Don't watch live broadcast TV + delete iPlayer = don't have to pay for the awful BBC Works for me. I'm totally cool not having live TV or iPlayer when the only things they have to offer me is this crap.
I don't know you. But as a black woman, black people hate seeing our people misused in bad representation anymore than white people seeing us inserted in the wrong places. It offended me greatly that they gave that guy Rose's name. And another friend was right. Now, when you look up Doctor Who Rose, the new one will pop up. It's like they erased her. She wasn't even my favorite character, but it's still wrong. Making the Doctor Gay is just wrong on so many levels and it does put emphasis on sexuality, period, which is inappropriate for kids.
Thanks for your thoughts on this! Nobody is an issue with black people, as you can see, it's an issue of replacing people with other skin colours for the sake of it! I dread to think of black historical figures being made white.
Why is this being called a "60th" special? It's a story about impersonation of heroes... in which Isaac Newton is impersonated specifically so as to misrepresent the past. It's so meta. It's a 60th special which doesn't celebrate its kid-friendly past at all.
RTD has become senile. Probably suffering from memory loss or something too. His comments about wheelchair users also seem to forget that HE created Lumic in the parallel universe. A regular DrWho villain, but apparently RTD was commenting on the evilness of wheelchair users and we didn't notice. Donna knowing the Doctor was gay is completely bizarre, given her entire run is about keeping alive the Doctor and Rose romance. Right from finding Rose's clothes in the TARDIS in her first episode to feeling happy that the Doctor would meet Rose even if the Universes were collapsing in the season finale. And now Donna always thought the Doctor was gay? It makes no sense even given what RTD himself has created in the past. I think he's just lost it, and seduced by the idea of young audiences, he's like the senile old man standing in front of a school, acting like a teenager, saying whatever he thinks they want to hear in the hope the young students will think he's their best friend.
I've watched so many RTD2 confessionals this past 3 weeks, - I'm playing this, eyes closed (while nodding off), and when I hear Russell's voice I now constantly always imagine him burbling away in an atmospherically lit room wearing a straitjacket...
The kicking and screaming abuse at the very customer base that supported them for nearly 100 years will be glorious. After all, it’s the viewers fault for not just ingesting and going along with the normalization of every Globalist/Woke agenda checkbox- especially those directed at indoctrinating young children.
I thought the 60th was going to be essentially a trilogy, but it's no more than than three independent episodes loosely connected by a simple thread. Like *any* of RTD's Doctor Who.
I thought the 60th would be a celebration of the show and its longevity and bringing the audience, old and new together. Apparently, RTD had other ideas, essentially to tell the older fans to get out.
@@lesigh1749 Well, he's getting what he wished for as no way in hell is he gonna do anywhere near the 10 million viewers Tennant got during his 1st run. "Old fans" don't want to watch the Doctor explore their gender identity and sexuality, all whilst traveling through space and time with a trans companion who will correct him on his use of pronouns. Bringing Tennant and Tate back was just bait for "old fans" this is the garbage youve got to look forward to if you even still care and I don't
It is interesting that the things which are destroying society today are also destroying a lot of programs films and dr who sadly is dead beyond resuscitation such a shame as was so amazing back in the day
Yes, we did. Nothing is ever perfect, but there's a difference between loving imperfection and self-hating polish to 're-imagine' and thus destroy. Cheers and thanks for the comment.
I seem to hear a lot of contempt in RTD's tone - contempt for his own show, and most of all, contempt for the fans. You know, the fans who are the reason the show's success??? Russell, I let you go!
he is still sulking about whittaker. but hey if he wants to make a show for a minority audience let him get on with it, i am off to watch the classic series .
The idea of the Doctor being gay or straight doesn't really make sense. Regardless of his alien nature, he's not the sort to have those sorts of interests, this is an obsession with knowing his sexual interests that just wouldn't be done with a straight character. We didn't need to know what ladies Tom Baker's Doctor thought were "hot". This is really embarrassing chauvinism over gay identity. There was a brief period in the late 90s and early 2000s where gay people just wanted to be normal, where it was no big deal, nothing to celebrate or act as special. But now being gay is seen as a virtue.
i must have been writing this comment at midnight cause i was suppose to say matt smith and peter capaldi doctors and somehow resulted to 13 @@RomeroDisease 💀
One point if I may, if "The Meep" only refers to itself in the "definite article", why did The Meep say "MY chosen pronoun" instead of "The Meeps chosen pronoun" or possibly "This Meeps chosen pronoun"
Because my is not a pronoun, its a possessive determiner. Maybe all of you should study a little more xd. You can use "my" no matter what your pronouns are.
@@sergiocastro1636 "My" is a pronoun; it is the first person possessive pronoun. The thing is when the trans-cultists say "my preferred pronouns" they are referring specifically to third person pronouns (including third person possessives "his", "her(s)", "its", "their(s)" - are you saying no preference is expressed regarding these pronouns?). The question is how does a being so out of touch with human culture it doesn't know what a plushie is, know what "preferred pronouns" refers to?
RTD sound somewhat panicked. You didn't keep the plot secret because there isn't really anything to spoil, I can't believe that this is what we got for the 60th anniversary 😒
@@SaltyTravelingC Yep RTD2 just picking up where Chibnall left off and has gone in with a sledge hammer to push HIS agenda. I love how the UK government is saying they want to raise the TV license fee which basically funds the BBC cause they want to force people to keep funding garbage like this.
Doctor Who was good for all us looser straight males. We not buff and string, we not good looking. No one respects us in general. Doctor Who was somewhere I could imagine and feel good about myself. Teaching me my intellect was my super power. And no I’m not very smart. Now they expect us to adopt Guy men, trans rights in hopes we will feel warmth towards them.. Just because I’m not manly, it don’t mean I’m confused, trans or gay.. scrap this writer and the show. Remake a Doctor WHO for the 20+ year old fans. We stood by this long, and now you’ve ruined it..
With Disney onboard with this show and pre-paying the writers a lump sum vs over time view residuals, there is absolutely no reason to do other than what RTD is doing. It’s almost like Disney planned it this way… to get the Wokest, most Globalist Agenda Doctor Who content possible to push to children.
I just wonder when they will realize alienating the massive fan base to bring in the small number of a target audience that will never be enough to match what they loose.
