How is that pellet litter? I have 2 adult cats. I have 2 litterboxes that use Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal. Does the urine make it to the bottom of the litter box?(I don't want that). Just wondering how effective it is.
Do you have any videos on how to protect yourself and the cats from fleas? I think that would be a really helpful topic to cover and also encourage people to feel safe while helping local stray cats.
I remember when i rescued baby kittens, there was only one who was hissing and hitting me and the other kittens, later he was the one that most wanted attention and loved being held
“Instead of being afraid of your hands, they’ll start to think of them as slot machines that offer food, treats, and scritches.” was the best sentence ever
This happens to us every few years. One day they'll just come to our house and we feed them. Sometimes they stay, others we never see again. Once the cats who stayed pass away, a new batch comes eventually, and the cycle continues.
@@spartan_768yeah it's not her cats, is she not allowed to be sad with the fact that someone that took care of a couple of kittens now has to let go of them? By your logic, movies that are designed to be sad and emotional aren't useful in any way.
Me. Twas me. Found my cat as a spicy bish on the street, she slowly became nicer, gave birth in my house to another spicy bish who is still kind of a jerk. Still, this sentiment is beautiful. I have had one cat in the past who had been fostered and I will always be grateful to that lady for taking care of my little Casey before I could
my cat, bailey, was rescued from a hoarding situation along with ~10 other cats. he was the oldest of the kittens, being nearly a year old. totally feral. i'm eternally grateful to the sweet, sweet local shelter who took him and his siblings in and gave me and my family such a beautiful kitty
The ones saying "me" are completely missing the point...This is not about celebration of self, its about acknowledging the hardwood and love of those who foster, which easily goes unnoticed.
My cat was a feral kitten. I rescued her. She's still hard work and now 11 years old, but seriously, feral kittens make the most affectionate of all cats, even more so than "domesticated" offspring, I found. They're just very special in how they relate.
I almost cried when the lil' Tuxedo, who seemed to be the most reluctant to eat from you in the beginning, was the first to come to you for affection 🥺 Just shows how much the street life doesn't let them act how they really want to
Wow, that really struck me because it applies as much to people who live on the streets or in bad neighborhoods. They don't get to be themselves, don't get to expand their horizons, don't have the resources to nurture genius or love.
I feel so discouraged I have a mama cat and 2 babies she brought us her babies and we have made progress but I see videos lime this and it gives me hope..should I not keep food out and feed them on a scedule so they have to come to me to eat??? I am taking them to get spayed next week and they will be in a recovery cage what should I do with them when there inside for recovery ery???
@@mercy6305 don't feel discouraged, you're doing excellent. Ask the vet what to do. This TH-cam video is great but this guy has tons of practice. Ask a vet, you're on the right track !
My dad saved a dying cat that fainted right on our doorstep just over a year ago. Took the cat to a vet, got him healthy again. I think it was traumatized or something, it was feral-like. Even bit my dad until he was dripping blood, had to pay for shots. We still kept him and treated the cat just like family. Over time, he got tame and was one of the quietest, gentle cat I have ever known. He died after a long while, out of sickness, breathed it's last right on my father's lap. His name was "Comel" (Cho-mel). Which means "cute". He had a heart shape on his side. Hope you enioy cat heaven, Comel.
Being a dog guy, I never had experience with cats and weren't too fond of them, but someone left a kennel with a cat inside near my garbage buckets during the beginning of the pandemic. So I took him in. I don't know what prompt me to having no knowledge of cats. A year later, this little guy shows me love that I never even knew cats were capable of giving. I'll never look at cats the same way again. Beautiful video
I had similar experience but with being a cat person; no experience with dogs, only cats. Then I met this nice homeless dog that knew not to chase cats. I adopted. We had 11 years together. I had to study a lot about dogs though; cats are more independent, and need different type of care. I had to learn things about dog's body language that am sure would have been obvious if I had spent time with dogs as a child. To me cat's body language felt obvious. But now I love both cats and dogs👍
Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. I love hearing (or reading) your type of story. I actually have my family or friends repeat their rescue stories if their good ones lol.
I remember having to tame a kitten at my grandparents farm, the poor thing was starving, alone, and scared of everything. I thought I had my work cut out ahead of me... two days and it crawled into my lap of its own accord. It became one of their friendliest cats ever and was impecably well behaved. He became the father cat to their future farm cats, resulting in surprisingly human friendly farm cats.
Are farm cats normally aloof around humans? If so, is it because they mostly go out on their own, catching vermin and stuff without interacting with/relying on humans?
@@bigbelix same goes for any cats you run into in the countryside. We had a big farmer's field behind us growing up. My brother & I made it a point to head out to any cat we saw going through it with some cheese & a saucer of milk or water & try our hardest to coax it to come get some food & a petting. Worked 3/4 of the time. One cat specifically would routinely show up to our property 4-6x a year, sometimes with her new litter of kittens in tow. She got so comfortable with us she'd wait at our front door & meow til we came out & said hi. They were usually relatively skittish, but not terribly so when they saw how she interacted with us so naturally. Good memories. I really miss living in the countryside.
@@bbbbbbb51 Seems to me she knew where to offload her offspring when it was needed and to whom was the best to care for them. Bless you for being there when you were most needed.!
A wise woman once said after being asked doesn't it break your heart to have to give the fosters up & she replied " yes but my heart has to break a little so theirs never does " . So I think that each time my fosters leave for their furever home. Especially the bottle babys!
FYI I used this video as a guide for a kitten I rescued last year. He was younger than these guys, and he progressed incredibly quickly. I was expecting to take a week or more to socialize him, but it wound up being a matter of hours instead of days. He was an incredibly sweet little guy, and I found him a good home to take him in. Thank you for this video, it helped me a lot.
We're rural, so we don't have to wonder. There's a feral colony in the woods up the hill from us and every now and again one of the cats decides heck with this, I want the good life.
@Абдульзефир We currently have a beautiful fluffy tortie female that just decided out of the blue to come to the hand I held out to her. 2 weeks later she was exploring the house and she's curled on on the arm of my chair as I'm typing this.
At the letting go part I burst out in tears. As a one-time volunteer, I still remember till this day every moments since I received the kittens and mom , raised them for 3 months then let each of them go. I was so sad back then and deemed myself as emotionally unable to be a foster volunteer. Your videos really give me that serene and inspiring feeling , keep up the good work !
My cat came to me in our garden. So skinny and still so young. He was so happy that he finally found a home. He was sick, so we brought him to a vet. He is now the king in the house.
And there is the story of my last cat. We opened the door, he ran in and never left. The end. One thing we noted was that he was deathly afraid of trash bags. Which had an awful implication as to how he ended up on the streets...
Kittens: *OMFG ITS A GIANT SCARY MONSTER THAT HAS TRAPPED ME AND IS GOING TO EAT ME HELLLLP* Guy: c h i c k e n b a b y f o o d ? Kittens: ...perhaps I judged you too harshly, sir.
Bless. I'm a multiple foster failure. They're all geriatric now, but I do think about the fact that they'd be dead if I hadn't taken them in, along with others. That little black and white kitten - oh, boy! What a cutie!
@@el7jake @Atsushibby96 "foster failure" means someone who fostered an animal and 'failed' to return it for adoption... because they adopted the animal themselves. :)
I've tamed several ferals that lived here when I moved in 13 years ago. We had nearly 200 cats on a dirt road neighborhood. Most we spayed and neutered, all but one are gone now. Old Man spent 15 years here and never interacted with humans till me, he even moved into my home the last 3 years of his life. Toward the end of his life he actually played with toys and sat in my lap. I felt honored he let me love on him. I have found with the ferals you have to let them come to you. Kittens I trap and lock in my cat room they become socialized very quickly, food is the motivator here. :-)
@@samantha4130 It's not easy so much work and expense. It is a very time consuming endeavor. There's 3 of us and together we have about 150 cats and kittens no one wants.
When I was a kid we had a feral cat living in the forest on our property who _somehow_ taught every litter of her kittens to be domesticated (they had no fear of humans). I think she did this primarily so that she could foist them off on us sooner. She had two litters of six _every_ year, so she was probably the mom/grandma of MOST of the cats in our area. We ended up adopting nearly every litter, and when she would bring them to us for introductions all of them were somehow _already_ completely comfortable around humans, despite it being the first time that we had ever interacted with them. She would come and partake of our cat food, and was tentatively comfortable around our other cats, but didn't personally want to interact with us. I think Mom was the only one who could sit anywhere close to her without her fleeing, and it took most of a _year_ for Mom to earn that much trust. One time she dropped off two kittens on our porch, meowed to get our attention, and then went and waited at the treeline for us to come outside and start playing with them. Then she left for a couple of hours. When she came back, she waited at the edge of the treeline again until we put down the kittens and went inside. Then she picked them up and carried them back into the woods. The little booger had used us as a _babysitter._ 😂
@@bonjovirocks24 We couldn't CATCH her. Not that we were trying particularly hard. We lived in the country, so a multitude of cats wasn't exactly a problem.
