@M-K Production If the Quran is a perfect book with no expiry date as many believe ... Explain what it means in the Quran chapter 9 verse 29 Kill those who don't believe in Islam... Is this a peaceful religion Ask you're self sincerely are the contents in the Quran promotes jihad...... 72 virgins ....seriously Do u think God would have said it or a cunning Man.
i started study christianity and i left so its common trait , u know that church didnt allow for a long time to read bible by non clergy abd was oposing to translate bible from latin into languages (latin/western church)
Read within the context. The pagans in mekkah were killing people woman etc and God gave permission to fight back but if they want peace stop war against them.
@ErgoSum your intelligence does not go up to my feet i see you commenting in other comments and misleading people. Who told you that it is eternal ? This guy that clearly does not speak other than lies?. The qu'ran is just an advice for humanity. That is what it says in the qu'ran read something. I would advice you also to use your logic but i'am not sure if you have it. Man i am not trying to debate with you it is not worthy i can better debate with my agnostic human.respecting friends. But not with people with hearts full of hate. The Qu'ran is just another revelation same as the old testament torah etc and some of the things can be used in this time but not other they are there just for explaining the time this was revealed. Like for an family member of muhammad that always did bad to him..in the qu'ran that person is named and cursed because of his deeds. And that does not have any use in modern time only to show how bad people treated muhmmad and how God cursed those people with hearts full of hate those people who have a demon ruling them from inside
@@smoothbobby6230 as you wish but the truth is that this and some.other channels do not tell the reality or.the truth only beliefs that are put into the minds of u educated people.
@@Luan_King , "Kill the infidels" is different from "permission to fight back." Just because people do NOT believe in what you believe in (which they believe that you are wrong) does NOT give you the right to kill them.
When I was a Muslim I read the Koran through. It kept contradicting itself and changing. And the so-called "scholars" did not like my questions because they were unable to answer them!!!
The Nomadic Historian I had the same sir growing up in a Catholic Church, when I ask questions when it didn’t compare too a bible. Yea but you need to know Latin which are bible is written in. 😱
I bet that Medical Doctor Zakir Naik can answer all your questions or let me answer on his behalf "Chap namr 4 vrs namb 3 Qran sees kil d Jew ama medical docta".
@@hugmc The bible was not originally written in Latin. The gospels and New Testament were orignally written in Koine Greek (primarily) while the old testament was written in Hebrew. Stop spreading misinformation.
Obey and do not question Allah because you will became 'disbeliever'. [Quran 5:101-102] . [Quran 5:101] Sahih International: O you who have believed, do not ask about things which, if they are shown to you, will distress you. But if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be shown to you. Allah has pardoned that which is past; and Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing. quran.com/5/101 . [Quran 5:102] Sahih International: A people asked such [questions] before you; then they became thereby disbelievers. quran.com/5/102
I've tried reading the Quran, with an open mind. It didn't take me long to get absolutely disgusted by the hatred, racism, violence, contradictions and total lack of anything resembling spirituality.
If you think that thats bad try to read the Sira of Muhammed,sira rasul Alan from idn Ishah. In English its edited a bit( from 800 to 700 pages because they leaved the endless genealogies). Its like reading about ISIS 1400 years ago. The Quran is lacking contex and cronology and its very strange book to read.But the sira has chronology and context and its discussing!!
Can Aygibi The topic is the Quran, and my comment is relate to that. The point is that muslims stopped believing Islam after they had read the Quran in their own language and understands what it said. Christianity is indeed different in this topic, every Bible in every language is considered a Bible and reading in your own language is recommended.
Can Aygibi Topic was Quran, and I disagree on your statement. Context is the key, and I have not found a book who learned to love even your enemies from the main character.
@Can Aygibi : You want us to consider a man as your Prophet : 1) Who is NOT at all prophesied in the Most Holy TORAH and the Most HOLY BIBLE even by name. 2) who is NOT a Jew by any standard 3) who is NOT Circumcised. 4) who is NOT the promised MESSIAH, since JESUS already fulfilled that. 5) Who is NOT the CHRIST or the Anointed ONE as prophesied, since JESUS already fulfilled that. 6) who carried out IDOL WORSHIPPING of the Black Stone Vagina which is Pagan practice. 7) who is a documented and proven Murderer of Innocent Fathers, Brothers and Husbands of Saffiyyah & JUWAYRIYYAH. 8) who is a Womanizer caught red handed having SEX with Mary the Copt in his wife's bed. 9) who is a LECHERER ogling at the Nude Zaynab who was having Bath when he entered purposely her Chamber even after knowing that his Son Zaid was NOT at home. 10) Who committed ADULTERY with Zaynab by forcing his Son to Divorce his wife Zaynab so that he could have SEX with her and broke all the TEN Commandments of GOD 11) who was a PEDOPHILE having married a 6 year old innocent dolls playing Kid when he was a great grandfather at 52+ and Masturbating with her by rubbing his PENIS between her thighs. 12) who RAPED an innocent 9 year old kid as she was playing Dolls with her friends. 13) who promoted ADULT BREAST FEEDING freely. 14) who put WOMEN under subjugation and denied them EQUAL Rights & FREEDOM. 15) Who encouraged Terrorism by promising His Jihadi Martyrs 72 SEXY HOT FULL BREASTED VIRGIN Houris with perpetual virginity & erections. WHAT A JOKE 16) Who promised Unlimited Halal Alcohol for Jihadi Martyrs. 17) who does NOT know the name of His Own Father, having been born 4 years after his so called Father's Death. 18) Oh Lord...this list is getting endless....
@Profet Mohamad Wisest decision of your life to have left this cult in your formative years. You must be feeling so relieved and free from mental slavery.
SS not really for the Quran pretty much connects with what we know today about where the sun goes The leader of the scholars of exegesis, Imām Tabari states that another of the signs of Allāh’s power and ability (Qudrah) to do whatever He pleases is that He has stripped out of the dark-night the daylight. Here the term in the verse ‘from it’ (minhu) means ‘anhu’, as if to say: We have extracted the daylight out of the night and so We brought the darkness; We took away the light and therefore only darkness is left behind. We are shown how the ever-changing phenomena of night and day points towards the Oneness (Tawhīd) of Allāh, His power, and the necessity of His Godhood (Ilāhiyyah). Can anything occur with such intricacy, precision and splendid continuity as does this phenomenon and be operated by two or more deities? All of Allāh’s creation not only points to His greatness, but to His Oneness. “And behold, they are in darkness”, they end up in darkness due to Allāh stripping out the daylight, incapable of bringing about such engulfing darkness, and incapable of restoring its outstretching light. An intelligent mind never perceives this process of change as a ‘natural’ phenomenon, independently occurring on its own accord without a creator or controller. Certainly, it is Allāh who is behind such magnificent changes in creation, whilst our incapability necessitates our humility and submission to Him, Most High. Also contained within this verse is astonishing symbolism of the resurrection. The life and activity of man is preceded by an absence of light, it then begins with sunrise, before ending with sunset, before again the sun rising for a second accountability. The One capable of bringing about the sun, after it has set, is surely capable of extracting life from the dead, and death from the living. To affirm the former but reject the latter is inconsistent and illogical. That may be why Allah mentions before speaking of a similar phenomenon for the barren earth: “Each and every one will be summoned to Our presence.” وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَهَا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ (38) And the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. The ‘and’ of connection (‘Atf) here could relate to the previous words ‘wa ayatullahum’ and so this is yet another addition to the long line of signs pointing to the power of Allāh. The underlying theme remains that if He is able to control or bring about such amazing things in the creation, then surely He can resurrect your lifeless bodies. The sun runs or flows (tajrī) to a given point at which it disappears from our perspective, just like the Prophet (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) explained to Abu Dharr al-Ghifārī, “I was sitting with the Prophet (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) in the Masjid. When the sun set, he (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) asked me, ‘O Abu Dharr! Do you know where the sun has gone?’ I said: Allāh and His Messenger know best. He (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) said ‘It goes and prostrates before its Lord, and then asks for permission to return, and it is allowed. So it is as though it is commanded to return from where it came, so it rises from its fixed place, and that is its resting place (Mustaqar).” Ibn Kathīr states that the sun will continue to flow or stream along (tajree) until the last moment of the life of the universe and that is the blowing of the trumpet, at which point the entirety of the universe will be rolled up. The spirit of the verse is to illustrate the sun as being a creature of Allāh and its function in our world as being a product of its devotion to its Creator. Moreover it expresses the Might and Majesty of Allah in bringing such a huge destructive entity under control and subservience. Linguistic Gems The word ‘salkh’ in, “We peel (salakha) the day away from it and then they are in darkness”, is commonly used for skinning a sheep and taking off the skin from the flesh. That is why some scholars of exegesis would say that the night is original matter, whilst the day is the incidental i.e., a consequence of no darkness. The day is likened to the skin and the night likened to the actual sheep. Not only is the skin removed to lay bare the sheep but it also can be rolled back on to cover up the sheep, just like the day comes back to cover up the night. The power of Allāh is being displayed here through a number of linguistic tools: 1. Attributing the phenomena of the ever-changing night and day to Himself. The word ‘naslakh’ uses the royal ‘We’, in the first-person narrative: We peel the day away from it and then they are in darkness. 2. The usage of the word ‘mudhlimūn‘ in, ‘and then they are in darkness (mudhlimūn)’, highlights that the focus in this verse is not that night time comes about but rather that human beings are cast into darkness because of it. This then highlights the weakness of human beings as they are subject to this phenomena and cannot challenge it. Pearl of Wisdom The great scholar Abū al-‘Āliyah mentioned: “There is nothing in the skies; stars, suns, moons or above except that it prostrates to Allah when it sets; then it seeks permission from Him to return and rise again.” They prostrate in a manner that befits their nature with humbleness and awe of Allah, just like the prostration of the angels, Jinn and mankind occurs in the manner that befits each of them. If these magnificent signs of creation, some of which responsible for providing vital light to the earth and unfathomably large in dimension humble themselves before Allah, lowering themselves totally before His majesty, who, O stubborn Man, are we to refuse? Notes: [1] Tafsīr Rāzi, Vol 26 pg 69 [2] Tafsīr Tabari, Vol 19 pg 434 [3] Tafsīr Qurtubi, Vol 17 pg 442 [4] Qur’an 36:32 [5] Tafsīr Tabari, Vol 19 pg 435 [6] Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr, Vol 6 pg 577 [7] Tafsīr Zamakhshari, Dar al-Ma’rifah pg 895 [8] Tafsīr Ibn Taymiyyah, Vol 5 pg 325
Shelldonporkballs Attn Apostate Knob Li ckers. Dhul Qurnain . comes upon a people where the sun sets in a muddy water...This was found 2 b the Black Sea. It is not called the Black Sea for nothing (murky and muddy as fucc). Gog n Magog were trapped between the Caspian and Black Sea in a Caucus mountain pass named the Dariel Gorge.. God eventually destroys Gog n Magog with a neck burrowing worm/ virus... Corona Virus ring a bell.? You dumb fucc hillbilly apostates might b desendants of these crazy fuccs Gog n Magog. .,,
ゼロとぉ . Hi all the sources are verified in David Will Cox video if u bothered 2 watch. I am an ex Biochemist with the Queens Award so I don't take these things lightly. Your choice tb godless and worship rats , goats or technology
Harry Potter wasn't written over a thousand years ago. The Bible and Quran are pointless to read without historical context. You wouldn't read ancient Babylonian religion trying to understand what they meant without reading a lot about the history. It's just that with the historical context you realize these texts are horrific, violent, and stupid with a complex evolution and change of beliefs.
@@nicerperson1 I’d say much more. Just for starters. Harry Pottee is organized chronologically. The Quran is arranged LONGEST surah to SHORTEST surah which is bonkers lol
"1400 years ago, the Quran (21: 30) stated that the sky and the earth were once joined before We exploded them apart. This knowledge, revealed centuries before modern science, could not have come from a human at that time."
In hinduism allha god come to teach spread love... . In islam a self declare messenger of god called "NAVI MOHAMMAD" come to teach spread terrorism to kill non muslim and convert into islam... . .You people have to think who's correct.. god or man...🤔
@F U B In hinduism allha god come to teach spread love... . In islam a self declare messenger of god called "NAVI MOHAMMAD" come to teach spread terrorism to kill non muslim and convert into islam... . .You people have to think who's correct.. god or man...🤔
@Lars A. secular why don't you read this? . "gajwa e hind" k lie hi afgan, pakistan, bangladesh,iran, hind se lie the or kashmir bhi le rhe the modi or ye amit logo ne nhi lene diya... or sun nehru jinna ke saga bhai the unhone hi gajwa e hind me help kr k pak, kashmir ko diya tha eman walo ko, owesi ab samvidhan se p.m bange or gajwa e hind pr fateh karenge... tum ho hi bevakuf log. murgi ki tarha hoto h sab dana chungti h or ek ek kr katti jati h... . .sun gajwa e hind jab hoga tab jessaus {esa e salam} dharti pr aainge or tab kayamat shuru hogi or us kayamt me jo jo musalman janng me kafiro ko marega vo jannt e islam paiga... or musalman bachpan se hi marne marne se nhi darta, all takkiye aayt di h allha ne non muslim ke sath bhai jesa rahne k lie jab tab tab tk hi hm tadad m jada n ho jai or jab ho jai tab....😊 kashmir hinduo se puch le.... youtube p pushpendra kulshrestha name ka ek h vo sahi bol rhe h kyuki vo musalman tha usne sabhi pda h pr allha use maf nhi krnge kyuki vo kafiro ko sab bta rhw h, esa e salam se jang k lie kafiro ko tayar kr rha h 😼 .
As an Arabic native speaker I have read the Quran many times and a lot of it didn’t make any sense to me, in fact I think it’s a really poor written book filled with riddles and mistakes.
@@mr.o8539 The Fellowship of the Rings is written far better than the quran, and is actually interesting. Maybe Muslims should leave Islam and embrace Tolkienism, worshipping Tolkien as their new God 🤣
I think that the Qur'an is a valuable record of the level of human civilization in the 'good old days' at the 'golden age of Islam'. The more history I read, the more I feel like every 'golden age' is overrated. As a Christian, I think God sees so much more potential in us, and would love for us to cooperate with Him so that we can fulfill our full potential. But that's just my honest opinion. Just because I'm a Christian doesn't make me always right, and it makes me feel good to admit that being Christian still means I'm a human being, like everybody else, and still have the same limitations, because these are factually true, and keeps me sane and healthy and grounded.
I am a native Arabic speaker, and I can assure you that even for me Quran is a real mess, it's written in a very old mostly inintelligible Arabic, many words still don't have clear meaning and have provoqued debate among people and still do. A new theory says that they are actually Aramaic (Luxenberg and co)
Khalid : Another fundamental issue: early Arabic script did not write vowels, which create a lot of uncertainty in the meaning of the written words. See Luxenberg, The syroaramaic reading of the Koran
Non-muslim. Started to read the quoran but it chafed in a sense that it feels as if someone threw a book in a blender and then put it back together without looking at the page numbers.
@@networkarab why would I? there are some, here they just say "athiest" but I think it's forbbiten to say it like that in the west bank and they use something else.. "scholar" I think.
@@buzzdroid8325 they have in the past, the government doesn't care since the PLO constitution is that of Jordan and they don't like apostates all that much there as well. Israel doesn't get involve unless you actually cross into it's borders and ask for asylum, and that's understandable since if Israel were to do it, the world would be mad on Israel, not on the fools that kill apostates just cuse they have different beliefs.
@@somegirl4631 well that is about limit understanding of islam, islam doesn't saying to kill apostates, unless the apostates themselves start to make fitna among muslims, so apostates can be apostates with themselves without having to to make ideology to attack islam , so you ad well have wrong undrstanding of this issue at all, indeed islam and quran asks us to think about everyting very well, even about the religions itself
As a native arabic speaker ex-muslim who read that pile of garbage book several times, I can say for sure that what is said in this video is true. Just one thing is not accurate, reading the quran in arabic is not easier than any other language. Its only that in arabic almost each word used can serve a different meaning to some extent, which makes it more agonising. The irony though is that the book says that it is clear to understand ....