It's not poison. I don't mind if they make the doctor gay, it just depends if they make his whole character about being gay - that's what I don't like. As long as it's still a good story I don't mind some woke elements, like in classic doctor who. You have to understand, Doctor who has always been woke, it's just that in the classic series and early modern era the stories were still good, they weren't all about the message. An episode that is based literally fully on woke stuff like The Star Beast I don't like, but I like Wild Blue Yonder, it's not that bad.
russell t davies (i assume the t stands for tragedy) is an absolute nob end - he changed davros because he feared an evil character on wheels would make people associate disability with evil?? - personally, i've always assumed people in wheelchairs were all psychics after watching the x-men films (see how ridiculous it sounds?) - he also seeks to introduce sexual politics as an educational aid to who's target audience which seems to be 14 and under judging by the weak plotting and scripts - a grown man trying to ram his sex down the throats of pre-teens?? - sounds sus to me, but then this is the bbc who have a track record of allowing that sort of thing - all this is on top of rewriting (some would say ruining, but i won't) and ruining (oh, i did) 60 years of beloved plots - in conclusion, if doctor ohdear ever wants to be relevant again, it must must must avoid people like rueful t davies and get back to what it should be .... entertaining - doctor who is dead - sadly, the cancer lives on
Panderverse makes it's way to Dr who. Yup, here we are neck deep in the panderverse. If you have not seen it, you should go watch it. South Park yet again spells it out.
It’s actually fascinating to read the arguments on both sides of the ‘Nu’ Who debate, but the truth is all of this could have been avoided. I believe most ‘old school’ Whovians would have been more than happy with a Lady / Gay / Trans / POC Timelord - as an additional character or in another show. I personally would have loved to have seen the Doctor’s Daughter return in a spin-off series. Sadly, rather than create new characters, the show makers decided to cannibalise the existing one...
"Cannibalise" is an interesting way to describe changing the gender/sexuality/race of a character predicated on changing their face and personality every few years. Where do you think the line should be? What is she allowed to change between regenerations? Just his eye and hair color? A little personality quirk here and there? What's the difference between these traits and those?
The original show was about a man. Albeit a man with two hearts from another world. The show worked for 50 years without the need for change. If it aint broke don’t fix it. What it has become is far removed the original show concept. It would have been really easy to introduce a gay or female Timelord as an alternative character, then continue that idea in their own unique show. There would be plenty of fantastic crossover possibilities where the 2 Timelords could meet and have exciting adventures AND differing opinions. Modern Who, for a majority of old school fans who grew up with the show during the 70’s & 80’s (and made it a cult show), don’t recognise what it’s become. The character was portrayed by both younger and older men with no mention of changing sex. And it was successful. If you can’t see that, appreciate that or understand any of that, maybe you are part of the problem… 🤷♂️
@@michaelantonyaustin I respect that you think they could have successfully executed these identities as different characters, but I have to ask what about the doctor changing genders is so strange besides the precedent the show had established. Is there something that is unique to men that is lost when the doctor becomes a woman? There have been times when the show has had to adapt to stay relevant --it went off the air in the 80s and to stay relevant it came back as more of a drama. I think that was a good decision, personally. I like nine's run a lot. what is actually bad about this specific change, besides that it's different?
Did you all... miss how bi ten acted his whole run? Did y'all miss captain Jack? The scores of gay background characters? I'm pretty sure rtd is actually gay himself? I'm just amazed you guys didnt start boycotting in S1 when jack showed up
@@keithbk okay, this is not a response to my comment. I'm pretty sure barrowman flashed his genitals on set. But so you loved Captain Jack the character but now that 14 is bi it's a problem? I'm just curious why. Is it because he's the main guy? Is it because you feel betrayed that someone you maybe identified with is gay?
Why would there be such a battle to make a science fiction character gay or bi when said character can regenerate himself, and thus has no need for sex? I don't recall sex ever being that important to the series; there were of course some gorgeous assistants...Mary Tamm as Romana springs to mind...but the Doctor is a post Edwardian mind-meld between E=Mc2 and Alice through the looking glass; he's frantic and near delsional with having to save humanity or the universe from fates worse than death. Basically there wasn't time or an inclination in him to be sexually driven...oh sorry, I forgot, they're pushing an AGENDA!
RIP Doctor Who, RIP Marvel, RIP Star Wars, RIP Star Trek, everything I liked as a child has been officially killed. I hope I live long enough to watch it rise again like a phoenix ,without all this identity woke communist propaganda shit.
Dead on. Everything doing the same thing, the same agenda, the same self hatred, the same fan base slander, the same deconstructions… almost 🤔 as if it was all part of larger plan.
I hope it’s a disco ball with Greta Thundberg eating bugs in a pod checking her Carbon footprint while identifying as a deer person. That would be accurate of what this show will be about.
You’re acting like Doctor Who has never been ‘woke’. Progressive stories since the classic era, the doctor kissing guys at least twice in NuWho, admitting to having a man crush..
@jamesline5103 Imo Russel T Davies has always been a hack writer. His characters are very samey, his dialogue is juvenile and his writing in general is very obvious and lazy in its intent.
@@benfisher1376 I think you have hit the nail on the head. NuWho also struck me as not really having much science fiction in it. RTD is not really writing a science fiction show. It is more of a soap opera. I cannot really think of anything he contributed to Doctor Who like the classic series did to be honest. I have never been able to watch a NuWho episode from start to finish.
Chibnall and the BBC have done so much damage to the show over the last 5 years that i do not think anyone can repair it at this point, not even RTD, and it will never see 13 million viewers ever again.......the timeless child and Hartell's doctor being retconned as not the first doctor because men bad, women good, will go down as killing the shows stone dead for long time fans who it seems have now shown they have no interest in coming back now.
The Saturday last special will rumored soft reboot in other words dug a hole couldn't get out of. He's expecting this to revive the show...but will Queer as folk in a blue box work?
Great vid, sir! Aside from the obvious woke idiocy from RTD, I found this "story" to be blah, and the execution of it lame and tedious. It put me to sleep several times. Had to keep rolling it back.🥴 I've been a harsh critic of Davies' histrionic, overly hyperkinetic writing style for ages. I love some bits of his 2005 revival era but, had MANY complaints about it also. He's always spewed his activism through the show, he was just more subtle (or, restrained) about it in his first run. He hasn't changed, he's simply revealed his true colors, Carte Blanche will do that to narcissist's like RTD. #RIPDOCTORWHO 🖖
I am honored, my friend, that you watched and offered these insights. That 'restraint' you reference is clearly out of the window given the BBC's agenda of hating it's own country/native population and Disney now holding the contracts to the creatives behind this new series of pseudo-Who. You're right- what will follow will be the same box-ticking and indoctrination as before, only dialed to '11' with the pre-written articles saying that it's due to 'muh racism' that critic's don't like the sh!t sandwich it's devolved to.
You do realize that your last remark, RTD pushing his own politics etc blablabla, is always true for every piece of fiction? The writer's 'agenda' is what pushes a story forward. The fact you do not like an 'agenda' does not mean a franchise is dead. It's way too early to tell if the franchise is dead in the water. Why do you have such a problem with RTD's 'agenda'?
