Right you have a handbook to study to get your other licenses. Marriage is the only license that you get no hand book or anything to study on the fucking you’re going to get. You are not told that you just blindly get married and keep up with the Jones.
Speak for yourself.You have to be stupid to to get married without thinking it through properly. You may have done that be I think most people ain't that shallow or stupid
So do us women who are used to holding 2 or 3 jobs and the men want us yo be stay at home moms. My bf just suggested it, i am used to having 2 jobs and would end up clawing the walls if i didnt go to work...
@@Somedude-e3i lets see... with no wife to divorce me and take half of EVERYTHING and no college to pay for ill be in a big paid off house with more the enough cash to have a hot blonde wet nurse with DD breasts take care of every need....thats my plan at least...gonna be rough
@@Somedude-e3i Retirement home? There are nurses who take care of you. What is sad about this statement is how many old people are abandoned in retirement homes even with family. I think having a family should bring happiness but it can bring allot of misery as well. Choose wisely. Don't go for the hot girl go for your best friend.
After a few years, if you divorce, your closest person becomes you worst enemy and knows the best ways to destroy you. Then they take your family and everything that you own.
I know that. My ex husband and my father are friends but my father's new wife refuses to let my father talk to me because my ex made me call him a cab home at their wedding... he got way to drunk and couldn't hardly stand up
"Married men may live longer, but they are a lot more willing to die" I saw this spray painted on a van downtown 10 years ago and i still think of it often.
Actually, the video's authors got it wrong. On the average, it looks that married people live longer than single people. However, when separated by gender, it turns out that married men have longer life compared to single men. And, married women have SHORTER LIFESPAN than single women.
@@ik1408 Also married men work on average 7 more hours a week until they're 60-65 while single men can retire waaay earlier (around 50 and its probably be earlier and earlier)
@@Ludoovik When I was a married woman, I worked about 10 more hours a week than my (ex)husband, helping him to get his degree. He got his degree and as a gratitude for my help, he tried to kill me twice to collect life insurance. There are just as many men as there are women willing and desiring to take advantage of their partners.
Thank GOD you did. Everything in traditions they gave us was to keep the ECONOMY GOING, they need you in situations where you are going to SPEND MONEY and marriage and kids with that life draining HOUSE with it’s never ending EXPENSES is where they need you. GUYS, IF YOU WANT FREEDOM FROM MISERY, DO NOT GET MARRIED. It is a TRAP THAT WILL DESTROY YOU. DO NOT LET THE BANKERS POLITICIANS AND WEALTHY INDUSTRIALISTS (corporation owners) enslave you to this system....
@@kevinvictoria3957 sometimes only one side is the breaker of the bond and your heart. some women will leave u and break the bond wen u wanted to keep it strong. my second wife sanjuna left me for another man, 3rd wife left me for another women, my 5th wife died of yeast infection.
I'm a millennial. I got married in my early 30's. My 2 year anniversary was yesterday. Happily married, with a kid on the way, to a woman I've known for over 10 years. We're very practical and we try not to do things in a 'traditional' manner. My wedding cost under $5k including rings. We rather buy a house and stay out of debt. We're best friends. Life could not be better!
I’m gonna tell you what happened to a friend of mine. He dated a girl for 5 years and She moved in with him. He bought her dream home when they got engaged. It was a really expensive and nice home. So a year later after they planned a huge marriage. It was an expensive wedding. They had everything in order. He loved this girl to death and would die for her. So a week before the wedding, she comes up to him and says she’s leaving him and that she’d been cheating on him the whole time, and that she’s found another man, and leaves him there. He lost thousands of dollars from that wedding. He eventually lost the dream home. He lives in a small apartment now, has bad suicidal depression, and hasn’t had a gf since her because he doesn’t trust women other than a couple friends. The man is most likely gonna die alone :(
I read these stories all the time. This is why I don’t trust women. I had a girlfriend who I loved, but she was very selfish. She always talked about her and I getting married. At first, I was down until she started pressuring me and told me that I was in the red zone. When she said that a lightbulb went off in my head, I started thinking about what my life would be with her crazy ass. So I gave her a decision, either do what I want or it’s over. She refused to do it and now I’m FREE! The sex was great, but I didn’t want to be miserable anymore.
I’m a married woman and strangely enough I believe that men have little incentive to get married. My husband has been divorced a few times before and it’s given me insight into the inequality and sexist nature of divorce court. I agreed to sign a prenup so that in the (God forbid) event of a divorce, I wouldn’t take his pension that his ex tried to take. I feel for divorcing men who genuinely are good fathers and and husbands but their wives were too unwilling to work harder at the marriage knowing full well that divorce favors them. Why should a divorced woman be entitled to anything? If I quit my job, I am not entitled to the same lifestyle that I had while employed. It’s my responsibility to make my life better, not depend on an ex anything.
@@mgtowbooboo8530 It's a shame because men used to be respected in society. Being a man actually meant something and now we are reduced to tools. It will rebalance itself eventually because men are the backbone of society after all.
Kelly Leung you know nothing. If you read some history books you would understand men never oppressed women. Women relied on men cause they couldn’t survive on their own. Ever heard of dowries?
senseofstile Marriage is way more beneficial to women than it is to men. They will always win the court battles in a divorce, they'll always win custody of the kids, and they'll take all of your money as well. It makes sense why fewer men in this day and age would rather not get married, there's nothing to gain from it anymore
Yeah and to be honest way back in the day marriage was only really for claiming a women so you Could have kids and repopulate the country of city state you lived in caue of war like in ancient Greece but now we are over populated and more men going mgtow means theres hope we can one day fix the over population crisis one day I wish life was like in video games where if you loved someone you got married had kids and lived in white picket fence house but no such luck what has the world come to this is why If i can I want to download my consciousness into a vr world and live with perfect women forever 2d women cause let's face it finding love isn't that much of a big deal nowadays
@@bobmcbobbington9220 Please excuse us while we grow up in a world completely different from every other generation, you don't know the world we grew up in...it's not the world you grew up in. Try this once: reflect on how society has changed and tell us how we're logically incorrect. I'll wait.
Marriage isn't really the problem. Its just that over time people sorta hate each other. And today no one cares enough about anyone to work thru it. No one is a princess and their are no prince charming. Just depressed individuals who want out.
Uh, no. First, 70%+ women want out of all divorces in the US. Secondly, if there is something that is causing such disproportion, there must be an incentive to women to opt out. In reality, women are opting out of marriage (which they have no commitment) but have the benefit of having the man not opt. This basically allows them to have sex with other men while the husband subsidizes her for doing this.
I've been married twice, both lasted from courting to divorce, about 20 years. My thinking is that biologically, humans used to live 20 years or less, perhaps 18 years some 2,000 years ago. Just enough time to have children, and see after them a bit. They probably had children as soon as the could. Sooooooooooooo, perhaps 20 years is enough time learn to hate your spouse. So at age 70, if I were to marry again, I would tell her this, and warn her that in 20 years, I outta there.
i totally agree, i think its just a matter of first, knowing that u are with the right person for you, and second, lots of communication, this is key, and trust. Marriage or not, it really is like any other long term compromise. All relationships need work and care from both sides. I dont necessarily believe that u need to get married with your partner in order to build a life together. I think its a matter of personal preference.
I like how my friends got married. They got married in a local park, dressed in clothes they already owned, asked the guests (only friends and local family) to bring the food, and the person who asked them their vows was my friend's aunt. In the end the only money they had to put up was for the marriage license and any paperwork.
When I was young, my wealthy grandpa was dying in his bed, had all the family members gathered by his bed. His last word to me was "Never get married.. all you need to do is hire couple nurses when you are old.." that line stuck in my head since I was young and I've been only dating since
But then again he wouldn't have your family - children and grandkids - that gathered around him if he never got married! He'd die with only the couple nurses he hired to be beside him. So your grandpa didn't see the importance of your family being there.
What about if I researched what made a parachute work and thoughtfully observed the parachute? Then maybe I would be able to tell if it would work or not. If you truly wish to stay married with another person who truly wants to stay married it is not 50/50.
Chrissy Eh? The probability of a divorce based on the USA data is 50%. There is no opinion or any deviation from it. Basically, of all the people that you know who are married, 50% of them will end up being divorced. The good thing is that divorce only happens to bad marriages...
@@wanelly that's US data. If you changed the population to just mormons for example a church I grew up in and know many married couples from, it's not going to be 50% rate of marriages that end in divorce. You're saying it'll be either a failure or a success so why take the chance except when some people that are 100% against divorce marry someone 100% against divorce that concept is inapplicable. Surprise how about we marry people we actually love and trust and want an ongoing relationship with.
I wanted to married when i was 21 but my gf (same age) said we are young and we must live our lives before we made this big step! Now at 34 i dont even want to hear about kids and marriage.
Rayven Wrong. It was an ignorant one. Women are at their most marriageable at 25. After that, the quality of men they can attract goes down and down. She should have settled down early, to get the best possible man. Now she will die as a cat lady.
I was married 2x 7 years the first time in the 90s cost me $300,000 plus all the depression and financial problems that came with it, the 2nd time in the 2000s again for 3 years cost me $300,000 never recuperated from the financial problems, it cost the women nothing they had nothing when we were married. and then after the divorce they were financially independent, what a deal for the women. Marriage is not a good thing today the government and the law makes it very difficult. what do we have to live for if the great thing that we can have in this life ( a family) is destroyed by the laws made by incompetent leaders..
Mario Piazza` You already knew first hand that the stove was burning hot, why did you come back for more and stick your hand in it once again? You were seeking your own financial destruction. That’s what self reflection is for. You just got what you paid for that is a shit sandwich. I’m sure you know the definition of insanity according to Einstein. Hopefully, you learnt your lesson, it’s not rocket science. Unless you want to obliterate what remains of you after those two iterations. Sadly MGTOW will unlikely ever be understood by the majority of simps and cucks out there.
I like it a lot, but I didn't get married until I was 39 years old and my wife is from another country and culture. Also, only 5 years into it. It's not bad with a good woman.
@@aguywithaname7764 lol people change all the time. Are you the SAME EXACT PERSON u were 10 years back? When u marry a woman she might be great, after 7 years she might change and now u are forced to give her all of your money just because she doesn't feel love anymore
Also, I would like to add to the suggestions at the end to not listen to your f*&%ing parents. Whether they pressure you to get married, or if you decide to get married and they pressure you to have a big expensive wedding, don't listen to them. Do your own thing, especially if you're paying for it.
Not to be an ass, but maybe men should start saying "no" to women who don't share the bill on date night and especially when they begin to demand expensive weddings. We exist, I'm proof, and I know other ladies personally who think the same as I do. Yeah, maybe dating will get a bit more difficult but I think it's worth it to find a decent and loving partner. cheers.
All InOne In my dating experience I've always shared the bill or my date has offered to pay and I've refused. Still, there are some who insist. Any woman who expects a man to pay is disgusting, I certainly don't want to pay for two people so I'm sure he won't either.
Ok so basically you don’t get one piece of paper you get another!?!? And even if you don’t get married you may still have to go through legal proceedings to separate shared property, animals, and/or children. Weddings wouldn’t stress people out if they would just enjoy getting married instead of trying to impress people who are probably rooting for your failure.
msluvlee717 Just because the average couple spends $30k, doesn’t mean you have to. Most people in debt get divorced. If you don’t have debt right away, it helps immensely.
Infact you don't even need a wedding you can just get the paper and boom your hitched no debt weddings are stupid don't have one also fuck getting married for me if I want a kid hello adoption center
Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled but, God never said to marry the state and that is what a state marriage license is. God intended to Govern marriage in holy matrimony and not be have it dictated by a Marist government. Marriage is a Covenant between two people who become one with God. A Government can't make a true covenant in marriage because marriage is ordained by God just like government can't license you as a preacher because that is ordained by God. For thousands of years people joined together in the sight of God, officiated by a minister outside of any legal arrangement with the state. The state has no business in the marriage business. And you make valid points and cheers!
Not always. My dad had ties to a court judge that got him everything in the divorce and left me and my mother without anything. He beat her and tried to kill her, yet he got away without paying child support and took all material goods.
50% of women don’t get anything. Women are gradually becoming the bread winners. Furthermore, if you can have a woman sign a prenup before marriage to keep assets.
But they did mention the fact that divorced women have less money......you think the court might be doing that to help women who make less in general and have to spend more on the kids after?.......
It's no secret that divorce laws in the US favor women. Oh wait, it must be, because here's a video about why men aren't getting married that goes for over ten minutes without mentioning alimony or visitation rights.
my visitation rights are on a Tuesday from noon-3pm, even though i raised/had my kid 7days a week, she found a new man and lets him be dad now while i give her my pay checks
I learned young, that marriage was simply asking to completely ruin your life. Even as a child, I knew of not a single solitary example of a marriage which was not a veritable nightmare. I commissioned myself to remain unmarried. Thank You God. I can surely see I made no mistake. Why would a person get married in the first place, I could never understand that; marriage belongs only in storybooks. I certainly never regretted it. Now, had I done otherwise, I'm sure this comment would read VERY differently.
