Can We Save Windows 11? Maybe... Here's How

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 412

  • @darkphotonstudio
    @darkphotonstudio 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +96

    This is a comment for other Linux users. I’m a Linux dual booter. Linux works for about 80% of what I need. The 20% left is audio. I’m not a Windows enthusiast, but he audio situation on Linux is dreadful. Yes, there are some decent audio applications available for Linux but that isn’t the problem. The issue is the audio system. They are all bad, yes even Pipewire. The latency makes recording impossible. Someday, hopefully sooner than later, this won’t be the case. Until then, I’m stuck dual booting Windows.

    • @nimlouth
      @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It'll just keep getting better, there's no reason why not and it hasn't got worse like ever anyways so, there we go, patiently haha. I think rn the limitations are more in the hardware/peripherals that we have to use than on the actual software, with most audio/video things not having open source drivers and what not.
      Hopefully we'll get the applications we need on the platform we deserve.

    • @Alex-ii5pm
      @Alex-ii5pm 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @darkphotonstudio dual boot is the way 👍

    • @kenlen8029
      @kenlen8029 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      So for instance, audio interface drivers won't work with Linux??

    • @kenlen8029
      @kenlen8029 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@polyrobo Thanks

    • @endrico221
      @endrico221 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      May I ask, which distro are you on ?! Some distros have better support and dev teams than others.

  • @jd52wtf
    @jd52wtf 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    What kills me about this is that MS could provide a stripped down version of the OS which has none of the BS and is configurable in all ways...... They could charge whatever they want and people who are looking for that would pay for it. I think it is quite telling that they do not do this based on the fact that like everything they are no longer an OS focused company but an advertising one. The enshitification continues at an alarming rate.....

    • @ibizenco
      @ibizenco 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You are assuming that MS is technically able to provide a stripped down version. 😈😄 #punintended

    • @YorkistRaven
      @YorkistRaven หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@ibizenco😂 good point! *fortunately you can create your own custom Win 10 Debloated iso 😉

  • @WJV9
    @WJV9 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    I agree with your OS analysis, I am an 'Applications Enthusiast' and I will use whatever OS I need to get the software I like to run properly to get my job done, be that programming, photo editing, video editing, audio editing, music development, internet access, email, etc.

    • @bmqww223
      @bmqww223 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Is retrobar safe to use btw doesn't it have any malware???

  • @theseabass
    @theseabass 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    I think the main concern for me these days with Windows is the ads/privacy. I don't think it would be so much of an issue for me if I only had to go in once, disable everything, install blockers, change registry settings, etc, but only have to do it ONCE. The issue with modern Windows is that everything you do to try to customize it is subject to break once Microsoft releases some random update that causes everything to go haywire. Of course you can always disable the forced updates with some registry tweaks, but then you're forced into a situation where you have to vet every single update before you install it.
    It's clear that Microsoft wants to go in a direction with Windows that is contrary to what people want, with things like experimentation with putting ads in the file browser, telemetry, and now Windows Recall. That means if we want to use our systems like we want to, we're going to be constantly having to find new ways to remove whatever garbage they decide to throw down the well.
    You make a good point that with internet connected devices we can never truly be private/secure, but our hardware/operating system are the foundation of our PCs, and if basic use can't be trusted on our machines with sensitive data then we're screwed. You can never completely erase risk of malicious attacks when connected online, but you can minimize your chances of being exploited mostly through common sense practices. Having your operating system spy on you kind of just poisons the well from the beginning, sadly.

    • @laurentitolledo1838
      @laurentitolledo1838 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      m$ values your privately spying on you....and selling that data....privately....

    • @Aki-kh2qe-StreetKidZZZ
      @Aki-kh2qe-StreetKidZZZ 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      that is why you disable the updates from the settings and windows files, so you won't have such an issue.
      However I was trying Linux mint yesterday and this one is good one as well, though with less compatibility in games sadly

    • @Akhilesh_H
      @Akhilesh_H 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      If the OS which you trust to keep your privacy and work starts spying on you, then i think we should move to another os which respects my data and privacy, even it's difficult for me at the start.

  • @gnarlin4964
    @gnarlin4964 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Just for context for those that don't know Timeshift is a Linux utility to create the Windows equivalent "restore points" which enable you to rewind the state of your operating system. Very helpful if you're tinkering with your OS and you accidentally break things in a way that make it difficult to fix or just to try out some changes and instead of having to do a whole lot of backtracking you can just restore to a previous state with Timeshift. The reason for using Timeshift with the btrfs filesystem is that btrfs is a copy-on-write filesystem, which means that with every change to files in the filetree a copy is made instead of modifying the files.
    You can run Timeshift on all Debian based distros, not just Suse. If you're using the ext4 filesystem (which is the default on most distros) then Timeshift uses rsync to create the diffs but you can also use btfs, which I believe is what Suse is using by default, in conjuction with Timeshift on Debian, Ubuntu etc. just as easily as on Suse.

    • @nimlouth
      @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I'm on Fedora and I use Deja Dup, which is similar. Definetly have btrfs as your system file system and use Timeshift if available, an incredible life save.

    • @blakecasimir
      @blakecasimir 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The great thing about TimeShift is, of course, you have complete control over it. And it is local.

    • @colinmoon8097
      @colinmoon8097 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am a Linux newby and I have Timeshift. I worked with all sorts of operating systems since the 1970s and that includes UNIX

    • @iBolski
      @iBolski 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This saved me last night as I run Arch. Normally, the system update works just fine, but last night, it crashed while I was doing the update. When I rebooted, it had not finished registering the kernel, modules, etc so I would get a "kernel not found" error. Within grub, I just went to the recovery menu, found where it created a snapshot right before it performed the system upgrade, and viola. Right back to where I was before the upgrade. Lesson learned. From now on, I log out of Wayland, go to a TTY, and upgrade that way just to be safe. I had way too much going on when I first attempted it and that's on me. Normally, I've never had an issue, but this was a major upgrade, including to the next release of the 6.9 zen kernel.

    • @colinmoon8097
      @colinmoon8097 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not convinced that Time shift is 100% compatible with Ubuntu 24.04 but that could be something I did wrong

  • @renegeeder
    @renegeeder 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I hate how like Windows 10 at the start, they removed a lot of features of the taskbar that even Windows 8 had, then took years to add them back, but at least they did.
    With Windows 11 it's "Fuck you and use our shitty AI".

  • @ke9967
    @ke9967 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    If all the popular app developer can port their software to linux, i wouldn't care about windows anymore.

  • @MrHBOMB187
    @MrHBOMB187 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Let us turn windows into a functional linux distro one great feature of windows is we can access everything and if you can access it, it can be fixed

  • @teapulp
    @teapulp 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Until NVIDIA support on Linux becomes more stable (which is looking to be soon, hopefully) I'm staying on Windows. Using Titus's winutil from GitHub and O&O Shutup (which you mentioned) you can really debloat and tear out telemetry, set all the dumb non-essential processes to manual activation, and generally make things a lot less creepy and sluggish.

