Yeah that movie got me all excited but ended up letting me down. I wanted a fun heist like the Oceans 11 but instead it was 8 women with no flaws and no development who pull off a heist with no complications or throw offs. Its like everything had to be perfect and the women could make one mistake. Bummer too cuz these women are so talented and wouldve been great with a better story.
+mathew entson Kinda does though, its like he has no personality. How can he be the "purest" comic when he can't actually come up with a joke or be funny on the spot without reciting, nearly verbatim, his stand up jokes? Interview was pretty boring if you've watched his stand up before seeing this.
i've seen his standup. Yes, he used his own jokes. But that still isn't contrary to Jake Marsings comment, at all. "not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material." it's literally the definition of "pure". He is exactly what you're saying he isn't.
+mathew entson ok so dictionary says that. How about a more contextual definition then. Pure meaning he is good in all aspects of comedy. Nah, because he can't be funny on the spot judging from this interview. I disagree that he's a pure comic because of that.
A lot of people are pissing on comedians when they retell jokes, let me tell you a thing: If it works, it works. Not everyone will have heard a comedian before, and most change their acts when they go back to certain cities, but c'mon now, not everyone likes stand up, they like little snippets because they want short laughs. I personally find his jokes funny, New in Town is hilarious and I've watched it at least 4 times and still laugh...
Basilisk Ishikir No lie, if I ever do stand up, a large portion of my act would be how Stand up is the hardest entertainment business to get into. Musicians get to do cover songs, or whole albums, but comedians? Nooope. Ever seen a comedian do another comic's joke? They get called a theft or a hack!
Yeah that's what I don't get literally every single stand up comic, actor, or celebrity tells the same stories and anecdotes during every single press tour/stand up special tour. It's not like they are coming up with completely new material every single stop they make. That's like going to Les Miserables during Broadway on tour and being pissed because it's the same as the Les Miserables in New York.
GamerzNewb Comedians always re-use material. Only reason it's noticed now a days is because of how easy it is to record their stand up on cell phones and post it every where. It's hard work to constantly come up with something new all the time.
Morro Treece Yeah, I mean they're not just writing material for their own shows they have have to work in some capacity for the entertainment industry. Which at first involves putting yourself out there, getting rejected, getting the job, making a name for yourself, getting some on-screen credits, but most of the time to do what you want in entertainment after that it requires you to have money, and show business experience. Which is why a lot of comedians are also writers, and actors. Having acting chops is important if you're gonna be on stage.
Ocean's 12, 55% on Rotten Tomatoes. It kinda DO work Plus, it broke the opening weekend box office record of all the other Ocean's movies. So it REALLY DO worj
I used to think it was a cop out that he quotes jokes directly from his cd, but now I'm just impressed. It's the exact same wording, the exact same inflection, edited only to cut the not-safe-for-cable words.
@@vincentjames7210 ok, first of all, the hat fits. Second, why did you take that so personally and get so defensive? It's a good piece of conventional dressing wisdom.
I know Mulaney uses the same jokes but I sill love him. He's hilarious, in my opinion. Especially the xanx story. I died laughing at that one. I couldn't even tell it to my friends cause i'd was rolling on the floor laughing so hard. ^^ He's AWESOME! XD
1:01 sometimes i get offended when guys talk about how girls act with their friends, but then they bring up points like this and i just shut up 'cause i have literally done this before.
for people who dont know how comedy and writing works: every comic has their bit. they bring with them, its their show, its their resume. most characters on sketch shows are characters these people have been doing all their lives. now when it comes to stand up its like people say, its like a musicians set. they have a set of jokes for that particular part in their lives. whether theyre touring or compiling clips or making an album they do a certain set until they are ready to change it. obviously when you get bigger you have to create more and more but you also use what works. like songs we listen to over and over.
John Fitzgerald you must not be the brightest person. I’ll put it in a way that you can understand. Comedians use joke more time than one show, singer sing song more than just one show. Same thing.
@@devyn5174 my reply is a year late too but I completely agree. I used to get annoyed when seeing the same jokes too many times across different shows with comedians but this analogy puts it into perspective.
+Sluggz659 I loved Ghostbusters, if Ocean's Eight is going to be good like that I'll be very happy, and I'm sure it will, I mean, look at the cast they've got, it's amazing
haute03 oh my god get over it, their are actual things to be offended by, this is just a joke about stereotypes about women. it’s not sexist to create humor based on general assumptions about specific groups of people when it’s not overall negative.
