In a world where young men are truly surrounded by all the crap, dopamine traps, and lack of purpose and direction, you truly are a light and an influence for anyone that listens to your advice and what you have to share. Thanks Dewayne.
This channel has been an absolute gem to find. My dad grew up as basically a street kid in the Soviet Union after my grandparents divorced and my grandmother "took custody". The only thing that kept him from becoming a drug addict or dying like many of his buddies did in their teens was the books he read. Jack London, O. Henry, Mark Twain ... those books showed him a different kind of people. Strong, honest, responsible and kind men pushing the frontier of civilization. It's what allowed him to leave that God-forsaken place and move to the West. When we found Dewayne's videos, my dad went "So these are the people that London wrote about, they do exist after all"
@o-henry This is one of the most honoring, humbling and complimentary comments I have ever received. I thank you for this post, all the best to you and your dad
Best advice I was given was "in life you'll come upon trees across the road you're on, just decide whether trying to shift it will be quicker than the diversion round it. But don't let it stop you."
Perfect timing. I may be losing my job soon, which significantly throws off my plans, and it helps to be reminded that the path to our goals are not always guaranteed.
Wish I’d had this guy when I was your age - I was in a dark place with depression and had no one to look up to. Good on you for recognising wisdom when you see it.
Noticed a jump in quality of the videos, Wayne. Nice camera! I’m a 25 yr old male and your channel has been a blessing of wisdom and life lessons. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that your efforts are very much appreciated
Dwayne Great words of knowledge always from you. I lost my battle with my son that I always show him your videos and he loves them. He ended up taking his life August 12, 2023 it’s been so hard for me the wife and my two daughters. Your videos always keep me going and you’re doing a great job and a great man thank you!
This reminds me of my fathers words - "you never cross the same river waters twice.. and sometimes, the map is wrong. Adapt and overcome." Also reminds me of your video on meeting people/horses where they are at, and being flexible- and spoke of RA that day "she was a good horse for *her that day" but, your expectations were rigid. Side note; When visiting my father in Washington, I stopped at a store near the Bridge of the Gods - got a plaque with a "yoga frog" that says "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape" 😊
My definition of success is just land and a home for my wife to be self sustaining and be out of the city. And I’m not feeling very flexible because that goal feels impossible. So every day is frustrating and anger, and it doesn’t feel like there’s a path that can change that. I’m 30 and still feel like my quality of living was when I was 20.
Appreciate the words as always sir. For myself it's proving hard to know when to be flexible and when to be rigid. Spose it's like a strong tree. The good ones know when to stand firm, yet when the storm comes they also know when to bend.
"The horse ain't abused, it's just spoiled." That is one of the best one liners I've heard in a long time! Such a great video and much needed wisdom for this day and age
The point where you talk about a horse "being spoiled". I came upon that this Tuesday with my daughter. She slipped on her grades in her Advanced Math class as a freshman in High School. When I talked to her and she explained where she was coming from, in my mind I realized "okay, I failed a bit as a father". I wasn't checking in like I should have. I was being considerate, but sometimes that means you can fail as a leader. I had to accept that "this is on me as a father". And I need to be more in tune with her and lead her to success. Sometimes we have to accept that the results are a product of our leadership and correct it. But the challenge is correcting it with emotional intelligence. Thank you for your wisdom.
When Im down your wisdom always restores my soul!!! You keep me going!! You're a hell of a hand boss!! God bless you and your's and Happy Holidays!!!🙏🙏🙏
Yes Dwayne, flexibility doesn’t ever mix with ego/pride/selfishness. See it ALOT within this “entitlement” society-- Thank you for being a voice in the wilderness! Keep bringing us virtuous living 🥰
I was addicted to drugs most my life. Slowing down and listening to the right people changed everything. Left the only job i thought was for me. It changed everything. Dont be afraid to transform that was the first step along with listening to David Goggins to make me really look at my life. Walking everywhere sleeping at bus stops. Gets Tiring. That being said changed everything by staying away from what infind comfortable had to learn to live a different way. Fast foward now been a manager , ran a company and im only getting started at 29 . 18-25 life was a mess but never gave up. Theres hope just keep it pushing.
0:00 Good mornin’ December 14 0:10 Vegas is somethin’ else 0:36 _Ma and Pa Kettle come down from the hills_ 🎥 0:52 Lotta nice folks came up and said some very nice things. It’s encouraging to know your efforts are accomplishing something. 1:12 A podcast for Brad Lee. Had a good time. 1:42 Setting up with Rands Hatters. 2:36 Vegas isn’t a cowboy place, but Dewayne felt he and momma should go. 3:21 Dianna has a liking for Tall Country Fellas with a deep voice. 4:18 Podcast fellas *Flexibility* 4:43 Learning to Go with The Flow. “It’s like moose hunting in Alaska.” 🏹🫎 🔫 5:48 A patch of Alders blocks your path “oh I can’t go that way.” 7:49 The Goal doesn’t change, but sometimes you need to take a different route. 8:22 Lets Talk Business. You know where you want to get - you run into an obstacle + you’ve got to be flexible 8:57 In the journey, you will discover things about yourself. 9:43 “I never realized…” • Same goal • different route • Choice 10:26 “You don’t have to…” depending on your path. 10:45 Thought 💭 about what would happen Vs Reality of what happened. 11:26 Brad Lee’s Podcast + The Flexibility + Not giving up on our destination. + you have to do that with your horse , ex. Tank, one of Dewayne’s Horse. 12:53 Abused Horse 🐴 Spoiled Horse 🐎 “I need to take a different path.” 14:04 Flexibility and Inflexible people Why can people be flexible - Pride - unable to admit mistakes - unwilling to backtrack - Fear 15:11 Have Flexibility 💕 15:48 Raisin’ Children. Love Children They don’t like their children. • It’s not the child’s fault 17:20 Dewayne caught a stomach bug/got sick. Ain’t no point in gettin twisted about it. What’s working? What’s not working. Make changes Without losing our original destination. 17:45 2 Boxes of Cuban Cigars 19:37 + Be logical + Be reasonable + Be safe + Have Fun + And we’ll see you guys, next time.