My wife and I became fosters almost a year ago. A 3 month old kitten was brought to us yesterday that is EXTREMELY skittish. She is our first real test as foster parents. I came to this video looking for help on how to properly socialize her. I will definitely keep this in mind over the coming weeks. Thank you for the tips and advice. Wish us luck!!
The one thing that Mr. Flatbush might not have realized is important is TALK to the new kitties. Tell them ANYTHING, How your day is going, how GREAT they are, what their NEW LIFE will be like. Talk, talk, talk. Kitten Lady explains the importance of talking to your spicy kittens. Look up the Kitten Lady. I give FULL CREDIT to Kitten Lady for helping us to socialize a 14 month old cat. Our Nakia is a treasure!!!
The tuxedo cat is just flat out adorable… I have a soft spot for Tuxedos and soIid black cats in general…. When the little,tuxedo crawled into your lap, I just melted….
You'd love it at my place. I have 5 of the litter of 6 abandoned kittens I raised from eyes closed into adulthood. 1. tuxedo 1. black soft coat 1. black short coat 1. tortoise shell soft coat 1. brindle soft coat. Every day is a joy watching them interact, and there is always a urgent cuddle to attend to. Eric .
@@midgoog2 awwwwwwwww…… yeah I would love it… I have 2 sisters I got from my local shelter… one is a tuxedo and the other solid black… no other color is on her … they have the softest coats ever… they’ll be a year old the 31st of August and watching them grow into the beautiful young adults they are has been a pure joy….
in a time of bullshit, over stated hype, misrepresentation and faslehoods, this video is refreshing. Logical, meaningful, structured, planned, intelligent and loving. just well done.
Society is so rundown that a simple, straightforward cat video is the best thing you’ve seen in recent times. How depressing. But I guess I’m depressed too cuz I felt the exact same way
“Think about what your cat means to you. Who made that possible?” My cat Shadow literally got adopted for the soul reason because he would always come into our house as a stray even though 9 times out of 10 we would kick him out, but he still came, so we adopted him. So, "Who made the possible?": Him.
Shadow is a good name. I rescued a house panther last year who was always hiding in the shadows, then became my shadow. The new pet parents call him Bagheera now - Hindi for panther.
So funny how that one Extra Spicy kitty just jams food in his tiny mouth and tries to sprint off! Great work you guys, very inspiring. I've been suscribed to your channel since its inception and I always look forward to your uploads.
I'm of an age where adopting a kitten that could possibly out live me which could be sad for kitty. Fostering is a great solution. I recently did this and it was very rewarding. He's loving, sweet and loads of fun. His new parents adore him and he loves them too!
This will sound grim, but one of the best things you can do with helping your pets deal with the death of a loved one is bringing them to see the deceased. Animals understand death, and are capable of dealing with it, what's far more stressful to them is someone simply disappearing and never returning.
@@morethanjustasloth5528 This is true!! If your animal doesn't see your body and recognize you are dead they can think you left them behind, which is sad. I think they have the right idea doing fostering. It helps shelters and other organizations that don't have any moreroom for cats. Props to them ❣️☺️ not a ton of fosters out there
@@morethanjustasloth5528 I didn't know and had never thought of that. Honestly more people should know, don't be afraid to tell even if it seems grim, I had seen a woman ask this question online before about her cat and nobody gave this information. Feelings of abandonment can happen in many delicate ways, true.
I think when I’m ready to get a cat that’s my own (not counting my awesome guacamole chip-loving Siamese kitten that someone stole many years ago) I’ll go to an animal shelter and literally ask for the oldest cat they have.
I have a much better method. Grab them, put them in a small room with nowhere to hide, sit in front of them, set the food down, wait a few minutes for them to come to you and eat it, and if they don't, they starve. Either way, the little shits aren't a problem anymore.
my cat dissappeared, it's been like 2 weeks, she hasn't come home for days, she was on the street outside my fathers work, helpless and afraid and my sister tried to gain confidence with her on the bathroom of our old home, she gave birth to 2 kittens, one of them looks like her but prettier, i miss her so much
I work at an animal shelter in Maine. My boss calls me the cat whisperer. I've gotten some feral and semi-feral kittens to become friendly. It just takes time and patience. Luckily, I'm a very patient person.
Actually only patience. The time element is included in the patience notion. We kittynapped too a feral one from a neighbor living in the hills. Just a blouse over the head, no complicated set of traps and waiting. It was hungry enough, to come out from under the logs in jut few minutes. And man, when I grabbed him to wrap better the blouse I learned what is like to have a grenade exploding in your hand. And then just let him starve for three more days in a wood box, actually a mini bee hive we used as a bench. No time waste on him. He learned on his own that that we are masters there, and the food smell coming regularly taught him the rest. When we opened the box he was fully tamed. No more explosions, and no grudge for being left to starve. And he never left our yard, except the regular rounds around. I still have a picture of him, old and lazy, sleeping in a pot above the stove..
"I know they are hungry and I've got cans to pop" I love how you speak, honestly, intelligently, but still with a bit of youthful fun in it. I hope you never lose that.
Yes! The hardest part is saying goodbye, just sent 4 kittens to be adopted, they were barely 5 weeks old and spent the next 5 months with me, I gave them much love so when adopted they can give it back to their adoptive family, I just pray they will love them as much as I have!😌
I'm a foster family and I had take care of four kittens. After 16 weeks, I had to give them up for adoption. I'm a man in my mid-40s and I cried for 2 days straight. It still hurts after a year.
I tried fostering also cried for days. It’s hard l guess my lot in life is adopting not fostering 🫤 l also fostered children and couldn’t tough it out and then adopted instead😊
@@azophi Did you hear what the video said about that? Why wouldn't you give another kitten(s) a chance? I fostered for 18 years, and all I had to do is: when I sent a cat or kitten off to their good forever home, I visualized a cage door opening and another cat walking from death to life. Please set this notion aside of not giving them up, it is hurting cats. You are thinking of yourself and your needs instead of the needs of the cats. We NEED you.
We had a stray mother cat bring her 8 week old kittens to our garage. It's been 2 weeks and working with them. Mom does good being on guard all the time. She lets them play outside but keeps them close. Then she has them resting in the garage. We close them up at night and they seem to be used to the routine. We have toys to interact with them, and the creamy push up lickable. There are 3 of them to work with. We haved a tiered tree in the garage, play toys with balls that go around to push. A sleeping area. And scratchers and 3 large litter boxes. Each one has its own level of contact that will allow us to love on them with petting. It's a work in progress. We have a family member that is going to take on all three, he comes over to help socialize a bit as well. The three will have a good home once they are ready. In about a week I suppose they will be ready.
That one cat that would take big chunks then run makes me feel like he was really the one who got them food most the time. He was so wary and would run so quickly after even managing to get even a little, like he was use to scavenging and stealing from other animals making sure not to make any risks.
I had 4 kittens and one of the them behaves in the exact same way as that kitten even though they were raised in the same time by my family so it's mostly a biological thing . I think that cats have different characteristics
I have an extremely hard time focusing on long videos due to my ADHD, but something about the way this was structured held my attention from the get go. The cute kittens definitely helped. Thank you for giving these adorable little creatures the love and affection they deserve!
It takes the usage of psychology, intentional training, and bribes to change the nature of these feral animals. But it takes a genuinely good heart to have patience to go through all that for little physical gain.
@@ber1779 Human conflict will reshape your world far before that. This golden age of peace we have enjoyed for the last 70 years is unusual. As the Pax Americana unravels, we will realize that this is vanity.
Im working with 2 kittens right now! Thank you so much for the tips. Seeing people like you inspire me more to keep fostering because I know im now alone.
I loved all my kitties but especially Gato. I had to “lure” her in from the cold and it took a while. It turned out that he was a she who was pregnant. I never could pick her up but she would climb on my lap etc. She had a sense of people’s emotions and curled up next to those who were hurting. When my oldest son first got seizures it took a while for him to adjust to the medicine. She never left his side except to eat briefly, use the box and run back to him. At that point we began calling her Mama Cat. She lived to be 21. ❤️❤️❤️😥Never forgotten.
cats live in colonies in the wild and share the duties of parenting. she probably saw your son as a "kitten" who needed to be watched over. she sounds like a sweet thing and I'm glad you were able to give her a happy and comfortable life.
This video is PERFECT. You show the process so clearly - The idea of creating a story with this young group of feral kittens is just perfect and SO WELL DONE. You all at Flatbush Cats are really amazing! - an old kitten foster mom from chicago, now living on the olympic peninsula.
