Wow I'm so thankful I found your channel and you'! I've been doing this every morning for the last week and I don't know what it's doing to me and my body but I know I feel stronger in areas of my body than I id the previous week! I love how slow this is as it causes me to really THINK about each moment intensely, and the stretching feels amazing too. Thank you for this!
This is a really good beginner's routine. I'm restarting yoga after many years absence, so I've lost my flexibility. I'll be using this for the first few weeks till I'm ready for more advanced postures.
muskndusk You have a very good attitude with which to regain flexibiity and return to yoga. "Self-Heal Your Back Pain Yoga Parts 1, 2, & 3" will also be a great help. Take your time, Don't hurry, and you will get there faster. For more help, my "Relaxing Hatha Yoga DVD" from my website will guide you through 4 sun salutations as part of a complete 1 hour yoga class. I wish you great success. Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for commenting. Namasté, Norm
Hello! I really enjoyed this, never tried anything like it, usually do much faster poses. This is lovely, very slow, and perfectly explained. My body felt wonderful after practising. Thank you for uploading. :)
Hi Laura, I appreciate your comment. Thank you. Most people practice in a way that gives them a good physical workout for the body, but in the process miss the higher benefits of yoga like stillness, going within, and connecting with their true self, the soul. If you would like to understand this better, go to "How Not to Hurt Yourself Doing Yoga" on my website. Thank you very much for taking the time to comment, Namasté, Norm
Hey Norman, this has pretty much been my introduction to Yoga, been doing it twice a day for a couple weeks and I feel great! I tend to suffer from back tension and pain and it's melting away since I started this routine, I do appreciate it buddy, thanks a mill! Gonna watch your other videos when I have time.
+Leo Clements I am happy to hear that you are getting relief from your back pain and tension so soon. If you continue with daily practice of yoga, you will find that it will benefit you with whatever you are dealing with in your life. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Namasté, Norman
So good = thanks!! i get too tired after fast routines and the focus is not on the joy. also, like this, i hope to learn the sun mantras at each step - thanks again...
@Ravi Srinivasan You make a good point. Most people approach yoga as a physical workout only and miss the Peace, Joy, Love, Harmony, and Spiritual Unfolding. You might like "How Not to Hurt Yourself Doing Yoga" on my SLYOGA website, where I explain the differences between Western physical exercises and Yoga Asanas. Please let me know if I may help you further, Namasté, Norman
Hope Wiley Thank you so much for that HAPPY comment. You have the right attitude and attitude is everything in yoga. Take your time, relax and enjoy yourself. This way your baby will be happier also. My wife taught my yoga class for me while I was out of town when she was in here eighth month. Then as a mother, she was mostly in a state of JOY. I wish you the same. Please let me know if I may help you with your yoga practice. Blessings and Namasté, Norm
Good day oldman I had a chronic knee injury since 2012 and just today only I felt something was improved in it; I mean after some sizable of time practicing with you. I felt like something about hearing whatever energy did arrived there and supplied it with munitions. The secret is in the power of Allah Almighty who provoke these senses. He is the only can turned them on and off. But the practice was just a guidance of him and you was the guy whom he selected. I have to be grateful to him and thankful for you Norman.