I alwasy listen to DCWS, but you just saved me 20 minutes! THANKS! I can get a few more things done outside when the sun comes up before work! )i can't work in the dark here- i live facing the FL Bay in the Everglades..EVERYTHING outside in the dark hates you.....
Two boxes of Cubans. That's a heck of a nice gift! I originally came to watch you some time ago for the cigar talks but stayed for the life lessons that you are passing along. I've enjoyed both immensely.
Hi Dwayne , Spot on ….again 👍🏻 I could not let be laughing about the remark “ they love their children, but they don’t like their children !” 😅 ain’t that the truth , and we don’t like them either 😅😅
It is a sign of maturity when people can step back and do an evaluation and ask themselves, what's working and what's not working and what do we need to change to make it better. Thank you for the insight Dewayne.
Learned this idea of being Semper Gumby (always flexible) in the Marines. Tied to the concepts of Commander’s Intent and the mantra: Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome
This is life and what Dewayne is saying is right on point sometimes we have to take a side road to get there. It is almost never easy. I have done this many times in my life and I am still doing it .I have a goal in site and its taking me different roads to achieve it. Sometimes God will put us on a path to achieve another goal first.
Sorry we missed you. We are from Las Vegas and used to go to the Cowboy Christmas. My husband used to be a chauffeur and worked the show. I worked it one year at a booth. We are now over the road truck driving. Las Vegas isn't what it used to be.
I thank God for You and Your Wife!!! Alaska was My childhood stomping grounds and I lived in Salmon, Idaho too!! You two are priceless in these times. God is using You and may He continue to bless and keep You.
Dewayne, I don’t know if anyone has ever coined this phrase, but I’ve been saying it for many years now, and it is this- flexibility is essential because change is inevitable. We get stuck or things stop working, new things, new ways come along, etc. We need to keep an open mind and be flexible. Thank you for another inspiring video!
Very grateful for straight up, down to Earth, and reality based advice. There is so much garbage out there. It’s time to get back to basics in this country. God bless you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
You are spot- on, as always. I call it 'switching gears'. Good parents recognize this, and reactive horses will call you out on it. Both need, and want, a strong leader without a big ego. Think that describes you!
Truthfully, I haven't watched your videos in about 6 months... Purely because we just moved back to Australia from living in Canada (lived there for 2.5 yrs). We worked on Canada's largest cattle Ranch and then moved to Alberta. We loved it but it was time to move back to farm life in Australia. I miss the scenery, Western life, my f350 king ranch truck (4 x more expensive to buy in Australia) etc.... So seeing your videos made me a little touchy missing Canada and the true western life. Glad to say, I'm pass this now and am re-watching again! Time to get the cigars and whiskey out again and appreciate the life I have on the farm in Aus! 🥃 I also share my life on YT too! Have a great day!
Dewayne, I am a man humbled by your work and journey. I’ve followed this channel for some time and I’ll be honest you. I moved from the Illinois landscape in search of southern hospitality, style, and livelihood. I want to start from scratch. Currently I work a good advertising job with Walmart, and I want to join the ranks of cowpoke as much as I can and or learn. As I’ve grown older I’ve learned there’s much to learn and much I should have and much I might have never. I see you as the man that taught me to smoke the cigars to ask those questions. I’d like to supply the work you’ve given me that’s supplied the brains to ask the questions to have and the ones I have not yet. Can be where and when asked.
Another winner Dwayne! You keep reminding me to be humble and flexible. They are both paramount as I sell a business I felt I mastered and build another. Not an easy ride as you said so well! I don't want it to be or expect it to be!
once again with impeccable timing. im up for a job interview next week and im only going to take it if i can afford too financially but im fully prepared to redirect myself if i come to the conclusion that its not what i need. reassurance and reminders is one hell of a thing... keep on keeping on you guys. happy holidays and all that jazz
You’re the man Dewayne. Love the stories brother. Lost my dad in ‘08 and it’s nice to have another role model to look up too besides the other respectable men I know personally.
