  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 มิ.ย. 2023
  • In this video I talk about the diagnoses that coudl fit a person that presents like Raquel did during the VPR reunion.
    #tomsandoval #vanderpumprules #raquelleviss #jameskennedy #lalakent #arianamadix

    If you are interested, check out my New Channel at:
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ความคิดเห็น • 613

  • @rox2077
    @rox2077 ปีที่แล้ว +235

    I would love to hear your thoughts on Tom Schwartz, specifically talking more about his contradictory behaviour, he seems to pretend to be a "nice guy/good guy", but hides the Tom/Rachel affair from everyone, kisses a friend and breaks trust with and disrespects Katy, pops pills on stage for sympathy etc... He seems to be playing the role of a victim, but actually has a very lose moral code and doesn't really care about hurting others in the group, its himself before others.

    • @ramonaesteves6569
      @ramonaesteves6569 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Hi if you have not heard him on the Jax and Brittany podcast I urge you to do so .. a very different Schwartz on this podcast never have I heard him express himself so interestingly focused mature and honest - I was shocked and wished he was more like this on WWhL and the reunion!

    • @jennl8462
      @jennl8462 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I’ve always wondered if Schwartz us on the spectrum. His brothers obviously are.

    • @lacysnake
      @lacysnake ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@ramonaesteves6569yes! You really understand this a show and not entirely reality. I feel so bad for Schwartz. I think he is passive aggressive due to his childhood… a peace maker. When reality hit - the Schwartz episode is definitely worth a listen puts a lot into perspective. ❤️ when he said he didn’t have the bandwidth! I called it survivor mode. Been there and it is beyond! 😢

    • @user-sf4yo5vw7s
      @user-sf4yo5vw7s ปีที่แล้ว +16

      I listened to that podcast and liked it but it was weird how he hardly mentioned his divorce or he treated Katie. I thought it was interesting how he said Tom should lose the ego and should be more apologetic but didn't apply the same thing to himself.

    • @sallysham2676
      @sallysham2676 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Schwartz is very (passive) aggressive, not kind at all.
      The things he says appear as payback, after he is so powerless in the moment.
      It comes out later, I believe.
      His Rachella crack to James was payback for James getting upset at Schwartz for kissing Rachel, and shrugging his hand off his leg.
      Plus even he said, Tom S. ‘completes him’ in previous season.
      How does he Not realize he never chose Katie as his main person?
      (Shocking Katie did not leave immediately after that?)

  • @LPnerd
    @LPnerd ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Watching Rachael for several yrs. many of us, ( including Lala,LOL), have always said something is wrong, it's why Sheena and Arrina took her under their wings in the first place.

    • @user-sf4yo5vw7s
      @user-sf4yo5vw7s ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hmmm I always felt it was more Scheana than Ariana, that really took Rachel under her wing. I felt they just used Ariana was such great friends with Rachel as a storyline. They very rarely filmed together. It was always Scheana and Rachel.

    • @Harlem2SoCal
      @Harlem2SoCal ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I agree....he hasn't watched her over the years as we have.

    • @daisyslovebot
      @daisyslovebot ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@user-sf4yo5vw7s i thought this too, she’s still wrong for what she did but i didn’t think they were close at all

  • @christinec7892
    @christinec7892 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Thank you, I’ve been telling people stop saying she has “Asperger’s”, it immediately tells me that people don’t have an understanding of ASD. It’s so annoying.

  • @teebern
    @teebern ปีที่แล้ว +38

    Thank you for breaking this down Dr. C! I'm so sick of hearing non-clinical people, with ZERO experience diagnose her (Tom too) with disorders they likely can't spell🤣

  • @onewhoshallnotbenamed
    @onewhoshallnotbenamed ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I get where you are coming from about many people suddenly being diagnosed with autism later in life seems crazy. But I also know from experience, when I was a child, there wasn't as much knowledge as there is now about autism, especially in girls. I was misdiagnosed with ADHD. Looking back at my childhood, it was clear I had austism. I had ALL the signs, but no one picked up on it, because they assumed I was just a "shy girl". I always felt different but I never knew why. Social cues were difficult for me for many years and I would unknowingly mask. Eye contact used to be difficult, ect. I am so grateful to know now, as an adult, I have austim. I give myself a little more grace but also know how to better navigate the world. Instead of having a panic attack when the light slightly changes or I hear a loud noise, I remind myself that I am just overstimulated and I know how to discreetly stim to calm myself down. I feel like if I had been diagnosed earlier in life, I would have been done better in school and amoungst my peers. But I also agree that we shouldn't assume EVERYONE has austism. Sometimes people just are awkard or raised a different way 🤷

    • @tarunikumaa1856
      @tarunikumaa1856 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The same for me.. I think I did not think abaut it before my daughter was diagnosed.

    • @itsjodiewho
      @itsjodiewho 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I was diagnosed with asd in my 40s as well. I had selective mutism as a child and still as an adult. No one diagnosed either of those at the time because they weren't diagnosing those disorders. This guy is so off with this and its hurtful. I had mega problems as a child with no help and I still have problems. This guy is an idiot.

    • @neppihc5488
      @neppihc5488 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I was also diagnosed in my 40s, the signs were there, but hey I'm a girl. But I think by the standards of this video's explanation of ASD I would never have been diagnosed.

    • @umabhagwati
      @umabhagwati 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I find David super dismissive with a lack of understanding of womens lives, but I think it has to do with his privilege and lack of constructive feedback more than anything else. I really love his relationship with his wife (mostly how he receives criticism from his wife). And, unsurprisingly, his take on autistic women and the spectrum is unhelpful. Thank you for commenting!

