You should disable the comments if you don't want Ukrainian people complaining and tell you the truth. Hidden the comments that are trying to correct you is just vain. Show some respect for the Ukrainian culture please.
You can use oatmeal flakes instead of flour. I usually use 1 pound of cottage cheese 5% fat, 1 egg, three table spoons of fine oatmeal, one tablespoon of flour, 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar (you can add a bit of vanilla sugar), 1/2 teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of melted butter optionally. Then I wet my hands in cold water, shape the syrniki, dip them in a little bit of flour and fry for about 7 minutes on vegetable oil. If you don't want them too brown, use the lid, and they'll come out more like steam-cooked. Sometimes I also add a couple spoons of water into the pan, but that's not always necessary. In my family we serve this dish with sour cream and/or sugarfree strawberry jam. Also I love the savoury version of the dish. No sugar, a tiny bit more salt and some garlic and greens (I love coriander leaves). The rest of the cooking is the same, but the taste is completely different. It's delicious, can be served with lettuce or broccoli, or cauliflower and sourcream.
Traducción: 0:00 SYRNIKI | PANCAKE RUSO CON QUESO Rinde de 9-10 pancakes Ingredientes: 0:17 700 g de Farmer’s cheese (queso tvorog) escurrido 0:20 1 huevo + 1 yema de huevo 0:23 1/4 taza (50 g) de azúcar 0:26 1/4 cucharadita de sal 0:28 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla 0:41 1/3 taza (42 g) de harina para todo uso 0:44 1/4 taza de pasas (opcional) 1:40 2 cucharadas de mantequilla o 2 cucharadas de aceite 2:32 Crema agria y mermelada o jalea para servir Direcciones: 0:17 1. Usando un colador de malla fina o una gasa, exprima la mayor cantidad posible de líquido del queso. Transferir a un tazón grande. 0:20 2. Agregue los huevos, el azúcar, la sal, el extracto de vainilla y mezcle hasta que se combinen y queden suaves. 0:41 3. Agregue la harina y las pasas y revuelva y combine (no mezcle demasiado). 1:08 4. Saque una porción de la masa, cúbrala con harina y forme una hamburguesa de 3/4 de pulgada (1,5 cm) de grosor. Cubra el exterior con harina según sea necesario para evitar que se pegue. 1:45 5. Caliente una cacerola/sartén grande a fuego medio, agregue mantequilla/aceite. 1:57 6. Freír los syrniki a fuego medio durante 3-4 minutos por lado o hasta que estén dorados. 2:32 7. Sirva con crema agria y jalea o mermelada.
Спасибо за внимание к русской кухне! Мы, русские, немного по другому делаем сырники, используем сухой творог, чтобы меньше добавлять муки. Я люблю сырники без сахара и муки, с бананом и кокосовой мукой. Жарю на сухой сковороде или немного смазываю кокосовым маслом.
А не поделитесь пропорциями? Я тоже стараюсь избегать большое количество сахара. Я живу в Италии, здесь сложно найти творог. Есть зернистый творог, кварк и рикотта. А с чем Вы их едите?
@@nataa8508 на 400 гр. творога, 1 яйцо, половину банана (размять вилкой), муки 3 ст.л.(я беру кокосовую и овсяную муку). Люблю их есть с сиропом топинамбура. Творог можно сделать из йогурта.
@@ВолшебнаяКулинария-о3й Спасибо большое за рецепт 👍Обязательно попробую. А сиропа топинамбура у нас к сожалению, нет. А можно еще и рецепт творога из йогурта попросить? 😊
@@nataa8508 Сироп топинамбура можно заменить медом. Как я готовлю творог: беру теплое молоко, добавляю в него йогурт перемешиваю и ставлю в теплое место на ночь. (на 1 литр молока уходит 100 гр. йогурта) Должен получится густой йогурт. Затем нагреваю его на медленном огне. Долго его нельзя варить, иначе творог будет резиновым. Должна хорошо отделится сыворотка. После этого отбрасываем творог на марлю.Даем стечь оставшейся сыворотке не более 2 часов.
