flyfish are the Seija’s boss fight of salmon run: if you’re new to touhou 14, you *will* die to seija and if you’re with new or shit players in salmon run, you *will* die to flyfish
For me, it's essentially either "Man, I love my job" to "Can't you *morons* do ANYTHING right?? Thanks to *your* idiocy I've been demoted! And we could've, yknow, *not wiped Wave 1* if you didn't take out the Slammin Lid I was standing on to kill the Fish stick?? Jesus, you people have the intelligence of A Rank Anarchy players, WHEN WILL YOU *GET GOOD??* "
I once heard someone say that the small fry’s in salmon run bullied our small fry, and that is the perfect justification for not feeling bad about beating up the small fry enemy’s in salmon run
@@jdxfrd one of the sunken scrolls say that salmonids come from and return to their spawning grounds / place of birth to mature, but salmonids that wander to far from it will become lost and develop a immense hunger.
@@TheColdfrontCommander ok, that still makes sense, so it’s a newborn that was born where it wasn’t supposed to be born, but agent three essentially prevented it from dying
Important note that not enough people talk about: DO NOT leave Slammin' lids unattended, sometimes you have to cut your losses and kill them, or else they'll block of pathways, and if multiple are out there, they can box you in. Also sometime it's worth sacrificing yourself by jumping under the Slammin's barrier to make it drop on a boss that's under it, even if it kills you (don't do that every time though, it's better if you're not dead)
A better strategy is to paint a bit around the Lid, swim in the barrier but Squid Roll back out immediately; you won't sacrifice yourself. Just git gud on squid surging by practicing in the arena every day.
Steelheads with Slammin' Lids are both a blessing and a curse, and it entirely depends on wherever or not the Steelhead is in the path of the lid's drop.
I hope a lot of people see this-PLEASE use "This way!" more often. I cannot stress how many times the entire team does not no where the Salmonids are spawning because one player is deciding to stick out on their own and everyone else is still trying to *find* the spawning enemies.
That, and help. 1- use it so allies know to revive you and 2- Don't use it UNTIL you are revivable. A few times I've blindly thrown a bomb to revive a teammate but they weren't ready to revive, so now I'm just stuck with low ink and no teammate.
Nah, in will not use "This way" for salmonids. I've seen what happens. A scrapper comes out and somebody immediately goes after it only to get swarmed by lesser salmonids and the eggs just end up sitting there if bigger bosses show up
Whenever I spot the first boss at the start of the wave, or whenever a low tide occurs, I always, ALWAYS This Way for my team, and those tend to be the waves we at the very least start off strong in because of it. I pisses me off greatly when the first ten seconds of the wave are wasted and 2 or three bosses are now running around because we all split off trying to find them and nobody said anything when they've located the lads
I'm SO upset when people don't "This Way" for me. Sometimes I don't see the Low Tide marker and I'm looking around and thinking "no one said anything?" I'm ALWAYS first to do it when _I_ notice.
Yeah - I use it to let people know where bosses have started spawning if I seem to be the only person who's spotted them and they're not lurable, notification in case someone on the team missed that it's low tide, "I found goldie", and to help dead teammates find me if I'm unable to leave where I am right now to revive them but the team is mostly dead.
Drizzlers are a terrible combo with Steel Eels, Big Shots, Scrappers, and especially Fish Sticks and Dolphins because they severely limit your mobility and chip damage you just enough for the aforementioned to finish you off
@@ShibuNub3305 6 months late, but for anyone watching this new to Salmon Run, if your mostly damaged from other enemies, the Drizzler's chipping can kill you.
Drizzlers and Fish Sticks should absolutely not be left alone (especially if the latter is dropped near your base) most of my deaths have been from combinations of being out of ammo and stuck in pools of Salmon ink. That combo can and likely will make you easy pickings for any of the more mobile bosses.
The only tip I can give for salmon run is to always ink walls as well as the floor. They can often be the best possible escape and save a precious few seconds. Also when it gets dark and you have no idea what the gimmick might be. GET TO HIGH GROUND. If you get glow flies or grillers you will have a slight advantage. Also, if there is only a couple seconds remaining and the quota is filled. Focus entirely on survival and reviving should be 2nd priority. Do not worry about eggs of killing Edit: since this is also getting a lot more traction than I expected. I thought I’d add one more tip I forgot. Do not think the top of the fish stick is safe. If you are in a place they can’t get to, the salmonids will jump to get to your location. Also during low tide, retreating can be a very solid choice after quota is filled. Especially if your getting over run, it won’t work forever so make sure your prepared to fight for at least a bit
Note that sometimes the game will tell you what the nighttime gimmick will be before the wave starts - the Mothership will pop up, a boulder lands on the basket in Tornado, stuff like that. If there’s nothing popping up, it’s probably Glowflies, Grillers, etc.
God, I've had rounds lost even after we've fulfilled the quota simply because everyone got too greedy trying to get more and got surrounded by enemies and died. I've fallen into that trap a few times myself in the beginning, but now I do better at focusing on survival, especially when I'm the only one left :B
IMO, once you fill quota forget the eggs. I mean, good practice for VP rank (where you need as many as 35 eggs for quota in wave 3 at max hazard), but otherwise, if the quota is 16 eggs no shame in ending the round with 16 eggs. Not like you're losing any spectacular rewards now that you can't farm money anymore. Only wave you might want a few extra eggs is Mothership waves as she can actually siphon a few eggs away.
“Gets to experience being a streamer at twitch con as an energized wave of freaks will relentlessly stalk and attack you” I have never laughed at something this true
Hey, some little things you missed. Flyfish's two Missile launchers actually *do different things.* Left targets random players and Right targets the closest one. Take the Left one out first. Also, there can only be a maximum of 3 Flyfish, and it might actually be better to only take out the left canister than actually killing them. Three crippled Flyfish is significantly easier to deal with than one full power one. If you see a Fish Stick show up in Cohozuna, KILL IT BEFORE IT LANDS. The Cohozuna can jump up and land on it, making it damn near impossible for a lot of weapons to shot it. Speaking of Cohozuna, the Hydra Splatling and E-Liter deal extra damage to him. Don't even bother throwing eggs if you have those weapons, just shoot him. I'm not fully sure about this, but I've heard some people say that Cohozuna takes more damage if you shoot it's belly. No idea if this is true but it's worth a shot? Big Shots are higher priority targets than you made them out to be. Having them around can completely wipe a team, and tons of weps *hate* jumping. That damage adds up, and killing them first gives you a cannon that makes the rest of the wave significantly easier. The Explosher has bomb properties, but Blasters *do not.* This makes no sense they literally explode what the fuck And that's about it.
While you're right about Satan's left and right launchers behaving differently, it does NOT matter which one you take out. The remaining one (even the left one) automatically targets the NEAREST player. Cohozuna has no belly weakness, just shoot anywhere. Also for the record, Cohozuna no longer jumps and lands on a Twitter Stick after the update.
@@oldcowbb It depends on what rank you're playing at and the wave conditions. If you're just a Profresh or below, go ahead and destroy all because skill issues. For EVP 200+ it is recommended to leave one launcher alive (unless it's the first boss spawn or if it's high tide) until the countdown reaches 28. Remember, only 3 flyfish can coexist at any given time. If you kill all, likely 3 more will spawn. If you instead cripple them, you'll only have the equivalent of 1.5 flyfish (the game will spawn other bosses instead of a new flyfish) which is more manageable. When the countdown reaches 28, no new bosses will spawn, then you can safely kill them all.
It doesn't matter if you get rid of specials before the cohozuna wave. You get an extra one if you're out of specials and you can ONLY have one special during it.
@@Adrevenue13 anytime i've fought a king, i have only ever gotten one special to use. even if no one used their specials, i've only ever seen everyone with just the one. where did you even get that information?
Thank god splatoon doesn't have voice chat. A seven year old gets a new video game for her birthday and is immediately screamed at by her 30 year old teammates for picking the cool sword.
@@lorfuroll3717 Yes, but remember the Switch is in it’s own ballpark compared to the Wii U and there’s no telling how many parents are gonna put this under the Christmas tree.
Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the whole world's sins. They that believeth and are baptized (with the Holy Spirit) shall be saved; but they that believeth not shall be damned. Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness. *God is ONE manifesting himself as THREE;* the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! *For these three are one.* As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him. Anyone who *claims* to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, and where I am doing it; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them, they lack understanding. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.
When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE! Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals! The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil. I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God! Open your heart to God, repent of your sins (he will forgive you), and let him direct your path. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands and purify your heart, lest you walk with the devil and follow him to hell.
Another smaller tip for weapon roles: brushes and rollers, **you are on revive duty, ESPECIALLY if you're down two or three players.** You can move while inking, and in terms of brushes you also have extra maneuverability. Actually, on the topic of brushes: Brushes, you can run over grates by inking. This is incredibly useful for smthn like Spawning Grounds. And for anyone else: if your teammates need a revive and you're being chased, try chucking a bomb in their general direction. They'll thank you later.
