lol funny people here. she doesnt step down, `cause she did something wrong. she is chancellor for almost 16 years, her Career was very sucessful, but now ist time to go. Btw for the ones who claim that she wasnt sucessful, name me one european leader or any politician who is more competent than her.
Is that the problem with the EU they are all detached from their nationalist countrymen, they've created nothing but separatism across multiple countries within the EU, you force a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
Every pm of switzerland is 10 times better than her. President of finland. I could go on. Germany leaches of the smaller countries more to the east. Eu doesent let them trade with russia(makes them put up tarifs) or other non eu countries so only imports are german.
competent?..she is a globalist who has brought in mass migration to undermine the culture and traditions of her own PEOPLE to make it easier to usher in a "world government" (which will be tyrannical and similar to Huxleys Brave New World when its all said and done)
Me, as a German - I am proud of what Angela Merkel did for our great Country. Nobody is perfect, but she surely didn't rush into bad decisions. Look a the leaders of the world, I am so much more happy with politicans as Merkel than right-wing and unprofessional policticans as Trump.
@A piece of fucking sliced white bread! You are one of these people who makes it hard for Europe to stuck together. You make immigration so hard with your blinded idiologies and thoughts about politics and humanity. Netherlands is ruled by a right-wing party, but probably you will deny it as you are one of it's kind.
@@Lady0fIce I'm sure that it's put pressure on the German populace, but I think that history will look kindly on this act of generosity of both Chancellor Merkel and the German people.
Ms Merkel has navigated one crisis to another, and demonstrated stamina and common sense approach, I am so sorry to see her being blamed for showing compassion for Syrian refugees.
A. F. Good points. But desperate people see a time line regarding their survival. I also wish that the Middle East would work better together to solve their own home made problems.
I'm genuinely confused by the obsession with Merkel, whilst refusing to see the bigger picture. She was party leader for 18 years. She always said this was her last term as chancellor and as previous chancellors she prepares a new party leader now by stepping down whilst remaining chancellor till 2021, after which she will retire. Nothing surprising nor abnormal about this. The surprise was her decision to candidate for a 4th term - not stepping down now; we always knew this would be her last term now and her behaviour is standard procedure ;)
Well the "abnormal" thing, as you would call it, is that Angela Merkel is the most powerful woman in the world leading one of the most powerful countries in the world. Her career as well as her personality are fascinating and of course a topic to be discussed, because she is extremely relevant.
A piece of fucking sliced white bread! Oh, amazing to see someone evaluating the future of Europe‘s most powerful country who is not even living here. Germany is not going to fall my friend, we haven’t even started yet:) Everything over here is working as perfect as never before. Germany has been leading Europe ever since because look at all the other shitholes in this Union. All these weak countries that need held:)
@@popelgruner595 TRump reminds me of a horsefly, Macron still young, who is conte?, May driven by madness, Putin - yes but i dont like his Soviet Union restauration direction with the frozen conflicts on his borders, when the neighbour doesnt move in the direction moskow wants.
Das du n nicht grade so sozialer Türke oder so bist wundert mich ehrlich gesagt eher weniger. Das mit der "Demokratie" (für dich und deine Landsleute) haben dir bestimmt deine Eltern erzählt wa?
4,2-cm PaK-1 gucken Sie mal, wie Deutschland aussieht im Vergleich zu den anderen Ländern mit ihrer Wirtschaft und Industrie USW was hat denm Frau Merkel falsch getan? alles ist geregelt, aber ich kann zugeben, dass Sie zu nett war, da Sie uns unkontroliert reingelassen hat und auf einmal jede Art von Menschen reingelassen hat und dafür ärgern wir uns wir Flüchtlinge, denn wir wollen unser zweites Land Deutschland weiterhin bauen und etwas gutes tun. Sie hat nur für die Demokratie gekämpft. übrigens ich bin kein Türke
@@LocalDeepstateAgent Ein Mensch wie Sie hat nicht die geringste Ahnung, was Demokratie wirklich bedeutet und was Toleranz und Offenheit gegenüber Andersdenkenden bedeutet.
So... you have the longest to second longest serving German Chancellor organizing their retirement but that somehow is a big victory according to YT comments. I may burst your bubble, but she was on the way out anyway.
@@ElectricityTaster It's what I don't like about the German chancellor system. Because of the parliamentary democracy there is no term limit to chancellors (as the power ultimately rests with the parliament), but no term limit dissuades an orderly transit of power, but contrarily encourages the sitting chancellor to remove any competition they can to not get toppled. Kohl had this problem, Merkel now again, conservatives, well, being conservative and not liking to rock the boat (in contrast to social democrats who like to fight power even if they are in power) The refugee crisis is only a sorry excuse by xenophobes, It's not like Merkel has ever been lead by any ideological vision during government, it was simply a crisis getting out of control and she made the best of it from her view (aka not having videos of German border guards shooting women and children like the nutjobs of the AfD suggested). Same with the debt crisis, she did not do something visionary, she just did what was the best thing to do for germany (however that is how most EU countries thought in both crisis: It was not the EU doing it, it was actually national priorities that led to the chaos within Europe) .
@@ElectricityTaster Read up on ordo liberalism and the post war German economy. The German economy was rebuild on this premise. Stability and income redistribution and boring uninspired book keeping in favor of feverent political ideology.
I'd like to see one of these brave commentators as chancellors.🤭 They all seem to think they would have done better. Truth is whatever a leader does, he will never do it all right. Thats just impossible. And maybe she did a whole lot of things wrong, but as adults, we must be able to discuss and debate an issue without insulting each other.
Viele Dank Angela Merkel für 18 Jahre als Parteivorsitzende und 13 Jahre nun mehr als 13 Jahre als Bundeskanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geht es gut, die Wirtschaft geht es gut die überwiegende Mehrheit der Deutschen geht es gut Danke Merkel Many thanks to Angela Merkel for 18 years as party leader and 13 years now more than 13 years as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Germany is doing well, the economy is doing well the vast majority of Germans are doing well Thank you Merkel
@Stouffer BBC is mainly a narrative-driven channel. This entire piece was constructed as a work of fiction to evoke certain feelings, not as a report. So the tangential facts don't matter at all.
What is a news organization in your mind? All those fabulous alternatives of the internet age thus far are just snake oil merchants and con artists with little stakes in reputation building. Your criticism is actually proof of how traditional news outlets have to stand up to such high standards they are bound to fail. Instead we choose loony town broadcasting as our source of information? Great, that is why we end up with people arguing "alternative facts" are a thing. No, they are lies, falsehoods or plain ignorance.