@@ВолшебнаяКулинария-о3й Огромное спасибо 😊 Теперь попробую приготовить творог дома. А молоко можно из магазина или домашнее? Я как-то раньше экспериментировала с молоком из магазина и оно не закисало, значит в него что-то добавляют. Попробую еще раз по Вашему рецепту.
This is so wrong. I've come across a couple of videos of Western bloggers making cheesecakes that looked terrible, and I wondered why. Now I get it. They all watched that video. You don't need to mix the cottage cheese with a mixer, it loses all of its grainy texture. They shouldn't be spreadable. You don't need that much butter. Butter burns, it affects the color of the cheesecakes (they look burnt), the smell, and the taste. If you want a creamy flavor, it is better to fry them in a small amount of neutral oil, and after serving put a piece of butter on top. You need egg whites! The yolk alone will not hold the shape. One whole egg per 500 gramms of cottage cheese. 1,5 egg per 750 gramms of cottage cheese. And remember: less flour means better. You can use a table spoon of semolina and use less flour.
Hello from Russia! Thanks for having Russian recipes here on your channel! Syrniki are really tasty and healthy) Our kitchen is so rich and various, you ought to try other dishes!) Believe in you)))
Lorraine M, every European Delicatessen store in Canada carries this type of cheese. You could substitute with using Feta, Mascarpone, Dry Cottage cheese (creamy will be too runny).
Hi! Syrnyki is not a Russian recipe. It is Ukrainian. The main ingredient is SYR (farmers cheese). In russian farmers cheese is "tvorog". So from the name of the recipe we see the origin of the meal name
The Cooking Foodie.. Greetings to you from The Rookie Chef! Love your video and I will definitely use your ideas on my cooking channel.. great job.. keep up the good work my dear friend.. Stop by my channel sometimes.. Much love to you and everyone here! 💟
We used to call them tvorozhniki. But somewhere in 19th Ukrainian word "syrniki" became more popular. And now you cry that this is not a russian food. There weren't any ukraine even in plans, when russians ate their tvorozhniki.
Рецепт не русский, а украинский. Этот молочный продукт по -украински называется сыр, а по-русски - творог. Поэтому логично, что это украинские сырники. 🇺🇦
@@l3ddy не стоит придумывать ничего старославянского, пока есть народы и языки, которые имеют это слово в своих словарях. Все русское когда-то и где-то у кого-то украдено. Современный пример -- украинское зерно 😂😂😂
Блюдо белорусской, русской, украинской и молдавской кухонь в виде обжаренных лепёшек из творога и муки. Особенность рецепта - творог должен быть тщательно отжат и протёрт : чем лучше он отжат, тем меньше требуется муки для получения пластичного теста. В идеале - муки совсем чуть-чуть. Сырники совсем без муки, тем не менее, панируются и готовятся во фритюре.
It's not Russian! Russians is trying to steal even here😠 Oleksandr Lutsyk :" Hi! Syrnyki is not a Russian recipe. It is Ukrainian. The main ingredient is SYR (farmers cheese). In russian farmers cheese is "tvorog". So from the name of the recipe we see the origin of the meal name".
Honestly how rude can people be 😡 this lady does an amazing job creating this recipe. Wheather it is russian or ukranian please stop your negative comments and be kind, please!
What recipe should I make next?
Since you don't even know what you are talking about, absolutely none.
You should disable the comments if you don't want Ukrainian people complaining and tell you the truth. Hidden the comments that are trying to correct you is just vain. Show some respect for the Ukrainian culture please.
