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No pudiera yo imaginarme un video con el titulo: 5 cosas que mexicanas hacen que molestan a los Americanos. ¡Que racista este video! Aún más racista el comentario que elegiste tú para pegar encima de todos los demás comentarios.
Love the video! Thank you for the tips. Soy estadunidense😉 I feel your pain. I live in the United Kingdom and have people who treat me just the way you have described. Europeans think that all Americans come from the U.S. Canadians take great offense being called Americans. I point out that they live on the American continent and therefore are Americans. When people ask me where I am from I tell them Seattle because anything else leaves me open to questions such as "Oh, do you know this person or that person?" Almost have to give a mini geography lesson. And like you folk from Mexico, there are certain attitudes and stereotypes that I am compelled to attempt to dispel concerning "Mi ser estadounidense". ¡Dios te bendiga, Paulísima! 🥰
The first time I ever went to Mexico I did get really sick. I ended up going to the doctor. He told me that it can be common for people that travel to a new area to get sick because their bodies are not used to that new places natural bacteria. Whether it's the food, drinks, anything you touch or even inhale. Mexicans can come to the U.S. and get sick just as easy because their body is not used to our natural bacteria. It makes a lot of sense to me.
I talked to a guy when I was in Cancun, I thought I was talking to a tourist from Europe. Turns out he was a tourist but from Mexico City, born and raised. I realized that maybe I don't know Mexico at all
100% of the time, people I know/meet from other countries say "you're from America" . And if you ask our nationality- we're going to say we're American. We don't say I'm a United Stater. That's not an English phrase. So, Americana it is
@@theparadigm8149nope, simple just use THE AMERICAS to refer to the whole american continent, more specific North and South America. Which tbh Mexico should be part of the southern part, yeezy them just so undeveloped and broke.
@@Me.myself.and.i619unfortunately that comment has gone up high into the mexican heads that they're north americans. Hope Trump or Harris set up that whole bullcrap of considering mexicans NORTH AMERICA and approve a bill and new constitute to address mexico as South America for once.
I got the same thing (#5) when traveling in India; apparently I don't look like I'm from the United States (yes, media is to blame) because everyone refused to believe that I wasn't English or German. I had to actually show my passport to people to prove I was born in the U.S. It's funny the ideas people have in their heads about what people should look like according to their nationalities.
I wonder what they thought you should look like. Why would they think you were English or German? In the US there are many ethnic groups and not one particular "look".
Margarita, I'm not sure what the Indian perception of "American" is, but I'm apparently not it! My heritage is completely northern European, so they weren't wrong, but maybe they thought I should be tanner and blonder to qualify as "American". The misconceptions of Baywatch... le sigh. Cada cabeza es un mundo.
@@margaritakleinman5701 Same problem, I live in Mexico and I am Dutch. I have to explain: I speak Spanish, so very small chance I am a Gringo. I laugh a lot, small chance I am a German! Hahahaa....jokes are the best way to show sensitive things like ignorance
My friends from Mexico also agree it is irritating people from the US simply call ourselves Americas. But I jokingly pointed out the innocent (grammatical) reason why this happens. Mexico's formal name is the "United States of Mexico" (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), and in the US our formal name is the "United States of America". For both countries and typical grammar, it is easier to just shorten both by simply saying "Mexico" and "America", dropping the United States. Fortunately, if we say United States, we assume we're referring to the US of America, and not US of Mexico!🤣 😃
That's not exactly correct. Mexico's formal name is Estados Unidos Mexicanos, which is United Mexican States, not United States of Mexico. It's a subtle distinction, but a distinction nonethless.
Also, when the USA was founded, it was the only independent new country in the Americas. By the time it got confusing, we were already calling ourselves Americans.
So for her to say that people from a country called America to call ourselves Americans is annoying just shows that she shouldn't be here because she doesn't even know what it is.
These are funny. I have to admit that I have been surprised when people ask where I’m from. I stumbled and quickly said anything from the city or state that I was from. This comes from not traveling internationally but only between cities
What not to do? It's easy. Stop claiming that because you have Native blood makes you the same as Natives on U.S. Reservations. You're not. You're something different.
Other than that I have no beef with you, other than you think of yourself as being as Native as U.S. Reservation Indians and you're not, you're Indigenous from a foreign place. You're not our Indigenous..
@@JonDoe-mz4dxYou do know that some native tribes from Mexico did stretch all the way into middle America. Utah, Kansas, Texas, etc. So not exactly that different.
@@RockWonder210 thank you. The Apache tribe just because an imaginary line was changed from Texas to Mexico does not make them different people, not foreign tribes just a new border line was drawn so @JonDoe-mz4dx please do some basic research and use a little thought before you speak. Most as you called them US reservation tribes from the south. The Chumash in California and countless others were all in Mexico territory before we redrew the lines after the Mexican-American war and a few purchases from Mexico. The people however carry the same heritage and bloodline, whichever side of the line their domicile stood.
I think I have had the same thing from Mexicans. I tell them I'm from Canada and they say oh I know somebody from Canada. They are in Toronto, thinking that I know Toronto. I have never been to Toronto, I hate Toronto. It would take me 3 days to drive there from where I live 😂. The thing is most non Canadians only know one Canadian city and it's the city most Canadians don't like
The American comment. What other country in North or South America has the word American in it? None that I can think of. So we wouldn't say we were United Statesian. When someone says they are American most people know what they are talking about.
Thank you for this video. I’m not a fluent Spanish speaker cuz my family spoke a lot of English while I was growing up. Overall, I’ve never been stereotyped cuz I look mixed race, therefore I can pass as anything. But when I go into the city, where a lot Latinos & Mexicans live, & OMG I can’t tell you the stereotypes I’ve received from them & one particular is how a Mexican “should look like” 😑 No, I didn’t grow up with a lot of Mexicans (other than my family) my home town isn’t very diverse, yet I get treated like family to them. I get treated like a human being, not like a stereotype
Oye. The struggle is real. My family settled in New Mexico around 1812. Then my 2x great grandparents migrated to Wyoming around 1890(A lot of Hispanic families did this). Yet never fails, "Lovato? you don't look Mexican"
Disfruto de su humor y creo que es una buena idea que nosotros, los estudiantes de idiomas, seamos conscientes de que hay personas que se sienten ofendidas por algunos términos que podríamos usar, tengan algún sentido para nosotros o no. En inglés "esdadunidenses" se traduce como "Unitedstatesians", lo que no tiene sentido, excepto como una broma. Cuando se inventó este término, quien lo hizo debería haberlo llamado "estaduniddeamericadense" o algo así, ¡que sería aún más una broma! Para que conste, el nombre del país es Estados Unidos de América, no Estados Unidos. Quien inventó la palabra "estadunidense", aparentemente no entendió que en este contexto la palabra "America" se refiere al país, no al continente. Excepto en un contexto académico limitado, no conozco a personas en ningún lugar que se refieran a sí mismas por el nombre de su continente. Los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos se refieren a sí mismos como "Americans" después del nombre de su país ... como todos los demás en el mundo.
Bueno lo correcto es: de dónde eres ? R: de USA R: de Estados Unidos R: US citizen Cualquiera de estas opciones porque si dices americano te dirán ... Si, pero de que país de América
Bueno yo soy mexicano y a mí nunca me han dicho que si conozco a la señora que hace limpieza porque he trabajado en US en constructoras haciendo planos y otras cosas de diseño. no domino el inglés ( lo hablo bien pero obviamente no como as alguien nativo ) pero hay de muchas nacionalidades haciendo trabajo de limpieza. Saludos 🇲🇽🇺🇸
On more than one occasion, when travelling, I have told people I've met that I am from Canada and immediately been asked if I know their friend in Toronto. (Population 6 million and over 1600 kilometres from my town.) No one country or group of people has a monopoly on stupid questions. And sometimes the other person is just trying to be friendly and make a connection.
So true, I was visiting Thailand one summer back in 1996, and you would not believe how often I was asked if I personally knew Michael Jackson or I wanted a coke to drink. 😂 People of all cultures makes silly assumptions.
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanish 😮 I have had trouble saying estadounidenses; now you tell me there is another way to say it!! Aye caray Paulisima 😂. I will work on them both!! Thanks cus that is something I really need to say in place of Soy de Texas. 😢. ❤. Muchas gracias!!
Coming back from Ensenada with 3 of my Mexican/American friends, the border agent asked my friends who are all darker and have Latino features in Spanish where they were coming from, my friends don't speak Spanish, I look more White with Anglo features, I responded in Spanish we were American and my friends didn't speak any Spanish and we were going home, the agent laughed and said have a nice day in English.
