One extra note for the stringer. There is a cluster of 3 targets slightly to the right which you can use to attack longer ranged foes and is really useful when taking down steel heads.
Another note for the grizzbow; if you shoot at point blank, all 9 arrows will hit. While niche, this does allow you to quickly obliterate tanky bosses like Maws and Big Shots for less ink than a splato bomb! It's also the best burst damage any weapon can do to Cohozoona or Horrorborus. It does 1350 damage at full charge with all arrows, a lot more than the 800 provided by the egg cannon and a little more than the 1200 from the charged grizzsword
5:50 The Grizzco Dualies roll blasts can take down Flyfish, yes, but doing so is situational. If you have a way to get in front of and above a Flyfish, then it's worth attempting to use this gem of a feature, but otherwise don't worry about it.
you can fight the fish sticks with the bucket, you have to aim towards the inner part of the ring to get a more consistent 1-2 shot depending on your angle. For bow you dont have to jump to get more consistent shots too, you can aim to the side (usually to the left of the boss) to shoot far off bosses. I find it more consistent and you just need to look where you are aiming. For splatana you did a little missing there. Splatana paints its own feet all the time. It struggles with only fish sticks as floppers can be 1 shotted. The charge slash is basically only used for burst killing flyfish and steelheads as just swinging 3 times is not only safer but faster. As the stamper you ARE THE LESSER KILLER and the EVERYTHING BUT STICK KILLER. For tips on the dualies? They are basically a side grade to dapples. You play the exact same way except you spam dodge rolls for lessers and paint. You can still kill stiff like steelheads in turrent so Id argue to say they are the easiest grizzco weapon to use besides the brella and blaster. Super ink efficient and all you need to do is not use all 9 rolls in a row cause thats overkill.
Note on Grizzco Dualies. You can also use your 9 dodge rolls to very quick to a big loop and grab golden eggs and make it back to the basket while also clearing out hoards of lessers. The explosions also almost completely cover the Flipper Floppers circle of ink and if you time it correctly you can take down both cannons of a flyfish in one dodge roll, albeit the spacing needs to be perfect.
Idea for the Grizzco Roller would be to make it similar to the Octo Samurai's roller (remember him from S2). Horizontal attacks work just as normal. However, the vertical attack would create an ink wave on the ground that pierces through hordes of Salmonids. To mimick the spin attack, the roller has a very wide ink spread while rolling. To mimick the unicycle attack, you'd roll very slow at first, but then insanely fast for a roller.
For the dualies, I used them for crowd control. Usually when there’s a lot of eggs there’s also a lot of lessers in the way. I dodge roll to create a path for my team and get rid of the massive crowd
My idea for a grizzco roller would be big swig horizontal flick, flingza vertical flick and instead of holding down and running forward you charge the motor on the roller and dash forward. You can roll over whatever a dynamo can.
For the Grizz Stringer, there's a sweet spot just to the right of the center (or top depending on the orientation) where 2 darts line up very close together at full charge (with a third dart slightly further away but still close by), and it's great for taking out Stealheads, hence why I personally call this the "Stealhead sweet spot". Getting used to aiming slightly off center to utilize this sweet spot can let you put more of the range the G Bow gets from the Tri-Stringer to use more often. Because King Salmonids are such big targets, it's easy for the G Bow to hit a lot of darts in one shot, dealing very heavy damage (Yes, that means a rare exception where targeting 'Borris's body instead of its bomb is more effective) Also, I find using the half-charge darts AoE pretty effective against larger groups of lessers, as aiming at the ground right in front of/near them can take out a lot at once.
gem. i would really love to see a grizzco splatling. based on the Hydra for style, I think it would be cool if it had the range and firerate of the hydra, but with Mini splatling charge time and the ability to interrupt your firing like the nautilus and ballpoint.
