That doesn't tell you Islam is false though. If you think Morality comes from God than under Islam if it were true Morality would be good independent from how you label fruits.
@@omnikevlar2338 Yes, morality comes from God, but logic and reasoning can be done on our own. We are called to decide about God on our own, aren't we? That being said, it can be objectively PROVEN with basic logic that, for example, pedophilia is bad. Children are highly impressionable and are not mentally or emotionally ready. That is why most countries have age of consent laws, which don't consider children's "consent" as real since their brains are still developing. So, we can conclude that pedophilia is bad. So, the only way a religion could say that such a thing is morally correct is if that religion says that doing evil is actually morally right in the eyes of God. Muhammad had a 9 year old wife, yet promoted doing the right thing. We know from logic and reasoning that having a 9 year old wife is mentally destructive for the child, and therefore selfish, so how can Muhammad say to be selfless and to not do evil?
@@Elemented I love this! I completely agree with your assessment that we can rely on human intuition to determine right from wrong. I would also apply this to the practice of slavery. The practice of slavery is morally reprehensible and yet the Bible condoned it. Can we use your reasoning and apply it to the Bible as well?
@@omnikevlar2338 He didn't grant that morality rests on moral intuition, muslims don't believe pedophilia is morally wrong for example, so your own criteria is debunked. Low information atheists are just terrible.
You should hear them in Aramaic. Absolutely beautiful! Especially thinking that Jesus himself said these words when on earth. My daughter doesn’t want to go to any other mass but the Chaldean mass. At first she didn’t understand why she needed to learn our language. And I told her because we’re a very small minority of people on earth that still speak the language Jesus spoke. If we don’t continue it, it will die. She was like ‘Jesus spoke our language, that’s so cool!’ 😅
@alqoshgirl Are you by chance in the Chaldean Catholic community in California? One of my best friends is Iraqi and his family goes to Mass there. 😊 They are people of great faith.
I can't believe Trent addressed my comment. I feel like a fan boy now. I am showing this to my wife haha. Thank you Trent, I love your videos. As a Texan I encounter many Muslims and videos like these help a lot. I can't wait to finish the video later today.
Hahaha as a Muslim I watched this video . I can conclude ALHAMDULLILAH I was born into Islam. What a blessing. The eyes are open but the hearts are closed 👍.
@@Ufb10- our eyes are open. Our ears and minds and hearts are open. But the moment we open our mouths, you'll lambast us from the closedness of your own mind.
@@Ufb10 Ahlan, kaifu Haaluka? Islam can be a beautiful religion with many elements that can be proven true. However, as Trent stated, not everyone can be true when both sides are presenting contradicting claims. Thank you for stopping by to comment and I appreciate you taking the time to watch this video. I hope someday we can meet in person and discuss this in a timely and civil manner. I have many great Muslim friends and would love to meet more, Insha'allah.
@catholicchristdisciple they both passed away from, cancer my dad died in 2021 I think had they been alive my dad would be very open to that my mom not so much
Yes absolutely right. Angel Gabriel never show aggressiveness towards humans unlike the "shadow" that visited him in the cave who strangled him 3x (almost killing him) just to make him read a passage which he cannot because he's illiterate.
you are wrong. he got 1 more other thing right. can you guess what that other thing is? it's his prophecy of his own death. how he would die. by getting his aorta cut off, if this happened it would be proof that he was a false prophet. how did he die? he got poisoned by a jewish woman , the poison cut off his aorta.
Yup. They also say in a passage to trust everything that the Bible says. The Bible says Jesus was God. Which creates a dilemma for them. If the Bible is true, the quaran is false. If the Bible is false, the quaran is false. Either way, Islam is false!
They would say that the crucifixion “appeared” to happen by Allah. I don’t think they fully understand the implications of this. This means that Allah tricked Jesus’ own apostles, the Jews and countless Christians to come into unknowingly committing shirk for 600 years until the arrival of Muhammed. This is very evil stuff.
Try to remember that's a Christian view you are espousing, and it's not mandatory (not even according to heaven) or in any way "absolute" (at least not on earth.) It is your faith and belief, other people and other cultures have different faiths and beliefs.
@@subcitizen2012accept your point but the minimal facts argument which includes theist and atheist historians agrees that Jesus was crucified and died.
The Sermon on the Mount can make one very emotional too, and so true: it’s a subjective criteria. Islam is just historically ignorant that denies the crucifixion of Jesus
The sermon on the mount is a higher law. The 10 commandments are God's lowest revealed law for an obstinate and unworthy people. It isn't logical to assume that the people of Enoch were living solely the Ten Commandments when they were raised into the heavens. That is why Paul said things like "Milk before meat" and that he had much more to teach if the people were not "dull of hearing" Christ would give us his disciples more laws if they were able to keep the ones they have.
@@StanbyMode that Jesus was crucified. Roman, Jewish, and Christian sources alike: Josephus, Tacitus, and Lucian, along with all the New Testament books and authors, and other non-biblical early church patristics
@@Grantthecatholic so wheres the problem then? The Quran says people thought Jesus was crucified; history, which is written by the same people that thought that, says the same
@@StanbyMode the Quran quotes “Jesus” (600 years after the fact) saying He never claimed His divinity and says “ And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain” in Sura 157. It says the belief that Jesus was crucified was a lie, which is contradictory to all early church evidence and historical narratives. It also denies the Trinity, and Muslims claim the gospels were corrupted.
Before I became a Christian, as a Westerner poisoned against Christianity, I first looked into Islam. It was attractive. I liked it. But it was obviously manmade. It's the kind of monotheistic religion most guys would invent. Nice rules. Easy self justification. Great incentives for believing. No concept of intrinsic sin. Not a bad way to order a mediaeval society. The Christian message was almost the opposite..but thanks be to God for his graces there is a way. A bunch of guys would not sit around and create Christianity. Yeah, I'm poisoned with sin from before birth that I can do nothing about. There's laws I can follow but cannot hope to keep. My God died on a cross after being tortured and asked me to live a life shaped like his suffering. Don't think you can earn your way into heaven your one and only hope is to throw yourself upon God's mercy. And the pattern to follow is dying to oneself. Not human, clearly divine.
The sins before birth are from your previous incarnations - choices you have made. The dying of oneself is the death of your ego. Jesus is basically giving you a path to ascension, to a better life. Christianity is more spiritual than you think.
After having read the Quran twice,front to back and then in the order it was "received", it's clear to me that it's just partial summaries of biblical stories some of which it gets totally wrong. I don't see how anyone who has read the Bible could read it and think it was correct.
bible followers take exception that quran exodus does not have yahweh/jesus entering nurseries to murder ijinocent first born sons in their cribs. only 9 plagues in quran exodus
@@colorwashcarsandguitarsso because there is more details it's true.come one man! You just want to believe I'm not sure why no kids come from virgin, nobody was made from dust or from a rib the earth is not 6000 years old etc...but you want to believe it not sure why....
I love your videos. I was a Calvinist Protestant for 10 years, and now I'm moving towards the Catholic Church. I'm Brazilian, and my English isn't that good, so I have a bit of difficulty following your videos. If one day you add English subtitles, I'll be very happy. Your content helps me a lot. God bless you.
@Omar_-5 My brother, Islam is an instrument of Satan. Whether during life or during judgement before God, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Christ is Lord. The pains and toils of this earth cannot prepare you for the torments that await you in the lake of fire if you reject Jesus Christ. You must accept that Mohammed lied. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through him. Repent and believe the Gospel, my brother.
Thank you so much Trent for making this! And please keep them coming, where I live in Sweden we are surrounded by more and more Muslims and we need to know how to answer them. This is so helpful!
I’m amazed how this Muslim Apologist’s proofs are largely based on opinion. ‘Most eloquent language’ is entirely subjective and there’s no way to prove that! I think the Quran should have been written in Lithuanian, because to me that’s the most eloquent 😂
Yeah, What exactly means "most eloquent language"? What makes it more eloquent than English or any other language? I highly doubt He made a detailed linguistic comparison of Arabic with any other language spoken on earth.
There are clear islamic sources that show a scribe filling in the blanks when the founder forgot a verse and it was accepted by him as alternative, so the scribe ran off then knowing he was a fraud, so the mafia boss put a fatwah (hit job) out on him. .. Sharia even openly endorses lying continuously, so any who has studied knows what it is, repeated lying rewires the neural network of the human mind, this causes exceptional cognitive distortions and leads to instability and can cause a plethora of neuro degenerative diseases.
@@Ufb10and that more is not your religion for sure. We don't believe in your fake pedophile prophet dude with a men written book copied from jews and Christian scriptures.
@@Ufb10 Falling for a book that claims to be clear and tries to repeat that to convince people, then you look again and say what the. . .? 1) From what substance were humans made from? a) Water (Quran 21:30) b) Dry clay (Quran 15:26) c) Nothing (Quran 19:67) d) Clot of blood (Quran 96:2) 2) How long is one day according to Allah? a) 1 day is equivalent to 1000 years ( Quran 22:47) b) 1 day is equivalent to 50,000 years (Quran 70:4) 3) Who said this "He is a skilled magician!" ? a) The elders of Pharaoh's people (Quran 7:109) b) Pharaoh (Quran 26:34) 4) How long did it take to destroy the Aad tribe? a) One day (Quran 54:19) b) Several days (Quran 41:16) 5) Did Noah’s son drown? a) All of Noah’s family survived (Quran 21:76) b) Noah’s son drowned (Quran 11:43) 6) How many mothers does one have? a) One ( Quran 58:2) b) A plurality (Quran 33:6) 7) Was Jonah cast on the shore? a) Yes (Quran 37:145) b) No (Quran 68:49) 8) Does Allah lead people astray? a) No (Quran 9:115) b) Yes (Quran 14:4) 9) How many surahs does Allah require to prove that the Quran is not forged? a) One (Quran 10:38) b) Ten (Quran 11:13) 10) Will do disbelievers receive their judgment book on Qiyamah? a) On their back (Quran 84:10) b) On the left hand (Quran 69:25) 11) How many angels helped Muhammad at Badr? a) 3000 angels ( Quran 3:124) b) 1000 angels (Quran 8:9) 12) How many of Thamud killed the divine she-camel? a) One (Quran 54:29) b) Several (Quran 7:77) 13) How long does it take to wean? a) 30 months (Quran 46:15) b) 24 months, 2 years (Quran 31:14) 14) Does Allah change or abrogate his words? a) No (Quran 10:64) b) Yes (Quran 2:106, 16:101) 15) So how many creators are there? a) Allah is only creator (Quran 40:62) b) Allah is the best among creatures (Quran 23:14) 16) What happens to mountains on Qiyamah? a) Become like wool (Quran 70:9) b) Disappear (Quran 78:20) 17) How many trumpets will be blown on Qiyamah? a) Two (Quran 79:7) b) One only (Quran 69:13) 18) When did Pharoah command the killing of the babies? a) When Moses was a prophet (Quran 40:25) b) When was Moses a baby (Quran 20:39) 19) Can one bow before anyone but allah? a) Only Allah (Quran 22:18) b) To Adam (Quran 2:34) 20) How long did Allah take to create the heavens and the earth? a) Total 6 days (Quran 10:3) b) Total 8 days : Earth- 2 days, Heavens- 2 days, Mountains- 4 days (Quran 41:9-12)
When a Muslim tells you Christianity is pagan and idolatrous, remind them they bow down and pray multiple times a day facing a rock in Mecca. And are required to go circle it a number of times in person at least once in life. Sounds idolatrous and pagan to me.
Sam Shamoun is an excellent Christian apologist who has great understanding of Islam and also speaks Arabic. Undoubtedly, he has planted many seeds in people in their conversion from Islam to Christianity. Islam’s idea of Jesus is different than Christianity. I don’t know why Islam, which came 500 years after the death of Jesus, would have correct details of the life of Jesus (they deny He was crucified).
Just FYI, Shamoun does NOT speak Arabic. There are several Arab Christians online - Christian Prince is tha boss, but there are other great folks like Rob Christian, Ahmad ExMuslim, Brother Rachid, and Al-Fadi.
@@kenid4144 the lack of Arabic doesn't mean a thing. Godlogic and Sam Shamoun utilise Muslim scholars such as Ibn-Kathir, Tabri, to prove the demonic beliefs of Mohammed such as the Quran 2:228 talking about waiting periods for girls who haven't menstruated I.e. children.
Okay Christian here, and let me try and explain to you the reasoning why muslims say they know about Jesus than those who wrote the Bible even after 500 years or so from His resurrection, well simply it's because they are muslims and believe that the quran is directly from God, so if God wrote it then how can it be wrong, and so if must be the disciples who were lying or misrepresented what actually happened,
@@mojojojo3852This is an argument they could use, but this is why it’s important to have an understanding of the differences between the Quran and the Bible. It’s also important to know some teachings of Muhammad, how the Quran was formed, and the contradictory nature of the Quran/Mohammad especially since he confirmed the Bible. If Muhammad confirmed the Bible, then how could it be corrupted? If Jesus was accompanied by signs and miracles why did Muhammad say that he did NOT perform miracles? Moreover, why does the character of Muhammad seem to contradict the character of Jesus? Muhammad took in multiple wives, including a child, said one would commit adultery, that taking a woman captive and having s** with her was not adultery, and that in heaven, apparently women are seen as objects in Islam. Again, I’d check out Sam. He is masterful in getting people to understand the differences between Christianity and Islam.
David Wood is also very good and addresses many of the claims presented in dawa, and the changes and qualifications to their apologetics of recent. Many of their arguments are based in cultural presuppositions that aren’t shared by the world. Also Gordon D. Nickel on the Quran and the claims based on it made against the Torah and New Testament “gentle answer to the Muslim accusation of biblical falsification”.
The Aramaic word for God is "Alaha". It's the word Isa PBUH used. Sounds familiar? Written without the confusing vowels it is written A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Daniel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), reduced from the Arabic original (of which Aramaic is a dialect continuum as will be explained) it is written in the Arabic script 'A-L-L-H' (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha) add an A before the last H for vocalization. The word God in another rendition in Hebrew ʾĕlōah is derived from a base ʾilāh, an Arabic word, written without confusing vowel it is A-L-H in the Arabic script, pronounced ilah not eloah. Hebrew dropped the glottal stop and mumbled it, aramic mumbled a little less and it became elaha. Infact both are written written A-L-H in Arabic, it is pronounced i in Arabic and not A because it is an Alef with hamza below (إ أ ) They are two different forms of Alef. And it mean "a god", it is the non definitive form of A-L-L-H, in which the Alef is without a glottal stop/hamza,(ا), but this kind of nuance is lost in the dialect continua. infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name." jesus as his name is often misspelled due to the lack of the ayin sound in Greek, which was rendered to Iesous, coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'Iraq', which sounds entirely different in Arabic form 'Iran' in Arabic, with the -ous Greek suffix that Greeks typically add to their names 'HerodotOS', 'PlotinUS', 'AchelOUS' and later mumbled into a J. The yeshua rendition of Isa (his name in the Qur'an) PBUH which is purported to be the name of Jesus is KNOWN to had been taken from greek. Western Syriac also use "Isho". Western Aramaic (separate from Syriac which is a dialect of Eastern Aramaic) use "Yeshu". Western Syriac has been separate from Western Aramaic for about 1000 years. And sounds don't even match up. Syriac is a Christian liturgical language yet the four letters of the name of Jesus «ܝܫܘܥ» [ = Judeo-Babylonian Aramaic: «ישוע» ] sounds totally different in West vs East Syriac, viz. vocalized akin to Christian Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic «ܝܶܫܽܘܥ» (Yēšūʿ) in West Syriac, but pronounced more akin to Muslim Arabic Quran character name Isa in East Syriac «ܝܑܼܫܘܿܥ» (ʾĪšōʿ). The reason for this confusion is their dropping of phonemes. Only someone that has no idea what the letters are or how they sound would have a name ending in a pharyngeal fricative like the ayin, if it were to be used in a name it would have had to be in the beginning, thus the Arabic rendition is the correct one. An example in English is how the appended -d is a common error amongst the English pronouncing Gaelic names. The name Donald arose from a common English mispronunciation of the Gaelic name Donal. Just how it is with donal becoming donald and the two becoming distinct and the original being regarded as something seperate so too did Isa PBUH turn to Iesous turn to jesus and when they tried going back to the original they confused it for yeshua ( ysu is how it is actually written) for Isa PBUH ( 3'eysah ) Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language: "From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen. He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical as will be shown. "protosemetic" Alphabet (28), Arabic Alphabet (28), Latin transliteration, hebrew (22) 𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼 ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic: ح, خ (h, kh) merged into only kh consonant remain س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Shin consonant remaining ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) merged into a reducted ayin consonant remaining ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining The reason why the protoS alphabet here is 28 and not 29, is because the supposed extra letter is simply a س written in a different position, but it was shoehorned to obfuscated. In Arabic letter shapes are different depending on whether they are in the beginning , middle or end of a word. No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims, often boastful of his innovations he said " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic and communistic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It proclaimed that the unsearchable riches of Christ were to be distributed as freely among the Gentiles as among the Jews. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized the correctness of the claim by calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity. Language; When one looks at the actual linguistics, one will find that many were puzzled by the opposite, that is, how the other "semetic" languages were more "evolved" than Arabic, while Arabic had archaic features, not only archaic compared to bibilical Hebrew, Ethiopic, "Aramaic" contemporary "semetic" languages, but even archaic compared to languages from ancient antiquity; Ugaritic, Akkadain. What is meant here by Archaic is not what most readers think, it is Archaic not in the sense that it is simple, but rather that it is complex (think Latin to pig Latin or Italian or Old English, which had genders and case endings to modern English), not only grammatically, but also phonetically; All the so called semitic languages are supposed to have evolved from protosemetic, the Alphabet for protosemitic is that of the so called Ancient South Arabian (which interestingly corresponds with the traditional Arabic origins account) and has 28 Phonemes. Arabic has 28 phonemes. Hebrew has 22, same as Aramaic, and other "semitic" languages. Now pause for a second and think about it, how come Arabic, a language that is supposed to have come so late has the same number of letters as a language that supposedly predates it by over a millennium (Musnad script ~1300 BCE). Not only is the glossary of phonemes more diverse than any other semitic language, but the grammar is more complex, containing more cases and retains what's linguists noted for its antiquity, broken plurals. Indeed, a linguist has once noted that if one were to take everything we know about languages and how they develop, Arabic is older than Akkadian (~2500 BCE). Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken? The creator is neither bound by time nor space, therefore the names are uttered as they truly were, in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing. In fact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it. Not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book, in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take. It is so high in fact, that it had yet to be surpassed despite the fact that over the last millennium the collection of Arabic manuscripts when compared on word-per-word basis in Western Museums alone, when they are compared with the collected Greek and Latin manuscripts combined, the latter does not constitute 1 percent of the former as per German professor Frank Griffel, in addition all in a script that had never been recorded before. Thus, the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began, and the age of reason and rationality was born from its study. God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
"Since Arabic is the most eloquent language to have ever existed" I had to LAUGH at that! I heard a preacher saying something like that about the English used in the Kig James version of the Bible!!!