@@mangalores-x_x What decade are you stuck in, the traditional news outlets that you praise, have become propaganda mouthpieces of the the loony left. Promoting diversity at all costs and supporting the theory that truth does not matter, but projecting the correct PC feelings is the most important role of a news organization. I find more lies by omission, falsehoods and spin in the traditional news organization. Your point seems to be that we all believe the BBC and ignore "alternative facts" because they are inconvenient for the ruling elites. Ignorance is when we only watch one point of view and believe it because they tell us that their position is that of truth and goodness.
@@Shaun-Vargas Your post would suggest that you live in ignorance and believe the spin and falsehoods of the main stream media. There are a great number of brainwashed fools just like you
Michael Nolte This pc boogeyman your all scared of is fucking hilarious. Ive never seen men acting more like women than when their whining and crying about pc culture ruining everything. Grow up buttercup!
@@stefani5441 You are a mentally insane racist! Please look for a psychiatric treatment! Perhaps a psychologist or a psychiatrist with experience in treatment of hate - obsessed people (for example in prisons) can help you.
So Merkel's downfall was not to consult, to exclude from discussions, to refuse to seek and receive advice from wide-ranging opinions and synthesise these differing advices ? Which German politician has done the opposite of that in their career and could succeed Merkel ? Moderate politicians tend to ignore radical opinions considering they're marginal, but the same politicians should always be wary of the actions they take that could make those dismissed opinions grow in popularity. In the end, moderates often risk to be replaced with policymakers that could bring about chaos.
Dear BBC giving the right wing populist Gauland the chance to stage himself as a victim... Indeed a highlight of British journalism. But that's what we got used to by you.
@@neonxd5062 That's not the issue, the issue is the right of reply which was not given. Because maybe you would get to know that Gauland is *not* a victim here, that he left the party on his own and that the CDU still has its right wing.
Actually the topic of migration is not that big, nor were people deceived by Merkels refugee politics. Afd is a small percentage of German people and all the drama just fits into the narrative of the media...
Tim Bucks I am a German and I do not hate it but unfortunately we have many Germans in Germany hating themselves for being Germans. They even say that all Germans must be murdered. They are in a high number at this time but you know the AfD is 5 years young, give them a few years time, we will grow
What's wrong with the afd is it's public image The media is unified in hating on it because they have always done it this way. Everyone who opposes the leftist politics is publicly denounced as Nazi. Happened even to another well established party as well.
One of Germany's biggest problems you never hear about is pollution. Germany is Europe's most polluting country be far and I think this issue should be given more attention, even though it's a silent and relatively invisible problem. The next Chancellor, whomever it may be, should take measures to reduce the production of pollution by Germany.
i agree that we should take measures to reduce pollution but of course Germany has the most pollution, we are also by far the biggest country in terms or Citizens.
@@LegendNinja41 Just a few things, Germany is the most populated country in the European Union with 82 million, but in Europe, European Russia topples Germany by 28 million with 110 million. Also, you're saying that the bigger a country is, the more it pollutes. This is relatively false, national population and national pollution are not proportional. The U.S is the second most-polluting country in the world while India is the second most-populated country in the world. Germany is the 19th most-populated country in the world while it is the 6th most-polluting country in the world. But what you're saying makes sense: the bigger a country is, the more it should be allowed to pollute based on its population, needs, capacity and based on the environment protection. The ideal situation would be for every country to approach a determined air pollution per capita number that preserves the environment. The idea being we should all reduce our pollution if we want to live on this planet. From that point, the question is, what can we do to reduce our Co2 emissions ? In the case of Germany, one thing would be to go from coal to low-air-polluting energies.
@@bringiton5282 Well of course USA is 2nd, it's an advanced country/economy, India is largely a 3rd world country, Russia is a emerging country, where as Germany is already a advanced one like the USA. many countries who have a higher population than Germany aren't nearly as advanced, like DR Congo, Nigeria, Egypt, Phillippines, Vietnam, Ethophia, Mexico, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia and India, that's 12 countries for you. i agree with that pollution per capita idea and that Germany needs to go away from coal.
@@LegendNinja41 Alright, let's distinguish advanced economies from emerging and undeveloped economies. Sweden, France, Switzerland and Germany are comparable. Germany still tops them and by far and per capita that is ^^ Also, India's overall pollution comes right after the US, so it seems that the overall measure of a country's pollution is not the result of the combination of population and advancement of the economy. But good idea for an explanation.
@@bringiton5282 we produce by far more than Sweden and France, even per capita, Switzerland is rich enough to tackle this issue within a few decades, we don't.
After the last election Merkel had to step down because of the bad result and the refugee crisis. She said she would do four more years. Then she named her replacement "Armin Laschet" but few wanted him. Most voted for Olaf Scholz from the SPD.
And her successor is a Merkel clone,probably even worse. Angela has purged the CDU's traditional conservative wing together with Kohl and now has inundated the Party with Marxist Greens determined to bring Europe back to the Stone Age with its pagan roots adoring trees.
Why? She did a great job in 18 long years as the head of the conservative party. This time she did not candidate anymore for that position but wants to finish the rest 4 years as Kanzler. It might work since her successor is her wish candidate even though it was close with the more conservative other candidate. The Members of the party are some more conservative than the people who vote them anyway. Merkel got very long standing ovations for her goodbye speech. Maybe because some feel released, sure.
On what basis? Learn what German Basic Law dictates and then try to construct a case for treason... You can't, because she can invoke the constiutional human rights articles which Article 1 dictates as the fundament of all state power and action.
@@mangalores-x_x Its not that easy. There too were some discussion about but the judical service for the parliament said, the the decision was totally following the law. The decisiontaking of the chancellor without having asked the parliament was in question and the service as well as the supreme court said that it was part of her job as a chancellor but only by majority not all were having that opinion. Sure it created discussions about the power of the chancellor and with good reason.
Greece recovers now as far as i know, speaking from an economical standpoint. We bailed them out in some way and we benefited from that, which is in some way morally questionable.
They could have left the Euro but they didnt want. They tried not to take the money but after a few days when the people were standing in front of the banks and couldnt get to their accounts, they realized that they had no choice but to go the hard way.
@@mweskamppp Hello again Michael. If you're interested seek out some stuff on Yanis Varoufakis; especially on how the EU officials behaved in terms of the Greek problem. Now if you don't believe him then OK, we're at an impasse yet again. But it's worth a look.
@@Stuartgerwyn sure beggars cant be choosers is the term, i think. There is always hard fighting in the EU counsil and dont you see, that Greece really had no chance to go another way? They cant expect to live on charity of the other member states without changing anything, am i right?
