Everything in this video was great, I don't know if it is always like this but their back and forth is really good, they bounce off of one another no matter how asinine the comment might be they don't just do awkward pauses or just respond that the other person is weird like a lot of these sort of things do, they always manage a response of some sort. It is really good.
To my ears this unit sounds fenomenal! more organic compared to Helix or Headrush especially in high gain and it seems to have a better routing possibilities too...interesting.
I have to admit these things are becoming more appealing each year, especially since I turned 50 this year and am getting a bit tired of lugging a fully loaded PT-2 Classic Pedaltrain to solo gigs. The sound is certainly workable. Thanks for another good one guys.
I played this today I own a GT 100 and this is definitely a step up the amp models are clearer and respond differently how they compress I've played a Ax fx and its very similar
Andertons was one of the first electric guitar gear channels I stumbled upon 3 yrs ago. I don’t care what or who you review, you wild and crazy guys(off camera as well) do it with fun and brilliant comedic timing. Plus, you’re all so talented. I’m addicted.
aaron aguilar to do it properly, they should compare a mutifx unit to some real tube amps mic'ed up via a PA through wedges. Because, in reality, at most gigs the audience are hearing the amp via the PA, not via the amp/cab itself. At many larger gigs the amp isn't even on stage, and the guitarist is hearing it via wedge monitors or IEMs.
I own one and this is the most real sound I’ve heard and I don’t care what people say. The captain hates it but whatever everyone has their opinion. I love it and it actually makes me play and sound better🤟🏼
One thing to keep in mind is that factory default patches rarely sound great out of the box. These were made with different guitars, pickups, and more importantly what the sound is being amplified. Going direct is fine, but without tweaking the amps gain structure, maybe changing the cab for another, or even using a third party IR and other tweaks, most presets in most MFX do not sound good to most people. Although the cleans out of the box are great. This unit has very good sounds inside of it once tweaked. I am not a fan of the work flow, but I do like the tones I have been able to get.
Man, some people just hate Boss. It could sound like the most epic thing ever and people would still bitch. I personally love this thing. It's pricey, but so are the others in this class. As a bonus, you get bonafide Boss quality in both structure and tonality. Actual boss algorithms in this. Best chorus bar none, professional delays, fantastic overdrives, best rotary algorithm not named venti, and then boss only stuff like slow gear, dimension D, and slicer. It's about the cost of two 500 series pedals and you get all three of those and then everything else. After playing gigs for a while, you just want something to sound good and fit into a backpack with minimal setup. Having patches for each song makes your sets a breeze. And you sound great, especially for an audience that doesn't give two shits about your big ass pedal board and everything you have in it. I love pedals, especially analog ones (when they actually play nice together and don't hiss at you)... But sometimes things like this are the most practical solution.
The gt-1000 is incredibly versatile . I Use it in patch mode for guitar, manual mode with a dark glass preamp in the effects loop for bass, and pedal board mode for acoustic effects and looping. The boss tone studios makes editing a breeze.only down side is it takes alot of time to get a good metal rhythm tone.
Consider me in the music store tomorrow: "Excuse me Sir! What is the maximum plectrum launchage of this particular expression pedal?" - "Oh it's around 5 feet" - "Oh boy, imma need to go higher than that" :D :D :D
I recently dug out my old Pod 2.0 and i for got how awesome sounding it is, plus most of the bands from late 90’s through 2000 used these in the studio.
Just curious if your opinion has changed much, Lee? I bought a GT1000 Core and I absolutely love it. It’s not about sounding like a perfect valve amplifier for me. It’s about getting a sound that I like that feels right under my fingers. I think this more than delivers. Low gain, mid gain, high gain, it works for me. It actually works better than the UA plug-ins that I bought for Friedman, Marshall, Mesa and others. It just appeared to me that considering how amazing these things sound that your judgment was harsh and quick.
I was listening through my headphones and I must say it sounded great. That PRS sounded great also. Overall (IMHO) a good alternative to the "real thing". Thanks for the video and have a great day guys.