I have an eight-year-old cat now, previously he was feral, I got him past the age of being socialized, but still a kitten. I will list some successes that literally took years. Letting me pet his head and neck. He used to always turn away, he was OK with petting his back. Not running away when I walked up to him outside in the yard. Inside he was OK. Letting me carry him without getting rigid like an ironing board. Sleeping near my head instead of always at the foot of the bed. Not running away at sudden household noises, including small things like dropping something into the trash, or scuffing my shoe. Not being afraid of me for the rest of the day if I accidentally stepped on his tail or foot. Being able to understand “oops, mistake” vs a real threat. It’s just neat how even a grown cat can very gradually become more domesticated over many years. Can still develop personality changes for the better.
I tried fostering once, got 2 little babies and I got so attached. They're 4years old now i have never thought of giving them up. they're my babies now
O, totally agree! The little black and white reminded me of my departed, much loved and still grieved (2 yrs) Spike. Got to donate to give all these little sweeties a chance.
@Melanie Hale Oh, so funny! Well, yeah! Desperate times call for desperate measures. During the worst of COVID, TP was worth its weight in gold. :0D Not gonna waste a precious commodity. :0D No cats now. Wish I could. Allergies and with some mobility issues, can't afford having something around the feet and potentially tripping. I miss my guys ..... they were so entertaining and great company ...... especially when I would be trying to complete an engineering design for a class, the one or the other of them, if not both, decided that they just HAD to keep me company by stretching out across the sheet of mylar and swipe my drafting pencils. :0D That was when I would employ a good dose of catnip ..... all I had to do was open the jar and they would come running ...... the little one would help himself ..... he would just dip a paw in and scoop out some nip, consume and then race around the house ducking invisible zeros and eventually collapse under the coffee table and sleep for a couple of hours ...... the big one would wait for me to give him some nip (the laid back gentle beast that he was) and then he would quietly zone out ...... too dignified for the craziness of the younger ..... he usually would go into the upstairs bathroom and lounge in the sink ...... once he got himself comfortable he looked like he was in a lounge chair ..... belly up, back feet up and over the side of the sink, tail tangling between, one "arm" resting on the front edge of the sink ..... the other laying across his chest ...... the only thing missing was a kitty sized portable tv and tiny can of beer ...... gee I miss those guys (had those guys back in the late 1980's ..... wow 30+ years ago)
I have rescued cats and kittens in 2 states and am soo glad to know great ways to work with feral kittens. Your techniques are life-savers, truly. Thank you.
Cant never be a foster volunteer: I can never let them go and may end with all 1000 cats. Lol God bless you man. May you have a looong and healthy life.
That’s what I thought too, the first 2 litters are the hardest but you end up getting used to it. I end up crying every time but it’s so rewarding thinking they’re going to a wonderful family and that you saved a couple of lives.
@@baronesselsavonfreytag-lor1134 i totally feel you, It breaks my heart every time but the positives outweigh the negatives. I try not and be selfish of my own needs because if that were it I’d have about a million cats right now😃
I could tell from the start this was going to be a grand success. Just how curious they were about you at the beginning, not running away. They wanted to come. It was the same way with my sweet girl. Her three brothers would scatter and wanted nothing to do with me, but she was curious, would hang around and watch me :) She's been inside for 3 years now :)
Heck your story reminds me of my own back a few years ago a black cat an adult. showed up at my nannies house and stuck around (they had just lost her cat and dog a month or two before this) and a few weeks later the cat gave birth to 4 little ones and my nanny named the adult ms kitty unfortunately my pawpaw got rid of all five
Everyone, don't beat yourself up if you can't foster. You can always donate your time, money and materials (towels, litter, food, cleaning supplies, toys, shelter boxes, etc.) to foster volunteers, TNR groups and animal rescue organizations in your community. A little bit from everyone can save lives. ♥♥♥♥
This is what we do but in a addition to that there are very few strays where we live. The one that wondered into our yard almost 3 years ago now lives with us as a house pet and loves being indoors.
You are so kind, patient, and thoughtful. Even your voice is very calming and soothing. I just love what you are doing for these poor mites. Great work.
My cat parted ways with me today. It is sad seeing as she was the only friend I had since the pandemic. I remember feeding her when she came on my home with bruises on her body. I may never know what caused her to disappear randomly but I am happy she had born 4 healthy kittens before randomly disappearing.
Brace yourself, my friend. My 13 y.o. cat died quite literally in my arms several days ago. The agonizing movements of his paws, that blank stare of his hazy eyes, the stiffness of his cold body still haunts me. I'm in such a pain right now I can't even cry. Couldn't even dig a proper grave so my ma had to help me, couldn't say the last words - just stayed on his grave totally numb. He was with me for 13 years, and just in a couple of months he shrunk up like a geezer. I blame myself for his death, I shouldn't have let him go for a walk in May, the weather was too cold for an old cat. I fucked up.
@@George_Bulkin I'm so sorry about that. I'm sure your cat wouldn't want you to blame yourself, he had a good life with you and knew he was loved. But I know how hard it is, last week I randomly almost burst to tears in a mcdonald's remembering my cat. Hang in there, hugs!
@@contraveez1731 There is a button near the like button with a heart logo by clicking on it you put the message you want to convey as well as the value of your donation
get a life man..its a fucking invasive a lamprey or an asian carp.;.australia has already started with bounty's on feral cats..destroying the indigenous wildlife is what YOU represent..cats dont even lay an egg..of no agricultural benefit..and no cat has ever eliminated rodents by cats:)
I got my little buddy from a cat rescue. We could tell he had a hard time growing up. He was so scared he spent the first week under a bed or a sofa. I didn’t think he’d ever be a lap kitty, and that was okay. He’s been with us over a year and he’s such a sweetheart. He loves to watch the birds and the squirrels, and he does come in for lap naps. He still gets really scared if we have a visitor but it’s very rare.
From one Brooklynite to another, all I have to say is, BRAVO. You don't make videos often, but when you do? They're like mini documentaries. This particular video is extremely helpful to people fostering or otherwise. Thank you sincerely for all the hard work that you do. God bless you.
Back in October we found this little kitten abandoned on our doorstep all scared and alone. Fortunately, she was okay with us picking her up and bringing her inside with all the warmth and food she could want. where she quickly warmed up to us. Fast forward to now and I can barely get a night's rest without waking up to that little furball purring on my chest. 10/10, I love my little Grable, and love seeing you bring that same joy to other kittens and kitty lovers out there.
I got a 5month old cat who was abit feral. Was having tough luck bonding with it for about two weeks. The advice in this video made unbelievable progress in the matter of three days and now she’s on my lap and greeting me
In Turkey, we have like one million stray cats. They are born with +10 social skills. They see all humans as food bringers. When you go near them they rub their body on your legs. I guess we don't have any feral cats here. I really don't get the video and the advices.
@@kozatas I know what you mean. I come from Italy and the cats in Rome are the same way, but when I moved to the countryside I saw cats with a very different way of behaving - just like the ones in this video. I think maybe the cats we have seen got taught by their mothers, and the example set by other cats, to see humans as a source of food.
@@kozatas But can you pick them up or domesticate them? No they are still feral except they recognize you as a food source. Don't know where you get the +10 social skills from?
It is higher elsewhere. Most places allow/expect cats to roam and they don't fully have owners despite going in and out of houses. Italy for example has community cats that roam between houses. The cat might sleep with you all this week but next week be with your neighbor. Or it spends the days with your neighbor but comes over to your house every night. Egypt similarly is like this. The US has a lot of cat sized animals that are, frankly more dangerous than what is in Europe. So we tend to keep our cats inside if we can. What is more surprising is how quickly cats adapt to being indoor only animals. In terms of wild animals and level of danger they represent. Europe is the "safest". They decimated their animal populations and have never really allowed them to ever return.
Totally awesome video. WE adopted our first cat from the shelter. They were told she was found and is 5-7 months old. My hubby and I did tons of research on what to have for the cat, food, litter, toys etc. When we went into the “cat” room we just stated to walk around and see what happens. Well one tux kitty reached out to my hubby and would not let him go. I went up and down the cages to make sure that cat would be coming home with us. We were told the cat was female, fixed and about 7 months old. They let us take her out to play with us. Well when we were put in the room with her, she took off. We still wanted her. Paid for her. They showed us how to put her in the carry cage and off we went. They told us to put her in a room with, litter box, food and water and give her time to adjust. We did just that waiting outside the door to see if she needed anything. We heard her meowing and I decided to go in. I sat on the floor and she jumped in my lap. My hubby came in and she ran over to him. We then let her out of the room to explore and she felt at home. We’ve had her a year and she is a love.
Don't give up. The steps shown here really work. If your cat is food motivated, that's a huge plus. The stray we took in 2 years ago was highly food motivated. That's all it took. Now he lives in the lap of luxury and loves being an indoor cat.
