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The ending is a sad throwback Easter egg to what should have happened in classic who but couldn't... it was supposed to be revealed that the master (original actor Roger Delgado, wonderful) was the drs brother, and it was going to be written that he saved the (3rd) drs life by sacrificing his life, in the 3rd drs last story before regeneration... sadly though, the actor died filming a movie abroad way before this ever came to pass.... back then the cast were a close knit ensemble cast (called sometimes the U.N.I.T family) comprising of the Dr, his companion,, the master and various wonderful unit cast including the brigadier... so when Roger Delgado died, it was one of the factors ushering in the beginning of the end of the era...
And it was a bit clever how they kept the Master's four-beats without ever actually having him knock. Found bangs, for tones, four finger-taps... but the only actual Knocking... was Wilf.
Something I always loved about this episode was Sarah-Jane's appearance. Here's the thing: Sarah-Jane was a companion to two classic Doctors, that being the Third and Fourth. With that in mind, she saw the Third Doctor regenerate INTO the Fourth, just like Rose did with the Ninth into the Tenth. So you're right, she knows what's happening... because she's been here before, and she's seen this happen already. She knows EXACTLY what's happening.
Shout out to John Simm, who did 33 costume changes over the course of this episode (including dresses, heels, and pantyhose) and ate massive amounts of chicken for probably 20 takes. Whatever they paid him for these two episodes, it wasn’t enough.
10 sacrificing himself for Wilf always puts me in mind of his quote from The Lazarus Experiment: "Some people live more in 10 years than others do in 80. It's not the time that matters it's the person." Wilf is an old man but saving his life and giving him those 10 more years at the expense of his own life may not seem like much but it is actually everything. Just because you're old doesn't mean the future isn't worth seeing or experiencing.
It is commonly thought that "The Woman," the Time Lady who was set in a weeping angel position, is the Doctor's mother. Never officially made canon, but the writers and the actress all had that idea in mind during production.
19:18 - oh look at that, the Master (John Simms) standing side by side with the Doctor to fight off a enemy. So nice to see them stand together, even if it was brief.
We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. Vale decem (Farewell Ten), Ad aeternam (On to Eternity), Di meliora (The fates be with you), Ad aeternam (On to Eternity), Vale decem (Farewell Ten), Di meliora (The fates be with you), Beati (Oh blessed be), Pacifici (He who brought us peace), Vale decem (Farewell Ten), Alis grave (Lay down your burden), Ad perpetuam (We will remember you), Memoriam (Forever more), Vale decem (Farewell Ten), Gratis tibi ago (We give you thanks), Ad aeternam (On to Eternity), Numquam singularis (You are not alone), Numquam (Never), Dum spiro fido (Trust to the last), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell), Vale (Farewell)... "I don't want to go..."
The expression on your face when you think the Doctor is okay and then process the fact that you just heard four knocks and remembering the prophesy was so heartbreaking. You could see your face displaying the layered emotions and Ooof, I felt it with you.
18:49 - somebody pointed out on another reaction recently that I’d never noticed before but the doctors mom is actually shifting her eyes towards the console that the doctor shoots. She’s basically telling him ‘shoot it, there’s another way’
+obiwankenobi687 Wow! That’s a beautiful detail I had never noticed until you pointed it out. That she provides her son another option so he doesn’t have to murder his own friend even if it means she will be forever trapped in the time lock makes this whole scene even more amazing. And that explains why she made sure Wilfred got the Doctor to carry his gun, so he’d have it at that very moment.
She did! I don’t remember noticing the first time, but I did see it this time. I think I also saw the Master realise, when 10 said to get out of the way.
Which proves my point like mother like son the main council trying to revoke a time loop/event the doctor has proven himself to be ignorant and try to break those impossible times to do so. From her mother knowing her son dies after the war after seeing time flows beyond _______ doctor and giving him a point to cheat
"I don't want to go." I am telling you, I WAS SOBBING when this first aired. I was heartbroken, crying my eyes out in my room. At one point, my dad became concerned, lol.
When I first watched this episode as a child, it was David’s goodbye that had me emotional, obviously. But now, as an unc… it’s Sarah Jane that makes me tear up the most. They had no idea this would be Elizabeth’s final scene in the show, and by all rights it shouldn’t have been. But just over a year after this aired, she would tragically pass away. And yet it’s oddly fitting that this was her final scene. The way she looks at the Doctor, the smile on her face, the silent goodbye being exchanged between them and the implicit understanding that it was going to be ok. It’s an act of providence that it ended up like this because, as much as it shouldn’t have been the last she was on Doctor Who, I’m very happy that this is the way the show inadvertently said goodbye to one of its longest standing names.
True story: I saw Matt Smith, sometime before this, in the tv adaptation of "The Ruby in the Smoke" (starring Billie Piper), and I thought "In a few years' time, that young man would make a superb Doctor". And then....
The Ruby in the Smoke was a good story. Also Matt's first agent, the person who discovered him, was classic Dr. Who companion, Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury)
Same here. I watched all of Doctor Who on Netflix back in the day at a dead sprint because Eleven was just about to start his debut season. Eleven will always be my Doctor
Luke being rescued from being hit by a car is an injoke. RTD got annoyed since the kids on the Sarah Jane Adventures never look before crossing the road. As streets tend to be closed for filming there's no need but it's a terrible example to set for kids.
For the sake of the timeline. When we see Jack, that is right after the events of "Torchwood Children of Earth." This was the Doctor's way of telling Jack "I forgive you." Source - Russell T Davies. Always love your reactions ❤
That moment with the 4 knocks…. Breaks my heart. The Doctor’s “so much more” speech breaks my heart even more. Oof this is so hard. A goodbye filled with tears, but also filled with loved. He gets to go visit his companions one more time. Rose!!! This regeneration took me some time to recover from. So many emotions. When Wilf blows a kiss to the Doctor. 💙But Matt Smith soon becomes a top tier Doctor as well. The music, the “I don’t want to go”, ahhh it’s so good! Thanks David Tennant for being an amazing Doctor, my Doctor. 💙
Those emotions you went through at the ending of one version of the Doctor into the new one is what we classic Whovians have experienced throughout the years. Tom Baker was my Doctor and when he changed, it was heartbreaking for many. The way Dr. Who is able to pull out so many emotions is why he has been such an iconic character for millions.
RTD intended the woman to be the doctor’s mother, but he decided to leave it ambiguous so as not to tie the hands of future writers. However when Wilf asked, the doctor looked at Sylvia, to indicate the woman was his mother. I thought this was one of the best episodes until that ending where he is saying goodbye to everyone. It felt, at the time, that RTD was saying goodbye to Tennant rather than the doctor. Regeneration is not death, it’s cheating death by changing. However, thinking about it, this version of the Doctor tried to be very human. He picked up bits of Rose when he regenerated from nine to ten: her “youth”, her accent, and some of her”my way no matter what”. So this incarnation didn’t want to change. He held back his regeneration so long that when he finally gave up that willfullness he exploded the TARDIS. We saw, in the master, how time lords are far more than what their bodies appear. He had enough time lord energy to cast down Rassilon (classic fans know who Rassilon is, and trust me, you don’t want to mess with him). But Ten wanted to keep this face and persona that was so human, denying his own nature. He finally had to give up and accept that nature which embodies change (literally). I read a post at the time this aired, saying regeneration is like throwing up. You don’t want to do it. It feels awful. But you feel so much better when you are done😄. I’m glad for the Waters of Mars because in End of Time we saw a final battle between the Timelord Victorious and the regular old Doctor ….and the Doctor won. Wilf wasnt his death. Wilf saved him.