That’s kind of a terrible idea? Every player can move while inking and the reach of a blaster is a lot more useful for reviving scattered players than, like, rolling up to them
@@Fluffkitscripts yeah, but no one can swim on grates, meaning you're slowed down significantly. With brushes and rollers, you get a speed boost and you don't fall through the grates. Same trick applies to dualies, use your dodge rolls to sprint through grates
The worst part of dealing with flyfish is that even when you have a chance to get both cans on launch 1, a random salmonid will get right in front of you and deflect the bomb
I think you're REALLY underselling how important inking walls is. When doing hazard level max waves, it was everyone's immediate priority to get all of the walls inked since you're constantly having to move and keep your distance from how much garbage gets thrown at you. From what I've read, if you beat HLM you instantly unlock the full shop if you haven't already. Also one more crucial tip, golden eggs shot from the egg cannon have bomb properties and can damage Satan's launchers.
You do not instantly unlock the full shop if you beat HLM -- you still have to spend a total of 350 bronze, 40 silver, and 4 gold scales. Granted, by the time you reach HLM you probably already accumulated that many from all those Cohozunas.
The fact that Cohozuna will only spawn when at least two people have the big meter full is rather helpful. Although everyone involved in the wave will have their Cohozuna meter reset to zero, regardless if yours or the others is not full or full. Also do not fret if you use all your specials in Waves 1 to 3 and Cohozuna is on the way, you will get a refill one charge of your special once the Xtrawave starts. And a little extra bit of advice, be sure to listen carefully to the jingles at the end of Wave 3 to determine whether you will have to fight Cohozuna or it's over. They have distinct jingles to listen for closely, it would be your time to panic or hold your weapon close to you as you fight.
I believe you don’t need fill the meter to be full to get an Xtrawave. It takes full team’s total progress and determines your chances of getting it. Each teammate contributes an amount of “smell”, from 0 to 5, to the total. This total then determines your chances of getting the Xtrawave.
I don’t know why I feel so powerful that Ive played all of delatrune and splatoon 3 and knew about both games before the big shot meme coming to splatoon 3
I kn-know right? Scott really knows how to [sell it] when it's h-h-his [chance to be a BIG SHOT]. And holy [cungadero] does that [Sponge] really know how to [advertise] those [special offers]!
I felt that ending part of the Big Shot bit so much :') I've had to fight hordes of lessers and some bosses all by myself while juggling a bunch of eggs into the cannon only to still lose the wave anyways because no one else was putting them in the basket, and because I was alone I got overwhelmed and splatted.
Nah it’s the class rush experience in Tf2… and it’s all heavy’s… that somehow got extra speed while cart their Brass Beast as there’s one disaplinary action Solider assisting them
One time me and some friends were playing and we all decided to get on a fish stick because things were getting hectic. We uttered the words “what are they gonna do, get us?” A maws came to answer that question.😊
Yes! Spread the word about the slamming lid! When I discovered that it can kill other bosses, it became my new favorite way of dealing with the boss that chase you to either kill them or make a quick vertical escape. They're so useful!!
That being said, not killing the Lids can make for a bad situation where they're dropping lesser Salmonids all over the basket and making it harder to shoot other bosses OUTSIDE their slamming range. Use them tactically if possible, but it's better to remove them before they can be a problem.
2:26 one of my most prideful moments in salmon run with randos was during one of these. i was the last person alive and of course, had the glowflies on me. there was three seconds left and we needed one more egg so i went down, grabbed the egg and did that turning thing as fast as i possibly could, getting the last egg in before time ran out. if i never get a heart attack in my life, that moment will be the closest i ever experience to it
I also had a moment like this lol. Final wave, fog with random weapons, and I got an octobrush. We quickly got surrounded in the last 15 seconds, and my three teammates were down whilst we needed ~4 eggs left. High tide and there were drizzlers and steel eels EVERYWHERE. Managed to roll with said octobrush and clutch it out with 0.5 seconds left all the remaining eggs needed. Immediately ran out of ink after the "Final wave completed!" and got splatted by a rain storm left over by a drizzler, causing us to celebrate while dead since I couldn't rez them in time lol.
The Spamton gag was very well done Great work as a whole, hopefully this will help newer hires, so I can suffer slightly less Also also, egg-tossing can damage a little, kind of a good way to make an escape in a pinch, thought it's risky
It does enough damage to oneshot chums and smallfry in a small radius around you when tossing and egg, something that can be decently useful if there's a chum or two wanting to give you a smack while you're moving eggs.
After you get the required eggs... STAY ALIVE. And if gets overwhelming at the beach/dock area, you can move to the spawn area to get some heat off of you. Also the grates are your best friend. You can phase through grates if the water levels are down. It's definitely gotten me out of really overwhelming situations.
Big Note for the Killer Wail special: Although the time period is short, you can have the special target multiple bosses at once. Just spin around/aim a bit until one set of the speakers goes off, then you can target the next. So you can take out a Flyfish and then perhaps kill off a Steelhead as well.
I am desperately after the Big Shot badge. Spamton G. Spamton has absolutely ruined that particular Samonid and I am all for it having happened. It’s my favourite Samonid because of this. Update: I DID IT [ladies and gentlemen] OF THE [Add a comment]. I REACHED [heaven] AND HAVE BECOME A [BIG SHOT].
Here's a tip for trying to reach higher Salmon Run ranks: If you are constantly losing match after match, take a break from Salmon Run. Seriously it helps. Back in Splatoon 2 I would play Salmon Run almost non-stop when it was open, but it led to my rank constantly tanking as I would go on losing streaks where I would lose in the 1st wave. Some of the time that was due to me not knowing everything that I probably should have to play the mode efficiently, however other times it was due to the rotation of weapons not being the most balanced for playing with randoms (needing more tight knit team communication to be effective). Sometimes it was simply that the stage itself wasn't best suited for the weapons available, balanced or not (more often than not it was Spawning Grounds). Whatever the reason, after taking a break and coming back when the rotations were more in my favor, I would easily beat waves and rank up. Take it from someone who's tried the brute force way of ranking up in Salmon Run, if Grizzco's giving you trouble, then take a break. Either because it's the weapons, the stage, the randoms, or even your own lack of skill, it helps to wait a while until things calm down a bit and you feel more confident that you'll do better. ...and if at all possible, avoid playing on Spawning Grounds. That stage is deceptively hard and punishing to work with.
@@jjbarajas5341 I think the main reason people hate it is because of the part with the grates. There's not enough usable space during high-tide and it makes it near impossible to survive.
@@jjbarajas5341 the slopes are god awful placement wise,the grates are TERRIFYING,high tide is EXTREMELY tight and relies on luck to work with. If a flyfish spawns on grates then good luck. Maps deceptively hard to traverse at times,and everything in general just feels cramped in the worst way with certain bosses taking extreme advantage of the maps layout. Also some parts of the map are literal death traps
That was actually REALLY helpful. I knew a lot of the general stuff but I didn't know a lot of the more clever strategies or the best ways to use certain weapons. Definitely didn't know the part about not getting demoted if its wave 3. I hate losing but I hate feeling like it was my fault even more, so thank you for this very informative and entertaining video Scott!
You lose 20 points on wave 1, 10 points on wave 2, zero points on wave 3, gain 20 points on succeeding all 3 waves, and no extra rank points for beating Cohozuna! As long as you're not losing on wave 1 often, it means you can lose a lot and potentially not de-rank, especially if you win a couple times first. I just wish you didn't start ever rotation with only 40 points in your rank 😅
You show wall-clinging to the side of the tower on Sockeye Station during glowflies, and this is what randoms always do. It basically guarantees you lose the wave, as eggs become completely impossible to retrieve safely. You can instead just put everyone right next to the basket, on the lip closer to the tower, and the spawns have to run through a massive exposed stretch to reach you, goldies drop their eggs literally on the basket, you have easy chokes to hold, and if things go south you can just flee to the tower and up the wall to revive everyone.
I like the idea but I prefer the tower because salmons only have one way to go up the tower. The wall cling strat kinda works but, as you stated, it's hard to get the eggs cuz all the salmons are on top of them.
Going on the wall on that one map with the big tower (if that is the one you mean) is essentially an instant win though, I have never failed that strategy. Sounds more like you or your Team were just playing bad.
@@rouge-ish324 Every single egg will drop in the path the salmonids take if you are using the tower or clinging to it. I have literally never seen the strategy even come close to working at pro 3+. You literally have a better chance of winning if everyone just completely splits up and runs around like idiots than luring the goldies towards the tower. The issue is not surviving, it is getting eggs in the basket, and teams that try to alternate wall-cling and tower regularly have 0 eggs in the basket in 40 seconds into the wave.
I honestly didn't know you could use the egg cannon on Boss Salmonoids, that certainly would have been good to know all this time. Thanks dude I learned something new.
A bunch of really incredible tips. I didn’t know Golden Eggs could kill Normal Bosses during Codzilla, so that’s definitely good to know. I don’t have friends with Splat so I’ve just been stuck on Profreshional without really going up to the 100 ranks. Also, bombs on the ground KEEP A ROUND GOING. EVEN IF ALL PLAYERS ARE DOWNED, A BOMB ON THE GROUND CAN REVIVE YOU OR OTHERS AND CONTINUE THE RUN.
there is no greater feeling than knowing you're about to die as the last one standing, throwing a bomb, and managing to sneak out a revive that wins you the wave
The Extra Wave gives you a special, so don't worry about depleting them all before hand. Also though, if you have two left it depletes it to one, so again, don't be afraid to use them prior.