I've had to backtrack quite a bit right now because I wasn't really paying attention to where I've been going. Some kind people, like this man, are helping me with directions so I'm not running out of gas in the middle of nowhere. It might take me a little longer to get where I'm going, but I'll get there. We all will. I don't have the knack for metaphors like this man does 😂
This talk really resonates with me. I've met the enemy and it's myself 😂, but also I've discovered strengths that I didn't know I had and never thought about pursuing.
Dewayne I am a young man from a small town in ireland I love your videos watch all the time. just wanted to say thank you for sharing your wisdom and advice please keep posting videos and I'm a lover of a good cuban cigar recommend ramon allones small club Corona god bless you dewayne.
Those that aren’t flexible cause themselves and those around them a lot of unnecessary strife !!! Somehow life has a way of challenging those who are stubborn! Blessings
"...alone in a crowded room.,..." (That's part of the reason I love this channel and only just got here...,.) And so thank you for the post, always absolutely appreciated.
(...and all bless you and don't forget to make sure with your follow through if your that one unlucky person that was unfortunate enough to actually be right before anybody else because that's that. And ouch is painful.,...) And just in case haven't heard/read-registered this enough Dwayne, you are a good old guy. And theres no such thing as too many or too much of that, especially these days.
Life comes back around sometimes too. I used to spend hours practicing piano in my 20's to try and find something I could latch onto and it never happened. 20 years later (and after 10 years of my focus on writing) I'm back to practicing piano again and I think I've found a style that should keep me interested for a while. Oh yeah, I'm into cooking now too. I love experimenting with different chiles from all over the world. Wouldn't have imagined that 20 years ago.
My dad did allot. But you did more than him sad too say. I just want to thank you. You like a Modern day Mister Rogers! You need your own show. For the children. Hope y’all doing well and thank you.
I cry everytime i see one of your videos. My biological dad taught me how to be a manipulator and selfish person. And my stepsad taught me how to be an arrogant person but i also learned how to use tools and a lot of handy stuffs. Im not that old, im 18 and i still got a lot to learn but my mom and dad are always mad and tited of me because i act the way they teached me how to act. And im tired everything goes down on me every fault is mine in everything. I know its to make me strong but im tired of barely having good time with them. I forgot to say how my mom acts and shrs a really stressed woman and she also manipulates people into feeling bad.
Thanks for all the videos & advice etc. I've been in the machine shop "world" since I was 18(now 26) and like you've said & what my dad taught me. Being flexible makes a big difference for you & the company. There's times I've just ran a mill or a lathe. Other days it's sawing or unloading trucks.
No idea how I discovered your channel but I’m going through the lowest part of my life right now and everything has been so hard. I’ve only watched a couple of your videos but I feel like I’ve gained years of wisdom from you. Thank you so much I hope to meet you someday
These topics you are covering are even more relevant for the younger crowd. The way we teach our kids to wrap up high school determines the whole life thereafter. C
I discovered your channel two days ago and I love it! It's great to hear your reassuring and inspiring words, and you have great style! I wish you all the best, may God bless you! Greetings from Lisbon (Portugal).
Great videos, Sir! I am headed to Vegas for the first time in the new year. Small town guy in the big city. I appreciate the advice on flexible journeys.
Hoyo de Monterrey is a well-respected brand that predates the Cuban Revolution. Something to know about Cubans...if they start tasting bad and have an ammonia smell, they go through a "sick period" about 12-18 months after the rolling date on the bottom of the box. In Cuba it's not an issue because they smoke cigars "fresh"...if they go "sick", just park them in the humidor for about a year, or until the ammonia smell goes away. Aged Cubans are a truly magnificent experience.
Dwayne, that Vegas trip turned gold from unexpected! Your "Ma and Pa Kettle" moment led to fascinating connections and a podcast with Brad Leaf you wouldn't have had in a booth. This reminds us all of life's twists and the power of embracing flexibility. Moose hunting analogy? Perfect! Whether it's business, relationships, or horses, sometimes the path changes. The key is keeping your goals while adjusting the route. Don't let pride or fear trap you when flexibility unlocks new opportunities. Like your child rearing example, we often need to course-correct. Humility and adaptation are crucial. Remember, doing the same thing expecting different results is insanity! Thanks for sharing this insightful experience, Dwayne. Your stories and wisdom are always a valuable ride, even when the destination changes. Keep them coming! P.S. P.S. That Cuban cigar story had me laughing! Can't wait to hear your verdict on those Cohibas.
I haven't been in watching for a while now but when I do your videos are always insightful, calming and a pleasure to watch. Thank you from Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Adam
To me, the journey of faith is like what you are explaining. There’s no short cuts to the destination. It’s like God says, this is “The Way” I have for you to go and recognising the path as we go. It does not involve Fear but Trust.
thank you man, i am a student living in korea who is abou to graduate from high school I wana be say and think like native speaker and i found native speaker audio. your vedio is fit my needs so thank you
I live in southern Utah. You went through our city on your way to Vegas. I thought about you guys, and wondered how it went. My husband took a friend from Montana to Las Vegas and he said he felt like a captured coyote pup. Every time we are out of our element we talk about that. We live in a tiny town of about 110 people, so we are often out of our element.