Perhaps you may want to then reference the Chibnall going-forrward data. Actual numbers. Viewership. Audience scores. Merchandise sales. You know hard data regarding this IP.
Pretty sure this is sarcasm but can we talk about how inclusion is seen as replacement by some people? There's nothing wrong with a white male timelord, just like there's nothing wrong with a black timelord or a female timelord. It's just like, it might be nice to have a mix of em.
No way you guys are this serious??? Like doctor who has always been progressive since the 9th doctor back in 2005. If you dont like that stuff why have you even been a fan all these years??? I feel RTD definitely put a focus on trans and queer joy and the importantlce of identitiy in The Star Beast just to make sure all of you know that doctor has always and will always be progressive and accepting
Wait..those beings were supposed to be evil versions of them?I thought they are just different...shaped by what they recieved as information...In Hindsight,these/this(We do not actually know if they are multiple beings or just one that can take several forms at the same time) offered a lot of potential..granted,mainly because they were a blank sheet of paper,but still
They were creatures from outside the Universe. They took the form of the Doctor and Donna to scare them so they would get a shot of adrenaline and think faster, which would make it easier to perfect the copy. Did you actually watch the episode?
I did,and not for one second did i think"Evil"...Horribly rendered whenever CGI was used,put into an episode thats far too long and has one major plot hole,yes...but not evil@@StijnHommes
This. The obvious marketing arm of the WEF, the BBC exists for only one reason: social engineering and to deny the realities of failed multiculturalism found on the streets of the UK… while pushing harmful gender/sexuality on the young
This can be summed up as "Have a show/movie/video game that you love? Congrats! Here are 20 recommended videos talking about _how much that thing you love sucks"_ LOFL
Funny how Doctor Who made it nearly 60 years without ever having to mention the Doctor's "gender identity" or "sexual preferences" he was just a; Timelord, last of his kind (not including the master), mad man in a box who stole a time machine to go traveling through space and time.... It didn't come up because NOBODY CARED!!! Chibnall destroyed the character in order to push "diversity" especially with that BS "origin story" 🤬🤬🤬 RTD2 is just back to use the Doctor as a mouth piece for LGBTQ agenda which the core audience DON'T care about!! Keep going cause the shows already dead and you wont replace die hard fans going back decades with a "modern audience" as figures show not enough of them care.
Doctor Who (like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc...) is long dead and gone. I'll take Tom Baker on video with paper mache rocks and garbage bag aliens over this woke shit anyday.
Basically an unhinged response. Losing less than 10% audience over the 3 episodes is very good. Such an obsession over sexuality stuff which is really a tiny part of the script lmao. Basically trying to justify your dislike for the expressed views by feigning dissatisfaction with the perceived audience turnout.
You know between Musk giving Iger grief this weekend, and people possibly dropping Disney Plus, ahem. . . . perhaps the BBC overlords got a call from Iger, and then the BBC Overlords told Davis what might happen if Iger loses control of Disney to more traditional forces.
I disagreed that the episode was made just to say he likes Indian Isaac Newton, and to cement the timeless child in the 14th doctor I think unfortunately, they poorly landed a joke about him being a woman for awhile before tenant again
Bro chill, I liked these episodes and most of this “woke” chat is just people making a mountain out of a molehill. A few lines of dialogue in 1 episode isn’t really an issue is it, you’re a fully grown man complaining about doctor who a show for families to watch on a Saturday night. Grow up
Well... the BBC's diversity and inclusion strategy.document expresses concern that many staff prefer people not to know their sexuality and have set a target for 50% of secretly LGBTQ staff to come out to their managers! Why? I don't know. It doesn't make sense. They already have LGBT representation with the BBC at four times higher than in the general population. Maybe DT is one they have targetted for outing in the near future!
so straight actors can't play "gay" characters?? - also side note the doctor and timelords as a whole don't really have a strong concept of gender and sexuality as stated in the show before Chibnall, the doctor also stated that their may have been some romantic subtones to his relationship with the master
I grieve with all of you over the demise of a once-wonderful SF franchise. And I have to laugh at all of these influencers who think that the woke mob is being pushed back. They're not, YOU are. They have all the money and power, YOU don't. You aren't making TV series and movies, THEY are. So tell me again, who's winning? Looks to me like THEY are.
Exactly. Selling ‘inside sources’ illusions and false hope / snake oil is worse in some ways than just calling it what it is- a very well coordinated and deliberate destruction of western stories and hero archetypes for an obvious reason. It sucks- a lot, but the wise action would be getting good old stuff on physical media and calling out anything good that’s out that doesn’t exist to crap on the thing it pretends to be
@@SaltyTravelingC and THAT, Salty my friend, is exactly what I've started doing. I've already got anything LOTR-related on hard copy, as well as DW from Eccleston to Smith (Capaldi is next). For my next trick, the entire TOS series of Star Trek...
I'm ashamed of the so-called fans shouting about The Message. Because when you start telling them what it was before (the air pollution problem at the Seventh Doctor, the Anti-Nazi slogans in the early episodes, also active), people are surprised, which proves that they didn't fucking watch the show. And you didn't watch, I'm sure of it. Surprise for you, but Doctor Who has always been progressive, and the Doctor has always been shown as a pansexual, not a white heterosexual man. Just get out of the fandom
You’re absolutely wrong, but the content and tone of your message indicates that you are not interested in an earnest, open dialogue. My fandom with Doctor Who started 40 years ago. I avoided Chibnall after the first five minutes of Whittaker’s run- I dipped out early in Capaldi because of the bad stories. I watched the Star Beast. I watched Wild Blue Yonder. I will watch the third special. But I also possess the very thing that this type of entertainment hates- discernment. The ability to see through the to the messaging and how artfully the showrunner must think he is in inserting this major Who shift. Don’t worry, I’m 53. I’ll be dead in two decades probably. This agenda will “progress” beyond anything vaguely acceptable now… probably keep on trajectory where horrifying things with kids will normalized. Luckily I’ll be off this Mortal Coil.
I don't wish for your or anyone else's demise. I am always open to an open dialogue, but at the same time I am tired of the monotonous videos about the agenda. No offense, but you all have the same tone and almost the same answer when you are given real counterarguments, as if you refuse to look a little wider. It's like you're under someone's influence. But I think that's what's called the generational difference.@@SaltyTravelingC
Moron. Sex was never any issue in 'classic' DW. If anything 'asexual' but again it was good storytelling with nothing sexual really in it. RTD is being a complete prat. How much has been paid to say they always had a problem with Davros portrayed as he was. Rubbish.