    • @konnorj6442
      @konnorj6442 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      AMD rules and dont hold yer breath on team greed for anything esp for fossil unless they suddenly think they will somehow make moola fro such
      And CTTs script is VG along with other tricks but ultimately its stil dsmn near impossible to kill off all the spyware be in w10 eeven for OGs like myself and Chris
      There is good reason why I use a w7 install for my winbloze needs which is all opted date security patched and will be for yrs to come (yes with patches for such from M$ they make em still u just have to know where to get em and how to use em lol)

  • @Dracolichizm
    @Dracolichizm 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I’ve just switched over to Linux on all my personal systems. Just way too frustrated with MS taking all my data to make money after I purchased my OS from them. Seems to run all my stuff without issues.

    • @konnorj6442
      @konnorj6442 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Younpaidnfor winbloze SERVICE? Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha that's soooooo sad hahahaha
      Winbloze isnt even an OS andnhasnt been since w10 started
      I still run a upto date current securely patched and customized win7 for the bits of winbloze I need (yes it can be patched still and will be for years to come microshaft maks the patches but dont let the gen pub know about it for many reasons)

    • @IdontKnowAtAlllol
      @IdontKnowAtAlllol 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      about 99% of their revenue from windows is from OEMs practically know pays for a windows licence anymore

  • @maddada
    @maddada 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I really like Windows 11 to be honest.
    All the apps I need work, it's very customizable (Start 11 is very stable for me, and PowerToys is great), all the games run, and I can disable all the privacy and AI related stuff that I dislike.

    • @konnorj6442
      @konnorj6442 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      No you cant disable all the tekemetry etc in wi11
      Even with disabling a ctaptin ofnsuch that is possible to do thrre is still a pile more in there you csnt wo actually killing the system microshaft has buried it so deep now that it's a lost cause trying to do so only way to effectively do such is by server level filtering of IO and carefully and constant vigilance applied to all data xfered to/from the w11 farce

  • @50-50_Grind
    @50-50_Grind 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

    My boss at work is going to LOVE recall to monitor what we do or don't do.

    • @Sonyboj
      @Sonyboj 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Lookup Aktivtrak and Teramind. Software that can already do this, so called "bossware" that can monitor employee computers,track activity, screenshots, video, keylogger abilities, it has to be installed on the PC of course. :)
      Recall won't have a dashboard like those, there is specific and better software for your boss if he wants :)

    • @Ichijoe2112
      @Ichijoe2112 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@GHOSTSTARSCREAMYes if you somehow unhappy about having just the One Arm (lol) tied behind your back, and believe in equal opportunity to have both arms tied up in the cycle cost of having to emulate a non-existant NPU Chip, and that's 'fore we even get on to the other aspects like reserving a fourth of the available Drive space for it to do it's nasty business.
      Hate to break this to you, but Recall is an answer to a problem nobody ever had.

    • @Ichijoe2112
      @Ichijoe2112 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @GHOSTSTARSCREAM Ok the last comment about being a "Solution" was more a generality than a directed comment. I still believe that it (i.e. Recall) is in fact a "Solution" to a problem that, nobody had, or knew they had. As to being able to run this on non-native (coof x86 coof), again I don't feel the need to dispute it. Just 'cause it could run. It doesn't mean it would run as well, and in it's most base form, on native hardware Recall is already an iron pipe to the kneecap a.k.a system resources, which an emulation layer on top of that would only slow this down further.
      Than again perhaps the problem is with me being on an elderly 13th Gen Intel x86 part. Either way trust is more valuable than a sickback GUI, and MicroSoft, along with Adobe, have made valiant efforts to erode said trust in the last few days / weeks / months.
      What was Opt-out (if such an option even realistically existed before.), is now at best a temporary Opt-in, until Windows 11 25h2 when the Press has suddenly gone back to sleep on this topic again.

    • @tibbydudeza
      @tibbydudeza 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      They already do - during Covid there was a big uptake of remote monitoring software for WFH :).
      Most corporates will disable Recall and they run a LTSC version anyway not the consumer version - it is a big security risk.

    • @Ichijoe2112
      @Ichijoe2112 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@tibbydudeza That's a tad different. One the Work PC isn't for your personal use, and two you shouldn't be surfing for after hour Cat Pictures on such machines either. Most people inherently understand that. Granted that neither the PC or the connection belong to them.
      This is in sharp contrast to the PC I bought, paid (paying) for, on a private Internet connection that has nothing to do with my Employer.
      Tinfoils been going 'round that DOS6.1 has had some NSA Backdoor in it. They practically opened that Door to the World with Recall. Can I really be the only one to see the violations to the 4th amendment here. When the Alphabet Soup Agencies can, and will use your Search History against you!

  • @Afurai_
    @Afurai_ 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    People making alternatives for windows programs is great, but didn't we just have a fiasco with W11 24H2 blocking a huge list of third-party programs?
    What's to say they won't block all the listed applications in this video and subsequent programs that are released later on?
    I don't know, it just seems you guys trust M$ too much still. Windows is a dilapidated building that screams at the repairman trying to fix it; it's a increasingly hostile environment that nobody should have the "pleasure" of using, as at the end of the day, M$ does not care about power users or users with a brain anymore and this is coming from someone who's used Windows since 95...

  • @macqstena1056
    @macqstena1056 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Install Total Commander, star using it, and you will never notice what version of Windows you're on again. If you turn on the "Widows standard" right click in it you will get the standard context menu even in Windows 11 - without any hacks. You won't also ever need the start menu again, 'cause you can just drag executables or shortcuts to it's menu bar and run them from there. And if you drag a file to that icon then, it will open that file in that program.

    • @konnorj6442
      @konnorj6442 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I live with Tc and have since Christian started it in alpha but as good as it is I cannot agree re not noticing what ver is running true TC interface stays the same and I've used the same basic twin panel for over 30 years now
      But even with that its painfully obvious what win ver is underlying it esp all the more true in w10 and most of all in the steaming pile of w11 shit
      The only thing TC fails with is he stil hasnt released a *nix variant and while there are clones per se they just aren't the same

  • @notanimufailzone
    @notanimufailzone 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I’ve been using Linux on and off since 2010. Nearly all of the past decade I have primarily ran Windows 10. Whenever I tried Linux it has never been ready. I love to learn about tech but I’m primarily a gamer (single-player and co-op). The way Microsoft has been with Windows since 11 launched has more or less driven me off the platform. I still have windows computers around but my daily driver runs Linux (and windows just in case). In the past month or two I’ve booted into Windows like 3 times. I’ve been using Arch on and off since December 28th 2023. It’s been mostly fine. It’s a learning process but worth it. Hyped for Shadow of the Erdtree btw.