Yeah I own the killer hand made tube amps and Keeley pedals and the tone is to die for. But here is the reality...1) 90% of band watching audience cant hear and dont know the difference. and 2) draggin my tube amps and big pedal board around is a drag. Units like this are (once set up and programmed) easy to deal with and convenient, thats the attraction. The tone and feel may not be spot on but most everyone wont know or care. Although his tone was very specific Tom Scholz proofed way back in the 70's that no one realy cares
Thank you. So tired of those who feel the need to signal their virtue by criticizing any digital product because it’s not tubes. Sounds good, weighs 5 pounds. We can quibble about how close it sounds or feels to 50+ pounds of other gear, but why would we?
turn down the reverb and delay on the gain patches and a bit of eq and tweaking and these sims will all be pretty great . plus all the boss effects we know and love the last 30 years . great unit.
You know what, with all those digital processors,, etc, I actually just started using a laptop with an audio interface and bias fx inside ableton. I can use studio grade plugins and my setup is modular. I like it and it has never let me down. While my valve amp has on a few occasions.
I tried this pedal and returned it. My thoughts: The App: More usable than the UI, but very unreliable. It disconnects a lot, and you have to turn the pedal off and on to get it to reconnect. The UI: Great for 1998! Pretty basic for 2018. For a $1k price tag, I expect a high quality display. The Tone through a guitar amp: Probably can be tweaked to work, but the preset's don't sound good through my 68 Princeton Reverb, my Vox AC30, or my Marshall DSL40C. The tone recorded directly out of the unit: Not bad. It feels very processed already. In some ways, it's already ready to be dropped into a mix, but I prefer something more raw sounding. I feel like the dual pathways are nice, and the lead tones can sound nice if not over the top. The cleans are cool, and the synth sounds are fun but feel very limited in their flexibility/use. I didn't really get the feeling I wanted for the "edge of breakup" tones though. At the end of the day, it was the UI, the shitty display, and the unreliable app that caused me to return it. Also, you don't point out that every single pre-loaded patch has a dramatically different output level. So you constantly go from quiet to speaker shredding when trying to explore the pedal.
Anyway,..this sounds just fine to me,..an avid Boss FX user...but in my case; a Guitarist & Bassist for centuries,...is right up my alley & needs right now!..fine for both gigs/roles in one package!...(because Boss has updated uploads & software for players like me!..✨🎶🎸) Awesome!!...thanks from my MusicMan Bongo,..Custom 6String Bass,..Custom PJ Bass,..’81 Ibanez 924 Bass & Telecasters Boss!!..👍🏾🎶
Hey cap hey Rob. Just wanted to say I haven't listened to you guys in a while and Rob you of gotten 1 million times better. Just thought I'd give you some credit you doing extremely well you always have but on top of it 1,000 times better just thought I'd let you know for whatever it's worth. Keep killing it guys
Excellent clip, your video guy needs a solid increase. I love the concept of the GT-1000. I have the GT-1, bought with the intention of that it was to be my introduction to FX boxes, it is that and more. There will come a time once I have the skill that warrants it, I'd like to upgrade and this unit looks like it may be it. Thanks for the comprehensive and entertaining demo.
"Distemper!" Lol. I may be in the minority but I've never liked the Helix or Line 6 "sound" in general. It always sounds digital. Having owned the Dream Rig (Including LIne 6's Acoustic Variax), I was sold on the idea and flexibility but could never get the tone to sound like I wanted. The GT-100 gave me closer to a thicker more organic realism. Would love to see them A/B'd side by side. Both great company's and amazing solutions. Would have love to see a GT-100O LT made expressly as a Katana extension. Great video, thanks!
Being a GT-1 owner I think you will find that the Effects are the strength of the product. Try making some of your own presets. They may change your opinion.
I do play one live and for classic rock and country music, this unit covers the in-between butter tone quite well. The tremolo for CCR material and blues is very credible and my Telecaster and Strat still sound like a Tele and Strat. My Les Paul tones are easily identifiable and doesn't get lost in the mega crunch crap of what you guys are playing. I'm thinking of selling my 65 Deluxe Reverb as this really fits the bill nicely. BTW... nice playing, but your country setting was buried in delay and verb. Tweak those patches a little perhaps?