For the duelies, the burst you get with the dodge is EXELENT for painting, more specifically it really shines when you don't have a lot of turf to work with, you can use the dodges to gain quite a bit of ground for you and your team mates, it's by far the most altruistic grizco weapon.
For the Grizz Splatana, you can actually charge slash Maws while they're in the ground by aiming for their glowing bobber thing. Plus, you can actually face down a Griller *from the front* and win, one shotting it with a charge slash if timed well (some practice required, no jumping necessary)
@@fyreboy5798 I looked it up to make sure I was correct, a Grizzco Splatana charge slash absolutely can 1-shot a Griller. Here's a link to the video I first saw it in:
Avid dualie user here: you’ve actually covered most of the fundamentals in the video but I cannot stress enough the importance of turret mode (or shooting without moving after rolling). The dualies are great at crowd control and paint, but you’ll need the doubled range to deal with steelheads and bosses on the shore. Plus it’s perfect for soloing fish sticks; paint just enough to squid surge up top and dodge roll for profit. Anyway, just get used to the range and dodge roll with *purpose* and you’ll do 👍
While often unsafe to do so, the easy way to one shot Stingers with the Slosher is to aim up at them from point-blank. The slosh won't need to drop at just the right point, instead hitting every pot on the way up.
For the stamper. I would recommended slash hopping to increase your mobility through enemy ink. Also I find jumping before hitting the fish sticks to be the best way to take them down. Also note the stamper and stringer do well over 1000 damage and are really goof at taking down the kings. If you get the splatana during horoboros then see if he flies near a fish stick so you can climb that and attack them.
The dualies are easily my favorite Grizzco weapon. Some other stuff you can do is: - Revive teammates while also putting down a lot of paint and clearing lessers so its safe for them - Collect eggs from far away places, since you can use 5 rolls to go pretty far and still have 4 more to come back - Deliver an insane amount of eggs, depositing an egg in the basket isn't affected by a roll's endlag. You can get to and from the basket ridiculously quickly. - Trigger Slammin Lids really safely, pretty minor but I've found it useful - Instantly paint Flipper Floppers - Run directly into Steel Eels and die OR if you don't mess up, get to the Eels' weak spots really fast. - It is definitely easy to run into stuff and you aren't invincible, but a lot of bosses are less threatening when you are almost never staying still (Flyfish, Maws, Stingers, etc) And overall I love how it has really good and really mobile dps. It almost plays like an Ultra Stamp with a turret mode.
When I saw that Grizzco even had their own weapons (keep in mind, I got back to playing 3 yesterday) I had the dualies & counted 9 dodge rolls. I basically went,” THIS IS DARK TETRA BUT WAY FUCKING BETTER!”
Something worth noting is that the Grizzco Brella got its max damage to a single target buffed from 60 to 80 per shot, turning its 300 DPS to 400. This makes it a lot better than it was in S2!
For dualies, the explosion will instantly fill the flipper flopper ring, so if you have enough ink, you can help your team by turfing it. Gems are cool :)
I’m hoping for a Roller that Has RIDICULOUS Speed, and The absolute Shredding power of Dynamo, if not STRONGER, and the WIDE Paint of Big Swig, mixed with Flingza Vertical Paint
Grizzco splatana is definitely my favorite. It is the gem/diamond in the rough, it does so much damage, plus if you REALLY set your mind to it, you can kiiindaaa paint if you horizontal slash, quickly swim forward, horizontal slash, rinse and repeat. The whiting frames don't let you get any ink that way unless you go slowly. oh also PLEASE USE THE CHARGED SLASH ON KING SALMONIDS that’s its one job for the whole match
No you dont use charge slash on the king, you have better dps by just slashing. Remember that it takes like 4 seconds to even get one off and the endlag is unreal. This isnt the regular stamper with fast charges and no endlag. This is a weapon that has massive drawbacks for a charge slash
no, one is strictly better than the other. This is really big for kings cause you want it dead fast to get more scales. Just swing at it until bosses come near, kill bosses for eggs, continue slashing. Charging seems good with 1200 damage but it shouldnt be your go too option.