@@SaltyTravelingC You dipped out on Capaldi? The guy who had some amazing stories? Him as the Doctor was amazing, and he was also the biggest superfan of the originals, to the point he modelled his portrayal on the classic doctors and you can see that in the episodes.
@@bluedreams7558 Nope, the "being born gay" that the LGBT crowd say does not equate to a physical trait but who they are in their core. When someone transitions, does their sexual preference change too?
@@judgegriff5381 okay, so just like how the doctor's personality changes when he regenerates?? A personality is intrinsic to the person it belongs to, like a sexuality.
Yall are really grasping at straws to pretend that the specials are doing badly. The Star Beast was the best rated drama opening of the year and Wild Blue Yonder only dropped by what, 0.20 million? As far as episode 2 drop offs go thats hardly a failure, not to mention how outside of this fetid little echo chamber both episodes have been largely lauded by audiences. Also overstating the level of disney involvement. Theyre providing financing in echange for exclusive international streaming rights. That about sums it up.
Fantastic writing by Russel T Davies -to introduce a trans character in episode 1, knowing that there would be a huge silly row from Internet bigots in response - and then to satirise that very reaction as the main adversary in episode 3, leaving the moaners as the butt of their own jokes. Fantastic!
Uhm, the Doctor was always gay. He travels with beautiful women and never does a thing with them. He has trouble, like you, accepting it so he pushes the men away and tries to impress the ladies but always makes excuses why he won't do a thing with them. At times during David's first run, we see his longing for men like Frank and others. In Pompeii he says, "Just us girls." In the Agatha Christie one he mentions Time Lords for the other team meaning himself. His Time Lord people frown on it but the Doctor was always gay. Done. What show have you been watching?
He must have had a wife to have Susan’s mother or father. Also don’t forget his relationship with River Song & kissing Grace in the movie. He’s never been gay he’s just not very sexually active
He was never gay before. He was a father and a grandfather. Even the 14th Doctor was surprised by his own reaction in this episode when he said "is that who I am now?". So clearly this is a recent development.
Grace was one person that he never pursued; River he left after marrying and never committed to her. He's totally gay and always has been. He's not with his wife at all in thousands of years and never talks about her or visits her. Gay men have been married in real life and cheated and/or left their wives. Face it. Stop being in denial. He gay, gurl!
It was a massive success, got good views and the discourse is majority positive everywhere online. He made a video telling people to avoid spoilers 🤣 Get. A. Grip.
I guess fans and others are so homophobic they can't accept that the Doctor was ALWAYS gay but denying it to himself and trying to protrude (!) that he was straight due to his homophobic race and most of Earthlings who are also homophobic? Not to mention the homophobic reactions of a failed Doctor (Matt Smith) in Closing Time. All the evidence points to the Doc is gay, gurlfriends. He IS gay. He travels with the most beautiful women in the multiverse and does NOTHING. When he does do something, he shunts them off to other men or other universes and leaves them, even when he loves them and they love him. He just can't with women because deep down he has no real attraction for them, just what his society and our society say he should. In truth, his attraction has always been toward men and there's a lot more proof of that in both classic and modern WHO toward that.
Can't believe how ungrateful everyone in this comment section is. Yes, parts of the plots of these special episodes haven't been the greatest but they're far from being as God awful as you keep bringing them up as. Ignoring the intrusive sexuality bs, the episodes have been quite enjoyable.
There's barely any story beyond a shallow, irrelevant roadside rest area stopover. Look at the giant ball of string! Off to the next stop. But here's a bunch of agenda pamphlets rtd finally gets to pass out.
Amazing how it doesn't implode until the introduce the black doctor...... so weird how that happens all the time when ''others'' get some shine..... weird....
What really offends me is that millions of Brits pay for this crap out of fear of prosecution and potentially prison (the License Fee).
Yep. I'm forced to pay for this shite.
Don't watch live broadcast TV
+ delete iPlayer
= don't have to pay for the awful BBC
Works for me.
I'm totally cool not having live TV or iPlayer when the only things they have to offer me is this crap.
I don't know you. But as a black woman, black people hate seeing our people misused in bad representation anymore than white people seeing us inserted in the wrong places. It offended me greatly that they gave that guy Rose's name. And another friend was right. Now, when you look up Doctor Who Rose, the new one will pop up. It's like they erased her. She wasn't even my favorite character, but it's still wrong. Making the Doctor Gay is just wrong on so many levels and it does put emphasis on sexuality, period, which is inappropriate for kids.
Thanks for your thoughts on this! Nobody is an issue with black people, as you can see, it's an issue of replacing people with other skin colours for the sake of it! I dread to think of black historical figures being made white.
I just googled "Doctor Who Rose" and first result was the reboot episode of that name. 2nd result was an image of Billie Piper and David Tennant.
Nothing indicates maturity and intelligence as clearly as calling someone an overweight man child for disagreeing with your opinion on a TV show.
When 12 Died it was the end of Doctor Who for me and I've been a fan since Tom Baker (4th Doctor).
Why is this being called a "60th" special? It's a story about impersonation of heroes... in which Isaac Newton is impersonated specifically so as to misrepresent the past. It's so meta. It's a 60th special which doesn't celebrate its kid-friendly past at all.
When they do impersonation and film it it's actually called acting
RTD has become senile. Probably suffering from memory loss or something too. His comments about wheelchair users also seem to forget that HE created Lumic in the parallel universe. A regular DrWho villain, but apparently RTD was commenting on the evilness of wheelchair users and we didn't notice. Donna knowing the Doctor was gay is completely bizarre, given her entire run is about keeping alive the Doctor and Rose romance. Right from finding Rose's clothes in the TARDIS in her first episode to feeling happy that the Doctor would meet Rose even if the Universes were collapsing in the season finale. And now Donna always thought the Doctor was gay? It makes no sense even given what RTD himself has created in the past. I think he's just lost it, and seduced by the idea of young audiences, he's like the senile old man standing in front of a school, acting like a teenager, saying whatever he thinks they want to hear in the hope the young students will think he's their best friend.
I've watched so many RTD2 confessionals this past 3 weeks, - I'm playing this, eyes closed (while nodding off), and when I hear Russell's voice I now constantly always imagine him burbling away in an atmospherically lit room wearing a straitjacket...
Anyone else excited watching Disney go bankrupt?
The kicking and screaming abuse at the very customer base that supported them for nearly 100 years will be glorious. After all, it’s the viewers fault for not just ingesting and going along with the normalization of every Globalist/Woke agenda checkbox- especially those directed at indoctrinating young children.
Very excited 😆
Disney isn't producing this
@@CCFONESOLthey weren’t involved until after the star beast was filmed
I thought the 60th was going to be essentially a trilogy, but it's no more than than three independent episodes loosely connected by a simple thread. Like *any* of RTD's Doctor Who.