¡Me encantan tus videos! Soy un gringo que creció en Nuevo México y Arizona. Me mudaré a Ecuador en septiembre. No quiero vivir una vida norteamericana en Ecuador, quiero ser un norteamericano que vive la experiencia ecuatoriana. See, I did learn something from this video--I will never refer to myself in Ecuador as "Americano" because of your good advice...For some reason, "Estadounidense" is hard for me to pronounce...OK, and I did mention the states where I come from, rather than just the country...lesson NOT learned.
Hmmm... Ok mam when a person ask you where your from and you are in that country currently it makes sense to say the city or state to me. If I am in Mexico and I ask someone where are you from I dont think they will say Mexico, correcto? They are assuming if they say just the state you know I was born here. But you could be from another country so just ask them, what country? Also every country has popular cities so if you are visiting that country educate yourself on the major cities so when someone say I am from Madrid you know its in Spain or if I say I am from Los Angeles you know its California USA.
#3 - I just call them gringos but I have zero problem with them calling themselves American. I don't see why anyone would get offended, we all know what they mean.
Says don"t say you are American, then she goes on to describe the difference in television media by calling it American media. Must not be too big of a problem.
@@markjsaldana Do Hispanics refer to themselves as Americano Latino, or just americano. You have to say the nationality or can I just state the continent That I’m from, ie I’m Asian vs I’m Chinese, American vs Canadian. I here Latinos refer to Asians in general as “chino” with zero hesitation . Seems kind of petty
Us UPS driver's always get asked if we know so and so's UPS Driver when there are hundreds of thousands of us so I feel you on that. We should definitely say we are from the United States and not "America", but when you're from a well known State like Arizona you like to show it off and it usually starts conversations about the Grand Canyon or they want to know if we're all cowboys. I notice people from Mexico here like to put their Mexican State on their truck windshields which is kind of cool (and I love it when they parade the Mexican flag here as we've gone way overboard with stars and stripes saturation). Arizona and Mexico are like brothers or should be. The best part of Mexicans is their sense of humor!
A lot of ppl I meet mistake me for being all American but I’m 65% Hispanic the other 35% is American. So when ppl find out how much Hispanic I am their surprised and say “wow I’ve always thought u were a white girl” for example my guys best friend I’ve known since 2nd grade(we’re now going into 10th) I took a dna test for my fam cus my dad told everyone he was Italian but he died when I was 9 and left it like that. So when we did the dna test I had no Italian in me turns out he was Hispanic so that’s where my Hispanic comes from. So I took this test in 5th grade a year after he passed before covid and I js now told my guys bff how much percentage of Mexican I was cuz we were talking abt what we have cuz we’ve both done a dna test and wanted to compare and keep in mind he’s 80% Mexican. He looked at me and say I gotta be lying cuz I look like a white girl my friends say ik whiter than a cloud so I could see why. I told him I’m not joking and showed him and he said “wow I’ve always thought u were a white girl cuz you look like one” and I told him “yea I know I always thought I was white to until I found this out” so yea ppl do mix things up like that but I’ve learned to accept it with how white I look. And I grew up not knowing any Spanish 1. Reason cuz my dad left when I was 2. Another reason is cuz my dad never spoke Spanish cuz his dad who was full Hispanic was very abusive to towards his mom so he wanted to forget abt that pass me and my fam are guessing. So now me being 14(almost 15) im trying to learn as much Spanish as possible with the help of my guy bff and videos on TH-cam im js having a hard time remembering it all😭😅
Soy un frecuente del año de tus vídeos educativos! Cuando la gente de los Estados Unidos de América dice que somos de “America”, no es porque creamos que somos “Todo El Continente de America!”.Cuando dices que creemos que nuestro país es todo el continente de America, es insultante! El nombre de nuestro país no es los “Estados Unidos”, son los Estados Unidos de América. “America” es simplemente una versión corta del nombre de nuestro país en lugar de los Estados Unidos de América, es simplemente “América”. por favor, por favor, deja de ofenderte.
I traveled with a friend who constantly used people as props in Chiapas. It was so cringey. I tried to run away every time and I did ask her a few times to refrain!
Bro, when I moved to Florida. Literally everyone and their mum asked me if I spoke Spanish. And I'm like bruh, I'm Asian. Like what the fuck??? Now I'm just like poquito. Because I started learning Spanish. Lol =op
Yes, it is not just South Florida -- the entire state assumes you understand some basic Spanish. 80% of kids in our schools are learning it - even in North Florida -- with the support of their parents. I am not fluent, I live in Palm Beach County, but when I am riding a train here or watching televsion with Spanish programming (I like telenovelas, they are the best), I understand most of the Spanish without even thinking about it.
@@monlichtgundisalvu1852 No we dont! we are not allowed to saying negative about women, blacks, spanish speakers or muslims or we are instantly called racist(whether anyone can prove it or not) Thank gawd we can still make fun of the irish, though!
Soy estadounidense, y me cae muy mal a nuestra media. Solo queremos dividir la gente y nos hacen enojados. Deseo visitar a México pronto. Conozco a muchos Mexicanos y siempre practico el español con ellos :)
Most of us think that spanish-speakers are all mexicans. But that's not always the case! It's just simply not true! I hate it when they assume this! Spanish unlike Mexico is spoken in other different countries, like Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico (US Territory), Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Spain, & even an african country Equatorial Guinea speak it. People need to know this so they won't assume the same thing like they always do! Si es la verdad!
As long as they make stupid remarks like saying citizens of a Nationality called America shouldn't call ourselves Americans then they're all just Spaniards to me. Stop being stupid on purpose and I'll treat you with empathy.
If it annoys people that you call the United States "America," then that's stupid. I don't care what you learned in school. Many Americans will call the US "America," but no other country will. Therefore, you should know what people mean when they say "Soy Americano." People who get critical about semantics should cease to exist on the planet.
1. I have never heard of someone asking that. 2. If the Place is busy you are safe. ICE is rarely offered unless its filtered. Coca cola and Tecate light are always safe and delicious. 3. If you ask Most Mexicans they Reply with the Municipality they are from. Sinaloa MX , Jalisco, MX etc... But i also live on the border with TJ and TkT so that could ecplain it. 4. Time in MX is always mas o minus 15 minutes or whatever. Cheers From San Diego!!
We never ever buy food from street vendors. My husband is Nicaragüense, & we lived in Costa Rica for several years. Now we’re moving to Mexico. No offense to Mexicans. We apply this rule everywhere we go, including the U.S.
@@RUT812 Exactly, dont buy from street vendors in the US. and if you listen to the news, even the ice at major fast food restaurants can be unsanitary. its just a more common problem than we realize!
As a person who traveled out of country ( USA ) on business. I was told to tell the local that I was from famous cities rather than country. The reason was that most countries do not like the USA. They like will known cities like Hollywood, Los Angeles, New York, than country.
Absolutely Right we appreciate very much all the people who visit the country or want to live here forget preconceived ideas. please, please try to speak basic Spanish just try it ! that for us is pleasant (like I write this although I know that my writing isn't perfect) welcome whenever you want 🇲🇽
You want to know thebthing that annoys us about Mexicans is your cartels, how you say America was your country first and I say uh no. It's only the desert regions to around California, Arizona, smal portion of New Mexico. Don't get carried away. Let us also remind you, the Spanish language Guage came from Spain not Mexico period. Spain is Hispana who are Europeans not Mexicans who were indigenous Sonoran Desert Mexican lands of indigenous Aztecs, Mazatlans, so on who spoke another language before Spanish conquered Mexico.
I have a solution for every immigrant from South of the border. Who doesn't like something in america who has something against The way things are in America period here's your solution drive as far as you can West until you're facing the Pacific sharp left and keep going for about 500 miles, so you far away from the border. Americans are running out of patience. We just want the illegal immigrant. To get packing. And head out towards Mexico as soon as possible.
I’m sorry but the only ones who make a big deal about Americans calling themselves American are people from Mexico and Central America. Rest of the world considers those from the US as being American, Mexicans are from Mexico, Guatemalans from Guatemala, Salvadorans from El Salvador, etc etc. isn’t that hard on a concept to understand. Now if you are willing to accept that all the negative stereotypes that the world has of Americans is also associated to you ( a Mexican) then sure, you can refer to yourself as an American if you want to 😉
Hola zPaulisma soy de los estados unidos y tenia viajar en mexico y cuatro meses en ssn miguel tambien enbmallorca y lima y miraflors y visitando cuzco y machu picchu. Siempre yo practicando by my self to keep it up yo hablo varias excercisios y dramas y chistes i play with all languages i am a life long poet i have read Lorca y me gusta romancero gitano las casidas como la muchacha dorada dorada se banaba en el agua ...😊
When we say, "American"..... it is NOT that "we think we own all of the Americas" as is commonly claimed. It is a feature of all common languages used throughout the world known as "linguistic shortening". "America" or "American" is an abbreviated form of "United States of America". I WISH there were another common example of this....Oh Wait, There Is. There is no country named "Mexico". The country's name is "Estados Unidos Mexicanos", However due to the same exact, identical "linguistic shortening", it is most often referred to as Mexico and the citizens refer to themselves as "Mexicans"...... this is the exact same reason that US citizens refer to themselves as Americans. Mexico and the US share this in common. However, Canada, Peru, Colombia etc etc do not follow the same pattern as the US and Mexico.