Hello, after a heavy lay off from a Career I've dedicated my life too in Feb.2023, I'm back....I have another IV pharmacy job and a better work schedule 7 on /7off it's amazing... Happy holidays 🍻⚖️🇺🇸
Thanks so much, as usual. Truly, being flexible is a great ability which allows us to avoid and not repeat so many of our mistakes, and at the same time flexibility is sometimes so hard to achieve...
Thanks for another great video Dwayne. I can apply so much of what you are speaking about to my own situation. 3 years ago I turned down a different path after banging my head against a dead end for 20 years. The hardest thing for me was admitting to myself that I needed to "let that go" and try something different. I thank my lucky stars I have found a great deal of happiness since then. I learned that the place I thought I wanted to be is a little different but a lot closer than I first imagined.
Man I wish I had it all figured out like you. You just seem so collected and full of wisdom. There is no way by the time I am your age I will be anything like you. You are a one percenter.
Thank you thank you thank you love your advice good luck this year best regards me .i went and work on a cattle station when i was 17 just turning 18 1 million square miles in 1985 i wish you were there the man teaching me when i was there but even though im 57 in a few days you are teaching me so much about life and myself god bless you and your wisdom 😊
Hey Dwayne, I am a 19 year old guy trying to understand why I feel this way. Recently life has been nothing but worries. My question is, does it ever get better. Will I ever stop hating how I feel about myself and how I feel about others. I’ve always been a happy person so to say. But for the past few days I’ve been thinking suicidal thoughts. I never really had a father around growing up. It’s so hard to become a man when everyone tells you what you’re suppose to be. I hope you keep creating this kind of content because you are a genuine man.
Please read the Holy Bible. Those thoughts of lack and suicide come straight from Satan. GOD created you and has plans for you! HE will not fail you. There will always be failures and downfalls in our lives-that’s life. We learn and grow through it. Always look for the lesson in everything, no matter how big or small bad or good. Always think and say what you’re grateful for - waking up, breath, etc. praying for you. Please read Bible and pray - talk to our Father God. 🤲
@@trinac2463 I have been praying more recently, I was a religious child I’d say but never to the extent I’d pray every night and when I feel I need to talk to him. It truly has made me feel more in touch with myself and god.
In a world full of senseless, fake or sensational crap, it's soothing to hear some old-school ( I mean that in a good sense ), practical wisdom. Almost Stoic in nature. Totally agree Dewayne, sometimes you have to play the cards you have and just make the most of life. Keep going, your videos are great.
In a world where young men are truly surrounded by all the crap, dopamine traps, and lack of purpose and direction, you truly are a light and an influence for anyone that listens to your advice and what you have to share. Thanks Dewayne.
Mazdaspeed is dope, is that your build?
Discipline and the lack of care about another's opinions are definitely a fortress of safety and freedom.
Amen. So very true.
Hit the nail on the head with that one.
Dewayne needs a voice acting roll in Red Dead Redemption 3.
He’d be perfect
No, this man deserves a full on cameo.
Just stop playing videogames and wasting your money on globalist products.
Bro reminds me of aurthor when you let his hair grow out
Hi Dwayne, I’m depressed, hopeless, and losing my will to live and your videos are food for my empty soul. God bless you.
I hope you watched his recent video about topic: you are not alone. It was a good listen.
Your mission and purpose in life is to get out of your hole.
@andrewyoussef8500, I sending to you a hug, God bless you
brother last year I was fkkkkd now I'm living the dream don't lose hope
you are not alone
I like listening to older folks. Its hard for me to talk to people my age at school. Thank you for your perspectives.
Well, how can you be flexible at school? Think about it.
This channel has been an absolute gem to find. My dad grew up as basically a street kid in the Soviet Union after my grandparents divorced and my grandmother "took custody". The only thing that kept him from becoming a drug addict or dying like many of his buddies did in their teens was the books he read. Jack London, O. Henry, Mark Twain ... those books showed him a different kind of people. Strong, honest, responsible and kind men pushing the frontier of civilization. It's what allowed him to leave that God-forsaken place and move to the West.
When we found Dewayne's videos, my dad went "So these are the people that London wrote about, they do exist after all"
Best comment i've ever seen
Wow. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing your dad’s story 🙏🏼🫶🏼
@o-henry This is one of the most honoring, humbling and complimentary comments I have ever received. I thank you for this post, all the best to you and your dad
@@DryCreekWranglerSchool keep up the good fight, Dewayne. A little light fends off a great darkness 🙏 Thanks and best wishes from Switzerland
Best advice I was given was "in life you'll come upon trees across the road you're on, just decide whether trying to shift it will be quicker than the diversion round it. But don't let it stop you."
Perfect timing. I may be losing my job soon, which significantly throws off my plans, and it helps to be reminded that the path to our goals are not always guaranteed.
I'm 53 now but I still remember watching Ma and Pa kettle. I still enjoy watching them.😁
I loved that show. I’m the same age as you. The show was aired here in Australia too. Lots of good messages in that show. Just like Dwayne’s.
Don’t be a pushover, don’t let people play with you. But be flexible and understanding.
There is nothing more keen to me than the whistling of the wind through the cracks in my windows always reminding me of how little I am
i really appreciate you sir, i’m 15 and you’re someone to look up too
Wish I’d had this guy when I was your age - I was in a dark place with depression and had no one to look up to. Good on you for recognising wisdom when you see it.