That "I dont wanna go" always gets me. Anyway, I always appreciate you willing to share your emotions & thoughts! So many men get so hung up on looking stoic & "cool", its refreshing!
This special was a soul crusher, full stop. The track is called "Vale Decum" which translates to "Farewell Ten." If you watch any of the fan-made music videos of that song, have tissues and be ready to hit record because that could be a whole episode itself. You can find versions of it with both the Latin and English subtitles baked in. Hope you enjoy
There are few moments of visual storytelling I love in media more than the Doctor taking his gun from Wilf when realising that the Time Lords are coming back. Ever since S1, the Doctor has been vague about Galifrey but the image we’re left with is a peaceful, prosperous, beautiful, majestic place ruled over by serene, noble guardians of time. Knowledge of Classic Who would probably have offered a different perspective to NuWho only audiences but still, it was the Doctor’s home and its loss weighs extremely heavy on him, and there was always the underlying implication that he wanted to return to them. He wanted Galifrey back, he wanted to see the Time Lords again, that was the takeaway we were left with after four series of hearing him talk about his home. (Cont.)
What we were also left with is that the Doctor despises violence and weapons. Again, something that was there in Classic Who but from 9 onwards, his adversity towards it was much more informed by his then recent decision to destroy Galifrey and Skaro both. He hates violence because he hates himself and what he’s had to do. He was a soldier and he fought like one, but he doesn’t want to do that anymore. He wants to be the man who never would, even if in his heart he knows he was the man who was and did. Even when faces with the prospect of his own death and self-preservation, he puts the gun back in Wilf’s hands rather than take it up. These are two essential facts of the Doctor’s character as established by RTD1, so the obvious thought is that when he’s told Galifrey could come back, he will be overjoyed that his people will return… but he’s not. He gasps. Ok, he looks afraid, but maybe he’s just shocked? (Cont. again)
Then he picks up the gun he just told Wilf he would never use. The symbol of everything he’s been rejecting for so long, the personification of all the violence he wanted to atone for. Whatever the threat of the Time Lords is, he considers it so severe that he’s going to be forced to kill in order to stop them. (Cont. again)
It’s one simple scene, it’s one simple extension of David’s hand towards the prop… but the weight, significance and power of what that gesture represents for the Doctor as a character? So much is conveyed in that one moment that I cannot express in ten thousand words of pretentious over-explanation. It is a moment in fiction that I always come back to as the textbook example of how to handle visual storytelling, it is masterfully done and a defining moment for Ten, the Doctor and Doctor Who as a show.
I have met RTD personally & he told me that as a writing focus it was his mother 100% saying to me "Who would you want to best guide you at the end of your life?" It's also in the stage direction in the script & in the book "The Writers Tale" RTD told me though it was left ambiguous in-vision over time he has loved the many fan theories of who she was & joked they were better than his intention. And yes RTD was incredible to meet (So was Moffat) I've got a short story. I met him at the Radiotimes TV Festival & he was on stage doing a Q&A on stage about his BBC version of "A midsummer nights dream" He came off stage and stayed to chat, sign autographs, pictures anything for the fans. He stayed for ages to a point where Steven Moffat came from behind the curtain to jokingly chastise RTD for making everyone late for his interview to promote DW S9 with his Doctor!! It was hilarious 😂 😃 I briefly then met Moffat & fellow exec Matt Strevens & got a pic. In the end The Doctor was stuck in traffic on the M4 so the stage talk with Moffat & S9 Doc was delayed 😂) If you've read all this I'm happy to point out that despite RTD leaving DW years before he still went out of his way to please DW fans as he loves Who. Never meet your hero's they say? He was incredible to fans that day & ill always remember it 🥰 & Moffat was a riot!! You can see how close they are
The Writers Tale is an Incredible book! A fascinating look at writing and illustrates just how amazing RTD as a writer. These are emails for goodness sake! Yet so rich and thoughtful and well written
Its amazing just how many people have this exact story about meeting RTD personally with the exact same conversation. Either RTD has no variaction in his explanations or most of you are lying lol
@@charg1nmalaz0r51 Lying? What about meeting him? I said exactly where I met him in 2015 with Moffat! Anyway if anything at least RTD is consistent in his explanation to anyone that asks him but he can hardly say much different it's in the stage direction of the script & in the writers tale book. It wasn't a shock revelation I knew of it, I just wanted to hear it from him directly. I also spoke to him about the Torchwood episodes Small Worlds & Countrycide
Every Doctor actor has some freedom about the words they say, for the regeneration. Ecclestones "You were fantastic, and you know what? So was I" was his line. tennant had "I dont want to go" (also he was the one who stepped down from the role) in the behind the scenes you can see him experimenting with different styles, with and without tears, slow and fast. So will Matt have his own words in the end. I think its a nice touch
Nah I tell you the way my jaw DROPPED when I first saw the Wilf 4 knocks twist, incredible. And David’s performance and outburst before letting Wilf out was so amazing, would probably be my number one Doctor speech if not for THAT 12 scene. Well there’s the end of an era, onto 11, we have the best season opener coming up next episode, can’t wait!
23:35 The Torchwood episode Martha's in is actually chronologically roughly halfway through Doctor Who series 4, so before Micky moves back to the main universe at the end of the Series 4 finale. At that time she's engaged to Thomas Milligan (played by Tom Ellis, aka Lucifer from Lucifer) he's the doctor that helps her in the Series 3 finale. That makes it come off even weirder (and kind of lazily written) that they made it so Martha and Mickey married.
@@CasualNerdReactions In the real world she was in Law & Order: UK. Lois' role in Children of Earth was originally written for Martha, but Freema Agyeman was offered the other part before CoE was confirmed.
Absolutely LOVED watching your reaction video. Thank you for being so lovely and positive about the show. I love it so much and I love the Master; totally my favourite character in the show. I look forward to more of your videos. Until next time. Geronimo!
It was never stated IN the show but, it was kind of implied, and iirc one of the show runners stated that the one woman, who one who Wilf kept seeing and who cried when looking at The Doctor was intended to be/implied to be The Doctor's mother. Man though, the way the music just grinds to a stop when Wilf knocks on the door.