I bought sweetwaters demo model they used to take the pictures on their website. This thing is great. One of the best most bang for your buck pieces of gear i own. I use it with the tube amp just for effects and switching. And its perfect for that. Only thing is im getting old and cant see the screen to well when i take my glasses of at gigs. But the bright lights help.
I think all these effects pedals are awesome, and to be very honest nowadays as good as a real amp. My main problem; I just keep fuzzing with it instead of making actual music...... :( edit: are there cut down versions?
Yes, the Yamaha thr10 and thr10x (but fx pedals but you turn it on and get a great sound) with perfectly useable built in effects (including phaser chorus delay and two types of reverb), have to try it to believe really!
yes, the boss gt-1 is the stripped down version. and i mean very stripped down compared to the GT-1000. but in a good way, the way i believe you are talkng about. i won it, i love it. and i plan on getting the gt-1000 because of it.
I have a used gt 1000 and have had to change the EQ on every preset to get it to even sound close to what you’re hearing in this video. Maybe it’s my unit that had to be changed. I’ve not played through any other gt 1000’s so I don’t have any other reference point. It does sound great through earphones though even without my EQ changes. Maybe it really matters how good the speakers / amp that you’re using.
@Klaus Ebner i can believe it, had them all over the decades, my blackstar pedal and right ir beats my mesa mk5, thats with mics into a prism titan no shit, 70 quid chain vs 5 grand, sad but true, vox had some gems, and cheap as chips on ebay, a tube pre gets all the bite you need, victory tube pedals the end game
Factory presets always sound naff. I have gt 1000 and it really is great. I gig direct to front of house and it's the most responsive and dynamic multi fx Ive used. The heavy gain amps clean up really well when you roll the volume off the guitar. Closest to a valve amp out there.
I’ve recently purchased the Gt-1000 after being a user of the 100,10, and me80. All the user/preset stuff is all gonna be determined on your... 1. amp 2. Guitar/guitar setup 3. CREATIVITY **** Someone mentioned not “having you own sound” blah blah Initialize your bank and have at it......switch 2-5 copy and paste 1 and add or remove what you like. Understand that, this unit isn’t going to be a out of the box plug and play. For God sake, no matter what u get it’s gonna need tweaking; whether it’s treble, mid, highs or gains. Every musicians ear is different and we all play on soo many different levels and styles. Too each is his/her own. I LOVE THE 👉🏾PROCESSOR 👈🏾 It does what it’s supposed to do. If your wonder if I should pull the trigger, YES. I would again. 1last thing. Look at your stompboxes..... add the price of each one of them. If your like me and love quality, they cost. Of say.....8 or 9 pedals, is the GT-1000 worth it now????? Me:yes! I went to get more pedals and was like $700+!!!!!! And that was without all others I NEEDED ALSO🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️ I love it!!!!
After coming to this again years later and listening to the gt-core demo, Pete really did a lot more justice to these demos, as far as having a better feel for the sound and being more expressive. He probably sold it more as a viable tool.
People say rob and lee is bias because lee is running a guitar shop and rob is doing work for him. This shows that they will tell you if they like it or not. of course they wont say the product sucks because have to maintain good relationships with the companied they work with
18:30 to 20:00 sums up the video. I sold my GT-100 a few years ago. Bluetooth means nothing to me as a regular USB computer interface connection is sufficient for initial setup. If someone can put genuine sounds of multiple selectable amps in a box with tweakable effects I'm all in. However I foresee I'll still be using my amps and pedals as I still prefer the sound of real amps and individual effects pedals. YMMV
I wouldn't use this unit for live work with a band, but for "direct recording" it would be great. I impressed with this unit. I have several excellent tube amps and a very good pedalboard for live playing so this would have a specific use.
This might make a good blind-fold challenge. Bea/Pete/Josh create a few (clean, blues crunch, classic-rock, high-gain etc etc) on this machine, a Helix and a couple of other devices of this ilk, and Lee & Rob play them, with someone acommpanying on bass and a drumtrack, all playing through the monitors and they see what they think. You could then mix things up by adding a shaffordable valve-amp into each category (with a couple of stomp-box pedals too, for each if required) too, to see if they stand out as noticeably better for a simple-gigging environment.