You can use oatmeal flakes instead of flour. I usually use 1 pound of cottage cheese 5% fat, 1 egg, three table spoons of fine oatmeal, one tablespoon of flour, 1 1/2 tablespoons of sugar (you can add a bit of vanilla sugar), 1/2 teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of melted butter optionally. Then I wet my hands in cold water, shape the syrniki, dip them in a little bit of flour and fry for about 7 minutes on vegetable oil. If you don't want them too brown, use the lid, and they'll come out more like steam-cooked. Sometimes I also add a couple spoons of water into the pan, but that's not always necessary. In my family we serve this dish with sour cream and/or sugarfree strawberry jam.
Also I love the savoury version of the dish. No sugar, a tiny bit more salt and some garlic and greens (I love coriander leaves). The rest of the cooking is the same, but the taste is completely different. It's delicious, can be served with lettuce or broccoli, or cauliflower and sourcream.
Thank u so much for this wonderful awesome recipe 😊👏
Rinde de 9-10 pancakes
0:17 700 g de Farmer’s cheese (queso tvorog) escurrido
0:20 1 huevo + 1 yema de huevo
0:23 1/4 taza (50 g) de azúcar
0:26 1/4 cucharadita de sal
0:28 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
0:41 1/3 taza (42 g) de harina para todo uso
0:44 1/4 taza de pasas (opcional)
1:40 2 cucharadas de mantequilla o 2 cucharadas de aceite
2:32 Crema agria y mermelada o jalea para servir
0:17 1. Usando un colador de malla fina o una gasa, exprima la mayor cantidad posible de líquido del queso. Transferir a un tazón grande.
0:20 2. Agregue los huevos, el azúcar, la sal, el extracto de vainilla y mezcle hasta que se combinen y queden suaves.
0:41 3. Agregue la harina y las pasas y revuelva y combine (no mezcle demasiado).
1:08 4. Saque una porción de la masa, cúbrala con harina y forme una hamburguesa de 3/4 de pulgada (1,5 cm) de grosor. Cubra el exterior con harina según sea necesario para evitar que se pegue.
1:45 5. Caliente una cacerola/sartén grande a fuego medio, agregue mantequilla/aceite.
1:57 6. Freír los syrniki a fuego medio durante 3-4 minutos por lado o hasta que estén dorados.
2:32 7. Sirva con crema agria y jalea o mermelada.
Not russian, but Ukranian.
Спасибо за внимание к русской кухне! Мы, русские, немного по другому делаем сырники, используем сухой творог, чтобы меньше добавлять муки. Я люблю сырники без сахара и муки, с бананом и кокосовой мукой. Жарю на сухой сковороде или немного смазываю кокосовым маслом.
А не поделитесь пропорциями? Я тоже стараюсь избегать большое количество сахара. Я живу в Италии, здесь сложно найти творог. Есть зернистый творог, кварк и рикотта. А с чем Вы их едите?
@@nataa8508 на 400 гр. творога, 1 яйцо, половину банана (размять вилкой), муки 3 ст.л.(я беру кокосовую и овсяную муку). Люблю их есть с сиропом топинамбура. Творог можно сделать из йогурта.
@@ВолшебнаяКулинария-о3й Спасибо большое за рецепт 👍Обязательно попробую. А сиропа топинамбура у нас к сожалению, нет. А можно еще и рецепт творога из йогурта попросить? 😊
@@nataa8508 Сироп топинамбура можно заменить медом. Как я готовлю творог: беру теплое молоко, добавляю в него йогурт перемешиваю и ставлю в теплое место на ночь. (на 1 литр молока уходит 100 гр. йогурта) Должен получится густой йогурт. Затем нагреваю его на медленном огне. Долго его нельзя варить, иначе творог будет резиновым. Должна хорошо отделится сыворотка. После этого отбрасываем творог на марлю.Даем стечь оставшейся сыворотке не более 2 часов.