It hurt when he said it; I'm conflicted, like I really like the dude and deep down you *know* he ain't really a sexist...but it still stings- Damn female oppression ruins everything 😑😞
Yeah, it really didn't. I really like the Ocean's movies and they work. Ocean's 8 is like they tried to recreate artificially Clooney and Pitt's characters and chemistry, but in the body of women. You see what they went for and the actresses aren't bad at all, but you can tell it's not natural. That's what killed it for me. That and the underwelming and generally bs story. Like, the stories from the other movies weren't even that good, how could they do worse ? Sorry for the rant, but what a waste of time and money to have seen that movie. Even 3 years later.
+Jillian Thornton Well... Yeah... It's part of the set he was currently touring with. You know comedians don't tell original jokes every time they go on stage, right?
I love character breaks on SNL. Some people think they ruin the skits, I think it makes them so much better. It's nice to see that the actors think the material is as funny as we do.
i remember seeing mulaneys comedy central special on in middle school as i was going to bed one night, and i literally could not stop laughing. TH-cam was kinda new back then so there weren't any vids of it up here but he had some damn good bits; the whats new pussycat on repeat in the diner was gold, and the subway at 2am was gold.
I love Mulaney, but I hate when comics tell their jokes in an interview (the comment about women trying to do a heist, "I love how you just wear anything"). He is hilarious, he should just be himself.
John Mulaney's been my favorite stand up comedian since I first saw him and Stefon is my favorite SNL bit of the past few years and only now did I learn that John Mulaney wrote for that.
I’ve been on a John Mulaney binge ever since I heard about the rehab and him getting clean. I’ve been trying to see if you could even tell if he was on something during some of these and honestly I think he hides it well but he does talk a little fast sometimes but that might be me just grasping at straws 😂
This guy is hilarious, I discovered him when his bits popped up on my Louis C.K. station on Pandora. I didn't know he was an SNL writer until just now!
I know this is an old clip and I've seen it a few times and whatnot, but it always, ALWAYS gets me when I see the two-shot of Mulaney and Conan. And hey, I KNOW Conan is a big guy, but in the two-shot it looks like Conan is normal sized and Mulaney looks, I dunno, as small as a six-year-old.
John Mulaney is a genius comedian. Going to see his new show tomorrow night at The Palace in Albany, NY I can't freakin' wait!!!! He's doing two shows at 7 and 9:30 pm..... the 7 pm show is sold out!!! We have excellent seats!!
Last time I had a sleepover, there were 7 FEMALES there, and the group almost automatically split in half. 3 went in an enclosed space in the basement to do cringe musical.lys almost all night, and the other 4 (including me) said aggressive stuff against them. Then we got together again and then all but me and my closest friend there went upstairs and sat in the hall leading to the bathroom, just wallowing in self pity. It was a fun night.
The fact he's responsible for Stefon makes him the greatest ever. And I love that he changes lines to crack up Bill Hader.
Oceans 11 wouldn't work with women.
Sandra Bullock: hold my beer
Yeah that movie got me all excited but ended up letting me down. I wanted a fun heist like the Oceans 11 but instead it was 8 women with no flaws and no development who pull off a heist with no complications or throw offs. Its like everything had to be perfect and the women could make one mistake. Bummer too cuz these women are so talented and wouldve been great with a better story.
That joke didn't age well, did it lol
It aged pretty well cuz that movie was garbage water lol exactly his point
It didn’t work...
Albino Cadillac and it turns out he was still right, you can’t make Oceans 11 with women.
I love watching this after hearing about oceans 8 haaa
Ashely Diaz cause how bad the movie was and how much they called it that it could never work? Cause it's right on point!
They just removed the 3 who would talk trash about the other 8, so now the movie can work
@@ЯрославКурганский-щ9щ It just proves that you only need 8 females to do the job that needs 11~13 males
@@DakinRinone Ocean's 8 broke the opening weekend box office records of all the other Ocean's movies
Technically Kate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock's characters did go off a lot to the side.
Mulaney is one of the purest comics working today. He can craft a joke like almost no one else.
Ya except some of the things he's saying are from his stand up rn
+Zazoo Flores No "except" about it. What you said in no way refutes what Jake Marsing said.