Your outlook is based on your own experience not based on facts. Your thoughts on others leads you to never expect anything from anyone. Your ass will need to be wiped one day. Understand today wants is not tomorrow needs.
@@MrDan11422 your kids could still leave you dying and they usually do. Who lives with their 70 year old parents it's 2022 now You will have to arrange for something where you can be taken care of at old age either way and you have better opportunities and chances of being financially strong enough by that age if you stay away from liabilities like marriage and kids. I am open to having my mind changed
If a woman tells you she wants to get married because you make her "happy" that's a red flag. Why? Happiness is a mindset, which means that as she ages (nothing to do with maturity BTW) her idea of happiness will change as it will for the man, however the man DID NOT get married for "Happiness", he got married for the vagina and companionship. How can happiness for her change? Let's look at her default languages. Her first love language - money. Either you do not make enough to excite her anymore OR you make too much which requires you to be away from her more. Her second love language - attention. They love to be desired and to turn heads, its why they cover their faces with powder and toxic chemicals to appeal to both sexes (not just men), some argue they wear toxic chemicals to appeal to the same sex more often than the opposite sex. Either you make her feel sexy 24/7 or you don't look at her "the same" anymore. Her third love language - Adaptation. The female species believe that as a man you should adapt to her changes in life BUT DO NOT expect her to adapt to yours. Of course they will say they would or "I'm not like that" but statistically they're lying. Who do I personally blame? I blame their grandmothers and mothers OR lack thereof. As little girls they were not taught the role of a woman in a family & to some extent in society. So as they grew into their manipulative bodies & vain mindsets they created their own ideology of what it means to be a woman which sadly in current times repulse men (at-least the ones with standards) and will begin a life where they become damaged. Their outcome is limited 1. Single Mom = bouncing around men hoping one commits to raising the DNA of another man 2. Lesbian - deciding to scissor their significant other for as long as that lasts 3. Alone - where they become bitter and grow a dislike in men due to their inability to identify the problems within themselves. As men we have to set standards high and also develop ourselves (physically, spiritually, financially) first in order to retain respect from the female species. Girls will stop going to clubs for whoring hour if men would stop going there for whoring as well. Girls will stop makeup and surgery if men admit how dumb or ugly it actually looks and our desire for natural beauty Girls will stop divorcing you if you lay down your intent in marriage and for crying out loud STOP GETTING A MARRIAGE LICENSE! You DO NOT NEED A MARRIAGE LICENSE, do you own research about that, this way the state is not allowed in your affairs and due to NO CHILD SUPPORT given she may even try to work out the marriage since there is no monetary incentive to ruin her children lives by removing both parents from under the same roof. In closing one thing both sexes need to realize and some will through painful experiences, YOU CAN NOT FIX A BROKEN PERSON! Broken people BREAK normal people. Do everything in your power to find out if the person is broken or damaged before you invest your time, love and energy into that individual otherwise they will hurt you in the long run.
@NightWolf It's the responsibility of both parents to raise a child. The mom isn't specifically in charge of the girl, and if that's how you think it is you've gone blind my friend.
Wise speech! Choose carefully your soulmate before it's too late! Set conditions as if it's a business contract, clarifying roles and responsibilities. Set priorities, financial plans so, no complaints are to be made in the future! Who's the man of the house? Who's the house maker? Learn How to raise children in a healthy environment?!
The greatest con ever pulled was this idea that being "commitment phobic" is somehow a negative thing. Like, it's rational to want to handcuff yourself to another human being for the rest of your tiny miserable life. FFS.
The selfish sex initiates 70 to 80% of divorces, because they know they can rob a man with the aid of gynocentric family courts. It's not men who have the problem with "commitment" because men aren't the ones who dump their spouses as soon as it becomes advantageous.
Alexnadru Dinca - yep and I would advise any man considering marriage their fools. Family courts are biased against men. An unknown judge will tell you when and if you can see your children. They will tell you what you're going to do with your property and income. While your ex will go to court for no contact orders, use your children as pawns. Trust me guys it will happen to you. The woman your considering marrying is no different from any other woman out there.
+bryson chatman his mother or his wife? either way doesn't matter because many young men have their mother do the same shit to their fathers and step-fathers
I've been married for 3 years now, been together for 6. Definitely greatest decision we have made. She lifts me up when im down, keeps me level headed. She makes hard decisions easy for me. We travel, explore, started businesses, HAVE 5 CHILDREN. It's saddening to see how many people are so negative about marriage. Find the right person for YOU. Not your situation. It did not take long after us being together that I knew we would be together forever. Theres always ups and downs but with proper communication and patience and genuine love there should be nothing that cannot be overcome. BTW we are millennials. 28 years young
"Together forever." You're in LOVE!!!! But son, when the inevitable time comes, know that you are not alone, and start watching Tom Leykis videos. Just don't before then. "Blow Me Up Tom!"
uk7769 the inevitable? And whats that? Divorce? Seperation? Its funny how sad people are in their own life to project, and predict anothers life. We are solid, and nobody's sad silly comment will change that. What's inevitable, is not what can be predicted by some miserable fools on youtube. There is no question that what we have is eternal. I just wish you all could find the same. Unfortunately with the mindset of the few that have commented so far, THAT will NEVER happen.
Congrats dude. Hope it lasts till infinity. It’s all by luck though so hopefully I’m as fortunate as you one day :). Not all of them are bad...but statistically speaking....my luck is getting worse by the day.
My parents pressure me and my sisters to NOT get married. They have been happily married for 43 years but they tell us there is nothing wrong with living with someone you love and building a live together without the legally binding documents.
@scott sanger I don't understand this common law marriage if your assets and finances are not tied together how can she legally take half of it when you technically own it all since you are not technically married doesn't really make sense
Do you have reliable sources regarding the 1st half of the video talking about the history of marriage ?! The Sources you listed are mostly opinion articles not facts.
Basem Tawfek well when the subject of the video, (marriage) is really about feelings, that makes the subject of the video completely subjective. I wouldn’t say you could properly article feelings anyway, and why humans feel them.
the future will be a sight too see mark my words a bunch of senior single citizens no children the level of selfishness will go through the roof. Because if you think about it people are already pretty shitty to each others and the towards the planet right !!! So with the marriage and children born per year rate lowering every year the less people will care about how they treat each other or what they leave for future generations.
Honestly, I think when you get to the deepest parts of history, we can pretty much only guess anyway. I'd say just take that section with a grain of salt.
The person that created marriage is crazy, they be like *"I'm so in love with you that I'm gonna get the government involved so you couldn't leave me"* .
When you have to get the government involved to prove you love someone is a red flag right there it's a trap you can't get out of that's not love many men who are not happy who are married can't leave because if they do they lose everything. The woman on the other hand can cheat take the house and kids take the car have the man she cheated on you with move in with her and the kids while you pay alimony and child support and live in a cheap run down apartment with your life ruined.
5:43 you only pay less taxes if one partner earns substantially less than the other. So either you keep your money and pay more taxes, or give a large part to your partner and pay less tax over it. That's not a benefit, that's evening out.
He failed to mention that you'll most likely have two incomes for the majority of your marriage. Tax savings aren't really a thing unless one stays home.
Nope, no getting mare-raid to red mary in the gynocentric age of MGTOW Getting in bed with a woman is one thing - getting in bed with her family, her divorce lawyer, and the state is a tragedy waiting to happen to an easy mark.
My wife signed a prenuptial. the house, my car, my retirement savings and investments are all mine up to the value we had at the start of our marriage. she only gets half of any gains from that point. Prenuptial can say anything, thats what i did to be fair. i drew a line in the sand is all and said, "thats where we started".
Unfortunately a lot of guys end up having to make a hard choice, b/c its usually a relationship deal breaker. She'll have "nicer" reasons than wanting your money when she tries to convince you, but ultimately, if she considers this a deal breaker, those reasons are more important than wanting to be with you, which sounds like a pretty good reason to leave her anyway.
Only requirement to pay alimony is to have male parts. It’s an incredibly sexist double-standard making women have the upper hand. Just like child custody. Unless the woman is a crack whore out on the steeet or doesn’t want the child, she’s always in favor.
@@jondstewart yup. One of the biggest reasons guys dont stay around and raise their kids. Men have to pay out the ass and barely see their kids. Why would they stick around?
You missed a huge con for men. You touch on women being more independent and earning more, but don't mention that they are still the ones that make out like bandits in a divorce. Why would men want to risk their finances for an arrangement that has very few pros? Fix the divorce courts and you've done step one for fixing marriage. People who decide to leave a marriage shouldn't be entitled to lifelong monetary payments, go get a damn job.
Plus women marry up so she will always be looking for a man who makes as much or more than her, women don't want to take care of a man in any way shape or form, the only reason they did it in the past is because they had to cause they were stuck home.
b166ir Bro, you ever hear of the Uniform Premartial Agreement Act? It was created in 1983, and is in place in 27 states. It states that prenups can’t be thrown out unless one partner commits fraud, the prenup is signed under duress, or the terms of the prenup will result in one partner being eligible for welfare. I’d like to hear where you got that 80% statistic, because even in states where the UPPA isn’t a thing, it’s fairly rare for a prenup to be thrown out. An interesting fact is that marriages that begin with a prenup are more likely to fail. The reasoning behind that is fairly obvious.
@@missmorbid1439 "made under duress" depending on the judge you get saying "they wouldn't marry me if I didn't sign the pre-nup" can beclassed as duress
Those who create debt for a marriage ceremony are just foolish. I get that they want to have a "happy celebration" but they should be able to afford it foremost. Plus, a big wedding cake, a white dress and black tux, and countless guests are not what makes a marriage ceremony "happy." Far from it; from what I've seen it creates more stress than happiness. But hey, you do you booboo.
People care too much about "being seen as cheap" Those who care about that, care more about what other people think of them than the financial stability and happiness of the actual marriage, unfortunately.. It's the whole diamond ring dilemma again. If you can't say "yes" because someone presented you with a cheap ring, then you don't deserve that person's devotion anyway, gold digger. Money sucks, basically, lol.
Society's pressure to get married looms in your 30's like you're a freak if you're not when I just genuinely want to be financially stable, happy, and as stress free as I can tbh
Exactly , people got life twisted I’m 35 and I’m the best shape physically and mentally and am happy everyday , most people are sheep and will do whatever everyone else is doing , I got my own condo drive a Benz got money in the bank I’m living great but ppl think cuz I’m not Marriad I should be unhappy lol fools
@@harpreetweston right but getting married doesn't make people sheep, for you being single gives you that feeling, for me that feeling comes from my partner and making him happy
100 percent bro congrats to you for finding your soulmate , for most people that just don’t happen . Marriage when it comes to your way is blessing , take care god bless
Married people are way more financially stable and own way more property statistically. It’s very hard to build wealth alone and much easier as a team.
There's this thing that I saw once (probably isn't true for everyone) that the more you spend on your wedding the more likely you are to get divorced with the person you married
@@michaelstephenvargas8821 I'm 26, my wife and I have been together for 8 years (married for four) and our relationship is amazing. We also spent about 100 dollars on our "wedding" we invited a justice of the peace (USA) to our favorite restaurant, along with our parents. We had lunch said our vows and signed the paper. I think the reason a more expensive wedding makes divorce more likey, isn't really about the wedding, it's about the couple. To me a big expensive wedding is more about showing off, for lack of a better term, rather than committing to the one you love. It's an ego boost for the couple and if you're going into a marriage for an ego boost, you have the wrong idea. That being said I don't think this applies to everyone, though I don't know anyone personally who spent 30 grand or more on a wedding.
@@vanaphill2454 Lol You sure about that? I have a crush right now. I love her with all my heart. If we were to get married. I would not be selfish. I would be caring. I would be gentle. To be honest with your men are scared of what women can do in today's society. *cough* (take all the money and leave) *cough* Wow that was a long cough. It doesn't even make any sense since this is written text. 😂
I am 26 years old I make 60k a year in Arkansas I have a home and 20 acres I almost got married Once (missed a bullet big time it about took my head off) I am happy for the most part but my opinion is marriage its not a bad thing the problem now days we have a ME culture and what you can do for ME. With no morale or ethics or how to treat other people that's why you are seeing people not getting married. But a side note is that it would be nice to find someone that u would live with and be happy with because its not fun being by yourself. Just my two cents
@jad nashaat in math yeah. But marriage is one of those things where you have complete control over. Don't be stupid stupid. Especially now is the best time imo. Because now we not only have people who we can look up to for great marriages, but we also have very specific examples of what not to do. The MGTOW community is so full of pitiful egomania they would never tell us what they've done wrong in their marriages (because of course it's 100% evil women, and you're an innocent angel. Pathetic), so us men who actually want to get married (and make it work) won't do that. We at least have information on what women to definitely avoid.