@@mweskampppHello michael, I'm not referring to Greece's debt which I agree is significant but don't you think there was a lot of politics in that the EU couldn't let Greece go unpunished. Even the ECB didn't agree to the 'deal' offered. It's like me owing you £100 and yet you restrict my ability to earn so much that I'd never be able to pay it back.You're happy with that because it sends a message to all the others who owe you money. On the face of it that's what was done to Greece. As I've said elsewhere look up Yanis Varoufakis as he was the finance minister for Greece at the time. His story certainly matches more accurately the result as opposed the any other. As an aside I have friends living in Athens one of which is a high court Judge and she earns 1000 euros a month and that's one of the highest paid jobs in Greece and they are really struggling now. There are doctors who have turned to prostitution to try and feed their children. There are plenty of stories like that. I know in terms of this debate it's irrelevant but It makes me angry that those in power can do this to their own people or to a country.
@@damienrees8018 actually this was the fault of corrupt locals giving false informations about the rice yields. Mao and the other leaders thought that they could sell much, since they have high number which were obviously manipulated and they ended up having too little.
So is it becoming clear this whole Trump Brexit thing originated in Germany?? Is that wtf is going on here, am i going to have to come over there and fuck your chicks straight again? whats it going to be Germany? What psycho shit do you want this time?
I will always respect Angela Merkel for her decision on the refugee crisis. There's a reason why she made that decision along. She made a decision based on her humanity and compassion, not politics. It was damaging to her but was a decisive step in reconciling Germany's history.
she is a Phd PHYSIST!! her thesis was: the investigation of the mechanism of decomposition reactions with simple bond breaking and calculation of their rate constants on the basis of quantum pysical and statitical methods.
Altmeier is 6 yrs older than me. I thought he was way over 60. I`m so tired of all these old guys ruling those who stand for a totally different lifestyle, ideology and have to put up with difficulties the old ones created but never had to go through.
Clearly the decision to aid refugees came from the right place, but the resources and capacity to were not taken into proper account. I think we should have established safe zones in Syria regardless of what al- Assad or Putin had to say about it and a lack of willingness to stand up for people's health and safety in a way that made sense is, in my opinion, why this disaster has dragged out into what it is.
It's not Merz, it's Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer who is the new party leader. She is conservative and a maker. She achieved to hold down the AfD on 7% in her federal state during the refugee crisis, simply by making her homework.
No person shall be elected to be EU Leader and Chancellor / prime minister / president more than twice, and no person who has been EU leader and chancellor / prime minister / president or acted as Chancellor / prime minister / president for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected Prime minister / president / chancellor shall be elected to be prime minister / president chancellor for more than 1 term
I will always remember that David Cameron advised European aid to build refugee camps close to Syria, so that the refugees could eventually return, and so that they could be catered for by members of their own religion. The difference, I suppose, is that in the UK our Islamic immigrants came from a newly-partitioned India, and had a fleeting fondness for the British Raj. Nevertheless, they retain quite fundamentalist world views. In Germany the long-term experience of Islam is via Turkish guest-workers, who came from an increasingly secular Turkey transformed by Ataturk. So the UK has learnt how to deal with real muslims, whilst Germany had to cope only with lapsed muslims. Of course, under Erdogan, Islam is heavily back in fashion. Merkel's deals with Erdogan seem to me to be quite suicidal. I am relieved that the German populace appear to agree with me.
Dear Trolls, dear inhabitants of any third world states, dear geniuses, please the Heads of Government that you have elected in your own countries. Try harder 👍
I have to say the woman that is impliying Merkel wasn't speaking for the vast majority of gemrans in regards to nuclear politics and called her descision a strategic failure clearly didn't took a good look at the sittuation and issue at hand. One could say Merkel decided this against the majority of the position of her own party but in the population a majority was for a nuclear phaseout for a long time by then. After Fukushima that general position became a flood that washed the CDU away in a state level election in a state they ruled for decades before that and prognosis for upcomeing state elections didn't look good either. Had she not forced the CDU to give in on that issue it may have very well gone the way of the SPD by now. Migration is a different topic but it shouldn't be ignored that the vast majority of Germans still stand behind her decision and vote for a quite liberal stance on this issue. The recent high of the green party which is pretty much on the other extreme than the AfD comes to mind. I never liked Merkel and I never voted for her but then I'm a liberal myself and see conservative as an inherently flawed position. In a world that is pretty much defined by progress you are bound to defend the status quo. Conservatives of today would be appalled by the positions conservatives defended 100 years ago and had those old conservatives their way nothing would have changed ... Still eventhough I'm not pro Merkel I belive the CDU is going to miss her. Esspecially since they forced her out for the wrong reasons. They are now in the same trap as the SPD is with the Linke and will likley be torn appart. On the positive side this opens up the German modell to more interesting parliaments with more positions getting a proper voice and consideration. In the end the extreme parties will learn the hard way that compromise is not getting what you want or they will remain without any power to get anything done.
She's chair, as chair she's not so much a leader of a single party as chair of the true majority coalition of parties. The same house will elect another chair. That's what. Democratically elected (ie. with proportional representation) governments are much harder to upset because they self update to truly represent the electorate rather than just take their turn at the trough as some hyperpartisan plurality or other.
I don't think the EU will fail because of that. Our governments do not consist of one leader. "Führerprinzip", as it was called in the third reich, is not a thing her for 73 years.
@@kienng4510 WW3 in all probability will be as a direct result of interference from the EU's expansionist policies, and the likes of the megalomaniac Verhofstalag's pontifications and agitations, as per the Crimea.
Question: how far was Stephen Bannon with his populist activities in Europe? The German nobility seems to support the AfD.(Fortunately, the AfD will be monitored in the future by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.) I find the selection of interview partners here problematic, what's going on at the BBC? This is an unusually lucid documentary about a politically relevant, integer (for these times) person. I'm disappointed.
when you are hated in the spiritual heart of Europe( Greece) and in the geographical heart of Europe( Poland), that means you are doing something badly.
You think Teresa May would do the same then again I'm getting that mixed up with human being as it lacks in dignity empathy and yet somehow it's the prime minister
she will be chancelor for the coming 3 years. UK is fucked with their brexit they dont get it right xD she just passed party leadership wich means 0,000 for germany.. are uretarded? xD
Germany have alway’s wanted to occupy Europe and they are still doing it. Member States can’t see they have picked up where Hitler left of when he was defeated. She is doing it the Political way. She spun her web and invited European country’s into her web of evil. She is as evil as Hitler was she just haven’t got to that stage yet. Not likely to. The other heads of the EU are bad too. There is something more sinister lined up for Member States. She has been taking everything from Member States. The EU is an evil Cult.
Her immigration policy in 2015 was a disaster. Apart from that , it is just anti-German prejudice to use Germany as a measuring stick for evil. They are - and probably were - no worse than the British.