Arabism is one of the biggest lies in history. "Arab" is not a race, not a nation and not an ethnicity. The "Arab" identity that is widely refered to today is a result of Arabaist-lsIamic conquests and propaganda - it is an lsIamic construct. The same is true for the "Arabic" language which didn't really exist before the advent of lsIam. The term "Arab" means someone of the desert. It originally describes someone who lives a desert environmental lifestyle, a nomad of the deserts, somewhat similar to how the term "Bedouin" is understood - it doesn't denote or define a race/nation/ethnicity. Nowdays, when the term "Arab" is used what it really means is ArabaIST (=Pan-Arabists), which is actually tied to an ideology (Pan-Arabism) - it doesn't denote or define a race/nation/ethnicity. As for the so-called "pure" "Arabic" language - it's actually a messy artificial Quranic admixture of three languages: Himyaritic, Syriac-Aramaic and Hebrew, with also having minor input from Greek, Persian, and Geez/Ethiopic. This mixture was formed and developed due to various influences in Hijaz prior to the advent of lsIam and influences on the Quran. This mixture is what was eventually put into the "canonical" Quran and was spread by the sword in brutal Arabaist-lsIamic conquests to other places. This process involved the destruction of other cultures and replacing it with an Arabaist-lsIamic one. Arabism and lsIam are two sides of the same Arabaist-lsIamic coin. So-called different dialects of "Arabic" are an admixture of an admixture - a mix of the messy artificial Quranic admixture of languages with different languages. lsIam itself is a badly made twisted plagerism from Paganism that was spread in Hijaz at the time, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Sabean religion, with a "Muhammadan" "lsIamic" twist. It is a recipe for Arabaist-lsIamic imperiaIism, coIoniaIism and supremacism.
I hate that excuse of "you're misunderstanding it", I'm a baptist christian and I often get into biblical conversations with others, "you're misunderstanding it" is just an excuse that prideful people use when they don't want to admit they're wrong
So, why does Yahweh tell his people to enslave their neighbors, kill their enemies and take young girls as their sex slaves? Leviticus 25:44-46 and Numbers 31.
@@TagSpamCop Because it was 2,000 BCE and that was the status quo for warfare and that particular time for that particular war. The difference is that most Jews don't know/care about such verses. The ones that do and are fanatics are so few in number that their impact on modernity is minimal. There's more Mormons than there are Jews and more than half of the world's Jews are secular. I'm Jewish and I retain religious observance because it's, in my views, a good basis for family life, marriage, friendship, community, culture, etc. We have an extremely low rate of divorce, high rate of college graduation, etc and that is because of our practices that have been preserved and refined for 3,000 years. Btw, the reasons stated above are why 99% of religious people are religious, whether they realize it or not: Family, culture and community. And there are some elements within Kabbalah that are consistent with string theory, quantum physics, and the like. Although this is my subjective opinion. In all reality I'm something of a Diest. The problem with Islam is not merely that it's religion. You could hypothetically make Islam as benign as the Anglican Church. If all Muslims were Alawite or Sufi we probably wouldn't have religiously motivated terrorism. But there are certain teachings within (Sunni Hanafi) Islam that make if far more prone to violence than other religions. These are: 1.) The examples and behaviors of Muhammad. 2.) A belief in Paradise that contrast with Damnation (Jannah and Jahnamm) 3.) A belief in martyrdom and that martyrs are instantly transported to paradise upon death. 4.) Centering the faith around a single, infallible person (Muhammad). Christianity also does this with Jesus but since he wasn't a warlord its not a huge problem. 5.) The belief that the Quran is infallible and that any thing beyond Quran literalism is heresy (mind you this view is only held by Salafist, Wahabi and some Hanafi Sunnis). Alawites, most Shia, Ahmyddi, Sufi, etc do not share these views, hence why almost all Jihadists are Sunni. The specifics of martyrdom in Islam is pretty unique to Islam and doesn't really exist in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. Although there are some versions of it. Christianity literally invalidate the Old Testament with the coming of Jesus so almost everything in it can discarded, hence why Christians don't stone people to death for apostasy.
@Carbon based Lifeform it was in the Bahamas ....the only people in history of mankind to demand gay marriage are western men....not that there is anything wrong with that for them. I support gay marriage for all western men its a great way to reduce their population and increase immigration post trump
@@jesuswasahermetic5871The Bible. Especially how the New Testament changing the Old Testament is a perfect manipulation tactic, which gives her partner solace from great violence to lesser violence.
A friend of mine used to be an Imam here in Italy, now he is an Orthodox Christian, I think that his story would be pretty interesting if you and him want to share it .
@paritosh bnm You're talking about the Hagia Sophia, no, it hasn't been converted into a mosque yet. Erdogan wants it converted so he can score some points with the Muslims.
In hinduism allha god come to teach spread love... . In islam a self declare messenger of god called "NAVI MOHAMMAD" come to teach spread terrorism to kill non muslim and convert into islam... . .You people have to think who's correct.. god or man...🤔
Born in a muslim family, i was a believer but not so practising. Being pressurised by my closed ones i started attending prayers regularly. I then decided to read the qu"ran. And it saved me. Today am an ex-muslim alhamdullillah !
@@browndaniel2560 Trust me brother. Only one book can save muslims. Its the qu"ran but they will have to take a big risk. Either they use their faith and become a jihadist or they use their brain and become ex muslim like me.
Interesting theme, but which Arabic version exactly of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
"1400 years ago, the Quran (21: 30) stated that the sky and the earth were once joined before We exploded them apart. This knowledge, revealed centuries before modern science, could not have come from a human at that time."
Interview Al Fadi! That would be a great interview! And because he's Saudi and Arabic is his first language, no one can say 'oh you need to read it in Arabic'
They were giving away the quran on streets and they said "READ", because thats the first word of the quran. so i did! i read it. Then i came back and had a lot of questions and read things that i didnt like at all. Then they said: you cant just read the quran, you have to read the hadithes and the sunnah of the prophet too. So i did. And then i had even more questions about those disgusting hadithes those disgusting things i read about mohammed. I went back and told them and they said: Man, you cant read the quran in your english, you have to read it in arabic. i said i cant speak or read arabic. Then they said: you to go to a scholar, you are not supposed to read it alone anyways. Thats when i said: Ok i am out, thanx.
Interesting offourse, but which Arabic version of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
I would not say they run away from the sharia they are just not for the interpretations of Sherry and Islam of the Taliban belief but they do not think that Taliban are loyal to core Islamic compared to the previous government the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan which was a mix between democracy and sharia
@@benjaminbingaman1848 you are wrong. Deep down they know Sharia is barbaric but cuz it's prescribed by Allah ..all muslims pretend to like it.. extremists love it cuz they can enjoy the authoritarianism they can take advantage of.
When I told my parents that I read the Quran and didn't understand it my mother said I had to read the other books to understand it. They clearly haven't read anything and have understood it. They have grown up reading in Arabic and forced us too, creating a never ending cycle of people fearing change and thinking for themselves. Proud Christian here, my God is amazing.
@@_loaf0 as an ex-Muslim I just want to give you my opinion. When I became a Christian which was around 2014 I just believed in God but I didn’t have a relationship with him until last year. I felt like a new person, like I was reborn and forgiven for my sins. I made so many mistakes since then but I know I’m forgiven and I can do better. You can think for yourself, God doesn’t control you, he speaks to you through the spirit. You just have to do some research, it’s totally up to you what you what you feel is true. I believe Jesus saved us and Mohammad was a false prophet. You can question God, I have so many times and he’s given answers. It’s really peaceful and if you view it as a religion I don’t think it will work out, I view it as a relationship with my creator. I hope you have a great day :)
@@amina997 yeha but i dont like the bible- its homophobic, i believe any god would allow gay people, so id rather find some random god to pray to which is not homophobic, or just be atheist
@@_loaf0 that’s fine, I don’t think it’s homophobic, it’s just God he created men and women to be fruitful and multiply. Being gay is a sin just like pride, greed, envy, lust and so on. Look at how many people aren’t married and have sex with each other? That’s a sin too. Jesus loves everyone equally, he sat with sinners. Peter one of the disciple denied Jesus three time but then repented. I think being homosexual is a desire from the flex just like any sin. I hope this makes sense to you and know that I’m not judging you because I’m not perfect
I am impressed that you converted to Christianity. I am also Bible-believer. However, I am inclined to believe that the Father is God, and Jesus is the Son of God, a created being, who however preexisted his birth as a human on Earth. I am not a Trinitarian. If you carefully read the Bible, you come to that conclusion. Decisions of councils of Nicea did not affect the Bible itself. They affected only the mainstream Christianity. Also, there is recent research about the Quran, which suggests that the Quran was not a "revelation" to Muhammad, but simply a collection of writings by Middle-Eastern Christians, and was most likely originally written in Arameic and then translated to Arabic. Arameic "Quran" seems to have been destroyed or not preserved. The story about Mecca and Muhammad might have been made up later by Abbasids, to explain the backstory that did not happen, but no one was alive to verify it, since it supposedly happened two centuries before the story was finally written down. Anyway, how did you get to know and read the Bible, and realize that Islam is not true?
@Urayis wish l I know. I find it embarrassing that people would imagine I would believe all that imaginary stuff.. Any religion. Jehovah's Witnesses get shunned for apostasy too. Religion can be very cruel. I guess they think if they don't follow the 'sheeple' they won't have morals anymore. Or they're afraid to stand up for themselves
Quran is Guidance th-cam.com/video/C5ACV4EpcZU/w-d-xo.html 1. Quran is clear for everyone and there is some verses which need teacher,guider,interpreter to explain .Read Quran by yourself not from the mouth of liars like apostate liar www.quran.com. 2. Miracles of Holy Quran: Scientific(th-cam.com/video/sWB-_bD9YWQ/w-d-xo.html,th-cam.com/video/yeHzmati6yg/w-d-xo.html) mathematical facts(th-cam.com/video/pJP129w84tk/w-d-xo.html) Quran Historical Facts(th-cam.com/video/i1mSHELEn74/w-d-xo.html) linguistic miracles(it is memorizable recitable and no other book is memorizable and recitable Quran has millions of reciters memorizers..th-cam.com/video/SJwlm9ile7A/w-d-xo.html) 3.Quran Cures Hearts removes depressions because it is words of God(th-cam.com/video/DerApQ5Hrzg/w-d-xo.html). 4.Quran Itself is miracle(th-cam.com/video/GkjNROBu6l0/w-d-xo.html) 5. You said Quran has errors . . see the debate of Zakir Naik with William Cambel (th-cam.com/video/XOD2KXXzsjM/w-d-xo.html) 6. If u reject holy Quran u will go to hell fire.because it is last and final holy book from God . 7. ISLAM will become dominant once in this whole world it is promise of holy Quran and prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do not waste your time.
if u read koran with context from tafseer, sira, hadees........u will find its not that much repetitive...... a lot of different stories for those repetitive lines. koran can only be understood with its tafseer
vikram Why does one need tafsir when Quran claims to be “mubeen” or clear? If it lived up to its claims it would be clear and maintain its supposed eloquence in any language to which it was translated. That would be a true miracle.
did you mean a flea woke you up for the prayer? . [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad] Anas ibn Malik reported that a man cursed fleas in the presence of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not curse them. A flea woke up one of the Prophets for the prayer." Grade : Da'if (Al-Albani) English reference : Book 51, Hadith 1237 Arabic reference : Book 1, Hadith 1237 sunnah.com/urn/2211930
@@LivingLonger I woke up because the tv volume was loud. It's usually loud when my mom puts on quran recitations. It's annoying. It ruins my sleep time.
Somebody who don't even know how to read Arabic is claiming to know 85% of Islam and some idiots are following his foolish agenda. May Allah guide them all.
@Zack Smith death punishment for apostacy is found both in hadith and quran. Stoning gays and other punishments are found in hadith which states sahih (authentic), you five time prayers are found in hadith not quran. So stop denying😒
zackir Smith naik More taqiyya from you. The koooran has amputations, talking ants, armies of chickens and jinns, walking dogs, mutah, rape, sex slavery, virgin sex slaves in paradise, pedo_philia, killing and humiliation of unbelievers
zackir Smith naik Stop quoting verses from the time when muhummud pretended to be peaceful. You need to stop your taqiyya and stop pretending to be a friend of the Unbelievers. Quote the verses from the last and final chapter of the koooran such as 9 29
I’ve read the Old Testament twice and the New 5 times. I tried to read the koran when in college but it was so awful and mean that it can only be a product of a sick mind.
Try the Book of Mormon. I have read through the main world scriptures including the quran (except the Buddhist Canon and later Vedic material, I've only read excerpts of those because holy cow that's a lot of texts!) and the quran and the BoM were by far the hardest to read. The quran because it is so ridiculous, and the BoM because it has about the same amount of interest and literary value as a phone book. The Quran insults my sense of morality and my intelect, while the BoM is a boring and pathetic attempt at copying kjv Biblical literary style. Imagine a person dictating while making up a text on the fly using King James Bible language and then imagine having to read the crap.
@Zack Smith , Ah Zack, we meet again! One of the problems with the Quran is that Muhammed will "endorse" a thing in one place and then condemn it in another. When the Jews refused to accept his supposed prophethood, he came to see them as apostates. He calls Jews and Christians (among others) "the worst of creatures," and says that they should be fought against until they are oppressed and humiliated. I think the comparison to Hitler is silly, but Muhammed was clearly anti-Jewish. The main difference is that Hitler is not seen by well over a billion people as the perfect model of human behavior, while Muhammed is. Given that, "not as bad as Hitler," if true is still a pretty low bar.
@ no no man madmed dreamed up the perfect excuse from the demon who was telling him it's ok lala has given you a special proclamation from lala that you can do what you like. ..lie bang everyone you look at and marry kids ..yay what a good freak demonic god that allows anything and stolen scriptures from the truth
I am non Muslim who read the scriptures and Quran with an intent to converting myself, and it has left me horrified what Mohammed did. Why would god finally send a book that you need a human scholar to understand? What’s the point of sending such a book??
I went and checked out Mohammad Hijab’s channel. I watched one of his videos and tried to comment in the comment section. My comment was removed within 30 seconds. In fact you can’t find a single comment critical of Islam. On the contrary this channel is a hotspot of discussion, and dissenting opinions are allowed, even insulting ones. What is Mohammad Hijab afraid of?? Is he scared that Islam can’t withstand criticism?? Perhaps he doesn’t have a counter argument to criticism. You decide who is open to discussion and opened to honest debate.
I can't get though a whole video of his...... he tries to be so intellectual and uses the longest words he can find. Also his arguments are so convoluted. .... I soon switch off..yawn. ...
Johnny TwoShoes Yes very much. Explain to me how can Islam be from God when it’s founder, Mohammad, was a murderer, thief, owner of slaves, a sexual pervert and a pedophile?? Start by explaining that. Also ask me whatever you want, try ME.
@ We're trying to help our Muslim Brothers and sisters in humanity to see the truth so that they can leave this 7th century barbaric cult. Start by reading the Quran again from cover-to-cover without talking to any of those biased imams who have a vested interest in keeping Islam going because that's where they get their power wealth and status in society. If the Quran is supposed to be the pure word of God then you can read it by yourself without anybody else's input other than gods. Then judge for yourself if it's true.