    • @konnorj6442
      @konnorj6442 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Indeed and the ore of us that game in *nix the better inc contanpcting the devs and pubs for all games we want telling them explicitly make a linux version native and we would be happy to buy it assuming it's good and not DRM infected
      But keep it on winbloze only or usingnshitndrm and they dont get a penny from me and thrynhavnt for decades now
      Valve has dont a massive bonus for us all with steam linux support as well via steam and steamdeck

  • @praetorxyn
    @praetorxyn 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    One tip for you is that drag and drop from one tab to another works in the Windows 11 Explorer, you have to drag a file up to the tab bar, drag it over to the other tab,it will switch tabs, then drag it down into the second tab's contents.
    Overall I prefer 11 over 10 as the UI is just nicer looking and it functions the same for me.
    But I've got a Proxmox host now, so I'll be spinning up an Arch VM to play with, and once I have my dot files setup the way I want in a git repository, I may consider trying Linux on my gaming desktop at some point.
    Debian IMO is not a good fit for a desktop OS. It's excellent for servers because stability is the name of the game. But that stability means old kernel versions, which means old drivers and old versions of applications, etc.

  • @BlueSparkzVideos
    @BlueSparkzVideos 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I know one other person commented this, but TimeShift is the answer to your issues with breaking Linux. Back in my early days with linux (I'd say about 15+ years ago) I had lots of frustrations with Linux as well. It was easy to break. I switched over to Linux Mint (from Ubuntu) for a while and it was much more stable, but nowadays, I'd say popular Distros like Mint, Pop!_OS, and Zorin OS are at parity with Windows in the stability department. The one caveat would be people who delve deep under the hood to make personal customizations.....but anyways, just install Timeshift to rollback changes when your distro breaks. It's sort of like system restore only much more reliable.

    • @serqetry
      @serqetry 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I used to use Timeshift but I switched to using BTRFS snapshots. Timeshift was a bit janky.

  • @verpejas
    @verpejas 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Opensuse tumbleweed is the distro that finally healed my distrohopping addiction. Super up to date, has nearly everything i need in the repos, and uses Flatpaks by default instead of canonicals Snaps.

    • @nimlouth
      @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm on Fedora 40 rn but Tumbleweed was my other runner up. It's def. the better side of using Linux, specially with flatpaks.

    • @MaxUmbra
      @MaxUmbra 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@nimlouthwhy did you switch to fedora 40?
      Is it better or you had some problems with opensuse?
      Just asking because im doing some research about Linux distros so I can decide which one I'll be hopping to if I needed.

  • @TheAnon03
    @TheAnon03 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I use Windows because it runs the things I need it to run, but it's also the structure that holds it all together, the tool I use to use other tools. I need it to be a good tool.
    To put it another way, it doesn't matter how good a screwdriver head is at turning the screws, how good the materials used are, if the handle makes it painful to use.

  • @DaftBlazer
    @DaftBlazer 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I've used Tumbleweed for a long time and it's actually probably my favorite KDE distro. However, lately I've been using Bazzite and I definitely believe now that new users should use an immutable distro. Then when you want to tinker more in linux you can use a "regular" distro. Even for a linux power user like me, an immutable distro is just nice, my base system always stays clean.
    Also, for the first part, I agree. Linux is the most important part and then applications and games come after. It's kinda like choosing a smart phone, go with the one that has the OS you want

  • @abowers
    @abowers 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Been thinking about lately of switching over to Fedora or Linux Mint entirely but I still have a few applications I use that only the developers make for Windows sadly or else I would be on Linux in a heartbeat.

    • @nimlouth
      @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      These days you can have the cake and eat it too! Dual boot Fedora and something like tiny11 to have a minimal pathetic windows install xD with only the apps you need ready to go. Hell if you have a powerful workstation just set up a virtual machine and live the life! Relegate windows to what it deserves, a VM on one of your GNOME desktops haha

    • @crazydude5825
      @crazydude5825 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Keep in mind WINE is really effective these days at running windows apps. Just because an app doesn't have a Linux version doesn't necessarily mean it's incompatible.

  • @databug
    @databug 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I switched to Linux full time since all the crap with Windows 11. I have been toying with Linux for around 20 years though. So I wasnt exactly a Stranger. SO this time I went with Manjaro and Ive been very happy with it. Ive also tried Tumbleweed which I also liked. But I will always recommend Linux Mint for first time switchers. Theres also Pop OS. The biggest flaw with Linux Mint is the older software and drivers. But there is now a version of Linux Mint that uses a more up to date kernel. Regards gaming, I game and it was a big thing preventing me from switching but gaming is mostly great. Apart from a handful of games that require anti cheat, everything else is great. I even mod my games and while it is more fiddly but it does work a lot of the time. But everything is moving so fat these days on Linux its a really exciting time and things are improving every month regards gaming.

  • @abc_cba
    @abc_cba 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Would you believe that I have a new issue with my OS every damn fortnights?
    My tech support requests for Windows are maybe in hundreds.
    Win 11 upgrade has been a nightmare.

  • @imzesok
    @imzesok 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    it should be noted that the shell replacers like cairoshell will break the whole windows settings panel thing as it's dependent on explorer. you can still run windows updates, but it'll have to be done through power shell. I tried several last year and they all did it. so if you do intend to install one, you should get updating via powershell enabled first.

  • @photonboy999
    @photonboy999 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    *"hybrid" or dual-mode question*
    Does anybody have an opinion on PROGRAMS, like for example an e-mail program, having the ability to SWITCH on-the-fly between "tablet" (or game console) mode and desktop mode? Not all programs, but surely there's a market for MOBILE devices where you plug-in or cast to a bigger monitor to have a different UI. Or maybe a GAME console where people want to plug into a 4K monitor and sit close. And with a CLICK or button press you can switch from one experience to the other?
    A little like "Big Picture Mode" in Steam vs its desktop mode.

  • @auggieaxiom5726
    @auggieaxiom5726 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    "show more options" to "create new folder" etc is frustrating in 11. is there a way to change any of those "more options" appear on the default menu?

    • @nezunskyfire292
      @nezunskyfire292 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Chris Titus has a Windows Debloater script/program that has an option to restore the old right-click menu from win 7/10.

    • @Innadiated
      @Innadiated 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yes its a registry setting. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\UndockingDisabled=1

    • @Aeroxima
      @Aeroxima 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      All their telemetry, and they make UX worse by adding extra steps.

  • @emiliskog
    @emiliskog 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My assumption is that Microsoft was hoping that recall was gonna be a feature people said I didn't know I needed this but I do now that I know it's an existing concept, like ChatGPT, and the iPhone or the car things where less evolved concepts exist (as does with recall in the form of things like browser history) but people can't see the next step until their shown it but it's backfired this time

  • @tekudaddo
    @tekudaddo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm still using Windows on my gaming pc because it just works. I don't feel like linux is there quite yet for the average user. That being said, Nobara is a really awesome distro for gamers and content creators if you absolutely have to run linux all the time.