For a new grizzco weapon, i really hope we get a roller, like its quickish and not too ink hungry but rolls as powerful as a dynamo and has the range and damage as a dynamo. but if we were to get a new brush, i think it would be nice if they just added a feature to it where it flick twice for each tap so its friendly for people who cant mash too well. bcs trust me, it hurts to play ink brush in salmon run especially. it will make it a bit slower with some end lag bcs it swings twice but i think it will be worth it. and make it roll over at least chums so u can run around fast and not get bumped around, maybe make it a bit wider too do too easier to roll over lessers?
The Grizzco Stringer has 4 full charges before needing to refill. The Grizzco Splatana can easily handle lessers with its horizontal slashes. Its vertical ones I find should be used sparingly. The Grizzco Dualies dodge rolls deal a maximum of 125 damage. My guess to their minimum is 80.
Advice for the grizzco dualies from someone who has about 4 stars on almost all dualies. Dam I play this game too much... lol You need to control where you roll; very much similar to tetras. E.g. roll to destroy lessers, just don't stop in a hord, get somrwhere fast or avoid danger. Rolling 9 times will completely drain your tank, so dodge enough to get outa tricky situation. The firing mode also matters. Turit mode gives you more range and directs all shots without rng. Useful for melting stuff with lots of health. Regular mode, the shooting mode when you haven't done a roll, is useful when your low on ink or you're close up to someone you wanna kill it fast. Don't rely on this mode because your not going to use it much - it's range sucks Best way of painting at the start of the match; roll like mad, avoid water, obvs, in a line where there's enemy ink or blank areas. Fun fact; at the end of the match or wave, just before you are going squid jump, you can roll and dely the next roll by 0.5 seconds and keep on rolling until you run out. This'll delay the round, I think, make the screen go black before you get the squid jump animation or dely your weapon swap. Kinda useless but cool to pull off non the less. Hope this helps :] BTW I'm tired so there may be typos lol.
Other people have already added points like the Grizzco Splatana painting it's feet every swing, so you won't have trouble in enemy ink, and to just keep swinging with lessers and only charge slash with bosses, but I wanna talk Grizzco Dualies. It's all about spacing and enemy awareness, I recommend playing training with splat duealies to help since it plays like it. You use the dodge rolls for lessers yes, but you also can use them for both quick paint and a quick escape. You can easily paint a flipper flopper's spot for example and zip back, or kill a horde of lessers to make way for your team. When entering turret mode, you have an good understandng of both range and angles. You should check to see how close a boss is to you if you want to enter turret mode, and when you detemine that, you dodge forawrd if you're far away, or dodge to the side (ususally not backwards unless you need to) for that spacing. For people who don't play dualies it will be a much higher skill gap, but you only really need knowledge on regular splat dualies to play it properly.
Stringer and Slosher are definitely the trickiest of the grizzco weapons, but within them lies infinite potential It really comes down to the player to unleash them
Wonder if you'll do a field guide for the other two King salmonid fights. Megalodontia (big maw fish with braces) and the Triumvirate (really, who thought it a good idea to throw all three kings at us and call it a good time?). Tip for the triumvirate: get them to turn on each other. Can get Megalodontia to chomp Cohozuna and Horrorboros if you line up his lunge attacks with them around.
One time i got horrorborros with 2 dualies and i had a splatana and one other grizz weapon (during a gold all randoms) Also heres a gem of an idea for a new grizzco weapon, guess what it is. It charges at a speed of a mini ______ Has the damge of a hydra ______ Has midfire charge Gets a range increase like a ballpoint ______ Also has armor peircing If you couldnt already guess, its a concept for a splatling (i am an avid ballpoint user)
I have an idea for a grizzco roller that fits pretty neatly into the whole "Entirely overpowered in some way, but with a massive tradeoff" thing the grizzco weapons have going. My idea is to give it pretty low range, and some absolutely pathetic roll damage. But in return, it would practically be a snowplow when rolling: high efficiency, high speed, and high knockback.