+mathew entson Kinda does though, its like he has no personality. How can he be the "purest" comic when he can't actually come up with a joke or be funny on the spot without reciting, nearly verbatim, his stand up jokes? Interview was pretty boring if you've watched his stand up before seeing this.
i've seen his standup. Yes, he used his own jokes. But that still isn't contrary to Jake Marsings comment, at all.
"not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material." it's literally the definition of "pure".
He is exactly what you're saying he isn't.
+mathew entson ok so dictionary says that. How about a more contextual definition then. Pure meaning he is good in all aspects of comedy. Nah, because he can't be funny on the spot judging from this interview. I disagree that he's a pure comic because of that.
Now they're REALLY making an all female Oceans 11
lmao yeah they are....
and it's gonna be iconic af and that's the tea
Yea 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Nicole Skye you mean ironic
Kenny Jones aka relientkenny because feminism
A lot of people are pissing on comedians when they retell jokes, let me tell you a thing: If it works, it works. Not everyone will have heard a comedian before, and most change their acts when they go back to certain cities, but c'mon now, not everyone likes stand up, they like little snippets because they want short laughs. I personally find his jokes funny, New in Town is hilarious and I've watched it at least 4 times and still laugh...
Basilisk Ishikir Cause you know, Singers never use material they done before....
Daniel Goodlin I know, that's the point! How can people complain when that's what entertainers do? Entertain.
Basilisk Ishikir No lie, if I ever do stand up, a large portion of my act would be how Stand up is the hardest entertainment business to get into. Musicians get to do cover songs, or whole albums, but comedians? Nooope. Ever seen a comedian do another comic's joke? They get called a theft or a hack!
Yeah that's what I don't get literally every single stand up comic, actor, or celebrity tells the same stories and anecdotes during every single press tour/stand up special tour. It's not like they are coming up with completely new material every single stop they make. That's like going to Les Miserables during Broadway on tour and being pissed because it's the same as the Les Miserables in New York.
Daniel Goodlin they rarely get called a theft.
This man is one I'd like to take to New York's hottest club "...... Kevin???"
I love Stefon.
No, *I* love Stefon
.........Kevin??? has EVERYTHING! Hot dogs, gucci bags, MTV's Dan Cortese....
New york’s hottest club is “YOUR MOTHER AND I ARE SEPERATING”
oh so this is the evil genius behind hader always breaking character while doing stefon! good bad man
I thank him for that. That benevolent devil!
aw cute, i think this was a couple of weeks after his first communion, he's even wearing the same suit
Did....did you almost verbatim steal his joke? Lol
The tall child with the feminine hips has grown up so much
@@sophieanders9788 gee, what an original reference 🙄
why is Barry Allen on Conan.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to think he looks Barry Allen-ish
He looks like Benny Allen, Barry's dopey cousin from midway city
I'VE SAID THIS SO MANY TIMES!! He looks like Grant and it cracks me up every time!!
he actually had a bit about that in his recent tour.
He fucked up the timestream AGAIN
John Mulaney uses A LOT of the same jokes from show to show to show I still think he's funny
oh thanks for explaining it I thought he was just reusing material.
Comedians always re-use material. Only reason it's noticed now a days is because of how easy it is to record their stand up on cell phones and post it every where. It's hard work to constantly come up with something new all the time.
Morro Treece
Yeah, I mean they're not just writing material for their own shows they have have to work in some capacity for the entertainment industry. Which at first involves putting yourself out there, getting rejected, getting the job, making a name for yourself, getting some on-screen credits, but most of the time to do what you want in entertainment after that it requires you to have money, and show business experience. Which is why a lot of comedians are also writers, and actors. Having acting chops is important if you're gonna be on stage.
He does that a lot on interviews because it works every time.
i doubt you are attending all his performances when he does just random drop ins to try out new material on a Tuesday night.
"that's why they haven't made that movie: it can't work!!"
damn that comment has not aged well
Ocean's 8, looks awesome
Ocean's 12, 55% on Rotten Tomatoes. It kinda DO work
Plus, it broke the opening weekend box office record of all the other Ocean's movies. So it REALLY DO worj
Ocean's 11, 82% on Rotten Tomatoes. wonder why you skipped you the original.
