(imo) the best years of SNL was when Seth was head writer The whole cast was clearly having so much fun, it really came through love Samberg's Digital shorts - think I've watched Great Day, Dear Sister and Doppelganger at least 20 times just watched Doppelganger again Meyers screaming "take the shot!" into Forte's ear cracks me up
@@stevenmathews7621 If you watch the SNL documentary by James Franco, the BTS is so insightful on their camaraderie, the table reads and how Seth just stepped in to improve & elevate the sketches without stepping on any toes without being condescending to anyone involved. It's amazing and really shows how lucky SNL was to have Seth serve as head writer.
there is always SO much joy in watching any of the combo of Hader/Meyers/Samberg/Mulaney talk with each other. The vibes of joy and comradeship and "survived the trenches together" and comedy genius. Love it
The wedding of Seth & Stefan was on of the most historic episodes on SNL. The brilliant of having all the weird & wonderful characters they they talked about appear in the church...the costume & makeup genius...the perfect cameos. AND, it was tender & sweet. Love these two men & their friendship.
Bill Hader will go down as one of the best writers of our generation. Not only is he a comedic genius, he can also create something as deep and crushing as Berry.
There's no close 2nd place. From the actual writing, to the mix of loving disdain for his writers' bad jokes (Inspections!) to Corrections, along with 2-3 weekly political A Closer Looks that are in oar or better than John Oliver's weekly episode... There's no one close to Seth. Also, best interviewer.... Day Drinking.... Wally getting reps.... Late Night; Last Week; and Some More News are top 3.
the video alone was a pleasant surprise- the fact that it's half an hour long is even better. is so nice seeing how highly they talk about each other, especially bill talking about how much seth has taught him and how he uses what he learned from him to this day. you can see a very genuine care and love for each other.
Exactly. It was so good to see Bill acknowledge how much influence Seth has had on him, and how much he has learned from him, and how he uses those skills to this day for his other projects and how it's part of his work ethic. And then to see how proud Seth is, of how far Bill has come and grown into his role as a showrunner, writer and director, with his own distinctive style. What a wholesome conversation to witness. We've had them both in our lives for such a long time, it feels like they're our long-time friends. I'm so proud of both of them.
Bill Hader’s laughter is contagious. Both of them are Masters of their Art form. Btw everyone remembers the one true SNL wedding in all its glorious details.
Post-COVID Seth is so charmingly loose and comfortable letting the seams show, nodding to the writers and Wally, and riffing when the jokes or graphics don't land. It's delightful when he cracks himself up, and the studio audience clearly enjoys being in on the moment. Ironically, he's doing more acting, improv, impressions and accents than he did on SNL.
I've heard that hat on a hat story so many times but Seth cracking up throughout and his addition of the mad libs quip setting Bill off really made this version extra hilarious. Love these two! And their numerous impressions of Forte 😅
The audio mix was outstanding on Barry throughout, particularly the last season but every season was killer. Give those sound designers and mixers awards!