You want us to consider a man as your Prophet : 1) Who is NOT at all prophesied in the Most Holy TORAH and the Most HOLY BIBLE even by name. 2) who is NOT a Jew by any standard 3) who is NOT Circumcised. 4) who is NOT the promised MESSIAH, since JESUS already fulfilled that. 5) Who is NOT the CHRIST or the Anointed ONE as prophesied, since JESUS already fulfilled that. 6) who carried out IDOL WORSHIPPING of the Black Stone Vagina which is Pagan practice. 7) who is a documented and proven Murderer of Innocent Fathers, Brothers and Husbands of Saffiyyah & JUWAYRIYYAH. 8) who is a Womanizer caught red handed having SEX with Mary the Copt in his wife's bed. 9) who is a LECHERER ogling at the Nude Zaynab who was having Bath when he entered purposely her Chamber even after knowing that his Son Zaid was NOT at home. 10) Who committed ADULTERY with Zaynab by forcing his Son to Divorce his wife Zaynab so that he could have SEX with her and broke all the TEN Commandments of GOD 11) who was a PEDOPHILE having married a 6 year old innocent dolls playing Kid when he was a great grandfather at 52+ and Masturbating with her by rubbing his PENIS between her thighs. 12) who RAPED an innocent 9 year old kid as she was playing Dolls with her friends. 13) who promoted ADULT BREAST FEEDING freely. 14) who put WOMEN under subjugation and denied them EQUAL Rights & FREEDOM. 15) Who encouraged Terrorism by promising His Jihadi Martyrs 72 SEXY HOT FULL BREASTED VIRGIN Houris with perpetual virginity & erections. WHAT A JOKE 16) Who promised Unlimited Halal Alcohol for Jihadi Martyrs. 17) who does NOT know the name of His Own Father, having been born 4 years after his so called Father's Death. 18) Oh Lord...this list is getting endless....
Interesting offourse, but which Arabic version of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
I was litterally talking about islam to my muslim (and Turkish :D) parents 2 hours ago. My mom is very religious and has a hard time taking critisism. When I was quoting some verses from the quran, she kept telling me that I shouldn't read the direct translation of the quran. She told me that I needed to be super intelligent, that I had to learn arabic and other languages in order to understand the quran. To me it just sounded like she couldn't accept that the direct translations of the quran have some cold hard facts about (ridiculous) things that islam demands for muslims.
try then with the Sira of Muhamed from Idb Ishah. its even richer with Horible facts.i am now at page 600 from total 700.and i can only say that if a muslim read THAT and still wants to be a muslim..i dont know how ANY one can help that person.
Kinda funny. I once had a Muslim guy tell me that it was the Bible that was confusing & the Koran took all that confusion away. That was over 30 yrs ago. I have no idea whatever happened to him, but I'll always remember that he said that. No worries; I wasn't convinced.
I'm an ex shiite muslim. Since most of the people I see on TH-cam (including yourself) are mostly Sunni or Sofi. A Shiite would spice it up a little for ya. I'm willing to be on your show, man. 👍 Edit: I was very much into Shia that I studied it so much. So, I think I can safely say that I know a bit about it. I'm from Iraq btw, and I speak Arabic as my first language. :) Let me know.
May i ask you how you 'came out' and also how your surrounding reacted 'cause I am also Ex Muslim but so scared to tell anyone. Don't know how to do that.
@@linalena5981 QURAN vs BIBLE The Holy Quran it Doesn't Promote Evil or Hate it a Book of clear Evidence 4 People who Love Justice Peace and Equality and it is child friendly too in Islam a Woman is Regarded as the Queens of the House a Divorce Woman Becomes the Responsibility of her Father if he dies the brother must do the same to see to her shelter Security and well-being Paradise Lies at the Feet of Mothers just to clarify your false claims against the Holy Quran this is what the Angel of God Convey to pht .....would u bring out something similar of ur Holy bible Miracles Quran MENTION = 1 /Qrn =sura / verse 51 47 = Expansion of the universe 2 /q 21 30 big bang 3 /q 21 104 future collapse of universe 4 / 57 25 iron origin 5 / 24 40 under wave - unseen current ..+ .darkness in the deep 6 / 75 3 4 reconstruction of finger print ... 7 / 51 41 hvn structures (protections) 8 / 70 4 curve ascending to hvn Q 2 60 Do Not commit Abuse on the earth Q 2 190 Fight ONLY with those who fight you Q 5 2 Do not cooperate in sin & aggression Q 2 191 Keep the etiquettes of war Q 8 15 Do not turn back in battle Q 2 256 = NO COMPULSION IN RELIGION we commanded not to force peoples BUT invite them with Evidence and Kind words... Q Do not be rude in speech 3 159 /20 44 ..// spk to people mildly Q Men & Women have equal rewards 4 their deeds 3 195 ... Q 6 108 DO NOT INSULT OTHERS DEITIES ...... Q 60 8 TREAT NON-Muslim in a KIND & FAIR MANNER =====================----------------============ Islam forbid killing innocent & forbid sexual activity outside of Islamic rules ANYONE Who turn his back to the command of ALLAH and follow his desires in doing any of those ARE NO MUSLIM.. BIBLE..../XTIAN GOD ...rules I read your Bible too it have Verses who Promotes killing of Babies Woman Children Donkeys Even Trees the Oppression and Abuse of Woman who calls Divorce Woman Whores and Woman Cant Inherit from their Deceased only their brothers another verse that say I will Loot your houses and Dash your Infants to Pieces Before Your Eyes and Rape Your Woman That God had Sex with his Mother to Beget a Son ( GOD HIMSELF ) ? That God Ordered to kill every but the Virgins, to save them for themselves and 32 for him? That David Betrayed his Soldier and had him killed after Raping and Impregnating his wife? That Mary Magdalene was a whore? With 7 Demons....? That Men's Genitals are like Donkeys and they Ejaculate like Horses? That Prophets have Sex with their Own Daughters? and get children ..2 tribes...
@@sayedf11 : You want us to consider a man as your Prophet : 1) Who is NOT at all prophesied in the Most Holy TORAH and the Most HOLY BIBLE even by name. 2) who is NOT a Jew by any standard 3) who is NOT Circumcised. 4) who is NOT the promised MESSIAH, since JESUS already fulfilled that. 5) Who is NOT the CHRIST or the Anointed ONE as prophesied, since JESUS already fulfilled that. 6) who carried out IDOL WORSHIPPING of the Black Stone Vagina which is Pagan practice. 7) who is a documented and proven Murderer of Innocent Fathers, Brothers and Husbands of Saffiyyah & JUWAYRIYYAH. 8) who is a Womanizer caught red handed having SEX with Mary the Copt in his wife's bed. 9) who is a LECHERER ogling at the Nude Zaynab who was having Bath when he entered purposely her Chamber even after knowing that his Son Zaid was NOT at home. 10) Who committed ADULTERY with Zaynab by forcing his Son to Divorce his wife Zaynab so that he could have SEX with her and broke all the TEN Commandments of GOD 11) who was a PEDOPHILE having married a 6 year old innocent dolls playing Kid when he was a great grandfather at 52+ and Masturbating with her by rubbing his PENIS between her thighs. 12) who RAPED an innocent 9 year old kid as she was playing Dolls with her friends. 13) who promoted ADULT BREAST FEEDING freely. 14) who put WOMEN under subjugation and denied them EQUAL Rights & FREEDOM. 15) Who encouraged Terrorism by promising His Jihadi Martyrs 72 SEXY HOT FULL BREASTED VIRGIN Houris with perpetual virginity & erections. WHAT A JOKE 16) Who promised Unlimited Halal Alcohol for Jihadi Martyrs. 17) who does NOT know the name of His Own Father, having been born 4 years after his so called Father's Death. 18) Oh Lord...this list is getting endless....
@@donricky4628 fyi in song of solomon he mentioned by name, in hindhu scriptures he is prophecised even in bible, listen to zakir zaik, he will show u evidence
I was. I couldn’t read it when I was a Muslim. In Pakistan they read it in Arabic by root routine and they do not understand what they are reading because they don’t speak Arabic.
As someone who read the entire New Testament prior to going to a church or becoming a Christian, and is now a retired pastor, I would NEVER tell anyone that they could not understand the Bible without a scholar's help. Are there some verses, here and there, that are hard to understand? Sure. Are many of these problems resolved in other verses? Yes. That said, If anyone of average intelligence reads the New Testament - without any outside help - I am confident that they would understand the core message and every major doctrine of Christianity. This was my experience, and that of many others as well. I find the contrast with Islam striking.......
I notice you omitted to mention the Old Testament... which has quite a lot in common with the Quran. In reality all religions, including the three main monotheistic ones, borrowed heavily from other religions, including now extinct ones.
There are various translations of the Bible. I got round difficulties in the script of the King James version, by reading newer translations in modern English. Then by cross referencing, you can see that the meaning is the same.
You can Interview veedu, mimzy, ex-muslim from north America, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Anny Cyrus, Harris Sultan, Abdullah Sameer, Armin Navabi, Abdullah Gondal, The Masked Arab, Zara Kay etc.
If you read verses in quran they always say you need scholars to interpret.. If you read Bible you will understand by your own self before you need scholars.. I love bible..very rich of God's love message to all humanity
We don’t depend on the scholars to tell us about the Quran more often we encourage a Muslim Stand depend on the Quran on one Islam has to teach us and not depend on the imams shikehs and mullah so it’s not divided in the Bible to say that the Bible is more independent from the Quran To say that the Quran is just a book that needs scholars to come to the rescue it’s not like that Scholars pretty much or something I would examine it and interpret it as natural throughout the history of religion including the Bible in the Torah no marry me the people in charge of church now or at one point in ancient Judah The Jewish authority But it certainly is no contest you can be independently believed by the Muslim alone without dependence of scholars just as much as the Bible and the Torah
I love the Quran the real message that’s very rich as God‘s love and message for all humanity what Islam teaches God teaches Everything the prophet peace be upon him wanted us to do God wants us to do
There may be wisdom in the Quran. It was obviously written by wise people. However, there are illogical or inaccurate verses in the Quran too. What do you do with them? Do you ignore, reinterpret, or somehow rationalize them?
@@benjaminbingaman1848 Allah has a lot of love for Muslims who fight in his name, but little love for others if you read the Quran, and what Muhammad said. Allah never says to discuss the Quran with the unbelievers and polytheists, but to fight and subjugate them, it call them names (such as worst of creatures) and says that they will be in hell, yet, he created them and knew they would not believe. People believe the religions of their parents 99% of the time, very few people convert (and many who do, leave). Islam converted (or made convert, since being a 2nd class citizen, a dihmmi, was humiliating and no fun) people by force, physical or economical/social, not by intellectual discussion.
@@theastronomer5800 of course he loves those and fight for him because he wants absolute loyalty and with that he will bless you and give you peace in your life That’s why he says oh you who believe enter completely into Islam and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan surely he is your open enemy Of course he created all mankind but I was Adam and eves descendants go on some will not believe it will be manipulated by Satan Wouldn’t say very few convert to say they are the minority Many have when it came to Dawah More so than suffering and so on the only way that would be happening is out of all the people who claim to be prophets Mohammed had the worst argument of all in his defense But as long as we submit our room to the will of God we would be blessed by his matter disobey the devil And could be granted eternal paradise
zackir Smith naik More taqiyya from you. The koooran has amputations, talking ants, armies of chickens and jinns, walking dogs, mutah, rape, sex slavery, virgin sex slaves in paradise, pedo_philia, killing and humiliation of unbelievers
I like how he points out that they play games with the English translations because he speaks both Arabic and English. They try to make Islam seem more benign to fool English speakers.
The quran needing human interpretation to be understood properly is proof the quran isn't clear on its own and therefore cannot be from an all knowing, all powerful and all wise god. Let alone allah. 💀
The quran claims multiple times that it was send from allah in clear and easy to understand arabic and doesn't hide itself behind cryptic or foreign languages. Now where's the clear and easy to understand German version, that doesn't hide behind a language that's foreign and cryptic to me?
@@MrAranton If it were meant for all humanity. There would be books in all languages that is very well translated. But it's only in Arabic. I wonder why.
@@faznaz7455 It's self explanatory why it should be easy to understand. If he wanted us in heaven, it would be clear as anything. But it's not, it needs to be interpreted, it need human interpretation to be understood because it's unclear on its own.
@@abunajam6787 that is spam nonsense friend, sorry, but the verified information of the guy of that channel is wrong, AP is right in most of his claims
My Muslim friend has read the Quran many times, in Arabic, a language which she does not understand as she knows Urdu. Whenever I asked about certain verses from the Quran she immediately changed the subject and explained how she takes the "nice" things from the eternal word of Allah...
I had a now ex-friend who did the same thing. She’s a Pakistani Muslima who speaks Urdu, and when I pointed out the degeneracy of the Quran, she just said “what about the good things? :(:(:(“ these people are brainwashed to the core, it’s embarrassing. Also shocking that people living in this century think this way.
interview with Farhan Qureshi please! He is a Hindu now and I am interested in Hinduism because of it's aspects of Ahimsa (non-violence) and deep insights about life and who we are as our true self beyond the material body.
@@DG-kv3qi I live in Canada and come from a french decent. I haven't mentioned anywhere that's I'm a Hindu or an Indian. But I've visited India before. It's a beautiful country. Looking back, I guess it wouldn't be such a bad idea if some people in India try to re-connect with their Hindu roots more often. I've seen how many people can't answer basic questions about Hinduism living in India. So there's nothing wrong if they want to look up some info about their own religion/culture. I think more recent Hindu reverts like Farhan Qureshi know more in depth about Hinduism than many people who were born into Hindu families for generations. That's the beauty of Hinduism. There's no pressure. It's up to the individuals and what they're seeking spiritually :)
@@sciencerulez3angel929 I don't know about others but I have read the Bhagwat Geeta, Ramayana and Mahabharata and the Upanishads though only the English translated versions.
Read it in "Arabic"? "Arabic" IS in fact a messy artificial Quranic admixture of three languages: Himyaritic, Syriac-Aramaic and Hebrew, with also having minor input from Greek, Persian, and Geez/Ethiopic. This mixture was formed and developed due to various influences in Hijaz prior to the advent of lsIam and influences on the Quran. This mixture is what was eventually put into the "canonical" Quran and was spread by the sword in brutal Arabaist-lsIamic conquests to other places. This process involved the destruction of other cultures and replacing it with an Arabaist-lsIamic one. So-called different dialects of "Arabic" are an admixture of an admixture - a mix of the messy artificial Quranic admixture of languages with different languages.
Islam itself were mixture "copy,paste and modification" teachings from many different religions/cultures and traditions....nothing original about islam and quran
@@elisdeliofa5570 ofc i totally agree, because god send messengers n it was after all the same message, worship god alone without any partners n basic rules, and more rules got applied on the last revelation. its same thing like updating ur windows or ur phone its the latest version which got updated, simple as that
Thanks for finally pointing out what the most important is: MORE THAN 80 PERCENT OF MUSLIMS THEY NEVER COMPLETE READ QUR'AN! That's the sad, painful TRUTH!
@@carrie1114 I was being sarcastic. I meant the broom he is holding in this video that refers to Hijab. 😊 Yeah, the 6-hour refutation indeed was crap. I also did not watch the whole thing. However, CP did refute 2 of those videos and maybe he's going to do more of those in the future. th-cam.com/video/ds2ntz70sko/w-d-xo.html th-cam.com/video/078c_X-5gq0/w-d-xo.html
@Orthodoxy Or Death of course it is.. just say everything with a khhhhh sound.. and take strange pauses mid words.. and viola.. arabic.. or are you saying the "almighty" was wrong!
The funny thing is that the comments here are from ex muslims but the comments of comments are scared muslims scared to comment and decide to attack one person
Alniya Hasan You can never say "goodbye to" Allah, you HAVE to return to Him. What are you now? Atheism is an insult to intellect. Christianity ridicules and denigrates the Divine. Only the uneducated and unthinking Muslims are afraid of the Qur'an. Islam is the only Divinely-named religion and whose doctrines are clearly expressed in Scripture and are conducive to reason. The Qur'an is perfectly preserved nogodbutallah.org/?page_id=4862
@@alniya934 no. If u pray or not it doesn’t change anything for Allah but it changes how you will spend the afterlife if you will go to Jannah (paradise) or jahannam (hellfire)
I knew The Koran was false when “Gabriel” the Archangel supposedly said, “The Jews believe Ezra is The Messiah”, & that “Mary is Part of The Trinity”. So…he’s a holy Archangel delivering The Word(s) for ALL Mankind, but he somehow NEEDS to be CORRECTED about that?? If THAT’s supposed to actually be Jibreel, then clearly he had an “off-day”..
