Thats true but i dont wanna raid mc for 4 hours wipe on bosses that a monkey could clear because people „just play for fun bro“. So its smart to play a class which is in demand so you can join a guild, which maybe raids 1-2 days per week but still clears content in 1 night without issues.
@@sixpacksae yeah it was a overstatement but there are pugs on era who cant even finish naxx or aq40 and thats legit torture. The good thing about warrior and rogue is they have somewhat of a rotation. Same goes for hunter. Every caster basically plays the same so id rather play a mage pressing 1 button and get a raid slot in a decent guild than playing ele pressing 1 button and only get a spot in a mediocre pug. And yes i know you could clear every raid with a suboptimal setup and prob 10 people less. However, the guilds that clear raid efficiently tend to be sweaty min maxers. You can play whatever you want but you should know what you sign up for.
I agree with this completely. Classic was never designed to be minmaxed, but I'd be foolish to assume the playerbase wouldn't try to pick the best class. I did try to be fair and rank everything and explain the pros and cons. I wish it was more viable though.
Warning, if you want to play feral Druid in high level raiding you will be spending way too much time farming the stupid Manual Crown Pummeler from Gnomeregan, at least until you get AQ40 weapon.
@@Danny_79why would anyone take or give gear to a feral who doesn’t want to farm the best possible dps increase they can get? Even better than any piece of raid gear you would want.
@@Danny_79 not only do you need it, you can only use the effect on it once and it only lasts 30 seconds.. So you have to farm it over and over and over so you can keep bringing 20 new ones to raid. On top of any other consumables you need for raid. It’s one of the worst ‘optimizations’ that anyone ever discovered for a class for raiding in Classic. But without it, feral is barely viable for raiding.
I just love druids too much to not play them lol. But I hate healing. That's why I'll go only for honor gear till I can get to BWL or AQ without the very much stupid MCP farming. I'm not a kid anymore to have such time to waste doing this sh*t.
”play what you want” doesn’t apply when 90% of the community are sweatlords who won’t invite you. Play what you want but don’t be surprised if you can’t get content done
@@TheWowzz pretty much why i might be planning to make a guild of my own and bring anyone and anything in the raids "play what u want and how u want" would be a good moto
@ believe it or not, most guilds don’t want to just waste all that leather and mail loot so there’s definitely room for a couple meme specs It’s not ideal like it was in SoD and mostly the reason I will be quitting Classic after SoD is done
If someone wants easy raid spot resto shaman is the most wanted class in raids by far. Even fresh resto shaman with green gear will be welcome and you gonna get a lot of whispers for raid spots and guild invites both vanilla and tbc
Yeah also the best class to semi-afk raids as shaman, eat while raiding or take many breaks and put your wife, your kid, your mother, your friend to press chain heal until you back.
everyone saying "just play what you want, this isnt important" thats a nice sentiment but when you actually play the game and cant get into a raid or it takes you an hour to get a 5 man together, see how much fun you have then (5 man though is just more about being able to heal or tank, its only really dps that will wait significantly more, but for pickups dps classes are nbd)
True! Of course the most important thing is having fun because it's game at the end of the day but when you get to 60 this "it doesn't matter" mindset actually hurts and it would be good if someone is willing to spend days and weeks leveling to know what they get themselves into.
Do one for pvp next. (I really love wpvp) It's nice to have someone explain what works and what doesn't, gives me more than a shamanistic understanding of these topics from classic wow.
Very fair ranking of the classes and specs. The only thing I would add is that things like Faerie Fire(druid) and Curse of Recklessness(warlock) will guarantee those classes at least 1 raid spot in every guild, even in "bad" spec. Even true of Shadow Vulnerability(Shadow Priest) although not as much.
So we just got a new blue post. Adding in 3 more things for classic fresh, but still no *Guild Bank* wth? So we get wrath QoL but not bg from Tbc, ehh? The 3 changes are: * Instant mail between your characters on the same account * Removal of buff/debuff limit * Dual spec
Im middle aged with no time for min/maxing. Whos starting a fun guild on the PVP server that lets people play whatever the fuck they want and still raid? Im going druid bear tank/healer.