@@wowyathink5982 We are doing wonderful - thank you! I have an 8 month old corgi mix pup and the 2 have bonded like brothers. They drink water from the same water dish - at the same time! The corgi licks the kitten and the purrs just rumble. They are awesome together. The kitten comes when I call sometimes, but if I call the dog instead, the kitten will just follow him to me... 😂
@@wingabouts It sounds like you have a new furry family member...congratulations! My daughter just got a 10 week old kitten from a foster family and he is also bonding with their little dog. He follows her everywhere and they sleep together. Purrfect match 🐶 & 🐱 ♥️♥️
@@1940limited We finally after a long spring, summer and fall earned the trust of a young Momma and her 2 kittens and brought them inside before winter. That was 4 years ago and it's been a long slow process but also so rewarding. Momma is the most grateful loving cat I've ever owned ♥️ her kittens are getting there too. Only problem is they all look exactly alike so we put different colored collars on them to tell them apart 😆🤣🤣🥰
To be able to pour all that love into an animal, and then set free what you love by giving them a permanent home and owner...that's a special kind of strength, and test of character. Thank you.
thanks for watching! you can see the cats that will be featured in our next stories on Instagram:
How is that pellet litter? I have 2 adult cats. I have 2 litterboxes that use Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal. Does the urine make it to the bottom of the litter box?(I don't want that). Just wondering how effective it is.
You guys are the best thank you for what ya do
I tried and failed on previous one .
This one ; 2 clicks and done and done ! 😎🐈thanks!
fyi, Gerber makes some nice little silicone spoons to protect baby teeth.
Do you have any videos on how to protect yourself and the cats from fleas? I think that would be a really helpful topic to cover and also encourage people to feel safe while helping local stray cats.
The fact that the black one hisses at you at the start and then is the first to willingly climb on you is just amazing
yup! I noticed that too, actually wanted to say it :) The black one is the most introverted, but gets attached the quickest.
Tuxedo kitten is a real turn around!
I love you
I remember when i rescued baby kittens, there was only one who was hissing and hitting me and the other kittens, later he was the one that most wanted attention and loved being held
The smart one.
"Without food as the motivation, they have no reason to leave their comfort zone."
I can relate.
mom basement.
Are you a cat?
That's why I get moving.
“Instead of being afraid of your hands, they’ll start to think of them as slot machines that offer food, treats, and scritches.” was the best sentence ever
So true and wonderful
What is a scritch? Does he mean scratch?
@@leonardmcdermott7703 scritches and scratches are synonymous, yes. though some use scritches to differentiate from being scratched in a painful way.
Never touch or pet animals, cats, before letting them to smell you/your hand. You are forcing dominance.
Kittens are the most adorable things on earth.
Asian babies, tho.
It's their defense
that black and white kitten is an absolute cuddle bug
Def the runt
He's my favorite.
sweetness meter off the charts
@@outdose9997 yeah but his MITTENS AWWWWWS
The first one to ask for affection.
My cat basically walked up to our house and said I’m living here now
That happened to my old cat google, he walked into our elevator and straight into out house
This happens to us every few years. One day they'll just come to our house and we feed them. Sometimes they stay, others we never see again. Once the cats who stayed pass away, a new batch comes eventually, and the cycle continues.
@@SirFaceFone Bless you.
@@SirFaceFone cook
Lucky you
"Food is a powerful motivator"...sums up my life
Ring that dinner bell and you will see how motivated me and my dads side of the family can get
@@MinNeetheCalicoCat what if he was manipulating her into not liking you. Like how a narcissist does. 😂
Enjoy your 400th like. Sums up my life, too. :D
Sums up every fat mans life, ik from experience
Not me crying at the end with the cut scenes with the scared kitties to the adult and loving full grown cats ❤
I love the way you lie....
why you crying at a tutorial on how to tame cats
@@spartan_768 the end was about letting go the cats, it's common human psychology of crying when someone has to go
@@khakim9448 it's not her cats tho
@@spartan_768yeah it's not her cats, is she not allowed to be sad with the fact that someone that took care of a couple of kittens now has to let go of them?
By your logic, movies that are designed to be sad and emotional aren't useful in any way.
getting trust from a cat is one of the greatest feeling's ever
Once you get it it really gets turned on. If I'm sitting or laying down there's a cat on me.
That's y I love the cats. Cuz first you need to win their trust. As you rightly said it's a great feeling.
My backyard kitten let me rub her tummy for the first time last night 👍😀
Ah cmon
Oh man, your life is so limited
“Think about what your cat means to you. Who made that possible?”
That…is not something I ever considered.
Me I had both my cats since birth and they still live healthy
Me. Twas me. Found my cat as a spicy bish on the street, she slowly became nicer, gave birth in my house to another spicy bish who is still kind of a jerk.
Still, this sentiment is beautiful. I have had one cat in the past who had been fostered and I will always be grateful to that lady for taking care of my little Casey before I could
my cat, bailey, was rescued from a hoarding situation along with ~10 other cats. he was the oldest of the kittens, being nearly a year old. totally feral. i'm eternally grateful to the sweet, sweet local shelter who took him and his siblings in and gave me and my family such a beautiful kitty
The ones saying "me" are completely missing the point...This is not about celebration of self, its about acknowledging the hardwood and love of those who foster, which easily goes unnoticed.
My cat was a feral kitten. I rescued her. She's still hard work and now 11 years old, but seriously, feral kittens make the most affectionate of all cats, even more so than "domesticated" offspring, I found. They're just very special in how they relate.
I almost cried when the lil' Tuxedo, who seemed to be the most reluctant to eat from you in the beginning, was the first to come to you for affection 🥺 Just shows how much the street life doesn't let them act how they really want to
Wow, that really struck me because it applies as much to people who live on the streets or in bad neighborhoods. They don't get to be themselves, don't get to expand their horizons, don't have the resources to nurture genius or love.
500th like ^^
this reminds me of my cat 😅
I feel so discouraged I have a mama cat and 2 babies she brought us her babies and we have made progress but I see videos lime this and it gives me hope..should I not keep food out and feed them on a scedule so they have to come to me to eat??? I am taking them to get spayed next week and they will be in a recovery cage what should I do with them when there inside for recovery ery???
@@mercy6305 don't feel discouraged, you're doing excellent. Ask the vet what to do. This TH-cam video is great but this guy has tons of practice. Ask a vet, you're on the right track !
That ending actually made me cry
My dad saved a dying cat that fainted right on our doorstep just over a year ago. Took the cat to a vet, got him healthy again. I think it was traumatized or something, it was feral-like. Even bit my dad until he was dripping blood, had to pay for shots. We still kept him and treated the cat just like family. Over time, he got tame and was one of the quietest, gentle cat I have ever known. He died after a long while, out of sickness, breathed it's last right on my father's lap. His name was "Comel" (Cho-mel). Which means "cute". He had a heart shape on his side. Hope you enioy cat heaven, Comel.
"And dads are great" Comel.
Comel pasti menggemaskan ❤️
My condolences 🙏🏽
Being a dog guy, I never had experience with cats and weren't too fond of them, but someone left a kennel with a cat inside near my garbage buckets during the beginning of the pandemic. So I took him in. I don't know what prompt me to having no knowledge of cats. A year later, this little guy shows me love that I never even knew cats were capable of giving. I'll never look at cats the same way again. Beautiful video
I had similar experience but with being a cat person; no experience with dogs, only cats. Then I met this nice homeless dog that knew not to chase cats. I adopted. We had 11 years together.
I had to study a lot about dogs though; cats are more independent, and need different type of care. I had to learn things about dog's body language that am sure would have been obvious if I had spent time with dogs as a child. To me cat's body language felt obvious.
But now I love both cats and dogs👍
That's the magic of cats right there. I'm happy for you that you found it too.
@@Sienisota Thats beautiful. Goes to show you that even the smallest of animals can teach us so much.
Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing. I love hearing (or reading) your type of story. I actually have my family or friends repeat their rescue stories if their good ones lol.
“Without food as motivation they have no reason to leave their comfort zone” bruh did you just describe my life?
Finally someone gets me
Yesssss 😩
@@d9gepro2 202 likes
I love how the black and white cat being cautious at first and then turns out to be a clingy at the end
Please take care of more cats. We need more people like you.
Amazing Donation!
@@ghostmason672 And he doesnt care
I would recommend to use the website for donations, as TH-cam takes a whopping 30% of all Super Thanks donations.
@@keremthechad9123 who are you to have a say for other peoples feelings?
I remember having to tame a kitten at my grandparents farm, the poor thing was starving, alone, and scared of everything. I thought I had my work cut out ahead of me... two days and it crawled into my lap of its own accord. It became one of their friendliest cats ever and was impecably well behaved. He became the father cat to their future farm cats, resulting in surprisingly human friendly farm cats.
