I do miss Robin and was profoundly saddened at his passing. "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." - Robin Williams
"Pressure, pressing down on me, pressing down on you - no man ask for!...". "The greatest dad in the world". Was really great to meet this reference, thanks!
Its crazy how many people say that they miss someone they never met and I feel the same. He was a light for all of humanity. A truly unique human being full of that spark thats so rare.
I met him in Atl ...I said "Holy shit you're Robin Williams " lil prick killed me got a fast high 5 and "yes I am ,have a greatnight!" Stepped in to a limo and gone . It was funny as hell .just fast friendly an good publicity but he took those at best 30 seconds ...made me and friends laugh ,,didn't break stride and slid into his limousine ,. But he worked it . Kinda a hey yaall love you but gotta go! Smooth polite and efficient. Dam I'll miss him
A CDC STUDY FOUND THAT FOR EVERY KILO OF COCAINE A PERSON BUYS FIVE INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE MURDERED IN THE PRODUCTION AND TRANSFER OF THAT KILO OF COCAINE. So how many murders of innocent people did Robin Williams cause in his admitted life-long use of cocaine, which also caused his Lewy Body Dementia and his suicide by belt?
It's a defense method some people develop from any early age. You want everyone to like you and you want every serious situation to become a joke. Many funny people are not funny because their world is all laughter, for them turning everything into a joke is a way to cope with the stresses of life. You notice a lot of Robin's materials are about his own issues, drug abuse and alcohol. He was clearly suffering for a long time.
So well put! I sure miss him. We lost him the same day as my Mom. Two wonderful souls. Two characters, to be sure. My Mom, much like Maggie Smith, and Robin Williams...one of a kind.
I come from Scotland,now live in England,and Robin does the best scottish accent a lot of my friends down here dont have a clue what i am saying...RIP Robin You are missed the world over
I love you Robin, wherever you are. You make me laugh, you make me cry with laughter. There is, and never will be, no one like you. I will miss you always!
Michael it's really sad that you have to be so cruel, the man was a genius and he was a awesome human being, brilliant and cared for people. No one knew his mental condition and the pain he was in. Look up Lewy Body disease it's a horrible brain disease , I hope and pray you never have anyone in your family that commits suicide because of a horrible disease because I'm sure you wouldn't want people to call them a piece of shit. You don't have to agree it's your opinion just be respectful . The world misses you RIP
Bihar, carol, and Donna: I don’t know what Michael Richmond Junior said, But whatever it was, the three of you convinced him to remove it. Thank you, all of you
I gues that was a fascinating experience, Around people he didn't seem to stop for a moment trying to make someone laugh and to pull out jokes nonstop. Thank you for sharing your experience with him!
it's kinda sad knowing what we know now about him to watch a man hide in broad daylight! that's not to say I don't love watching him! I miss him! and understand his pain!
What a lovely pearl to put in your life’s string- a gift- I’ve been a life long fan from over the pond since Mork n Mindy blessings n peace from Wales 🏴
I've been always thinking how lucky people are to be able to meet him in person. I cried a lot when I knew that my Comedy Hero died. It made a lot impact on my life. I've still been thinking what if he was still alive and I was able to meet him? I would've been the luckiest person alive. I'm still watching his comedy acts and movies. I wish he was well up there with God laughing both their asses off. :
A man who was obviously in pain for most of his life all so we could laugh and enjoy his immense talent. RIP Robin Williams, we lost such a legend when he passed.
Have you seen the footage of him with Coco the gorilla that learn sign language and he was able to have conversations with her and when he first came to meet her she asked him to takeoff his shoes cause she wanted to see his feet and I guess feet and hands are really big in the gorilla world and she was very very emotionally Depressed, sad and crying when they came and told her that Robin had taken his life and she asked how he died and they had to try and explain that and she was really sad for weeks! She loved him like the rest of us !
A Beautiful Mind ... The man was one of a kind and will never be forgotten. All the love and thank you for sooo many years of the best entertainment that can always be liberated into times anewed from generation to generation. You did it Robin you are Immortal.
This man wasn’t just an actor/comedian, he was a medium through which the people very much relied on for an honest opinion of the times. A voice for the people to relate to. One that signaled there was always hope. Truly an artist
@@chuckp_again_and_again Sounds more like he was repeating and imitating how Houseman said it, to me. Jay Leno got it right - I find it hard to believe Robin Williams wouldn't have.
Robin Williams was a excellent human being and helped so many people. I enjoyed watching some of his movies and comedian. It seems just like yesterday. He is truly missed by. RIP Robin Williams ❤❤❤❤
nah he definitely repeated skits my guy. but they'd never really be the same. i personally find every similar skit get funnier and funnier as i progress through his standup routines
Literally everything surrounding Saddam Hussein. Also certain jokes involving the "talking" cats and dogs and their behaviour (see standups from 2002 and 1983, a lot of the less controversial content is actually repeated)
"Man goes to doctor. says he's depressed. says life seems harsh and cruel. Doctor says "treatment is simple. the great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. go and see him. that should pick you up." Man bursts into tears and says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”" RIP Robin :(
@@piontropechetrini5640 That's why he, most likely, faked his death. Or, maybe he was required to fake his death, time to retire. Because that's the way it's done in the music industry, at least.