@@ВолшебнаяКулинария-о3й Огромное спасибо 😊 Теперь попробую приготовить творог дома. А молоко можно из магазина или домашнее? Я как-то раньше экспериментировала с молоком из магазина и оно не закисало, значит в него что-то добавляют. Попробую еще раз по Вашему рецепту.
This is so wrong. I've come across a couple of videos of Western bloggers making cheesecakes that looked terrible, and I wondered why. Now I get it. They all watched that video. You don't need to mix the cottage cheese with a mixer, it loses all of its grainy texture. They shouldn't be spreadable. You don't need that much butter. Butter burns, it affects the color of the cheesecakes (they look burnt), the smell, and the taste. If you want a creamy flavor, it is better to fry them in a small amount of neutral oil, and after serving put a piece of butter on top. You need egg whites! The yolk alone will not hold the shape. One whole egg per 500 gramms of cottage cheese. 1,5 egg per 750 gramms of cottage cheese. And remember: less flour means better. You can use a table spoon of semolina and use less flour.
Hi 🥰
Very nice recipe 🤩
Simple 😉
Delicious 😋
Thanks for sharing 😊👍👍👍👍
One of the best recipe
The cakes look yummy thanks for sharing 👍 🥰
Wow! Great recipe for high protein breakfast😍😍😍
Thanks 😊
Обожаю сыоники!💖💗
Wow this is something I need right now
Looks delcious, thank you David.😘
This recipe is super yummy! Try it y'all!
Wow! I Love it❤️
Always simple❤️ delicious pancake😍easy recipe😊perfect and magnificient way of cooking🍱🥘🌯🥗
Blin that looks good
Another great recipe
I prefer syrniki with sour cream and grated cheese. No sugar and vanilla of course.
Why do I have a feeling that you might be a Russian speaker?
Don't mind me, great recipe, as always.
Looks tempting😍
Oh wow! I love pancakes... 😋😋😋😋😋😋👍👍👍👍👍👍 Your cheese pancakes taste so good... Great recipe.. See u next time... 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Excellent!!🎉❤ thsnk you!!!
Yummy always creative god give you health and wellness
Thanks for the best chef in the world
Thanks for all recipes 😘❤️🌹❤️❤️😘
My family loves these pancakes 😋
Yummy, thanks for sharing
I like it 🤩
Hmm🤔👀interesting? ok...🤗I’d try it ✅yum
What's farmers cheese? Like cottage or feta? Is it creamy or hard?
You can use cottage
Ricotta is a great substitute
It is hard, grainy, sour cheese.
Estupendo 😋😊
Looking good ☺️
Look so delicous!💗
Вместо муки добавляю манку😋
Bravo 🥰🥰🥰
What about yogurt in exchange for the sour cream?
So Chic 👍
Non baking powder needed ?
Where can I find that patty shaper
What brand of farmers cheese are you using for this recipe?
This food is actually Ukrainian, farmers cheese is what we called to fresh cheese.
@@marleneduarte43 agree 100%
Can I cook these in the oven instead of frying?
Yes, you can
Looks yummy! I recently ate something like that in my second vlog video. :)
first comment is mine🤗
I always cook this sa mga amo ko dito sa Russia🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
salted butter or unsalted?
Hello from Russia! Thanks for having Russian recipes here on your channel! Syrniki are really tasty and healthy) Our kitchen is so rich and various, you ought to try other dishes!) Believe in you)))
This is Ukrainian! Your country should stop stealing others countries culture, that's why you say "it's rich and various" 😂😂😂😂
Who is your inspiration behind this channel. ????
Süper 💯💯💯💯💯😊💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
not sure if l can make this with that cheese that l can't buy in canada
I saw this kind of cheese in every grocery store in Canada. If I am not wrong it's called cottage cheese.
Lorraine M, every European Delicatessen store in Canada carries this type of cheese. You could substitute with using Feta, Mascarpone, Dry Cottage cheese (creamy will be too runny).
Raisins, vanilla??????