In the first classic release i played resto shaman, but somewhere in bwl farm i rerolled my spec to ele 31/resto 10. it was fun spec. i was one of the two shammys who used this spec. We kinda spammed lighting bolt/flame shock etc and chain heal. With the vast knowledge of the meta and min/maxed gears, classic raid content was super easy and these kind of off-specs worked really well :)
I freaking love boomies, but the truth is that they suck in PVE. Now, PVP it's one of the funnest specs to play. Druids in general. Because of their hybrid nature, good druid players are a nightmare to beat.
Elemental shaman is way higher dps than you’re giving them credit for. Especially in guilds with fast kill times, the burst damage can pull them ahead of even mages and warlocks, especially in MC/BWL
Based on what I can see, it has been removed as one of the few changes they've done for Classic. But I don't want to officially confirm that till the servers go live and people can test it.
This kind of elitist min maxing literally ruins classic and is irrelevant for 99% of the player base. Ignore this type of shit and play what you enjoy, just have reasonable expectations.
Tanked nearly everything on my Protadin back in classic. Sure, you spend a lot on symbols and potions but Pally Raid tanks are absolutely viable if they know what they're doing.
Good video. Never seen anything like it before 😂 We should be talking about player restrictions as a game mode. We know this turned into hardcore wow so we have “history”. I think it should be “meta raiding”. Since each faction has 8 classes and raids are 40 man.. then it seems we should have 5 of each class to make a “meta raid”. If we do this we can create an entire new raid structure for players who want to do their own thing. Since the content will be harder; if not the hardest since you have to find the exact number of each class; you get 1 extra item per boss. Making a higher drop rate IS something we know they can do. All they would have to do is put a trigger to check for raid comp at time of boss kill. We would see shadow priests because you would not bring 5 healing priest; it’s not efficient. You would want warrior DPS so you would need other tanks. This fixes the stale meta of raiding. If blizzard embraced this; it could change classic forever.
I love the base idea in theory, but not a fan of each boss awarding 1 more item, that's too many items in one night. Maybe 33-50% more chance of 1 extra item dropping per boss, but still idk. Regardless Blizzard will never do that, BUT, I will write that idea down and add it to my list for the upcoming private server I will create in the future.
@ I like the % thing. What would be baller is if they could make it so spec diversity increases that upto 100%. So you might want to run a survival hunter and enhance shaman to increase that % of an extra drop. We will all be geared each phase just by showing up. I think the most important part is slowing us down and creating new situations; like a enhancement shaman and survival hunter arguing over who is better DPS 😂
@@wartome3196 Not sure how a system could enforce that, besides counting the amount of talent points each players have in any given talent try. I guess... a player would need to allocate the last point of a talent tree for it to count.
@ yeah it’s not perfect but it was add something unique to the guilds who wanted to complete the raids in this way. Too late now but we really needed a guild pvp rating system so guilds could challenge one another and set times for the battle grounds. Post the scores and times online so everyone can look for cheating.
Boomking gives like 25% attack speed reduction on their Hurricane.Aoe big circle ability. It is insane for raids and even bosses. Probably the best debuff in the whole game. Dalso Druids can out heal almost any healer with like 2 spells xd
In Naxx, Enhancement Shaman is 3rd behind rogues on singleboss fights and around the same dps as feral overall in the raid. That's about double the ret's perf 🔥
dont even care about raiding in vanilla been doing that for 5 years nowjust want tbc. WHAT MORE IMPORTANT IS THAT THEY LET US STAY IN TBC ERA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think the buff and debuff limit will remain on the anniversary servers or will they get rid of them like the hardcore servers they're connected to?
They announced already that these are not in place. Would be a big joke if they are. Vanilla no changes is a big enough joke already with its 5 viable specs
I love to have a guide which tells what spells which specs are using. If I got this right boomkin is there for a reason since you only have 2 buttons to press. Not sure if this is fun, even if you would deal dmg.
I'm probably going to play a meme spec if I play at all. Honestly, I'm pretty burnt out on classic. It's been fun but retail is so much better. That's coming from someone who has played since 2005.
For real guys, in raid boomkin is simply trash, in pvp and outdoor pve they are quit good. But hella trash in raid. If you want to raid as a druid, resto is the best chance you have.
Seriously people, just play what you find fun, or the class fantasy you enjoy No way I'm joining a guild that will be stacking warriors, just saying. Game is more fun with a balanced group where people play what they want, it doesn't matter it a boss takes 1 minute instead of 30 seconds ! :)
Find my post above about meta raiding and start spreading the idea. 5 of each class per raid for 1 more item of loot. It’s a player made “heroic raid” with minor dev support.