Awesome guide Scott! I have some Extra Tips regarding both the Flyfish (Satan) and Stingers (Pothead) though. On super high Hazard Levels (that I have yet to get to myself because I suck), where you'll be constantly overrun with bosses, it's actually considered a good strategy to "Cripple" the Flyfish rather than kill them outright. This is because there can only be 3 of each type of Boss Salmonid on the map at once (for example there can't be more than 3 Steel Eels), so if you're at a Hazard Level where bosses will be spawning constantly splatting the Flyfish will just make room for a new one with both baskets. Speaking of the baskets, the Blue and Red baskets actually have unique behavior. The Red one targets the players closest to it, and the Blue one targets a random player further away from it. Knowing this, you can make the Flyfish more predictable in who it targets by targeting the Blue basket first. Now onto the Stingers, they typically target the players furthest away from them and, like the Flyfish, are especially nasty if there are multiple of them so as Scott says in the video it's best to just kill them immediately before they have a chance to pile up. The best weapons for them are rapid fire weapons and weapons with bomb/burst properties (Shooters, Splatlings, Dualies, Blasters, Exploshers and Brushes), DO NOT try killing them with Chargers or Rollers unless you absolutely need to be the one to do it, these weapons are incredibly ill suited for the job and really you're better off using said weapons to take out the Hammerheads (Bag Brain). Using the ol' Splat Bomb is good too if you have the ink for it, it'll take out a chunk of segments at the bottom and help you kill it faster. Some other general tips include: Never charge into a group of Chums/Cohocks or you'll be batted around and insta-killed, Always keep an eye on which teammates are down and revive them ASAP, no matter how dead weight and ally seems and extra pair of hands can come in handy, if you've been splatted never sit bellow a Slammin Lid as it's shield will block ally shots and make you impossible to revive, Low Priority targets like Scrappers (Uber Drivers) and Drizzlers (Drizzle me Timbers) still shouldn't be ignored, try not to go off on your own as it's best to stick with the team and help with whatever they're doing, getting splatted while off doing your own thing on the other side of the map will just split your team's attention and waste time. Also, Spawning Grounds is the worst Salmon Run map. Like THE WORST. That is all.
@@Byakkoya11037 What way are you using it? I normally just charge the first circle and immediately jump & shoot so that it hits three pots at a time. I don't think I've ever pulled it off with REEF-LUX though, since it charges super fast.
@@imreallybadatnamingthings I've been doing that too but for some reason I always end up hitting only one pot at a time, like when you use a Charger or Roller on the thing. It's so weird. Then again I also get rampant connection errors and consistently get teamed up with people who ignore splatted teammates and refuse to kill Flyfish so maybe it's just my bad luck kicking in again.
Huge tip I don't think is talked about enough: There are no "low priority" bosses. There are no bosses that I think you can take a look at and go 'oh I'll ignore them for now' Fish sticks can completely lock out a huge segment of the map from easy movement, scrappers deal a ton of knockback on hit and usually can't be taken out solo, drizzlers will help stingers and flyfish get their kills easier and flipper flops can instantly put the "Hey all salmonids kill this guy NOW" area onto your teammates. If you see a boss, and you have the ink left, you should probably try and kill it before it becomes a problem
A few tips ive learned from 1300 hours of spoon2 and 100 of spoon3: (reached profresh999 on 2, am currently eggsecutive) -On high tide, better to focus on killing all bosses the moment they spawn instead of eggs. On high tide, the eggs are all relatively close to the basket, so once you reach like 30 seconds before the end and all the bosses are gone youre free to hoard the eggs -don't die. Literally the best salmon tip. When you die, your teammates have to save you, which is usually a p big time loss. They also have more bosses focusing on them now that you're dead; and they also have one less person to kill the salmons and get eggs. Running away is better than dying!! -on glowflies or gushers, the dynamo can make the goldie drop ungodly amount of eggs by rolling on it, if positioned on the goldies path -the grizzco shosher can kill satan, one shot towers if aiming at the top from the bottom, as well as one or two shot enemies with shields!!! One shot steelheads and drizzlers!! Just make sure to count your shots so you dont run out of ink! -ink walls. It saves lives. -there is actually an order to opening the gushers that makes it very easy to find the goldie. If you're interested, i can link you to the Salmon Run discord server :) -on low tide, never forget you have a lot of space to back up or escape to if needed. Don't stay too far on the shore when killing towers or big shots (even to hoard eggs), because it makes it harder for you to escape tricky situations if enemies spawn and you can die very far from your teammates, making it very hard for people to revive you. Same when your teammates start dying and you're busy in the corner of the map, because all the enemies will go towards you and you'll have no escape! -always mind weapon roles on each rotation. As scott stated, some weapons can kill satan (useful). Some weapons are better for killing towers, some only shoot one pot at a time. The backlines should focus on killing enemies, the fast weapons should gather eggs, the rollers can roll on lesser enemies to help during nightime, dont send a sniper to kill the fishstick, etc, etc. Obviously these are examples and you can find yourself the better ways to use each weapons ! -some weapons like eliters, hydras or the grizzco stringer to a lot of damage to cohozuna, so if you get one, just focus him the entire wave !! Just make sure the rest of your team kills the other bosses -i ran out of tips, i'll update this if this message gets seen at all. good luck :)
Heres another one, on glowflys instead of holding on to a wall, find platforms that you can hop across to force the salmons to change there path so you can still do damage to the salmons
@@copyright-hv6en true!! Its so easy to fall of the wall and you cant always get back on it when theres salmonids around, definitely not the best strat
I have so much rounds where someone is last standing are in a high are and can see all their fallen teammates and then jump in try to revive everyone and die without using a special you could argue the special they had wouldn’t be helpful but I think I am the only one I’ve seen do this and I feel like by professional I shouldn’t see this happen
One thing with the "Uber Driver", and I've seen people do this a lot, is that you never, ever land on top of it.. it will deal DPS so fast that it will feel like you got splatted instantly (note it's actually a 3 tap from full health.) Also, the top face can be registered as a shield hit so you can use high vantage ground to stun it as it's face planting against a wall in an attempt to reach you.
Fr that thing SHREDS right through Booyah bomb armor before you can even throw it, if you happen to have used it and there's one on a platform above you.
The most recent rotation with the explosher was quite possibly one of the best we’ve had so far. It actually helped me get to Professional +3 for the first time… and then I got cocky thinking I could use the rotation to grind to Eggsecutive. I got knocked back down to +2 and I’m still stuck there. Doesn’t help that I’m stuck in solo queue.
The Bag Brain Eel Edition (Horrorboros) is another King Salmonid that will fly around the map and periodically shoot Booyah Bombs at you. If you explode the bomb in its mouth, it will deal some pretty nice damage to it. Eggs are especially useful to ink the bomb. In my experience, despite him having more health, he is easier to defeat than Cohozuna. The "Aw Crap (Supreme)" is the third King Salmonid to be added. It is basically a huge Maws with a boo-boo on its back that deals extra damage when you hit it. Bombs do not work when thrown into its mouth, I believe. It can kill fellow salmonids when it jumps out to eat you. The Royal Family (Triumvirate) is when all 3 King Salmonids attack at once. "Aw Crap (Supreme)" can hurt other kings, and all 3 must be killed at once for you to win the wave. Thank you for reading.
I'll take Spawning Grounds over Marooners Bay any day. On the note of stages, the newest one, Bonerattle Arena has an inkrail that is suspended over the lower areas. If you're targeted during Glowflies or Grillers, hide there and keep hopping, they will not be able to touch you. If you don't hop, there is a small chance a Salmonid will get a lucky shot and knock you out of the rail, which will inevitably lead to you falling into the horde who will in turn rip you a new one. On the other hand, getting a Salmon Rush during high tide on Jammin' Salmon (yes that can happen) is a death sentence unless you have a roller.
Something I’d like to add that wasn’t mentioned about Satan (aka Flyfish) is if your dealing with it alone, but if your quick enough with your ink recovery, you can bomb both buckets in one attack cycle. The timing’s pretty tight though, and of course as Scott said, the hitboxes are kinda wonky, so don’t rely on it too hard.
Honestly the thing I like best about Salmon Run is how a lot of the bosses have nuance beyond what’s obvious. Like how Flyfish’s baskets target different players (red basket targets the closest player in the direction where it’s facing, blue chooses a random player), Steel Eels follow the player they are looking at, stuff like that Also if you want to get good at SR LEARN HOW TO SUBSTRAFE. It saves SO much time when bringing eggs to the basket
@@louisaguila2905 hold down the R button, pop out of the ink, submerge again, turn in the other direction. Kind of a bad explanation, there are some good vids on how to do it if you’re interested tho
fun fact about the stinger, they target the player farthest from where they spawn. i read that tip somewhere in a video when i was hyperfocused on salmon run.
6:11 Quick tip: when you spot another teammate getting ready to throw a bomb as well, move to one side of the missiles and jump to get their attention. Usually they get the hint and throw to the side your not on.
