INTP vs INFJ differences - how to tell them apart?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2024
  • INTP vs INFJ differences - how to tell them apart?
    In this video, we are discussing INTP and IFJ in terms of what makes them different from each other.
    We are touching on topics such as: Ne vs Ni, Fe parent vs Fe inferior, Ti child vs Ti hero, interaction styles, communication styles.
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ความคิดเห็น • 29

  • @INFJinxed
    @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    What else would you add about the differences between INFJ and INTP?

  • @melizamatias6452
    @melizamatias6452 2 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    An INTP here. When someone asks me a question to which I have an answer, I tend to end up giving a very detailed explanation and straying from the main topic. It can take me ten minutes to explain something that others can do in a matter of seconds. That is why I simply say "I don't know" or simply remain silent.

    • @descriptivestatement
      @descriptivestatement ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That pains me, bro. That's why these past years, I started talking less than I what usually do.

    • @lisafoster3494
      @lisafoster3494 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I also cannotgive short answers I give lots of details to help others understand otherwise I thInk Im not doing others justIce.

    • @kyleb2044
      @kyleb2044 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I usually pause and take a moment to think of the most consise way to explain something. But explaining things isn't my strong suit.
      More frustrating is often I'll think of very clear and consise ways to explain something when no one is around lol.
      People I know do trust me, so even if you are not great at explaining things in a convincing manor, I think people notice over time that you tend to be correct.

    • @kyleb2044
      @kyleb2044 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I usually pause and take a moment to think of the most consise way to explain something. But explaining things isn't my strong suit.
      More frustrating is often I'll think of very clear and consise ways to explain something when no one is around lol.
      People I know do trust me, so even if you are not great at explaining things in a convincing manor, I think people notice over time that you tend to be correct.

    • @cabbage_cat
      @cabbage_cat 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yes. I rarely give a simple answer. I'm eager to give an explanation for how we get to that answer. Sadly not many people are eager to listen. So I usually give the simple answer followed by "do you wanna know why?"

  • @allyson87
    @allyson87 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I’m an INFJ and my brother (2 yrs younger) is an INTP. Big difference in how we switch Fe/Ti for times of calm vs crisis/distress/punishment. When we were little, he more often preferred Ti toys, logic games and puzzles, where I was always making up Fe complex soap operas with my dolls. I got in trouble much more often, usually because of some perceived injustice or inconsistency (people don’t like being called on their bs, esp by perceptive children). When I got spankings, I would be in full Ti mode and snarkily respond “that didn’t hurt.” Meanwhile, my brother would be in Fe bawling “because Ally got a spanking.” (This was early 90s rural America; spanking was/is the norm)
    As we got older, we both became interested in politics, very different from our hometown. While I have stronger beliefs from a much younger age and very much influenced him, but everyone knew about his. He almost casually preached about policy in high school. I tend to only go there irl with those I trust (deep convo) or when my values are crossed (awaken the dragon), often to the surprise of people who saw me as quiet and “nice”… I like to say “I’m not nice; I’m kind”

  • @OrdinaryCritic
    @OrdinaryCritic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    What I usually notice with regards to their usage of Fe is that, although INFJs use it more often, INTPs are usually better at predicting outcomes of social interactions; whereas INFJs predict individual intentions better.
    I’ve noticed this interesting INTP trait when I compared it to the ISTP tendency in Fe-heavy environments. INTPs can socialize better in groups where they have a lot of social input to feed their Ti, but panics when meeting strangers one-on-one; the opposite is true for ISTPs, they usually avoid group conversations and just hone in on one person to communicate with.
    In line with the above comparison, Fe-aux users (IxFJs) also have a similar weird correlation. INFJs prefer to harmonize conflicting sides by giving them a “talk” separately, and influence their intentions to converge into agreement; while ISFJs often suggests both sides to meet and talk about it so ISFJs could observe how the conflict resolves itself (or not).
    I think it has to do with INFJs being direct (i.e., even directing parties into reconciliation, making intentions converge) and the ISFJs being informative (i.e., just wanting to see how things play out, unadulterated information). ISTPs direct their attention to one person; INTPs absorbs information from group interactions.
    Just observations I find interesting. Correct me if I’m wrong. :)

  • @claytonia1586
    @claytonia1586 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I have mistyped as INTP quite a few times. I know I'm not and this video confirms that, although I still wouldn't say I am that direct in my communication style. I do tend to write quite a lot in messages for example. All relevant to the question usually but I like to explain my point thoroughly with examples. Mainly because I never think people understand these abstract points that I'm trying to make. My main aim though is definitely to narrow down because I have to know what I'm doing. I like to settle on an end goal and don't like distractions. Once I get round to starting something I hate being interrupted and get complete tunnel vision. Sometimes I forget to eat or even go to the loo because I just want to finish. Especially if I'm in the zone! I can get quite grumpy if I'm disturbed. It's like being ripped out of one reality and thrown into a boiling pot of chaos!

    • @claytonia1586
      @claytonia1586 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @jessica that's really interesting. That would make sense. I definitely want to make my point. Glad you said that. Thanks for your reply ☺️

    • @vazzaroth
      @vazzaroth ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The bit about examples is a great... Example of how MBTI is about WHY you do, not WHAT you do. Ppl think giving examples or analogies is more Ne. But not necessarily. I do it with Ne-Fe as my extros but I give a few because I don't want to lose anyone. I see it as inclusive. You're saying you don't with higher Fe for similar but more directed (with Ni) intent. But you don't need to be Ne pref to give examples, like so many type with.