Ross Otto please watch your post. Families from all over read post. Including people of all ages. Ages from 6 to much higher. I have also read all these post his family can see. Please respect him and his family.
No Question even needed - just watch the machine do his thing. Miss him more than any other performer ever. RIP Robin. You made more laugh than anyone. EVER.
One question? You should see some of the early Johnny Carson appearances. He would come out all wound up and Johnny would just try to keep him in camera frame at best. He was in bad shape (Drug-wise) back then, but he was just non-stop crazy 😜 all the time. If you laugh out loud a lot, you needed oxygen before he finished. Totally off the cuff, not stand up routines.
The 1st time I saw his performance Live On Broadway, I laughed so hard that I cried. My son & his friends worried that I needed air/might pass out, so they paused the recording
Let's not think any negativity about his death..or loss...because it is God's Law of LOVE no matter what with this guy. He is just like you and me because he can die, like we all have to someday, but he can turn anything bad into good. He is the same as Jesus Christ because he died for me, I believe, whether he knows it, or not. I can believe whatever I want, and that is the way I want based on facts.
I guess that was somehow one of his major concerns and matter of heart. To help people laugh out load again, to enjoy live again and to find peace of mind. He had so much wisdom and heart warmth to share. I hope you are feeling better now and that Robin's personality and unbelivable comedic talent still makes you smile.
He is so badly missed, I have been watching him since Mork & Mindy, let alone everything else he went on to do , with Nothing but sheer brilliance, a passion & talent not many have, plus a heart of gold,. It saddens me to know that when he did die, he felt so alone & was so tormented by life, yet to the rest of us in the world he did nothing but make us laugh, shared so much love & yet he was also suffering in silence, pain & torment 😔 He will always be a Legend, remembered for many years yet & oh that voice is as unique as he was too, I have soo loved his voice in all his cartoons, his movies are all brilliant & his got to be one of the most brilliant people to of walked this planet in comedy too,. He made me laugh that hard, sing, cry & he’s done so much I couldn’t even choose a favorite, as I love everything he’s ever done & the tears of laughter & joy he brought to so many of us, RIP you beautiful special soul & forever to be remembered 😔❤️
Lindy Lea, Hi 👋. Have you ever seen any of his early stand-up? I mean, Before Mork and Mindy?? I had a stone cold crush on Robin, for, probably decades. I was so thrown, when I heard news about Robin’s tragic Death. It made me sad and angry. I felt betrayed. I got over that soon enough, although, I still miss him very much! I love his heart ❤️, and his comedic genius. Let me know about his early stand-up, ok?
That's what it's all about we loved Robin the man, he was a gift to the world, He gave so much I am sure he is with GOD and at least he can rest now. 😇😇
Indeed. Brilliant and so very loved by millions. Mrs. Doubtfure should be watched as a movie for children, adults. pastors, law men, 🚒 Firemen. 👮♀️ 👮🏻 🚔 every place on earth.One of my son’s is named after Me. Christopher Reeves. ❤️Chris Plummer and Chris that pauses when he talks.
I love a terrific laugh and Robin was and is the best medicine. Thank you Robin you are truly wonderful person. Thank you for the wonderful memories you have given us.
Terry Garcia that’s a pretty tall order, that kind of greatness is a rare thing...wish he was still with us, he’s considered a family to countless people he never physically met. RIP Robin
I moved in with my Grandmother in 2007. It was only supposed to be temporary, but she became very sick very quickly with Lewy Body dementia. It wasn’t really known back then and it took several doctors to diagnose her. Back then all they could tell us was that it was a combination of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and regular dementia rolled into one. By the time they officially diagnosed her she was so far gone. I cared for her 24/7 and had to move in permanently. She literally lost her mind completely in about a year. She knew me one month and didn’t know me the next. I’ve dealt with regular Dementia, but Lewy body was a whole different ball game. I’m guessing that when Robin found out what it was, his mind was already gone. With Lewy body, the mind goes quickly whereas with common dementia it happens over a period of time. Between the hallucinations and not recognizing anyone it definitely takes it’s toll on the caregiver. She went for weeks without sleep because of the hallucinations, which meant I didn’t sleep. It’s sad to say but common dementia would have been a godsend! A truly horrific disease! You can Rest In Peace Now, Robin!!
I know that being a 24/7 caretaker for a length of time for loved one in that condition can become extremely mentally draining, especially if you don't have support from other family members to give you a break. What you did for your Grandmother speaks volumes about what kind of person you really are.
NEVER heard of this type of dementia, LEWY BODY DEMENTIA. I KNOW if it was me, I'd like to be 'humanely' put down basically. Being a burden to others both physically & financially is not what I want. It is unfair to others & is just NOT right. If Robin Williams had bn diagnosed w such an horrific disease, I can totally understand WHY he hung himself. God understands as well.
I’m proud to say that Robin and I attended the same high school in Marin County. It was Redwood high. His recent wife, #3 also went to Redwood, she was a year ahead of me but about 10 yrs younger than Robin. He was always so nice to people when riding his bike around San Francisco, he stopped and talked to my brother once who was sitting at a bus stop. I can’t wait to see him in another life, (hopefully!!) I miss him so much, he made such an impact on people’s life!!