Believe me, I am 32 years old and wish I had someone like him giving me advice when I was your age.
@@scar.tissue3122 I’m almost 32 and wholeheartedly agree.
If youre fifteen and listening to Dewayne, I would say youre likely headed in a good direction
Yea good for you man, you seem like a smart and respectful young man. Keep it up
Noticed a jump in quality of the videos, Wayne. Nice camera! I’m a 25 yr old male and your channel has been a blessing of wisdom and life lessons. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that your efforts are very much appreciated
Dwayne Great words of knowledge always from you. I lost my battle with my son that I always show him your videos and he loves them. He ended up taking his life August 12, 2023 it’s been so hard for me the wife and my two daughters. Your videos always keep me going and you’re doing a great job and a great man thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you so to acknowledge the feedback that means a lot!❤️
This reminds me of my fathers words - "you never cross the same river waters twice.. and sometimes, the map is wrong. Adapt and overcome."
Also reminds me of your video on meeting people/horses where they are at, and being flexible- and spoke of RA that day "she was a good horse for *her that day" but, your expectations were rigid.
Side note; When visiting my father in Washington, I stopped at a store near the Bridge of the Gods - got a plaque with a "yoga frog" that says
"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape" 😊
It’s refreshing to see the number of young men commenting and showing gratitude for this wisdom. Not all is lost.
Yes, be flexible, go with the flow, forgive others, thank God for everything.
Those cigars from Cuba are gems.
My definition of success is just land and a home for my wife to be self sustaining and be out of the city. And I’m not feeling very flexible because that goal feels impossible. So every day is frustrating and anger, and it doesn’t feel like there’s a path that can change that. I’m 30 and still feel like my quality of living was when I was 20.
Appreciate the words as always sir. For myself it's proving hard to know when to be flexible and when to be rigid. Spose it's like a strong tree. The good ones know when to stand firm, yet when the storm comes they also know when to bend.
Well said 👍
When the storm pulls at the tree, he digs his roots deeper, stronger. The storm can't touch it next time.
Another good dose of sage advice. Being rigid about life sometimes sets you up for real disappointment.
Awesome pic of momma in the background. We sure need more men like you! Thank you for what you do!!!
"The horse ain't abused, it's just spoiled." That is one of the best one liners I've heard in a long time! Such a great video and much needed wisdom for this day and age
Thank you Dewayne.... Help is tough to find, and harder to heed.
The point where you talk about a horse "being spoiled". I came upon that this Tuesday with my daughter. She slipped on her grades in her Advanced Math class as a freshman in High School. When I talked to her and she explained where she was coming from, in my mind I realized "okay, I failed a bit as a father". I wasn't checking in like I should have. I was being considerate, but sometimes that means you can fail as a leader.
I had to accept that "this is on me as a father". And I need to be more in tune with her and lead her to success. Sometimes we have to accept that the results are a product of our leadership and correct it. But the challenge is correcting it with emotional intelligence. Thank you for your wisdom.
When Im down your wisdom always restores my soul!!! You keep me going!! You're a hell of a hand boss!! God bless you and your's and Happy Holidays!!!🙏🙏🙏
Yes Dwayne, flexibility doesn’t ever mix with ego/pride/selfishness.
See it ALOT within this “entitlement” society--
Thank you for being a voice in the wilderness!
Keep bringing us virtuous living 🥰
I was addicted to drugs most my life. Slowing down and listening to the right people changed everything. Left the only job i thought was for me. It changed everything. Dont be afraid to transform that was the first step along with listening to David Goggins to make me really look at my life. Walking everywhere sleeping at bus stops. Gets Tiring. That being said changed everything by staying away from what infind comfortable had to learn to live a different way. Fast foward now been a manager , ran a company and im only getting started at 29 . 18-25 life was a mess but never gave up. Theres hope just keep it pushing.
God bless you keep showing up for yourself and sending you lots of pats on your back. 🙏💗😅😅
0:00 Good mornin’ December 14
0:10 Vegas is somethin’ else
0:36 _Ma and Pa Kettle come down from the hills_ 🎥
0:52 Lotta nice folks came up and said some very nice things. It’s encouraging to know your efforts are accomplishing something.
1:12 A podcast for Brad Lee. Had a good time.
1:42 Setting up with Rands Hatters.
2:36 Vegas isn’t a cowboy place, but Dewayne felt he and momma should go.
3:21 Dianna has a liking for Tall Country Fellas with a deep voice.
4:18 Podcast fellas
4:43 Learning to Go with The Flow. “It’s like moose hunting in Alaska.” 🏹🫎 🔫
5:48 A patch of Alders blocks your path “oh I can’t go that way.”
7:49 The Goal doesn’t change, but sometimes you need to take a different route.
8:22 Lets Talk Business.
You know where you want to get
- you run into an obstacle
+ you’ve got to be flexible
8:57 In the journey, you will discover things about yourself.
9:43 “I never realized…”
• Same goal
• different route
• Choice
10:26 “You don’t have to…” depending on your path.
Thought 💭 about what would happen
Reality of what happened.
