...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂.
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂..
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂..
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
ላሻግራችሁ, he means from life to death! Abiy is a bouncer at the devil's gate. Within the past five years, close to two million people have perished because of him.
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
መምህር እውነተኛ እንደ እርሶ ፈጣሪ ያብዛልን🙏💚💛❤🙏
Well said! This is the reality. Thank you telling us to be United and remove this dictator regime.
መምህር እባክወትን የኛ አባት የምንወደወት ስለ እውነት በመቆምወት ሁሌ እናመሰግናለን እገዛብሔር ያግዝልን። የ እርስወትን ክብር ስለ ኢትዪጵያ መታገልወት ስለ ኦርቶዶስ መቆም ስለሚያደርጉት ትግል አምላክ ይቁምልወት። እሁን ደግሞ ለአለም አሳውቁልን።። ለአለም ህዝብ ይንገሩልን። ያሰረዱልን።
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂.
መ ምህር ፋንታሁን ዋቄ የዘመኑ ጀግና ❤️✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
መምህር እግዚአብሔር እንደእርሶ አይነት ሰዎችን ያብዛልን ታሪክና ሃይማኖት አዋቂ:: እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን🙏
መምህር እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ፣ አምላከ ቅዱሳን ድካምህንና ሃሳብህን ውጤት ከኢትዮጵያ ትንሣኤ ጋር ለማጣጣም ይርዳህ፣ ዘርህ ይባረክ። የጠለቀ ትንታኔ ነው ።
እኔ በራሴ ምልከታና እይታ፣በእውነት እንደ ክቡር መምህር ፋንታሁን ዋቄ አይነት የእውነት እውቀት የገባቸው እና በፍትህ መርህ ሞጋች ሰዎች በጣም ከጥቂቶ አንዱ ናቸው❤
በጣም ክብር አለኝ
ረጅም እድሜና ጤና❤ ይስጣቸው
አሜን አሜን አሜን
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
አሜን አሜን አሜን
ትለያለህ ጀግና ክበርልን
መምህር እንኳን አደረሳችሁ አሜን ❤❤❤❤
መምህር ፈንታሁን ዋቄ የእውነት አምላክ እግዚአብሔር ያኑርልኝ ያክብርልኝ እንደርስዎ ያሉትን የከበሩ እንቁ አባቶችን ያክብርልን ያኑርልኝ ያብዛልኝ አሜን አሜን አሜን
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
ሰላም መምህር እንኳን አደረሰዎት።
ፍጹም ደስ በሚል አገላለጥ ነው የገለጡት የዚህን ክፉ ወንበዴ ወንጀለኛ ቡድን የገለጡት እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን አመሰግናለሁ
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂..
እግዚአብሔር ይመሥገን ላሻግራችሑ ሣይሖን እኔ ላጥፍችሑ ብሎ ነው የመጣው
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
ከመጠቀ አእምሮ ከሚገኝና በእውቀት ላይ ከተመሰረተ የሚገኘውን የሃገራችንን የፖለቲካ ምስቅልቅል ለዘመናት ባለማወቅም ተደናግሮ ይሁን በፍርሃት ተሸብቦ ላለው ሕዝባችን የሰጡትን ትምህርት በአንክሮ ካዳመጥኩ በኋላ ለእርስዏ ያለኝን ታላቅ አክብሮት ልገልጽልዏ እወዳለሁ፡ በመቀጠል ይህ መከራው አላልቅልህ ያለው ሕዝብ ከዚህ ትምህርት ወስዶና በፍርሃት የተሸበበትን ቋጠሮ በመበጠስ ለነፃነቱና ለክብሩ ይነሳል ብዬ ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ፡ በተረፈ አምላክ ለተጨቆኑ ሕዝቦች ኃይልና መከታ ስለሆነ ተራዳዒነቱን ይስጠን እላለሁ፡ መምሕር ፋንታሁን በድጋሚ አክብሮቴና ምስጋናዬ ይድረሶት።
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
መምህር ፋንታሁን ፈጣሪ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ 50 አመት ሙሉ ስቃይ ነው ግን ከወያኔም የባሰ ነው ብልፅግና በአፍው እየደለለ ህዝብ እየገደል ወንበርውን ማስከበር ነው ቁማርው አያልቅም ስለነሱ ማውራት ብዙ ይባላል ፈጣሪ ያገላግለን በቸርነቱ
መምህራችን ኸረ ሁሌም ኑ።
የዘር ፖለቲካ አፍንጫ ላይ በወጣበት ጊዜ ላይ በድፍረት ወጥቶ መናገር ወንጀል በሆነበት ወቅት ላይ እንደ መምህር ፋንታሁን ዋቄ የመሳሰሉ የኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ልጆች ወደ ፊት መምጣታቸው እጅግ በጣም ደስ ይላል።
ረጅም ዕድሜ ከሙሉ ጤና ጋር አብዝቶ ይስጥልን።
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂..
