Christianity As Mystical Fact 9/12: Rudolf Steiner - The Essene Community's relationship to Christ

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ค. 2024
  • Jeff and I continue on our voyage of discovery into Rudolf Steiner's transformational book "Christianity As Mystical Fact: And the Mysteries of Antiquity". Today we look at Jesus and His Historical Background as a means of understanding his cosmic significance.
    GA 8.
    #rudolfsteiner #essenes #ancientknowledge #mysticism #christianmysticism #mysteryschool #edgarcayce #johnthebaptist
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ความคิดเห็น • 18

  • @forbearancemp5283
    @forbearancemp5283 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I always love to listen to the two of you "mucking about" The last few episodes would benefit from Angus increasing his volume, as the only way to fully listen is with headphones.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sorry, my bad. I forgot to bring the mic closer :(

  • @tamiwilliamson6679
    @tamiwilliamson6679 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I agree, it is becoming a knowing, more info explosion.,havta say; I find this channel,you guys give the best explanations of things that I've heard thus so far., thank you! 🥰

    • @jeffbarney3584
      @jeffbarney3584 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words!

  • @forbearancemp5283
    @forbearancemp5283 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Just came from a weekend workshop with Are on the Northern Path. So good! I couldn't help thinking the Norseman meets Crocodile Dundee, a movie which covers 'distractions' in a humourous way 😆

    • @jameskaplin502
      @jameskaplin502 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I do believe that Are Thoresen talks about how most disease in animals are brought on by humanity and in veterinarian practice, they just rid the animal of the entities and they would just find another animal to possess. This goes along with the 5th Gospel of the Essences chasing Ahriman and Lucifer from their communities to infect or possess others in humanity. Are Thoreses believes we are to Christianize these entities and that is the mission for humanity after the mystery of Golgotha.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Are - yes he is a very interesting phenomena in the anthroposophical circles and also has found lots of people that want to follow the path he describes.

  • @jameskaplin502
    @jameskaplin502 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Metousiosis is a Greek term (μετουσίωσις) that means a change of ousia (οὐσία, "essence, inner reality"). This is what the Orthodox community calls the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine and for many years I held the faith and belief that these ritualistic prayers was bringing about this metousiosis or transubstantiation. I can now say through my inspiration, my imagination and my intuition this mystical fact is becoming a reality in my soul and consciousness. It brings together my feeling soul together with my intellectual soul into a communion with each other not only within myself but outside of myself with other souls who develop the will out of love. The Eucharist has kept me connected to Christ over my lifetime and now I truly can see how it was a gift given to humanity and sacrificed for us that we truly can receive grace through the Holy Spirit. I think this is what it's called to be baptized in fire.

    • @jeffbarney3584
      @jeffbarney3584 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for sharing this James. Your own experiences of the Eucharist and the unceasing promise ot transsubstantion for anyone who truly grapples with the mystery of Christ fill my heart and head with warmth. It would be lovely to hear more about how the mystical fact is becoming a reality to you.
      Thomas Aquinas famously said "Everything . . . seems to me straw compared with the vision I have had". It is a shame that no records exist (as far as I know) as to anybody askng him to describe what happened and why. In my own imagination I wonder if he experienced some similar to what Dante experienced in the final part of the Divine Comedy, namely Paradiso. Any thoughts? Fancy a chat sometime?