That's great! I just watched a video from early in his career of him doing a gig in San Fran. He threw some shade on Marin County, in a really good way.
Mandie Moore, You’re one very 🍀 lucky person!!! Ok, I thought you meant you went to Redwood High, at the same time as Robin did! Hey, but, you still knew his future wife #3, from school, right? Were you two friends? Or just nodded towards each other in the hallway? Whatever the case was, you should stay proud. Its your fond memory. Don’t let it go. 🎈
I miss him EVERY TIME i see and hear him. He suffered from mental illness as i have all my life. But he made the world laugh SO HARD despite his own inner pain. I love you Robin you are truly missed. A helluva actor and comedian but most of all human being.
Gosh, I need to take a break at 6:21...I'm already exhausted. My brain hurts. So many ideas, so fast, so manic - watching Robin is like staring at the sun. It gives us life and warmth, but you can't stare at it too long! What a force of nature you really are Robin. His unstoppable creativity and mania comes from a deep seated desire to please everyone around him, to share his joy for life with all. Your impact on us all will not be forgotten. We thank you Robin.
My god Robin was the funniest person ever! I certainly miss him these days. Didn’t matter what you were going through in life he made you smile and laugh ❤
There's not many people that can make you laugh until your stomach hurts every 2 seconds or so. Robin Williams was one of these rare gems. Thank you Robin Williams, thank you for everything.
🤣😂🤣 Wow! The world could really use this man right now. Such a tragedy to lose him so young-he had so much material & love left to give. 💔 But thanks for providing this wonderful memory for us to enjoy-or some of us to discover. He was an amazing soul.
Such a lovely man. My childhood was filled with laughter watching Mork and Mindy and then he ripped my ribs apart with Mrs Doubtfire. Such a lovely film about divorce. My parents had just separated when the film came out. Later he did some darker roles.. Insomnia and One hour photo❤
Robin Williams is so missed, yet despite the masses whom adored him, he didn't want to be a burden when he became ill with Parkinson's disease. Had he known that the line of people who would have been thrilled to take care of him would've circled the globe, he may have reconsidered him suicide solution. God have mercy on his soul.
Daniel Morris, Hon, how did you find out Robin’s middle name? He was such an angel/lil devil guy. Long time ago I had a major crush on him. And when I finally ran into Robin at an AIDS WALK, where I was volunteering, I was sooo Star ⭐️ Struck, I could barely get my volunteer shpiel out so he understood it. I was shaking. Turned away, grabbed some random girl by her shoulders, whispered about that’s Robin Williams, over and over, while dancing my circular HAPPY DANCE. The dance and whispered celebrations wound down after a few. I think I may have been in love with his comedic genius. Or maybe his heart 💜... R I Peace, Robin McLaurin Williams. I sure do miss you 😘. Daniel, Thank you 😊 so much! For Robin’s middle name. For reading this far. For allowing me to somewhat relive a cherished memory, right here. Thx, again, Daniel...!
Daniel Morris, Hi 👋 again! I remember watching Mork and Mindy, too, man. The 1980s, maybe? I just having trouble recalling how old I was when that show premiered. Do you remember it starting, at all?
Robin's awareness of current events of the world and be able to spin comedy off them was his best trait hands down. How he can go from talking seriously like a scholar who is more than well read on a topic and then make a joke around what he is talking about is so amazing. He was so ahead of his time like a chess player thinking 8-10 moves ahead. He sure owned George W. Bush's presidency and I can only imagine what he'd be saying now around Trump and Biden. We miss your genius Robin you were one of a kind and left us all too soon.
How can you not love Robin, if you have a chance Noah Gunderson wrote a song entitled Robin Williams it is heart wrenching and will make you cry RIP ROBIN you are missed. 😇😇
From Mork to Universal Super Star, A Man NEVER to be Replaced. The Ability to make Honest and Serious World Affairs palatable with His Unique view on the other side of the coin. A True Man and what is MORE a Pure Unbiased American GENIUS.God Keep Him Safe 💖💖💖💖💖
He was one of the modern best comedians of our time. His characters, personas and impersonations were great. I first saw him in Mork and Mindy when I was a kid. He made me laugh all the time. Laruel and Hardy and Robin Williams are my all time favourite comedians.
I think I'm speaking for Many Ppl as I say that Robin Williams had such a gift. Made SO MANY ppl laugh. His coworkers and us ppl watching him. There were only 3 other comedians that could really make you laugh in your own Living Room. Robin took the pedestal for sure!!! We ALL miss you Robin. I know you're all better up in Heaven. Enjoy your cloud. You can always make every body and God, too..laugh until they're crying. Rest In Peace or whatever God has you doing, you're missed very much in our world.🙏😇
Every once in a great while, a human comes along who is so much better than the rest of us. Robin Williams just might have been a king amongst the best of us.
I do miss Robin and was profoundly saddened at his passing.
"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." - Robin Williams
"Pressure, pressing down on me, pressing down on you - no man ask for!...".
"The greatest dad in the world".
Was really great to meet this reference, thanks!
I grew up alone, I live & work alone, & I'll die alone! It's not any big deal to me!!!
@@jasperandre7399. Yes
Lucky dog
@@usserrnname m
This world is whole lot quieter and sadder without Robin in it! 2020 and we still miss you Robin. RIP.