She was implied to be quite a lot of people..... His mother, father, daughter, daughter's mother, Romana, the Rani amongst others as well as a generic Time Lady. However Steven Moffat has said it's upto the fans to interpret as we wish
As a writers focus it was The Doctor's mother to RTD. It's actually in the stage direction of the OG script & was fully confirmed in the book "The Writers Tale" I met RTD years later & he said to me "Who would you like to best guide you at the end of your life?" He loves all the theories of who she was joking they were all better than his writing intention however. RTD was so generous with his time that day despite leaving DW years ago. I'll always remember it he stayed for ages for all the fans to chat to. There was a long line, totally freaked out the organisers 🥰
@@fleason771 I'm just going by what I've read/picked up over the years. Personally I would have liked a definite answer but I don't suppose we'll ever get one. Although the actor is still alive (in her 90s) so it could happen
It was really fun reliving this story with you! David Tennant acted the heck out of Ten's sorrow and regrets. Very glad that he got to say goodbye to his companions though, that was heartwarming. And Wilf is so worthy of our love, what a wonderful man. When Ten told him it's an honor [to give his life for Wilf], I think us fans would have said and done the same. I found myself getting really excited to see you react to Matt Smith. The casting of The Doctor is just out-of-this-world good. I didn't know how I could possibly accept Ten once I'd found "my" Doctor in Nine, but then I felt the same at the end of this episode. But Smith is also perfect. Fresh and exciting, yet still absolutely The Doctor. And he gets some of the best companions in the show's history.
I can't watch this without nearly crying every time, spending my childhood with David and these characters on screen from the ages of 4 until 9 makes them inseparable from my memories. I'll never forget watching this for the first time. I couldn't stand the idea of going into a new era without these people. But as time revealed, the journey is incredible all the way through (well until series 10, and then 14 imo)
Losing David Tennant as the Doctor at my young age, I couldn't bring myself back to the show with a new actor in the role for at least 3 years. The regeneration scene and the song Vale Decem (translating to Goodbye Ten) still makes me emotional after all this time.
Fun Fact, in The Sarah Jane Adventures, it's confirmed that The Doctor visited every companion here, including all classic companions. And the fandom has kind of agreed why he did this thanks to a change made by Steven Moffat a few seasons later. You will understand why by The Time of The Doctor.
Rtd said the woman was the doctor’s mother. Donna and her family are the doctor’s time lord family, if you read between the lines….all that was missing was the fob watch.
The call backs are the best part of the whole finale and was the perfect send off for David Tennant. The one in the bookstore hit me particularly hard too as that was one of my favorite episodes and I can even tear up just thinking about how happy the Doctor would have been with her had he stayed human. But the Doctor does have some things to look forward to and you as well. If you thought this season gave you some interesting twists and turns....hold onto your seats!!! 😆
Your passion and excitement as I rewatch these episodes with you makes me feel like a child again, 7PM on a Saturday with a cup of hot chocolate, sitting with my family. Thank you for these videos.
This is when Doctor Who was at its peak in the UK. The next Doctor's era really took off in the US and helped to spread the show to a much wider audience, but I can't remember anyone over here getting as excited about the show as we all did during the RTD era
I think Matt had such big shoes to fill after Tennant and i think a fair few viewers did stop watching but for me giving him a chance was always more important and to me he knocks it out of the park
When Wilf asks the Doctor who the woman was, he looks over at and the camera cuts to Sylvia. You were correct - the intention is that she was the Doctor's mum.
I didn’t like Matt at first, just because he wasn’t David. Then came the day he announced he was leaving & I burst into tears. Without my realising, he had become MY Doctor. Getting to meet him was one of the best days of my life. And Alex & Freema we’re there too! Almost Heaven.
Having watched Torchwood, so you recognize the other half of the gauntlet used in the pilot episode. It brought people back to life where Dalton's is used for death.
Still one of the best regenerations and series finales. I immediately guessed there would be an issue when Wilf popped into the nuclear bolt to let the other person out, but in the first watching, still completely forgot he popped in there... until the four knocks. And then... immediate tears at knowing what that had truly meant all along, even before The Doctor and Wilf talked, and all that came after. Still makes me tear up, even now, having seen it at least four times prior.
I love the look of disappointment in his face when he save's Sarah's boy from being run over. It just reeks of "ffs, you've got one life, watch where you're going".
What's wild is, when 9 became 10, Rose not only looked shocked but also confused. The way she looked at 10 was almost as if... she'd seen his face before.
I do believe that the reason this regeneration was so powerful/destructive was a product of TENnant holding it back for so long so he could say his goodbyes to friends.
OMG!!!! I had never noticed until just now that the Timelords mentioned The Moment.......It will be a while before that is explained, but it is mentioned here :o (I know this makes me slow on the uptake, but I tend to have other things on my mind when I see this episode!) "Wilfred- it's my honour..." That's what completely finished me today! 😭😭😭😭😭 I love your 'editing' reaction - a true Whovian! " I love Doctor Who!" "Hang on- who is this imposter?" "I might as well give the show another chance!" "hey- the new Doctor is great!" (I am assuming you will follow that sequence through, as you did from Nine to Ten)
@@carolineskipper6976 There is a very brief line in the future that "the high council have plans of their own"..& that's when the events of this episode took place!! 🤯
It's been a while since my obligatory 'thank you's, but I've been here the whole time. Re-watching as the late Bernard Cribbins played the empathetic war veteran against David Tennant's PTSD suffering war veteran was an emotional masterclass of acting. I cried through the entire last half of this reaction. Looking forward to watching Doctor #11 with you.
For a pre regeneration story “The End of Time” had some interesting elements in it that answered some of the questions fans had been asking about (since the show returned in 2005:) specifically about The Doctor’s last day of the Time War and how he ended it all by wiping out the two enemy races which had caused the universe so much death and destruction. We finally learn why The Doctor used “The Moment,” because of what Rassilon intended to do, which was to turn the Time Lords (and no doubt the rest of the universe) into a higher plain of consciousness. Something the Doctor would never allow. It was never explained in the story how Rassilon had come back from the dead. As the first Time Lord President, Rassilon had ruled Gallifrey centuries before, and was one of the 3 main architects instrumental in the creation of time travel and that of the Time Lords themselves. Yet suddenly, here he was, a snarling, angry, larger than life Rassilon who was going to bring about “The end of time itself,” before he and his fellow Time Lords were defeated at the hands of The Doctor and The Master. It was heartbreaking at the end, with the 10th Doctor believing he had beaten the Time Lords and, having sent them all back into hell, would live to fight another day for himself. To have eluded death, only to find it had found him again in the guise of Wilf, one could understand The Doctor’s anger and frustration at knowing what he had to do: his duty and “his honour” to save a man he once said he would be proud to call “my dad!” This story was a fitting tribute and end to The Doctor’s 10th incarnation, only let down for me by a ridiculously long and extremely self indulgent montage of goodbyes to companions and friends, old and new. Granted, the 3rd Doctor was in his TARDIS and lost in the Time Vortex for 3 weeks until he returned to Earth and regenerated, but this just smacked of oneupmanship, wanting to give the audience a 10th Doctor greatest hits package before he regenerated into the 11th Doctor, screaming “Geronimo” at the TARDIS central column, whilst the console room around him was engulfed in flames! “Just to see how the show changes and transitions and I am excited after this ending to enter into this new era.” Chris, you’ve no idea how excited we all are to see your reaction to the start of the Steven Moffat era of Doctor Who, and of the 11th Doctor himself, Matt Smith! If you think you’ve already been subjected to extreme levels of bonkers, off the wall stories, then times that level by 100 and it still won’t beat what you’re about to see next! So many surprises await you. So many shocks and jaw dropping moments which you will see that will blow your mind. Buckle up and get ready, mister, cos here’s where the fun begins…..”