It has nothing in common with russia. It's an authentic Ukrainian treat, even with a Ukrainian name.
Hi! Syrnyki is not a Russian recipe. It is Ukrainian. The main ingredient is SYR (farmers cheese). In russian farmers cheese is "tvorog". So from the name of the recipe we see the origin of the meal name
It is russian, in fact, why ukranians cannot stop claiming russian food as their, chill
Oh my god. Get over and eat your food, not playing idiotic linguistic game with eastern slavic food
Choose your battles, man. It's just a good recipe and both Russians and Ukrainians enjoy it.
There weren't any ukraine here when syrnyki arrived.
@@l3ddybecause it's our culture and food! But orcland only knows about stealing other countries consuetude and claiming as theirs.
Sirniki are NOT russian dish
What is farmers cheese…?
cottage cheese or curd
The Cooking Foodie.. Greetings to you from The Rookie Chef! Love your video and I will definitely use your ideas on my cooking channel.. great job.. keep up the good work my dear friend.. Stop by my channel sometimes.. Much love to you and everyone here! 💟
This is not a russian dish
Your one click can change my life😭😭😭.
Syrnyky is a Ukrainian dish, you can even see it by the name of the dish 🤦🏻♀️
Syr is for "Сыр" in Russian.
We used to call them tvorozhniki. But somewhere in 19th Ukrainian word "syrniki" became more popular. And now you cry that this is not a russian food. There weren't any ukraine even in plans, when russians ate their tvorozhniki.
Syrniki isn’t Russian it’s Ukrainian
They are eastern-slavic, not only Ukrainian. We used to call them tvorozhniki, but somewhere in 19-th century ukrainism "syrniki" became more popular.
This is a Slavic dish! Ukrainians have only lard, so be proud of lard! And you don't go into other dishes with your lard!
too much sugar, it'd be better off to fry both sides a bit and put them in the oven.
Гарантировано, все развалится при жарке. Никаких указаний к качеству творога
Syrniki are not a dish of Russian cuisine!
But they are, and you can't do anything with this fact
Hi 👋 are you doing
Рецепт не русский, а украинский. Этот молочный продукт по -украински называется сыр, а по-русски - творог. Поэтому логично, что это украинские сырники. 🇺🇦
Its russian, it old slavonic cottage cheese sounds as "sir"
@@l3ddy не стоит придумывать ничего старославянского, пока есть народы и языки, которые имеют это слово в своих словарях. Все русское когда-то и где-то у кого-то украдено. Современный пример -- украинское зерно 😂😂😂
Блюдо белорусской, русской, украинской и молдавской кухонь в виде обжаренных лепёшек из творога и муки. Особенность рецепта - творог должен быть тщательно отжат и протёрт : чем лучше он отжат, тем меньше требуется муки для получения пластичного теста. В идеале - муки совсем чуть-чуть. Сырники совсем без муки, тем не менее, панируются и готовятся во фритюре.
Ещё Украины никакой в планах не было, когда мы сырники ели.
It's not Russian! Russians is trying to steal even here😠
Oleksandr Lutsyk :"
Hi! Syrnyki is not a Russian recipe. It is Ukrainian. The main ingredient is SYR (farmers cheese). In russian farmers cheese is "tvorog". So from the name of the recipe we see the origin of the meal name".
There weren't any ukraine here when syrniki arrived
did u just called Ukrainian syrnyky russian?
They are eastern slavic
I know right, disrespectful af. And she doesn't even bother to correct herself. Awful.
Russian, indeed.
Russian cheese pancakes? Are you serious? Fu
Что вас смутило? Все правильно.
It may be a Ukrainian recipe....🤷♂️
@@CoughFee украинство головного мозга? Ой, всё.
Honestly how rude can people be 😡 this lady does an amazing job creating this recipe. Wheather it is russian or ukranian please stop your negative comments and be kind, please!
Such a rude comment - can't you be grateful for the nice recipe?