That is one of the worst proofs of any religion. MORMONS claim their religion is true partly because it reads like the KJV which is the only English translation they trust because it sounds regal.
"When people listen to the Quran being recited, they start to cry." He's right. I do cry. Because I feel like a demon is attacking me. No, seriously. I try to read the Quran, and every time I do, I end up with physical and mental pain, and I start having demonic nightmares. I can't stand recitations of the Quran.
@@mikaelacash3791 I think they meant brother as in “brethren in Christ” like St. Paul says many times lol. But I completely agree with your original comment. I’ve tried to read the Quran many times and I get awful migraines and feel sick to my stomach. Scary stuff, straight from the mouth of Satan.
@@RightCross22 I'd agree, except that they're clearly Muslim considering jinn are a Muslim thing, so definitely not "brethren in Christ" 😂 Ad I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences this sort of issue with trying to read the Quran. Nini said they got sick because the Bible is "blasphemous", but I hadn't even made it past the first Surah, so it clearly wasn't an issue with m finding the Quran blasphemous, because I hadn't even gotten to the blasphemous content yet. The book itself is demonic.
Currently reading through the Quran. I agree with Antony Flume, "To read the Quran is to do penance". The biggest problem for the Quran and Islam though is that Surah 3:3 tells us that the Torah and Gospel are divinely inspired by God. Which means that either the Quran is wrong and they aren't, meaning that Islam is false, or the Quran is correct, meaning that Muhammad is a false prophet because the Gospel teaches Jesus death, deity and resurection, all of which the Quran deny. It also says the trinity is comprised of Allah, Jesus, and Mary. Not to mention the whole Jesus was replaced and only made to appear crucified means that Allah led the entire Christian community in to shirk, the only unpardonable sin in Islam, for no discernible benefit, and didn't correct anyone for over 500 years. I love Muslims that are in my life, but Islam is a mess.
It's historicity is also a mess. The early, supposedly Islamic caliphs used Christian symbols on their coins. The Original inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock are clearly just Aryan Christian texts. Islam is a farse.
Islam simply can not be true because historical evidence from the apostles' progenies. From history we learn that the earliest followers of Christ (who muslim thinks is a muslim Himself) did not subscribe to Islamic believe but Christian one. From the writing of Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, three who knew the apostles, they sound nothing like Islam. Christ followers in the late first century and early second century were nothing like Islam. So Islam is like someone who claim: - Cleopatra was Genghis Khan's daughter. - Alexander the Great conquered China. - etc. History doesn't corroborate the Islamic narratives.
I asked a Muslim about that, and he's answer was that Muslims believe that priests corrupted it. At least that particular Muslim reads the Bible, so, I guess that's a start.
@@adamcharleshovey7105 The corruption would have to be started by the apostles, since the disciple of the apostles themselves (Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycap of smyrna) believed the Christian faith instead of the Islamic faith. But muslims consider the apostles (even other biblical figure like Joseph of Arimetea, Nicodemus etc) as holy.
@@adamcharleshovey7105how convenient for them that everything that agrees with them is true and everything that does not was corrupted by someone.
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@@TitusFlavius11 Because quran / islam can be validated while biblical accounts are heresay at best. There is no known chain of transmission, no study of whether what they were saying is legit or not, because no one bothered to record Jesus while he was still alive. Efforts to write a bible were done decades later and people started debating wtf christianity is supposed to be 3-4 centuries later. Islam already knew what it was since jump. Because everyone was validating islam from the beginning and we have proof of that with chains of transmission. Christians literally believe in the words of the bible and take it for granted as if its the words of God without question. If muslims were like that, we wouldve been blown into kingdom fuck with yet another 1000 different denominations still arguing wtf did Jesus / Muhammad left us with. In essence almost nothing in the bible can be validated because there is no evidence apart from heresay, old people re-mentioning the stories through generations. Stories like genesis, or main prophets in essence are always true because many sources and religions transmit the same story. But when a religion claims a new invention, it needs evidence no one can produce. Even prophets brought miracles so people could believe. No one listened to a "prophet" and believed immediately like a mule. Even when they did miracles they stoned them in disbelief because belief needs intellect and reasoning, not just blind following.
@@junglelawman728yes all of them already been destroyed and careers ruin David qood closed down his channel while all the Muslim ones are Stull going snd no David wqa not banned his career just ruined even Christians don't claimed him anymore Try harder
@@Trilliman707 Jesus is God! The devil is already defeated. REVELATION 20:10 And the devil who had deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever
@junglelawman728 Hebrews 2:9 But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. So God is lower than angels? Lower tha his own creation? I thought he was almighty
The Quran is unique and unchanged! *ignore the numerous different versions, translations, and traditions of the Quran that exist today* Not to mention the numerous times according to history written BY MUSLIMS that various Caliphs and Islamic governments had old Qurans rounded out for destruction so they could be replaced by newer versions with the now “corrected” scriptures.
@@AshTheGamerIsAwesome look up the differences betwen warsh quran and hafs quoran. These are the 2 most famous variants in the muslim world. But there are also around 28 other variants that u could find online.
@@MiidoKinGs They are [clearly] different recitations, with varying enunciation and certain emphasis on how to pronounce the words, that doesn't change any difference in the word's meanings.
I ask my fellow Christians to please remain respectful in their comments. Most Muslims are not aware that Jesus willingly died for THEIR sins too - not just Christians or Jews, but for all souls including Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus...etc. He willingly gave himself as an unblemished offering in an act of total obedience to the Father.
Actually they understand that part of the Gospel. They reject the idea of sacrificial atonement because the Quran teaches that no one else can bear the sins of another. They don't understand that Jesus as God can do as He pleases and can sacrifice himself for us sinners. This is why apologists treat this as a side issue and instead focus on showing the evidence of Jesus as God.
@@mohamudahmed6554 @mohamudahmed6554 There is a mountain of evidence for islam being horrendously violent and out of control. ALL the world's civil wars of recent decades = ALL islamic, all the other religions learned to abandon this, what could possibly be causing it?
32:15 There’s trends that suggest otherwise. Christianity is growing through conversion more than Islam is, while Muslim birthrates are declining rapidly, and Islam is beginning to experience much of the same disaffiliation that Christianity has struggled with.
I read somewhere that up to 40% of Iranians no longer consider themselves to be Muslim, but play along so as not to be beheaded. Island apostasy rate is through the roof. Their apologists even have videos crying about it. I mean literally crying.
@@omnikevlar2338 Where did I hear which one. I can't remember where I heard the stat about Iran, but I have yet to meet an Iranian who was actually Muslim. The crying about the rate of apostasy, just Google it. It's out there.
@@omnikevlar2338 not the most popular, just numerically drawing ahead due to birth rates, not conversion. However the demographic trends are now downwards to the trend won’t continue and yes, apostasy is growing from both religions worldwide.
2:30 perfect preservation is a lie (and serious scholars also admit this). 22:20 mohammed having never lied is also a lie. Jesus and Buddha (my 2 preferred religious figures) both drew their teachings from their own authority and didn't have to go around murdering, pillaging and r@p1ng to spread their teachings.
4:30 - this is why I love Trent. He acknowledges any potential weaknesses or contradictions in his arguments and directly responds to them instead of trying to sweep them under the rug.
On one hand I appreciate that you take on these enemies of the church. On the other hand discussing Islam as a proper religion is like discussing pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation. But the guy is right, the Quran is up there in it’s uniqueness…together with Mein Kampf. 😂
Mein Kamph is one of the most popular books in the Arab World. You'll have no trouble finding it in bookstores in Arab areas in the US, such as Dearborn, Michigan.
The Aramaic word for God is "Alaha". It's the word Isa PBUH used. Sounds familiar? Written without the confusing vowels it is written A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Daniel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), reduced from the Arabic original (of which Aramaic is a dialect continuum as will be explained) it is written in the Arabic script 'A-L-L-H' (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha) add an A before the last H for vocalization. The word God in another rendition in Hebrew ʾĕlōah is derived from a base ʾilāh, an Arabic word, written without confusing vowel it is A-L-H in the Arabic script, pronounced ilah not eloah. Hebrew dropped the glottal stop and mumbled it, aramic mumbled a little less and it became elaha. Infact both are written written A-L-H in Arabic, it is pronounced i in Arabic and not A because it is an Alef with hamza below (إ أ ) They are two different forms of Alef. And it mean "a god", it is the non definitive form of A-L-L-H, in which the Alef is without a glottal stop/hamza,(ا), but this kind of nuance is lost in the dialect continua. infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name." jesus as his name is often misspelled due to the lack of the ayin sound in Greek, which was rendered to Iesous, coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'Iraq', which sounds entirely different in Arabic form 'Iran' in Arabic, with the -ous Greek suffix that Greeks typically add to their names 'HerodotOS', 'PlotinUS', 'AchelOUS' and later mumbled into a J. The yeshua rendition of Isa (his name in the Qur'an) PBUH which is purported to be the name of Jesus is KNOWN to had been taken from greek. Western Syriac also use "Isho". Western Aramaic (separate from Syriac which is a dialect of Eastern Aramaic) use "Yeshu". Western Syriac has been separate from Western Aramaic for about 1000 years. And sounds don't even match up. Syriac is a Christian liturgical language yet the four letters of the name of Jesus «ܝܫܘܥ» [ = Judeo-Babylonian Aramaic: «ישוע» ] sounds totally different in West vs East Syriac, viz. vocalized akin to Christian Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic «ܝܶܫܽܘܥ» (Yēšūʿ) in West Syriac, but pronounced more akin to Muslim Arabic Quran character name Isa in East Syriac «ܝܑܼܫܘܿܥ» (ʾĪšōʿ). The reason for this confusion is their dropping of phonemes. Only someone that has no idea what the letters are or how they sound would have a name ending in a pharyngeal fricative like the ayin, if it were to be used in a name it would have had to be in the beginning, thus the Arabic rendition is the correct one. An example in English is how the appended -d is a common error amongst the English pronouncing Gaelic names. The name Donald arose from a common English mispronunciation of the Gaelic name Donal. Just how it is with donal becoming donald and the two becoming distinct and the original being regarded as something seperate so too did Isa PBUH turn to Iesous turn to jesus and when they tried going back to the original they confused it for yeshua ( ysu is how it is actually written) for Isa PBUH ( 3'eysah ) Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language: "From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen. He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical as will be shown. "protosemetic" Alphabet (28), Arabic Alphabet (28), Latin transliteration, hebrew (22) 𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼 ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic: ح, خ (h, kh) merged into only kh consonant remain س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Shin consonant remaining ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) merged into a reducted ayin consonant remaining ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining The reason why the protoS alphabet here is 28 and not 29, is because the supposed extra letter is simply a س written in a different position, but it was shoehorned to obfuscated. In Arabic letter shapes are different depending on whether they are in the beginning , middle or end of a word. No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims, often boastful of his innovations he said " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic and communistic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It proclaimed that the unsearchable riches of Christ were to be distributed as freely among the Gentiles as among the Jews. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized the correctness of the claim by calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity. Language; When one looks at the actual linguistics, one will find that many were puzzled by the opposite, that is, how the other "semetic" languages were more "evolved" than Arabic, while Arabic had archaic features, not only archaic compared to bibilical Hebrew, Ethiopic, "Aramaic" contemporary "semetic" languages, but even archaic compared to languages from ancient antiquity; Ugaritic, Akkadain. What is meant here by Archaic is not what most readers think, it is Archaic not in the sense that it is simple, but rather that it is complex (think Latin to pig Latin or Italian or Old English, which had genders and case endings to modern English), not only grammatically, but also phonetically; All the so called semitic languages are supposed to have evolved from protosemetic, the Alphabet for protosemitic is that of the so called Ancient South Arabian (which interestingly corresponds with the traditional Arabic origins account) and has 28 Phonemes. Arabic has 28 phonemes. Hebrew has 22, same as Aramaic, and other "semitic" languages. Now pause for a second and think about it, how come Arabic, a language that is supposed to have come so late has the same number of letters as a language that supposedly predates it by over a millennium (Musnad script ~1300 BCE). Not only is the glossary of phonemes more diverse than any other semitic language, but the grammar is more complex, containing more cases and retains what's linguists noted for its antiquity, broken plurals. Indeed, a linguist has once noted that if one were to take everything we know about languages and how they develop, Arabic is older than Akkadian (~2500 BCE). Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken? The creator is neither bound by time nor space, therefore the names are uttered as they truly were, in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing. In fact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it. Not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book, in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take. It is so high in fact, that it had yet to be surpassed despite the fact that over the last millennium the collection of Arabic manuscripts when compared on word-per-word basis in Western Museums alone, when they are compared with the collected Greek and Latin manuscripts combined, the latter does not constitute 1 percent of the former as per German professor Frank Griffel, in addition all in a script that had never been recorded before. Thus, the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began, and the age of reason and rationality was born from its study. God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself. Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted [James 1:13) God cannot be tempted (John 1:29) Jesus was seen (1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God (Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God (Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man (Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn (Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn (1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died (1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die (Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation (Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation (John 4:6) Jesus grew weary (Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary (Mark 4:38) Jesus slept (Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep (John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful (Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful (Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing (Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today , which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered top that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul whom peter called him enemy introduced htis new creed according to his wima, often boastful of his innovations he said " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic and communistic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It proclaimed that the unsearchable riches of Christ were to be distributed as freely among the Gentiles as among the Jews. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized the correctness of the claim by calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity. Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity: "And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church" -Homily 17 Section XIX On the pauline credo currently called trinitanity Peter said "For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.” -Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5 The old testament is no different, Abijah was a wicked king, and had war with his rival (1. Kings 15:3). 2 Chronicles 13:3 says that Abjiah was pious ; that he took the field with 400,000 men against Jeroboam, who was at the head of 800,000 men ; and in a great battle the King of Israel was defeated, and 500,000 of his men slain. It seems that, 1,200,000 soldiers sent into the field at one time by two Ssmall tribes, ana the destruction of 500,000 men in one battle, were beneath the notice of the author of Kings. the word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses: “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.” -Psalm 137:9 “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.” -1 Samuel 15:3 “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.” -Hosea 13:16 The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she is an infant and this is the day of retribution where those who committed the evil are to be punished. Sins are not inherited by the offspring, this is a doctrine that was developed much later in christianity into what is now called the original sin. This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Ma'idah, Aya 32 (5:32), emphasizes the sanctity of human life. It instructs the Children of Israel that killing an innocent person is a grave sin, akin to killing all of humanity. On the other hand, saving a life is regarded as a virtuous act equivalent to saving all of humanity. The exceptions mentioned for justifiable killing include cases of murder or spreading mischief in the land. Despite the clear guidance given by messengers, some individuals persisted in wrongdoing. The modifiable testament testament genocide, plunder, mutilation, enslavement, on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context. Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1 God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
@@mznxbcv12345 well then allah made some huge historical blunders such as Mary being a part of the trinity, Ezra being the son of God which there’s no evidence for, mistaking Mary the mother of Jesus as Miriam the sister of Aaron and denying the crucifixtion of Jesus in which many non Christian’s sources confirm actually happened long before the Quran. Allah can’t keep his facts right.
Hey Trent could you address Buddhism? I see a lot of Christians being more sympathetic to Buddhism because of some of the superficial similarities. Thanks for your hard work!
Buddhism is one of the hardest ones to engage with. It took me a few hours of research to identify that Buddhism is an atheistic religion and not because even I can point to their Scriptures But rather from comments from ordinary Buddhists. This is one of the reasons why athiests subscribe to Buddhism. The best response I have to Buddhism is to ask them, "If there is no God, who is keeping track of your good and bad deeds (sins) and determining what you are reborn as? Who is sending your soul/spirit into the next body? Who determines when you can break out of the cycle of Samsara (life, death and rebirth) and achieve Moksha (liberation from Samsara)?"
I hear people saying that Buddhism is similar to Christianity and I get so confused. It's a fundamentally selfish religion that doesn't concern itself with gods and in which "salvation" is merely a state of mindless contentment where the adherent is ultimately cut off from all relationships. Reincarnation, an eternal universe, karma - these have nothing to do with Christianity.
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
While listening I thought, "Doesn't Trent usually choose the best arguments for the other side? Is this really the best they got? ... What, it IS the best they got?! Oh that's sad."
Christians defending the Bible: “We have countless prophecies of Jesus predating him by centuries, the sheer amount of them cannot be ignored. These texts speak of how Jesus will be crucified and rise from the dead.” Muslims defending the Quran: “it sounds pretty”
About this, so the virgin Mary is the cousin of St Isabel who was married to Zachariah, who was a priest. Doesn't that make him a Levite, which implies the virgin Mary was likely a Levite? Then she would be a "sister or Aaron" Traditionally, she's considered to be from the tribe of Judah although over time I've sparingly heard different ones as well
@Qwerty-jy9mj That is mental gymnastics. Truth is, rasulallah overheard the stories from je ws and christians and claimed that they are divine revelations. However there is a hadith where aisha gets angry when a je wish lady told her that aaron and mary are from different era.
The video I've been waiting for all this time. I think it's more comfortable to argue with Protestants because we understand each other rather than arguing with Muslims. Defend things from their point of view😂
The human emotional reaction argument was literally dumb. There's a dumber version of this which is like, the oral rectitation made cows react by moving from their stationary position which was easily falsified by showing counter examples.