I thought the 60th would be a celebration of the show and its longevity and bringing the audience, old and new together.
Apparently, RTD had other ideas, essentially to tell the older fans to get out.
@@lesigh1749 Well, he's getting what he wished for as no way in hell is he gonna do anywhere near the 10 million viewers Tennant got during his 1st run.
"Old fans" don't want to watch the Doctor explore their gender identity and sexuality, all whilst traveling through space and time with a trans companion who will correct him on his use of pronouns.
Bringing Tennant and Tate back was just bait for "old fans" this is the garbage youve got to look forward to if you even still care and I don't
It is interesting that the things which are destroying society today are also destroying a lot of programs films and dr who sadly is dead beyond resuscitation such a shame as was so amazing back in the day
Yes, we did. Nothing is ever perfect, but there's a difference between loving imperfection and self-hating polish to 're-imagine' and thus destroy. Cheers and thanks for the comment.
Davies has done what the Daleks could never do: he has exterminated Doctor Who.
part 3 had another audience drop with 4.62 million overnight u.k viewers.
What would an american know? Lol they made mr bean chatty and turned hitchhikers guide to the galaxy into a bloody love story
What a hilariously awful, train-wreck of so-called Doctor Who, we've just been subjected to. Great little video, by the way.
I seem to hear a lot of contempt in RTD's tone - contempt for his own show, and most of all, contempt for the fans. You know, the fans who are the reason the show's success???
Russell, I let you go!
he is still sulking about whittaker. but hey if he wants to make a show for a minority audience let him get on with it, i am off to watch the classic series .
The idea of the Doctor being gay or straight doesn't really make sense. Regardless of his alien nature, he's not the sort to have those sorts of interests, this is an obsession with knowing his sexual interests that just wouldn't be done with a straight character. We didn't need to know what ladies Tom Baker's Doctor thought were "hot".
This is really embarrassing chauvinism over gay identity.
There was a brief period in the late 90s and early 2000s where gay people just wanted to be normal, where it was no big deal, nothing to celebrate or act as special. But now being gay is seen as a virtue.
The actor playing Issac Newton was “hot”? No, he wasn’t! I’d have to be drunk off my ass not to kick him out of bed.
I did love the meep calling Donna's son "a weird child"
i now understand why 11 and 12 had such emotional speeches. It was because they knew what was coming. 💀
13? Literally no speeches at all
i must have been writing this
comment at midnight cause i was suppose to say matt smith and peter capaldi doctors and somehow resulted to 13 @@RomeroDisease
One point if I may, if "The Meep" only refers to itself in the "definite article", why did The Meep say "MY chosen pronoun" instead of "The Meeps chosen pronoun" or possibly "This Meeps chosen pronoun"
I KNOW!!! But hey, I guess they’ll say that’s just your (insert woke label) Privilege or some other incomprehensible gibberish
It's because they contradict themselves All. The. Time.
Even the Meep's confused 🤣
Because my is not a pronoun, its a possessive determiner. Maybe all of you should study a little more xd. You can use "my" no matter what your pronouns are.
"My" is a pronoun; it is the first person possessive pronoun.
The thing is when the trans-cultists say "my preferred pronouns" they are referring specifically to third person pronouns (including third person possessives "his", "her(s)", "its", "their(s)" - are you saying no preference is expressed regarding these pronouns?). The question is how does a being so out of touch with human culture it doesn't know what a plushie is, know what "preferred pronouns" refers to?
RTD sound somewhat panicked. You didn't keep the plot secret because there isn't really anything to spoil, I can't believe that this is what we got for the 60th anniversary 😒
⬆️ SPOT ON. Brilliant, Purple… a once beloved multi-generational British institution now just a BBC globalist tool to push THE MESSAGE
@@SaltyTravelingC Yep RTD2 just picking up where Chibnall left off and has gone in with a sledge hammer to push HIS agenda.
I love how the UK government is saying they want to raise the TV license fee which basically funds the BBC cause they want to force people to keep funding garbage like this.
No nostalgia moments no Doctors coming back nothing..
Doctor Who was good for all us looser straight males. We not buff and string, we not good looking. No one respects us in general. Doctor Who was somewhere I could imagine and feel good about myself. Teaching me my intellect was my super power. And no I’m not very smart.
Now they expect us to adopt Guy men, trans rights in hopes we will feel warmth towards them..
Just because I’m not manly, it don’t mean I’m confused, trans or gay..
scrap this writer and the show. Remake a Doctor WHO for the 20+ year old fans. We stood by this long, and now you’ve ruined it..
Dr WHOke. I refuse to watch it. Glad that neither Smith nor Capaldi wasted their time on these turds.
With Disney onboard with this show and pre-paying the writers a lump sum vs over time view residuals, there is absolutely no reason to do other than what RTD is doing. It’s almost like Disney planned it this way… to get the Wokest, most Globalist Agenda Doctor Who content possible to push to children.
Lets not forget a lot of the woke money comes from The last of us 2 lot Sony who are just as bad @@SaltyTravelingC
@@SaltyTravelingCthe company being called Disney is purely a legacy.
It is not run by the Disney family.
It is run by Iger.
I just wonder when they will realize alienating the massive fan base to bring in the small number of a target audience that will never be enough to match what they loose.
It's a recurring principle: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
It's not poison. I don't mind if they make the doctor gay, it just depends if they make his whole character about being gay - that's what I don't like. As long as it's still a good story I don't mind some woke elements, like in classic doctor who. You have to understand, Doctor who has always been woke, it's just that in the classic series and early modern era the stories were still good, they weren't all about the message. An episode that is based literally fully on woke stuff like The Star Beast I don't like, but I like Wild Blue Yonder, it's not that bad.
I much prefer Tom Baker as The Fourth Doctor.
russell t davies (i assume the t stands for tragedy) is an absolute nob end - he changed davros because he feared an evil character on wheels would make people associate disability with evil?? - personally, i've always assumed people in wheelchairs were all psychics after watching the x-men films (see how ridiculous it sounds?) - he also seeks to introduce sexual politics as an educational aid to who's target audience which seems to be 14 and under judging by the weak plotting and scripts - a grown man trying to ram his sex down the throats of pre-teens?? - sounds sus to me, but then this is the bbc who have a track record of allowing that sort of thing - all this is on top of rewriting (some would say ruining, but i won't) and ruining (oh, i did) 60 years of beloved plots - in conclusion, if doctor ohdear ever wants to be relevant again, it must must must avoid people like rueful t davies and get back to what it should be .... entertaining - doctor who is dead - sadly, the cancer lives on
I can't wait to see the reaction when the Doctor meets a White Martin Luther King. Oh wait, probably that won't happen under RTD.