If our ancestors did not have a self centered "ME" mentality. Humans would've died off well over 20,000 years ago. A year ago I would've completely agreed it was a problem, and in the modern world it still is. But being selfish has been functional for most of life, and your genes wouldn't be alive if your ancestors were not self centered. Read The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
The higher the trends on power and money the lower the value of marriage as the risk increase to asset loss is magnified. This is an implication of the lack of proper legal protections making marriage avoidance the most pragmatic approach
Prenups are not binding in court and in my state are not enforced by any bank. This means your spouse can get a credit card, charge up $100,000 on it, default and hang you for the bill. THAT is the way the law is written.
Greg Patterson No, it wasn't. This sentence could have easily been combined into one. Also, ease up on the pedantic language if you want anyone to understand you.
So damn relatable. What I have realised is, most women in my family, they have an appealing facade, both interms of appearance and character, the flaw is hidden deep within. I'm so certain that whosoever lives with them would never thrive for how brutally pathetic they are, but whosoever talks to them just for a while would feel pleased by their presence. This gave me the realisation that most women are not who they seem to be, a few dates wouldn't let us know who they truly are. Most men aren't gentle either, and this brought me to an utter conclusion that the fancy facade, is nothing but a deception, the sweet words and soothing service is nothing but a misdirection. It may take years or even eons to properly know what's within.
Look, here's the point. You don't get married because of money or because you want someone to do all the job for you, you get married because of love, and that's around it. Don't want to get married? Don't, you're not living in a country where you're forced to marry. Keep on whoring around as much as you'd like, man or woman. No need to judge. You want to live together with the person that you love and not get married? Fucking go for it. You want to get married to make your relationship more 'official' and be committed to someone for the rest of your life? Dude, that's your choice. If we're talking about a marriage where everything revolves around money, why the fuck did you marry in the first place? Marriage is a choice in modern society, we're not living in a third world country where you get married to an old man at the age of ten. Stop complaining, do what you want to do, and treat people with respect.
Lily Zett But before loving others, you need to love yourself. Otherwise, you will repel love and soon, hate. Hate as a Sith. This video is easier to explain: th-cam.com/video/vXbCWJNfq_0/w-d-xo.html
Wanna be happy and financially successful? Three rules: 1. Do not marry. 2. Do not have children. 3. Do not buy a house.All this from personal experience, and observation.
From personal experience, I find doing the exact opposite can be far more effective, if done right. Depends a lot on your self, who you are as a person.
@Benni B Then find a house that's actually build properly, not one of those shitbox project homes that are build to fail. Or even learn to build one yourself, although to be fair when most people do that they still end up fucking it up out of stupidity. Also, know where to invest. Basically, don't be an idiot. But sometimes that's just too much to ask of people.
Benni B houses are never ending money pits because most of them are designed to be. Tradies rig it to ensure ‘future business’. If you buy a house that’s made properly, it’s not going to be a money pit. Simple.
Nothing against people getting married but if half of all marriages end in divorce, the vast majority within the first 3 years and initiated by the woman then chances are low of having a successful one. And thats if you define "sucess" purely by staying together. This does not even factor people who feel unhappy but stay together for other reasons
Did anyone else notice that there is an increase of women who want to be married, but also a decrease in women who want to be home makers? And at the same time, a decrease in men who want to be married? Coincidence?? I think not!!
Good point. In the past, the cons of marriage for men (no longer being able to play the field; paying for a housewife) were outweighed by the pros (a loyal housewife who understood her marital duties). Thanks to feminism, women have jettisoned their side of the marriage compact.
@@LipSyncLover I totally understand. My family and immigrated to the US when I was very little and so having been exposed to these two cultures (my native one and a more western one) I have to say that I do not like the mentality that has evolved in some women now-a-days. I look up to my mom and really understand the housework she puts it and to me it's really beautiful for a woman to dominate the home like this. But that's just my two cents... 😕
There are no pros for men. You gamble on a woman’s everlasting love, which will never be the love you want, with half of everything you have, including your children. Do. Not. Do. It.
And it's wrong to tear kids away from their loving parents so courts need to start telling them to lay down their swords and remember who they married and as long either one is not harmful to the kids they need to work out a parenting plan...maybe locked in a room like a Jury?...be fun to have a reality show of it...Not!
Any woman with work ethic, her own earned money and common sense will be happy to just date (even v long term) and not get married. For truly independant women who don't want to sponge off a man, marriage in 2019 has no benefit. Unfortunately, that type of woman is very rare today!
TOP TIER GAMERS mgtow doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. I still casually date. Some don’t. Some avoid women completely. We all believe in something a little different but we all agree that marriage is a horrible deal for men
Lets be honest Marriage is only beneficial to women, with the occasional exception. Why do men avoid marriage?? For the same reason men in jail avoid picking up the soap..
@@andreakotze5309 My older brother found out his youngest child was not his biological child.He filed for divorce.She can keep the house, he has to pay alimony for her, and a ton of child support.He was willing to care for the children 50%.But she rather receives a paycheck and leave the kids at her moms house so she can party.He has to go to court everytime to make her letting him see his kids.And he can't get custody because he doesn't have a house lol.Believe it or not they even tried to make him pay child support for the child that is not his. This may seem over the top.But just ask any man and they will know a man in a similar situation.
@@andreakotze5309 Yes but i think when people are in love they don't want to think about these things.But they really should.And you are right i wouldn't trust their intentions either.It was really ugly and before this happened i've heard many men men complain about similar situations. at this point i would say just have your own ceremony.
Men avoid marriage because it's basically prison in reality. When a woman divorces a man she takes all of his fortune and belongings for which he worked hard for. Feminists have been fighting against shared custody, it's not destroyed, but divorced men very rarely see their kids, which the woman took with her. I will never get married. When you get married, you sign a waiver that says you have to give up your life.
If you are a man, don't get married. Avoid it altogether. It doesn't benefit you in any way at all. It simply exposes you to unimaginable levels of risk. Get a partner, but never sign that contract.
Men have really lost their balls. You let the government make a bitch out of you. It's funny because you're being over taxed and worked to death. Yet blame women and the kids you made?
@@karenmurray4608 Yes, I totally agree, far too many women cheat in a marriage and then if there's a divorce she steals half his stuff with the aide of the government.
Also, the average cost for weddings in America is much higher than it is in Europe, probably because many "typical american" (not all of them, of course) are aiming for a straight-outta-Hollywood kinda look. I don't remember the exact difference between the average costs, but I remember it being quite huge.
So u want more single moms raising kids ??? Then those children have to help the single parents and have lil time or money for them. Sinve their parents are un able to do everything alone.
After seeing my parents with divorce and the years of them fighting and hating each other. A fight over money and custody of myself and my brother till we were adults and even further. Just something about a marriage just really disinterests me. I have yet to see a lot of marriages work and people stay together even recently two of my friends got a divorce and it was ugly the whole time. I just don't see how that's something worth looking forward too or wanting.
b0ks b0ks ,my parents didn't get along too, I guess that's what happens when you treat marriage like a job We're very over-religious in here and most marriages are arranged (and it's just recently that romance started becoming acceptable) so my parents never got together my memories of my childhood is just filled with memories of them screaming at each other or mentally (and even *PHYSICALLY*) abusing me
I’m sorry you both went through that. Unfortunately I suffered the same problems with my parents and it has caused me to be non combative at all. I truly hate arguing and it gives me anxiety. Now I see my son going through the same thing with his youngest kid mom. She even argues with me and my mom. She’s mad because my son decided not to marry her. She’s crazy as bat shit. I just feel bad for my grandson and I hope this doesn’t destroy his childhood
It's funny how in your pros you miss one of the most important reasons to get married. Look at the stats on the difference between kids raised in a two parent household vs. kids raised by single parents.
Okay. You can raise your kids together without being married. How much damage does it do to a child to be jn a toxic household where the parents hate eachother? Being exposed to long term trauma and negative environment causes PTSD and worse problems than "not having daddy or mommy" around all the time.
Q: How are women and a hurricane alike? A: When they arrive they're both wet and wild, when they leave, they take your house and your car and everything else.
There is no pros for men at all, I knew it all along. Already decided in like 3rd grade or something to never get married, I am 18 now and still go by that.
Musicbox Mermaid I wrote a long ass reply but I'll sum it up "happy wife, happy man. Happy man, happy wife" so long as at least one of you tries to make the other happy it should flow smoothly. :)
Don't flatter yourself, Jyps, there are plenty of cons to marrying a man.
7 ปีที่แล้ว +19
you forget that a divorce still hugely discriminates, giving almost standard the women the kids and also much of the money in alimentation based on a reality that doesn't exist anymore with women in the workforce. Why should I want to marry if I know I won't see the kids, yet paying for them and the ex for the rest of my life?.... men are always pulling the short hand in divorce and with such a divorce rate.... why even bother to marry.
I don't like using this, but if you knew there is a single poisoned fruit in a basket of fruits, you'd probably avoid picking up fruit from that basket, i think i am a family man, i'd like a big family, but as so far as i can see, i'd have no safety net to insure i won't get screwed over in things don't go according to plan, and you said it yourself they usually don't, so to avoid getting killed,killing myself, being homeless,poor i choose not to get married, not because i don't want it but because society does not give a flying fuck.
There's people that dont give a fuck, and there's people that do. You should be living with your partner. by yourselves, for id say at least 4 years before considering marriage
smart man . The last part at10:03 is all treated the same in divorce. soon they will add one more . Just don't pay the woman bills . take pics with her and texts thing that hint at marriage in any way.
Amen girl. Marriage is a scam. I'm supposed to be a man's slaves , work cook clean sex, and get cheated on and put up with men's nasty attitude...no thank you. I'm cam survive on my own and be a single mom of 4 . I actually smile now.
yeshua my saviour you deserve the best. I had to drill that into my head and actually believe that I don’t have to conform to that hype about marriage. To tell you the truth, people that I know and are married are at the doctor’s office more than single people!!!! Smh
Correct me if i'm wrong here, I'm trying to learn, but didn't men get everything and women got maybe half or nothing along time ago? If so, I don't understand why that unjust rule suddenly landed on men today, you think by now they remove all of that.
PrincessAshley121 About 100 years of Feminism and 50 years of Communism happened. Communists were against religion and marriages, so they invented no fault divorce in 1917 USSR to break up family units. The rest of the world just copied them (probably not even knowing the reason why it was invented). Also "a long time ago" women din't really earned a stable income, so most of the property was bought and payed with the husband money.
Fankas2000 I don't really blame first and second wave feminism, because it actually needed to happen, but feminism today is ridiculous and unnecessary. Communism? Really? I never knew that I'm gonna look online about that, thanks for the help.
PrincessAshley121 First and second wave feminism din't need to happen. I know this is going to sound harsh, but women got payed less because they work less. Shocking I know, but when most people wok in manufacturing jobs (where you require strength and endurance) it really isn't unjust to pay women less. Also why should women get the right to vote? They aren't expected to give up their lives in order to protect the country, so why do they get a say how to run it? This is especially funny when you realize that outside of China in most countries there are more women then men. And because more women have part time jobs they are much more likely to vote.
Fankas2000 Actually Women get paid less because they work jobs that pay less money than men. A woman who gets a teaching or nursing job gets paid less than man whos an engineer or doctor, but also women do work less hours but not ALL women work less hours. The reason why women should vote is because if we're expected to obey the law, we should have a say in the law and there are tons of good reasons but that's one of them. If you have a different opinion that's fine, but our society needs women and men to work together, if you hold back women you lose 50% societal progress. I'm not trying to be offended by the way, I'm giving you my opinion in the most respectful way. I'm in the navy right now I'm giving up my life for my country, so why shouldn't I be able to vote?
I've worked with a lot of older people who each have more than a lifetime's experienc behind them, and they say the exact opposite. One of the biggest regrets is sleeping around for a lot of them. They look me in the eye and tell me it's never fucking worth it. If somebody truly makes you unhappy, then that's not a healthy relationship
I'm going to guess the ones that admitted that were women who whored themselves around while they were young and then when they get older they want to hurry and find a guy to settle with
I just cancelled an engagement and fully planned wedding that was supposed to happen in 3 months. Glad I came to my senses. I think marriage at this point in society is less about love and romance and more about money and government benefits. You can still have a long term committed relationship without marriage and the risks of what comes with divorce.
The only woman who will love a man unconditionally is his mother, if he's lucky enough to not have a crackhead for a mother. Even his sister or daughters can end up hating him, let alone his wife. Don't get married.
Why do you have to sign a piece of paper to validate your love for someone. Your’e basically digging yourself in a hole you can’t get out of. You can still love each other with out those things. Once you get financially involved with a woman legally you’re fucked she has you by the balls.