Tip: During Glowflies, if you are playing on Bonerattle Arena and Glowflies are targeting you, go on an inkrail. Salmonids cannot go on inkrails, so they will just stand under you so the rest of you team can take them out easily
I love Scott's writing. For example, at 2:07, instead of saying "have rollers go after the smallfries" he instead said "exclusively focus on smacking children." It's like he completes a normal script, picks random sentences, and turns them into jokes. It gives incentive to rewatch to catch jokes you may have missed because you were too busy laughing st the previous joke.
I love all the names you gave the bosses, especially Aw Crap because…aw crap. Edit: If you’re looking for tips, I’ve found it really easy to beat Stingers lately. They take a long time to start firing, so if you spot one just as it’s spawning and book it over there, you can dispatch it before it can start firing.
Great Job as always Scott! I was expect that spamton part, but the effort put into it was pretty good. On top of that, you do a surprisingly well job at discussing a lot of important info that I didn't even know much about. Good Informational and funny vid!
One small thing i noticed in this and in 2 is that Dualies can actually roll out of a Maw’s jaw before she snaps Another thing I found is that fish sticks are great as vantage points for chargers and other long rangers since only ranged boss salmoinds can hurt them, and they have a lost view to see them coming, alongside other things
The other three useful tips I can think of that Scott didn't mention that I'll try to add here for visibility: {1} If you throw a bomb, the round won't end until the bomb explodes. So, if you're the last one alive and are able to throw a bomb towards your teammates, you can die (and therefore everyone is dead at the same time) but the round won't immediately end and your teammates will get revived. {2} Whenever you use a special, it refills your ink tank. This can be incredibly helpful if you have a weapon that uses ink very quickly or if you need to refill your ink but something like an ink storm is denying you. A very notable example is glowfly waves - if you're the roller killing all the small chums while your teammates focus on the glowflies but you run out of ink and don't have time to refill because glowfly waves never give a break, you can pop your special and immediately be back to full. Obviously, this works better with some specials and not as well with others. {3} On glowfly waves, the non-gold chums actually have less health than regular wave chum. If you're using a weaker roller that can't normally one-shot a chum, it *can* still one-shot the glowfly chum. Rollers are incredibly important. The biggest risk to rollers is that the goldies knockback the roller and can push them off ledges, so everyone else should be focused on shooting the goldies and killing them before they get to the roller. Ideally, if you can kill a goldie as close as possible to the basket, you're more likely to meet quota. Ironically, Spawning Grounds might actually be the *easiest* goldfly map because the basket is directly next to the best rush defense spot.
This is an incredibly insightful and well-edited player's guide for the updated Salmon Run mode in Splatoon 3. I think every Splatoon player should watch this video so that they can improve their skills and knowledge of the increasingly intense PvE (players vs. environment) mode. Also, great job with your Spamton impersonation during the Big Shot section. Finally, now that two new King Salmonids have been added to this mode, you may need to create a short sequel to this video so that everyone else knows how to best combat them. ;)
Love Spamton's surprise guest segment ❤ Also thank you for demonstrating two solid tactics for Glowflies! Wall hugger and gulf jumping are what I personally call them
Wall hugger isn't as effective as it was in 2. If you cling to a wall long enough, the Salmonids will start jumping and pushing each other up to get you. Best strategy is to have your two rapid fires on guard duty, preferably on a high platform near the basket. If one of them is targeted, the other two should handle egg detail, if one person who doesn't have a rapid fire weapon is targeted, they should take cover behind those on guard duty until the flies stop pestering them while the other guy can handle rounding up the eggs.
Although most ppl think the strat for glow flies is to hang on walls, the best strat is to actually hang near the basket. Hanging on walls doesn’t really work anymore since the salmons can jump, and in some maps the tall walls are too far from the basket and you end up not getting enough eggs. So camp the basket on glow flies!!!
4:59 HOLY [ CUNGADERO ] YOU LITTLE [sponge] THAT REVIEW WAS TRULY [salty] WHERE THE [[ 50% off today only! ]] DO YOU COME UP WITH THIS [ Half-Pr1ce Sallamy ] [ Hyperlink Blocked ] SO GOOD IT MADE ME WANT TO CALL EVERYBODY’S FAVORITE [[ Number 1 Rated Lawyer ]]
Salmon Run can easily turn from a fun co-op game into an intense Touhou nightmare
This is way to true then it should be.
As a touhou player, he's right
flyfish are the Seija’s boss fight of salmon run:
if you’re new to touhou 14, you *will* die to seija
and if you’re with new or shit players in salmon run, you *will* die to flyfish
@@SydneyIsSleepy the difference between seija and flyfish is that one is slightly less annoying 😔 it took me so many retries to beat her jesus christ
hell = touhou.
Salmon run is literally the "either you have the best time of your life or you want to jump off a window" mode of the game
Isn’t that *every* mode in Splatoon tho?
@@eldrichhorrornya5933 facts
That, and Clam Blitz.
For me, it's essentially either "Man, I love my job" to "Can't you *morons* do ANYTHING right?? Thanks to *your* idiocy I've been demoted! And we could've, yknow, *not wiped Wave 1* if you didn't take out the Slammin Lid I was standing on to kill the Fish stick?? Jesus, you people have the intelligence of A Rank Anarchy players, WHEN WILL YOU *GET GOOD??* "
Anytime a Splatoon game comes out this channel becomes a Splatoon channel for the next few months.
As it should be.
I love that this happens, mainly cause I get stuff to watch for the whole month
And that’s something I live for
splatoon deserves it
I once heard someone say that the small fry’s in salmon run bullied our small fry, and that is the perfect justification for not feeling bad about beating up the small fry enemy’s in salmon run
@@jdxfrd one of the sunken scrolls say that salmonids come from and return to their spawning grounds / place of birth to mature, but salmonids that wander to far from it will become lost and develop a immense hunger.
@@TheColdfrontCommanderso the salmonoids we fight are starving and are aggressive due to that?
@@sandmountainsam9287 my mistake, should’ve specified more. The scroll refers to our smallfry in story mode being able to eat basically anything
@@TheColdfrontCommander ok, that still makes sense, so it’s a newborn that was born where it wasn’t supposed to be born, but agent three essentially prevented it from dying
I’m pretty sure smallfry/lil buddy was separated from his group, and he travels with us in the campaign to find his way back.
Important note that not enough people talk about: DO NOT leave Slammin' lids unattended, sometimes you have to cut your losses and kill them, or else they'll block of pathways, and if multiple are out there, they can box you in. Also sometime it's worth sacrificing yourself by jumping under the Slammin's barrier to make it drop on a boss that's under it, even if it kills you (don't do that every time though, it's better if you're not dead)
A better strategy is to paint a bit around the Lid, swim in the barrier but Squid Roll back out immediately; you won't sacrifice yourself. Just git gud on squid surging by practicing in the arena every day.
@@cumcad lol. Ink around it, you say...
>low tide Gone Fission
>low tide Spawning Grounds
>low tide Sockeye Station
Steelheads with Slammin' Lids are both a blessing and a curse, and it entirely depends on wherever or not the Steelhead is in the path of the lid's drop.
Slammmin lids are useful they can crush other salmonids
Do they, like, move? I’ve never actually caught them doing it
I love how Scott almost felt obligated to do a Spamton bit with the Bigshot.
ah is that what that was.
I REALLY need to play chapter 2 one of these days dang
it is custom in the splatoon community now
The fact that there's a spam bot of """"Scott"""" in this reply section is amazing. Everyone look it's a real life spamton G spamton!
A true G.O.A.T
@@alexhiser4073 yeah 💀
The [[BIG SHOT]] part caught me by surprise.
It was perfect.
satan part 2
Now your chance to b3 a [[BIG SHOT]] little sponge.-
Splatoon fans trying to joke about [BIG SHOT] without referencing Deltarune (impossible challenge)
[why aren't you putting them in... WHY AREN'T YOU PUTTING THEM IN?]
I hope a lot of people see this-PLEASE use "This way!" more often. I cannot stress how many times the entire team does not no where the Salmonids are spawning because one player is deciding to stick out on their own and everyone else is still trying to *find* the spawning enemies.
That, and help. 1- use it so allies know to revive you and 2- Don't use it UNTIL you are revivable. A few times I've blindly thrown a bomb to revive a teammate but they weren't ready to revive, so now I'm just stuck with low ink and no teammate.
Nah, in will not use "This way" for salmonids. I've seen what happens. A scrapper comes out and somebody immediately goes after it only to get swarmed by lesser salmonids and the eggs just end up sitting there if bigger bosses show up
Whenever I spot the first boss at the start of the wave, or whenever a low tide occurs, I always, ALWAYS This Way for my team, and those tend to be the waves we at the very least start off strong in because of it. I pisses me off greatly when the first ten seconds of the wave are wasted and 2 or three bosses are now running around because we all split off trying to find them and nobody said anything when they've located the lads
I'm SO upset when people don't "This Way" for me. Sometimes I don't see the Low Tide marker and I'm looking around and thinking "no one said anything?" I'm ALWAYS first to do it when _I_ notice.