Are farm cats normally aloof around humans? If so, is it because they mostly go out on their own, catching vermin and stuff without interacting with/relying on humans?
@@thenoblepoptart Farm cats where im from and certainly in the us sleep in the barn to keep the mice away. So not much socializing with humans
@@bigbelix same goes for any cats you run into in the countryside. We had a big farmer's field behind us growing up. My brother & I made it a point to head out to any cat we saw going through it with some cheese & a saucer of milk or water & try our hardest to coax it to come get some food & a petting. Worked 3/4 of the time.
One cat specifically would routinely show up to our property 4-6x a year, sometimes with her new litter of kittens in tow. She got so comfortable with us she'd wait at our front door & meow til we came out & said hi. They were usually relatively skittish, but not terribly so when they saw how she interacted with us so naturally.
Good memories. I really miss living in the countryside.
@@bbbbbbb51 Seems to me she knew where to offload her offspring when it was needed and to whom was the best to care for them. Bless you for being there when you were most needed.!
Heh, took me a single day for the little bugger I almost ran over. She would meow for me to come back.
Bless you man. Wonderful edit, tempo and narration.
There's nothing on TH-cam as fantastic and professionally done as this channel.
Hi phly, do you have or are willing to have one? (Some people watch this because why not but I m curious for your reason) ps: love your vids
Hi Phly
Phly on da cat video what will he say
Woah. didnt expect you here. NOICE😄
This literally made me cry. I’ve rescued two 5 week old kittens and it’s so hard but I’m not giving up on them.
How’s you kittens?❤
5 weeks is nothing for cars. Give them space as well and they’ll come round
Me too! I’ve been almost one month with them now. They were so sick, it was wrecking me how demanding it was. Now I feel so lucky to care for them.
@@danm4320*vroom vroom*
Cat: "I don't think I want to sit in your lap.."
Human: "Would you do it for a Scooby snack?"
Cat: "Oh hell yeah"
More like "you son of a b****, im in"
Food is a powerful motivator.
Glad to know that cats and I are on the same wavelength.
You're a scavenger then? Lol
So if I put hot pockets or pizza inside my house, you will come inside? Interesting
@@slasher7072 yes
@@legoheimerda3rd okay good
A wise woman once said after being asked doesn't it break your heart to have to give the fosters up & she replied " yes but my heart has to break a little so theirs never does " . So I think that each time my fosters leave for their furever home. Especially the bottle babys!
That's a great way to look at it. I need to embroider that on a pillow or wall plaque.
a very wise woman, with a heart too large for her mortal body.
@@MinNeetheCalicoCat u are such an amazing person for helping others
Seing kittens play with the toys, is the cutest thing I have seen in my entire life
Would have loved to see a “spicy-ness” meter for each one!
Spiciness is actually a word, you don't have to use "spicy-ness."
@@BumboMcJumbo wasn’t coming up for me on the cell phone dictionary, thanks!
or spice-0-meter
Great idea
@@3xfaster What a rare wholesome conversation on TH-cam. I can sleep now.
this is moving, and shows the steps necessary to get kittens to trust. It's a magical feeling.
Seeing them all grown up happy makes me cry. I'm so grateful.
Even though you've seen that 400-500 times? How many cats do you own right now, Carrry?
@@tmo2798 im mrbest 😎
@@kurt4813 no I am 😎
Depending on how old they were when their mom left, it’s a miracle they survived without her
FYI I used this video as a guide for a kitten I rescued last year. He was younger than these guys, and he progressed incredibly quickly. I was expecting to take a week or more to socialize him, but it wound up being a matter of hours instead of days. He was an incredibly sweet little guy, and I found him a good home to take him in. Thank you for this video, it helped me a lot.
Im about to do the same with a gang of 3 kittens living in my garage. Thanks for the video!
@@lucidonoccasion5012 Good luck! My formerly feral kitten is now 11 years old, still grateful to be my best pal.
i can assume it's because it was alone and as he said
kittens progress faster when alone
Techpriests understand the joy of kittens.
Blessed be the Omnissiah and his fluffy babbys.
@@lucidonoccasion5012 Officer give us the Progress Report
We're rural, so we don't have to wonder. There's a feral colony in the woods up the hill from us and every now and again one of the cats decides heck with this, I want the good life.
@Абдульзефир We currently have a beautiful fluffy tortie female that just decided out of the blue to come to the hand I held out to her. 2 weeks later she was exploring the house and she's curled on on the arm of my chair as I'm typing this.
@@hagamapama Had this feral alpha male finally decide to become domesticated once he got older.
At the letting go part I burst out in tears. As a one-time volunteer, I still remember till this day every moments since I received the kittens and mom , raised them for 3 months then let each of them go. I was so sad back then and deemed myself as emotionally unable to be a foster volunteer. Your videos really give me that serene and inspiring feeling , keep up the good work !
Just wondering where do you go to volunteer for that? (In VN)
@@longanh9151 you can apply at an SPCA
Your reaction only shows that you are a sweet person and that you truly cares. You should be proud of your kindness :)
You ever had cat tacos? Let me tell you Cat Tacos> Baby Duck PL Tacos
Bless you
My cat came to me in our garden. So skinny and still so young. He was so happy that he finally found a home. He was sick, so we brought him to a vet. He is now the king in the house.
And there is the story of my last cat. We opened the door, he ran in and never left. The end.
One thing we noted was that he was deathly afraid of trash bags. Which had an awful implication as to how he ended up on the streets...
I am glad you were so compassionate. I can't believe people can do that to any animal.
he also could have just gotten trapped in a trashbag while looking for food.
Exactly.. what is this guy on about. It's the easiest thing in the world to domesticated feral kittens
@@randydiebold325 depends on the cat
Guy: c h i c k e n b a b y f o o d ?
Kittens: ...perhaps I judged you too harshly, sir.
The ultimate peacemaker:
C h i c k e n
B a b y
F o o d
My favourite comment! ❤️🤣
911 what's the problem?
HELP! I've been kidnapped! i'm at... wait chicken baby food... i'll have to call you back....
@@plokko1 lol
Bless. I'm a multiple foster failure. They're all geriatric now, but I do think about the fact that they'd be dead if I hadn't taken them in, along with others. That little black and white kitten - oh, boy! What a cutie!
Thank you Adrien! You are wonderful!
there is something indescribably special about elderly cats (and dogs). best of luck from new mexico
A multiple foster failure??
@@el7jake ^^ yea i don't get what they mean by that either
@@el7jake @Atsushibby96 "foster failure" means someone who fostered an animal and 'failed' to return it for adoption... because they adopted the animal themselves. :)
Both of my idiots are feral rescues. I can't imagine life without them.
‘Cats generally don’t like being touched while eating’ tell that to my boy who refuses to eat without butt pats 😂
LOL, my girl too! We rescued her from the streets of the Bronx, but she enjoys the comfort of mealtime back scratches. 😻
They're all different.
My two cats run to the bowl when They see me near it and wait to be pet before they eat. Definitely social eaters.
Lol, yeah I have some outside cats at home and two of them, they're brother and sister, and they really like to be loved on while eating.
My little guy wants head pats while he eats, too!
I've tamed several ferals that lived here when I moved in 13 years ago. We had nearly 200 cats on a dirt road neighborhood. Most we spayed and neutered, all but one are gone now. Old Man spent 15 years here and never interacted with humans till me, he even moved into my home the last 3 years of his life. Toward the end of his life he actually played with toys and sat in my lap. I felt honored he let me love on him. I have found with the ferals you have to let them come to you. Kittens I trap and lock in my cat room they become socialized very quickly, food is the motivator here. :-)
Most of my cats we found them on our backyard
Wow, you’re an angel for helping so many feral cats.
@@samantha4130 It's not easy so much work and expense. It is a very time consuming endeavor. There's 3 of us and together we have about 150 cats and kittens no one wants.
I almost thought you were talking about an old man, that wouod be wirld
Your a really nice person I mean helping that many kittens? Your definitely a good person
When I was a kid we had a feral cat living in the forest on our property who _somehow_ taught every litter of her kittens to be domesticated (they had no fear of humans).
I think she did this primarily so that she could foist them off on us sooner. She had two litters of six _every_ year, so she was probably the mom/grandma of MOST of the cats in our area. We ended up adopting nearly every litter, and when she would bring them to us for introductions all of them were somehow _already_ completely comfortable around humans, despite it being the first time that we had ever interacted with them.
She would come and partake of our cat food, and was tentatively comfortable around our other cats, but didn't personally want to interact with us. I think Mom was the only one who could sit anywhere close to her without her fleeing, and it took most of a _year_ for Mom to earn that much trust.
