Toxiquid literally took the Splatoon 3’s respawn concept of “where we squid-jumping Bois” and turned it into a game mode The sheer talent of this man makes you think if he’s secretly a game designer
With how large the lobby is, I hope Nintendo makes use of updates to really make Splatoon 3 standout and house new modes. I love it as is, but I think 3 sucessful games in, they are allowed to experiment with new gameplay styles!
I do think we’ll eventually get to do something with that jelly next to the Tableturf area, it’s probably something where you can do something while waiting for players to join a Tableturf room or a PB.
Perhaps having each colour (which you corresponded to each weapon class) being not only a different colour but also have different textures, this could help with colourblindness which is a large reason why splatoon usually runs with 2(now on occasion 3) contrasting colours, so by making each colour have its own texture such as, matte, gloss(default), sparkly(splatoon 2 hero mode), metallic, marble(sanitised and fuzzy ink)or with different patterns (like the ink used by deep cut in splatoon 3s story mode) you can accommodate for more players without losing that accessibility. Perhaps as a way to keep the core fundamentals of splatoon important to this game mode, the final rewards given at the end of a splattle Royale could be determined by the following stats achieved in each game: Place(whoever was the last standing getting the largest amount of points from this category,also the category that grants the highest amount of points) Amount of turf inked(could be considered by overall amount or by a rank, eg most ink turfed…) Amount of splats( a fixed amount of points for each splat)
I heard this somewhere (I can't remember where), but the ink could be customizable. When fighting Deep Cut, their ink has their logo on it. This could be a setting so everyone's ink is unique.
Maybe the capacity to add stickers (like the ones in the lockers) to your main weapon would be cool. Or maybe the game letting you change the color palette of the main weapon
gamemode ideas 1. (wild storms) the storm will appear over a large part of the map but after some time it will move to a different spot instead of including the entire map 2. (egg defenders) there are two giant teams guarding eggs (or something) from the other team who ever has the most (or all) eggs by the end of the match will win 3. (aqua swarm) everyone is a part of the same team fighting against a endless horde of creatures that eats ink and whoever gets the most kills by the time everyone is dead wins
I feel like everyone would have three lives just because in the original mode you have unlimited respawns and during the last few minutes everyone would be set to one life
I really want a battle royale in splatoon and i think this would be great. However, I feel like the weapon skins would cause confusion and I feel like it would be better to just let people chose any gun they want
This video is great! The arts nice to look at, the puns are funny, and the concepts presented are wonderful! Though there is a single sub weapon that could completely ruin this entire game mode... (which is understandable since its probably the most forgotten one of all) Ink-Mines. They invisibly stay on the ground for an indefinite period of time until someone steps onto them. They deal around 2/5's of your health per mine, and cast a sensor that marks the location of where that person is for around 6 seconds. You can have up to 2 on the ground at once, making them quite versatile in use. Usually, they aren't much of a hassle in a 4v4 circumstance. You'll never get hit with more than one at once, because there's 3 other people to take the others for you, and combined with the lack of any gimmicky sections in maps, there's not really any supreme places to put them. In a battle royale, however, getting these would be a GODSEND. Got a speed ramp? Put a mine at the end for a guaranteed hit! Got a rail? Put a mine at the end for a guaranteed hit! Being chased? Leave a mine behind you for a guaranteed hit! Got a colour that blends in with the rest of the map? Leave a mine around for a guaranteed hit! These pesky little things would be the most annoying thing in the Splatlands! Due to the fact all these areas you described have more complex designs, you'd have to be extremely cautious with your ways to even stand a chance against them! And if your opponent has a long range weapon like a Charger, you're pretty much done for! They could just hide behind them and snipe for as long as they want! They would be a major problem for this game mode, so I have some ideas to at least somewhat stop them. 1. If they slowly deteriorated over time, this would deal with the problem of you needing to look around like a mad man. This doesn't stop the whole running and placing them down while being chased problem though. 2. Having only 1 be usable at a time would nerf the mines immensely, damage wise, but because of the sensor, it's still extremely powerful! And you can't really get rid of the sensor, that's kind of the whole point of them. 3. Arguably the best out of all of these idea's is having the mines take time to place down, maybe 5 seconds? With this, it's a risk and reward type scenario. Will you finish placing the mine before someone catches you doing it? It also removes the idea of placing them down while being chased. These are just a few ideas on this. I'd like to hear your own if you're reading this! P.S: In regards to the idea that more than one player in one team might help deterring them, that just means more people to get Ink-Mines. And I don't think you'd want to get a whole friend group out just because of a single sub weapon. That would just mean nobody would play solo, possibly killing the modes playerbase.
@@toxiquid That would probably work! Though if they don't dissipate fast enough you'd end up having some very annoying moments where you'd be trying to hit someone with a Roller or Splatana, but then they'd just put a couple mines down and run in another direction while you'd have to awkwardly manoeuvre around it, especially in an enclosed space.
Something I want to add are event canisters Event canisters will affect you or your surroundings Common event canisters will affect you or your current location, such as picking one up in manatee mangrove will rise the tide for 30 seconds or picking one up or let’s you have infinite ink for 20 seconds. Common event canisters will either be Blue, Green, or Purple Rare event canisters however, affect the entire splattle field, for example, picking one up can make the splattle field slightly flooded for 1:00, the water would be the height of a player meaning that hills can also work as safety. Rare event canisters will either be Orange, Pink, or Yellow
I like this idea although I feel like having only the base weapons for every class would put anyone who mains something that isn't the base weapon at a massive disadvantage like how I play Rapid Blaster, Dynamo and Dualie Squelchers which are all completely different to Blaster, Splat Roller and Splat Dualies.
I like this mode for the most part, the large map, the single player gimmicks, and the items sound like a fun reason to play this mode. There are a few things I would worry about with this mode as a concept is the pace of the game, in a regular match you would be in combat decently often, but in this mode you might not run into anyone and engage in combat until the end of the match.