I suspect this business about the Koran only being read in Arabic is similar to the Catholic church originally wanting to keep church services in Latin. It helps to maintain a monopoly of power for the priestly class.
The liturgy in Latin is EXTREMELY beautiful, and many Catholics prefer it to their native language version. When I attended the Latin Mass for the first time I felt like I was robbed of something very prescious. It's not that hard to learn Latin, it's a very elegant and precise language, easy to pronounce, unlike Arabic. Not to mention it was taught in schools. Latin and classical Greek.
@@kingattila506 this is untrue. There were 40 translations of the Bible in German alone before Luther, all of which were made by Catholics. Before my country embraced Christianity there was a Bible translation to Slavic (old Church Slavonic) done, by 2 monks who are recognized as saints by both the Catholic and Orthodox Church, Saint Ciril and Metody. In 9th century.
This series from Ishmael is groundbreaking. It is on how the makers of the Quran plagiarized previous man-made fictional writings, then lied by saying they were given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. It proves not only plagiarism, but intentional deception. Definitely share. th-cam.com/video/VcMWa0C4NLQ/w-d-xo.html
zackir Smith naik So are Yahweh and allah different gods? But didn't you earlier say that those who believed in Yahweh can go to paradise in islame??? Your taqiyya exposed again ✌️
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin." 😂 Sahih Al-Bukhari 7142
The whole argument about reading Quran in arabic is such BS. In Afghanistan at least 50% of population cannot read...not Arabic not Farsi, nothing. How can they be muslims without ever reading the Quran and I cannot understand the Quran after reading it in three languages? It's the same with all religions if you really read it you quickly realise how ridiculous they all are.
You can interview- 1. Yeasmin Mohammad 2. Abdullah Sameer 3. Veedu Vidz 4. Mimzy VIdz 5. Imtiaz Shams 6. Anny Cyrus 7. Ayan Hirsi Ali 8. Armin Navabi 9. Harris Sultan 10. The masked Arab 11. Sarah Haidar Newbies- Abdullah Gondal, Zara Kay, Zac Alrayyis, Raihan Abir.
Thanks for uploading! My friend a Shia Muslim did tell me that he was scared of Quran for two reasons: 1. You can't ask questions to gain clarity on your understanding and if the mullah doesn't know the response would be, "question comes from shaitaan", "keep reading, you will get it, if you can't get it doesn't mean that it is wrong, allah knows the best' and a kick on the back (if standing), on the buttock if sitting! 2. Mother had surrendered him to mullah and there was no way of telling mother that mullah kicked him instead of answering the question! By the time his mother decided that his formal education is more more important and stopped him visiting madrasa, he had developed disrespect towards mullah! As for sun going to pray for permission to come the next day: Question arises, leaving the earth behind if he goes, what happens to earth!!? To be stay put might have been an option, but not explained in Quran!!??
I tried to read it. I couldn't make it through. Its supposed to be god's words dictated directly. Well like every other line is god saying how great and worthy of praise they are, and I was like "Who are you trying to convince here? Because it sounds like you are trying to convince yourself."
Ex muslim here...Long story short, I had to run away from my hometown when I left islam because many people wanted to kill me because I was an apostate, a traitor, a kafir...I could go into further detail about my story.
"1400 years ago, the Quran (21: 30)stated that the sky and the earth were once joined before We exploded them apart. This knowledge, revealed centuries before modern science, could not have come from a human at that time."
I look forward to your new series, I only ask that you consider unterviewing ex-muslims who switched to another religion, not just atheist or agnostic ex-muslims. I thank you for your work.
There's a Saudi-American ex-Muslim by the name of Ghada (Idk her full name). She is a member of Ex-Muslims of North America and attended a conference with Sarah Haider and Hiba Krisht. Like you, she has read the Qur'an from cover to cover and in Arabic, which was the catalyst for her to leave. I think that would be a very good episode for your new series. Best wishes!
4:10 Italian onlooker here. 20 years ago I started learning arabic because of artistic reasons. Actually I was intetested in arabic calligraphy and so I beg a friend of mine in Israel to buy and send me a copy of the Quran. So I started learning and studying. After some time I was able to read and write pretty well. One day I met from Syria, a guy whom I knew used to often attend the mosque in my town. I discovered that he didn't know either reading nor writing and that he never doubted anything about the fancy tales he had been taught. He never read hadiths, nor nothing at all. I could have told him any kind of lie using the name of Mohamed, and he would believe. But the saddest thing was the fact that 99% of the muslims I knew were in the same conditions.
The "Law of Abrogation", [Quran 2:106], is proof by itself that the Quran isn't from GOD. Allah revealing revelations to his supposedly crystal clear, perfect book (Quran), just to contradict him, to replace them with similar or different verses(s)? lol. That means what Allah revealed before wasn't perfect or clear, to begin with, lol, adding on to the confusion to what the Quran is talking about and what Muslims are to follow smdh. Plus that makes Allah seem like a very contradictory god lol. No wonder Muslims need guidance from their religious leaders on the teachings of the Quran, to clear up their god's inconsistent, contradictory teachings lol
Im around the middle of the most boring book I've ever read. Repetitive as hell. Full of hate against Jews and Christians. Only talking to men ( "you and your wives"). It was truly eye opening. And it will help me to stay far away from Islam. Thank you for your channel. I was considering to convert
No Zach. The Quran does not say that Dhul Qarnain saw the sun *seem* to set in a muddy pool. It doesn't say it looked *as if* it set in a muddy pool. It says he went so far west that he found the place where the sun sets. And *then* says that (btw) it sets in a muddy pool. That doesn't make any sense if he is just talking about the sun setting over water and "appearing" to set in the water. The whole point of the story is that he went so far west that he found the place where the sun went at night. If it just meant that there was water out to the horizon, there are many places on earth where that appears to be the case, so 1) that can't refer to a specific location as it does in the Quran, and 2) no one would call any of these "the place where the sun set." There is also this hadith: sunnah.com/abudawud/32/34 in which Muhammed asked a companion if he knew where the sun went at night, and answered his own question by stating, "it sets in a pool." Therefore, you have to take the word of science and non-Muslims or you have to take the Quran and hadith at their word. You have to either 1) believe that the sun sets in a pool of water as the Quran and Muhammed said, or 2) admit that the Quran and Muhammed are factually incorrect, ignorant, and not worth following.
@Zack Smith , I never said people *didn't* use astral navigation. That has zero to do with the topic. DQ might have (supposedly, as it's fictional) used the sun to guide him westward, but that has no application in the verse. It doesn't say, "he followed the sun until he was really far west." It says that he went west, to where the sun sets in a pool of water. The fact that the sun sets in a pool is the defining attribute of where DQ went. It reeeeally doesn't matter to the debate how he supposedly got there. Wether he used an ancient compass, a map, or follwed the sun and stars...*it doesn't have anything to do with the sun setting in a pool*
@Zack Smith , Furthermore, even if we threw out the Quran passage and say that it is using metaphorical language to describe the location (which it isn't), you still have ahadith in which Muhammed says, "Where does the sun go when it sets?...It goes down in a muddy pool." That has nothing to do with DQ or describing a location. Muhammed just says that the sun sets in a muddy pool. That doesn't have anything to do with how people navigated, "wS in old dats."
Yes Sir, you are absolutely correct!! I once read a couple of pages from Quaran at a public library - it terrified me completely!! Every stanza was an 'order' to despise something or prohibited of doing something!! May be it is being followed - as per versions of near and dear ones who themselves might not have read!!
Interesting indeed, but which Arabic version of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
You’re just one brave & courageous cat, my brother! I sit in awe & am honestly beyond inspired. Keep the flame of reason & science burning, you’ll go on inspiring folks the world over with your razor sharp wit & intellectual honesty. Mad, MAD props, Bubba! Again as 100X before, THANK YOU 🙏
A Muslim owns a Qur'an - an Ex-Muslim has read the Qur'an.
Nobert Fleck Wallahi you are right!
Our channel:
Well said!!
in chronological order - not in verse size order
@@theHentySkeptic The verse size order hides the intention behind these rules. It avoids understanding.
The idiots even memorize it but have no clue what it means. it such a bunch of gibberish . rubbish.
As someone who speaks Arabic, I can tell you that the problem with the Qur'an isn't the language. It's the content.
this comment !!!
Muslims be like: FFFFFFFAAAAAKE!!!!
@@mohommedameenahmed2099 who do you like on the kafir part.
Omg u genius
God is Greater, may Allah swt guide us all back to the truth so that we please Him the most!
@M-K Production what's the context of sleeping with a 9 year-old?
@M-K Production
If the Quran is a perfect book with no expiry date as many believe ...
Explain what it means in the Quran chapter 9 verse 29
Kill those who don't believe in Islam...
Is this a peaceful religion
Ask you're self sincerely are the contents in the Quran promotes jihad......
72 virgins ....seriously
Do u think God would have said it or a cunning Man.
@IMAN Production wanna debate
@@reenagopala9548 so ture
@@reenagopala9548 اتعلم عربي وبعدين ابقا افتي وكمل الايه للاخر
I love when muslims tell me I should read the quran. I simply remind them that muslims who actually study their quran eventually leave islam.
@Kay Kay pedoprofit Muhammad (piss be upon him)
@@Leo-wy1by nailed it 😂😂🙌
well its their usual circular argument they will generally lead to so there is no point telling them anyways and arguing with them.
i started study christianity and i left so its common trait , u know that church didnt allow for a long time to read bible by non clergy abd was oposing to translate bible from latin into languages (latin/western church)
@@veneficarius you are a big liar!
Bible has been translated into so many languages. You have no excuse.
My friend said that he left Islam when he read,---"Kill the infidels." He said that a true GOD would NEVERE tell him to kill anyone.
Read within the context. The pagans in mekkah were killing people woman etc and God gave permission to fight back but if they want peace stop war against them.
@ErgoSum your intelligence does not go up to my feet i see you commenting in other comments and misleading people. Who told you that it is eternal ? This guy that clearly does not speak other than lies?. The qu'ran is just an advice for humanity. That is what it says in the qu'ran read something. I would advice you also to use your logic but i'am not sure if you have it. Man i am not trying to debate with you it is not worthy i can better debate with my agnostic human.respecting friends. But not with people with hearts full of hate. The Qu'ran is just another revelation same as the old testament torah etc and some of the things can be used in this time but not other they are there just for explaining the time this was revealed. Like for an family member of muhammad that always did bad to him..in the qu'ran that person is named and cursed because of his deeds. And that does not have any use in modern time only to show how bad people treated muhmmad and how God cursed those people with hearts full of hate those people who have a demon ruling them from inside
@@Luan_King , Sounds like taqiyya.
@@smoothbobby6230 as you wish but the truth is that this and some.other channels do not tell the reality or.the truth only beliefs that are put into the minds of u educated people.
@@Luan_King , "Kill the infidels" is different from "permission to fight back." Just because people do NOT believe in what you believe in (which they believe that you are wrong) does NOT give you the right to kill them.
When I was a Muslim I read the Koran through. It kept contradicting itself and changing. And the so-called "scholars" did not like my questions because they were unable to answer them!!!
The Nomadic Historian I had the same sir growing up in a Catholic Church, when I ask questions when it didn’t compare too a bible. Yea but you need to know Latin which are bible is written in. 😱
I bet that Medical Doctor Zakir Naik can answer all your questions or let me answer on his behalf "Chap namr 4 vrs namb 3 Qran sees kil d Jew ama medical docta".
@@predragjo5977 You just gave me a good wheeze!!! In the words of the great David Wood -- Zakir Naik is a complete joke!!!
@@hugmc The bible was not originally written in Latin. The gospels and New Testament were orignally written in Koine Greek (primarily) while the old testament was written in Hebrew. Stop spreading misinformation.
Obey and do not question Allah because you will became 'disbeliever'. [Quran 5:101-102]
[Quran 5:101] Sahih International: O you who have believed, do not ask about things which, if they are shown to you, will distress you. But if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be shown to you. Allah has pardoned that which is past; and Allah is Forgiving and Forbearing.
[Quran 5:102] Sahih International: A people asked such [questions] before you; then they became thereby disbelievers.
I've tried reading the Quran, with an open mind. It didn't take me long to get absolutely disgusted by the hatred, racism, violence, contradictions and total lack of anything resembling spirituality.
Sura 9 is definitely demonically inspired
If you think that thats bad try to read the Sira of Muhammed,sira rasul Alan from idn Ishah. In English its edited a bit( from 800 to 700 pages because they leaved the endless genealogies). Its like reading about ISIS 1400 years ago. The Quran is lacking contex and cronology and its very strange book to read.But the sira has chronology and context and its discussing!!
It is sickening. I have read it cover to cover but I had to keep putting it down as it turned my stomach.
Same here. Halfway through I wanted to vomit. Couldn’t continue. I can’t believe how AP read multiple times!?
I did the same. Monotonous gibberish and so boring. It's teaching is how to overthrow another culture.
"When u get through reading the Quran, I will be waiting on the other side." An awesome statement indeed!
seeker celt not Exactly Tommy Robinson is not the best person to have that discussion about it but I guys just a tanning salon owner
Quran more bad than Yellowpage
Sopar Sirait yellowpage ?
A christian missionary in the Islamic world said: The first thing I do is I gave the muslims a Quran in their own language and it helped me a lot....
Can Aygibi
The topic is the Quran, and my comment is relate to that.
The point is that muslims stopped believing Islam after they had read the Quran in their own language and understands what it said.
Christianity is indeed different in this topic, every Bible in every language is considered a Bible and reading in your own language is recommended.
Can Aygibi
Topic was Quran, and I disagree on your statement.
Context is the key, and I have not found a book who learned to love even your enemies from the main character.
@Can Aygibi far different. Learn holy gospel, u'll b suprise.
"Love thy enemy." There's no verse as mighty as that, only in holy bible.
@Can Aygibi it is.
@Can Aygibi :
You want us to consider a man as your Prophet :
1) Who is NOT at all prophesied in the Most Holy TORAH and the Most HOLY BIBLE even by name.
2) who is NOT a Jew by any standard
3) who is NOT Circumcised.
4) who is NOT the promised MESSIAH, since JESUS already fulfilled that.
5) Who is NOT the CHRIST or the Anointed ONE as prophesied, since JESUS already fulfilled that.
6) who carried out IDOL WORSHIPPING of the Black Stone Vagina which is Pagan practice.
7) who is a documented and proven Murderer of Innocent Fathers, Brothers and Husbands of Saffiyyah & JUWAYRIYYAH.
8) who is a Womanizer caught red handed having SEX with Mary the Copt in his wife's bed.
9) who is a LECHERER ogling at the Nude Zaynab who was having Bath when he entered purposely her Chamber even after knowing that his Son Zaid was NOT at home.
10) Who committed ADULTERY with Zaynab by forcing his Son to Divorce his wife Zaynab so that he could have SEX with her and broke all the TEN Commandments of GOD
11) who was a PEDOPHILE having married a 6 year old innocent dolls playing Kid when he was a great grandfather at 52+ and Masturbating with her by rubbing his PENIS between her thighs.
12) who RAPED an innocent 9 year old kid as she was playing Dolls with her friends.
13) who promoted ADULT BREAST FEEDING freely.
14) who put WOMEN under subjugation and denied them EQUAL Rights & FREEDOM.
15) Who encouraged Terrorism by promising His Jihadi Martyrs 72 SEXY HOT FULL BREASTED VIRGIN Houris with perpetual virginity & erections. WHAT A JOKE
16) Who promised Unlimited Halal Alcohol for Jihadi Martyrs.