+Ham AlA You are very welcome. I am always happy to hear how you are doing. I appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences. I am glad that you have continued to practice even though it may take a lot of time. May Allah continue to guide and bless you, Norman
The neck and the muscles between the neck and the shoulders never completely relax when you are upright sitting or standing. In this pose when you stop at the place where your upper body, head/neck, and shoulders are just hanging, those muscle can completely relax. At the end of this video on my website shown above, a lady tells how this pose has helped her relieve RLS: Restless Leg Syndrome so she can sleep. Thank you for your comments, Namasté, Norm
+Kasey Tucker You really got the essence of this slow, concentrated method. If you try my "Self-Heal Your Back Pain Yoga Pts 1, 2, 3" you will see how well this works to reduce High Blood Pressure at the same time that you relax better and reduce and heal pain. You will also learn the best way to practice yoga. Thank you so much for your feedback. I wish you great success with yoga. Namasté, Norman
+Alexis Porfiriadis Since you are a beginner, you might like these two articles from my website: and Please let me know if you have questions. I wish you great success in your yoga practice. I hope that all is well for you in Greece. Namasté, Norman
Hi M Bueno, I am glad you liked this. I created this slow version of Sun Salutation because I felt that so many are pushing themselves too hard so that even their yoga practices become a source of tension, which misses one of the most important aspects of yoga: Learning how to relax. I wish you success with your "Club Wellness." Thank you for commenting, Namasté, Norman
***** And gratitude, which you are giving, is an even higher yoga practice than the physical postures. You are very welcome. If you are at all interested in other aspects of yoga, like meditation or yoga therapy, I have a lot of free info on my website. Blessings, Norm
***** Good for you. Set backs don't matter as long as you come back. As Yogananda said, "The only way you can fail is by giving up." I wish you great success. Blessings and Namasté, Norm
+Kelly Baptiste You are very welcome to go onto website for free articles and videos. Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you to taking the time to comment. Namaste,.........Norman
Dear Norman, I've been searching for guides on how to do a Sun Salutation and this one is one of the best in my opinion. So easy, relaxing, a pure joy. Just one question: how many times in a row is recommended to do the Sun Salutation? I'll be sure to check out your other videos and website. Thank you very much
+profiAcc Traditionally, it was recommended that this be done 12 times facing the rising sun. Some say that you lead with your right foot and then go through leading with your left foot to count as one time. If you did it this way it would really be 24 times. Either one of these ways could be a goal for you some day. However, more important than whether you do 12 or 24 repetitions is that you do what is right for you at any particular time. I teach students not to be competative, not make the practice physical workout like regular athletic workouts, and don't force progress. You body is not the same every day so it is good to do what feels the best to you each day. While it is very common now to treat yoga like a workout, this is not what yoga was intended to be. More correctly yoga is the practice of postures or poses. To better understand the higher meaning of yoga see my article: "How Not To Hurt Yourself Doing Yoga." Please let me know if you have any questions, I wish you great success, Namasté, Norman
Oh Allah every time you guide us, heal us, and please us every time you do so, you give the same for all Muslims and all Americans who deeply believe and add Norman too to the guided group.
+YogaNorman Thank you for responding! Actually I would like help with strengthening my wrists and hands. They aren't used to having so much weight on them. What can I do to prevent injuring them during my practice?
Hope Wiley Three things that I advise. 1. Get a tennis ball or maybe a softer ball, if that feels better, and squeeze it. Some athletes will carry a ball with them all day and keep squeezing it. This will build strength rapidly in your fingers, wrists, hands, and forearms. 2. Practice my "Hands, Shoulders, Upper Back, Chest, Wrists, Fingers Video." You will get some strength in a bit different way, but most importantly you will improve circulation and flexibility. Strength is only part of what is necessary to avoid injury. You also need flexibility. 3. Practice this Sun Salutation Video frequently but carefully. In doing this you will improve your strength and flexibility throughout your body, but also your balance and total body coordination will improve. This is the best way to prevent injury. I think you will be very happy in the results you get from your yoga practice. Blessings & Namasté, Norm
Karen Faivre If you are interested is seeing more about Paramahansa Yogananda and his work, go to my website listed above. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Namasté, Norm
Thank you! I will. Yes, It's been a long time..yet, I had read a lot of his books and did the lessons when they were sent in the mail! They were never on book shelves..back in the 80's. Then..well, life went to a different direction for me. Thanks for your reply.