Actually the only pros is you can say that your gf/bf is your "fiancee/wife/husband". lol imagine getting married just so you could address your significant other with a fancier name.
First of all am not a physician but you can know who i am by this piece of advice "marriages crumble these days because of how we have adopted the lifestyle of immoralities" think about it it will help you
@@teddythickness7734 Yeah I don't see either happening but I guess I'll find out eventually! Though that would be very disappointing, I care for him quite a lot, and he seems to like me back. Hahhaa everyone is dysfunctional, you're a step ahead when you accept that.
Ive never actually met a married man who told me he was glad he got married. Most in fact told me that I should avoid it. I tell younger guys the same thing.
Not really men stand to have everything taken from them during a divorce. Even if she cheated on you she will have a high chance of getting the house, kids, your retirement money and then make you pay out the ass for child support.
The problem is that the society is more selfish than ever and it is not willing to sacrifice themselves to work for the good of others...which is called " serving other people for love"
Koke Lopez Exactly. We are more selfish than ever and don't care about anything about ourselves. We keep making up this "humans are polygamous" crap and think it's ok to cheat or say "if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best" bitch no u have to treat the other person how you want to be treated not just throw on a tantrum and blame them for everything. But believe me, at the end of the day, no one wants to die alone. So we'll see with these generations.
There's an interesting thread on Plozee about this. A couple of reasons why ppl are choosing not to get married: - independence. You aren't tied down to anyone. - money. You get divorced and watch your wallet get lighter. Lawyers are expensive. - tradition. Do we even question why we do things anymore? Who cares if people have done it in the past. We need to ask ourselves if marriage is still suitable for the 21st century
Most of this video is accurate except for the end talking about alternatives to marriage. I am divorced and I'm never getting married again after realizing that the Family Court system is not a fair system. One example is an Ex Parte Order. Basically a Woman can say whatever they want without the Man present in Court to have custody temporarily suspended for the other party without any proof (seriously). Then the same party can also lie in court without any repercussions or follow up even if you ask for evidence. This is insanity and one of the reasons why the divorced Male suicide rates are so high. I have a girlfriend now and we have been together for almost 7 years and very happy. We even adopted a child. I made sure she knew early on that I was not interested in getting married unless there is a drastic change in the Family Court system (and I am not a Millennial). The part of this video that video that may be misleading is that in some states there really is no alternative to marriage. In California to have a Domestic Partnership you need to be a same sex couple or over the age of 62 if you are an opposite sex couple to qualify for a Domestic Partnership. Civil Unions are only for same sex couples as well. It's really strange. Research your own States laws for alternatives if they exist. In some States if you live with someone for a certain amount of time you are automatically married (Common-law Marriage) so be careful of that as well.
Yeah I am not going to do it again. It's a financial contract that is heavily skewed against Men. Kids today are getting married way too young. If you don't even know who you are as a person yet; how are you ready to spend the rest of your life with someone? For Men there are dire consequences to divorce that they either don't know about or totally ignore.
I think your financials after divorce may be unrealistic. Men left with $8500 and women with $3400. 😂 In Australia it seems to be the ex wife takes the man for every cent he has. Then he also continues to pay a massive chunk of his salary in child support until the kids grow up. 🤔
Signing financial contracts based on emotional attachments is something only the class bound or foolish do. I have only witnessed 1 marriage, between my mother and stepfather that classifies as close bond. The rest are divorced, seperated, or recklessly pretending
I think marriage can be a beautiful thing. As long as it is about loving each other unconditionally. No control. No expectations. Just best friends without an agenda. ♥️
Agreed but I believe there’s other factors to a successful marriage. Equality, being faithful(no hoeing around, partying, basically anything that can lead to cheating), sacrifices, love for each other, interest in each other and morals
Marriage is just one of many things in our life that we just follow for no reason and without question. Start questioning
Right you have a handbook to study to get your other licenses. Marriage is the only license that you get no hand book or anything to study on the fucking you’re going to get. You are not told that you just blindly get married and keep up with the Jones.
Like religion?
Exactly! Thank you!
When you become 70, no one will help you other than your children.
Speak for yourself.You have to be stupid to to get married without thinking it through properly.
You may have done that be I think most people ain't that shallow or stupid
Some men don't want to get married because they see it as a financial trap.
VES SEV haha that's a good story.
And that never happens.
That's precisely what it is.
It is a financial trap. Especially for the men.
So do us women who are used to holding 2 or 3 jobs and the men want us yo be stay at home moms. My bf just suggested it, i am used to having 2 jobs and would end up clawing the walls if i didnt go to work...
At work, most of the men who are married tell me not to get married.
i hear it all the time from the guys at my work they are divorced hate lifes have 2 kids and drink their faces off
Men could solve the problems of marriage over night. Never date women with kids. Simple fix that should be signed into law.
how many men say they are" happily" married....none i have talked to...they admit to it like they are ashamed.
@@Somedude-e3i lets see... with no wife to divorce me and take half of EVERYTHING and no college to pay for ill be in a big paid off house with more the enough cash to have a hot blonde wet nurse with DD breasts take care of every need....thats my plan at least...gonna be rough
@@Somedude-e3i Retirement home? There are nurses who take care of you. What is sad about this statement is how many old people are abandoned in retirement homes even with family. I think having a family should bring happiness but it can bring allot of misery as well. Choose wisely. Don't go for the hot girl go for your best friend.
A divorce can destroy your life emotionally and economically.
Internet Junkie And don’t forget psychologically as well. A divorced man will have that mental scar for the rest of his life.
Doom slayer!!
It's your choice to be destroyed
So can a marriage !!!!!!!
me and my ex divorced and it was amicable. its rare but it can happen.
After a few years, if you divorce, your closest person becomes you worst enemy and knows the best ways to destroy you. Then they take your family and everything that you own.
I know that. My ex husband and my father are friends but my father's new wife refuses to let my father talk to me because my ex made me call him a cab home at their wedding... he got way to drunk and couldn't hardly stand up
Quite ironic, isn't it?
You speak the truth.
This guy is an amoral beta male loser
Someone’s hurting 👀
Marriage is profitable to wedding planners and divorce lawyers
solid snake and photographers.
There is a good documentary on this topic called "Divorce corp."
And probably diamond companies.
And women.
It is sooooooo true!!!! Can’t agree with you more!
Married men don't actually live longer. It only SEEMS longer.
If they stayed married
@@carlsagan6429 Damn homie... lay off the porn a bit. It's starting to show.
I don't hear the audio bro.
That's what she said...
"Married men may live longer, but they are a lot more willing to die"
I saw this spray painted on a van downtown 10 years ago and i still think of it often.
AAnd it's fnnn TRUE !!!!
Kids of...
Divorced parents: it's my fault
Deceased parent: it's the remaining one
Actually, the video's authors got it wrong. On the average, it looks that married people live longer than single people. However, when separated by gender, it turns out that married men have longer life compared to single men. And, married women have SHORTER LIFESPAN than single women.
@@ik1408 Also married men work on average 7 more hours a week until they're 60-65 while single men can retire waaay earlier (around 50 and its probably be earlier and earlier)
@@Ludoovik When I was a married woman, I worked about 10 more hours a week than my (ex)husband, helping him to get his degree. He got his degree and as a gratitude for my help, he tried to kill me twice to collect life insurance. There are just as many men as there are women willing and desiring to take advantage of their partners.
What about alimony, child support, and losing custody of the kids?
They are
That's more of the good stuff men get to look forward to.
Men are no longer important save as a support system for the government's children. You have to be insane to get married.
Was supposed to get married last June, but called off the wedding a month before. Hands down the best decision I’ve ever made.
Super-duper S-M-A-R-T !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank GOD you did. Everything in traditions they gave us was to keep the ECONOMY GOING, they need you in situations where you are going to SPEND MONEY and marriage and kids with that life draining HOUSE with it’s never ending EXPENSES is where they need you. GUYS, IF YOU WANT FREEDOM FROM MISERY, DO NOT GET MARRIED. It is a TRAP THAT WILL DESTROY YOU. DO NOT LET THE BANKERS POLITICIANS AND WEALTHY INDUSTRIALISTS (corporation owners) enslave you to this system....
Congratulations for saving your life.
I'm female and I always ask my boyfriend why he wants to marry me when he's the one who will be fucked over if we ever divorce. Marriage is a scam.
I will tell you right now that marriage is one of the most wonderful bonds in life. I’ve personally been married 7 times
@Alpha Dog its never to late to find love man
If it’s one of the most wonderful bonds why have you broken 6 of those bonds?
@@kevinvictoria3957 sometimes only one side is the breaker of the bond and your heart. some women will leave u and break the bond wen u wanted to keep it strong. my second wife sanjuna left me for another man, 3rd wife left me for another women, my 5th wife died of yeast infection.
Haha.. u must be from Afrika
I'm a millennial. I got married in my early 30's. My 2 year anniversary was yesterday. Happily married, with a kid on the way, to a woman I've known for over 10 years.
We're very practical and we try not to do things in a 'traditional' manner. My wedding cost under $5k including rings. We rather buy a house and stay out of debt. We're best friends.
Life could not be better!
Why are you watching a video on the pros and cons of marriage?! Trying to convince yourself?
@@DSN262 😂 Maybe he's just curious.
@@alexism.7712 "Curiosity killed the cat"
It's only 2 years tho... but I wish you the best.
You're going to regret that more than you can possibly imagine!!! Why are you here anyway??
I’m gonna tell you what happened to a friend of mine. He dated a girl for 5 years and She moved in with him. He bought her dream home when they got engaged. It was a really expensive and nice home. So a year later after they planned a huge marriage. It was an expensive wedding. They had everything in order. He loved this girl to death and would die for her. So a week before the wedding, she comes up to him and says she’s leaving him and that she’d been cheating on him the whole time, and that she’s found another man, and leaves him there. He lost thousands of dollars from that wedding. He eventually lost the dream home. He lives in a small apartment now, has bad suicidal depression, and hasn’t had a gf since her because he doesn’t trust women other than a couple friends. The man is most likely gonna die alone :(
Vianna Janelle yup
Proverbs 6:26 - For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.
That bitch
I read these stories all the time. This is why I don’t trust women. I had a girlfriend who I loved, but she was very selfish. She always talked about her and I getting married. At first, I was down until she started pressuring me and told me that I was in the red zone. When she said that a lightbulb went off in my head, I started thinking about what my life would be with her crazy ass. So I gave her a decision, either do what I want or it’s over. She refused to do it and now I’m FREE! The sex was great, but I didn’t want to be miserable anymore.
Valentines day needs to dissappear. LOL
I’m a married woman and strangely enough I believe that men have little incentive to get married. My husband has been divorced a few times before and it’s given me insight into the inequality and sexist nature of divorce court. I agreed to sign a prenup so that in the (God forbid) event of a divorce, I wouldn’t take his pension that his ex tried to take. I feel for divorcing men who genuinely are good fathers and and husbands but their wives were too unwilling to work harder at the marriage knowing full well that divorce favors them. Why should a divorced woman be entitled to anything? If I quit my job, I am not entitled to the same lifestyle that I had while employed. It’s my responsibility to make my life better, not depend on an ex anything.
Society is all about women, no one cares about men. Most women are to self centered to even see it.
Mgtow Boo Boo as a woman I agree with this statement. We make too many choices based on our ever-changing emotions.
@@mgtowbooboo8530 It's a shame because men used to be respected in society. Being a man actually meant something and now we are reduced to tools. It will rebalance itself eventually because men are the backbone of society after all.
Life Form men is no longer respected because when they’re in charge they oppress women. And now, karma.
Kelly Leung you know nothing. If you read some history books you would understand men never oppressed women. Women relied on men cause they couldn’t survive on their own. Ever heard of dowries?
Wait. Unless I missed something none of the "pros" would benefit men.
yes, thank you. i was waiting for a comment like that
You're welcome. It seems obvious and I am not sure why the video creator refuses to explain that.
senseofstile Marriage is way more beneficial to women than it is to men. They will always win the court battles in a divorce, they'll always win custody of the kids, and they'll take all of your money as well. It makes sense why fewer men in this day and age would rather not get married, there's nothing to gain from it anymore
Yes, that is quite evident. Although the video creator has a male sounding voice, it is difficult a male would post such a video
senseofstile Big facts
Your con list wasn't even close to how long it is in reality.
"Fewer and fewer men are getting married these days". In other words-- "More and more men are wising the hell up these days"
All those happy millennials. Wow. They are all the image of happiness and of fulfillment right. So wise too. Try this once: self-reflect.
hit it and quit it
Yeah and to be honest way back in the day marriage was only really for claiming a women so you Could have kids and repopulate the country of city state you lived in caue of war like in ancient Greece but now we are over populated and more men going mgtow means theres hope we can one day fix the over population crisis one day I wish life was like in video games where if you loved someone you got married had kids and lived in white picket fence house but no such luck what has the world come to this is why If i can I want to download my consciousness into a vr world and live with perfect women forever 2d women cause let's face it finding love isn't that much of a big deal nowadays
@@bobmcbobbington9220 Please excuse us while we grow up in a world completely different from every other generation, you don't know the world we grew up in...it's not the world you grew up in. Try this once: reflect on how society has changed and tell us how we're logically incorrect. I'll wait.