Christopher Walken! The best actor of all time! Gotta say rob you nailed the little pause he uses to deliver his lines. I knew instantly who you were referring to.
This is a very good Unit, tried it some time ago. Also is the first Multifx Pedal with 32 bit floating Point AD/DA Processing which helps = Crystal Clear Sounds, no Aliasing, enormous Dynamic Range and Reaction to your Playing. No Latency between Presets / has Effect Spillover. But most of the Stock Presets are Overkill / Crap as usual. Check out the Glenn De Laune GT-1000 Videos !
Wait until you tweak it yourself and add in your own IRs. It sounds way better with it tweaked and with an IR. I own one and it sounds better with the IR.
NO its not jealousy. I think the problem people have with Rob, and its an issue I have, is that he's a bit predictable in terms of his guitar playing and you know what you're going to get. Maybe if there was some variety in his playing rather than just shredding then I think people would maybe appreciate him more. I think Rob would be great fun though if you were having a night out with him in a pub as long as he left his guitar at home :)
Rory needs a raise!!
I take it Rory gave it that like
he should get one more zero on his pay cheque .
is he the editor?who ever edits these just make it fun
yes he is and i was about to comment the same, Rory ftw. Where is my beach ball Rory?!
The video editor is CRAZY in this video! I love it!
Everything in this video was great, I don't know if it is always like this but their back and forth is really good, they bounce off of one another no matter how asinine the comment might be they don't just do awkward pauses or just respond that the other person is weird like a lot of these sort of things do, they always manage a response of some sort. It is really good.
To my ears this unit sounds fenomenal! more organic compared to Helix or Headrush especially in high gain and it seems to have a better routing possibilities too...interesting.
Same here, I don't get all the hate. I have a Boss Katana Air and a Boss Pocket GT and the sounds on those are amazing.
The actor is Christopher Walken and the movie was The Deer Hunter.
My first thought as well. As soon as he talked about delivery
I got Shatner from the delivery lol
What i was thinking, too.
Everyone click Donna's link lol
I gotta have more cowbell.
Finally a guitar equipment review that uses a diablo analogy. Even though this is an old video, I can still appreciate it.
I have to admit these things are becoming more appealing each year, especially since I turned 50 this year and am getting a bit tired of lugging a fully loaded PT-2 Classic Pedaltrain to solo gigs. The sound is certainly workable. Thanks for another good one guys.
7:59 didn't know Rob Chapman could beatbox.. 😃
I played this today I own a GT 100 and this is definitely a step up the amp models are clearer and respond differently how they compress I've played a Ax fx and its very similar
That's why he did it
I think this is the best guitar sounds you have ever produced on Andersons TV !!
Andertons was one of the first electric guitar gear channels I stumbled upon 3 yrs ago. I don’t care what or who you review, you wild and crazy guys(off camera as well) do it with fun and brilliant comedic timing. Plus, you’re all so talented. I’m addicted.
that coffee cup breaking everything Lee puts it down (it never gets old) XD
Is it time for a multi effects processor blindfold challenge?????
aaron aguilar to do it properly, they should compare a mutifx unit to some real tube amps mic'ed up via a PA through wedges.
Because, in reality, at most gigs the audience are hearing the amp via the PA, not via the amp/cab itself. At many larger gigs the amp isn't even on stage, and the guitarist is hearing it via wedge monitors or IEMs.
@@KeithMilner so in reality, NO ONE is hearing the amp tone at all
Lee is in the Helix cult
I own one and this is the most real sound I’ve heard and I don’t care what people say. The captain hates it but whatever everyone has their opinion. I love it and it actually makes me play and sound better🤟🏼
Can you tell a difference from the first version? They say it has improved a ton.
@@GreccPerspective This is for studio me80 for live shows ,i have both.
One thing to keep in mind is that factory default patches rarely sound great out of the box. These were made with different guitars, pickups, and more importantly what the sound is being amplified. Going direct is fine, but without tweaking the amps gain structure, maybe changing the cab for another, or even using a third party IR and other tweaks, most presets in most MFX do not sound good to most people. Although the cleans out of the box are great. This unit has very good sounds inside of it once tweaked. I am not a fan of the work flow, but I do like the tones I have been able to get.