The end of the RTD era, the 10th Doctor era, the Time Lord Victorious era, the Children of Time era, the Bad Wolf era, the coral TARDIS era, the spin-off era, the revival logo and title sequence era 😢💔
I always picture The Doctor and The Master’s friendship like that montage in series 1 of That 70’s Show between Eric and Buddy, including that most awkward of awkward moments in the Tardis, err Buddy’s car. I would love to see that scene acted out by David Tennant and John Simms whereby at the end of the scene The Doctor tears a hole in the universe to go to the parallel universe to push human The Doctor out of the way and plant a kiss on an unsuspecting Rose just to prove a point to himself.
21:44 there’s an alternate timeline from the comics that’s briefly seen in which the doctor never saves Wilfred here. He goes on to become some kind of universal dictator and eventually gets assassinated. The comic is called “four doctors”
This episode not only marked the end of David Tennant but also the end of Russell t Davies who was the lead writer for doctor who from 2005 to 2010. Not only is matt Smith the new doctor but the new lead writer is steven Moffat, who has already written some great doctor who episodes in the past like the empty child / the doctor dances , girl in the fireplace , blink and silence in the library / forest of the dead which have been some of the best episodes.
I think the only fault I find in the episode is when he delivers the "youre going to have a really great year" line... he should have said "your year is going to be fantastic."
1: It's commonly believed that the woman Wilf kept seeing, who was with the Time Lords near the end, is the Doctor's mother. It was never confirmed by RTD or in the show, but that's how it was played. 2: Matt Smith does a brilliant job playing the Doctor, arguably the second most popular of the new era after David Tennant - but also watch the Sarah Jane Adventures episode "Death of the Doctor", which discusses 10's regeneration and goodbyes to former companions. 3: The Master has what's known as "Joker Immunity" - a villain so popular with fans that it'd be a bad idea to kill him off for good, so writers will invent or handwave how he survives each on-screen "death".
You remind me just how much fun and enjoyment I had watching this. Thank you for that. Matt does a fantastic job, with a fantastic companion for the next phase of New Who... enjoy!
Such a great send-off for DT. The emotion, the music, the call backs! The Matt Smith era is great fun but has a distinctly different vibe. A bit darker, more fantastical, more complex arcs and complicated relationships with the companions. Also a lot less time spent in London.
Watching this growing up, while it aired in real-time, was one of those experiences I will cherish in my heart forever, absolutely spell binding. These first 4 seasons are on par with Breaking Bad for me, but in a different way. Or maybe not so different, I don't know. But this run of the show is iconic and will live in my soul forever.
Even though I know the show goes on and I know everything that cones after this, I still cry when the 10th Doctor's time comes to an end. I loved 10 so much. 😭
This is actually the second time that the Doctor died of Radiaton poison, the 3rd Doctor was irradiated on Metabelis 3, and it was established back then that it takes quite some time for a Time Lord to die that way (fun fact, this was also the first time that the show established that Regeneration was a natural part of Time Lord biology) Another fun fact is that, during 08/09 the magazine, Doctor Who Adventures created 2 original companions for the Doctor to travel with in it's comic strip after Donna left and the last issue before the 11th Hour aired, and thus the comic rebooted to 11 and Amy, we witness the Doctor checking in on them as part of this farewell tour.
Theres a lot of theories about who the mysterious woman was. Russel T Davies joked it could be his mother. My take was that she was his wife and mother of his children as we know he's a grandfather, it was just the way he looks at donna in her wedding dress when Wilf asks him could be nothing but thats what I always thought. Another candidate couldve been an old timelord companion of the doctors called Romana, according to audio dramas/novels she was president at somepoint during the time war before being overthrown by Rassilon toward the end, that would explain why she was able to vote no. Also remember Carmens prophecy in the planet of the dead he "will knock four times...four times" Wilf knocked four times, four times.
It's funny that we see Jack and Alonso meet here. Jack got the first spinoff of the revival era, and Alonso's actor Russell Tovey is starring in the first spinoff since Russell came back. New character, and no this isn't spoilers because there's no name or plot details about the character itself available
I really loved how they sent David out. Matt's first episode is one of my favorites of the entire series, but so are the last two you just watched. looking forward to prisoner zero :)
I now have my own membership site where you can watch the next 9 episodes right now! Visit www.casualnerdreactions.com! Use coupon code SMITH at checkout for 25% off your first two months of a monthly membership plan!.
The ending is a sad throwback Easter egg to what should have happened in classic who but couldn't... it was supposed to be revealed that the master (original actor Roger Delgado, wonderful) was the drs brother, and it was going to be written that he saved the (3rd) drs life by sacrificing his life, in the 3rd drs last story before regeneration... sadly though, the actor died filming a movie abroad way before this ever came to pass.... back then the cast were a close knit ensemble cast (called sometimes the U.N.I.T family) comprising of the Dr, his companion,, the master and various wonderful unit cast including the brigadier... so when Roger Delgado died, it was one of the factors ushering in the beginning of the end of the era...
the fact that the 4 knocks was Wilf broke my soul, the first time i watched this episode
Yeah my to. I was like well if that how Tennant Doctor dies then that a good way. Saving a life that deserves to be saved. Wilf deserve everything
Same. This whole episode was just one thing after another. Makes me cry every single time.
And it was a bit clever how they kept the Master's four-beats without ever actually having him knock. Found bangs, for tones, four finger-taps... but the only actual Knocking... was Wilf.
And every time after.
Now we know why Rose was so shocked when 9 regenerated into 10... he looked exactly like that drunk guy on new years 🤣🤣
Something I always loved about this episode was Sarah-Jane's appearance. Here's the thing: Sarah-Jane was a companion to two classic Doctors, that being the Third and Fourth. With that in mind, she saw the Third Doctor regenerate INTO the Fourth, just like Rose did with the Ninth into the Tenth. So you're right, she knows what's happening... because she's been here before, and she's seen this happen already.
She knows EXACTLY what's happening.
This entire time, 10's been saying
"Allons-y! (Let's go!)"
And his final words...
"I don't want to go."
Shout out to John Simm, who did 33 costume changes over the course of this episode (including dresses, heels, and pantyhose) and ate massive amounts of chicken for probably 20 takes. Whatever they paid him for these two episodes, it wasn’t enough.
10 sacrificing himself for Wilf always puts me in mind of his quote from The Lazarus Experiment: "Some people live more in 10 years than others do in 80. It's not the time that matters it's the person." Wilf is an old man but saving his life and giving him those 10 more years at the expense of his own life may not seem like much but it is actually everything. Just because you're old doesn't mean the future isn't worth seeing or experiencing.
It is commonly thought that "The Woman," the Time Lady who was set in a weeping angel position, is the Doctor's mother.
Never officially made canon, but the writers and the actress all had that idea in mind during production.
RTD did confirm it at one point a long long time ago
Although how does that track with the timeless child situation?
@@ellav7812 that was the issue with that run, it broke a ton lore, and it's why so many fans hated it.
@@ellav7812An adoptive mother who raised him? 🤷🏻♂️
@@otysafiry 'hate it' not 'hated it'. Well, me personally at least.
19:18 - oh look at that, the Master (John Simms) standing side by side with the Doctor to fight off a enemy. So nice to see them stand together, even if it was brief.