መምህር እግዚአብሔር እድሜና ጤናወትን ከነመላው ቤትሰበዎት ይስጥልን እርሰዎ እውነትና እውነት ነወት
መምህር የዚህን ጨፍጫናፊና ዘረኛ መንግሥት ሴራ ፍንትው አድርገው ያቀረቡት ትንተና ድንቅ ነው። ረጅም ዕድሜና ጤና ይስጥዎት።
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
Thank you MEMEHER Fantahun for truth explanation
መምህር ዋቄ አንተን የሚመስል ሰው ይብዛል ጤና እድሜ ሰላም ሰቶ ያኑርልን የኢትዮጵያ ትሳኤ ያሳየን ኡፍፍ
ይገርማል በጣም ሰፊና ጥልቅ ትንተና : የተንኮለኞችን ውሸት ያጋለጠ አመለካከት እግዚአብሔር ይባርክልን::
ከሁሉም በፊት እግዚአብሔር አምላክ በጤና በሰላም ያቆይልን እያልኩኝ ለመምህር ፈንታሁን "ኢሀደጋ ለሀገር ---" የተባለው ይፈጸም ዘንድ ለኢትዮጵያ ከተሰጣት እነቁ ልጆቿ አንዱና ዋናው ነዎት ማለት እችላለሁ ሁልጊዜ የሚያቀርቡት ሐሳብ እጅግ አስተማሪ ከመሆኑም በላይ እውነት እና እውነት ነው። ኢትዮጵያውያን ልብ ብላችሁ ተከታተሏቸው!!!!!
በርግጥ እውነትም መመምህር::
እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን::
ወድማችን እድሜና ጠና ይስጥልን ❤
ቃለ ሕይወትን ያሰማልን መቸም የዘመኑ የፖለቲካ መሪዎች ዕውነት ቢመራቸውም እንዲሰሙት ዕድል መስጠቱም መልካም ነው እግዚአብሔር ወደቀደመው የመተሳሰብ እሴታችን ይመልሰን ።
it is the 3rd time I listen to it, it is so true and 100% correct. Long, happy, safe and secure life for Fantahun Wake
ለውነት የቆምሰው እደዚህሰውየ አላየሁም እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልኝ አባቴ❤❤❤❤❤
❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ we love you.
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
God bless you memhir
You are absolutely right Memher!!
መምሕር በረከትዎ ይደርብን አንደበተ ጥፍጥ የማይሰለቹ አስተምሩን
መ/ር ዋቄ ፋንታሁን የያዝከውን ርዕስ በግልፅ፣ በዕውቀትና በዕውነት ሰለምታብራራ ሳላደንቅህ አላልፍም። ቸሩ እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ።
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
Ewenet new betam betru amelkaket gelesehewal megestnen tebeyewun
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
መምህር ፋንታሁን ዋቄ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልን! ኢትዮጵያ አንቱን የሚምስሉ 100 ዜጌች ቢኖሯት የት በተደረሰ ነበረ!
መምህር ፋንታሁን ዋቄ መድሐኒዓለም ይጠብቅዎት ይህ አምታች የአረመኔዎች አመራር እርስዎን እንዳያሳጣን ፈጣሪ ይሁነን
ትክክለኛ አገላለፅ
መምህር ፋንታሁን እባክዎ እንዴት እደማገኝዎ ይንገሩኝ በስደት ላይ እንደሆኑ አውቃለሁ ። ስለዚህ እኔም የምችለውን ትንሽም ብትሆን እገዛ ማድረግ እፈልጋለሁ በጣም አክባሪዎት ነኝ እድሜና ጤና ይስጥልኝ አቤል እባላለሁ ዴንቨር ኮሎራዶ
ሰላም መመሄር
እውነትና ሀቅ ሲነገር መስማት አይጎረብጥም!
እንደ ማር የሚጣፍጥ፣ እንደወተት ለስላሳ ነው።
ጎበዝ ሀገርህን ተነጥቀህ ስደተኛ እንድትሆን በተደጋጋሚ ነግረውሃል አሳይተውሃልም።
በቃችሁ ለማለት ማማጥ የለብህም አሁኑኑ ወስን!
Thanks a lot ❤❤❤❤
Memhra egzbher edmna Tena ystlen Ethiopia Agrcnen selam yamtlen eysus kerstos ymtalen na geta hoy
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
ከተሰረቀበት ቻናል ሄደን ብንመለከተው ለመምህር ትልቅ ድጋፍ ስለሚሆን በዚህ እንኳን እንተባበራቸው። ፍጡነ ረድኤት ደግሞ የሳቸውን ጥቅም ባታስቀር ባይ ነኝ። ይህ እንዲዳረስ ጥሩ ቢሆንም እሳቸውን ግን ልፋታቸውን ያለ ምንም ጥቅም እያስቀረንባቸው ነው። ኦርቶዶክሳዊነትና ስዝም ሰብዓዊነት ይባላል ቻናላቸው። orthodoxy and secular humanism
Thanks gagna nah barta
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
ወንድማችን ከተናገርከዉ ዉስጥ ዉሸት አላገኘሁም መፍትሄዉ በእጃችን ነዉ የወያኔ ድቃይ የሆነዉን ብልፅግናን ማሰናበት።
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the hip of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
መምህር የምመኘው ሃሳቦትን በሃሳብ ለመከራከር የሚመጣ የገዢው አካል ቢኖር ነበር። ምክኒያቱም ያኔ እውነቱ የበለጠ ይገላለጥ ነበር።
Melkam ሕማማት !