Merkel is as evil as HITLER and the EU is an evil cult???? But I guess Trump and his nationalist agenda is fine, right? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????!!!!! Go check your meds.....
Our politicians put a lot of effort into the EU and we spent the most money, that's why you might think we are a dictatorship, which is obviously only conception rather than factual.
@@anthonytaylor9232 No, she is not a candidate for the EU parliament. The successor of Juncker will be the one with the most votes in the EU parliament, as Mr Juncker before. Mrs Merkel will go to pension and travelling a lot with her husband. Maybe starting with hiking in Italy as in her holidays before. I am pretty sure of that.
You missed the point. She just handed over the chair of her party to a woman who isn't called "Mini Merkel" for nothing... She still will stay in office the coming 3 years.
@@kienng4510 There is Nothing wrong with immigrants that wish to INTEGRATE. If you have been awake recently, then you will be aware that there is a readily identifiable sect (faith) who's OPEN declaration of NON integration together with eventual domination WILL be the downfall of people who fail to address the genuine concerns of the indigenous peoples of most European countries. Your accusation of xenophobe against people with such concerns is nothing more than a CHEEP SHOT ! When you or a member of you own family becomes the victim of Rape, or worse, how much of a libtard will you then be?
@@lottepetterson8413 But many don't. In fact, according to a report in Juli (couldn't find any more recent sources) the approval rate of the population was 51% - that shows how splitted Germany is, but also that she still has half of the population on her side.
@@TheOneAndOnlyZeno I guess you answered to me. Well, you aren't wrong - if you divide your 21 through 10. All refugees who came here since 2014 until today (deportation included) make up 2,1% of Germanys population. I know you guys like to exaggerate when it comes to numbers of refugees but it's just a fact that when considered prosaicly, it isn't that mass of foreigners storming over Europe as it is liked to be depicted.
Maybe some Austrian with a courage for a new change will rise and save Germany from its crisis. We just don’t know but hey anything could happen right?
lol funny people here. she doesnt step down, `cause she did something wrong. she is chancellor for almost 16 years, her Career was very sucessful, but now ist time to go.
Btw for the ones who claim that she wasnt sucessful, name me one european leader or any politician who is more competent than her.
Is that the problem with the EU they are all detached from their nationalist countrymen, they've created nothing but separatism across multiple countries within the EU, you force a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
Every pm of switzerland is 10 times better than her. President of finland. I could go on. Germany leaches of the smaller countries more to the east. Eu doesent let them trade with russia(makes them put up tarifs) or other non eu countries so only imports are german.
thats what the eu does to warmongers. were hopeless romantics i guess.@@lbuday
competent?..she is a globalist who has brought in mass migration to undermine the culture and traditions of her own PEOPLE to make it easier to usher in a "world government" (which will be tyrannical and similar to Huxleys Brave New World when its all said and done)
Why am i always reading Comments under Videos about politics?
It makes me sad every time.
Krasipol the global Paedophila networks will chill your bones
I'm not a cdu voter but i respect and trust frau Merkel a lot.
She has done so much good for germany and Europe.
Gofer LP = and Europe?
At first yes, but then she acted alone for the whole of Europe, and caused a crisis.
You speak for yourself, stupid bloody women changed the face of Europe for the worst we've all lost our identity
Me, as a German - I am proud of what Angela Merkel did for our great Country. Nobody is perfect, but she surely didn't rush into bad decisions.
Look a the leaders of the world, I am so much more happy with politicans as Merkel than right-wing and unprofessional policticans as Trump.
@A piece of fucking sliced white bread! That's why the PVV is losing votes.
@A piece of fucking sliced white bread! You are one of these people who makes it hard for Europe to stuck together. You make immigration so hard with your blinded idiologies and thoughts about politics and humanity. Netherlands is ruled by a right-wing party, but probably you will deny it as you are one of it's kind.
letting in those migrants was a very serious mistake with long term consequence.
@@Lady0fIce I'm sure that it's put pressure on the German populace, but I think that history will look kindly on this act of generosity of both Chancellor Merkel and the German people.
@A piece of fucking sliced white bread! wtf are you talking there? Nothing of this is right!
Ms Merkel has navigated one crisis to another, and demonstrated stamina and common sense approach, I am so sorry to see her being blamed for showing compassion for Syrian refugees.
There's a difference between compassion & busting thru your borders. Where is compassion shown from Iran ou Saudi Arabia?
A. F. Good points. But desperate people see a time line regarding their survival. I also wish that the Middle East would work better together to solve their own home made problems.
I'm genuinely confused by the obsession with Merkel, whilst refusing to see the bigger picture. She was party leader for 18 years. She always said this was her last term as chancellor and as previous chancellors she prepares a new party leader now by stepping down whilst remaining chancellor till 2021, after which she will retire. Nothing surprising nor abnormal about this. The surprise was her decision to candidate for a 4th term - not stepping down now; we always knew this would be her last term now and her behaviour is standard procedure ;)
LOL. Wrong. She stepped down early, and it's because her poor decisions has her party to losing a lot of ground. You must be new to politics.
Well the "abnormal" thing, as you would call it, is that Angela Merkel is the most powerful woman in the world leading one of the most powerful countries in the world. Her career as well as her personality are fascinating and of course a topic to be discussed, because she is extremely relevant.
A piece of fucking sliced white bread! Oh, amazing to see someone evaluating the future of Europe‘s most powerful country who is not even living here. Germany is not going to fall my friend, we haven’t even started yet:) Everything over here is working as perfect as never before. Germany has been leading Europe ever since because look at all the other shitholes in this Union. All these weak countries that need held:)
@@Techinvestor567 . Are you sure about that? merkel/ mutti. Sooner she's gone the better!!!
@@renatezorlu3776 wrong,a political discourse could lead to a catastrophe especially with the nationalist trend in Europe and parts of the globe.
Mark my words: We are all going to miss Angela Merkel. Without her we are headed for a great darkness.
Utter stupidity
You are right. She was a pillar of strength and stability. Nothing losers like Trump, Macron, Conte, May or Putin could claim for themselves.
@@popelgruner595 gee you're so right mate, these losers haha. LMAO
@@popelgruner595 TRump reminds me of a horsefly, Macron still young, who is conte?, May driven by madness, Putin - yes but i dont like his Soviet Union restauration direction with the frozen conflicts on his borders, when the neighbour doesnt move in the direction moskow wants.
While she is a strong leader, all leaders must pass eventually.
Auf Wiedersehen, das Symbol der Standhaftigkeit, das für die Demokratie kämpfte
Das du n nicht grade so sozialer Türke oder so bist wundert mich ehrlich gesagt eher weniger. Das mit der "Demokratie" (für dich und deine Landsleute) haben dir bestimmt deine Eltern erzählt wa?