Thank you for your comment, as I know my son ~ who not just "notices" the contribution of the audio to his most beloved movies and video games but LAVISHES and DELIGHTS in how the audio component ~ intensifies the EMOTIONS he feels during that initial (and subsequent) viewings and/or replays. I love good writing, and in particular love the emotional intensity inspired by the visual components of artistic works...I eagerly embrace the "suspension of disbelief" during an initial viewing experience such that I give little thought to such details in those moments...but I love our daily conversations as his passion about such facets which excite HIM is INFECTIOUS. I LOVE to rewatch movies and his input, perspective and appreciation of such facets ~ facets of the whole which I tend to gloss over during my first viewing ~ (as such an analysis would tear me out of the suspension of disbelief and NERF my intense enjoyment of the emotions evoked by visual...beauty) thereafter GREATLY ADDS to my appreciation of the work. I make a conscious choice to NOTICE how the audio adds to the whole and my love for such works doubles and redoubles. I have yet to rent or buy Barry as I am waiting for a boxed set as I love the "bonus material" included in such formats. YOUR COMMENT makes me really happy as, knowing my son, he will likewise ADORE such details during our inaugural viewing of this work. Our differing "viewing styles" do not diminish our respective enjoyment of that magical initial viewing experience as a detailed discussion about such things ~ in the moment ~ would detract from our respective enjoyment....yet I feel the surges of utter JOY he feels ~ in the moment ~ and I KNOW he is enjoying something which I am oblivious to....but which we WILL discuss in the wake of the viewing experience. In my entire lifetime, I've not had a FRIEND who loves movies as do I and it delights me no end to discover that my own son has such a passionate love for the games and movies he loves...and that his perception of WHY such works evoke such intense emotion (in large part the AUDIO contribution) is an ongoing delight. It delights me that the science behind exercising and movement for increased health span and a reduction in all cause mortality and mental degradation as one levels up in life is SOLID...and it's a fact that one is most likely to invest the time if one exercises and WALKS (zone ii cardio) WITH those people you LIVE WITH. He began walking with me because I was dangerously ill and weak at that low point in my life and prior to our daily walks....I had NO CLUE about his passion for many of the topics we now discuss daily. His emotion was infectious and I'm so filled with gratitude that he still loves our daily walks as ~ although I have loved this kid since he was Itty bitty ~ I love him MORE because of the conversations we have some three decades later. He's going to love Barry, I just know it.
Seth is so underrated comedically. All the late night guys did a podcast during the writers strike to raise money for their writers and Seth was the funniest of them. wish that was still going on it was so good.
So great to see them together again :) I would’ve loved to see a Seth cameo in Barry, sad it didn’t happen. I hope they collaborate again sometime soon!
These 2 have brought me so much joy and laughter over the years. Seeing the love and respect they have for each other as professionals and close friends is so sweet. Great example of healthy male friendships too❤
I think every actor interview I’ve seen, who got their start in improv, discuss their cherished lasting friendships from those days. It seems to bond people in a way that’s unique and seems beautiful, and that’s a really lovely thing to witness. These two are so comfortable and genuine in their appreciation for each other. Great video!
Good Lord, I loved this. I’m such a fan of Bill & Seth, I cannot tell you how much I love them more. Barry is my ALL TIME FAVORITE show. So good. I’m so bummed it’s over.
Wow! Thank y’all so much for this! I have been missing Seth soo much and Bill is one of my fave people! We can only hope to have such good friends in life.💜
The best thing about a video like this is it makes you understand that you will never have experiences like that, you will never have friendship like that, your own life will never have that much value, and you are nobody. Thanks, Bill and Seth.
The funniest part of this interview to me was when Seth was talking about crying on the SNL stage with "Stefon," but was worried at the same time if he'd be crying in front of his new wife at their upcoming wedding.
bill hader, seth meyers, and john mulaney are forever my holy trinity of older white comedians. could spend hours watching them talk about literally anything and be endlessly entertained.
I will be so very happy when the Writers Guild gets what they need. So much has been going on we need Seth back!!!! He gets me in a good headspace every night he is on the air. Late Night is a need in my house.
Seth may have had a hand in taking SNL from toxic & competitive to collaborative & supportive. I of course, don't know this for a fact, but it's a feeling I get. Maybe that SNL era was where everyone respected each other & worked well together but, I can't help but feel that Seth would have been a calming, balanced presence. For me, these were the best SNL years & best ensemble ever. Just my opinion.
The interesting thing about "hat on a hat" is Dan Kwan (EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE) was at a round table with other directors (well, maybe it was writers, but most of them also directed). And he talks about hat on a hat, but instead of that being a bad idea, he wanted to see how far it would go, and they brought up the example of a turducken. One of the others said "Is that a thing?". I think Jordan Peele was also at this round table. I could be wrong as I've seen a lot of Kwan interviews.
omg I needed this sooo much.... I miss these two more than words can express honestly ... even though Barry just ended. Those two in the comedy realm working together is something we will never have again and it makes me so sad!!😢😢😢❤❤❤
Love this conversation between 2 of my favorite SNL alums so much. I wholeheartedly believe that the "hat on a hat" thing made such a huge impact on Bill because not only has he told that story soooo many times, he actually included it in a dialogue in Barry.
