Vet assistant here. The number of angry cats we get in our clinic that turn into complete sweethearts after getting pain meds is astounding. Jackson's point about pain affecting your cat's behaviour cannot be stressed enough. If your cat's suddenly acting funny, always go to the vet first!
The vet made me fill out a form demanding my DOB as "DEA required" WTF does the DEA NEED my personally identifiable info one one sheet of paper to get veterinary care for my cat? "Hee- hee well that's for 'opiates.'" The DEA believes I'm using MY CAT to doctor-shop for opiates? You are gleaning an identity theft database demanding my date of birth before you even examine my cat! Now the scum janitorial service and all employed can go to town. "Oh Goodness, NO! Nobody (except our crooked employees and vets) will see this cause it's confidential. You KNOW that you'd NEVER prescribe my cats pain meds! Dear God, not opiates!!!
@lau S, I don’t know what your problem is dude, but I’d say it’s probably got something to do with you trying to get opiates for your “cat”. The people who work at or for and who are vets aren’t crooked, you flipping weirdo. 🙄
@phil donahue This is not veterinary advice, but... If you're able to, get them both checked out by a vet. It sounds like you got a pretty good idea of what Baby's normal behavior is - any deviation from the norm is worthy of a vet visit, even if the vet just tells you that nothing is (medically) wrong. Then you can go on and look at any behavioral issues. Getting Max neutered is likely a good idea, regardless of whether or not it's the root of Baby's problem. This is especially important as you're letting your cats out - while a neutered male cat will still likely fight in order to protect himself and his territory, intact males roam further afield in their search for a mate, and thus tend to have larger territories, leading to increased chances of fighting. The fights can lead to certain diseases being transferred to your cat (especially if they're not vaccinated), and the deaths they face are honestly long, slow, and painful. If Max contracts an especially contagious disease through fighting (panleukopenia is a big one!), there's a very, very high chance that he'll pass it on to Baby (even if Max and Baby don't fight), and then you'll be faced with having to either pay a very expensive vet bill, or euthanasia. Neutering also means you'll be reducing the chances of him contracting certain cancers, you'll likely see reduced spraying (if not having it be eliminated altogether), and his regular pee will just smell less. And yes, it may ultimately solve your problems with Baby (although it's hard to say at this point). The neutering process in most healthy males is super quick, and recovery generally goes smoothly (you'll have to try and keep him calm and as still as possible for a little while, though!). I hope that answers your questions (or at least gives you some food for thought!)
Always pay attention to your cat! My 11 year-old senior kitty started screaming one night sounding exactly like a fire alarm (which I had never heard before). I jumped out of bed and saw her in a classic spaniel point at a couple of large scorpions crawling on the wall. Once I dispatched them, I praised her and gave her a few kitty treats. I am constantly amazed at how smart and protective she is! She knew better than to touch them and to call for help. I had a flashback to the old Lassie TV show & I feel lucky to have her!
@@captnwinkle you know that microscopic creature you killed while getting on the toilet? Or how about that harmless microbe your immune system killed? They clearly have the same intelligence and level of conscioussness as a cat, you little b***** you are going to h**** f*** y*** Y*** F***** D******
The other day my Tom, a big friendly void, started tearing around and slamming my door. He kept jumping onto and over me: really unusually stressed panicked activity. Turned out that the goldfish tank had sprung a leak, and he was trying to let me know something was wrong. As soon as I took care of the tank and told him it was ok, he relaxed. He also helped me out last week. I had fallen and hurt my back. He ran yowling to get his daddy to come help. Always good to listen to what kitties have to say! :)
Yes! I recently had major surgery. My girl of almost four years old, a Siamese mix, was so upset, she cried and howled non stop. I had to cuddle with and reassure her that mom was going to get better. She calmed down and could see me struggle, so adapted to the temporary new me. Aren't our kitty kids amazing? 🐈
This is not the first time I heard of a cat warning a human because something was wrong. One of my sister-in-law's cat fell of the window and another of her cats run to her very alarmed to tell her.
I agree completely! Mine jump on me and pester me mercilessly when my blood sugar crashes. Or when I badly need to go to bed. Definitely good to listen to what our babies say! 💖🐾💖🐾
When my cat was a kitten and didn't want to eat, had diarrhea, and was meowing like he was uncomfortable, I took him to our normal vet. She said he wasn't sick enough to hospitalize and sent us home. I wasn't happy with that; I KNEW something was wrong. I went to a different vet, they tested him for panleukopenia and it was positive. He was hospitalized for 5 days and by some miracle, he survived. I was so glad that I listed to my intuition. We do not go to that vet anymore.
@@jthomas3773 Oh I definitely have experience with incompetent vets. I know this is a cat video, but my mother asked a vet about a small bump on her dog's lower abdomen and was told "oh don't worry, it's just a hotspot, it'll disappear". This would continue for the next couple visits. Fast forward six months, the "hotspot" has not only not gone away, it's grown, won't heal, has begun to fester, and the poor dog is now in obvious pain. Obvious spoiler alert: it was cancer, like my mom initially thought. She caught the problem half a year before the so-called "professionals" did. Long story short, we got the tumor cut out and our little dog is coming up on 14 years old and is back to having a spring in her step. But we never looked back at that useless vet whose ineptitude almost killed our pet.
@@Ebon_Sean Excuse me??? Diarrhea is one of THE Red flag in cats from the time i've worked with vets in animal shelters, and the vet just shrugged that off? complete incompotency.
@@wandereringshadow8658 I think it was the vet's assistant. Either way, she definitely shouldn't have that job, she clearly doesn't care to actually do it.
I almost learned the hard way to trust my gut and pay attention to my cat's communication. I thought I was reading too much into it, and my friend, who is a receptionist at a vet office, was also making me second guess myself. NEVER AGAIN. Every morning, my cat stands on his hind legs and holds his arms out for me to hold him. Without fail. One morning, he didn't do this, just crowded my legs with my other cats. He huddled against my leg while I was walking, which struck me as odd, and when I stopped to see what was going on with him, he placed his abdomen on my foot and just sat like that. I realize now that he was indicating to me where it hurt, but I wasn't sure at the time. That evening, he was using the litter box and didn't get out when his brother got in. That immediately concerned me, so I told my roommate he needed a check up. She saw him urinate so she was convinced it wasn't bladder or kidney related, and as he started going downhill fast, she still thought it was because he had a back ache due to a small spinal issue he had from birth. She made the appointment for Tuesday, but it was Friday. I thought I was overreacting, but I couldn't shake my concern. At one point, he stopped being able to walk and was so weak that he was dragging himself slowly across the floor. I didn't want to pick him up, because I didn't know what was hurting him. He used what little strength he had to drag himself to my feet and put his head on my slippers, which killed me. Finally, Sunday morning, he could barely move, and I wasn't going to accept that this was a "pain response," regardless of how sure my roommate was. She took him in, and the doctor was kind enough to take him immediately and clear her schedule. He DID have a urinary blockage of some sort, and his potassium levels were LITERALLY off the charts. They couldn't measure them because they were so high. The doctor said if we'd waited any longer, he'd be dead. He stayed in the hospital for a full week, and it was touch and go. Thankfully, he eventually came around and fully recovered, but he wouldn't have if I'd kept denying my sense that this was way too much for a mere pain response. I will NEVER not trust my gut again. A small change in a normal behavior can be the start of something very serious. I'm just so grateful I still have my baby.
Did you tear strips off your friend, who works at a vet clinic and told you it was nothing much? I would have. I would also speak with her boss and let them know ALL their staff need training on what signs in animals mean something is seriously wrong. If she doesn't know which signs are serious, she should not be working around animals.
@@HollyOak It's a little more complicated than that, but I didn't want my long comment to be even longer. It wasn't that she thought it was no big deal. She didn't think he was fine and dandy, but she didn't think it was an emergency. There were reasons why she didn't want to take him in sooner, which were valid if it really hadn't been a problem. In the past, he'd had an issue with constipation because of his back injury, so she thought it was that. She also saw him urinate and erroneously believed it couldn't be a blockage. I think she was just a little too confident about what she thought it was, and though I argued with her a bit, I was less certain and ended up relenting. When he was dragging himself, she thought it was due to the gabapentin she gave him because she thought he was just in pain. That can happen at times, temporary paralysis of the back legs. And to be fair, he went downhill very quickly, so it was only a day before I realized she couldn't be right about the pain response, and when I said he needed to go in now, she dropped everything to take him. That being said, I admittedly was furious with her. I was so angry that I hadn't trusted my gut, and she'd been so sure about it that it made me second guess myself. I never told her just how angry I was with her, so yeah, I did want to lash out a bit. But he lived, so I didn't. I think if he'd passed, it would have permanently damaged our friendship. But he's standing on my leg right now being obnoxious, so I'm willing to forgive her. This was years ago, too, and she learned from her mistake. Like I said, it was more complicated than her just brushing it off, but my comments are already short novels.
@@HollyOak Also, the reasons she didn't want to bring him in earlier were for his own benefit, I just didn't want to get into the issues there. But yeah, she misunderstood what was happening as a previously less severe thing that had happened in the past and thought it would be better to bring him in when his usual doctor was back in the office.
My 15 year old best friend started showing signs of her age this year. I don't come from a family that spends a lot on pets, so anytime I voiced my concerns and thought aloud I'd take her to the vet, I'd be reminded how much that would cost and told "she's just old!" Well, I finally had too many symptoms staring me in the face, and I took my baby to the vet and put it on a credit card. Sometime between February and April, she'd become a full blown diabetic. Her blood sugar was 468! I feel terrible that I didn't intervene sooner, but I learned the most important lesson from it. You know your pet best, no one else. If something is off, you are the only living being that can help them get the help they need. Luckily pet insulin is rather inexpensive compared to human and my 15 year old is doing phenomenally now :)
My first ever post here on YT. Please can I encourage you to research the carnivore diet. If humans can completely reverse diabetes and get off all insulin, surely feeding cats their natural diet can do the same.. Wishing you and your little one perfect health. Blessings !
@@tinamassey3426 hey hello, as a vet tech can I suggest you not give this person medical advice about her pet when she's working with a vet? Especially since this advice could absolutely be deadly.
@@tinamassey3426 I completely agree. Diabetes is a metabolic disease. It doesn't come out of thin air. It is absolutely manageable and preventable using a biologically appropriate diet with proper professional supervision. People don't realize that kidney disease, kidney stones. UTIs, diabetes, and more are so common because kibble is NOT safe for cats due to insufficient water content and horribly backwards macronutrient breakdown. Cats are not meant to eat dried carbohydrates, they are meant to eat fresh meat. It is absolutely reprehensible that veterinarians support kibble for cats. The consequences of an improper diet for cats are dire. Find a high quality wet food or see a veterinary nutritionist for professional guidance on how to feed a raw diet.
This video is so important. Here's a quick story about red flags with favorite little dude, Merlin. When I first got Merlin from the shelter, I took him to the vet because, let me tell you, his breath smelled like low tide. The vet confirmed that he had extensive tooth decay, and that he would require surgery. The nearest surgery date was 3 months away. Of course, my first question was "Is he in pain?" The answer was, "It's unlikely." So we went about our lives. But, during these three months Merlin's personality slowly started to change. It was just little things at first. He became more fearful: afraid of my boots, afraid of the sound of metal furniture, afraid of movement *period*. He started meowing constantly, and so loudly that people could hear him when I was talking on the phone. He stopped enjoying touch. I felt terrible. I thought I had done something wrong. All behaviors have an antecedent. But, for this cat I just could not find it. The surgery date rolls around. Privately, I'm afraid that it's going to further traumatize him. $1200 worth of kitty dental work later, the vet calls me up and says, "We had to extract nearly all of his teeth. But, with cats who have decay this severe, owners often find that their cats are happier." It was like someone had performed a factory reset on Merlin. Loving, unafraid, no more crying. Take your cats to the vet, people. Take. Them. To. The. Vet.
AND we have to advocate for pain relief for our kids. They can't ask for it! lf we would be in pain from something, so will they be. After surgery, pain relief meds should be automatic - but they're not. You have to insist. Anti-inflammatory AND opioid meds!
My old cat was so depressed when his teeth were removed because they were rotten, he didn’t eat, but i syringe fed him and he started to eat on his own. He also was diagnosed with early kidney abnormalities because of the blood work before his teeth extractions. If he wasn’t diagnosed that early it would have been too late by the time the symptoms showed. He lived for 17 years, from 2016-2021 after being diagnosed. Going to the vet is important to maintain their health.
Also if you have the slightest doubt, get a second opinion. Two of my cats have been misdiagnosed by two different vets from the same clinic. Went to a different one, one of them got the right diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Unfortunately it was too late to save the other one.
My husband has a nightly ritual with both cats. A lot of hide and seek and laser chasing. After about 10-15 minutes they both are tired and ready for bed. We don’t hear them all night. He occasionally works out of state for a few days at a time. When he’s gone I often get jolted awake from them launching themselves off of walls and running through the house with late night zoomies. I’ll have to remember to tire them out next time he’s out of town. Our older cat also knows the signs when hubby is leaving. She lays on his toiletry bag when he packs. I think she’s trying to hide it. Like he can’t leave if he doesn’t have his toothbrush and deodorant. lol When we first started dating he claimed he was 100% a dog person and anti-cat. Now he sends me pics of our cats and can’t leave the pet section in stores without buying treats and toys for them. He even sends me pictures of other peoples cats when he sees them.
I give my cats regular "kitty massages" where I check for any sensitive areas. It includes a "paw massage" too. Can take a while for some cats to be comfortable with having their paws touched, but it really helps me monitor their physical health. For the paws, I suggest getting them used to just a brief gentle touch of one paw with one finger. When they're comfortable with that, make the touch last longer. Gradually build up to the point where you can massage the paw.
That is great advice. My cat is indoor/outdoor and refuses to use a litter box, so I don’t have that as a gauge. I have to rely on regular touch-related checks of her body, and her eating habits to tell me if anything is wrong.
At any time in their lives, but better when they're younger, teaching a cat paw, e.g. to present their paw for a reward, then they get used to you touching their paws over about 6 months
Our old man is 19 years old, and he started yowling a lot about two or so years ago. I recently saw a video of a deaf cat yowling the exact same way and we realized he’s gone deaf. Breaks my heart that he can’t hear our voices anymore, but we increase the slow blinks other body language to make sure he knows he is safe and loved 🥺💕
@@itemushmush Definitely! We slow blink at him a lot. We also figured out how to call him by doing a low gesture like a “come here” sort of thing - hand down to his eye level, palm up, and pull fingers in towards the palm. He comes without fail!
I totally understand what you mean! Not a cat but my 13 year old Cocker Spaniel has lost most of his hearing and now he's lost some of his vision! Breaks my heart but the vet says there's nothing that be done. It's his age and the aging process.
@@itemushmush Thank you so much!! I lost my husband of 41 years a few months ago to a massive heart attack. I feel he's all I have left as we never had any children. Your prayers are greatly appreciated!! 🙏
You have literally changed my cat game. My vet wondered how I knew my cat had something in her teeth so early on and I just told them I watch your videos and became suspicious after small behavioural change. He said he needs to watch your videos too so he can recommend them to clients. :) So much love and thanks from me and my 2 furballs. As a new cat owner I just lacked the knowledge and experience and your videos were a (cat) life saver.
My cat had itchy skin as if she had fleas. She didn’t because she is treated for fleas. Also she had bad behaviour. She would bite me. Didn’t want to be patted. Just not happy at all. All that itching was affecting her behaviour. She started eating food without fish and I noticed a difference in her behaviour and her itch. So I’m not giving her anything with fish in it anymore. I’ve read the protein in fish is hard on some cats. Fish is not a food that cats hunt. Fish oil doesn’t have fish protein in it so I’m waiting to see if she can tolerate fish oil that is in many foods. She is now following me all around and can tolerate a lot more petting. She is just much sweeter.
I've suffered from chronic pain for almost 20 years. Jackson is absolutely correct. I've had so many people that I cared about walk away from me because they didn't understand what that much pain for that much time does to someone. It's one of the most heartbreaking things to have to go through. Especially repeatedly. It's already torturous to not understand why you're acting that way or to be able to stop it. Please, know what you're getting into when saving an animal or getting a pet. And make sure you can afford vet visits before committing. It's just as important for them as it is for you. And take care when picking your vet, just as you should when choosing your own doctor.
@@lisazappala4381 You're welcome. Just don't give up. There are people out there who understand. And they tend to be terrific people. Not everyone will reject it. It's hard work but it's worth it.
As a fellow chronic pain sufferer, I agree! Sometimes when a flare is just ramping up, before I even realize it’s starting, my actions and behaviors will tell my husband loud and clear that my pain is ramping up. That same recognition of pain’s body language has helped me understand my 17 yr old CKD kitty much better! A lot of the time, I just know when something is not right with him. I’m able to read his behaviors just like my hubs can read mine. Gentle hugs, fellow warrior. 🙏🏻
When I adopted my girl, I was warned she had some "quirks". Delicate tummy with a tendency to scarf & barf, a penchant for chewing, nervousness, and down with a kitty cold. Pretty tame for a recently rescued street cat, honestly. Vets cleared her before and after adoption, so I was prepared to ride out adjustments and help her recover. A month later, though, and she was getting worse. I made SO many adjustments, but the malaise, itching, vomiting, and protective avoidance were really pronounced. It took a lot of sleuthing, but I eventually discovered she has a chicken allergy. She ironically got worse *after* adoption because I switched her to food with a higher meat content. 😅 The difference after cutting all chicken from her diet was stunning. She was attached to me as a scraggly, stunted little thing at Day 2, but she's since become a lovebug of a slinky murder chinchilla. I'm overjoyed with how much she's thrived, and just hearing her happy chirps during zoomies warms my heart. The moral of the story is: even for new cats, it's worth keeping an eye on "diagnosed"/known problems. Our feline friends are experts at hiding their weaknesses, and you often can't know how poorly they're doing until they've warmed up to you!