Marriage isn't really the problem. Its just that over time people sorta hate each other. And today no one cares enough about anyone to work thru it. No one is a princess and their are no prince charming. Just depressed individuals who want out.
Uh, no. First, 70%+ women want out of all divorces in the US. Secondly, if there is something that is causing such disproportion, there must be an incentive to women to opt out. In reality, women are opting out of marriage (which they have no commitment) but have the benefit of having the man not opt.
This basically allows them to have sex with other men while the husband subsidizes her for doing this.
Yes true, plenty of marriages end because people don't realize it's work
I've been married twice, both lasted from courting to divorce, about 20 years. My thinking is that biologically, humans used to live 20 years or less, perhaps 18 years some 2,000 years ago. Just enough time to have children, and see after them a bit. They probably had children as soon as the could. Sooooooooooooo, perhaps 20 years is enough time learn to hate your spouse. So at age 70, if I were to marry again, I would tell her this, and warn her that in 20 years, I outta there.
i totally agree, i think its just a matter of first, knowing that u are with the right person for you, and second, lots of communication, this is key, and trust. Marriage or not, it really is like any other long term compromise. All relationships need work and care from both sides. I dont necessarily believe that u need to get married with your partner in order to build a life together. I think its a matter of personal preference.
That hit a little too close to home :(
I like how my friends got married. They got married in a local park, dressed in clothes they already owned, asked the guests (only friends and local family) to bring the food, and the person who asked them their vows was my friend's aunt.
In the end the only money they had to put up was for the marriage license and any paperwork.
Amanda Glace that's the way to do it. If you're trying to be extravagant, youre just showing off and being a poser
They divorced yet?
That's the best way to get married tbh
Right, because the women's payout will come in divorce court.
Amanda Glace don't worry ,they will end up in divorce and all the money that guy saved in marriage ,he will loose to girl after divorce
When I was young, my wealthy grandpa was dying in his bed, had all the family members gathered by his bed. His last word to me was "Never get married.. all you need to do is hire couple nurses when you are old.." that line stuck in my head since I was young and I've been only dating since
Rip. I hope u r happy with ur life :)
Good for you . You only need to be aware of the girlfriend, as she will try to persuade you to marry her!
Yoo this is so simple yet so eye opening
castlevina “the day of judgement” stfu a loving god would never judge u his love is unconditional!
But then again he wouldn't have your family - children and grandkids - that gathered around him if he never got married! He'd die with only the couple nurses he hired to be beside him. So your grandpa didn't see the importance of your family being there.
If I gave you a parachute and told you there was 50% chance it would not work, would you still jump? Marriage is a 50/50 chance.
What about if I researched what made a parachute work and thoughtfully observed the parachute? Then maybe I would be able to tell if it would work or not.
If you truly wish to stay married with another person who truly wants to stay married it is not 50/50.
Chrissy Eh? The chances are still 50/50.
@@wanelly That's not really how probability works but okay.
Chrissy Eh? The probability of a divorce based on the USA data is 50%. There is no opinion or any deviation from it. Basically, of all the people that you know who are married, 50% of them will end up being divorced. The good thing is that divorce only happens to bad marriages...
@@wanelly that's US data. If you changed the population to just mormons for example a church I grew up in and know many married couples from, it's not going to be 50% rate of marriages that end in divorce. You're saying it'll be either a failure or a success so why take the chance except when some people that are 100% against divorce marry someone 100% against divorce that concept is inapplicable. Surprise how about we marry people we actually love and trust and want an ongoing relationship with.
I wanted to married when i was 21 but my gf (same age) said we are young and we must live our lives before we made this big step!
Now at 34 i dont even want to hear about kids and marriage.
Sounds about right. 50 years ago u would have had wife, prob a good one.
That's a very mature thing for your gf at the time to say. I respect that.
Rayven Wrong. It was an ignorant one.
Women are at their most marriageable at 25. After that, the quality of men they can attract goes down and down. She should have settled down early, to get the best possible man. Now she will die as a cat lady.
Meaning your far more mature than you where before
that was her way of telling you she was getting dick somewhere else
I was married 2x 7 years the first time in the 90s cost me $300,000 plus all the depression and financial problems that came with it, the 2nd time in the 2000s again for 3 years cost me $300,000 never recuperated from the financial problems, it cost the women nothing they had nothing when we were married. and then after the divorce they were financially independent, what a deal for the women. Marriage is not a good thing today the government and the law makes it very difficult. what do we have to live for if the great thing that we can have in this life ( a family) is destroyed by the laws made by incompetent leaders..
Mario Piazza` You already knew first hand that the stove was burning hot, why did you come back for more and stick your hand in it once again? You were seeking your own financial destruction. That’s what self reflection is for.
You just got what you paid for that is a shit sandwich.
I’m sure you know the definition of insanity according to Einstein.
Hopefully, you learnt your lesson, it’s not rocket science. Unless you want to obliterate what remains of you after those two iterations.
Sadly MGTOW will unlikely ever be understood by the majority of simps and cucks out there.
Agreed shadow also men should learn about the disgusting and predatory female nature
You got married twice. It s your fault. Should have learned from the first failure. Thanks for the info I can retire on time
I would love to see a pro marriage comment. This comment section is brutal lol
FYI , not married. But love to hear both sides to every disagreement
I love being married. The people that say don’t do it are usually not good at picking the right partner..they’re just picking the right now partner.
I like it a lot, but I didn't get married until I was 39 years old and my wife is from another country and culture. Also, only 5 years into it. It's not bad with a good woman.
@@aguywithaname7764 lol people change all the time. Are you the SAME EXACT PERSON u were 10 years back? When u marry a woman she might be great, after 7 years she might change and now u are forced to give her all of your money just because she doesn't feel love anymore
If you're a guy there is no pro.
@@duyas1628 kids mate, that's a big pro. I wouldn't have believed it either when I was single.
Also, I would like to add to the suggestions at the end to not listen to your f*&%ing parents. Whether they pressure you to get married, or if you decide to get married and they pressure you to have a big expensive wedding, don't listen to them. Do your own thing, especially if you're paying for it.
Rollie55 If you find yourself with some as irrational as that, you probably shouldn't be with them at all.
Fat Black Auto San Andreas well then you'd just be single forever at that point
Kelpy G Not every woman is a using bitch expecting to be molly coddled ;)
Not to be an ass, but maybe men should start saying "no" to women who don't share the bill on date night and especially when they begin to demand expensive weddings. We exist, I'm proof, and I know other ladies personally who think the same as I do. Yeah, maybe dating will get a bit more difficult but I think it's worth it to find a decent and loving partner. cheers.
All InOne In my dating experience I've always shared the bill or my date has offered to pay and I've refused. Still, there are some who insist. Any woman who expects a man to pay is disgusting, I certainly don't want to pay for two people so I'm sure he won't either.
Ok so basically you don’t get one piece of paper you get another!?!? And even if you don’t get married you may still have to go through legal proceedings to separate shared property, animals, and/or children. Weddings wouldn’t stress people out if they would just enjoy getting married instead of trying to impress people who are probably rooting for your failure.
msluvlee717 Just because the average couple spends $30k, doesn’t mean you have to. Most people in debt get divorced. If you don’t have debt right away, it helps immensely.
Every single benefit real or imagined with being married can be achieved without being married
I would spend 10k for a wedding not 30k
Infact you don't even need a wedding you can just get the paper and boom your hitched no debt weddings are stupid don't have one also fuck getting married for me if I want a kid hello adoption center
Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled but, God never said to marry the state and that is what a state marriage license is. God intended to Govern marriage in holy matrimony and not be have it dictated by a Marist government. Marriage is a Covenant between two people who become one with God. A Government can't make a true covenant in marriage because marriage is ordained by God just like government can't license you as a preacher because that is ordained by God. For thousands of years people joined together in the sight of God, officiated by a minister outside of any legal arrangement with the state. The state has no business in the marriage business. And you make valid points and cheers!
Married men does not live longer it just feel longer
Bahahaha hilarious
I love being single. I get to do what i want. No dealing with anyone's ego.
Call me when you hit the wall
@@kanagawayarichin Men hit the wall at 30, bald heads, wrinkles, you name it. Don’t call us unless you’re 25 or younger. Old men are ugly.
@@Natashaa_1 shut up
@@Natashaa_1 Mad you're 40 single and the only thing that tolerate you are your cats?
the fact that you don't mention the skewed divorce courts against men as one of the main reason men avoid marriage shows you did little research.
Not always. My dad had ties to a court judge that got him everything in the divorce and left me and my mother without anything. He beat her and tried to kill her, yet he got away without paying child support and took all material goods.
50% of women don’t get anything. Women are gradually becoming the bread winners. Furthermore, if you can have a woman sign a prenup before marriage to keep assets.
But they did mention the fact that divorced women have less money......you think the court might be doing that to help women who make less in general and have to spend more on the kids after?.......
@@wedeservetoheal Isn't the bias then that the courts assume the child needs to be left with the mother?
@@wedeservetoheal - Women make more than men nowadays. STOP with your antiquated bullsh*t lies.
It's no secret that divorce laws in the US favor women. Oh wait, it must be, because here's a video about why men aren't getting married that goes for over ten minutes without mentioning alimony or visitation rights.
my visitation rights are on a Tuesday from noon-3pm, even though i raised/had my kid 7days a week, she found a new man and lets him be dad now while i give her my pay checks
Sorry Greg. No one cares about men.
and what the fuck, tuesdays 12 - 3 are fuckin' working hours. unless you have tuesdays off, how the fuck is this doable?
I learned young, that marriage was simply asking to completely ruin your life. Even as a child, I knew of not a single solitary example of a marriage which was not a veritable nightmare.
I commissioned myself to remain unmarried. Thank You God.
I can surely see I made no mistake.
Why would a person get married in the first place, I could never understand that; marriage belongs only in storybooks.
I certainly never regretted it.
Now, had I done otherwise,
I'm sure this comment would read VERY differently.
Seeing my parents marriage was enough for me not to get married
Your outlook is based on your own experience not based on facts.
Your thoughts on others leads you to never expect anything from anyone. Your ass will need to be wiped one day. Understand today wants is not tomorrow needs.
@@MrDan11422 k
@@MrDan11422 your kids could still leave you dying and they usually do. Who lives with their 70 year old parents it's 2022 now
You will have to arrange for something where you can be taken care of at old age either way and you have better opportunities and chances of being financially strong enough by that age if you stay away from liabilities like marriage and kids.
I am open to having my mind changed
@@MrDan11422 experience itself is a fact.
If a woman tells you she wants to get married because you make her "happy" that's a red flag. Why?
Happiness is a mindset, which means that as she ages (nothing to do with maturity BTW) her idea of happiness will change as it will for the man, however the man DID NOT get married for "Happiness", he got married for the vagina and companionship.
How can happiness for her change? Let's look at her default languages.
Her first love language - money. Either you do not make enough to excite her anymore OR you make too much which requires you to be away from her more.
Her second love language - attention. They love to be desired and to turn heads, its why they cover their faces with powder and toxic chemicals to appeal to both sexes (not just men), some argue they wear toxic chemicals to appeal to the same sex more often than the opposite sex. Either you make her feel sexy 24/7 or you don't look at her "the same" anymore.
Her third love language - Adaptation. The female species believe that as a man you should adapt to her changes in life BUT DO NOT expect her to adapt to yours. Of course they will say they would or "I'm not like that" but statistically they're lying.
Who do I personally blame? I blame their grandmothers and mothers OR lack thereof. As little girls they were not taught the role of a woman in a family & to some extent in society. So as they grew into their manipulative bodies & vain mindsets they created their own ideology of what it means to be a woman which sadly in current times repulse men (at-least the ones with standards) and will begin a life where they become damaged.
Their outcome is limited
1. Single Mom = bouncing around men hoping one commits to raising the DNA of another man
2. Lesbian - deciding to scissor their significant other for as long as that lasts
3. Alone - where they become bitter and grow a dislike in men due to their inability to identify the problems within themselves.
As men we have to set standards high and also develop ourselves (physically, spiritually, financially) first in order to retain respect from the female species.
Girls will stop going to clubs for whoring hour if men would stop going there for whoring as well.
Girls will stop makeup and surgery if men admit how dumb or ugly it actually looks and our desire for natural beauty
Girls will stop divorcing you if you lay down your intent in marriage and for crying out loud STOP GETTING A MARRIAGE LICENSE!