    • @jameskaplin502
      @jameskaplin502 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@TheExceptionalState I believe that when I came across this from Steiner from Lecture X GS 346 "Lecture to Priests: The Apocalypse -
      "Now just think that this Revealer approaches John showing him in a prophetic picture what will later occur for humanity. There He comes down in future times the one who has the name which He alone understands. What can all of this really mean? If one honestly wants to understand it, the whole thing seems to be meaningless at first. Why does He come, the one who is to bring the salvation of the world, the justice of the world all of this is written in the Apocalypse -, “who shall make faith and knowledge true;” not what the (King James version has: “was called Faithful and True”) but “who shall make faith and knowledge true.” This is really like hide-and-seek, for if He has an inscribed name which only He understands, what is that supposed to mean? It makes us ask a question which goes deeper. What is this really all about?
      Imagine it quite vividly: He has a name which only He understands. How can we relate to this name? It should really acquire a significance for us; this name should really be able to live in us. How can this occur? It can occur if the being who understands this name becomes united with us and enters our own self, then this being in us will understand the name and we will understand it also. We will have Him in us and we will continually have the awareness of Christ in us. He is the only one who understands the things, which are connected with His being; but He understands them in us, and the Christ-insight of the Christ being in us gives the light which is rayed out in us, because He becomes this light in us, in our own being. It will be an insight which dwells in men."
      This statement started living inside of me and brought me into a true sublime consciousness that has shifted my entire worlds of feeling , thinking and willing life so it was more of a transfiguration of my soul. I would love to fancy a chat someday and I truly appreciate the work you and Jeff are producing because you both have a courageous conviction on your pursuits of your journey of truth.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It seems that both Jeff and certainly are drifting into a field you are very familiar with. Since we did the chapter on Apocalypse and all the intense reading before and after something has also shifted deeply inside me. Indeed, Jeff and I mentioned in this video that our next series might have to be on the Apocalypse for the very reasons that you refer to from GA 346
      Let me know when works for to have an informal chat and I can coordinate with Jeff and we can see where the divine winds would have us blown. @@jameskaplin502
      BTW thanks for your stimulating comments, it helps us to feel that we are doing something of value.

  • @Owen257
    @Owen257 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What are your opinions on Valentin Tomberg? He talks about the resurrection body, how it dwells within the earth after death and is worked on in each incarnation in letter 20 of meditations of the tarot

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tomberg is a very interesting character. I am not well read on him, though did enjoy his "inner Development " and "Christ and Sophia" . I must admit to a certain fascination for someone who also saw the important role that Catholicism has for helping people to find Christ.
      Steiner made some interesting comments about the importance of the Eucharist.

  • @jenna2431
    @jenna2431 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Mystical fact? Define "mystical." That would be an attribution of a characteristic to things we don't understand or can't explain. That has run the gamut through time from thunderstorms, pregnancy, and the scarcity of the hunt. We're several centuries advanced from that and can explain a lot more things. So what qualifies as mystical? I would assert that the Christian feels some kind of way. The rest of us call that an emotion. Hormones dump into the brain when humans are in groups, particularly when music and synchronized movement (kneeling, standing) is involved. Those are dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine is the feel good drug. Oxytocin is a bonding hormone. So you feel good, you align with the group EVEN WHEN you might disagree with them. We know this from research. So that whole idea of "mystical" is explainable phenomena.

    • @TheExceptionalState
      @TheExceptionalState  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Jenna. Yours is a good question which has run like a thread through this whole series of videos. Nevertheless and so that you don't have to watch all of them I can point to 2 questions that reveals the complexity. It is very simple. Are your dreams facts? Are your dreams capable of revealing to you something beyond normal rational thinking?

    • @jeffbarney3584
      @jeffbarney3584 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      This is a very good question. And no mystical as Steiner meant it is not synonymous with emotions or anything other than correlative with hormonal secretions. And Neither is it related to merely environmental prompts via communal or individual rituals etc... or other exoteric formalizations in religions. The way Steiner means it here is as in the mysteries or mystery schools - such as experienced by a few thousand years of Eastern and Western traditions for examples: Heraclitus, Pherecydies, Pythagoras, various bodhisattvas on into the Christian esoteric traditions and phenomenologists of all sorts to some degree. There are exoteric organizations and explanations and efforts for all sorts of phenomena that can be termed soul and spiritual. However these phenomena can't be reduced to emotions and biochemical reactions. They include them but according to my understanding the soul and spiritual phenomena have ontological ground and epistemological processes unique to the phenomena and not reducible to physicalist cause and effect theories.

    • @amandaaverill3038
      @amandaaverill3038 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Mystical pertains to mystery, yet it's not one.