Panderverse makes it's way to Dr who. Yup, here we are neck deep in the panderverse. If you have not seen it, you should go watch it. South Park yet again spells it out.
It’s actually fascinating to read the arguments on both sides of the ‘Nu’ Who debate, but the truth is all of this could have been avoided. I believe most ‘old school’ Whovians would have been more than happy with a Lady / Gay / Trans / POC Timelord - as an additional character or in another show. I personally would have loved to have seen the Doctor’s Daughter return in a spin-off series. Sadly, rather than create new characters, the show makers decided to cannibalise the existing one...
you need to be in a mental hospital
Care to elaborate… 🤷♂️
"Cannibalise" is an interesting way to describe changing the gender/sexuality/race of a character predicated on changing their face and personality every few years. Where do you think the line should be? What is she allowed to change between regenerations? Just his eye and hair color? A little personality quirk here and there? What's the difference between these traits and those?
The original show was about a man. Albeit a man with two hearts from another world. The show worked for 50 years without the need for change. If it aint broke don’t fix it. What it has become is far removed the original show concept. It would have been really easy to introduce a gay or female Timelord as an alternative character, then continue that idea in their own unique show. There would be plenty of fantastic crossover possibilities where the 2 Timelords could meet and have exciting adventures AND differing opinions. Modern Who, for a majority of old school fans who grew up with the show during the 70’s & 80’s (and made it a cult show), don’t recognise what it’s become. The character was portrayed by both younger and older men with no mention of changing sex. And it was successful. If you can’t see that, appreciate that or understand any of that, maybe you are part of the problem… 🤷♂️
@@michaelantonyaustin I respect that you think they could have successfully executed these identities as different characters, but I have to ask what about the doctor changing genders is so strange besides the precedent the show had established. Is there something that is unique to men that is lost when the doctor becomes a woman? There have been times when the show has had to adapt to stay relevant --it went off the air in the 80s and to stay relevant it came back as more of a drama. I think that was a good decision, personally. I like nine's run a lot. what is actually bad about this specific change, besides that it's different?
When I asked about the woke shit in the live chat they just tell me I have a trashy mind and blocked me on the channel lmao
Did you all... miss how bi ten acted his whole run? Did y'all miss captain Jack? The scores of gay background characters? I'm pretty sure rtd is actually gay himself? I'm just amazed you guys didnt start boycotting in S1 when jack showed up
Did you boycott when RTD threw John Barrowman under the bus and the BBC decided to ban him? Yeah, Captain Jack is no more.
@@keithbk okay, this is not a response to my comment. I'm pretty sure barrowman flashed his genitals on set. But so you loved Captain Jack the character but now that 14 is bi it's a problem? I'm just curious why. Is it because he's the main guy? Is it because you feel betrayed that someone you maybe identified with is gay?
Unfortunately Leni Riefenstahl is dead and she can't take over instead of Russell T Davies
Why would there be such a battle to make a science fiction character gay or bi when said character can regenerate himself, and thus has no need for sex? I don't recall sex ever being that important to the series; there were of course some gorgeous assistants...Mary Tamm as Romana springs to mind...but the Doctor is a post Edwardian mind-meld between E=Mc2 and Alice through the looking glass; he's frantic and near delsional with having to save humanity or the universe from fates worse than death. Basically there wasn't time or an inclination in him to be sexually driven...oh sorry, I forgot, they're pushing an AGENDA!
I'm hoping the BBC and Disney both go bankrupt.
Let's accept this for what it is. This is Russell T Davies' version of the Star Wars Holiday Special. Nothing more.
RIP Doctor Who, RIP Marvel, RIP Star Wars, RIP Star Trek, everything I liked as a child has been officially killed. I hope I live long enough to watch it rise again like a phoenix ,without all this identity woke communist propaganda shit.
Dead on. Everything doing the same thing, the same agenda, the same self hatred, the same fan base slander, the same deconstructions… almost 🤔 as if it was all part of larger plan.
Same. Every last franchise I’ve been into since I was a kid is now a smoldering ruin. It isn’t just different, it’s been wrecked.
We shall not see it in our lifetime, I fear...
Disney’s rhymes with kiddie fiddlers
I hope Ncuti has a new logo, its bad enough the classic diamond logo is being sullied by this crap.
I hope it’s a disco ball with Greta Thundberg eating bugs in a pod checking her Carbon footprint while identifying as a deer person. That would be accurate of what this show will be about.
You’re acting like Doctor Who has never been ‘woke’.
Progressive stories since the classic era, the doctor kissing guys at least twice in NuWho, admitting to having a man crush..
Stories that talk about the environment in a thoughtful way are very different to political lectures.
@jamesline5103 Imo Russel T Davies has always been a hack writer. His characters are very samey, his dialogue is juvenile and his writing in general is very obvious and lazy in its intent.
@@benfisher1376 I think you have hit the nail on the head.
NuWho also struck me as not really having much science fiction in it.
RTD is not really writing a science fiction show. It is more of a soap opera.
I cannot really think of anything he contributed to Doctor Who like the classic series did to be honest. I have never been able to watch a NuWho episode from start to finish.
The 60th was pointless
Chibnall and the BBC have done so much damage to the show over the last 5 years that i do not think anyone can repair it at this point, not even RTD, and it will never see 13 million viewers ever again.......the timeless child and Hartell's doctor being retconned as not the first doctor because men bad, women good, will go down as killing the shows stone dead for long time fans who it seems have now shown they have no interest in coming back now.
It was boring. And it broke my hearts.
The Saturday last special will rumored soft reboot in other words dug a hole couldn't get out of.
He's expecting this to revive the show...but will Queer as folk in a blue box work?
Subbed for this.
Great vid, sir! Aside from the obvious woke idiocy from RTD, I found this "story" to be blah, and the execution of it lame and tedious. It put me to sleep several times. Had to keep rolling it back.🥴 I've been a harsh critic of Davies' histrionic, overly hyperkinetic writing style for ages. I love some bits of his 2005 revival era but, had MANY complaints about it also. He's always spewed his activism through the show, he was just more subtle (or, restrained) about it in his first run. He hasn't changed, he's simply revealed his true colors, Carte Blanche will do that to narcissist's like RTD. #RIPDOCTORWHO 🖖
I am honored, my friend, that you watched and offered these insights. That 'restraint' you reference is clearly out of the window given the BBC's agenda of hating it's own country/native population and Disney now holding the contracts to the creatives behind this new series of pseudo-Who.