Karen Faivre Have you ever thought to revisit Yogananda's teachings? He predicted that his "Autobiography of a Yogi" would bring millions to his path. The interest is not just growing, it is accelerating. Often when people ask for help in living life wisely, I suggest they put themselves under the teachings of a true guru. I often hear, "But what if I am not sure that this guru is my guru and that this is my path?" "It doesn't matter," I answer. "A true guru, a God-Realized being will never lead you astray, like an ordinary teacher or therapist might. If the guru is not your guru, he or she will help you to get to your path. There is no faster way to get where you need to be than to follow a realized master." So you see, I have not answered a question or talked about this video. Instead I have let my intuition guide this writing and hope that it is of some value to you or to whoever it might be meant for. Nice hearing from you. Blessings and Namasté, Norm
Ohh, how sweet are you to share this information with me. Thank you! Yes, i think about Yogananda a baptized Catholic..not strict anymore..I learned so much from him. and ya know what, he brought me right to Jesus. I am a Christian..I love my Lord. Yogananda knew Him too and spoke of Him with great respect. The picture you have is part of the 'alter'..I used to have it too. I was ready for initiation of Kriya Yoga while doing those lessons at home. In the day of mailing. Then, well, life changed. A shame..I think of picking up a book again..he knows so much! And, I should. Christian or is well to keep informed on staying on the path..only love. Sri Daya Mataji wrote a book titled, 'Only Love'. I have yet to read it..I would think it's very good! Have you ever gone to the Self Realization Fellowship in California? Thank you..good memories.. Blessings and Peace to you too, Namaste'.
I suspect the side-to-side motion around 9:18 is not good for the knee. That twisting action is moving the knee more than the hip. The knees are not designed/evolved to move that way, and spontaneous or long-term injury could result. There are better ways to stretch the hips. Otherwise I think it's a very good video-- well put together and accessible to a variety of levels; Not intimidating.
Thank you for your comment. Although I have never had a comment that this might be harmful to the knee, perhaps others may be concerned. Although the knee is moving several inches, the movement in the joint is minimal. If a person has a tender knee, they should be very gentle, which is the advice I give for any posture. In more than 45 years of teaching yoga, I have never had person complain about this movement. While the knee is moving, the most joint movement is in the hip. Perhaps you can see this better in my "Knee Healing" video at 4:38. If you want to learn more go to "Reduce & Heal Your Knee Pain" on my website. Please let me know if you have questions, Namasté, Norman
I am not sure why your feet itch for the first half of the video, but it could mean that your feet need better circulation. Then they stop itching, as you continue the video which might be a result of improved circulation. Sorry that I can't give you a better answer. You are welcome to explore all the free stuff on my website listed above. I am glad that you enjoyed doing this video. Thank you for your comment, Namasté, Norman
The more frequently you practice the greater the results. Traditionally, the Sun Salutation was done 12 times, which is more than most people have time or want to do. However, the repetitions do not take as long as this first one, which has much more explanation. Perhaps some day I may put on a video with 4 repetitions like I have on my "Relaxing Hatha Yoga" DVD. If you are new to this practice, you can take your time and slowly increase to 2, 3, or 4 times. Find out what feels best to you and don't rush or force progress. Let it come about slowly with no strain. I hope this answers your question. Namasté, Norman
When you say legs straight, do you mean locked all the way back to take pressure off the leg muscles or slightly forward and unlocked so that your muscles are engaged?
+Aliye Hitchcock You are very welcome. This video clip is from the one hour yoga class called "Relaxing Hatha Yoga." A link to this is listed above under this video clip. You can see this at I wish you success in your self-Healing yoga practice. Namaste; Norman
+Ham AlA Thank you very much for your kind words. And I also believe that when you ask Allah to bless someone, Allah also gives you a blessing. I wish you great success in your yoga practice, Namasté, Norm
Norman, yourrrrrright totally and completely. I felt relaxed following along with your video and therefore I began to thank Allah who brought this to me and as part of thanking I added you in my pray because he used you as his instrument to guide me through a passage of light which is in my case was healing outta anxiety. Pain always represents a dark path that leave someone clueless and constant fear. With your practise which I see very pleasant and more human I began to learn to let go and just be no matter what horror messages received by the body.