Omg I love this video, I think they're really remarkable in their field, and astonishing as they move forward, excellent writers. Barry was an amazing series which deserves more recognition and late night is one of the most natural night shows, they are so great
thanks algo for bringing me this goooold. been missing Seth since the strike (solidarity for the writers!) also, not trying to be weird here but I really love getting to see two dudes being sweet and kind to each other, like, the wholesome masculinity is truly beautiful to behold. :) also also, Barry was amazing I'm so sad it's over but the ending was perfect! duh, got carried away about the sweetness
This is the BEST!!! I smiled all the way through... Engaging and entertaining just listening to them chitty chat with one another. Future podcast.... maybe??!!! ✨😊
So Seth brought out the warmth and goodness in all of the writers of SNL during his era. He elevated the ideas and comedy and camaraderie. He built a team of excellent performers who all went out and succeeded. So he is the original Ted Lasso? Jason had to be inspired at least in some part by Seth. That is absolutely beautiful, as I love both of them to the moon!
Thanks you for this! Barry ended and Seth hasn’t been on in over a month because of the strike and I miss both of them quite a bit. I’m especially sad there’s no closer looks this week because Seth’s trump impression is hilarious. It’s not the most accurate when it comes to sounding exactly like him but Seth has his mannerisms and his bizarre stream of consciousness rants down pat. The “big strong guy, tears in his eyes” bit is so funny. Hopefully the studios agrees to pay writers what they’re worth soon and I’ll get my show back.
I really appreciate that Seth is politically outspoken on his late night show. He has a huge platform and doesn't miss the chance to do good things with it.
The episode of Barry I think season 2 ep 5, where Barry has to deal with the karate master & his feral daughter is the funniest 30 minutes of tv I’ve ever seen.
This is an absolute masterclass of monotone critiques on your own work. Great job, guys. It's amazing how they both sound like they don't care and that they care about any of it. Peak acting.
I will never understand why more people didn’t love the fart face sketch. My husband and I watched it live and were DYING laughing at home. Still one of the ones i go back to watch when I’m needing a good laugh
John Mulaneys voice is all over this. Bill and Seth say, ‘It’s like that thing…..’. Love that ❤Real friends pick up each other’s affectations. This thing had everything 😹
This is one of my most favorite videos ever, it's like 30 minutes of Bill and Seth telling each other everything I'd like to say to them
the best years of SNL was when Seth was head writer
The whole cast was clearly having so much fun,
it really came through
love Samberg's Digital shorts - think I've watched Great Day, Dear Sister and Doppelganger at least 20 times
just watched Doppelganger again
Meyers screaming "take the shot!" into Forte's ear cracks me up
Is it LIKE that or is it just that?
@@stevenmathews7621 If you watch the SNL documentary by James Franco, the BTS is so insightful on their camaraderie, the table reads and how Seth just stepped in to improve & elevate the sketches without stepping on any toes without being condescending to anyone involved. It's amazing and really shows how lucky SNL was to have Seth serve as head writer.
Exactly this
Well said
there is always SO much joy in watching any of the combo of Hader/Meyers/Samberg/Mulaney talk with each other. The vibes of joy and comradeship and "survived the trenches together" and comedy genius. Love it
Add Fred Armisten -- the interview with Meyers, Hader, and Armisten at the 92nd Y about "Documentary Now" is just hilarious.
The wedding of Seth & Stefan was on of the most historic episodes on SNL. The brilliant of having all the weird & wonderful characters they they talked about appear in the church...the costume & makeup genius...the perfect cameos. AND, it was tender & sweet. Love these two men & their friendship.
Precisely.. it transcends something great and makes it even greater...ultimately becoming pure magic.
How did I miss this!?!?!