One time she dropped off two kittens on our porch, meowed to get our attention, and then went and waited at the treeline for us to come outside and start playing with them. Then she left for a couple of hours. When she came back, she waited at the edge of the treeline again until we put down the kittens and went inside. Then she picked them up and carried them back into the woods.
The little booger had used us as a _babysitter._ 😂
This is incredible lol
That's soo cutee thoo
Smart cat🤓
Ummm WHY DIDN’T you guys get the mama cat SPAYED?!?!? Wtf?!??
@@bonjovirocks24 We couldn't CATCH her. Not that we were trying particularly hard. We lived in the country, so a multitude of cats wasn't exactly a problem.
My wife and I became fosters almost a year ago. A 3 month old kitten was brought to us yesterday that is EXTREMELY skittish. She is our first real test as foster parents. I came to this video looking for help on how to properly socialize her. I will definitely keep this in mind over the coming weeks. Thank you for the tips and advice. Wish us luck!!
Now that it’s a month later...? 🐱 ❓
yeah how is she, the people want to know!!
How is the kitty??
The one thing that Mr. Flatbush might not have realized is important is TALK to the new kitties. Tell them ANYTHING, How your day is going, how GREAT they are, what their NEW LIFE will be like. Talk, talk, talk. Kitten Lady explains the importance of talking to your spicy kittens. Look up the Kitten Lady. I give FULL CREDIT to Kitten Lady for helping us to socialize a 14 month old cat. Our Nakia is a treasure!!!
how did it go? it's been 3 months
The tuxedo cat is just flat out adorable… I have a soft spot for Tuxedos and soIid black cats in general…. When the little,tuxedo crawled into your lap, I just melted….
You'd love it at my place.
I have 5 of the litter of 6 abandoned kittens I raised from eyes closed into adulthood.
1. tuxedo 1. black soft coat 1. black short coat 1. tortoise shell soft coat 1. brindle soft coat.
Every day is a joy watching them interact, and there is always a urgent cuddle to attend to.
Eric .
@@midgoog2 awwwwwwwww…… yeah I would love it… I have 2 sisters I got from my local shelter… one is a tuxedo and the other solid black… no other color is on her … they have the softest coats ever… they’ll be a year old the 31st of August and watching them grow into the beautiful young adults they are has been a pure joy….
Me too!
I like calico cats
Kittens: human is learning quick. We will adopt him soon
@@BroDude0 R/Wooosh.
@@BroDude0 What even is a “fucc”?
@@BroDude0 Kinda cringe, but okay-
@@BroDude0 I don’t even get why you’re trying to insult me when I only typed R/Wooosh to you-
@@BroDude0 whats a fucc
can I be one too
Great work and beautiful videos. They are heartwarming, educational, and inspirational. 🐈🐾
in a time of bullshit, over stated hype, misrepresentation and faslehoods, this video is refreshing. Logical, meaningful, structured, planned, intelligent and loving. just well done.
Society is so rundown that a simple, straightforward cat video is the best thing you’ve seen in recent times. How depressing. But I guess I’m depressed too cuz I felt the exact same way
@@TheUncivilizedNation we live in a society
Very true. Very real.
Same I watched this video like 3 times because it's so good
It’s a cat video Socrates
“Think about what your cat means to you. Who made that possible?”
My cat Shadow literally got adopted for the soul reason because he would always come into our house as a stray even though 9 times out of 10 we would kick him out, but he still came, so we adopted him. So, "Who made the possible?": Him.
thats cute
Cuteness is cats currency
You know in this case i believe the cat adopted you. Nothing wrong that
Shadow is a good name. I rescued a house panther last year who was always hiding in the shadows, then became my shadow. The new pet parents call him Bagheera now - Hindi for panther.
@@baronesselsavonfreytag-lor1134 That's awesome!
So funny how that one Extra Spicy kitty just jams food in his tiny mouth and tries to sprint off! Great work you guys, very inspiring. I've been suscribed to your channel since its inception and I always look forward to your uploads.
Same here.
❤ I loved that too.
that was my thought too!! 🤣🤣
I love how they sent videos of the now fully adult cats, they look very happy and satisfied in their new homes, thank you for rescuing them.
Seeing the spiciest kitten turn into a mellow purring adult.. Aw man, you've raised some really good kids.
I had to bottlefeed one that was left behind by her mother and siblings, she's the happiest kitty I've ever seen now...
I am thankful to you for that despite not even seeing the kitty once in my life
Whats her name💕
@@minnu8255 Millie...
It's heartwarming to see them after in their forever homes.
I'm of an age where adopting a kitten that could possibly out live me which could be sad for kitty. Fostering is a great solution. I recently did this and it was very rewarding. He's loving, sweet and loads of fun. His new parents adore him and he loves them too!
Adopt older cats from the shelter, like seniors. They often get overlooked and are just as deserving, and can be some of the most grateful and loving.
This will sound grim, but one of the best things you can do with helping your pets deal with the death of a loved one is bringing them to see the deceased. Animals understand death, and are capable of dealing with it, what's far more stressful to them is someone simply disappearing and never returning.
@@morethanjustasloth5528 This is true!! If your animal doesn't see your body and recognize you are dead they can think you left them behind, which is sad. I think they have the right idea doing fostering. It helps shelters and other organizations that don't have any moreroom for cats. Props to them ❣️☺️ not a ton of fosters out there
@@morethanjustasloth5528 I didn't know and had never thought of that. Honestly more people should know, don't be afraid to tell even if it seems grim, I had seen a woman ask this question online before about her cat and nobody gave this information. Feelings of abandonment can happen in many delicate ways, true.
I think when I’m ready to get a cat that’s my own (not counting my awesome guacamole chip-loving Siamese kitten that someone stole many years ago) I’ll go to an animal shelter and literally ask for the oldest cat they have.
Little dude getting smacked in the face is the perfect blend of adorable and hilarious 🥺😆
Lol I was thinking the same 🤣
He didn’t get smacked🤣 are yous all blind😂 he got scratched a little bit! Look properly
@@FLEKS_SGU lmaooo stfu and just let us enjoy the cute
@@pinapberry4988 what was so cute about getting scratched?
That’s his training montage
This man is truly someone who respects animals. Beautiful work.
You can watch kitten videos from sihal and dihein world
cats, not "animals" we don't know what his diet is or what else he does
@Nic Bai The implication is that if you're not vegetarian or vegan, you don't respect animals. 🙄
I have a much better method. Grab them, put them in a small room with nowhere to hide, sit in front of them, set the food down, wait a few minutes for them to come to you and eat it, and if they don't, they starve. Either way, the little shits aren't a problem anymore.
@EARTH bruh
Foster volunteers are some of my favorite humans. God bless all of y’all ❤️
Imagine getting kidnapped. But it turns out to be good.
Cursed comment
Stockholm syndrome be like
instead of torture they give you a home, love and food.
my cat dissappeared, it's been like 2 weeks, she hasn't come home for days, she was on the street outside my fathers work, helpless and afraid and my sister tried to gain confidence with her on the bathroom of our old home, she gave birth to 2 kittens, one of them looks like her but prettier, i miss her so much
dude why
I work at an animal shelter in Maine. My boss calls me the cat whisperer. I've gotten some feral and semi-feral kittens to become friendly. It just takes time and patience. Luckily, I'm a very patient person.
Sometimes it doesn't.
@@downtownbillyandthenewjivefive sometimes what doesn’t?
@@SarahLJP Sometimes it doesn't take time and patience. Sometimes they gravitate towards you with no impetus.
@@SarahLJP Also, hi neighbor. :)
Actually only patience.
The time element is included in the patience notion. We kittynapped too a feral one from a neighbor living in the hills. Just a blouse over the head, no complicated set of traps and waiting. It was hungry enough, to come out from under the logs in jut few minutes. And man, when I grabbed him to wrap better the blouse I learned what is like to have a grenade exploding in your hand. And then just let him starve for three more days in a wood box, actually a mini bee hive we used as a bench. No time waste on him. He learned on his own that that we are masters there, and the food smell coming regularly taught him the rest. When we opened the box he was fully tamed. No more explosions, and no grudge for being left to starve. And he never left our yard, except the regular rounds around. I still have a picture of him, old and lazy, sleeping in a pot above the stove..
"I know they are hungry and I've got cans to pop" I love how you speak, honestly, intelligently, but still with a bit of youthful fun in it. I hope you never lose that.
Perfect comment. I could not agree more.
Yes and calls them the crew, too.🤣😻
Yes! The hardest part is saying goodbye, just sent 4 kittens to be adopted, they were barely 5 weeks old and spent the next 5 months with me, I gave them much love so when adopted they can give it back to their adoptive family, I just pray they will love them as much as I have!😌
It is so hard to bottle-fèed and then turn loose of them.😔🐱🐾♥️
Thanks for the wonderful work that you do! My Mom is also a cat rescuer, and I hope my small donation helps you a little.
oh i didnt know youtube had a donation comment feature
@@EeveeRealSenpai they do now
@@EeveeRealSenpai Welcome to Youddit
Oh he gifted
I'm a foster family and I had take care of four kittens. After 16 weeks, I had to give them up for adoption. I'm a man in my mid-40s and I cried for 2 days straight. It still hurts after a year.