"We must look like insects to you..."
"I think you look like giants."
This is one of the best exchanges RTD's in either of his runs on the show
And now it's up to us to live up to that, today.
@@geoffreycannon2197 If there's anything that humans do best, it's lying to ourselves, and each other. You might say we are Masters at it.
"I'd be proud, if you were my dad" is also an unbelievably heartbreaking line.
We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep.
Vale decem (Farewell Ten),
Ad aeternam (On to Eternity),
Di meliora (The fates be with you),
Ad aeternam (On to Eternity),
Vale decem (Farewell Ten),
Di meliora (The fates be with you),
Beati (Oh blessed be),
Pacifici (He who brought us peace),
Vale decem (Farewell Ten),
Alis grave (Lay down your burden),
Ad perpetuam (We will remember you),
Memoriam (Forever more),
Vale decem (Farewell Ten),
Gratis tibi ago (We give you thanks),
Ad aeternam (On to Eternity),
Numquam singularis (You are not alone),
Numquam (Never),
Dum spiro fido (Trust to the last),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell),
Vale (Farewell)...
"I don't want to go..."
Just when I thought this episode couldn't break me more... YOU come along 😭😝 but thankyou this is cool knowledge to have even if it hurts lol😂
"Hope she's alright on the sidewalk, hope she doesn't get sunburn" This is in England...
Christmas day too 🤣
Cloudburn, then? Or smogburn?
My thought exactly.
She doesn't get killed by the Master but of hypothermia on the floor 😂
@@PrinceofArfon smogburn? its been a while since that my kind fellow lol
raise a glass to wilfred mott. we loved that man
"Wilfred, its my honour"
Its all of our honours. What a man, both Mott and Cribbins.
My head canon for Sarah smiling when the doctor came back is that he came to say goodbye and that was enough for her
Every scene with the Doctor and Wilf... just no words. You can tell they truly care for each other and for Donna's safety.
The expression on your face when you think the Doctor is okay and then process the fact that you just heard four knocks and remembering the prophesy was so heartbreaking. You could see your face displaying the layered emotions and Ooof, I felt it with you.
18:49 - somebody pointed out on another reaction recently that I’d never noticed before but the doctors mom is actually shifting her eyes towards the console that the doctor shoots. She’s basically telling him ‘shoot it, there’s another way’
Wow! That’s a beautiful detail I had never noticed until you pointed it out. That she provides her son another option so he doesn’t have to murder his own friend even if it means she will be forever trapped in the time lock makes this whole scene even more amazing. And that explains why she made sure Wilfred got the Doctor to carry his gun, so he’d have it at that very moment.
She did! I don’t remember noticing the first time, but I did see it this time.
I think I also saw the Master realise, when 10 said to get out of the way.
Which proves my point like mother like son the main council trying to revoke a time loop/event the doctor has proven himself to be ignorant and try to break those impossible times to do so. From her mother knowing her son dies after the war after seeing time flows beyond _______ doctor and giving him a point to cheat
The scene at Donna’s wedding absolutely kills me 😢
thanks for releasing these so close together
"I don't want to go." I am telling you, I WAS SOBBING when this first aired. I was heartbroken, crying my eyes out in my room. At one point, my dad became concerned, lol.
When I first watched this episode as a child, it was David’s goodbye that had me emotional, obviously.
But now, as an unc… it’s Sarah Jane that makes me tear up the most. They had no idea this would be Elizabeth’s final scene in the show, and by all rights it shouldn’t have been. But just over a year after this aired, she would tragically pass away.
And yet it’s oddly fitting that this was her final scene. The way she looks at the Doctor, the smile on her face, the silent goodbye being exchanged between them and the implicit understanding that it was going to be ok. It’s an act of providence that it ended up like this because, as much as it shouldn’t have been the last she was on Doctor Who, I’m very happy that this is the way the show inadvertently said goodbye to one of its longest standing names.
even so many years later.. the reveal of "he will knock four times" blows me away
“New wardrobe preferences?” Oh boy you have no idea
Bowties are cool.
@@CasualNerdReactionsyou've just no idea what else is 😂
@@CasualNerdReactions how far ahead are you normally?
@ I am always 8 weeks ahead so that typically ranges 8-12 episodes. Currently I’m through episode 9 of series 5
Man watches the final episode of David Tennant and says at the end "I don't know why I'm this emotional". Dont worry, we know why.
It’s been 15 years and I still bawl my eyes out.
True story: I saw Matt Smith, sometime before this, in the tv adaptation of "The Ruby in the Smoke" (starring Billie Piper), and I thought "In a few years' time, that young man would make a superb Doctor". And then....
The Ruby in the Smoke was a good story. Also Matt's first agent, the person who discovered him, was classic Dr. Who companion, Zoe Heriot (Wendy Padbury)
Eleven and the upcoming roller coaster will always be my favorite Doctor Who era.
Same here. I watched all of Doctor Who on Netflix back in the day at a dead sprint because Eleven was just about to start his debut season. Eleven will always be my Doctor
Luke being rescued from being hit by a car is an injoke. RTD got annoyed since the kids on the Sarah Jane Adventures never look before crossing the road. As streets tend to be closed for filming there's no need but it's a terrible example to set for kids.
For the sake of the timeline. When we see Jack, that is right after the events of "Torchwood Children of Earth." This was the Doctor's way of telling Jack "I forgive you." Source - Russell T Davies.
Always love your reactions ❤
Bernard Cribbins - gorgeous, talented soul, RIP xx
That moment with the 4 knocks…. Breaks my heart. The Doctor’s “so much more” speech breaks my heart even more. Oof this is so hard. A goodbye filled with tears, but also filled with loved. He gets to go visit his companions one more time. Rose!!!
This regeneration took me some time to recover from. So many emotions. When Wilf blows a kiss to the Doctor. 💙But Matt Smith soon becomes a top tier Doctor as well. The music, the “I don’t want to go”, ahhh it’s so good!
Thanks David Tennant for being an amazing Doctor, my Doctor. 💙
Those emotions you went through at the ending of one version of the Doctor into the new one is what we classic Whovians have experienced throughout the years. Tom Baker was my Doctor and when he changed, it was heartbreaking for many. The way Dr. Who is able to pull out so many emotions is why he has been such an iconic character for millions.
RTD intended the woman to be the doctor’s mother, but he decided to leave it ambiguous so as not to tie the hands of future writers. However when Wilf asked, the doctor looked at Sylvia, to indicate the woman was his mother. I thought this was one of the best episodes until that ending where he is saying goodbye to everyone. It felt, at the time, that RTD was saying goodbye to Tennant rather than the doctor. Regeneration is not death, it’s cheating death by changing.
However, thinking about it, this version of the Doctor tried to be very human. He picked up bits of Rose when he regenerated from nine to ten: her “youth”, her accent, and some of her”my way no matter what”. So this incarnation didn’t want to change. He held back his regeneration so long that when he finally gave up that willfullness he exploded the TARDIS. We saw, in the master, how time lords are far more than what their bodies appear. He had enough time lord energy to cast down Rassilon (classic fans know who Rassilon is, and trust me, you don’t want to mess with him). But Ten wanted to keep this face and persona that was so human, denying his own nature. He finally had to give up and accept that nature which embodies change (literally). I read a post at the time this aired, saying regeneration is like throwing up. You don’t want to do it. It feels awful. But you feel so much better when you are done😄.