  • @twinklemagic024
    @twinklemagic024 ปีที่แล้ว +101

    I have been a Couple and Family Therapist for 25 years. I’ve also watched VPR since Season One. First, thank you for dispelling the ASD theory. 😖
    But in regards to a PD, there actually IS a pervasive pattern of interpersonal conflict with Raquel. But it is more insidious and covert than what can be seen on the surface. Her non-verbals are HIGHLY disguised. She is incredibly rehearsed and self contained. If you examine her emotional expressions within specific contexts…she demonstrates complex and appropriate emotions when referring to herself, but appears to have a very flat or inappropriate affect when empathy should be activated.
    If you examine her cognitive processes through her words, you will observe some very subtle nuances of aggression, hostility and repressed RAGE. She also demonstrates an egocentric and distorted perspective of self image. Ariana said: “go F yourself with a cheese grater”. 😳 Yet Raquel only expressed discomfort and distress about James saying that Ally is an “upgrade”. 🤨
    I honestly believe that this entire situation has received so much attention because of Raquel. In 25 years of Clinical work - in private practice and psychiatric inpatient treatment centres - I have never encountered someone like Raquel. It’s truly mesmerizing.

    • @ceebee987
      @ceebee987 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      As much as I respect this video, your comment makes MUCH MORE sense. I also see her as incredibly calculating and manipulative. If you watch her first episodes in season 4, she is ALL about the camera and getting on camera. Her goal (I believe, respectfully, and I'm no expert) was fame, at any price. As we are now seeing.

    • @Beepbopboop19
      @Beepbopboop19 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      What about when she was genuinely happy for James when he got invited to Tom's bday party? It was the same season she had the puppy party and I always remember how James told her he got invited to one of the guys (I think Tom, maybe Jax?) Bday and she got a big smile and said she was so happy for him. Now actually I see that was probably because her SO had an in into the group, so maybe that was self serving.
      I dunno. Anyway she is a mystery! I assumed she was medicated at the reunion. And all past off behavior was because of her sad past with her mom abandoning her.

    • @kzubaa
      @kzubaa ปีที่แล้ว +20

      I think your response and professional perspective make sense because you’ve been watching the whole time. Just as I think Dr C’s makes sense from his perspective of being newer to the show. Thanks for taking the time to write this out.

    • @jennjohnston7954
      @jennjohnston7954 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ​@@ceebee987 Absolutely agree!

    • @itscmznews180
      @itscmznews180 ปีที่แล้ว +4


  • @adamsnewman5480
    @adamsnewman5480 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Okay but as someone who has watched every episode for years. Let's just go by the fact that before the season started she went on a date with someone telling them that her storyline was going to be she had a crush on Tom Schwartz this year. So it was she that got Sheena to start all that up for her. This girl pretends to be something she's not. She had a morality clause when she was doing pageants since that went away she's doing what she's always done in the shadows in the light . She is not naive people. She's calculated

    • @nomadichomebody4230
      @nomadichomebody4230 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don’t think she’s smart enough. I believe she’s naïve and wannabe famous and allowed producers and Sandoval to manipulate her to date all these different men. Attention diverted away from the secret affair.

  • @adamsnewman5480
    @adamsnewman5480 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Did you see the episode where she was laying into women saying they were treating with James her boyfriend at the time? She had all kinds of emotions then. Anger her disappointment she was able to share them all. She was also very easy to cry when talking about herself and the pageant world. I think you really need to watch all of her seasons to really judge anyting.

  • @pegasus8873
    @pegasus8873 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I think the lightening bolt was planted in the store and I think Rachel has been in the catty pageant world for so long that she learned how to say EVERYTHING with a smile to get what she wants. I also think Tom outplayed her.

    • @lindaramirez6945
      @lindaramirez6945 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Tom is a terrible actor. He over reacts, and the crying makes me laugh. He is busy loving himself, doing whatever he wants at everyone else's expense. He is not a man, he is playing, acting and having fun. Why would anyone want to have anything to do with him. Take him off the show.

    • @josiesan3744
      @josiesan3744 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I heard she gave him her large chunk of her savings.

  • @ninaradio
    @ninaradio ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I don’t think she has any kind of disorder, she’s just a bad fit for the group. The main cast is farther into the stage of settling down into parenthood, marriage, home ownership, etc. Quite frankly, I think they bore her and some of the perceived lack of affect over the years has simply been her trying not to zone out. When things get heated, she isn’t quick-thinking enough to throw down with these guys, so she stays stuck in observation mode too much of the time. And more importantly, while she threw all in on trying to fit into their social circle-and Ariana and Scheana really took those efforts at face value-I think that was really just about trying to stay on the show after her breakup with James, not a sign of her really feeling connected to them. So she’s mentally treating them as acquaintances and vastly underestimating the degree of loyalty and responsibility they expected of her. Combine that with garden variety selfishness, poor impulse control, and a tendency to only hear what you want to hear…

    • @MsKbizz
      @MsKbizz 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think you nailed it!

  • @laurycompton5123
    @laurycompton5123 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    So glad i found you!! Im so tired of others on that stage diagnosing everyone. You make it so understandable and you are fascinating to listen to!! Keep up the good work you do!!! Don't listen to negativity!!! We love you!!

  • @10KateVB
    @10KateVB ปีที่แล้ว +80

    Thanks for your analysis! I think the people who have been trying to diagnose Raquel with antisocial personality disorder have been ridiculous. If she has any personality disorder it seems more likely to be something like Dependent Personality Disorder. However, I think most of her behavior can be explained by her past (adoption, pageants, abusive relationship with an alcoholic, etc).