2024 & Miss him lots still. 😢
Rest in peace Robin
2024 and we still miss u
Such a beautiful man. The planet misses him.
Humanity misses Robin
Yes, we people from all over the world miss him.
Agreed ❤️🥰
Thank god we have his work to reminisce. Both My daughter and I love his humour.
Its crazy how many people say that they miss someone they never met and I feel the same. He was a light for all of humanity. A truly unique human being full of that spark thats so rare.
Aye, that.
I met hin in sf in a bar on gerry st on a tuesday me him and the bartender i lauft for 4 hours he bought all the drinks and tip 1000 to the bartender
I met him in Atl ...I said "Holy shit you're Robin Williams " lil prick killed me got a fast high 5 and "yes I am ,have a greatnight!" Stepped in to a limo and gone . It was funny as hell .just fast friendly an good publicity but he took those at best 30 seconds ...made me and friends laugh ,,didn't break stride and slid into his limousine ,. But he worked it . Kinda a hey yaall love you but gotta go! Smooth polite and efficient. Dam I'll miss him
A CDC STUDY FOUND THAT FOR EVERY KILO OF COCAINE A PERSON BUYS FIVE INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE MURDERED IN THE PRODUCTION AND TRANSFER OF THAT KILO OF COCAINE. So how many murders of innocent people did Robin Williams cause in his admitted life-long use of cocaine, which also caused his Lewy Body Dementia and his suicide by belt?
He’s like a fountain of genius. He just bursts with life. R.I.P. Robin Williams.
Ya, what happened to him ??
It's a defense method some people develop from any early age. You want everyone to like you and you want every serious situation to become a joke.
Many funny people are not funny because their world is all laughter, for them turning everything into a joke is a way to cope with the stresses of life.
You notice a lot of Robin's materials are about his own issues, drug abuse and alcohol. He was clearly suffering for a long time.
So well put! I sure miss him. We lost him the same day as my Mom. Two wonderful souls. Two characters, to be sure. My Mom, much like Maggie Smith, and Robin Williams...one of a kind.
@@laurianninirschl7969 So sorry about your mom. I believe there’s a place for wonderful people like them. I hope they all R.I.P.
@@WSUGLUE Thank you so much. Very kind of you to say. When I think of one, I think of the other. Thoughts of them warm my heart and make me laugh.
Just a beautiful man who brought so much joy in people's lives. He will always be remembered.
I come from Scotland,now live in England,and Robin does the best scottish accent a lot of my friends down here dont have a clue what i am saying...RIP Robin You are missed the world over
I do 😢
Robin connected so many different things in his mind so spontaneously. He is the Einstein of comedy.
Yeah, amongst other things his IQ must have been off of the charts.
Robin was the greatest Improvisor in the world. Thank God we have so much of his work recorded, but it will never be Enuff......
We miss you, Robin. You'll never be forgotten.
I just miss him. He was sooo talented. One Hour Photo to me was awesom. He was so Erie in that movie it was scaRy.
I love you Robin, wherever you are. You make me laugh, you make me cry with laughter. There is, and never will be, no one like you. I will miss you always!
Not very respectful. Please be careful what you post.
@Michael Richmond Jr someone is going to punch you in the mouth one day
Michael it's really sad that you have to be so cruel, the man was a genius and he was a awesome human being, brilliant and cared for people. No one knew his mental condition and the pain he was in. Look up Lewy Body disease it's a horrible brain disease , I hope and pray you never have anyone in your family that commits suicide because of a horrible disease because I'm sure you wouldn't want people to call them a piece of shit. You don't have to agree it's your opinion just be respectful . The world misses you RIP
He's definitely in heaven.
Bihar, carol, and Donna:
I don’t know what Michael Richmond Junior said, But whatever it was, the three of you convinced him to remove it.
Thank you, all of you
You just had to accept that when Robin was a guest on your show, it became the Robin Williams show the minute he walked out.
Haha did you watch the Martha Stewart video too
@@noahallen2746 Had to be up there in the top 5!
@@noahallen2746turn the lightbulb turn the 💡
It was amazing how many of us thought we lost our best friend when Robin died.
Also a father figure
What hurts is that he was my age, so alive and very talented. It's difficult to know he's gone.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Robin Williams.
Rest in powerful peace 🌟🌷🌟🌷🌟🌷🌟🌷🌟🌷🌟🌷🌟🌷
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
What's the point of challenging o.p. @ketotips2share436 are you just an infant or just not have any self control?
I still get teary-eyed whenever I see and listen to Robin. You left us too soon Mr. Williams. 😪
Me too
I worked on final cut. Robin was amazing. He treats the crew great. Honour to work on his crew
I gues that was a fascinating experience, Around people he didn't seem to stop for a moment trying to make someone laugh and to pull out jokes nonstop. Thank you for sharing your experience with him!
it's kinda sad knowing what we know now about him to watch a man hide in broad daylight! that's not to say I don't love watching him! I miss him! and understand his pain!
