What to do when you had a bad trip on weed. ( Depersonalisation and derealism )

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • I would love to help you, if you need help comment! This happened to me and i explain what the best is to do. Im 15 and if you are interested in my story or want a short version of what to do when feeling like this? Click my channel above then.

ความคิดเห็น • 50

  • @maxhemp7542
    @maxhemp7542 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you man, I've never had this issue with weed but this video is helping me currently get through a really traumatic LSD experience I had over the summer that has been bothering me to this day and this is exactly what I needed to hear about living in the moment and that my fears are in my head and I'm in control

  • @afraidfm
    @afraidfm 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    pov:you smoked thinking you’re gonna get high and feel nice ,but end up feeling like you aren’t human anymore you feel the things you are saying aren’t real , you feel you’re trapped in it forever and you think too deep like “what if i die and what will happen to me”

  • @emmaadamson5793
    @emmaadamson5793 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I had a bad trip and I continued to smoke weed until it turned me into a phyco path. I was emotionless and thought I had no purpose. I stop smoking for 7 months now and I feel way better then I ever had, some sense of relief. Sometimes the emptyness try to come back in my head and I literally yelled at it in the mirror and felt so much better. I probably sounds crazy but it worked. 2 months ago I read something on google saying “you can reset yourself by sitting up in bed cross legged in the dark” you have to think of nothing for a few minutes and emidiatly fall asleep right after that. It worked, the next morning I felt like something in me left my soul. You can’t smoke weed with anyone that give you empty throughts, that was my mistake. I haven’t smoked weed since and probably never will again. I never wanna feel that emotionless thoughts ever again. I think bad trips are forgetting who you are and your past and your childhood which makes you who you are. When you have a bad trip, your mind looks deeper into the soul purpose of everything like personality’s, outer space, what if everything is fake and we don’t actually exist. Again, I might sound a little crazy but I swear there’s something REALLY weird about trips, it’s showing you the REAL REALITY of EVERYTHING and it make you clinically insane. If you have never had a bad trip, you’ll never ever understand what I’m saying, you may think you do but you really don’t.

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You've said it real good. I think your theory could be right! if it worked out for you that is great to hear. Stay positive and on the right path ;).

  • @herbertbargs
    @herbertbargs 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Well done. Fantastic video and so good of you to take the trouble to make it and help others. I had a bad trip last week and your video has been a great help.

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are very welcome!

  • @babarufio
    @babarufio 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Good video. I had a really bad trip a couple of weeks ago and had a,panic attack. I'm finally recovered now but during that time I felt like complete shit and paranoid. Never going to touch weed again

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +babarufio I havent smoked weed since the day i went bad, for over a year ago has it been, i dont miss it and i advise you to quit smoking weed. There are plenty of other drugs that you could try, but not weed. You are just sensitive for weed, just like me.

  • @tubbyrainbow111
    @tubbyrainbow111 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You're very wise for 15. Thank you very much for these videos they help a lot.
    I'm well versed in "hard drugs" MDMA, speed, ket, yokes etc. Never ever had a bad trip in my life on them, in fact the complete opposite always positive, no hangovers or anything. Went to Amsterdam and stupidly ate a whole brownie in like 1 minute because I thought its only weed what's the worst that could happen? (Btw I don't normally smoke weed at all). Ended up have the worst trip of my life. It really fucked me up, started getting time loops, didn't know where I was, got very paranoid and have been very foggy and not focused since. It's been about two weeks now and I'm slowly getting better but jesus I'm never doing weed again. It fucked me up way more than any "dangerous" drug have ever done to me. It took so much out of me I had to take a week off work because I felt so unwell and not myself.

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      People underestimate weed way too much. Weed plays with your mind. Spacecake is so powerfull, i can totally understand you had a bad trip on it. Im 19 right now, almost 4 years have passed since i had that really fkd up trip. I learned so much of it and so much of myself because of the trip. How are you feeling right now? i hope you are doing better man! stay positive, peace,.

    • @Havana428
      @Havana428 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Idk if you’re gonna see this message but this happened to me 2 days on weed. I had a terribly bad high and I got paranoid and depersonalized. I still feel quite paranoid and unreal even today. Was the same for you? I keep on thinking i fucked my brain forever and I won’t ever think straight 😩

    • @tubbyrainbow111
      @tubbyrainbow111 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Havana428 Don't stress about it. I remember feeling the exact same way. It goes in a while, like a few days or a week or two or something. You'll be back to feeling like yourself in no time at all and have learned a lesson the hard way just like me!! Now its a fun story to tell

    • @Havana428
      @Havana428 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tubbyrainbow111 thank you so much! this made me feel better. Definitely I learned my lesson. I smoked too much for my tolerance and I am literally considering not even smoking again 🥲