When you play Grizzco Dualies, you basically become the ultimate Fizzy Bomb. I barely even bother with the shooting modes and just quickly roll in and out of hordes. As long as you remember to save a few rolls to retreat after tearing through mobs, the only time you’ll die is when you accidentally roll off the map. It works wonders against most grounded bosses, like Scrappers, Steel Eels, Stingers, and Flipper Floppers. Drizzlers can also be rolled into I think, but they’re much easier to just gun down. Don’t bother with Steelheads though, it ain’t happening.
If ur really ballsy, u can try to do fall off shots with the grizzco stringer. I use it to kill boss salmonids really fast but also from a distance. Instead of having to go all the way to them to make sure all 9 shots hit a big shot or something, i just position myself at the edge of the range of the stringer then jump and shoot above the boss im aiming at, and if i do it right, the shots will go foward and fall down landing onto the boss and killing them(or doing a lot of damage. But its pretty hard to do and im just really good at the regular stringer which is why i do it. but its definitly a strat worth practicing
3:42 Nah i see it more like the Splatoon equivalent to a demoknight charge in TF2 Insert Scottish mercenary screaming: *LET'S DO IT!!! OR FREEDOM!!!* here
Gem. The easy way to one shot the stinger with the griz slosher is to get right up to it and slosh staight up. Not gonna lie, if we get another griz weapon, I'm hoping for a splatling, with mini charge time, but hydra range and duration.
It's honestly a crime that we only get to use the splattershot in the training room during random weapon rotations. They should instead let us use every main weapon in the game including the grizzco weapons so that we can learn them better.
How I like to rank them Bow- the best DPS weapon out of ALL the weapons to take out Kings. Super deadly up close if you land all your shots. Dualies- is for instant lesser control and instant paint. Stamper- Boss Shredder. Bucket -Boss shredder and crowd control. Brella- Painting machine Blaster- uhhhh it’s not really good at anything. Lesser control I guess 💀
One extra note for the stringer. There is a cluster of 3 targets slightly to the right which you can use to attack longer ranged foes and is really useful when taking down steel heads.
Absolutely this! Those three targets will one shot a cohock too; though yeah it really helps with steelheads
Just wanted to post the exact same thing. It’s such a weird quirk that just adds complexity to this weapon, but that it’s a bad thing
Another note for the grizzbow; if you shoot at point blank, all 9 arrows will hit. While niche, this does allow you to quickly obliterate tanky bosses like Maws and Big Shots for less ink than a splato bomb! It's also the best burst damage any weapon can do to Cohozoona or Horrorborus. It does 1350 damage at full charge with all arrows, a lot more than the 800 provided by the egg cannon and a little more than the 1200 from the charged grizzsword
5:50 The Grizzco Dualies roll blasts can take down Flyfish, yes, but doing so is situational. If you have a way to get in front of and above a Flyfish, then it's worth attempting to use this gem of a feature, but otherwise don't worry about it.
you can fight the fish sticks with the bucket, you have to aim towards the inner part of the ring to get a more consistent 1-2 shot depending on your angle. For bow you dont have to jump to get more consistent shots too, you can aim to the side (usually to the left of the boss) to shoot far off bosses. I find it more consistent and you just need to look where you are aiming. For splatana you did a little missing there. Splatana paints its own feet all the time. It struggles with only fish sticks as floppers can be 1 shotted. The charge slash is basically only used for burst killing flyfish and steelheads as just swinging 3 times is not only safer but faster. As the stamper you ARE THE LESSER KILLER and the EVERYTHING BUT STICK KILLER. For tips on the dualies? They are basically a side grade to dapples. You play the exact same way except you spam dodge rolls for lessers and paint. You can still kill stiff like steelheads in turrent so Id argue to say they are the easiest grizzco weapon to use besides the brella and blaster. Super ink efficient and all you need to do is not use all 9 rolls in a row cause thats overkill.