You DO NOT NEED A MARRIAGE LICENSE, do you own research about that, this way the state is not allowed in your affairs and due to NO CHILD SUPPORT given she may even try to work out the marriage since there is no monetary incentive to ruin her children lives by removing both parents from under the same roof.
In closing one thing both sexes need to realize and some will through painful experiences, YOU CAN NOT FIX A BROKEN PERSON!
Broken people BREAK normal people. Do everything in your power to find out if the person is broken or damaged before you invest your time, love and energy into that individual otherwise they will hurt you in the long run.
@NightWolf It's the responsibility of both parents to raise a child. The mom isn't specifically in charge of the girl, and if that's how you think it is you've gone blind my friend.
Tristan Morales number one doesn’t work with American women because a lot of them out earn their partners
NightWolf this comment is so off lol you must of grown up if a shitty area
Who hurt you
Wise speech! Choose carefully your soulmate before it's too late!
Set conditions as if it's a business contract, clarifying roles and responsibilities.
Set priorities, financial plans so, no complaints are to be made in the future!
Who's the man of the house? Who's the house maker?
Learn How to raise children in a healthy environment?!
The greatest con ever pulled was this idea that being "commitment phobic" is somehow a negative thing. Like, it's rational to want to handcuff yourself to another human being for the rest of your tiny miserable life. FFS.
The selfish sex initiates 70 to 80% of divorces, because they know they can rob a man with the aid of gynocentric family courts. It's not men who have the problem with "commitment" because men aren't the ones who dump their spouses as soon as it becomes advantageous.
PROS - 0
CONS - Unlimited
All benefits are legal. Like health insurance
@@yashaouchan but the man pays for it in most cases.
Alex Park Actually, children are a pro.
That’s assuming Karen doesn’t take the kids though.
The pros stay single and get rich
@@orppranator5230 that's such b.s. I hate how in divorces women almost always get kids unless proven unfit. Should be 50/50
Without even watching the video...dont do it, don't do it and don't do it!
Jesus, was it really that bad for you? 0_0
Alexnadru Dinca - yep and I would advise any man considering marriage their fools. Family courts are biased against men. An unknown judge will tell you when and if you can see your children. They will tell you what you're going to do with your property and income. While your ex will go to court for no contact orders, use your children as pawns. Trust me guys it will happen to you. The woman your considering marrying is no different from any other woman out there.
+john doe
hey don't forget the most important part: don't do it!
@@johndoe-wv3nu your mother must be a greedy bitch then. Lol
+bryson chatman
his mother or his wife?
either way doesn't matter because many young men have their mother do the same shit to their fathers and step-fathers
I've been married for 3 years now, been together for 6. Definitely greatest decision we have made. She lifts me up when im down, keeps me level headed. She makes hard decisions easy for me. We travel, explore, started businesses, HAVE 5 CHILDREN. It's saddening to see how many people are so negative about marriage. Find the right person for YOU. Not your situation. It did not take long after us being together that I knew we would be together forever. Theres always ups and downs but with proper communication and patience and genuine love there should be nothing that cannot be overcome. BTW we are millennials. 28 years young
@J Kidd stfu please
"Together forever." You're in LOVE!!!! But son, when the inevitable time comes, know that you are not alone, and start watching Tom Leykis videos. Just don't before then. "Blow Me Up Tom!"
uk7769 the inevitable? And whats that? Divorce? Seperation? Its funny how sad people are in their own life to project, and predict anothers life. We are solid, and nobody's sad silly comment will change that. What's inevitable, is not what can be predicted by some miserable fools on youtube. There is no question that what we have is eternal. I just wish you all could find the same. Unfortunately with the mindset of the few that have commented so far, THAT will NEVER happen.
@@codygooden3638 I'm happy for you, man! Nothing wrong with being happy.
Congrats dude. Hope it lasts till infinity. It’s all by luck though so hopefully I’m as fortunate as you one day :). Not all of them are bad...but statistically speaking....my luck is getting worse by the day.
My parents pressure me and my sisters to NOT get married. They have been happily married for 43 years but they tell us there is nothing wrong with living with someone you love and building a live together without the legally binding documents.
I think they don't want you to come back home. Crying after the divorce and you out on your butts. Smart parents
scott sanger depends on the state
@scott sanger I don't understand this common law marriage if your assets and finances are not tied together how can she legally take half of it when you technically own it all since you are not technically married doesn't really make sense
Do you have reliable sources regarding the 1st half of the video talking about the history of marriage ?!
The Sources you listed are mostly opinion articles not facts.
Basem Tawfek well when the subject of the video, (marriage) is really about feelings, that makes the subject of the video completely subjective. I wouldn’t say you could properly article feelings anyway, and why humans feel them.
He meant the history, not the 2ed part about feelings.
the future will be a sight too see mark my words a bunch of senior single citizens no children the level of selfishness will go through the roof. Because if you think about it people are already pretty shitty to each others and the towards the planet right !!! So with the marriage and children born per year rate lowering every year the less people will care about how they treat each other or what they leave for future generations.
Honestly, I think when you get to the deepest parts of history, we can pretty much only guess anyway. I'd say just take that section with a grain of salt.
IMO, for men, if you are not married by age 30 the cons greatly outweigh the pros. I'd rather have my freedom and money.
gwwayner I want to get married I hate being single!!!
@@MrGZM90 Your'e going to hate being married even more you'll regret it
Love is blind but marriage is an EYE OPENER!!!!
Well said
The person that created marriage is crazy, they be like *"I'm so in love with you that I'm gonna get the government involved so you couldn't leave me"* .
When you have to get the government involved to prove you love someone is a red flag right there it's a trap you can't get out of that's not love many men who are not happy who are married can't leave because if they do they lose everything. The woman on the other hand can cheat take the house and kids take the car have the man she cheated on you with move in with her and the kids while you pay alimony and child support and live in a cheap run down apartment with your life ruined.
Marriage is more of a business contract than anything.
Couldn't leave me easily.
If an airplane had a 50/50 of crashing, would you get on it?
More like 50% chance to crush during flight and 75% chance to burn down when its done landing
At least when the plane crashes you die right away. Marriage is a slow and painful death.
@@alanj554 amen Brother!🙏
5:43 you only pay less taxes if one partner earns substantially less than the other. So either you keep your money and pay more taxes, or give a large part to your partner and pay less tax over it. That's not a benefit, that's evening out.
Yeah, just put more in your Roth IRA or your HSA to save on taxes, if you're single.
He failed to mention that you'll most likely have two incomes for the majority of your marriage. Tax savings aren't really a thing unless one stays home.
Nope, no getting mare-raid to red mary in the gynocentric age of MGTOW
Getting in bed with a woman is one thing - getting in bed with her family, her divorce lawyer, and the state is a tragedy waiting to happen to an easy mark.
Those tax savings will not offset even one purse.
My wife signed a prenuptial. the house, my car, my retirement savings and investments are all mine up to the value we had at the start of our marriage. she only gets half of any gains from that point. Prenuptial can say anything, thats what i did to be fair. i drew a line in the sand is all and said, "thats where we started".
Why can't you live with your loved one without getting married
Because fuck you give me money
Because women want the guarenteed access to your money.
Common law Marriage still comes into play depending on the state you live in
@@tolkien11 true... very true...
Unfortunately a lot of guys end up having to make a hard choice, b/c its usually a relationship deal breaker.
She'll have "nicer" reasons than wanting your money when she tries to convince you, but ultimately, if she considers this a deal breaker, those reasons are more important than wanting to be with you, which sounds like a pretty good reason to leave her anyway.
I hate the Concept of alimony.
Max, it's legalized theft!
Only requirement to pay alimony is to have male parts. It’s an incredibly sexist double-standard making women have the upper hand. Just like child custody. Unless the woman is a crack whore out on the steeet or doesn’t want the child, she’s always in favor.
@@jondstewart yup. One of the biggest reasons guys dont stay around and raise their kids. Men have to pay out the ass and barely see their kids. Why would they stick around?
Alimony is actually from back in the day when women didn't work but for some reason it's still around.
@@Alan_One1 because the feminists got what they wanted ; equal rights and far less responsibilities
You missed a huge con for men. You touch on women being more independent and earning more, but don't mention that they are still the ones that make out like bandits in a divorce. Why would men want to risk their finances for an arrangement that has very few pros? Fix the divorce courts and you've done step one for fixing marriage. People who decide to leave a marriage shouldn't be entitled to lifelong monetary payments, go get a damn job.
Plus women marry up so she will always be looking for a man who makes as much or more than her, women don't want to take care of a man in any way shape or form, the only reason they did it in the past is because they had to cause they were stuck home.
d3rkaderk4 One word, "prenup"
Judges wipe their ass with prenups. Over 80% are ignored in divorce court.
b166ir Bro, you ever hear of the Uniform Premartial Agreement Act? It was created in 1983, and is in place in 27 states. It states that prenups can’t be thrown out unless one partner commits fraud, the prenup is signed under duress, or the terms of the prenup will result in one partner being eligible for welfare. I’d like to hear where you got that 80% statistic, because even in states where the UPPA isn’t a thing, it’s fairly rare for a prenup to be thrown out. An interesting fact is that marriages that begin with a prenup are more likely to fail. The reasoning behind that is fairly obvious.
@@missmorbid1439 "made under duress"
depending on the judge you get saying "they wouldn't marry me if I didn't sign the pre-nup" can beclassed as duress
Those who create debt for a marriage ceremony are just foolish. I get that they want to have a "happy celebration" but they should be able to afford it foremost. Plus, a big wedding cake, a white dress and black tux, and countless guests are not what makes a marriage ceremony "happy." Far from it; from what I've seen it creates more stress than happiness. But hey, you do you booboo.
msk omg yes as turkish man i can tell you a marriage celebration day costs 10-20 thousand dollars anything less is seen as cheap.
30 grand? My wife and I spent maybe 1 grand! She grew up poor like me, and despises debt. Lower debt, less chance of divorce.
Oguz Oflaz
You must be of royal blood to spend that much for a show off
msk they can skip the fancy wedding and just have a practical civil marriage/wedding ceremony.
People care too much about "being seen as cheap"
Those who care about that, care more about what other people think of them than the financial stability and happiness of the actual marriage, unfortunately..
It's the whole diamond ring dilemma again. If you can't say "yes" because someone presented you with a cheap ring, then you don't deserve that person's devotion anyway, gold digger.
Money sucks, basically, lol.
Society's pressure to get married looms in your 30's like you're a freak if you're not when I just genuinely want to be financially stable, happy, and as stress free as I can tbh
Exactly , people got life twisted I’m
35 and I’m the best shape physically and mentally and am happy everyday , most people are sheep and will do whatever everyone else is doing , I got my own condo drive a Benz got money in the bank I’m living great but ppl think cuz I’m not Marriad I should be unhappy lol fools
@@harpreetweston right but getting married doesn't make people sheep, for you being single gives you that feeling, for me that feeling comes from my partner and making him happy
100 percent bro congrats to you for finding your soulmate , for most people that just don’t happen . Marriage when it comes to your way is blessing , take care god bless
Married people are way more financially stable and own way more property statistically. It’s very hard to build wealth alone and much easier as a team.
I'm gonna explain in 2 WORDS why women still want to get married :
Walt, Disney.
Walt Disney sold a falsehood to women. There are no princes out there.
It's kind of funny that Disney sold such a loving scenario to them, much less enough to want it... as that kind of love is how men feel, not women.
@@AnthonySforza men are the true romantics. MGTOW
Spot on dude! Spot! On! 😂😂😂
so do men....
There's this thing that I saw once (probably isn't true for everyone) that the more you spend on your wedding the more likely you are to get divorced with the person you married
If I ever get married I probably won't spend much, but can someone explain this to me?
@@michaelstephenvargas8821 I'm 26, my wife and I have been together for 8 years (married for four) and our relationship is amazing. We also spent about 100 dollars on our "wedding" we invited a justice of the peace (USA) to our favorite restaurant, along with our parents. We had lunch said our vows and signed the paper. I think the reason a more expensive wedding makes divorce more likey, isn't really about the wedding, it's about the couple. To me a big expensive wedding is more about showing off, for lack of a better term, rather than committing to the one you love. It's an ego boost for the couple and if you're going into a marriage for an ego boost, you have the wrong idea. That being said I don't think this applies to everyone, though I don't know anyone personally who spent 30 grand or more on a wedding.
@@muttman12 yeah, nice explanation
My parents got married in a courthouse. Their marriage license cost more then my mom’s “wedding dress”. They just celebrated 28 years.
the amount i would spent on a wedding is $0
I have been single for most of my life. I have no interest in geting marryed or having kids. I like my freedom to much.
Most men out here are selfish anyway, so why should a women bother? I too like my freedom too much to change my last name for any man.
Marriage is a scam itself LOL. Marriage is a Prison and the only way to get out is to pay with everything you have.