Octo canyon should be a battle Royale map (the whole area) and the special locations are tentakeel outpost, Suction-cup lookout, beaker’s depot, Slimeskin garrison, Cephalon HQ, Octo-Valley and cephalopod rock
I think it’s be cool to start off with a weak weapon like the splattershot jr and be able to find main weapons around the map so that you don’t know what weapon you will play going into each match
This is a great video and it needs more publicity! I've always thought the story mode items should be taken advantage of more, but I do have one thing; The tenta missiles and whatever the special that shoots the lasers is would be broken in this mode, so maybe they should just be outright removed, the tenta missiles because they can aim at everyone on the map at once and the lasers because they go straight through all of the map, they have no limit to range. But besides that, this mode would be insanely fun, I can see me and my friends just having a great time. A battle royale never crossed my mind, but that actually sounds amazing.
this is exactly like something ive been thinking splatoon should have! A gamemode with a bigger stage and longer playtime with more players all fighting for themselves and tons of different colors, itd fit so well!!!
Come to think of it, one problem I feel is the brellas…not only cause Nintendo Netcode, but the brellas each have different canopies, aka how do hitboxes work?
Same hitbox as the standard brella. If they wanted to be nice they could shrink down the tentas canopy, but this is a proof of concept if anything, so it doesn’t really matter haha
honestly love your vids, also you should add a area called subliminal zone, a underground area kinda like buoy bunker, sea floor sub-terrain or triton trail, the subliminal zone is acsessed by a stair case only taking about 5 seconds to get to the bottom of it, the subliminal zone is a bunch of fimiliar rooms or areas in it the rooms and areas are pretty small, they contain a item in each room like a box or a canester, like one could have a box and then when you go into the next room their could be a special canester, the only bad things is that its littered with traps, monsters, yes monsters, and mostly players greeding for the every room item, the monsters are dark entities that only attack you if you get to close to them they wont ever try to hurt you if you are'nt close, in this area the micanic of ink dissipation still exsistes but it takes alot slower to dissipate. Thats all I have for the area idea, bye!
i was surprised this wasn't mentioned, but the incoming high tide from salmon run would make a good lore reason why the map eventually shrinks down at the end to force fights
Overall great concept, one big thing I would add to this is being able to find sub abilities as loot to increase your stats, similar to the way city trial or smash run work, just to give more incentive to keep exploring and finding more loot after you've already already found all the weapons you want
Weapon Skins? Nah. I got a better idea- people select the standard weapon they start with, but can collect canisters containing other mains during battle. L button can switch subs, left and right buttons switch mains. You can hold up to 10 mains. You can also drop mains by pressing the L stick, which will leave it there for other players to collect. Besides that, I only have 3 words for this concept: *H I R E T H I S M A N*
I love the idea but Splatoon is a game about teamwork so maybe if the battle royal was always in squads. The ink disappearing is a great idea and it's also cannon stated in one of the sunken scrolls ( I forgot which one )! I feel that this would be a event such as splatfest and Big Run. I also like the gimmick of amour and other gimmicks from the hero modes! I love this idea for a Splatoon battle royal!
I think if your ink slowly regenerated naturally to get a small shot or burst from your main to recover ink eventually also if this would be applied remove the “slow charge” of chargers and splatlings.
great video, but france is already like this in real life idk why you spent so much time animating it instead of getting live footage (in all seriousness, love this channel! going to be binging your vids all day)
I think the bus is kinda derivative, instead what would be cool is a bunch of individual spawners (24 would be a more manageable number, and allow for duos, trios, and squads as you mentioned) arranged like a school of fish going along one path. That way it would be much more sea-like. Also the splatlands are still in japan, the eiffel tower just got carried across the sea
Ok heres some input: 1: Colors are picked by you, you wanna be green? You are green now. You wanna be blue? You are blue now. Have it purely be a visual thing and no matter the weapon or ink color you see what you want and the enemies see what they want. The only catch is if you play in team modes the game will force colors so team coordination is possible. 2: Two weapon slots, two sub slots. You get to carry two weapons, easy to shift through via using the D-Pad while the bumper swaps sub-weapon. This let's you have some flexability when playing so you can grab a turf inking weapon for farming special and getting around or pushing someone back, but also carry a slayer weapon for fights. The weapon swap would have to have a downside so you can't just hot swap on people so an ink cost of 10-15% as well as a half-full second delay would balance out. 3: Inkreases should only boost your tank by 10% or so, make it so you have to search for them and not hit 200% so fast. This would also let us put down the fill tanks from the story mode as the big refill tanks that also boost your tank by 25%, making them rarer to compensate. 4: All weapons should be available in this mode with the Grizz co. weapons also being findable but with their own limited but bigger ink tanks. Limiting the game to only the standard weapons would make the game uber stale after a while and having more toys to screw around with would keep the mode fresh and crazy. To keep it fair though limiting everyone to standard only on drop sounds fair, but people should be allowed to go find the other weapons like hydra or Aerospray. As a side note you can toggle the appearance of weapons in the mode if they have alt kits, letting you turn your Aero gold just for looks when you pick it up and similar with other weapons. 5: Armor in tiers. Have the game start off with everyone having basic lv1 armor, this makes sure charger and blaster players can't get cheeky one shots right of drop and they'll have to work for early kills. Finding armor crates will boost your armor level up lv3, with 75% more hp than usual but still fast to kill by most weapons especially since armor WON"T regen all at once, instead coming back slowly and regenerating like Hp that can't be sped up via swimming.
Lol I’m 7 months too late, but I think something that should be included is a reboot or comeback mechanism. I think a cool feature would be to leave power eggs around the map, and could be collected via kills, movement combos, survival, quests, and opening chests. If the player collects a certain amount, they can buy their additional weapons and revive teammates. Also: getting other weapons from the buy station might make them have their different properties. That way skins could still work as a early game troll and could be used as psychological weapons during endgame. (Such as a player holding an e-liter skin, but they actually have a splat charger to trick others into hiding away in further positions)
i think there should be like rainbow ink stations, they double your fire rate but after you use it all next ink tank you use your fire rate is 0.5 (the ink tank has to be full for the effect to go away)
Damn I am late to this party by a landslide. This has got to be the most polished splatoon battle royal concept I’ve ever seen! Most of the questions that I had were addressed with the comment section. However, I still have one question of my own, and it’s about the team matches. Will you be able to revive teammates once they get taken out, or are they just out for good? The revival system shouldn’t be too hard considering that salmon run has one of its own that would work, but it would obviously need some tweaks. For example, you can’t just be revivable forever like in salmon run, you would have to have a timer until you’re out for good.