    • @user-sf4yo5vw7s
      @user-sf4yo5vw7s ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Yeah the whole situation with her mother giving her to her aunt to raise, while keeping her other children couldn't have been easy for Rachel to reconcile.

    • @mantronixtube
      @mantronixtube ปีที่แล้ว +13

      they have not . a lot of us have been in therapy for growing up w someone like rachel etc .
      these youtube therapists making their own analysis after watching 3 shows is ridiculous. discounting what people know as tho we all don’t know what we are talking about .
      rachel planned this entire thing and never cared about the women . that’s sick.

    • @beverlyward2570
      @beverlyward2570 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @sherriromas5871
      @sherriromas5871 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@mantronixtube Actually Tom planned the whole thing and she followed his lead.

    • @lorcashine
      @lorcashine ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I bet her behaviors are a result of CPTSD (and the resulting codependency and attachment issues).

  • @carolineholden6921
    @carolineholden6921 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    She was a self-professed fan before she got on the show. I also think that she was happy to be linked to a principal member of the cast and become part of a major storyline.

    • @rebeccanater
      @rebeccanater ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You can see in prior episodes she follows the camera and starts conversations/fights to get screen time. Tom prob told her he would break up with ariana and she would become a principle cast member

  • @LorrieLogan
    @LorrieLogan ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Appreciate the thoughtful observation. Too many, throw out labels : narcissistic, on the spectrum, sociopath etc. For me, she seems undeveloped and immature for a 27 yrs old. She needs a psychologist to help her understands who she really is and develop self respect and understand her needs, aspirations etc.

  • @Q..J..
    @Q..J.. ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I’ve been through severe trauma before and looked like her but I was 1) in shock & 2) on tranquilizers. My take on her affect was that she was in shock over what she did & what was being said to & about her and she was medicated.

  • @akelly4207
    @akelly4207 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I don’t think she was remorseful, I think she was crying from self pity and worry for herself and Sandoval. But I am not in her head, it was just my impression. She was also still continuing to lie while telling us she didn’t want to lie anymore. I think she latches on to someone and copies their style, interests etc and I think she acted selfishly without much concern for others. Not everything is a disorder, not everyone is the same.

  • @dawnautaubo8348
    @dawnautaubo8348 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Thank you! I enjoy the opinion of someone who earned their doctorate in this area of human behavior. You perspective is appreciated ⭐️

  • @KarenKempf-cu6wv
    @KarenKempf-cu6wv ปีที่แล้ว +36

    This is really accurate. I would add that watching her over the years. She’s a very sheltered naive women. Throwing puppy parties for her dog. And breaking down unable to speak in front of people even the simplest of statements. She’s got the body of a 28 year old with the mind of an adolescent. And I’m not sure how that is possible, but that’s really how I see her. She’s simply not fluid enough to shut down the other cast members and stand up for herself. It’s the classic pecking order happening. She’s weak in nearly every way. We could accept her behavior coming from a 15 year old. But not 28.
    To back that statement up. Raquel stayed with Sheena for some time, and Sheena stated that she didn’t know how to take care of herself in a home. Shop, cleanup, asking basic “care” questions. She was completely confused. Raquel must have led a very sheltered life where everything, every decision, was made for her.

  • @francoisesas8257
    @francoisesas8257 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Thank you, This was excellent…ADHD/ADD is really popular diagnosis for adults atm too…can’t wait for the rest of the cast! 🤓

    • @WhatdidtheCountessdo
      @WhatdidtheCountessdo ปีที่แล้ว

      She has an adhd diagnosis. It was mentioned in season 8 or 9, when she was still with James.

    • @ohjesswhatamess
      @ohjesswhatamess 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And it’s the worst one for after corona! Women have been way under diagnosed with adhd so you’d expect a decent amount of new diagnosis there however being locked inside and stressed out to the max pulls adhd like behaviour out of any regular person.

  • @jessajayne1982
    @jessajayne1982 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I see a lot of myself in her detachment from her emotions and I’m diagnosed DID from compounded childhood and DV trauma. I have dissociative episodes and then I have stretches of time, I felt like I was looking at someone having an episode. Also part of my trauma is around adoption so it’s not impossible, especially with her substance use she could be losing time and not knowing it.

    • @ShaunaS86
      @ShaunaS86 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I totally agree! Seems that is what it is

    • @dalaimommadrama8929
      @dalaimommadrama8929 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm not sure because I don't have that experience so I can't relate but I was told by my psychiatrist that everyone disassociates at certain times and events and especially during difficult times but not everyone has DID....if that makes sense. I feel its more that....but again I don't have it so I can't relate.

    • @jessajayne1982
      @jessajayne1982 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@dalaimommadrama8929 oh yea I meant she was disassociating not that she has DID but she could she for sure could

    • @carolyndaigle770
      @carolyndaigle770 ปีที่แล้ว

      I also see myself in Raquel. I'm so glad she is getting the proper care now at an age where hopefully going forward, she'll understand herself better and learn to live in this crazy stressful time. I believe she should stay off the show and slow down on the alcohol. I quit drinking 10 years ago because it was my crutch to "fit in" for most of my life. Over drinking leads to shame and trauma. I spend most of my time isolating myself, which is not ideal, but it's healthier than drinking.

    • @andedom
      @andedom ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for sharing your story. I’m glad that you’re in therapy. You deserve to heal and to be happy!

  • @poopsydo8052
    @poopsydo8052 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You need to watch her whole time on the show, it’s not just she’s being attacked & shutting down. What you see at the reunion is her regardless of the scandal.