11:26 Brad Lee’s Podcast
+ The Flexibility
+ Not giving up on our destination.
+ you have to do that with your horse , ex. Tank, one of Dewayne’s Horse.
Abused Horse 🐴
Spoiled Horse 🐎
“I need to take a different path.”
14:04 Flexibility and Inflexible people
Why can people be flexible
- Pride
- unable to admit mistakes
- unwilling to backtrack
- Fear
15:11 Have Flexibility 💕
15:48 Raisin’ Children.
Love Children
They don’t like their children.
• It’s not the child’s fault
17:20 Dewayne caught a stomach bug/got sick. Ain’t no point in gettin twisted about it.
What’s working?
What’s not working.
Make changes
Without losing our original destination.
17:45 2 Boxes of Cuban Cigars
+ Be logical
+ Be reasonable
+ Be safe
+ Have Fun
+ And we’ll see you guys, next time.
is that AI generated ?
This man doesn’t need a time line. Just sit back the whole way through and enjoy a moments rest and listen.
I alwasy listen to DCWS, but you just saved me 20 minutes! THANKS! I can get a few more things done outside when the sun comes up before work! )i can't work in the dark here- i live facing the FL Bay in the Everglades..EVERYTHING outside in the dark hates you.....
God bless you sir.
Can't tell if AI generated, but if I had to guess, AI generated then edited.
It is always the most unlikely places where you find people who have words of encouragement
Two boxes of Cubans. That's a heck of a nice gift! I originally came to watch you some time ago for the cigar talks but stayed for the life lessons that you are passing along. I've enjoyed both immensely.
Keep up the good work. Always words of wisdom and the truth.
Hi Dwayne ,
Spot on ….again 👍🏻
I could not let be laughing about the remark “ they love their children, but they don’t like their children !” 😅 ain’t that the truth , and we don’t like them either 😅😅
Welcome back, Cowboy 🤠 Glad you made it to Vegas and back safely.
It is a sign of maturity when people can step back and do an evaluation and ask themselves, what's working and what's not working and what do we need to change to make it better. Thank you for the insight Dewayne.
Learned this idea of being Semper Gumby (always flexible) in the Marines. Tied to the concepts of Commander’s Intent and the mantra: Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome
This is life and what Dewayne is saying is right on point sometimes we have to take a side road to get there. It is almost never easy. I have done this many times in my life and I am still doing it .I have a goal in site and its taking me different roads to achieve it. Sometimes God will put us on a path to achieve another goal first.
Sorry we missed you. We are from Las Vegas and used to go to the Cowboy Christmas. My husband used to be a chauffeur and worked the show. I worked it one year at a booth. We are now over the road truck driving. Las Vegas isn't what it used to be.
I thank God for You and Your Wife!!! Alaska was My childhood stomping grounds and I lived in Salmon, Idaho too!! You two are priceless in these times. God is using You and may He continue to bless and keep You.
I got thanked by a coworker today for being flexible ! As well as finding out I got the employee of the year at my work yesterday !!!
Who else is super grateful for Dwayne making these videos?
This world needs more good people speaking out.
Thank you for all your hard work. 💜
Dewayne, I don’t know if anyone has ever coined this phrase, but I’ve been saying it for many years now, and it is this- flexibility is essential because change is inevitable. We get stuck or things stop working, new things, new ways come along, etc. We need to keep an open mind and be flexible. Thank you for another inspiring video!
Another classic Dewayne video, love it!
We live in Vegas. Glad you came to see it. It’s grown tremendously. It’s causing a lot of us to think about getting out.
Fabulous insights!! And the part about the kids, spot on!! Flexibility is required for this life!!!👏🏿👏🏿🙏🏿
Very grateful for straight up, down to Earth, and reality based advice. There is so much garbage out there. It’s time to get back to basics in this country. God bless you 🙏🏻🙏🏻
You are spot- on, as always. I call it 'switching gears'. Good parents recognize this, and reactive horses will call you out on it. Both need, and want, a strong leader without a big ego. Think that describes you!
Are you preaching to your self Mr. Dewayne? Keep speaking what your feeling. From one wise man to the other.. 😊
Truthfully, I haven't watched your videos in about 6 months... Purely because we just moved back to Australia from living in Canada (lived there for 2.5 yrs). We worked on Canada's largest cattle Ranch and then moved to Alberta. We loved it but it was time to move back to farm life in Australia. I miss the scenery, Western life, my f350 king ranch truck (4 x more expensive to buy in Australia) etc.... So seeing your videos made me a little touchy missing Canada and the true western life. Glad to say, I'm pass this now and am re-watching again! Time to get the cigars and whiskey out again and appreciate the life I have on the farm in Aus! 🥃 I also share my life on YT too! Have a great day!
I am a man humbled by your work and journey. I’ve followed this channel for some time and I’ll be honest you. I moved from the Illinois landscape in search of southern hospitality, style, and livelihood. I want to start from scratch. Currently I work a good advertising job with Walmart, and I want to join the ranks of cowpoke as much as I can and or learn.
As I’ve grown older I’ve learned there’s much to learn and much I should have and much I might have never. I see you as the man that taught me to smoke the cigars to ask those questions.