I tried fostering also cried for days. It’s hard l guess my lot in life is adopting not fostering 🫤 l also fostered children and couldn’t tough it out and then adopted instead😊
Yeah that must feel terrible 😔
I don’t know if I could give my foster babies up
@@azophi Did you hear what the video said about that? Why wouldn't you give another kitten(s) a chance? I fostered for 18 years, and all I had to do is: when I sent a cat or kitten off to their good forever home, I visualized a cage door opening and another cat walking from death to life. Please set this notion aside of not giving them up, it is hurting cats. You are thinking of yourself and your needs instead of the needs of the cats. We NEED you.
@@rosethecopycat 🥺🥺🥺 ok it will be hard but I will try
@@azophi Wonderful. Fostering is the best thing I ever did!
“Bake them cookies this rent ain’t paying for itself”
We had a stray mother cat bring her 8 week old kittens to our garage. It's been 2 weeks and working with them. Mom does good being on guard all the time. She lets them play outside but keeps them close. Then she has them resting in the garage. We close them up at night and they seem to be used to the routine. We have toys to interact with them, and the creamy push up lickable. There are 3 of them to work with. We haved a tiered tree in the garage, play toys with balls that go around to push. A sleeping area. And scratchers and 3 large litter boxes. Each one has its own level of contact that will allow us to love on them with petting. It's a work in progress. We have a family member that is going to take on all three, he comes over to help socialize a bit as well. The three will have a good home once they are ready. In about a week I suppose they will be ready.
That one cat that would take big chunks then run makes me feel like he was really the one who got them food most the time. He was so wary and would run so quickly after even managing to get even a little, like he was use to scavenging and stealing from other animals making sure not to make any risks.
I'm that one cat, except instead of scavenging, I'm just hungry af
Responsible sibling kitten
I had 4 kittens and one of the them behaves in the exact same way as that kitten even though they were raised in the same time by my family so it's mostly a biological thing . I think that cats have different characteristics
@Darkstar oh I don't know, I've seen many cats behave in ways that aren't necessarily in their catness.
That's interesting. You could be right. 👍😻
I have an extremely hard time focusing on long videos due to my ADHD, but something about the way this was structured held my attention from the get go. The cute kittens definitely helped. Thank you for giving these adorable little creatures the love and affection they deserve!
Same :-)
so true i thought the same
Probably also the ever changing music that changes the vibe
14 minutes is long? We got a real attention span problem. Curious, how old are you?
as a fellow ADHD human, i find “funny cat videos” as the best as i can easily be entertained every clip
Imagine living in a time where this sort of content is freely and easily accessible to all of us. God we really are in the golden age.
True but we don’t have much time left unless we resolve the climate crisis
It takes the usage of psychology, intentional training, and bribes to change the nature of these feral animals.
But it takes a genuinely good heart to have patience to go through all that for little physical gain.
sure the world is ending but we have free cat videos so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@ber1779 Human conflict will reshape your world far before that. This golden age of peace we have enjoyed for the last 70 years is unusual. As the Pax Americana unravels, we will realize that this is vanity.
sure we are buddy
Im working with 2 kittens right now! Thank you so much for the tips. Seeing people like you inspire me more to keep fostering because I know im now alone.
I love the way this guy talks. Between wholesome cat content and his soothing tones, these are very chill videos
What I was thinking!
I loved all my kitties but especially Gato. I had to “lure” her in from the cold and it took a while. It turned out that he was a she who was pregnant. I never could pick her up but she would climb on my lap etc. She had a sense of people’s emotions and curled up next to those who were hurting. When my oldest son first got seizures it took a while for him to adjust to the medicine. She never left his side except to eat briefly, use the box and run back to him. At that point we began calling her Mama Cat. She lived to be 21. ❤️❤️❤️😥Never forgotten.
You named you cat "[male] cat", in Spanish. A she-cat, which would be gata.
@@Fridelain does that matter?
Beautiful beautiful story ❤️❤️❤️
cats live in colonies in the wild and share the duties of parenting. she probably saw your son as a "kitten" who needed to be watched over. she sounds like a sweet thing and I'm glad you were able to give her a happy and comfortable life.
They may have named the cat before they were able to catch her and the name stuck. ;)
This video is PERFECT. You show the process so clearly - The idea of creating a story with this young group of feral kittens is just perfect and SO WELL DONE. You all at Flatbush Cats are really amazing!
- an old kitten foster mom from chicago, now living on the olympic peninsula.
I have an eight-year-old cat now, previously he was feral, I got him past the age of being socialized, but still a kitten. I will list some successes that literally took years.
Letting me pet his head and neck. He used to always turn away, he was OK with petting his back.
Not running away when I walked up to him outside in the yard. Inside he was OK.
Letting me carry him without getting rigid like an ironing board.
Sleeping near my head instead of always at the foot of the bed.
Not running away at sudden household noises, including small things like dropping something into the trash, or scuffing my shoe.
Not being afraid of me for the rest of the day if I accidentally stepped on his tail or foot. Being able to understand “oops, mistake” vs a real threat.
It’s just neat how even a grown cat can very gradually become more domesticated over many years. Can still develop personality changes for the better.
Didnt expect the tear jerk at the end. I was never a cat person until I received one. My little dude and I are inseparable
Where!! Timestamp??
@@HAIRHOLIC_1 cats r evil and they steal our hearts
I tried fostering once, got 2 little babies and I got so attached. They're 4years old now i have never thought of giving them up. they're my babies now
Same with me!😸😸😸😸😸
Flatbush Cats releases a video*
Me: alright where are those tissues.
I'm not crying! Really! really...oh man.
O, totally agree! The little black and white reminded me of my departed, much loved and still grieved (2 yrs) Spike. Got to donate to give all these little sweeties a chance.
Keep the tissues away from the kittens ...... they will be shredded. Along with a hanging roll of TP. :0D
This comment can be interpreted in a VERY different way😳😳
@Melanie Hale Oh, so funny! Well, yeah! Desperate times call for desperate measures. During the worst of COVID, TP was worth its weight in gold. :0D Not gonna waste a precious commodity. :0D No cats now. Wish I could. Allergies and with some mobility issues, can't afford having something around the feet and potentially tripping. I miss my guys ..... they were so entertaining and great company ...... especially when I would be trying to complete an engineering design for a class, the one or the other of them, if not both, decided that they just HAD to keep me company by stretching out across the sheet of mylar and swipe my drafting pencils. :0D That was when I would employ a good dose of catnip ..... all I had to do was open the jar and they would come running ...... the little one would help himself ..... he would just dip a paw in and scoop out some nip, consume and then race around the house ducking invisible zeros and eventually collapse under the coffee table and sleep for a couple of hours ...... the big one would wait for me to give him some nip (the laid back gentle beast that he was) and then he would quietly zone out ...... too dignified for the craziness of the younger ..... he usually would go into the upstairs bathroom and lounge in the sink ...... once he got himself comfortable he looked like he was in a lounge chair ..... belly up, back feet up and over the side of the sink, tail tangling between, one "arm" resting on the front edge of the sink ..... the other laying across his chest ...... the only thing missing was a kitty sized portable tv and tiny can of beer ...... gee I miss those guys (had those guys back in the late 1980's ..... wow 30+ years ago)
I have rescued cats and kittens in 2 states and am soo glad to know great ways to work with feral kittens. Your techniques are life-savers, truly. Thank you.
Cant never be a foster volunteer: I can never let them go and may end with all 1000 cats. Lol
God bless you man. May you have a looong and healthy life.
That’s what I thought too, the first 2 litters are the hardest but you end up getting used to it. I end up crying every time but it’s so rewarding thinking they’re going to a wonderful family and that you saved a couple of lives.
@@jocelync.2034 Just one rescue last summer and I was a wreck but had no choice. It felt like missing a child, literally.
You guys are the real champions in my book
@@baronesselsavonfreytag-lor1134 i totally feel you, It breaks my heart every time but the positives outweigh the negatives. I try not and be selfish of my own needs because if that were it I’d have about a million cats right now😃
@@jocelync.2034 LoL you're right but with rescue cats there's a special bond because they trust you before anyone else.
