Christianity As Mystical Fact 10/12: Rudolf Steiner - The Essence of Christianty, Time and the Zohar

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.พ. 2024
  • Jeff and I continue on our voyage of discovery into Rudolf Steiner's transformational book "Christianity As Mystical Fact: And the Mysteries of Antiquity". Today we look look at what chapter 11 has to say about the Eseence of Christianity. The appearance of the Zohar at the beginning of this chapter is hugely interesting and relevant to Steiner's conception of the Christ impulse and how it continued to work after the Mystery of Golgotha until now and will continue to work as the balancing force for the rest of Earth evolution
    GA 8.
    #rudolfsteiner #zohar #ancientknowledge #mysticism #christianmysticism #mysteryschool #chronos #kairos
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ความคิดเห็น • 11

  • @forbearancemp5283
    @forbearancemp5283 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    How did I miss this episode? Thought about this lately as well. It seems to me that religion is an endless debate on Faith vs. Works, and similarly an endless debate on Knowledge vs. Faith in science. In the MIDDLE, is Anthroposophy with Knowledge AND Faith AND Works 😁. Head, Heart and Hands.

  • @jameskaplin502
    @jameskaplin502 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Time as in Chronos and time as in Kairos was brilliant which goes with Aristotle's categories too. (6) sometime or having time ; (7) being in a position in time. I do believe the episode should be labeled 11/12 in the title since one of the episodes was not recorded. Maybe after the fact you two should revisit that episode too. Thanks Angus for putting the mike closer and now we need to have Jeff go back to the levels he had in the previous episodes but its constructive criticism. Jeff's voice needs to be booming over the speakers and it emphasizes the mystical quality of the content.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks James!. An interesting reflection about the categories. It is a long term project of mine to dig deeper into what Steiner meant when he talked about Aristotle's categories being a type of cosmic script.
      We still have 2 chapters left in the book, but I understand why you think it should be 11/12
      Christianity and Pagan Wisdom
      Augustine and the Church
      I have been digging deeply into Aquinas' life and works recently. I am particuarly intrigued by the closeness in time to Aquinas' rebuttal of Siger of Brabant and his exhortation “The end of my labors has come. All that I have written appears to be as so much straw after the things that have been revealed to me.” ........ “I can write no more. I have seen things that make my writings like straw.” Is this something you have looked into?

    • @jameskaplin502
      @jameskaplin502 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@TheExceptionalState I have looked into this and Steiner's lecture's "The Redemption of Thinking (CW 74) " and how Aquinas was looking into the problem of the revelation of religion and could no longer use the scholasticism of the time to bring reason and logic to revelation. This lead to nominalism and Ockham's razor, then to Bacon's philosophy and finally to the apex of nominalism the philosophy of Kant. Thomism now through spiritual science has now the reason and logic to bring forward what was for Aquinas straw and a knowledge of revelation.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jameskaplin502Thanks James for reminding me of GA74. I have been digging deeper into the life of Aquinas recently, both his biography and moral philosophy. Furthermore, because I am also looking closely at Dante's Paradiso this is leading to a kind of quickening in my thinking and understanding in relation to PoF and KoHW which is still so fleeting I think it is better not put it into words yet.

  • @forbearancemp5283
    @forbearancemp5283 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Around the 54 min mark you spoke about Are Thoresen, Angus. I did go to a workshop here in Melbourne where he talked about the closing of the previous path. This made sense to me because sending these energies "back to the Light" seemed like playing a game of hot potato with the Cosmos. It's our responsibility now. We are well into an Earth initiation and it's our participation that's required. The choice is to participate consciously, or not.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I hope to be doing a video or article on Are's statement soon. There is a thread on Facebook with him and I where we look at his sources and he corrects his statement. If you are on FB I can send you the thread.

    • @forbearancemp5283
      @forbearancemp5283 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheExceptionalState Thank you, if you are there as Exceptional State, I'll find you and say hello Angus and Jeff.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Angus Hawkins

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Angus Hawkins
      Hi Are. I would like to understand better where in particular in the book (I have the German version, probably like yourself) you are getting the idea from that " the great pain and suffering that Rudolf Steiner experienced when he realized that the path into the spiritual world that he had offered, and perhaps himself opened, was subsequently shut due to his followers’ lack of commitment.
      Did Steiner say that he "perhaps opened the path"?
      Did Steiner say that this path was shut?
      I have only skimmed the book so able grateful if you have any pointers to recommend.
      BTW I am one of those anthroposophist's that meditates.
      Are ThoresenAuthor
      Angus Hawkins 228-229-230-231-232-233-243-244-245-247-248-257-268
      Angus Hawkins
      Thanks Are. Would you agree with an initial observation that I made, namely that Ehrenfried Pfeiffer is a key player in this story? And that it is also important to know about his life, experiences and book "Ein Leben für den Geist"?
      Are ThoresenAuthor
      Angus Hawkins may be, I don't know
      Angus Hawkins
      Hi Are Thoresen I have now read pages 220-268 that you referenced. It is certainly a sorry tale that is told about the relationship between the Vorstand and Steiner. Nevertheless, I found no statements that indicated that the path to initiation was closed. The nearest the book comes to with regards to that idea is that Steiner's return will be required for a deepening of the anthroposophical impulse (Teil XII p243-244 "bleiben verhüllt" does not mean closed, it means "remain veiled"). I find nothing in here that indicates the path of the "Philosophy of Freedom" or "How to Attain Knowledge of Higher Worlds" is closed. Instead we only read about Steiner's disappointment that nobody, despite all Steiner's efforts, was capable of achieving such a level of clairvoyance.
      Are ThoresenAuthor
      Angus Hawkins no, the Michael path is to my knowledge not closed ......... it is just quite difficult ..... I guess ...... I tried to sit and watch the so called Michael path for several weeks some time ago, and SOME individuals could walk it, so I concluded that it was not closed. In the book I mentioned Steiner said that the path would be closed in the autumn of 19214 if not used. Seems that I have to read that book again to find the place ........
      Angus Hawkins
      Are Thoresen I would also like to thank you for encouraging me to read about the events towards the end of Steiner's life. It adds yet another interesting dimension to the omnipresent forces that prefer to see humanity devolve rather than evolve.
      Are ThoresenAuthor
      Angus Hawkins yes, and I will also use this conversation to thank Dr. Rose for making me aware of that the Michael path is not closed or shut. Thank you both.

    • @forbearancemp5283
      @forbearancemp5283 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TheExceptionalState Thank you Angus. I was reading on Are's FB to find it, and there, it's painful to read the comments and objections without the openness and specificity you carefully bring to the discussion. When Ari talked about the "closing" of the Michael path, he likened it to an untrodden forest path grown over. I understood it from the traditional Aboriginals in Australia who keep the Songlines open by going Walkabout. Additionally, my own thoughts were that while the 9,8,& 7 Hierarchy could still assist, they've done it all before already, and for humans to have an expectation that we can just pass the responsibility up the line was as unlikely as Christ returning in a physical body a second time, if you get my drift. Anyway, since a lot of us are in our, shall I say "mature" years, unlikely to commit terrorist acts, making a space was something we could do. I dowse the environment and was keen to not rely on rods for ley lines, stressed places etc. I might reserve judgement and "watch" this space. Thank you for going to the trouble to reply so extensively. We are all walking each other home.