Yeah - I use it to let people know where bosses have started spawning if I seem to be the only person who's spotted them and they're not lurable, notification in case someone on the team missed that it's low tide, "I found goldie", and to help dead teammates find me if I'm unable to leave where I am right now to revive them but the team is mostly dead.
4:58 Best executed big shot joke in any Splatoon 3 video by far
How fitting
It's funny how a spam bot replied to a comment related to spamton
Fun fact: the spam bot here is named ScottF *l* aco and not ScottFa *l* co
@@characookie241 yeah
Best executed big shot joke period
I feel like drizzler can be much more of a pain than people realize ESPECIALLY in fog.
Drizzlers are a terrible combo with Steel Eels, Big Shots, Scrappers, and especially Fish Sticks and Dolphins because they severely limit your mobility and chip damage you just enough for the aforementioned to finish you off
I die to Drizzlers more often than Fly Fish and Stingers. Those three are always top priority.
@@ShibuNub3305 6 months late, but for anyone watching this new to Salmon Run, if your mostly damaged from other enemies, the Drizzler's chipping can kill you.
Drizzlers and Fish Sticks should absolutely not be left alone (especially if the latter is dropped near your base) most of my deaths have been from combinations of being out of ammo and stuck in pools of Salmon ink. That combo can and likely will make you easy pickings for any of the more mobile bosses.
The only tip I can give for salmon run is to always ink walls as well as the floor. They can often be the best possible escape and save a precious few seconds. Also when it gets dark and you have no idea what the gimmick might be. GET TO HIGH GROUND. If you get glow flies or grillers you will have a slight advantage. Also, if there is only a couple seconds remaining and the quota is filled. Focus entirely on survival and reviving should be 2nd priority. Do not worry about eggs of killing
Edit: since this is also getting a lot more traction than I expected. I thought I’d add one more tip I forgot. Do not think the top of the fish stick is safe. If you are in a place they can’t get to, the salmonids will jump to get to your location. Also during low tide, retreating can be a very solid choice after quota is filled. Especially if your getting over run, it won’t work forever so make sure your prepared to fight for at least a bit
Glowflies and high tide = instant loss
Note that sometimes the game will tell you what the nighttime gimmick will be before the wave starts - the Mothership will pop up, a boulder lands on the basket in Tornado, stuff like that. If there’s nothing popping up, it’s probably Glowflies, Grillers, etc.
God, I've had rounds lost even after we've fulfilled the quota simply because everyone got too greedy trying to get more and got surrounded by enemies and died. I've fallen into that trap a few times myself in the beginning, but now I do better at focusing on survival, especially when I'm the only one left :B
IMO, once you fill quota forget the eggs. I mean, good practice for VP rank (where you need as many as 35 eggs for quota in wave 3 at max hazard), but otherwise, if the quota is 16 eggs no shame in ending the round with 16 eggs. Not like you're losing any spectacular rewards now that you can't farm money anymore. Only wave you might want a few extra eggs is Mothership waves as she can actually siphon a few eggs away.
@@paperaleks4896 Tornado waves are also indicated by the highly-conspicuous tornado in the near distance
“Gets to experience being a streamer at twitch con as an energized wave of freaks will relentlessly stalk and attack you”
I have never laughed at something this true
Calling the tenta missile salmon Satan is so accurate
Stop it bot
Nah that name belongs to the Steelheads. The window to kill them can be pretty small, and they are just a pain.
that fucker managed to end a third of all my (what would've probably actually won) rounds
Hey, some little things you missed.
Flyfish's two Missile launchers actually *do different things.* Left targets random players and Right targets the closest one. Take the Left one out first. Also, there can only be a maximum of 3 Flyfish, and it might actually be better to only take out the left canister than actually killing them. Three crippled Flyfish is significantly easier to deal with than one full power one.
If you see a Fish Stick show up in Cohozuna, KILL IT BEFORE IT LANDS. The Cohozuna can jump up and land on it, making it damn near impossible for a lot of weapons to shot it.
Speaking of Cohozuna, the Hydra Splatling and E-Liter deal extra damage to him. Don't even bother throwing eggs if you have those weapons, just shoot him.
I'm not fully sure about this, but I've heard some people say that Cohozuna takes more damage if you shoot it's belly. No idea if this is true but it's worth a shot?
Big Shots are higher priority targets than you made them out to be. Having them around can completely wipe a team, and tons of weps *hate* jumping. That damage adds up, and killing them first gives you a cannon that makes the rest of the wave significantly easier.
The Explosher has bomb properties, but Blasters *do not.* This makes no sense they literally explode what the fuck
And that's about it.
While you're right about Satan's left and right launchers behaving differently, it does NOT matter which one you take out. The remaining one (even the left one) automatically targets the NEAREST player. Cohozuna has no belly weakness, just shoot anywhere.
Also for the record, Cohozuna no longer jumps and lands on a Twitter Stick after the update.
@@oldcowbb It depends on what rank you're playing at and the wave conditions. If you're just a Profresh or below, go ahead and destroy all because skill issues. For EVP 200+ it is recommended to leave one launcher alive (unless it's the first boss spawn or if it's high tide) until the countdown reaches 28. Remember, only 3 flyfish can coexist at any given time. If you kill all, likely 3 more will spawn. If you instead cripple them, you'll only have the equivalent of 1.5 flyfish (the game will spawn other bosses instead of a new flyfish) which is more manageable. When the countdown reaches 28, no new bosses will spawn, then you can safely kill them all.
@@cumcad Thanks for the input!
They can’t make blasters have bomb properties because then they would be actually usable
That moment when you barely pass the final wave. Then 2 employees spam their specials while going “Wahooo!” Salmon run is great…
Then king salmon appears
It doesn't matter if you get rid of specials before the cohozuna wave. You get an extra one if you're out of specials and you can ONLY have one special during it.
@@Anatiumregina No, it adds up all specials and then evenly divides them
@@Adrevenue13 anytime i've fought a king, i have only ever gotten one special to use. even if no one used their specials, i've only ever seen everyone with just the one. where did you even get that information?
You could really hear Scott’s League of legends side come out whenever he actually expects Random children to play the game min maxed
Thank god splatoon doesn't have voice chat. A seven year old gets a new video game for her birthday and is immediately screamed at by her 30 year old teammates for picking the cool sword.
Gee Scott, how come you get 4 team mates?
I mean I would think that most of splatoons fanbase is at least 16 since the first game came out over 7 years ago
@@lorfuroll3717 Yes, but remember the Switch is in it’s own ballpark compared to the Wii U and there’s no telling how many parents are gonna put this under the Christmas tree.
The funi sword good
Wasn’t expecting an actual salmon run crash course guide but this is actually super helpful
There've been other peeps who made SR tutorials, but Scott's the most Crash Course, yet ironically most understanding one I've seen so far.
Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the whole world's sins. They that believeth and are baptized (with the Holy Spirit) shall be saved; but they that believeth not shall be damned. Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness.
*God is ONE manifesting himself as THREE;* the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! *For these three are one.*
As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him.
Anyone who *claims* to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, and where I am doing it; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them, they lack understanding. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.
When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE!
Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals!
The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil.
I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God!
Open your heart to God, repent of your sins (he will forgive you), and let him direct your path. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands and purify your heart, lest you walk with the devil and follow him to hell.
@Scott, because I have read your rules, I have posted this once and chose this comment.
The big shot segment of this was so well done, props to you Scott the voice acting was terrific!
Another smaller tip for weapon roles: brushes and rollers, **you are on revive duty, ESPECIALLY if you're down two or three players.** You can move while inking, and in terms of brushes you also have extra maneuverability.
Actually, on the topic of brushes: Brushes, you can run over grates by inking. This is incredibly useful for smthn like Spawning Grounds.
And for anyone else: if your teammates need a revive and you're being chased, try chucking a bomb in their general direction. They'll thank you later.
That’s kind of a terrible idea? Every player can move while inking and the reach of a blaster is a lot more useful for reviving scattered players than, like, rolling up to them
@@Fluffkitscripts yeah, but no one can swim on grates, meaning you're slowed down significantly. With brushes and rollers, you get a speed boost and you don't fall through the grates. Same trick applies to dualies, use your dodge rolls to sprint through grates
The worst part of dealing with flyfish is that even when you have a chance to get both cans on launch 1, a random salmonid will get right in front of you and deflect the bomb
I think you're REALLY underselling how important inking walls is. When doing hazard level max waves, it was everyone's immediate priority to get all of the walls inked since you're constantly having to move and keep your distance from how much garbage gets thrown at you. From what I've read, if you beat HLM you instantly unlock the full shop if you haven't already. Also one more crucial tip, golden eggs shot from the egg cannon have bomb properties and can damage Satan's launchers.
What is HLM?
wait I just realized it is hazard level max my bad
If you hit the middle with the golden egg, you can kill Satan directly. 😀
@@cdjblue That is VERY good to know 👀
You do not instantly unlock the full shop if you beat HLM -- you still have to spend a total of 350 bronze, 40 silver, and 4 gold scales. Granted, by the time you reach HLM you probably already accumulated that many from all those Cohozunas.
The fact that Cohozuna will only spawn when at least two people have the big meter full is rather helpful. Although everyone involved in the wave will have their Cohozuna meter reset to zero, regardless if yours or the others is not full or full.
