Ahh, the rest of the story. We carried BHPs as our secondary arms in Afghanistan. And no, I'm not some badass... I was a random staff officer. While in KAF we'd store our primary long arms in a sea can. I visited the can one day to get my rifle for a visit somewhere. The yank on duty looked quite agitated and worried. He looks at me and says, "you guys use these like the Australians, right? How the hell do I drop the hammer?" I took the BHP from his unsteady hands, inserted a ballpoint pen to engage the mag safety and fired the action. "Mag safety," I said, "lots of guys just use their finger but mine aren't quite long enough". He looked so relieved... like he had somehow broken it. Next tour, clearing weapons before entering the helo hanger at Mazar y Sharif. I clear my rifle then switch to pistol. My pen is buried in my clothing so, after removing the mag and inspecting the chamber, I reinsert the mag and point the pistol into the clearing barrel. Just as I ease springs the German officer standing next to me, yells "no!" and makes a grab for me. Click. "Relax dude. Mag safety." I could have inserted a comment about how the collective German DNA should remember that from when they had the FN factory churning them out for them once Belgium was occupied in 1940...
Ahh, the rest of the story.
We carried BHPs as our secondary arms in Afghanistan. And no, I'm not some badass... I was a random staff officer. While in KAF we'd store our primary long arms in a sea can. I visited the can one day to get my rifle for a visit somewhere. The yank on duty looked quite agitated and worried. He looks at me and says, "you guys use these like the Australians, right? How the hell do I drop the hammer?" I took the BHP from his unsteady hands, inserted a ballpoint pen to engage the mag safety and fired the action. "Mag safety," I said, "lots of guys just use their finger but mine aren't quite long enough". He looked so relieved... like he had somehow broken it.
Next tour, clearing weapons before entering the helo hanger at Mazar y Sharif. I clear my rifle then switch to pistol. My pen is buried in my clothing so, after removing the mag and inspecting the chamber, I reinsert the mag and point the pistol into the clearing barrel. Just as I ease springs the German officer standing next to me, yells "no!" and makes a grab for me. Click. "Relax dude. Mag safety." I could have inserted a comment about how the collective German DNA should remember that from when they had the FN factory churning them out for them once Belgium was occupied in 1940...
Nice to know the real story! That makes perfect sense also. Audio is all jacked up though
Great scene no matter how it really went down.
Bad audio quality