+Ham AlA And you are practicing a higher, more spiritual yoga when you give gratitude. This helps us remember that yoga is not just about getting a healthier stronger body, but by always giving thanks for the blessings that come into our lives, even when we are challenged with difficulties. Love & Blessings to you on your journey with yoga, Norm
+ronatholl This depends on what you want. More frequent practice will give you more flexibility sooner. More repetitions will increase your strength and endurance. This is usually recommended to do 12 times in the morning to begin your day and get your energy flowing. However, some like to do it very slowly to relax better before meditation and bed. If you sit a lot or work at a computer for long periods, or play a guitar or piano, it will probably feel very good to you to do Sun Salutation several times a day to prevent bad posture, to relax, to improve circulation and to keep your body loose and flexible. I have students who wake up in the middle of the night and then have trouble getting back to sleep. They will then do several rounds of SS, meditate a bit, and then go back to sleep more easily. I hope this answers your question. The main thing to remember in your practice of yoga is to be relaxed, don't force, and enjoy yourself. Namasté, Norm
Hi Norman, a few years ago I tried yoga. Then I got a shoulder injury - my guess is the studio I went to did not do warmups and what they were doing just seemed too strenuous to me which was what caused my shoulder injury. I have since gone to many doctors and aside from some relief from a cortisone shot in my shoulder (I had a partial torn ligament) I still cannot use my right arm like I did before. Whenever I used it a bit (like playing a little pingpong) my shoulder/arm hurts. I've given up on pingpong/badminton/etc that requires me to use my arms a lot. Having seen people's comments on your videos do you think I have a chance to actually heal my shoulder?
+chochooshoe Yes, your body is constantly healing itself. Go to my website article: This is a very simple and easy to do technique to begin. Then on this post you will find this link: This will guide you through the process of self-healing your shoulder pain with yoga. Since everything is connected, do my TH-cam video: "Heal Your Neck Now! with YogaNorman." to learn how to do yoga self-healing. Be slow and gentle. If you read all the comments, you will be inspired to heal yourself. If you go to all the links I suggest, you will learn how self-healing with yoga works. Please let me know if you need more help. I wish you great success. Namasté, Norman
GrandNorman, Do you want to hear it? Okay I think you're been sent by Allah to us with this kind of practice. Every time I practice this with you, I feel better and better. There are so many common things that we Saracens do during our Salat (prayer) that likely with your practice. Should've noticed, though it's an Indian old old practice, something special about the tone of your voice, I Should've noticed. It's a great thing to use technology to polish voice with special effects allowing it finding its ways to the convincing part at a human brain. It make the whole practice convenient and holistic with a robust benefits. I invite you to come over on email to study the benefits of Saracens Salat as well. It's a great discovery too you can initially initiate. Regs Hamad
+Ham AlA Thank you, Hamad, for you kind words. I am happy to hear that my video is helping you. Please let me know if you have questions and if I may help you further. I wish you great success in your yoga practice.....Norman
Wow I'm so thankful I found your channel and you'! I've been doing this every morning for the last week and I don't know what it's doing to me and my body but I know I feel stronger in areas of my body than I id the previous week! I love how slow this is as it causes me to really THINK about each moment intensely, and the stretching feels amazing too. Thank you for this!
This is a really good beginner's routine. I'm restarting yoga after many years absence, so I've lost my flexibility. I'll be using this for the first few weeks till I'm ready for more advanced postures.
muskndusk You have a very good attitude with which to regain flexibiity and return to yoga. "Self-Heal Your Back Pain Yoga Parts 1, 2, & 3" will also be a great help. Take your time, Don't hurry, and you will get there faster. For more help, my "Relaxing Hatha Yoga DVD" from my website will guide you through 4 sun salutations as part of a complete 1 hour yoga class. I wish you great success.
Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for commenting.
I find that for most people the best is not locked all the way back.
So I recommend, as you put it, "slightly forward and unlocked."