Wrong, it’s United Mexican States, not United States Of Mexico. United Mexican States Of America United ________ States Of America United Chilean Provinces Of America United Venezuelan States Of America United Peruvian States Of America
@Juan Gabriel you're missing (or intentionally avoiding) the point. Whether it is "United Mexican States" or "United States of Mexico" does not change the FACT of linguistic shortening. You can choose to be upset about something that is a non-issue....and you can choose to intentionally avoid facts so that you can continue to embrace an error. It is linguistically correct to describe anyone originating from the continent of "America" or "The Americas" as American. When that is done, the context is the continent of origin and the reference is the name of the continent. It is linguistically correct to describe anyone originating from the US as "American". When that is done, the context is the country of origin and the reference is the LINGUISTICALLY SHORTENED name for The United States of America. What I have just stated is not opinion... it is fact. FACT. It is a FACT that you can now research on your own. I highly suspect that you are simply a xenophobe who will spend time and effort to hang onto your irrational baseless beliefs even after having the facts of linguistics explained to you in enough detail so that it is obvious to anyone. You are likely going to continue doing amazing mental gymnastics in an attempt to justify and hold onto your xenophobia. Let go of it, my friend..... hate will not warm your soul. I've explain the error and you can now verify my explanation for yourself. (The study of linguistics) EDIT: I want to make sure that you fully understand what I'm saying. I am NOT suggesting that US citizens should be referred to as "Americano".... I absolutely agree with using "estadounidense" when speaking spanish.... no doubt about that whatsoever. My standpoint is that everyone should use the language that they are speaking properly. Which has much to do with the convention in the country you are speaking. So in Mexico, when speaking spanish I say estadounidenses and when speaking english I say americans. This shows respect to both languages and cultures. If I am speaking spanish, then I speak by the conventions of spanish and/or the country I'm in. If i'm speaking english, then I speak by the conventions of english and/or the country I'm in. What I'm detailing about the study of linguistics is that it is CORRECT for US citizens, when speaking english to refer to their country as America and themselves as Americans. This is nothing more than education in the study of linguistics..... it is fact, not opinion. People who hold to the idea that when US citizens call their country America or themselves as American are referencing the name of the continent is incorrect. That is a lack of education.
@@chandie5298 Latin America, South America, North America, Central America are NOT inside the USA. But the USA is inside of the American continent. The earliest known use of the name America dates to April 25, 1507, when it was applied to what is now known as South America.
@@chandie5298 You guys have a generic name. It’s like if France was called The United States Of Europe. In 1920 there was an amendment of changing the name of USA to “United States Of Earth”. People on the other parts of the world would feel annoyed if they only call themselves “earthlings”.
@@MiloSatori yes I know that the USA is inside the continent of America. Did you actually read what I wrote? You are (as I predicted) ignoring context. I provided a detailed description but you either did not read it or are intentionally ignoring it. Open a dictionary... any dictionary. A dictionary in english or a dictionary in spanish. Go to any page. Notice that words have more than a single definition. Do you know how we KNOW, which definition is required when a word is used during conversation? Due to CONTEXT. Now that I've explained that..... re-read my posts. If the context of the conversation is from which continent do you originate, then "American" refers to the continent of origin. If the context of the conversation is from which country do you originate, then "American" refers to the country of origin. Context is something that children learn about in elementary school..... why is this so difficult for you?
There's a lot of things Mexicans do here in America that we don't like either for good reason. You don't see us making a video about it. Maybe we should.
Yes, you are right. This was from another video. We fixed it already in the description. Here is the video this is from:
I like many things that you said, like taking photos of people, not nice if you do not ask, I am an Italo-Canadian, and we have the same problem in Canada, with people taking photos of the "Indians" who,s polite name is (first nations) and the same happens in Italy, especially in Sicily, where I am from. Oh yeah, I almost am afraid to to say that I am Sicilian, the ignorance of all Mexicans hurts me so much, the only thing that they know is the mafia, all the Mexicans that I meet say that. You at one point said : Blame the media, I agree. I want to wish you the best, I like your style, even though you exaggerate a bit.
❤Mexicano Beverly Hills Downey California. Mexicano is how I say it. My friends from Spain, Italians, Peru , Cubans says Mexicano. I correct my neighbors. I am American and my heritage is Mexicano. I read only English, I can’t read or write Spanish, but I speak it and understand it. Frank Martinez Downey California
I do answer with the name of my city 'Seattle'.. If I say Washington, everybody thinks I live by the White House, which is not the case. If it's a big enough city, most have a sports team and many people will know the city by the team.
Certain people complain about Mexicans in America and go to Mexico and complain about Mexicans. I’m half Mexican and half White and I study my culture religiously. No, I don’t have the native tongue but I love Mi Raza!
I can’t remember if it was a Mexican or a Puerto Rican who told me it was considered rude to say I was “American” when asked where I was from. I always say “the United States” when asked as as a result.
#1 happens to many people wherever they go. I hear it when I travel in other countries. "Oh, maybe you know so and so who is also from America." For 5.30 - I'm not sure how much of the world you have traveled Paulisima 🙂because this is definitely not true. I hear "I'm from Sydney" and "I'm from Tokyo" and "I'm from Moscow" and "I'm from Paris" and "I'm from Berlin" and so on. Just say no to stereotypes, it is safer, instead of saying "only Americans."
So I am full Mexican my mum is Mexican and my dad is Mexican so I’m full but people think I’m just on regular white boy because my skin is it as dark as my dad when he hears that he’s okay. Don’t worry your skin is going to be like me, you know, just give us some time and yeah I guess people just think Mexicans are just dark skin in nobody stereotypes, but in reality, Mexicans come in a lot of different colours
Lol! I'm from sacramento and I lived in San Antonio as well! If people ask me where I'm from, I just say california.. The reason why Americans say what city they're from, is because we usually only talk to other Americans or English speakers. So it makes sense to say your city. If we talk to people from another country, they already know we're American!
God she is soooo buena!!! Me wedo gringo😂 Im sure you got a few misleading stereotypes about gringos yourself me mujara🙃its ok if your more informed then most people, you made a great video. Thank you
Noop! You've got it wrong dear... Americans are known the world over as Americans (their Nationality) in spite of being from the United States of where... America... that's why. I have heard this for more years than I can count, from whom you ask... mainly Mexicans and Brazilians... but never from Canadians. I mentioned this to my Brazilian friend when she first told me that she too is American... to which I asked her... when you went to Paris, what did the French call you... she said... Brazilian, but when I went to Bordeaux, the French called me American. The same is true in Brazil... Brazilians call me American eventhough I speak Portuguese (com um sotaque carioca that is with the accent from Rio de Janerio). Americans flat-out reject Estadounidense... this seems to be a Latin thing to try to guilt (force) Americans into sharing the lime light of the American Nationality with the rest of the Hemisphere and dulce, that's not going to happen. That's why I did not repeat after you, but nice try!
Yeah I know :D that's why I said that the word in English for someone form the US is "American". When direct translated the word: "Americano"doesn't sit well with many people who are also from the American continent. When speaking Spanish the right word is "estadunidense" or "estadounidense" but in English no one denies the word is American. Guilt tripping? Mmmm nope! We don't do that here at Spring Spanish. Thanks for your time and comments!!!
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanishI don't care if it doesn't sit well with them because those people aren't citizens of a Nationality called America. If "Americano" you don't like then you can call me "Indio Americano" because I'm a descendant of U.S. Natives on Reservations. As opposed to Indio Mexicano or Indios from any other country. Make sense?
I had Monte's revenge once. I figured it was the water. I've been to Mexico several times and eaten plenty. It was a lot worse than a tummy ache. Things were flying out of both ends of me under great pressure. Great fun on a plane ride home I tell ya.