@@sadiasiddique852 Just cat foods that don't have chicken or undisclosed poultry in the ingredients. 🙂 If there's a suspected allergy, sticking with one flavor from a limited ingredient diet label at the start helps! Just be sure to give them a few weeks before trying new protein sources. It takes a while for their immune system to calm down.
I opened the door for my cat, whenever she wanted. We had a garden, the neighborhood was quiet... and we thought, that she must be happy, being indoor outdoor. Because here in Germany, every shelter demands: "this cat needs the outside, this is the best" and even the vet told us, she was born outside, and she needs it. She was always on the edge of being aggressive. Jumping legs, scratching random while cuddling, biting, even hunting me. I learned how to move around her, so she didn't attack me. Later I understood, I learned how to move, so she wasn't stressed because of me. I am a quiet person. But even small movements made her jump.... what a red flag. And no vet even was alarmed. "It is just an aggressive cat." Now she wasn't. After years, she trusted me more but... she had problems. Little did we know: all she needed was to be an indoor cat. She always had issues with her bladder... the vet said: "it just chronically". It was a red flag of stress. But then, we had to move, we were forced to a smaller apartment in the city and there wasn't a way for my cat to be safe outdoors. So she became an indoor cat and she never even once wanted to go out... she... became cuddly, calm... I was so happy and... so sad. She had stress for YEARS. We went from vet to vet... nobody told us, how stressed she was just from outdoor life... and I should know. I can't handle outdoor stuff too. My doctor told me: "Well you are just too hypersensitivity for so much stress all the time." Of course, that could be a problem for a cat too. We were so naive. She had stress because of other cats. She was always very noise sensitive. She was always on alarm... that is stress. Horrible stress. And maybe she would have lived longer if she hadn't had that much stress. She taught me how to speak to cats, how to move, how to calm them down... Taught me, how to treat myself with more patience, too. I learned that being stressed just from little scary things is OK, and that you must change, what hurts you. Because I nearly did the same to me, forcing myself into a job, that wasn't good for my ADHD and stressed me out. Ghad... I miss her so much.
Those of us who are highly sensitive are constantly being labeled as “too...” or “just...”, and this includes cats as well as humans. The everyday world can be incredibly stressful, and sensitivity is not a weakness. Your baby blessed you with the wisdom to trust yourself - and maybe some more cats. 😻
I rescued an older cat (the vet thinks 12 years) who was a stray most or all of her life. I'm from NYC, so my cats have been indoor by necessity. Now I live in the Bay Area, but I still keep them in because I believe it's safer (and rescue orgs actually insist on it). Back to my rescue... She is sooooo happy to be an indoor cat. She's incredibly loving and affectionate and loves snuggling in blankets. She's also so sensitive she shakes in fear and wheezes when she's startled. I tried to put her by the window to get some sun and air one day and she freaked out! She doesn't even want to *see* the outdoors anymore. It makes me so sad to think how terrified and stressed she must have been living outside all those years. 😢
I'm a postman and see cats standing at there door meow moew so I press the bell so they can get in there homes some homes don't have cat flipps believe or now
Back when my family had a cat, we signed him up for this long term treatment plan membership at the vet's that included yearly check-ups and vaccines and greatly reduced the cost of emergency procedures. Since we adopted the cat when he was already a little older, that really payed off. We caught problems on time and when something seemed off we just took him to the vet without having to worry about it costing too much. I have no idea how common such deals are, but I feel like they should be and that people should take their cats to the vet regularly no matter how loudly the cat protests or how bloody the vet ends up
Vet visits don’t have to end in screaming and blood. There’s some mild sedatives such as gabapentin that can really take the edge off of kitty’s anxiety. “Cat friendly” or “fear free” vets also have additional training in lower stress handling.
Banfield is one such provider found inside some PetSmart stores and is very reasonable. Top quality vets. They even sent my cats Christmas cards and birthday cards. Too bad my physician doesn't do that. All he sends me are bills.
My cats goes to vets once a year just to know what changed.i analyse them because sometimes numbers are good but on a higher number it should be renal wont ever go back to original but you can help it not deteriorate so fast.. 😻
After Jackson saying that about yowling and going deaf, it verifies what I've been thinking for about a month or so now. My sweet old girl has been yowling for a while so I thought maybe she was in cognitive decline. I got some nightlights and plugged them in various places in my apartment. That helped some but she still yowls. Jackson said that could be deafness, too. I have noticed that she doesn't respond when her head is turned away unless I get louder. And she likes my bed and used to come out of the bedroom when I came home from work. Now I have to go to the bedroom door and call her. I got her from the shelter in 2014 and they weren't sure exactly how old she was. My Vet said by her teeth she didn't look older than eight to ten years old. So she's maybe about fifteen-ish or a little bit older? I made an appointment at the Vet to look into the possible hearing loss. She's my sweet old lady. 💖
Thank you for stressing out to all of the cat owners to just trust their gut sometimes. One time, I came home and my grandma told me my cat vomited on the living room floor. I was of course alarmed, but then he ate his dinner, groomed himself and went to sleep so I thought it might be just the excess fur he licked or something like that. Throughout the day tho, he started to become more and more withdrawn and weak, not responding to me when I was trying to engage him in playtime, etc. and he was just - weird. I did not know how to explain that to anyone but he was just behaving really strange because I know exactly how this cat generally behaves. Everyone told me I am overreacting but I called my vet and booked an appointment the same day. Literally five minutes later he began to have diarrhea, began throwing up again, and refused to touch any food or water. When I got to the vet, I found out that he caught some sort of virus and was already severely dehydrated. Would he recover on his own if I listened to all these people? I really don't think so. TRUST YOUR GUTS, GUYS. It is infinitely better to be an overreacting cat parent of an alive and healthy cat than to be "calm and reasonable" ex-cat parent of a dead cat just because you do not want to look paranoid.
This is a great video for first-time cat owners. Cats are subtle but they're always communicating with you. I've had cats all my life (61 years and counting) and one thing I can say is, if they're crying out, they're not only in pain-- it's bad. They do not normally cry out in pain. Most animals' first instinct is to hide pain because it shows weakness. So if they're crying, rush them to the vet.
Just F.Y.I. for my fellow cat lovers: I have an elderly lady(21 years) who began drinking and eating like crazy, with no weight gain. Looking like Hyperthyroid. She's on medicine and seems much better.😄😺
I also wanted to mention that hyperthyroid can be actually cured. My then-17 year old cat had it, and my vet recommended radiocat. After crunching numbers, the radiocat treatment was more cost efficient than hyperthyroid medication if she lived more than a year and half. Well, she's 18 and half now, and doing great, besides the pain/hypertension/start of kidney disease. Her thyroid numbers are great now though!
@@brittany6682 My Cocoa Chanel had thyroid, meds ineffective, maybe 4 years old...Back in the 1990s I paid 800 dollars for radiation treatment. She stayed in Cary, NC for 2 weeks, at the only vet that provided that then. She returned a changed kitty, no longer testy, twitchy, vomiting, fighting, starving all the time. She lived 20 years. On the other hand, My sweet buddy Keaton, aged 16 1/2, tested for thyroid, doesn't have it. Begs for food several times a day, I feed him up, but he continues to lose weight. Vet says it is likely cancer. Putting him to sleep this coming Saturday morning. Heart broken.
A few years ago when I was living with my parents, their cat started acting weird. I was the only person who noticed an immediate change in behavior. I told my mom that he needed to go to the vet and she was resistant (trust me, this is a huge issue I have with her because she judges me for how much I will spend on my animals). I waited a day to see if his behavior changed and it didn't so again I insisted that he needed the vet and again my mom was reluctant. I decided to just make an appointment for him the next day and pay for it myself (when I didn't have a lot of money) because I knew something was wrong. It turns out he had swallowed one of my mom's sewing needles. He came to me probably right after he had done it and I knew something was wrong instantly. Earlier that year I had to put down my soulmate cat because she developed a very fast cancer. Again, I noticed something had changed with her. I went on vacation and I came back and she was acting different. I brought her to the vet and they couldn't find anything wrong, so they suggested it was possibly because I was on vacation (my dad was taking care of her). When things still hadn't changed with her, I brought her back to the vet 4 weeks later and they discovered a large mass in her intestines that wasn't there 4 weeks prior. Given her age of 17, I opted for euthanasia over surgery, but I did have 3 more weeks with her because the vet gave her some steroids knowing that she didn't have long to live.
hi Alyssa Was your cat able to be saved the one that swallowed a sewing needle? i sure hope so and I pray so.. if you read this please respond...... and yes we should all be very alert and observant of our kitty cats and dogs too and any other animals we have for that matter, we should be observant and aware of any little changes sometimes they don't show you right away but if they start throwing up sometimes it's could be something very serious and sometimes not but I rather air on the side of caution... and one of the biggest things I've noticed to be aware of is if they don't want to eat there's some reason why they don't want to eat pay attention to that immediately and then of course noticing if there's taking a long time or going often to go pee or poo.. please everyone just be aware of any changes even subtle changes.
My one cat had allergies. But when she had blood in her eye, I thought she scratched her eye due to it watering from sneezing. We took her to the emergency vet because we couldn’t get in for weeks. We were told she had cancer in her nose & it was inoperable. They thought we had a few months with her & we were given meds to keep her comfortable. She had less than 3 weeks. I felt terrible. I was so sick just a few weeks before. I didn’t notice if she was trying to tell me she didn’t feel well. Was she cuddling me more because I was sick or because she was? I’ve had to let pets pass over the rainbow bridge before but after I let her go…she was the only one I thought…I changed my mind. I want her back. I didn’t have the time they said I would. It’s been a few months & I’m still heartbroken.
I'll watch this at some point. Being a first time cat mom that has to euthanize my big boy tomorrow, I feel like I missed so many red flags that would have prevented my cat from suffering. 💔
I’m so sorry…but please - no guilt. I’m sure you did everything you knew, and your love for your boy is more important than feelings that in the long run are destructive to you and his memory.Much love.
I'm so very sorry. It's the hardest thing to do 🥺😢, saying goodbye to our fur babies. I had to euthanize my boy 9 yrs ago because he had kidney issues. I could tell he was suffering so I let him go. I still miss him every day 😞. My thoughts are with you...🙏❤
My girl. rescued 10 years ago, despite being told at adoption she would probably hide for a couple of weeks, jumped up on the bed and slept next to me that first night and every night. Suddenly she wasn't coming to bed and was sleeping elsewhere in the apartment. I thought she was a bit rattled by the electrician as she is pretty scared of most people. Then I had a call from the electrician who had got up in the roofspace and came back down via my bathroom manhole. He apparently had found a dead rat up there and when he came down he had fleas on his legs and lots of bites. Those fleas found my girl. That was why she wasn't coming to bed - she was doing me a favour. Of course I sorted flea treatment straight away. I felt so bad for her - (and a little bit for the rat too - but that's just me)
My lovely Penny started peeing on me, nowhere else, just on me. I called the Vet to see if she had any ideas what would cause this to happen, she told me to bring her right in that she a urinary infection. I said okay, took her in, she checked her and she indeed had a urinary infection. She gave her a shot, gave me meds and in 2 days she was using the litter pan again. The vet said peeing on me was penny"s way of trying to tell me something was wrong.
I have had three senior cats. Two still living at 18 and 19 years old, an one who passed at 18. One issue I ran into especially with the cat who passed was vets not taking my concerns seriously. They would focus too much on how healthy they were for their age that they would write off any issues. Blossom, the cat who passed away, was not keeping weight on for several years before she passed. We tried everything we could find to make her gain weight. She got down to just over 5 pounds. We took her to the vet many times and said she was eating more than the other cats but shes still losing weight. They would write it off as just being old and it was a fight to even have any tests run. They diagnosed her with Iritable bowel disease two weeks before her death. Because it had been untreated for so long she had kidney failure. At that point it would require daily iv drips at the vet which we thought was inhumane given her age and condition. Everything was missed despite our frequent complaints and concerns. She ended up dying from the preventable kidney failure. Some vets are so not used to seeing cats that old that they are so astonded that theyre breathing that they dont think issues are worth looking into. Im fighting now to make sure the same thing doesnt happen to my other two elders. With their current health, i dont doubt that both will make it into their twentys. The 18 year old still looks and acts half his age. Unfortunatly some vets dont listen when owners say something is wrong. Cats can hide a lot of suffering and owners have the best change at catching subtle changes.
I’m prone to emailing my vet if I have questions but not significant concerns. They are always incredibly helpful about whether a visit is warranted or not. The other night I sent them an email at 9:30pm about a non-urgent question and fully expected not to hear from them until some time the next day, but one of the vets emailed me at 11pm to tell me not to worry and provided detailed info.
@@sadiek8785 that’s so cool!! Sadly here the vets all take weeks to answer e-Mails if they even respond at all. So it’s way faster to just drive there or give them a call.
Where I live there is a service that allows for a video call, I think it's 3 times a year per pet with our insurance. This prevents any unnecessary visits and the service is free. However, I've also learned that vets that take insurance are actually worse than the other ones and tend to recommend unnecessary procedures because of a deal they have. They still take care of the animal, but are more likely to jump to surgery or other methods that cost more because it makes more money for insurance companies and the vet office. I'm hoping in the future when I have more money to go with vet that is more focused on actual care rather than whatever deal they have with insurance companies. But for now, the free video chats are good to have an option because animal health care in my country (not the USA) is stupid expensive.
Mom, Dad, and I lived in an historic house built in 1854 (part of the Underground Railroad) in the middle of a small southern town, on Main Street. It was the Stagflation 1970s, and we had since fallen on hard times, and heated our home with wood in the fireplaces, coal having become too expensive. The floors were 10-12" wide old heart pine planks, held together with hand-hewn iron "nails". Two stories. First floor had the bathroom off the kitchen, with a dining room, then a large foyer with narrow short corridor that led back to the kitchen with a room adjacent. Mom was in that office space. In the dining room the fireplace had a blazing fire going, with my two current cats warming themselves: my smart grey tabby, Cheshire, and sweet Mr. BlackCat, a silent, fluffy recent stray. I was up the narrow flight of stairs in my bedroom, just above the dining room. Suddenly my Mom showed up at my bedroom door with Mr. Black. "He pounded on my door till I opened it, meowing like crazy!" Black had led her up to my room! He Ran to the top of the stairs, turned and meowed and ran down the stairs to wait. We followed him down. He went to the closed door of the diningroom and pawed it and meowed. I opened the door to see a burning log had rolled out of the shallow fireplace, and was burning on the floor. Cheshire saw it as an opportunity to stretch out closer to the warmth, but Black Cat knew it was a problem. We used the tools to put it back into the fire grate. The diningroom floor still has a little indention where it was charred, but the tight grain of the ancient pines' wood planks gave BlackCat time to get help. He rarely meowed all the years I knew him, but he raised a ruccous that time!
Thank you Jackson for all the insight you share. It helps so many. Can you PLEASE address the dangers of lilies, especially with Easter coming soon? I lost a cat because of lily toxicity. I had no idea they were toxic and he would sneak up on my kitchen table at night and nibble on them. He was only 5 yrs old and very quickly developed kidney disease and mouth ulcers. I had to ultimately put him upsetting. I hope to shed some light on this so others can avoid what my kitty went through. Thx 😿
My 15 year old cat was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease about a year ago after I noticed him drinking so much water He also has arthritis in his hips, so I groom him daily because I know it hurts him to reach back there. Right now, he hasn’t lost anymore weight and seems to be doing well. I went through this with my other cat that lived to be 19 1/2. She had kidney disease for 5 yrs and did good until I noticed her sleeping in my closet all day, not eating or drinking and knew it was time to say goodbye to her. Thank you Jackson for going over all this, it’s important to notice tell-tale signs and go to the vet for proper diagnoses. FYI: my cat does not like any of the kidney care foods at all, I’ve tried the samples. So he gets his favorite wet food and is very spoiled with love.
I just lost my baby less than two weeks ago. He was only 8. Came home and found him on the floor, gone. No clue why. He didn’t exhibit ANY strange behaviors or red flags you talked about. I’m devastated. Just brought his ashes home yesterday. I’m heartbroken. I love you Romolo. 😢💔
Yowling can also be stress and frustration! We moved a few months ago with my 11 year old, he was used to going out into the garden in the old house, but we kept him in for 4 weeks to make sure he was used to his new home as we were about a 3 hour drive from where we used to live. After week 2 he was ready to go outside, but the vet recommended to keep him in for 4 weeks. He would yowl nonstop and I was so sleep deprived. During this time he also had blood in his poo and wasn’t interested in food that much. We were trying everything in the book to make him feel less stressed out with the move and not being able to go out, including getting a feliway, but he was still unhappy. We took him back to the vet, they prescribed anti-anxiety medication which helped a little. After the 4 week mark we let him outside for the first time and since then, he has gone back to his usual self. No yowling, loves his food and no blood in his poo!
Arthritis is so common in older cats so I'm glad you mention it so often! My old girl had arthritis for the last 2 years of her life, I got her on pain meds & I had to do a lot of adjustments to make our home more accessible to her, & that helped her blossom once more ❤️
My Elder Cat refuses to take her joint medication. For a while, she stopped hanging out on the bed in favor of the couch. When we got her stairs for the bed, she returned to being reigning monarch of the pillows. She can’t jump as high as she used to, so it’s up to us to adjust things.