    • @MentalHealth-bq5kr
      @MentalHealth-bq5kr ปีที่แล้ว +2

      so true! I was typed as an Intp but this thing resonates a lot. I use Ti a lot but it's not my comfortable place to be. I think because of my overdependence on Ti, my Fe is highly suppressed. That's why I get perceived as an Intp. But, the emotional aspect of things & connecting with people is what energises the life in me (Social anxiety prevents me from doing it often). Plus, my intuition tends to stronger than logic during decision making & this intuition is more Ni-type than Ne-type (Hence, constant Tunnel vision & perfectionism issues).

  • @lishayost144
    @lishayost144 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I like how you talked about Ni giving direct answers, while Ne gives more context and every thought that comes to mind regarding said situation/question, and Ni being long tern goal oriented, while Ne is planting a bunch of seeds everywhere with faith that something good will come of them at some point.
    Also, talking about how Fe can be a cause for a lot of stress for an INTP (or 4th slot Fe ISTPs). Which would also mean that Se would be cause for a lot of stress for INFJs (but I'm not sure what that would look like exactly--not really staying in the present? Being clumsy?).

    • @INFJinxed
      @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Se inferior is more so related to stress with respect to concretely experiencing new things, more difficulty with improvisation, more trouble adapting to new experiences and I would also add: stress coming easily from sensory over-stimulation.

    • @lishayost144
      @lishayost144 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@INFJinxed Cool. thank you for the extra explanation!

  • @kyleb2044
    @kyleb2044 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I used to test into infj, which I always questioned, but people have always confided in me, and I did have some interest in psychology at one point. Sometimes I tested into intj which really didn't seem right. But I found out INTP fits me crazy accurately.
    Everything you said is spot on for how my brain is wired.
    It's not so much always a science or tech thing that peaks my interest, although I have a degree in physics, sometimes it's music, health, food, construction, or politics and philosophy. But what I research to death one week may be something else next week.
    I've tried to explain for years when I realized it's not normal, my brain is thinking and analyzing constantly. Even if I'm in a conversation or working on sometime in front of me it's hard for me to focus in the moment. When I'm not thinking or analyzing, I'm playing or creating music in my head. I use external stimuli to try and quiet my brain down although I don't think it works well.
    Focusing on the external world is exhausting.

  • @TaxEvasi0n
    @TaxEvasi0n 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Okay I'm more certain I'm an INTP now. Lowkey relieved.

  • @qwertyemmac
    @qwertyemmac 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you! And especially for describing clearly the different influences of the functions and their positions. I can finally decide on INTP - and not continue to wonder about INFJ. I hope! (Ne... 😅)

    • @qwertyemmac
      @qwertyemmac 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just watched your Ti video: so doubting would be thanks to Ti hero and not Ne. Even further INTP confirmation 🙃

  • @vanessam.v2779
    @vanessam.v2779 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    do you think INTP would be easily upset by rude/mean people ?

  • @TheGabygael
    @TheGabygael 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    ok, definitly intp! an interesting in which my hero function is manifesting is in design, since i'm an enneagram 4 (unsure if 4w5 or 5w4) i "like pretty things" as my mother puts it and i need to feel like my environlent is esthetically pleasing and so i tend to categorise everything around me in terms of colors a shapes to try and replicate it into my sense of style... and then i get up at 1pm, put on red trousers, a bright blue t shirt with a green shirt over it and i feel like s*it
    my ex is infj and she did feel more inteligent than me so i can clearly see the "loud" part of child function (also she is in IT,so... yep if i didn't know better i'd thinnk she'd be intp)

  • @mjprozac
    @mjprozac 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So I have thought that I am an INFJ but keep coming back to the Ni and really think that I use Ne, not Ni. This made me wonder if maybe I'm actually an INFP, and I *think* that's where I'm landing, but then I have also looked back at myself historically -- I am 46 now and a mom of two teens and work on a legal aid hotline where i am constantly dealing with people in crisis. I'm extremely good at handling their emotions but I've also been doing this for 20 years. So I have also wondered if I'm an INTP with super developed Fe. Looking back at my childhood, I was NOT someone at ease with emotions. I've come to be that. So I don't know. I don't think I'm an INFJ. I'm probably an INFP, but I could be convinced I'm an INTP in disguise.

  • @ANGEL-eh6pd
    @ANGEL-eh6pd 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you. My 28 year old son is INTP, however I thought he was an INFJ before he hit puberty. Your explanation of the differences proove very comprehensible and understandable. By the way he's an enneagram 5w6, 5(sp) 9(so) 4(sx), the most introverted intervert ever. Lol.
    My other 31 year old son types ENTJ, enneagram 8w7. (8 3 5) Yes, total oppisites.
    I'm a very healthy 56 year old ENFP-A, enneagram 2w3. 2(sx) 7 (so) 9 (sp). My question about the MBTI is about 8n regards to the percentages of the cognitive functions. For example, my E, N, and F are all over 88%, and my P Is 70. Does a high percentage make any difference in your over all type?
    My iINTP son is 90% N and T also. Would you happen to have any tests we could take? We all have gifted IQs too, if that makes any differences in the percentages? Thank you kindly.

    • @INFJinxed
      @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am not a big fan of the percentage approach because type is more about our cognitive functions than it is about the letters. However, technically, the closer two extremes are to each other, the easier it will be for the person to balance out certain functions. But then again, online tests (esp are not a very reliable source.

  • @kinderlich
    @kinderlich 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Intp...have a favorite prime # ! :)

    • @kinderlich
      @kinderlich 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ...also more serious Intp has no real time Ni. Notice Jung says nothing about how people move?as in if you have Ni you can tell how they feel by how they move. (Which is why children and animals feel infinitely comfy around Ni. ) It's because Jung... is.... Intp.

    • @INFJinxed
      @INFJinxed  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@kinderlich i agree with Jung being INTP