@@toxiquid oh wow, didn’t expect a reply within the hour! I actually have one more question if you don’t mind. Something I’m surprised no one ask about yet is super jumping. Assuming everything functions the same as turf war, being able to super jump anywhere would be broken. Not only would it let you jump to teammates all the way on the other side of the map, but they could also give you a free exit out of a loosing battle. Sure beacons could also provide a jump out, they could be easily broken or camped. What you would change to keep this balanced, or would you just remove super jumping altogether?
I think you should start out weaponless and collect weapons throughout like finding big swig rollers or ballpoint splatting, and finding specials and subs as well
What if there was a thing where similar to salmon run when your teammates die they appear in something similar to the floaters in Salmon Run for Revival BUT If you run out of time and the ink in the floaters drys up The little spirit thing of your teammate will stick around for a bit just in case you come by and put them in a container of ink where you can then load them into one of the launchers from the start of a turf war or Ranked match and it will Shoot them back to a Mobile Stage that will come by every now and then which will allow your team mate to jump back into the Fight
I think that the whole “deployment system” would be a lot more unique if it was a swarm of respawn drones instead of just another battle bus. You could aim your drone at where you wanna drop and launch yourself there. This would make the dropping system as Splatoony as possible as well as keeping it simple and fair. Also because you kinda forgot about it (makes sense it’s not that noticeable of a gameplay feature) ink probably should still regenerate but maybe a lot slower. That way if you run out of ink in the middle of commuting to somewhere else you won’t just need to walk for a stupid amount of time. Heck, we could even apply this extra regeneration length to swimming in your own ink as well! Make it still an ink positive transaction but you need to stay in your ink for almost the entire duration of its lifespan in order to get a return. Perhaps staying still in your ink could allow you to soak it in faster! Although for all of this to work, it would have to work like the stamina in breath of the wild where no matter how much you upgrade it still takes the same amount of time to fill. Also with abilities, something cool could be that you could find sub abilities in crates and temporarily slot them onto your main set! That way it gives you something extra to look forward to in each crate. Also the rainstorm could be pretty cool, but it seems too rare to be a threat in a place as arid as the splat lands. How about instead it’s a dust storm that ravenges the surround area? Rapidly drying any ink that it touches and even the ink in your ink tank! Eventually it would completely dry you up and completely cover your screen in sand, splatting you. Also since the mammal monolith is so close to the crater, you should probably be able to see the entrance to Alterna from the top just as a cool detail.
I remember imagining Splatoon as an open world similar to breath of the wild where weapons would be scattered around and have limited ink durability where when it ran out the weapon broke.
I think it’d be cool if the lil ability drinks you can buy appeared throughout the map in chests and stuff, granting you various Main or Sub abilities when consumed. If this were to be added the abilities from your gear would probably have to be removed though.
Maybe you could have one of my ideas which is don’t sponges they act like sponges, except you can bounce on them and the higher, and the bigger you get them the more back to their
You should make it, so at least the second version of every single weapon to be present. For example, for the stringers can have the small stringer not the copies.
I really only have two issues with this idea. 1# Most weapons in Splatoon instakill like chargers, rollers, stringers and blasters all kill if hit directly or with a full charge. (And yes you could just ~move~ around the shots) Splatoon is made to also about turf control and other weapons (all the other ones) are balanced because of there turf controlling capabilities and without respawns, the other weapons become blatantly better. 2# Admittable my second argument isn't as important but why would they be doing a battle royal. Turf war happened because of a in game war between the inklings and octolings. And the competitive modes are just expansions of that, salmon run is because Mr. Grizz wanted to ~zzzz~zzzzzzzz~zz~ so why would they start fighting to the death in a huge area where map control isn't the objective and actively will cause you to die. (Like I said not to important but I'm a sucker for flavor text sooooo......) I think it could work, I saw a comment that thought making it like bed wars and thought that would work better.
I totally understand the points you are trying to make here, and for the most part, I agree! However I think there are many workarounds that could make things fun, fair, and interesting that I hopefully explained in the video. For one, the armor pieces would act like Shields, adding on health points for those pesky chargers, stringers, etc. they stack to get you to 200% HP, and bada bing you’re chilling. I also think that for this mode, weapons would be slightly rebalanced. Maybe they’d be rebalanced across all game modes if this dropped! I don’t know the nitty gritty logistics, I make videos, not games haha- but the niche that each weapon fills works. Turf control is important, yes, but that’s the point of each different weapon. They provide different tactics that they need to use in order to prevail victorious! As for your second point, I am not a Splatoon writer, so I don’t know why they would be doing this for story reasons, HOWEVER, I explained in the video that with the whole theme of Chaos and Anarchy emanating from Splatoon 3’s whole world, I think thematically, it’d fit right in! If you want to figure out why they’d do this, I’m all ears!
@@toxiquid You are right, the chaos part of the argument (not really an argument) does support it very well and plus if the devs wanted this a mode they would come up with a reason why. Also I completely forgot about the armor so thank you for reminding me. Though early game it would still be very difficult to combat someone with a charger and such. And yes weapon rebalances would take place in a mode like this but I would rather this be its own side game if it were to make balances around permadeath rather then respawns like all the other modes. Also GREAT video, I never ever have spend so long thinking about a video and I want to congratulate you for keeping my short attention span. Love the idea, needs changes.
@@hitzsche5040 I agree, if this were to happen, i think it being a spinoff or side game would be probably better, but i was imagining it right alongside splat3's whole schtick, ya feel? Either way it'd accomplish what it sets out to do haha glad you enjoyed the video, btw!