What a lovely pearl to put in your life’s string- a gift-
I’ve been a life long fan from over the pond since Mork n Mindy
blessings n peace from Wales 🏴
You had such an honor working with one of the great legends of comedy
I've been always thinking how lucky people are to be able to meet him in person. I cried a lot when I knew that my Comedy Hero died. It made a lot impact on my life. I've still been thinking what if he was still alive and I was able to meet him? I would've been the luckiest person alive. I'm still watching his comedy acts and movies. I wish he was well up there with God laughing both their asses off. :
Robin will never be forgotten. His legacy will live on as a great comedian/actor, and an even greater human being!
Now while you miss Robin, go and tell the people who light up your world how much they mean to you, today, while they are still here.
A man who was obviously in pain for most of his life all so we could laugh and enjoy his immense talent. RIP Robin Williams, we lost such a legend when he passed.
I’m watching this again. I’ve seen them all. I love it. It’s a piece of heaven for a man like me. Who has no one
Loved Robin.
A very talented yet terribly tortured soul to take his own life
That guy was a genius. One of a kind. RIP Mr. Williams.
Agreed 💯%!
Beautiful story,this is what we miss Sir Robin WILLIAMS ❤❤❤❤
They broke the mold when they made Robin Williams.
I think you mean nuked it
Dropped the mould laughing too much.
There could never have been any mold at all. He just appeared!
@@royster3345 Indeed they did.
Who are "They"? His parents? The government? Those meth heads up in the mountains?
I will never see a man like this in my lifetime, I appreciate Robin so much. The man loved everyone.
Have you seen the footage of him with Coco the gorilla that learn sign language and he was able to have conversations with her and when he first came to meet her she asked him to takeoff his shoes cause she wanted to see his feet and I guess feet and hands are really big in the gorilla world and she was very very emotionally Depressed, sad and crying when they came and told her that Robin had taken his life and she asked how he died and they had to try and explain that and she was really sad for weeks!
She loved him like the rest of us !
He never did the same show twice either. Always new fresh material. Off the cuff.
Fresh new improvs actually! Insane
I've heard him repeat jokes a few times, but I get what you mean.
Robin was a improv genius.
Love Robin Williams. His heart was so beautiful.
Wow, I went from crying laughing to actually tears of emotion when he was talking about his good friend Christopher Reeve.
Reeves right? Still both amazing men.
No "s" on Reeve.
Miss both of them….gone too soon so cliche but that’s the deal with cliches….true
Truly the funniest human to ever walk the earth. Still can’t believe he’s gone. long live Robin ❤️
Wasn't this a Red Scarf doorknob "suicide" ?
Huh? I don’t know. The dude was funny, i’m not a coroner
A Beautiful Mind ... The man was one of a kind and will never be forgotten. All the love and thank you for sooo many years of the best entertainment that can always be liberated into times anewed from generation to generation. You did it Robin you are Immortal.
In 100 summers he'll almost be forgotten, in 200 summers everybody that matters today will be forgotten
Dave are u really being that edgy person wow
@@seebasschan1489 but hes tell'n the truth 🤗❤🤗
This man wasn’t just an actor/comedian, he was a medium through which the people very much relied on for an honest opinion of the times. A voice for the people to relate to. One that signaled there was always hope. Truly an artist
So true, the further you dig into Robins career the more you realize the man just loved everyone.
he also was cocain XD
@@3paczWhat is Cocain XD?
"A medium"???
SMH! You are greatly deceived.
Stop with the New Age deception.
He always remembered his friend Christopher Reeves
Funny how his friend remembers his last name as Reeves. 13:14
Yep...I remember that!
@@chuckp_again_and_again Sounds more like he was repeating and imitating how Houseman said it, to me. Jay Leno got it right - I find it hard to believe Robin Williams wouldn't have.
I named my son after Christopher Reeves.🌹🇺🇸💕🎬💕🕊🥰✝️
Robin Williams was a excellent human being and helped so many people. I enjoyed watching some of his movies and comedian. It seems just like yesterday. He is truly missed by. RIP Robin Williams ❤❤❤❤
I still miss you Mr Robin Williams ❤️ I hope you’re resting peacefully 🙏🏼 you made a huge impact in this world ❤️🙏🏼
Robin Williams was a improv genius. Never did the same show or skit twice.
I don't think that would HV been possible. To much going on!!🌹❤️💞🦋
nah he definitely repeated skits my guy. but they'd never really be the same. i personally find every similar skit get funnier and funnier as i progress through his standup routines
@@koransumant6270 give me an example of all the skits your talking my freind
Literally everything surrounding Saddam Hussein. Also certain jokes involving the "talking" cats and dogs and their behaviour (see standups from 2002 and 1983, a lot of the less controversial content is actually repeated)
@@koransumant6270 but its his own silly. He isn't copying anyone.
"Man goes to doctor. says he's depressed. says life seems harsh and cruel.
Doctor says "treatment is simple. the great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. go and see him. that should pick you up."
Man bursts into tears and says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci.”"
RIP Robin :(
I know this from watchmen. Do you know if this is included in the comics?
Oh god. Please don't make me cry. :'(
@@piontropechetrini5640 That's why he, most likely, faked his death. Or, maybe he was required to fake his death, time to retire. Because that's the way it's done in the music industry, at least.
Ross Otto please watch your post. Families from all over read post. Including people of all ages. Ages from 6 to much higher. I have also read all these post his family can see. Please respect him and his family.