You're right- what will follow will be the same box-ticking and indoctrination as before, only dialed to '11' with the pre-written articles saying that it's due to 'muh racism' that critic's don't like the sh!t sandwich it's devolved to.
That's not what that RTD video was about, you utter oddball 😂
You do realize that your last remark, RTD pushing his own politics etc blablabla, is always true for every piece of fiction? The writer's 'agenda' is what pushes a story forward.
The fact you do not like an 'agenda' does not mean a franchise is dead. It's way too early to tell if the franchise is dead in the water.
Why do you have such a problem with RTD's 'agenda'?
Perhaps you may want to then reference the Chibnall going-forrward data. Actual numbers. Viewership. Audience scores. Merchandise sales. You know hard data regarding this IP.
So true bestie!!
Doctor Who is failing because we have now regressed to ANOTHER male-presenting Time Lord... it's 2023 people get with the times!
Pretty sure this is sarcasm but can we talk about how inclusion is seen as replacement by some people? There's nothing wrong with a white male timelord, just like there's nothing wrong with a black timelord or a female timelord. It's just like, it might be nice to have a mix of em.
Serious question. Have any prominent LGBTQ objected to RTD portraying them as cardboard cutouts and tokens? I haven't heard.
No way you guys are this serious??? Like doctor who has always been progressive since the 9th doctor back in 2005. If you dont like that stuff why have you even been a fan all these years??? I feel RTD definitely put a focus on trans and queer joy and the importantlce of identitiy in The Star Beast just to make sure all of you know that doctor has always and will always be progressive and accepting
Wait..those beings were supposed to be evil versions of them?I thought they are just different...shaped by what they recieved as information...In Hindsight,these/this(We do not actually know if they are multiple beings or just one that can take several forms at the same time) offered a lot of potential..granted,mainly because they were a blank sheet of paper,but still
That’s an astute observation.
They were creatures from outside the Universe.
They took the form of the Doctor and Donna to scare them so they would get a shot of adrenaline and think faster, which would make it easier to perfect the copy. Did you actually watch the episode?
I did,and not for one second did i think"Evil"...Horribly rendered whenever CGI was used,put into an episode thats far too long and has one major plot hole,yes...but not evil@@StijnHommes
The Doctor World Health Organisation is woke af.
This. The obvious marketing arm of the WEF, the BBC exists for only one reason: social engineering and to deny the realities of failed multiculturalism found on the streets of the UK… while pushing harmful gender/sexuality on the young
I look foward to not seeing any more Dr Who.
This can be summed up as "Have a show/movie/video game that you love? Congrats! Here are 20 recommended videos talking about _how much that thing you love sucks"_ LOFL
Funny how Doctor Who made it nearly 60 years without ever having to mention the Doctor's "gender identity" or "sexual preferences" he was just a; Timelord, last of his kind (not including the master), mad man in a box who stole a time machine to go traveling through space and time.... It didn't come up because NOBODY CARED!!!
Chibnall destroyed the character in order to push "diversity" especially with that BS "origin story" 🤬🤬🤬 RTD2 is just back to use the Doctor as a mouth piece for LGBTQ agenda which the core audience DON'T care about!!
Keep going cause the shows already dead and you wont replace die hard fans going back decades with a "modern audience" as figures show not enough of them care.
Can't hear ..what's with the sound!
Doctor Who (like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc...) is long dead and gone. I'll take Tom Baker on video with paper mache rocks and garbage bag aliens over this woke shit anyday.
Don’t forget the trash bag glitter aliens. Loved that era.
Basically an unhinged response. Losing less than 10% audience over the 3 episodes is very good. Such an obsession over sexuality stuff which is really a tiny part of the script lmao. Basically trying to justify your dislike for the expressed views by feigning dissatisfaction with the perceived audience turnout.
Yes most people don't give a qwak 🦆
The second one was ok 4/10 it wasnt full of trans waffle.
somebody's spending a lot of time and energy on something they claim not to like...
It had an outstanding run, then was set up to fail with Capaldi so Chibnall could execute the social engineering that RTD is only continuing.
You know between Musk giving Iger grief this weekend, and people possibly dropping Disney Plus, ahem. . . . perhaps the BBC overlords got a call from Iger, and then the BBC Overlords told Davis what might happen if Iger loses control of Disney to more traditional forces.
Binary i never heard so much BS in anything on TV before
Keep em coming!!! I literally LOL'd when you cut in with "I got news for you....."
Cheers my man. We gotta talk RDR2
I thought it was better then the chris Chippnells erea
Adam adamant lives was a better show anyway ,
I hope they bring that program back
Me personally i thought the specials were very good
Who are you?
"Male presenting" going to kick you in the nuts.. stop it ..
I disagreed that the episode was made just to say he likes Indian Isaac Newton, and to cement the timeless child in the 14th doctor I think unfortunately, they poorly landed a joke about him being a woman for awhile before tenant again
Bro chill, I liked these episodes and most of this “woke” chat is just people making a mountain out of a molehill. A few lines of dialogue in 1 episode isn’t really an issue is it, you’re a fully grown man complaining about doctor who a show for families to watch on a Saturday night. Grow up
Ok. I checked and there's significant evidence that David Tennant isn't gay in real life......this is highly problematic.
Well... the BBC's diversity and inclusion strategy.document expresses concern that many staff prefer people not to know their sexuality and have set a target for 50% of secretly LGBTQ staff to come out to their managers! Why? I don't know. It doesn't make sense. They already have LGBT representation with the BBC at four times higher than in the general population. Maybe DT is one they have targetted for outing in the near future!
so straight actors can't play "gay" characters?? - also side note the doctor and timelords as a whole don't really have a strong concept of gender and sexuality as stated in the show before Chibnall, the doctor also stated that their may have been some romantic subtones to his relationship with the master
@@criticalgay2101 not my rules, but google it. I've never watched an episode of Dr Who and never's all yours.
RTD has recently said straight actors shouldn't be playing gay characters.
Its laughably bad. Please cancel it now.
I grieve with all of you over the demise of a once-wonderful SF franchise.
And I have to laugh at all of these influencers who think that the woke mob is being pushed back. They're not, YOU are. They have all the money and power, YOU don't. You aren't making TV series and movies, THEY are.
So tell me again, who's winning? Looks to me like THEY are.
Exactly. Selling ‘inside sources’ illusions and false hope / snake oil is worse in some ways than just calling it what it is- a very well coordinated and deliberate destruction of western stories and hero archetypes for an obvious reason. It sucks- a lot, but the wise action would be getting good old stuff on physical media and calling out anything good that’s out that doesn’t exist to crap on the thing it pretends to be
Disney gradually imploding because of its woke agenda. Southpark ripping the piss out of them. The Woke are NOT having it all their own way.