I've got a few questions, Will players have multiple lives? if not, the abilitys comeback and quick respawn are useless. An if so, how many is one player given? Would the splat charger, splatana wiper, roller, and blaster be balanced to not one shot? If not and the first question is no as well, people wont have fun basically waiting 20 minutes because they got sniped in the first five seconds of the match. Can players super jump anywhere else? If not, then stealth jump is also useless. Can other players be on the same team? Are there any other splatanas or stringers for players to choose to customize themself with?
no multiple lives in singles, but you can get revived in duos, trios, and squads (ala fortnite). i imagine weapons being rebalanced. players can jump to locales when initially being deployed, or if something shoots them out again. can't control expressly where unless a teammate is there, like in turf war. yes anything thats in the game i think you could customize with.
@@toxiquid the last question is basically asking are there any other stringers that are not the tri stringer or reef lux, or any other splatanas other then the wiprt or stamper.
I’m not in love with all the ideas, but it’s an interesting concept for sure! And I’m always in favour of using more items from the single player since they offer interesting challenges :D
I probably would make it so you have a inventory where you can store as much bombs and special weapons as you want however they disappear after usage so let's I have 7 burst bombs in my inventory I throw one now there's 6 burst bombs in my inventory
"My nuts hurt" Saltydkdan 2022 But in all seriousness, this is an amazing video! Splatoon is my favorite game of all time and I'd love to see something like this get implemented!
The “storm” would still be “the storm”, inklings are weak to water… no Zero-point neded Also, certain poi’s should contain a super weapon like “Callie’s modified Roller/Marie’s ultra-charger” with either a boss that uses the weapon, the “character”weapons Rotate… one week it’s Charger and roller, the next is The Human’s Slosher and Chirpy chirp N-zap Splatfests have 3, Guarded by the idols…. Usually not restricted to the 11 clases and tie to the themes of the splatfest, like “the Sneaker stomps” for team Bigfoot, where they grant a ground pound, permanent Roller like splats and a roundhouse kick move Big runs have “salmonid stations” that work identical to Fortnite’s Cube dens, granting a (nerfed) grizco weapon
I think the whole ink color being based on weapons thing is a bit flawed because 1. it would make working in squads a bit finicky if you all choose different weapons and 2. A more experienced Splatoon player could tell the kind of weapon based purely on the pattern of it's ink, for example rollers have an inconsistent wave pattern, while Brellas have a very unique line pattern. Sure a lot of shooters would blend in, but even every shooter variant varies from the standard splattershot in terms of how well it paints. My point is you could get all of the information that you'd need on a weapon (such as range and paint coverage) based on the patterns in a player's ink alone *unless* they're a perfectionist who paints every corner of every room. In replacement of this color determining system I propose instead how the hit game Among Us handles color picking: you get to choose a preferred color, but if multiple players pick the same color then a random one of those players is given the color while the rest are randomly given other available colors that aren't taken. Edit: Me who didn't watch to the end and see that weapon variants wouldn't be included 💀 But yeah, my point still stands. Even Dualies have a differant paint pattern than splattershots because they not only shoot from two different firing points, but also because of the space of nothingness that would often be present after a dualie's dodge roll. Not to mention this would also give a player who chose splattershot the option to fake a dualies's paint patterns in order to intimidate less observant players who stumble upon their ink before it dries.
i have a idea, its about the COLOUR, so hear me out, if you can pick a colour, THAT WOULD BE GREAT, imigane if you want the purple on a splatana, well now you can!, but, you can NOT buy more colours, only the colour in this video you can pick, so if u want ur friend to swim in ur ink but want solos, tell them to pick the colour!, ( this would be A GREAT idea for ppl who like soloing with friends but they like diff colours)
The only issue I see with this is the fact that Splatoon's servers couldn't handle that many people doing different things all at once. I love the concept, but until Nintendo makes some upgrades, it's not really feasible.
Submerging yourself an ink only makes the recharge faster but without it you will just recharge slowly
I’m surprised by how many people don’t know that.
tbh i hate that. it should only increase while swimming
I'm just thinking about the weapons with horrible ink efficiencies
@Cleveland Brown 1 and 2 had a pedestal at base that was always your color and would recharge you. 3 removed those though
Toxiquid literally took the Splatoon 3’s respawn concept of “where we squid-jumping Bois” and turned it into a game mode The sheer talent of this man makes you think if he’s secretly a game designer
I can safely confirm that I am DEFINITELY NOT a game designer haha
@@toxiquid Not bad for a non-game designer. And this is coming from someone who studies game design in their free time.
He should be a game designer
Instructions unclear, Nintendo Switch overheated and melted into magma upon loading the ninth player.
White guy jumpscare at 11:49
But honestly, genuinely surprised to see saltydkdan in a splatoon video
As a Splatoon player that's vehemently against the trend of battle royale being implemented in the game, your explanation makes it make sense.
With how large the lobby is, I hope Nintendo makes use of updates to really make Splatoon 3 standout and house new modes. I love it as is, but I think 3 sucessful games in, they are allowed to experiment with new gameplay styles!
I do think we’ll eventually get to do something with that jelly next to the Tableturf area, it’s probably something where you can do something while waiting for players to join a Tableturf room or a PB.
Perhaps having each colour (which you corresponded to each weapon class) being not only a different colour but also have different textures, this could help with colourblindness which is a large reason why splatoon usually runs with 2(now on occasion 3) contrasting colours, so by making each colour have its own texture such as, matte, gloss(default), sparkly(splatoon 2 hero mode), metallic, marble(sanitised and fuzzy ink)or with different patterns (like the ink used by deep cut in splatoon 3s story mode) you can accommodate for more players without losing that accessibility.
Perhaps as a way to keep the core fundamentals of splatoon important to this game mode, the final rewards given at the end of a splattle Royale could be determined by the following stats achieved in each game:
Place(whoever was the last standing getting the largest amount of points from this category,also the category that grants the highest amount of points)
Amount of turf inked(could be considered by overall amount or by a rank, eg most ink turfed…)
Amount of splats( a fixed amount of points for each splat)
I heard this somewhere (I can't remember where), but the ink could be customizable. When fighting Deep Cut, their ink has their logo on it. This could be a setting so everyone's ink is unique.
Could be fun!
I’m already wondering what 32v32 Splatoon would look like so this would be up my alley haha
Me and the boys in the “drenches”, holding the line the best be can.