He's got so much energy he rarely sits down. He's all over the place jus bit after bit. A legend
what happiness and laughter he spread. he is such a beloved man. I hope he knew how endearing he was for many.
I believe he did, especially after reading details of the reason for his passing
All the love he still gets makes me feel hes still with us. One of the most amazing Artists whom ever walked the Earth.
Pure heart. Pure genius. We are all blessed by his work.
Legendary comedy talent. He does nonstop laughter.
how to interview Robin
ask one question. .. watch the magic happen :)
Toni92 h
No Question even needed - just watch the machine do his thing. Miss him more than any other performer ever. RIP Robin. You made more laugh than anyone. EVER.
Well said!😍
One question? You should see some of the early Johnny Carson appearances. He would come out all wound up and Johnny would just try to keep him in camera frame at best.
He was in bad shape (Drug-wise) back then, but he was just non-stop crazy 😜 all the time. If you laugh out loud a lot, you needed oxygen before he finished. Totally off the cuff, not stand up routines.
I wanna up vote but the likes are at 420
Robin Williams was the funniest comedian that ever lived!!
The 1st time I saw his performance Live On Broadway, I laughed so hard that I cried. My son & his friends worried that I needed air/might pass out, so they paused the recording
What a great loss of a fantastic talent - he conjures up things so quickly - a comic genius. There will never be another Robin Williams.
Let's not think any negativity about his death..or loss...because it is God's Law of LOVE no matter what with this guy. He is just like you and me because he can die, like we all have to someday, but he can turn anything bad into good. He is the same as Jesus Christ because he died for me, I believe, whether he knows it, or not. I can believe whatever I want, and that is the way I want based on facts.
I am thank full there are so many videos out there of Robin.
Me too bro, stops me pulling the plug.....😅😕
Me too!! Watching him in videos always make me laugh out loud until I cry.
Absolute genius. No one will ever forget this man. The “modern” day Charlie Chaplin. Making everyone laugh, and continues to, even after he’s gone x
When i'm down, I just put op any video of Robin. It works...
Jordi Arias me too. My happy medication.
Jordi Arias Im up to about 9 vids a day now.
I guess that was somehow one of his major concerns and matter of heart. To help people laugh out load again, to enjoy live again and to find peace of mind. He had so much wisdom and heart warmth to share. I hope you are feeling better now and that Robin's personality and unbelivable comedic talent still makes you smile.
Jordi s me too
Me too. Feels a little weird though. Him making me feel better, while he was feeling whatever he was feeling.
He is so badly missed, I have been watching him since Mork & Mindy, let alone everything else he went on to do , with Nothing but sheer brilliance, a passion & talent not many have, plus a heart of gold,.
It saddens me to know that when he did die, he felt so alone & was so tormented by life, yet to the rest of us in the world he did nothing but make us laugh, shared so much love & yet he was also suffering in silence, pain & torment 😔
He will always be a Legend, remembered for many years yet & oh that voice is as unique as he was too, I have soo loved his voice in all his cartoons, his movies are all brilliant & his got to be one of the most brilliant people to of walked this planet in comedy too,.
He made me laugh that hard, sing, cry & he’s done so much I couldn’t even choose a favorite, as I love everything he’s ever done & the tears of laughter & joy he brought to so many of us, RIP you beautiful special soul & forever to be remembered 😔❤️
Lindy Lea, Hi 👋. Have you ever seen any of his early stand-up? I mean, Before Mork and Mindy?? I had a stone cold crush on Robin, for, probably decades. I was so thrown, when I heard news about Robin’s tragic Death. It made me sad and angry. I felt betrayed. I got over that soon enough, although, I still miss him very much! I love his heart ❤️, and his comedic genius. Let me know about his early stand-up, ok?
That's what it's all about we loved Robin the man, he was a gift to the world, He gave so much I am sure he is with GOD and at least he can rest now. 😇😇
Hey hey hey, Mork and Mindy
Indeed. Brilliant and so very loved by millions. Mrs. Doubtfure should be watched as a movie for children, adults. pastors, law men, 🚒 Firemen. 👮♀️ 👮🏻 🚔 every place on earth.One of my son’s is named after Me. Christopher Reeves. ❤️Chris Plummer and Chris that pauses when he talks.
It's ironic that Robin Williams is the consummate remedy for depression.
How else can you know how to make people happy unless you know what it truly means to be sad
I love a terrific laugh and Robin was and is the best medicine. Thank you Robin you are truly wonderful person. Thank you for the wonderful memories you have given us.
Nobody sees it like that.
IW Nunn That is so true if only he could’ve gotten help for his own depression we may not have lost him.
Terry Garcia that’s a pretty tall order, that kind of greatness is a rare thing...wish he was still with us, he’s considered a family to countless people he never physically met. RIP Robin
R.I.P. Robin Williams. Your memories will always have us forgetting what's happening in the world today. 🙏
So true
I forgot that I could watch a interview with Robin and be in the moment and really laugh out loud. Robin was joy.
My God imagine if he was still alive today. The absolute masterpieces of comedy he would have produced with Trump as President and now a felon 😂
Oh heck why bring politics into this?