SP ->Very unlikely Tank/Ret pala ->100% no, maybe some noob guilds will allow. But even #1 Ret Palas in the world are not even close to other classes when it comes to damage Holy Pala -> Yes
I understand its only parsing in raid but putting ele shaman below boomkin is criminal. More dmg, more utility, best mana efficiency, can offheal... 1global noobs lol
I think you're wrong about feral druids. Prot warriors may take less damage because of their shield, but they're nowhere near the same level of threat output. At the same time, feral druids do nearly as much threat (albeit not for AOE) as fury prots, but they take less damage. Overall I do think I'd want a fury prot MT, but after that a capable feral tank at 2 or 3. Deep prot really shouldn't be a thing anymore unless your heals just suck.
I agree with this. I was basing this off average player skill. As the requirements for a good bear are drastically higher than that of a good Deep Prot
Weird to put Ele Shaman at the bottom when they not only do more damage than the Boomie & Spriest, but also out dps Hunters & Warlock in several raid phases of Classic.
This will be Fifth classic experience, first and 2005, Second 2019, Third, first time around with servers hard-core, Fourth then season of discovery. Now 2024 another classic being the fifth followed by another hard-core being the sixth? Honestly, I don’t see much in doing something six times over that takes a large portion of your life. To me this sounds like keeping you on the wheel so they can go work on retail. I think the only classic that may have some potential would be season of discovery. And I know I’m not the only one that feels like that.
this is just dumb. Vanilla can be played with one foot. on the keyboard lol. It is the most simplistic version of the game. Play what class you want, no one cares, and if anyone does then they take this 3rd time release way way to serious lol
1. Play Warrior or Rogue 2. Play what you like, enjoy leveling, have a blast play a warrior alt later to enjoy endgame content (Yeah turns out your Bear tank that was a lot of fun leveling with can't perform lategame, sorry to bring it to you).
All teh people talkign about why people need to min max a 20 year old game, when it is clearly teh job of the developer to adjust systems to the playstyle of current generations. teh whole argument woudl be mute if the dps woudl be balanced. It is the absolute easiest answer to this whole debate. Saying it is ok to suck is mute because the whole uneven balance just stemms from teh developer not beign able to polish. Why else woudl teh balance in the first expansion already be sooooo much more even?
damn,after two play thoughs and your still chasing first to be completed and best at each class,what about the's a game and having fun with other players instead of min/max is tired.
Lol no, not in 40 mans. Im not sure, maybe in your raiding environment. But just look at logs. Mages are superior to locks in nearly every fight. Only fights where warlock can pad damage on ads (Skeram comes to mind) they will be higher
I’m seeing tons of “play what you want” comments yet people are living in fantasy land. Your raid will be 50%+ warriors and if you want to do damage - you play fury warrior. Copium is strong.
Good luck getting gear vs 18 warriors and rogues in raids lmao raids are easy and don’t need degenerate sweaty comps to clear through nax get real. That mentality is reserved for 1% of the player base speed running which you are neither of or you wouldn’t be on here.
Buddy these videos have been done a fucking million times and all they do is make the game worse. Just play the damn game and enjoy it for what it is, raiding in vanilla is almost as easy as breathing oxygen.
Classic will only be good when they do micro changes to some classes or gear to make them more viable in raids and other areas... and no, not to SODs extent of changes. Can easily be done
@@ponds812giving Paladin a taunt and a shield wall would be more than enough to make them work for raiding and not really have any effect outside of the color of the raid frame the healer sees….
Best advice: play what ever you enjoy the most, it’s not a damn job.
I completely agree. Step 1: Play what you want. Step 2: Find a group that isn't sweaty af to play w/
This is the reason i will play again wow classic. I enjoy the game. I am not looking at the dps metre and shit.
Thats true but i dont wanna raid mc for 4 hours wipe on bosses that a monkey could clear because people „just play for fun bro“.
So its smart to play a class which is in demand so you can join a guild, which maybe raids 1-2 days per week but still clears content in 1 night without issues.