I’m glad for the Waters of Mars because in End of Time we saw a final battle between the Timelord Victorious and the regular old Doctor ….and the Doctor won. Wilf wasnt his death. Wilf saved him.
That "I dont wanna go" always gets me.
Anyway, I always appreciate you willing to share your emotions & thoughts! So many men get so hung up on looking stoic & "cool", its refreshing!
This special was a soul crusher, full stop. The track is called "Vale Decum" which translates to "Farewell Ten." If you watch any of the fan-made music videos of that song, have tissues and be ready to hit record because that could be a whole episode itself. You can find versions of it with both the Latin and English subtitles baked in. Hope you enjoy
Anytime Wilf and 10 interact its instantly an all time top 10 doctor who moment, just two absolutely stunning actors working together
There are few moments of visual storytelling I love in media more than the Doctor taking his gun from Wilf when realising that the Time Lords are coming back.
Ever since S1, the Doctor has been vague about Galifrey but the image we’re left with is a peaceful, prosperous, beautiful, majestic place ruled over by serene, noble guardians of time. Knowledge of Classic Who would probably have offered a different perspective to NuWho only audiences but still, it was the Doctor’s home and its loss weighs extremely heavy on him, and there was always the underlying implication that he wanted to return to them. He wanted Galifrey back, he wanted to see the Time Lords again, that was the takeaway we were left with after four series of hearing him talk about his home.
What we were also left with is that the Doctor despises violence and weapons. Again, something that was there in Classic Who but from 9 onwards, his adversity towards it was much more informed by his then recent decision to destroy Galifrey and Skaro both. He hates violence because he hates himself and what he’s had to do. He was a soldier and he fought like one, but he doesn’t want to do that anymore. He wants to be the man who never would, even if in his heart he knows he was the man who was and did. Even when faces with the prospect of his own death and self-preservation, he puts the gun back in Wilf’s hands rather than take it up.
These are two essential facts of the Doctor’s character as established by RTD1, so the obvious thought is that when he’s told Galifrey could come back, he will be overjoyed that his people will return… but he’s not. He gasps. Ok, he looks afraid, but maybe he’s just shocked?
(Cont. again)
Then he picks up the gun he just told Wilf he would never use. The symbol of everything he’s been rejecting for so long, the personification of all the violence he wanted to atone for. Whatever the threat of the Time Lords is, he considers it so severe that he’s going to be forced to kill in order to stop them.
(Cont. again)
It’s one simple scene, it’s one simple extension of David’s hand towards the prop… but the weight, significance and power of what that gesture represents for the Doctor as a character? So much is conveyed in that one moment that I cannot express in ten thousand words of pretentious over-explanation.
It is a moment in fiction that I always come back to as the textbook example of how to handle visual storytelling, it is masterfully done and a defining moment for Ten, the Doctor and Doctor Who as a show.
I have met RTD personally & he told me that as a writing focus it was his mother 100% saying to me "Who would you want to best guide you at the end of your life?"
It's also in the stage direction in the script & in the book "The Writers Tale"
RTD told me though it was left ambiguous in-vision over time he has loved the many fan theories of who she was & joked they were better than his intention.
And yes RTD was incredible to meet (So was Moffat) I've got a short story.
I met him at the Radiotimes TV Festival & he was on stage doing a Q&A on stage about his BBC version of "A midsummer nights dream" He came off stage and stayed to chat, sign autographs, pictures anything for the fans.
He stayed for ages to a point where Steven Moffat came from behind the curtain to jokingly chastise RTD for making everyone late for his interview to promote DW S9 with his Doctor!! It was hilarious 😂 😃 I briefly then met Moffat & fellow exec Matt Strevens & got a pic. In the end The Doctor was stuck in traffic on the M4 so the stage talk with Moffat & S9 Doc was delayed 😂)
If you've read all this I'm happy to point out that despite RTD leaving DW years before he still went out of his way to please DW fans as he loves Who.
Never meet your hero's they say? He was incredible to fans that day & ill always remember it 🥰 & Moffat was a riot!! You can see how close they are
The Writers Tale is an Incredible book! A fascinating look at writing and illustrates just how amazing RTD as a writer. These are emails for goodness sake! Yet so rich and thoughtful and well written
@lisagermany Really was an incredible insight into that time I 100% agree. The fact it's based on ping pong emails is amazing 👏
Its amazing just how many people have this exact story about meeting RTD personally with the exact same conversation. Either RTD has no variaction in his explanations or most of you are lying lol
@@charg1nmalaz0r51 Lying? What about meeting him? I said exactly where I met him in 2015 with Moffat!
Anyway if anything at least RTD is consistent in his explanation to anyone that asks him but he can hardly say much different it's in the stage direction of the script & in the writers tale book. It wasn't a shock revelation I knew of it, I just wanted to hear it from him directly.
I also spoke to him about the Torchwood episodes Small Worlds & Countrycide
Every Doctor actor has some freedom about the words they say, for the regeneration. Ecclestones "You were fantastic, and you know what? So was I" was his line. tennant had "I dont want to go" (also he was the one who stepped down from the role) in the behind the scenes you can see him experimenting with different styles, with and without tears, slow and fast. So will Matt have his own words in the end.
I think its a nice touch
This still feels like yesterday, can’t believe it’s nearly 15 years ago😱🔥
I could watch those sad farewell cameos every day for the rest of my life.
The Doctor and The Master saving each other is so beautifull, I love them. That's a beautifull enemies/friends/complicated relationship dynamic.
Nah I tell you the way my jaw DROPPED when I first saw the Wilf 4 knocks twist, incredible.
And David’s performance and outburst before letting Wilf out was so amazing, would probably be my number one Doctor speech if not for THAT 12 scene.
Well there’s the end of an era, onto 11, we have the best season opener coming up next episode, can’t wait!
23:35 The Torchwood episode Martha's in is actually chronologically roughly halfway through Doctor Who series 4, so before Micky moves back to the main universe at the end of the Series 4 finale. At that time she's engaged to Thomas Milligan (played by Tom Ellis, aka Lucifer from Lucifer) he's the doctor that helps her in the Series 3 finale. That makes it come off even weirder (and kind of lazily written) that they made it so Martha and Mickey married.
In children of earth they reference Martha being on her honeymoon as to why she doesn’t show up.
@@CasualNerdReactions In the real world she was in Law & Order: UK. Lois' role in Children of Earth was originally written for Martha, but Freema Agyeman was offered the other part before CoE was confirmed.
Absolutely LOVED watching your reaction video. Thank you for being so lovely and positive about the show. I love it so much and I love the Master; totally my favourite character in the show. I look forward to more of your videos. Until next time. Geronimo!
It was never stated IN the show but, it was kind of implied, and iirc one of the show runners stated that the one woman, who one who Wilf kept seeing and who cried when looking at The Doctor was intended to be/implied to be The Doctor's mother.
Man though, the way the music just grinds to a stop when Wilf knocks on the door.