I am glad the you tuned into this feeling.
A lot of the sensations that I describe are missed when a person does the Sun Salutation rapidly.
I really enjoyed this, never tried anything like it, usually do much faster poses. This is lovely, very slow, and perfectly explained. My body felt wonderful after practising.
Thank you for uploading. :)
Hi Laura, I appreciate your comment. Thank you.
Most people practice in a way that gives them a good physical workout for the body, but in the process miss the higher benefits of yoga like stillness, going within, and connecting with their true self, the soul.
If you would like to understand this better, go to "How Not to Hurt Yourself Doing Yoga" on my website.
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment,
Hey Norman, this has pretty much been my introduction to Yoga, been doing it twice a day for a couple weeks and I feel great! I tend to suffer from back tension and pain and it's melting away since I started this routine, I do appreciate it buddy, thanks a mill!
Gonna watch your other videos when I have time.
+Leo Clements I am happy to hear that you are getting relief from your back pain and tension so soon. If you continue with daily practice of yoga, you will find that it will benefit you with whatever you are dealing with in your life. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
So good = thanks!! i get too tired after fast routines and the focus is not on the joy. also, like this, i hope to learn the sun mantras at each step - thanks again...
@Ravi Srinivasan You make a good point. Most people approach yoga as a physical workout only and miss the Peace, Joy, Love, Harmony, and Spiritual Unfolding. You might like "How Not to Hurt Yourself Doing Yoga" on my SLYOGA website, where I explain the differences between Western physical exercises and Yoga Asanas.
Please let me know if I may help you further,
That felt so good!!! I was wondering how I was gonna ease myself back into exercising after having my baby and I've found the perfect solution!!
Hope Wiley Thank you so much for that HAPPY comment. You have the right attitude and attitude is everything in yoga. Take your time, relax and enjoy yourself. This way your baby will be happier also. My wife taught my yoga class for me while I was out of town when she was in here eighth month. Then as a mother, she was mostly in a state of JOY. I wish you the same. Please let me know if I may help you with your yoga practice. Blessings and Namasté,
YogaNorman Blessings and Namasté to you too ^-^
Good day oldman
I had a chronic knee injury since 2012 and just today only I felt something was improved in it; I mean after some sizable of time practicing with you. I felt like something about hearing whatever energy did arrived there and supplied it with munitions.
The secret is in the power of Allah Almighty who provoke these senses. He is the only can turned them on and off. But the practice was just a guidance of him and you was the guy whom he selected. I have to be grateful to him and thankful for you Norman.
+Ham AlA You are very welcome. I am always happy to hear how you are doing. I appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences. I am glad that you have continued to practice even though it may take a lot of time. May Allah continue to guide and bless you,
The neck and the muscles between the neck and the shoulders never completely relax when you are upright sitting or standing.
In this pose when you stop at the place where your upper body, head/neck, and shoulders are just hanging, those muscle can completely relax.
At the end of this video on my website shown above, a lady tells how this pose has helped her relieve RLS: Restless Leg Syndrome so she can sleep.
Thank you for your comments,
Very nice and slow! Thank you Norman :)
mara panichi You are very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
feel a lot better after doing this salutation thanks norman
+ronatholl You are very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
+Kasey Tucker You really got the essence of this slow, concentrated method. If you try my "Self-Heal Your Back Pain Yoga Pts 1, 2, 3" you will see how well this works to reduce High Blood Pressure at the same time that you relax better and reduce and heal pain. You will also learn the best way to practice yoga. Thank you so much for your feedback. I wish you great success with yoga.
Thank you. Wonderful help for a complete beginner. Greetings from Greece.
+Alexis Porfiriadis
Since you are a beginner, you might like these two articles from my website:
Please let me know if you have questions. I wish you great success in your yoga practice. I hope that all is well for you in Greece.
Thank you. All the best from Athens.
Wow You really Meant "Very Slow" Love it!! I was looking for something like this to share and to improve myself.. Thank you!!