4,2-cm PaK-1 gucken Sie mal, wie Deutschland aussieht im Vergleich zu den anderen Ländern mit ihrer Wirtschaft und Industrie USW
was hat denm Frau Merkel falsch getan? alles ist geregelt, aber ich kann zugeben, dass Sie zu nett war, da Sie uns unkontroliert reingelassen hat und auf einmal jede Art von Menschen reingelassen hat und dafür ärgern wir uns wir Flüchtlinge, denn wir wollen unser zweites Land Deutschland weiterhin bauen und etwas gutes tun.
Sie hat nur für die Demokratie gekämpft.
übrigens ich bin kein Türke
Demokratie ist aber nicht das Ding wo man vor der Wahl etwas verspricht und dann nach der Wahl genau das Gegenteil tut, oder?
@@ftbtd Nein, das nennt man Politik.
@@LocalDeepstateAgent Ein Mensch wie Sie hat nicht die geringste Ahnung, was Demokratie wirklich bedeutet und was Toleranz und Offenheit gegenüber Andersdenkenden bedeutet.
So... you have the longest to second longest serving German Chancellor organizing their retirement but that somehow is a big victory according to YT comments. I may burst your bubble, but she was on the way out anyway.
I'd say her greatest failing was staying in power for too long because it allowed for radicals to not have their chance to fail.
@@ElectricityTaster It's what I don't like about the German chancellor system. Because of the parliamentary democracy there is no term limit to chancellors (as the power ultimately rests with the parliament), but no term limit dissuades an orderly transit of power, but contrarily encourages the sitting chancellor to remove any competition they can to not get toppled.
Kohl had this problem, Merkel now again, conservatives, well, being conservative and not liking to rock the boat (in contrast to social democrats who like to fight power even if they are in power)
The refugee crisis is only a sorry excuse by xenophobes, It's not like Merkel has ever been lead by any ideological vision during government, it was simply a crisis getting out of control and she made the best of it from her view (aka not having videos of German border guards shooting women and children like the nutjobs of the AfD suggested).
Same with the debt crisis, she did not do something visionary, she just did what was the best thing to do for germany (however that is how most EU countries thought in both crisis: It was not the EU doing it, it was actually national priorities that led to the chaos within Europe) .
@@mangalores-x_x So Germany is run like a company, with Merkel as the CEO.
@@ElectricityTaster Read up on ordo liberalism and the post war German economy. The German economy was rebuild on this premise. Stability and income redistribution and boring uninspired book keeping in favor of feverent political ideology.
@@mangalores-x_x Deutschland gmbh
All this bad talking of Merkel and yet Germany is one of the great economic power force of the world
@SabuPtolemy China is a economic powerhouse , but it does not mean it's good place to live.
*this is how you handle the power longer but in a good way and not in the dictatorship way. way to go madame 👏*
I'd like to see one of these brave commentators as chancellors.🤭 They all seem to think they would have done better. Truth is whatever a leader does, he will never do it all right. Thats just impossible. And maybe she did a whole lot of things wrong, but as adults, we must be able to discuss and debate an issue without insulting each other.
Darren Richardson ........your Post is bullshit !
Viele Dank Angela Merkel für 18 Jahre als Parteivorsitzende und 13 Jahre nun mehr als 13 Jahre als Bundeskanzlerin der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland geht es gut, die Wirtschaft geht es gut die überwiegende Mehrheit der Deutschen geht es gut Danke Merkel
Many thanks to Angela Merkel for 18 years as party leader and 13 years now more than 13 years as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Germany is doing well, the economy is doing well the vast majority of Germans are doing well Thank you Merkel
She has a PhD in physics, not chemistry
@Ba'al it takes something to get that. By the way she could work on a construction site since she learnt that in her youth being in the FDJ.
@Stouffer BBC is mainly a narrative-driven channel. This entire piece was constructed as a work of fiction to evoke certain feelings, not as a report. So the tangential facts don't matter at all.
Quantum chemistry is a mix of physics and chemistry
Janet Hockey That is a fair point concerning her topic of dessertation, but isn't it still then a PhD in physics since she studied physics?
Good she is smart enough to physically remove herself from power.
The next step is for the BBC to step down from pretending they are a news organization, and then we can then end the licence fee.
What is a news organization in your mind? All those fabulous alternatives of the internet age thus far are just snake oil merchants and con artists with little stakes in reputation building. Your criticism is actually proof of how traditional news outlets have to stand up to such high standards they are bound to fail.
Instead we choose loony town broadcasting as our source of information? Great, that is why we end up with people arguing "alternative facts" are a thing. No, they are lies, falsehoods or plain ignorance.
@@mangalores-x_x What decade are you stuck in, the traditional news outlets that you praise, have become propaganda mouthpieces of the the loony left. Promoting diversity at all costs and supporting the theory that truth does not matter, but projecting the correct PC feelings is the most important role of a news organization. I find more lies by omission, falsehoods and spin in the traditional news organization. Your point seems to be that we all believe the BBC and ignore "alternative facts" because they are inconvenient for the ruling elites. Ignorance is when we only watch one point of view and believe it because they tell us that their position is that of truth and goodness.
@@kavic1234 FAKE NEWS!(Trump voice)
@@Shaun-Vargas Your post would suggest that you live in ignorance and believe the spin and falsehoods of the main stream media. There are a great number of brainwashed fools just like you
Michael Nolte This pc boogeyman your all scared of is fucking hilarious. Ive never seen men acting more like women than when their whining and crying about pc culture ruining everything. Grow up buttercup!
I’ll miss Angela. I am an immigrant and I appreciate her openness to people in trouble.
Elli Barron your propably a whining muslim wht do you peoplwe come to Christian countries i dont get it
@@michaelsmith2002 The whole history of Mankind is also the history of migration and movement. You should face it.
she will abuse migrants as she does her own people. Dont get mystified by the monster
@@stefani5441 You are a mentally insane racist! Please look for a psychiatric treatment! Perhaps a psychologist or a psychiatrist with experience in treatment of hate - obsessed people (for example in prisons) can help you.
So Merkel's downfall was not to consult, to exclude from discussions, to refuse to seek and receive advice from wide-ranging opinions and synthesise these differing advices ? Which German politician has done the opposite of that in their career and could succeed Merkel ? Moderate politicians tend to ignore radical opinions considering they're marginal, but the same politicians should always be wary of the actions they take that could make those dismissed opinions grow in popularity. In the end, moderates often risk to be replaced with policymakers that could bring about chaos.