9:00 best part is that’s just a lie the Quran is very laymen in its speach it’s like reading the writings of a farmer in 1700s America it gets the job done but it’s not being praised for its eloquence
Thanks Trent for this video. My boyfriend and I dialogue about faith and religion all the time as he currently does not hold a certain religion but holds Islamic views and practices coming from a muslim family. We have great conversations but it can be very overwhelming as I feel ill-equipped to defend my faith sometimes because I know I lack a lot of knowledge. I have loved your videos and podcast for years now, your work has pushed me to grow closer to my faith and to keep pushing myself to learn more. I hope you keep putting more content out like this! God bless 🙏
Your BF probably want to still be Muslims because of the 72 virgin’s promise by Allah to his real followers. But Jesus said in heaven we will be like angels in heaven. so don’t even be jealous about Allahs promise virgins 😅
@@BornAgain223thank you for your comment, always a great reminder (-: I always do my best to put my faith and God first. Please pray for me and for us! God bless 🙏
First, keep Talmud aside, it is not inspired Book. Second, Jesus never claimed that he is God but son of God, Jews misunderstood this as God. Jesus clearly said ,he is not seeking his glory but glory of his father , who is God of Jesus and Jews. Third, The teachings of Jesus is on line of monotheisim . He never diverted from this idea. The old testament was for Jews till the arrival of Messiah (Jesus) , after that they have to follow Jesus, accept his teachings and spread Christianity all over the world, there by spreading of light of good news all over the world. But they rejected him ,even killed him . Romans killed Jesus not because he was threat to them . The Roman governor Pontius Pilate don't want kill Jesus, but under the pressure of Jews leaders and public, he was forced to do so.
@user-hq2nz7cu6v Thanks for still proving Jesus wasn't a Muslim. If Jesus said he was only the Son of God (which he is) Then that still proves Islam is false since Allah says in the Quran he's a father to nobody since he has no consort (Spouse/girlfriend). No Christian denies Jesus is the Son of God. You just are confusing The Father= God Alone. Otherwise throughout Scripture and early church writings Jesus is called Lord. Do Muslims believe that Jesus is they're lord?
@@supergoji7511 JUDGE of court , ancient RULERS or KINGS are also called LORD, do this mean they are Almighty God? In Bible Jesus, angels, earthly rulers and judges are also called gods ,with small g, even SATAN is called god of wicked people. This doesn't means, they are ALMIGHTY, CREATOR GOD. In Bible, Angels and men are also sons of God, , this doesn't mean he produced Angels and men through any woman. This is unimaginable, unthinkable and detestable. What human and animals do to bore children, don't apply on God. God doesn't produces, he creates. He created Jesus,angels and men ,for this reason he is called their Father . When someone invents or introduces something new ,he is credited with the title of 'The Father', for example, Galileo is called Father of physics, Gandhi is called Father of nation, Picasso is called Father of modern art. This doesn't means,they made relations with women to invent or introduce something. Moreover, in Arabic , people use terms like IBNE WATAN and IBNE ZUBAN, mean son of country and son of language, does this means country and language produced son through women. See languages allow us to use such terms.
@@arnoldjackson-q2j Thank you again for admitting you can be a son without sex. You keep on proving Allah is stupid and Islam is silly. I'm not saying you can’t have a son without sex. Allah in the Quran said he can't have a son without sex. You're arguing with Allah of the Quran not me.
@@arnoldjackson-q2j Jesus acted like God, never denied it and even the Jews of his time believed his actions to be blasphemous. Is it possible to blaspheme anyone other than God? Luke 5:18-21 KJV - 18 And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought [means] to bring him in, and to lay [him] before him. 19 And when they could not find by what [way] they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with [his] couch into the midst before Jesus. 20 *And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, **_Man, thy sins are forgiven thee._* 21 And the scribes and *_the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?_*
@bluntpencils doesn't the bible say "but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman" ( 2 Chronicles 15:13). I always find it strange Christians quote this verse of the Qur'an (out of context by the way) given all the violent passages in the bible. "the biggest majority of muslims in the world have no idea what they are singing and dont even know what the quran even says" do you have a source for this?
@bluntpencilsMuslim who know the entire Quran but don’t know Arabic . Have read the Quran and it’s translation, and know the overall stories and lessons in the Quran they just couldn’t translate it in their language word for word. It’s not like they’re reading some demonic text and not know what it says.
@bluntpencils Surah 9.29 this is what it actually says. “Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture,1 until they pay the tax,2 willingly submitting, fully humbled.” Basically saying non Muslims living in Muslim lands committing crimes and that refuse to pay the tax, that also Muslims pay. It says to fight them. Obviously they have the chance to leave or simply pay the tax. If the Quran told Muslims to kill non believers, 2 billion Muslims, think about it this world would be mayhem. Non Muslims go to Muslim countries all the time and have a great time. So stop with the Islamophobia.
@@Ace-mw9pm except that the Jizya is imposed on Christians and Jews along with a requirement that they are not allowed to defend themselves, having to rely on the Muslim majority to do so. That’s discriminatory in essence and leaves minorities in a dependent and vulnerable position. Historically it has gone along with other discriminatory practices so should be opposed on principle. This is a reasoned evidence based criticism of a bad idea which is a very long way from “Islamophobia”
@@lapis_lazuli578Hello! I looked through the passage you commented and what’s interesting about this passage is that God did not order the Israelites to put anyone to death in this passage, but it was the people who entered into an agreement amongst themselves to commit to following God again. The passage also states that all Judah rejoiced after they chose to make this promise amongst themselves and that God gave them rest. I definitely wanted to check out this passage when I read your comment, so thank you!
Tbh I've heard Muslims I've worked with refer to this e.g. Tiktok videos of non-muslims listening to the Quran recited and saying how beautiful it is. So, while this is an anecdote, they do use this as evidence. Even though it's no real proof. People cry because the chant recitation can be quite haunting, but so is Latin or Byzantine style chant (of which Islamic chant style seems to borrow from). And thet music forms too. I've spontaneously cried at a recording of a performance of a medieval version of Te Deum. It's no proof in of iself.
Recently we were given a talk by a guy named Jay Smith. He had a lot of interesting things to say about Islam like there are multiple versions of the Koran and it plagiarized Christian poetry. I think him and his team are on YT
@DaneilT That's one of the many areas you can straight away tell it was from the mind of a man (or men), not from God. Clear as day, it was an observation of the early Catholic Church that venerated Mary. So from an outsider eyes, it appeared Mary was part of the "Trinity" these Christians worshipped. Very simple mistake and understanding of things. Obviously, God would have known better and known the difference.
To be clear, the "multiple versions of the Qur'an" aren't any different than the multiple versions of the Bible. The reason he brings that up is to refute a common Islamic talking point that the Qur'an is perfectly preserved
At 23:50 Surah 33:53 talks about not overstaying after a meal at Muhammad's house. It's clear this was "revealed" to warn people to not stay too long and cause him anxiety for checking out his wives. This was his way of saying "no", you cannot stay and ask me questions because I am annoyed so Allah says, just see your way out the door. 😂 it's a ridiculous thing to add to the Quran because Allah's word is eternal and so Allah spent eternity thinking of ways to get rid of dinner guests who annoy his "prophet".
Bro quoted the Quran saying all living things are made from water and then says “not one of these scientific miracles can be disproved.” Like bro you just did it yourself 😭
what about ex Muslim who is now a Christian al fadi CIRA international explaining islam's pagan origin to worshipping black stone and worshipping the moon
What's interesting is that despite the fairly arbitrary differences between languages and even dialects, people tend toward the same stereotypes within languages like a dumber person talking more slowly or a comedic character talking in a certain way. This is why it's weird when you have certain accents, like Irish accents, that sound more dumb when that same spectrum exists within the dialect itself
7:36 To be fair, I also cry when I read passages from the Quran. For example, Surah 65:4 As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period [to divorce them] is three months, _and those who have not menstruated as well._ As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery. And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them.
@CristianoRonaldo-li9gu Your scholars disagree with you. "And [as for] those of your women who (read allā’ī or allā’i in both instances) no longer expect to menstruate, if you have any doubts, about their waiting period, their prescribed [waiting] period shall be three months, _and [also for] those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young age,_ their period shall [also] be three months - both cases apply to other than those whose spouses have died; for these [latter] their period is prescribed in the verse: they shall wait by themselves for four months and ten [days] [Q. 2:234]. And those who are pregnant, their term, the conclusion of their prescribed [waiting] period if divorced or if their spouses be dead, shall be when they deliver. And whoever fears God, He will make matters ease for him, in this world and in the Hereafter." -Jalal - Al-Jalalayn "The `Iddah of Those in Menopause and Those Who do not have Menses Allah the Exalted clarifies the waiting period of the woman in menopause. And that is the one whose menstruation has stopped due to her older age. Her `Iddah is three months instead of the three monthly cycles for those who menstruate, which is based upon the Ayah in (Surat) Al-Baqarah. see 2:228 _The same for the young, who have not reached the years of menstruation. Their `Iddah is three months like those in menopause._ This is the meaning of His saying; وَاللَّـتِي لَمْ يَحِضْنَ (and for those who have no courses...) Kathir - Ibn Al Kathir _"They may not have menstruated as yet either because of young age,_ or delayed menstrual discharge as it happens in the case of some women, or because of no discharge at all throughout life which, though rare, may also be the case. In any case, the waiting-period of such a woman is the same as of the woman, who has stopped menstruation, that is three months from the time divorce was pronounced. Here, one should bear in mind the fact that according to the explanations given in the Qur'an the question of the waiting period arises in respect of the women with whom marriage may have been consummated, for there is no waiting-period in case divorce is pronounced before the consummation of marriage. (Al-Ahzab: 49). Therefore, _making mention of the waiting-period for the girls who have not yet menstruated, clearly proves that it is not only permissible to give away the girl in marriage at this age but it is also permissible for the husband to consummate marriage with her._ Now, obviously no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Qur'an has held as permissible." -Maududi - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi - Tafhim al-Qur'an "(And for such of your women as despair of menstruation…) [65:4]. Said Muqatil: “When the verse (Women who are divorced shall wait, keeping themselves apart…), Kallad ibn al-Nu‘man ibn Qays al-Ansari said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is the waiting period of the woman who does not menstruate and the woman who has not menstruated yet? And what is the waiting period of the pregnant woman?’ And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verse”. Abu Ishaq al-Muqri’ informed us> Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Hamdun> Makki ibn ‘Abdan> Abu’l-Azhar> Asbat ibn Muhammad> Mutarrif> Abu ‘Uthman ‘Amr ibn Salim who said: “When the waiting period for divorced and widowed women was mentioned in Surah al-Baqarah, Ubayy ibn Ka‘b said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, some women of Medina are saying: there are other women who have not been mentioned!’ He asked him: ‘And who are they?’ He said: _‘Those who are too young [such that they have not started menstruating yet],_ those who are too old [whose menstruation has stopped] and those who are pregnant’. And so this verse (And for such of your women as despair of menstruation…) was revealed”." -Wahidi - Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi
@@billcynic1815 look the devil using the tafsira when it suits him. You hypocrites believe none of the tafsira or hadith or any sort but just to defame islam cherry pick what fits your narrative. And as I said,when ibn kathir and jalalayn lived women had menarche normally as late as 16. Not due to amenorrhea. Just naturally. And the age of marriage all over the world was around 12 as well. Now make of it what you can. Menarche was not a precondition of marriage. Young women not menstruated were adults back then. Menarche is not what makes her a woman
@fcb8354 Listen to yourself. So void of logic and reasoning. The sheer existence of a belief does not make it true. By your line of reasoning Hinduism, paganism, Judaism, and Christianity are all more true than Islam because they existed before Islam did. Read a history book before showing yourself a fool.
Hi Trent, I have been watching this channel for a long time and it has helped me greatly to explain my faith to others. I cannot say that I have helped anyone convert yet, but it has definitively helped me to make Catholicism approchable and respectable for those who generally mock Christianity, which happens a lot in the environnement I grew up in. Anyway, you started your video by asking us what you would like us to hear about and I have one subject that I am more than curious about. The SSPX. I have converted to catholicism through one of their parish where I found a solid group of friends and a great priest. I was even confirmed in the Faith through one of their Bishops. However, as time went on, I became more and more aware of the conflict within the Church and SSPX to a point where I do not know where I ought to sit. Subjectively, everything seems to point to me that the SSPX is good, I have met true friends there, I met my girlfriend which I plan to marry this year, I met a very, very good priest, I have put my life straight and learned to pray my rosary daily. And most of all, thus far, after reading a few of the works of Msgr. Lefevbre and the SSPX and reading Dignitatis Humanae, I seem to agree with their position, or at least, with their critic of what they call the "post-conciliar church". However, I am very aware that I might have been mislead and that a position of open disobedience to the last five popes is a dangerous one to hold and that does not seem to have worked a lot of time through Church's history and so, it is a position that makes me uncomfortable to hold. As I said, you have played a good part for the betterment of my faith in the past and I have come to the point where I need clear answers about the SSPX. I am probably going to get married in one of their parish this year, and, I know that a marriage without jurisdiction might be invalid. I need to understand what I am taking part in. It would help me Trent. Thank you for everything you do! God bless you.
The sspx doesn't advocate for "open disobedience", it advocates for being obedient to the pope and the hierarchy except when they order you to commit a sin. This is perfectly in accordance with Christian Tradition, the church is not a cult of personality where you have to do anything the pope says without regard for God's laws. If you're not sold on the sspx marriage argument then you have to figure that out before marrying because you're going to be tempted to back out of your marriage when it gets hard
I might add that Islam, unlike Christianity, was spread by military conquest from the beginning. Sure, Christianity has been spread by military conquest too, but not in its first few centuries. Islam would be more appealing, in my opinion, if its founder didn't feel the need to spread it by the sword.
islam offered the conquered the right to keep their religion by paying a small tax which also exempted you from military service. conquistadors crusaders inquistioneyrs only offered ' convert or die ' church history vol 1. muslim since 2002
@@etzelkaplan9677 Abrogation in the Quran Explained & Islam Spread by the Sword via @TH-cam
@@etzelkaplan9677Actually, the conquistadores respected the natives, they still practiced their religion. Many natives converted and were baptized, but those who chose to keep their religion have passed it own from generation to generation.
What I noticed when hearing about the arguments for Islam is that almost all arguments for why Islam is the true religion are based on emotions, and almost no logic is involved.
The Quran has the most scientific miracles, more than the Bible or the Torah. And no, the scientific miracles weren’t stolen. Maybe you should look into some of them, truly amazing.
(I did get this from Wikipedia, so you can make of it what you will.) Interestingly, the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the Quran more often than she is mentioned in the Bible (70 times). She is described as the greatest woman who ever lived. Her birth sort of gets all mixed up with the birth and dedication of Samuel, and they also get her mixed up with Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron. However, the Quran also says the angel Gabriel spoke with Mary, and that the divine spirit caused her to become pregnant though she was a virgin. It goes on to say that she gave birth to "Isa" (Jesus), who was the "Anointed One", or the Messiah. The Quran also describes Mary's perpetual virginity. In another search, I learned that the Quran teaches that Jesus did many miracles, which begs the question of why they think that Jesus was only a prophet. (I thought that was interesting, since you mentioned that Muhammed never did any miracles.) They believe in Jesus' Ascension, but not His crucifixion. They just think He never died.
@@joygibbons5482So a person who is the Son of God, whilst not being the Father is God as well as the father makes more sense to you than him being a man appointed by God to spread the message of Tawhid?
I have learnt a lot about islam from Sam Shamoun, Dr Jay Smith, Dr David Wood, Bob of Speaker's Corner, etc, etc. And especially from Christian Prince. Praise the Almighty God of Israel in the name of Jesus Christ!
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
@@LuvYeNeighbor Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Excellent! If at all possible, I encourage you to make more videos about Islam. Tiktok in particular has a lot of (usually quite weak) Islamic apologetics. There is something a little more sophisticated on TH-cam, for example on the channel The Muslim Metaphysician
Trent Horn won’t go after The Muslim Metaphysician. He did one video of Jake on the Patrick David podcast. Trent Horn ignored his objections against the trinity and the church fathers. Trent Hort is going after side topics to avoid the core doctrines. That’s a sign of weakness.
@@alonzoharris326Because the intent of the video was to address that specific point by Jake, not any of the other arguments. The metaclown is a metaclown, he can’t even settle on a particular Aqeedah, thinks that philosophical arguments can be counted as evidence and got decimated whenever he tried debating academics, Muslim or not. Then again, you are as much of a clown as he is.
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
@@LuvYeNeighborCatechism says they are "included in the plan of salvation" after saying that outside of the Church there is no salvation in order to remind us that God gives sufficient grace for all to be saved. God wants Muslims to convert to Christ too, even the ones who are ignorant of Christ through no fault of their own. Those Muslims who remain outside of the Church despite full advertance and without coercion, will not be saved, because they did not cooperate with the plan of salvation.
Muslims really do have some wild arguments. The part about Mohammed conversing with God as proof made me chuckle. There are a lot of Evangelicals who have a "personal relationship with Jesus" many of whom claim to converse with him in almost the same way as you converse with their pal down at the bar. Does that make every Evangelical a prophet of God? Please don't give them any novel ideas haha. Ultimately I invite everyone to read the Quran once. I didn't think much of it. But if nothing else you'll better understand 1/3 of the world's population.
In my experience, Muslims are not much better if at all at scriptural knowledge than Christians. When I put up 10 wild claims of Islam backed by Islamic sources, I get crickets or deflections to Christianity instead of actual admission that the wild claims are indeed a part of the true canon of their beliefs.
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
@@LuvYeNeighbor Profess Christ as Lord. Recognize you are powerless to save yourself from sin. Recognize the only path to God is through Christ. Repent daily, follow Jesus, cling to God.
Hey Trent! A while back you made an abortion video and mentioned a common hypothetical of a burning building where you can save a child or frozen embryos and mentioned that it “deserved its own video”. I would love to see that be a topic you cover soon :)
This just amounts to the train dilemma, which isn't really a moral dilemma at all. Save what you are able and willing to save, and if you could not have saved everyone, the evil is not of your making.
He addressed it in the past as well. He gave another question. If you were the last of the human species, and you were forced to choose between saving an older man and 1,000 embryos that would repopulate the world, which would you choose?" Most people would save the 1,000 embryos. It's not because the older man isn't objectively a life that we want to save.
@@danieljoyce6199 I like your comment, but "last of the species" adds a different dimension to the question that probably throws us off from the heart of the issue. Even those who don't accept the embryos as living human beings probably still would choose the "unliving" over the living, as the continuation of the human race is at stake. But the point of concern is not only the intrinsic value of the embryos as continuators of the species, but their status as living humans/ persons (thus their value in their own right).
Islam's claims about Christian beliefs are enough to tell you it is incorrect. A book eternally in the presence of God wouldn’t make such rudimentary mistakes. Christians do not worship Mary, but an Arabian warlord going off of heresay might see it that way. God would certainly know better.