Especially the random Anderson Cooper cameo lol
And Stefons brother too was there, iconicc!
@@LeniTjahjadiWho is Stefons brother?
With Barry concluded and Late Night on hiatus, seeing Bill and Seth together chatting was more than a pleasant surprise. Thank you.
Bill Hader will go down as one of the best writers of our generation. Not only is he a comedic genius, he can also create something as deep and crushing as Berry.
(As Henry Winkler) *I'M* Barry?
I love the way Seth looks at Bill. It seems like they truly admire and enjoy each other's talents.
Yeah you can tell how much he truly cares about Bill. He looks at him with pride and maybe a hint of concern in his eyes. A true friend.
Barry is one of the best series I've ever seen. The finale was something else dude.
Yeah I had an "Oh, wow" moment during the finale for sure.
Oh wow!
Man, I'm so behind; I haven't even seen it, yet!
seth has become my absolute favorite late night host over the past couple years. guy is so funny
There's no close 2nd place. From the actual writing, to the mix of loving disdain for his writers' bad jokes (Inspections!) to Corrections, along with 2-3 weekly political A Closer Looks that are in oar or better than John Oliver's weekly episode... There's no one close to Seth.
Also, best interviewer.... Day Drinking.... Wally getting reps....
Late Night; Last Week; and Some More News are top 3.
@@redolentthought7085yeah it's Seth, Colbert/Oliver and then who cares after that
Mine as well
Idk, I love Seth as a comedic writer and actor, but personally I think Conan was GOAT 🧡🐐
@@jennymulinaro6036 oh for sure
the video alone was a pleasant surprise- the fact that it's half an hour long is even better. is so nice seeing how highly they talk about each other, especially bill talking about how much seth has taught him and how he uses what he learned from him to this day. you can see a very genuine care and love for each other.
Exactly. It was so good to see Bill acknowledge how much influence Seth has had on him, and how much he has learned from him, and how he uses those skills to this day for his other projects and how it's part of his work ethic.
And then to see how proud Seth is, of how far Bill has come and grown into his role as a showrunner, writer and director, with his own distinctive style. What a wholesome conversation to witness.
We've had them both in our lives for such a long time, it feels like they're our long-time friends. I'm so proud of both of them.
D E Lawrence :)
glad to see they're still happily married 😝
Bill’s laugh! He laughs with his whole soul! So infectious!
I never tire from hearing Seth talk about comedy and his career
Bill Hader’s laughter is contagious. Both of them are Masters of their Art form. Btw everyone remembers the one true SNL wedding in all its glorious details.
Post-COVID Seth is so charmingly loose and comfortable letting the seams show, nodding to the writers and Wally, and riffing when the jokes or graphics don't land. It's delightful when he cracks himself up, and the studio audience clearly enjoys being in on the moment. Ironically, he's doing more acting, improv, impressions and accents than he did on SNL.
i love how every chance Seth gets, he talks about Amy's Sarah Palin rap. you can tell it's truly one of the greatest things he has witnessed
I've heard that hat on a hat story so many times but Seth cracking up throughout and his addition of the mad libs quip setting Bill off really made this version extra hilarious. Love these two! And their numerous impressions of Forte 😅
'Mad Libs' was a writer's nick name. :)
The audio mix was outstanding on Barry throughout, particularly the last season but every season was killer. Give those sound designers and mixers awards!
Meanwhile this video I had to crank up to 100% to just barely hear what they are saying
Thank you for your comment, as I know my son ~ who not just "notices" the contribution of the audio to his most beloved movies and video games but LAVISHES and DELIGHTS in how the audio component ~ intensifies the EMOTIONS he feels during that initial (and subsequent) viewings and/or replays.
I love good writing, and in particular love the emotional intensity inspired by the visual components of artistic works...I eagerly embrace the "suspension of disbelief" during an initial viewing experience such that I give little thought to such details in those moments...but I love our daily conversations as his passion about such facets which excite HIM is INFECTIOUS.