20:18...so subtle Rory, but so perfect!!!
Man, some people just hate Boss. It could sound like the most epic thing ever and people would still bitch. I personally love this thing. It's pricey, but so are the others in this class. As a bonus, you get bonafide Boss quality in both structure and tonality. Actual boss algorithms in this. Best chorus bar none, professional delays, fantastic overdrives, best rotary algorithm not named venti, and then boss only stuff like slow gear, dimension D, and slicer. It's about the cost of two 500 series pedals and you get all three of those and then everything else. After playing gigs for a while, you just want something to sound good and fit into a backpack with minimal setup. Having patches for each song makes your sets a breeze. And you sound great, especially for an audience that doesn't give two shits about your big ass pedal board and everything you have in it. I love pedals, especially analog ones (when they actually play nice together and don't hiss at you)... But sometimes things like this are the most practical solution.
@john m Doesnt fit in a backpack does it ?
I very much like what you did with the Café mug, Cap. And then you made it come back.
The gt-1000 is incredibly versatile . I Use it in patch mode for guitar, manual mode with a dark glass preamp in the effects loop for bass, and pedal board mode for acoustic effects and looping. The boss tone studios makes editing a breeze.only down side is it takes alot of time to get a good metal rhythm tone.
I'm 11 minutes in and I love every sound it's making, especially the last 4, even the organy one.
Not usually a fan of the PRS aesthetics but that one's a beaut!
Excellent effects unit. Hard to beat.
It's cool that boss takes criticism from people and use it to improve their product. It's cool have a big company who listen to what the people want.
iDeal yeah im sure boss listened to there critiscm and ran with it.. or maybe that just made you feel better about buying from andertons.
Good to see you guys having fun
Consider me in the music store tomorrow: "Excuse me Sir! What is the maximum plectrum launchage of this particular expression pedal?" - "Oh it's around 5 feet" - "Oh boy, imma need to go higher than that" :D :D :D
I recently dug out my old Pod 2.0 and i for got how awesome sounding it is, plus most of the bands from late 90’s through 2000 used these in the studio.
I laughed so hard at 15:19 when Lee shuts off Rob playing Sweet Child of Mine.
You guys make the greatest videos and reviews! keep doing what you do guys!
i love BOSS !!!35 years ago palying all pedals efx , BOSS is the best YEAH!!!
I bet its a blast working with these guys, not a dull moment in any video lol!! Love this YT channel
Just curious if your opinion has changed much, Lee? I bought a GT1000 Core and I absolutely love it. It’s not about sounding like a perfect valve amplifier for me. It’s about getting a sound that I like that feels right under my fingers. I think this more than delivers. Low gain, mid gain, high gain, it works for me. It actually works better than the UA plug-ins that I bought for Friedman, Marshall, Mesa and others. It just appeared to me that considering how amazing these things sound that your judgment was harsh and quick.
6:26 that OD tone with Drop C to Drop A's gotta sound awesome
I was listening through my headphones and I must say it sounded great. That PRS sounded great also. Overall (IMHO) a good alternative to the "real thing". Thanks for the video and have a great day guys.
Mr. Chappers is actually spot on with that Diablo/Path of Exiles comparison. Well done!
These two are so good showing off new equipment and funny with it.
BRAVO to the editors of this video! BRAVO I say! BRAVO!!!
S2s are some of the best guitars going around
Rory’s editing absolutely on point as always. Also feeing a Helix LT vs GT-1000 in the pipeline (hopefully).
Yeah I own the killer hand made tube amps and Keeley pedals and the tone is to die for. But here is the reality...1) 90% of band watching audience cant hear and dont know the difference. and 2) draggin my tube amps and big pedal board around is a drag. Units like this are (once set up and programmed) easy to deal with and convenient, thats the attraction. The tone and feel may not be spot on but most everyone wont know or care. Although his tone was very specific Tom Scholz proofed way back in the 70's that no one realy cares
Thank you. So tired of those who feel the need to signal their virtue by criticizing any digital product because it’s not tubes. Sounds good, weighs 5 pounds. We can quibble about how close it sounds or feels to 50+ pounds of other gear, but why would we?