@fcb8354 We have no idols in our Church. Statues and icons, yes, but we don't worship these objects. Mary, though elevated above every other Saint, is still human, not a goddess. Christ is God, therefore due worship. Hope that clears things up for you.
@@Ufb10And a central point of Islam is bowing down towards a cube that pagans used. And kissing a black stone that's shaped like a woman's body part. Which even in Muslim sources one of Muhammad's followers said that kissing it has no benefits and only did it because Muhammad kissed it. So show us a pre-islamic Source showing Abraham was in Arabia, Specifically where the Kaaba is today.
@@Ufb10 Christians don't think any object can forgive sins, only God forgives sins. Muslims kiss a black stone that they believe can forgive sins and that on Day of Resurrection, the stones comes to life and advocates for you. Please refute this. 1) Proof Sahih al-Bukhari 1603 Narrated Salim that his father said: I saw Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) arriving at Mecca; he kissed the Black Stone Corner first while doing Tawaf and did ramal in the first three rounds of the seven rounds (of Tawaf). 2) Proof Reference : Mishkat al-Masabih 2577 In-book reference : Book 10, Hadith 71 Grade: Sahih (Albani) He reported God's messenger as saying, “The black stone descended from paradise whiter than milk, but the sins of the descendants of Adam made it black." Ahmad and Tirmidhi transmitted it, the latter saying that this is a hasan sahih tradition. 3) Proof Grade: Sahih (Darussalam) Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 860 In-book reference : Book 9, Hadith 53 English translation : Vol. 2, Book 4, Hadith 860 Abbas bin Rabi'ah said: "I saw Umar bin Al-Khattab kissing the (Black) Stone and saying: 'I am kissing you while I know that you are just a stone, and *if I had not seen the Messenger of Allah kissing you, I would not kiss you.'"* 4) Proof Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 961 In-book reference : Book 9, Hadith 155 English translation : Vol. 2, Book 4, Hadith 961 Ibn Abbas narrated that: The Messenger of Allah said about the (Black) Stone: "By Allah! Allah will raise it on the Day of Resurrection with two eyes by which it sees and a tongue that it speaks with, testifying to whoever touched it in truth." Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)
Very interesting and informative; I was curious as to what were the arguments that Muslims use to prove the truth of their religion; this video has done a very good job in responding to my question. Thank you for taking the time to make it.
Many other people who have been dealing with the Islamic Apologists have tried to get top Islam apologists to debate the topic is Islam true have been ignored. The Islamic apologists just don’t seem to want to debate the topic is Islam true. I hope that you can find one to debate the topic with you. Also Islamic Apologists routinely violate debate rules and back out of debates and also make personal attacks on people who debate them. Just be prepared.
I love all of the videos that teach us about the nonsense of Islam, but you Trent, are unique in dismantling the arguments of Islam, Protestantism etc by by being methodical sober and polite. You don't mock or demean. I always enjoy your videos and learning from you. May Almighty God protect you and guide you. You are doing a great job! Thanks.
Tell me this how does trinity and Jesus being the body of god work how can your god need to use the bathroom and sleep. You are giving your god limitations and saying he sacrificed himself for us. How does god sacrifice himself how can a god die
@@Vortexrl-wx9hp In Christianity you see the true God. The Judeo Christian God teaches us to love Him and to love one another. The spread of the message of love caused the Arabian warlords to create a religion that would enable men to fight in their wars and conquests; instead of proclaiming peace and love. It is why Islam is the only religion based on violence. Jesus always was and always will be God, before during and after becoming man. After choosing the Israelites to be the chosen people He gave the prophets the wisdom to know that a Messiah would come. See for example Isaiah 53. No one can fully understand the nature of God or the Trinity. For that reason the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus frequently referred to the Father. The revelation of the Trinity during Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles for example enables theologians to now see the hints in the Old Testament about the Trinity. For example in Genesis it says that in beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The original Hebrew used the word Elohim which means Gods. Why does God refer to Himself in the plural? In Genesis 1:4 He says that man was made in “our image”. The wages of sin is death. For that reasons Jesus offered His life on the Cross to the Father for our sins. Whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. After His body died, Jesus (with body) resurrected and ascended into Heaven. Have a look at the miracles of the Shroud of Turin and the Eucharistic miracle at Buenos Aires in 1996. Our Lady called Muslims to Christianity at Zeitoun. All these things will pay you well to research.
@@Vortexrl-wx9hpSimple, He chose to, God can do whatever He pleases, and he chose to come down as a human and die a cruel death because of His great love for humanity.
I am not a Muslim because of the problems it has within society. It says a person can beat their wives, it calls Jesus the messiah but doesnt give definition why. Jesus Christ is the only religious figure we can actually pinpoint in our lives. Not just spiritually, or mentally but in society. Jesus has an influence which is undeniable today. Through writers, prophecies, miracles, and words He says in the gospels. This is all despite having an empty tomb in Israel, the only empty tomb of biblical figures.
Muslim means literally “one who submits (to God)”, so "Christians" who submit to a trinitarian (…or unitarian) God are also muslim, they just don’t recognize the Quran as legitimate. “Christian” literally means “one who follows Christ” (not necessarily God), though in reality most Christians follow the Church, even though the churches were supposed to be humble and poor communities. The world gets easier if to take things literally and honestly.
Muslim here, your arguments didn’t convince me, but I really appreciate your channel because you don’t insult or use provocative words towards us. You present your points eloquently and respectfully compared to David Wood. I must admit also sometimes some muslims youtubers are extremely dismissive and aggressive towards Christianity. Keep the good work.
😊I am. Irish. I was brought up Catholic but am now agnostic. I follow no religion Igion. One thing that turns me off religion is religious tribalism which I certainly witnessed in Ireland. Thankfully you are free of this bigotry. I find your comments as a Muslim refreshing. Wishing you peace and joy in your life.
I suggest you turn to Jesus. Jesus is the only way to heaven. There is no salvation without the blood of Jesus. You as a Muslim don't know where you are going. Jesus promised everlasting life. Anyone who believes in the name of Jesus and repents will be saved. You are a following a man who doesn't know where he is going. You need to leave Mohammed.
I do love how much Muslims harp on about how great Arabic is… when it’s very possible that several of the grammatical and structural errors found throughout the Arabic Quran is due to it having first been written in Syriac.
The early Arabs probably noticed people tended to cry when being forced to recite the Quran after their entire family was beheaded in front of them and thought, “Wow! This text must be so moving!”
The vedas have been passed down as an oral tradition for about 3400 years in India, so the claims about the Quran being unique is this way is completely false.
Instead of speaking like your false prophet should you not show how others are blinded? Islam is basically a useless religion it just scoffs at others and offers no proof it is true!!
@@aga7299lol like they treat you like animal in human form just like natenyahu said" struggle between children of heaven and children of the jungle" this the proof how they few palestinian as animal even if you become ex muslim that will never erase being child of childrens of jungle like your ancestors and parents are muslims their dirty blood the people of the jungle" still flow through you veins even if you become atraitor you will be dog licking their shoes to look validation from them😂
Why I am not a Muslim: "By their fruits you shall know them".
That doesn't tell you Islam is false though. If you think Morality comes from God than under Islam if it were true Morality would be good independent from how you label fruits.
@@omnikevlar2338 Yes, morality comes from God, but logic and reasoning can be done on our own. We are called to decide about God on our own, aren't we? That being said, it can be objectively PROVEN with basic logic that, for example, pedophilia is bad. Children are highly impressionable and are not mentally or emotionally ready. That is why most countries have age of consent laws, which don't consider children's "consent" as real since their brains are still developing. So, we can conclude that pedophilia is bad. So, the only way a religion could say that such a thing is morally correct is if that religion says that doing evil is actually morally right in the eyes of God. Muhammad had a 9 year old wife, yet promoted doing the right thing. We know from logic and reasoning that having a 9 year old wife is mentally destructive for the child, and therefore selfish, so how can Muhammad say to be selfless and to not do evil?
@@Elemented I love this! I completely agree with your assessment that we can rely on human intuition to determine right from wrong. I would also apply this to the practice of slavery. The practice of slavery is morally reprehensible and yet the Bible condoned it. Can we use your reasoning and apply it to the Bible as well?
Careful though because then you would join the church with the best fruits, no? Who is advocating for this?
He didn't grant that morality rests on moral intuition, muslims don't believe pedophilia is morally wrong for example, so your own criteria is debunked.
Low information atheists are just terrible.
Our catholic brothers in the middle east also have chants in arabic that can make u emotional
You should hear them in Aramaic. Absolutely beautiful! Especially thinking that Jesus himself said these words when on earth. My daughter doesn’t want to go to any other mass but the Chaldean mass. At first she didn’t understand why she needed to learn our language. And I told her because we’re a very small minority of people on earth that still speak the language Jesus spoke. If we don’t continue it, it will die. She was like ‘Jesus spoke our language, that’s so cool!’ 😅
I listened to russian chanting and made me cry during an eastern orthodox mass
@alqoshgirl Are you by chance in the Chaldean Catholic community in California? One of my best friends is Iraqi and his family goes to Mass there. 😊 They are people of great faith.
@@michaelbarry1664 Michigan! There’s a large community in California indeed. I have family who live there
@@alqoshgirloh wow you're from alqosh the original Chaldeans.
I can't believe Trent addressed my comment. I feel like a fan boy now. I am showing this to my wife haha. Thank you Trent, I love your videos. As a Texan I encounter many Muslims and videos like these help a lot. I can't wait to finish the video later today.
Hahaha as a Muslim I watched this video . I can conclude ALHAMDULLILAH I was born into Islam. What a blessing. The eyes are open but the hearts are closed 👍.
@@Ufb10- our eyes are open. Our ears and minds and hearts are open. But the moment we open our mouths, you'll lambast us from the closedness of your own mind.
Yet it is Allah who closes our eyes and hearts lol.
@@Ufb10 Ahlan, kaifu Haaluka? Islam can be a beautiful religion with many elements that can be proven true. However, as Trent stated, not everyone can be true when both sides are presenting contradicting claims. Thank you for stopping by to comment and I appreciate you taking the time to watch this video. I hope someday we can meet in person and discuss this in a timely and civil manner. I have many great Muslim friends and would love to meet more, Insha'allah.
Love the video!
Yooo, Love your videos IP
Can I ask a question Michael?
Yoo the goats
@@Sheikh_Al-Kurdi Yes my son?
Bro DC dawah refuted his dumn arguments
Trent really used double rainbow to argue against Islam. Love it.
"What grown man hasn't cried when watching the episode of Fresh Prince when Will gets abandoned by his father again?"
@laurahorn I definitely cried. That was a good scene
Right. 😂.
@@laurahornI'm that guy, I didn't cry
Very ironic
Dude, you are so calm, watching your videos is actually soothing for anxiety. Thank you.
It even had me crying, like a reaction video to the quran 😂😂😂😂😂
@@r.m5883 lmao
I left islam and a lot of what you said was why and I became a Christian thank you Trent!!!
God bless you
god bless you as well@@catholicchristdisciple
@@NICKPWARD1998 do you're parents know you left ?
@catholicchristdisciple they both passed away from, cancer my dad died in 2021 I think had they been alive my dad would be very open to that my mom not so much
@@NICKPWARD1998 I'm sorry to hear about youre parents
Mohammed didn't even believe that an angel visited him the first time - he thought it was the devil. It's the only thing he ever got right.
Satan do come as the angel of light
Benny the clit lips, it IS Arc angel Gabriel NOT angel.
Yes absolutely right. Angel Gabriel never show aggressiveness towards humans unlike the "shadow" that visited him in the cave who strangled him 3x (almost killing him) just to make him read a passage which he cannot because he's illiterate.
you are wrong. he got 1 more other thing right. can you guess what that other thing is? it's his prophecy of his own death. how he would die. by getting his aorta cut off, if this happened it would be proof that he was a false prophet. how did he die? he got poisoned by a jewish woman , the poison cut off his aorta.
@@mommyleigh2321Can you elaborate on this? I’m Christian and just want to here more about this
"Even if I wasn't a Christian, I still wouldn't be a Muslim." ❤🔥🔥❤🔥
The cry of "Allahu Akbar" sends chills to the spine for any non-Muslim and his instinct is to immediately ran for cover.
Well said the fonder of Islam was a murdering child Rapist that literally states in the Quran kill all polytheists and non believers
You can't be muslim unless you amongst the blessed one
The deaf dumb and blind will never see the truth because they have been misguided by the so called Christians telling them what they want to hear
@@jamesrey3221 please tell me you’re like 12 at the most 🤦♂️ because of you were any older and still saying this stupid shit it’d just be sad
Islam denying the absolute historical account of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection is enough to debunk the religion.
Yup. They also say in a passage to trust everything that the Bible says. The Bible says Jesus was God.
Which creates a dilemma for them. If the Bible is true, the quaran is false. If the Bible is false, the quaran is false. Either way, Islam is false!
They would say that the crucifixion “appeared” to happen by Allah. I don’t think they fully understand the implications of this.
This means that Allah tricked Jesus’ own apostles, the Jews and countless Christians to come into unknowingly committing shirk for 600 years until the arrival of Muhammed. This is very evil stuff.
Try to remember that's a Christian view you are espousing, and it's not mandatory (not even according to heaven) or in any way "absolute" (at least not on earth.) It is your faith and belief, other people and other cultures have different faiths and beliefs.
@@subcitizen2012it is a historical fact
@@subcitizen2012accept your point but the minimal facts argument which includes theist and atheist historians agrees that Jesus was crucified and died.
The Sermon on the Mount can make one very emotional too, and so true: it’s a subjective criteria. Islam is just historically ignorant that denies the crucifixion of Jesus
The sermon on the mount is a higher law. The 10 commandments are God's lowest revealed law for an obstinate and unworthy people. It isn't logical to assume that the people of Enoch were living solely the Ten Commandments when they were raised into the heavens.
That is why Paul said things like "Milk before meat" and that he had much more to teach if the people were not "dull of hearing" Christ would give us his disciples more laws if they were able to keep the ones they have.
The Quran says people thought Jesus was crucified, guess what history says?
@@StanbyMode that Jesus was crucified. Roman, Jewish, and Christian sources alike: Josephus, Tacitus, and Lucian, along with all the New Testament books and authors, and other non-biblical early church patristics
@@Grantthecatholic so wheres the problem then? The Quran says people thought Jesus was crucified; history, which is written by the same people that thought that, says the same
@@StanbyMode the Quran quotes “Jesus” (600 years after the fact) saying He never claimed His divinity and says “ And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain” in Sura 157. It says the belief that Jesus was crucified was a lie, which is contradictory to all early church evidence and historical narratives. It also denies the Trinity, and Muslims claim the gospels were corrupted.
Before I became a Christian, as a Westerner poisoned against Christianity, I first looked into Islam. It was attractive. I liked it. But it was obviously manmade. It's the kind of monotheistic religion most guys would invent. Nice rules. Easy self justification. Great incentives for believing. No concept of intrinsic sin. Not a bad way to order a mediaeval society. The Christian message was almost the opposite..but thanks be to God for his graces there is a way. A bunch of guys would not sit around and create Christianity. Yeah, I'm poisoned with sin from before birth that I can do nothing about. There's laws I can follow but cannot hope to keep. My God died on a cross after being tortured and asked me to live a life shaped like his suffering. Don't think you can earn your way into heaven your one and only hope is to throw yourself upon God's mercy. And the pattern to follow is dying to oneself. Not human, clearly divine.
You still have inaccurate concepts abt. Christianity. Are you an atheist?
This is worded quite nicely. I agree with your point as well.
The sins before birth are from your previous incarnations - choices you have made. The dying of oneself is the death of your ego. Jesus is basically giving you a path to ascension, to a better life. Christianity is more spiritual than you think.
In our Holy Bible. it is written that each person has ONLY ONE life on Earth. Therefore, there is no such thing as incaranation.
After having read the Quran twice,front to back and then in the order it was "received", it's clear to me that it's just partial summaries of biblical stories some of which it gets totally wrong. I don't see how anyone who has read the Bible could read it and think it was correct.
Both Muslims and Christians apostates are Biblically illiterate that's why.
bible followers take exception that quran exodus does not have yahweh/jesus entering nurseries to murder ijinocent first born sons in their cribs. only 9 plagues in quran exodus
Same with the bible and the epic of Gilgamesh....
@@peaceandfood7952 the Bible gives us more details vs Gilgamesh.
@@colorwashcarsandguitarsso because there is more details it's true.come one man! You just want to believe I'm not sure why no kids come from virgin, nobody was made from dust or from a rib the earth is not 6000 years old etc...but you want to believe it not sure why....
I love your videos. I was a Calvinist Protestant for 10 years, and now I'm moving towards the Catholic Church. I'm Brazilian, and my English isn't that good, so I have a bit of difficulty following your videos. If one day you add English subtitles, I'll be very happy. Your content helps me a lot. God bless you.
Do you mean you want Portuguese subtitles not English subtitles?
Eu era adventista do sétimo dia, hoje sou católico, e esse canal me ajudou bastante no processo também. Deus te abençoe
@@alisterrebelo9013it’s easier reading than hearing
@@alisterrebelo9013it’s easier to read the English, because people may speak too fast, or mispronounce a word.
@@bobbobb4804 Ah fair enough. I understand the point now.
Trent absolutely DESTROYING Islam in a kind and rational way. Love it.
This is such a poor video.
Lol until a Muslim reacts to this and debunks this video and then what will you say
@@Omar_-5yeah do you want to try???
@Omar_-5 My brother, Islam is an instrument of Satan. Whether during life or during judgement before God, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Christ is Lord. The pains and toils of this earth cannot prepare you for the torments that await you in the lake of fire if you reject Jesus Christ. You must accept that Mohammed lied. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through him. Repent and believe the Gospel, my brother.
without lie islam die, because in islam lie is obligatory
Thank you so much Trent for making this! And please keep them coming, where I live in Sweden we are surrounded by more and more Muslims and we need to know how to answer them. This is so helpful!
I’m amazed how this Muslim Apologist’s proofs are largely based on opinion. ‘Most eloquent language’ is entirely subjective and there’s no way to prove that! I think the Quran should have been written in Lithuanian, because to me that’s the most eloquent 😂
Yeah, What exactly means "most eloquent language"? What makes it more eloquent than English or any other language? I highly doubt He made a detailed linguistic comparison of Arabic with any other language spoken on earth.