My cat will be 14 this year so I have been paying attention to him to make sure he can still get up on things. He still does really well and never seems to be uncomfortable. But that is something I think about a lot having a senior cat. I know eventually, I'll have to make my home accessible to him like you did with yours.
This is SO important! Humans underestimate animals' pain. We have to pay close attention to them, and give them all the accommodations we would give humans.
Jackson knows his stuff and how to make it real discussion. My cat Meesha passed this past Jan at 17 years old, after a tough year of many vet trips, renal issues, urinary issues. But she was a lover and great little pal. Like he says, the litter box is a huge indicator of many issues. Meesha was suddenly peeing outside of the litter box and I feared it was dementia. I made a simple litter box change and instant success (by way of using a small motion activated video camera to see what she was doing). Two months within a day of her passing, she started sitting on my lap (she was never a lap kitty), and I said to my wife, "this is nice but I hope its not a sign of things coming." But it was, and she was telling me. Amazing little kitty. My cat Maynard, nearing 20, is deaf. But still eating/drinking/peeing/pooping mostly normal. His habits vary a bit week to week, which I think may be his age issues. Like my 95 year old mom, mom says she has good days and some not so good days. But everything Jackson says is relative to everything my buddy Maynard is doing in his very old years. Quality cat food is key, as most dry cat kibble (major brand names) is really just crap, filler, ash, junk. If you want your furry friend longer get her/him on quality proper protein cat foods relative to their age and well being. Makes a HUGE difference.
one of my cats is 15 (we estimate) and she started to wake me up many times/night being frantic, over a year ago. I asked the vet if cats can have dementia, she said yes, because of the symptoms my cat had. Vet wanted to give pharma medication of course, I went online to educate myself. I started to feed my cat RAW meat, (good for human consumption, don't worry) and within a week or 3 my cat was getting better and a few weeks later she was 95% better!! My vet openly said she doesn't agree with giving my cat raw meat! lol, I don't care, my girl still gets her raw meat every day and she is doing great! and I can SLEEP!
Yeah I look back on one cat we had when I was a kid and I know she suffered a lot cuz my parents rarely took our cats to the vet. Now I know so much more about what cats need and I’m hyper vigilant to notice any change of behaviors. One day she didn’t pee or poop all day. I was freaking out. I went down to petco and got her some clay litter, which I’m not a fan of, but I knew she preferred, as soon on as I poured it in the box she peed snd pooped like a champ. She was letting me know that she didn’t like the pine litter and wasn’t going to tolerate it any more. (I prefer the pine litter and was mixing it with the clay to wean her off the clay) She had been doing really well for several months with the soft flaky pine. Then one day it was a huge NOPE. But if that didn’t solve it, I had my vet on speed dial just in case. That was six months ago. Now her yearly vet visit is approaching. I’m curious to see how the vet thinks she’s doing. She looks and acts fine. She came to me with lots of issues as an older cat and a rescue. I think she has improved immensely in her self confidence as well as health. But it’s good that m working from home snd can see her daily snd pretty much all day. Thanks for posting this as a reminder for us to keep our eyes on what our cats are telling us in their own cat way.
Try the crystal litter (fine), I am also not a fan of the clay one and many years ago went over to the crystals, but the fine one coz most cats don't like the coarse one. I never had issues with my quarantine kitties (I rescue stray/feral cats and they are normally kept in a separate room for a period of time due to either medication/ajusting to rest of cat family before they join the rest and in the period they have to use litter boxes.
Good call. People are way too selfish and forget that just because some marketing gag (like scented cat litter) appeals to YOU doesn't mean for one second that it will be healthy or appeal to your feline.
Pine is toxic to cats!! They should not be using it in litter at all! I'm shocked that they still use it these days. Of all the options that exist too.
Sometimes there may be additives in pine litter. I tried the pellet kind and it made both my cats lose the fur on their stomachs. My son moved out and took his cat. A few months later, I noticed that her fur grew back. He was using clay litter. I figured that they both must be allergic to something in the pine litter. I went back to plain clay litter, and my cat's fur also grew back. My opinion, plain, old fashioned cat litter is best. sprinkle baking soda on it to absorb odors. Forget the fancy, high priced stuff!
I recently moved and my cat started to yowl and scream so often which he hasn’t done before. He’s 3 so he’s not old, he didn’t look like he’s in physical pain, his eating, drinking and litter usage was normal, no weirdness there. I thought maybe he’s adjusting to the new place but all other behaviors looked like he’s ok at the new apartment. I was out of options so what I did was, an old Japanese traditional way to cleanse a household spiritually. My mom always told me to do it when I moved to a new place. That night, his screaming was less and I noticed his eyes and face following something move from inside the closet to out the door. Within 3 days, his screaming stopped. As Jackson said, cats are really sensitive to energy and sometimes it’s so hard to detect what’s bothering them. Thank you so much for another great video!
Our cat is a feral... We live on a mountaintop in Wyoming... She adopted my son and his family...a few years ago... She loves being outdoors...but she voluntarily comes indoors when we have snowstorms!! We love her so much!! ❤️🐈
@@stevenhenry4227 ...Hi, Steven... Snow was predicted for today, but the forecast has changed... There is snow on the ground from the last storm, which hit here last week... It’s cold! Actual temp is 23, but with the 22mph wind, it feels like 7 degrees... I am glad I don’t have to go anywhere!! Thank you for asking!!
Thank you for your videos. I also wanted to say when cats can't go out, they can't help themselves with eating grass or eating things they catch that we can't give them or know what they know they need!! So vitamins and good grade food is so important for indoor cats.
I already know this is going to be interesting, I want to be able to distinguish cats' behavioral or physical discomfort or if it's just... rowdiness haha.
I really feel that yowling part, just fairly recently in this year in April we had to put our almost 16 year old cat down. A few months maybe half a year before that he start yowling in the stairwell so that I would hear it in my room, mostly around midnight. We thought not much of it, just that he wanted to get in over the night since it was winter and he was more inside during winter. With time we did notice that he seemed a bit confused at certain moments but only thought "yeah it's just his age" then the evening before we put him down he suddenly started to walk into everything and not barely able to find anything anymore. Since it was already 11pm on Saturday we waited for the next morning and went to the emergency vet and figured out that he had basically gone blind from too high blood pressure for too long, which can happen in older ages. If we had reacted to the yowling we might could have found that out earlier and give him a longer life, or put him down before having to through that rough period at the end of being pretty much blind. Writing this down really just kind of hit me again with emotions and "trauma" from the horrifying scene that was seeing him walk around aimlessly into stuff. May he rest in peace now.
I just took my cat to the vet last month after noticing some of the "joint pain" signs you mentioned. Ziva (14) started seeming reluctant to jump off of furniture and would "crash" a little when she did. In addition, I'd sometimes catch the faintest of limps for a brief moment. Sure enough, the x-ray confirmed she has arthritis in her shoulder and some inflammation in her spine. She's on anti-inflammatory meds now, and she seems better. Another possible joint pain sign could be changes in eating habits. Ziva was starting to consistently leave half of her wet food. I was actually getting more annoyed than worried. After she started her pain meds, suddenly she's finishing almost all her food in one sitting again. It dawned on me that crouching at her bowl might have been causing her pain all this time. I never would have caught onto that if I hadn't taken her in. I elevated her food bowl on an overturned bowl, and am looking into more permanent options.
Thank you Jackson. I had to say the soft goodbye to my CFO (Chief Fur Officer) Whiskey - a rescue who picked me to be his person and then preceded to rescue me over the past 11 years. The grief is crushing but I write and I cry. Your video has given me a great deal of reassurance that I made the right decision for him. I live alone and am surrounded by his presence. and a few voices in my head! This morning I can exhale, comforted by his memory and grateful for the lessons he taught me. I see that the final act of love I gave him was giving him peace.
Owner of a diabetic cat here. The extreme excessive thirst, excessive hunger and excessive peeing is what sent me to the vet. I did some googling first so knew it was one of three potential issues, diabetes, thyroid issues or renal failure. Thankfully it was diabetes and it’s been just over two years now and still doing well with a low carb diet and twice daily insulin injections.
To add to the main point of always go to the vet for serious issues. Don't always trust your vet when they say it's fine, and always push for more tests or get multiple opinions if you think something is going on. My cat, Taz, had started eating less and less each week and was losing weight and strength too. I took him to the vet and they said he was fine just try different food. About 2 months later I saw no improvement despite trying dozens of different foods and treats from dry to wet, chicken to rabbit to beef, grain free or high protein and so many more. I took him to the vet again and they, again, said he was fine and keep trying different foods. A couple months after that he passed away and the hospital said it was stomach cancer. Don't always trust the vet when they say its fine. They don't know your pet like you do.
I used to be a technician at a Veterinary ER, and it was not an uncommon occurrence for an owner of a senior cat come in with the presenting complaint of "he didn't meet me for breakfast." Sometimes it was abrupt, sometimes owners mention them "slowing down" over the past few weeks/months.
My almost 12 year old cat started eating a lot more and became more aggressive with his food. Brought him to the vet and his thyroid levels were very high. We put him on medication and now his levels are too low so we’re trying to find a happy medium with his medication and After a couple of days he seems like he’s doing a bit better!
@@SwisherNoSweets he is taking tapazole one pill in the morning and half of a pill at night. My cat is a good cat but will attack my other cat out of the blue really bad to the point we have to separate them for awhile. Because of the thyroid he became a lot worse and started to attack my boyfriend and I for no reason and this time usually after he attacks after a couple of days he’s fine but this time he wouldn’t calm down but after bringing him to the vet and giving him medication he seems to be doing a lot better but for now we have to keep in in a big dog cage because he’s unpredictable. The doctor also recommend to put him on calming medication and so we’re gonna try that and hopefully that’ll keep him mellow
“I’m not a vet, I’m not a vet, I’m not a vet!!! “ (Red neon flashing sign) And yet, there will be someone that says, “But, I didn’t see that!” This video is so informative! Thank you!
It's true. Paying attention really matters. I recently noticed my cat being a lot less active than usual. Noticed A few blood spots on the floor and on the rim of the cat litter box. Inspected him and found a few embedded claws on my cat's paw pad. He's doing better now. Thank you for this helpful video.
Having recently been adopted by a Siamese cat I so look forward to everything you share on these videos ..... Thank you!! ❤️ ...... Also like the guitars too! 😁🐈 🎸
Lucky you! Siamese are wonderful and have such endearing personalities. They tend to be very talkative and people-oriented. Smart, too! My aunt had one that lived to be 24, and he taught himself to use the toilet by watching his people. It was hilarious to go in her bathroom and see him squatting on the potty, looking like "Hey! A little privacy here?" 😸😻
As a kid my grandparents (who were Dutch but they moved lived in Australia) always had a Siamese cat named Tiffany and when I got to a teen one day I said to my mum "Geez mum nans cat Tiffany would be old by now" my mum told me" Tiffany has been replaced multiple times since then, when Tiffany died they would just get a new Siamese cat and they would call it Tiffany even if the cat was a boy" I knew they did it with their pet dog but I didn't know the cat has been replaced multiple times.
I have a lovely little void named Astreus (we live in Texas so he's mostly called Astro). Since we got him, he's always been a sweet little angel who loooooves attention and hates wet food (we gave him and our older cat, Cronus it as a treat for some days, since they don't have the dietary restrictions past cats have had). Every year, whenever Spring and the pollen came round, we noticed he started wheezing and lounging around a whole lot more than usual, so a year ago we ended up taking him to the vet. Apparently, not only does he have an allergy to pollen (and specifically cedar), but he also has asthma, and a slight allergy to *humans* . So we have to put him in a hotbox several times a week (it's basically the same medication that human asthmatics have, just fed in through a tube to a box rather than an inhaler), give him medication eyedrops, and give both cats specific wet food and dry food every day to help their weight and Astro's breathing. Hell, every morning during the spring and summer, I have to help the poor guy pick out the buildup of gunk out of the corner of his eyes. He always snuggles with me after that so it's all good, but still.
Thank you so much for these videos! I adopted my first kitten before the pandemic and a second last year. Because of all the amazing things that Jackson has taught me, everyone always says that my babies are the most beautiful and healthiest black cats they have ever seen. 🥰🥰🥰
It was discovered (that the cat that i adopted from in her former home) was peeing blood. Like you said, was diagnosed as stress, from the small child in the house, a dominant cat and yappy liitle dog. They surrendered her to a rescue org and she is living a stress free life with me now. So yes, they do have stress! Thanks Jackson for spreading the word!
Awesome video.. We are our cat's best advocate, when in doubt, vet out. My older cat was showing weird signs and turn out to be cancer,. It was really touch and go for months but thanks to great specialists, and great pain management, he is thriving. The vet has made him the cancer poster child and he a 3 year survivor and we are so grateful everyday to see him, cleaning himself and carrying shoes. (his exercise) Keep doing what you do Jackson.. Much Love ❤️
If your cat is old and has the neurological yowling it usually happens at night and just going to them and reassuring them seems to work. At least it did with my cat we had growing up that had this
We shut ours in with us at night; it helped her to not feel lost. Unfortunately, she got to a point where she would sleep so soundly she wouldn't wake up to use the box. Our waterproof mattress covers and spot cleaner machine were essential items for her final few years.
I welcomed home a stray cat that showed up meowing at my door around a month ago. I think he never before had been inside. He's sweet and things are going fairly well with my other cats but... he still doesn't use the litter box. It's not a problem in the summer, as I have space outside where he can go safely. In the winter with snow, it can start to be a problem. He already saw and smelled the other cats pee and poo inside the litter but he just looks at it and then turns looking at me with the most amazed face I ever saw in a cat. I think he's totally puzzled by the fact that the others are going inside! 😀
100% to all of this!!! At 4 months old, my little baby boy had 2 trips to the emergency vet in the same day! The second I saw him having diarrhea outside of the box and stopped eating, I knew it was time. Now he’s almost a year old and vocalizes his opinion on everything and I wouldn’t want him any other way! My happy, healthy, and playful baby❤️
This video makes me think of a cat that I had a few years ago. She only lived to be two because she ended up getting very sick, and had to be put down. I tried everything to figure out what was wrong with her, I had blood tests done, urine tests done, and even had the vet xray her. They never found out what was wrong with her though, and one day I just woke up and she was not responding. The night before she seemed fine, she purred and didn't want to leave my side, she just seemed to be saying goodbye. I still feel responsible for having to put her down, and it took me a while to get a new cat. Hell, I'm starting to tear up as I write this. Anyway, I wish I could have saved my first cat, she was doing everything in this video. Her last days, she climbed onto the couch using her claws and lost her ability to land on her paws. (I think something happened to her spine and for some reason it never came up in the x-rays? I just wish I knew what was wrong sooner so she wouldn't have been in pain for the last few days of her life.) But, the one thing I will never forget from that day was telling the vet to put her out of her misery. Now, years later, I still have her ashes and a new kitten named Cynda. She's been my baby for almost four years now, and she's absolutely the best cat. Sure, she begs for food that I'm eating and wakes me up at three am because she wants to play, but I wouldn't want to change her for the world. She stares and slow blinks at me, and kneads an old pillow pet I've had for years (because I got it when she was a kitten, and it's a sort of comfort item for her now.) Anyway, guess what I'm trying to say from this post, is if you see anything odd about your cat's behavior, take them straight to a vet. Any bad change in a cats behavior should be looked into, and it isn't a bad idea to see a vet if you're concerned over your cat's health.
Taking our 21 year old to the vet as soon as we noticed blood in his faeces allowed us 14 months to say goodbye after his cancer diagnosis. The 20 year old we lost in 2014 had arthritis and watching her behaviours allowed us to get her regular Kenalog injections and ongoing pain medication which gave a new lease of life. Paul, our vet, says we know our cats and he will always listen to people who say "(S)he just seems off, and not quite her/himself." Can I say I’m sure it also works the other way round. I had a really bad night last with my lungs and I was in a lot of pain. My cats usually wake me about 5:00am as I normally start coming round at around that time and they hear me start moving. Last night instead of both sitting on my chest one laid by my side and the other between my legs. I felt like they were there to keep me company rather than demanding service as they usually do. I know it sounds soft but I don't care. *Although the extreme asthmatic part of my condition is thought to be atopic I’m not allergic to cats. I had Cookie (the one that lived to be 20) when my lungs first went and my consultant tested for being allergic cats.
UPDATE: my babies have an upper respiratory infection because the rescue we got them from forgot their final distemper. I’m so upset. So helpful! Definitely got me to see the red flags!! My kitten has been crying for food nonstop since we’ve gotten her a few months ago. She eats 2-3 times a day, wet food! I thought she was just being greedy. and she was using the bathroom right outside the litter box! Additionally she’s started to sound very congested! My poor baby, off to the vet we go!!!
Kittens do eat more than adult cats, though. That's not unusual. Around 2-3 times a day. Because they are WAY more active & they are growing! My kitten eats 3 times a day, wet food, about a 1/2 can at a time. (He gets royal canin kitten food). The congestion I would get looked at, upper respiratory in kittens and cats can get bad fast if left untreated. Hope your kitten gets well soon!
Just adopted my 2 kittens at the shelter a while back. I had no experience in having cats so I checked ALL your videos. As soon as I noticed one baby having litter issues, I took him to the vet. Turns out he needed surgery because he couldn't wee properly. He was completely different after this. Thanks so much!! I could not imagine what would've happened if I didn't take him to the vet as soon as I saw this! Ur videos helped me so much! ❤️
Thanks so much for creating a community for cats and their owners, Jackson! 😺 Just wanted to add to the vocalizing part that my cat turned out to have a thyroid issue. Blood tests were needed to determine that, so def get him/her to the vet!
