissimus dorsi) to adduct the elbow before finishing the stroke . It allows the hand and forearm to catch as much water and stay relatively vertical as long as possible until it is ready to complete the stroke. To simulate the stroke as much as possible I am planning to do it while prone on a bench and do it alternatively rather than simultaneously. Mindful learning until it gets ingrained.

  • @sjacks22
    @sjacks22 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This video does in a few seconds what the written description in the book just can't (if you're more of a visual learner).

    • @VeloPress
      @VeloPress  9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Steven Jackson Glad it was helpful!

  • @ingom6397
    @ingom6397 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Sheila👍

  •  2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello Velo Press,
    I've book 2 books of her: Swim Speed and Workout, but i can't find all the video tutorial. Please, you can give me link to download all videos of 2 books. Thank you!

  • @Benzknees
    @Benzknees 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yes, but why do you do it like that? That in out movement looks like it'll just churn up the water & create drag.

  • @leesanghwa8175
    @leesanghwa8175 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    00:00:06,160 --> 00:00:09,820
    Talk(?) so much about the catch people are starting to get that really nicely.
    물잡기(catch)에 관해 이야기하자면, 사람들은 진짜로 멋진 자세로 물잡기를 하기 시작합니다. (???)
    00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:14,860
    But then what I've noticed they do is that they hold that position in the whole pull back, which is incorrect.
    하지만 제가 관찰한 것은, 사람들은 그 자세를 그대로 유지한 채 뒤로 당긴다는 것입니다. 이것은 잘못된 것입니다.
    00:00:14,860 --> 00:00:19,420
    So we want to talk about what you do after the catch, to make sure that we're doing that correctly.
    그래서, 제대로 하고 있는지 확실히 하기 위해, 물잡기(catch) 이후에 무엇을 하는지 이야기하고자 합니다.
    00:00:19,420 --> 00:00:23,260
    So after you get that catch, you notice the upper arm is raised right here.
    물잡기를 한 후에, 위팔이 바로 여기에 올라와 있는 것에 주목하십시오.
    00:00:23,320 --> 00:00:30,260
    From this point on, you must do what I call it seems to be workouts at squeezing the balloon motion.
    이 지점에서부터, 제가 '풍선 바람 빼기 동작 연습'이라고 부르는 것을 해야 합니다.
    00:00:30,340 --> 00:00:35,260
    Ernie Maglischo, who is, you know, top coaches in the country, in the world,
    당신도 알다시피, 이 나라와 전 세계를 통틀어, 최고 코치 중의 한 사람인 Ernie Maglischo,
    00:00:35,260 --> 00:00:38,000
    he calls it's an abduction motion.
    그분은 이것을 어깨의 외전 동작(an abduction motion)이라고 했습니다.
    00:00:38,060 --> 00:00:44,920
    So you want to go from the catch, into the diagonal phase of the stroke, which you can think of squeezing a balloon or abduction,
    그래서, 물잡기에서 시작하여, (풍선 바람 빼기 또는 어깨의 외전이라고 생각할 수 있는), 스트로크의 비스듬한 단계로 진행합니다,
    00:00:44,920 --> 00:00:49,720
    and then flare out alongside the thighs and hips for the finish phase.
    그리고서는 마무리 단계로 팔을 벌려 허벅지와 엉덩이를 따라 움직입니다.
    00:00:49,780 --> 00:00:53,280
    and always remember to return down low with a straight arm.
    그리고 항상 팔을 쭉 뻗어서 아래쪽으로 되돌려야 한다는 것을 잊지 마십시오.
    00:00:53,340 --> 00:00:55,020
    Get your catch.
    물잡기를 하고.
    00:00:55,460 --> 00:00:58,920
    And just make sure you get that part in a way arms come under your body.
    그리고 이 부분에서 팔이 확실하게 몸의 아래를 지나게 하십시오.
    00:00:58,960 --> 00:01:02,280
    Then the sign that you're doing it correctly, is... stop right in this phase,
    그러면 당신이 제대로 하고 있다는 표시는....... 바로 이 단계에서 멈추십시오,
    00:01:02,420 --> 00:01:06,240
    and look your upper arm is about 45 degrees angle.
    위팔이 약 45도 각도인지 살펴보십시오.
    00:01:06,460 --> 00:01:10,680
    That is not parallel with the ground but it's right here.
    지면에 평행하지 않고 바로 이 정도입니다.
    00:01:10,740 --> 00:01:14,540
    Your shoulders are a big rounded here more ??? shrugging like that, ok?
    어깨는 크게 둥근 모양이어야 합니다, 이런 식으로 으쓱해서는 안됩니다, 아시겠죠?
    00:01:14,600 --> 00:01:16,400
    Catch! Pull!
    물잡기! 당기기!
    00:01:16,440 --> 00:01:18,780
    So, here it is the tempo.
    자, 속도를 내면 이렇습니다.
    00:01:20,400 --> 00:01:24,080
    And the other thing to notice about this phase
    그리고 이 단계에 대한 또 다른 주의사항은
    00:01:24,080 --> 00:01:28,420
    If you got it from the side, all of these be in line.
    옆에서 본다면, 이 모든 것(어깨부터 손가락끝까지)이 직선 상에 있습니다.
    00:01:28,460 --> 00:01:30,100
    My elbow is not dropped.
    팔꿈치가 내려가 있지 않고요.
    00:01:30,140 --> 00:01:32,080
    My hand is not pushed back.
    손이 뒤로 밀려 있지 않습니다.
    00:01:32,080 --> 00:01:33,960
    It's just all in line with one another.
    그냥 모든 것(어깨부터 손가락끝까지)이 직선 상에 있습니다.
    00:01:34,020 --> 00:01:37,820
    And what I feel in this phase is my pack muscles are stabilizing,
    그리고 이 단계에서 느끼는 것은, 팩 근육(가슴근육)이 안정성을 유지하고 있다는 것입니다,
    00:01:37,880 --> 00:01:40,420
    as you don't wanna collapse onto your body.
    몸 중심 쪽으로 무너지지 않기 위해서.
    00:01:40,420 --> 00:01:44,600
    So the pack muscles stabilize but you always pull from your lats.
    즉 가슴근육은 안정성을 유지하고, 항상 넓은등근(광배근)으로 당겨야 합니다.
    00:01:47,640 --> 00:01:49,340
    Here is what it looks like from the side.
    옆에서 보면 이렇습니다.
    00:01:49,340 --> 00:01:51,040
    I go really slow at first.
    처음에는 아주 천천히 움직입니다.
    00:01:54,840 --> 00:01:56,000
    And then tempo.
    그러고 나서 속도를 올립니다.
    00:01:56,000 --> 00:02:00,160
    Once you get the technique correct, then you can go in the tempo.
    일단 올바른 기술을 익힌 후에, 속도를 올려야 합니다.
    00:02:02,420 --> 00:02:03,700
    Stop every once in a while.
    가끔 한 번씩 멈추십시오.
    00:02:03,700 --> 00:02:05,140
    Check your stroke with your technique.
    기술과 스트로크를 점검하십시오.
    00:02:05,200 --> 00:02:07,000
    Ok. This is all in line.
    아시겠죠? 모든 것(어깨부터 손가락끝까지)이 직선 상에 있습니다.
    00:02:07,220 --> 00:02:08,720
    I didn't drop my elbow.
    팔꿈치가 내려가 있지 않고요.
    00:02:08,720 --> 00:02:10,760
    I didn't get my hand tuck in line.
    손을 굽히지도 않았습니다.
    00:02:10,880 --> 00:02:13,500
    It's all one paddle.
    온전한 노(paddle)를 형성하고 있습니다.