There are clear islamic sources that show a scribe filling in the blanks when the founder forgot a verse and it was accepted by him as alternative, so the scribe ran off then knowing he was a fraud, so the mafia boss put a fatwah (hit job) out on him. ..
Sharia even openly endorses lying continuously, so any who has studied knows what it is, repeated lying rewires the neural network of the human mind, this causes exceptional cognitive distortions and leads to instability and can cause a plethora of neuro degenerative diseases.
Also, being eloquent doesn’t mean divine inspiration or worthy content. The existence of the concept of sophistry is a clear testament to this.
Fun fact: Arabic was incomplete in the 7th century .. so why would God choose an incomplete language?😂
@@Thedailydose45 It was barely spoken as well outside of Arabia, it is objectively one of the worse languages to use.
You are literally amazing. God put you “in my life” for a reason. I was falling into the Islam trap and this calmed my mind. Thank you!!
Falling into the Islam trap. What does this even mean. Clearly your soul is searching for something.
@@Ufb10and that more is not your religion for sure.
We don't believe in your fake pedophile prophet dude with a men written book copied from jews and Christian scriptures.
@@Ufb10 Falling for a book that claims to be clear and tries to repeat that to convince people, then you look again and say what the. . .?
1) From what substance were humans made from?
a) Water (Quran 21:30)
b) Dry clay (Quran 15:26)
c) Nothing (Quran 19:67)
d) Clot of blood (Quran 96:2)
2) How long is one day according to Allah?
a) 1 day is equivalent to 1000 years ( Quran 22:47)
b) 1 day is equivalent to 50,000 years (Quran 70:4)
3) Who said this "He is a skilled magician!" ?
a) The elders of Pharaoh's people (Quran 7:109)
b) Pharaoh (Quran 26:34)
4) How long did it take to destroy the Aad tribe?
a) One day (Quran 54:19)
b) Several days (Quran 41:16)
5) Did Noah’s son drown?
a) All of Noah’s family survived (Quran 21:76)
b) Noah’s son drowned (Quran 11:43)
6) How many mothers does one have?
a) One ( Quran 58:2)
b) A plurality (Quran 33:6)
7) Was Jonah cast on the shore?
a) Yes (Quran 37:145)
b) No (Quran 68:49)
8) Does Allah lead people astray?
a) No (Quran 9:115)
b) Yes (Quran 14:4)
9) How many surahs does Allah require to prove that the Quran is not forged?
a) One (Quran 10:38)
b) Ten (Quran 11:13)
10) Will do disbelievers receive their judgment book on Qiyamah?
a) On their back (Quran 84:10)
b) On the left hand (Quran 69:25)
11) How many angels helped Muhammad at Badr?
a) 3000 angels ( Quran 3:124)
b) 1000 angels (Quran 8:9)
12) How many of Thamud killed the divine she-camel?
a) One (Quran 54:29)
b) Several (Quran 7:77)
13) How long does it take to wean?
a) 30 months (Quran 46:15)
b) 24 months, 2 years (Quran 31:14)
14) Does Allah change or abrogate his words?
a) No (Quran 10:64)
b) Yes (Quran 2:106, 16:101)
15) So how many creators are there?
a) Allah is only creator (Quran 40:62)
b) Allah is the best among creatures (Quran 23:14)
16) What happens to mountains on Qiyamah?
a) Become like wool (Quran 70:9)
b) Disappear (Quran 78:20)
17) How many trumpets will be blown on Qiyamah?
a) Two (Quran 79:7)
b) One only (Quran 69:13)
18) When did Pharoah command the killing of the babies?
a) When Moses was a prophet (Quran 40:25)
b) When was Moses a baby (Quran 20:39)
19) Can one bow before anyone but allah?
a) Only Allah (Quran 22:18)
b) To Adam (Quran 2:34)
20) How long did Allah take to create the heavens and the earth?
a) Total 6 days (Quran 10:3)
b) Total 8 days : Earth- 2 days, Heavens- 2 days, Mountains- 4 days (Quran 41:9-12)
Look up David wood and the story of Mohammed. Mohammed was a wicked lust
Look up the story of Mohammed ans David wood. Mohammed was truly a wicked man and no prophet.
When a Muslim tells you Christianity is pagan and idolatrous, remind them they bow down and pray multiple times a day facing a rock in Mecca. And are required to go circle it a number of times in person at least once in life. Sounds idolatrous and pagan to me.
Tell that to the Jews
We pray towards it
Same difference
Why is your god calls a stone in the NT?
And that they travel to see and touch and kiss and lick that stone.
I left Islam this my best decision ever
May I ask what ultimately led you away from Islam?
@@dliocca7052ofcourse if your understand the Quran your will leave
Same from israel
Did you leave Islam as well?
The TRUTH has set you FREE.
Sam Shamoun is an excellent Christian apologist who has great understanding of Islam and also speaks Arabic. Undoubtedly, he has planted many seeds in people in their conversion from Islam to Christianity.
Islam’s idea of Jesus is different than Christianity. I don’t know why Islam, which came 500 years after the death of Jesus, would have correct details of the life of Jesus (they deny He was crucified).
Just FYI, Shamoun does NOT speak Arabic. There are several Arab Christians online - Christian Prince is tha boss, but there are other great folks like Rob Christian, Ahmad ExMuslim, Brother Rachid, and Al-Fadi.
@@kenid4144 the lack of Arabic doesn't mean a thing. Godlogic and Sam Shamoun utilise Muslim scholars such as Ibn-Kathir, Tabri, to prove the demonic beliefs of Mohammed such as the Quran 2:228 talking about waiting periods for girls who haven't menstruated I.e. children.
@@kenid4144He could’ve fooled me with his interactions and how he corrects their grammar 🤷♂️😂
Okay Christian here, and let me try and explain to you the reasoning why muslims say they know about Jesus than those who wrote the Bible even after 500 years or so from His resurrection, well simply it's because they are muslims and believe that the quran is directly from God, so if God wrote it then how can it be wrong, and so if must be the disciples who were lying or misrepresented what actually happened,
@@mojojojo3852This is an argument they could use, but this is why it’s important to have an understanding of the differences between the Quran and the Bible. It’s also important to know some teachings of Muhammad, how the Quran was formed, and the contradictory nature of the Quran/Mohammad especially since he confirmed the Bible.
If Muhammad confirmed the Bible, then how could it be corrupted? If Jesus was accompanied by signs and miracles why did Muhammad say that he did NOT perform miracles? Moreover, why does the character of Muhammad seem to contradict the character of Jesus? Muhammad took in multiple wives, including a child, said one would commit adultery, that taking a woman captive and having s** with her was not adultery, and that in heaven, apparently women are seen as objects in Islam.
Again, I’d check out Sam. He is masterful in getting people to understand the differences between Christianity and Islam.
David Wood is also very good and addresses many of the claims presented in dawa, and the changes and qualifications to their apologetics of recent. Many of their arguments are based in cultural presuppositions that aren’t shared by the world. Also Gordon D. Nickel on the Quran and the claims based on it made against the Torah and New Testament “gentle answer to the Muslim accusation of biblical falsification”.
CIRA International and Rob Christian are also very useful resources! They look at it from the inside out, translating from Arabic.
Looovee David Wood
Yes and destroyed by Daniel in a debate
Jay Smith was raised in India.
The Aramaic word for God is "Alaha". It's the word Isa PBUH used. Sounds familiar?
Written without the confusing vowels it is written A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Daniel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), reduced from the Arabic original (of which Aramaic is a dialect continuum as will be explained) it is written in the Arabic script 'A-L-L-H' (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha) add an A before the last H for vocalization.
The word God in another rendition in Hebrew ʾĕlōah is derived from a base ʾilāh, an Arabic word, written without confusing vowel it is A-L-H in the Arabic script, pronounced ilah not eloah. Hebrew dropped the glottal stop and mumbled it, aramic mumbled a little less and it became elaha. Infact both are written written A-L-H in Arabic, it is pronounced i in Arabic and not A because it is an Alef with hamza below (إ أ ) They are two different forms of Alef. And it mean "a god", it is the non definitive form of A-L-L-H, in which the Alef is without a glottal stop/hamza,(ا), but this kind of nuance is lost in the dialect continua.
infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name."
jesus as his name is often misspelled due to the lack of the ayin sound in Greek, which was rendered to Iesous, coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'Iraq', which sounds entirely different in Arabic form 'Iran' in Arabic, with the -ous Greek suffix that Greeks typically add to their names 'HerodotOS', 'PlotinUS', 'AchelOUS' and later mumbled into a J. The yeshua rendition of Isa (his name in the Qur'an) PBUH which is purported to be the name of Jesus is KNOWN to had been taken from greek. Western Syriac also use "Isho". Western Aramaic (separate from Syriac which is a dialect of Eastern Aramaic) use "Yeshu". Western Syriac has been separate from Western Aramaic for about 1000 years. And sounds don't even match up. Syriac is a Christian liturgical language yet the four letters of the name of Jesus «ܝܫܘܥ» [ = Judeo-Babylonian Aramaic: «ישוע» ] sounds totally different in West vs East Syriac, viz. vocalized akin to Christian Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic «ܝܶܫܽܘܥ» (Yēšūʿ) in West Syriac, but pronounced more akin to Muslim Arabic Quran character name Isa in East Syriac «ܝܑܼܫܘܿܥ» (ʾĪšōʿ). The reason for this confusion is their dropping of phonemes. Only someone that has no idea what the letters are or how they sound would have a name ending in a pharyngeal fricative like the ayin, if it were to be used in a name it would have had to be in the beginning, thus the Arabic rendition is the correct one. An example in English is how the appended -d is a common error amongst the English pronouncing Gaelic names. The name Donald arose from a common English mispronunciation of the Gaelic name Donal. Just how it is with donal becoming donald and the two becoming distinct and the original being regarded as something seperate so too did Isa PBUH turn to Iesous turn to jesus and when they tried going back to the original they confused it for yeshua ( ysu is how it is actually written) for Isa PBUH ( 3'eysah )
Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language:
"From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen.
He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical as will be shown.
"protosemetic" Alphabet (28), Arabic Alphabet (28), Latin transliteration, hebrew (22)
𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼
ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic:
ح, خ (h, kh) merged into only kh consonant remain
س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Shin consonant remaining
ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining
ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining
ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) merged into a reducted ayin consonant remaining
ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining
The reason why the protoS alphabet here is 28 and not 29, is because the supposed extra letter is simply a س written in a different position, but it was shoehorned to obfuscated. In Arabic letter shapes are different depending on whether they are in the beginning , middle or end of a word.
No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims, often boastful of his innovations he said " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic and communistic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It proclaimed that the unsearchable riches of Christ were to be distributed as freely among the Gentiles as among the Jews. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized the correctness of the claim by calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity.
Language; When one looks at the actual linguistics, one will find that many were puzzled by the opposite, that is, how the other "semetic" languages were more "evolved" than Arabic, while Arabic had archaic features, not only archaic compared to bibilical Hebrew, Ethiopic, "Aramaic" contemporary "semetic" languages, but even archaic compared to languages from ancient antiquity; Ugaritic, Akkadain. What is meant here by Archaic is not what most readers think, it is Archaic not in the sense that it is simple, but rather that it is complex (think Latin to pig Latin or Italian or Old English, which had genders and case endings to modern English), not only grammatically, but also phonetically; All the so called semitic languages are supposed to have evolved from protosemetic, the Alphabet for protosemitic is that of the so called Ancient South Arabian (which interestingly corresponds with the traditional Arabic origins account) and has 28 Phonemes. Arabic has 28 phonemes. Hebrew has 22, same as Aramaic, and other "semitic" languages. Now pause for a second and think about it, how come Arabic, a language that is supposed to have come so late has the same number of letters as a language that supposedly predates it by over a millennium (Musnad script ~1300 BCE). Not only is the glossary of phonemes more diverse than any other semitic language, but the grammar is more complex, containing more cases and retains what's linguists noted for its antiquity, broken plurals. Indeed, a linguist has once noted that if one were to take everything we know about languages and how they develop, Arabic is older than Akkadian (~2500 BCE).
Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken?
The creator is neither bound by time nor space, therefore the names are uttered as they truly were, in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing. In fact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it. Not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book, in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take. It is so high in fact, that it had yet to be surpassed despite the fact that over the last millennium the collection of Arabic manuscripts when compared on word-per-word basis in Western Museums alone, when they are compared with the collected Greek and Latin manuscripts combined, the latter does not constitute 1 percent of the former as per German professor Frank Griffel, in addition all in a script that had never been recorded before. Thus, the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began, and the age of reason and rationality was born from its study.
God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
"Since Arabic is the most eloquent language to have ever existed" I had to LAUGH at that! I heard a preacher saying something like that about the English used in the Kig James version of the Bible!!!
That is one of the worst proofs of any religion. MORMONS claim their religion is true partly because it reads like the KJV which is the only English translation they trust because it sounds regal.
Probably Sanscrit is the most eloquent language ever
@@Ilovemarvelll personally I think it’s Latin, but which language is the most eloquent is not something we can really prove
French and Italian sound far more beautiful and elegant to me.
@@sharkinator7819 Because nobody knows how it was pronounced, what it sounded like spoken?
"When people listen to the Quran being recited, they start to cry." He's right. I do cry. Because I feel like a demon is attacking me. No, seriously. I try to read the Quran, and every time I do, I end up with physical and mental pain, and I start having demonic nightmares. I can't stand recitations of the Quran.
When i read the story of “prophet jesus” i felt ill because of its blasphemous nature, I couldn’t even finish it
U are possessed by a jinn, brother
@@Cragdaro I'm female 🥰
@@mikaelacash3791 I think they meant brother as in “brethren in Christ” like St. Paul says many times lol. But I completely agree with your original comment. I’ve tried to read the Quran many times and I get awful migraines and feel sick to my stomach. Scary stuff, straight from the mouth of Satan.
@@RightCross22 I'd agree, except that they're clearly Muslim considering jinn are a Muslim thing, so definitely not "brethren in Christ" 😂 Ad I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences this sort of issue with trying to read the Quran. Nini said they got sick because the Bible is "blasphemous", but I hadn't even made it past the first Surah, so it clearly wasn't an issue with m finding the Quran blasphemous, because I hadn't even gotten to the blasphemous content yet. The book itself is demonic.
“You bow to no one.” Gets me every time.
Excuse me while I go get all emotional and cry. That scene was so beautiful.
better than worshiping a man who objects to being worshipped.
@@lrwhittinger1840Who and where?
😂 What are you talking about???
Currently reading through the Quran. I agree with Antony Flume, "To read the Quran is to do penance".
The biggest problem for the Quran and Islam though is that Surah 3:3 tells us that the Torah and Gospel are divinely inspired by God. Which means that either the Quran is wrong and they aren't, meaning that Islam is false, or the Quran is correct, meaning that Muhammad is a false prophet because the Gospel teaches Jesus death, deity and resurection, all of which the Quran deny. It also says the trinity is comprised of Allah, Jesus, and Mary.
Not to mention the whole Jesus was replaced and only made to appear crucified means that Allah led the entire Christian community in to shirk, the only unpardonable sin in Islam, for no discernible benefit, and didn't correct anyone for over 500 years. I love Muslims that are in my life, but Islam is a mess.
It's historicity is also a mess. The early, supposedly Islamic caliphs used Christian symbols on their coins. The Original inscriptions on the Dome of the Rock are clearly just Aryan Christian texts. Islam is a farse.
@@xp9901 W
Please watch Christian Prince videos. Automatically you will learn islam
@xp9901 LOL.. I like your reaction. But, I feel sorry for you.
Islam simply can not be true because historical evidence from the apostles' progenies.
From history we learn that the earliest followers of Christ (who muslim thinks is a muslim Himself) did not subscribe to Islamic believe but Christian one. From the writing of Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, three who knew the apostles, they sound nothing like Islam.
Christ followers in the late first century and early second century were nothing like Islam.
So Islam is like someone who claim:
- Cleopatra was Genghis Khan's daughter.
- Alexander the Great conquered China.
- etc.
History doesn't corroborate the Islamic narratives.
I asked a Muslim about that, and he's answer was that Muslims believe that priests corrupted it. At least that particular Muslim reads the Bible, so, I guess that's a start.
@@adamcharleshovey7105 The corruption would have to be started by the apostles, since the disciple of the apostles themselves (Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycap of smyrna) believed the Christian faith instead of the Islamic faith.
But muslims consider the apostles (even other biblical figure like Joseph of Arimetea, Nicodemus etc) as holy.
@@adamcharleshovey7105how convenient for them that everything that agrees with them is true and everything that does not was corrupted by someone.
@@TitusFlavius11 Because quran / islam can be validated while biblical accounts are heresay at best. There is no known chain of transmission, no study of whether what they were saying is legit or not, because no one bothered to record Jesus while he was still alive. Efforts to write a bible were done decades later and people started debating wtf christianity is supposed to be 3-4 centuries later.
Islam already knew what it was since jump. Because everyone was validating islam from the beginning and we have proof of that with chains of transmission.
Christians literally believe in the words of the bible and take it for granted as if its the words of God without question.
If muslims were like that, we wouldve been blown into kingdom fuck with yet another 1000 different denominations still arguing wtf did Jesus / Muhammad left us with.
In essence almost nothing in the bible can be validated because there is no evidence apart from heresay, old people re-mentioning the stories through generations.
Stories like genesis, or main prophets in essence are always true because many sources and religions transmit the same story. But when a religion claims a new invention, it needs evidence no one can produce.
Even prophets brought miracles so people could believe. No one listened to a "prophet" and believed immediately like a mule. Even when they did miracles they stoned them in disbelief because belief needs intellect and reasoning, not just blind following.
So how did Jesus pray?
I grew up Mormon, converted to Catholicism, and this all sounds very familiar...
Yes. As an atheist I would love to see a more seasoned Christian apologist challenge Muslim arguments.
Try Dr Jay Smith, Sam Shamoun, Christian Prince, Dr David Wood. Also Bob from Speaker's Corner in England.
Also Soco Films channel, they show a lot of debates at Speaker's Corner, which is a dangerous job in London.
@@junglelawman728yes all of them already been destroyed and careers ruin David qood closed down his channel while all the Muslim ones are Stull going snd no David wqa not banned his career just ruined even Christians don't claimed him anymore
Try harder
@@Trilliman707 Jesus is God!