I’d like to supply the work you’ve given me that’s supplied the brains to ask the questions to have and the ones I have not yet.
Can be where and when asked.
Thanks Dewane , good life lesson to be flexible the right way in the right time❤
Dwayne I hope I can meet you someday. You've been the voice of reason in my life.
Another winner Dwayne! You keep reminding me to be humble and flexible. They are both paramount as I sell a business I felt I mastered and build another. Not an easy ride as you said so well! I don't want it to be or expect it to be!
once again with impeccable timing. im up for a job interview next week and im only going to take it if i can afford too financially but im fully prepared to redirect myself if i come to the conclusion that its not what i need. reassurance and reminders is one hell of a thing... keep on keeping on you guys. happy holidays and all that jazz
You’re the man Dewayne. Love the stories brother. Lost my dad in ‘08 and it’s nice to have another role model to look up too besides the other respectable men I know personally.
Thank you so much Dewayne. You’ve helped me so much with so many different things just by talking to a camera and uploading it. Thank you
I've had to backtrack quite a bit right now because I wasn't really paying attention to where I've been going.
Some kind people, like this man, are helping me with directions so I'm not running out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
It might take me a little longer to get where I'm going, but I'll get there. We all will.
I don't have the knack for metaphors like this man does 😂
This talk really resonates with me. I've met the enemy and it's myself 😂, but also I've discovered strengths that I didn't know I had and never thought about pursuing.
Dewayne I am a young man from a small town in ireland I love your videos watch all the time. just wanted to say thank you for sharing your wisdom and advice please keep posting videos and I'm a lover of a good cuban cigar recommend ramon allones small club Corona god bless you dewayne.
This is a God send in the season I find myself in. Thank you and thank the Lord for always providing guidance and answers.
Those that aren’t flexible cause themselves and those around them a lot of unnecessary strife !!! Somehow life has a way of challenging those who are stubborn!
"...alone in a crowded room.,..."
(That's part of the reason I love this channel and only just got here...,.)
And so thank you for the post, always absolutely appreciated.
(...and all bless you and don't forget to make sure with your follow through if your that one unlucky person that was unfortunate enough to actually be right before anybody else because that's that. And ouch is painful.,...)
And just in case haven't heard/read-registered this enough Dwayne, you are a good old guy.
And theres no such thing as too many or too much of that, especially these days.
Life comes back around sometimes too. I used to spend hours practicing piano in my 20's to try and find something I could latch onto and it never happened. 20 years later (and after 10 years of my focus on writing) I'm back to practicing piano again and I think I've found a style that should keep me interested for a while. Oh yeah, I'm into cooking now too. I love experimenting with different chiles from all over the world. Wouldn't have imagined that 20 years ago.
My dad did allot. But you did more than him sad too say. I just want to thank you. You like a Modern day Mister Rogers! You need your own show. For the children. Hope y’all doing well and thank you.
This world needs more people like you sir ! Love the way you explain life’s challenges and throw the out doors in it . God bless u and ur family 🙏🏻
You’re an amazing man. Thank you for what you do. Blessings,Carlos ✝️🙏❤️😊🇺🇸
Awesome video Dwayne. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing, timely wisdom for sure. 🙏
Thanks chief, you’re tips always come at the right time. Any advice on learning to trust again?
If its the same person you distrusted.
Dont trust them again.
That would be a series, not a video (!!).
Its okay to forgive, but never forget
trust no one 😂
@@ETHANR26 I trust my wife of 51 years and love her ❤
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge again.
I cry everytime i see one of your videos. My biological dad taught me how to be a manipulator and selfish person. And my stepsad taught me how to be an arrogant person but i also learned how to use tools and a lot of handy stuffs. Im not that old, im 18 and i still got a lot to learn but my mom and dad are always mad and tited of me because i act the way they teached me how to act. And im tired everything goes down on me every fault is mine in everything. I know its to make me strong but im tired of barely having good time with them.
I forgot to say how my mom acts and shrs a really stressed woman and she also manipulates people into feeling bad.
You are one of the most wise people I have ever heard speak. It would be an honor to meet you in person one day.
Every night I watch one of your videos. A dose of soothing wisdom for my soul before bed. I respect and appreciate you sir. God bless
Oh buddy your videos always come at the best moments and align with current events. I can’t be the only one who experiences this phenomenon??
Thanks for all the videos & advice etc. I've been in the machine shop "world" since I was 18(now 26) and like you've said & what my dad taught me. Being flexible makes a big difference for you & the company. There's times I've just ran a mill or a lathe. Other days it's sawing or unloading trucks.
No idea how I discovered your channel but I’m going through the lowest part of my life right now and everything has been so hard. I’ve only watched a couple of your videos but I feel like I’ve gained years of wisdom from you. Thank you so much I hope to meet you someday
These topics you are covering are even more relevant for the younger crowd. The way we teach our kids to wrap up high school determines the whole life thereafter.
I discovered your channel two days ago and I love it! It's great to hear your reassuring and inspiring words, and you have great style! I wish you all the best, may God bless you! Greetings from Lisbon (Portugal).
Great videos, Sir! I am headed to Vegas for the first time in the new year. Small town guy in the big city. I appreciate the advice on flexible journeys.