@@TheMultiflamer this isn’t 2004, no one is wiping for 4 hours in MC 😂
@@sixpacksae yeah it was a overstatement but there are pugs on era who cant even finish naxx or aq40 and thats legit torture. The good thing about warrior and rogue is they have somewhat of a rotation. Same goes for hunter. Every caster basically plays the same so id rather play a mage pressing 1 button and get a raid slot in a decent guild than playing ele pressing 1 button and only get a spot in a mediocre pug.
And yes i know you could clear every raid with a suboptimal setup and prob 10 people less. However, the guilds that clear raid efficiently tend to be sweaty min maxers. You can play whatever you want but you should know what you sign up for.
This is what I dislike the most about todays classic community. Focused entierly on dps, parses, whats the best, what is bis, etc....
Many games are like that, but in the case of Classic, we're talking a 20 year old game. I'd be surprised if people weren't trying to min max.
I agree with this completely. Classic was never designed to be minmaxed, but I'd be foolish to assume the playerbase wouldn't try to pick the best class. I did try to be fair and rank everything and explain the pros and cons. I wish it was more viable though.
There is nothing stopping you from forming a group of like minded players.
I think this video was a very fair and accurate depiction of what to expect in fresh, hate it or not, it is what it is.
That's one of the reasons why Season of Discovery exists. Give a more balanced approach to the game and make more playstyles viable.
7:50 I just want to make this clear. Deep Prot died 2019, there nothing in the talent tree that makes deep prot specc tankier. It's 100% gear based.
Warning, if you want to play feral Druid in high level raiding you will be spending way too much time farming the stupid Manual Crown Pummeler from Gnomeregan, at least until you get AQ40 weapon.
Possible to play feral dps without that weapon?
@@Danny_79why would anyone take or give gear to a feral who doesn’t want to farm the best possible dps increase they can get? Even better than any piece of raid gear you would want.
@@Danny_79 not only do you need it, you can only use the effect on it once and it only lasts 30 seconds.. So you have to farm it over and over and over so you can keep bringing 20 new ones to raid. On top of any other consumables you need for raid. It’s one of the worst ‘optimizations’ that anyone ever discovered for a class for raiding in Classic. But without it, feral is barely viable for raiding.
@@Slyons89 think I will run resto ty :D
I just love druids too much to not play them lol. But I hate healing. That's why I'll go only for honor gear till I can get to BWL or AQ without the very much stupid MCP farming. I'm not a kid anymore to have such time to waste doing this sh*t.
Play whatever you want. Classic raids can easily be cleared with 20-30 competent players to be honest. At least up to AQ40
100% this. Classic Raids are very easy. I just wanted to make a guide for the best. I forgot to add a statement stating that any class is viable.
”play what you want” doesn’t apply when 90% of the community are sweatlords who won’t invite you. Play what you want but don’t be surprised if you can’t get content done
@@TheWowzz pretty much why i might be planning to make a guild of my own and bring anyone and anything in the raids "play what u want and how u want" would be a good moto
@ believe it or not, most guilds don’t want to just waste all that leather and mail loot so there’s definitely room for a couple meme specs
It’s not ideal like it was in SoD and mostly the reason I will be quitting Classic after SoD is done
@@guards1992 Can I join this guild? :)))
So excited to play Warriors of Warriorcraft again.
If someone wants easy raid spot resto shaman is the most wanted class in raids by far. Even fresh resto shaman with green gear will be welcome and you gonna get a lot of whispers for raid spots and guild invites both vanilla and tbc
One hundred percent this, i did this for BWL and was facerolling
Yeah also the best class to semi-afk raids as shaman, eat while raiding or take many breaks and put your wife, your kid, your mother, your friend to press chain heal until you back.
everyone saying "just play what you want, this isnt important" thats a nice sentiment but when you actually play the game and cant get into a raid or it takes you an hour to get a 5 man together, see how much fun you have then (5 man though is just more about being able to heal or tank, its only really dps that will wait significantly more, but for pickups dps classes are nbd)
True! Of course the most important thing is having fun because it's game at the end of the day but when you get to 60 this "it doesn't matter" mindset actually hurts and it would be good if someone is willing to spend days and weeks leveling to know what they get themselves into.
Do one for pvp next. (I really love wpvp)
It's nice to have someone explain what works and what doesn't, gives me more than a shamanistic understanding of these topics from classic wow.
we as a wow community really need to stop going off whats best and just play the game
"Dislike and subscribe so you can dislike all my other videos" LOL much love and great video!