@@JacksonGalaxy Please tell me it mentions Radiocat! I am extremely pleased with my cat being cured from the treatment. I wish this existed back when my childhood cat was elderly.
my cat yowls because I went to the bathroom and she is looking for me. part of me feels like I should do it back when she goes to the bathroom but I am not that mean. lol.
@@brittany6682 you had your cat irradiated? Did he/she seem the worse for wear from it? This is sth I considered but where I am it’s prohibitively expensive. My kitty would lose his mind, too.
My Siamese mix, Babette, is 3 1/2. Suddenly started hiding, walking in her litter box but not using it. The vet diagnosed cystitis. It's emotional, and chronic. She now has to eat Royal Canin Urinary food. Very expensive! Also gets Meloxicam for pain. But is doing really well now that I figured out what was upsetting her. And I spend a lot more time with her too. Playing, cuddling etc.😸👍
My cat had stomitatis. I had to give him meds and I finally extracted all his teeth. I took him to a reputable hospital in Philly. It's not an easy operation as the roots of the teeth are so close to the scull. I tired meds but finally decided it was worth the risk to give him a better quality of life💖
Such a good video! 😊 I feel like some times it can be hard to see some red flags when it comes to cats. Almost two years ago one of my cats started to seem a little anxious (meowing by herself and just wandering around more than usual). I thought I was worrying over nothing but took her to the vet just to be sure. I was truly surprised when the vet told me that she had high blood pressure and since there was no other under-lying condition to be found, we started giving her blood pressure medicine and today she is doing Great! Just proves that there are a lot of ways cats can show that they are not totally okay. ❤️
Hi Jackson I love you for being such a great sentinel for feline well being everywhere (and just your general vibe♥️) thank you for all you do😻😻😻 I was wondering if you've thought about doing a video on how to help socialize the kitties some of us have adopted during quarantine that have only been around their guardians for the most part...this would be super helpful I'm sure for many people and their kitty kids
Jackson may not be a vet, but when it comes to feline behavior I trust his advice over the average vet who has to know about all kinds of animals. Kitties are his passion in life, and it shows. I've gotten terrible advice from some vets I'm glad I didn't follow. About 25 years ago, my elderly cat, "Spaz" was diagnosed with diabetes. The vet told me to spend a few days saying goodbye to him, but he needed to be euthanized asap. I went home and looked up all I could about feline diabetes and found it was treatable. I told the vet I decided to try treating my cat instead of having him put down. He sneered and said it won't work, the cat will hate me for giving him daily injections and he will die a miserable death within a month or so anyway. I found a different vet who helped us. Spaz got so used to insulin injections, if I was late he would remind me by going to the fridge and meowing, then go to his spot on the couch where he always got his shot. I ran into the first vet about a year after he diagnosed Spaz, and he said, "So, how long did your cat last before he suffered a painful death?" I told him my cat was doing great and doesn't mind his treatment at all. I don't think he believed me, but who cares. Spaz lived 3 years after that diagnosis, I did have him euthanized when his kidney failure left him with no quality of life. He lived 18 years. He was with me when my fiance suddenly died in 1989, at the age of 32. Spaz was my greatest comfort when my baby son was kidnapped in 1993 and missing almost a year, and he was my dearest friend who helped me get through the shock and grief of losing my sweet dad to murder in 1996. When my mom passed away in 2000, Spaz was still with me, but near the end. A week after she died, I told him it was time for him to cross that bridge, and I would be okay, and that I couldn't feel sadder than I did right then anyway. I was wrong about that! But then, a few days later, a neighbor came over and asked if I knew anyone who wanted a kitten? Her brother found some orphaned kittens at his job site and they were near death. I took one, another neighbor took the other and we worked together to save those sick babies! It gave me something to focus on other than my grief. Both kitties survived and grew to be gorgeous floofers. I named mine "Smidgen" because she was so tiny she fit in the palm of my hand. I'll never be without cats in my life, unless I'm in a coma!
@@LazyIRanch What a heart-stirring story. You've been through so much and yet your soul and intelligence and emotional balance shines through. Praise and honour to you ❤️💚❤️
@@JacksonGalaxy thank you for your kindness to our pets lover i need your help my chacha she as lost her borther oscar he eat à rat empoisonné that get in his catio now chacha miaule miaule sine she lost her borther its 4 weeks now she is doing this in the night at 03h pleace till me what to do so i can help her in the day time she is happy t playing with the Yorkshire they eat together but in the night she miaule miaule do you think its OK to take a chaton or it will bring her more stress thank you seeing you from french guyane cayenne
By watching and noticing that my cat was drinking a lot more, I was able to get years more time with him. We caught his kidney disease and hyperthyroidism early so we were able to treat it and prolong his life. In fact, when I took him to the vet and the tests came back normal, I didn't leave it. I knew that something was wrong and it took a few months to show up. Having health insurance for your pet is so important because it gets rid of the "can I afford this?" Without his insurance, I would not have gotten his urine and bloodwork checked as much as I did, and he would not have lived to be almost 18 years old.
I have a rescue cat that came from a hoarding situation. We had her checked out by a vet when there was curbside service only during the height of the pandemic and she received a clean bill of health. She hid for 6 months around our house and I thought it was because she was under socialized and I worked for months to socialize her. Then we had her checked out by a different vet and turns out she had severe dental issues. She became a lap cat right after her dental extractions.
You are so right! My little boy cried and threw up sausage shaped stuff. Vet has really changed his life. His fur is soft now. He is much much better now.
I found out one of my cats had pneumonia because he was hiding under a coffee table, wouldn't come to us, and was barely eating. Two of the first red flags I ever learned about cats were 1) hiding, and 2) not eating, so off to the vet we went. Never had a cat with pneumonia before, and if it weren't for that behavior, there were no other clear outward signs that he was in respiratory distress.
Great & very helpful tips! Just last week, my Toby (pictured in my user icon) started missing the box, which he hasn't done since we got him a more suitable box several years ago. It was gross, but also made me worried that something was wrong. Then I noticed that he was limping. Near as we can figure, he must have hurt his shoulder jumping down from a tall table. Anyway, we took him to the vet, he got pain meds, and took him home. He went right back to using the box like a champ, stopped limping - and we got him pet stairs so he doesn't have to hurt himself jumping down from the high surface he enjoys. ❤️
I love your channel! I have been a cat parent for most of life. They are wonderful. Only once was I completely perplexed over a behavior. I adopted a young ferrel cat that forced her way into my life. She followed me from our house to barn and back like a dog. My little buddy. She didn't want to eat her meal until after I (we) finished feeding horses, chickens, pig. Soon she would try to get in our house. I finally took her to the vet to get spayed and a clean bill of health before bringing her in our home with our two house cats (desexed). This cat used to stare at me with a very intense stare...a lot. Before and after bringing her into our house. Even before/after food, She would come up to me and stare like she was trying to tell me something. But nothing I did for her stopped the staring. She slept with me. We played with her and loved on her every single day for as long as she wanted. She got along well with the other cats, but preferred me. We had her for 11 years and I never figured out why the intense staring. It wasn't food. She would do it even after eating. Our cats were well fed premium organic cat food, fresh cooked fish, poultry, frozen raw cat food, and supplements and the other two lived to over 18 years twice a day. The vet caught her looking at me and commented "wow that's intense". She was well loved and cared for all the days of her life with us. Just couldn't figure out what the intense staring was all about.
Thank you, Jackson, for your compassionate comments about all those of us in severe chronic physical pain - feline and human alike. Light, love and gratitude 💖
I would always check up with my cat everyday to make sure he is ok and comfortable. If I hear my cat cough, I go see if he has fresh water and not having food in his throat. I am always watching him like a child. My cat is my baby 🐈⬛️ ❤️
Thanks for putting this out there :) tbh it astounds me that all of this isn’t completely obvious to everyone, but unfortunately its not so this is a great resource for those that don’t already know
When I took my baby girl Jillian 16 years old. I was very anxious wait for lab test results. The veterinarian walked into the examining room and said "Cats are Masters at hiding or covering up illnesses, better than any animal, such as dogs and horses. Jillian knew how I was, she was my soul mate, I would be or get all worried and sort of emotional, if my baby girl wasn't well. Plus their natural instincts in order for survival. It got to a point though given her age and as long as we had lived together ❤ I could tell that she wasn't well. All that being said, that is the only sensible reason I didn't catch it earlier. I still blame myself or question my judgment, taking her to the vet sooner. It could have saved her or extended her life had I known. I feel responsible at times and other times I'm amazed how she knew me so well. Not a day goes by don't think of her, miss her and cry. It had and still is painful and heat breaking experience. 😥😥💔💔 I'm trying to be strong and at peace she's is in a much happier place.❤🐈⬛🌈☀️
My heart hurts for you. I'm sorry you lost her. It makes me cry knowing I'll eventually be in your shoes cause I have a senior cat myself. Don't blame yourself cause she had 16 good years with you. You took good care of her which is why she made it to 16.
@@vickieclark5931 Thank you for your supportive words. It brings much comfort to my grieving heart. ❤ I would really enjoy the time with your Senior cat. I am sure they have many more bright and happy days ahead. Love on him or her spoil them rotten. Lol!! 😉🥰
It starts with empathy and seeing cats as companions, not just pets. The same way we’d be concerned with our partners, children and grandparents is how we should be with our non-human companions.
I love you for your common sense approach to teaching us to pay attention to our 🐈 My cat Cleo and I are both old now and she is precious to me , so I greatly appreciate all of the advice that you share and making me aware of what is causing my cat too totally change her whole routine and stressing her out😊
My cat Shadow came to me nearly bald because she was so stressed from her former home at my aunt's. My aunt was an alcoholic and when we saw how stressed Shadow was, we brought her home. It took until my aunt passed away for Shadow to stop plucking her fur out. Now she's looking gorgeous. She definitely doesn't look 15!
I'm watching this video after taking my cat to the vet today for what turned out to be a urinary tract infection. I was lucky and my cat vomitted (less common symptom) which drew my attention to the fact that that my cat was unwell and immediately started seeing patterns I had been missing. I realized he was visiting the litter box more frequently than usual, but leaving smaller deposits. This caused me to use a test strip on the litter box and it immediately turned red (indicating blood in the urine). I took my cat in this morning and they confirmed the UTI and treated him immediately. He is recovering now, but in realizing how much and how easily I was missing crucial signs, I can't overstate how valuable your videos are. You basically described my morning in the first three minutes of your video. I hope and pray that someone who didn't get the warnings I did can benefit from your advice here. Thanks for all you do, Jackson,!
I love my cats to death and I monitor their behavior and mood everyday. One day, one of cats was acting weird like he was laying all day and wouldn’t get up, every time I lifted him up to get him to try to move he would just lay down. Like he was lethargic. He’s always so energetic, always greets me whenever he sees me and always asks for cuddles so I was confused. I brushed it off as him being tired cuz he’s always wandering around all day outside until the next day, he was the same, he didn’t move at all. That’s when I said something is wrong and I took him to the vet. Turns out he had a fever. They gave him medicine and he was better the next day. Always check ur kitties for any changes than what they usually act.
Pink-nosed kitties are so easy to read. If their nose is really pale or super red, you know something is up!!! And when the love bites stop, no matter how annoying you’re trying to be. Thanks for the vid!!!
Trust your gut!!! Also, if something seems weird, it probably IS weird. My mom's best friend had a cat, a lovely tortie named Snickers, and for a month or so Snickers had been drinking a lot more water than is normal for any cat. Having been watching many of yours (and Kitten Lady's) videos, especially with Hannah's cat Fergie, I mentioned that cats normally don't drink tons of water as they should be getting most of it from their food, and that drinking so much of a deeper bowl is concerning. I mentioned specifically that it might have something to do with her kidneys. Cut to a couple weeks later and she's housesitting for them while they're away, and I come to see Snickers obviously. I see how low her water bowl is even though my mom said she had refilled it to full the day before. I say that she really needs to be taken to the vet when they get back, something is very much wrong. Sure enough, they get back home and she starts acting even more lethargic. They took her to the vet a couple days later, and she was diagnosed with kidney failure, just as I had thought. Poor Snickers sadly passed away a few days later because it had already progressed for so long without them doing anything. Snickers was such a sweet little girl, I'm just glad she's not in pain anymore
I really appreciate you stressing that people should be going to the vet first and foremost! Last week my cat didn't eat for 2 days, so I thought it was an infected tooth or an abscess. She was also a little grumpy, wouldn't respond to being pet, etc, but the main concern was that she wouldn't open her mouth and would yowl when she tried to eat. Every vet in my area was booked out till the 30th, so I spent a good 2 hours calling places further out to get a next-day appointment. I finally managed to get one, and it turns out that she got bit by an ant. Honestly, I'm fine with spending money on my pets, but I was really relieved because she's 12 and the idea of her needing surgery made me feel very guilty. I would've gone through with it, of course, but I would still feel bad that her body had to go through anesthesia and surgery. Either way, after the appointment she started eating again and was back to being cuddly and sweet. It would be easy to feel annoyed that I worried and spent money on what turned out to be a bug bite, but I think it's much better to be on the lookout for signs your cat has a serious health issue/is in pain. They can't talk to us, and we can't just give them ibuprofen the same way we can take it when we're in pain. So it's our job to read between the lines and look out for signs that they need help.
I've watched you on TV a lot and I've always had and liked cats and It's just wonderful to see someone who cares about and knows them so well, and can teach people things they may not have known even if they had cats all thier lives. I kinda wish you could meet my cat, not because he's a problem or sick or anything like that. He's a happy boy, and just really sweet and social and eats up any attention anyone gives him. I've seen you take cats people thought had no chance and were just impossible and show that they're just misunderstood and are really sweet
Vet assistant here. The number of angry cats we get in our clinic that turn into complete sweethearts after getting pain meds is astounding. Jackson's point about pain affecting your cat's behaviour cannot be stressed enough. If your cat's suddenly acting funny, always go to the vet first!
The vet made me fill out a form demanding my DOB as "DEA required"
WTF does the DEA NEED my personally identifiable info one one sheet of paper to get veterinary care for my cat? "Hee- hee well that's for 'opiates.'"
The DEA believes I'm using MY CAT to doctor-shop for opiates?
You are gleaning an identity theft database demanding my date of birth before you even examine my cat!
Now the scum janitorial service and all employed can go to town.
"Oh Goodness, NO! Nobody (except our crooked employees and vets) will see this cause it's confidential.
You KNOW that you'd NEVER prescribe my cats pain meds! Dear God, not opiates!!!
@lau S, I don’t know what your problem is dude, but I’d say it’s probably got something to do with you trying to get opiates for your “cat”. The people who work at or for and who are vets aren’t crooked, you flipping weirdo. 🙄
@@gaynorgregory2528 What a paranoid and bizarre reaction!!!!
@@victoriachapman1790 I’m assuming you mean lau’s? If so, I agree, it’s also bullying a vet’s assistant which I hope you also think is not on?
@phil donahue This is not veterinary advice, but...
If you're able to, get them both checked out by a vet. It sounds like you got a pretty good idea of what Baby's normal behavior is - any deviation from the norm is worthy of a vet visit, even if the vet just tells you that nothing is (medically) wrong. Then you can go on and look at any behavioral issues.
Getting Max neutered is likely a good idea, regardless of whether or not it's the root of Baby's problem. This is especially important as you're letting your cats out - while a neutered male cat will still likely fight in order to protect himself and his territory, intact males roam further afield in their search for a mate, and thus tend to have larger territories, leading to increased chances of fighting. The fights can lead to certain diseases being transferred to your cat (especially if they're not vaccinated), and the deaths they face are honestly long, slow, and painful. If Max contracts an especially contagious disease through fighting (panleukopenia is a big one!), there's a very, very high chance that he'll pass it on to Baby (even if Max and Baby don't fight), and then you'll be faced with having to either pay a very expensive vet bill, or euthanasia.
Neutering also means you'll be reducing the chances of him contracting certain cancers, you'll likely see reduced spraying (if not having it be eliminated altogether), and his regular pee will just smell less. And yes, it may ultimately solve your problems with Baby (although it's hard to say at this point).
The neutering process in most healthy males is super quick, and recovery generally goes smoothly (you'll have to try and keep him calm and as still as possible for a little while, though!).
I hope that answers your questions (or at least gives you some food for thought!)
Always pay attention to your cat! My 11 year-old senior kitty started screaming one night sounding exactly like a fire alarm (which I had never heard before). I jumped out of bed and saw her in a classic spaniel point at a couple of large scorpions crawling on the wall. Once I dispatched them, I praised her and gave her a few kitty treats. I am constantly amazed at how smart and protective she is! She knew better than to touch them and to call for help. I had a flashback to the old Lassie TV show & I feel lucky to have her!
That's amazing! Smart kitty
And you killed the scorpions why? They are alive too
@@captnwinkle Oh my god lol
@@captnwinkle you know that microscopic creature you killed while getting on the toilet? Or how about that harmless microbe your immune system killed? They clearly have the same intelligence and level of conscioussness as a cat, you little b***** you are going to h**** f*** y*** Y*** F***** D******
how did you kill 3 apparently "large" scorpions on the wall i'd just flood the room with my piss
The other day my Tom, a big friendly void, started tearing around and slamming my door. He kept jumping onto and over me: really unusually stressed panicked activity. Turned out that the goldfish tank had sprung a leak, and he was trying to let me know something was wrong. As soon as I took care of the tank and told him it was ok, he relaxed.
He also helped me out last week. I had fallen and hurt my back. He ran yowling to get his daddy to come help.