"About 50% of vegetables and 40% of fruit imported to the U.S. are grown in Mexico, according to U.S Department of Agriculture data." __Time Magazine, 3Apr2019
That "do you know so-and-so" question is not exclusive to Mexicans, as a Canadian visiting Europe and USA, I get that too, "Do you know my cousin Aldo who emigrated to Toronto in 1972 ?" No, I live on the other side of the country. Never had Moctezuma because I follow those common sense rules. At the all-inclusive resorts, my partner sticks with the Anglo offerings, I follow the Mexican persons and try to eat what they are choosing.
or "Oh, I've got a cousin who lives in San Diego!" Um. I'm from San Francisco, 8 hours away, and the state of California is 14 hours long, from tip to tip.
I grew up in Belize and we used to drink water straight from the well, which if most people from the USA would drink would get sick. It's not that their food is not clean, Americans just aren't used to it
To be fair “United States of America” is the only country in the world with the word “America” in its official title. I think that is why so many people from “EEUU” call it “America”. I only used the word in Europe and Japan, where it’s considered correct usage (then again, in Japan they call Great Britain “England”.
I typically say: Soy de América its a habit and its just easier to speak lol but you are correct however most people know when I say Soy de América I am talking about USA. Or soy Americana.
It is my opinion that you are overly sensitive. I have had many people ask to take a picture with me in my kilt. That doesn't bother me. Montezuma revenge is bad water. Also I speak Spanish and this word YOU want US to call ourselves is even hard for you to say. Don't be so touchy.
There are bacteria in the water that your body gets used to. I never had any problems in Mexico; but the first time I went to Colombia, I was sick for almost a month.
I live in Texas I have lived in Texas all my life and I love Mexican food far more than any other food. My wife was born in Chihuahua, Mexico and we always share our love Mexican food even where it's not really necessary. Like making American hamburgers really spicy or adding lime on something that you normally wouldn't put lime on. I have been to Mexico and their food is actually really good in Mexico. My one caveat to that is the water quality is not the best. They even used to have commercials about how to get rid of worms that you get from unsanitary water( this is regional). But that would not stop me from going back to Mexico and eating the food and drinking the water. It's definitely not the food itself, Unless your digestive system is not used to spicy foods. I remember as a child I had a friend that was from Ireland and he could not eat anything that my mother (white lady) put in front of him because she was raised in Texas. And Texas have a lot of Mexican influence even when they don't even realize it. I don't even think that you can consider yourself a Texan unless you've eaten a taco from a taco truck. And yes you need the pickled onions and Valentina hot sauce with cilantro and lime juice. I'm telling you "you haven't lived unless you've eaten it this way". But I digress.
That first one is the same for Americans in Mexico: You're from L.A.? My cousin lives there! His name is.... etc. Exactly the same. It's human nature to assume the world is smaller than it is. Not racist.
1. She never called it racist 2.Difference is ones a city and ones a country 3. No one really does this with cities and states within us only foreign countries
While I understand your point and agree for the most part, if someone where to make this video about 5 annoying things that Mexican do that Americans hate, it would be deemed as insensitive, racist, or ignorant and tone deaf. Just saying. I often find the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance funny. For example, the rich gringos taking over CDMX. The reverse is also true in the USA, poor immigrants destroying property values etc. We are more similar than different, both bad and good. One thing, I do find kinda annoying about Mexicans in the USA, they assume nobody speaks or understands Spanish. I often find these overheard coversations to be insulting and rude. When I leave, I love to scare them with a shock.....Que tengas un buen día. Hablas Espanol? SI, vivi in Espana, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala asi que hablo casi con fluidez. Jaw drop, embarrassed, I walk out. This also happens to me in Latin America, so I guess it's not specific to Mexicans or the USA. Point: be careful to foster content that promotes kindness and acceptance rather than this....
As a Mexican National, and a Citizen of the U.S. I will never stop saying Americano. Or American, when referring to United States or Citizens of the U.S. We in Mexico call them Americanos… you have to deal with it.
I have dated a lot of Hispanic men not all were Mexican. It bugs me when people think that all Hispanics are Mexican. Learn history please . or say they are not American. South America ?? Learn history. Thank you.
Yes! Mexican is just a nationality not an ethnicity, nor we represent ALL of Latin America, nor we're synonym of "Hispanic", "Latino". It's word noticing that not all LAtin American people are Hispanic, like Brazilians for example
@@RUT812 If its any consolation to you, on the east coast most latinos are assumed to be Puerto Ricans until they mention their ethnicity! The Dominicans HATE being referred to as Boricuas! LOL And any slavic will be assumed to be Russian until they share their ethnicity. And most Asians will be assumed to be Chinese until they share their ethnicity. We generalize by the most predominant culture.
To be fair / when I'm in mexico and a Mexican asks where I'm from they already assume I'm American with my horrible Spanish and American accent so it's not that far of a stretch to assume they know the country I'm from/ but to answer with the city is pretty specific even for an American to answer another American
Oye- las que dicen las opiniones negativas…… La posición del video es educarLes en el punto de vista de un nativo. ?¿ cuántos estadunidenses están muy ofendidos cuando la gente de otros países piensen que todos los de EEUU hablan con un acento del sur?¿! Más mejor es pensar que somos hillbillies? O solo comemos comida de grasa?? Es el mismo. Es bueno que tengamos uña entendimiento de las percepciones y las perspectivas de otras personas. ¡¡Gracias por darnos otras vistas del mundo, Paulísima!!
Thanks for watching! Next steps: get a free Essential Spanish Chunking Kit with Spanish resources here 👉
No pudiera yo imaginarme un video con el titulo:
5 cosas que mexicanas hacen que molestan a los Americanos.
¡Que racista este video!
Aún más racista el comentario que elegiste tú para pegar encima de todos los demás comentarios.
Love the video! Thank you for the tips. Soy estadunidense😉 I feel your pain. I live in the United Kingdom and have people who treat me just the way you have described. Europeans think that all Americans come from the U.S. Canadians take great offense being called Americans. I point out that they live on the American continent and therefore are Americans. When people ask me where I am from I tell them Seattle because anything else leaves me open to questions such as "Oh, do you know this person or that person?" Almost have to give a mini geography lesson. And like you folk from Mexico, there are certain attitudes and stereotypes that I am compelled to attempt to dispel concerning "Mi ser estadounidense". ¡Dios te bendiga, Paulísima! 🥰
Los gringo's no son Americanos, vienen de Europa!!!
You bunch of pendejos!!!
@@dennismurphy5815you're stupid.
There stupid!,
Mexico is the true America!!.
The first time I ever went to Mexico I did get really sick. I ended up going to the doctor. He told me that it can be common for people that travel to a new area to get sick because their bodies are not used to that new places natural bacteria. Whether it's the food, drinks, anything you touch or even inhale. Mexicans can come to the U.S. and get sick just as easy because their body is not used to our natural bacteria. It makes a lot of sense to me.
Muy de acuerdo :D
Totally agree Amber 🇺🇸🇲🇽
Moctezuma, Montecuzoma, or Montesuma, he was an emperor, saying this is like if you go to england and you get sick and you blame it on the QUEEN.
One only need to travel about 200 miles from their home to get a stomach ache.
I talked to a guy when I was in Cancun, I thought I was talking to a tourist from Europe. Turns out he was a tourist but from Mexico City, born and raised. I realized that maybe I don't know Mexico at all
100% of the time, people I know/meet from other countries say "you're from America" . And if you ask our nationality- we're going to say we're American. We don't say I'm a United Stater. That's not an English phrase. So, Americana it is
It is confusing because news flash: Mexico and all the way down to Argentina are all in the “Americas”, so all of them are American
@@theparadigm8149nope, simple just use THE AMERICAS to refer to the whole american continent, more specific North and South America. Which tbh Mexico should be part of the southern part, yeezy them just so undeveloped and broke.
@@Me.myself.and.i619unfortunately that comment has gone up high into the mexican heads that they're north americans. Hope Trump or Harris set up that whole bullcrap of considering mexicans NORTH AMERICA and approve a bill and new constitute to address mexico as South America for once.
@@carlcast1286 so, just cause you say so, mexico is not on the north? classic gringo
I got the same thing (#5) when traveling in India; apparently I don't look like I'm from the United States (yes, media is to blame) because everyone refused to believe that I wasn't English or German. I had to actually show my passport to people to prove I was born in the U.S. It's funny the ideas people have in their heads about what people should look like according to their nationalities.
I wonder what they thought you should look like. Why would they think you were English or German? In the US there are many ethnic groups and not one particular "look".
Margarita, I'm not sure what the Indian perception of "American" is, but I'm apparently not it! My heritage is completely northern European, so they weren't wrong, but maybe they thought I should be tanner and blonder to qualify as "American". The misconceptions of Baywatch... le sigh. Cada cabeza es un mundo.
