clickbait video.... nothing special with normal steps that have absolutely nothing to do with elite dangerous odyssey specifically... typical copy and paste work arounds from a pc help desk that don't actually do much and are just there to establish a base line before getting escalated. the difference is there's no one to escalate too and you now have software on your computer you likely didn't want. but hey that was likely the goal aside from making money off people watching the video. guess the clickbait was successful.
clickbait video.... nothing special with normal steps that have absolutely nothing to do with elite dangerous odyssey specifically... typical copy and paste work arounds from a pc help desk that don't actually do much and are just there to establish a base line before getting escalated. the difference is there's no one to escalate too and you now have software on your computer you likely didn't want. but hey that was likely the goal aside from making money off people watching the video. guess the clickbait was successful.
It didn't fix for me. I actually need help it makes it to the planet generation system and crashes
Same thing for me. I've done about all of the fixes that were supposed to work and none have.
Advanced system settings fixed it for me. Thanks
apologies i cant trust anyone with your accent because reasons
I know right?!
Way to shill malware
Wtfast and changing those settings fixed my problem