17) who does NOT know the name of His Own Father, having been born 4 years after his so called Father's Death.
18) Oh Lord...this list is getting endless....
I left islam for almost 3 months you have all my respect
@Profet Mohamad i left islam 1 year ago
@Profet Mohamad where are you from?
All of you fellows have made a wise choice!
@Profet Mohamad Wisest decision of your life to have left this cult in your formative years. You must be feeling so relieved and free from mental slavery.
@@NeetakiSatta When I left islam felt way less stressed and anxious than ever, it was destroying my emotion from the inside. I feel so good now.
1.8 billion people trying to figure out where the sun goes at night lol
SS not really for the Quran pretty much connects with what we know today about where the sun goes
The leader of the scholars of exegesis, Imām Tabari states that another of the signs of Allāh’s power and ability (Qudrah) to do whatever He pleases is that He has stripped out of the dark-night the daylight. Here the term in the verse ‘from it’ (minhu) means ‘anhu’, as if to say: We have extracted the daylight out of the night and so We brought the darkness; We took away the light and therefore only darkness is left behind.
We are shown how the ever-changing phenomena of night and day points towards the Oneness (Tawhīd) of Allāh, His power, and the necessity of His Godhood (Ilāhiyyah).
Can anything occur with such intricacy, precision and splendid continuity as does this phenomenon and be operated by two or more deities? All of Allāh’s creation not only points to His greatness, but to His Oneness.
“And behold, they are in darkness”, they end up in darkness due to Allāh stripping out the daylight, incapable of bringing about such engulfing darkness, and incapable of restoring its outstretching light. An intelligent mind never perceives this process of change as a ‘natural’ phenomenon, independently occurring on its own accord without a creator or controller. Certainly, it is Allāh who is behind such magnificent changes in creation, whilst our incapability necessitates our humility and submission to Him, Most High.
Also contained within this verse is astonishing symbolism of the resurrection. The life and activity of man is preceded by an absence of light, it then begins with sunrise, before ending with sunset, before again the sun rising for a second accountability. The One capable of bringing about the sun, after it has set, is surely capable of extracting life from the dead, and death from the living. To affirm the former but reject the latter is inconsistent and illogical. That may be why Allah mentions before speaking of a similar phenomenon for the barren earth: “Each and every one will be summoned to Our presence.”
وَالشَّمْسُ تَجْرِي لِمُسْتَقَرٍّ لَهَا ۚ ذَٰلِكَ تَقْدِيرُ الْعَزِيزِ الْعَلِيمِ
(38) And the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.
The ‘and’ of connection (‘Atf) here could relate to the previous words ‘wa ayatullahum’ and so this is yet another addition to the long line of signs pointing to the power of Allāh. The underlying theme remains that if He is able to control or bring about such amazing things in the creation, then surely He can resurrect your lifeless bodies.
The sun runs or flows (tajrī) to a given point at which it disappears from our perspective, just like the Prophet (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) explained to Abu Dharr al-Ghifārī, “I was sitting with the Prophet (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) in the Masjid. When the sun set, he (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) asked me, ‘O Abu Dharr! Do you know where the sun has gone?’ I said: Allāh and His Messenger know best. He (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) said ‘It goes and prostrates before its Lord, and then asks for permission to return, and it is allowed. So it is as though it is commanded to return from where it came, so it rises from its fixed place, and that is its resting place (Mustaqar).”
Ibn Kathīr states that the sun will continue to flow or stream along (tajree) until the last moment of the life of the universe and that is the blowing of the trumpet, at which point the entirety of the universe will be rolled up. The spirit of the verse is to illustrate the sun as being a creature of Allāh and its function in our world as being a product of its devotion to its Creator. Moreover it expresses the Might and Majesty of Allah in bringing such a huge destructive entity under control and subservience.
Linguistic Gems
The word ‘salkh’ in, “We peel (salakha) the day away from it and then they are in darkness”, is commonly used for skinning a sheep and taking off the skin from the flesh. That is why some scholars of exegesis would say that the night is original matter, whilst the day is the incidental i.e., a consequence of no darkness. The day is likened to the skin and the night likened to the actual sheep. Not only is the skin removed to lay bare the sheep but it also can be rolled back on to cover up the sheep, just like the day comes back to cover up the night.
The power of Allāh is being displayed here through a number of linguistic tools:
1. Attributing the phenomena of the ever-changing night and day to Himself. The word ‘naslakh’ uses the royal ‘We’, in the first-person narrative: We peel the day away from it and then they are in darkness.
2. The usage of the word ‘mudhlimūn‘ in, ‘and then they are in darkness (mudhlimūn)’, highlights that the focus in this verse is not that night time comes about but rather that human beings are cast into darkness because of it. This then highlights the weakness of human beings as they are subject to this phenomena and cannot challenge it.
Pearl of Wisdom
The great scholar Abū al-‘Āliyah mentioned: “There is nothing in the skies; stars, suns, moons or above except that it prostrates to Allah when it sets; then it seeks permission from Him to return and rise again.”
They prostrate in a manner that befits their nature with humbleness and awe of Allah, just like the prostration of the angels, Jinn and mankind occurs in the manner that befits each of them. If these magnificent signs of creation, some of which responsible for providing vital light to the earth and unfathomably large in dimension humble themselves before Allah, lowering themselves totally before His majesty, who, O stubborn Man, are we to refuse?
[1] Tafsīr Rāzi, Vol 26 pg 69
[2] Tafsīr Tabari, Vol 19 pg 434
[3] Tafsīr Qurtubi, Vol 17 pg 442
[4] Qur’an 36:32
[5] Tafsīr Tabari, Vol 19 pg 435
[6] Tafsīr Ibn Kathīr, Vol 6 pg 577
[7] Tafsīr Zamakhshari, Dar al-Ma’rifah pg 895
[8] Tafsīr Ibn Taymiyyah, Vol 5 pg 325
SS each has their fair share of the course of discovery
SS and what point is that ?
Attn Apostate Knob Li ckers.
Dhul Qurnain . comes upon a people where the sun sets in a muddy water...This was found 2 b the Black Sea. It is not called the Black Sea for nothing (murky and muddy as fucc). Gog n Magog were trapped between the Caspian and Black Sea in a Caucus mountain pass named the Dariel Gorge..
God eventually destroys Gog n Magog with a neck burrowing worm/ virus... Corona Virus ring a bell.? You dumb fucc hillbilly apostates might b desendants of these crazy fuccs Gog n Magog. .,,
ゼロとぉ . Hi all the sources are verified in David Will Cox video if u bothered 2 watch. I am an ex Biochemist with the Queens Award so I don't take these things lightly. Your choice tb godless and worship rats , goats or technology
Imagine if every time we wanted to read Harry Potter, we needed a J.K. Rowling scholar to understand it😂😂
Harry Potter books are more consistent and organised (just slightly more)
Harry Potter wasn't written over a thousand years ago.
The Bible and Quran are pointless to read without historical context. You wouldn't read ancient Babylonian religion trying to understand what they meant without reading a lot about the history.
It's just that with the historical context you realize these texts are horrific, violent, and stupid with a complex evolution and change of beliefs.
@@nicerperson1 I’d say much more. Just for starters. Harry Pottee is organized chronologically. The Quran is arranged LONGEST surah to SHORTEST surah which is bonkers lol
"1400 years ago, the Quran (21: 30) stated that the sky and the earth were once joined before We exploded them apart. This knowledge, revealed centuries before modern science, could not have come from a human at that time."
@@greyngreyer5 tek vidim komentar hahaha ima nas samo se krijemo😂
islam is very afraid of ex muslims like you AP. you are the man- keep exposing !
In hinduism allha god come to teach spread love...
In islam a self declare messenger of god called "NAVI MOHAMMAD" come to teach spread terrorism to kill non muslim and convert into islam...
.You people have to think who's correct.. god or man...🤔
@F U B In hinduism allha god come to teach spread love...
In islam a self declare messenger of god called "NAVI MOHAMMAD" come to teach spread terrorism to kill non muslim and convert into islam...
.You people have to think who's correct.. god or man...🤔
@Lars A. secular why don't you read this?
. "gajwa e hind" k lie hi afgan, pakistan, bangladesh,iran, hind se lie the or kashmir bhi le rhe the modi or ye amit logo ne nhi lene diya... or sun nehru jinna ke saga bhai the unhone hi gajwa e hind me help kr k pak, kashmir ko diya tha eman walo ko, owesi ab samvidhan se p.m bange or gajwa e hind pr fateh karenge... tum ho hi bevakuf log. murgi ki tarha hoto h sab dana chungti h or ek ek kr katti jati h...
.sun gajwa e hind jab hoga tab jessaus {esa e salam} dharti pr aainge or tab kayamat shuru hogi or us kayamt me jo jo musalman janng me kafiro ko marega vo jannt e islam paiga... or musalman bachpan se hi marne marne se nhi darta, all takkiye aayt di h allha ne non muslim ke sath bhai jesa rahne k lie jab tab tab tk hi hm tadad m jada n ho jai or jab ho jai tab....😊 kashmir hinduo se puch le.... youtube p pushpendra kulshrestha name ka ek h vo sahi bol rhe h kyuki vo musalman tha usne sabhi pda h pr allha use maf nhi krnge kyuki vo kafiro ko sab bta rhw h, esa e salam se jang k lie kafiro ko tayar kr rha h 😼
@F U B do shut up with your pedantic nonsense, weak minded and pathetic
@@motive392 you mean "Man or man"
As an Arabic native speaker I have read the Quran many times and a lot of it didn’t make any sense to me, in fact I think it’s a really poor written book filled with riddles and mistakes.
It's a really badly written book, erratic at best. You'd expect a omniscient being to be a better author.
@@mr.o8539 The Fellowship of the Rings is written far better than the quran, and is actually interesting. Maybe Muslims should leave Islam and embrace Tolkienism, worshipping Tolkien as their new God 🤣
I think that the Qur'an is a valuable record of the level of human civilization in the 'good old days' at the 'golden age of Islam'.
The more history I read, the more I feel like every 'golden age' is overrated.
As a Christian, I think God sees so much more potential in us, and would love for us to cooperate with Him so that we can fulfill our full potential.
But that's just my honest opinion.
Just because I'm a Christian doesn't make me always right, and it makes me feel good to admit that being Christian still means I'm a human being, like everybody else, and still have the same limitations, because these are factually true, and keeps me sane and healthy and grounded.
its like uwuwuuu
i m just helping to raise an army of ex muslims to counter their arguments and teach it to all indians
Some verses of the Quran look like "Allah" was having a stroke when he wrote it
I am a native Arabic speaker, and I can assure you that even for me Quran is a real mess, it's written in a very old mostly inintelligible Arabic, many words still don't have clear meaning and have provoqued debate among people and still do. A new theory says that they are actually Aramaic (Luxenberg and co)
Khalid h we we’ll see about that on what is a mess and what isn’t
And if it was a mess then it wouldn’t survive without Hadiths sunna and the tafsir
SS I don’t understand
Khalid : Another fundamental issue: early Arabic script did not write vowels, which create a lot of uncertainty in the meaning of the written words. See Luxenberg, The syroaramaic reading of the Koran
Can you give me some exsamples?
@Abhishek in the ENGLISH transcription of the Arabic.
Non-muslim. Started to read the quoran but it chafed in a sense that it feels as if someone threw a book in a blender and then put it back together without looking at the page numbers.
I feel the same. It has no head or tail, we say in Dutch. Completely messy. Depressing. Dumb.
@@GMILES-hy5fg Kop nog staart me andere woorden.
@@JorisBogaerts Precies.
I have a Palestinian friend that is ex Muslim but she probably wouldn't speak, since she would be afraid of the consequences
Makes sense to me. They will kill apostates.
Palestinain ex muslim? You must be laying?
why would I?
there are some, here they just say "athiest" but I think it's forbbiten to say it like that in the west bank and they use something else.. "scholar" I think.
they have in the past, the government doesn't care since the PLO constitution is that of Jordan and they don't like apostates all that much there as well.
Israel doesn't get involve unless you actually cross into it's borders and ask for asylum, and that's understandable since if Israel were to do it, the world would be mad on Israel, not on the fools that kill apostates just cuse they have different beliefs.
@@somegirl4631 well that is about limit understanding of islam, islam doesn't saying to kill apostates, unless the apostates themselves start to make fitna among muslims, so apostates can be apostates with themselves without having to to make ideology to attack islam , so you ad well have wrong undrstanding of this issue at all, indeed islam and quran asks us to think about everyting very well, even about the religions itself
As a native arabic speaker ex-muslim who read that pile of garbage book several times, I can say for sure that what is said in this video is true. Just one thing is not accurate, reading the quran in arabic is not easier than any other language. Its only that in arabic almost each word used can serve a different meaning to some extent, which makes it more agonising. The irony though is that the book says that it is clear to understand ....
Arabism is one of the biggest lies in history. "Arab" is not a race, not a nation and not an ethnicity. The "Arab" identity that is widely refered to today is a result of Arabaist-lsIamic conquests and propaganda - it is an lsIamic construct. The same is true for the "Arabic" language which didn't really exist before the advent of lsIam.
The term "Arab" means someone of the desert. It originally describes someone who lives a desert environmental lifestyle, a nomad of the deserts, somewhat similar to how the term "Bedouin" is understood - it doesn't denote or define a race/nation/ethnicity. Nowdays, when the term "Arab" is used what it really means is ArabaIST (=Pan-Arabists), which is actually tied to an ideology (Pan-Arabism) - it doesn't denote or define a race/nation/ethnicity.
As for the so-called "pure" "Arabic" language - it's actually a messy artificial Quranic admixture of three languages: Himyaritic, Syriac-Aramaic and Hebrew, with also having minor input from Greek, Persian, and Geez/Ethiopic. This mixture was formed and developed due to various influences in Hijaz prior to the advent of lsIam and influences on the Quran. This mixture is what was eventually put into the "canonical" Quran and was spread by the sword in brutal Arabaist-lsIamic conquests to other places. This process involved the destruction of other cultures and replacing it with an Arabaist-lsIamic one. Arabism and lsIam are two sides of the same Arabaist-lsIamic coin.
So-called different dialects of "Arabic" are an admixture of an admixture - a mix of the messy artificial Quranic admixture of languages with different languages.
lsIam itself is a badly made twisted plagerism from Paganism that was spread in Hijaz at the time, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Sabean religion, with a "Muhammadan" "lsIamic" twist. It is a recipe for Arabaist-lsIamic imperiaIism, coIoniaIism and supremacism.
Allahu Akbar☝️
Jesus was gay and fake god.
@@pavappettavtlapayyan4254 i just love circular arguments. So clever!
I hate that excuse of "you're misunderstanding it", I'm a baptist christian and I often get into biblical conversations with others, "you're misunderstanding it" is just an excuse that prideful people use when they don't want to admit they're wrong
So, why does Yahweh tell his people to enslave their neighbors, kill their enemies and take young girls as their sex slaves? Leviticus 25:44-46 and Numbers 31.
@@TagSpamCop Because it was 2,000 BCE and that was the status quo for warfare and that particular time for that particular war.
The difference is that most Jews don't know/care about such verses. The ones that do and are fanatics are so few in number that their impact on modernity is minimal. There's more Mormons than there are Jews and more than half of the world's Jews are secular.
I'm Jewish and I retain religious observance because it's, in my views, a good basis for family life, marriage, friendship, community, culture, etc. We have an extremely low rate of divorce, high rate of college graduation, etc and that is because of our practices that have been preserved and refined for 3,000 years.
Btw, the reasons stated above are why 99% of religious people are religious, whether they realize it or not: Family, culture and community.
And there are some elements within Kabbalah that are consistent with string theory, quantum physics, and the like. Although this is my subjective opinion. In all reality I'm something of a Diest.