@@margaritakleinman5701 Same problem, I live in Mexico and I am Dutch. I have to explain: I speak Spanish, so very small chance I am a Gringo. I laugh a lot, small chance I am a German! Hahahaa....jokes are the best way to show sensitive things like ignorance
@@Noelia8092actually america isn’t our color anymore 😂
@@margaritakleinman5701there used to be 🎉
My friends from Mexico also agree it is irritating people from the US simply call ourselves Americas. But I jokingly pointed out the innocent (grammatical) reason why this happens. Mexico's formal name is the "United States of Mexico" (Estados Unidos Mexicanos), and in the US our formal name is the "United States of America". For both countries and typical grammar, it is easier to just shorten both by simply saying "Mexico" and "America", dropping the United States. Fortunately, if we say United States, we assume we're referring to the US of America, and not US of Mexico!🤣 😃
That's not exactly correct. Mexico's formal name is Estados Unidos Mexicanos, which is United Mexican States, not United States of Mexico. It's a subtle distinction, but a distinction nonethless.
Also, when the USA was founded, it was the only independent new country in the Americas. By the time it got confusing, we were already calling ourselves Americans.
That's why I say the country's name should be renamed to "United States of North America."
There's no other countries with the name "America" in the name.
So for her to say that people from a country called America to call ourselves Americans is annoying just shows that she shouldn't be here because she doesn't even know what it is.
Thank you for this information. We are now in Mexico and wanted to learn more about likes and dislikes. :)
These are funny. I have to admit that I have been surprised when people ask where I’m from. I stumbled and quickly said anything from the city or state that I was from. This comes from not traveling internationally but only between cities
¡¡Hola Paulísima, super vídeo, como siempre!! Muy interesante!
Gracias Marika! Always a pleasure to hear from you :D
You look white in your photo
I love your channel. Thank you for pointing out ignorant things that some Americans do. Your humor is priceless! Thank you.
Can you do a video for Mexicans about what not to do in US?
What not to do?
It's easy. Stop claiming that because you have Native blood makes you the same as Natives on U.S. Reservations. You're not. You're something different.
Other than that I have no beef with you, other than you think of yourself as being as Native as U.S. Reservation Indians and you're not, you're Indigenous from a foreign place. You're not our Indigenous..
@@JonDoe-mz4dxYou do know that some native tribes from Mexico did stretch all the way into middle America. Utah, Kansas, Texas, etc. So not exactly that different.
@@RockWonder210 thank you. The Apache tribe just because an imaginary line was changed from Texas to Mexico does not make them different people, not foreign tribes just a new border line was drawn so @JonDoe-mz4dx please do some basic research and use a little thought before you speak. Most as you called them US reservation tribes from the south. The Chumash in California and countless others were all in Mexico territory before we redrew the lines after the Mexican-American war and a few purchases from Mexico. The people however carry the same heritage and bloodline, whichever side of the line their domicile stood.
I agree!
I think I have had the same thing from Mexicans. I tell them I'm from Canada and they say oh I know somebody from Canada. They are in Toronto, thinking that I know Toronto. I have never been to Toronto, I hate Toronto. It would take me 3 days to drive there from where I live 😂. The thing is most non Canadians only know one Canadian city and it's the city most Canadians don't like
The American comment. What other country in North or South America has the word American in it? None that I can think of. So we wouldn't say we were United Statesian. When someone says they are American most people know what they are talking about.
Great video! It's sad that there are so many ignorant people in the world.
Thank you for this video. I’m not a fluent Spanish speaker cuz my family spoke a lot of English while I was growing up. Overall, I’ve never been stereotyped cuz I look mixed race, therefore I can pass as anything. But when I go into the city, where a lot Latinos & Mexicans live, & OMG I can’t tell you the stereotypes I’ve received from them & one particular is how a Mexican “should look like” 😑 No, I didn’t grow up with a lot of Mexicans (other than my family) my home town isn’t very diverse, yet I get treated like family to them. I get treated like a human being, not like a stereotype
Oye. The struggle is real. My family settled in New Mexico around 1812. Then my 2x great grandparents migrated to Wyoming around 1890(A lot of Hispanic families did this). Yet never fails, "Lovato? you don't look Mexican"
Disfruto de su humor y creo que es una buena idea que nosotros, los estudiantes de idiomas, seamos conscientes de que hay personas que se sienten ofendidas por algunos términos que podríamos usar, tengan algún sentido para nosotros o no.
En inglés "esdadunidenses" se traduce como "Unitedstatesians", lo que no tiene sentido, excepto como una broma. Cuando se inventó este término, quien lo hizo debería haberlo llamado "estaduniddeamericadense" o algo así, ¡que sería aún más una broma!
Para que conste, el nombre del país es Estados Unidos de América, no Estados Unidos. Quien inventó la palabra "estadunidense", aparentemente no entendió que en este contexto la palabra "America" se refiere al país, no al continente.
Excepto en un contexto académico limitado, no conozco a personas en ningún lugar que se refieran a sí mismas por el nombre de su continente. Los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos se refieren a sí mismos como "Americans" después del nombre de su país ... como todos los demás en el mundo.
Yo soy de mexico y estas 5 cosas no son ciertas, yo no me ciento para nada asi.
Sino lo contrario.
Bueno lo correcto es:
de dónde eres ?
R: de USA
R: de Estados Unidos
R: US citizen
Cualquiera de estas opciones porque si dices americano te dirán ...
Si, pero de que país de América
Bueno yo soy mexicano y a mí nunca me han dicho que si conozco a la señora que hace limpieza porque he trabajado en US en constructoras haciendo planos y otras cosas de diseño.
no domino el inglés ( lo hablo bien pero obviamente no como as alguien nativo ) pero hay de muchas nacionalidades haciendo trabajo de limpieza.
Saludos 🇲🇽🇺🇸
Thanks for making this video!
On more than one occasion, when travelling, I have told people I've met that I am from Canada and immediately been asked if I know their friend in Toronto. (Population 6 million and over 1600 kilometres from my town.) No one country or group of people has a monopoly on stupid questions. And sometimes the other person is just trying to be friendly and make a connection.
So true, I was visiting Thailand one summer back in 1996, and you would not believe how often I was asked if I personally knew Michael Jackson or I wanted a coke to drink. 😂 People of all cultures makes silly assumptions.
@@Orange_void lol😅😅😅😅😅
They happy thats why
Because we are happy wherever, we are not bitter!
I genuinely dislike that about them. The nonstop chatter box. It's a European thing.
Dutch people also say; I am from Amsterdam 😂
Hehehe I was in the USA said my country answer was It doesn’t exist you are German 😂
Que bueno! muchisimas gracias Paulisima por su ayuda en mi estudio de espanol y la cultura tambien
De nada, es un placer!
😮 I have had trouble saying estadounidenses; now you tell me there is another way to say it!! Aye caray Paulisima 😂. I will work on them both!! Thanks cus that is something I really need to say in place of Soy de Texas. 😢. ❤. Muchas gracias!!
Coming back from Ensenada with 3 of my Mexican/American friends, the border agent asked my friends who are all darker and have Latino features in Spanish where they were coming from, my friends don't speak Spanish, I look more White with Anglo features, I responded in Spanish we were American and my friends didn't speak any Spanish and we were going home, the agent laughed and said have a nice day in English.
¡Me encantan tus videos! Soy un gringo que creció en Nuevo México y Arizona. Me mudaré a Ecuador en septiembre.
No quiero vivir una vida norteamericana en Ecuador, quiero ser un norteamericano que vive la experiencia ecuatoriana.
See, I did learn something from this video--I will never refer to myself in Ecuador as "Americano" because of your good advice...For some reason, "Estadounidense" is hard for me to pronounce...OK, and I did mention the states where I come from, rather than just the country...lesson NOT learned.
Thank God😂 gtfo dirty mf
I cant tell you how appreciative I am to the subtitles you put in your videos. I learn new words every time I watch a video.
Good video-I enjoyed!!!!!
Hmmm... Ok mam when a person ask you where your from and you are in that country currently it makes sense to say the city or state to me. If I am in Mexico and I ask someone where are you from I dont think they will say Mexico, correcto? They are assuming if they say just the state you know I was born here. But you could be from another country so just ask them, what country? Also every country has popular cities so if you are visiting that country educate yourself on the major cities so when someone say I am from Madrid you know its in Spain or if I say I am from Los Angeles you know its California USA.
Great information. Thanks for posting.
6:25 have you been to new york, tourists from other countries can be wild XD
#3 - I just call them gringos but I have zero problem with them calling themselves American. I don't see why anyone would get offended, we all know what they mean.
Says don"t say you are American, then she goes on to describe the difference in television media by calling it American media. Must not be too big of a problem.
I caught that too.
Yeah she’s speaking English though. Americano has a different connotation in Spanish (like she said, if you’d listened).