@@SaltyTravelingC and THAT, Salty my friend, is exactly what I've started doing. I've already got anything LOTR-related on hard copy, as well as DW from Eccleston to Smith (Capaldi is next). For my next trick, the entire TOS series of Star Trek...
The proof is in the viewing figures. I actually enjoyed the last episode. But - get rid of the timeless child crappla. Rid.
I see people existing outside of your basement is a trigger for you, how sad.
I'm ashamed of the so-called fans shouting about The Message. Because when you start telling them what it was before (the air pollution problem at the Seventh Doctor, the Anti-Nazi slogans in the early episodes, also active), people are surprised, which proves that they didn't fucking watch the show. And you didn't watch, I'm sure of it. Surprise for you, but Doctor Who has always been progressive, and the Doctor has always been shown as a pansexual, not a white heterosexual man. Just get out of the fandom
You’re absolutely wrong, but the content and tone of your message indicates that you are not interested in an earnest, open dialogue. My fandom with Doctor Who started 40 years ago. I avoided Chibnall after the first five minutes of Whittaker’s run- I dipped out early in Capaldi because of the bad stories.
I watched the Star Beast. I watched Wild Blue Yonder. I will watch the third special.
But I also possess the very thing that this type of entertainment hates- discernment. The ability to see through the to the messaging and how artfully the showrunner must think he is in inserting this major Who shift. Don’t worry, I’m 53. I’ll be dead in two decades probably. This agenda will “progress” beyond anything vaguely acceptable now… probably keep on trajectory where horrifying things with kids will normalized. Luckily I’ll be off this Mortal Coil.
I don't wish for your or anyone else's demise. I am always open to an open dialogue, but at the same time I am tired of the monotonous videos about the agenda. No offense, but you all have the same tone and almost the same answer when you are given real counterarguments, as if you refuse to look a little wider. It's like you're under someone's influence. But I think that's what's called the generational difference.@@SaltyTravelingC
Moron. Sex was never any issue in 'classic' DW. If anything 'asexual' but again it was good storytelling with nothing sexual really in it. RTD is being a complete prat. How much has been paid to say they always had a problem with Davros portrayed as he was. Rubbish.
@@Rokkokokokowhen has he been pan before?
@@SaltyTravelingC You dipped out on Capaldi? The guy who had some amazing stories? Him as the Doctor was amazing, and he was also the biggest superfan of the originals, to the point he modelled his portrayal on the classic doctors and you can see that in the episodes.
Dr Dumpster Fire!😂😂😂
Well so much for the narrative of people being "born" gay I guess.
This is like saying "so much for people being born with blue eyes" when the doctor regenerates.
@@bluedreams7558 Nope, the "being born gay" that the LGBT crowd say does not equate to a physical trait but who they are in their core. When someone transitions, does their sexual preference change too?
@@judgegriff5381 okay, so just like how the doctor's personality changes when he regenerates?? A personality is intrinsic to the person it belongs to, like a sexuality.
The only problem with the second special was that the spaceship interior was so obviously CGI. It was actually a good story.
I loved it. Your just bitter
Doctor Who RIP
Yall are really grasping at straws to pretend that the specials are doing badly. The Star Beast was the best rated drama opening of the year and Wild Blue Yonder only dropped by what, 0.20 million? As far as episode 2 drop offs go thats hardly a failure, not to mention how outside of this fetid little echo chamber both episodes have been largely lauded by audiences.
Also overstating the level of disney involvement. Theyre providing financing in echange for exclusive international streaming rights. That about sums it up.
I actually enjoyed this episode until I watched this video. I forgot the new Doctor is a black gay dude for a second.
Wow. Did you just align yourself with the bullies?
Fantastic writing by Russel T Davies -to introduce a trans character in episode 1, knowing that there would be a huge silly row from Internet bigots in response - and then to satirise that very reaction as the main adversary in episode 3, leaving the moaners as the butt of their own jokes. Fantastic!
Doctor who had been gay since the second doctor Era
Uhm, the Doctor was always gay. He travels with beautiful women and never does a thing with them. He has trouble, like you, accepting it so he pushes the men away and tries to impress the ladies but always makes excuses why he won't do a thing with them. At times during David's first run, we see his longing for men like Frank and others. In Pompeii he says, "Just us girls." In the Agatha Christie one he mentions Time Lords for the other team meaning himself. His Time Lord people frown on it but the Doctor was always gay. Done. What show have you been watching?
He must have had a wife to have Susan’s mother or father. Also don’t forget his relationship with River Song & kissing Grace in the movie. He’s never been gay he’s just not very sexually active
Dr Who. You clearly haven't 😂
He was never gay before. He was a father and a grandfather. Even the 14th Doctor was surprised by his own reaction in this episode when he said "is that who I am now?". So clearly this is a recent development.
Or he's more asexual...
Grace was one person that he never pursued; River he left after marrying and never committed to her. He's totally gay and always has been. He's not with his wife at all in thousands of years and never talks about her or visits her. Gay men have been married in real life and cheated and/or left their wives. Face it. Stop being in denial. He gay, gurl!
It was a massive success, got good views and the discourse is majority positive everywhere online. He made a video telling people to avoid spoilers 🤣
Get. A. Grip.
Mans talking about body language lmao
Stop calling doctor who woke it’s fine stop hating on it get a life
Get a job lil homie
I guess fans and others are so homophobic they can't accept that the Doctor was ALWAYS gay but denying it to himself and trying to protrude (!) that he was straight due to his homophobic race and most of Earthlings who are also homophobic? Not to mention the homophobic reactions of a failed Doctor (Matt Smith) in Closing Time. All the evidence points to the Doc is gay, gurlfriends. He IS gay. He travels with the most beautiful women in the multiverse and does NOTHING. When he does do something, he shunts them off to other men or other universes and leaves them, even when he loves them and they love him. He just can't with women because deep down he has no real attraction for them, just what his society and our society say he should. In truth, his attraction has always been toward men and there's a lot more proof of that in both classic and modern WHO toward that.
The doctor has a grand-daughter. Doctor Who was always patriarchal.
Can't believe how ungrateful everyone in this comment section is. Yes, parts of the plots of these special episodes haven't been the greatest but they're far from being as God awful as you keep bringing them up as. Ignoring the intrusive sexuality bs, the episodes have been quite enjoyable.
There's barely any story beyond a shallow, irrelevant roadside rest area stopover. Look at the giant ball of string! Off to the next stop. But here's a bunch of agenda pamphlets rtd finally gets to pass out.
You obviously don't get Doctor Who at all.
This episode was amazing you chubby man child
Amazing how it doesn't implode until the introduce the black doctor...... so weird how that happens all the time when ''others'' get some shine..... weird....