The problem with Islam is not merely that it's religion. You could hypothetically make Islam as benign as the Anglican Church. If all Muslims were Alawite or Sufi we probably wouldn't have religiously motivated terrorism. But there are certain teachings within (Sunni Hanafi) Islam that make if far more prone to violence than other religions. These are:
1.) The examples and behaviors of Muhammad.
2.) A belief in Paradise that contrast with Damnation (Jannah and Jahnamm)
3.) A belief in martyrdom and that martyrs are instantly transported to paradise upon death.
4.) Centering the faith around a single, infallible person (Muhammad). Christianity also does this with Jesus but since he wasn't a warlord its not a huge problem.
5.) The belief that the Quran is infallible and that any thing beyond Quran literalism is heresy (mind you this view is only held by Salafist, Wahabi and some Hanafi Sunnis). Alawites, most Shia, Ahmyddi, Sufi, etc do not share these views, hence why almost all Jihadists are Sunni.
The specifics of martyrdom in Islam is pretty unique to Islam and doesn't really exist in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. Although there are some versions of it.
Christianity literally invalidate the Old Testament with the coming of Jesus so almost everything in it can discarded, hence why Christians don't stone people to death for apostasy.
@@EzraB123 so u agree that yahweh an all loving all just god commanded sex slavery
I guarantee none of them have the historical knowledge to even begin to understand what the authors meant.
@Ezra what are u talking about martyrdom was invented by christians (jesus as an example of one who died for faith)
I'm sooo proud of you. That you could finally liberate from islam
yep now he is preparing for his gay marriage
@@lilhammad9214 no he is not
@@lilhammad9214 and you're jealous
lil hammad your a slave of allah if you didn’t know
@Carbon based Lifeform it was in the Bahamas ....the only people in history of mankind to demand gay marriage are western men....not that there is anything wrong with that for them. I support gay marriage for all western men its a great way to reduce their population and increase immigration post trump
Good evening. I am an ex-muslim from Barbados. I love your work! I would love to have you interview me!
@Nym GRACE by conversation
The Quron is like a narcissistic boyfriend who gaslights you, the stalks you if you leave.
QUESTION : If a Narcissistic boyfriend is like the Quran what book would you equate to a Narcissistic Girlfriend????
@Light Head ....no point asking... anything said against izlemist will be deleted....
Sounds like you have a narcissistix boyfriend.
@@jesuswasahermetic5871The Bible. Especially how the New Testament changing the Old Testament is a perfect manipulation tactic, which gives her partner solace from great violence to lesser violence.
A friend of mine used to be an Imam here in Italy, now he is an Orthodox Christian, I think that his story would be pretty interesting if you and him want to share it .
@Sarpreet Kaur AFAIK he doesn't have an account on TH-cam.
Can't say it's a colossal improvement, but hey, it's big alright as Orthodox Christians don't cut off your head or whip you for blasphemy.
@paritosh bnm You're talking about the Hagia Sophia, no, it hasn't been converted into a mosque yet.
Erdogan wants it converted so he can score some points with the Muslims.
@paritosh bnm Not a Christian anymore, so there is nothing for me to reclaim.
If other Christians want it reclaimed, good for them, I guess.
In hinduism allha god come to teach spread love...
In islam a self declare messenger of god called "NAVI MOHAMMAD" come to teach spread terrorism to kill non muslim and convert into islam...
.You people have to think who's correct.. god or man...🤔
Born in a muslim family, i was a believer but not so practising. Being pressurised by my closed ones i started attending prayers regularly. I then decided to read the qu"ran. And it saved me. Today am an ex-muslim alhamdullillah !
Hahahahaha! I can see😂
@@browndaniel2560 Trust me brother. Only one book can save muslims. Its the qu"ran but they will have to take a big risk. Either they use their faith and become a jihadist or they use their brain and become ex muslim like me.
, My friend also left Islam after he started reading the Koran himself.
Interesting theme, but which Arabic version exactly of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
i used to be muslim but now i converted to islam
Nissar Hussain has a shocking story of life as an ex-Muslim in the UK.
@Halim Yacob Apostate Prophet’s claim that the Qur’an is “poor science” is dealt with here nogodbutallah.org/?page_id=4730. Please share. Thank you.
"1400 years ago, the Quran (21: 30) stated that the sky and the earth were once joined before We exploded them apart. This knowledge, revealed centuries before modern science, could not have come from a human at that time."
Reading the Koran turned me into a full blown atheist!
I thought were going say full blown terrorist
Aisha Little...please read Bible...Jesus wants to talk to you.
Aisha Little Quran Belittles the muslim women. Hinduism Gives Equal rights to women than islam.
These sacred books are their own worst enemies.
@@VeerPratap7 gufa m baba s tel malis and lundpujan 😂🤣😁 🤣 😂
Interview Al Fadi! That would be a great interview! And because he's Saudi and Arabic is his first language, no one can say 'oh you need to read it in Arabic'
They just call him a liar and that he was never a true Muslim. You can't win or reason with them...
@@el_killorcure Prove he is a liar & i will believe you. Maybe, he's too good you can't win if you challenge him.
They were giving away the quran on streets and they said "READ", because thats the first word of the quran.
so i did! i read it. Then i came back and had a lot of questions and read things that i didnt like at all.
Then they said: you cant just read the quran, you have to read the hadithes and the sunnah of the prophet too.
So i did. And then i had even more questions about those disgusting hadithes those disgusting things i read about mohammed.
I went back and told them and they said: Man, you cant read the quran in your english, you have to read it in arabic. i said i cant speak or read arabic. Then they said: you to go to a scholar, you are not supposed to read it alone anyways. Thats when i said: Ok i am out, thanx.
Interesting offourse, but which Arabic version of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
@@бхагаван1 who cares?
@Halim Yacob cringe copypasta
Wouldn't that make their efforts on giving away free qurans on other languages illogical?
Md. heard READ....Again READ....
Mohammad : MC BC ...I am an illeterate? how can i read ??
The way Muslims are running away from Sharia in Afghanistan... this video became true.
I would not say they run away from the sharia they are just not for the interpretations of Sherry and Islam of the Taliban belief but they do not think that Taliban are loyal to core Islamic compared to the previous government the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan which was a mix between democracy and sharia
@@benjaminbingaman1848 you are wrong. Deep down they know Sharia is barbaric but cuz it's prescribed by Allah ..all muslims pretend to like it.. extremists love it cuz they can enjoy the authoritarianism they can take advantage of.
When I told my parents that I read the Quran and didn't understand it my mother said I had to read the other books to understand it. They clearly haven't read anything and have understood it. They have grown up reading in Arabic and forced us too, creating a never ending cycle of people fearing change and thinking for themselves. Proud Christian here, my God is amazing.
Why switch to christianity? That's a pretty similar deal with the not thinking for yourself, especially how you cant question God
@@_loaf0 as an ex-Muslim I just want to give you my opinion. When I became a Christian which was around 2014 I just believed in God but I didn’t have a relationship with him until last year. I felt like a new person, like I was reborn and forgiven for my sins. I made so many mistakes since then but I know I’m forgiven and I can do better. You can think for yourself, God doesn’t control you, he speaks to you through the spirit. You just have to do some research, it’s totally up to you what you what you feel is true. I believe Jesus saved us and Mohammad was a false prophet. You can question God, I have so many times and he’s given answers. It’s really peaceful and if you view it as a religion I don’t think it will work out, I view it as a relationship with my creator. I hope you have a great day :)
@@amina997 yeha but i dont like the bible- its homophobic, i believe any god would allow gay people, so id rather find some random god to pray to which is not homophobic, or just be atheist
@@_loaf0 that’s fine, I don’t think it’s homophobic, it’s just God he created men and women to be fruitful and multiply. Being gay is a sin just like pride, greed, envy, lust and so on. Look at how many people aren’t married and have sex with each other? That’s a sin too. Jesus loves everyone equally, he sat with sinners. Peter one of the disciple denied Jesus three time but then repented.
I think being homosexual is a desire from the flex just like any sin. I hope this makes sense to you and know that I’m not judging you because I’m not perfect
I am impressed that you converted to Christianity. I am also Bible-believer. However, I am inclined to believe that the Father is God, and Jesus is the Son of God, a created being, who however preexisted his birth as a human on Earth. I am not a Trinitarian. If you carefully read the Bible, you come to that conclusion. Decisions of councils of Nicea did not affect the Bible itself. They affected only the mainstream Christianity.
Also, there is recent research about the Quran, which suggests that the Quran was not a "revelation" to Muhammad, but simply a collection of writings by Middle-Eastern Christians, and was most likely originally written in Arameic and then translated to Arabic. Arameic "Quran" seems to have been destroyed or not preserved. The story about Mecca and Muhammad might have been made up later by Abbasids, to explain the backstory that did not happen, but no one was alive to verify it, since it supposedly happened two centuries before the story was finally written down.
Anyway, how did you get to know and read the Bible, and realize that Islam is not true?
Imagine living a life of fear and guilt over nothing
Religion does that
@Marie Williams applies to any ideology that involves indoctrination
@Marie Williams It's really sad the way people get brainwashed as kids. They're vulnerable and naive
@Urayis wish l I know. I find it embarrassing that people would imagine I would believe all that imaginary stuff.. Any religion. Jehovah's Witnesses get shunned for apostasy too. Religion can be very cruel. I guess they think if they don't follow the 'sheeple' they won't have morals anymore. Or they're afraid to stand up for themselves
Quran is Guidance th-cam.com/video/C5ACV4EpcZU/w-d-xo.html
1. Quran is clear for everyone and there is some verses which need teacher,guider,interpreter to explain .Read Quran by yourself not from the mouth of liars like apostate liar www.quran.com.
2. Miracles of Holy Quran:
mathematical facts(th-cam.com/video/pJP129w84tk/w-d-xo.html)
Quran Historical Facts(th-cam.com/video/i1mSHELEn74/w-d-xo.html)
linguistic miracles(it is memorizable recitable and no other book is memorizable and recitable Quran has millions of reciters memorizers..th-cam.com/video/SJwlm9ile7A/w-d-xo.html)
3.Quran Cures Hearts removes depressions because it is words of God(th-cam.com/video/DerApQ5Hrzg/w-d-xo.html).
4.Quran Itself is miracle(th-cam.com/video/GkjNROBu6l0/w-d-xo.html)
5. You said Quran has errors . . see the debate of Zakir Naik with William Cambel (th-cam.com/video/XOD2KXXzsjM/w-d-xo.html)
6. If u reject holy Quran u will go to hell fire.because it is last and final holy book from God .
7. ISLAM will become dominant once in this whole world it is promise of holy Quran and prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do not waste your time.
May God bless you for your bravery. Former Muslims, who left Islam because they learned the truth, are some of the bravest people in the world.
Took several attempts to finally read the Quran. It made me dizzy with it's repetitive verses
its easy to memorize for that very reason
if u read koran with context from tafseer, sira, hadees........u will find its not that much repetitive...... a lot of different stories for those repetitive lines. koran can only be understood with its tafseer
@@vikrambmw007 learned educated people can understand Quran on their own
@@vikrambmw007 ironic statement considering what AP jst said in this video. Good work
vikram Why does one need tafsir when Quran claims to be “mubeen” or clear? If it lived up to its claims it would be clear and maintain its supposed eloquence in any language to which it was translated. That would be a true miracle.
I hate waking up to quran recitations on the tv.
Open Wide Leave the TV off.
@@deslynnsporne8684 my mom puts it on.
did you mean a flea woke you up for the prayer?
[Al-Adab Al-Mufrad] Anas ibn Malik reported that a man cursed fleas in the presence of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not curse them. A flea woke up one of the Prophets for the prayer."
Grade : Da'if (Al-Albani)
English reference : Book 51, Hadith 1237
Arabic reference : Book 1, Hadith 1237
@@LivingLonger No, I did not mean a flea.
@@LivingLonger I woke up because the tv volume was loud.
It's usually loud when my mom puts on quran recitations.
It's annoying.
It ruins my sleep time.
Ex Muslim from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇵🇰
Thanks God , happy for you
Christian from India. God Bless You, no matter whether you are Christian or non Christian.
@@rameshpyrdha327 Jesus bless you !
Pakistan is the toughest country people do not know about real moh and his evil teachings..God bless you..stay away from islam
Hopefully, now you would not have blind hatred for india like many of Pakistanis have.
Thank you! Umar ex-muslim here in Kampala Uganda I thank Jesus who saved me from Islam
Quran opposes humanity 😓
Lol bible is worse!!
Somebody who don't even know how to read Arabic is claiming to know 85% of Islam and some idiots are following his foolish agenda. May Allah guide them all.
@Zack Smith death punishment for apostacy is found both in hadith and quran. Stoning gays and other punishments are found in hadith which states sahih (authentic), you five time prayers are found in hadith not quran. So stop denying😒
zackir Smith naik
More taqiyya from you.
The koooran has amputations, talking ants, armies of chickens and jinns, walking dogs, mutah, rape, sex slavery, virgin sex slaves in paradise, pedo_philia, killing and humiliation of unbelievers
zackir Smith naik
Stop quoting verses from the time when muhummud pretended to be peaceful. You need to stop your taqiyya and stop pretending to be a friend of the Unbelievers. Quote the verses from the last and final chapter of the koooran such as 9 29
I’ve read the Old Testament twice and the New 5 times. I tried to read the koran when in college but it was so awful and mean that it can only be a product of a sick mind.
Profet Mohamad Hitler was a saint compared to Mohammad.
@Joseph DeMaio Christians did kill heretics too. Though the difference is that the Bible did not condone those kind of Acts.
Try the Book of Mormon. I have read through the main world scriptures including the quran (except the Buddhist Canon and later Vedic material, I've only read excerpts of those because holy cow that's a lot of texts!) and the quran and the BoM were by far the hardest to read. The quran because it is so ridiculous, and the BoM because it has about the same amount of interest and literary value as a phone book. The Quran insults my sense of morality and my intelect, while the BoM is a boring and pathetic attempt at copying kjv Biblical literary style. Imagine a person dictating while making up a text on the fly using King James Bible language and then imagine having to read the crap.
@Zack Smith ,
Ah Zack, we meet again! One of the problems with the Quran is that Muhammed will "endorse" a thing in one place and then condemn it in another. When the Jews refused to accept his supposed prophethood, he came to see them as apostates. He calls Jews and Christians (among others) "the worst of creatures," and says that they should be fought against until they are oppressed and humiliated. I think the comparison to Hitler is silly, but Muhammed was clearly anti-Jewish. The main difference is that Hitler is not seen by well over a billion people as the perfect model of human behavior, while Muhammed is. Given that, "not as bad as Hitler," if true is still a pretty low bar.
Everybody should be afraid of the Qurans teaching.
The fear is replaced by denial, they say that we do not understand anything in the Quran and that what is written depends on the historical context
Mohammad and a monster were in a room. But when he moved away from the mirror the monster vanished.
U escaped the demon of lala nice
@ no no man madmed dreamed up the perfect excuse from the demon who was telling him it's ok lala has given you a special proclamation from lala that you can do what you like. ..lie bang everyone you look at and marry kids ..yay what a good freak demonic god that allows anything and stolen scriptures from the truth
I am non Muslim who read the scriptures and Quran with an intent to converting myself, and it has left me horrified what Mohammed did. Why would god finally send a book that you need a human scholar to understand? What’s the point of sending such a book??
I went and checked out Mohammad Hijab’s channel. I watched one of his videos and tried to comment in the comment section. My comment was removed within 30 seconds. In fact you can’t find a single comment critical of Islam. On the contrary this channel is a hotspot of discussion, and dissenting opinions are allowed, even insulting ones. What is Mohammad Hijab afraid of?? Is he scared that Islam can’t withstand criticism?? Perhaps he doesn’t have a counter argument to criticism. You decide who is open to discussion and opened to honest debate.
@Corey 22, I'm a muslim, care to try me?
I can't get though a whole video of his...... he tries to be so intellectual and uses the longest words he can find. Also his arguments are so convoluted. .... I soon switch off..yawn. ...