(it’s been one minute and we already lost seven brave soldiers)
Forgot to add the bit where similarly to Fortnite Splatoon should implement a Goku skin
perfect game if that were to happen
Honestly I would love a Splatoon battle Royale
Maybe the capacity to add stickers (like the ones in the lockers) to your main weapon would be cool. Or maybe the game letting you change the color palette of the main weapon
5:09 Vernias cameo. Gotta love it
gamemode ideas
1. (wild storms) the storm will appear over a large part of the map but after some time it will move to a different spot instead of including the entire map
2. (egg defenders) there are two giant teams guarding eggs (or something) from the other team who ever has the most (or all) eggs by the end of the match will win
3. (aqua swarm) everyone is a part of the same team fighting against a endless horde of creatures that eats ink and whoever gets the most kills by the time everyone is dead wins
This is such a neat idea! It would be so cool if this actually came into the Splatoon 3 DLC they already announced!
Looking back at this video now it's neat to think with side order out, how cool would this idea be if it worked with Pallettes
Exactly the comment i was looking for:)
1:29 Splatterfield
I feel like everyone would have three lives just because in the original mode you have unlimited respawns and during the last few minutes everyone would be set to one life
I really want a battle royale in splatoon and i think this would be great. However, I feel like the weapon skins would cause confusion and I feel like it would be better to just let people chose any gun they want
This video is great! The arts nice to look at, the puns are funny, and the concepts presented are wonderful! Though there is a single sub weapon that could completely ruin this entire game mode... (which is understandable since its probably the most forgotten one of all)
They invisibly stay on the ground for an indefinite period of time until someone steps onto them.
They deal around 2/5's of your health per mine, and cast a sensor that marks the location of where that person is for around 6 seconds.
You can have up to 2 on the ground at once, making them quite versatile in use.
Usually, they aren't much of a hassle in a 4v4 circumstance. You'll never get hit with more than one at once, because there's 3 other people to take the others for you, and combined with the lack of any gimmicky sections in maps, there's not really any supreme places to put them.
In a battle royale, however, getting these would be a GODSEND.
Got a speed ramp? Put a mine at the end for a guaranteed hit!
Got a rail? Put a mine at the end for a guaranteed hit!
Being chased? Leave a mine behind you for a guaranteed hit!
Got a colour that blends in with the rest of the map? Leave a mine around for a guaranteed hit!
These pesky little things would be the most annoying thing in the Splatlands!
Due to the fact all these areas you described have more complex designs, you'd have to be extremely cautious with your ways to even stand a chance against them!
And if your opponent has a long range weapon like a Charger, you're pretty much done for!
They could just hide behind them and snipe for as long as they want!
They would be a major problem for this game mode, so I have some ideas to at least somewhat stop them.
1. If they slowly deteriorated over time, this would deal with the problem of you needing to look around like a mad man. This doesn't stop the whole running and placing them down while being chased problem though.
2. Having only 1 be usable at a time would nerf the mines immensely, damage wise, but because of the sensor, it's still extremely powerful! And you can't really get rid of the sensor, that's kind of the whole point of them.
3. Arguably the best out of all of these idea's is having the mines take time to place down, maybe 5 seconds? With this, it's a risk and reward type scenario. Will you finish placing the mine before someone catches you doing it? It also removes the idea of placing them down while being chased.
These are just a few ideas on this. I'd like to hear your own if you're reading this!
P.S: In regards to the idea that more than one player in one team might help deterring them, that just means more people to get Ink-Mines. And I don't think you'd want to get a whole friend group out just because of a single sub weapon. That would just mean nobody would play solo, possibly killing the modes playerbase.
I feel like ink mines would kinda just go away when the ink does. Balance things out?
@@toxiquid That would probably work! Though if they don't dissipate fast enough you'd end up having some very annoying moments where you'd be trying to hit someone with a Roller or Splatana, but then they'd just put a couple mines down and run in another direction while you'd have to awkwardly manoeuvre around it, especially in an enclosed space.
Something I want to add are event canisters
Event canisters will affect you or your surroundings
Common event canisters will affect you or your current location, such as picking one up in manatee mangrove will rise the tide for 30 seconds or picking one up or let’s you have infinite ink for 20 seconds. Common event canisters will either be Blue, Green, or Purple
Rare event canisters however, affect the entire splattle field, for example, picking one up can make the splattle field slightly flooded for 1:00, the water would be the height of a player meaning that hills can also work as safety. Rare event canisters will either be Orange, Pink, or Yellow
When your fed up with how chaotic the world is but then you realize who won the final Splatoon 2 splatfest
I like this idea although I feel like having only the base weapons for every class would put anyone who mains something that isn't the base weapon at a massive disadvantage like how I play Rapid Blaster, Dynamo and Dualie Squelchers which are all completely different to Blaster, Splat Roller and Splat Dualies.
yeah admittedly id kinda suck at this mode because im too used to the sploosh hahaha
I like this mode for the most part, the large map, the single player gimmicks, and the items sound like a fun reason to play this mode. There are a few things I would worry about with this mode as a concept is the pace of the game, in a regular match you would be in combat decently often, but in this mode you might not run into anyone and engage in combat until the end of the match.
I don’t even play Splatoon but I would totally play this
I think this would be fun especially since it would not be the only game mode
Octo canyon should be a battle Royale map (the whole area) and the special locations are tentakeel outpost, Suction-cup lookout, beaker’s depot, Slimeskin garrison, Cephalon HQ, Octo-Valley and cephalopod rock
This really was Splatoon but Awesome
That a no for me
@@arrow-1237 I pronounce it Deck-uh-dew-ee
I think it’s be cool to start off with a weak weapon like the splattershot jr and be able to find main weapons around the map so that you don’t know what weapon you will play going into each match
Alright I got a name. Splattle battle.
This would make one heck of a game mode...
If the switch had the procesing power to handle it .-.