He was right , it didn't work. But widows recently came out so never mind.
bella pritchard I think it has aged amazingly 😂. If he told that joke now, it would be so great
What's ironic is that they're making an all female Ocean's 11 movie.
kyle o Trends. There's a trend right now in Hollywood that wants to push women everywhere. So every studio is jumping on that bandwagon at the moment.
+MisterCovek He's like some kind of savant - he had the Trump bit before it became relevant, and now this.
+MisterCovek Is it called " The Red Sea "?
+kyle o Because Hollywood ran out of original ideas 20 years ago.
Bill breaking character while playing Stefon is one of the best parts. John is spot on by doing that.
I used to think it was a cop out that he quotes jokes directly from his cd, but now I'm just impressed. It's the exact same wording, the exact same inflection, edited only to cut the not-safe-for-cable words.
Can't listen to him talk without hearing Andrew Glauberman.
That's weird I can't watch big mouth without picturing John Mulaney...
Why’d you say that
John baby un-button the jacket when you sit down kid
Tyler Masi and you get a hat that fits your head
I know; savage
He can't, he didn't iron out his shirt
@@vincentjames7210 ok, first of all, the hat fits. Second, why did you take that so personally and get so defensive? It's a good piece of conventional dressing wisdom.
I love that on TH-cam an argument can stretch out over 3 years
It's funny because this guy's actual speaking voice sounds suspiciously like Stefon's.
and his laugh sounds a little like Seth Rogen's
+Bob Snow No it doesn't.
"...I have to be unprofessional about this."
Spoken by any true comedian lol
7 years later and TH-cam decided it was a good recommendation.
I know Mulaney uses the same jokes but I sill love him. He's hilarious, in my opinion. Especially the xanx story. I died laughing at that one. I couldn't even tell it to my friends cause i'd was rolling on the floor laughing so hard. ^^ He's AWESOME! XD
1:01 sometimes i get offended when guys talk about how girls act with their friends, but then they bring up points like this and i just shut up 'cause i have literally done this before.
My boyfriend and male best friend met and they were weird around each other. In some ways, they still are. It’s not just ‘a woman thing’.
for people who dont know how comedy and writing works: every comic has their bit. they bring with them, its their show, its their resume. most characters on sketch shows are characters these people have been doing all their lives. now when it comes to stand up its like people say, its like a musicians set. they have a set of jokes for that particular part in their lives. whether theyre touring or compiling clips or making an album they do a certain set until they are ready to change it. obviously when you get bigger you have to create more and more but you also use what works. like songs we listen to over and over.
blah blah, I know everything, blah blah blah
John Fitzgerald you must not be the brightest person. I’ll put it in a way that you can understand.
Comedians use joke more time than one show, singer sing song more than just one show. Same thing.
I know it’s four years late but this was so well-worded and helpful!
@@devyn5174 my reply is a year late too but I completely agree. I used to get annoyed when seeing the same jokes too many times across different shows with comedians but this analogy puts it into perspective.
@@johnfitzgerald3887 exactly this 😂
That awkward moment when they're actually making a female Ocean's 11
persnickety99 found this in hopes someone else would also know
And it will be shite.
And he was right, it didn’t work. At all.
@@ThePerpetualStudent and it was
Now when ever Bill Hader cracks up as Stefon, I see, in his eye, a little twinkle, and laides and gentleman, that twinkle is John Mulaney.
It’s weird seeing John kinda before he properly “made it”. Now he’s one of my favorite stand ups of all time! 😂
He's actually one of the best standups of all time. He's brilliantly funny
Joke's on you Mulaney, they ARE doing female Oceans's Eleven lol
I bet it's going to that Ghost Busters movie.....remember that?
+Sluggz659 I loved Ghostbusters, if Ocean's Eight is going to be good like that I'll be very happy, and I'm sure it will, I mean, look at the cast they've got, it's amazing
Maria Luísa We'll see
And he's right that it won't work.
If I close my eyes, John's voice sounds like a mixture of J.D. From Scrubs and Ray Ramano😄
Gae Elle this is scary accurate
I thought it was zach Braff from scrubs on spiderverse
He was behind Stefon and Herb Welch. He's a walking legend. The greatest.
He and Bill also wrote Vince Blight the sadisitc game host of Whats That Name and other game shows on SNL. He is hilarious 😂😂😂
Thank you! I was wondering who made Bill break character like that in the Herb Welch sketches. Thanks for enlightening me.