Note on Grizzco Dualies. You can also use your 9 dodge rolls to very quick to a big loop and grab golden eggs and make it back to the basket while also clearing out hoards of lessers. The explosions also almost completely cover the Flipper Floppers circle of ink and if you time it correctly you can take down both cannons of a flyfish in one dodge roll, albeit the spacing needs to be perfect.
Idea for the Grizzco Roller would be to make it similar to the Octo Samurai's roller (remember him from S2). Horizontal attacks work just as normal. However, the vertical attack would create an ink wave on the ground that pierces through hordes of Salmonids. To mimick the spin attack, the roller has a very wide ink spread while rolling. To mimick the unicycle attack, you'd roll very slow at first, but then insanely fast for a roller.
this aged like fine wine
huh, he was right
would you like to hear my theories on the last two?
@@captainclaws9149 Sure!
For the dualies, I used them for crowd control. Usually when there’s a lot of eggs there’s also a lot of lessers in the way. I dodge roll to create a path for my team and get rid of the massive crowd
My idea for a grizzco roller would be big swig horizontal flick, flingza vertical flick and instead of holding down and running forward you charge the motor on the roller and dash forward. You can roll over whatever a dynamo can.
That would be absolutely BROKEN... I love it.
It has to be some kind of modified dynamo with either better speed or ink efficiency
and some of the stuff that the dynamo cannot
How about 600 damage if you hit something while rolling?
None of that became canon.
For the Grizz Stringer, there's a sweet spot just to the right of the center (or top depending on the orientation) where 2 darts line up very close together at full charge (with a third dart slightly further away but still close by), and it's great for taking out Stealheads, hence why I personally call this the "Stealhead sweet spot". Getting used to aiming slightly off center to utilize this sweet spot can let you put more of the range the G Bow gets from the Tri-Stringer to use more often.
Because King Salmonids are such big targets, it's easy for the G Bow to hit a lot of darts in one shot, dealing very heavy damage (Yes, that means a rare exception where targeting 'Borris's body instead of its bomb is more effective)
Also, I find using the half-charge darts AoE pretty effective against larger groups of lessers, as aiming at the ground right in front of/near them can take out a lot at once.
gem. i would really love to see a grizzco splatling. based on the Hydra for style, I think it would be cool if it had the range and firerate of the hydra, but with Mini splatling charge time and the ability to interrupt your firing like the nautilus and ballpoint.
For the duelies, the burst you get with the dodge is EXELENT for painting, more specifically it really shines when you don't have a lot of turf to work with, you can use the dodges to gain quite a bit of ground for you and your team mates, it's by far the most altruistic grizco weapon.
For the Grizz Splatana, you can actually charge slash Maws while they're in the ground by aiming for their glowing bobber thing. Plus, you can actually face down a Griller *from the front* and win, one shotting it with a charge slash if timed well (some practice required, no jumping necessary)
Grillers unfortunately have too much health for the Grizzco Splatana to one shot. Rather, it stuns them with heavy damage.
@@fyreboy5798 I looked it up to make sure I was correct, a Grizzco Splatana charge slash absolutely can 1-shot a Griller.
Here's a link to the video I first saw it in:
GEM is such a nice person that explains splatoon info so good, i love the guides and tips
I'm surprised Grizzco is still in business after the story
lil judd
Little jud is in charge now… so maybe new villain next game ??
Avid dualie user here: you’ve actually covered most of the fundamentals in the video but I cannot stress enough the importance of turret mode (or shooting without moving after rolling). The dualies are great at crowd control and paint, but you’ll need the doubled range to deal with steelheads and bosses on the shore. Plus it’s perfect for soloing fish sticks; paint just enough to squid surge up top and dodge roll for profit.