  • @KATGrose
    @KATGrose ปีที่แล้ว +9

    HOWEVER….. Raquel (I think) is excellent at compartmentalizing her emotions.
    And / Or she is on medication (which probs 90% of reality casts).
    Not everyone that depersonalizes or compartmentalizes has a personality disorder.
    EMTs, Firefightsees, RNs, DRs do it regularly at work during life/death situations.
    I think in layman’s terms she may be a bit of a social climbing, pick me girl - which is like everyone on social media & reality tv - I’m just saying
    Here’s the stand out moment for me w/ Raquel “Tom is the ONLY PERSON I have …… & if I go against him …. I will have no one”.
    She just reminds me of someone who isn’t sober yet - like a lot of addicty / alcoholicy behavior - but I’m not seeing the substances - they’re getting the high from each other / drama which will fade in time

  • @daisyslovebot
    @daisyslovebot ปีที่แล้ว +17

    i’m so glad i found this channel, it’s so fascinating to learn about psychology and i’m just getting into vanderpump rules so this is perfect for me lol

  • @profhortsunlover1536
    @profhortsunlover1536 ปีที่แล้ว +148

    i think rachel drinks a lot and does drugs too, if ur never sober, u make bad decisions

    • @mrsi82
      @mrsi82 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Yes, the drugs are always referenced obliquely but they all do

    • @msxlxsv2472
      @msxlxsv2472 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Exactly! I think she’s been drunk every single time they were shooting the show. now that she went to get help and isn’t drinking the magnitude of what she did is probably sinking in.

    • @margaretkerr4591
      @margaretkerr4591 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I totally agree x

    • @Dianawales
      @Dianawales ปีที่แล้ว +14

      I agree but I don’t think it’s the whole picture. Lala is actually very quick witted but the rest are not. Just not. And they mock Raquel for being dimwitted. I think she has a real disability. At the very least, a learning disability where she cannot process more than one step at a time. A life of playing checkers in a chess world.

    • @yaly0972
      @yaly0972 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I think that’s a factor too, and Lala mentioned before Rachel was drunk all the time.

  • @amandapercy3195
    @amandapercy3195 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Spot on! Loss of sense of self and probably on anxiolytics to get through the reunion. I also believe her iq is low and so a lot of her reactions are delayed. I also think there’s an insecure anxious ambivalent attachment style that developed in childhood so she aimed to align herself with someone who seemed powerful to feel a sense of self worth

    • @654ujala
      @654ujala ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said!

  • @meredithpope4688
    @meredithpope4688 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for breaking this down as I really appreciate your insights and the bit of history you provide around the evolution of diagnosis. I recognize you're doing additional work to uncover potential origins of some of the gossip. Definitely saves me a bunch of time and yes I recognize that everything you're providing is your opinion AND you give us your reasoning. Which is far more than others provide. Additionally, totally agree with your thoughts on her possibly being medicated going into the reunion based on my own personal anxiety issues.Keep it up with these types of videos!

  • @JaneWoodBranam
    @JaneWoodBranam ปีที่แล้ว

    So happy you are doing this!

  • @peachtea420
    @peachtea420 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I feel the same way about ADHD it has become a trend and really minimizes the hardships of the dysfunction that it causes. Fully functioning people get diagnosed with the exact same disease as someone who barely can get through life. Make it make sense!

    • @jakestroll6518
      @jakestroll6518 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Agreed. There’s something very narcissistic (in the colloquial sense) about adults who bandy the diagnosis around despite having lived fairly successful lives. Like “see what I accomplished despite my handicap”. They are gross. People with untreated ADHD tend to have major life gaps. Periods lost to addiction, prison or even living in your head (if you have the inattentive subtype). If you’re being diagnosed at 40 but have sustained relationships, employment, post high school education, have never had a serious car accident and are not either morbidly obese or severely malnourished, just shut up. Your PFC is very much within normal ranges. You just want to feel special for getting to the level you are.

    • @MimiBlackbird
      @MimiBlackbird ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jakestroll6518felt that as a 30 year old inattentive adhd type, I feel like my brain is drowning half the time while I’m trying to be a parent a contributing member of society while feeling like I have no control over the way my brain works.

    • @dalaimommadrama8929
      @dalaimommadrama8929 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@katrinaheenanmusic I agree w/both of them & yes my son has autism, adhd, severe anxiety disorder. There are many traits/mannerisms that present themselves throughout all his days all his life & for someone to claim it b/c they fidget or b/c they hate certain foods or b/c they are partial to certain things over others, b/c they are "introverts" minimizes the true struggles people that have these struggle with. The face of autism, adhd, anxiety disorder is vast however they tend to have a standard habit of what they do daily that is a constant struggle...including the geniuses w/autism. I've talked to many psychologists, psychiatrist, teachers, counselors that have evaluated my son & they agree...but they struggle to do much about it and i won't go into that b/cthat topic is extensive and all my comments are way too long.

  • @user-sf4yo5vw7s
    @user-sf4yo5vw7s ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you doctor for that assessment. I would really really like you to assess Rachel on the episode before the season finale with Katie vs Rachel and Katie's mother. That to me was the most disturbing. Also I think Schwartz needs to be assessed in that situation. He was hiding behind a plant. In the reunion part 2 he was taking Xanax and talking about his family problems, not to mention his divorce. Schwartz really needs yours or somebody's help!

  • @inspiredtothriveMarie
    @inspiredtothriveMarie ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Love learning more about psychology. Keep going with more of the cast. Would love to hear more.

  • @lynnt2827
    @lynnt2827 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love hearing your opinions and I find you honest, thorough, smart, funny, entertaining while educating.... Can't wait to see more!

  • @nancystevens7447
    @nancystevens7447 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    There must be a substance abuse or “self medicating “ of some sort going on! She seems to miss a beat and she struggles with authenticity. She is also easily manipulated by others. I’m fascinated by her as well.