  • @DeAvondshow
    @DeAvondshow 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Leuk filmpje :).
    Goed dat je het deelt man!
    Ik ben wat ouder maar ik ken het gevoel.
    Het is nu een maand of 6 geleden.
    Wiet was leuk voor een keer of 4.
    Daarna ging het mis. Ik begon diep na te denken over van alles, maar vooral over het leven zelf. Ineens was het negatief en raar maar vooral... eng.
    Een existentiële crisis tot gevolg.
    Ik dacht ook dat ik Depersonalisation had, maar ik wist al snel dat de stress in de weken daarna ervoor zorgde dat ik me zo voelde.
    Ik heb flink wat maanden van angststoornis achter de rug door dat spul.
    Ik heb het niet meer, maar denk er soms wel eens over na en kan dan weer schrikken.
    Zoals je zelf al heb gezegd: Accepteer de gedachten over je ervaring. We hebben er van geleerd, dat doen we niet meer :).
    Het heeft me stil gezet en me bewust van mijn gedachten gemaakt.
    Wat vroeger meer vanzelf ging, is nu meer bewust en is ook gewoon stuurbaar.
    You are in control.
    Just watch the speed limit!

  • @Trustern
    @Trustern 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Hi, I smoked weed 4 weeks ago and I got a panic attack. I started off feeling very dizzy and unusual. I went up from the bench (outside) and dizziness just hit me really hard and then all of sudden everything became slow motion and blurry and my brain couldn't process what my friends said, I was unable to make out any sentences and it felt like I was playing with gravity and my short term memory was shot.. I would be talking and I'd forget what I was saying midway through my sentences. Then I'd randomly jump into reality and be completely normal and sober-like then 5 seconds later I'd just fall out of reality and get major DP again, and so on. It lasted for a total of 30 minutes and since then (4 weeks ago) I've been having a brain fog and tight numbing sensation in my head as it's harder to form out thoughts, it's all hazy and foggy in my head but I can still do math in my mind, program (computer stuff) behave normal, think normal but it just doesn't feel normal at the same time.. I can't tell if I have that sort of DP where things feel fake because when I try to look at something and think " Do I think this is real or fake " I just don't know HOW you'd feel it's fake or what I'm actually feeling because I don't even remember how I felt before I had the panic attack, I don't know what's normal or what's the "fake" sensation.. I feel like the more I think about trying to find out if I think stuff are fake w/e I feel like my mind just plays paranoia tricks on me and makes me think it's all fake.. I don't even know anymore.
    Can I smoke weed again if I take it easy? I smoked a lot in one sitting that day, a lot. Would one joint hit then relaxing give me permanent DP or make this worse?

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      hi, havent been active on my account. But this is my other profile. I had the same thing about short term memory. I was doing stuff and i would immediatly forget what i did 2 seconds ago. I really understand by what you mean that the world is fake. But i can tell you from my experience that it will get less every day. You just have to stay strong. My little secret is that i tried shrooms, and after that i like conquered my fears and it was all gone! I dont recommend it, but i do recommend conquering your fears. So you could try smoking again. I have never tried smoking weed after my bad trip, but i tried other drugs to conquer my fear. So maybe you should try it. But when you smoke, make sure you gave eaten enough and drink enough. Because when you have an empty stomach drugs will kick in much harder. Also be at a nice place with nice people you trust. Those 2 things are like the key to a good trip! Hope you will feel better, and remember: Live life to the fullest and dont clear time for overthinking about stuff like is life real? Because it is, but it is your choise if you belive and want to believe in it!

    • @Trustern
      @Trustern 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      tijmen Clement Thank you man! I've been smoking like 15 more times of some strong stuff called hashish and I have yet to feel worse. I just roll with it as of now. I've been having some very beautiful experiences and I no longer have any sort of panic or anxiety. DP is still here, but very easy to ignore and does not bother me at all. Thanks again for your reply! I appreciate it :)

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are welcome , but indeed, go with the flow man! Hashish is more different than weed ( look up on google: difference between indica and sativa ). But yeah, it is kinda the same effect. After a while you will probally forget that you have the feeling of DP and it will be gone ;).

    • @jasmineperry1526
      @jasmineperry1526 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      this exact same experience happened to me. I had all the exact same thoughts and "symptoms" as you. I didn't come back for about 3 days. I genuinely thought I was crazy

    • @dixi9yz8z8syx6
      @dixi9yz8z8syx6 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Trustern its gone ?

  • @AnimeRaindrop
    @AnimeRaindrop 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I hate this feeling so much you have to help me!