IDEA: the ink pistions could be converted into water pistions, so that they dont confuse people with ink colours
Maybe there could be a feature where you start with the regular gun but then upgrade it into another version via some sort of buy station
This is a great video and it needs more publicity! I've always thought the story mode items should be taken advantage of more, but I do have one thing; The tenta missiles and whatever the special that shoots the lasers is would be broken in this mode, so maybe they should just be outright removed, the tenta missiles because they can aim at everyone on the map at once and the lasers because they go straight through all of the map, they have no limit to range. But besides that, this mode would be insanely fun, I can see me and my friends just having a great time. A battle royale never crossed my mind, but that actually sounds amazing.
i think that the tenta missiles, like the big bubbler in tower control, will be nerfed; either by range, or amount of missiles
Name: forgotten manland
The thing about the ink colors is that there are more weapon classes that get used and more that are used.
Splatoon cannot even handle 8 players
this is exactly like something ive been thinking splatoon should have! A gamemode with a bigger stage and longer playtime with more players all fighting for themselves and tons of different colors, itd fit so well!!!
It would be cool if during Splatfests that it would turn into a HUGE turf war with 20 v 20 v 20 all aiming to be the biggest and best.
Come to think of it, one problem I feel is the brellas…not only cause Nintendo Netcode, but the brellas each have different canopies, aka how do hitboxes work?
Same hitbox as the standard brella. If they wanted to be nice they could shrink down the tentas canopy, but this is a proof of concept if anything, so it doesn’t really matter haha
@@toxiquid I mean you got me there, should’ve learned from my first comment, still would be cool to see become an actual thing
honestly love your vids, also you should add a area called subliminal zone, a underground area kinda like buoy bunker, sea floor sub-terrain or triton trail, the subliminal zone is acsessed by a stair case only taking about 5 seconds to get to the bottom of it, the subliminal zone is a bunch of fimiliar rooms or areas in it the rooms and areas are pretty small, they contain a item in each room like a box or a canester, like one could have a box and then when you go into the next room their could be a special canester, the only bad things is that its littered with traps, monsters, yes monsters, and mostly players greeding for the every room item, the monsters are dark entities that only attack you if you get to close to them they wont ever try to hurt you if you are'nt close, in this area the micanic of ink dissipation still exsistes but it takes alot slower to dissipate. Thats all I have for the area idea, bye!
I feel like a 'generic' mode in Splatoon really wouldn't fit it.
i was surprised this wasn't mentioned, but the incoming high tide from salmon run would make a good lore reason why the map eventually shrinks down at the end to force fights
Overall great concept, one big thing I would add to this is being able to find sub abilities as loot to increase your stats, similar to the way city trial or smash run work, just to give more incentive to keep exploring and finding more loot after you've already already found all the weapons you want
Weapon Skins? Nah. I got a better idea- people select the standard weapon they start with, but can collect canisters containing other mains during battle. L button can switch subs, left and right buttons switch mains. You can hold up to 10 mains. You can also drop mains by pressing the L stick, which will leave it there for other players to collect. Besides that, I only have 3 words for this concept:
*H I R E T H I S M A N*
I love the idea but Splatoon is a game about teamwork so maybe if the battle royal was always in squads. The ink disappearing is a great idea and it's also cannon stated in one of the sunken scrolls ( I forgot which one )! I feel that this would be a event such as splatfest and Big Run. I also like the gimmick of amour and other gimmicks from the hero modes! I love this idea for a Splatoon battle royal!
I think if your ink slowly regenerated naturally to get a small shot or burst from your main to recover ink eventually also if this would be applied remove the “slow charge” of chargers and splatlings.
Please do NOT ever make splatoon a battle royale that would fucking suck 😭
3:30 at the time I was watching this, both goo tuber and splash were in rotation. It was kinda creepy
why do I feel like a Splatoon Battle Royale would genuinely be awesome
Tldr: you don't.
great video, but france is already like this in real life idk why you spent so much time animating it instead of getting live footage
(in all seriousness, love this channel! going to be binging your vids all day)
fuck you're right; that wouldve been a lot easier bahaha
I like the idea, but I think it would be cool if we use the deep sea metro as the launch point
I think the bus is kinda derivative, instead what would be cool is a bunch of individual spawners (24 would be a more manageable number, and allow for duos, trios, and squads as you mentioned) arranged like a school of fish going along one path. That way it would be much more sea-like.
Also the splatlands are still in japan, the eiffel tower just got carried across the sea
Ok heres some input:
Colors are picked by you, you wanna be green? You are green now. You wanna be blue? You are blue now. Have it purely be a visual thing and no matter the weapon or ink color you see what you want and the enemies see what they want. The only catch is if you play in team modes the game will force colors so team coordination is possible.
Two weapon slots, two sub slots. You get to carry two weapons, easy to shift through via using the D-Pad while the bumper swaps sub-weapon. This let's you have some flexability when playing so you can grab a turf inking weapon for farming special and getting around or pushing someone back, but also carry a slayer weapon for fights. The weapon swap would have to have a downside so you can't just hot swap on people so an ink cost of 10-15% as well as a half-full second delay would balance out.
Inkreases should only boost your tank by 10% or so, make it so you have to search for them and not hit 200% so fast. This would also let us put down the fill tanks from the story mode as the big refill tanks that also boost your tank by 25%, making them rarer to compensate.
All weapons should be available in this mode with the Grizz co. weapons also being findable but with their own limited but bigger ink tanks. Limiting the game to only the standard weapons would make the game uber stale after a while and having more toys to screw around with would keep the mode fresh and crazy. To keep it fair though limiting everyone to standard only on drop sounds fair, but people should be allowed to go find the other weapons like hydra or Aerospray. As a side note you can toggle the appearance of weapons in the mode if they have alt kits, letting you turn your Aero gold just for looks when you pick it up and similar with other weapons.
Armor in tiers. Have the game start off with everyone having basic lv1 armor, this makes sure charger and blaster players can't get cheeky one shots right of drop and they'll have to work for early kills. Finding armor crates will boost your armor level up lv3, with 75% more hp than usual but still fast to kill by most weapons especially since armor WON"T regen all at once, instead coming back slowly and regenerating like Hp that can't be sped up via swimming.