Also do not fret if you use all your specials in Waves 1 to 3 and Cohozuna is on the way, you will get a refill one charge of your special once the Xtrawave starts.
And a little extra bit of advice, be sure to listen carefully to the jingles at the end of Wave 3 to determine whether you will have to fight Cohozuna or it's over. They have distinct jingles to listen for closely, it would be your time to panic or hold your weapon close to you as you fight.
Another tip regarding the Xtrawave jingle: if you recognize it, spam This Way to alert everyone that somethings up.
@@CaptainObliviousV Oh so that's why I see some people do that after Wave 3. Thank you for sharing, I'll be sure to keep it in mind.
Also if you somehow make it there with two specials, it defaults to one. Kinda annoying
I believe you don’t need fill the meter to be full to get an Xtrawave. It takes full team’s total progress and determines your chances of getting it. Each teammate contributes an amount of “smell”, from 0 to 5, to the total. This total then determines your chances of getting the Xtrawave.
@@brightongold4398 Found that out the hard way...
That Spamton impression was phenomenal
I don’t know why I feel so powerful that Ive played all of delatrune and splatoon 3 and knew about both games before the big shot meme coming to splatoon 3
@@pixelcat29 same
thought that bot was the guy continueueing the joke phaha
I kn-know right? Scott really knows how to [sell it] when it's h-h-his [chance to be a BIG SHOT]. And holy [cungadero] does that [Sponge] really know how to [advertise] those [special offers]!
@@Vitreous78 I feel like spamton would actually say that, and then offer him some [Hyperlink Blocked]
I felt that ending part of the Big Shot bit so much :') I've had to fight hordes of lessers and some bosses all by myself while juggling a bunch of eggs into the cannon only to still lose the wave anyways because no one else was putting them in the basket, and because I was alone I got overwhelmed and splatted.
Your teammates were probably overwhelmed by basket. Stop camping the cannon pleaseeee
@@frameturtle you have to otherwise 3 big shots will all spawn simultaneously
In my experience, the answer is “all the bosses came over here and we’re too dead to handle the eggs”
this feels more like a guide/tutorial than a side of salt
considering how playing SR can leave players it's basically both
tbh with how freelance is, a guide is something a lot of players could use
Given how godawful playing salmon run with some idiots can be, I think it's needed
Is he making up boss names? After aw crap it feels like he is . Im fine with it either way. 6:00 nvm nanes are right.
@@Zombie_Chow yes he is
You know, I was half-expecting a [BIG SHOT] but I didn't expect you to go full spamton. Kudos to you, Scott.
The Big Shot explanation went exactly the way I wanted it too. Thank you. I laughed way to hard at it.
And remember "don't be the [little sponge] who hates his [$3.95] life."
“ya! You know little buddy? Now you can kill his family!”
Got me laughing way too hard 🤣
would be funny if you can use little buddy in salmon run
then we can say: now HE can kill his family
mw too
I like to call glowfly waves : Cloaker Time, because they basically become the enemy with the same name from Payday 2
“You call this resisting arrest? We call this a difficulty tweak!”
I don't call it cloaker, I hear the voices in my head scream "The horde has been alerted"
Nah it’s the class rush experience in Tf2… and it’s all heavy’s… that somehow got extra speed while cart their Brass Beast as there’s one disaplinary action Solider assisting them
i call them : welcome to ohio or : welcome to hell
One time me and some friends were playing and we all decided to get on a fish stick because things were getting hectic.
We uttered the words “what are they gonna do, get us?”
A maws came to answer that question.😊
Yeah! I did that and he killed me. Let's give him some taco bell. 🙂
That Big Shot section was phenomenal. Just what I've come to expect.
[[Designed BY The Classics You've Come To Expect! (C)1997]]
Yes! Spread the word about the slamming lid! When I discovered that it can kill other bosses, it became my new favorite way of dealing with the boss that chase you to either kill them or make a quick vertical escape. They're so useful!!
That being said, not killing the Lids can make for a bad situation where they're dropping lesser Salmonids all over the basket and making it harder to shoot other bosses OUTSIDE their slamming range.
Use them tactically if possible, but it's better to remove them before they can be a problem.
They also do hella damage to the big boy if you time it well
4:57 my favorite interpretation of Spamton's quirky speech mannerisms so far
2:26 one of my most prideful moments in salmon run with randos was during one of these. i was the last person alive and of course, had the glowflies on me. there was three seconds left and we needed one more egg so i went down, grabbed the egg and did that turning thing as fast as i possibly could, getting the last egg in before time ran out. if i never get a heart attack in my life, that moment will be the closest i ever experience to it
Wait this sounds really cool, but can you elaborate on what the turning thing is? I can't picture it in my mind for some reason
I also had a moment like this lol. Final wave, fog with random weapons, and I got an octobrush. We quickly got surrounded in the last 15 seconds, and my three teammates were down whilst we needed ~4 eggs left. High tide and there were drizzlers and steel eels EVERYWHERE. Managed to roll with said octobrush and clutch it out with 0.5 seconds left all the remaining eggs needed. Immediately ran out of ink after the "Final wave completed!" and got splatted by a rain storm left over by a drizzler, causing us to celebrate while dead since I couldn't rez them in time lol.
The Spamton gag was very well done
Great work as a whole, hopefully this will help newer hires, so I can suffer slightly less
Also also, egg-tossing can damage a little, kind of a good way to make an escape in a pinch, thought it's risky
It does enough damage to oneshot chums and smallfry in a small radius around you when tossing and egg, something that can be decently useful if there's a chum or two wanting to give you a smack while you're moving eggs.
As I saw on Twitter, "Salmon Run solo is just babysitting duty."
So far, the least players I’ve ever played with during a Salmon Run shift was in a party of three. I’ve never experienced a solo Salmon Run shift yet.
After you get the required eggs... STAY ALIVE.
And if gets overwhelming at the beach/dock area, you can move to the spawn area to get some heat off of you.
Also the grates are your best friend. You can phase through grates if the water levels are down. It's definitely gotten me out of really overwhelming situations.
What if there are no grates?
Thanks for this guide! I was able to reach Eggsecutive VP a while ago with the tips you said in this video.
Big Note for the Killer Wail special:
Although the time period is short, you can have the special target multiple bosses at once. Just spin around/aim a bit until one set of the speakers goes off, then you can target the next. So you can take out a Flyfish and then perhaps kill off a Steelhead as well.
I am desperately after the Big Shot badge.
Spamton G. Spamton has absolutely ruined that particular Samonid and I am all for it having happened. It’s my favourite Samonid because of this.
Update: I DID IT [ladies and gentlemen] OF THE [Add a comment]. I REACHED [heaven] AND HAVE BECOME A [BIG SHOT].
I can't wait to earn the gold Big Shot badge in like 2 years.
It didn't ruin him, it enhanced him
Unfortunately I haven’t played enough [Capitalism] to have the badge yet, but it would definitely be nice to have. Good on you!
Here's a tip for trying to reach higher Salmon Run ranks: If you are constantly losing match after match, take a break from Salmon Run. Seriously it helps. Back in Splatoon 2 I would play Salmon Run almost non-stop when it was open, but it led to my rank constantly tanking as I would go on losing streaks where I would lose in the 1st wave. Some of the time that was due to me not knowing everything that I probably should have to play the mode efficiently, however other times it was due to the rotation of weapons not being the most balanced for playing with randoms (needing more tight knit team communication to be effective). Sometimes it was simply that the stage itself wasn't best suited for the weapons available, balanced or not (more often than not it was Spawning Grounds). Whatever the reason, after taking a break and coming back when the rotations were more in my favor, I would easily beat waves and rank up. Take it from someone who's tried the brute force way of ranking up in Salmon Run, if Grizzco's giving you trouble, then take a break. Either because it's the weapons, the stage, the randoms, or even your own lack of skill, it helps to wait a while until things calm down a bit and you feel more confident that you'll do better.
...and if at all possible, avoid playing on Spawning Grounds. That stage is deceptively hard and punishing to work with.
Why does everyone hate spawning grounds?
@@jjbarajas5341 Have you played on Spawning Grounds?
@@imreallybadatnamingthings I've been playing Spawning grounds for years
@@jjbarajas5341 I think the main reason people hate it is because of the part with the grates. There's not enough usable space during high-tide and it makes it near impossible to survive.
@@jjbarajas5341 the slopes are god awful placement wise,the grates are TERRIFYING,high tide is EXTREMELY tight and relies on luck to work with. If a flyfish spawns on grates then good luck. Maps deceptively hard to traverse at times,and everything in general just feels cramped in the worst way with certain bosses taking extreme advantage of the maps layout. Also some parts of the map are literal death traps
That was actually REALLY helpful. I knew a lot of the general stuff but I didn't know a lot of the more clever strategies or the best ways to use certain weapons. Definitely didn't know the part about not getting demoted if its wave 3. I hate losing but I hate feeling like it was my fault even more, so thank you for this very informative and entertaining video Scott!