Hi M Bueno, I am glad you liked this. I created this slow version of Sun Salutation because I felt that so many are pushing themselves too hard so that even their yoga practices become a source of tension, which misses one of the most important aspects of yoga: Learning how to relax.
I wish you success with your "Club Wellness."
Thank you for commenting,
Agreed!!! I have felt a lot better since I found the video... can't thank you enough!!
***** And gratitude, which you are giving, is an even higher yoga practice than the physical postures. You are very welcome. If you are at all interested in other aspects of yoga, like meditation or yoga therapy, I have a lot of free info on my website.
I have looked and I love it.. I had a small set back but I am back on track..
***** Good for you. Set backs don't matter as long as you come back. As Yogananda said, "The only way you can fail is by giving up." I wish you great success.
Blessings and Namasté,
Very relaxing and refreshing the body and mind.
+Kelly Baptiste You are very welcome to go onto website for free articles and videos. Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you to taking the time to comment.
Dear Norman, I've been searching for guides on how to do a Sun Salutation and this one is one of the best in my opinion. So easy, relaxing, a pure joy.
Just one question: how many times in a row is recommended to do the Sun Salutation?
I'll be sure to check out your other videos and website. Thank you very much
+profiAcc Traditionally, it was recommended that this be done 12 times facing the rising sun. Some say that you lead with your right foot and then go through leading with your left foot to count as one time. If you did it this way it would really be 24 times. Either one of these ways could be a goal for you some day. However, more important than whether you do 12 or 24 repetitions is that you do what is right for you at any particular time. I teach students not to be competative, not make the practice physical workout like regular athletic workouts, and don't force progress. You body is not the same every day so it is good to do what feels the best to you each day. While it is very common now to treat yoga like a workout, this is not what yoga was intended to be. More correctly yoga is the practice of postures or poses. To better understand the higher meaning of yoga see my article: "How Not To Hurt Yourself Doing Yoga."
Please let me know if you have any questions,
I wish you great success,
Oh Allah every time you guide us, heal us, and please us every time you do so, you give the same for all Muslims and all Americans who deeply believe and add Norman too to the guided group.
Great video, it helped me a lot.
+YogaNorman Thank you for responding! Actually I would like help with strengthening my wrists and hands. They aren't used to having so much weight on them. What can I do to prevent injuring them during my practice?
Hope Wiley Three things that I advise. 1. Get a tennis ball or maybe a softer ball, if that feels better, and squeeze it. Some athletes will carry a ball with them all day and keep squeezing it. This will build strength rapidly in your fingers, wrists, hands, and forearms.
2. Practice my "Hands, Shoulders, Upper Back, Chest, Wrists, Fingers Video." You will get some strength in a bit different way, but most importantly you will improve circulation and flexibility. Strength is only part of what is necessary to avoid injury. You also need flexibility.
3. Practice this Sun Salutation Video frequently but carefully. In doing this you will improve your strength and flexibility throughout your body, but also your balance and total body coordination will improve. This is the best way to prevent injury.
I think you will be very happy in the results you get from your yoga practice.
Blessings & Namasté,
Wonderful!!!! And, i love the pictures on your have the alter photos from Paramahansa Yogananda! Very nice to see!
Karen Faivre If you are interested is seeing more about Paramahansa Yogananda and his work, go to my website listed above.
Thank you for taking the time to comment,
Thank you! I will. Yes, It's been a long time..yet, I had read a lot of his books and did the lessons when they were sent in the mail! They were never on book shelves..back in the 80's. Then..well, life went to a different direction for me.
Thanks for your reply.
Karen Faivre Have you ever thought to revisit Yogananda's teachings? He predicted that his "Autobiography of a Yogi" would bring millions to his path. The interest is not just growing, it is accelerating.
Often when people ask for help in living life wisely, I suggest they put themselves under the teachings of a true guru. I often hear, "But what if I am not sure that this guru is my guru and that this is my path?"