@@vanaphill2454 Lol You sure about that? I have a crush right now. I love her with all my heart. If we were to get married. I would not be selfish. I would be caring. I would be gentle. To be honest with your men are scared of what women can do in today's society. *cough* (take all the money and leave) *cough* Wow that was a long cough. It doesn't even make any sense since this is written text. 😂
@@vanaphill2454 girrrrl, same lol fuck all that nonsense
I would definitely get married under one condition: we split or share whatever we made together, but we both leave with whatever we came with.
The outcome of a marriage depends on the laws of the county/state you live in AND AND AND the whims of the judge who handle your case.
It's called a prenup
lawyers taking an easy 10-20%
I am 26 years old I make 60k a year in Arkansas I have a home and 20 acres I almost got married Once (missed a bullet big time it about took my head off) I am happy for the most part but my opinion is marriage its not a bad thing the problem now days we have a ME culture and what you can do for ME. With no morale or ethics or how to treat other people that's why you are seeing people not getting married. But a side note is that it would be nice to find someone that u would live with and be happy with because its not fun being by yourself. Just my two cents
Nice comment. Good point! Cheers!
Well post a pic!! Lol promote yourself!! 💞
@jad nashaat in math yeah. But marriage is one of those things where you have complete control over. Don't be stupid stupid. Especially now is the best time imo. Because now we not only have people who we can look up to for great marriages, but we also have very specific examples of what not to do. The MGTOW community is so full of pitiful egomania they would never tell us what they've done wrong in their marriages (because of course it's 100% evil women, and you're an innocent angel. Pathetic), so us men who actually want to get married (and make it work) won't do that. We at least have information on what women to definitely avoid.
@jad nashaat when you can't argue the point, just insult them personally... You might have more in common with feminists than you think
If our ancestors did not have a self centered "ME" mentality.
Humans would've died off well over 20,000 years ago. A year ago I would've completely agreed it was a problem, and in the modern world it still is. But being selfish has been functional for most of life, and your genes wouldn't be alive if your ancestors were not self centered.
Read The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
The higher the trends on power and money the lower the value of marriage as the risk increase to asset loss is magnified. This is an implication of the lack of proper legal protections making marriage avoidance the most pragmatic approach
Kristoff Morgan it's called a prenup
Prenups are not binding in court and in my state are not enforced by any bank. This means your spouse can get a credit card, charge up $100,000 on it, default and hang you for the bill. THAT is the way the law is written.
Very well said.👍
Greg Patterson No, it wasn't. This sentence could have easily been combined into one. Also, ease up on the pedantic language if you want anyone to understand you.
You're an idiot, not an anthropologist
*It's all about true love.*
In Disney
But many romantic love today doesn't last the test of time stipulated by marriage.
Because true love is about as beautiful (and fragile) as glass.
If my sister ever get married I am going to feel bad for my sister's husband
Same buddy
Same bro
Hahaha that's mean.
So damn relatable. What I have realised is, most women in my family, they have an appealing facade, both interms of appearance and character, the flaw is hidden deep within.
I'm so certain that whosoever lives with them would never thrive for how brutally pathetic they are, but whosoever talks to them just for a while would feel pleased by their presence.
This gave me the realisation that most women are not who they seem to be, a few dates wouldn't let us know who they truly are.
Most men aren't gentle either, and this brought me to an utter conclusion that the fancy facade, is nothing but a deception, the sweet words and soothing service is nothing but a misdirection.
It may take years or even eons to properly know what's within.
😂 same
Look, here's the point. You don't get married because of money or because you want someone to do all the job for you, you get married because of love, and that's around it. Don't want to get married? Don't, you're not living in a country where you're forced to marry. Keep on whoring around as much as you'd like, man or woman. No need to judge. You want to live together with the person that you love and not get married? Fucking go for it. You want to get married to make your relationship more 'official' and be committed to someone for the rest of your life? Dude, that's your choice. If we're talking about a marriage where everything revolves around money, why the fuck did you marry in the first place? Marriage is a choice in modern society, we're not living in a third world country where you get married to an old man at the age of ten. Stop complaining, do what you want to do, and treat people with respect.
Well said.
Lily Zett But before loving others, you need to love yourself. Otherwise, you will repel love and soon, hate. Hate as a Sith. This video is easier to explain: th-cam.com/video/vXbCWJNfq_0/w-d-xo.html
99legion who hurt u dude
99legion ok...
99legion lol you have the funniest opinions. I hope you never fall in love, I don’t think you’ll get out of it alive.
Wanna be happy and financially successful? Three rules: 1. Do not marry. 2. Do not have children. 3. Do not buy a house.All this from personal experience, and observation.
From personal experience, I find doing the exact opposite can be far more effective, if done right. Depends a lot on your self, who you are as a person.
@Benni B Then find a house that's actually build properly, not one of those shitbox project homes that are build to fail. Or even learn to build one yourself, although to be fair when most people do that they still end up fucking it up out of stupidity. Also, know where to invest. Basically, don't be an idiot. But sometimes that's just too much to ask of people.
Benni B houses are never ending money pits because most of them are designed to be. Tradies rig it to ensure ‘future business’. If you buy a house that’s made properly, it’s not going to be a money pit. Simple.
I can agree with the first 2, if you can get into buying and flipping houses that can actually help the financial aspect
Nothing against people getting married but if half of all marriages end in divorce, the vast majority within the first 3 years and initiated by the woman then chances are low of having a successful one. And thats if you define "sucess" purely by staying together. This does not even factor people who feel unhappy but stay together for other reasons
I been saying that shit for years! I wonder what the number is like when we include those people...
Just got married 5 months ago. Our conversation last night made me rethink every decision that I have made.
Hi how are u now? I hope all is well take care, exersize
Try to work it out anyway possible.
Is everything okay brother?
I hope you doing fine.
She changed as soon as that ring was on and the ink was dry huh?
@@saltydog4333 Wedding cake effect xD
Did anyone else notice that there is an increase of women who want to be married, but also a decrease in women who want to be home makers? And at the same time, a decrease in men who want to be married?
Coincidence?? I think not!!
Good point.
In the past, the cons of marriage for men (no longer being able to play the field; paying for a housewife) were outweighed by the pros (a loyal housewife who understood her marital duties). Thanks to feminism, women have jettisoned their side of the marriage compact.
Yeah cause men can't be kings in their marriages anymore so they rather not have it at all
I wouldnt mind being a homemaker. Its no longer financially feasible though
I totally understand. My family and immigrated to the US when I was very little and so having been exposed to these two cultures (my native one and a more western one) I have to say that I do not like the mentality that has evolved in some women now-a-days. I look up to my mom and really understand the housework she puts it and to me it's really beautiful for a woman to dominate the home like this.
But that's just my two cents... 😕
There are no pros for men. You gamble on a woman’s everlasting love, which will never be the love you want, with half of everything you have, including your children. Do. Not. Do. It.
Which will never be the love you want....I am confused Herc, why would you Marry that person if you were not already getting the "Love you want" ?
And it's wrong to tear kids away from their loving parents so courts need to start telling them to lay down their swords and remember who they married and as long either one is not harmful to the kids they need to work out a parenting plan...maybe locked in a room like a Jury?...be fun to have a reality show of it...Not!
Nice guy
Wrong! Married men live longer!
@@dawndrew8313 because that love u want may only last for 1 year then the bitch cheats
Go mgtow. We aren’t incels. Don’t hate women. We are simply not playing the game anymore. That’s the only winning move
Any woman with work ethic, her own earned money and common sense will be happy to just date (even v long term) and not get married. For truly independant women who don't want to sponge off a man, marriage in 2019 has no benefit. Unfortunately, that type of woman is very rare today!
Do not go Mgtow just be a player
@@toptiergamers5656 That's part of it dude. You can choose to be a purple pill.
TOP TIER GAMERS mgtow doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. I still casually date. Some don’t. Some avoid women completely. We all believe in something a little different but we all agree that marriage is a horrible deal for men
MGTOW is a scam to make young males not want to have children.
Lets be honest
Marriage is only beneficial to women, with the occasional exception.
Why do men avoid marriage??
For the same reason men in jail avoid picking up the soap..
@@andreakotze5309 My older brother found out his youngest child was not his biological child.He filed for divorce.She can keep the house, he has to pay alimony for her, and a ton of child support.He was willing to care for the children 50%.But she rather receives a paycheck and leave the kids at her moms house so she can party.He has to go to court everytime to make her letting him see his kids.And he can't get custody because he doesn't have a house lol.Believe it or not they even tried to make him pay child support for the child that is not his.
This may seem over the top.But just ask any man and they will know a man in a similar situation.
@@andreakotze5309 Yes but i think when people are in love they don't want to think about these things.But they really should.And you are right i wouldn't trust their intentions either.It was really ugly and before this happened i've heard many men men complain about similar situations. at this point i would say just have your own ceremony.
@@andreakotze5309 nowadays, not even a prenup can save a man. Lawyers are good at working around prenups.
Men avoid marriage because it's basically prison in reality. When a woman divorces a man she takes all of his fortune and belongings for which he worked hard for. Feminists have been fighting against shared custody, it's not destroyed, but divorced men very rarely see their kids, which the woman took with her. I will never get married. When you get married, you sign a waiver that says you have to give up your life.
@@andreakotze5309 or just don't get married. Nothing legal. No extra expenses
If you are a man, don't get married. Avoid it altogether. It doesn't benefit you in any way at all. It simply exposes you to unimaginable levels of risk. Get a partner, but never sign that contract.
@Natasel Not really. Ever heard of common law divorce? Probably not.
Simple don't marry a woman or don't move in with a woman and don't have children
Men have really lost their balls. You let the government make a bitch out of you. It's funny because you're being over taxed and worked to death. Yet blame women and the kids you made?
Men benefit more from marriage. That is the truth. Women tend to feel stressed out as they have to handle everything. Not to mention infidelity.
@@karenmurray4608 Yes, I totally agree, far too many women cheat in a marriage and then if there's a divorce she steals half his stuff with the aide of the government.
I wouldn't consider expensive weddings a con to getting married. That's something the couple can choose, not a direct result of tying the knot.
Also, the average cost for weddings in America is much higher than it is in Europe, probably because many "typical american" (not all of them, of course) are aiming for a straight-outta-Hollywood kinda look. I don't remember the exact difference between the average costs, but I remember it being quite huge.
Totally agree, my mom got married in our living room. A priest came over and married them. They wore sort-of nice clothes. That's about it. xD
thats so great oml
Only need $20 to get married in indonesia. Then have family dinner . No need to waste money
20 for marriage certificate.
Thinking that marriage is an obligation is the first mistake. Thinking that having kids is an obligation is the second.
Amen to that
Marriage is not good. I know 4 or 5 couples whom are married that are not happy. Its scary some of the stuff they tell me. I say dont do it.
Ninja k Do you think marriage can be a very useful tool for raising kids though?
So u want more single moms raising kids ??? Then those children have to help the single parents and have lil time or money for them. Sinve their parents are un able to do everything alone.
Sam Stfu with you trolling and shaming men under every comment thread!!
@@Walking-MY-Path are you another single mom maker?
Sam I never married.
After seeing my parents with divorce and the years of them fighting and hating each other. A fight over money and custody of myself and my brother till we were adults and even further. Just something about a marriage just really disinterests me. I have yet to see a lot of marriages work and people stay together even recently two of my friends got a divorce and it was ugly the whole time. I just don't see how that's something worth looking forward too or wanting.
b0ks b0ks ,my parents didn't get along too, I guess that's what happens when you treat marriage like a job
We're very over-religious in here and most marriages are arranged (and it's just recently that romance started becoming acceptable) so my parents never got together my memories of my childhood is just filled with memories of them screaming at each other or mentally (and even *PHYSICALLY*) abusing me
I’m sorry you both went through that. Unfortunately I suffered the same problems with my parents and it has caused me to be non combative at all. I truly hate arguing and it gives me anxiety. Now I see my son going through the same thing with his youngest kid mom. She even argues with me and my mom. She’s mad because my son decided not to marry her. She’s crazy as bat shit. I just feel bad for my grandson and I hope this doesn’t destroy his childhood
Same, its not worth it
scott sanger lol
You get anxiety because you don't know how to properly stand up for yourself.
Checking out the Tinder scene in every city might also mean checking out the STI rates in every city. Have fun and be safe out there.
Not that easy anyways. Women on tinder are only interested in the top 5 to 10 percent.
@@michaelplitt2135 1%
It's funny how in your pros you miss one of the most important reasons to get married. Look at the stats on the difference between kids raised in a two parent household vs. kids raised by single parents.
Came here just to say this.
Okay. You can raise your kids together without being married.
How much damage does it do to a child to be jn a toxic household where the parents hate eachother?
Being exposed to long term trauma and negative environment causes PTSD and worse problems than "not having daddy or mommy" around all the time.
Marriage is like betting someone half of your stuff that they could love you forever
Never thought of it like that
Q: How are women and a hurricane alike?