I could tell from the start this was going to be a grand success. Just how curious they were about you at the beginning, not running away. They wanted to come. It was the same way with my sweet girl. Her three brothers would scatter and wanted nothing to do with me, but she was curious, would hang around and watch me :) She's been inside for 3 years now :)
Heck your story reminds me of my own back a few years ago a black cat an adult. showed up at my nannies house and stuck around (they had just lost her cat and dog a month or two before this) and a few weeks later the cat gave birth to 4 little ones and my nanny named the adult ms kitty unfortunately my pawpaw got rid of all five
Everyone, don't beat yourself up if you can't foster. You can always donate your time, money and materials (towels, litter, food, cleaning supplies, toys, shelter boxes, etc.) to foster volunteers, TNR groups and animal rescue organizations in your community. A little bit from everyone can save lives. ♥♥♥♥
You must be a sweet guy.
This is what we do but in a addition to that there are very few strays where we live. The one that wondered into our yard almost 3 years ago now lives with us as a house pet and loves being indoors.
I'm pleased to say In Finland we don't have any strays!!! 🦋🌻🌼🌺🐈
Iam an expert on this doing this for the past 4 years
Bless this man. And the kittens are too cute.
You are so kind, patient, and thoughtful. Even your voice is very calming and soothing. I just love what you are doing for these poor mites. Great work.
Absolutely, a great video. Incredibly, 100 evil people don't think so. :/
@@reclaimerReclaimer Feel sorry for them. Sounds like they may have BrainWorms.
Ivermectin is good for that too. 😍
My cat parted ways with me today. It is sad seeing as she was the only friend I had since the pandemic. I remember feeding her when she came on my home with bruises on her body. I may never know what caused her to disappear randomly but I am happy she had born 4 healthy kittens before randomly disappearing.
Aww stay strong ok 🥺 take care of those kittens well.. Hope she will be back
Poor thing.
i hope youre doing well man take care
Was she spayed before she left?
This made me cry. Unfortunately, our 15 year old will be crossing the rainbow bridge soon...Not goodbye, see you later...
Awww....big hugs.
Brace yourself, my friend. My 13 y.o. cat died quite literally in my arms several days ago. The agonizing movements of his paws, that blank stare of his hazy eyes, the stiffness of his cold body still haunts me. I'm in such a pain right now I can't even cry. Couldn't even dig a proper grave so my ma had to help me, couldn't say the last words - just stayed on his grave totally numb. He was with me for 13 years, and just in a couple of months he shrunk up like a geezer. I blame myself for his death, I shouldn't have let him go for a walk in May, the weather was too cold for an old cat. I fucked up.
@@George_Bulkin I'm so sorry about that. I'm sure your cat wouldn't want you to blame yourself, he had a good life with you and knew he was loved. But I know how hard it is, last week I randomly almost burst to tears in a mcdonald's remembering my cat. Hang in there, hugs!
@@readingswithada Thank you, kind soul. It's good to see even in the bog of sorrow I'm not alone.
the kitten standing up like a meerkat at 6:04 melted my heart
I'm watching this together with Luna. She and her sister were feral kittens, missing her mom, getting hand-fed from a syringe.
How do you donate like that?
@@contraveez1731 There is a button near the like button with a heart logo by clicking on it you put the message you want to convey as well as the value of your donation
get a life man..its a fucking invasive a lamprey or an asian carp.;.australia has already started with bounty's on feral cats..destroying the indigenous wildlife is what YOU represent..cats dont even lay an egg..of no agricultural benefit..and no cat has ever eliminated rodents by cats:)
The black and white kitten really made great strides from being the most reserved.
Looks like the tuxedo is gonna be just fine.
My heart melted so quickly they had to invent a new temperature measurement just to explain it
Fantastic video! I hope we'll see more of this!
mmm älskar kebab
Fotograferar du kebab hahahahahahahah
BIG $100 DONO!!!
@@CandyCookieGamerYT that’s 9 USD my dude
@@CandyCookieGamerYT that is cheap here
I got my little buddy from a cat rescue. We could tell he had a hard time growing up. He was so scared he spent the first week under a bed or a sofa. I didn’t think he’d ever be a lap kitty, and that was okay. He’s been with us over a year and he’s such a sweetheart. He loves to watch the birds and the squirrels, and he does come in for lap naps. He still gets really scared if we have a visitor but it’s very rare.
From one Brooklynite to another, all I have to say is, BRAVO. You don't make videos often, but when you do? They're like mini documentaries. This particular video is extremely helpful to people fostering or otherwise. Thank you sincerely for all the hard work that you do. God bless you.
Back in October we found this little kitten abandoned on our doorstep all scared and alone. Fortunately, she was okay with us picking her up and bringing her inside with all the warmth and food she could want. where she quickly warmed up to us. Fast forward to now and I can barely get a night's rest without waking up to that little furball purring on my chest. 10/10, I love my little Grable, and love seeing you bring that same joy to other kittens and kitty lovers out there.
Love that name! Did you name her after the glamorous, retro-film star, Betty Grable?
I got a 5month old cat who was abit feral. Was having tough luck bonding with it for about two weeks. The advice in this video made unbelievable progress in the matter of three days and now she’s on my lap and greeting me
In Turkey, we have like one million stray cats. They are born with +10 social skills. They see all humans as food bringers. When you go near them they rub their body on your legs. I guess we don't have any feral cats here. I really don't get the video and the advices.
@@kozatas I know what you mean. I come from Italy and the cats in Rome are the same way, but when I moved to the countryside I saw cats with a very different way of behaving - just like the ones in this video. I think maybe the cats we have seen got taught by their mothers, and the example set by other cats, to see humans as a source of food.
@@kozatas But can you pick them up or domesticate them? No they are still feral except they recognize you as a food source. Don't know where you get the +10 social skills from?
"80% of cats are born outside"
"In the US"
Don’t let your dreams be memes
*get this guy a lot of friendly mini tigers*
It is higher elsewhere. Most places allow/expect cats to roam and they don't fully have owners despite going in and out of houses. Italy for example has community cats that roam between houses. The cat might sleep with you all this week but next week be with your neighbor. Or it spends the days with your neighbor but comes over to your house every night. Egypt similarly is like this.
The US has a lot of cat sized animals that are, frankly more dangerous than what is in Europe. So we tend to keep our cats inside if we can. What is more surprising is how quickly cats adapt to being indoor only animals.
In terms of wild animals and level of danger they represent. Europe is the "safest". They decimated their animal populations and have never really allowed them to ever return.
I have now 6 baby tigers to take care of
Totally awesome video. WE adopted our first cat from the shelter. They were told she was found and is 5-7 months old. My hubby and I did tons of research on what to have for the cat, food, litter, toys etc. When we went into the “cat” room we just stated to walk around and see what happens. Well one tux kitty reached out to my hubby and would not let him go. I went up and down the cages to make sure that cat would be coming home with us. We were told the cat was female, fixed and about 7 months old. They let us take her out to play with us. Well when we were put in the room with her, she took off. We still wanted her. Paid for her. They showed us how to put her in the carry cage and off we went. They told us to put her in a room with, litter box, food and water and give her time to adjust. We did just that waiting outside the door to see if she needed anything. We heard her meowing and I decided to go in. I sat on the floor and she jumped in my lap. My hubby came in and she ran over to him. We then let her out of the room to explore and she felt at home. We’ve had her a year and she is a love.
Thank you! I unknowingly got what seems to be a feral kitten today and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. This helps - tremendously! 💞
Don't give up. The steps shown here really work. If your cat is food motivated, that's a huge plus. The stray we took in 2 years ago was highly food motivated. That's all it took. Now he lives in the lap of luxury and loves being an indoor cat.
How’s it going with the kitten today? Coming around at all? I know it can take quite a while with some. Hope you’re both doing well.
@@wowyathink5982 We are doing wonderful - thank you! I have an 8 month old corgi mix pup and the 2 have bonded like brothers. They drink water from the same water dish - at the same time! The corgi licks the kitten and the purrs just rumble. They are awesome together. The kitten comes when I call sometimes, but if I call the dog instead, the kitten will just follow him to me... 😂
@@wingabouts It sounds like you have a new furry family member...congratulations! My daughter just got a 10 week old kitten from a foster family and he is also bonding with their little dog. He follows her everywhere and they sleep together. Purrfect match 🐶 & 🐱 ♥️♥️
@@1940limited We finally after a long spring, summer and fall earned the trust of a young Momma and her 2 kittens and brought them inside before winter. That was 4 years ago and it's been a long slow process but also so rewarding. Momma is the most grateful loving cat I've ever owned ♥️ her kittens are getting there too. Only problem is they all look exactly alike so we put different colored collars on them to tell them apart 😆🤣🤣🥰
To be able to pour all that love into an animal, and then set free what you love by giving them a permanent home and owner...that's a special kind of strength, and test of character. Thank you.
this man has infinite patience. I really admire everything he's done
It only take a week to get that result if you do it correctly and not give into temping them with free foods everywhere.
I see my two cats as a blessing. They are great little companions.