John: "I don't want to make any generalizations about women."
John: *Makes a generalization about women*
LoverOfTheMusic99 this is what's called "joke"
As soon as he said that I was like "welp, I know where this is going." Haha sexist humor! IT'S SO MUCH FUN! 🙄
I was really looking forward to the rest of the video but didn't even make it past that part before my eyes rolled into the back of my head
haute03 oh my god get over it, their are actual things to be offended by, this is just a joke about stereotypes about women. it’s not sexist to create humor based on general assumptions about specific groups of people when it’s not overall negative.
It hurt when he said it; I'm conflicted, like I really like the dude and deep down you *know* he ain't really a sexist...but it still stings- Damn female oppression ruins everything 😑😞
The only person who can make Bill Hader
laugh harder, than when Bill Hader
makes Bill Hader laugh,
is Bill Hader.
"Oceans 11 with women wouldn't work."
*Oceans 8 comes out 6 years later*
Joi Long and it didn’t work
@Paulonbass75 it really did lol
John: “oceans 11 with women wouldn’t work”
Sandra bullock: “challenge accepted”
Aaaand it didn't.
Yeah, it really didn't. I really like the Ocean's movies and they work. Ocean's 8 is like they tried to recreate artificially Clooney and Pitt's characters and chemistry, but in the body of women. You see what they went for and the actresses aren't bad at all, but you can tell it's not natural. That's what killed it for me. That and the underwelming and generally bs story. Like, the stories from the other movies weren't even that good, how could they do worse ?
Sorry for the rant, but what a waste of time and money to have seen that movie. Even 3 years later.
Highlights of this interview: John's bizarre, anxious finger rubbing at 2:21 and Conan's at 2:39
+jope7 lol
+jope7 Oh my goodness. Mind= blown!
That's just the sexual tension
jeez, it's called an ITCH, guys. Chill.
I’m...confused that you caught that
that whole thing about women was word for word from his stand up
Dude I thought it was just me who noticed
So was the whole act he did before the interview, man. Lame
+Jillian Thornton Well... Yeah... It's part of the set he was currently touring with. You know comedians don't tell original jokes every time they go on stage, right?
Robin Bat
but they usually try to rephrase it or just say one little part, he said the entire story word for word
I love character breaks on SNL. Some people think they ruin the skits, I think it makes them so much better. It's nice to see that the actors think the material is as funny as we do.
His suit is making me anxious!! Unbutton that button bro!
keep in mind at the time that special wasn't out yet. so that was a fresh joke
I loved Stefon on SNL. And oh my god, I didn't know that he wrote for him!! Now I understand why john's standup is so funny!
He is one of the funniest people alive.
I think he's directly quoting his stand-up.
All comedians do this.
John Mulaney destroys Ocean's 8 before it even exists
To think “my girlfriend works at yoshinoya beef bowl” came from that guy.. unreal comic talent
Conan appreciates Mulaney’s comedic sense. It’s fun watching Conan geek out about comedy.
i remember seeing mulaneys comedy central special on in middle school as i was going to bed one night, and i literally could not stop laughing. TH-cam was kinda new back then so there weren't any vids of it up here but he had some damn good bits; the whats new pussycat on repeat in the diner was gold, and the subway at 2am was gold.
This guy is a legend!! Real comedy genius.
I love Mulaney, but I hate when comics tell their jokes in an interview (the comment about women trying to do a heist, "I love how you just wear anything"). He is hilarious, he should just be himself.
"you can't do an Ocean's Eleven with women because the other two would break off to talk trash about the other 9" BEST QUOTE lmao
john mulaney really looks like a john
John Mulaney's been my favorite stand up comedian since I first saw him and Stefon is my favorite SNL bit of the past few years and only now did I learn that John Mulaney wrote for that.
They're actually making a new Ocean's movie with an all female cast.
I’ve been on a John Mulaney binge ever since I heard about the rehab and him getting clean. I’ve been trying to see if you could even tell if he was on something during some of these and honestly I think he hides it well but he does talk a little fast sometimes but that might be me just grasping at straws 😂
oh dear, he almost predicted the new Ocean's Eleven spin-off
"I detect some truth"
"Ice T *IS* on SVU.