"It doesn't matter," I answer. "A true guru, a God-Realized being will never lead you astray, like an ordinary teacher or therapist might. If the guru is not your guru, he or she will help you to get to your path. There is no faster way to get where you need to be than to follow a realized master."
So you see, I have not answered a question or talked about this video. Instead I have let my intuition guide this writing and hope that it is of some value to you or to whoever it might be meant for. Nice hearing from you.
Blessings and Namasté,
Ohh, how sweet are you to share this information with me. Thank you! Yes, i think about Yogananda a baptized Catholic..not strict anymore..I learned so much from him. and ya know what, he brought me right to Jesus. I am a Christian..I love my Lord. Yogananda knew Him too and spoke of Him with great respect. The picture you have is part of the 'alter'..I used to have it too. I was ready for initiation of Kriya Yoga while doing those lessons at home. In the day of mailing. Then, well, life changed. A shame..I think of picking up a book again..he knows so much! And, I should. Christian or is well to keep informed on staying on the path..only love. Sri Daya Mataji wrote a book titled, 'Only Love'. I have yet to read it..I would think it's very good! Have you ever gone to the Self Realization Fellowship in California?
Thank you..good memories.. Blessings and Peace to you too, Namaste'.
Lovely. So glad I rediscovered this video. Put it in my daily video playlist ! 😊
+Kataka Gara Thank you for taking the time to comment. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I suspect the side-to-side motion around 9:18 is not good for the knee. That twisting action is moving the knee more than the hip. The knees are not designed/evolved to move that way, and spontaneous or long-term injury could result. There are better ways to stretch the hips.
Otherwise I think it's a very good video-- well put together and accessible to a variety of levels; Not intimidating.
Thank you for your comment. Although I have never had a comment that this might be harmful to the knee, perhaps others may be concerned. Although the knee is moving several inches, the movement in the joint is minimal. If a person has a tender knee, they should be very gentle, which is the advice I give for any posture. In more than 45 years of teaching yoga, I have never had person complain about this movement. While the knee is moving, the most joint movement is in the hip. Perhaps you can see this better in my "Knee Healing" video at 4:38. If you want to learn more go to "Reduce & Heal Your Knee Pain" on my website.
Please let me know if you have questions,
thanks for that
+ronatholl You are very welcome.
Just perfect thanks a lot
+Alfredo Enrique Cortés Medina You are very welcome. More free help on my site.
thanks for helping me out here
+Rosemary Hill You are very welcome. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Let me know if you have questions.
I am not sure why your feet itch for the first half of the video, but it could mean that your feet need better circulation. Then they stop itching, as you continue the video which might be a result of improved circulation.
Sorry that I can't give you a better answer.
You are welcome to explore all the free stuff on my website listed above.
I am glad that you enjoyed doing this video.
Thank you for your comment,
Thanks it is well explained in the video. Kindly suggest, is one set is enough for a day or do we have to repeat 2, 3 times.
The more frequently you practice the greater the results.
Traditionally, the Sun Salutation was done 12 times, which is more than most people have time or want to do. However, the repetitions do not take as long as this first one, which has much more explanation. Perhaps some day I may put on a video with 4 repetitions like I have on my "Relaxing Hatha Yoga" DVD.
If you are new to this practice, you can take your time and slowly increase to 2, 3, or 4 times. Find out what feels best to you and don't rush or force progress. Let it come about slowly with no strain.
I hope this answers your question.
When you say legs straight, do you mean locked all the way back to take pressure off the leg muscles or slightly forward and unlocked so that your muscles are engaged?
Thank you for your comment.
You are welcome to a lot of free help on my website listed above.
Hi Norman, I like your videos, thank you! Do you have an hour yoga video?
+Aliye Hitchcock You are very welcome. This video clip is from the one hour yoga class called "Relaxing Hatha Yoga." A link to this is listed above under this video clip. You can see this at I wish you success in your self-Healing yoga practice.
Norman, May Allah bless you the way it nesseary and require to enable you be an instrument for his gooddoers cabin.