@@markjsaldana Do Hispanics refer to themselves as Americano Latino, or just americano. You have to say the nationality or can I just state the continent That I’m from, ie I’m Asian vs I’m Chinese, American vs Canadian. I here Latinos refer to Asians in general as “chino” with zero hesitation . Seems kind of petty
She's an idiot 😂
Our country is literally called the United States of "America"
I just came over for some tips.
Thx I am learning all of it ,
Recuerdo la noche y dia en san blas en 1960 en marzo que magnifico
Us UPS driver's always get asked if we know so and so's UPS Driver when there are hundreds of thousands of us so I feel you on that. We should definitely say we are from the United States and not "America", but when you're from a well known State like Arizona you like to show it off and it usually starts conversations about the Grand Canyon or they want to know if we're all cowboys. I notice people from Mexico here like to put their Mexican State on their truck windshields which is kind of cool (and I love it when they parade the Mexican flag here as we've gone way overboard with stars and stripes saturation). Arizona and Mexico are like brothers or should be. The best part of Mexicans is their sense of humor!
Very informative thank you❤❤❤❤
Muchas gracias :D Love your handle btw :D
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanish thank you❤
A lot of ppl I meet mistake me for being all American but I’m 65% Hispanic the other 35% is American. So when ppl find out how much Hispanic I am their surprised and say “wow I’ve always thought u were a white girl” for example my guys best friend I’ve known since 2nd grade(we’re now going into 10th) I took a dna test for my fam cus my dad told everyone he was Italian but he died when I was 9 and left it like that. So when we did the dna test I had no Italian in me turns out he was Hispanic so that’s where my Hispanic comes from. So I took this test in 5th grade a year after he passed before covid and I js now told my guys bff how much percentage of Mexican I was cuz we were talking abt what we have cuz we’ve both done a dna test and wanted to compare and keep in mind he’s 80% Mexican. He looked at me and say I gotta be lying cuz I look like a white girl my friends say ik whiter than a cloud so I could see why. I told him I’m not joking and showed him and he said “wow I’ve always thought u were a white girl cuz you look like one” and I told him “yea I know I always thought I was white to until I found this out” so yea ppl do mix things up like that but I’ve learned to accept it with how white I look. And I grew up not knowing any Spanish 1. Reason cuz my dad left when I was 2. Another reason is cuz my dad never spoke Spanish cuz his dad who was full Hispanic was very abusive to towards his mom so he wanted to forget abt that pass me and my fam are guessing.
So now me being 14(almost 15) im trying to learn as much Spanish as possible with the help of my guy bff and videos on TH-cam im js having a hard time remembering it all😭😅
I've used Montezuma's revenge, but it was not meant as some type of slur, anymore than "the Hershey Squirts" is somehow against a candy bar.
Soy un frecuente del año de tus vídeos educativos!
Cuando la gente de los Estados Unidos de América dice que somos de “America”, no es porque creamos que somos “Todo El Continente de America!”.Cuando dices que creemos que nuestro país es todo el continente de America, es insultante! El nombre de nuestro país no es los “Estados Unidos”, son los Estados Unidos de América. “America” es simplemente una versión corta del nombre de nuestro país en lugar de los Estados Unidos de América, es simplemente “América”. por favor, por favor, deja de ofenderte.
Ok buddy, thank you for explaining.
I traveled with a friend who constantly used people as props in Chiapas. It was so cringey. I tried to run away every time and I did ask her a few times to refrain!
Sounds like a shit friend
Bro, when I moved to Florida. Literally everyone and their mum asked me if I spoke Spanish. And I'm like bruh, I'm Asian. Like what the fuck??? Now I'm just like poquito. Because I started learning Spanish. Lol =op
Yes, it is not just South Florida -- the entire state assumes you understand some basic Spanish. 80% of kids in our schools are learning it - even in North Florida -- with the support of their parents. I am not fluent, I live in Palm Beach County, but when I am riding a train here or watching televsion with Spanish programming (I like telenovelas, they are the best), I understand most of the Spanish without even thinking about it.
I love your honesty and candidness. Americans need to understand ans accept that they are NOT the centre of the western hemisphere! Bravo!!!
Exactly. So stay in your own places and don't come here any more if you're just here to cause trouble.
Gracias for your criticisms on Americanos y gringos. Good insight. I will always try to be a better American. #bebetter
love this! some great home truths...mexico is a vast and vibrant country that doesn't need validation from anyone
Then why are they fleeing Mexico and coming to the U.S.
Considering they leave in droves daily, that’s an ignorant comment.
How can you immigrate to America and hate it?
Oh imagine if an American said something bad about Mexicans
@Jimmy Garcia did I ask?
@@monlichtgundisalvu1852 No we dont! we are not allowed to saying negative about women, blacks, spanish speakers or muslims or we are instantly called racist(whether anyone can prove it or not) Thank gawd we can still make fun of the irish, though!
Mexicans don't exist.
She said Americans don't exist so as long as that's how you dumbasses feel😂 you're all Spaniards 😂
Soy estadounidense, y me cae muy mal a nuestra media. Solo queremos dividir la gente y nos hacen enojados. Deseo visitar a México pronto. Conozco a muchos Mexicanos y siempre practico el español con ellos :)
Most of us think that spanish-speakers are all mexicans. But that's not always the case! It's just simply not true! I hate it when they assume this! Spanish unlike Mexico is spoken in other different countries, like Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico (US Territory), Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Spain, & even an african country Equatorial Guinea speak it. People need to know this so they won't assume the same thing like they always do! Si es la verdad!
As long as they make stupid remarks like saying citizens of a Nationality called America shouldn't call ourselves Americans then they're all just Spaniards to me. Stop being stupid on purpose and I'll treat you with empathy.
If it annoys people that you call the United States "America," then that's stupid. I don't care what you learned in school. Many Americans will call the US "America," but no other country will. Therefore, you should know what people mean when they say "Soy Americano." People who get critical about semantics should cease to exist on the planet.
Montezuma's revenge is caused by water with XXXX in it not from the food
the first 50 million crossing illegally was one thing... .but now you cant even survive down there, and expect americans to give you everything.
Well the first time a Spaniard came here illegally was in 1492.
1. I have never heard of someone asking that.
2. If the Place is busy you are safe. ICE is rarely offered unless its filtered. Coca cola and Tecate light are always safe and delicious.
3. If you ask Most Mexicans they Reply with the Municipality they are from. Sinaloa MX , Jalisco, MX etc... But i also live on the border with TJ and TkT so that could ecplain it.
4. Time in MX is always mas o minus 15 minutes or whatever.
Cheers From San Diego!!
Excellent! You're so right :D Sinaloa, Jalisco, etc are not municipalities though, they're states but close enough ehehhe!!!
Our reply is always what State we’re from, not the City.
Very funny and true and informative
Wow. For sure some street vendors selling food are unsanitary. I know. First hand experience here, and no, it didn't involve drinking.
Yes, some. Everywhere. (I've been there too heheheh!)
We never ever buy food from street vendors. My husband is Nicaragüense, & we lived in Costa Rica for several years. Now we’re moving to Mexico. No offense to Mexicans. We apply this rule everywhere we go, including the U.S.
@@RUT812 @ that’s the problem people are becoming crybabies lol can’t say crap .
@@RUT812 Exactly, dont buy from street vendors in the US. and if you listen to the news, even the ice at major fast food restaurants can be unsanitary. its just a more common problem than we realize!
As a person who traveled out of country ( USA ) on business. I was told to tell the local that I was from famous cities rather than country. The reason was that most countries do not like the USA. They like will known cities like Hollywood, Los Angeles, New York, than country.
Absolutely Right
we appreciate very much all the people who visit the country or want to live here forget preconceived ideas.
please, please try to speak basic Spanish just try it ! that for us is pleasant
(like I write this although
I know that my writing isn't perfect)
welcome whenever you want 🇲🇽
The funny thing is people do take pictures of me when i go to mexico😆
Thank you so much
You want to know thebthing that annoys us about Mexicans is your cartels, how you say America was your country first and I say uh no. It's only the desert regions to around California, Arizona, smal portion of New Mexico. Don't get carried away. Let us also remind you, the Spanish language Guage came from Spain not Mexico period. Spain is Hispana who are Europeans not Mexicans who were indigenous Sonoran Desert Mexican lands of indigenous Aztecs, Mazatlans, so on who spoke another language before Spanish conquered Mexico.
That wasn't their country either it was Dinétah.
I had a friend from Mexico City who told me that when she came to New York, she got sick from drinking the water. 😀
I have a solution for every immigrant from South of the border. Who doesn't like something in america who has something against The way things are in America period here's your solution drive as far as you can West until you're facing the Pacific sharp left and keep going for about 500 miles, so you far away from the border.