Always good to listen to what kitties have to say! :)
That warmed my heart. He sounds like such a darling.
@@mikoto7693 thanks. He's my good boy
Yes! I recently had major surgery. My girl of almost four years old, a Siamese mix, was so upset, she cried and howled non stop. I had to cuddle with and reassure her that mom was going to get better. She calmed down and could see me struggle, so adapted to the temporary new me. Aren't our kitty kids amazing? 🐈
This is not the first time I heard of a cat warning a human because something was wrong. One of my sister-in-law's cat fell of the window and another of her cats run to her very alarmed to tell her.
I agree completely! Mine jump on me and pester me mercilessly when my blood sugar crashes. Or when I badly need to go to bed. Definitely good to listen to what our babies say! 💖🐾💖🐾
When my cat was a kitten and didn't want to eat, had diarrhea, and was meowing like he was uncomfortable, I took him to our normal vet. She said he wasn't sick enough to hospitalize and sent us home. I wasn't happy with that; I KNEW something was wrong. I went to a different vet, they tested him for panleukopenia and it was positive. He was hospitalized for 5 days and by some miracle, he survived. I was so glad that I listed to my intuition. We do not go to that vet anymore.
Unfortunately some vets are incompetent. The patients and the owners pay the price. My poor bff and I did. :(
Omg relief
@@jthomas3773 Oh I definitely have experience with incompetent vets. I know this is a cat video, but my mother asked a vet about a small bump on her dog's lower abdomen and was told "oh don't worry, it's just a hotspot, it'll disappear". This would continue for the next couple visits. Fast forward six months, the "hotspot" has not only not gone away, it's grown, won't heal, has begun to fester, and the poor dog is now in obvious pain. Obvious spoiler alert: it was cancer, like my mom initially thought. She caught the problem half a year before the so-called "professionals" did. Long story short, we got the tumor cut out and our little dog is coming up on 14 years old and is back to having a spring in her step. But we never looked back at that useless vet whose ineptitude almost killed our pet.
@@Ebon_Sean Excuse me??? Diarrhea is one of THE Red flag in cats from the time i've worked with vets in animal shelters, and the vet just shrugged that off? complete incompotency.
@@wandereringshadow8658 I think it was the vet's assistant. Either way, she definitely shouldn't have that job, she clearly doesn't care to actually do it.
I almost learned the hard way to trust my gut and pay attention to my cat's communication. I thought I was reading too much into it, and my friend, who is a receptionist at a vet office, was also making me second guess myself. NEVER AGAIN. Every morning, my cat stands on his hind legs and holds his arms out for me to hold him. Without fail. One morning, he didn't do this, just crowded my legs with my other cats. He huddled against my leg while I was walking, which struck me as odd, and when I stopped to see what was going on with him, he placed his abdomen on my foot and just sat like that. I realize now that he was indicating to me where it hurt, but I wasn't sure at the time.
That evening, he was using the litter box and didn't get out when his brother got in. That immediately concerned me, so I told my roommate he needed a check up. She saw him urinate so she was convinced it wasn't bladder or kidney related, and as he started going downhill fast, she still thought it was because he had a back ache due to a small spinal issue he had from birth. She made the appointment for Tuesday, but it was Friday. I thought I was overreacting, but I couldn't shake my concern. At one point, he stopped being able to walk and was so weak that he was dragging himself slowly across the floor. I didn't want to pick him up, because I didn't know what was hurting him. He used what little strength he had to drag himself to my feet and put his head on my slippers, which killed me. Finally, Sunday morning, he could barely move, and I wasn't going to accept that this was a "pain response," regardless of how sure my roommate was. She took him in, and the doctor was kind enough to take him immediately and clear her schedule. He DID have a urinary blockage of some sort, and his potassium levels were LITERALLY off the charts. They couldn't measure them because they were so high. The doctor said if we'd waited any longer, he'd be dead.
He stayed in the hospital for a full week, and it was touch and go. Thankfully, he eventually came around and fully recovered, but he wouldn't have if I'd kept denying my sense that this was way too much for a mere pain response. I will NEVER not trust my gut again. A small change in a normal behavior can be the start of something very serious. I'm just so grateful I still have my baby.
Did you tear strips off your friend, who works at a vet clinic and told you it was nothing much? I would have. I would also speak with her boss and let them know ALL their staff need training on what signs in animals mean something is seriously wrong. If she doesn't know which signs are serious, she should not be working around animals.
@@HollyOak It's a little more complicated than that, but I didn't want my long comment to be even longer. It wasn't that she thought it was no big deal. She didn't think he was fine and dandy, but she didn't think it was an emergency. There were reasons why she didn't want to take him in sooner, which were valid if it really hadn't been a problem. In the past, he'd had an issue with constipation because of his back injury, so she thought it was that. She also saw him urinate and erroneously believed it couldn't be a blockage. I think she was just a little too confident about what she thought it was, and though I argued with her a bit, I was less certain and ended up relenting. When he was dragging himself, she thought it was due to the gabapentin she gave him because she thought he was just in pain. That can happen at times, temporary paralysis of the back legs. And to be fair, he went downhill very quickly, so it was only a day before I realized she couldn't be right about the pain response, and when I said he needed to go in now, she dropped everything to take him.
That being said, I admittedly was furious with her. I was so angry that I hadn't trusted my gut, and she'd been so sure about it that it made me second guess myself. I never told her just how angry I was with her, so yeah, I did want to lash out a bit. But he lived, so I didn't. I think if he'd passed, it would have permanently damaged our friendship. But he's standing on my leg right now being obnoxious, so I'm willing to forgive her. This was years ago, too, and she learned from her mistake. Like I said, it was more complicated than her just brushing it off, but my comments are already short novels.
@@HollyOak Also, the reasons she didn't want to bring him in earlier were for his own benefit, I just didn't want to get into the issues there. But yeah, she misunderstood what was happening as a previously less severe thing that had happened in the past and thought it would be better to bring him in when his usual doctor was back in the office.
Dear god, if your animal can not walk anymore and u still didnt take him to emergency? I m very happy the poor animal survived such a bad owner
@@bambinaforever1402 I explained that part in the comments that followed, Karen.
My 15 year old best friend started showing signs of her age this year. I don't come from a family that spends a lot on pets, so anytime I voiced my concerns and thought aloud I'd take her to the vet, I'd be reminded how much that would cost and told "she's just old!"
Well, I finally had too many symptoms staring me in the face, and I took my baby to the vet and put it on a credit card. Sometime between February and April, she'd become a full blown diabetic. Her blood sugar was 468!
I feel terrible that I didn't intervene sooner, but I learned the most important lesson from it. You know your pet best, no one else. If something is off, you are the only living being that can help them get the help they need.
Luckily pet insulin is rather inexpensive compared to human and my 15 year old is doing phenomenally now :)
My first ever post here on YT. Please can I encourage you to research the carnivore diet. If humans can completely reverse diabetes and get off all insulin, surely feeding cats their natural diet can do the same.. Wishing you and your little one perfect health. Blessings !
@@tinamassey3426 hey hello, as a vet tech can I suggest you not give this person medical advice about her pet when she's working with a vet? Especially since this advice could absolutely be deadly.
@@tinamassey3426 You are not this cat's vet. Do not give unsolicited medical advice. You could do real harm.
@@tinamassey3426 I hope it's your last post
@@tinamassey3426 I completely agree. Diabetes is a metabolic disease. It doesn't come out of thin air. It is absolutely manageable and preventable using a biologically appropriate diet with proper professional supervision. People don't realize that kidney disease, kidney stones. UTIs, diabetes, and more are so common because kibble is NOT safe for cats due to insufficient water content and horribly backwards macronutrient breakdown. Cats are not meant to eat dried carbohydrates, they are meant to eat fresh meat. It is absolutely reprehensible that veterinarians support kibble for cats. The consequences of an improper diet for cats are dire. Find a high quality wet food or see a veterinary nutritionist for professional guidance on how to feed a raw diet.
This video is so important. Here's a quick story about red flags with favorite little dude, Merlin.
When I first got Merlin from the shelter, I took him to the vet because, let me tell you, his breath smelled like low tide. The vet confirmed that he had extensive tooth decay, and that he would require surgery. The nearest surgery date was 3 months away. Of course, my first question was "Is he in pain?" The answer was, "It's unlikely."
So we went about our lives. But, during these three months Merlin's personality slowly started to change. It was just little things at first. He became more fearful: afraid of my boots, afraid of the sound of metal furniture, afraid of movement *period*. He started meowing constantly, and so loudly that people could hear him when I was talking on the phone. He stopped enjoying touch.
I felt terrible. I thought I had done something wrong. All behaviors have an antecedent. But, for this cat I just could not find it. The surgery date rolls around. Privately, I'm afraid that it's going to further traumatize him. $1200 worth of kitty dental work later, the vet calls me up and says, "We had to extract nearly all of his teeth. But, with cats who have decay this severe, owners often find that their cats are happier."
It was like someone had performed a factory reset on Merlin. Loving, unafraid, no more crying.
Take your cats to the vet, people. Take. Them. To. The. Vet.
AND we have to advocate for pain relief for our kids. They can't ask for it! lf we would be in pain from something, so will they be. After surgery, pain relief meds should be automatic - but they're not. You have to insist. Anti-inflammatory AND opioid meds!
Most vets are butchers. If you meet an honest one, that's 1 in a million!
My old cat was so depressed when his teeth were removed because they were rotten, he didn’t eat, but i syringe fed him and he started to eat on his own. He also was diagnosed with early kidney abnormalities because of the blood work before his teeth extractions. If he wasn’t diagnosed that early it would have been too late by the time the symptoms showed.
He lived for 17 years, from 2016-2021 after being diagnosed.
Going to the vet is important to maintain their health.
Also if you have the slightest doubt, get a second opinion. Two of my cats have been misdiagnosed by two different vets from the same clinic. Went to a different one, one of them got the right diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Unfortunately it was too late to save the other one.
Can we all appreciate just how good-humored and cool Jackson is?
I try to play with my cats before bedtime and they usually end up sleeping most of the night. A lot less stampede running at 3am 🐈🐈 😁
How long do you go for?
I do the same. Playing for 5 to 10 minutes with everyone together or alone (depends on the mood of the cats) and then they sleep the whole night. 👍🏻
My husband has a nightly ritual with both cats. A lot of hide and seek and laser chasing. After about 10-15 minutes they both are tired and ready for bed. We don’t hear them all night. He occasionally works out of state for a few days at a time. When he’s gone I often get jolted awake from them launching themselves off of walls and running through the house with late night zoomies. I’ll have to remember to tire them out next time he’s out of town.
Our older cat also knows the signs when hubby is leaving. She lays on his toiletry bag when he packs. I think she’s trying to hide it. Like he can’t leave if he doesn’t have his toothbrush and deodorant. lol
When we first started dating he claimed he was 100% a dog person and anti-cat. Now he sends me pics of our cats and can’t leave the pet section in stores without buying treats and toys for them.
He even sends me pictures of other peoples cats when he sees them.
@@ing4079 This is precious. ❤️
@@ing4079 k
I give my cats regular "kitty massages" where I check for any sensitive areas. It includes a "paw massage" too. Can take a while for some cats to be comfortable with having their paws touched, but it really helps me monitor their physical health. For the paws, I suggest getting them used to just a brief gentle touch of one paw with one finger. When they're comfortable with that, make the touch last longer. Gradually build up to the point where you can massage the paw.
Love it thank you ❤️
That is great advice. My cat is indoor/outdoor and refuses to use a litter box, so I don’t have that as a gauge. I have to rely on regular touch-related checks of her body, and her eating habits to tell me if anything is wrong.
@@shandytown7019 me too.
At any time in their lives, but better when they're younger, teaching a cat paw, e.g. to present their paw for a reward, then they get used to you touching their paws over about 6 months
I'm so glad my new cat likes to be scratched EVERYWHERE, including her entire limbs and belly. Hopefully I'll know when she's hurt with this method!
Our old man is 19 years old, and he started yowling a lot about two or so years ago. I recently saw a video of a deaf cat yowling the exact same way and we realized he’s gone deaf.
Breaks my heart that he can’t hear our voices anymore, but we increase the slow blinks other body language to make sure he knows he is safe and loved 🥺💕
slow blinks are the best!
@@itemushmush Definitely! We slow blink at him a lot. We also figured out how to call him by doing a low gesture like a “come here” sort of thing - hand down to his eye level, palm up, and pull fingers in towards the palm. He comes without fail!
I totally understand what you mean! Not a cat but my 13 year old Cocker Spaniel has lost most of his hearing and now he's lost some of his vision! Breaks my heart but the vet says there's nothing that be done. It's his age and the aging process.
@@extremeocd1184 such a shame they dont live longer :( sending you my thoughts and prayers
@@itemushmush Thank you so much!! I lost my husband of 41 years a few months ago to a massive heart attack. I feel he's all I have left as we never had any children. Your prayers are greatly appreciated!! 🙏
You have literally changed my cat game. My vet wondered how I knew my cat had something in her teeth so early on and I just told them I watch your videos and became suspicious after small behavioural change. He said he needs to watch your videos too so he can recommend them to clients. :) So much love and thanks from me and my 2 furballs. As a new cat owner I just lacked the knowledge and experience and your videos were a (cat) life saver.
As a vet tech thank you so much for this video! The line between physical and behavioral can be so blurred in cats.
Hello Julia how’s the weather over there
My cat had itchy skin as if she had fleas. She didn’t because she is treated for fleas. Also she had bad behaviour. She would bite me. Didn’t want to be patted. Just not happy at all. All that itching was affecting her behaviour. She started eating food without fish and I noticed a difference in her behaviour and her itch. So I’m not giving her anything with fish in it anymore. I’ve read the protein in fish is hard on some cats. Fish is not a food that cats hunt. Fish oil doesn’t have fish protein in it so I’m waiting to see if she can tolerate fish oil that is in many foods.
She is now following me all around and can tolerate a lot more petting. She is just much sweeter.
yep, seems like they just don't want to make us worry :(
I've suffered from chronic pain for almost 20 years. Jackson is absolutely correct. I've had so many people that I cared about walk away from me because they didn't understand what that much pain for that much time does to someone. It's one of the most heartbreaking things to have to go through. Especially repeatedly. It's already torturous to not understand why you're acting that way or to be able to stop it. Please, know what you're getting into when saving an animal or getting a pet. And make sure you can afford vet visits before committing. It's just as important for them as it is for you. And take care when picking your vet, just as you should when choosing your own doctor.
I totally relate to this. Thank you
@@lisazappala4381 You're welcome. Just don't give up. There are people out there who understand. And they tend to be terrific people. Not everyone will reject it. It's hard work but it's worth it.
As a fellow chronic pain sufferer, I agree! Sometimes when a flare is just ramping up, before I even realize it’s starting, my actions and behaviors will tell my husband loud and clear that my pain is ramping up.
That same recognition of pain’s body language has helped me understand my 17 yr old CKD kitty much better! A lot of the time, I just know when something is not right with him. I’m able to read his behaviors just like my hubs can read mine.
Gentle hugs, fellow warrior. 🙏🏻
I take my rescued pets to the doctor more than I take myself hahaha
@@rrmother3748 🙏
When I adopted my girl, I was warned she had some "quirks". Delicate tummy with a tendency to scarf & barf, a penchant for chewing, nervousness, and down with a kitty cold. Pretty tame for a recently rescued street cat, honestly. Vets cleared her before and after adoption, so I was prepared to ride out adjustments and help her recover.
A month later, though, and she was getting worse. I made SO many adjustments, but the malaise, itching, vomiting, and protective avoidance were really pronounced.
It took a lot of sleuthing, but I eventually discovered she has a chicken allergy. She ironically got worse *after* adoption because I switched her to food with a higher meat content. 😅
The difference after cutting all chicken from her diet was stunning. She was attached to me as a scraggly, stunted little thing at Day 2, but she's since become a lovebug of a slinky murder chinchilla. I'm overjoyed with how much she's thrived, and just hearing her happy chirps during zoomies warms my heart.
The moral of the story is: even for new cats, it's worth keeping an eye on "diagnosed"/known problems. Our feline friends are experts at hiding their weaknesses, and you often can't know how poorly they're doing until they've warmed up to you!
what did you give her insteqd of chicken ???? plz reply
@@sadiasiddique852 Just cat foods that don't have chicken or undisclosed poultry in the ingredients. 🙂 If there's a suspected allergy, sticking with one flavor from a limited ingredient diet label at the start helps! Just be sure to give them a few weeks before trying new protein sources. It takes a while for their immune system to calm down.
@@valumtimes aaww thanks!💓
@@sadiasiddique852 Not a problem! Best of luck to you. 🐈⬛️🤍
I'm so glad you figured it out! They put chicken in so many cat foods, it can be difficult to pinpoint.
I opened the door for my cat, whenever she wanted. We had a garden, the neighborhood was quiet... and we thought, that she must be happy, being indoor outdoor. Because here in Germany, every shelter demands: "this cat needs the outside, this is the best" and even the vet told us, she was born outside, and she needs it.
She was always on the edge of being aggressive. Jumping legs, scratching random while cuddling, biting, even hunting me. I learned how to move around her, so she didn't attack me. Later I understood, I learned how to move, so she wasn't stressed because of me. I am a quiet person. But even small movements made her jump.... what a red flag. And no vet even was alarmed. "It is just an aggressive cat." Now she wasn't.
After years, she trusted me more but... she had problems. Little did we know: all she needed was to be an indoor cat. She always had issues with her bladder... the vet said: "it just chronically". It was a red flag of stress.