    • @AnimeRaindrop
      @AnimeRaindrop 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      tijmen Clement Dude really I can't take this feeling no more. The fear is too much for me to handle.

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      You could try some kind of drugs, to like conquer your fears. I did shrooms, and after that, everything was gone. I am not encouriging it. But you should think like can it be any worser? In my trip i realised i was just overthinking and everything turned alright... Just telling you my story.

  • @jessicacamacho6700
    @jessicacamacho6700 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for making this video!

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      No problem man!

  • @m1key12
    @m1key12 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey, I know I'm a little late but, I went through an almost 2 month bad trip called depersonalisation. It feels like you're high all the time but in reality you didn't take any substance and how the guy said you dont feel like yourself. Personally for me what caused that problem is the fact that I tried some really really strong stuff and it was my first time (I didn't even know it was THAT strong). So I was high like lets say a day and a half. It changed my mind and I started thinking I'm never gonna feel normal again. Theres the thing none of my parents knew about that and I was all alone and I didn't want to make them think they've raised an addict (failure). I fighted a lot, a lot but not until I understood I just have to stop fighting. In the end I told my mom first then my dad witch was the person i was scared to tell. Immediately after I overcome my fear I felt better, but still not fully normal. I just stopped fighting to get to feel normal, I stopped caring about whats happening to me. And in the end the thought of weed, bad trip and all this just disappeared. So what I would tell you guys to do in a long bad trip like depersonalisation is overcome your fears and find a way to stop thinking about how to fix yourself. Youre gonna be okay just stay strong and don't think about that stuff.

    • @m1key12
      @m1key12 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      P. S. Depersonalisation is differently long to every person. You just have to find yourself and it will end. It took 2 months to me but you can do it in a less period of time if you read those messages and watch the video carefully.

    • @__-fc9nu
      @__-fc9nu 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@m1key12 holy recent comment no way but anyways im on same boat heh month ago took second time weed and that shit... BROO BAD TRIP ALONE IN ROOM i was trippin hard but now month ago im getting better and better

    • @m1key12
      @m1key12 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@__-fc9nu listen brody I can say that depersonalisation is just a some shit that you think you have but its nothin. I know what it felt like cuz I was alone in my room to and I was trippin hard too. So if you listen to me just stop researching cuz youre gonna panic. Just don't be scared all you feel is emotions nothin else, when you understand that you're gonna be fine.

  • @LynxerGames
    @LynxerGames 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you man for making this video, helped me out a shit ton. But i was wondering will it be bad to smoke weed again, even tho you have been affected with DP?

    • @FailedNoob
      @FailedNoob 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      hey man, im struggling with some dp myself, its minor but it makes my life 10 times worse. So you just have to think that is it worth it? the 3 hours of fun ur gonna have when u smoke when it could end up making it worse. Trust me, you would regret the next day. BUT it also could be a good experience and help you with it so its all up to you. But i know i wont smoke again.

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      @gertjaarz is right. There are 2 options, 1 just quit. It is not worth it. 2, you try it again and maybe you conquer your fears! It is a risk, so the choise is up to you!

  • @tc2443
    @tc2443 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Still active for answering personal questions! FB: Tijmen Clement.

  • @breathlayn4692
    @breathlayn4692 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I fucking love you man

  • @debtcare1
    @debtcare1 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How long did you have it in total? Did you have to stop thinking about it for it to go away? Or did you start to feel better so you stopped caring or thinking about it? I cant stop thinking about it even though Im better than I was... its been 6 months and from smoking weed... Thanks!

  • @EileenFischer98
    @EileenFischer98 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much

  • @darkbuttwhole4167
    @darkbuttwhole4167 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you

  • @0mega1337
    @0mega1337 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    "Help with deap throats and bad trips" ?

  • @dk1168
    @dk1168 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Man I'm feeling this derealization, I have a question I do smoke cigarettes does it affects at all? Thank you

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      No, cigarettes have nicotine and tobacco ( and some other garbage ), but the effect is really different. You wont get high or something. It could remind you of smoking weed, but that will be gone after 1-2 times.

  • @exceedinglysus4751
    @exceedinglysus4751 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've smoked and Its spring break and I have DP for a week and I've been getting good sleep and good work out and I feel better can I still smoke?

    • @mare03
      @mare03 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sussy start with low doses

  • @ttm4236
    @ttm4236 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    what kinda weed are you smoking that you start tripping.

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      It is not the weed, it is the mental healt that is the issue. But i somed dutch weed, so yea, the strong sorts.

  • @StopFear
    @StopFear 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    First thing you do is not listen to some kid online for advice

    • @tc2443
      @tc2443 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I guess you are not open-minded at all. But hey! That is your choise, I just wanna help.