First wow TH-camr I’ve seen that accurately describes bear tanks in classic 👏
Man, it didn't even launch yet, but gotta hurry and get to 60.
Very fair ranking of the classes and specs. The only thing I would add is that things like Faerie Fire(druid) and Curse of Recklessness(warlock) will guarantee those classes at least 1 raid spot in every guild, even in "bad" spec. Even true of Shadow Vulnerability(Shadow Priest) although not as much.
why tf do you have a female human model when you were talking about hunter O.O
High quality PNG lmao
So we just got a new blue post. Adding in 3 more things for classic fresh, but still no *Guild Bank* wth? So we get wrath QoL but not bg from Tbc, ehh? The 3 changes are:
* Instant mail between your characters on the same account
* Removal of buff/debuff limit
* Dual spec
I basically knew everything this guy was going to say within the first 15 seconds of the video starting
Im middle aged with no time for min/maxing. Whos starting a fun guild on the PVP server that lets people play whatever the fuck they want and still raid? Im going druid bear tank/healer.
In the first classic release i played resto shaman, but somewhere in bwl farm i rerolled my spec to ele 31/resto 10. it was fun spec. i was one of the two shammys who used this spec. We kinda spammed lighting bolt/flame shock etc and chain heal. With the vast knowledge of the meta and min/maxed gears, classic raid content was super easy and these kind of off-specs worked really well :)
Will I get a Raid Spot if I play a Boomkin?
In a lot of casual/mid level guilds, (in my arms) yes. Sweaty guilds, no.
@@EbonhardtTV Man...
What about Shadow Priest?
@SolheimGaming make your own guild brother ^^
@@SolheimGaming with boomkin also shadowpriest is a meme
I freaking love boomies, but the truth is that they suck in PVE. Now, PVP it's one of the funnest specs to play. Druids in general. Because of their hybrid nature, good druid players are a nightmare to beat.
Elemental shaman is way higher dps than you’re giving them credit for. Especially in guilds with fast kill times, the burst damage can pull them ahead of even mages and warlocks, especially in MC/BWL
Any chance you do one for PvP? 😁
Has debuff cap removal been confirmed for non-hardcore? It was only mentioned in the context of a hardcore server in the big bluepost
Someone needs to check this on the PTR
Based on what I can see, it has been removed as one of the few changes they've done for Classic. But I don't want to officially confirm that till the servers go live and people can test it.
@@EbonhardtTV do we also know anything about HoT stacking being removed? Would help resto druids a bit without really changing the meta.
I believe it has been removed.
@@JustOneQuestion Where did you get that info?
This kind of elitist min maxing literally ruins classic and is irrelevant for 99% of the player base. Ignore this type of shit and play what you enjoy, just have reasonable expectations.
Love your videos ❤
This guy really said, “warrior is at the top with fury/prot” 😂
Warlock best everything
Tanked nearly everything on my Protadin back in classic. Sure, you spend a lot on symbols and potions but Pally Raid tanks are absolutely viable if they know what they're doing.
Good video. Never seen anything like it before 😂
We should be talking about player restrictions as a game mode. We know this turned into hardcore wow so we have “history”.
I think it should be “meta raiding”. Since each faction has 8 classes and raids are 40 man.. then it seems we should have 5 of each class to make a “meta raid”.
If we do this we can create an entire new raid structure for players who want to do their own thing. Since the content will be harder; if not the hardest since you have to find the exact number of each class; you get 1 extra item per boss.
Making a higher drop rate IS something we know they can do. All they would have to do is put a trigger to check for raid comp at time of boss kill.
We would see shadow priests because you would not bring 5 healing priest; it’s not efficient. You would want warrior DPS so you would need other tanks. This fixes the stale meta of raiding.
If blizzard embraced this; it could change classic forever.
I love the base idea in theory, but not a fan of each boss awarding 1 more item, that's too many items in one night. Maybe 33-50% more chance of 1 extra item dropping per boss, but still idk.
Regardless Blizzard will never do that, BUT, I will write that idea down and add it to my list for the upcoming private server I will create in the future.
@ I like the % thing. What would be baller is if they could make it so spec diversity increases that upto 100%. So you might want to run a survival hunter and enhance shaman to increase that % of an extra drop.