But then, we had to move, we were forced to a smaller apartment in the city and there wasn't a way for my cat to be safe outdoors.
So she became an indoor cat and she never even once wanted to go out... she... became cuddly, calm... I was so happy and... so sad. She had stress for YEARS. We went from vet to vet... nobody told us, how stressed she was just from outdoor life... and I should know. I can't handle outdoor stuff too. My doctor told me: "Well you are just too hypersensitivity for so much stress all the time." Of course, that could be a problem for a cat too. We were so naive. She had stress because of other cats. She was always very noise sensitive. She was always on alarm... that is stress. Horrible stress. And maybe she would have lived longer if she hadn't had that much stress. She taught me how to speak to cats, how to move, how to calm them down... Taught me, how to treat myself with more patience, too. I learned that being stressed just from little scary things is OK, and that you must change, what hurts you. Because I nearly did the same to me, forcing myself into a job, that wasn't good for my ADHD and stressed me out. Ghad... I miss her so much.
Those of us who are highly sensitive are constantly being labeled as “too...” or “just...”, and this includes cats as well as humans. The everyday world can be incredibly stressful, and sensitivity is not a weakness. Your baby blessed you with the wisdom to trust yourself - and maybe some more cats. 😻
@@ginalibrizzi5204 Yes! Thank you!
Very touching.
I rescued an older cat (the vet thinks 12 years) who was a stray most or all of her life. I'm from NYC, so my cats have been indoor by necessity. Now I live in the Bay Area, but I still keep them in because I believe it's safer (and rescue orgs actually insist on it). Back to my rescue... She is sooooo happy to be an indoor cat. She's incredibly loving and affectionate and loves snuggling in blankets. She's also so sensitive she shakes in fear and wheezes when she's startled. I tried to put her by the window to get some sun and air one day and she freaked out! She doesn't even want to *see* the outdoors anymore. It makes me so sad to think how terrified and stressed she must have been living outside all those years. 😢
I'm a postman and see cats standing at there door meow moew so I press the bell so they can get in there homes some homes don't have cat flipps believe or now
Back when my family had a cat, we signed him up for this long term treatment plan membership at the vet's that included yearly check-ups and vaccines and greatly reduced the cost of emergency procedures. Since we adopted the cat when he was already a little older, that really payed off. We caught problems on time and when something seemed off we just took him to the vet without having to worry about it costing too much. I have no idea how common such deals are, but I feel like they should be and that people should take their cats to the vet regularly no matter how loudly the cat protests or how bloody the vet ends up
Vet visits don’t have to end in screaming and blood. There’s some mild sedatives such as gabapentin that can really take the edge off of kitty’s anxiety. “Cat friendly” or “fear free” vets also have additional training in lower stress handling.
Or some vets come to you.
Banfield is one such provider found inside some PetSmart stores and is very reasonable. Top quality vets. They even sent my cats Christmas cards and birthday cards. Too bad my physician doesn't do that. All he sends me are bills.
My cats goes to vets once a year just to know what changed.i analyse them because sometimes numbers are good but on a higher number it should be renal wont ever go back to original but you can help it not deteriorate so fast.. 😻
After Jackson saying that about yowling and going deaf, it verifies what I've been thinking for about a month or so now. My sweet old girl has been yowling for a while so I thought maybe she was in cognitive decline. I got some nightlights and plugged them in various places in my apartment. That helped some but she still yowls. Jackson said that could be deafness, too. I have noticed that she doesn't respond when her head is turned away unless I get louder. And she likes my bed and used to come out of the bedroom when I came home from work. Now I have to go to the bedroom door and call her. I got her from the shelter in 2014 and they weren't sure exactly how old she was. My Vet said by her teeth she didn't look older than eight to ten years old. So she's maybe about fifteen-ish or a little bit older? I made an appointment at the Vet to look into the possible hearing loss. She's my sweet old lady. 💖
Thank you for stressing out to all of the cat owners to just trust their gut sometimes. One time, I came home and my grandma told me my cat vomited on the living room floor. I was of course alarmed, but then he ate his dinner, groomed himself and went to sleep so I thought it might be just the excess fur he licked or something like that. Throughout the day tho, he started to become more and more withdrawn and weak, not responding to me when I was trying to engage him in playtime, etc. and he was just - weird. I did not know how to explain that to anyone but he was just behaving really strange because I know exactly how this cat generally behaves. Everyone told me I am overreacting but I called my vet and booked an appointment the same day. Literally five minutes later he began to have diarrhea, began throwing up again, and refused to touch any food or water. When I got to the vet, I found out that he caught some sort of virus and was already severely dehydrated. Would he recover on his own if I listened to all these people? I really don't think so. TRUST YOUR GUTS, GUYS. It is infinitely better to be an overreacting cat parent of an alive and healthy cat than to be "calm and reasonable" ex-cat parent of a dead cat just because you do not want to look paranoid.
Hello Natalia how’s the weather over there
This is a great video for first-time cat owners. Cats are subtle but they're always communicating with you. I've had cats all my life (61 years and counting) and one thing I can say is, if they're crying out, they're not only in pain-- it's bad. They do not normally cry out in pain. Most animals' first instinct is to hide pain because it shows weakness. So if they're crying, rush them to the vet.
we can prevent a lot of situations reading their behavior right?
Just F.Y.I. for my fellow cat lovers: I have an elderly lady(21 years) who began drinking and eating like crazy, with no weight gain. Looking like Hyperthyroid. She's on medicine and seems much better.😄😺
I also wanted to mention that hyperthyroid can be actually cured. My then-17 year old cat had it, and my vet recommended radiocat. After crunching numbers, the radiocat treatment was more cost efficient than hyperthyroid medication if she lived more than a year and half. Well, she's 18 and half now, and doing great, besides the pain/hypertension/start of kidney disease. Her thyroid numbers are great now though!
...sending LOVE and many blessings of health and well being to your senior kitty ❤😻❤
May all of our babies live as long as yours! My oldest is 14 1/2 now. And I tell him I need him to be healthy and with me for a lot more years! 💖🐾💖🐾
When my cats got elderly I noticed they tend eat a lot
@@brittany6682 My Cocoa Chanel had thyroid, meds ineffective, maybe 4 years old...Back in the 1990s I paid 800 dollars for radiation treatment. She stayed in Cary, NC for 2 weeks, at the only vet that provided that then. She returned a changed kitty, no longer testy, twitchy, vomiting, fighting, starving all the time. She lived 20 years. On the other hand, My sweet buddy Keaton, aged 16 1/2, tested for thyroid, doesn't have it. Begs for food several times a day, I feed him up, but he continues to lose weight. Vet says it is likely cancer. Putting him to sleep this coming Saturday morning. Heart broken.
A few years ago when I was living with my parents, their cat started acting weird. I was the only person who noticed an immediate change in behavior. I told my mom that he needed to go to the vet and she was resistant (trust me, this is a huge issue I have with her because she judges me for how much I will spend on my animals). I waited a day to see if his behavior changed and it didn't so again I insisted that he needed the vet and again my mom was reluctant. I decided to just make an appointment for him the next day and pay for it myself (when I didn't have a lot of money) because I knew something was wrong. It turns out he had swallowed one of my mom's sewing needles. He came to me probably right after he had done it and I knew something was wrong instantly. Earlier that year I had to put down my soulmate cat because she developed a very fast cancer. Again, I noticed something had changed with her. I went on vacation and I came back and she was acting different. I brought her to the vet and they couldn't find anything wrong, so they suggested it was possibly because I was on vacation (my dad was taking care of her). When things still hadn't changed with her, I brought her back to the vet 4 weeks later and they discovered a large mass in her intestines that wasn't there 4 weeks prior. Given her age of 17, I opted for euthanasia over surgery, but I did have 3 more weeks with her because the vet gave her some steroids knowing that she didn't have long to live.
I’m so glad you took her in even though your mom was saying no. 💚
hi Alyssa, Was
hi Alyssa Was your cat able to be saved the one that swallowed a sewing needle? i sure hope so and I pray so.. if you read this please respond...... and yes we should all be very alert and observant of our kitty cats and dogs too and any other animals we have for that matter, we should be observant and aware of any little changes sometimes they don't show you right away but if they start throwing up sometimes it's could be something very serious and sometimes not but I rather air on the side of caution... and one of the biggest things I've noticed to be aware of is if they don't want to eat there's some reason why they don't want to eat pay attention to that immediately and then of course noticing if there's taking a long time or going often to go pee or poo.. please everyone just be aware of any changes even subtle changes.
@@barbmanley3114 He did survive the needle incident, but he's since died due to diabetes complications though.
My one cat had allergies. But when she had blood in her eye, I thought she scratched her eye due to it watering from sneezing. We took her to the emergency vet because we couldn’t get in for weeks. We were told she had cancer in her nose & it was inoperable. They thought we had a few months with her & we were given meds to keep her comfortable. She had less than 3 weeks. I felt terrible. I was so sick just a few weeks before. I didn’t notice if she was trying to tell me she didn’t feel well. Was she cuddling me more because I was sick or because she was? I’ve had to let pets pass over the rainbow bridge before but after I let her go…she was the only one I thought…I changed my mind. I want her back. I didn’t have the time they said I would. It’s been a few months & I’m still heartbroken.
I'll watch this at some point. Being a first time cat mom that has to euthanize my big boy tomorrow, I feel like I missed so many red flags that would have prevented my cat from suffering. 💔
I'm so sorry. I know exactly how it feels
@@nishottara777 Thank you. ❤
I’m so sorry…but please - no guilt. I’m sure you did everything you knew, and your love for your boy is more important than feelings that in the long run are destructive to you and his memory.Much love.
I'm so very sorry. It's the hardest thing to do 🥺😢, saying goodbye to our fur babies. I had to euthanize my boy 9 yrs ago because he had kidney issues. I could tell he was suffering so I let him go. I still miss him every day 😞. My thoughts are with you...🙏❤
My girl. rescued 10 years ago, despite being told at adoption she would probably hide for a couple of weeks, jumped up on the bed and slept next to me that first night and every night. Suddenly she wasn't coming to bed and was sleeping elsewhere in the apartment. I thought she was a bit rattled by the electrician as she is pretty scared of most people. Then I had a call from the electrician who had got up in the roofspace and came back down via my bathroom manhole. He apparently had found a dead rat up there and when he came down he had fleas on his legs and lots of bites. Those fleas found my girl. That was why she wasn't coming to bed - she was doing me a favour. Of course I sorted flea treatment straight away. I felt so bad for her - (and a little bit for the rat too - but that's just me)
My lovely Penny started peeing on me, nowhere else, just on me. I called the Vet to see if she had any ideas what would cause this to happen, she told me to bring her right in that she a urinary infection. I said okay, took her in, she checked her and she indeed had a urinary infection. She gave her a shot, gave me meds and in 2 days she was using the litter pan again. The vet said peeing on me was penny"s way of trying to tell me something was wrong.
Hello Lorraine how’s the weather over there
I have had three senior cats. Two still living at 18 and 19 years old, an one who passed at 18. One issue I ran into especially with the cat who passed was vets not taking my concerns seriously. They would focus too much on how healthy they were for their age that they would write off any issues. Blossom, the cat who passed away, was not keeping weight on for several years before she passed. We tried everything we could find to make her gain weight. She got down to just over 5 pounds. We took her to the vet many times and said she was eating more than the other cats but shes still losing weight. They would write it off as just being old and it was a fight to even have any tests run. They diagnosed her with Iritable bowel disease two weeks before her death. Because it had been untreated for so long she had kidney failure. At that point it would require daily iv drips at the vet which we thought was inhumane given her age and condition. Everything was missed despite our frequent complaints and concerns. She ended up dying from the preventable kidney failure. Some vets are so not used to seeing cats that old that they are so astonded that theyre breathing that they dont think issues are worth looking into. Im fighting now to make sure the same thing doesnt happen to my other two elders. With their current health, i dont doubt that both will make it into their twentys. The 18 year old still looks and acts half his age. Unfortunatly some vets dont listen when owners say something is wrong. Cats can hide a lot of suffering and owners have the best change at catching subtle changes.
That’s why I always go immediately to the vet when I notice a change in behavior, no matter how small it seems!
I’m prone to emailing my vet if I have questions but not significant concerns. They are always incredibly helpful about whether a visit is warranted or not. The other night I sent them an email at 9:30pm about a non-urgent question and fully expected not to hear from them until some time the next day, but one of the vets emailed me at 11pm to tell me not to worry and provided detailed info.
@@sadiek8785 that’s so cool!! Sadly here the vets all take weeks to answer e-Mails if they even respond at all. So it’s way faster to just drive there or give them a call.
@@sadiek8785 Wow you have great vets. Hold onto them. Just like human doctors, good animal doctors are very hard to find.
Where I live there is a service that allows for a video call, I think it's 3 times a year per pet with our insurance. This prevents any unnecessary visits and the service is free.
However, I've also learned that vets that take insurance are actually worse than the other ones and tend to recommend unnecessary procedures because of a deal they have. They still take care of the animal, but are more likely to jump to surgery or other methods that cost more because it makes more money for insurance companies and the vet office.
I'm hoping in the future when I have more money to go with vet that is more focused on actual care rather than whatever deal they have with insurance companies.
But for now, the free video chats are good to have an option because animal health care in my country (not the USA) is stupid expensive.
Mom, Dad, and I lived in an historic house built in 1854 (part of the Underground Railroad) in the middle of a small southern town, on Main Street. It was the Stagflation 1970s, and we had since fallen on hard times, and heated our home with wood in the fireplaces, coal having become too expensive. The floors were 10-12" wide old heart pine planks, held together with hand-hewn iron "nails". Two stories. First floor had the bathroom off the kitchen, with a dining room, then a large foyer with narrow short corridor that led back to the kitchen with a room adjacent. Mom was in that office space. In the dining room the fireplace had a blazing fire going, with my two current cats warming themselves: my smart grey tabby, Cheshire, and sweet Mr. BlackCat, a silent, fluffy recent stray. I was up the narrow flight of stairs in my bedroom, just above the dining room. Suddenly my Mom showed up at my bedroom door with Mr. Black. "He pounded on my door till I opened it, meowing like crazy!" Black had led her up to my room! He Ran to the top of the stairs, turned and meowed and ran down the stairs to wait. We followed him down. He went to the closed door of the diningroom and pawed it and meowed. I opened the door to see a burning log had rolled out of the shallow fireplace, and was burning on the floor. Cheshire saw it as an opportunity to stretch out closer to the warmth, but Black Cat knew it was a problem. We used the tools to put it back into the fire grate. The diningroom floor still has a little indention where it was charred, but the tight grain of the ancient pines' wood planks gave BlackCat time to get help. He rarely meowed all the years I knew him, but he raised a ruccous that time!
Thank you Jackson for all the insight you share. It helps so many.
Can you PLEASE address the dangers of lilies, especially with Easter coming soon? I lost a cat because of lily toxicity. I had no idea they were toxic and he would sneak up on my kitchen table at night and nibble on them. He was only 5 yrs old and very quickly developed kidney disease and mouth ulcers. I had to ultimately put him upsetting. I hope to shed some light on this so others can avoid what my kitty went through. Thx 😿
I’ll totally get that up on TikTok and shorts/stories thx!
Poor thing, so sorry for your loss.
@ꕥ Mollyblinks ꕥ Yes, I was surprised it was not talked about more often. I wish I had known. 😓
@@JacksonGalaxy please talk about when they're grieving another cat passing in the house, especially a sibling
how can we see that kind of stress?
add christmas Pointsetta's. Do check , read the list of toxic plants before you get an animal & if you have one now ..
My 15 year old cat was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease about a year ago after I noticed him drinking so much water
He also has arthritis in his hips, so I groom him daily because I know it hurts him to reach back there. Right now, he hasn’t lost anymore weight and seems to be doing well. I went through this with my other cat that lived to be 19 1/2. She had kidney disease for 5 yrs and did good until I noticed her sleeping in my closet all day, not eating or drinking and knew it was time to say goodbye to her. Thank you Jackson for going over all this, it’s important to notice tell-tale signs and go to the vet for proper diagnoses. FYI: my cat does not like any of the kidney care foods at all, I’ve tried the samples. So he gets his favorite wet food and is very spoiled with love.
yeah, those kidney foods... my girl hated them, so, since we knew the end was coming we just let her enjoy the best food she would eat.
I just lost my baby less than two weeks ago. He was only 8. Came home and found him on the floor, gone. No clue why. He didn’t exhibit ANY strange behaviors or red flags you talked about. I’m devastated. Just brought his ashes home yesterday. I’m heartbroken. I love you Romolo. 😢💔
Omg I'm so sorry 😭
Diana - poor you. Your little boy was obviously very special. Stay strong in the memories of times shared with your beautiful boy.
Sometimes there's hidden problems that you can only know through vet tests e.g. cancer (I lost a cat to cancer)
So sorry for your loss!! ❤
@@moyrawoodward2291 He really was. Thank you.
Yowling can also be stress and frustration! We moved a few months ago with my 11 year old, he was used to going out into the garden in the old house, but we kept him in for 4 weeks to make sure he was used to his new home as we were about a 3 hour drive from where we used to live. After week 2 he was ready to go outside, but the vet recommended to keep him in for 4 weeks. He would yowl nonstop and I was so sleep deprived. During this time he also had blood in his poo and wasn’t interested in food that much. We were trying everything in the book to make him feel less stressed out with the move and not being able to go out, including getting a feliway, but he was still unhappy. We took him back to the vet, they prescribed anti-anxiety medication which helped a little. After the 4 week mark we let him outside for the first time and since then, he has gone back to his usual self. No yowling, loves his food and no blood in his poo!