  • @benjammin105123
    @benjammin105123 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    Recall is the final straw. Windows is over for me. I'll be on Linux forever now.

    • @Aki-kh2qe-StreetKidZZZ
      @Aki-kh2qe-StreetKidZZZ 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Same, in fact I already installed it in one of my old laptops to experiment with it and so far I have no issues with the mint
      just make sure you put encryption password on your files during installation and you activate the firewall when you done installing

    • @5nanometers
      @5nanometers 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Same, just installed EndeavourOS after 20 years of using Windows

    • @yurimodin7333
      @yurimodin7333 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      same, I ran linux exclusively for years until I got back into gaming. Now that we have Proton I am totally done after this recall thing. So far its worked pretty well for gaming.

    • @ChrisAtheist
      @ChrisAtheist 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Recall is only on NPU´s (only a handful of people have an NPU) there is a thing worse than Recall, that's the automatically activated Keylogger

    • @RunePonyRamblings
      @RunePonyRamblings 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      It must be nice to not have things to do.

  • @More_Row
    @More_Row 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I appreciate the recommendations you showcased. Many of these I have never heard of

  • @foch3
    @foch3 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The problems started when Microsoft started offering free upgrades. When something is free you are the product.

  • @johanb.7869
    @johanb.7869 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +60

    They can save it all they want, I refuse to use it. My Windows days ended in 2017.

    • @Technopath47
      @Technopath47 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      2022 here, if I "Recall" correctly. SO not going back! Year of the Linux desktop, let's go!!! :D

    • @wadewilson6628
      @wadewilson6628 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Still installing your web browser?

    • @nimlouth
      @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@wadewilson6628 This is an old meme, but It's funny how nowadays installing your web browser is like x10 faster on most linux distros than on wndows lmfao

    • @TheSpamMuncher
      @TheSpamMuncher 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I will use Windows as only gaming, and use Linux as for my everyday uses.

    • @Ichijoe2112
      @Ichijoe2112 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      100% at that time it was Hackintosoh for me. Today unfortunately it's Linux Mint. Yes Windows has problems. Alas you can't fix trust issues with Lipstick.

  • @MFTAQ
    @MFTAQ หลายเดือนก่อน

    I continue to use Windows for my TH-cam channel and live streaming stuff with as many open source programs as I can. But I just started a 30 day challenge to stay on Debian 12 today 08/17/24 for my daily driver on on Dell i5 Optiplex 7010 love your vids and you have a new sub I love your laid back attitude to all the OS's keep up the great work.

  • @FriedEgg101
    @FriedEgg101 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    We're in a situation where apple limits your hardware choices, linix limits your application choices, and windows limits your privacy choices. I'm surprised there are no conspiracy theories about how this is where they want us lol.

    • @FunAngelo2005
      @FunAngelo2005 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @FunAngelo2005
      @FunAngelo2005 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      There's always a drawback to everything

    • @FriedEgg101
      @FriedEgg101 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Dust-cx8ge At some point you have to ask yourself how much privacy you need. If you walk into a shop more than once you run the risk of the shopkeeper recognising your face.

  • @DeterminedTorres
    @DeterminedTorres 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    kid named LTSC:
    and then combine it with this video

    • @blakecasimir
      @blakecasimir 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      A little searching around brings wonders. Such as support for Win 10 until 2032...

    • @FlameForgedSoul
      @FlameForgedSoul 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@blakecasimir Which is wonderful, until you realize two things:
      1. How restricted it is
      2. That if you aren't a corporation looking to do bulk licensing, good luck getting a copy.

    • @univera1111
      @univera1111 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@FlameForgedSoul stop saying what you don't know.

    • @FlameForgedSoul
      @FlameForgedSoul 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@univera1111 Apologies:
      2a: That if you aren't an _IT Professional, Software Dev, Device Maker,_ or willing to spend *four to five hundred dollars* for a license on ebay _or_ a corporation looking to do bulk licensing, good luck getting a copy.

    • @jimnor8817
      @jimnor8817 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      1. I can play my steam games on it and do trading without any issues
      2. Borrow a copy from Ivan

  • @JohnCastleSmokeless
    @JohnCastleSmokeless 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I use Fedora 40 the same way I use Windows, and with basically the same attitude. Writing, media consumption, web procrastination, and light gaming. Is it a "Windows killer"? No. And I don't need it to be; I just need something that's a usable non-intrusive non-spying alternative.
    Sidebar: I know everybody pronounces BTRFS as "Butter-FS" -- I'm _pretty sure_ the intention was for it to be pronounced, _"Better_ FS."

  • @yourfriend9048
    @yourfriend9048 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    why does anyone fight so hard to keep a corporate product that is designed to have complete control over us and our computers?
    there really isn't any reason since we have Linux.
    seriously, please explain.

    • @Aeroxima
      @Aeroxima 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Did you see his newer video since this post? It was a great explanation

  • @Stuke51
    @Stuke51 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    These apps could save windows, as long as they don’t get blocked which I’m fearful of.

  • @ShadowManceri
    @ShadowManceri 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Not sure if I agree with the idea of "platform enthusiasts" being primary thing. It can seem that way when Linux has so much options and people like to rice up their systems and comparing what works for them etc. There is a lot of that kind of discussion. A lot less than for Windows, because it is locked down - you can't do shit. And people generally have no skills to do any of that or they are not even aware you could potentially do something. But that's the illusion part, Linux users are 99% "application enthusiasts", you just rarely see that discussion because a lot of users are experienced and trivial matters don't need that much discussion. And when that discussion does happen, as it does, it is in specialized forums. Windows users generally don't visit those thus the illusion. They only see the tip of the iceberg and think that it is. As Linux becomes more and more popular option that also draws in noobs and then you start to see increasing amount of that discussion in more public, front facing forums. There is also the part of "Linux users" who are not really Linux users, they are more of tire kickers (not planning to buy the car, just kicking tires). They are just seeing what the fuss is about. That discussion you see a lot in public facing forums, but it is not fair presentation of actual users. (If you are not daily driving Linux, you are not a Linux user simply put.) If you are doing any sort of work, you are not going to distro hop every week. That's ridiculous idea to start with. Windows doesn't have distro hopping because there is nothing to "hop" into. But funny enough, a lot of people are curious and want to see what options they have and want to browse thousand different options before settling to one thing. Linux ecosystem is HUGE compared to Windows - it's never going to be one size fits all type of approach and it should not be. People complain about that, but that's the true power you should learn to embrace. Don't like something? Then you can do whatever you want about that. No need to take no as an answer.
    That said, do what you want and what works for you. That is the true spirit of Linux, the freedom from corporate spoon feeding the daily meal they decided. If you want to kick tires forever then do that and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's *your* system - use it like you want, it's your choice. In Windows it not your system, you are just granted limited access to it where Microsoft makes the choices for you.