Never be another one like him he’ll be missed , but his legacy and laughters he brought to the world will continue Rest In Peace
Just read an article about the exact condition he suffered. Just terrible. We were lucky to have had Robin while we did; I’ll always miss him. RIP
You will forever be remembered Robin. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.
When we lost my dear friend Robin , we lost the best book in the library of love , life , and real human talent! Miss you so much Robin ! ❤❤❤❤
Robin you are greatly missed ❤️. I truly miss your soul, laughter and your brightness you brought to this world. R.I.P Robin. Great man!!
I moved in with my Grandmother in 2007. It was only supposed to be temporary, but she became very sick very quickly with Lewy Body dementia. It wasn’t really known back then and it took several doctors to diagnose her. Back then all they could tell us was that it was a combination of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and regular dementia rolled into one. By the time they officially diagnosed her she was so far gone. I cared for her 24/7 and had to move in permanently. She literally lost her mind completely in about a year. She knew me one month and didn’t know me the next. I’ve dealt with regular Dementia, but Lewy body was a whole different ball game. I’m guessing that when Robin found out what it was, his mind was already gone. With Lewy body, the mind goes quickly whereas with common dementia it happens over a period of time. Between the hallucinations and not recognizing anyone it definitely takes it’s toll on the caregiver. She went for weeks without sleep because of the hallucinations, which meant I didn’t sleep. It’s sad to say but common dementia would have been a godsend! A truly horrific disease!
You can Rest In Peace Now, Robin!!
I know that being a 24/7 caretaker for a length of time for loved one in that condition can become extremely mentally draining, especially if you don't have support from other family members to give you a break. What you did for your Grandmother speaks volumes about what kind of person you really are.
Thank you
I LIKED this post but ACTUALLY didn't.
NEVER heard of this type of dementia, LEWY BODY DEMENTIA. I KNOW if it was me, I'd like to be 'humanely' put down basically. Being a burden to others both physically & financially is not what I want. It is unfair to others & is just NOT right. If Robin Williams had bn diagnosed w such an horrific disease, I can totally understand WHY he hung himself. God understands as well.
I’m proud to say that Robin and I attended the same high school in Marin County. It was Redwood high. His recent wife, #3 also went to Redwood, she was a year ahead of me but about 10 yrs younger than Robin. He was always so nice to people when riding his bike around San Francisco, he stopped and talked to my brother once who was sitting at a bus stop.
I can’t wait to see him in another life, (hopefully!!) I miss him so much, he made such an impact on people’s life!!
That's great! I just watched a video from early in his career of him doing a gig in San Fran. He threw some shade on Marin County, in a really good way.
Mandie Moore, You’re one very 🍀 lucky person!!! Ok, I thought you meant you went to Redwood High, at the same time as Robin did! Hey, but, you still knew his future wife #3, from school, right? Were you two friends? Or just nodded towards each other in the hallway? Whatever the case was, you should stay proud. Its your fond memory. Don’t let it go. 🎈
I miss him EVERY TIME i see and hear him. He suffered from mental
illness as i have all my life. But he made the world laugh SO HARD
despite his own inner pain. I love you Robin you are truly missed. A
helluva actor and comedian but most of all human being.
TV c TV by
And one other thing ... He could not ever be put on the spot. He was the spot to wherever he wanted!!!
So full of life & fun! He was the most beloved one-man-show & he WAS the PARTY! So loved & so missed! Truly one of a kind comedic genius! ♥️🙌🏼
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
One Love Robin Williams n Christopher Reeves R.I.P
Comic Genius all the time every time! RIP Robin Williams
One of the greatest,clean humor actors and a wonderful person! Rip Robin,na-nu na-nu
Clean humor? haha this is the only clean humor i’ve seen him do. Look up His Golf stand up
Clean? His stand up material contained more F-bombs than Billy Connolly and George Carlin put together!
As has been said, wonderful comedian, not clean ... doesn't need to be
God Bless Robin Williams for all the belly laughter, and sheer joy!! 💗💗💗
Gosh, I need to take a break at 6:21...I'm already exhausted. My brain hurts. So many ideas, so fast, so manic - watching Robin is like staring at the sun. It gives us life and warmth, but you can't stare at it too long! What a force of nature you really are Robin. His unstoppable creativity and mania comes from a deep seated desire to please everyone around him, to share his joy for life with all. Your impact on us all will not be forgotten. We thank you Robin.
i see you post basically the same comment on like every robin williams interview
don't let is bother you
the guy is a racist dude.
he's exhibiting signs of a mental disorder.
You'll never see anyone as fast as Williams..pure comic speed..
The laughter level really hit the peak at the end. Couldn’t stop laughing. Reeves ain’t flying, he’s dead! Hahaha! Robin WAS funny! 😂
My god Robin was the funniest person ever! I certainly miss him these days. Didn’t matter what you were going through in life he made you smile and laugh ❤
There's not many people that can make you laugh until your stomach hurts every 2 seconds or so. Robin Williams was one of these rare gems. Thank you Robin Williams, thank you for everything.
🤣😂🤣 Wow! The world could really use this man right now. Such a tragedy to lose him so young-he had so much material & love left to give. 💔 But thanks for providing this wonderful memory for us to enjoy-or some of us to discover. He was an amazing soul.
God, this man was a legend, it hurts.