Americans are running out of patience. We just want the illegal immigrant. To get packing. And head out towards Mexico as soon as possible.
You did a great job
I’m sorry but the only ones who make a big deal about Americans calling themselves American are people from Mexico and Central America. Rest of the world considers those from the US as being American, Mexicans are from Mexico, Guatemalans from Guatemala, Salvadorans from El Salvador, etc etc. isn’t that hard on a concept to understand. Now if you are willing to accept that all the negative stereotypes that the world has of Americans is also associated to you ( a Mexican) then sure, you can refer to yourself as an American if you want to 😉
Well they're American if they come here just like any other.
Hola zPaulisma soy de los estados unidos y tenia viajar en mexico y cuatro meses en ssn miguel tambien enbmallorca y lima y miraflors y visitando cuzco y machu picchu.
Siempre yo practicando by my self to keep it up yo hablo varias excercisios y dramas y chistes i play with all languages i am a life long poet i have read Lorca y me gusta romancero gitano las casidas como la muchacha dorada dorada se banaba en el agua
When we say, "American"..... it is NOT that "we think we own all of the Americas" as is commonly claimed.
It is a feature of all common languages used throughout the world known as "linguistic shortening".
"America" or "American" is an abbreviated form of "United States of America".
I WISH there were another common example of this....Oh Wait, There Is.
There is no country named "Mexico".
The country's name is "Estados Unidos Mexicanos", However due to the same exact, identical "linguistic shortening", it is most often referred to as Mexico and the citizens refer to themselves as "Mexicans"...... this is the exact same reason that US citizens refer to themselves as Americans.
Mexico and the US share this in common. However, Canada, Peru, Colombia etc etc do not follow the same pattern as the US and Mexico.
Wrong, it’s United Mexican States, not United States Of Mexico.
United Mexican States Of America
United ________ States Of America
United Chilean Provinces Of America
United Venezuelan States Of America
United Peruvian States Of America
@Juan Gabriel you're missing (or intentionally avoiding) the point.
Whether it is "United Mexican States" or "United States of Mexico" does not change the FACT of linguistic shortening.
You can choose to be upset about something that is a non-issue....and you can choose to intentionally avoid facts so that you can continue to embrace an error.
It is linguistically correct to describe anyone originating from the continent of "America" or "The Americas" as American.
When that is done, the context is the continent of origin and the reference is the name of the continent.
It is linguistically correct to describe anyone originating from the US as "American". When that is done, the context is the country of origin and the reference is the LINGUISTICALLY SHORTENED name for The United States of America.
What I have just stated is not opinion... it is fact. FACT.
It is a FACT that you can now research on your own.
I highly suspect that you are simply a xenophobe who will spend time and effort to hang onto your irrational baseless beliefs even after having the facts of linguistics explained to you in enough detail so that it is obvious to anyone. You are likely going to continue doing amazing mental gymnastics in an attempt to justify and hold onto your xenophobia.
Let go of it, my friend..... hate will not warm your soul. I've explain the error and you can now verify my explanation for yourself. (The study of linguistics)
EDIT: I want to make sure that you fully understand what I'm saying.
I am NOT suggesting that US citizens should be referred to as "Americano"....
I absolutely agree with using "estadounidense" when speaking spanish.... no doubt about that whatsoever.
My standpoint is that everyone should use the language that they are speaking properly. Which has much to do with the convention in the country you are speaking.
So in Mexico, when speaking spanish I say estadounidenses and when speaking english I say americans.
This shows respect to both languages and cultures. If I am speaking spanish, then I speak by the conventions of spanish and/or the country I'm in.
If i'm speaking english, then I speak by the conventions of english and/or the country I'm in.
What I'm detailing about the study of linguistics is that it is CORRECT for US citizens, when speaking english to refer to their country as America and themselves as Americans.
This is nothing more than education in the study of linguistics..... it is fact, not opinion.
People who hold to the idea that when US citizens call their country America or themselves as American are referencing the name of the continent is incorrect. That is a lack of education.
@@chandie5298 Latin America, South America, North America, Central America are NOT inside the USA.
But the USA is inside of the American continent.
The earliest known use of the name America dates to April 25, 1507, when it was applied to what is now known as South America.
@@chandie5298 You guys have a generic name.
It’s like if France was called The United States Of Europe.
In 1920 there was an amendment of changing the name of USA to “United States Of Earth”.
People on the other parts of the world would feel annoyed if they only call themselves “earthlings”.
@@MiloSatori yes I know that the USA is inside the continent of America.
Did you actually read what I wrote?
You are (as I predicted) ignoring context. I provided a detailed description but you either did not read it or are intentionally ignoring it.
Open a dictionary... any dictionary. A dictionary in english or a dictionary in spanish.
Go to any page.
Notice that words have more than a single definition.
Do you know how we KNOW, which definition is required when a word is used during conversation?
Now that I've explained that..... re-read my posts.
If the context of the conversation is from which continent do you originate, then "American" refers to the continent of origin.
If the context of the conversation is from which country do you originate, then "American" refers to the country of origin.
Context is something that children learn about in elementary school..... why is this so difficult for you?
She's one spicy taco
The third one is so true!
Hey hey I love a good burrito
There's a lot of things Mexicans do here in America that we don't like either for good reason. You don't see us making a video about it. Maybe we should.
This sounds more like what you don’t like…
I was looking forward to "Preservativos Are Not Preservatives"! Was that from a different video?
Yes, you are right. This was from another video. We fixed it already in the description.
Here is the video this is from:
I like many things that you said, like taking photos of people, not nice if you do not ask, I am an Italo-Canadian, and we have the same problem in Canada, with people taking photos of the "Indians" who,s polite name is (first nations) and the same happens in Italy, especially in Sicily, where I am from. Oh yeah, I almost am afraid to to say that I am Sicilian, the ignorance of all Mexicans hurts me so much, the only thing that they know is the mafia, all the Mexicans that I meet say that. You at one point said : Blame the media, I agree.
I want to wish you the best, I like your style, even though you exaggerate a bit.
❤Mexicano Beverly Hills Downey California. Mexicano is how I say it. My friends from Spain, Italians, Peru , Cubans says Mexicano. I correct my neighbors. I am American and my heritage is Mexicano. I read only English, I can’t read or write Spanish, but I speak it and understand it. Frank Martinez Downey California
I do answer with the name of my city 'Seattle'.. If I say Washington, everybody thinks I live by the White House, which is not the case. If it's a big enough city, most have a sports team and many people will know the city by the team.
Certain people complain about Mexicans in America and go to Mexico and complain about Mexicans. I’m half Mexican and half White and I study my culture religiously. No, I don’t have the native tongue but I love Mi Raza!
you have a new fan
:D gracias!
No puedo tomar fotos? Now,I will never find a date! Me siento tristeza! 😭
Sí, pero ask them first :D No te sientas triste, it's just a good opportunity to practice your Espanol :D
Bruce, you said "I feel as sadness." Me siento triste.
It's "me siento triste" not "me siento tristeza"
I can’t remember if it was a Mexican or a Puerto Rican who told me it was considered rude to say I was “American” when asked where I was from. I always say “the United States” when asked as as a result.
#1 happens to many people wherever they go. I hear it when I travel in other countries. "Oh, maybe you know so and so who is also from America." For 5.30 - I'm not sure how much of the world you have traveled Paulisima 🙂because this is definitely not true. I hear "I'm from Sydney" and "I'm from Tokyo" and "I'm from Moscow" and "I'm from Paris" and "I'm from Berlin" and so on. Just say no to stereotypes, it is safer, instead of saying "only Americans."
So I am full Mexican my mum is Mexican and my dad is Mexican so I’m full but people think I’m just on regular white boy because my skin is it as dark as my dad when he hears that he’s okay. Don’t worry your skin is going to be like me, you know, just give us some time and yeah I guess people just think Mexicans are just dark skin in nobody stereotypes, but in reality, Mexicans come in a lot of different colours
Very refreshing and honest. Thank you for you not minding the political correctness
Lol! I'm from sacramento and I lived in San Antonio as well!
If people ask me where I'm from, I just say california..
The reason why Americans say what city they're from, is because we usually only talk to other Americans or English speakers. So it makes sense to say your city. If we talk to people from another country, they already know we're American!
God she is soooo buena!!! Me wedo gringo😂
Im sure you got a few misleading stereotypes about gringos yourself me mujara🙃its ok if your more informed then most people, you made a great video. Thank you
Noop! You've got it wrong dear... Americans are known the world over as Americans (their Nationality) in spite of being from the United States of where... America... that's why. I have heard this for more years than I can count, from whom you ask... mainly Mexicans and Brazilians... but never from Canadians.