  • @snowpirate2652
    @snowpirate2652 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To touch on your comments regarding most Linux users being platform enthusiasts, I would say it's only a third of the over all user base because most of the people I chat with who use Linux are doing so for many reasons which any OS can have such as: stability, user respect, customization, and over all ease of use (and yes, once you learn Linux you find there are just some things that are so much easier to do with Linux, not everything, but a lot). I would say for me and a lot of these people who aren't as vocal about their love for the platform are people who just want to use their computer to complete whatever task they need to complete or to do some gaming. The reason a lot of people like myself work on Linux so much and its packages is to better maintain the platform because unlike on Windows, the users of Linux are also its only developers. I’m sure other people will have a better take on this, but this is what I have to offer to this comment section :P
    Thanks for posting this video :D

  • @Kramer7969
    @Kramer7969 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Making windows 11 the way you want it feels like running a hackintosh with it being a chase between the manufacturer and the users to see who can win. We WANT to use their product, don't they get it?! I switched to Debian when my primary SSD died and only installed a Windows 11 VM but 99.9% of what I do is perfect in Debian. Switching to gaming on the PS5 helped.

    • @teksyndicate
      @teksyndicate  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It's really not that big of a deal. When I install a clean OS, it takes me less about 7 minutes to get it all set up the way I like it... with explorer patcher, retrobar, open-shell, etc. MS does break things in explorer patcher when updates happen, but there's usually a fix soon after. After that, it just works and doesn't bother me much. With Linux, I find that I am fussing WAY more because certain things just don't work... lack support, etc. I still use Linux a lot, but not for my main desktop... yet.

    • @nimlouth
      @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@teksyndicate You got me flashbacks of my first daily driving of linux, which I did with Manjaro (bad bad, very bad decision at the time idk why people even recommended that distro lmfao). It was FUN to tinker and fix stuff... when I had the time lmfao, it was tedious a f otherwise. I remember at one point having a bug of my pointer perpetually scaling 5 pixels up each second that I couldn't fix haha
      These days I live on Fedora and things are leagues better, everything just works correctly and I only tinker around if I have free time to geek around.

    • @Aeroxima
      @Aeroxima 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@teksyndicate I agree on Linux taking more fuss, but 7 minutes? I've been trying to set up windows to be comfortable again after reinstall for days now, with breaks just for eating, sleeping and bathroom, and youtube distractions that started during some progress bar. (Going from 7 to 10, and still hard to get it fixed even though it's surely much easier than 11)

  • @PupShepardRubberized
    @PupShepardRubberized 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I would like to see strong development with gpu pass through on linux It is cool that it is easy to have a linux desktop with a windows vm running in it. What is not as easy, is having a few button presses to use gpu passthrogh. I know windell was working an some frame buffer mirroring that looked cool but it would be sweet to be able to have one gpu that can be shared with your vm(s) and host in a way that is easy for less programing oriented people. Your games could run in the windows vm, and your youtube podcast would run on your desktop on ur 2nd monitor.

    • @nimlouth
      @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Honestly, proton just completely bypassed that problem these days. I have like 200 games on steam, haven't been unable to play ANY of them on my Linux machine. Worst that can happen is you have some bugs that will eventually just be fixed by the community.
      I think the major problem right now is "killer" apps bound to certain ecosystems like Photoshop (yes, gimp sucks, I use photopea and Krita) and Ableton Live. We need adobe to port to Linux officially, we need Davinci Resolve to be easier to set up on Linux, we need Ableton Live and FL Studio to port to Linux and have some kind of compatibility layer for plugins. The moment a couple of those apps work on Linux desktop, it's the moment everyone starts jumping ship to the free and libre software ecosystems.

  • @KTSpeedruns
    @KTSpeedruns 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've seen two very conflicting camps of videos since Windows 10 (and now 11) have become so bloated with spyware. 1) "Here's how to debloat it, you just use this script. Look, my background processes has been reduced from over 140 to less than 80." 2) "DON'T USE SCRIPTS YOU DOWNLOAD FROM THE INTERNET, THEY'RE NOT YOUR FRIEND AND COULD BE SPYING ON YOU!"
    It reminds me of the health product industry. As soon as one camp is done saying dairy milk is super inflammatory and you should be using an alternative milk, another camp pops up to say alternative milks are just nut water infused with chemicals, just drink their new protein shake instead. Then after that camp is done, another camp pops up to say protein shakes make you fat because there's no chewing, you should get protein from pills while only eating fruits and vegetables.

  • @SirThanksalott
    @SirThanksalott 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This is a question Microsoft should be asking themselves but realistically speaking, No. The problem is at a level way deeper than simply UI dev and end user. The problem is at Management and Executive levels.

  • @vanyasmirn
    @vanyasmirn 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Sorry, but I respectfully disagree about the "platform enthusiast" part. I am an Arts student, not a software engineer or a developer, my only experience with tinkering was installing mods for games. And yet I switched to Linux on my desktop 2012 PC in order to continue work and studies. Used Mint, now use Pop_OS!. Just the most cursory glance at TH-cam videos taught me most thinngs I'll need to know, or googling when I encounter a complication.
    Otherwise I do what I used to - use browser, write docs, read books, watch movies, even a little gaming. Just like on Windows, only a little different. The benefit - I do't have to spend hundreds of dollars to upgrade to a PC tht can run Win11 to run the most recent apps and software, I get them anyway on Linux even on old hardware. I think this is a serious benefit for any casual user.
    But do these kind of people you're describing exist? Well sure! But they, although vocal, are not the majority imho. They can do their own thing and normal users can just use vanilla uduntu, Mint, Pop or any other newbie-friendly distro for the rest of their lives with minimal hassle.

    • @RunePonyRamblings
      @RunePonyRamblings 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      "Not the majority"
      Lying is fun, isn't it?

  • @MrBaracas
    @MrBaracas 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I went back to 10 to avoid having to deal with some of this. For me, the main thing that drove me away is on 11 the file system is not just buggy as hell, but slow as hell and keeps getting worse every patch on 11. On 11 i had to make a keyboard shortcut to restart explorer.exe every 30 min. 10's isn't great but better.

  • @knghtbrd
    @knghtbrd 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've been a Linux user since 1997. I realize a lot of Linux people spend a lot of their time "doing Linux" as you say, but I spend a lot of my time … in a web browser, or using Discord or an IRC client or managing downloads or … stuff like that. I actually prefer to spend as little time "doing Linux" as I can.
    Your comments on Linux fit those other people are saying: Linux isn't "getting there", it basically is there. They just need the apps they use. And no, GIMP doesn't replace Photoshop or blender replace Maya or whatever else. The apps matter to people who use them, and it's not an easy thing to change. Especially when what you're changing to works differently and is missing features you need.