Such a lovely man. My childhood was filled with laughter watching Mork and Mindy and then he ripped my ribs apart with Mrs Doubtfire. Such a lovely film about divorce. My parents had just separated when the film came out. Later he did some darker roles.. Insomnia and One hour photo❤
After viewing Robin on stage on other TH-cam videos...he is so funny and original .. he never fails to bring out the comedy !!
Robin Williams surely did and still, continues to raise "THE" bar! We will, do die spoiled too, thanks to him! -always
Robin Williams is so missed, yet despite the masses whom adored him, he didn't want to be a burden when he became ill with Parkinson's disease. Had he known that the line of people who would have been thrilled to take care of him would've circled the globe, he may have reconsidered him suicide solution. God have mercy on his soul.
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
I miss him and enjoyed his work. Tremendous comedian. Loved everything ❤️ he did. Very sad !!!
thank you for posting this. the reminder at the end of how good of a person Christopher Reeves was made my day. Not to mention Mork from Ork
Chris Reeve is flying and Robin is still making humanity a bit better day by day through everything he left for us.
This man was truly a special soul. I just wished that he could've had someone to bring joy to him, the way he brought joy to others. Truly missed.
My favourite of all comedians, seriously…and I am an old senior……miss him a lot….he was gone way too soon! 🇨🇦🕊🙏☮️
Such A Beautiful Soul Rest In Peace Robin McLaurin Williams
I never knew his middle name thank you
@@daveyhouston Yeah, Me Until I Googled It, I Grew Up With Mork And Mindy... You Are Most Welcome Sir
Daniel Morris, Hon, how did you find out Robin’s middle name? He was such an angel/lil devil guy. Long time ago I had a major crush on him. And when I finally ran into Robin at an AIDS WALK, where I was volunteering, I was sooo Star ⭐️ Struck, I could barely get my volunteer shpiel out so he understood it. I was shaking. Turned away, grabbed some random girl by her shoulders, whispered about that’s Robin Williams, over and over, while dancing my circular HAPPY DANCE. The dance and whispered celebrations wound down after a few. I think I may have been in love with his comedic genius. Or maybe his heart 💜...
R I Peace, Robin McLaurin Williams. I sure do miss you 😘.
Daniel, Thank you 😊 so much! For Robin’s middle name. For reading this far. For allowing me to somewhat relive a cherished memory, right here. Thx, again, Daniel...!
Daniel Morris, Hi 👋 again! I remember watching Mork and Mindy, too, man. The 1980s, maybe? I just having trouble recalling how old I was when that show premiered. Do you remember it starting, at all?
I don't know anything Robin Williams can't do he has it all so much joy and laughter he's absolutely amazing .
Holy Jesus, now look at 0:13 and then at Phoenix's Joker coming on stage.
Love u Robin, you are not forgotten.
I have tears rolling down my face, one of the greatest comedian's ever if not the greatest!!! Sadly missed!!!
Robin's awareness of current events of the world and be able to spin comedy off them was his best trait hands down. How he can go from talking seriously like a scholar who is more than well read on a topic and then make a joke around what he is talking about is so amazing. He was so ahead of his time like a chess player thinking 8-10 moves ahead. He sure owned George W. Bush's presidency and I can only imagine what he'd be saying now around Trump and Biden. We miss your genius Robin you were one of a kind and left us all too soon.
How can you not love Robin, if you have a chance Noah Gunderson wrote a song entitled Robin Williams it is heart wrenching and will make you cry RIP ROBIN you are missed. 😇😇
He brought laughter to my life. I loved Good Morning Vietnam and RV and what the heck all his movies
TNT kitty, Robin made a movie called, “RV”? Really? I never heard of it before. I’ll have to look it up! Thanx 4 the info...
@@traekas7228 it's a really funny movie and another good movie is good will hunting
The world is a boring place without Robin.
Jay Leno is so unpretentious. Robin Williams is just hilarious.
finally someone complements Jay on the internet. and you're right.
From Mork to Universal Super Star, A Man NEVER to be Replaced. The Ability to make Honest and Serious World Affairs palatable with His Unique view on the other side of the coin. A True Man and what is MORE a Pure Unbiased American GENIUS.God Keep Him Safe 💖💖💖💖💖
He's not dead, he still makes us laugh 😂 RIP to Christopher Reeve too.
my absolute funniest comedian! such a legend! amazing talent ❤ God bless you always
He was one of the modern best comedians of our time. His characters, personas and impersonations were great. I first saw him in Mork and Mindy when I was a kid. He made me laugh all the time. Laruel and Hardy and Robin Williams are my all time favourite comedians.
Such a warmth from him always❤️
I think I'm speaking for Many Ppl as I say that Robin Williams had such a gift. Made SO MANY ppl laugh. His coworkers and us ppl watching him. There were only 3 other comedians that could really make you laugh in your own Living Room.
Robin took the pedestal for sure!!!
We ALL miss you Robin. I know you're all better up in Heaven. Enjoy your cloud. You can always make every body and God, too..laugh until they're crying. Rest In Peace or whatever God has you doing, you're missed very much in our world.🙏😇
Every once in a great while, a human comes along who is so much better than the rest of us. Robin Williams just might have been a king amongst the best of us.
Moving tribute to Christopher Reeves, what a kind soul. They are flying together.