Arthritis is so common in older cats so I'm glad you mention it so often! My old girl had arthritis for the last 2 years of her life, I got her on pain meds & I had to do a lot of adjustments to make our home more accessible to her, & that helped her blossom once more ❤️
Cosequin , is a good arthritus Rx, from vet or farm shop
my vet has me give my cat dasquin every day mixed in with her food and it’s been really helpful! also works for humans too.
My Elder Cat refuses to take her joint medication. For a while, she stopped hanging out on the bed in favor of the couch. When we got her stairs for the bed, she returned to being reigning monarch of the pillows. She can’t jump as high as she used to, so it’s up to us to adjust things.
My cat will be 14 this year so I have been paying attention to him to make sure he can still get up on things. He still does really well and never seems to be uncomfortable. But that is something I think about a lot having a senior cat. I know eventually, I'll have to make my home accessible to him like you did with yours.
This is SO important! Humans underestimate animals' pain. We have to pay close attention to them, and give them all the accommodations we would give humans.
Jackson knows his stuff and how to make it real discussion. My cat Meesha passed this past Jan at 17 years old, after a tough year of many vet trips, renal issues, urinary issues. But she was a lover and great little pal. Like he says, the litter box is a huge indicator of many issues. Meesha was suddenly peeing outside of the litter box and I feared it was dementia. I made a simple litter box change and instant success (by way of using a small motion activated video camera to see what she was doing). Two months within a day of her passing, she started sitting on my lap (she was never a lap kitty), and I said to my wife, "this is nice but I hope its not a sign of things coming." But it was, and she was telling me. Amazing little kitty.
My cat Maynard, nearing 20, is deaf. But still eating/drinking/peeing/pooping mostly normal. His habits vary a bit week to week, which I think may be his age issues. Like my 95 year old mom, mom says she has good days and some not so good days. But everything Jackson says is relative to everything my buddy Maynard is doing in his very old years. Quality cat food is key, as most dry cat kibble (major brand names) is really just crap, filler, ash, junk. If you want your furry friend longer get her/him on quality proper protein cat foods relative to their age and well being. Makes a HUGE difference.
one of my cats is 15 (we estimate) and she started to wake me up many times/night being frantic, over a year ago. I asked the vet if cats can have dementia, she said yes, because of the symptoms my cat had. Vet wanted to give pharma medication of course, I went online to educate myself. I started to feed my cat RAW meat, (good for human consumption, don't worry) and within a week or 3 my cat was getting better and a few weeks later she was 95% better!! My vet openly said she doesn't agree with giving my cat raw meat! lol, I don't care, my girl still gets her raw meat every day and she is doing great! and I can SLEEP!
Yeah I look back on one cat we had when I was a kid and I know she suffered a lot cuz my parents rarely took our cats to the vet. Now I know so much more about what cats need and I’m hyper vigilant to notice any change of behaviors. One day she didn’t pee or poop all day. I was freaking out. I went down to petco and got her some clay litter, which I’m not a fan of, but I knew she preferred, as soon on as I poured it in the box she peed snd pooped like a champ. She was letting me know that she didn’t like the pine litter and wasn’t going to tolerate it any more. (I prefer the pine litter and was mixing it with the clay to wean her off the clay) She had been doing really well for several months with the soft flaky pine. Then one day it was a huge NOPE. But if that didn’t solve it, I had my vet on speed dial just in case. That was six months ago. Now her yearly vet visit is approaching. I’m curious to see how the vet thinks she’s doing. She looks and acts fine. She came to me with lots of issues as an older cat and a rescue. I think she has improved immensely in her self confidence as well as health. But it’s good that m working from home snd can see her daily snd pretty much all day. Thanks for posting this as a reminder for us to keep our eyes on what our cats are telling us in their own cat way.
Try the crystal litter (fine), I am also not a fan of the clay one and many years ago went over to the crystals, but the fine one coz most cats don't like the coarse one. I never had issues with my quarantine kitties (I rescue stray/feral cats and they are normally kept in a separate room for a period of time due to either medication/ajusting to rest of cat family before they join the rest and in the period they have to use litter boxes.
Good call. People are way too selfish and forget that just because some marketing gag (like scented cat litter) appeals to YOU doesn't mean for one second that it will be healthy or appeal to your feline.
Pine is toxic to cats!! They should not be using it in litter at all! I'm shocked that they still use it these days. Of all the options that exist too.
Sometimes there may be additives in pine litter. I tried the pellet kind and it made both my cats lose the fur on their stomachs. My son moved out and took his cat. A few months later, I noticed that her fur grew back. He was using clay litter. I figured that they both must be allergic to something in the pine litter. I went back to plain clay litter, and my cat's fur also grew back. My opinion, plain, old fashioned cat litter is best. sprinkle baking soda on it to absorb odors. Forget the fancy, high priced stuff!
I recently moved and my cat started to yowl and scream so often which he hasn’t done before. He’s 3 so he’s not old, he didn’t look like he’s in physical pain, his eating, drinking and litter usage was normal, no weirdness there. I thought maybe he’s adjusting to the new place but all other behaviors looked like he’s ok at the new apartment.
I was out of options so what I did was, an old Japanese traditional way to cleanse a household spiritually. My mom always told me to do it when I moved to a new place.
That night, his screaming was less and I noticed his eyes and face following something move from inside the closet to out the door. Within 3 days, his screaming stopped.
As Jackson said, cats are really sensitive to energy and sometimes it’s so hard to detect what’s bothering them. Thank you so much for another great video!
Right after Jackson said, go to the vet, go, ill wait..a ad came on saying, run dont walk...perfect timing.
SUPER USEFUL. I checked my cat and he seems fine, plays around, checked his litter box and he has been eating and drinking about the same
Our cat is a feral... We live on a mountaintop in Wyoming... She adopted my son and his family...a few years ago... She loves being outdoors...but she voluntarily comes indoors when we have snowstorms!! We love her so much!! ❤️🐈
Hello Corinne how’s the weather over there
@@stevenhenry4227 ...Hi, Steven... Snow was predicted for today, but the forecast has changed... There is snow on the ground from the last storm, which hit here last week... It’s cold! Actual temp is 23, but with the 22mph wind, it feels like 7 degrees... I am glad I don’t have to go anywhere!!
Thank you for asking!!
@@corinnepmorrison1854 Oh that’s okay the weather over here is okay so where are you from? I’m from Dallas Texas
@@stevenhenry4227 ...Originally, Southern California....then Nevada....and now, Wyoming...
Specifically, Buford, Wyoming, near Laramie...
Thank you for your videos.
I also wanted to say when cats can't go out, they can't help themselves with eating grass or eating things they catch that we can't give them or know what they know they need!! So vitamins and good grade food is so important for indoor cats.
I already know this is going to be interesting, I want to be able to distinguish cats' behavioral or physical discomfort or if it's just... rowdiness haha.
Dude knows more about cats than 30% of vets I have met
I really feel that yowling part, just fairly recently in this year in April we had to put our almost 16 year old cat down. A few months maybe half a year before that he start yowling in the stairwell so that I would hear it in my room, mostly around midnight. We thought not much of it, just that he wanted to get in over the night since it was winter and he was more inside during winter. With time we did notice that he seemed a bit confused at certain moments but only thought "yeah it's just his age" then the evening before we put him down he suddenly started to walk into everything and not barely able to find anything anymore. Since it was already 11pm on Saturday we waited for the next morning and went to the emergency vet and figured out that he had basically gone blind from too high blood pressure for too long, which can happen in older ages. If we had reacted to the yowling we might could have found that out earlier and give him a longer life, or put him down before having to through that rough period at the end of being pretty much blind.
Writing this down really just kind of hit me again with emotions and "trauma" from the horrifying scene that was seeing him walk around aimlessly into stuff. May he rest in peace now.
I just took my cat to the vet last month after noticing some of the "joint pain" signs you mentioned. Ziva (14) started seeming reluctant to jump off of furniture and would "crash" a little when she did. In addition, I'd sometimes catch the faintest of limps for a brief moment. Sure enough, the x-ray confirmed she has arthritis in her shoulder and some inflammation in her spine. She's on anti-inflammatory meds now, and she seems better.
Another possible joint pain sign could be changes in eating habits. Ziva was starting to consistently leave half of her wet food. I was actually getting more annoyed than worried. After she started her pain meds, suddenly she's finishing almost all her food in one sitting again. It dawned on me that crouching at her bowl might have been causing her pain all this time. I never would have caught onto that if I hadn't taken her in. I elevated her food bowl on an overturned bowl, and am looking into more permanent options.
Thank you Jackson. I had to say the soft goodbye to my CFO (Chief Fur Officer) Whiskey - a rescue who picked me to be his person and then preceded to rescue me over the past 11 years. The grief is crushing but I write and I cry. Your video has given me a great deal of reassurance that I made the right decision for him. I live alone and am surrounded by his presence. and a few voices in my head! This morning I can exhale, comforted by his memory and grateful for the lessons he taught me. I see that the final act of love I gave him was giving him peace.
i hope another frry friend come to your life wehen you are ready
Owner of a diabetic cat here. The extreme excessive thirst, excessive hunger and excessive peeing is what sent me to the vet. I did some googling first so knew it was one of three potential issues, diabetes, thyroid issues or renal failure. Thankfully it was diabetes and it’s been just over two years now and still doing well with a low carb diet and twice daily insulin injections.
Cats shouldn’t be eating more than 3% carbohydrates anyway
You'll never have excessive hunger with renal failure
To add to the main point of always go to the vet for serious issues. Don't always trust your vet when they say it's fine, and always push for more tests or get multiple opinions if you think something is going on.
My cat, Taz, had started eating less and less each week and was losing weight and strength too. I took him to the vet and they said he was fine just try different food. About 2 months later I saw no improvement despite trying dozens of different foods and treats from dry to wet, chicken to rabbit to beef, grain free or high protein and so many more. I took him to the vet again and they, again, said he was fine and keep trying different foods. A couple months after that he passed away and the hospital said it was stomach cancer.
Don't always trust the vet when they say its fine. They don't know your pet like you do.
I took my cat to get his yearly booster last month. The vet commented on how good he was. I felt so proud of my little sweetheart. 🤩
I used to be a technician at a Veterinary ER, and it was not an uncommon occurrence for an owner of a senior cat come in with the presenting complaint of "he didn't meet me for breakfast." Sometimes it was abrupt, sometimes owners mention them "slowing down" over the past few weeks/months.
My almost 12 year old cat started eating a lot more and became more aggressive with his food. Brought him to the vet and his thyroid levels were very high. We put him on medication and now his levels are too low so we’re trying to find a happy medium with his medication and After a couple of days he seems like he’s doing a bit better!
what did they recommend for him?
@@SwisherNoSweets he is taking tapazole one pill in the morning and half of a pill at night. My cat is a good cat but will attack my other cat out of the blue really bad to the point we have to separate them for awhile. Because of the thyroid he became a lot worse and started to attack my boyfriend and I for no reason and this time usually after he attacks after a couple of days he’s fine but this time he wouldn’t calm down but after bringing him to the vet and giving him medication he seems to be doing a lot better but for now we have to keep in in a big dog cage because he’s unpredictable. The doctor also recommend to put him on calming medication and so we’re gonna try that and hopefully that’ll keep him mellow
its very important to learn to read the signs they gave us
“I’m not a vet, I’m not a vet, I’m not a vet!!! “ (Red neon flashing sign)
And yet, there will be someone that says, “But, I didn’t see that!”
This video is so informative! Thank you!
I’m really impressed with your comment, if you don’t mind friendship where are you from?
It's true. Paying attention really matters. I recently noticed my cat being a lot less active than usual. Noticed A few blood spots on the floor and on the rim of the cat litter box. Inspected him and found a few embedded claws on my cat's paw pad. He's doing better now. Thank you for this helpful video.
Having recently been adopted by a Siamese cat I so look forward to everything you share on these videos ..... Thank you!! ❤️
...... Also like the guitars too! 😁🐈 🎸
Siamese' are the best!
@@helpfulnatural Oh! Aren’t they just! I love being a meezer mum 🥰
Reminds me of his show my cat from hell
Lucky you! Siamese are wonderful and have such endearing personalities. They tend to be very talkative and people-oriented. Smart, too! My aunt had one that lived to be 24, and he taught himself to use the toilet by watching his people. It was hilarious to go in her bathroom and see him squatting on the potty, looking like "Hey! A little privacy here?" 😸😻
As a kid my grandparents (who were Dutch but they moved lived in Australia) always had a Siamese cat named Tiffany and when I got to a teen one day I said to my mum "Geez mum nans cat Tiffany would be old by now" my mum told me" Tiffany has been replaced multiple times since then, when Tiffany died they would just get a new Siamese cat and they would call it Tiffany even if the cat was a boy" I knew they did it with their pet dog but I didn't know the cat has been replaced multiple times.
I have a lovely little void named Astreus (we live in Texas so he's mostly called Astro). Since we got him, he's always been a sweet little angel who loooooves attention and hates wet food (we gave him and our older cat, Cronus it as a treat for some days, since they don't have the dietary restrictions past cats have had). Every year, whenever Spring and the pollen came round, we noticed he started wheezing and lounging around a whole lot more than usual, so a year ago we ended up taking him to the vet. Apparently, not only does he have an allergy to pollen (and specifically cedar), but he also has asthma, and a slight allergy to *humans* . So we have to put him in a hotbox several times a week (it's basically the same medication that human asthmatics have, just fed in through a tube to a box rather than an inhaler), give him medication eyedrops, and give both cats specific wet food and dry food every day to help their weight and Astro's breathing. Hell, every morning during the spring and summer, I have to help the poor guy pick out the buildup of gunk out of the corner of his eyes. He always snuggles with me after that so it's all good, but still.
Thank you so much for these videos! I adopted my first kitten before the pandemic and a second last year. Because of all the amazing things that Jackson has taught me, everyone always says that my babies are the most beautiful and healthiest black cats they have ever seen. 🥰🥰🥰
I so appreciate the way you advocate for animals. I’ve learned so much from you. I’m very grateful. ❤
It was discovered (that the cat that i adopted from in her former home) was peeing blood. Like you said, was diagnosed as stress, from the small child in the house, a dominant cat and yappy liitle dog. They surrendered her to a rescue org and she is living a stress free life with me now. So yes, they do have stress! Thanks Jackson for spreading the word!
Awesome video.. We are our cat's best advocate, when in doubt, vet out. My older cat was showing weird signs and turn out to be cancer,. It was really touch and go for months but thanks to great specialists, and great pain management, he is thriving. The vet has made him the cancer poster child and he a 3 year survivor and we are so grateful everyday to see him, cleaning himself and carrying shoes. (his exercise) Keep doing what you do Jackson.. Much Love ❤️
I’m really impressed with your comment, if you don’t mind friendship where are you from?
If your cat is old and has the neurological yowling it usually happens at night and just going to them and reassuring them seems to work. At least it did with my cat we had growing up that had this
We shut ours in with us at night; it helped her to not feel lost. Unfortunately, she got to a point where she would sleep so soundly she wouldn't wake up to use the box. Our waterproof mattress covers and spot cleaner machine were essential items for her final few years.
I welcomed home a stray cat that showed up meowing at my door around a month ago. I think he never before had been inside. He's sweet and things are going fairly well with my other cats but... he still doesn't use the litter box. It's not a problem in the summer, as I have space outside where he can go safely. In the winter with snow, it can start to be a problem. He already saw and smelled the other cats pee and poo inside the litter but he just looks at it and then turns looking at me with the most amazed face I ever saw in a cat. I think he's totally puzzled by the fact that the others are going inside! 😀
100% to all of this!!! At 4 months old, my little baby boy had 2 trips to the emergency vet in the same day! The second I saw him having diarrhea outside of the box and stopped eating, I knew it was time. Now he’s almost a year old and vocalizes his opinion on everything and I wouldn’t want him any other way! My happy, healthy, and playful baby❤️
Hello Nancy how’s the weather over there
What did they do? Mine is on day 1 of dioriah but I think it's because we changed his food
Thank you Jackson. My tabby friend is 17, this video has brought to my attention things that I may not have been aware of. 👍😻
It is soooooo nice that Jackson cares about cats
We have to pay more attention to our pets. They need it cuz they depend on us!
This video makes me think of a cat that I had a few years ago. She only lived to be two because she ended up getting very sick, and had to be put down. I tried everything to figure out what was wrong with her, I had blood tests done, urine tests done, and even had the vet xray her. They never found out what was wrong with her though, and one day I just woke up and she was not responding. The night before she seemed fine, she purred and didn't want to leave my side, she just seemed to be saying goodbye. I still feel responsible for having to put her down, and it took me a while to get a new cat. Hell, I'm starting to tear up as I write this. Anyway, I wish I could have saved my first cat, she was doing everything in this video. Her last days, she climbed onto the couch using her claws and lost her ability to land on her paws. (I think something happened to her spine and for some reason it never came up in the x-rays? I just wish I knew what was wrong sooner so she wouldn't have been in pain for the last few days of her life.) But, the one thing I will never forget from that day was telling the vet to put her out of her misery.
Now, years later, I still have her ashes and a new kitten named Cynda. She's been my baby for almost four years now, and she's absolutely the best cat. Sure, she begs for food that I'm eating and wakes me up at three am because she wants to play, but I wouldn't want to change her for the world. She stares and slow blinks at me, and kneads an old pillow pet I've had for years (because I got it when she was a kitten, and it's a sort of comfort item for her now.) Anyway, guess what I'm trying to say from this post, is if you see anything odd about your cat's behavior, take them straight to a vet. Any bad change in a cats behavior should be looked into, and it isn't a bad idea to see a vet if you're concerned over your cat's health.