Lol I’m 7 months too late, but I think something that should be included is a reboot or comeback mechanism. I think a cool feature would be to leave power eggs around the map, and could be collected via kills, movement combos, survival, quests, and opening chests. If the player collects a certain amount, they can buy their additional weapons and revive teammates. Also: getting other weapons from the buy station might make them have their different properties. That way skins could still work as a early game troll and could be used as psychological weapons during endgame. (Such as a player holding an e-liter skin, but they actually have a splat charger to trick others into hiding away in further positions)
i think there should be like rainbow ink stations, they double your fire rate but after you use it all next ink tank you use your fire rate is 0.5 (the ink tank has to be full for the effect to go away)
Opinion, use bigger versions of salmon run stages to use the tide as a motivator
i have always thought of splatoon battle royale and how it would work so this is cool
Damn I am late to this party by a landslide. This has got to be the most polished splatoon battle royal concept I’ve ever seen! Most of the questions that I had were addressed with the comment section. However, I still have one question of my own, and it’s about the team matches. Will you be able to revive teammates once they get taken out, or are they just out for good? The revival system shouldn’t be too hard considering that salmon run has one of its own that would work, but it would obviously need some tweaks. For example, you can’t just be revivable forever like in salmon run, you would have to have a timer until you’re out for good.
i imagine a salmon run scenario! probably not one to one, but functionally identical. maybe a timer for balance?
@@toxiquid oh wow, didn’t expect a reply within the hour! I actually have one more question if you don’t mind. Something I’m surprised no one ask about yet is super jumping. Assuming everything functions the same as turf war, being able to super jump anywhere would be broken. Not only would it let you jump to teammates all the way on the other side of the map, but they could also give you a free exit out of a loosing battle. Sure beacons could also provide a jump out, they could be easily broken or camped. What you would change to keep this balanced, or would you just remove super jumping altogether?
@@PlayerW.O.N. probably a radius type of deal? And that you’d be vulnerable during the super jump, not invincible
@@toxiquid yeah that seems pretty reasonable. Thanks for answering my questions, I truly appreciate it.
I think you should start out weaponless and collect weapons throughout like finding big swig rollers or ballpoint splatting, and finding specials and subs as well
Emergency ink refill that takes up a mini weapons slot.
Very cool ideas! I’d honestly love to play a Splatoon battle royale.
What if there was a thing where similar to salmon run when your teammates die they appear in something similar to the floaters in Salmon Run for Revival
If you run out of time and the ink in the floaters drys up The little spirit thing of your teammate will stick around for a bit just in case you come by and put them in a container of ink where you can then load them into one of the launchers from the start of a turf war or Ranked match and it will Shoot them back to a Mobile Stage that will come by every now and then which will allow your team mate to jump back into the Fight
I think that the whole “deployment system” would be a lot more unique if it was a swarm of respawn drones instead of just another battle bus. You could aim your drone at where you wanna drop and launch yourself there. This would make the dropping system as Splatoony as possible as well as keeping it simple and fair.
Also because you kinda forgot about it (makes sense it’s not that noticeable of a gameplay feature) ink probably should still regenerate but maybe a lot slower. That way if you run out of ink in the middle of commuting to somewhere else you won’t just need to walk for a stupid amount of time. Heck, we could even apply this extra regeneration length to swimming in your own ink as well! Make it still an ink positive transaction but you need to stay in your ink for almost the entire duration of its lifespan in order to get a return. Perhaps staying still in your ink could allow you to soak it in faster! Although for all of this to work, it would have to work like the stamina in breath of the wild where no matter how much you upgrade it still takes the same amount of time to fill.
Also with abilities, something cool could be that you could find sub abilities in crates and temporarily slot them onto your main set! That way it gives you something extra to look forward to in each crate.
Also the rainstorm could be pretty cool, but it seems too rare to be a threat in a place as arid as the splat lands. How about instead it’s a dust storm that ravenges the surround area? Rapidly drying any ink that it touches and even the ink in your ink tank! Eventually it would completely dry you up and completely cover your screen in sand, splatting you.
Also since the mammal monolith is so close to the crater, you should probably be able to see the entrance to Alterna from the top just as a cool detail.
1:35 toxirick
This is the most helpful I can be, as I don't know much about splatoon
maybe not a battle royale but an 8 player ffa turf war would be so much fun
I remember imagining Splatoon as an open world similar to breath of the wild where weapons would be scattered around and have limited ink durability where when it ran out the weapon broke.
I think it’d be cool if the lil ability drinks you can buy appeared throughout the map in chests and stuff, granting you various Main or Sub abilities when consumed.
If this were to be added the abilities from your gear would probably have to be removed though.
How does the rain work underground? Is there a gradual flood or a tsunami?
having ink dry dry makes me feel like im playing ink conservitory project story mode level so pls no ink dry
Maybe you could have one of my ideas which is don’t sponges they act like sponges, except you can bounce on them and the higher, and the bigger you get them the more back to their
You should make it, so at least the second version of every single weapon to be present. For example, for the stringers can have the small stringer not the copies.
i would play this SO MUCH MORE than salmon run
Splatterfield feels better
I really only have two issues with this idea. 1# Most weapons in Splatoon instakill like chargers, rollers, stringers and blasters all kill if hit directly or with a full charge. (And yes you could just ~move~ around the shots) Splatoon is made to also about turf control and other weapons (all the other ones) are balanced because of there turf controlling capabilities and without respawns, the other weapons become blatantly better. 2# Admittable my second argument isn't as important but why would they be doing a battle royal. Turf war happened because of a in game war between the inklings and octolings. And the competitive modes are just expansions of that, salmon run is because Mr. Grizz wanted to ~zzzz~zzzzzzzz~zz~ so why would they start fighting to the death in a huge area where map control isn't the objective and actively will cause you to die. (Like I said not to important but I'm a sucker for flavor text sooooo......) I think it could work, I saw a comment that thought making it like bed wars and thought that would work better.
I totally understand the points you are trying to make here, and for the most part, I agree! However I think there are many workarounds that could make things fun, fair, and interesting that I hopefully explained in the video. For one, the armor pieces would act like Shields, adding on health points for those pesky chargers, stringers, etc. they stack to get you to 200% HP, and bada bing you’re chilling. I also think that for this mode, weapons would be slightly rebalanced. Maybe they’d be rebalanced across all game modes if this dropped! I don’t know the nitty gritty logistics, I make videos, not games haha- but the niche that each weapon fills works. Turf control is important, yes, but that’s the point of each different weapon. They provide different tactics that they need to use in order to prevail victorious!