I LOVE to rewatch movies and his input, perspective and appreciation of such facets ~ facets of the whole which I tend to gloss over during my first viewing ~ (as such an analysis would tear me out of the suspension of disbelief and NERF my intense enjoyment of the emotions evoked by visual...beauty) thereafter GREATLY ADDS to my appreciation of the work. I make a conscious choice to NOTICE how the audio adds to the whole and my love for such works doubles and redoubles.
I have yet to rent or buy Barry as I am waiting for a boxed set as I love the "bonus material" included in such formats.
YOUR COMMENT makes me really happy as, knowing my son, he will likewise ADORE such details during our inaugural viewing of this work.
Our differing "viewing styles" do not diminish our respective enjoyment of that magical initial viewing experience as a detailed discussion about such things ~ in the moment ~ would detract from our respective enjoyment....yet I feel the surges of utter JOY he feels ~ in the moment ~ and I KNOW he is enjoying something which I am oblivious to....but which we WILL discuss in the wake of the viewing experience.
In my entire lifetime, I've not had a FRIEND who loves movies as do I and it delights me no end to discover that my own son has such a passionate love for the games and movies he loves...and that his perception of WHY such works evoke such intense emotion (in large part the AUDIO contribution) is an ongoing delight.
It delights me that the science behind exercising and movement for increased health span and a reduction in all cause mortality and mental degradation as one levels up in life is SOLID...and it's a fact that one is most likely to invest the time if one exercises and WALKS (zone ii cardio) WITH those people you LIVE WITH.
He began walking with me because I was dangerously ill and weak at that low point in my life and prior to our daily walks....I had NO CLUE about his passion for many of the topics we now discuss daily.
His emotion was infectious and I'm so filled with gratitude that he still loves our daily walks as ~ although I have loved this kid since he was Itty bitty ~ I love him MORE because of the conversations we have some three decades later.
He's going to love Barry, I just know it.
What an excellent conversation between two extremely talented, likeable, hilarious, friends.
Great treat! Give the WRITERS what they want! This strike is killing me! I miss my Late Night! Thank you guys for this interview! It’s the BEST!
Seth is so underrated comedically. All the late night guys did a podcast during the writers strike to raise money for their writers and Seth was the funniest of them. wish that was still going on it was so good.
I finally understand why these are my favorite types of celebrity interview/talk show kind of segments-it's just nice to watch genuine friendship
It's Bill Hader's laugh for me. 😂😂😂 He gets so tickled.
Bill and Seth could BANK by having a paid subscription just to their normal friend convos 😂
They should do a podcast! It would be awesome
So great to see them together again :) I would’ve loved to see a Seth cameo in Barry, sad it didn’t happen. I hope they collaborate again sometime soon!
Dang, I never wanted this to end. Thank you for sharing this with us ❤
These 2 have brought me so much joy and laughter over the years. Seeing the love and respect they have for each other as professionals and close friends is so sweet. Great example of healthy male friendships too❤
This is proof that these two need to be on a podcast or on a show!!! They are both hilarious
I think every actor interview I’ve seen, who got their start in improv, discuss their cherished lasting friendships from those days. It seems to bond people in a way that’s unique and seems beautiful, and that’s a really lovely thing to witness. These two are so comfortable and genuine in their appreciation for each other. Great video!
Fart Face is an amazing sketch. The way those three played it, and Josh Brolin committing as hard as he did is just beautiful.
Good Lord, I loved this. I’m such a fan of Bill & Seth, I cannot tell you how much I love them more. Barry is my ALL TIME FAVORITE show. So good. I’m so bummed it’s over.
This talks about all the reasons I love Seth. Warmed my heart to hear them sharing and see their close friendship. Thanks for being so real Seth
Couldn’t be happier for the success these two have each enjoyed
This conversation felt like healthy, warm, comforting food for the soul, all that's missing is Andy Samberg now!
Seth seem to genuinely be a good guy.
I watched SNL with these guys when I was in high school every Saturday night. Such an amazing cast. Iconic sketches came out of that era.