  • @Sonyboj
    @Sonyboj 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Unrelated, I got hit with the Firefox Adblock bug. Fix is, force h.264 video using youtube enhancer or h264ify and turn off ambient mode.

    • @ElvenMans
      @ElvenMans 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Do you only have up to 1080p resolutions available on videos/livestreams now? I heard it does that.

  • @tomm1-c9e
    @tomm1-c9e 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    After Windows 11 update broke my Mint dual boot, I went back to Win 11 only. No more tinkering for me thank you very much.

  • @SpinDlsc
    @SpinDlsc หลายเดือนก่อน

    I sometimes wish the devs of Portals, Open Shell and OneCommander would come together and make an ultimate, stable, integrated package to completely transform the Windows experience into something better.

  • @Omizuke
    @Omizuke 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Many of this solutions aren't new. And were common in the pass. File managers and what not. Specially in the XP era. There was so many alternatives and customization. And then again in the Windows 8. I remember all the Taskbar alternatives that came out because people mised the old Start.
    And I agree with a lot of what you said. Many of us, still have a WinPC because of some specific programs we use that don't work well or at all on Linux. There was a time I had 2 PC, personal and professional. So I could have Linux and Win. Then I had just the one, but with dual boot. But eventually restarting the PC every time I switch quickly becomes and annoyance. And I end up keeping just win. And I've tried a lot of distros. I do have a few favorites. But it's always the same. Everything works great. Some of my stuff requires some work around. But then I encounter a problem, or something doesn't work. Then spend hours troubleshooting or looking for work around and solutions. And sometimes I would spend days, only to find that there is really no solution that will give me exactly what I wanted.
    I was already very displeased with Win10, all the tweaks you gotta do. And the only real way to get full control and disable all the telemetry, monitory and spy/adware that it has. You gotta break some things. And sometimes it break something you didn't' wanted to break. And Win 11 is even worst. Not only the OS itself is terrible, with many changes that are not good for desktop use. The UI. And all the Microsoft BS. I tried it few months back adn hated it. Even tried building different versions. Like making my own Tiny11. But the result was always the same. I'm back on 10. And I'll use it for as long as I can. And hope that by the time I have to move on. Linux finally have something that work 100% out of the box. I feel that with 11 there has been a bigger push to improve and develop for Linux in the last couple years that on the last previous decades. And recall only added to that.

  • @nimlouth
    @nimlouth 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Linux Fedora tribe here, represent(¿? hahaha Let me warmly recommend you (and everyone else) both open suse Tumbleweed and Fedora! Probably the best Linux distros (aside from Mint), specially Fedora just feels so professional and polished. Now onto some thoughts:
    Interesting point about the Linux enthusiast tribe! haha I think you are right, it's also HARD to not be a Linux platform enthusiast once you switch too. I'm definitely a platform enthusiast, but I also use my pc for working, gaming, studying and creating (music and I also KINDA draw a bit). I switched to Linux becase a) f&ck microsoft bs yes but also b) I get all the tools I need for FREE using open source (thank god, I'm a poor south american) and also I can contribute to making them better instead of just yelling at corpo clouds all day. I firmly think open source it's the future and I hope one day we can get all the tools we NEED on the platform we DESERVE.
    Take care and good vid!

  • @RedSntDK
    @RedSntDK หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'd be satisfied if we can save windows programs period. Wine and Proton are doing a good enough at that currently.

  • @peytonkinnamon5318
    @peytonkinnamon5318 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Guys let's pull together and make a Windows 7 R2

  • @justinwilliams7148
    @justinwilliams7148 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Haven't tried Windows 10 LTSC 2021. Will the debloat guides you made work on it?

    • @Navi_Silver
      @Navi_Silver 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I did use ltsc and it feels different compared to stock os. Lately, i installed Tiny11 on two laptops and nothing to complain about if only requirement to plug phone in usb to pc then enabling network share only once in order to obtain all drivers and updates. Good experience overall.
      When it comes to debloat, you could always use Chris Titus Tech tool Windows utility. Just do a research on internet and it should be there.

  • @summerishere2868
    @summerishere2868 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Debian works perfectly fine with BTRFS. When installing make sure your format the main partition with it. :)

  • @hagenzwosta
    @hagenzwosta 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It is not only platform enthusiasts that run Linux. Many developers also do, because it is simply better, especially when you develop for embedded devices and in C / C++. So people like me :)

  • @Maxaker
    @Maxaker 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I love listening to this mans voice

    @BLASTIC0 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i tried using 11, but all these openshell things i need to make it look like 10, have so many bugs. i had to go back to 10... ill use it till the wheels fall off... then ill switch to linux... unless we see capitulation, Windows 8.1 style.

  • @naderz4064
    @naderz4064 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I'm on linux now, I still have fond memories of windows7 and xp lol I just hate it's currently direction lol

  • @VikingDudee
    @VikingDudee 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I feel the same about linux, Its cool, but I just don't want to mess around with it, I just want it to work, and I got a few pieces of hardware that refuses to work and others thats a nightmare, Windows just works, but yeah, its Windows.

  • @Sollace
    @Sollace 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    9:22 What still bugs me is the way MS does transparency. This started with their new command line program. It has a blur when the window is not focused, and turns clear when it is. It's like... Okay, you're making text hard to read when I need to read it, and you're making it more opaque when I need to see through it.

  • @northof-62
    @northof-62 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    OpenSUSE does wine really well IMO.
    With Ubuntu /Debian I soon ran into troubles with getting all my apps to work properly.
    Then again - with printers it's the reverse.
    The funny thing is - Windows have surprinsingly good support for a lot of open source software, like LibreOffice, Rawtherapee, Gimp, Drupal etc.
    E.g. many do not know that KDE-Okular (PDF-viewer) is available in Windows Store, which is much less bloated and intrusive than Adobe's Acrobat viewer.

  • @job3rg
    @job3rg 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ive been daily driving Linux (Endevour OS) for about 2 years now. Will admit I did have a spare Windows HDD in-case-of-emergencies and for ripping my blu rays. I did some hardware upgrades, and my windows machine didn't boot. Official forums said that if i upgrade my cpu and motherboard (which i did), you need to reinstall your OS. That was the straw that broke the camels back.
    Looking know, there probably was ways to not wipe my HDD and reinstall everything, but couldn't be bothered. Couldn't fathom that the official forums said 'delete everything' after PAYING for the windows key.
    Not even a 'Linux good' type of moment. it was a 'Windows bad' moment. 100% of my daily tasks can be done on both Linux and Windows, but why would I support that type of 'support'.

  • @STCatchMeTRACjRo
    @STCatchMeTRACjRo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    even if you can handle the issues now, you will have newer issues eventually with updates. so you eighter never update the os once you fixed the issues or you handle the issues ever time an update introduces new issues. you might have added a SpyBlocker but you might need to constantly update it as you update Windows. new features, new privacy issues. it will be a constant battle keeping your Windows privacy, security and performance.