6:35 Oh look, Gauland wants us to believe he is a victim. Well done, great journalistic work, dear BBC....not. -.- What happened to you?
Dear BBC giving the right wing populist Gauland the chance to stage himself as a victim... Indeed a highlight of British journalism.
But that's what we got used to by you.
What's wrong with giving somebody a platform to speak their mind? Isn't this what democracy is about?
That's not the issue, the issue is the right of reply which was not given. Because maybe you would get to know that Gauland is *not* a victim here, that he left the party on his own and that the CDU still has its right wing.
Thank you for your excellent services Ms. Merkel.
Go back to your No Go Zone.
There is no no go zone only in your narrow mind.
Actually the topic of migration is not that big, nor were people deceived by Merkels refugee politics. Afd is a small percentage of German people and all the drama just fits into the narrative of the media...
I simply LOVE Genscher’s uncontrollable burst of laughter at her words!
Yes. This was Angela, at her best!
No to AfD!
We are quite alone with this idea in the comment section here. ^^
What's wrong with AFD? Germany for Germans is bad? Why do you hate Germans?
Magrat Knoblauch you‘ll be quite alone with this idea in all Germany soon. European politics is like Chelsea FC: Blue is the colour
Tim Bucks I am a German and I do not hate it but unfortunately we have many Germans in Germany hating themselves for being Germans. They even say that all Germans must be murdered. They are in a high number at this time but you know the AfD is 5 years young, give them a few years time, we will grow
What's wrong with the afd is it's public image
The media is unified in hating on it because they have always done it this way. Everyone who opposes the leftist politics is publicly denounced as Nazi. Happened even to another well established party as well.
Does anyone recongnize the song starting at 3:40?
Darude - Sandstorm
One of Germany's biggest problems you never hear about is pollution. Germany is Europe's most polluting country be far and I think this issue should be given more attention, even though it's a silent and relatively invisible problem. The next Chancellor, whomever it may be, should take measures to reduce the production of pollution by Germany.
i agree that we should take measures to reduce pollution but of course Germany has the most pollution, we are also by far the biggest country in terms or Citizens.
Just a few things, Germany is the most populated country in the European Union with 82 million, but in Europe, European Russia topples Germany by 28 million with 110 million.
Also, you're saying that the bigger a country is, the more it pollutes. This is relatively false, national population and national pollution are not proportional. The U.S is the second most-polluting country in the world while India is the second most-populated country in the world.
Germany is the 19th most-populated country in the world while it is the 6th most-polluting country in the world.
But what you're saying makes sense: the bigger a country is, the more it should be allowed to pollute based on its population, needs, capacity and based on the environment protection. The ideal situation would be for every country to approach a determined air pollution per capita number that preserves the environment.
The idea being we should all reduce our pollution if we want to live on this planet. From that point, the question is, what can we do to reduce our Co2 emissions ? In the case of Germany, one thing would be to go from coal to low-air-polluting energies.
@@bringiton5282 Well of course USA is 2nd, it's an advanced country/economy, India is largely a 3rd world country, Russia is a emerging country, where as Germany is already a advanced one like the USA.
many countries who have a higher population than Germany aren't nearly as advanced, like DR Congo, Nigeria, Egypt, Phillippines, Vietnam, Ethophia, Mexico, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia and India, that's 12 countries for you.
i agree with that pollution per capita idea and that Germany needs to go away from coal.
@@LegendNinja41 Alright, let's distinguish advanced economies from emerging and undeveloped economies. Sweden, France, Switzerland and Germany are comparable. Germany still tops them and by far and per capita that is ^^
Also, India's overall pollution comes right after the US, so it seems that the overall measure of a country's pollution is not the result of the combination of population and advancement of the economy. But good idea for an explanation.
@@bringiton5282 we produce by far more than Sweden and France, even per capita, Switzerland is rich enough to tackle this issue within a few decades, we don't.
Is she stepping down NOW or refusing to run again ? That is what I understand. She will not run again and that is not the same thing.
lina Nicolia thank god i think its to late for Germany
5:05 Timberlake what u doing here
She is a physicist, not a chemist!
- Valendrizzle - she a fucking isiot thats what she is its to late for gemany
Gauland ey.....bestes Englisch wo gibt einfach xD
Immer noch besser als Merkel ihr Englisch
I call on all globalists to step down.
it has nothing to do with kindness - it kept the economy running
WTF is with the music from Hannibal (the tv show)??
After the last election Merkel had to step down because of the bad result and the refugee crisis. She said she would do four more years. Then she named her replacement "Armin Laschet" but few wanted him. Most voted for Olaf Scholz from the SPD.
And .... the EU disassembles itself ....
Hopefully ...
Nothing happens. Shes still the chancellor
And her successor is a Merkel clone,probably even worse.
Angela has purged the CDU's traditional conservative wing together with Kohl and now has inundated the Party with Marxist Greens determined to bring Europe back to the Stone Age with its pagan roots adoring trees.
@@wildorchard3424 I'm confused. Us German patriots are pretty proud about our Germanic pagan roots...
@@wildorchard3424 Erm?! What are you talking about?
@@mangalores-x_x Might as well go all the way and start offering human sagrifices.
Im adamant , Merkel is an East German sleeper agent @@wildorchard3424
trial for treason? followed by public hanging?
I can't wait for Die Linke to tap into the worker's anger and purge Germany of CDU/CSU and those fascist scum in AfD.
Islamists can learn a thing or two from you.
Why? She did a great job in 18 long years as the head of the conservative party. This time she did not candidate anymore for that position but wants to finish the rest 4 years as Kanzler. It might work since her successor is her wish candidate even though it was close with the more conservative other candidate. The Members of the party are some more conservative than the people who vote them anyway. Merkel got very long standing ovations for her goodbye speech. Maybe because some feel released, sure.
On what basis? Learn what German Basic Law dictates and then try to construct a case for treason... You can't, because she can invoke the constiutional human rights articles which Article 1 dictates as the fundament of all state power and action.
@@mangalores-x_x Its not that easy. There too were some discussion about but the judical service for the parliament said, the the decision was totally following the law. The decisiontaking of the chancellor without having asked the parliament was in question and the service as well as the supreme court said that it was part of her job as a chancellor but only by majority not all were having that opinion. Sure it created discussions about the power of the chancellor and with good reason.
I just woke up, is it yet time to reinstate the Kaiser?
Thx BBC from Germany :)
The music is good
But she didnt solve the Greek Crisis, just extend & pretend...
Greece recovers now as far as i know, speaking from an economical standpoint. We bailed them out in some way and we benefited from that, which is in some way morally questionable.
MechaBits. Italy up next!
Yes because that's her job.... Moron.