This guy is hilarious, I discovered him when his bits popped up on my Louis C.K. station on Pandora. I didn't know he was an SNL writer until just now!
He's one of my favorite stand-ups. I've listened to his albums so many times that I've memorized some of his jokes
I love listening to all of his interviews cause I've heard half of the things he says on his specials
Off screen narrator: Little did John Mulaney know about what was to come
I know this is an old clip and I've seen it a few times and whatnot, but it always, ALWAYS gets me when I see the two-shot of Mulaney and Conan. And hey, I KNOW Conan is a big guy, but in the two-shot it looks like Conan is normal sized and Mulaney looks, I dunno, as small as a six-year-old.
I like Conan's hair like this: slightly de-poofed with long sideburns.
1:38 that picture scared the bejesus out of me, then made me laugh
I’ve listened to New in Town so many times that i knew right away when he started quoting it word for word
This boi is literally just quoting one of his specials on Netflix. I love him.
he looks like he came from a normal rockwell painting.
As opposed to those abnormal rockwell paintings? :)
haha i mean norman! normannnn.... my bad :P
2:51 lol I did not realize there were other people in this interview and it I was shook
He's just did his act from new in town
Somehow he makes the exact same bit nearly word for word and I still love him
hes so young and pretty in this interview
omfg mulaney does stephon thats amazing my two favourite things
And here we are… they are making Oceans 8
1:30 Conan:"it's why they haven't made that movie it won't work!
Sandra Bullock: Hold my beer
1:21 and then they did
Haha, I love Taylor Negron, especially in "The Last Boyscout" as the villain.
aw...almost word for word from one of his bits.
"Ocean's 11 with women wouldn't work"
Sandra Bullock: Hold my beer.
Rotten Tomatoes: Eh, 69%.
He really needs to get an HBO special already, it is long overdue
Well he has 3 Netflix’s specials rn sooooo.
John Mulaney is a genius comedian. Going to see his new show tomorrow night at The Palace in Albany, NY I can't freakin' wait!!!! He's doing two shows at 7 and 9:30 pm..... the 7 pm show is sold out!!! We have excellent seats!!
hes a writer for snl? he looks young
He's actually 31, but he does look young.
John Cope-Flanagan "That tall child looks awful. Get some rest tall child! You can't keep burning the candle at both ends!"
John Cope-Flanagan he looks like if they took a picture of him when he was a little kid and they just yellowed the teeth and put bags under his eyes
John Cope-Flanagan
what do expect 31 year old to look like? Grey hair, saggy skin, and wrinkles?
byrdstorm7 He's like a dog without a horse!
John Mulaney predicted oceans 8 would suck lol
Well ironically ocean's eleven is being remade with women. Psyche
Fuzzymoon Beam it sucks balls so corny
"On CD and DVD" that's when you know it's old
Yeah this is directly from his standup lol :P I actually quote this one a lot :P
I love how, instead of doing an interview he just goes onto Conan and retells his skit😂👏🏼
R.I.P., Taaaaaaylor Negron.
LOL...I knew it, I Knew they were changing stuff live on the show....awesome!!
Oceans 8 was announced. All women.
Stephon is the best SNL character for the last 2 decades...
Mulaney looks like he could be the love child of Seth MacFarlane and Elvira
I love that he just did the bit from his stand up ❤️
That friend’s name.
“Olivia munn”
Ouch 😂😂😂
one of my favorite comedians
He's going to be as big as Seinfeld in ten years.
This man called it 100%
Last time I had a sleepover, there were 7 FEMALES there, and the group almost automatically split in half. 3 went in an enclosed space in the basement to do cringe musical.lys almost all night, and the other 4 (including me) said aggressive stuff against them. Then we got together again and then all but me and my closest friend there went upstairs and sat in the hall leading to the bathroom, just wallowing in self pity. It was a fun night.
That’s all pre teen sleepovers with 7 kids. Don’t let him persuade you in putting every childhood event into a sexist context
0:58 "Ocean's 11 with women wouldn't work" how right you were john 😂
I wish I'm as funny as John Mulaney. I'm so jealous.
that comment just made you funnier
im noticing that in a lot of random clips, time olyphant is just casually chilling in so many of the interviews
Yea, this is straight from his act
A lot of other comedians do it too.
Lmaoooooo John here almost predicting the future correctly but fails because he’s John Mulaney