    • @rrdcreates
      @rrdcreates ปีที่แล้ว +9

      ​@@marythomas1198 She's 28...hardly a young girl.

    • @rrdcreates
      @rrdcreates ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Idk if she's easily manipulated by others, but she's certainly been bullied and the victim of emotional and verbal abuse prior to this scandal - which would make people who are seemingly kind to her more attractive since it is positive and uplifting - even if her best interests aren't their goal.

    • @dalaimommadrama8929
      @dalaimommadrama8929 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@marythomas1198 With all due respect you make her sound like she's 15 years old. She's done pageants, slept with men, drinks, etc. Not a young girl but a woman in her late 20's. But also, there have been situations where young girls' self-medicate and have substance abuse issues. Nothing in Nancy's comment was far fetched at all.

  • @katiesfarmhouse
    @katiesfarmhouse ปีที่แล้ว +4

    So refreshing to hear sensible analysis! The absurd diagnoses that fly fast & furious on the internet are so tiresome. Good job on the level headed presentation.

  • @goodbreew
    @goodbreew ปีที่แล้ว +2

    LOL the last 2 minutes SENT me 😂

  • @whiteheart6827
    @whiteheart6827 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I already know ….15 minutes is just not long enough 😂

  • @dawnmunnell7706
    @dawnmunnell7706 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I agree with you about the first two diagnoses. But disagree with the codependence diagnosis you gave at the end.
    Raquel was clearly living in a fantasy created in her own head. She just wanted to hop into Ariana's life...Tom, the house and her status on the show. She acknowlesges not seeing any repercussions for attempting this...not with Ariana, her friends or society. That is scary. People doing bad things usually recognize there may be a consequence if caught. She seemed oblivious to this 🤷‍♀️....sorry but that's not okay at 28

  • @sherilynridgeway8984
    @sherilynridgeway8984 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    It’s NOT just her symptoms on the reunion, based on the reunion but her emotions or lack there of through out the entire season! That being said being Bipolar 1 myself, I do agree that she has the signs of being under the influences of psych meds but for sure mixing alcohol & having shrooms with Sandy 😮. I would be in another galaxy

  • @heavenlyvilla8681
    @heavenlyvilla8681 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Adhd is another diagnosis that was in vogue to give to any kid who misbehaved.

  • @jillchristine1561
    @jillchristine1561 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    She planned for months to take Tom away from Adriana by making Adriana look bad even when Adriana supported her thru thick and thin. She wanted to be main character along with Sandoval. She had sex with him in her car outside their house when Adriana was grieving for her beloved dog and slept with Sandoval when Adriana was away, hurting at her mothers funeral! Imagine if one of your best friends or “little sister “ as she referred herself to Adriana, did that to you…. Her n Tim were laughing after the reunion. She’s mean n evil! Not sure where that falls on the DSM-5.

  • @msnyx823
    @msnyx823 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It is interesting to hear an opinion on autism and how that maps to Rachel’s behaviour. But I also have questions as someone who was diagnosed with ADHD as a toddler and lived life when they hype was that ADHD wasn’t real, it was over diagnosed etc. I had to work hard to find a psychiatrist that specialised in ADHD and kept up to date with all the relevant research. It became apparent to me that it is impossible for a professional to keep up-to-date on all the latest research etc for all conditions. Those who doctors that didn’t stay up-to-date on ADHD were usually the ones who believed the myths and dismissed the lived experiences of ADHD. My experiences mean that I look for the experts on the topic and get opinions from them. It will not always be foolproof, but it is much less likely to be misguided and based on partial knowledge and assumptions.

  • @HokieKittens
    @HokieKittens ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for doing this! It was incredibly informative. Looking forward to your take on James, lala, and sandoval!

  • @betsybabf748
    @betsybabf748 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You have to do the new episode, Secrets Revealed. It shows unreleased scenes. Some of the conversations Tom had when no one knew he was sleeping with Raquel. He is so sneaky and evil, as is she. She showed up with flowers for Arianna at her and Tom's house just hours after she slept with Tom. It's demented. Arianna was correct.

  • @rositawangdahl457
    @rositawangdahl457 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    (At the last interview)The last time when she cried(you said). There were NO tears. It was just an act.

  • @heathermatthews8286
    @heathermatthews8286 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love your reactions to the comments just as much as your reactions to the VPR drama lol. Please continue sir!!!👏👏

  • @lucianalambert4823
    @lucianalambert4823 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is enlightening. I appreciate you bringing up the popular books over the years that popularized certain disorders. I do remember in the late 70’s and 80’s there were so many fictional characters with double personalities. When trying to understand someone like Raquel, I think of women who have trouble finding their own path without a strong male presence. Because that’s our default role in society, to be part of a support system whose center is always a man. I’ll keep watching and learning from you as long as you keep posting. There’s nothing better than learning so much from our Reality TV guilty pleasures. ❤

  • @ramonaesteves6569
    @ramonaesteves6569 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Loved loved loved this! Your way of explaining Autism etc is perfectly understood! Thank you

  • @maggiecu3657
    @maggiecu3657 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The question that no one seems to be asking is why was she on the show in the first place? If she is getting psychological help like she claims wouldn't any therapist walk her through the scenario she would likely encounter and explain that nothing good could come from it? The fact that she was even on makes me question whether she really is getting help or whether she's been drinking by a hotel pool. The whole thing is bizarre and will not end well for anyone.

  • @bostonterry7460
    @bostonterry7460 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm so glad you're still covering this 😂😂😂

  • @sandramullins7696
    @sandramullins7696 ปีที่แล้ว

    Terrific analysis, David! Thank you.