You lose 20 points on wave 1, 10 points on wave 2, zero points on wave 3, gain 20 points on succeeding all 3 waves, and no extra rank points for beating Cohozuna! As long as you're not losing on wave 1 often, it means you can lose a lot and potentially not de-rank, especially if you win a couple times first. I just wish you didn't start ever rotation with only 40 points in your rank 😅
i love that everyone has thier own nicknames for all the bosses
The horrible thing is the spamton joke is actually pretty faithfull to spamton and funny lol
You show wall-clinging to the side of the tower on Sockeye Station during glowflies, and this is what randoms always do. It basically guarantees you lose the wave, as eggs become completely impossible to retrieve safely. You can instead just put everyone right next to the basket, on the lip closer to the tower, and the spawns have to run through a massive exposed stretch to reach you, goldies drop their eggs literally on the basket, you have easy chokes to hold, and if things go south you can just flee to the tower and up the wall to revive everyone.
I like the idea but I prefer the tower because salmons only have one way to go up the tower. The wall cling strat kinda works but, as you stated, it's hard to get the eggs cuz all the salmons are on top of them.
I wish people would stop going to that part 😭 glowflies is bad enough
Going on the wall on that one map with the big tower (if that is the one you mean) is essentially an instant win though, I have never failed that strategy. Sounds more like you or your Team were just playing bad.
Just alternate between wall cling and platform so the Salmonids will alter their path
@@rouge-ish324 Every single egg will drop in the path the salmonids take if you are using the tower or clinging to it. I have literally never seen the strategy even come close to working at pro 3+. You literally have a better chance of winning if everyone just completely splits up and runs around like idiots than luring the goldies towards the tower. The issue is not surviving, it is getting eggs in the basket, and teams that try to alternate wall-cling and tower regularly have 0 eggs in the basket in 40 seconds into the wave.
I honestly didn't know you could use the egg cannon on Boss Salmonoids, that certainly would have been good to know all this time. Thanks dude I learned something new.
A bunch of really incredible tips. I didn’t know Golden Eggs could kill Normal Bosses during Codzilla, so that’s definitely good to know.
I don’t have friends with Splat so I’ve just been stuck on Profreshional without really going up to the 100 ranks.
there is no greater feeling than knowing you're about to die as the last one standing, throwing a bomb, and managing to sneak out a revive that wins you the wave
The Big Shot part was easily the best thing I’ve ever seen
The Extra Wave gives you a special, so don't worry about depleting them all before hand. Also though, if you have two left it depletes it to one, so again, don't be afraid to use them prior.
Can't wait to have a new race of Salmonlings in a Splatoon 3 DLC just to make Scott's statement age perfectly.
i would cry (of sadness) if they were added
if that were to actually happen I question what side you'd be on if you played salmon run
We won't, but appreciated.
I think Rassicas would literally die if that happened lol
@@paperaleks4896 rassicas after when bear exist.
Awesome guide Scott! I have some Extra Tips regarding both the Flyfish (Satan) and Stingers (Pothead) though. On super high Hazard Levels (that I have yet to get to myself because I suck), where you'll be constantly overrun with bosses, it's actually considered a good strategy to "Cripple" the Flyfish rather than kill them outright. This is because there can only be 3 of each type of Boss Salmonid on the map at once (for example there can't be more than 3 Steel Eels), so if you're at a Hazard Level where bosses will be spawning constantly splatting the Flyfish will just make room for a new one with both baskets. Speaking of the baskets, the Blue and Red baskets actually have unique behavior. The Red one targets the players closest to it, and the Blue one targets a random player further away from it. Knowing this, you can make the Flyfish more predictable in who it targets by targeting the Blue basket first.
Now onto the Stingers, they typically target the players furthest away from them and, like the Flyfish, are especially nasty if there are multiple of them so as Scott says in the video it's best to just kill them immediately before they have a chance to pile up. The best weapons for them are rapid fire weapons and weapons with bomb/burst properties (Shooters, Splatlings, Dualies, Blasters, Exploshers and Brushes), DO NOT try killing them with Chargers or Rollers unless you absolutely need to be the one to do it, these weapons are incredibly ill suited for the job and really you're better off using said weapons to take out the Hammerheads (Bag Brain). Using the ol' Splat Bomb is good too if you have the ink for it, it'll take out a chunk of segments at the bottom and help you kill it faster.
Some other general tips include: Never charge into a group of Chums/Cohocks or you'll be batted around and insta-killed, Always keep an eye on which teammates are down and revive them ASAP, no matter how dead weight and ally seems and extra pair of hands can come in handy, if you've been splatted never sit bellow a Slammin Lid as it's shield will block ally shots and make you impossible to revive, Low Priority targets like Scrappers (Uber Drivers) and Drizzlers (Drizzle me Timbers) still shouldn't be ignored, try not to go off on your own as it's best to stick with the team and help with whatever they're doing, getting splatted while off doing your own thing on the other side of the map will just split your team's attention and waste time.
Also, Spawning Grounds is the worst Salmon Run map. Like THE WORST. That is all.
I've found that Tri-Stringer actually works really well with Stingers.
@@imreallybadatnamingthings In that case I think the problem might be just the way I use it.
@@Byakkoya11037 What way are you using it? I normally just charge the first circle and immediately jump & shoot so that it hits three pots at a time. I don't think I've ever pulled it off with REEF-LUX though, since it charges super fast.
@@imreallybadatnamingthings I've been doing that too but for some reason I always end up hitting only one pot at a time, like when you use a Charger or Roller on the thing. It's so weird. Then again I also get rampant connection errors and consistently get teamed up with people who ignore splatted teammates and refuse to kill Flyfish so maybe it's just my bad luck kicking in again.
I was half-expecting the big shot to be Spamton but you executed it really well and it made me chuckle
4:57 I love how into-character he gets XDD
Huge tip I don't think is talked about enough: There are no "low priority" bosses. There are no bosses that I think you can take a look at and go 'oh I'll ignore them for now'
Fish sticks can completely lock out a huge segment of the map from easy movement, scrappers deal a ton of knockback on hit and usually can't be taken out solo, drizzlers will help stingers and flyfish get their kills easier and flipper flops can instantly put the "Hey all salmonids kill this guy NOW" area onto your teammates.
If you see a boss, and you have the ink left, you should probably try and kill it before it becomes a problem
A few tips ive learned from 1300 hours of spoon2 and 100 of spoon3: (reached profresh999 on 2, am currently eggsecutive)
-On high tide, better to focus on killing all bosses the moment they spawn instead of eggs. On high tide, the eggs are all relatively close to the basket, so once you reach like 30 seconds before the end and all the bosses are gone youre free to hoard the eggs
-don't die. Literally the best salmon tip. When you die, your teammates have to save you, which is usually a p big time loss. They also have more bosses focusing on them now that you're dead; and they also have one less person to kill the salmons and get eggs. Running away is better than dying!!
-on glowflies or gushers, the dynamo can make the goldie drop ungodly amount of eggs by rolling on it, if positioned on the goldies path
-the grizzco shosher can kill satan, one shot towers if aiming at the top from the bottom, as well as one or two shot enemies with shields!!! One shot steelheads and drizzlers!! Just make sure to count your shots so you dont run out of ink!
-ink walls. It saves lives.
-there is actually an order to opening the gushers that makes it very easy to find the goldie. If you're interested, i can link you to the Salmon Run discord server :)
-on low tide, never forget you have a lot of space to back up or escape to if needed. Don't stay too far on the shore when killing towers or big shots (even to hoard eggs), because it makes it harder for you to escape tricky situations if enemies spawn and you can die very far from your teammates, making it very hard for people to revive you. Same when your teammates start dying and you're busy in the corner of the map, because all the enemies will go towards you and you'll have no escape!
-always mind weapon roles on each rotation. As scott stated, some weapons can kill satan (useful). Some weapons are better for killing towers, some only shoot one pot at a time. The backlines should focus on killing enemies, the fast weapons should gather eggs, the rollers can roll on lesser enemies to help during nightime, dont send a sniper to kill the fishstick, etc, etc. Obviously these are examples and you can find yourself the better ways to use each weapons !
-some weapons like eliters, hydras or the grizzco stringer to a lot of damage to cohozuna, so if you get one, just focus him the entire wave !! Just make sure the rest of your team kills the other bosses
-i ran out of tips, i'll update this if this message gets seen at all. good luck :)
Heres another one, on glowflys instead of holding on to a wall, find platforms that you can hop across to force the salmons to change there path so you can still do damage to the salmons
@@copyright-hv6en true!! Its so easy to fall of the wall and you cant always get back on it when theres salmonids around, definitely not the best strat
5:04 Don t you wanna be a [[BIG SHOT]]
5:23 this is so relatable why doesn't my team put the eggs in there.
Honest, I once had a round with everyone shooting eggs back and waiting for more. I usually am the one rushing back to save them from getting snagged
I have so much rounds where someone is last standing are in a high are and can see all their fallen teammates and then jump in try to revive everyone and die without using a special you could argue the special they had wouldn’t be helpful but I think I am the only one I’ve seen do this and I feel like by professional I shouldn’t see this happen
the big shot segment is so strong. going all in on the bit, especially his cries of despair
4:58 This made me smile. Nice voice acting!