A: When they arrive they're both wet and wild, when they leave, they take your house and your car and everything else.
Not to mention leaving your life being flooded with bullshit that takes years to recover from.
And I shall call her "Katrina" or "Sandy" 🤣🤣
Because men never EVER do anything like that to women right?
There is no pros for men at all, I knew it all along. Already decided in like 3rd grade or something to never get married, I am 18 now and still go by that.
Smart man.
good for you ,marriage is just a scam.
@Huxble 'infinity hi im 13 and what does fuck mean? NEwat im not getting married bcuz girls r gross and i just found my own doodle
all of the pros are for the woman, the man gets all the oh so joyous cons. Dont you just love how equal and balanced marriage is?
Dont get leashed. Enjoy your freedom. You will regret it.
That's what I think too. Marriage is overrated and a waste of life. I choose not to be overendebted.
Put simply, if you're a man, it's all Cons, if you're a woman it's all Pros.
Jyps Ridic you got it
That's why intelligent men go MGTOW. (and adventerous, intelligent men get PASSPORTS!) internationalsexguide -- search that term and get the 'info'!
Musicbox Mermaid I wrote a long ass reply but I'll sum it up "happy wife, happy man. Happy man, happy wife" so long as at least one of you tries to make the other happy it should flow smoothly. :)
Don't flatter yourself, Jyps, there are plenty of cons to marrying a man.
you forget that a divorce still hugely discriminates, giving almost standard the women the kids and also much of the money in alimentation based on a reality that doesn't exist anymore with women in the workforce. Why should I want to marry if I know I won't see the kids, yet paying for them and the ex for the rest of my life?.... men are always pulling the short hand in divorce and with such a divorce rate.... why even bother to marry.
I don't like using this, but if you knew there is a single poisoned fruit in a basket of fruits, you'd probably avoid picking up fruit from that basket, i think i am a family man, i'd like a big family, but as so far as i can see, i'd have no safety net to insure i won't get screwed over in things don't go according to plan, and you said it yourself they usually don't, so to avoid getting killed,killing myself, being homeless,poor i choose not to get married, not because i don't want it but because society does not give a flying fuck.
Hahaha! A avatar fan, hurrah my friend!
There's people that dont give a fuck, and there's people that do. You should be living with your partner. by yourselves, for id say at least 4 years before considering marriage
People who live together and then get married are more likely to get divorced.
smart man . The last part at10:03 is all treated the same in divorce.
soon they will add one more . Just don't pay the woman bills . take pics with her and texts thing that hint at marriage in any way.
I got divorced 5 or 6 years ago and went celibate, and I’m living my best life ever!!!! I smile before bed and upon waking up!!! 👍🏽🥰
Amen girl. Marriage is a scam. I'm supposed to be a man's slaves , work cook clean sex, and get cheated on and put up with men's nasty attitude...no thank you. I'm cam survive on my own and be a single mom of 4 . I actually smile now.
yeshua my saviour you deserve the best. I had to drill that into my head and actually believe that I don’t have to conform to that hype about marriage. To tell you the truth, people that I know and are married are at the doctor’s office more than single people!!!! Smh
I am an epidemiologist and make my own money.
yeshua my saviour absolutely, you and any woman can live a peaceful and abundant life solo:-)
you know truly you aren’t celibate thats just a mask you put on to make yourself seems better to others
here is a simplified version of marriage.
women have everything to gain and are backed by law.
men have everything to lose are not back by any laws.
Correct me if i'm wrong here, I'm trying to learn, but didn't men get everything and women got maybe half or nothing along time ago? If so, I don't understand why that unjust rule suddenly landed on men today, you think by now they remove all of that.
PrincessAshley121 About 100 years of Feminism and 50 years of Communism happened. Communists were against religion and marriages, so they invented no fault divorce in 1917 USSR to break up family units. The rest of the world just copied them (probably not even knowing the reason why it was invented).
Also "a long time ago" women din't really earned a stable income, so most of the property was bought and payed with the husband money.
Fankas2000 I don't really blame first and second wave feminism, because it actually needed to happen, but feminism today is ridiculous and unnecessary. Communism? Really? I never knew that I'm gonna look online about that, thanks for the help.
PrincessAshley121 First and second wave feminism din't need to happen. I know this is going to sound harsh, but women got payed less because they work less. Shocking I know, but when most people wok in manufacturing jobs (where you require strength and endurance) it really isn't unjust to pay women less.
Also why should women get the right to vote? They aren't expected to give up their lives in order to protect the country, so why do they get a say how to run it? This is especially funny when you realize that outside of China in most countries there are more women then men. And because more women have part time jobs they are much more likely to vote.
Fankas2000 Actually Women get paid less because they work jobs that pay less money than men. A woman who gets a teaching or nursing job gets paid less than man whos an engineer or doctor, but also women do work less hours but not ALL women work less hours. The reason why women should vote is because if we're expected to obey the law, we should have a say in the law and there are tons of good reasons but that's one of them. If you have a different opinion that's fine, but our society needs women and men to work together, if you hold back women you lose 50% societal progress. I'm not trying to be offended by the way, I'm giving you my opinion in the most respectful way. I'm in the navy right now I'm giving up my life for my country, so why shouldn't I be able to vote?
I am so glad that I am not the only one who avoids marriage like a plague.
same , its a trap
It's 4 years. Are u still not married ?
I've worked with a lot of older people who each have more than a lifetime's experienc behind them, and they say the exact opposite. One of the biggest regrets is sleeping around for a lot of them. They look me in the eye and tell me it's never fucking worth it. If somebody truly makes you unhappy, then that's not a healthy relationship
Cause everyone around them all the time told them so.
tacosHELLYEAH I have an uncle who slept around, and then he noticed he was 50. He got himself together now I have a beautiful cousin and Aunt.
I'm going to guess the ones that admitted that were women who whored themselves around while they were young and then when they get older they want to hurry and find a guy to settle with
I just cancelled an engagement and fully planned wedding that was supposed to happen in 3 months. Glad I came to my senses. I think marriage at this point in society is less about love and romance and more about money and government benefits. You can still have a long term committed relationship without marriage and the risks of what comes with divorce.
@J Kidd The 'benefits' being more than financial. It also comes with "look how happy and wanted I am." bragging rights. It's all an illusion.
Marriage was never about love and romance.
The only woman who will love a man unconditionally is his mother, if he's lucky enough to not have a crackhead for a mother. Even his sister or daughters can end up hating him, let alone his wife.
Don't get married.
Felice Graziano 200% correct
@@ib5660 10,000% + correct
Why do you have to sign a piece of paper to validate your love for someone. Your’e basically digging yourself in a hole you can’t get out of. You can still love each other with out those things. Once you get financially involved with a woman legally you’re fucked she has you by the balls.
Well said Mr.President.
There are no pros anymore. There just aren't. Don't get married guys.
Actually the only pros is you can say that your gf/bf is your "fiancee/wife/husband". lol imagine getting married just so you could address your significant other with a fancier name.
Yayy great advice dont get married guys keep on fucking and dont forget to call me when you have HIV/AIDS 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@everyday9861 Are you a Physician?
@@fahrudincatic7363 is that a compliment or you truly wanna what i am
First of all am not a physician but you can know who i am by this piece of advice "marriages crumble these days because of how we have adopted the lifestyle of immoralities" think about it it will help you
I don’t see any benefits for man not one
Then don't get married :)
I did two times
Awh man I'm sorry
@@teddythickness7734 Yeah I don't see either happening but I guess I'll find out eventually! Though that would be very disappointing, I care for him quite a lot, and he seems to like me back. Hahhaa everyone is dysfunctional, you're a step ahead when you accept that.
@@letsstartadialogueeh7692 True!
Ive never actually met a married man who told me he was glad he got married. Most in fact told me that I should avoid it. I tell younger guys the same thing.
Pros if your a female, Cons if you are a male. It ain't harder than that. Guys do not get married.
Not really men stand to have everything taken from them during a divorce. Even if she cheated on you she will have a high chance of getting the house, kids, your retirement money and then make you pay out the ass for child support.
+HeyDude "Mingo" is right.
Connor Unknown dam your fkn right, i dont wanna get married any more
So true!
If females get married and males don't get married, who will the females marry?
married people dont look happy to me if anything they look stressed
@Ice mgtow is only golden path to hapiness.
I have friends and relatives who have a child and some are still in high school. And they don't seem to give a damn. WHY?
@@Mii.2.0 because they are at early stage of relationship they only know each other for a year or 2.
idk I do know that there was sats that said that the less partners you have had sex with pre marriage makes you more likely to have a happy marriage
because they are. How would you feel living with the person who makes you miserable from time to time. most times for petty nonsense
The problem is that the society is more selfish than ever and it is not willing to sacrifice themselves to work for the good of others...which is called " serving other people for love"
Koke Lopez Exactly. We are more selfish than ever and don't care about anything about ourselves. We keep making up this "humans are polygamous" crap and think it's ok to cheat or say "if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best" bitch no u have to treat the other person how you want to be treated not just throw on a tantrum and blame them for everything. But believe me, at the end of the day, no one wants to die alone. So we'll see with these generations.
Scarlett Rose cheating means having a relationship without approvel of your Partner, in a open relationship that wouldn't be the case
IMHO open relationship is an oxymoron at least to certain people
I refuse to be some dude's extended mommy, sooooo.
KittyFAN13 that is different...one thing is to help someone in need of help and another thing is to stupidly work for lazy motherfkers
There's an interesting thread on Plozee about this. A couple of reasons why ppl are choosing not to get married:
- independence. You aren't tied down to anyone.
- money. You get divorced and watch your wallet get lighter. Lawyers are expensive.
- tradition. Do we even question why we do things anymore? Who cares if people have done it in the past. We need to ask ourselves if marriage is still suitable for the 21st century
I cant wait to not get married.
Can i not attend your not wedding?
So did you not getting married
@@zyzmal2004 no sir , he just can't wait to not get married
Most of this video is accurate except for the end talking about alternatives to marriage. I am divorced and I'm never getting married again after realizing that the Family Court system is not a fair system. One example is an Ex Parte Order. Basically a Woman can say whatever they want without the Man present in Court to have custody temporarily suspended for the other party without any proof (seriously). Then the same party can also lie in court without any repercussions or follow up even if you ask for evidence. This is insanity and one of the reasons why the divorced Male suicide rates are so high.
I have a girlfriend now and we have been together for almost 7 years and very happy. We even adopted a child. I made sure she knew early on that I was not interested in getting married unless there is a drastic change in the Family Court system (and I am not a Millennial). The part of this video that video that may be misleading is that in some states there really is no alternative to marriage. In California to have a Domestic Partnership you need to be a same sex couple or over the age of 62 if you are an opposite sex couple to qualify for a Domestic Partnership. Civil Unions are only for same sex couples as well. It's really strange. Research your own States laws for alternatives if they exist. In some States if you live with someone for a certain amount of time you are automatically married (Common-law Marriage) so be careful of that as well.
Wow this was the most informative comment I've seen. Thank you!
No problem, video was great and got a thumbs up from me. Keep up the great work with your videos.
Will do! Cheers!
My advice to young people is DO NOT GET MARRIED! You may very well regret it later.
Yeah I am not going to do it again. It's a financial contract that is heavily skewed against Men. Kids today are getting married way too young. If you don't even know who you are as a person yet; how are you ready to spend the rest of your life with someone? For Men there are dire consequences to divorce that they either don't know about or totally ignore.
Thanks for showing why MGTOW should be mainstream.
No one cares about men then when we speak out we are shamed.
I have friends who are married and it seem like a prison camp. 🤣
Then they shouldn't have gotten married
Only if they are lying
Or a plantation .. man being the slave
I think your financials after divorce may be unrealistic. Men left with $8500 and women with $3400. 😂
In Australia it seems to be the ex wife takes the man for every cent he has. Then he also continues to pay a massive chunk of his salary in child support until the kids grow up. 🤔
I would love to see where he got those numbers.
@@grantarmbruster6591 his ass
Do these laws apply in Australia as well??
Signing financial contracts based on emotional attachments is something only the class bound or foolish do. I have only witnessed 1 marriage, between my mother and stepfather that classifies as close bond. The rest are divorced, seperated, or recklessly pretending
Agreeing to marry is resigning all your personal freedom.
Artomiix Amen!!
Let's start a Dialogue, eh? Why not??
And everything else as well !!!!!!!!
I'm afraid of losing my autonomy.
I think marriage can be a beautiful thing. As long as it is about loving each other unconditionally. No control. No expectations. Just best friends without an agenda. ♥️
in a parallel universe.
Agreed but I believe there’s other factors to a successful marriage. Equality, being faithful(no hoeing around, partying, basically anything that can lead to cheating), sacrifices, love for each other, interest in each other and morals
In a sitcom it is possible, in reality only if you are obsessed with that other person and they are with you
OMG ... help me stop laughing at your naivete!!