As for your second point, I am not a Splatoon writer, so I don’t know why they would be doing this for story reasons, HOWEVER, I explained in the video that with the whole theme of Chaos and Anarchy emanating from Splatoon 3’s whole world, I think thematically, it’d fit right in! If you want to figure out why they’d do this, I’m all ears!
@@toxiquid You are right, the chaos part of the argument (not really an argument) does support it very well and plus if the devs wanted this a mode they would come up with a reason why. Also I completely forgot about the armor so thank you for reminding me. Though early game it would still be very difficult to combat someone with a charger and such. And yes weapon rebalances would take place in a mode like this but I would rather this be its own side game if it were to make balances around permadeath rather then respawns like all the other modes. Also GREAT video, I never ever have spend so long thinking about a video and I want to congratulate you for keeping my short attention span. Love the idea, needs changes.
@@hitzsche5040 I agree, if this were to happen, i think it being a spinoff or side game would be probably better, but i was imagining it right alongside splat3's whole schtick, ya feel? Either way it'd accomplish what it sets out to do haha
glad you enjoyed the video, btw!
I've got a few questions,
Will players have multiple lives? if not, the abilitys comeback and quick respawn are useless. An if so, how many is one player given?
Would the splat charger, splatana wiper, roller, and blaster be balanced to not one shot? If not and the first question is no as well, people wont have fun basically waiting 20 minutes because they got sniped in the first five seconds of the match.
Can players super jump anywhere else? If not, then stealth jump is also useless.
Can other players be on the same team?
Are there any other splatanas or stringers for players to choose to customize themself with?
no multiple lives in singles, but you can get revived in duos, trios, and squads (ala fortnite).
i imagine weapons being rebalanced.
players can jump to locales when initially being deployed, or if something shoots them out again. can't control expressly where unless a teammate is there, like in turf war.
anything thats in the game i think you could customize with.
@@toxiquid the last question is basically asking are there any other stringers that are not the tri stringer or reef lux, or any other splatanas other then the wiprt or stamper.
I’m not in love with all the ideas, but it’s an interesting concept for sure! And I’m always in favour of using more items from the single player since they offer interesting challenges :D
The world building of this is so cool
Maybe you can add the bottles from Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion as an alterative means of refilling ink...
I probably would make it so you have a inventory where you can store as much bombs and special weapons as you want however they disappear after usage so let's I have 7 burst bombs in my inventory I throw one now there's 6 burst bombs in my inventory
Nintendo should hire you. This is the first battle royale that isn't just a fortnight copy and paste. Good job!
I think a battle royale version of splatoon 3 would be sick, nintendo would never do that though
All I said was that it's kinda like Fortnite 😔
That was your first mistake
"My nuts hurt"
Saltydkdan 2022
But in all seriousness, this is an amazing video! Splatoon is my favorite game of all time and I'd love to see something like this get implemented!
This could be a spinoff or a new game that shares a nintendo slot with the turf war version like with fortnite save the world and battle royale
Can’t wait for this if it gets added
Oyster overhang is the exact opposite of urchin underpass
Splatter island
Also they should add different types of ink tanks
The “storm” would still be “the storm”, inklings are weak to water… no Zero-point neded
Also, certain poi’s should contain a super weapon like “Callie’s modified Roller/Marie’s ultra-charger” with either a boss that uses the weapon, the “character”weapons Rotate… one week it’s Charger and roller, the next is The Human’s Slosher and Chirpy chirp N-zap
Splatfests have 3, Guarded by the idols…. Usually not restricted to the 11 clases and tie to the themes of the splatfest, like “the Sneaker stomps” for team Bigfoot, where they grant a ground pound, permanent Roller like splats and a roundhouse kick move
Big runs have “salmonid stations” that work identical to Fortnite’s Cube dens, granting a (nerfed) grizco weapon
what would respond punisher and quick response do I think Thermo ink should randomly show a player within 10 m of you
I think the whole ink color being based on weapons thing is a bit flawed because 1. it would make working in squads a bit finicky if you all choose different weapons and 2. A more experienced Splatoon player could tell the kind of weapon based purely on the pattern of it's ink, for example rollers have an inconsistent wave pattern, while Brellas have a very unique line pattern. Sure a lot of shooters would blend in, but even every shooter variant varies from the standard splattershot in terms of how well it paints. My point is you could get all of the information that you'd need on a weapon (such as range and paint coverage) based on the patterns in a player's ink alone *unless* they're a perfectionist who paints every corner of every room. In replacement of this color determining system I propose instead how the hit game Among Us handles color picking: you get to choose a preferred color, but if multiple players pick the same color then a random one of those players is given the color while the rest are randomly given other available colors that aren't taken.
Edit: Me who didn't watch to the end and see that weapon variants wouldn't be included 💀
But yeah, my point still stands. Even Dualies have a differant paint pattern than splattershots because they not only shoot from two different firing points, but also because of the space of nothingness that would often be present after a dualie's dodge roll. Not to mention this would also give a player who chose splattershot the option to fake a dualies's paint patterns in order to intimidate less observant players who stumble upon their ink before it dries.
Me just imagining splatoon 3 netcode trying to handle 60 players
i have a idea, its about the COLOUR, so hear me out, if you can pick a colour, THAT WOULD BE GREAT, imigane if you want the purple on a splatana, well now you can!, but, you can NOT buy more colours, only the colour in this video you can pick, so if u want ur friend to swim in ur ink but want solos, tell them to pick the colour!, ( this would be A GREAT idea for ppl who like soloing with friends but they like diff colours)
I love vernias saying it’s Fortnite the immediately exploded😆
Best idea I have heard in months!!!!!!!
The only issue I see with this is the fact that Splatoon's servers couldn't handle that many people doing different things all at once. I love the concept, but until Nintendo makes some upgrades, it's not really feasible.
Finally! Sheldon does something else than talk!
*VIOLENT BURP* subscimbe 😂 1:37