We will all be geared each phase just by showing up. I think the most important part is slowing us down and creating new situations; like a enhancement shaman and survival hunter arguing over who is better DPS 😂
@@wartome3196 Not sure how a system could enforce that, besides counting the amount of talent points each players have in any given talent try. I guess... a player would need to allocate the last point of a talent tree for it to count.
@ yeah it’s not perfect but it was add something unique to the guilds who wanted to complete the raids in this way.
Too late now but we really needed a guild pvp rating system so guilds could challenge one another and set times for the battle grounds. Post the scores and times online so everyone can look for cheating.
Boomking gives like 25% attack speed reduction on their Hurricane.Aoe big circle ability. It is insane for raids and even bosses. Probably the best debuff in the whole game. Dalso Druids can out heal almost any healer with like 2 spells xd
In Naxx, Enhancement Shaman is 3rd behind rogues on singleboss fights and around the same dps as feral overall in the raid. That's about double the ret's perf 🔥
Listening to all the do's and don't does remind me that SoD did raid class balance much better
dont even care about raiding in vanilla been doing that for 5 years nowjust want tbc. WHAT MORE IMPORTANT IS THAT THEY LET US STAY IN TBC ERA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think the buff and debuff limit will remain on the anniversary servers or will they get rid of them like the hardcore servers they're connected to?
They announced already that these are not in place. Would be a big joke if they are. Vanilla no changes is a big enough joke already with its 5 viable specs
@fritzschnitzmueller3768 Hahahahahahaha. Joke's on you, buddy.
Is there no debuff limit in this classic ?
Played Warrior tank last time around, I’m thinking to change up and go Bear tank or shaman for this
The way I see it play what’s fun got you
Really wanna play a Ret Pala but knowing i wont get into a raid sucks
I love to have a guide which tells what spells which specs are using. If I got this right boomkin is there for a reason since you only have 2 buttons to press. Not sure if this is fun, even if you would deal dmg.
Broski’s what is a chill easier to move dps for PvP and achievement with maybe a bit of raiding?
What achievement?
they are removing the debuff cap so warlocks will be able to toss up their dots, making them significantly better than they are in true classic.
I'm probably going to play a meme spec if I play at all. Honestly, I'm pretty burnt out on classic. It's been fun but retail is so much better. That's coming from someone who has played since 2005.
My goals just get best in slot gear not be the best lol
Human Demonology warlock it is!
why not make a guide for class picking in hindsight to TBC? since we know tbc is coming? every streamer does the same now
For real guys, in raid boomkin is simply trash, in pvp and outdoor pve they are quit good. But hella trash in raid. If you want to raid as a druid, resto is the best chance you have.
Seriously people, just play what you find fun, or the class fantasy you enjoy
No way I'm joining a guild that will be stacking warriors, just saying. Game is more fun with a balanced group where people play what they want, it doesn't matter it a boss takes 1 minute instead of 30 seconds ! :)
Find my post above about meta raiding and start spreading the idea. 5 of each class per raid for 1 more item of loot. It’s a player made “heroic raid” with minor dev support.
Will a guild let me sp stack sor pally?????
SP ->Very unlikely
Tank/Ret pala ->100% no, maybe some noob guilds will allow. But even #1 Ret Palas in the world are not even close to other classes when it comes to damage
Holy Pala -> Yes
Tldr half raid warrior 6-7 Rouges 6 priest Rest mages 1 lock few hunters thats it gg, u guys could just reupload the vids from 2019 btw
warlock or mage
I always play a tanking or healing class. I'm going to play human rogue this time. Gonna enjoy the ride this time, no race to max level.
Ive always played warrior pvp and dps, this time I’m going holy paladin
will classic fresh servers be without debuff cap?
I think it will be like it was the last time it was launched. Higher dots then normal. If they don’t do that; the server will be meh.
No limit this time. 😊
Ele shaman does more dps than shadow and boomkin no?
Yes, and by a lot. In later phases ele shaman will outperform warlocks.