  • @dalaimommadrama8929
    @dalaimommadrama8929 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It's exactly what I kept trying to say about "autism" when it kept coming up on Instagram comments. My son wasn't diagnosed until he was 12 but he presented his stims, flat affect, trouble laughing organically, pacing that we clearly saw at home since he was a baby. People always asked if there was something wrong w/him. The only reason he didn't get diagnosed sooner is b/c pediatricians at the time & teachers kept thinking ADHD but they all knew something was off. It wasn't until the school psychologist & one our doctor recommended tested him & both results were the same. Still, many suspected, most especially his new pediatrician & the psychologist & teachers. My son flaps when excited, paces, can't make eye contact, uses his swing to self soothe, light bothers him, certain clothes bother him, only sits UNDER his desk/table at school, etc. Yes, there are many different faces of autism but overall, they have a standard pattern. I never saw that in Rachel. You can't be autistic w/no emotions during a reunion but she's fine when it comes to drinking and flirting and having fun. Masking yes, but even still we would have seen much more by now.

  • @andyschool
    @andyschool ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You do a wonderful job. I appreciate your input here greatly! I ended up becoming ICU trauma RN in Detroit but my nursing board scores for psych.. one question wrong. Lol. I did internship at psych hospital named Northville. We had forensic patients, many schizophrenics, anti-social personality disorder patients who required in patient treatment; often for lengthy periods of time. Thinking that’s why I find your perspectives so fascinating. Certainly I took care of many these personality types in ICU over 20yrs but waitressing thru school taught me a lot about people. Body language as to which wanted to eat alone V those who wanted companionship while eating… those power tripping bc they were being waited on, etc. How I got into VPR then realized one of the cast member’s moms trained me as waitress at a pub where we had to wear French maid outfits/alllowing some subjectification while making enough $ to put self thru school. Thing is w Rachel, over the seasons her facial expressions tend not to match the emotion she’s trying to portray. Do you feel her pageant history has something to do w this “game face,” phenomenon we viewers are noticing?? James has had hx of violence against women, more than emotional abuse & name-calling so don’t feel too badly going in on James Kennedy.😁😂👍

  • @dearblabby
    @dearblabby ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love the ending commentary about Good Golly.

  • @mrsbarddog6679
    @mrsbarddog6679 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just found your channel. Thought it was awesome how you broke down exactly what you thought while making it clear you were not diagnosing. But the last part about the couch and the person making the comments was freaking hilarious. I was shopping and bust out laughing people looked at me like I was crazy. I just pointed to my AirPod and kept on laughing. I couldn’t help myself

  • @todayandtomorrow123
    @todayandtomorrow123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Agree on everything you said. thank you so much. you captured all my suspicions so succinctly.

  • @Maureen0228
    @Maureen0228 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love you and love your analysis. Very helpful.

  • @todayandtomorrow123
    @todayandtomorrow123 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @classyconversationswithrho344
    @classyconversationswithrho344 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You did a wonderful job. Thank you

  • @ReeCrowsFray
    @ReeCrowsFray ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’ve always loved brown and black together. That rule is ridiculous. It’s very nice neutrals.

  • @TheLiserLisa
    @TheLiserLisa ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This is fantastic. Thank you. I would love for you to watch the early seasons and weigh in on Kristen Doute and Tom Sandoval's suggestion that she has Borderline Personality Disorder. I actually think she might have suffered from it. I have bpd and always related to her behaviour in the early seasons.

  • @lacysnake
    @lacysnake ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for your expertise. Thank you for sharing the fads of psychology diagnosis through the years!
    I personally enjoy your black walls with textured brown couch and stark white chairs. Maybe add a plant for greenery. 😬❤️👏

  • @aud7777
    @aud7777 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another great video!! Thank you!!

  • @sophieh9387
    @sophieh9387 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Black walls and Brown couch looks pretty awesome to me!! Well done David!!!

  • @patlee7614
    @patlee7614 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love the brown couch with black walls. We have been looking for a brown/camel leather couch and paint a black accent wall behind the sofa. Love that look. Thank you for covering the VPR debacle. I don't typically watch but did get into the reunions. 😮

  • @TeamCadenceStamper
    @TeamCadenceStamper ปีที่แล้ว

    Love this!!

  • @SsteedsS
    @SsteedsS ปีที่แล้ว

    Love these videos!

  • @andreaarcher6046
    @andreaarcher6046 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loved this breakdown. Lots of interesting educating information.

  • @yolandashields8993
    @yolandashields8993 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love your analysis. You never disappoint. For what its worth, I like the black wall/brown couch combo.

  • @lumen8729
    @lumen8729 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I think Xanax is also playing a role in her behavior. Look how Swartz had them and Sandoval took the bottle from him. I think she is an alcoholic and hopefully cleans up. She is typical pageant rich girl who has been sheltered, in my experience.
    I am glad you addressed the autistic factor. She did the same thing with James. Was a fan girl, supported and took lots of alcoholic abuse.

    • @SuzannLynch-nx6wj
      @SuzannLynch-nx6wj ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think Sandy listed the things he thought was spending quality time with his partner. I guarantee he and Rachel do schrooms and obviously other psychedelics.

    • @laLouve22
      @laLouve22 ปีที่แล้ว

      honnestly to me she just looked on meds, probably to try and cope with the stress of the reuinion. i don't why people jumped to sociopathy or autism.

    • @rotem1437
      @rotem1437 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@laLouve22people talk about her behavior in general...It's a odd behavior all the time

    • @sharonhartsoe531
      @sharonhartsoe531 ปีที่แล้ว

      Schwartz actually had lorazapam aka Ativan.