The devil is already defeated. REVELATION 20:10
And the devil who had deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are; and they shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever
@junglelawman728 Hebrews 2:9
But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.
So God is lower than angels? Lower tha his own creation? I thought he was almighty
The Quran is unique and unchanged!
*ignore the numerous different versions, translations, and traditions of the Quran that exist today*
Not to mention the numerous times according to history written BY MUSLIMS that various Caliphs and Islamic governments had old Qurans rounded out for destruction so they could be replaced by newer versions with the now “corrected” scriptures.
what traditions and versions ? where can I see them
@@AshTheGamerIsAwesome look up the differences betwen warsh quran and hafs quoran. These are the 2 most famous variants in the muslim world. But there are also around 28 other variants that u could find online.
@@MiidoKinGs aight bet. is it translational variants or something greater
@@AshTheGamerIsAwesome it's in arabic so it's not a translation bcz they are all in arabic whicch is the original language
@@MiidoKinGs They are [clearly] different recitations, with varying enunciation and certain emphasis on how to pronounce the words, that doesn't change any difference in the word's meanings.
Trent's crusade arc commences
Imagine a legion of geared up crusaders attempting goofy jujitsu moves and talking about their knee i jury.
Ex-Muslim here, now an atheist. I left Islam in 2016 and finally freed myself from this death cult .
Wish you would be Christian, but better being neutral than negative, good job bro
What made you leave.
where do you live?,do you really being a muslim or just followed your parents or stuff?
Suuure you did
I ask my fellow Christians to please remain respectful in their comments. Most Muslims are not aware that Jesus willingly died for THEIR sins too - not just Christians or Jews, but for all souls including Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus...etc. He willingly gave himself as an unblemished offering in an act of total obedience to the Father.
Actually they understand that part of the Gospel. They reject the idea of sacrificial atonement because the Quran teaches that no one else can bear the sins of another. They don't understand that Jesus as God can do as He pleases and can sacrifice himself for us sinners. This is why apologists treat this as a side issue and instead focus on showing the evidence of Jesus as God.
Jesus went kicking and screaming to the cross hardly voluntarily
@@etzelkaplan9677 You like Satan, are a liar. No proof = liar.
@@etzelkaplan9677is that what it says in the Qur'an?
@@showmeanedge no we believe god rased hum up unharmed.
Imagine you’re singing in Arabic “Kill those who do not believe in the prophet “ and people start crying
We would have to imagine since no such verse exists as you put it.
As a man that live in a nation that colonized by christian nation for more than 550 years I can destroy ur argument in a second
@@mohamudahmed6554 @mohamudahmed6554 There is a mountain of evidence for islam being horrendously violent and out of control. ALL the world's civil wars of recent decades = ALL islamic, all the other religions learned to abandon this, what could possibly be causing it?
@@mohamudahmed6554actually it does.
32:15 There’s trends that suggest otherwise. Christianity is growing through conversion more than Islam is, while Muslim birthrates are declining rapidly, and Islam is beginning to experience much of the same disaffiliation that Christianity has struggled with.
I read somewhere that up to 40% of Iranians no longer consider themselves to be Muslim, but play along so as not to be beheaded. Island apostasy rate is through the roof. Their apologists even have videos crying about it. I mean literally crying.
Where did you hear that? All the data I have seen point towards Islam projected to be the most popular by 2070.
@@omnikevlar2338 Where did I hear which one. I can't remember where I heard the stat about Iran, but I have yet to meet an Iranian who was actually Muslim.
The crying about the rate of apostasy, just Google it. It's out there.
@@omnikevlar2338The thing is, how is this even relevant to the validity of one’s faith?
@@omnikevlar2338 not the most popular, just numerically drawing ahead due to birth rates, not conversion. However the demographic trends are now downwards to the trend won’t continue and yes, apostasy is growing from both religions worldwide.
2:30 perfect preservation is a lie (and serious scholars also admit this).
22:20 mohammed having never lied is also a lie.
Jesus and Buddha (my 2 preferred religious figures) both drew their teachings from their own authority and didn't have to go around murdering, pillaging and r@p1ng to spread their teachings.
4:30 - this is why I love Trent. He acknowledges any potential weaknesses or contradictions in his arguments and directly responds to them instead of trying to sweep them under the rug.
On one hand I appreciate that you take on these enemies of the church. On the other hand discussing Islam as a proper religion is like discussing pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation. But the guy is right, the Quran is up there in it’s uniqueness…together with Mein Kampf. 😂
Mein Kamph is one of the most popular books in the Arab World. You'll have no trouble finding it in bookstores in Arab areas in the US, such as Dearborn, Michigan.
The Aramaic word for God is "Alaha". It's the word Isa PBUH used. Sounds familiar?
Written without the confusing vowels it is written A-L-H ܐ ܠܗܐ (alap-lamed-he) as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Daniel, Ezra), Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), reduced from the Arabic original (of which Aramaic is a dialect continuum as will be explained) it is written in the Arabic script 'A-L-L-H' (Aleph-Lam-Lam-Ha) add an A before the last H for vocalization.
The word God in another rendition in Hebrew ʾĕlōah is derived from a base ʾilāh, an Arabic word, written without confusing vowel it is A-L-H in the Arabic script, pronounced ilah not eloah. Hebrew dropped the glottal stop and mumbled it, aramic mumbled a little less and it became elaha. Infact both are written written A-L-H in Arabic, it is pronounced i in Arabic and not A because it is an Alef with hamza below (إ أ ) They are two different forms of Alef. And it mean "a god", it is the non definitive form of A-L-L-H, in which the Alef is without a glottal stop/hamza,(ا), but this kind of nuance is lost in the dialect continua.
infact "YHWH" itself is an Arabic word as discussed by Professor. Israel Knohl (Professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) in the paper" YHWH: The Original Arabic Meaning of the Name."
jesus as his name is often misspelled due to the lack of the ayin sound in Greek, which was rendered to Iesous, coupling the nearest sound to ayin, same letter found in 'Iraq', which sounds entirely different in Arabic form 'Iran' in Arabic, with the -ous Greek suffix that Greeks typically add to their names 'HerodotOS', 'PlotinUS', 'AchelOUS' and later mumbled into a J. The yeshua rendition of Isa (his name in the Qur'an) PBUH which is purported to be the name of Jesus is KNOWN to had been taken from greek. Western Syriac also use "Isho". Western Aramaic (separate from Syriac which is a dialect of Eastern Aramaic) use "Yeshu". Western Syriac has been separate from Western Aramaic for about 1000 years. And sounds don't even match up. Syriac is a Christian liturgical language yet the four letters of the name of Jesus «ܝܫܘܥ» [ = Judeo-Babylonian Aramaic: «ישוע» ] sounds totally different in West vs East Syriac, viz. vocalized akin to Christian Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic «ܝܶܫܽܘܥ» (Yēšūʿ) in West Syriac, but pronounced more akin to Muslim Arabic Quran character name Isa in East Syriac «ܝܑܼܫܘܿܥ» (ʾĪšōʿ). The reason for this confusion is their dropping of phonemes. Only someone that has no idea what the letters are or how they sound would have a name ending in a pharyngeal fricative like the ayin, if it were to be used in a name it would have had to be in the beginning, thus the Arabic rendition is the correct one. An example in English is how the appended -d is a common error amongst the English pronouncing Gaelic names. The name Donald arose from a common English mispronunciation of the Gaelic name Donal. Just how it is with donal becoming donald and the two becoming distinct and the original being regarded as something seperate so too did Isa PBUH turn to Iesous turn to jesus and when they tried going back to the original they confused it for yeshua ( ysu is how it is actually written) for Isa PBUH ( 3'eysah )
Schlözer in his preparation for the Arabia expedition in 1781 coined the term Semitic language:
"From the Mediterranean to the Euphrates, from Mesopotamia to Arabia ruled one language, as is well known. Thus Syrians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Arabs were one people (ein Volk). Phoenicians (Hamites) also spoke this language, which I would like to call the Semitic (die Semitische)." -Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German By Han F. Vermeulen.
He was only half right though, Arabic is the only corollary to "proto-semitic", infact the whole semitic classification is nonsensical as will be shown.
"protosemetic" Alphabet (28), Arabic Alphabet (28), Latin transliteration, hebrew (22)
𐩠 𐩡 𐩢 𐩣 𐩤 𐩥 𐩦 𐩧 𐩨 𐩩 𐩪 𐩫 𐩬 𐩭 𐩮 𐩰 𐩱 𐩲 𐩳 𐩴 𐩵 𐩶 𐩷 𐩸 𐩹 𐩺 𐩻 𐩼
ا ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن ه و ي
A b t ṯ j h kh d ḏ r z s sh ṣ ḍ ṭ ẓ ʿ ġ f q k l m n h w y
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת
Merged phonemes in hebrew and aramaic:
ح, خ (h, kh) merged into only kh consonant remain
س, ش (s, sh) merged into only Shin consonant remaining
ط, ظ (ṭ/teth, ẓ) merged into only ṭ/teth consonant remaining
ص, ض (ṣ, ḍ/Tsad ) merged into only ḍ/Tsad consonant remaining
ع, غ (3'ayn, Ghayn) merged into a reducted ayin consonant remaining
ت, ث (t/taw, th) merged into only t/taw consonant remaining
The reason why the protoS alphabet here is 28 and not 29, is because the supposed extra letter is simply a س written in a different position, but it was shoehorned to obfuscated. In Arabic letter shapes are different depending on whether they are in the beginning , middle or end of a word.
No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today, which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered to that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul, whom peter called him enemy, introduced his new creed according to his whims, often boastful of his innovations he said " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic and communistic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It proclaimed that the unsearchable riches of Christ were to be distributed as freely among the Gentiles as among the Jews. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized the correctness of the claim by calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity.
Language; When one looks at the actual linguistics, one will find that many were puzzled by the opposite, that is, how the other "semetic" languages were more "evolved" than Arabic, while Arabic had archaic features, not only archaic compared to bibilical Hebrew, Ethiopic, "Aramaic" contemporary "semetic" languages, but even archaic compared to languages from ancient antiquity; Ugaritic, Akkadain. What is meant here by Archaic is not what most readers think, it is Archaic not in the sense that it is simple, but rather that it is complex (think Latin to pig Latin or Italian or Old English, which had genders and case endings to modern English), not only grammatically, but also phonetically; All the so called semitic languages are supposed to have evolved from protosemetic, the Alphabet for protosemitic is that of the so called Ancient South Arabian (which interestingly corresponds with the traditional Arabic origins account) and has 28 Phonemes. Arabic has 28 phonemes. Hebrew has 22, same as Aramaic, and other "semitic" languages. Now pause for a second and think about it, how come Arabic, a language that is supposed to have come so late has the same number of letters as a language that supposedly predates it by over a millennium (Musnad script ~1300 BCE). Not only is the glossary of phonemes more diverse than any other semitic language, but the grammar is more complex, containing more cases and retains what's linguists noted for its antiquity, broken plurals. Indeed, a linguist has once noted that if one were to take everything we know about languages and how they develop, Arabic is older than Akkadian (~2500 BCE).
Now how is it that the Qur'an came thousands of years later in an alphabet that had never been recorded before, and in the highest form the language had ever taken?
The creator is neither bound by time nor space, therefore the names are uttered as they truly were, in a language that is lexically, syntactically, phonemically, and semantically older than the oldest recorded writing. In fact, that writing appears to have been a simplified version of it. Not only that, but it would be the equivalent of the greatest works of any particular language all appearing in one book, in a perfect script and in the highest form the language could ever take. It is so high in fact, that it had yet to be surpassed despite the fact that over the last millennium the collection of Arabic manuscripts when compared on word-per-word basis in Western Museums alone, when they are compared with the collected Greek and Latin manuscripts combined, the latter does not constitute 1 percent of the former as per German professor Frank Griffel, in addition all in a script that had never been recorded before. Thus, the enlightenment of mankind from barbarism and savagery began, and the age of reason and rationality was born from its study.
God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
Trinitarians are inoculated from rationality, facts and logic. It is no surprise that basic reasoning is entirely lost on those that believe that the creator became one of those he created in order to save the created from his own self. Not to mention the incoherence in the scripture, never minding the creed itself.
Matthew 4:1) Jesus was tempted
[James 1:13) God cannot be tempted
(John 1:29) Jesus was seen
(1 John 4:12) No man has ever seen God
(Acts 2:22) Jesus was and is a man, sent by God
(Numbers 23:19, Hosea 11:9) God is not a man
(Hebrews 5:8-9) Jesus had to grow and learn
(Isaiah 40:28) God doesn't ever need to learn
(1 Corinthians 15: 3-4) Jesus Died
(1 Timothy 1:17) God cannot die
(Hebrews 5:7) Jesus needed salvation
(Luke 1:37) God doesn't need salvation
(John 4:6) Jesus grew weary
(Isaiah 40:28) God cannot grow weary
(Mark 4:38) Jesus slept
(Psalm 121: 2-4) God doesn't sleep
(John 5:19) Jesus wasn't all powerful
(Isaiah 45: 5-7) God is all powerful
(Mark 13:32) Jesus wasn't all knowing
(Isaiah 46:9) God is all knowing
No such thing as the bible, the new testament is a concoction of several books that were deemed canonical, books written in Greek that were given the hellenized names of Apotsles who neither wrote, nor spoke greek to give it an illusion of antiquity, much like the calendar we have today , which was established in the year 535 CE by Dionysus Exegesis so too was the original message altered top that of the pauline credo, a digestible religion to the yet to be converted greeks who had no desire to follow the mosaic laws. None of the disciples spoke of trinity, ate pork or proclaimed it is allowable to do so, yet the miracle begotten paul whom peter called him enemy introduced htis new creed according to his wima, often boastful of his innovations he said " I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles." There is no passage in Paul inconsistent with these quotations; no passage suggesting that the admission of the gentiles into the Christian church was an idea of Jesus, or that it was accepted by the twelve apostles in Jerusalem before the conversion of Paul, or that he received any instruction from them or acknowledged any duty of obedience or submission to them. This gospel which Paul preached and which, according to his boast, was original with him, included many tenets not found in the four gospels or not set forth there in unmistakable terms. By implication, it repudiated the ascetic and communistic maxims of the synoptic gospels, It proclaimed the abrogation of the Mosaic ceremonial law. It proclaimed that the unsearchable riches of Christ were to be distributed as freely among the Gentiles as among the Jews. It announced itself as a new and independent religion; and popular speech recognized the correctness of the claim by calling its adherents Christians, and their doctrine Christianity.
Paul had neither met nor seen Jesus, his relation to the twelve apostles was one of decided independence and even of opposition. He acknowledged no subordination to them. He addressed no doctrinal epistle to them or their churches, and received none from them. He made no reports to them. He did not correspond with them regularly. They never invited him to preach to their congregations and he never invited them to address his converts. He declared that he did not owe his conversion, his baptism, or his doctrine to the twelve, and that he never spent any long time in Jerusalem or in Judea as a Christian missionary. He claimed to be an apostle by a secret divine commission, but the twelve never admitted the validity of his claim. They never gave him the title of apostle; they never said anything indicative of willingness to admit him into their councils. Vacancies occurred in their number, but they never chose him to a vacant place, rather we have statements of Peter with regards to Paul which show nothing but animosity:
"And if our Jesus appeared to you also and became known in a vision and met you as angry with an enemy [recall: Paul had his vision while still persecuting the Christians: Acts 9], yet he has spoken only through visions and dreams or through external revelations. But can anyone be made competent to teach through a vision? And if your opinion is that that is possible, why then did our teacher spend a whole year with us who were awake? How can we believe you even if he has appeared to you?… But if you were visited by him for the space of an hour and were instructed by him and thereby have become an apostle, then proclaim his words, expound what he has taught, be a friend to his apostles and do not contend with me, who am his confidant; for you have in hostility withstood me, who am a firm rock, the foundation stone of the Church"
-Homily 17 Section XIX
On the pauline credo currently called trinitanity Peter said
"For some from among the Gentiles have rejected my lawful preaching and have preferred a lawless and absurd doctrine to the man who is my enemy. And indeed some have attempted, while I am still alive, to distort my words by interpretations of many sorts, as if I taught the dissolution of the law… But that may God forbid ! For to do such a thing means to act contrary to the Law of God which was made to Moses and was confirmed by our Lord in its everlasting continuance. For he said, “The heaven and the earth will pass away, but not one jot or one tittle shall pass away from the Law.”
-Letter of Peter to James, 2.3-5
The old testament is no different, Abijah was a wicked king, and had war with his rival (1. Kings 15:3).
2 Chronicles 13:3 says that Abjiah was pious ; that he took the field with 400,000 men against Jeroboam, who was at the head of 800,000 men ; and in a great battle the King of Israel was defeated, and 500,000 of his men slain.
It seems that, 1,200,000 soldiers sent into the field at one time by two Ssmall tribes, ana the destruction of 500,000 men in one battle, were beneath the notice of the author of Kings.
the word עוֹלֵל, ʿôlēl which means 'Babe, infant, little one, a suckling' occurs 21 King James Bible Verses Of these verses:
“Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
-Psalm 137:9
“Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”
-1 Samuel 15:3
“Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.”
-Hosea 13:16
The other verses are not much different. Infact it is always in association with violence. This is the polar opposite in the Quran in Surah Al-Tanwir, literally "The Englightenining" Surah, Aya 8-9, we have the death of a newborn is mentioned amongst the penultimate signs of the end of times, emphasizing the gravity of such an action. That child, now resurrected, is asked for what wrong doing was she murdered. This is to emphasize that she had done nothing wrong, for she is an infant and this is the day of retribution where those who committed the evil are to be punished. Sins are not inherited by the offspring, this is a doctrine that was developed much later in christianity into what is now called the original sin.
This is the polar opposite in the Qur'an, Surah Al-Ma'idah, Aya 32 (5:32), emphasizes the sanctity of human life. It instructs the Children of Israel that killing an innocent person is a grave sin, akin to killing all of humanity. On the other hand, saving a life is regarded as a virtuous act equivalent to saving all of humanity. The exceptions mentioned for justifiable killing include cases of murder or spreading mischief in the land. Despite the clear guidance given by messengers, some individuals persisted in wrongdoing.
The modifiable testament testament genocide, plunder, mutilation, enslavement, on the other hand.Surah Al-Baqara Aya 190 limits war to those who fight against Muslims, prohibits transgression, and implies respect for human dignity and life Indeed it is what precedes the famous "sword verse", always cited out of context.