እግ/ር ዕድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ ምሁር ነን ባዮች ኢትዮጵያ ባላት አቅም አስተምራ ለአኑትታ አብቅታቸው እነሱ ግን እንደሰጎን አንገታቸውን አሽዋ ውስጥ ቀብረዉና ድምፅቸውን አጥፍቶ ሆዱቸውን ከሚሞለት መሀል ባለመሆንህ ምንኛ መታደልነው እኛም ኮርተንብሃል
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
ዋዉ በእውቀት የተቃኘ ምን አይነት አእምሮን የሚያጠግብ ትንታኔ ነው. ኢትዮጵያችን ሃያል እንድትሆን መቼ ነው እንዲህ ለሃቅ በሃቅ ለሰው ልጅ የምንቆመው።
እንደ ወገን ወገን ሰለሆኑ ሰምተናል ቡዙ ተናገሩ ሰለጡት መቆረጥ አብይ ለዉልቱን አልተከለዉም ሻቢያና ወያኔን ይጠይቁ መግለጫዉን የሰጠዉ ሀዉልቱን ካሰቀመጡ ቦሀላ ኤርትራላይ መግለጫ ሰጠ ከቻላችሁ ሀዉልቱን ማፍረሰ ሰታፈርሱ ቅድሰተማርያም በርላይ ያለዉ የዶክተር ጳዉሎሰ ሀዉልት ንም አፍርሱ እዛበር ላይ ያለቁትን የዩንቨርሰቲ ተማሪ አሰቧቸዉ የማርያም በር የተዘጋባቸዉ እሳቸዉ ፃድቅ ሆነዉ ነዉ ሲሆን መሰቀል ሣይሆን ይፍረሰ
ላሻግራችሁ, he means from life to death! Abiy is a bouncer at the devil's gate. Within the past five years, close to two million people have perished because of him.
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
እዚህ መግለጫ ውስጥ ደርጎች ኢሓፖዎች ጸረ ኃይማኖት ጸረ ኦርቶዶክስ ኮሚንስት ደርጎች ዘረኞች ተባብረው ነው ያወጡት እነዚህ ጸረ ኢትዮጵያ ጸረ ኃይማኖት ጸረ አማራ የሆኑት ስለተደመሩ ነው አሁን ላለንበት ክፉ ጊዜ ላይ የደረስነው ሁ ይህ የመለኮት እገዛ ከሌለበት ከባድ ነው ይህ የኢትዮጵያ የመጨረሻው ምዕራፍ ነው የዚህ መፍትሄ ደሞ ፋኖ ብቻ ነው
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
No word deffined your mind caliber , No one could deffend the truth you nsrrated about Ethiiopia Ethnic poletics fashism done by Abiy Ahemed.
Ati hattuu sobduu haxxee hoomtuu si hin dhaga'u yoo si laalan abbaa amanttaa fakkaatta garuu dhiphummaan keessaa kee guutee jira
Si hoomttuu sitti hin mul'atu kanaaf jibiinsi keessa kee guute
መምህር ባብዛኛው አማርኛ ተናጋሪ ነቅቷል፣በኦሮምኛ ህዝቡን ፕሮግራም አልፎ አልፎ እየሰሩ ህዝቡን ቢያነቁ፣እሳካሁን ለሚያረጉት እግዚአብሔር ያክብሮ።
ናና አሻግረና ቱሪናፋ ምቀኞች 😅
አለም የሚረዳዉ ኦሮሙማ ይሸነፋል።
አለምን የምታሸንፍ ኢትዮጵያ ብቻ ናት። ለማሪያም የተሰጠች አገር ናት። 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
ለዚህ ኖሯል ድንግልን ችላ ያሉት።
...The memhir is doing his best...we/me as an individual and group should ask the obvious question...what we/me can do at any level to put an end to the - GENOCIDAL Black MAFIOSOS -?? Unleashed by the DEAFENING SILENCE OF THE SO CALLED ~~silent majority~~...heading for his/hers demise - to the heap of ashe's of cold history😏😏😎😎😎🙂🙂
እውነተኛአ ስው ነክ
መምህር በንግግሮ ብዙ ግዜ ስለፕሮቴስታንት መልካም አይናገሩም።ጥላቻ አለዎት?? መጽሐፉ ጠላትህን እንኳ ውደድ እንደሚል ለርሶ ለመንገር የምበቃ አይደለሁም።
ያንተ አይነት ጠማማ ነው የኢትዮዽያ ነቀርሳ የሆነብን
ቆይ ግን አንተ ፆም እንኳ ይህን መርዝህን አያስታግስልህም እግዚአብሔር ይገስፅህ
መሪ አሻጋሪነው ወደሚቀጥለው ትውልድ አተ ጥላቻስላለብህ ሁሉነገር መቃወም ቢቻነው፣