  • @logo9470
    @logo9470 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    New subscriber here. I think you were spot on Re: Raquel. I can’t wait for the Sandoval episode.

  • @Aliensemble
    @Aliensemble ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for this. I fully agree. I’m so sick of hearing people talk about her mental health. She was in two back to back relationships with narcissists, James and then Sandoval. That’s a LOT of trauma for one person especially someone who’s a bit on the naive side. I think she has more self awareness and empathy than both of her exes. She got sucked into all of this and was sheltered a bit by her parents so it makes sense that she would fall for these toxic men. As a dv survivor myself, I totally feel for her.

  • @olivialainebarnette6332
    @olivialainebarnette6332 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm dying at your commentary on the goodgolly peanut gallery comments at the end 😂 So petty and I absolutely love it 👏 I can't imagine how boring or sad life would have to be to feel that the two seconds she spent typing out each of those comments was a really valuable use of time and totally worth it. You're awesome, you should go into teaching or something because you explain things so clearly and so well. I've watched many of your videos and have always been so interested in the content of what you're saying that I've never even noticed your wall, your couch, or your "stutter" (that I'm pretty sure she imagined). I'm sure most people would agree with me. Keep making awesome content!!! ❤

  • @nicolepsy
    @nicolepsy ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just found your channel and it's great!
    I haven't watched VPR for a few years ( I developed an aversion to hearing the word "like" 84 times in one sentence), but I did watch it for several seasons and finally got sucked into the Scandoval.
    It would be very interesting to see you start at the beginning and do reaction videos. I'm pretty sure there would be an audience for it.
    The Jax/Stassi years make this look like a tea party, lol.
    The long form videos are better and more authentic than edited and 'polished' ones, imo.
    New sub here!

  • @user-yb5ux2pr2m
    @user-yb5ux2pr2m ปีที่แล้ว

    You are very good. Came across one video and watched as many as I could. You are good at what you do. I enjiy your depth and knowledge. Hope you continue to offer us your thoughts and opinions. Thank you.

  • @toriaden833
    @toriaden833 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I absolutely think you are spot on. I do not think she is right or justified in what she did with Tom. But I also kinda feel bad for her. I really hope she gets away from Tom. I don't think there is a reality where they live happily ever after. Thanks so much for your amazing insight.

  • @MissiJade
    @MissiJade ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Completely off topic but why is Complex PTSD not in the DSM5"? As someone who was diagnosed multiple times with this condition since I was 19, I find it difficult to understand. I understand that this is just a label for the symptoms that I have and from experiencing multiple severe trauma since a young age. It does however feel extremely invalidating and a lot of health professionals especially in Australia have no idea what it is. I would love to know the answer to this question. Thank you for doing your videos on VPR. Appreciate you not diagnosing people that you haven’t evaluated in person. 😊

  • @magickcat7983
    @magickcat7983 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you. Appreciate your analysis.

  • @hilaryjohnson1693
    @hilaryjohnson1693 ปีที่แล้ว

    This makes sense! Thanks 🙏

  • @jojoindigo
    @jojoindigo ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Andy Cohen said he thought Raquel was medicated too

  • @ramonaesteves6569
    @ramonaesteves6569 ปีที่แล้ว

    You make me laugh reading the critique🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are killing me !

  • @laurycompton5123
    @laurycompton5123 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think you do an amazing job and do not let negative comments affect you. You open concepts that allow us to understand behavior that others want to just say, crazy or narcissistic or spectrum. I love what you do !!! Don't let the wall and couch girl effect you she is bored or mean or boarder line!!!

    • @goodgolly4726
      @goodgolly4726 ปีที่แล้ว

      Honestly I didn't actually dislike his black walls or brown couch. It just reminded me of a 'mancave' which I found amusing. Not in a bad way though.. I suppose I should have elaborated on that comment had I known how upset it was going to make him. Both that and the stuttering comment were just observations. I didn't say anything was definitively bad or wrong.
      However I understand pointing out his stutter was a little rude so what's odd is I did actually go back and delete that comment after the fact but I guess I didn't do it fast enough before he saw it..
      Ive liked a lot of his videos and I'm subbed to this channel so I'm kind of surprised he put me on blast.
      Debating if I should unsub and leave the community since everyone hates me now 😔

  • @dichallis4135
    @dichallis4135 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I agree with you 100% and she saught validation from a man and that man was manipulative, charismatic, nacissistic and self-centred. I definitely think she had anti anxiey medication for the reunion, which made her calm and seem distant and unemotive. I have some empahy for her. She really didn't understand the dynamics of the group and was way out of her depth and told a lot of rubbish that wasn't true by Tom. I've taught my daughter not to believe people automatically, and to use past behaviour and patterns as a guide. I think she's led a pretty sheltered life.

  • @brendaharris3310
    @brendaharris3310 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes I've been seeing the couch and walls for a while and the first time I thought to comment what decade are you going for. LOL looking forward to viewing your other videos on the other cast members especially Tom.

  • @MuffinsNyc
    @MuffinsNyc ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have never seen women sit so unbothered and emotionless like Rachel did. At best shouldn’t she feel ashamed of herself. I mean pretending to be someones best friend just to get closer to Sandoval and pump her for information then sleep with him in her house while she was at a funeral is pretty low down dirty and calculated evil

  • @morganyoung1402
    @morganyoung1402 ปีที่แล้ว

    Enjoyed this video! I agreed with about 90% of your views. Your description of autism was concise and very accurate in terms of my experience working with children who have Autism. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!!

  • @lulugarcia3055
    @lulugarcia3055 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very impressed on your summarized descriptions of clinical aspect of disorders. As a mother with a son diagnosed with Tourette/Asperger syndrome, your insight interested me. Subscribed and will be following.