  • @MaikTiison
    @MaikTiison 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    Start menu in Win11 is a nightmare

    • @teksyndicate
      @teksyndicate  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      indeed... luckily open-shell doesn't rely on anything from MS, so it's never failed me.

    • @FlameForgedSoul
      @FlameForgedSoul 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Power Toys Run. Haven't looked at the Start menu in an age.

    • @WolvenSpectre
      @WolvenSpectre 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@FlameForgedSoul Or Flow Launcher. Both are forks of Wox and Flow has all the old functionality and more where PTR removed some of the functionality that Wox had. I use Power Toys and shut off Runner for Flow Launcher, but whatever works for the user.

    • @64bitmodels66
      @64bitmodels66 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Whats the issue with the start menu?

    • @MaikTiison
      @MaikTiison 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@64bitmodels66 it sucks

  • @ShinobiDiabolik
    @ShinobiDiabolik 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Can we safe Windows? maybe we can. Do i want to? No i do not want to do so. Is it worth it to try saving? No, its not worth saving Windows. Microsoft enshitificates Windows all the time.

  • @numberz010
    @numberz010 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love your videos on cleaning up Windows!

  • @Dream_scape47
    @Dream_scape47 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    the thing is, no matter how good you are at modding your windows 11 instalation, Microsoft can still ruin your experience with things like end of support, maybe force an update on your system and completely nuke your installation, I'd say that for the Tech enthusiast Linux is the better option, all you have to do is switch your mindset since Linux is a completely different OS, and for gamers we have Proton which manages to run most windows games out of the box except some titles that uses anti cheat software.

    • @kenlen8029
      @kenlen8029 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's a matter of not throwing a computer that functions well away. Does everything I need it to but allegedly isn't capable of running Windows 11. Trying Linux just makes sense rather than running a no longer supported system or entirely throwing the thing out. Not a big tech guy but have used PCs my whole life and been intrigued about Linux anyway. Microsoft are pushing way past the red line lately.

  • @YaySyu
    @YaySyu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    1: The steam native and steam nagive runtime packages are released as .deb files. Your package manager likely will take care of this for the respective distro
    2: SteamOS is an arch based distro. This is the OS used on their steamdecks.
    3: Most distros ship BTRFS as default in their installation. Opensuse actially has 2 releases. 1 is a rolling releases like arch linux, and the other is an immutable distribution. Basically, you cant really change the base of the system and you can reroll anything back if something breaks.

  • @lithiumflower31337
    @lithiumflower31337 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Oh god, not Open Suse. I tried that recently and it is so unbelievably slow i had to drop it in a day. It took 6 hours to install and no joke clicking on links in Firefox takes between 5-10 seconds to launch, going back to windows and links opening INSTANTLY felt like such a relief. I also couldn't get things running in Wine despite being on the 9.x version which I've had no real issues with on other distros.

  • @StaySic4Ever
    @StaySic4Ever 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I wish Win devs that actually use it and made PowerToys and stuff, could straight up improve UI/UX further. Though wherever the disconnect is in that design for final release, it's just bad for such a huge company that for OS needs to do better. I feel like some of them don't even user their OS on more then very basic level yet such thing gets approved. If they could just copy what third party programs can do, integrate it properly that'd be great. Each Win ver. I give it a go without third party stuff to see what's up, but while it can be fine at times, some things when you remember what it could be different, or changed, but lack options, you get disappointed. Though Win 11 at least made Settings better, they MS is still limping in unified UI/UX where they shouldn't.

  • @joeboxter3635
    @joeboxter3635 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    70% of users are now using Linux and they don't know it. Their phones are Linux (Android) not to mention android tablets and chrome books. If that's not enough, then a lot of digital appliances in the home are Linux as well. Lol.

  • @dddjjjj80
    @dddjjjj80 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Disk Voyager from Vjekoslav is what I'm keeping my eye on.

  • @iyaramonk
    @iyaramonk 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Slightly random question, will I need win11 to stream hdr games to my tv? Every now and then I hear about how win10 hdr is broken. I don't own a hdr monitor so I wouldn't know.

  • @Auspect
    @Auspect 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I recommend keeping an eye on Chris Titus here on the platform.

  • @tubeDude48
    @tubeDude48 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Switch, (or try out) Linux Mint. The desktop will be simple with it's own style of start button. If you only use a Browser, check mail and watch TH-cams; then you have nothing to loose, and you will be well protected! Not to mention all those windoz updates don't exist! AND, it's Free for life. And NO Ads! People will tell you it's hard to learn. NO TRUE! It's no different then using windoz desktop. There's NO learning curve unless you want to learn some of the basic Terminal commands. It comes with a FREE Office Suite, along with others programs your used to using. You won't blow it up unless you issue a specific command from the Terminal! If you want a specific program that only runs on windoz, install VirtualBox Linux, Bottle or something equivalent and use that to run your windoz program's! It evens finds your Network. Win! Win!

  • @kribbage
    @kribbage 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    spacedrive might end up being good for a gui explorer, but I've grown to just try and use terminal UI apps more and more while resigning myself to windows, Yazi is the one I use and it is fantastic and super fast. Sadly the taskbar replacements that I have used have inevitably broken at some point with updates or just randomly (same loops you are talking about - even with start11), and its not as if they don't get patched, but I'd rather just hide it and use something else rather than override it. (in my case flow launcher and the top bar in glaze-wm - tho tiling isn't for everyone)

  • @ahmedkj9923
    @ahmedkj9923 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i still use photoshop & davinci resolve in my windows 11 vm, even as linux user i can't use open source alternatives as they fail in basic tasks.

    • @teksyndicate
      @teksyndicate  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Gimp especially... but Resolve works in Linux at least.

    • @GM-Shenmue
      @GM-Shenmue 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I managed to run photoshop with Lutris

    • @mbsfaridi
      @mbsfaridi 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Davinci Resolve supports Linux natively.

  • @mileJim
    @mileJim 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Hi, just wanted to ask since I don't know much about tinkering with Windows yet. What's the difference between buying keys or just using MAS activator?

    • @GM-Shenmue
      @GM-Shenmue 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Difference is wasting money or not.

    • @mileJim
      @mileJim 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@GM-Shenmue I agree in that sense. But I've seen some youtubers that do buy them and I'm curious as to what use cases do they have that it would need an OEM key. Hence "what's the difference between them".

    • @WolvenSpectre
      @WolvenSpectre 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      The law.

  • @Teal1500
    @Teal1500 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Heck ya, tumbleweed is great, YaST also makes stuff easier.