Have you checked out the NU X CERBERUS. analog distortion, digital fx. Small foot print, killer tone, $299.00
I have been using the Headrush live for almost a year now. I'm never going back to a heavy, unreliable valve amp!
totally agree. Johnny Marr uses the GT-100 live and it sounds amazing. it probably makes touring so much easier. less to worry about
Love the honesty as always from Andertons!! \m/
turn down the reverb and delay on the gain patches and a bit of eq and tweaking and these sims will all be pretty great . plus all the boss effects we know and love the last 30 years . great unit.
Guys, whatever you're paying your editor isn't enough. Absolutely enjoyed this.
Great editing. Makes these two chaps seem like they are funny
You know what, with all those digital processors,, etc, I actually just started using a laptop with an audio interface and bias fx inside ableton. I can use studio grade plugins and my setup is modular. I like it and it has never let me down. While my valve amp has on a few occasions.
If you're techie and like to tweak, boss is always the one. Ten minutes playing with preamps cab and mic sims it's hard not to get a decent tone.
Great amp-like distortion tone.
Has to be a GT-1000 vs Helix vs Kemper now, surely?
Chappers,Captain you fellas are the Queens Knees!!! Love you guys ( in a proper metal way!), your reviews are key to my purchases!
I lost it when I saw Cnady Crush.
I tried this pedal and returned it. My thoughts:
The App: More usable than the UI, but very unreliable. It disconnects a lot, and you have to turn the pedal off and on to get it to reconnect.
The UI: Great for 1998! Pretty basic for 2018. For a $1k price tag, I expect a high quality display.
The Tone through a guitar amp: Probably can be tweaked to work, but the preset's don't sound good through my 68 Princeton Reverb, my Vox AC30, or my Marshall DSL40C.
The tone recorded directly out of the unit: Not bad. It feels very processed already. In some ways, it's already ready to be dropped into a mix, but I prefer something more raw sounding. I feel like the dual pathways are nice, and the lead tones can sound nice if not over the top. The cleans are cool, and the synth sounds are fun but feel very limited in their flexibility/use. I didn't really get the feeling I wanted for the "edge of breakup" tones though.
At the end of the day, it was the UI, the shitty display, and the unreliable app that caused me to return it. Also, you don't point out that every single pre-loaded patch has a dramatically different output level. So you constantly go from quiet to speaker shredding when trying to explore the pedal.
or My.........name...............IS...........Christopher...walken
Sounds amazing to me!
Anyway,..this sounds just fine to me,..an avid Boss FX user...but in my case; a Guitarist & Bassist for centuries,...is right up my alley & needs right now!..fine for both gigs/roles in one package!...(because Boss has updated uploads & software for players like me!..✨🎶🎸) Awesome!!...thanks from my MusicMan Bongo,..Custom 6String Bass,..Custom PJ Bass,..’81 Ibanez 924 Bass & Telecasters Boss!!..👍🏾🎶
Greetings from South Africa...love your channel...nice pipes Rob. hahaha
Dang, that's a nice-sounding unit. The gain sounds in the video are on par with any amp demo
Excellent video from these boys from the island. Cliff
9:03 anybody know what chappers is playing here?... he also played it in the t5z review
Hey cap hey Rob. Just wanted to say I haven't listened to you guys in a while and Rob you of gotten 1 million times better. Just thought I'd give you some credit you doing extremely well you always have but on top of it 1,000 times better just thought I'd let you know for whatever it's worth. Keep killing it guys
Excellent clip, your video guy needs a solid increase. I love the concept of the GT-1000. I have the GT-1, bought with the intention of that it was to be my introduction to FX boxes, it is that and more. There will come a time once I have the skill that warrants it, I'd like to upgrade and this unit looks like it may be it. Thanks for the comprehensive and entertaining demo.