Hoyo de Monterrey is a well-respected brand that predates the Cuban Revolution.
Something to know about Cubans...if they start tasting bad and have an ammonia smell, they go through a "sick period" about 12-18 months after the rolling date on the bottom of the box. In Cuba it's not an issue because they smoke cigars "fresh"...if they go "sick", just park them in the humidor for about a year, or until the ammonia smell goes away. Aged Cubans are a truly magnificent experience.
I love listen your wisdom, thanks for sharing ❤ God bless your life
Dwayne, that Vegas trip turned gold from unexpected! Your "Ma and Pa Kettle" moment led to fascinating connections and a podcast with Brad Leaf you wouldn't have had in a booth. This reminds us all of life's twists and the power of embracing flexibility.
Moose hunting analogy? Perfect! Whether it's business, relationships, or horses, sometimes the path changes. The key is keeping your goals while adjusting the route. Don't let pride or fear trap you when flexibility unlocks new opportunities.
Like your child rearing example, we often need to course-correct. Humility and adaptation are crucial. Remember, doing the same thing expecting different results is insanity!
Thanks for sharing this insightful experience, Dwayne. Your stories and wisdom are always a valuable ride, even when the destination changes. Keep them coming!
P.S. P.S. That Cuban cigar story had me laughing! Can't wait to hear your verdict on those Cohibas.
Glad to be apart of the opportunity to absorb your wisdom.
I haven't been in watching for a while now but when I do your videos are always insightful, calming and a pleasure to watch. Thank you from Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Adam
You're talks are so calming and packed with wisdom. Truly inspiring!
To me, the journey of faith is like what you are explaining. There’s no short cuts to the destination. It’s like God says, this is “The Way” I have for you to go and recognising the path as we go. It does not involve Fear but Trust.
To quote Charles Stanley, when he was facing an uncertain moment, "Lord, you're in charge!"
I would have loved to see you in Vegas. Someday I’d be happy to meet you and thank you for sharing your piece of mind. 🤝
thank you man, i am a student living in korea who is abou to graduate from high school
I wana be say and think like native speaker and i found native speaker audio. your vedio is fit my needs so thank you
I live in southern Utah. You went through our city on your way to Vegas. I thought about you guys, and wondered how it went. My husband took a friend from Montana to Las Vegas and he said he felt like a captured coyote pup. Every time we are out of our element we talk about that. We live in a tiny town of about 110 people, so we are often out of our element.
Hello, after a heavy lay off from a Career I've dedicated my life too in Feb.2023, I'm back....I have another IV pharmacy job and a better work schedule 7 on /7off it's amazing... Happy holidays 🍻⚖️🇺🇸
Thanks so much, as usual. Truly, being flexible is a great ability which allows us to avoid and not repeat so many of our mistakes, and at the same time flexibility is sometimes so hard to achieve...
Appreciate the advice sir, i will never forget all of your advice, thank you
Thanks for another great video Dwayne. I can apply so much of what you are speaking about to my own situation. 3 years ago I turned down a different path after banging my head against a dead end for 20 years. The hardest thing for me was admitting to myself that I needed to "let that go" and try something different. I thank my lucky stars I have found a great deal of happiness since then. I learned that the place I thought I wanted to be is a little different but a lot closer than I first imagined.
Man I wish I had it all figured out like you. You just seem so collected and full of wisdom. There is no way by the time I am your age I will be anything like you. You are a one percenter.
Nice little talk. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you thank you thank you love your advice good luck this year best regards me .i went and work on a cattle station when i was 17 just turning 18 1 million square miles in 1985 i wish you were there the man teaching me when i was there but even though im 57 in a few days you are teaching me so much about life and myself god bless you and your wisdom 😊
Hey Dwayne, I am a 19 year old guy trying to understand why I feel this way. Recently life has been nothing but worries. My question is, does it ever get better. Will I ever stop hating how I feel about myself and how I feel about others. I’ve always been a happy person so to say. But for the past few days I’ve been thinking suicidal thoughts. I never really had a father around growing up. It’s so hard to become a man when everyone tells you what you’re suppose to be. I hope you keep creating this kind of content because you are a genuine man.
Please read the Holy Bible. Those thoughts of lack and suicide come straight from Satan. GOD created you and has plans for you! HE will not fail you. There will always be failures and downfalls in our lives-that’s life. We learn and grow through it. Always look for the lesson in everything, no matter how big or small bad or good. Always think and say what you’re grateful for - waking up, breath, etc. praying for you. Please read Bible and pray - talk to our Father God. 🤲
@@trinac2463 I have been praying more recently, I was a religious child I’d say but never to the extent I’d pray every night and when I feel I need to talk to him. It truly has made me feel more in touch with myself and god.
Just thought I would hit the comments and say Hey Dwayne! You are a light in the darkness, sir! 🙂
Beautiful words.. and Cuban cigars are the best in the world..
In a world full of senseless, fake or sensational crap, it's soothing to hear some old-school ( I mean that in a good sense ), practical wisdom. Almost Stoic in nature. Totally agree Dewayne, sometimes you have to play the cards you have and just make the most of life. Keep going, your videos are great.