That big shot section was amazing, 10/10 bro
One thing with the "Uber Driver", and I've seen people do this a lot, is that you never, ever land on top of it.. it will deal DPS so fast that it will feel like you got splatted instantly (note it's actually a 3 tap from full health.) Also, the top face can be registered as a shield hit so you can use high vantage ground to stun it as it's face planting against a wall in an attempt to reach you.
Fr that thing SHREDS right through Booyah bomb armor before you can even throw it, if you happen to have used it and there's one on a platform above you.
The most recent rotation with the explosher was quite possibly one of the best we’ve had so far. It actually helped me get to Professional +3 for the first time… and then I got cocky thinking I could use the rotation to grind to Eggsecutive. I got knocked back down to +2 and I’m still stuck there. Doesn’t help that I’m stuck in solo queue.
The Bag Brain Eel Edition (Horrorboros) is another King Salmonid that will fly around the map and periodically shoot Booyah Bombs at you. If you explode the bomb in its mouth, it will deal some pretty nice damage to it. Eggs are especially useful to ink the bomb. In my experience, despite him having more health, he is easier to defeat than Cohozuna.
The "Aw Crap (Supreme)" is the third King Salmonid to be added. It is basically a huge Maws with a boo-boo on its back that deals extra damage when you hit it. Bombs do not work when thrown into its mouth, I believe. It can kill fellow salmonids when it jumps out to eat you.
The Royal Family (Triumvirate) is when all 3 King Salmonids attack at once. "Aw Crap (Supreme)" can hurt other kings, and all 3 must be killed at once for you to win the wave. Thank you for reading.
6:01 “equipped with special boosters, This crapper will crap out tenta missles every ten seconds to give reflux a run for its money” got me lmao 💀
With your power and influence, I really hope that more people will know how to play Salmon Run well xD
the spamton bit was FLAWLESS
I love it when the randoms I get refuse to launch eggs in big shot cannon and instead walk their happy asses to the basket
I'll take Spawning Grounds over Marooners Bay any day.
On the note of stages, the newest one, Bonerattle Arena has an inkrail that is suspended over the lower areas. If you're targeted during Glowflies or Grillers, hide there and keep hopping, they will not be able to touch you.
If you don't hop, there is a small chance a Salmonid will get a lucky shot and knock you out of the rail, which will inevitably lead to you falling into the horde who will in turn rip you a new one.
On the other hand, getting a Salmon Rush during high tide on Jammin' Salmon (yes that can happen) is a death sentence unless you have a roller.
3:24 ngl steal eel driver looks like the most chill guy at the party who you will most likely go for a drink with afterwards
8:07 For the Inkjet,you could also shoot Satan between the lids to get rid of it with just one shot.
Something I’d like to add that wasn’t mentioned about Satan (aka Flyfish) is if your dealing with it alone, but if your quick enough with your ink recovery, you can bomb both buckets in one attack cycle. The timing’s pretty tight though, and of course as Scott said, the hitboxes are kinda wonky, so don’t rely on it too hard.
Honestly the thing I like best about Salmon Run is how a lot of the bosses have nuance beyond what’s obvious. Like how Flyfish’s baskets target different players (red basket targets the closest player in the direction where it’s facing, blue chooses a random player), Steel Eels follow the player they are looking at, stuff like that
Also if you want to get good at SR LEARN HOW TO SUBSTRAFE. It saves SO much time when bringing eggs to the basket
what is substrafe? If you dont mind me asking?
Is substrafing better than just jumping? I usually just jump turn and it works well.
@@louisaguila2905 hold down the R button, pop out of the ink, submerge again, turn in the other direction. Kind of a bad explanation, there are some good vids on how to do it if you’re interested tho
@@hoodiesticks Much faster, which is important
Substrafe, luring, and how to find the goldie
fun fact about the stinger, they target the player farthest from where they spawn. i read that tip somewhere in a video when i was hyperfocused on salmon run.
“Little Timmy” is basically one of my friends. Every time we play salmon run together, he always dies a few seconds off spawn.
6:11 Quick tip: when you spot another teammate getting ready to throw a bomb as well, move to one side of the missiles and jump to get their attention. Usually they get the hint and throw to the side your not on.
4:50 …this is MORE close to ranked than any of the other things. It’s Splat Zones!
Tip: During Glowflies, if you are playing on Bonerattle Arena and Glowflies are targeting you, go on an inkrail. Salmonids cannot go on inkrails, so they will just stand under you so the rest of you team can take them out easily
I love Scott's writing. For example, at 2:07, instead of saying "have rollers go after the smallfries" he instead said "exclusively focus on smacking children." It's like he completes a normal script, picks random sentences, and turns them into jokes. It gives incentive to rewatch to catch jokes you may have missed because you were too busy laughing st the previous joke.
I love all the names you gave the bosses, especially Aw Crap because…aw crap.
Edit: If you’re looking for tips, I’ve found it really easy to beat Stingers lately. They take a long time to start firing, so if you spot one just as it’s spawning and book it over there, you can dispatch it before it can start firing.
There's NEVER enough Tennis jokes! Also gotta love the effort put into the [BIG SHOT] joke 🤣
Great Job as always Scott! I was expect that spamton part, but the effort put into it was pretty good. On top of that, you do a surprisingly well job at discussing a lot of important info that I didn't even know much about. Good Informational and funny vid!
5:44 fun fact: the drop, *it can kill bosses, too*
Flyfish and Fish Sticks at the same time suck because the Flyfish missiles just lock on to you while you're trying to climb the Fish Stick
The thumbnail made me think that you’re surrounded by sunny side up eggs with small dashes of pepper. Put me in a breakfast mood
4:38 *Twitter Stick got me so hard 🤣-*
One small thing i noticed in this and in 2 is that Dualies can actually roll out of a Maw’s jaw before she snaps
Another thing I found is that fish sticks are great as vantage points for chargers and other long rangers since only ranged boss salmoinds can hurt them, and they have a lost view to see them coming, alongside other things
5:23 me when my teammates treat the egg basket like it needs regular eggs:
The other three useful tips I can think of that Scott didn't mention that I'll try to add here for visibility:
{1} If you throw a bomb, the round won't end until the bomb explodes. So, if you're the last one alive and are able to throw a bomb towards your teammates, you can die (and therefore everyone is dead at the same time) but the round won't immediately end and your teammates will get revived.
{2} Whenever you use a special, it refills your ink tank. This can be incredibly helpful if you have a weapon that uses ink very quickly or if you need to refill your ink but something like an ink storm is denying you. A very notable example is glowfly waves - if you're the roller killing all the small chums while your teammates focus on the glowflies but you run out of ink and don't have time to refill because glowfly waves never give a break, you can pop your special and immediately be back to full. Obviously, this works better with some specials and not as well with others.
{3} On glowfly waves, the non-gold chums actually have less health than regular wave chum. If you're using a weaker roller that can't normally one-shot a chum, it *can* still one-shot the glowfly chum. Rollers are incredibly important. The biggest risk to rollers is that the goldies knockback the roller and can push them off ledges, so everyone else should be focused on shooting the goldies and killing them before they get to the roller. Ideally, if you can kill a goldie as close as possible to the basket, you're more likely to meet quota. Ironically, Spawning Grounds might actually be the *easiest* goldfly map because the basket is directly next to the best rush defense spot.
0:49 That scream is pure Mythbusters nostalgia to me.
1:28 I SWEAR I’m the ONLY one of my group who will EVER ink the walls.
That’s actually smart.
knowing when to backoff and revive your teammates is crucial people forget to do that and everyone often just dies because of this.
I have gone back to this video TWICE now for its tips. Thank sm for making this. It's informative and funny
This is an incredibly insightful and well-edited player's guide for the updated Salmon Run mode in Splatoon 3. I think every Splatoon player should watch this video so that they can improve their skills and knowledge of the increasingly intense PvE (players vs. environment) mode. Also, great job with your Spamton impersonation during the Big Shot section. Finally, now that two new King Salmonids have been added to this mode, you may need to create a short sequel to this video so that everyone else knows how to best combat them. ;)
I had to repeat the BIG SHOT part because it was so funny.
Very good video too, informative and fun, you can feel the enjoyment for the game.
Love Spamton's surprise guest segment ❤
Also thank you for demonstrating two solid tactics for Glowflies! Wall hugger and gulf jumping are what I personally call them
Wall hugger isn't as effective as it was in 2. If you cling to a wall long enough, the Salmonids will start jumping and pushing each other up to get you.
Best strategy is to have your two rapid fires on guard duty, preferably on a high platform near the basket. If one of them is targeted, the other two should handle egg detail, if one person who doesn't have a rapid fire weapon is targeted, they should take cover behind those on guard duty until the flies stop pestering them while the other guy can handle rounding up the eggs.
Although most ppl think the strat for glow flies is to hang on walls, the best strat is to actually hang near the basket. Hanging on walls doesn’t really work anymore since the salmons can jump, and in some maps the tall walls are too far from the basket and you end up not getting enough eggs. So camp the basket on glow flies!!!
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1:23 You underestimate my ability to multitask. I'll spam booyah AND take back ground!
4:58 The reference is real.
And now there's 2 more super bosses, Snake fish and Oh Crap x10