Rationality was only born with Islam, those who cannot count have nothing to say, at the end of the day 1+1+1 will never equal 1
God did bring down the Qur’an, Mohamed is his Messenger.
@@mznxbcv12345 well then allah made some huge historical blunders such as Mary being a part of the trinity, Ezra being the son of God which there’s no evidence for, mistaking Mary the mother of Jesus as Miriam the sister of Aaron and denying the crucifixtion of Jesus in which many non Christian’s sources confirm actually happened long before the Quran. Allah can’t keep his facts right.
Maltese word for God is Allah. Malta is predominantly Catholic. Most Semetic languages uses llh but different vowels. @mznxbcv12345
Hey Trent could you address Buddhism? I see a lot of Christians being more sympathetic to Buddhism because of some of the superficial similarities. Thanks for your hard work!
Buddhism is one of the hardest ones to engage with. It took me a few hours of research to identify that Buddhism is an atheistic religion and not because even I can point to their Scriptures But rather from comments from ordinary Buddhists. This is one of the reasons why athiests subscribe to Buddhism.
The best response I have to Buddhism is to ask them, "If there is no God, who is keeping track of your good and bad deeds (sins) and determining what you are reborn as? Who is sending your soul/spirit into the next body? Who determines when you can break out of the cycle of Samsara (life, death and rebirth) and achieve Moksha (liberation from Samsara)?"
I hear people saying that Buddhism is similar to Christianity and I get so confused. It's a fundamentally selfish religion that doesn't concern itself with gods and in which "salvation" is merely a state of mindless contentment where the adherent is ultimately cut off from all relationships. Reincarnation, an eternal universe, karma - these have nothing to do with Christianity.
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
@@LuvYeNeighbor the Roman Catholics are heretics
@@LuvYeNeighbor stop spreading lies. I've already put you in your place in the other thread, you want to start this here again?
While listening I thought, "Doesn't Trent usually choose the best arguments for the other side? Is this really the best they got? ... What, it IS the best they got?! Oh that's sad."
Christians defending the Bible: “We have countless prophecies of Jesus predating him by centuries, the sheer amount of them cannot be ignored. These texts speak of how Jesus will be crucified and rise from the dead.”
Muslims defending the Quran: “it sounds pretty”
I find it funny how Christians need to make strawmans against Islam in order to "debunk" it.
@@lemonke3774 Learn the difference between a joke and an actual defense or argument.
@@HunterXWorld95 learn to not like your own comment.
@@lemonke3774thank you. I’m Muslim now
@@lemonke3774yeah he liked it 17 times
Debunking Islam in 1 second: “Oh sister of Aaron”-Quran 19:28, referring to our blessed Mother.
@@DaneilTMiriam is just a different form of Mary, to be fair.
@@DaneilT Hot take, Mohammed didn't even exist. He is a creation of the Abbasids more than 3 centuries later.
About this, so the virgin Mary is the cousin of St Isabel who was married to Zachariah, who was a priest. Doesn't that make him a Levite, which implies the virgin Mary was likely a Levite? Then she would be a "sister or Aaron"
Traditionally, she's considered to be from the tribe of Judah although over time I've sparingly heard different ones as well
@Qwerty-jy9mj That is mental gymnastics. Truth is, rasulallah overheard the stories from je ws and christians and claimed that they are divine revelations. However there is a hadith where aisha gets angry when a je wish lady told her that aaron and mary are from different era.
@@Qwerty-jy9mj I believe that Saint Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, was a “daughter of Aaron”?
Really interested in this topic, I enjoyed it. More please!
it is not the eyes that are blind, it is the heart.
nice rebuttal! very informative and eloquent, especially considering the logical and philosophical nature of the video that trend made!
@@griffan8994 No logic in the video. Go do your research about Islam, and don't listen to this man
@@IDARYASSYNThen try to debunk it
@@IDARYASSYN yes bro
The video I've been waiting for all this time. I think it's more comfortable to argue with Protestants because we understand each other rather than arguing with Muslims. Defend things from their point of view😂
Please more content like this for learning to have respectful dialogue with Muslims! Thank you.
The human emotional reaction argument was literally dumb. There's a dumber version of this which is like, the oral rectitation made cows react by moving from their stationary position which was easily falsified by showing counter examples.
9:00 best part is that’s just a lie the Quran is very laymen in its speach it’s like reading the writings of a farmer in 1700s America it gets the job done but it’s not being praised for its eloquence
Thanks Trent for this video. My boyfriend and I dialogue about faith and religion all the time as he currently does not hold a certain religion but holds Islamic views and practices coming from a muslim family. We have great conversations but it can be very overwhelming as I feel ill-equipped to defend my faith sometimes because I know I lack a lot of knowledge.
I have loved your videos and podcast for years now, your work has pushed me to grow closer to my faith and to keep pushing myself to learn more. I hope you keep putting more content out like this! God bless 🙏
Your BF probably want to still be Muslims because of the 72 virgin’s promise by Allah to his real followers. But Jesus said in heaven we will be like angels in heaven. so don’t even be jealous about Allahs promise virgins 😅
I recommend watching David Wood his handle is apologetics roadshow
best not to be unequally yoked even if you believe you "love him"
@@allikirman2183I’ll look into his videos, thanks!
@@BornAgain223thank you for your comment, always a great reminder (-: I always do my best to put my faith and God first. Please pray for me and for us! God bless 🙏
Jesus was crucified. This is historical fact. Look at the enemies of the earliest Christians, you'll notice that they all acknowledge that.
First, keep Talmud aside, it is not inspired Book.
Second, Jesus never claimed that he is God but son of God, Jews misunderstood this as God. Jesus clearly said ,he is not seeking his glory but glory of his father , who is God of Jesus and Jews.
Third, The teachings of Jesus is on line of monotheisim . He never diverted from this idea. The old testament was for Jews till the arrival of Messiah (Jesus) , after that they have to follow Jesus, accept his teachings and spread Christianity all over the world, there by spreading of light of good news all over the world. But they rejected him ,even killed him .
Romans killed Jesus not because he was threat to them . The Roman governor Pontius Pilate don't want kill Jesus, but under the pressure of Jews leaders and public, he was forced to do so.
@user-hq2nz7cu6v Thanks for still proving Jesus wasn't a Muslim. If Jesus said he was only the Son of God (which he is) Then that still proves Islam is false since Allah says in the Quran he's a father to nobody since he has no consort (Spouse/girlfriend). No Christian denies Jesus is the Son of God. You just are confusing The Father= God Alone. Otherwise throughout Scripture and early church writings Jesus is called Lord. Do Muslims believe that Jesus is they're lord?
@@supergoji7511 JUDGE of court , ancient RULERS or KINGS are also called LORD, do this mean they are Almighty God?
In Bible Jesus, angels, earthly rulers and judges are also called gods ,with small g, even SATAN is called god of wicked people. This doesn't means, they are ALMIGHTY, CREATOR GOD.
In Bible, Angels and men are also sons of God, , this doesn't mean he produced Angels and men through any woman. This is unimaginable, unthinkable and detestable. What human and animals do to bore children, don't apply on God.
God doesn't produces, he creates. He created Jesus,angels and men ,for this reason he is called their Father .
When someone invents or introduces something new ,he is credited with the title of 'The Father', for example, Galileo is called Father of physics, Gandhi is called Father of nation, Picasso is called Father of modern art. This doesn't means,they made relations with women to invent or introduce something.
Moreover, in Arabic , people use terms like IBNE WATAN and IBNE ZUBAN, mean son of country and son of language, does this means country and language produced son through women. See languages allow us to use such terms.
@@arnoldjackson-q2j Thank you again for admitting you can be a son without sex. You keep on proving Allah is stupid and Islam is silly. I'm not saying you can’t have a son without sex. Allah in the Quran said he can't have a son without sex. You're arguing with Allah of the Quran not me.
@@arnoldjackson-q2j Jesus acted like God, never denied it and even the Jews of his time believed his actions to be blasphemous. Is it possible to blaspheme anyone other than God?
Luke 5:18-21 KJV - 18 And, behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy: and they sought [means] to bring him in, and to lay [him] before him. 19 And when they could not find by what [way] they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with [his] couch into the midst before Jesus. 20 *And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, **_Man, thy sins are forgiven thee._* 21 And the scribes and *_the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?_*
I do appreciate they often sing their text in the original language. It's beautiful practice. That's more or less where my admiration dips out.
@bluntpencils doesn't the bible say "but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman" ( 2 Chronicles 15:13). I always find it strange Christians quote this verse of the Qur'an (out of context by the way) given all the violent passages in the bible.
"the biggest majority of muslims in the world have no idea what they are singing and dont even know what the quran even says" do you have a source for this?
@bluntpencilsMuslim who know the entire Quran but don’t know Arabic . Have read the Quran and it’s translation, and know the overall stories and lessons in the Quran they just couldn’t translate it in their language word for word. It’s not like they’re reading some demonic text and not know what it says.
@bluntpencils Surah 9.29 this is what it actually says. “Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture,1 until they pay the tax,2 willingly submitting, fully humbled.” Basically saying non Muslims living in Muslim lands committing crimes and that refuse to pay the tax, that also Muslims pay. It says to fight them. Obviously they have the chance to leave or simply pay the tax. If the Quran told Muslims to kill non believers, 2 billion Muslims, think about it this world would be mayhem. Non Muslims go to Muslim countries all the time and have a great time. So stop with the Islamophobia.
@@Ace-mw9pm except that the Jizya is imposed on Christians and Jews along with a requirement that they are not allowed to defend themselves, having to rely on the Muslim majority to do so. That’s discriminatory in essence and leaves minorities in a dependent and vulnerable position. Historically it has gone along with other discriminatory practices so should be opposed on principle.
This is a reasoned evidence based criticism of a bad idea which is a very long way from “Islamophobia”
@@lapis_lazuli578Hello! I looked through the passage you commented and what’s interesting about this passage is that God did not order the Israelites to put anyone to death in this passage, but it was the people who entered into an agreement amongst themselves to commit to following God again. The passage also states that all Judah rejoiced after they chose to make this promise amongst themselves and that God gave them rest. I definitely wanted to check out this passage when I read your comment, so thank you!
It's funny because the "arguments" used by Muslims are very similar to the "arguments" used by Mormons.
The Muslim used "crying" as an argument? Wow.
Tbh I've heard Muslims I've worked with refer to this e.g. Tiktok videos of non-muslims listening to the Quran recited and saying how beautiful it is. So, while this is an anecdote, they do use this as evidence. Even though it's no real proof. People cry because the chant recitation can be quite haunting, but so is Latin or Byzantine style chant (of which Islamic chant style seems to borrow from). And thet music forms too. I've spontaneously cried at a recording of a performance of a medieval version of Te Deum. It's no proof in of iself.
May be they actually understand arabic and they are crying feeling bad for Aisha😂😂😂😂😂
@@absolutepixels3812 lol
Recently we were given a talk by a guy named Jay Smith. He had a lot of interesting things to say about Islam like there are multiple versions of the Koran and it plagiarized Christian poetry. I think him and his team are on YT
The Qur'an itself plagiarized KNOWN Gnostic Christian stories about Jesus from the Gnostic Gospels that weren't even accepted gospels.... derp!
@DaneilT That's one of the many areas you can straight away tell it was from the mind of a man (or men), not from God. Clear as day, it was an observation of the early Catholic Church that venerated Mary.
So from an outsider eyes, it appeared Mary was part of the "Trinity" these Christians worshipped. Very simple mistake and understanding of things.
Obviously, God would have known better and known the difference.
@DaneilT The entire Church was always Catholic. Catholic = universal.
To be clear, the "multiple versions of the Qur'an" aren't any different than the multiple versions of the Bible. The reason he brings that up is to refute a common Islamic talking point that the Qur'an is perfectly preserved
@@sivad1025 different translations are not the same as different versions
I am not a christian nor am i a muslim(anymore) i like these kinds of videos , keep it up
But your name is Mohammed. How can you say you aren’t Muslim?
He is atheist understand better no Muslim anymore
I am happy that you left Islam! I will pray for you that you get to know Christ one day. God bless you brother 🙏🏻
@@grumpycrumbles7360 he left islam because you cannnot be muslim and a gey at the same time
@@nymgrace1227your name doesn't define what you believe. If he doesn't believe in Islam he's not a muslim. Easy as that.
10:42 I mean you could argue Latin is the most elegant language. Every time I hear a well-chanted vide aquam I get teary-eyed.
At 23:50 Surah 33:53 talks about not overstaying after a meal at Muhammad's house. It's clear this was "revealed" to warn people to not stay too long and cause him anxiety for checking out his wives. This was his way of saying "no", you cannot stay and ask me questions because I am annoyed so Allah says, just see your way out the door. 😂 it's a ridiculous thing to add to the Quran because Allah's word is eternal and so Allah spent eternity thinking of ways to get rid of dinner guests who annoy his "prophet".
Bro quoted the Quran saying all living things are made from water and then says “not one of these scientific miracles can be disproved.” Like bro you just did it yourself 😭
Gotta get the Trent Horn x David Wood x Apostate Prophet collab
@@DaneilT I prefer IP :)
We need ap cp and ip
@@DaneilT who’s CP?
@@shroomitechromee u right IP gotta get in there as well
what about ex Muslim who is now a Christian al fadi CIRA international explaining islam's pagan origin to worshipping black stone and worshipping the moon
What's interesting is that despite the fairly arbitrary differences between languages and even dialects, people tend toward the same stereotypes within languages like a dumber person talking more slowly or a comedic character talking in a certain way. This is why it's weird when you have certain accents, like Irish accents, that sound more dumb when that same spectrum exists within the dialect itself
7:36 To be fair, I also cry when I read passages from the Quran. For example, Surah 65:4
As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period [to divorce them] is three months, _and those who have not menstruated as well._ As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery. And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them.
It must sound nice in Arabic because that just irritates me in English. Perhaps it will sound sweet in Spanish
What's the problem in the verse? It talks about adult women who haven't menstruated. Menstruation is not the sole indicator of maturity
@CristianoRonaldo-li9gu Your scholars disagree with you.
"And [as for] those of your women who (read allā’ī or allā’i in both instances) no longer expect to menstruate, if you have any doubts, about their waiting period, their prescribed [waiting] period shall be three months, _and [also for] those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young age,_ their period shall [also] be three months - both cases apply to other than those whose spouses have died; for these [latter] their period is prescribed in the verse: they shall wait by themselves for four months and ten [days] [Q. 2:234]. And those who are pregnant, their term, the conclusion of their prescribed [waiting] period if divorced or if their spouses be dead, shall be when they deliver. And whoever fears God, He will make matters ease for him, in this world and in the Hereafter."
-Jalal - Al-Jalalayn
"The `Iddah of Those in Menopause and Those Who do not have Menses
Allah the Exalted clarifies the waiting period of the woman in menopause. And that is the one whose menstruation has stopped due to her older age. Her `Iddah is three months instead of the three monthly cycles for those who menstruate, which is based upon the Ayah in (Surat) Al-Baqarah. see 2:228 _The same for the young, who have not reached the years of menstruation. Their `Iddah is three months like those in menopause._ This is the meaning of His saying;
وَاللَّـتِي لَمْ يَحِضْنَ
(and for those who have no courses...)
Kathir - Ibn Al Kathir
_"They may not have menstruated as yet either because of young age,_ or delayed menstrual discharge as it happens in the case of some women, or because of no discharge at all throughout life which, though rare, may also be the case. In any case, the waiting-period of such a woman is the same as of the woman, who has stopped menstruation, that is three months from the time divorce was pronounced.
Here, one should bear in mind the fact that according to the explanations given in the Qur'an the question of the waiting period arises in respect of the women with whom marriage may have been consummated, for there is no waiting-period in case divorce is pronounced before the consummation of marriage. (Al-Ahzab: 49). Therefore, _making mention of the waiting-period for the girls who have not yet menstruated, clearly proves that it is not only permissible to give away the girl in marriage at this age but it is also permissible for the husband to consummate marriage with her._ Now, obviously no Muslim has the right to forbid a thing which the Qur'an has held as permissible."
-Maududi - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi - Tafhim al-Qur'an
"(And for such of your women as despair of menstruation…) [65:4]. Said Muqatil: “When the verse (Women who are divorced shall wait, keeping themselves apart…), Kallad ibn al-Nu‘man ibn Qays al-Ansari said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is the waiting period of the woman who does not menstruate and the woman who has not menstruated yet? And what is the waiting period of the pregnant woman?’ And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verse”. Abu Ishaq al-Muqri’ informed us> Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn Hamdun> Makki ibn ‘Abdan> Abu’l-Azhar> Asbat ibn Muhammad> Mutarrif> Abu ‘Uthman ‘Amr ibn Salim who said: “When the waiting period for divorced and widowed women was mentioned in Surah al-Baqarah, Ubayy ibn Ka‘b said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, some women of Medina are saying: there are other women who have not been mentioned!’ He asked him: ‘And who are they?’ He said: _‘Those who are too young [such that they have not started menstruating yet],_ those who are too old [whose menstruation has stopped] and those who are pregnant’. And so this verse (And for such of your women as despair of menstruation…) was revealed”."
-Wahidi - Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi
@@billcynic1815 look the devil using the tafsira when it suits him. You hypocrites believe none of the tafsira or hadith or any sort but just to defame islam cherry pick what fits your narrative. And as I said,when ibn kathir and jalalayn lived women had menarche normally as late as 16. Not due to amenorrhea. Just naturally. And the age of marriage all over the world was around 12 as well. Now make of it what you can. Menarche was not a precondition of marriage. Young women not menstruated were adults back then. Menarche is not what makes her a woman
Without lies, Islam dies!
1400 years and we’re still here son. The west has tried and failed to stop the true religion.
@@Ufb10Hows the beheading of Christians and child marriage going?
@@Ufb10- the Mormons are still around and are spreading as well.
@@Ufb10^_^ you mean the religion of the biggest pedophile of ALL time (momo) ?
@fcb8354 Listen to yourself. So void of logic and reasoning. The sheer existence of a belief does not make it true. By your line of reasoning Hinduism, paganism, Judaism, and Christianity are all more true than Islam because they existed before Islam did. Read a history book before showing yourself a fool.
Hi Trent,
I have been watching this channel for a long time and it has helped me greatly to explain my faith to others. I cannot say that I have helped anyone convert yet, but it has definitively helped me to make Catholicism approchable and respectable for those who generally mock Christianity, which happens a lot in the environnement I grew up in.