CORRECTION: Your show is not disposable Seth. It has gotten so incredibly funny that I enjoy rewatching it regardless of the news having passed.
Oh you jackal you....
@@shariarrahman7562 and HE'S BACK, fellow jackal!! 😀🐾🐾
Wow! Thank y’all so much for this! I have been missing Seth soo much and Bill is one of my fave people! We can only hope to have such good friends in life.💜
My favorite bromance. Two buddies chatting it up and making each other laugh. There's gotta be some leftover footage.. let's see it.
... please.
This was, hands down, the best surprise. Love these guys and those early SNL stories man, just keep them coming .
Bill "Hader", it's pronounced Roth "Bader"... I lost it, so funny 🤣😂
I cracked up!
The best thing about a video like this is it makes you understand that you will never have experiences like that, you will never have friendship like that, your own life will never have that much value, and you are nobody. Thanks, Bill and Seth.
Two of my favourite entertainers in the world… I love them so much
The funniest part of this interview to me was when Seth was talking about crying on the SNL stage with "Stefon," but was worried at the same time if he'd be crying in front of his new wife at their upcoming wedding.
Well, that was wonderful. I could listen to these two brilliant guys for hours.
I've been missing Seth this past month and actually have been re-watching the Doc Now! panels... I NEEDED THIS 💕
bill hader, seth meyers, and john mulaney are forever my holy trinity of older white comedians. could spend hours watching them talk about literally anything and be endlessly entertained.
I will be so very happy when the Writers Guild gets what they need. So much has been going on we need Seth back!!!! He gets me in a good headspace every night he is on the air. Late Night is a need in my house.
Get yourself someone who looks at you the way Seth looks at Bill.
Seth may have had a hand in taking SNL from toxic & competitive to collaborative & supportive. I of course, don't know this for a fact, but it's a feeling I get. Maybe that SNL era was where everyone respected each other & worked well together but, I can't help but feel that Seth would have been a calming, balanced presence. For me, these were the best SNL years & best ensemble ever. Just my opinion.
this is very personal to me i love them both so deeply 😢
The interesting thing about "hat on a hat" is Dan Kwan (EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE) was at a round table with other directors (well, maybe it was writers, but most of them also directed). And he talks about hat on a hat, but instead of that being a bad idea, he wanted to see how far it would go, and they brought up the example of a turducken. One of the others said "Is that a thing?". I think Jordan Peele was also at this round table. I could be wrong as I've seen a lot of Kwan interviews.
This made my day! Two Brilliant, intelligent and hilarious friends chatting. Thank You!
omg I needed this sooo much.... I miss these two more than words can express honestly ... even though Barry just ended. Those two in the comedy realm working together is something we will never have again and it makes me so sad!!😢😢😢❤❤❤
Love this conversation between 2 of my favorite SNL alums so much. I wholeheartedly believe that the "hat on a hat" thing made such a huge impact on Bill because not only has he told that story soooo many times, he actually included it in a dialogue in Barry.
Omg I love this video, I think they're really remarkable in their field, and astonishing as they move forward, excellent writers. Barry was an amazing series which deserves more recognition and late night is one of the most natural night shows, they are so great
this was so lovely thank you!! love both these guys so much
thanks algo for bringing me this goooold. been missing Seth since the strike (solidarity for the writers!)
also, not trying to be weird here but I really love getting to see two dudes being sweet and kind to each other, like, the wholesome masculinity is truly beautiful to behold. :)
also also, Barry was amazing I'm so sad it's over but the ending was perfect! duh, got carried away about the sweetness
yes! nothing better than secure healthy masculinity
Yess! I was hoping there'd be a video of this. Love these two so much.
"Don't do the audience's homework" is great advice for writers.
So rewarding to listen to these two gentlemen have a conversation -- thank you❤
Holy shit, I'm calling it. Bill Hader's going to win an Oscar as Director in his lifetime.
15:56 I love the simultaneous Will impression!