"Distemper!" Lol. I may be in the minority but I've never liked the Helix or Line 6 "sound" in general. It always sounds digital. Having owned the Dream Rig (Including LIne 6's Acoustic Variax), I was sold on the idea and flexibility but could never get the tone to sound like I wanted. The GT-100 gave me closer to a thicker more organic realism. Would love to see them A/B'd side by side. Both great company's and amazing solutions. Would have love to see a GT-100O LT made expressly as a Katana extension. Great video, thanks!
Flexibility is great, not sure I need one but back in the day I would have loved it.
Being a GT-1 owner I think you will find that the Effects are the strength of the product. Try making some of your own presets. They may change your opinion.
I do play one live and for classic rock and country music, this unit covers the in-between butter tone quite well. The tremolo for CCR material and blues is very credible and my Telecaster and Strat still sound like a Tele and Strat. My Les Paul tones are easily identifiable and doesn't get lost in the mega crunch crap of what you guys are playing. I'm thinking of selling my 65 Deluxe Reverb as this really fits the bill nicely. BTW... nice playing, but your country setting was buried in delay and verb. Tweak those patches a little perhaps?
I bought sweetwaters demo model they used to take the pictures on their website. This thing is great. One of the best most bang for your buck pieces of gear i own. I use it with the tube amp just for effects and switching. And its perfect for that. Only thing is im getting old and cant see the screen to well when i take my glasses of at gigs. But the bright lights help.
I think all these effects pedals are awesome, and to be very honest nowadays as good as a real amp.
My main problem; I just keep fuzzing with it instead of making actual music...... :(
edit: are there cut down versions?
Yes, the Yamaha thr10 and thr10x (but fx pedals but you turn it on and get a great sound) with perfectly useable built in effects (including phaser chorus delay and two types of reverb), have to try it to believe really!
yes, the boss gt-1 is the stripped down version. and i mean very stripped down compared to the GT-1000. but in a good way, the way i believe you are talkng about. i won it, i love it. and i plan on getting the gt-1000 because of it.
love love love the " the 3rd kind" reference
Some day when I become 10 years old again I want to be just like Rob is now. I freaking love it.
I love Rory. Thanks for the fun.
Rory's been increasingly godly. Loved that video
The whole 1st 2 Banks are very much, the kinds of tones that Joe SATCH-MASTER Satriani and Lil Stevie Vai use a lot.
Brassed off is the most memorable Peter Postlethwaite film IMO 😀
Oh, and that looks more like an S2 Singlecut than a Vela 😉 Nice guitar though
I have a used gt 1000 and have had to change the EQ on every preset to get it to even sound close to what you’re hearing in this video. Maybe it’s my unit that had to be changed. I’ve not played through any other gt 1000’s so I don’t have any other reference point. It does sound great through earphones though even without my EQ changes. Maybe it really matters how good the speakers / amp that you’re using.
GT-8 was the best Boss unit - both for around, and control (close to knob per function). The Vox ToneLab SE was even better.
@Klaus Ebner i can believe it, had them all over the decades, my blackstar pedal and right ir beats my mesa mk5, thats with mics into a prism titan no shit, 70 quid chain vs 5 grand, sad but true, vox had some gems, and cheap as chips on ebay, a tube pre gets all the bite you need, victory tube pedals the end game
If you're very poor, sure. Subsequent models are better in every way.
Lee on a Prog Metal sound patch. Wholesome.
Absolutely killer editing at 17:32
Bruh! That falseto was legit!
Great video as always Guys .
Factory presets always sound naff. I have gt 1000 and it really is great. I gig direct to front of house and it's the most responsive and dynamic multi fx Ive used. The heavy gain amps clean up really well when you roll the volume off the guitar. Closest to a valve amp out there.
That one handed pedal volume decrease was epic
well done Boss!!! I just realized it was direct!!
I’ve recently purchased the Gt-1000 after being a user of the 100,10, and me80.
All the user/preset stuff is all gonna be determined on your...
1. amp
2. Guitar/guitar setup
Someone mentioned not “having you own sound” blah blah
Initialize your bank and have at it......switch 2-5 copy and paste 1 and add or remove what you like.