Anyway, just get used to the range and dodge roll with *purpose* and you’ll do 👍
While often unsafe to do so, the easy way to one shot Stingers with the Slosher is to aim up at them from point-blank. The slosh won't need to drop at just the right point, instead hitting every pot on the way up.
For the stamper. I would recommended slash hopping to increase your mobility through enemy ink. Also I find jumping before hitting the fish sticks to be the best way to take them down.
Also note the stamper and stringer do well over 1000 damage and are really goof at taking down the kings. If you get the splatana during horoboros then see if he flies near a fish stick so you can climb that and attack them.
The dualies are easily my favorite Grizzco weapon. Some other stuff you can do is:
- Revive teammates while also putting down a lot of paint and clearing lessers so its safe for them
- Collect eggs from far away places, since you can use 5 rolls to go pretty far and still have 4 more to come back
- Deliver an insane amount of eggs, depositing an egg in the basket isn't affected by a roll's endlag. You can get to and from the basket ridiculously quickly.
- Trigger Slammin Lids really safely, pretty minor but I've found it useful
- Instantly paint Flipper Floppers
- Run directly into Steel Eels and die OR if you don't mess up, get to the Eels' weak spots really fast.
- It is definitely easy to run into stuff and you aren't invincible, but a lot of bosses are less threatening when you are almost never staying still (Flyfish, Maws, Stingers, etc)
And overall I love how it has really good and really mobile dps. It almost plays like an Ultra Stamp with a turret mode.
When I saw that Grizzco even had their own weapons (keep in mind, I got back to playing 3 yesterday) I had the dualies & counted 9 dodge rolls. I basically went,” THIS IS DARK TETRA BUT WAY FUCKING BETTER!”
You've been loaned the grizzco charger
Me: gonna charger my phone with this
Something worth noting is that the Grizzco Brella got its max damage to a single target buffed from 60 to 80 per shot, turning its 300 DPS to 400. This makes it a lot better than it was in S2!
For dualies, the explosion will instantly fill the flipper flopper ring, so if you have enough ink, you can help your team by turfing it. Gems are cool :)
What a gem of a video. Thanks for the content.
Needs an update with Grizzco Roller
I’ve got a gem of an idea:
A brush that auto spams super fast but can’t roll.
I find that the Grizzco Blaster is probably my favourite. It seems like just so powerful. I love it
Well we ended up getting a Grizzco Roller and it's amazing 😁
I’m hoping for a Roller that Has RIDICULOUS Speed, and The absolute Shredding power of Dynamo, if not STRONGER, and the WIDE Paint of Big Swig, mixed with Flingza Vertical Paint
Grizzco splatana is definitely my favorite. It is the gem/diamond in the rough, it does so much damage, plus if you REALLY set your mind to it, you can kiiindaaa paint if you horizontal slash, quickly swim forward, horizontal slash, rinse and repeat. The whiting frames don't let you get any ink that way unless you go slowly. oh also PLEASE USE THE CHARGED SLASH ON KING SALMONIDS that’s its one job for the whole match
No you dont use charge slash on the king, you have better dps by just slashing. Remember that it takes like 4 seconds to even get one off and the endlag is unreal. This isnt the regular stamper with fast charges and no endlag. This is a weapon that has massive drawbacks for a charge slash
That’s also an option, but honestly as long as you're attacking the thing with the sword you're doing something right lol
no, one is strictly better than the other. This is really big for kings cause you want it dead fast to get more scales. Just swing at it until bosses come near, kill bosses for eggs, continue slashing. Charging seems good with 1200 damage but it shouldnt be your go too option.