She was implied to be quite a lot of people..... His mother, father, daughter, daughter's mother, Romana, the Rani amongst others as well as a generic Time Lady. However Steven Moffat has said it's upto the fans to interpret as we wish
As a writers focus it was The Doctor's mother to RTD. It's actually in the stage direction of the OG script & was fully confirmed in the book "The Writers Tale"
I met RTD years later & he said to me "Who would you like to best guide you at the end of your life?"
He loves all the theories of who she was joking they were all better than his writing intention however. RTD was so generous with his time that day despite leaving DW years ago. I'll always remember it he stayed for ages for all the fans to chat to. There was a long line, totally freaked out the organisers 🥰
@@fleason771 I'm just going by what I've read/picked up over the years. Personally I would have liked a definite answer but I don't suppose we'll ever get one. Although the actor is still alive (in her 90s) so it could happen
I liked the cameo from Jessica Hynes (aka Nurse Redfern, and her granddaughter).
It was really fun reliving this story with you! David Tennant acted the heck out of Ten's sorrow and regrets. Very glad that he got to say goodbye to his companions though, that was heartwarming. And Wilf is so worthy of our love, what a wonderful man. When Ten told him it's an honor [to give his life for Wilf], I think us fans would have said and done the same.
I found myself getting really excited to see you react to Matt Smith. The casting of The Doctor is just out-of-this-world good. I didn't know how I could possibly accept Ten once I'd found "my" Doctor in Nine, but then I felt the same at the end of this episode. But Smith is also perfect. Fresh and exciting, yet still absolutely The Doctor. And he gets some of the best companions in the show's history.
I can't watch this without nearly crying every time, spending my childhood with David and these characters on screen from the ages of 4 until 9 makes them inseparable from my memories. I'll never forget watching this for the first time. I couldn't stand the idea of going into a new era without these people. But as time revealed, the journey is incredible all the way through (well until series 10, and then 14 imo)
Losing David Tennant as the Doctor at my young age, I couldn't bring myself back to the show with a new actor in the role for at least 3 years. The regeneration scene and the song Vale Decem (translating to Goodbye Ten) still makes me emotional after all this time.
Matt Smith is my favourite Doctor, but I got a bit emotional at 22:35 when the regeneration started. What an incredible soundtrack too!
Losing Rose was devastating. The Doctor's last words, "I don't want to go," even more so.
Fun Fact, in The Sarah Jane Adventures, it's confirmed that The Doctor visited every companion here, including all classic companions. And the fandom has kind of agreed why he did this thanks to a change made by Steven Moffat a few seasons later. You will understand why by The Time of The Doctor.
Rtd said the woman was the doctor’s mother. Donna and her family are the doctor’s time lord family, if you read between the lines….all that was missing was the fob watch.
The call backs are the best part of the whole finale and was the perfect send off for David Tennant. The one in the bookstore hit me particularly hard too as that was one of my favorite episodes and I can even tear up just thinking about how happy the Doctor would have been with her had he stayed human. But the Doctor does have some things to look forward to and you as well. If you thought this season gave you some interesting twists and turns....hold onto your seats!!! 😆
Such a great run. David will always be my Doctor. Capaldi is my 2nd favorite era.
Your passion and excitement as I rewatch these episodes with you makes me feel like a child again, 7PM on a Saturday with a cup of hot chocolate, sitting with my family. Thank you for these videos.
I'm glad these reactions can rekindle that feeling! This show consistently gives me that same feeling, I love it!
@@CasualNerdReactions I had to subscribe to the Patreon because I just can't wait lol
Thanks so much! As you hopefully know by now I LOVED series 5. Especially that first one.
@@CasualNerdReactions A binge was indeed carried out, it's hard not to love sexy Bowtie man
We need a discord server for your fans/subs!!
This is when Doctor Who was at its peak in the UK. The next Doctor's era really took off in the US and helped to spread the show to a much wider audience, but I can't remember anyone over here getting as excited about the show as we all did during the RTD era
I think Matt had such big shoes to fill after Tennant and i think a fair few viewers did stop watching but for me giving him a chance was always more important and to me he knocks it out of the park
BBCA finally pushed the show in 11’s era. That also proved to be a good jumping off point for newbies, much as the episode”Rose” was in 2005.
When Wilf asks the Doctor who the woman was, he looks over at and the camera cuts to Sylvia.
You were correct - the intention is that she was the Doctor's mum.
OMG you're going to LOVE Matt Smith! I can't wait for you to see his first story.
It is absolutely an all time favorite of mine! I can’t wait to share that reaction.
I didn’t like Matt at first, just because he wasn’t David.
Then came the day he announced he was leaving & I burst into tears. Without my realising, he had become MY Doctor.
Getting to meet him was one of the best days of my life. And Alex & Freema we’re there too! Almost Heaven.
Vale Decem is such a great theme for his regeneration. And "I don't wanna go" always makes me tear up
It’s crazy how the first and last place 10 lands is Roses’ estate
Having watched Torchwood, so you recognize the other half of the gauntlet used in the pilot episode. It brought people back to life where Dalton's is used for death.
Still one of the best regenerations and series finales. I immediately guessed there would be an issue when Wilf popped into the nuclear bolt to let the other person out, but in the first watching, still completely forgot he popped in there... until the four knocks. And then... immediate tears at knowing what that had truly meant all along, even before The Doctor and Wilf talked, and all that came after. Still makes me tear up, even now, having seen it at least four times prior.
I love the look of disappointment in his face when he save's Sarah's boy from being run over. It just reeks of "ffs, you've got one life, watch where you're going".
What's wild is, when 9 became 10, Rose not only looked shocked but also confused. The way she looked at 10 was almost as if... she'd seen his face before.
This episode never fails to _break_ me.
I do believe that the reason this regeneration was so powerful/destructive was a product of TENnant holding it back for so long so he could say his goodbyes to friends.
OMG!!!! I had never noticed until just now that the Timelords mentioned The Moment.......It will be a while before that is explained, but it is mentioned here :o (I know this makes me slow on the uptake, but I tend to have other things on my mind when I see this episode!)
"Wilfred- it's my honour..." That's what completely finished me today! 😭😭😭😭😭
I love your 'editing' reaction - a true Whovian! " I love Doctor Who!" "Hang on- who is this imposter?" "I might as well give the show another chance!" "hey- the new Doctor is great!" (I am assuming you will follow that sequence through, as you did from Nine to Ten)
@@carolineskipper6976 There is a very brief line in the future that "the high council have plans of their own"..& that's when the events of this episode took place!! 🤯
It's been a while since my obligatory 'thank you's, but I've been here the whole time. Re-watching as the late Bernard Cribbins played the empathetic war veteran against David Tennant's PTSD suffering war veteran was an emotional masterclass of acting. I cried through the entire last half of this reaction.
Looking forward to watching Doctor #11 with you.
For a pre regeneration story “The End of Time” had some interesting elements in it that answered some of the questions fans had been asking about (since the show returned in 2005:) specifically about The Doctor’s last day of the Time War and how he ended it all by wiping out the two enemy races which had caused the universe so much death and destruction.