Johnny TwoShoes Yes very much. Explain to me how can Islam be from God when it’s founder, Mohammad, was a murderer, thief, owner of slaves, a sexual pervert and a pedophile?? Start by explaining that. Also ask me whatever you want, try ME.
could I ask you if you have read the quran and also the hadiths from cover to cover
We're trying to help our Muslim Brothers and sisters in humanity to see the truth so that they can leave this 7th century barbaric cult.
Start by reading the Quran again from cover-to-cover without talking to any of those biased imams who have a vested interest in keeping Islam going because that's where they get their power wealth and status in society.
If the Quran is supposed to be the pure word of God then you can read it by yourself without anybody else's input other than gods. Then judge for yourself if it's true.
I read the Koran through and I had no doubt in the end - I wasted my time doing it.
I tried to read quran...its verse jump to jump not systemis...talk Firaun in one verse and second talk Moses..where is connective
bro try reading bhagvat gita:)
A book that requires the input of 'scholars' to make any sense just makes no sense. Especially if it's supposed to be God's word.
Absolutely true
You want us to consider a man as your Prophet :
1) Who is NOT at all prophesied in the Most Holy TORAH and the Most HOLY BIBLE even by name.
2) who is NOT a Jew by any standard
3) who is NOT Circumcised.
4) who is NOT the promised MESSIAH, since JESUS already fulfilled that.
5) Who is NOT the CHRIST or the Anointed ONE as prophesied, since JESUS already fulfilled that.
6) who carried out IDOL WORSHIPPING of the Black Stone Vagina which is Pagan practice.
7) who is a documented and proven Murderer of Innocent Fathers, Brothers and Husbands of Saffiyyah & JUWAYRIYYAH.
8) who is a Womanizer caught red handed having SEX with Mary the Copt in his wife's bed.
9) who is a LECHERER ogling at the Nude Zaynab who was having Bath when he entered purposely her Chamber even after knowing that his Son Zaid was NOT at home.
10) Who committed ADULTERY with Zaynab by forcing his Son to Divorce his wife Zaynab so that he could have SEX with her and broke all the TEN Commandments of GOD
11) who was a PEDOPHILE having married a 6 year old innocent dolls playing Kid when he was a great grandfather at 52+ and Masturbating with her by rubbing his PENIS between her thighs.
12) who RAPED an innocent 9 year old kid as she was playing Dolls with her friends.
13) who promoted ADULT BREAST FEEDING freely.
14) who put WOMEN under subjugation and denied them EQUAL Rights & FREEDOM.
15) Who encouraged Terrorism by promising His Jihadi Martyrs 72 SEXY HOT FULL BREASTED VIRGIN Houris with perpetual virginity & erections. WHAT A JOKE
16) Who promised Unlimited Halal Alcohol for Jihadi Martyrs.
17) who does NOT know the name of His Own Father, having been born 4 years after his so called Father's Death.
18) Oh Lord...this list is getting endless....
@@francoisdelarochefoucauld7298 - Correct actually, half the great "philosophers" in history were nothing more than fools. Nietzsche for example. :-P
Especially where the book itself claims that it's clear.
@@brianbelgique3267 Yea. The perfect book
Best line : Quran is something that you should read and stay away from it 👌🏻👌🏻
Interesting offourse, but which Arabic version of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
I was litterally talking about islam to my muslim (and Turkish :D) parents 2 hours ago. My mom is very religious and has a hard time taking critisism. When I was quoting some verses from the quran, she kept telling me that I shouldn't read the direct translation of the quran. She told me that I needed to be super intelligent, that I had to learn arabic and other languages in order to understand the quran. To me it just sounded like she couldn't accept that the direct translations of the quran have some cold hard facts about (ridiculous) things that islam demands for muslims.
try then with the Sira of Muhamed from Idb Ishah. its even richer with Horible facts.i am now at page 600 from total 700.and i can only say that if a muslim read THAT and still wants to be a muslim..i dont know how ANY one can help that person.
Well said. The contradictions are endless! same thoughts on this topic.
Kinda funny. I once had a Muslim guy tell me that it was the Bible that was confusing & the Koran took all that confusion away. That was over 30 yrs ago. I have no idea whatever happened to him, but I'll always remember that he said that. No worries; I wasn't convinced.
I'm an ex shiite muslim. Since most of the people I see on TH-cam (including yourself) are mostly Sunni or Sofi. A Shiite would spice it up a little for ya. I'm willing to be on your show, man. 👍
Edit: I was very much into Shia that I studied it so much. So, I think I can safely say that I know a bit about it.
I'm from Iraq btw, and I speak Arabic as my first language. :)
Let me know.
May i ask you how you 'came out' and also how your surrounding reacted 'cause I am also Ex Muslim but so scared to tell anyone. Don't know how to do that.
@ErgoSum i refute them and they never dare reply / my name is yahya and i debate in spk corner
@@linalena5981 QURAN vs BIBLE
The Holy Quran it Doesn't Promote Evil or Hate it a Book of clear Evidence 4 People who Love Justice Peace and Equality
and it is child friendly too
in Islam a Woman is Regarded as the Queens of the House a Divorce Woman Becomes the Responsibility
of her Father if he dies the brother must do the same to see to her shelter Security and well-being
Paradise Lies at the Feet of Mothers just to clarify your false claims against the Holy Quran
this is what the Angel of God Convey to pht .....would u bring out something similar of ur Holy bible
Miracles Quran MENTION =
1 /Qrn =sura / verse 51 47 = Expansion of the universe
2 /q 21 30 big bang
3 /q 21 104 future collapse of universe
4 / 57 25 iron origin
5 / 24 40 under wave - unseen current ..+ .darkness in the deep
6 / 75 3 4 reconstruction of finger print ...
7 / 51 41 hvn structures (protections)
8 / 70 4 curve ascending to hvn
Q 2 60 Do Not commit Abuse on the earth
Q 2 190 Fight ONLY with those who fight you
Q 5 2 Do not cooperate in sin & aggression
Q 2 191 Keep the etiquettes of war
Q 8 15 Do not turn back in battle
we commanded not to force peoples BUT invite them with Evidence and Kind words...
Q Do not be rude in speech 3 159 /20 44 ..// spk to people mildly
Q Men & Women have equal rewards 4 their deeds 3 195 ...
Islam forbid killing innocent & forbid sexual activity outside of Islamic rules
ANYONE Who turn his back to the command of ALLAH and follow his desires in doing any of those ARE NO MUSLIM..
BIBLE..../XTIAN GOD ...rules
I read your Bible too it have Verses who Promotes killing of Babies Woman Children Donkeys Even Trees
the Oppression and Abuse of Woman who calls Divorce Woman Whores and
Woman Cant Inherit from their Deceased only their brothers another verse that say
I will Loot your houses and Dash your Infants to Pieces Before Your Eyes and Rape Your Woman
That God had Sex with his Mother to Beget a Son ( GOD HIMSELF ) ?
That God Ordered to kill every but the Virgins, to save them for themselves and 32 for him?
That David Betrayed his Soldier and had him killed after Raping and Impregnating his wife?
That Mary Magdalene was a whore? With 7 Demons....?
That Men's Genitals are like Donkeys and they Ejaculate like Horses?
That Prophets have Sex with their Own Daughters? and get children ..2 tribes...
@@sayedf11 :
You want us to consider a man as your Prophet :
1) Who is NOT at all prophesied in the Most Holy TORAH and the Most HOLY BIBLE even by name.
2) who is NOT a Jew by any standard
3) who is NOT Circumcised.
4) who is NOT the promised MESSIAH, since JESUS already fulfilled that.
5) Who is NOT the CHRIST or the Anointed ONE as prophesied, since JESUS already fulfilled that.
6) who carried out IDOL WORSHIPPING of the Black Stone Vagina which is Pagan practice.
7) who is a documented and proven Murderer of Innocent Fathers, Brothers and Husbands of Saffiyyah & JUWAYRIYYAH.
8) who is a Womanizer caught red handed having SEX with Mary the Copt in his wife's bed.
9) who is a LECHERER ogling at the Nude Zaynab who was having Bath when he entered purposely her Chamber even after knowing that his Son Zaid was NOT at home.
10) Who committed ADULTERY with Zaynab by forcing his Son to Divorce his wife Zaynab so that he could have SEX with her and broke all the TEN Commandments of GOD
11) who was a PEDOPHILE having married a 6 year old innocent dolls playing Kid when he was a great grandfather at 52+ and Masturbating with her by rubbing his PENIS between her thighs.
12) who RAPED an innocent 9 year old kid as she was playing Dolls with her friends.
13) who promoted ADULT BREAST FEEDING freely.
14) who put WOMEN under subjugation and denied them EQUAL Rights & FREEDOM.
15) Who encouraged Terrorism by promising His Jihadi Martyrs 72 SEXY HOT FULL BREASTED VIRGIN Houris with perpetual virginity & erections. WHAT A JOKE
16) Who promised Unlimited Halal Alcohol for Jihadi Martyrs.
17) who does NOT know the name of His Own Father, having been born 4 years after his so called Father's Death.
18) Oh Lord...this list is getting endless....
@@donricky4628 fyi in song of solomon he mentioned by name, in hindhu scriptures he is prophecised even in bible, listen to zakir zaik, he will show u evidence
I was. I couldn’t read it when I was a Muslim. In Pakistan they read it in Arabic by root routine and they do not understand what they are reading because they don’t speak Arabic.
That’s ridiculous !! What goes does that do?
Looking forward to watch your new show called "The Apostates".
I was kinda hoping it would be a sitcom but I'll take it.
As someone who read the entire New Testament prior to going to a church or becoming a Christian, and is now a retired pastor, I would NEVER tell anyone that they could not understand the Bible without a scholar's help. Are there some verses, here and there, that are hard to understand? Sure. Are many of these problems resolved in other verses? Yes. That said, If anyone of average intelligence reads the New Testament - without any outside help - I am confident that they would understand the core message and every major doctrine of Christianity. This was my experience, and that of many others as well. I find the contrast with Islam striking.......
Spot on, Brother! Agree with you 100%!!!
@Urayis wish l Have you actually red it???
I notice you omitted to mention the Old Testament... which has quite a lot in common with the Quran.
In reality all religions, including the three main monotheistic ones, borrowed heavily from other religions, including now extinct ones.
There are various translations of the Bible. I got round difficulties in the script of the King James version, by reading newer translations in modern English. Then by cross referencing, you can see that the meaning is the same.
@@richardhemingway6084 I do the same😊
You can Interview veedu, mimzy, ex-muslim from north America, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Anny Cyrus, Harris Sultan, Abdullah Sameer, Armin Navabi, Abdullah Gondal, The Masked Arab, Zara Kay etc.
@Dilip Kumar Yes.
Are you from Pakistan?
@@Pgggg No.
@@naimazaman9042 where are you from?
@@Pgggg Sorry don't want to risk my life saying my country name here.
If you read verses in quran they always say you need scholars to interpret..
If you read Bible you will understand by your own self before you need scholars..
I love bible..very rich of God's love message to all humanity
We don’t depend on the scholars to tell us about the Quran more often we encourage a Muslim Stand depend on the Quran on one Islam has to teach us and not depend on the imams shikehs and mullah so it’s not divided in the Bible to say that the Bible is more independent from the Quran
To say that the Quran is just a book that needs scholars to come to the rescue it’s not like that
Scholars pretty much or something I would examine it and interpret it as natural throughout the history of religion including the Bible in the Torah no marry me the people in charge of church now or at one point in ancient Judah The Jewish authority
But it certainly is no contest you can be independently believed by the Muslim alone without dependence of scholars just as much as the Bible and the Torah
I love the Quran the real message that’s very rich as God‘s love and message for all humanity what Islam teaches God teaches Everything the prophet peace be upon him wanted us to do God wants us to do
There may be wisdom in the Quran. It was obviously written by wise people.
However, there are illogical or inaccurate verses in the Quran too. What do you do with them? Do you ignore, reinterpret, or somehow rationalize them?
@@benjaminbingaman1848 Allah has a lot of love for Muslims who fight in his name, but little love for others if you read the Quran, and what Muhammad said. Allah never says to discuss the Quran with the unbelievers and polytheists, but to fight and subjugate them, it call them names (such as worst of creatures) and says that they will be in hell, yet, he created them and knew they would not believe. People believe the religions of their parents 99% of the time, very few people convert (and many who do, leave). Islam converted (or made convert, since being a 2nd class citizen, a dihmmi, was humiliating and no fun) people by force, physical or economical/social, not by intellectual discussion.
@@theastronomer5800 of course he loves those and fight for him because he wants absolute loyalty and with that he will bless you and give you peace in your life
That’s why he says oh you who believe enter completely into Islam and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan surely he is your open enemy
Of course he created all mankind but I was Adam and eves descendants go on some will not believe it will be manipulated by Satan
Wouldn’t say very few convert to say they are the minority
Many have when it came to Dawah
More so than suffering and so on the only way that would be happening is out of all the people who claim to be prophets Mohammed had the worst argument of all in his defense
But as long as we submit our room to the will of God we would be blessed by his matter disobey the devil
And could be granted eternal paradise
Oh my goodness the broom as hijabs beard that’s so funny!
@Zack Smith
And you are heretic.
zackir Smith naik
More taqiyya from you.
The koooran has amputations, talking ants, armies of chickens and jinns, walking dogs, mutah, rape, sex slavery, virgin sex slaves in paradise, pedo_philia, killing and humiliation of unbelievers
The very thing holding a muslin to it, is the very thing that will drive them away. Fear is the biggest motivator.
@@Alex-ss6xo this is exactly what muslims believe
I have noticed this many years ago.. that is why they get angry when they are asked questions.
@Halim Yacob all regions are dangerous.. based on unproven claims.. especially islam.
because they can't separate monobrow
I want to know about Islam. I tried to start reading the Qur'an(in English) and it hurts my brain.💔😄😄
well, its your problem you cannot understand it.
@@rumi2474 On the contrary, they understand it better than you do.
@@serbanion3939 this is hilarious, must have written the comment when I was a muslim. You are absolutely right.
Christian Prince is my interpreter and my Scholar.
Amen. CP is the nightmare of Islam!
I like how he points out that they play games with the English translations because he speaks both Arabic and English. They try to make Islam seem more benign to fool English speakers.
The quran needing human interpretation to be understood properly is proof the quran isn't clear on its own and therefore cannot be from an all knowing, all powerful and all wise god.
Let alone allah. 💀
The quran claims multiple times that it was send from allah in clear and easy to understand arabic and doesn't hide itself behind cryptic or foreign languages. Now where's the clear and easy to understand German version, that doesn't hide behind a language that's foreign and cryptic to me?
@@MrAranton If it were meant for all humanity.
There would be books in all languages that is very well translated.
But it's only in Arabic.
I wonder why.
@@MrAranton Where did the Quran say it's easy to understand? The whole point of it all is a test....
@@faznaz7455 It's self explanatory why it should be easy to understand.
If he wanted us in heaven, it would be clear as anything.
But it's not, it needs to be interpreted, it need human interpretation to be understood because it's unclear on its own.
@Zack Smith Flying horse like creature to be exact. Yes it does.
I'm an apostate too, i'd be happy to share my views with you in your new #project.
Harun Brandeaux
Apostate Prophet’s claim that the Qur’an is “poor science” is dealt with here nogodbutallah.org/?page_id=4730
@@abunajam6787 that is spam nonsense friend, sorry, but the verified information of the guy of that channel is wrong, AP is right in most of his claims
My Muslim friend has read the Quran many times, in Arabic, a language which she does not understand as she knows Urdu. Whenever I asked about certain verses from the Quran she immediately changed the subject and explained how she takes the "nice" things from the eternal word of Allah...