+Ham AlA Thank you very much for your kind words. And I also believe that when you ask Allah to bless someone, Allah also gives you a blessing.
I wish you great success in your yoga practice,
Norman, yourrrrrright totally and completely. I felt relaxed following along with your video and therefore I began to thank Allah who brought this to me and as part of thanking I added you in my pray because he used you as his instrument to guide me through a passage of light which is in my case was healing outta anxiety. Pain always represents a dark path that leave someone clueless and constant fear. With your practise which I see very pleasant and more human I began to learn to let go and just be no matter what horror messages received by the body.
+Ham AlA And you are practicing a higher, more spiritual yoga when you give gratitude. This helps us remember that yoga is not just about getting a healthier stronger body, but by always giving thanks for the blessings that come into our lives, even when we are challenged with difficulties.
Love & Blessings to you on your journey with yoga,
hi Norman how many times a day would you recommend this i normally only do it in the morning ?
+ronatholl This depends on what you want. More frequent practice will give you more flexibility sooner. More repetitions will increase your strength and endurance. This is usually recommended to do 12 times in the morning to begin your day and get your energy flowing. However, some like to do it very slowly to relax better before meditation and bed. If you sit a lot or work at a computer for long periods, or play a guitar or piano, it will probably feel very good to you to do Sun Salutation several times a day to prevent bad posture, to relax, to improve circulation and to keep your body loose and flexible. I have students who wake up in the middle of the night and then have trouble getting back to sleep. They will then do several rounds of SS, meditate a bit, and then go back to sleep more easily. I hope this answers your question. The main thing to remember in your practice of yoga is to be relaxed, don't force, and enjoy yourself.
Hi Norman, a few years ago I tried yoga. Then I got a shoulder injury - my guess is the studio I went to did not do warmups and what they were doing just seemed too strenuous to me which was what caused my shoulder injury. I have since gone to many doctors and aside from some relief from a cortisone shot in my shoulder (I had a partial torn ligament) I still cannot use my right arm like I did before. Whenever I used it a bit (like playing a little pingpong) my shoulder/arm hurts. I've given up on pingpong/badminton/etc that requires me to use my arms a lot. Having seen people's comments on your videos do you think I have a chance to actually heal my shoulder?
+chochooshoe Yes, your body is constantly healing itself. Go to my website article: This is a very simple and easy to do technique to begin. Then on this post you will find this link: This will guide you through the process of self-healing your shoulder pain with yoga.
Since everything is connected, do my TH-cam video: "Heal Your Neck Now! with YogaNorman." to learn how to do yoga self-healing. Be slow and gentle.
If you read all the comments, you will be inspired to heal yourself. If you go to all the links I suggest, you will learn how self-healing with yoga works.
Please let me know if you need more help. I wish you great success.
Thank you Norman!!! You are so kind. I will follow your advice.
+chochooshoe You are very welcome. If you are so inclined, I would be happy to hear how you are progressing.
Thank you..........Norm
YogaNorman I will let you know, Norman. Thank you very much!
I find that the bottoms of my feet itch in the first half of this video. Is that weird? I really enjoyed this video! Thank you :)
Thank you for your comment.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Do you want to hear it? Okay I think you're been sent by Allah to us with this kind of practice. Every time I practice this with you, I feel better and better. There are so many common things that we Saracens do during our Salat (prayer) that likely with your practice. Should've noticed, though it's an Indian old old practice, something special about the tone of your voice, I Should've noticed. It's a great thing to use technology to polish voice with special effects allowing it finding its ways to the convincing part at a human brain. It make the whole practice convenient and holistic with a robust benefits. I invite you to come over on email to study the benefits of Saracens Salat as well. It's a great discovery too you can initially initiate.
+Ham AlA Thank you, Hamad, for you kind words. I am happy to hear that my video is helping you. Please let me know if you have questions and if I may help you further. I wish you great success in your yoga practice.....Norman