We finally learn why The Doctor used “The Moment,” because of what Rassilon intended to do, which was to turn the Time Lords (and no doubt the rest of the universe) into a higher plain of consciousness. Something the Doctor would never allow. It was never explained in the story how Rassilon had come back from the dead. As the first Time Lord President, Rassilon had ruled Gallifrey centuries before, and was one of the 3 main architects instrumental in the creation of time travel and that of the Time Lords themselves. Yet suddenly, here he was, a snarling, angry, larger than life Rassilon who was going to bring about “The end of time itself,” before he and his fellow Time Lords were defeated at the hands of The Doctor and The Master.
It was heartbreaking at the end, with the 10th Doctor believing he had beaten the Time Lords and, having sent them all back into hell, would live to fight another day for himself. To have eluded death, only to find it had found him again in the guise of Wilf, one could understand The Doctor’s anger and frustration at knowing what he had to do: his duty and “his honour” to save a man he once said he would be proud to call “my dad!”
This story was a fitting tribute and end to The Doctor’s 10th incarnation, only let down for me by a ridiculously long and extremely self indulgent montage of goodbyes to companions and friends, old and new. Granted, the 3rd Doctor was in his TARDIS and lost in the Time Vortex for 3 weeks until he returned to Earth and regenerated, but this just smacked of oneupmanship, wanting to give the audience a 10th Doctor greatest hits package before he regenerated into the 11th Doctor, screaming “Geronimo” at the TARDIS central column, whilst the console room around him was engulfed in flames!
“Just to see how the show changes and transitions and I am excited after this ending to enter into this new era.”
Chris, you’ve no idea how excited we all are to see your reaction to the start of the Steven Moffat era of Doctor Who, and of the 11th Doctor himself, Matt Smith! If you think you’ve already been subjected to extreme levels of bonkers, off the wall stories, then times that level by 100 and it still won’t beat what you’re about to see next!
So many surprises await you. So many shocks and jaw dropping moments which you will see that will blow your mind. Buckle up and get ready, mister, cos here’s where the fun begins…..”
"He still possesses the moment" - I didn't catch that phrase before, or if I did, I didn't understand it.
Dr. Who gets me emotional everytime, i watched it 3 times completely already, and it gets better everytime
the goodbyes of 10th doctor still makes me cry,
even if i watched it 100 times
"I don't want to go". 😢
The end of the RTD era, the 10th Doctor era, the Time Lord Victorious era, the Children of Time era, the Bad Wolf era, the coral TARDIS era, the spin-off era, the revival logo and title sequence era 😢💔
The closing of all the companions and David Tennant's end was perfect. It took me a while to get into Matt Smith's era but it's well worth it
Me, too.
Guess who is now MY Doctor!
I always picture The Doctor and The Master’s friendship like that montage in series 1 of That 70’s Show between Eric and Buddy, including that most awkward of awkward moments in the Tardis, err Buddy’s car. I would love to see that scene acted out by David Tennant and John Simms whereby at the end of the scene The Doctor tears a hole in the universe to go to the parallel universe to push human The Doctor out of the way and plant a kiss on an unsuspecting Rose just to prove a point to himself.
21:44 there’s an alternate timeline from the comics that’s briefly seen in which the doctor never saves Wilfred here. He goes on to become some kind of universal dictator and eventually gets assassinated. The comic is called “four doctors”
"I just don't want this man to be alone!"
...Oh you poor, poor bastard...! 😭
This won't be easy at all...
This episode not only marked the end of David Tennant but also the end of Russell t Davies who was the lead writer for doctor who from 2005 to 2010.
Not only is matt Smith the new doctor but the new lead writer is steven Moffat, who has already written some great doctor who episodes in the past like the empty child / the doctor dances , girl in the fireplace , blink and silence in the library / forest of the dead which have been some of the best episodes.
I think the only fault I find in the episode is when he delivers the "youre going to have a really great year" line... he should have said "your year is going to be fantastic."
Another note: the song is called Vale Decem, which is Latin for Farewell Ten
1: It's commonly believed that the woman Wilf kept seeing, who was with the Time Lords near the end, is the Doctor's mother. It was never confirmed by RTD or in the show, but that's how it was played.
2: Matt Smith does a brilliant job playing the Doctor, arguably the second most popular of the new era after David Tennant - but also watch the Sarah Jane Adventures episode "Death of the Doctor", which discusses 10's regeneration and goodbyes to former companions.
3: The Master has what's known as "Joker Immunity" - a villain so popular with fans that it'd be a bad idea to kill him off for good, so writers will invent or handwave how he survives each on-screen "death".
You remind me just how much fun and enjoyment I had watching this. Thank you for that. Matt does a fantastic job, with a fantastic companion for the next phase of New Who... enjoy!
Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
Oh I’m not ready….. ok let’s do it together !
You mean you don't want to go (through it again).
"It looks like a little bug"
I literally thought it looked like star-bug from red dwarf.
Such a great send-off for DT. The emotion, the music, the call backs!
The Matt Smith era is great fun but has a distinctly different vibe. A bit darker, more fantastical, more complex arcs and complicated relationships with the companions. Also a lot less time spent in London.
Watching this growing up, while it aired in real-time, was one of those experiences I will cherish in my heart forever, absolutely spell binding. These first 4 seasons are on par with Breaking Bad for me, but in a different way. Or maybe not so different, I don't know. But this run of the show is iconic and will live in my soul forever.
Even though I know the show goes on and I know everything that cones after this, I still cry when the 10th Doctor's time comes to an end. I loved 10 so much. 😭
This is actually the second time that the Doctor died of Radiaton poison, the 3rd Doctor was irradiated on Metabelis 3, and it was established back then that it takes quite some time for a Time Lord to die that way (fun fact, this was also the first time that the show established that Regeneration was a natural part of Time Lord biology)
Another fun fact is that, during 08/09 the magazine, Doctor Who Adventures created 2 original companions for the Doctor to travel with in it's comic strip after Donna left and the last issue before the 11th Hour aired, and thus the comic rebooted to 11 and Amy, we witness the Doctor checking in on them as part of this farewell tour.
Vale Decem is such a wonderfully emotional send-off theme.
Theres a lot of theories about who the mysterious woman was. Russel T Davies joked it could be his mother. My take was that she was his wife and mother of his children as we know he's a grandfather, it was just the way he looks at donna in her wedding dress when Wilf asks him could be nothing but thats what I always thought. Another candidate couldve been an old timelord companion of the doctors called Romana, according to audio dramas/novels she was president at somepoint during the time war before being overthrown by Rassilon toward the end, that would explain why she was able to vote no.
Also remember Carmens prophecy in the planet of the dead he "will knock four times...four times" Wilf knocked four times, four times.
YAY! You're finally at Matt Smith I'm so psyched for this leg of your Who journey!!!!!
It's funny that we see Jack and Alonso meet here. Jack got the first spinoff of the revival era, and Alonso's actor Russell Tovey is starring in the first spinoff since Russell came back. New character, and no this isn't spoilers because there's no name or plot details about the character itself available
The song from the Dalek/Manhattan two-parter plays at the bar where Jack is: "The Devil in Me."
Tennant was so good reputedly the BBC considered ending the series there and then. But now we have the leggy redhead era to look forwards too.
I really loved how they sent David out. Matt's first episode is one of my favorites of the entire series, but so are the last two you just watched. looking forward to prisoner zero :)