@@Pbdave1092 lol, it's not her job any more... how old are you
Still don’t understand why , May wasn’t happy that the German flag was held up in Germany? F’n weird
By far the best leader in Europe. I'll miss you, mutti.
Did you hear the bias in the reporting: " Solving the Greek crisis." Tell that to the Greeks and Yanous Varoufakis!!
They could have left the Euro but they didnt want. They tried not to take the money but after a few days when the people were standing in front of the banks and couldnt get to their accounts, they realized that they had no choice but to go the hard way.
@@mweskamppp Ah! Mr Weskamp....Okay, admit love me.
@@mweskamppp Hello again Michael. If you're interested seek out some stuff on Yanis Varoufakis; especially on how the EU officials behaved in terms of the Greek problem. Now if you don't believe him then OK, we're at an impasse yet again. But it's worth a look.
@@Stuartgerwyn sure beggars cant be choosers is the term, i think. There is always hard fighting in the EU counsil and dont you see, that Greece really had no chance to go another way? They cant expect to live on charity of the other member states without changing anything, am i right?
@@mweskampppHello michael, I'm not referring to Greece's debt which I agree is significant but don't you think there was a lot of politics in that the EU couldn't let Greece go unpunished. Even the ECB didn't agree to the 'deal' offered. It's like me owing you £100 and yet you restrict my ability to earn so much that I'd never be able to pay it back.You're happy with that because it sends a message to all the others who owe you money. On the face of it that's what was done to Greece. As I've said elsewhere look up Yanis Varoufakis as he was the finance minister for Greece at the time. His story certainly matches more accurately the result as opposed the any other. As an aside I have friends living in Athens one of which is a high court Judge and she earns 1000 euros a month and that's one of the highest paid jobs in Greece and they are really struggling now. There are doctors who have turned to prostitution to try and feed their children. There are plenty of stories like that. I know in terms of this debate it's irrelevant but It makes me angry that those in power can do this to their own people or to a country.
Why do Merkel and Hillary Clinton both dress like Chairman Mao?
I wish they were Chairman Mao. Except they're not. Mao was a great person, and they aren't great people.
Mao starved 50M to death, such a good person.
@@damienrees8018 Was it intentional? No? Then let me ask you this question: how many has capitalism starved?
@@damienrees8018 actually this was the fault of corrupt locals giving false informations about the rice yields. Mao and the other leaders thought that they could sell much, since they have high number which were obviously manipulated and they ended up having too little.
So is it becoming clear this whole Trump Brexit thing originated in Germany?? Is that wtf is going on here, am i going to have to come over there and fuck your chicks straight again? whats it going to be Germany? What psycho shit do you want this time?
I will always respect Angela Merkel for her decision on the refugee crisis. There's a reason why she made that decision along. She made a decision based on her humanity and compassion, not politics. It was damaging to her but was a decisive step in reconciling Germany's history.
she is a Phd PHYSIST!! her thesis was: the investigation of the mechanism of decomposition reactions with simple bond breaking and calculation of their rate constants on the basis of quantum pysical and statitical methods.
you are right...@@SuperTonyony
Altmeier is 6 yrs older than me. I thought he was way over 60. I`m so tired of all these old guys ruling those who stand for a totally different lifestyle, ideology and have to put up with difficulties the old ones created but never had to go through.
She should only be allowed to leave, AFTER SHE'S CLEANED UP THE MESS SHE HAS MADE!
Doubt anyone has seen the last of her
Theresa May should take a hint!
Hopefully she will remind Treason May to jump as well
She stepped down as party chair not as chancellor honey
Angela Merkel is an amazing woman. I have so much admiration for her strength and determination.
I saw a video of her on one of those planes that drop poison from the air, chem trails, believe me, she eSnt what you think
Clearly the decision to aid refugees came from the right place, but the resources and capacity to were not taken into proper account. I think we should have established safe zones in Syria regardless of what al- Assad or Putin had to say about it and a lack of willingness to stand up for people's health and safety in a way that made sense is, in my opinion, why this disaster has dragged out into what it is.
Great next Macron!!!
It's not Merz, it's Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer who is the new party leader. She is conservative and a maker. She achieved to hold down the AfD on 7% in her federal state during the refugee crisis, simply by making her homework.
Yess...then Marine Le Pen can take France into a Frexit !!!
Merkel does not understand NATO:
Nope she is nothing what macron is stands for.
No person shall be elected to be EU Leader and Chancellor / prime minister / president more than twice, and no person who has been EU leader and chancellor / prime minister / president or acted as Chancellor / prime minister / president for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected Prime minister / president / chancellor shall be elected to be prime minister / president chancellor for more than 1 term
Great piece, that leaves me with more questions than answers.
As bad Hillary Clinton. Destroyed Germany 🇩🇪 with Muslim immigrant.
I will always remember that David Cameron advised European aid to build refugee camps close to Syria, so that the refugees could eventually return, and so that they could be catered for by members of their own religion. The difference, I suppose, is that in the UK our Islamic immigrants came from a newly-partitioned India, and had a fleeting fondness for the British Raj. Nevertheless, they retain quite fundamentalist world views. In Germany the long-term experience of Islam is via Turkish guest-workers, who came from an increasingly secular Turkey transformed by Ataturk. So the UK has learnt how to deal with real muslims, whilst Germany had to cope only with lapsed muslims. Of course, under Erdogan, Islam is heavily back in fashion. Merkel's deals with Erdogan seem to me to be quite suicidal. I am relieved that the German populace appear to agree with me.
Dear Trolls, dear inhabitants of any third world states, dear geniuses, please the Heads of Government that you have elected in your own countries. Try harder 👍
wtf does that mean?
I have to say the woman that is impliying Merkel wasn't speaking for the vast majority of gemrans in regards to nuclear politics and called her descision a strategic failure clearly didn't took a good look at the sittuation and issue at hand. One could say Merkel decided this against the majority of the position of her own party but in the population a majority was for a nuclear phaseout for a long time by then. After Fukushima that general position became a flood that washed the CDU away in a state level election in a state they ruled for decades before that and prognosis for upcomeing state elections didn't look good either. Had she not forced the CDU to give in on that issue it may have very well gone the way of the SPD by now.
Migration is a different topic but it shouldn't be ignored that the vast majority of Germans still stand behind her decision and vote for a quite liberal stance on this issue. The recent high of the green party which is pretty much on the other extreme than the AfD comes to mind.
I never liked Merkel and I never voted for her but then I'm a liberal myself and see conservative as an inherently flawed position. In a world that is pretty much defined by progress you are bound to defend the status quo. Conservatives of today would be appalled by the positions conservatives defended 100 years ago and had those old conservatives their way nothing would have changed ... Still eventhough I'm not pro Merkel I belive the CDU is going to miss her. Esspecially since they forced her out for the wrong reasons. They are now in the same trap as the SPD is with the Linke and will likley be torn appart.