I had a now ex-friend who did the same thing. She’s a Pakistani Muslima who speaks Urdu, and when I pointed out the degeneracy of the Quran, she just said “what about the good things? :(:(:(“ these people are brainwashed to the core, it’s embarrassing. Also shocking that people living in this century think this way.
interview with Farhan Qureshi please! He is a Hindu now and I am interested in Hinduism because of it's aspects of Ahimsa (non-violence) and deep insights about life and who we are as our true self beyond the material body.
Are you christian bro?
@@DG-kv3qi hey, nope :)
@@sciencerulez3angel929 So if you are Indian and Hindu then why are you looking for information
@@DG-kv3qi I live in Canada and come from a french decent. I haven't mentioned anywhere that's I'm a Hindu or an Indian. But I've visited India before. It's a beautiful country. Looking back, I guess it wouldn't be such a bad idea if some people in India try to re-connect with their Hindu roots more often. I've seen how many people can't answer basic questions about Hinduism living in India. So there's nothing wrong if they want to look up some info about their own religion/culture.
I think more recent Hindu reverts like Farhan Qureshi know more in depth about Hinduism than many people who were born into Hindu families for generations.
That's the beauty of Hinduism. There's no pressure. It's up to the individuals and what they're seeking spiritually :)
@@sciencerulez3angel929 I don't know about others but I have read the Bhagwat Geeta, Ramayana and Mahabharata and the Upanishads though only the English translated versions.
Read it in "Arabic"? "Arabic" IS in fact a messy artificial Quranic admixture of three languages: Himyaritic, Syriac-Aramaic and Hebrew, with also having minor input from Greek, Persian, and Geez/Ethiopic.
This mixture was formed and developed due to various influences in Hijaz prior to the advent of lsIam and influences on the Quran. This mixture is what was eventually put into the "canonical" Quran and was spread by the sword in brutal Arabaist-lsIamic conquests to other places. This process involved the destruction of other cultures and replacing it with an Arabaist-lsIamic one.
So-called different dialects of "Arabic" are an admixture of an admixture - a mix of the messy artificial Quranic admixture of languages with different languages.
Epic profile name
oh yes we coming for u now muahahahahaaa
Islam itself were mixture "copy,paste and modification" teachings from many different religions/cultures and traditions....nothing original about islam and quran
@@elisdeliofa5570 ofc i totally agree, because god send messengers n it was after all the same message, worship god alone without any partners n basic rules, and more rules got applied on the last revelation. its same thing like updating ur windows or ur phone its the latest version which got updated, simple as that
Nope, cause it gets what it copies wrong far to often.
Thanks for finally pointing out what the most important is:
That's the sad, painful TRUTH!
Thank you for speaking the truth .Sometimes being right is not popular..
It's good to see that you and Mimi Hijab are getting along now and that he made an appearance on your show. 🧹️🙃😆
Was Hijab on this channel? I didn't see that. I only saw his 6 hour refutation of AP.s' videos.( I didn't watch the whole thing) it was Crap.
@@carrie1114 I was being sarcastic. I meant the broom he is holding in this video that refers to Hijab. 😊
Yeah, the 6-hour refutation indeed was crap. I also did not watch the whole thing. However, CP did refute 2 of those videos and maybe he's going to do more of those in the future.
Mimi handjob.
The "almighty" sure did a fab chose picking a clear and easy language to reveal the final word!
And it only took 1400 years so everyone before that was lost 😂😂
@@crazyanimeloveable their goats ate half of it 😂😂
@@amityadav85 hahaha exactly also because of talking rock's and trees and lets not forget Gabriels (angel) fear of puppies 😂😂😂
@@amityadav85 did you say something about my goat?
@Orthodoxy Or Death of course it is.. just say everything with a khhhhh sound.. and take strange pauses mid words.. and viola.. arabic.. or are you saying the "almighty" was wrong!
The funny thing is that the comments here are from ex muslims but the comments of comments are scared muslims scared to comment and decide to attack one person
I'm not afraid of hellfire, nor interested in the luxuries of heaven. So I said goodbye to allah.
Alniya Hasan
You can never say "goodbye to" Allah, you HAVE to return to Him. What are you now? Atheism is an insult to intellect. Christianity ridicules and denigrates the Divine. Only the uneducated and unthinking Muslims are afraid of the Qur'an. Islam is the only Divinely-named religion and whose doctrines are clearly expressed in Scripture and are conducive to reason. The Qur'an is perfectly preserved nogodbutallah.org/?page_id=4862
Will any god feel insecure for not praising him five times a day??
@@abunajam6787 If there is an Allah, how come Allah didn't realize that the sky is NOT an object that needs to be held up?
@@alniya934 no. If u pray or not it doesn’t change anything for Allah but it changes how you will spend the afterlife if you will go to Jannah (paradise) or jahannam (hellfire)
Most of the Muslims do not read Quran . They just hear what their Mullahs tell them about Quran .
I knew The Koran was false when “Gabriel” the Archangel supposedly said, “The Jews believe Ezra is The Messiah”, & that “Mary is Part of The Trinity”.
So…he’s a holy Archangel delivering The Word(s) for ALL Mankind, but he somehow NEEDS to be CORRECTED about that??
If THAT’s supposed to actually be Jibreel, then clearly he had an “off-day”..
I suspect this business about the Koran only being read in Arabic is similar to the Catholic church originally wanting to keep church services in Latin. It helps to maintain a monopoly of power for the priestly class.
Very much part of the reason why the Reformation happened, so that the normal man can read the Bible on his own.
QURANa VIRUS Two devils? Jesus Christ is Lord. MAN is imperfect with sin. I think Man is worst of all.
The liturgy in Latin is EXTREMELY beautiful, and many Catholics prefer it to their native language version. When I attended the Latin Mass for the first time I felt like I was robbed of something very prescious. It's not that hard to learn Latin, it's a very elegant and precise language, easy to pronounce, unlike Arabic. Not to mention it was taught in schools. Latin and classical Greek.
@@kingattila506 this is untrue. There were 40 translations of the Bible in German alone before Luther, all of which were made by Catholics. Before my country embraced Christianity there was a Bible translation to Slavic (old Church Slavonic) done, by 2 monks who are recognized as saints by both the Catholic and Orthodox Church, Saint Ciril and Metody. In 9th century.
Please leave the Catholic church out of this. Islam is being discussed here. Stop drawing incomparable parallels.
I always wondered why my dad always emphasised memorising the verses by heart in arabic but never even mentioned reading the translation
AP and Yasmine together? Christmas is coming early this year 🙏❤
This series from Ishmael is groundbreaking. It is on how the makers of the Quran plagiarized previous man-made fictional writings, then lied by saying they were given to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. It proves not only plagiarism, but intentional deception. Definitely share.
zackir Smith naik
eid is about demon birth of muhummud, the pedophile 😂
@@jxcess3891 go get em!😂 I see you everywhere
zackir Smith naik
So are Yahweh and allah different gods? But didn't you earlier say that those who believed in Yahweh can go to paradise in islame??? Your taqiyya exposed again ✌️
muslim to orthodox Christian here and never going back to that wretched ideology
"I'll be waiting for you on the other side" best closing line ever😊
Nah, "I hope you like my broom" is way better
The last words my very Catholic brother-in-law were addressed to me, knowing I was atheist: "See you on the other side."
I was really intrigued by Islam when I was in high school, so I read the Qur'an. Yikes!
The Masked Arab would be great to interview!
Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin."
Sahih Al-Bukhari 7142
That makes you wonder when you see MusIims who act like zombies (zombies love eating brains. The brain is inside the head. Raisins are edible)
And what's the problem with the hadith ?
@@ShuttingRetroM1N3CR4FT it is ungodly to say such thinh.
@Leonardo Da Vinci
You look like these black SJW crying for racism, lmao, he said every people no matter the color is equal
Lol wtf
According to who
Three cheers for apostates everywhere!🙌👍
The whole argument about reading Quran in arabic is such BS. In Afghanistan at least 50% of population cannot read...not Arabic not Farsi, nothing. How can they be muslims without ever reading the Quran and I cannot understand the Quran after reading it in three languages? It's the same with all religions if you really read it you quickly realise how ridiculous they all are.
You can interview-
1. Yeasmin Mohammad
2. Abdullah Sameer
3. Veedu Vidz
4. Mimzy VIdz
5. Imtiaz Shams
6. Anny Cyrus
7. Ayan Hirsi Ali
8. Armin Navabi
9. Harris Sultan
10. The masked Arab
11. Sarah Haidar
Newbies- Abdullah Gondal, Zara Kay, Zac Alrayyis, Raihan Abir.
Become Your Own Hero aaaaand Maryam Namazie
& Mosab Hassan Yousef is also a very interesting, and a bravest person
Thanks for uploading!
My friend a Shia Muslim did tell me that he was scared of Quran for two reasons:
1. You can't ask questions to gain clarity on your understanding and if the mullah doesn't know the response would be, "question comes from shaitaan", "keep reading, you will get it, if you can't get it doesn't mean that it is wrong, allah knows the best' and a kick on the back (if standing), on the buttock if sitting!
2. Mother had surrendered him to mullah and there was no way of telling mother that mullah kicked him instead of answering the question!
By the time his mother decided that his formal education is more more important and stopped him visiting madrasa, he had developed disrespect towards mullah!
As for sun going to pray for permission to come the next day: Question arises, leaving the earth behind if he goes, what happens to earth!!? To be stay put might have been an option, but not explained in Quran!!??
I tried to read it. I couldn't make it through. Its supposed to be god's words dictated directly. Well like every other line is god saying how great and worthy of praise they are, and I was like "Who are you trying to convince here? Because it sounds like you are trying to convince yourself."
Ex muslim here...Long story short, I had to run away from my hometown when I left islam because many people wanted to kill me because I was an apostate, a traitor, a kafir...I could go into further detail about my story.
Stay away from Islam ...best advice AP 👏👏👏👏thank you☺
Thank you. You helped me alot to leave islam. Love from Bangladesh.
Oh hello. I didn't know there are ex Muslim in Bangladesh. I am a Bangladeshi my self. Be careful
"1400 years ago, the Quran (21: 30)stated that the sky and the earth were once joined before We exploded them apart. This knowledge, revealed centuries before modern science, could not have come from a human at that time."
Can't wait for the new show. Consider making a podcast!
I look forward to your new series, I only ask that you consider unterviewing ex-muslims who switched to another religion, not just atheist or agnostic ex-muslims. I thank you for your work.
There's a Saudi-American ex-Muslim by the name of Ghada (Idk her full name). She is a member of Ex-Muslims of North America and attended a conference with Sarah Haider and Hiba Krisht. Like you, she has read the Qur'an from cover to cover and in Arabic, which was the catalyst for her to leave. I think that would be a very good episode for your new series. Best wishes!
4:10 Italian onlooker here. 20 years ago I started learning arabic because of artistic reasons. Actually I was intetested in arabic calligraphy and so I beg a friend of mine in Israel to buy and send me a copy of the Quran. So I started learning and studying. After some time I was able to read and write pretty well. One day I met from Syria, a guy whom I knew used to often attend the mosque in my town. I discovered that he didn't know either reading nor writing and that he never doubted anything about the fancy tales he had been taught. He never read hadiths, nor nothing at all. I could have told him any kind of lie using the name of Mohamed, and he would believe. But the saddest thing was the fact that 99% of the muslims I knew were in the same conditions.
Abrogation is one of the scariest things. All the nice peaceful verses were replaced by surah 9
The "Law of Abrogation", [Quran 2:106], is proof by itself that the Quran isn't from GOD. Allah revealing revelations to his supposedly crystal clear, perfect book (Quran), just to contradict him, to replace them with similar or different verses(s)? lol. That means what Allah revealed before wasn't perfect or clear, to begin with, lol, adding on to the confusion to what the Quran is talking about and what Muslims are to follow smdh. Plus that makes Allah seem like a very contradictory god lol. No wonder Muslims need guidance from their religious leaders on the teachings of the Quran, to clear up their god's inconsistent, contradictory teachings lol
zackir Smith naik
suar 9.1 anyone???
And I am still waiting for you to tell me who are the idolaters seeking protection from in suar 9.6??? 😂
@Ulimi Ulabi
The mohemadan, zackir Smith naik did a runner again 😂
Hazem Farraj is an ex-Muslim you could interview!
Im around the middle of the most boring book I've ever read. Repetitive as hell. Full of hate against Jews and Christians. Only talking to men ( "you and your wives"). It was truly eye opening. And it will help me to stay far away from Islam. Thank you for your channel. I was considering to convert
But, it sounds "nice" when you recite it in Arabic! Even the hateful verses will bring a tear to your eye...
"I'll wait for you on the other side." Such a bold and strong statement!
The sun goes into a mudpuddle. Smh... 😵
No Zach. The Quran does not say that Dhul Qarnain saw the sun *seem* to set in a muddy pool. It doesn't say it looked *as if* it set in a muddy pool. It says he went so far west that he found the place where the sun sets. And *then* says that (btw) it sets in a muddy pool. That doesn't make any sense if he is just talking about the sun setting over water and "appearing" to set in the water. The whole point of the story is that he went so far west that he found the place where the sun went at night. If it just meant that there was water out to the horizon, there are many places on earth where that appears to be the case, so 1) that can't refer to a specific location as it does in the Quran, and 2) no one would call any of these "the place where the sun set."
There is also this hadith: sunnah.com/abudawud/32/34 in which Muhammed asked a companion if he knew where the sun went at night, and answered his own question by stating, "it sets in a pool." Therefore, you have to take the word of science and non-Muslims or you have to take the Quran and hadith at their word. You have to either 1) believe that the sun sets in a pool of water as the Quran and Muhammed said, or 2) admit that the Quran and Muhammed are factually incorrect, ignorant, and not worth following.
@Zack Smith ,
I never said people *didn't* use astral navigation. That has zero to do with the topic. DQ might have (supposedly, as it's fictional) used the sun to guide him westward, but that has no application in the verse. It doesn't say, "he followed the sun until he was really far west." It says that he went west, to where the sun sets in a pool of water. The fact that the sun sets in a pool is the defining attribute of where DQ went. It reeeeally doesn't matter to the debate how he supposedly got there. Wether he used an ancient compass, a map, or follwed the sun and stars...*it doesn't have anything to do with the sun setting in a pool*
@Zack Smith ,
Furthermore, even if we threw out the Quran passage and say that it is using metaphorical language to describe the location (which it isn't), you still have ahadith in which Muhammed says, "Where does the sun go when it sets?...It goes down in a muddy pool." That has nothing to do with DQ or describing a location. Muhammed just says that the sun sets in a muddy pool. That doesn't have anything to do with how people navigated, "wS in old dats."
So The Sun goes under mudpuddle but it also goes under Allah's throne. So it's under mudpuddle. So Allah is a mudfish
Yes Sir, you are absolutely correct!! I once read a couple of pages from Quaran at a public library - it terrified me completely!! Every stanza was an 'order' to despise something or prohibited of doing something!! May be it is being followed - as per versions of near and dear ones who themselves might not have read!!
Interesting indeed, but which Arabic version of the more than 100 Arabic so called perfectly preserved however all different Qur'ans do you mean? th-cam.com/video/rMo21KF69KY/w-d-xo.html
Apostle Prophet, you are educational and awesome! Keep up the good work!
You’re just one brave & courageous cat, my brother! I sit in awe & am honestly beyond inspired. Keep the flame of reason & science burning, you’ll go on inspiring folks the world over with your razor sharp wit & intellectual honesty. Mad, MAD props, Bubba! Again as 100X before, THANK YOU 🙏
It's funny how well David Wood, a Christian, knows those trusted sources.
Being a Christian doesn't make you unable to read and understand other books besides the Bible you fuking moron.
lmao watch the debate between Mohammed Hijab and David Wood
Christian getting a hard on for Christians, what's fkn new
I love David Wood's teachings and explanation too.. I am following his channel and this one. I appreciate their courageous effort to stand for us.
David Wood is brilliant, but, it doesn't take a genius to expose Islam and its flaws.