Anyway, you started your video by asking us what you would like us to hear about and I have one subject that I am more than curious about. The SSPX.
I have converted to catholicism through one of their parish where I found a solid group of friends and a great priest. I was even confirmed in the Faith through one of their Bishops. However, as time went on, I became more and more aware of the conflict within the Church and SSPX to a point where I do not know where I ought to sit. Subjectively, everything seems to point to me that the SSPX is good, I have met true friends there, I met my girlfriend which I plan to marry this year, I met a very, very good priest, I have put my life straight and learned to pray my rosary daily. And most of all, thus far, after reading a few of the works of Msgr. Lefevbre and the SSPX and reading Dignitatis Humanae, I seem to agree with their position, or at least, with their critic of what they call the "post-conciliar church".
However, I am very aware that I might have been mislead and that a position of open disobedience to the last five popes is a dangerous one to hold and that does not seem to have worked a lot of time through Church's history and so, it is a position that makes me uncomfortable to hold.
As I said, you have played a good part for the betterment of my faith in the past and I have come to the point where I need clear answers about the SSPX. I am probably going to get married in one of their parish this year, and, I know that a marriage without jurisdiction might be invalid. I need to understand what I am taking part in.
It would help me Trent. Thank you for everything you do!
God bless you.
Look into John Salza
Do you have discord?
The sspx doesn't advocate for "open disobedience", it advocates for being obedient to the pope and the hierarchy except when they order you to commit a sin. This is perfectly in accordance with Christian Tradition, the church is not a cult of personality where you have to do anything the pope says without regard for God's laws. If you're not sold on the sspx marriage argument then you have to figure that out before marrying because you're going to be tempted to back out of your marriage when it gets hard
John Salza is quiet clear:
The SSPX are in schism. Michael Lofton has a number of videos about them.
Dc Dawah:🗿
Bro literally got cooked🗣️🔥
He’s an idiot lmfaooo, cuts off the video on every single argument he makes
In Germany and most of western Europe I think this is one of the biggest Issues that we should be informed. It is a ticking clock
Esau and Ishmael work together to exterminate Jacob-Israel.
I might add that Islam, unlike Christianity, was spread by military conquest from the beginning. Sure, Christianity has been spread by military conquest too, but not in its first few centuries. Islam would be more appealing, in my opinion, if its founder didn't feel the need to spread it by the sword.
islam offered the conquered the right to keep their religion by paying a small tax which also exempted you from military service. conquistadors crusaders inquistioneyrs only offered ' convert or die ' church history vol 1. muslim since 2002
Abrogation in the Quran Explained & Islam Spread by the Sword via @TH-cam
@@etzelkaplan9677Actually, the conquistadores respected the natives, they still practiced their religion. Many natives converted and were baptized, but those who chose to keep their religion have passed it own from generation to generation.
The most eloquent language in history? Where on earth did he get that?
i know right? like citation needed...
What I noticed when hearing about the arguments for Islam is that almost all arguments for why Islam is the true religion are based on emotions, and almost no logic is involved.
A muslim will tell you the Quran is the "completion" of the Bible and yet it is anti-Christ, denying the Diety of the Messiah and His resurrection.
The Quran has the most scientific miracles, more than the Bible or the Torah. And no, the scientific miracles weren’t stolen.
Maybe you should look into some of them, truly amazing.
Then you have barely heard anything...
@@hybrid2.031 but then why you're own apologists deny this is true now?
Just like all arguments for Christianity
Thank you for all you do, Trent.
I saw that video too but figured it was so poorly argued that it didn't need a response. Trent always does a great job though!! 😁
(I did get this from Wikipedia, so you can make of it what you will.) Interestingly, the Virgin Mary is mentioned in the Quran more often than she is mentioned in the Bible (70 times). She is described as the greatest woman who ever lived. Her birth sort of gets all mixed up with the birth and dedication of Samuel, and they also get her mixed up with Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron. However, the Quran also says the angel Gabriel spoke with Mary, and that the divine spirit caused her to become pregnant though she was a virgin. It goes on to say that she gave birth to "Isa" (Jesus), who was the "Anointed One", or the Messiah. The Quran also describes Mary's perpetual virginity. In another search, I learned that the Quran teaches that Jesus did many miracles, which begs the question of why they think that Jesus was only a prophet. (I thought that was interesting, since you mentioned that Muhammed never did any miracles.) They believe in Jesus' Ascension, but not His crucifixion. They just think He never died.
Good points, in my view Jesus makes little sense in the Quran.
@@joygibbons5482So a person who is the Son of God, whilst not being the Father is God as well as the father makes more sense to you than him being a man appointed by God to spread the message of Tawhid?
Please do a video:
"Why I'm not Eastern Orthodox."
I have learnt a lot about islam from Sam Shamoun, Dr Jay Smith, Dr David Wood, Bob of Speaker's Corner, etc, etc. And especially from Christian Prince.
Praise the Almighty God of Israel in the name of Jesus Christ!
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
@@LuvYeNeighbor Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
@@junglelawman728 there you go! So what’s the gospel?
@@junglelawman728 are you a Catholic Church member?
@@LuvYeNeighbor No.
Excellent! If at all possible, I encourage you to make more videos about Islam. Tiktok in particular has a lot of (usually quite weak) Islamic apologetics. There is something a little more sophisticated on TH-cam, for example on the channel The Muslim Metaphysician
Trent Horn won’t go after The Muslim Metaphysician.
He did one video of Jake on the Patrick David podcast.
Trent Horn ignored his objections against the trinity and the church fathers.
Trent Hort is going after side topics to avoid the core doctrines.
That’s a sign of weakness.
@@alonzoharris326 u
You mean like Mohammed is a fake prophet and a wicked man.
@@alonzoharris326Because the intent of the video was to address that specific point by Jake, not any of the other arguments.
The metaclown is a metaclown, he can’t even settle on a particular Aqeedah, thinks that philosophical arguments can be counted as evidence and got decimated whenever he tried debating academics, Muslim or not.
Then again, you are as much of a clown as he is.
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
@@LuvYeNeighborCatechism says they are "included in the plan of salvation" after saying that outside of the Church there is no salvation in order to remind us that God gives sufficient grace for all to be saved. God wants Muslims to convert to Christ too, even the ones who are ignorant of Christ through no fault of their own. Those Muslims who remain outside of the Church despite full advertance and without coercion, will not be saved, because they did not cooperate with the plan of salvation.
Muslims really do have some wild arguments.
The part about Mohammed conversing with God as proof made me chuckle.
There are a lot of Evangelicals who have a "personal relationship with Jesus" many of whom claim to converse with him in almost the same way as you converse with their pal down at the bar.
Does that make every Evangelical a prophet of God? Please don't give them any novel ideas haha.
Ultimately I invite everyone to read the Quran once. I didn't think much of it. But if nothing else you'll better understand 1/3 of the world's population.
In my experience, Muslims are not much better if at all at scriptural knowledge than Christians. When I put up 10 wild claims of Islam backed by Islamic sources, I get crickets or deflections to Christianity instead of actual admission that the wild claims are indeed a part of the true canon of their beliefs.
I cried at the Ending of Red vs Blue Season 13, maybe thats also divinely inspired
I’m a Lutheran, but I always point to you and your thorough, rational approaches on defending the faith. God bless ✝️
Trent is going against the catholic catechism. The catechism accepts the Muslim faith as those on the path to salvation with the Catholic Church. What’s the deal?
@@LuvYeNeighbor just said im a lutheran bro go ask the catholics
@@scygnius say type stuff. What’s the path to salvation for a Lutheran?
@@LuvYeNeighbor Profess Christ as Lord. Recognize you are powerless to save yourself from sin. Recognize the only path to God is through Christ. Repent daily, follow Jesus, cling to God.
@@scygnius is a Lutheran saved now are do you find at the judgment? Like the Catholics!
Hey Trent! A while back you made an abortion video and mentioned a common hypothetical of a burning building where you can save a child or frozen embryos and mentioned that it “deserved its own video”. I would love to see that be a topic you cover soon :)
This just amounts to the train dilemma, which isn't really a moral dilemma at all. Save what you are able and willing to save, and if you could not have saved everyone, the evil is not of your making.
He addressed it in the past as well. He gave another question. If you were the last of the human species, and you were forced to choose between saving an older man and 1,000 embryos that would repopulate the world, which would you choose?"
Most people would save the 1,000 embryos. It's not because the older man isn't objectively a life that we want to save.
@@danieljoyce6199 I like your comment, but "last of the species" adds a different dimension to the question that probably throws us off from the heart of the issue.
Even those who don't accept the embryos as living human beings probably still would choose the "unliving" over the living, as the continuation of the human race is at stake. But the point of concern is not only the intrinsic value of the embryos as continuators of the species, but their status as living humans/ persons (thus their value in their own right).
Islam's claims about Christian beliefs are enough to tell you it is incorrect. A book eternally in the presence of God wouldn’t make such rudimentary mistakes. Christians do not worship Mary, but an Arabian warlord going off of heresay might see it that way. God would certainly know better.
But your churches are full of idols of Mary and Jesus. What’s this all about?
Not all churches the roman catholics mainly were infiltrated by paganism unforuntately. @@Ufb10
@fcb8354 We have no idols in our Church. Statues and icons, yes, but we don't worship these objects. Mary, though elevated above every other Saint, is still human, not a goddess. Christ is God, therefore due worship. Hope that clears things up for you.
@@Ufb10And a central point of Islam is bowing down towards a cube that pagans used. And kissing a black stone that's shaped like a woman's body part. Which even in Muslim sources one of Muhammad's followers said that kissing it has no benefits and only did it because Muhammad kissed it. So show us a pre-islamic Source showing Abraham was in Arabia, Specifically where the Kaaba is today.
@@Ufb10 Christians don't think any object can forgive sins, only God forgives sins.
Muslims kiss a black stone that they believe can forgive sins and that on Day of Resurrection, the stones comes to life and advocates for you. Please refute this.
1) Proof
Sahih al-Bukhari 1603
Narrated Salim that his father said:
I saw Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) arriving at Mecca; he kissed the Black Stone Corner first while doing Tawaf and did ramal in the first three rounds of the seven rounds (of Tawaf).
2) Proof
Reference : Mishkat al-Masabih 2577
In-book reference : Book 10, Hadith 71
Grade: Sahih (Albani)
He reported God's messenger as saying, “The black stone descended from paradise whiter than milk, but the sins of the descendants of Adam made it black."
Ahmad and Tirmidhi transmitted it, the latter saying that this is a hasan sahih tradition.
3) Proof
Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)
Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 860
In-book reference : Book 9, Hadith 53
English translation : Vol. 2, Book 4, Hadith 860
Abbas bin Rabi'ah said:
"I saw Umar bin Al-Khattab kissing the (Black) Stone and saying: 'I am kissing you while I know that you are just a stone, and *if I had not seen the Messenger of Allah kissing you, I would not kiss you.'"*
4) Proof
Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 961
In-book reference : Book 9, Hadith 155
English translation : Vol. 2, Book 4, Hadith 961
Ibn Abbas narrated that:
The Messenger of Allah said about the (Black) Stone: "By Allah! Allah will raise it on the Day of Resurrection with two eyes by which it sees and a tongue that it speaks with, testifying to whoever touched it in truth."
Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)
Very interesting and informative; I was curious as to what were the arguments that Muslims use to prove the truth of their religion; this video has done a very good job in responding to my question. Thank you for taking the time to make it.
Thank you for watching! -Vanessa
@@TheCounselofTrent 😅Bro put some effort eventhough it is a paid bot comment but atleast use the correct name of the person.
Many other people who have been dealing with the Islamic Apologists have tried to get top Islam apologists to debate the topic is Islam true have been ignored. The Islamic apologists just don’t seem to want to debate the topic is Islam true. I hope that you can find one to debate the topic with you. Also Islamic Apologists routinely violate debate rules and back out of debates and also make personal attacks on people who debate them. Just be prepared.
I love all of the videos that teach us about the nonsense of Islam, but you Trent, are unique in dismantling the arguments of Islam, Protestantism etc by by being methodical sober and polite. You don't mock or demean. I always enjoy your videos and learning from you. May Almighty God protect you and guide you. You are doing a great job! Thanks.
His argument for Islam being the truth are weak saying this is vague and because this book is memorized doesn’t mean it’s true
Tell me this how does trinity and Jesus being the body of god work how can your god need to use the bathroom and sleep. You are giving your god limitations and saying he sacrificed himself for us. How does god sacrifice himself how can a god die
@@Vortexrl-wx9hp In Christianity you see the true God. The Judeo Christian God teaches us to love Him and to love one another. The spread of the message of love caused the Arabian warlords to create a religion that would enable men to fight in their wars and conquests; instead of proclaiming peace and love. It is why Islam is the only religion based on violence. Jesus always was and always will be God, before during and after becoming man. After choosing the Israelites to be the chosen people He gave the prophets the wisdom to know that a Messiah would come. See for example Isaiah 53.
No one can fully understand the nature of God or the Trinity. For that reason the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. God alone can make it known to us by revealing himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus frequently referred to the Father. The revelation of the Trinity during Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles for example enables theologians to now see the hints in the Old Testament about the Trinity. For example in Genesis it says that in beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The original Hebrew used the word Elohim which means Gods. Why does God refer to Himself in the plural? In Genesis 1:4 He says that man was made in “our image”.
The wages of sin is death. For that reasons Jesus offered His life on the Cross to the Father for our sins. Whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life. After His body died, Jesus (with body) resurrected and ascended into Heaven. Have a look at the miracles of the Shroud of Turin and the Eucharistic miracle at Buenos Aires in 1996. Our Lady called Muslims to Christianity at Zeitoun. All these things will pay you well to research.
@@Vortexrl-wx9hpSimple, He chose to, God can do whatever He pleases, and he chose to come down as a human and die a cruel death because of His great love for humanity.
@@josephantony603 is he is god why can’t he just forgive us why would he die for us if he can just forgive them
I am not a Muslim because of the problems it has within society. It says a person can beat their wives, it calls Jesus the messiah but doesnt give definition why. Jesus Christ is the only religious figure we can actually pinpoint in our lives. Not just spiritually, or mentally but in society. Jesus has an influence which is undeniable today. Through writers, prophecies, miracles, and words He says in the gospels. This is all despite having an empty tomb in Israel, the only empty tomb of biblical figures.
Muslim means literally “one who submits (to God)”, so "Christians" who submit to a trinitarian (…or unitarian) God are also muslim, they just don’t recognize the Quran as legitimate.
“Christian” literally means “one who follows Christ” (not necessarily God), though in reality most Christians follow the Church, even though the churches were supposed to be humble and poor communities.
The world gets easier if to take things literally and honestly.
Just subscribed! Former Muslim here, now coming to faith in Jesus :)
Muslim here, your arguments didn’t convince me, but I really appreciate your channel because you don’t insult or use provocative words towards us. You present your points eloquently and respectfully compared to David Wood. I must admit also sometimes some muslims youtubers are extremely dismissive and aggressive towards Christianity. Keep the good work.
😊I am. Irish. I was brought up Catholic but am now agnostic. I follow no religion
Igion. One thing that turns me off religion is religious tribalism which I certainly witnessed in Ireland.
Thankfully you are free of this bigotry. I find your comments as a Muslim refreshing.
Wishing you peace and joy in your life.
What would convince you? What If I show you contradictions in quran?
I suggest you turn to Jesus. Jesus is the only way to heaven. There is no salvation without the blood of Jesus. You as a Muslim don't know where you are going. Jesus promised everlasting life. Anyone who believes in the name of Jesus and repents will be saved. You are a following a man who doesn't know where he is going. You need to leave Mohammed.
What would convince you?
The Holy Spirit has to convince someone. Islam is satanic. You need to pray for muslims they are in deception.
The cry part got me🤣😅😂
Yeah that was hilarious
I do love how much Muslims harp on about how great Arabic is… when it’s very possible that several of the grammatical and structural errors found throughout the Arabic Quran is due to it having first been written in Syriac.
Do you really believe in the nonsense you are typing?
@@alonzoharris326Plucked a nerve there did he?
Do you have a recommendations of reading for this please?
As Michael jones from inspiring philosophy "without lies islam dies"
Bro is dropping some fireballs on Islam fr fr🔥👌
Tamil is the most eloquent language out there. Why was the Quran not made up in Tamil?
Calm down with the subjective claims about the beauty of languages.
@@alisterrebelo9013 just demonstrating how each of us thinks our language is the most eloquent.
Because Allah only speaks Arabic
Who said so . Another stupid claim.
The early Arabs probably noticed people tended to cry when being forced to recite the Quran after their entire family was beheaded in front of them and thought, “Wow! This text must be so moving!”
ቪዲዮታትካ ንክትርእዮም ደስ በሃልቲ እዮም. እዚ ንኡድ ስራሕካ ቀፅሎ. 👍
He is my teacher at Holy Apostles college. ሰላም ወሰናይ
Phone book has no contradictions. So Muslims are going to worship the author of the phone book? Quran has MANY contradictions unlike the phone book
The vedas have been passed down as an oral tradition for about 3400 years in India, so the claims about the Quran being unique is this way is completely false.
The Jewish Torah was also passed down orally long before the Quran and false prophet even existed as well. Not even close to unique 👍
it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts. Elhmuliallah for being Muslim
Hurt your ego didn't he
Proud ex muslim from israel 🇮🇱 ❤
Instead of speaking like your false prophet should you not show how others are blinded? Islam is basically a useless religion it just scoffs at others and offers no proof it is true!!
@@aga7299lol like they treat you like animal in human form just like natenyahu said" struggle between children of heaven and children of the jungle" this the proof how they few palestinian as animal even if you become ex muslim that will never erase being child of childrens of jungle like your ancestors and parents are muslims their dirty blood the people of the jungle" still flow through you veins even if you become atraitor you will be dog licking their shoes to look validation from them😂
When they have no rebuttal for their death cult, they just chant slogans and hurry off feeling defeated and ashamed of filthy Islam😂😂😂
“I like Laura Horn’s videos, they make me laugh, therefore she must be a prophet, peace be upon her.” - Muslim apologists apparently
I dig. Thanks Trent!! Always a huge fan, and appreciate your methodical take on all these sorts of things.
I cry every single time I say The Lords Prayer, like an embarrassing amount
classical music, Bach especially, written for the Christian God, makes me emotional, and gives me an incredible sense of awe!
I cried at the ending of Red Vs Blue Season 13 I guess it was divinely written.