On the positive side this opens up the German modell to more interesting parliaments with more positions getting a proper voice and consideration. In the end the extreme parties will learn the hard way that compromise is not getting what you want or they will remain without any power to get anything done.
She's chair, as chair she's not so much a leader of a single party as chair of the true majority coalition of parties. The same house will elect another chair. That's what. Democratically elected (ie. with proportional representation) governments are much harder to upset because they self update to truly represent the electorate rather than just take their turn at the trough as some hyperpartisan plurality or other.
Establishment first
Gaulands english dude... But ofc if ur afd u dont need other languarges
Macron steps down, then Donald Tusk, Then Jean Claude Juncker, then the Entire EU Comission then the EU would step down itself
And then we can finally have our communist revolution :)
TheLewisLegend You Forget May & Trump! Then we can Start an Commie Revolution!!!
@@dan8085 After WW3, of course.
I don't think the EU will fail because of that. Our governments do not consist of one leader. "Führerprinzip", as it was called in the third reich, is not a thing her for 73 years.
@@kienng4510 WW3 in all probability will be as a direct result of interference from the EU's expansionist policies, and the likes of the megalomaniac Verhofstalag's pontifications and agitations, as per the Crimea.
'What next?' she steps up to the gallows.
An anti hero ? She isnt john mclaine
What's next - undo the madness whatever she done on immigration.
A small step in the right direction. There may be hope for Europe yet.
One of Germany's great leaders
Question: how far was Stephen Bannon with his populist activities in Europe? The German nobility seems to support the AfD.(Fortunately, the AfD will be monitored in the future by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.) I find the selection of interview partners here problematic, what's going on at the BBC? This is an unusually lucid documentary about a politically relevant, integer (for these times) person. I'm disappointed.
What is next is Angela II
when you are hated in the spiritual heart of Europe( Greece) and in the geographical heart of Europe( Poland), that means you are doing something badly.
Refugee ‘problem.’ Problems need solutions.
Hagatha Christie is still chancellor so who cares
You think Teresa May would do the same then again I'm getting that mixed up with human being as it lacks in dignity empathy and yet somehow it's the prime minister
Polynesia ! ;-)
Shaking again, not good !
What a relief she’s gone, Alexander gauland did spook her
she will be chancelor for the coming 3 years. UK is fucked with their brexit they dont get it right xD she just passed party leadership wich means 0,000 for germany.. are uretarded? xD
Germany have alway’s wanted to occupy Europe and they are still doing it. Member States can’t see they have picked up where Hitler left of when he was defeated. She is doing it the Political way. She spun her web and invited European country’s into her web of evil. She is as evil as Hitler was she just haven’t got to that stage yet. Not likely to. The other heads of the EU are bad too. There is something more sinister lined up for Member States. She has been taking everything from Member States. The EU is an evil Cult.
Her immigration policy in 2015 was a disaster. Apart from that , it is just anti-German prejudice to use Germany as a measuring stick for evil. They are - and probably were - no worse than the British.
Merkel is as evil as HITLER and the EU is an evil cult???? But I guess Trump and his nationalist agenda is fine, right? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????!!!!! Go check your meds.....
Our politicians put a lot of effort into the EU and we spent the most money, that's why you might think we are a dictatorship, which is obviously only conception rather than factual.
she will succeed Juncker
Mathieu Leader Then the EU is really FCUKED !
@@anthonytaylor9232 No, she is not a candidate for the EU parliament. The successor of Juncker will be the one with the most votes in the EU parliament, as Mr Juncker before. Mrs Merkel will go to pension and travelling a lot with her husband. Maybe starting with hiking in Italy as in her holidays before. I am pretty sure of that.
Not Juncker but perhaps Manfred Weber...
Of course she is stepping down from CDU (Christian Democratic Union) she wants to found IDU (Islamic "Democratic" Union)
No còment
Next, we put an actual german in charge...
So glad my ancestors fled Germany for America.
I'm also so glad your ancestors fled Germany.
Magrat let's start with 1million immigrants and work down
You can change the puppets, but not the rules of the game.
Ruined her country then walks away
How did she ruin Germany? Could you name me some examples or show studies?
You missed the point.
She just handed over the chair of her party to a woman who isn't called "Mini Merkel" for nothing...
She still will stay in office the coming 3 years.
Go ahead and get yourself another immigrant loving leader. That worked out well for you all, huh?
I can't complain about my life. It was already good and keeps getting better. Nothing wrong with loving immigrants, you xenophobe.
Actually in some ways it did. It's in the hands of the local politicans now wether integration will succeed or not.
@@kienng4510 There is Nothing wrong with immigrants that wish to INTEGRATE.
If you have been awake recently, then you will be aware that there is a readily identifiable sect (faith) who's OPEN declaration of NON integration together with eventual domination WILL be the downfall of people who fail to address the genuine concerns of the indigenous peoples of most European countries.
Your accusation of xenophobe against people with such concerns is nothing more than a CHEEP SHOT !
When you or a member of you own family becomes the victim of Rape, or worse, how much of a libtard will you then be?
The only fuckers who don't want to integrate are the morons who voted for Brexit, and EU will be so much better without.
The 13 years of Merkel in office were the most successful years in German history since the mid 1960s. She did an excellent job.
She will remain one of the most hated politicians in living memory. A monster.
Oh yes. A true monster. Ehh, what exactly did she do to earn that title?
@@Magrat_Knoblauch many in Germany hate Merkel, she only does good things for other countries
@@lottepetterson8413 But many don't. In fact, according to a report in Juli (couldn't find any more recent sources) the approval rate of the population was 51% - that shows how splitted Germany is, but also that she still has half of the population on her side.
Bought and paid for illegal immigrants that vote for her- that's a solid 21% of her votes right there.
@@TheOneAndOnlyZeno I guess you answered to me.
Well, you aren't wrong - if you divide your 21 through 10. All refugees who came here since 2014 until today (deportation included) make up 2,1% of Germanys population.
I know you guys like to exaggerate when it comes to numbers of refugees but it's just a fact that when considered prosaicly, it isn't that mass of foreigners storming over Europe as it is liked to be depicted.
She makes me sick.
I pray British Media be destroyed.
Yanis Varoufakis even!
Good riddance to Merkel
Maybe some Austrian with a courage for a new change will rise and save Germany from its crisis. We just don’t know but hey anything could happen right?
her entire career as chancellor has been about handling crisis, some created by her (migrants) other created by the system she defends (austerity)