I listen to every What Up With That sketch every single day at work it only takes like an hour. So freakin hilarious
There's this electric happiness between them, love it.
This is the BEST!!! I smiled all the way through... Engaging and entertaining just listening to them chitty chat with one another. Future podcast.... maybe??!!! ✨😊
When Bill falls through the floor in the Gray Gardens spoof, I lost it
So Seth brought out the warmth and goodness in all of the writers of SNL during his era. He elevated the ideas and comedy and camaraderie. He built a team of excellent performers who all went out and succeeded. So he is the original Ted Lasso? Jason had to be inspired at least in some part by Seth. That is absolutely beautiful, as I love both of them to the moon!
Two of my favorite entertainers/writers/thinkers. Can't ask for more, except, well, MORE!...
Love the respect and love they have for each other! Biil, Seth, and John Mulaney are the best Bromance trio!
Interview of the YEAR! Thank you The Wrap.
Thanks you for this! Barry ended and Seth hasn’t been on in over a month because of the strike and I miss both of them quite a bit. I’m especially sad there’s no closer looks this week because Seth’s trump impression is hilarious. It’s not the most accurate when it comes to sounding exactly like him but Seth has his mannerisms and his bizarre stream of consciousness rants down pat. The “big strong guy, tears in his eyes” bit is so funny. Hopefully the studios agrees to pay writers what they’re worth soon and I’ll get my show back.
Love love this. We need more seth and bill (and Fred armisen) together!
most important men in the world i think
I really appreciate that Seth is politically outspoken on his late night show. He has a huge platform and doesn't miss the chance to do good things with it.
Two brilliant men who I adore... thank you!!!! (This writer's strike is killing me! I need my LNSM!)
The episode of Barry I think season 2 ep 5, where Barry has to deal with the karate master & his feral daughter is the funniest 30 minutes of tv I’ve ever seen.
Yes, Bill Hader as director is beyond impressive.
I nominate Bill Hader Casey Kasem sketch for 2nd chance theater. I've heard him describe it in interviews and it sounds hilarious!
This was the fastest 30 mins I’ve watched in a long time! These two guys are great. Talented, funny, and seemingly kind!
I could listen to these two talk about SNL stories all day
This is an absolute masterclass of monotone critiques on your own work. Great job, guys. It's amazing how they both sound like they don't care and that they care about any of it. Peak acting.
I love them both so much
There's something powerful about genuine creative energy that supports all involved.
From beginning to end, Barry is brilliant. And I'm missing watching Seth Meyers every day...so glad to see this chat. Bring the writers back!
LOVE this. Does Bill's voice sound different to anyone else? Just me? Anyway... LOVE them.
I have the same admiration for bill hader as he has for keith morrison
God, I love these two guys...and when they're together, FULL BLOWN BELLY LAUGHS!! 😂😂 I really miss you guys 'playing' with each other like this.
Great discussion of the craft, and I love watching these two make each other laugh❤
Fantastic conversation! I could listen to so much more. Now do: Seth & Amy, then Bill & Fred!!! PLEASE😁
The look of admiration they give each other
I will never understand why more people didn’t love the fart face sketch. My husband and I watched it live and were DYING laughing at home. Still one of the ones i go back to watch when I’m needing a good laugh
The love between these two guys is so special. ❤
What a couple of encredibly talented, humble, hunky sweethearts! 😊
I love this duo!! Give them a podcast!
Just when I thought I couldn’t love or respect Melissa McCarthy more, I see this. What an incredible sport… I was literally crying with her.
How did I just land on this? Bill Hader is always funny but these two together is both funny and kind of sweet. I would just watch them talking.
bill hader seth meyers power duo
Unexpectedly nice! Thanks!
I can't wait till the writer strike is over and we can see Seth on a regular basis. Also really looking forward to what Bill is going to do next.
John Mulaneys voice is all over this. Bill and Seth say, ‘It’s like that thing…..’. Love that ❤Real friends pick up each other’s affectations. This thing had everything 😹