The bow is consistently better for damaging Kings, in my experience
@@JakoBpyroTech well yeah but this is about stamper. Bow should always be on king regardless
For a new grizzco weapon, i really hope we get a roller, like its quickish and not too ink hungry but rolls as powerful as a dynamo and has the range and damage as a dynamo. but if we were to get a new brush, i think it would be nice if they just added a feature to it where it flick twice for each tap so its friendly for people who cant mash too well. bcs trust me, it hurts to play ink brush in salmon run especially. it will make it a bit slower with some end lag bcs it swings twice but i think it will be worth it. and make it roll over at least chums so u can run around fast and not get bumped around, maybe make it a bit wider too do too easier to roll over lessers?
The Grizzco Stringer has 4 full charges before needing to refill.
The Grizzco Splatana can easily handle lessers with its horizontal slashes. Its vertical ones I find should be used sparingly.
The Grizzco Dualies dodge rolls deal a maximum of 125 damage. My guess to their minimum is 80.
Omg i love those so much unfortunately im having online issues si i can't play SR right now not until next week
0:51 “You are on flyfish duty” GOT IT *instantly obtains golden flyfish badge*
Advice for the grizzco dualies from someone who has about 4 stars on almost all dualies. Dam I play this game too much... lol
You need to control where you roll; very much similar to tetras. E.g. roll to destroy lessers, just don't stop in a hord, get somrwhere fast or avoid danger. Rolling 9 times will completely drain your tank, so dodge enough to get outa tricky situation.
The firing mode also matters. Turit mode gives you more range and directs all shots without rng. Useful for melting stuff with lots of health.
Regular mode, the shooting mode when you haven't done a roll, is useful when your low on ink or you're close up to someone you wanna kill it fast. Don't rely on this mode because your not going to use it much - it's range sucks
Best way of painting at the start of the match; roll like mad, avoid water, obvs, in a line where there's enemy ink or blank areas.
Fun fact; at the end of the match or wave, just before you are going squid jump, you can roll and dely the next roll by 0.5 seconds and keep on rolling until you run out. This'll delay the round, I think, make the screen go black before you get the squid jump animation or dely your weapon swap. Kinda useless but cool to pull off non the less.
Hope this helps :] BTW I'm tired so there may be typos lol.
I like how I watched your old one yesterday, then you upload this today lmao
You cannot convince me the grizzco weapons aren’t shitposts by the devs. I mean cmon, a brella with no umbrella?
Other people have already added points like the Grizzco Splatana painting it's feet every swing, so you won't have trouble in enemy ink, and to just keep swinging with lessers and only charge slash with bosses, but I wanna talk Grizzco Dualies. It's all about spacing and enemy awareness, I recommend playing training with splat duealies to help since it plays like it. You use the dodge rolls for lessers yes, but you also can use them for both quick paint and a quick escape. You can easily paint a flipper flopper's spot for example and zip back, or kill a horde of lessers to make way for your team. When entering turret mode, you have an good understandng of both range and angles. You should check to see how close a boss is to you if you want to enter turret mode, and when you detemine that, you dodge forawrd if you're far away, or dodge to the side (ususally not backwards unless you need to) for that spacing. For people who don't play dualies it will be a much higher skill gap, but you only really need knowledge on regular splat dualies to play it properly.
Vasko's video is a gem.
Stringer and Slosher are definitely the trickiest of the grizzco weapons, but within them lies infinite potential
It really comes down to the player to unleash them
Wonder if you'll do a field guide for the other two King salmonid fights. Megalodontia (big maw fish with braces) and the Triumvirate (really, who thought it a good idea to throw all three kings at us and call it a good time?). Tip for the triumvirate: get them to turn on each other. Can get Megalodontia to chomp Cohozuna and Horrorboros if you line up his lunge attacks with them around.
I don't play splatoon, but I love your videos vasko. So i keep watching them because you make good content 😁
These grizzco weapons are indeed absolute gems
One time i got horrorborros with 2 dualies and i had a splatana and one other grizz weapon (during a gold all randoms)
Also heres a gem of an idea for a new grizzco weapon, guess what it is.