  • @leslikramer2801
    @leslikramer2801 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I personally think you’re spot on…..I also think when she cry’s after the reunion I feel she’s had the full realization of the ramifications come down on her….like she’s just realizing the impact of what she’s done

  • @deedeek75
    @deedeek75 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thanks for this video! Lots of good information! I know she’s mentioned in the past that she had a learning disability in elementary. Could it just be that after years of dealing with that, she’s just learned to shut emotions down so as to not be a target for ridicule? I know she finally broke down and cried but it seemed to me that she cried not because she felt guilty, but she cried at the thought of being friendless. Which for someone who’s so focused on perception and being liked, it just broke her.

  • @alexandraroutenbergdebourc2427
    @alexandraroutenbergdebourc2427 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a wife of someone who was diagnosed with ASD later in life, I agree with you completely on the over diagnosis. It took us years to get enough medical & specialty input for us to feel comfortable with an ASD diagnosis because it seemed to be a trendy diagnosis. Love hearing your professional take on Bravo shows/people. New fan!!

  • @charlottedhall1
    @charlottedhall1 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great talk!

  • @jenmontzingo
    @jenmontzingo ปีที่แล้ว

    Thoughtful, intelligent and well spoken.

  • @Enlightened77777
    @Enlightened77777 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dude when she cried in the end, it was NOT remorse. she was crying for herself because she wants to tell all of it because she has no shame. she cared NONE about others feelings but her own, that is a huge tell that you are ignoring. if she had empathy she would have broken down and cried to Ariana in regret when she was first exposed, but she didn't! her break down had nothing to do with anyone else but her. she is cold, selfish and antagonistic. sending letters and post cards to toms house KNOWING Ariana will see, that is putting salt in a wound and she enjoyed it. she is NOT well not empathetic cares only about herself. the calm cold stare when someone else is crying is all to telling. she is NOT autistic or sociopathic, but she is young and narcissism isn't at its full blown from the jump, it is progressive as someone ages and masters manipulation and deceit, it gets more and more progressive as time goes on, she is definitely disordered in some way for sure and if she stays in the public eye on a show it will continue to intensify!!! and she WAS NOT MEDICATED! thats just giving her a hall pass, her calm cool, cold demeaner is who she is.

  • @seizuregirlllll
    @seizuregirlllll ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Interesting and fascinating. I was just diagnosed with complex PTSD, tomorrow we are looking into personality disorders because my counselor says most people complex PTSD have one or more personality disorder. I believe there’s about ten of them, you listed a couple. I looked them up and felt I related to three or four of them. I see it as something that If I am diagnosed with one or more it will allow me to understand my behavior and work on it. There’s nothing I can do to take back the trauma but I can work on healing. A friend was telling me everyone has some type of personality disorder. It seems also narcissistic gets thrown around a lot when really it’s immaturity.

    • @Variant1on1
      @Variant1on1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      At the core of NPD the person is stuck at the emotional intelligence of a child. Of course it’s far more than just that issue, it’s thought process, manipulative tactics, self worth issues, and much more. NPD is under diagnosed because most are never officially diagnosed, but as more an more people open up about the abuse they suffered it is exposing those with the disorder.

  • @nadiasoho1
    @nadiasoho1 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I don’t think it’s too far fetched that some adults are diagnosed later on in life. My brother was. Depending which generation you’re from, neurodivergent people have been left years without seeking diagnosis as in the 80s and 90s it wasn’t focused on or as much help. We were told we were naughty, lazy or stupid. I’m thankful now people are more open to it and accepting.
    I am dyslexic and got diagnosed in my late 20s.
    But not round up, I think it’s dangerous like you said for people to quickly flip a diagnosis on someone.

    • @caseyjc5
      @caseyjc5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Agreed! I was born in 1987 and my parents told me I didn’t start talking at all until I was 4 so they were afraid I was deaf (I’m not at all and can hear too well) and I remember rarely talking to anyone and not knowing how to start a conversation with other kids until I was in my teens, which led to getting rejected and bullied a lot. But me being “on the spectrum” didn’t occur to me or anyone until someone who worked at a college I went to suggested I was and I later got an official diagnosis. I don’t struggle as much with social interactions as I did before but I still feel much younger than I am and I’ve become basically a loner now though I love social events and wish I were in a relationship or people to hang out with again.

  • @cynthiaglinski3528
    @cynthiaglinski3528 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just really enjoy your videos

  • @andedom
    @andedom ปีที่แล้ว

    Good take doc!

  • @harrylederman1679
    @harrylederman1679 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love this series's. BRILLIANT!!!

  • @heavenlyathome
    @heavenlyathome ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Lol!!!! You are soooooo funny. I do feel you hit the head on the nail. Since you didn't watch the old ones, just know, her mother gave her guardianship to her sister. So Raquel was raised by her aunt. She was in pageants since really young and talked about being picked on in school and not feeling like she was good enough in a learning environment. That's why she really hates being called stupid. I do think pageants told her how to be in order to be loved and she tried to follow that to the T but it's just not a true statement and she is starting to understand that more n more as we watch all this play out.

  • @walkingwhiletalking
    @walkingwhiletalking ปีที่แล้ว

    Loved this video. It was very informative how you explain autism and how you went through the check list

  • @blackmantle541
    @blackmantle541 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for this. I wish that all the armchair Drs out there could watch this.

  • @ArcherGinger
    @ArcherGinger ปีที่แล้ว +2

    How do you explain the laughing chatter between Raquel & Tom in her dressing room immediately following the reunion❓Also, she was smiling but committing that she was upset about James saying Ally was an 🆙 grade over her❗️