Taking our 21 year old to the vet as soon as we noticed blood in his faeces allowed us 14 months to say goodbye after his cancer diagnosis. The 20 year old we lost in 2014 had arthritis and watching her behaviours allowed us to get her regular Kenalog injections and ongoing pain medication which gave a new lease of life. Paul, our vet, says we know our cats and he will always listen to people who say "(S)he just seems off, and not quite her/himself."
Can I say I’m sure it also works the other way round. I had a really bad night last with my lungs and I was in a lot of pain. My cats usually wake me about 5:00am as I normally start coming round at around that time and they hear me start moving. Last night instead of both sitting on my chest one laid by my side and the other between my legs. I felt like they were there to keep me company rather than demanding service as they usually do. I know it sounds soft but I don't care.
*Although the extreme asthmatic part of my condition is thought to be atopic I’m not allergic to cats. I had Cookie (the one that lived to be 20) when my lungs first went and my consultant tested for being allergic cats.
UPDATE: my babies have an upper respiratory infection because the rescue we got them from forgot their final distemper. I’m so upset.
So helpful! Definitely got me to see the red flags!! My kitten has been crying for food nonstop since we’ve gotten her a few months ago. She eats 2-3 times a day, wet food! I thought she was just being greedy. and she was using the bathroom right outside the litter box! Additionally she’s started to sound very congested! My poor baby, off to the vet we go!!!
I hope your cat gets better. ☹️
Hope she feels better soon. Let us know what the vet says.
Keep us updated. I hope everything is alright.
Good luck at the vet! I hope it's something easily remedied.
Kittens do eat more than adult cats, though. That's not unusual. Around 2-3 times a day. Because they are WAY more active & they are growing! My kitten eats 3 times a day, wet food, about a 1/2 can at a time. (He gets royal canin kitten food). The congestion I would get looked at, upper respiratory in kittens and cats can get bad fast if left untreated. Hope your kitten gets well soon!
Just adopted my 2 kittens at the shelter a while back. I had no experience in having cats so I checked ALL your videos. As soon as I noticed one baby having litter issues, I took him to the vet. Turns out he needed surgery because he couldn't wee properly. He was completely different after this. Thanks so much!! I could not imagine what would've happened if I didn't take him to the vet as soon as I saw this! Ur videos helped me so much! ❤️
Thanks so much for creating a community for cats and their owners, Jackson! 😺
Just wanted to add to the vocalizing part that my cat turned out to have a thyroid issue. Blood tests were needed to determine that, so def get him/her to the vet!
I actually cut a little chunk out of the vid about hyperthyroidism but check out my TikTok on Monday for it
@@JacksonGalaxy Please tell me it mentions Radiocat! I am extremely pleased with my cat being cured from the treatment. I wish this existed back when my childhood cat was elderly.
my cat yowls because I went to the bathroom and she is looking for me. part of me feels like I should do it back when she goes to the bathroom but I am not that mean. lol.
@@brittany6682 you had your cat irradiated? Did he/she seem the worse for wear from it? This is sth I considered but where I am it’s prohibitively expensive. My kitty would lose his mind, too.
@@ozywomandius2290 She was totally fine from the procedure. Her hyperthyroidism is now cured.
My 10+ year old cats & dog are so lucky to have a vet near home. Just hospitalised one senior cat and she gets the best medical care 😘
My Siamese mix, Babette, is 3 1/2. Suddenly started hiding, walking in her litter box but not using it. The vet diagnosed cystitis. It's emotional, and chronic. She now has to eat Royal Canin Urinary food. Very expensive! Also gets Meloxicam for pain. But is doing really well now that I figured out what was upsetting her. And I spend a lot more time with her too. Playing, cuddling etc.😸👍
Hello Donna how’s the weather over there
My cat had stomitatis. I had to give him meds and I finally extracted all his teeth. I took him to a reputable hospital in Philly. It's not an easy operation as the roots of the teeth are so close to the scull. I tired meds but finally decided it was worth the risk to give him a better quality of life💖
Such a good video! 😊 I feel like some times it can be hard to see some red flags when it comes to cats. Almost two years ago one of my cats started to seem a little anxious (meowing by herself and just wandering around more than usual). I thought I was worrying over nothing but took her to the vet just to be sure. I was truly surprised when the vet told me that she had high blood pressure and since there was no other under-lying condition to be found, we started giving her blood pressure medicine and today she is doing Great! Just proves that there are a lot of ways cats can show that they are not totally okay. ❤️
Why did that story about the aggressive cat turning sweet after having their health issue fixed make me cry? Poor baby :((
Hi Jackson
I love you for being such a great sentinel for feline well being everywhere (and just your general vibe♥️) thank you for all you do😻😻😻 I was wondering if you've thought about doing a video on how to help socialize the kitties some of us have adopted during quarantine that have only been around their guardians for the most part...this would be super helpful I'm sure for many people and their kitty kids
Great idea - I’ve done a piece about quarantine cats but of course that was at the very beginning of the pandemic. Time for another!
Jackson may not be a vet, but when it comes to feline behavior I trust his advice over the average vet who has to know about all kinds of animals. Kitties are his passion in life, and it shows.
I've gotten terrible advice from some vets I'm glad I didn't follow.
About 25 years ago, my elderly cat, "Spaz" was diagnosed with diabetes. The vet told me to spend a few days saying goodbye to him, but he needed to be euthanized asap. I went home and looked up all I could about feline diabetes and found it was treatable. I told the vet I decided to try treating my cat instead of having him put down. He sneered and said it won't work, the cat will hate me for giving him daily injections and he will die a miserable death within a month or so anyway. I found a different vet who helped us.
Spaz got so used to insulin injections, if I was late he would remind me by going to the fridge and meowing, then go to his spot on the couch where he always got his shot.
I ran into the first vet about a year after he diagnosed Spaz, and he said, "So, how long did your cat last before he suffered a painful death?"
I told him my cat was doing great and doesn't mind his treatment at all. I don't think he believed me, but who cares.
Spaz lived 3 years after that diagnosis, I did have him euthanized when his kidney failure left him with no quality of life.
He lived 18 years. He was with me when my fiance suddenly died in 1989, at the age of 32. Spaz was my greatest comfort when my baby son was kidnapped in 1993 and missing almost a year, and he was my dearest friend who helped me get through the shock and grief of losing my sweet dad to murder in 1996. When my mom passed away in 2000, Spaz was still with me, but near the end. A week after she died, I told him it was time for him to cross that bridge, and I would be okay, and that I couldn't feel sadder than I did right then anyway. I was wrong about that!
But then, a few days later, a neighbor came over and asked if I knew anyone who wanted a kitten? Her brother found some orphaned kittens at his job site and they were near death. I took one, another neighbor took the other and we worked together to save those sick babies! It gave me something to focus on other than my grief. Both kitties survived and grew to be gorgeous floofers. I named mine "Smidgen" because she was so tiny she fit in the palm of my hand.
I'll never be without cats in my life, unless I'm in a coma!
Yes thank you Jackson 😊
@@LazyIRanch What a heart-stirring story. You've been through so much and yet your soul and intelligence and emotional balance shines through. Praise and honour to you ❤️💚❤️
@@JacksonGalaxy thank you for your kindness to our pets lover i need your help my chacha she as lost her borther oscar he eat à rat empoisonné that get in his catio now chacha miaule miaule sine she lost her borther its 4 weeks now she is doing this in the night at 03h pleace till me what to do so i can help her in the day time she is happy t playing with the Yorkshire they eat together but in the night she miaule miaule do you think its OK to take a chaton or it will bring her more stress thank you seeing you from french guyane cayenne
By watching and noticing that my cat was drinking a lot more, I was able to get years more time with him. We caught his kidney disease and hyperthyroidism early so we were able to treat it and prolong his life. In fact, when I took him to the vet and the tests came back normal, I didn't leave it. I knew that something was wrong and it took a few months to show up. Having health insurance for your pet is so important because it gets rid of the "can I afford this?" Without his insurance, I would not have gotten his urine and bloodwork checked as much as I did, and he would not have lived to be almost 18 years old.
I have a rescue cat that came from a hoarding situation. We had her checked out by a vet when there was curbside service only during the height of the pandemic and she received a clean bill of health. She hid for 6 months around our house and I thought it was because she was under socialized and I worked for months to socialize her. Then we had her checked out by a different vet and turns out she had severe dental issues. She became a lap cat right after her dental extractions.
You are so right! My little boy cried and threw up sausage shaped stuff. Vet has really changed his life. His fur is soft now. He is much much better now.
I found out one of my cats had pneumonia because he was hiding under a coffee table, wouldn't come to us, and was barely eating. Two of the first red flags I ever learned about cats were 1) hiding, and 2) not eating, so off to the vet we went. Never had a cat with pneumonia before, and if it weren't for that behavior, there were no other clear outward signs that he was in respiratory distress.
My indoor cats love grass. I grow it for them, they eating it. I was told grass helps with their digestion.
Great & very helpful tips! Just last week, my Toby (pictured in my user icon) started missing the box, which he hasn't done since we got him a more suitable box several years ago. It was gross, but also made me worried that something was wrong. Then I noticed that he was limping. Near as we can figure, he must have hurt his shoulder jumping down from a tall table. Anyway, we took him to the vet, he got pain meds, and took him home. He went right back to using the box like a champ, stopped limping - and we got him pet stairs so he doesn't have to hurt himself jumping down from the high surface he enjoys. ❤️
You are freaking awesome. Great passion, great voice! Thank you for caring so much about cats!
I love your channel! I have been a cat parent for most of life. They are wonderful. Only once was I completely perplexed over a behavior. I adopted a young ferrel cat that forced her way into my life. She followed me from our house to barn and back like a dog. My little buddy. She didn't want to eat her meal until after I (we) finished feeding horses, chickens, pig. Soon she would try to get in our house. I finally took her to the vet to get spayed and a clean bill of health before bringing her in our home with our two house cats (desexed). This cat used to stare at me with a very intense stare...a lot. Before and after bringing her into our house. Even before/after food, She would come up to me and stare like she was trying to tell me something. But nothing I did for her stopped the staring. She slept with me. We played with her and loved on her every single day for as long as she wanted. She got along well with the other cats, but preferred me. We had her for 11 years and I never figured out why the intense staring. It wasn't food. She would do it even after eating. Our cats were well fed premium organic cat food, fresh cooked fish, poultry, frozen raw cat food, and supplements and the other two lived to over 18 years twice a day. The vet caught her looking at me and commented "wow that's intense". She was well loved and cared for all the days of her life with us. Just couldn't figure out what the intense staring was all about.
She stared at you because she was memorizing your face. She loves you, and wants to be with you forever.
Thank you, Jackson, for your compassionate comments about all those of us in severe chronic physical pain - feline and human alike. Light, love and gratitude 💖
I would always check up with my cat everyday to make sure he is ok and comfortable. If I hear my cat cough, I go see if he has fresh water and not having food in his throat. I am always watching him like a child. My cat is my baby 🐈⬛️ ❤️
Thanks for putting this out there :) tbh it astounds me that all of this isn’t completely obvious to everyone, but unfortunately its not so this is a great resource for those that don’t already know
When I took my baby girl Jillian 16 years old. I was very anxious wait for lab test results. The veterinarian walked into the examining room and said "Cats are Masters at hiding or covering up illnesses, better than any animal, such as dogs and horses. Jillian knew how I was, she was my soul mate, I would be or get all worried and sort of emotional, if my baby girl wasn't well. Plus their natural instincts in order for survival. It got to a point though given her age and as long as we had lived together ❤ I could tell that she wasn't well. All that being said, that is the only sensible reason I didn't catch it earlier. I still blame myself or question my judgment, taking her to the vet sooner. It could have saved her or extended her life had I known. I feel responsible at times and other times I'm amazed how she knew me so well. Not a day goes by don't think of her, miss her and cry. It had and still is painful and heat breaking experience. 😥😥💔💔 I'm trying to be strong and at peace she's is in a much happier place.❤🐈⬛🌈☀️
Hello Belinda how’s the weather over there
My heart hurts for you. I'm sorry you lost her. It makes me cry knowing I'll eventually be in your shoes cause I have a senior cat myself. Don't blame yourself cause she had 16 good years with you. You took good care of her which is why she made it to 16.
@@vickieclark5931 Thank you for your supportive words. It brings much comfort to my grieving heart. ❤ I would really enjoy the time with your Senior cat. I am sure they have many more bright and happy days ahead. Love on him or her spoil them rotten. Lol!! 😉🥰
@@belindam.8096 Oh that’s okay the weather over here is okay so where are you from? I’m from Dallas Texas
Brushing cats is one of the most important upkeeps too!
It starts with empathy and seeing cats as companions, not just pets.
The same way we’d be concerned with our partners, children and grandparents is how we should be with our non-human companions.
correct! they definitely are family and deserve to be treated just like that
I love you for your common sense approach to teaching us to pay attention to our 🐈 My cat Cleo and I are both old now and she is precious to me , so I greatly appreciate all of the advice that you share and making me aware of what is causing my cat too totally change her whole routine and stressing her out😊
the most we learn, the most we love this creatures.
My cat Shadow came to me nearly bald because she was so stressed from her former home at my aunt's. My aunt was an alcoholic and when we saw how stressed Shadow was, we brought her home. It took until my aunt passed away for Shadow to stop plucking her fur out. Now she's looking gorgeous. She definitely doesn't look 15!
I'm watching this video after taking my cat to the vet today for what turned out to be a urinary tract infection. I was lucky and my cat vomitted (less common symptom) which drew my attention to the fact that that my cat was unwell and immediately started seeing patterns I had been missing. I realized he was visiting the litter box more frequently than usual, but leaving smaller deposits. This caused me to use a test strip on the litter box and it immediately turned red (indicating blood in the urine). I took my cat in this morning and they confirmed the UTI and treated him immediately. He is recovering now, but in realizing how much and how easily I was missing crucial signs, I can't overstate how valuable your videos are. You basically described my morning in the first three minutes of your video. I hope and pray that someone who didn't get the warnings I did can benefit from your advice here. Thanks for all you do, Jackson,!
I love my cats to death and I monitor their behavior and mood everyday. One day, one of cats was acting weird like he was laying all day and wouldn’t get up, every time I lifted him up to get him to try to move he would just lay down. Like he was lethargic. He’s always so energetic, always greets me whenever he sees me and always asks for cuddles so I was confused. I brushed it off as him being tired cuz he’s always wandering around all day outside until the next day, he was the same, he didn’t move at all. That’s when I said something is wrong and I took him to the vet. Turns out he had a fever. They gave him medicine and he was better the next day. Always check ur kitties for any changes than what they usually act.
Pink-nosed kitties are so easy to read. If their nose is really pale or super red, you know something is up!!! And when the love bites stop, no matter how annoying you’re trying to be. Thanks for the vid!!!
Trust your gut!!! Also, if something seems weird, it probably IS weird. My mom's best friend had a cat, a lovely tortie named Snickers, and for a month or so Snickers had been drinking a lot more water than is normal for any cat. Having been watching many of yours (and Kitten Lady's) videos, especially with Hannah's cat Fergie, I mentioned that cats normally don't drink tons of water as they should be getting most of it from their food, and that drinking so much of a deeper bowl is concerning. I mentioned specifically that it might have something to do with her kidneys. Cut to a couple weeks later and she's housesitting for them while they're away, and I come to see Snickers obviously. I see how low her water bowl is even though my mom said she had refilled it to full the day before. I say that she really needs to be taken to the vet when they get back, something is very much wrong. Sure enough, they get back home and she starts acting even more lethargic. They took her to the vet a couple days later, and she was diagnosed with kidney failure, just as I had thought. Poor Snickers sadly passed away a few days later because it had already progressed for so long without them doing anything. Snickers was such a sweet little girl, I'm just glad she's not in pain anymore
I think the most important thing for cats is, like as for children, mindfulness. What mind having for cats affects to the behavior of parenting them!
I really appreciate you stressing that people should be going to the vet first and foremost! Last week my cat didn't eat for 2 days, so I thought it was an infected tooth or an abscess. She was also a little grumpy, wouldn't respond to being pet, etc, but the main concern was that she wouldn't open her mouth and would yowl when she tried to eat. Every vet in my area was booked out till the 30th, so I spent a good 2 hours calling places further out to get a next-day appointment. I finally managed to get one, and it turns out that she got bit by an ant. Honestly, I'm fine with spending money on my pets, but I was really relieved because she's 12 and the idea of her needing surgery made me feel very guilty. I would've gone through with it, of course, but I would still feel bad that her body had to go through anesthesia and surgery. Either way, after the appointment she started eating again and was back to being cuddly and sweet.
It would be easy to feel annoyed that I worried and spent money on what turned out to be a bug bite, but I think it's much better to be on the lookout for signs your cat has a serious health issue/is in pain. They can't talk to us, and we can't just give them ibuprofen the same way we can take it when we're in pain. So it's our job to read between the lines and look out for signs that they need help.
Thank you dear vet for saving the cat.
If someone's child didn't eat for 3 days I imagine they would take it to the doctor before the 3rd day but with pets they will wait.HELLO.
I've watched you on TV a lot and I've always had and liked cats and It's just wonderful to see someone who cares about and knows them so well, and can teach people things they may not have known even if they had cats all thier lives. I kinda wish you could meet my cat, not because he's a problem or sick or anything like that. He's a happy boy, and just really sweet and social and eats up any attention anyone gives him. I've seen you take cats people thought had no chance and were just impossible and show that they're just misunderstood and are really sweet