I understand its only parsing in raid but putting ele shaman below boomkin is criminal. More dmg, more utility, best mana efficiency, can offheal... 1global noobs lol
1/3 of your raids are just gonna be warriors and rogues anyway
Play Warrior, others are just support classes for warrior.
is paladin can;t be tank? i didnt see paladin on tank list
No even half serious raid group will take a pala tank, nor a ret pala with them. Pala tank is useless, you have no taunt
i gonna play feral tank ;)
Wish they would add Draenei and blood elf from start. Would definitely try blood elf paladin, but I’m not gonna level again when tbc launches
I think you're wrong about feral druids. Prot warriors may take less damage because of their shield, but they're nowhere near the same level of threat output. At the same time, feral druids do nearly as much threat (albeit not for AOE) as fury prots, but they take less damage. Overall I do think I'd want a fury prot MT, but after that a capable feral tank at 2 or 3. Deep prot really shouldn't be a thing anymore unless your heals just suck.
I agree with this. I was basing this off average player skill. As the requirements for a good bear are drastically higher than that of a good Deep Prot
the only thing I heard was warrior, warrior and more warrior
oh, please! Not again!...
Well thos just told me don't play a shaman 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Games super easy play what ever you want.
Weird to put Ele Shaman at the bottom when they not only do more damage than the Boomie & Spriest, but also out dps Hunters & Warlock in several raid phases of Classic.
This will be Fifth classic experience,
first and 2005,
Second 2019,
Third, first time around with servers hard-core,
Fourth then season of discovery.
Now 2024 another classic being the fifth followed by another hard-core being the sixth?
Honestly, I don’t see much in doing something six times over that takes a large portion of your life. To me this sounds like keeping you on the wheel so they can go work on retail. I think the only classic that may have some potential would be season of discovery. And I know I’m not the only one that feels like that.
this is just dumb. Vanilla can be played with one foot. on the keyboard lol. It is the most simplistic version of the game. Play what class you want, no one cares, and if anyone does then they take this 3rd time release way way to serious lol
My brother, I wholeheartedly agree, but this is the Classic playerbase we're talking about lmao
This just helps people decide. A lot of people don’t know about endgame and might be playing for the first time.
1. Play Warrior or Rogue
2. Play what you like, enjoy leveling, have a blast play a warrior alt later to enjoy endgame content (Yeah turns out your Bear tank that was a lot of fun leveling with can't perform lategame, sorry to bring it to you).
Oh boy another classic class picking guide because that's what we need more of.
Just milking at this point. Bad content and you should feel bad.
What happened to Classic Plus bro? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
All teh people talkign about why people need to min max a 20 year old game, when it is clearly teh job of the developer to adjust systems to the playstyle of current generations. teh whole argument woudl be mute if the dps woudl be balanced. It is the absolute easiest answer to this whole debate. Saying it is ok to suck is mute because the whole uneven balance just stemms from teh developer not beign able to polish. Why else woudl teh balance in the first expansion already be sooooo much more even?
Woudl teh
damn,after two play thoughs and your still chasing first to be completed and best at each class,what about the's a game and having fun with other players instead of min/max is tired.
What the f is fury Warrior for tanking?
Warlock out dps every mage single target
Lol no, not in 40 mans. Im not sure, maybe in your raiding environment. But just look at logs. Mages are superior to locks in nearly every fight. Only fights where warlock can pad damage on ads (Skeram comes to mind) they will be higher
I subbed just to dislike all the vids.
I’m seeing tons of “play what you want” comments yet people are living in fantasy land. Your raid will be 50%+ warriors and if you want to do damage - you play fury warrior.
Copium is strong.
Good luck gearing.
Good luck getting gear vs 18 warriors and rogues in raids lmao raids are easy and don’t need degenerate sweaty comps to clear through nax get real. That mentality is reserved for 1% of the player base speed running which you are neither of or you wouldn’t be on here.
Warrior, rogue, or mage. There, you don't have to watch the video
Buddy these videos have been done a fucking million times and all they do is make the game worse. Just play the damn game and enjoy it for what it is, raiding in vanilla is almost as easy as breathing oxygen.
Classic will only be good when they do micro changes to some classes or gear to make them more viable in raids and other areas... and no, not to SODs extent of changes. Can easily be done
@@TheWowzz I have same amount of subscribers as you and 100x less videos lmao! Cope more loser
That would be sod. Classic Classic is no changes
@@ponds812 You do realize this fresh has changes? lmao.... low IQ
@@ponds812giving Paladin a taunt and a shield wall would be more than enough to make them work for raiding and not really have any effect outside of the color of the raid frame the healer sees….