I mentioned this to my Brazilian friend when she first told me that she too is American... to which I asked her... when you went to Paris, what did the French call you... she said... Brazilian, but when I went to Bordeaux, the French called me American. The same is true in Brazil... Brazilians call me American eventhough I speak Portuguese (com um sotaque carioca that is with the accent from Rio de Janerio).
Americans flat-out reject Estadounidense... this seems to be a Latin thing to try to guilt (force) Americans into sharing the lime light of the American Nationality with the rest of the Hemisphere and dulce, that's not going to happen. That's why I did not repeat after you, but nice try!
Yeah I know :D that's why I said that the word in English for someone form the US is "American". When direct translated the word: "Americano"doesn't sit well with many people who are also from the American continent. When speaking Spanish the right word is "estadunidense" or "estadounidense" but in English no one denies the word is American. Guilt tripping? Mmmm nope! We don't do that here at Spring Spanish. Thanks for your time and comments!!!
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanishAdvice, if you want me to care about not annoying you, you should not pretend to be so ignorant.
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanishYou can call me "Indio Americano" if that's what makes sense in the Spaniard tongue, please and thank you.
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanishI don't care if it doesn't sit well with them because those people aren't citizens of a Nationality called America. If "Americano" you don't like then you can call me "Indio Americano" because I'm a descendant of U.S. Natives on Reservations. As opposed to Indio Mexicano or Indios from any other country. Make sense?
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanishShouldn't you guys also be less annoying? You want me to nitpick you to death also?
I had Monte's revenge once. I figured it was the water. I've been to Mexico several times and eaten plenty. It was a lot worse than a tummy ache. Things were flying out of both ends of me under great pressure. Great fun on a plane ride home I tell ya.
The Revenge my friend! …the revenge
"About 50% of vegetables and 40% of fruit imported to the U.S. are grown in Mexico, according to U.S Department of Agriculture data." __Time Magazine, 3Apr2019
That "do you know so-and-so" question is not exclusive to Mexicans, as a Canadian visiting Europe and USA, I get that too, "Do you know my cousin Aldo who emigrated to Toronto in 1972 ?" No, I live on the other side of the country. Never had Moctezuma because I follow those common sense rules. At the all-inclusive resorts, my partner sticks with the Anglo offerings, I follow the Mexican persons and try to eat what they are choosing.
or "Oh, I've got a cousin who lives in San Diego!"
Um. I'm from San Francisco, 8 hours away, and the state of California is 14 hours long, from tip to tip.
I grew up in Belize and we used to drink water straight from the well, which if most people from the USA would drink would get sick. It's not that their food is not clean, Americans just aren't used to it
I have been to Mexico a few times and never got sick.
To be fair “United States of America” is the only country in the world with the word “America” in its official title. I think that is why so many people from “EEUU” call it “America”. I only used the word in Europe and Japan, where it’s considered correct usage (then again, in Japan they call Great Britain “England”.
I typically say: Soy de América its a habit and its just easier to speak lol but you are correct however most people know when I say Soy de América I am talking about USA. Or soy Americana.
It is my opinion that you are overly sensitive. I have had many people ask to take a picture with me in my kilt. That doesn't bother me. Montezuma revenge is bad water. Also I speak Spanish and this word YOU want US to call ourselves is even hard for you to say. Don't be so touchy.
@@ink_poisoning LOL 😆
The entire vid was pointless and in blatant bad taste.
Doesn't have to be bad water though. Our food here is really spicy and if you are not used to that, it can cause an upset stomach.
@@MexicanForLife220 True enough but my stepfather was from Mexico and we eat spicy food all the time.
There are bacteria in the water that your body gets used to. I never had any problems in Mexico; but the first time I went to Colombia, I was sick for almost a month.
I live in Texas I have lived in Texas all my life and I love Mexican food far more than any other food. My wife was born in Chihuahua, Mexico and we always share our love Mexican food even where it's not really necessary. Like making American hamburgers really spicy or adding lime on something that you normally wouldn't put lime on. I have been to Mexico and their food is actually really good in Mexico. My one caveat to that is the water quality is not the best. They even used to have commercials about how to get rid of worms that you get from unsanitary water( this is regional). But that would not stop me from going back to Mexico and eating the food and drinking the water. It's definitely not the food itself, Unless your digestive system is not used to spicy foods. I remember as a child I had a friend that was from Ireland and he could not eat anything that my mother (white lady) put in front of him because she was raised in Texas. And Texas have a lot of Mexican influence even when they don't even realize it. I don't even think that you can consider yourself a Texan unless you've eaten a taco from a taco truck. And yes you need the pickled onions and Valentina hot sauce with cilantro and lime juice. I'm telling you "you haven't lived unless you've eaten it this way". But I digress.
That first one is the same for Americans in Mexico: You're from L.A.? My cousin lives there! His name is.... etc. Exactly the same. It's human nature to assume the world is smaller than it is. Not racist.
From my experience, this does work with Jewish people. We all know each other
1. She never called it racist 2.Difference is ones a city and ones a country 3. No one really does this with cities and states within us only foreign countries
Para mí, muchos conocen las ciudades de 🇺🇸. Por eso si digo Los Angeles, Ca. Ya todos saben.
Las más conocidas si.
Estoy de acuerdo
Living in a country with over 320 million people, I've also been asked if I know so an so.
While I understand your point and agree for the most part, if someone where to make this video about 5 annoying things that Mexican do that Americans hate, it would be deemed as insensitive, racist, or ignorant and tone deaf. Just saying. I often find the hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance funny. For example, the rich gringos taking over CDMX. The reverse is also true in the USA, poor immigrants destroying property values etc. We are more similar than different, both bad and good. One thing, I do find kinda annoying about Mexicans in the USA, they assume nobody speaks or understands Spanish. I often find these overheard coversations to be insulting and rude. When I leave, I love to scare them with a shock.....Que tengas un buen día. Hablas Espanol? SI, vivi in Espana, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala asi que hablo casi con fluidez. Jaw drop, embarrassed, I walk out. This also happens to me in Latin America, so I guess it's not specific to Mexicans or the USA. Point: be careful to foster content that promotes kindness and acceptance rather than this....
Happens to me😅😅😅 I speak and understand Spanish and people assume because of my skin color that I don't. ❤
As a Mexican National, and a Citizen of the U.S. I will never stop saying Americano. Or American, when referring to United States or Citizens of the U.S. We in Mexico call them Americanos… you have to deal with it.
God forbid. Y’all chose to come to the country. Grow up
I have dated a lot of Hispanic men not all were Mexican. It bugs me when people think that all Hispanics are Mexican. Learn history please . or say they are not American. South America ?? Learn history. Thank you.
Yes! Mexican is just a nationality not an ethnicity, nor we represent ALL of Latin America, nor we're synonym of "Hispanic", "Latino". It's word noticing that not all LAtin American people are Hispanic, like Brazilians for example
I agree! People in my daughters’ high school thought they were Mexican, when in reality they’re U.S. citizens born abroad (in Costa Rica).
@@RUT812 If its any consolation to you, on the east coast most latinos are assumed to be Puerto Ricans until they mention their ethnicity! The Dominicans HATE being referred to as Boricuas! LOL And any slavic will be assumed to be Russian until they share their ethnicity. And most Asians will be assumed to be Chinese until they share their ethnicity. We generalize by the most predominant culture.
@@inconnu4961 Well, that means ignorance or disdain for knowing or asking about the origin and ethnicities with whom we interact!
They're not citizens of a nationality called America, except for those who are.
To be fair / when I'm in mexico and a Mexican asks where I'm from they already assume I'm American with my horrible Spanish and American accent so it's not that far of a stretch to assume they know the country I'm from/ but to answer with the city is pretty specific even for an American to answer another American
How dare you think burritos are for breakfast?! 😠 I only eat tacos for breakfast. Everyday. And sometimes lunch. And sometimes dinner. 😬
Oye- las que dicen las opiniones negativas…… La posición del video es educarLes en el punto de vista de un nativo. ?¿ cuántos estadunidenses están muy ofendidos cuando la gente de otros países piensen que todos los de EEUU hablan con un acento del sur?¿! Más mejor es pensar que somos hillbillies? O solo comemos comida de grasa??
Es el mismo. Es bueno que tengamos uña entendimiento de las percepciones y las perspectivas de otras personas.
¡¡Gracias por darnos otras vistas del mundo, Paulísima!!
Qué lindas palabras Audra y qué hermoso nombre tienes!! :D
@@PaulisimaSpringSpanish LOL
She's not Native she's a Spaniard.
These are all based on her own misconceptions.
Misconceptions that are based in stupidity.