It charges at a speed of a mini ______
Has the damge of a hydra ______
Has midfire charge
Gets a range increase like a ballpoint ______
Also has armor peircing
If you couldnt already guess, its a concept for a splatling (i am an avid ballpoint user)
If there was a Grizzco Roller, I'd love to see it have the power of a Dynamo with the speed of a Carbon.
the amount of times my grizzco slosher didn't know what the heck to use it for... so many flyfish...
I have an idea for a grizzco roller that fits pretty neatly into the whole "Entirely overpowered in some way, but with a massive tradeoff" thing the grizzco weapons have going.
My idea is to give it pretty low range, and some absolutely pathetic roll damage. But in return, it would practically be a snowplow when rolling: high efficiency, high speed, and high knockback.
the chums in glowflies HATE him!
With the dodge roll of the grizzco duleies you can deliver eggs to the basket way quicker
When you play Grizzco Dualies, you basically become the ultimate Fizzy Bomb. I barely even bother with the shooting modes and just quickly roll in and out of hordes. As long as you remember to save a few rolls to retreat after tearing through mobs, the only time you’ll die is when you accidentally roll off the map. It works wonders against most grounded bosses, like Scrappers, Steel Eels, Stingers, and Flipper Floppers. Drizzlers can also be rolled into I think, but they’re much easier to just gun down. Don’t bother with Steelheads though, it ain’t happening.
If ur really ballsy, u can try to do fall off shots with the grizzco stringer. I use it to kill boss salmonids really fast but also from a distance. Instead of having to go all the way to them to make sure all 9 shots hit a big shot or something, i just position myself at the edge of the range of the stringer then jump and shoot above the boss im aiming at, and if i do it right, the shots will go foward and fall down landing onto the boss and killing them(or doing a lot of damage. But its pretty hard to do and im just really good at the regular stringer which is why i do it. but its definitly a strat worth practicing
I think it'd be a fun idea for a Grizzco weapon is to have a mix of a Brush and a Roller, personally.
They kinda did that
3:42 Nah i see it more like the Splatoon equivalent to a demoknight charge in TF2
Insert Scottish mercenary screaming: *LET'S DO IT!!! OR FREEDOM!!!* here
Gem. The easy way to one shot the stinger with the griz slosher is to get right up to it and slosh staight up. Not gonna lie, if we get another griz weapon, I'm hoping for a splatling, with mini charge time, but hydra range and duration.
The video was great. It was a gem :)
Grizzco Splatling!!!! weight of heavy and 3x as stong as hydra. would be cool gem :))
This makes me wonder if you can use my weapon models in normal battles.
this video is a gem
Continue SPLATOON content ❤️
I have an idea on a Grizzco roller
g e m
Hoping for a grizzco roller
How did you use the grizzco wepons in the training room?
Roller out
grizzco dualies: become walking pipebomb
The new grizzco weapon so it’s the charge load of a mini splatling and range and damage of a hydra splatling
Now I have specific loaned weapons wahhhh
It's honestly a crime that we only get to use the splattershot in the training room during random weapon rotations. They should instead let us use every main weapon in the game including the grizzco weapons so that we can learn them better.
How I like to rank them
Bow- the best DPS weapon out of ALL the weapons to take out Kings. Super deadly up close if you land all your shots.
Dualies- is for instant lesser control and instant paint.
Stamper- Boss Shredder.
Bucket -Boss shredder and crowd control.
Brella- Painting machine
Blaster- uhhhh it’s not really good at anything. Lesser control I guess 💀
Charger- Lesser control and it can pierce, instant paint AND quick damadge
Aight, hear me out. Grizzco shot. It has the range of the jet squelcher, and the fire rate of a splash o matic.
Vasko Gems
This video just goes to show, mammals are superior. 💪
You can make them in the side order lol
Hmm gem
Etrxa for roller it just speed
*5 more* if you dont shoot ink outta the dualies
Gem :)
damn I really did just get clickbaited didnt I😔😔