Understand that, this unit isn’t going to be a out of the box plug and play. For God sake, no matter what u get it’s gonna need tweaking; whether it’s treble, mid, highs or gains.
Every musicians ear is different and we all play on soo many different levels and styles.
Too each is his/her own. I LOVE THE
👉🏾PROCESSOR 👈🏾 It does what it’s supposed to do.
If your wonder if I should pull the trigger, YES. I would again.
1last thing. Look at your stompboxes..... add the price of each one of them. If your like me and love quality, they cost.
Of say.....8 or 9 pedals, is the GT-1000 worth it now?????
Me:yes! I went to get more pedals and was like $700+!!!!!! And that was without all others I NEEDED ALSO🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️
I love it!!!!
I was about to get one but hearing the captain he didn't seem very much in favor specially when it comes to overdrive / distortion tones
So clearly the Captain LOVED this one!! Despite the lack of Bluetooth, I think I'll just go with the Helix LT!
Burning purple is a reference to ''Burn'' by Deep Purple
After coming to this again years later and listening to the gt-core demo, Pete really did a lot more justice to these demos, as far as having a better feel for the sound and being more expressive. He probably sold it more as a viable tool.
People say rob and lee is bias because lee is running a guitar shop and rob is doing work for him. This shows that they will tell you if they like it or not. of course they wont say the product sucks because have to maintain good relationships with the companied they work with
Lee is completely right, it's great for function gigs and fair play to boss. This is way better than the previous GT100
Been a boss fan boy since way back. Getting anything other than this makes me feel like a sellour
Pete was FANTASTIC in Brassed Off!
Cheers RORI!
amazing player
Christopher Walken, I regularly run into him at the grocery store. Best, nicest most down to earth dude ever, and absolutely hilarious.
18:30 to 20:00 sums up the video. I sold my GT-100 a few years ago. Bluetooth means nothing to me as a regular USB computer interface connection is sufficient for initial setup. If someone can put genuine sounds of multiple selectable amps in a box with tweakable effects I'm all in. However I foresee I'll still be using my amps and pedals as I still prefer the sound of real amps and individual effects pedals. YMMV
The Part around 10:30 is brilliant! Rob could you do a Lesson on the Progression you are playing there? I love it!!
What's the name of the lick rob starts to play at 9:05?
I wouldn't use this unit for live work with a band, but for "direct recording" it would be great. I impressed with this unit. I have several excellent tube amps and a very good pedalboard for live playing so this would have a specific use.
15:07 Pete: "BOOST"
This might make a good blind-fold challenge. Bea/Pete/Josh create a few (clean, blues crunch, classic-rock, high-gain etc etc) on this machine, a Helix and a couple of other devices of this ilk, and Lee & Rob play them, with someone acommpanying on bass and a drumtrack, all playing through the monitors and they see what they think. You could then mix things up by adding a shaffordable valve-amp into each category (with a couple of stomp-box pedals too, for each if required) too, to see if they stand out as noticeably better for a simple-gigging environment.
It's amazing....love it
Christopher Walken! The best actor of all time! Gotta say rob you nailed the little pause he uses to deliver his lines. I knew instantly who you were referring to.
Best baddie ever in Sharpe.
Wow. The distortion sounds quite good. I was expecting rubbish..........
This is a very good Unit, tried it some time ago. Also is the first Multifx Pedal with 32 bit floating Point AD/DA Processing which helps = Crystal Clear Sounds, no Aliasing, enormous Dynamic Range and Reaction to your Playing. No Latency between Presets / has Effect Spillover.
But most of the Stock Presets are Overkill / Crap as usual.
Check out the Glenn De Laune GT-1000 Videos !
Don't judge by this Video, try it first hand with your Setup.
Wait until you tweak it yourself and add in your own IRs. It sounds way better with it tweaked and with an IR. I own one and it sounds better with the IR.
NO its not jealousy. I think the problem people have with Rob, and its an issue I have, is that he's a bit predictable in terms of his guitar playing and you know what you're going to get. Maybe if there was some variety in his playing rather than just shredding then I think people would maybe appreciate him more. I think Rob would be great fun though if you were having a night out with him in a pub as long as he left his guitar at home :)