  • @JohnnyElihue
    @JohnnyElihue 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'll say this, I'm not a Linux enthusiast and I've been daily driving Linux (specifically Fedora Linux) for the last two years now and it's been wonderful. I know Tek Syndicate can't use Linux because of the retro gaming and modding hobbies. But anyone else who doesn't need a lot of windows specific software should really give Linux a try. It's time to move on from Windows. Fedora has been rock solid and buttery smooth for me. And with steams proton compatibility layer, I rarely run into a Windows game I can't play on Linux using proton. I'd say probably around 80-90% of steams library is playable on Linux using proton. And as a note, Steam works on almost all Linux distros

  • @bd_bandkanon
    @bd_bandkanon หลายเดือนก่อน

    "Are you on Arch?" "Why yes, I do use Reddit!" 😂

  • @Gsoda35
    @Gsoda35 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I recommend multiple operating systems on one pc for the pleasure of having it all.

  • @sheppardpat47
    @sheppardpat47 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Now we need to find a way to make Windows 11 works on older hardware, like old Celerons, old non WDDM2.0 GPUs, to make old computers runs again
    Most computers can run 11 even though they don't have a compatible CPU, but hey

  • @___David__
    @___David__ 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I will NEVER install Windows 11. Period.
    That being said, I will also not switch to Linux. I have better things to do with my life than to fight an OS at every step. I've tried it and 90% of the programs I use and need didn't work, gaming didn't work... Everything was a nightmare. Linux isn't a viable alternative. Sorry for the fanboys, but there's a massive gap between what tech nerds like and what common users need.

  • @newmachine00
    @newmachine00 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We are millions of enthusiasts. And Winreducer is one of the best friends if you learn some things first.
    Did you know Windows 11 ioT Enterprise LTSC 2024 that will be a Really formidable build.

  • @StariusPrime
    @StariusPrime 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm surprised you haven't been using RetroBar longer! I love it, the closer I can make Win 11 look like Win 2K, the better. The sad truth is, Windows is getting to the point where it needs to be customized with apps as much as Linux desktops do. Which is *fine* if Microsoft was on board with that approach, but they're not. They're just gonna do what they do.

    • @STCatchMeTRACjRo
      @STCatchMeTRACjRo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      the issues is customizing with apps can actually break the system or cause instability or slowdown. with every update your hoping the app will still run and not break anything.

    • @StariusPrime
      @StariusPrime 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@STCatchMeTRACjRo Yeah that’s why I said it would be fine if Microsoft was on board with it. I don’t see them changing their current approach anytime soon though.

  • @Innadiated
    @Innadiated 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    OpenSUSE is a great distro. Its a RPM (Redhat) based distro, but one of the first to fork and is one of the oldest distros around (originally just SuSE). At home here I run SuSE on laptops, Ubuntu on servers, and Gentoo on Desktops. Gentoo is by far my fav distro, but with ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility.

    • @teksyndicate
      @teksyndicate  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Gentoo?! how long is your beard?

    • @Innadiated
      @Innadiated 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@teksyndicate thats my pic in profile... I'm a software engineer so Gentoo's built from source philosophy is perfect for my needs.

  • @mabonhunts
    @mabonhunts 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The direction you want windows to move isn't necessarily the "right" direction that is so subjective. There are a lot of people that actually want AI in Windows, they don't scream about it like the linux people that come on the windows forums and scream about how windows is bad even though they don't use it and have zero invested in it. And btw AI is going to come to Linux as well its the way of the future weather you like it or not scream all you want Canonical it building it into Ubuntu as we speak, and everyone else will follow. Just cause AI is bad now doesn't mean it won't be super human tomorrow. You can either embrace it or stick your head in the sand and pretend its not here until you have no choice but too use AI

  • @roccociccone597
    @roccociccone597 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've been on Linux for nearly a decade now. Windows 10 was the straw that broke the camel's back. I have a MacBook with the m2 pro chip since I want good battery life and an efficient laptop. Every other device in my home is running some flavour of Linux. Watching veteran Windows users being more and more fed up with M$ bs is quite interesting. Perhaps that's the push we needed in the Linux world. But I expect it to be quite a while until we're finally able to cover creative use cases too.

  • @CCJ1998
    @CCJ1998 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I run Linux and still have a Windows box separate from my Linux one. Some days I enjoy using Linux then there are some days like today when I was trying to do some video encoding with handbrake using the hardware encoder it just wouldn't do anything but waste my afternoon. So to me for now Linux to play around with Windows to get work done, and I treat it like a business machine only.

  • @EduardoRamirez-em5qw
    @EduardoRamirez-em5qw 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sure but.... Why?? The abusive policies and privacy invasion is only going to get worse from now on. Better to adapt to other tools and leave Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk etc..

  • @RoundTableChris
    @RoundTableChris 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The question becomes, how long are you going to spend fixing Windows until you realize adjusting to Linux would save you time?

    • @teksyndicate
      @teksyndicate  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Video coming next week on why I can't use Linux. Basically, my music program keeps me on Windows

  • @danwood_uk
    @danwood_uk 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Directory Opus 13 transforms Windows 11 and is much better than Explorer.

  • @bend7726
    @bend7726 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Literally windows 11 is going to keep getting worse with every dumb idea that microsoft decide to implement. They want you to run your computers exactly how THEY want it and arent planning on settling for less.
    Theres just no point trying to fix or customise windows anymore as it will literally take one update package to go through and mess everything up. They tried the exact same thing on windows 10 which kept resetting the default browser to edge after every update if it was set to anything different.
    Linux IS the future.

  • @BenjaminWheeler0510
    @BenjaminWheeler0510 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    As an openSUSE user, I wouldn’t recommend it or any arch-based distro to newbies. Too unstable, even TW. I’d just say install Fedora and use one tutorial to set up btrfs snapshotting.

    • @Innadiated
      @Innadiated 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      openSuSE is based on RedHat not Arch. openSuSE Leap and Fedora (also based on RedHat by RedHat) are edge distros, meaning they implement software very quickly - more unstable. openSuSE tumbleweed on the other hand is an LTS style release. More like Debian. The stability of the system will depend on your software package configuration openSuSE's tools themselves are extremely solid.

  • @TheDotBot
    @TheDotBot 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    IMO Linux users are only "platform enthusiasts" when they're getting into Linux. Distro hopping, ricing, and optimising this and that gets old, but Linux doesn't. I've been using essentially the same Linux setup since the days of Windows 7. That makes me very boring, I have nothing to talk about, so I'm not really on anyone's radar. I'm fine with that.

  • @darkphase7799
    @darkphase7799 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tbh I have only played with Linux a tiny little bit, mostly from usb boots when I have encountered errors on windows and needed a different os o repair it. With how windows is going I really am considering dual booting Linux with Windows and only jumping to windows for things I can't use on Windows. I think I am less worried about gaming on Linux, I am more worried about doing things that may involve privacy on windows. But it is still going to take some time until I swap. I have used Chris Titus's script to turn off feature updates, I also run a version of Windows that I stripped myself.

  • @kilobitz8639
    @kilobitz8639 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Windows will be SASS in a couple of years. MS really put the nail in the coffin with Recall.